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54/08/06 Blood is Found in Garage

Cleveland Press

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Recommended Citation Cleveland Press, "54/08/06 Blood is Found in Garage" (1954). All Articles. 113.

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BULLETIN A Cleveland detective was sent to toda.y to c11cck on another reported extra-marital romance in tbe recent past of Dr. Samuel H. Sheppard. Investi­ gators previously have placed five "other women" in the osteopath's life in the past four years.

Science today provided police with more evidence in the Marilyn Reese Sheppard murder investigation. Tiny 33-day-old specks of blood picked up by chemi­ cal techniques traced her killer into the garage of the murde1· home (\t 28924 Lake Rd., Bay Village. Meanwhile, three judges preparing their decision at Lakeside Courthouse on defense attorneys' latest bid for freedom for Dr. Samuel H. Sheppard, charged with the murder of his wife. The defense sought to ban a preliminary hearing on the ly In the County Jail for word murder charge Jn Bay Village of the outcome of the legal el· Mayor's Court. fort to block the preliminary Originally set !or 1 p. m. to· hearu1g. morow, the hearI n g was His personal friend, Bay VU· changed to 10 a. m. Monday­ lage Mayor J. Spencer Houk, provided the Appellate Court was quizzed for three boura approves. Jast night by homicide detec­ The defense petition chal­ tives at Cenu·aJ Police Station. lenged the right oi Bay Village Bouk admitted be had Council President Gershom ~L orlgl• i\L Barber to preside at the nalJ.Y w I t h b e I d Information hearing. from some investigators of the Detective Chief James Mc· 33-day-old murder. Arthur said the blood stains, That lnfo1·mation was hls discovered by detectives work· knowledge of the "affair" in• ing palnstakingJy through the valving Dr. Sheppard and Misa night, provided new insight in· Susan Hayes, 24-year·old for· to the killer's actions. mer Bay View Hospital labora· "The killer was a man Jn con· tory technician who admitted fusion, running about ~ a intimacies with the osteopath chlcken with Its head oft," Mc· in California last March. Arthur said. "He was apparent­ McArthur quoted Houk as ly ln a state of panic, not saying: knowing what to do.'' 'On the murder morning, I In the garage of the home, figured that Sam couldn't have Dr. Sheppard's green Jaguar done it. I didn't want to add sports car was found on the to his already heavy burden." murder morning with the keys in the back trunk. There were The 42-year·old Bay Villag& two wrenches in, the back. butcher, who serves as mayor on a part-time basis, said he Houk Questioned told all he knew about Miss Hayes to Bay Village Police The wrenches were ccmsid· Chief Johll Eaton - but in· ered as the possible murder structed him "don't say you got weapon, but ruled out after ex· this from me." aminatlon by Coroner Samuel R. Gerber. Houk said the !act that a Dr. Sheppard waited restless- Tum to Page 9, Column 1 Killer Is TraceCI · ~ Ito Garage at Sheppcird Home

(Continutd From Pagt Ont) polygraph registered "decep- cute the osteopath i! he is in· tion" when he took an earlier dieted. lie detector test was dt"'.! to "my Heating the case were Ap· nervousness." pellate Judges Joy Seth Hurd It was Houlc's refUsal to sign and Julius M. Kovachy, Joined by Judge Oscar Hunsicker o.f 11. murder warrant for Dr. ~hep- Akron. pard's arrest which provided the basis for today's court ac­ One Witness Called tion. The court hearing was brief Judges Study Plea • and .formal, with only one wit· The three judge Appellate ness called to testify. Court took under advisement Only witness called was Bert· the demand of Dr. Sheppard's ber. He said he was elected battery of defense attorneys president of lhe seven-member that a permanent writ of pro· Bay Village City Council last APPELLATE 'JUDGES who ruled on Dr. Samuel Sheppard's latest bid for freedom are hibition he lssued barring Bar· November and had presided at Dr. Sheppard's arraignment Judges Julius M. Kovachy, Joy Seth Hurd and Oscar Hunsicker of Akron, a vacation ber from presiding at Monday's replacement for Judge Lee E. Skeel. preliminary hearing. last Friday night. It was believed the judges When De f e n s e Counsel would rule on the case late to· Timothy McMahon asked if his final argument. day. They ate lunch in their Dr. Sheppard had been repre­ The youthful law director, Dr. Charles Elkins today gave Dr. Samuel H . Sheppard a chambers after receiving a final sented by counsel, and began son of Chief Justice Carl Wey­ physical examination in the County J ail, and concluded: wr itten brief from Bay Village arguing that the osteopath gandt of the Supreme ''Dr. Sheppard's physical condition ls good. l\ly oplnlon Law Director Richard S. Wey­ should have had a lawyer pres· Court, spoke softly in a steady was not altered on my original diagnosis of an injury in gandt. ent, Judge Hunsicker cut him tone, arguing that the action the nel·k r egion, from which he is recovering." Barber, a tax consultant, off with: "What does that have was "an evasive attack which Dr. Elkins' earlier diagnosis was one of the reasons Dr. s igned the murder warrant and to do with a writ of prohibi· should not be tolerated by this Sheppard was spared police quizzing for four days. set the preliminary hearing tion?" court." A t the coroner's inquest Dr. Richar d Hexler said he found which will decide whether Dr. Chie! Defense Counsel Wil· no indication of a ueck Injury on July 4. Questioned by Judge llr. Stephen Sheppard, Dr. Sam '11 brot her, also brought 'Sheppard is held for the Grand Ham J. Corrigan was absent J,. Backline of Gro,re City, Pa., to examine the accused J ury. Mayor Houk, waiting to be from the hearing. McMahon nr. n. called as a witness, was ex· was aided by Arthur E. Peter­ osleopatli. The de!ense battery was op­ cused when Assistant Prose· posed hy Weygandt, flanked silge and William H. Corrigan, ------­ cutor Mahon slated that the the defense chief's son. bt,r Assistant Prosecutor John suburban mayor would be a Mahon, Saul Danaceau and "material witness" both at Dr. McMahon's pica that the pard's account. bedroom to see the victim's Thomas Parrino-the team that Sheppard's preliminary hear­ courts protect the rights of all According to the osteopath's body immediately, but had h11s been designated lo prose- ing and when the case is pre· and not follow Jn the footsteps inquest testimony, he saw the gone up later. He said he of the Russian "people's ~,;;;;;;;,...,;;;;;;;;;;;;;=====;:;:::;:~== sented to the Grand Jury. slayer run out the door which peered in, but did not enter the McMahon's argument that a courts" broug'ht an interjection room. from Judge Hurd: "Needless lo leads to the beach. justice o.f the peace, not the Houk, McArthur said, was ------== Council president, should have say, this case will be decided on the merits of the law and interrogated last night "as a presided at the arrafgnment witness-not in his capacity as was interr upted by Judge the evidence presented here." Kovachy's question: "Why McArthur noted that the a public official." t wasn't this question raised in trail o! blood through the The suburban mayor ex· the habeas corpus hearing?" house and garage - assuming pressed .regret that he had not Weygandt cited this hearing, that the fluid was dripping "told all" previously. 1 at which Common Pleas Judge from the killer's clothes or the He explained that, on the Frank J. Merrick refused to missing murder weapon- did m\···der morning, he had not order Dr. Sheppard released, in not coincide with Dr. Shep- gon'.! up to the second-floor

DISC JOCKEY BILL RANDLE (left) was questioned to­ day by Homicide Capt. David Kerr and other detectives about the social life of Dr. Samuel Sheppard and his wife. Marilyn. Randle was called in because he is a member of the "sports car" set in which the Sheppa"rds moved. He said he answered "about 80 questions" and said he k;_nows nothing derogatory about anyorie who has been mentioned in the murder investigation.