Speaker’s Profile - Dialogue Session of World Street Congress 2015

Anton Diaz- Our Awesome Planet, The Philippines Anton paid his corporate society dues for 12 years at Procter & Gamble Philippines before becoming a full me Online Entrepreneur. OurAwesomePlanet.com, which he started in 2005, is the number #1 food and travel blog in the Philippines. He was recognized as Go Negosyo's Inspiring Young Filipino Entrepreneur Award in 2010 and featured in the book: "Go Negosyo's 50 Inspiring Stories of Young Entrepreneurs" in 2011. He was also voted as a Board Member represenng Asia and the rest of the world in the presgious Professional Travel Blog- gers Associaon in 2014. Recently, he is the co-founder of the successful weekend markets called Mercato Centrale @ Bonifacio Global City, Mezza Norte @ Trinoma, Cucina Andare - the first Food Truck Market, and Levante @ East- wood City. For more informaon, visit hp://www.ourawesomeplanet.com/

Claus Meyer - Meyers Kokken , Denmark The owner of Meyer Group, Nam Nam, co-founder of the internaonally acclaimed Noma and self-pro- claimed champion of new Nordic cuisine also juggles roles of being a , TV personality, philanthropist, serial entrepreneur and author. He also started Gustu, a Bolivian street food restaurant in the city of La Paz.

He has been involved in research, consultancy and communicaon acvies for more than thirty years and – via his entrepreneurship – he has worked to fight poverty and promote the opportunies and qualies of Denmark’s culinary heritage.

Claus Meyer launched his catering business, Meyers Køkken in 1989 when he was merely aged 20. With the dream of unfolding the potenal of indigenous food cultures worldwide, he challenged convenonal thinking in agriculture, food producon and since 20 years ago.

In 2013, Claus founded the Melng Pot Foundaon, an organizaon that runs food schools in Danish prisons. He is also a prominent advocate of the farm-to-table movement, which seeks to foster local agriculture and encourage sustainable food producon.

For more informaon, visit hp://www.clausmeyer.dk/en/

Ian Kichai- Iron Chef, Thailand Chef Pongtawat Chalermkichai, otherwise known as Ian Kichai, is one of the most internaonally acclaimed Thai chefs. Chef Ian Kichai is Thailand’s first internaonal “celebrity chef”. An unlikely candi- date, Ian came from humble roots cooking with his mother’s food cart and pushing it around his Bangkok neighborhood. Fate and hard work guided him to a culinary school scholarship, a French fine-dining ap- prenceship, before propelling him to become the first Thai naonal to be an Execuve Chef of a 5-star .

Since 2004, Chef Kichai has created award-winning and groundbreaking restaurants in New York, Barcelona, Bangkok, Mumbai, and Singapore. Through his global food & beverage consulng firm, Cui- sine Concept Co., Ltd., he also advises an impressive roster of clients worldwide. His cookbooks in Thai and English have also won mulple global awards. Chef Kichai is the first Asia Geographical Indicaon Ambassador by the Food and Agriculture Organizaon of the United Naons, Thailand’s Department of Intellectual Property, and the AgenceFrancaise de Developpement. He is also a council member of The World Street Food Congress, along with Anthony Bourdain, KF Seetoh, and Claus Meyer, amongst other culinary luminaries. With a weekly cooking television show since 2001 and his on-going role of Iron Chef on Iron Chef Thailand, his audience is truly global.

For more informaon visit, www.iankichai.com and hps://www.linkedin.com/pub/sarah-chang- chalermkichai/0/242/319

KF Seetoh - Makansutra, Singapore Accorded and recognised as Singapore’s Food Ambassador by then Singapore's President Mr. SR Nathan, he’s also coined as a “food guide maven” by The New York Times and the “Guru of Grub” by CNN. As the founder of World Street Food Congress- a Singapore-based event that aims to preserve and protect the internaonal street food culture worldwide, he started championing street food culture since 1997 via Makansutra.

As a heritage food court owner and consultant, food presenter, author and television personality, his works extends to inking regional street food guides, producing and hosng TV Series on regional and lo- cal TV, owning and operang Makansutra Gluons Bay, overseeing editorial content and wring for Ya- hoo! Singapore, Esquire, The New Paper, Huffington Post and a host of community publicaons. He also made numerous appearances in food and lifestyle TV shows worldwide, including The Vision, China’s most watched food and travel show with 400 million viewers, Antony Bourdain’s various programmes, and The Martha Stewart Show. He guest judged in the Top Chef S7 finale in its Singapore installment and is engaged by Anthony Bourdain to help in creang the Bourdain Market, a Singapore hawker centre in- spired internaonal street food hall in New York. His current Food Surprise TV series is aired on Discovery’s TLC Channel around the world. He has done over 10 various series in the last 12 years.

He created and curated the World Street Food Congress in 2013. www.wsfcongress.com

For more informaon, visit hp://www.makansutra.com New York University - City Food (Panel) City Food is a global partnership of scholars, street vendor organizaons, not-for-profits, and museums. They are developing a new analycal framework to understand the cultural, nutrional, and economic significance of food in diverse cies with large diasporic communies. Feeding diasporic cies is intrinsi- cally linked to movement – of people, ingredients, recipes, and capital. The panel here at The World Street Food Congress, consists of four speakers who will explore the transnaonal lives of past and present street food vendors and the food they cooked.

City Food Panel: Daniel Bender Daniel Bender, a recipient of the UTSC Principal's Research Award (2009), is currently a professor of His- tory, Director of the Culinaria Research Centre and Canada Research Chair in Global Culture at the Uni- versity of Toronto Scarborough. He is currently working on a book and digital project on the histories of zoos and the American empire, entled Animal Empire: Zoos and the American Exoc. He teaches class- es in American, food, and animal history.

For more informaon, visit hp://www.utsc.utoronto.ca/hcs/daniel-bender

City Food Panel: Donna Gabaccia Donna Gabaccia is a renowned scholar of internaonal migraon, gender and food studies and for her interdisciplinary and digital history collaboraons. She is the author of We Are What We Eat: Ethnic Food and the Making of Americans and has wrien and edited fieen books and on U.S. immigraon, migra- on in world history, and the history of the worldwide Italian diaspora. She teaches at the University of Toronto Scarborough.

For more informaon, visit hp://www.utsc.utoronto.ca/hcs/donna-gabaccia

City Food Panel: Krishnendu Ray Krishnendu Ray is an Associate Professor and Chair of the Department of Nutrion, Food Studies and Public Health at New York University. Before coming to NYU, he taught at the Culinary Instute of Ameri- ca and was the Acng Dean of Liberal Arts & Management. He is the co-editor of Curried Cultures: Glob- alizaon, Food and South Asia (2012). His next book-length study tled "Immigrant Restaurateur and the American City: Taste, Toil & Ethnicity" will be published by Bloomsbury in 2016. The food studies scholar also serves on the editorial boards of the journals: Food, Culture & Society; Gastronomica; Contempo- rary Sociology; and Loukik.

For more informaon, visit hp://steinhardt.nyu.edu/faculty/Krishnendu_Ray

City Food Panel: Jeffrey Pilcher Jeffrey Pilcher has been a leading figure in the emerging scholarly field of food history. From an early re- search focus on Mexico and Lan America, he has expanded his scope to food in world history. His latest book is Planet Taco: A Global History of Mexican Food (2012). He is the arcles editor for a new, peer- reviewed journal called Global Food History and teaches classes on the history of food and drinks as well as Mexico, Lan America, and pirates of the Caribbean at the University of Toronto Scarborough

For more informaon, visit hp://www.utsc.utoronto.ca/hcs/jeffrey-pilcher

Odilia Wineke - Dek.com, A Food Editor at Dek.com since 2002, Odilia has been working in the culinary field for over 20 years. She has also worked as a Food Editor for Femina Magazine and also as a food stylist for various restau- rants in designing their adversements and a Food Specialist at PT Nestle Indonesia. Odilia was also the Execuve Producer for several Indonesian TV Cooking Programs and is the author of 12 cooking books.- For more informaon, visit hp://www.dek.com

Paul Qui -Top Chef Season 9, Ausn Texas, USA Paul Qui is the chef/owner of Qui, his flagship restaurant, and is also the co-founder and chef/owner of East Side King, a group of Asian-inspired street food trailers and restaurants, in Ausn, TX. Paul was named Esquire’s Chef of the Year 2014, and was selected as one of Food & Wine magazine’s 2014 Best New Chefs and Top 10 Empire Builders of 2012. Paul is the recipient of the James Beard Foundaon Award for Best Chef: Southwest 2012, winner of Top Chef Season 9, and winner of the San Pellegrino Cooking Cup 2013.

His restaurant, Qui, received the honor of Best New Restaurant in America, 2014 by GQ. Addionally, East Side King Thai-Kun was named one of Bon Appét magazine’s Best New Restaurants in America 2014. In 2013, Paul was honored by the Texas Legislature for his work and achievements as a chef and restaurateur, and also joined the presgious ment’or BKB Foundaon Culinary Council (formerly Bocuse d’Or USA).

Paul was awarded Best Chef of the James Beard Foundaon Award, winner of Top Chef Season 9 and the winner of the San Pellergrino Cooking Cup 2013. He was also recognized as the Top 10 Empire Builders of 2012 and one of the Best New Chefs 2014 by Food & Wine Magazine

For more informaon, visit hp://quiausn.com

Peter Lloyd -Spice Market, London Execuve Chef of Spice Market London with a passion for South-East Asian cuisine, Peter worked with world-renowned Jean-Georges Vongerichten to deliver the signature dishes on which Spice Market has built its reputaon. Peter is well versed in Thai, Malaysian, Brish and French cuisines. His signature dish, the Black Pepper Shrimp with Sundried Pineapple, has won an award at Taste of London, 2012.

Peter has also worked with MATRADE (Malaysia External Trade Development Corporaon) to promote Malaysian cookery. He too travels to countries such as Singapore, Qatar and Indonesia to promote the best of South East Asian Food.

He regularly travels abroad promong the best of South-East Asian cuisine and gathering inspiraon for the Spice Market London menu.

For more informaon, visit www.spicemarketlondon.co.uk

Sangeeta Singh- NASVI, India Sangeeta Singh is the Street Food Programs Manager of the Naonal Associaon of Street Vendors of India (NASVI) - an organizaon working for the protecon of the livelihood rights of thousands of street vendors across the country since 1998.

Sangeetah has also led a team of 10 to WSFC 2013 and followed up with the Indian government’s recog- nion of 6 million Indian street food vendors. She has also campaigned for sustained street food while organizing the Street Food Fesval 2014 that was held in India. As a street food enthusiast, Sangeeta be- lieves that street food is not only “inexpensive and convenient”, it is also “a large source of employment generaon for thousands and thousands of informal workers”.

For more informaon, visit hps://in.linkedin.com/pub/sangeeta-singh/23/415/723

Sean Basinski- Vendy, New York, USA Sean Basinski, an adjunct Assistant Professor is also the founder and director of the Street Vendor Project, a member-led worker center for all 20,000 people who sell food on the streets of New York City.

As a graduate of the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania and Georgetown Law Center, Sean is now a director of the Street Vendor Project at the Urban Jusce Center. Prior to law school, Sean had spent 6 months selling burritos and had, in 2001, received a fellowship from Yale Law School’s Iniave for Public Interest Law to start the Street Vendor Project.

The Project was founded to provide legal representaon and advocacy to immigrant vendors. The Street Food Panel 2009 that was held by the Project then tackled issues surrounding the Vendys, otherwise known as the Oscars of street food. The Vendys is also another brainchild of Sean, first launched in 2005 to award recognion to the best street food vendors in the city much like the WSFC. Every year, thou- sands will purchase ckets to the Vendys to sample food from publicly nominated vendors before vong in their favorites. The final winners of the Vendys will then be decided together with the decision made by the panel of celebrity judges. Sean later spent the first half of 2009 as a Fulbright Scholar researching on street food vendors and the informal economy in Lagos, Nigeria.

For more informaon, visit hp://socialwork.columbia.edu/faculty/adjunct-faculty/sean-basinski

Stephen Werther - Bourdain Market , New York Stephen Werther, a retail visionary for over 25 years is also the Founder and CEO of PORTICO, Group President of Ralph Lauren, SVP of the Walt Disney Company, contribung editor to ELLE Décor and Ar- chitectural Digest, Founder and CEO of WINK Retail Group which owns and operates WINK branded stores, W Hotel branded retail stores, and Starwood ecommerce.

Stephen is also currently working on the opening of the Bourdain Market with renowned Chef Anthony Bourdain that is set to open this year in New York. Singapore’s Street Food Professional KF Seetoh’s help has also been engaged in the opening of the internaonal street food hall that may house up to 100 best in class street good vendors worldwide.

For more informaon, visit hps://www.linkedin.com/pub/stephen-werther/30/739/8bb

William Wongso - Celebrity Chef, Indonesia Regarded as the father of gastronomy and Food Ambassador of Indonesia, William W. Wongso is Indone- sia’s most prominent culinary expert, restaurateur, food consultant, crique, TV host and celebrity chef. His culinary passion was inspired by his father and with the parcular interest in the rich homeland culi- nary tradion, he believes that Indonesian cuisine has the potenal to perform on the world culinary map. In 2001, he was awarded Chevalier dansI’Order du MeriteAgricole by the Ministry of Agriculture of for his significant role and merit in the French culinary and gastronomy. In 2009, he was appoint- ed the Honorary Goodwill Ambassador for Korea and also received a South East Asia Wine Pioneer Recognion Award by Wine for Asia in 2011. William has also catered for Hilary Clinton and the delega- on during her official visit to Jakarta introduced Rendang Padang in the 2009 World of Flavours Confer- ence held in Napa, California.

In 2008, he was awarded the appreciaon award by Indonesia’s Vice President and Indonesian Profes- sional Cerficaon Authority (BNSP) for his dedicaon in culinary vocaonal educaon. He is currently the head of Working Group for promoon Indonesian culinary in the world.

For more informaon, visit hp://id.linkedin.com/pub/william-wongso/9b/785/9b6

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