REGISTRATION FORM: No Sound Ever Dies To be filled in by parent/guardian

Project Attendance is essential during the half term and on-site rehearsal dates; please select Dates dates where your child is able to attend.

June Sessions − Monday 11th June: 18:45 – 21:15, Marist School th − Monday 18 June: 18:00 – 21:00, Marist School th − Wednesday 20 June: 18:45 – 21:15, Marist School − Wednesday 27th June: 18:30 -20:00, Farnham Maltings

July Sessions: − Tuesday 3rd July: 17:00 – 20:00, Three Rivers Academy th − Wednesday 4 July: 17:00 – 20:00, Three Rivers Academy

− Friday 6th July: 18:45 – 21:00, Three Rivers Academy

Saturday 7th July: 10:00 – 16:00, Museum (Technical Run Through) − th − Sunday 8 July: 10:00 – 16:00, Brooklands Museum (Technical Rehearsal) − Thursday 12th July: 17:00 – 20:00, Brooklands Museum (Work through on stage) th − Friday 13 July: 16:00 – 20:00, Brooklands Museum (Dress Rehearsal)

− Saturday 14th July: 13:00 – 17:00, Brooklands Museum (Final Rehearsal) th − Saturday 14 July: 18:00 – 20:30, Brooklands Museum, Performance

Participant Personal Information Participant’s Name Date of Birth Parent / Guardian Personal Information Name

Emergency Number Second Emergency Contact Name: Emergency Number:




Medical and or Behavioural Needs:

Yes No I consent to any emergency medical treatment necessary during the course of the rehearsals and performance.

I will inform you by email or letter of any medical information / requirements or behavioural needs regarding my child.

Media Consent: (The rehearsals and performance may be photographed or filmed for publicity in local press, concert programmes or on our website) I give permission for Surrey Arts to use photographs in which I/my child may appear as part of the publicity (pre or post event) for No Sound Ever Dies.

Insurance: No Sound Ever Dies is a Surrey County Council commissioned project. Members of the public participating/ attending activities and/or rehearsals associated with the event - which are directly managed by the Council through Surrey Arts - will come within the scope of Surrey County Council's Public Liability Insurance. Where partner organisations are directly managing rehearsals or activities in non-Surrey County Council venues, they will have their own Public Liability Insurance. If you wish to cover anything that would not normally be covered under Public Liability insurance such as 'no fault' loss or damage to personal items or 'no fault' personal injury, you may wish to consider taking out additional insurance. Please be aware that the Health & Safety of all those taking part in this project is a top priority. I confirm that I have read and understood the information above. YES NO

Signed ______

Addresses of venues:

The Marist School, Kings Rd, Sunninghill, Ascot SL5 7PS

Farnham Maltings, Bridge Square, Farnham GU9 7QR

Three Rivers Academy, Rd, Hersham, Walton-on-Thames KT12 5PY

Please return this slip [email protected]