Found in Patricia Carpenter's Native Area -- September 2018 Propagation Scientific name Common name year(s) planted successes

Trees Acer negundo box elder 2008 S Cercocarpus betuloides var. blancheae island mountain mahogony 2007 Chilopsis linearis desert willow 2006 C,S Chilopsis linearis desert willow 2017 Chilopsis linearis burgundy desert willow 2017 prior to 1982 Juglans hindsii walnut seedling 2016 S Parkinsonia microphylla palo verde 2018 Platanus racemosa sycamore 2006 Populus fremontii cottonwood 2006 Prunus ilicifolia holly cherry 2008 Quercus douglasii oak 2009 Quercus kelloggii black oak 2017 2 prior to 2004 Quercus lobata valley oak volunteer 2008 S Salix gooddingii black willow prior to 2004 C,S Sequoia sempervirens coast redwood prior to 2004 Sequoia sempervirens 'Nana Pendula' Prostrate coast redwood 2009 Umbellularia californica California bay 2006

Shrubs and subshrubs

Aesculus california CA buckeye 2008, 2017, 2018 S Amorpha fruticosa bush 2007 S Arctostaphylos bakeri 'Louis Edmonds' Louis Edmunds manzanita 2017 Arctostaphylos densiflora McMinn's Vine Hill manzanita 'Howard McMinn' (hybrid) 2017 ** Arctostaphylos mananita ' Dr. Hird' Dr. Hird manzanita 2018 ** Arctostaphylos uva-ursi 2018 Arctostaphylos uva-ursi 'Radiant' 2018 Artemisia californica 'Canyon Gray' CA sage brush 2017 Artemisia tridentata big sagebrush 2017 Atriplex lentiformis ssp. brewerii quail bush 2008 S Baccharis pilularis coyote bush est 2008 Baccharis pilularis ssp. pilularis ' Pigeon Point' dwarf coyote bush 2006 Baccharis pilularis ' Twin Peaks 2' dwarf coyote bush 2005 D Bahiopsis parishii Parish goldeneye 2017 C Berberis aguifolium 2005 ( formerly Mahonia) grape 2008, 2017 D

Berberis aquifolium var. repens dwarf mahonia 2017 Berberis nervosa longleaf barberry 2017 Calliandra californica Baja fairy duster, zapotillo 2009

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Calliandra eriophylla fairy duster, false mesquite 2017 2005 Calycanthus occidentalis western spice bush 2006 and 2008 D,S Carpenteria californica bush anemone 2005, 2017 ** Carpenteria californica 'Elizabeth' bush anemone 2017 About 2016 Ceanothus - seedlings 2018 Ceanothus ' Bamico' Bamico wild lilac 2005 Ceanothus ' Concha' C. impressus x papillosus Concha wild lilac 2017 **

Ceanothus ' Cornflower Blue' 2017 Ceanothus cuneatus buck brush 2017 ** Ceanothus 'Dark Star' 2018 Ceanothus 'El Dorado' 2010 Ceanothus gloriosus 'Anchor Bay' 2017 Ceanothus griseus 'Louis Edmunds' 2006

Ceanothus griseus var. horizontalis ' Diamond Heights' 2017 C Ceanothus griseus var. horizontalis 'Kurt Zadnick' 2015 Ceanothus ' Julia Phelps' 2017 ** Ceanothus maritimus ' Valley Violet' 2017

Ceanothus ' Owlswood Blue' 2017 Ceanothus ' Ray Hartman' 2006 ** S Cephalanthus occidentalis buttonwillow 2009 Cercis occidentalis western redbud 2006, 2008 ** S Cornus sericea 'Hedgerows Gold' twig dogwood 2017 ** CA brittlebush Encelia californica CA bush sunflower 2017 Encelia farinosa Incienso, brittlebush 2017 ** Ericameria arborescens golden fleece 2017

Ericameria nauseosus (formerly Chrysothamnus n.) rubber rabbitbrush 2017

Eriogonum arborescens Santa Cruz Island buckwheat 2005 Eriogonum fasciculatum California buckwheat 2008, 2009 S, D Eriogonum giganteum St. Catherine's lace 2017, 2018 ** S Eriogonum nudum nude buckwheat 2017 Fallugia paradoxa Apache plume 2006, 2017 D Frangula californica (formerly Rhamnus) coffeeberry 2006, 2008 S Frangula californica 'Leatherleaf' leather leaf coffeeberry 2017 Frangula californica ssp. tomentella hoary coffee berry 2008 **

Page 2 of 11 Propagation Scientific name Common name year(s) planted successes Fremontodendron 'San Gabriel' flannelbush 2017 ** Galvesia juncea Gran Canon Baja 'Gran Canon' snapdragon 2017

Gambelia speciosa ( formerly Galvezia speciosa) island firecracker 2017 ** C Gambelia speciosa ' Firecracker' island snapdragon 2017 Gualtheria shallon salal 2017 D Hesperoyucca whipplei ( formerly Yucca whipplei) our Lord's candle 2017

Heteromeles arbutifolia toyon 2005, 2008, 2013 S Heteromeles arbutifolia ' David's Choice' yellow berry toyon 2006 Hoita macrostachya leather root 2007, 2018 S Justica californica chuparosa, beloperone 2018 Keckiella breviflora gaping keckiella 2017 Keckiella cordifolia climbing penstemon 2017, 2018 Keckiella lemmonii Lemmon beardtongue 2017 Lepechinia calycina white pitcher sage 2017 Lonicera involucrata twinberry honeysuckle 2009, 2018 D Lonicera involucrata black twinberry 2018 Lupinus arbifrons silver bush lupine 2017 ** Lupinus arboreus yellow bush lupin 2017 ** S Malacothamnus fascicularas 'Casitas' chaparral mallow 2017 ** D Malacothamnus fremontii Fremont's bushmallow 2017 Malacothamnus palmeri 'Hanging Valley' Santa Lucia bush mallow 2017 Malacothamnus palmerii var. lucianus Arroyo seco bush mallow est 2008 D Mimulus aurantacus sticky monkey 2017 ** Mimulus aurantiacus var slender monkey flower grandiflora (bifidus) creamy yellow 2017 Mimulus aurantiacus 'Jelly Beans' bush monkey flower 2017 Mimulus aurantiacus var. puniceus red bush monkeyflower 2017

Morella californica ( formerly Myrica californica) Pacific wax myrtle 2008 Peritoma arborea ( formerly Isomeris arborea) bladderpod 2007, 2010 S Philadelphus lewisii wild mock 2006 Philadelphus lewisii 'Goodwin Creek' mock orange 2008 Philadelphus lewisii 'Marjorie Schmidt' CA wild mock orange 2005 Physocarpus capitatus Pacific ninebark est 2010 Pinkeringia chaparral pea 2017

Rhamnus croceassp. Ilicifolia holly leaf red berry 2017

Page 3 of 11 Propagation Scientific name Common name year(s) planted successes Rhododendron occidentale western azalea 2017, 2018

Rhus ovata sugar bush est 2008, 2017 ** Rhus trilobata skunk bush est 2010 Ribes aureum var. aureum golden current 2005, 2008 D, S

Ribes aureum var. gracillimum CA golden current 2005, 2006, 2007 D Ribes malvaceum 'Dancing Tassels' chaparral current 2017 Ribes malvaceum 'Montara Rose' Montara chaparral current 2017 ** Ribes roezlii Sierra gooseberry 2017 Ribes sanguineum var. glutinusum 'Claremont' wild current 2017 ** Ribes sanguineum var. glutinusum ' White Icecycle' white wild current 2017 Ribes sanguineum 'King Edward VII' 2017

Ribes speciosum fuchia flowered gooseberry 2008 Ribes viburnifolium Catalina perfume 2005 D Rosa californica CA wild rose 2008 D Rosa gymnocarpa bald hip rose 2006 Rosa nutkana Nootka rose 2008 D Rubus parviflora thimbleberry 2007, 2017 ** Rubus spectabilis salmon berry 2017 white sage 2017 ** C Salvia brandegei Santa Rosa Island sage 2017 Salvia clevelandii ' Allen Chickering' Chickering's San Diego sage 2017 ** C Salvia clevelandii 'Aromas' 2017 Salvia clevelandii 'Winnifred Gilman' 2018 Salvia leucophylla sage 2017 Salvia leucophylla 'Amethyst Bluff' purple sage 2017 Salvia leucophylla 'Point Sal' purple sage 2017 ** Salvia ' Pozo Blue' S. leucophylla x clevelandii Santa rosa Island sage 2013, 2017 ** C black sage 2017 ** Sambucus mexicana blue elderberry 2004 D Simmondsia chinensis jojoba, goatnut 2017 Spirea splendens mountain spirea ( formerly S. densiflora) rose meadowsweet 2017 Styrax officinalis (syn. S. redivivus) snowdrop bush 2017 Symphoricarpos albus var. laevigatus snowberry 2005 D Symphoricarpos 'Sofie' Proud Berry coral berry 2017

Toxicodendron diversilobum poison oak 2017 Trichostema lanatum woolly blue curls, romero 2017 **

Page 4 of 11 Propagation Scientific name Common name year(s) planted successes Herbaceous Perennials -and biennials Abutilon palmeri Indian mallow 2008 S Achillea millefolium white yarrow 2005, 2017 D,S Achillea millefolium rosea Island pink 2017 ** D Acmispon glaber (formerly Lotus scoparius) deerweed, CA broom 2017

Aguilegia eximia serpentine columbine 2008, 2017, 2018 S Aguilegia formosa western columbine 2005, 2018 S Anemopsis californica yerba mansa 2005, 2017 D Apocnum cannibinum Indian hemp 2010 S,D Armeria maritima thrift, sea pink 2017 ** S,D Artemisia douglasiana mugwort 2017 ** D Asarum caudatum wild ginger 2017 Asclepias californica 2018 Asclepias eriocarpa Indian milkweed, Kotolo 2005 D Asclepias fascicularis narrow leaf milkweed 2005, 2011 S,D Asclepias speciosa showy milkweed 2008 S,D Asclepias vestita 2018 Baileya multiradiata desert marigold 2017 Boechera sparsiflora sickle rock cress 2017 Siberian candyflower, Claytonia siberica marsh claytonia, syn. Montia sibirica Jonesville springbeauty 2018 S Clinopodium douglasii 2007-08, 2017, syn. Satureja douglasii yerba buena 2018 D Corethrogyne filaginifolia 'Silver Carpet' spreading CA aster 2017 ** Cynoglossum grande grand hound's tongue 2017 Datura wrightii jimsonweed 2018 Dicentra formosa western bleeding heart 2005, 2018 D Drymocallis glandulosa ( formerly Potentilla g.) sticky cinquefoil 2007, 2017 S Dudleya brittonii giant chalk 2017

Dudleya cymosa liveforever, canyon dudleya 2017 Dudleya cymosa 'Canyon' dudleya rock lettuce 2017 powdery liveforever, sea Dudleya farinosa lettuce, bluff 2017 Dudleya lanceolata lanceleaf liveforever 2017 Dudleya palmeri Palmer's dudleya 2017 Dudleya traskiae Santa Barbara liveforever Encelia californica bush sunflower 2017 Epilobium ?? very short est 2008 Epilobium ' Calistoga' CA fushia 2007 D Epilobium canum ' Brilliant Smith' CA fushia est 2007 Epilobium canum ' Bowman's #1' CA fushia 2005 D Epilobium canum ' El Tigre' CA fushia est 2006 Epilobium canum ' Sierra Salmon' CA fushia 2005 D Page 5 of 11 Propagation Scientific name Common name year(s) planted successes Epilobium canum CA fushia est 2007 Epipactis gigantea 'Serpentine Night' stream orchid 2017 ** Erigeron glaucus 'Bountiful' seaside daisy 2018 Erigeron glaucus ' Ron's Pink' pink seaside daisy est 2010 Erigeron glaucus ' Sea Breeze' seaside daisy 2005 D Eriogonum grande var. 2006, 2017, 2018 rubescens red flowered buckwheat ** S Eriogonum umbellatum sulfur buckwheat 2017 ** Eriophyllum confertiflorum golden yarrow 2017 Eriophyllum lanatum woolly sunflower 2017, 1018 Eschscholzia californica 'Moonglow' CA poppy 'Moonglow' 2007 S reseed Eschscholzia californica var. maritima coastal poppy 2005 S reseed Euthamia occidentalis western goldenrod 2017 Fragaria chiloenses beach strawberry 2017 ** D Fragaria californica wild strawberry 2006 D Grindelia camporum great valley gumplant 2009 S Grindelia stricta Oregon gum plant 2007 bigelovii sneezeweed 2018 Helenium puberulum sneezeweed, rosilla 2017 Heracleum maximum (syn. H. lanatum) cow parsnip 2005 S Heuchera maxima Island alum root 2017 ** Heuchera micrantha crevice alum root 2017 ** Heuchera 'Canyon Delight' est. 2010 Heuchera cylindrica alpine alumroot 2017 Heuchera 'Lllian Pink 2018 Heuchera ' Opal' alum root Heuopa 2008, 2017 D Heuchera ' Rosada' pink giant coral bells 2007 D Hibiscus lasiocarpus hairy-fruited hibiscus, syn. H. californicus CA hibiscus, rose mallow 2007, 2008 Horkelia californica ssp. Californica coastal CA honeydew 2009 D hoopesii syn. Helenium hoopesii yerba del Lobo, owl's claw 2017 Lewisia longipetala 'Little Peach' long petaled lewisia 2017 Lewisia cotyledon cliff-maids 2017 Linum lewisii blue flax 2017 ** S Lomatium mohavense Mojave desert parsley 2017 Lupinus polyphyllus many-leaved lupine 2017 Lysimachia latifolia ( formerly Trientalis latifolia) Pacific star flower 2017 Maianthemum dilatatum false Lily-of-the-valley 2017 Mimulus cardinalis scarlet monkeyflower 2018 Mimulus lewisii purple monke flower 2018 Monardella macrantha 'Marian Sampson' hummingbird monardella 2017

Page 6 of 11 Propagation Scientific name Common name year(s) planted successes Monardella villosa coyote mint 2017 **

Monardella viridis x purpurea coyote mint 2017 Monardella villosa 'Russian River' coyote mint 2017 Oenanthe sarmentosa water parsley 2005 Oenothera cespitosa tufted evening primrose 2017 ** Oenothera hookeri evening primrose 2007 S 2007, 2008, est Oxalis oregana redwood sorrel 2010, 2017 D Oxalis oregana 'Klamath Ruby' redwood sorrel 2017 Penstemon azureus penstemon 2017 ** Penstemon centranthifolius scarlet bugler 2017 ** Penstemon eatonii firecracker penstemon 2017 Penstemon heterophyllus foothill penstemon 2017 ** Penstemon heterophyllus 'Bewitched' foothill penstemon -pink 2017 Penstemon heterophyllus 'Blue Springs' foothill penstemon 2017 ** Penstemon heterophyllus 'Catherine De La Mar' foothill penstemon est. 2010 Penstemon heterophyllus 'Margarita BOP' foothill penstemon 2017 ** Penstemon palmerii wild pink snapdragon 2017 **

Penstemon pseudospectabilis pink desert penstemon 2017 ** S Penstemon speciosus royal penstemon 2017 Penstemon spectabilis showy penstemon 2017 ** S Perideridia kelloggii Kelllogg's yampah 2017 Phacelia bolanderi Bolander's phacelia 2008, 2017 S, D Phacelia californica rock phacelia 2017 Phacelia imbricata imbricate phacelia 2017 Phyla nodiflora common lippia 2017 royal sky pilot Polemonium carneum royal jacob's ladder 2017 Plantago subnuda coastal plantain 2006 S Proboscidea althaeifolia desert unicorn 2017 Ranunculus californicus CA buttercup 2009 S Romneya coulteri Coulter's matilija poppy 2005 Romneya tricocarpa Bristly matilija poppy 2107 ** D Rudbeckia occidentalis western coneflower 2017 ** Salvia ' Bee's Bliss' S. mellifera x S. leucophylla bee's bliss salvia est 2006 D,C

Salvia spathacea hummingbird sage 2005, 2008, 2017 D Salvia spathacea 'Las Pilitas' 2018 Sanguisorba officinalis great burnett 2017 D Scrophularia californica figwort, bee plant 2006, 2017-18 D Scutellana californica skullcap 2017 D, S Sedum oreganum Oregon stonecrop 2017

Page 7 of 11 Propagation Scientific name Common name year(s) planted successes Sedum spathulifolium yellow stonecrop 2017 Sedum spathulifolium 'Cape Blanco' yellow stonecrop 2017 Sedum spathulifolium purpureum yellow stonecrop 2017

Silene laciniata ssp californica catchfly, Indian pink 2017, 2018 Sisyrinchium bellum blue-eyed grass 2007, 2008 S,D Sisyrinchium californicum yellow eye grass 2017 ** S,D Solanum xanti ' Mountain Pride' purple nightshade 2017 Soldiago velutina ssp. californica CA goldenrod 2005 D Solidago velutina ssp. californica 'Cascade Creek' dwarf goldenrod 2017 ** Sphaeralcea ambigua desert mallow 2017 ** Stachys bullata CA hedgenettle 2017 Stachys chamissonis hedgenettle est 2009 D Stanleya pinnata prince's plume 2017 ** S Symphyotrichum chilense ( formerly Aster chilensis ) Pacific aster 2005, 2008 D,S Tellima grandiflora fringe cups 2006, 2017 S Thalictrum fendleri western meadow rue 2010 Tolmiea menziesii pig-a-back, youth on age 2017 Tolmiea menziesii - lime pig-a-back plant 2017, 2018

Verbena hastata blue vervain, swamp verbena est 2010 S Verbena lilacina 'De La Mina' De La Mina verbena 2017 Wyenthia mollis mule ears 2017

Ferns Adiantum capillus-veneris maidenhair fern 2017, 2018 ** Athyrinum filis-femina var. cyclosorum lady fern 2017 ** Blechnum spicant deer fern 2017 ** Pentagramma triangularis goldenback fern 2,018 Polypodium californicum CA polypody fern 2,018 Polypodium californicum 'Sara Lyman' CA polypody fern 2011 Polystichum munitum western sword fern 2017 ** Woodwardia fimbriata giant chain fern 2017 **

Grasses, sedges, rushes Anthoxanthum occidentale syn. Hierochloe odorata vanilla grass, CA sweet grass 2017 Aristida purpurea var. purpurea purple three-awn grass 2006 S,D Bouteloua curtipendula side oats grama 2006 D,S Bouteloua gracilis blue grama grass 2005 S,D Calamagrostis filiosa leafy reed grass 2017 Calamagrostis koeleriodes tufted pine grass 2018 Page 8 of 11 Propagation Scientific name Common name year(s) planted successes Calamagrostis nutkaensis Pacific reedgrass est 2009 Carex brevicaulis short stem sedge 2009

Carex divulsa Berkeley sedge, Not a CA native grassland sedge est 2006 Carex densa ( formerly Carex dudleyi) dense sedge 2009 Carex feta greensheath sedge 2009 Carex nudata Torrent sedge 2006, 2008 Carex obnupta slough sedge 2018 Carex pansa sand dune sedge est 2008 Carex praegracilis clustered field sedge 2007, 2009 D San Diego sedge saw Carex spissa grass sedge 2008, 2018 Carex tumulicola foothill sedge 2017 Deschampsia cespitosa tufted hair grass 2017 ** Deschampsia elongata slender hairgrass 2008 S Distichlis spicata saltgrass always here Elymus condensatus 'Canyon wild ryegrass, Prince' giant wildrye 2018 ** Elymus triticoides ( formerly Leymus) creeping wildrye always here Eragrostis intermedia 2018 Festuca californica CA fescue 2006 S Festuca rubra red fescue 2005, 2007 D,S Juncus balticus Baltic rush 2008, 2009 Juncus effusus soft rush 2009 Juncus patens 'Elk Blue' 2017

Juncus patens 'Quartz Creek' CA rush 2005 D Juncus xiphioides flat bladed rush est 2009 D Koeleria macrantha June grass 2005, 2008 S Melica californica CA onion grass 2006 S

Muhlengbergia rigens deer grass 2007, 2008, 2017 Sporobolus airoides alkali sacaton grass est 2008 Stipa pulchra ( formerly Nassella pulchra) purple needlegrass 2005, D,S

Vines CA Dutchman's pipe Aristolochia californica pipevine 2005 D,C Clematis lasiantha pipestems 2018 ** western clematis, virgin's Clematis ligusticifolia bower 2007 est

Lonicera hispidula var. vicillans CA honeysuckle 2017 ** Lonicera interrrupta chaparral honeysuckle 2017

Vitis californica 'Roger's Red' CA wild grape est 2008

Geophytes (bulbs, corms, rhizones, tubers)

Page 9 of 11 Propagation Scientific name Common name year(s) planted successes Allium amplectens narrow leaf onion 2017 Alllium unifolium single leaf onion 2005, 2008 S,D

Brodiaea californica CA brodiaea 2005, 2006, 2017 S,D Calochortus luteus yellow mariposa lily 2017 ** wavy leaf soap plant Chlorogalum pomeridianum amole 2005, 2006, 2017 S Camassia quamash Indian Hyacinth 2017 ** Dichelostemma congestum ookow 2017 Dichelostemma ida-maia CA firecracker 2005, 2017, 2018 Dichelostemma ' Pink Diamond' pink firecracker flower 2005, 2017 douglasiana PCH 'Canyon Snow' 2006 D Iris PCH 'Dorothea's Ruby' burgundy 2017 Iris PCH pale yellow 2017 Iris PCH bright yellow D

Iris PCH red improved flowered form 2017 Pacific coast hybrid (PCH) Iris PCH mixed iris 2005 to 2017 D,S Lilium pardalinum tiger lily 2017 ** Triteleia hyacinthia white brodiaea 2008, 2017

Triteleia ixioides golden brodiaea, pretty face 2005, 2009 Triteleia ixioides 'Starlight' foothill pretty face 2017 Triteleia laxa 'Corrina' Ithuriel's spear 2009, 2017

Triteleia laxa ' Queen Fabiola' Ithuriel's spear 2006, 2008 S Annuals (many have reseeded, some for a number of years -- below is first year grown) Achyachaena mollis blow wives 2007 S reseed Calandrinia ciliata redmaids 2005 S reseed exserta dense owl's clover 2017 Clarkia amoena farewell-to-spring 2005 S reseed Clarkia unguiculata mountain garland, ( formerly C. elegans) elegant clarkia 2005 S reseed Collinsia heterophylla Chinese houses 2006 S reseed rotundifolia desert five spot 2017 Eschscholzia caespitosa tufted poppy 2008 Eschschoizia lobbii frying pans 2017 Gilia capitata globe gilia 2006 S reseed Gilia tricolor bird's eye gilia 2007 Helianthus bolanderi Bolander sunflower est 2012 Lasthenia californica goldfields 2011 Fremont's goldfields Lasthenia fremontii vernal pool goldfields 2017 Lasthenia glabrata yellow rayed goldfields 2006 S reseed Layia glandulosa desert white tidy tips 2017 Layia platyglossa tidy tips 2007

Page 10 of 11 Propagation Scientific name Common name year(s) planted successes Limnanthes alba white meadow foam 2011 common meadow foam Limnanthes douglasii yellow and white 2017 Lupinus benthamii spider lupine 2017 Lupinus bicolor miniature lupin 2017 Lupinus macrocarpus var densiflorus yellow lupine 2007 S reseed Lupinus succulentus arroyo lupine 2007 S reseed Madia elegans elegant tarweed 2017 Mentelia lindleyi Lindley's blazing star 2017 Mimulus gluttatus creek monkeyflower 2005 S reseed Montia perfoliata miner's lettuce 2012 S reseed Nemophila menziesii eyes 2008 Nemophila maculata five spot 2008 S reseed Nicotiana attenuate coyote tobacco 2017 Nicotiana quadrivalvis Indian tobacco 2017

Phacelia campanularia CA bluebell, desert bluebell 2017 Phacelia tanacetifolia lacy phacelia 2010 S reseed dotseed plantain, Plantago erecta CA plantain 2017 Platystemon californicus cream cups 2009 Salvia columbariae chia 2017

Streptanthus farnsworthianus Farnsworth's jewel flower 2017 Trifolium wildenovii tomcat clover 2017

KEY: Scientific and common plant names -- try to follow entries in Calfora data base Year(s) planted -- year current native garden plants were planted ** plant was previously grown but lost -- due to floods, drought, leaks, circling/kinked roots, too wet, too dry……... Propagation successes using plants in native garden: S=seed D=Divisions C=Cuttings

Updated September 2018 Original --April 2011

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