Socialist leaders meet ahead of the European Council (14-15 December 2017): arrivals and statements

Reference: I-148105 Duration: 00:04:19 Location: Brussels Date: Dec 14, 2017 Type: EbS PreEdited Link:


Genuine social and economic progress are finally within our grasp if Europe’s leaders are willing to give them the emphasis they deserve. This was the view of Party of European Socialists prime ministers at their coordination meeting ahead of the European Council today.

Today's European Council meeting is the first since all 28 EU countries jointly proclaimed the European pillar of social rights in Gothenburg in November -- a historic step under the leadership of Swedish prime minister Stefan Löfven, which was warmly welcomed by the assembled leaders today.

Summary: Ahead of the European Council meeting (14-15 December 2017), Socialist leaders meet at the Albert Hall, in Brussels. Statements by , First Vice-President of the EC in charge of Better Regulation, Inter-Institutional Relations, the Rule of Law and the Charter of Fundamental Rights, , Commissioner for Economic and Financial Affairs, Taxation and Customs, and , Maltese Prime Minister.

Only the original language version is authentic and it prevails in the event of its differing from the translated versions.


00:00:00 Title 00:00:05

Arrival of Frans TIMMERMANS, First Vice-President of the EC in charge of Better Regulation, Inter-Institutional 00:00:05 Relations, the Rule of Law and the Charter of Fundamental 00:00:04 Rights

SOUNDBITE (German), Frans TIMMERMANS, First Vice-President of the EC in charge of Better Regulation, Inter-Institutional Relations, the Rule of Law and the Charter of Fundamental Rights, 00:00:09 00:00:17 (On the situation in Malta) We will lay out these things today. We should work together at national level too towards a result. I will be informed by Joseph Muscat later on.

SOUNDBITE (English), Frans TIMMERMANS, First Vice-President of the EC in charge of Better Regulation, Inter-Institutional Relations, the Rule of Law and the 00:00:26 00:00:08 Charter of Fundamental Rights, (On Poland) It is been an issue for a while. The Commission will talk about this on Wednesday and then we will see what we will do.

Arrival of Greek Prime Minister shaking 00:00:34 00:00:11 hands with Sergei STANISHEV, PES President

Arrival of Karl-Heinz LAMBERTZ, President of the 00:00:45 Committee of the Regions shaking hands with Sergei 00:00:09 Stanishev, PES President

Arrival of group leader of Europe's of 00:00:54 Socialists and Gianni PITELLA shaking hands 00:00:09 with Sergei STANISHEV, PES President

00:01:03 Arrival of , leader of PASOK, 00:00:07

Arrival of Pierre MOSCOVICI, Commissioner for Economic 00:01:10 00:00:04 and Financial Affairs, Taxation and Customs

SOUNDBITE (French), Pierre MOSCOVICI, Member of the EC in charge of Economic and Financial Affairs, Taxation and Customs,

I have already wrote to my Maltese colleague to ask 00:01:14 00:00:20 explanations mainly on how TVA rules are applied for yachts. We will wait for the answers and if those are not satisfactory an infringement procedure could be enforced.

SOUNDBITE (French), Pierre MOSCOVICI, Member of the EC in charge of Economic and Financial Affairs, Taxation and Customs, Decisions on Facebook clearly illustrate that some digital economy businesses should get around the idea that they are not contributing with their fair share of 00:01:34 taxes due to the lack of a suitable set to fiscal rules. This is 00:00:33 the reason why we need rules to properly tax the digital economy businesses activity. The will propose legislation in this sense in March. We need to enact up to date fiscal rules for the digital economy and we also need a consolidated corporate tax base (CCTB).

Arrival of , Italian Prime Minister shaking 00:02:07 00:00:05 hands with Sergei STANISHEV, PES President

Arrival of António COSTA, Prime Minister of 00:02:12 00:00:06 shaking hands with Sergei STANISHEV, PES President

Arrival of Christian KERN, Prime Minister of Austria shaking 00:02:18 00:00:10 hands with Sergei STANISHEV, PES President

SOUNDBITE (English), Joseph MUSCAT, Maltese Prime Minister,

I took action because one of the Ministers where his portfolio was taken off him that was almost two years ago. He was removed from his post as deputy leader of the party, and since then we went for a general election where 00:02:28 00:00:40 he was re-elected and he is not in the same portfolio. When it comes to Mr Schembri he has made his defence and he refuse the allegations against him. I think that the rule of law dictates that one has the right to see while the process goes through. When it comes to what the German police recently has given to the Maltese authorities within our system that has to go to the magistrate.

SOUNDBITE (English), Joseph MUSCAT, Maltese Prime Minister, If there is any prove or even the sightless of ideas that the things that have been said in my regard are will resign on the spot. I had invited all those making similar allegations to 00:03:08 00:00:36 make the same pledge. It this prove to be untrue documents or untrue information they will resign from their posts.

I do not do trials by media. I do proper assessments. There are investigation by the Court on this. This is the rule of law an I will rely on that.

Arrival of , EU High Representative 00:03:44 00:00:09 shaking hands with Sergei STANISHEV, PES President

00:03:53 Roundtable (6 shots) 00:00:21

00:04:14 End 00:00:05

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