Alba Iulia Partner Profile is the administrative center of Alba County in the west-central part of , located on the Mureș River in the historical region of . It is a medium-sized city in Romania with 74.000 inhabitants also known as “The Other Capital”. Alba Iulia based its sustainable development on attracting non-reimbursable funding. So far the municipality managed to attract during the 2007-2019 period over 200 million Euros for Sustainable development projects in virtually all fields (including energy efficiency). The city is nowadays considered a good- practice at national level in this field and is shown as an example of efficient administration oriented towards the needs of the citizens, investors and tourists. The main priorities of the city are disseminated within the Integrated Strategy for Urban Development 2014-2023 are: Smart, sustainable and inclusive economic growth; Sustainable tourism based on the rich cultural heritage; Reducing pollution and increasing energy efficiency; Developing a coherent, inclusive and efficient environment for local businesses; Developing mobility infrastructure and public services by using smart solutions; Transforming Alba Iulia into ”a more livable city” in order to reduce workforce migration towards Cluj-Napoca and Sibiu. The strategic objectives contributing to the achievement of Alba Iulia vision are: 1. Alba Iulia – A SMART, accessible and coherent city; 2. Alba Iulia – A GREEN city with efficient public services; 3. Alba Iulia – A COMPETITIVE and CREATIVE city; 4. Alba Iulia – A European CULTURAL and TOURISTIC OBJECTIVE. Alba Iulia is historically important for , , and . In December 2018, Alba Iulia was officially declared Capital of the Great Union of Romania. The city administers four villages. The main historical area of Alba Iulia is the Upper Town region, developed by Charles VI, the Holy Roman Emperor, in honor of whom the Habsburgs renamed the city by calling it Karlsburg. The fortress, with seven bastions in stellar shape, was constructed between 1715 and 1738. Very important institutions are located inside the fortress: The Union Hall with the National Honour Gallery, The National History Museum of Unification, the Princely Palace (Voivodal Palace), the Orthodox cathedral, the Roman Catholic cathedral, the Batthyaneum Library, the Roman Catholic bishop's palace, the Apor Palace, and the University of Alba Iulia. Figure 2: Alba Iulia, aerial photo

Alba Iulia key facts

The economic background of Alba Iulia is typical of the post-communist transition from a planned economy to market capitalism, with 97% of all companies privately owned. The heavy industry was replaced by new economic agents – local businesses and foreign investors. The local economy is service-oriented with a large number of family-owned small businesses and with significant representation of the light industry mainly dominated by foreign investments.

Alba Iulia in figures: ❑ Number of inhabitants ❑ In the municipality: 74.425 (2017) ❑ In the FUA area: 113.461 ❑ Increase in number of inhabitants in municipality in last 10 years: 13,4% ❑ The surface of the city (km2) ❑ Of the municipality: 103,65 km2

One of the most important growth sectors in Alba Iulia is tourism and hospitality. The number of tourists who use the accommodation in the city has increased by 33% between 2014 and 2015 and by 250% since 2011. The secondary sector in Alba Iulia mainly comprises food industries, wood processing, light manufacturing and fine COMPARTMENT INTERNATIONAL RELATINGS RELATIONS WITH THE MEDIA OF BUSINESS AND CIVIL SOCIETY PARTNERSHIPS City Hall of Alba Iulia, 5A Way of the Motii, Alba Iulia, Alba County, 510134 Personal data processed in accordance with the principles of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 Tel: +40 (0) 258 819 462, Fax: +40 (0) 258 812 545 Internet:, E-mail: [email protected] Facebook:

ceramics. Some companies in those sectors have been traditionally based in the city and benefit from a specialized workforce. The industrial area of Alba Iulia occupies 14% of the city territory. At the county level, there are 18 companies with a turnover higher than 20 million euros/year, but out of 4223 economic agents in 2013 just over 1500 had a turnover of more than 25.000 euros/year. In spite of constant economic growth during the last three years the number of economic agents has been in decline since the financial crisis. This shows a quite difficult context for local entrepreneurs. There is an important growth potential in the automotive industry and in wood processing as Alba County is one of the most important wood providers in Romania and 33.1% of the county territory is covered by forests. The project "Alba Iulia Smart City 2018" was initiated as a national pilot project by the state government (Min of Commun. and Information Society) in partnership with AIM and private companies. Over 45 companies expressed their interest to invest in the implementation of smart technology solutions in Alba Iulia (to name just a few: Siemens, Microsoft, Orange, Philips, Cluj IT Cluster, Kaufland, Pony Car Sharing and local companies like White City Code, Vichi Farm Pharmacy etc.). Cooperation protocols were been signed with most of the companies and the pilot project was due to end in 2019 however it still continues today with some of the companies. A total of 106 solutions were contracted during the 2017-2019 period, making it the first initiative of this kind at the national level. From those 106 solutions, 60% were implemented and emulated results regarding the improvement of the quality of life in Alba Iulia. AIM is the city with the highest absorption of European and other non-reimbursable funds per capita in Romania - more than 200 million euros were invested in development projects in the last 10 years (considering that the local budget dedicated to investments is just about 2,5 million euros per year). Today the city ranks first among county capitals in attracting EU funding/capita according to the report of the World Bank. The financial performance of Alba Iulia Municipality is recognized by credible institutions. According to the rating obtained, “Alba Iulia Municipality is an institution with considerable credibility for all investors and has proved a good management in attracting European funds; Alba Iulia Municipality has a strong institutional capacity for planning urban development and attracting financing resources for urban policies and projects. The rating opinion for Alba iulia Municipality for 2018 is Ba1 stable; The number of tourists has doubled in the last 3 years as well as tourism related economic activities registered an increasing trend (Visitors to the Museum 2010: approx. 50 000; Visitors to the Museum 2013: 91608; Visitors to the Museum 2014: 128958; Visitors to the Museum 2015: 154700; Visitors to the Museum 2016: 167200; City Visitors 2010: 100,000, City Visitors 2014: 386874, City Visitors 2016: 500,000); Increasing the number of residents (According to the Center for Urban and Territorial Development, which appeared in November 2016, Alba Iulia is among the only 6 county residences in Romania where the population has grown in recent years alongside cities such as Iasi, Vaslui, Bistrita, Sibiu and Cluj-Napoca and Timișoara -; Reducing unemployment and increasing economic growth. According to the World Bank Alba Iulia Functional Area ranks III at national level according to the turnover rate of businesses, after and Pitești and before Cluj-Napoca: MagneticCities-Jun18-v4.pdf. Moreover, through the creation of more than 50 startups, Alba Iulia Municipality will contribute to the achievement of the Target of EU by increasing the percentage of people aged 20–64 to be active on the labor market; Involving a variety of stakeholders in the process of the sustainable development of the city (creating more than 10 long term partnerships in the last few years with local and national stakeholders such as Ministry of Communication, Ministry of Culture, with the two local universities, with the local theatre association, with the National Museum of Unification, with the county Hospital of Alba Iulia, with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Alba, most of these partnerships cover a period of at least 10 years period). These partnerships will have a positive impact in the social, economic and environmental field; Using ICT and innovation for the development of the city and implementing new business models contributes to research and development. The Alba Iulia Smart City 2018 pilot project bringing smart city solutions in partnership with companies, on their own costs. Another innovative business model is how the city managed to attract financing for the creation of 50 startups at the local level, each startup will benefit from the necessary funding (40 000 euros each startup) and will benefit as well from consultancy, entrepreneurship training and mentorship, until the mature development of the business. It is innovative for Romania because the national regulation does not encourage a mechanism to support entrepreneurship; and Alba Iulia municipality will become the facilitator and the authority to support and mentor the development of startups in a transparent way and in accordance with the needs of the city; Increasing the visibility of the city at the national and international level as a credible partner for collaboration is reflected in several recognitions, all part of the strategic marketing approach meant to generate development; Urban mobility planning (since part of the smart city solutions reflects the improvement of the public transportation and as well as the facilities for pedestrians and bikers), the digital transition, and smart city solutions impact the development of the city, improve the air quality and aim to

COMPARTMENT INTERNATIONAL RELATINGS RELATIONS WITH THE MEDIA OF BUSINESS AND CIVIL SOCIETY PARTNERSHIPS City Hall of Alba Iulia, 5A Way of the Motii, Alba Iulia, Alba County, 510134 Personal data processed in accordance with the principles of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 Tel: +40 (0) 258 819 462, Fax: +40 (0) 258 812 545 Internet:, E-mail: [email protected] Facebook:

reduce by 40 % the CO2 emissions until 2030 – the goal assumed by the municipality of Alba Iulia as being a signatory of the Covenant of mayors for climate and energy.

Economic activity Having the largest Vauban Citadel in Romania which was recently rehabilitated, Alba Iulia is one of the main county magnets having a good tourism potential (please see stats on previous page). Due to the socio-economic development during the last years, the number of building permits emitted by the Municipality increased. The number of accommodation units and visitors increased too. Regarding the working force, a total of 54.331 people were employed in 2011, out of the total population of ZUF Alba Iulia (113.461 people). The population of Alba County is 342.000 people. The firm revenues in 2015: 2.544 mil Euro. Alba Iulia is one of the cities in Romania which attract most of the commuting workforce from rural areas. Key sectors of economic activity, according to their importance. Employment by sectors: Agriculture & Forestry: 1,5%; Industry: 27,3%; Constructing field: 7,9%; Commerce, hotels and restaurants (tourism): 17,9%; Transport & telecommunications: 7,3%; Financial activities & real estate transactions: 2,8%; Public administration: 13,1%; Educational system: 6,8%; Health system: 6,4%; Other types of activities: 9,0%. The role of tourism has increased substantially in the last decade. Specific products, crafts, services of the city known nationally or/and internationally are porcelain (2 of the largest porcelain factories in the world are situated in Alba Iulia). The future key strategic sectors of economic activity: tourism; IT; food-drinks industry; porcelain.

Alba Iulia development assets

There are 176 ha of green space in Alba Iulia, with the recent opening of an arboretum park. This is an average of 20m2 of green space/ inhabitant, while the target for 2020 is 26m2/ inhabitant. The 22ha arboretum has 1.100 plant species and 5.440 m of bicycle lanes. The Citadel is the largest open-air park in Romania – the space for an urban, alternative and new-style culture, proving once again the ability of Alba Iulia Municipality to put in place innovative solutions to old and new challenges. The vibrant cultural events that are organized here bring the Citadel to life and renders it to people of all ages, be they tourists or inhabitants. The Municipality is a significant provider in the field of cultural life of the city. Its important budget allocations make possible, year after year, a credible agenda of cultural events (music concerts for classical, jazz, rock or folk styles; theatre, literature, film, music, fashion festivals; European-scale re-enactment shows; exhibitions; sports competitions and much more). Gastronomy and wine are developing in parallel with the increase in tourists and visitors. There are local resources for food and wine production, with environmentally friendly, ecological agriculture food and wine would get an even higher value. The municipality has a very open economic policy to attract foreign investment and companies which have found their local partners already. The municipality is focused on the future technological and economic development. The city has started the smart solutions pilot project and became the first Romanian smart city (

Project objectives and policy challenges Alba Iulia has developed the overarching city brand and the branding Manual in the framework of CityLogo Urbact project. There was also Local Action Plan prepared to implement the city logo in 2014 when the project was finished. Development and implementation of the city logo have proven its effectiveness as Alba Iulia has become more and more known in Romania and abroad with a fast increasing number of visitors and tourists. With the increasing image of Alba Iulia there was also a bigger interest of business partners and foreign investors to work in Alba Iulia, to start new projects, and to intensify international networking and partnership.

Figure: Visual identity of Alba Iulia city brand

Alba Iulia wants to achieve the following objectives within the Find your Greatness project: ● update and develop an integrated action plan for the coming period 2020-2030;

COMPARTMENT INTERNATIONAL RELATINGS RELATIONS WITH THE MEDIA OF BUSINESS AND CIVIL SOCIETY PARTNERSHIPS City Hall of Alba Iulia, 5A Way of the Motii, Alba Iulia, Alba County, 510134 Personal data processed in accordance with the principles of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 Tel: +40 (0) 258 819 462, Fax: +40 (0) 258 812 545 Internet:, E-mail: [email protected] Facebook:

● update and develop marketing and communication strategy that will include smart solutions & digital tools meant to support the development of the city in the smart field direction; ● strengthen activities to intensify the cooperation and participation of the majority of stakeholders at the local level; ● to implement activities that will strengthen community spirit and involvement of inhabitants; ● increase the visibility of Alba Iulia on a national and international level with the support of new technologies and new tools such as the use of ICT/IoT/smart education; ● increase the attractiveness of Alba Iulia through efficient marketing and communication using smart digital tools and ICT in order to attract visitors, students, businesses owners, investors; ● increase the efficiency of business and social services that will improve the quality of life and satisfaction of citizens. ● to co-opt stakeholders (economic agents and travel companies) in the promotion of Alba ● Iulia as a tourist destination on regional, national and international level

Brand strategy development and its implementation is an intense and sustained activity that foresees the transition from how the city is perceived today (by citizens, visitors, business community) and how we would like the city to be perceived in the future. Citizens of Alba Iulia currently support the changes taken by the administration, especially with Citadel renovation and revitalization. Nevertheless this doesn`t change their opinions related to the traffic and parking problems. Young people are leaving Alba Iulia to study and work in bigger cities and only a few return to the city. On the other side, visitors enjoy the city, its cultural heritage, its cultural life, and its gastronomy. Business community is glad to see the number of visitors and tourists increasing but would like the municipality to be more proactive in solving many of the business problems (instead of searching for solutions by themselves).

What are the key words that would describe your How would you like to see your city after 10/15 city today? years? The vision of the city?

Unique Smart city Reinvented Touristic hotspot Heritage IT hub Preservation World heritage site Calm

When assessing the assets of Alba Iulia, its products and competitive advantages there are the following strategic development and brand pillars:

STRATEGIC DEVELOPMENT & BRAND PILLARS Smart development Tourism ICT Agriculture Innovative Culture Creative industries Eco. food &drinks financing Festivals Porcelain industry production Rural-urban Public-private hub&landmark touristic routes partnerships Gastronomy Wine

Entertainment Updated and revised brand and marketing strategy of Alba Iulia with its action plan will face the following policy challenges: lack of governance to build community spirit and the use of the city branding manual available (including lack of a system for monitoring and providing assistance to stakeholders in the use the city identity according to the city branding manual); ● lack of an integrated strategic approach for city marketing embracing a range of different innovative ICT tools, smart city solutions and e-communication from the point of view of their future development; ● limited financial resources to address innovative ICT solutions supporting brand communication, smart city development and needs/expectations of citizens; COMPARTMENT INTERNATIONAL RELATINGS RELATIONS WITH THE MEDIA OF BUSINESS AND CIVIL SOCIETY PARTNERSHIPS City Hall of Alba Iulia, 5A Way of the Motii, Alba Iulia, Alba County, 510134 Personal data processed in accordance with the principles of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 Tel: +40 (0) 258 819 462, Fax: +40 (0) 258 812 545 Internet:, E-mail: [email protected] Facebook:

● not sufficient specific expertise at the municipal level to implement smart city solutions in an integrated approach for strengthening technological development, innovation and integrated digital transition as part of the Urban Agenda of EU ● further development and quality improvement of tourism products and services ● support to develop ecological agriculture and wine production ● support to entrepreneurship and FDI to generate jobs ● slowing down/reversing the trend of emigration of young people ● insufficient cooperation with other destinations in Romania and across the border to promote the city’s potential in more comprehensive and on far markets ● unexploited local resources for an integrated urban development such as local talents, students and Universities, PPPs, empty public spaces, etc.

Small Scale Activity – SSA Alba Iulia Municipality has a Branding Manual and a Logo for nearly 10 years now making it the first city in the country to develop such a tool. However so far there was limited and virtually no monitoring on how the Logo is/was utilized by the private companies or individuals and whether it is/was done in accordance with the Branding Manual. Thus the Small Scale Activity proposed by the municipality envisages the creation of platform (a link on the website of the municipality) where interested people/entrepreneurs can get guidance on how to use the Logo for their businesses promotion. Secondly, through the SSA a person would be employed by the municipality for 12 months in order to promote the Branding Manual and the correct use of the Logo, and which will also have the role of monitoring how the Logo is currently used by the companies/individuals at local level and supporting the change where necessary. Moreover we will also propose a contest with a prize for the most creative/interesting manner of employing the logo of the city. Learning needs and contribution to learning exchange Alba Iulia is a very good example and good practice in developing city brand, brand and communication strategy and action plan with visible results contributing to the increase of economic growth and generating new jobs. This will be very useful for project partners from Perugia, Voru, Budafok who are aiming to develop their overarching city brand. Renovation and revitalization of the Citadel is also a good example that could serve to other project partners: Budafok, Wroclaw, Perugia. Alba Iulia can serve as a good example also for some project partners on how to approach smart city development with limited resources. On the other side, Alba Iulia will benefit from Limerick which is already far on the way to becoming a smart city, on how to use e-solutions in brand communication. The city can benefit also from Candelaria on how to work with neighborhoods – participatory approach, social inclusion – working with marginal groups: migrants, older people. The city can also benefit from Perugia and Wroclaw on how to cooperate with civil society organizations. Sustainability of the project The project is in a way the enhancement and upgrading of Alba Iulia’s experience in CityLogo project. Back then Alba Iulia was a learning city that accumulated lots of knowledge and experience in the city branding area. Find your Greatness project is on the other side linked to Alba Iulia – a smart city (through a national project) with innovative city branding tools, where EU and national financing would bring synergic effects. Besides, it is expected that: ● Implementation of smart city solutions for the promotion of the city would be financed through EU funds or other external funding such as EEA Grants, Norway funds, as part of the integrated action plan; ● These project funds will encourage business companies and institutions to enter/contribute to the development and implementation of various communication solutions (ICT companies, Universities) as a part of Integrated Action Plan and Smart city project activities/solutions ● It would support the development of a platform for ensuring participatory municipality budgeting; ● It would support the development of managing system for integrated data collection (including data on visibility and user degree of communication tools)

Relevant strategies and documents

The challenges of the project were addressed through different local strategies of the city, one of the most important being the strategy realized in collaboration with the World Bank. Since 2014, Alba Iulia Municipality has been the first city in Romania and in Central and South-Eastern Europe to sign a contract with the World Bank, for getting technical assistance to assess the local policies, strategies, plans and projects in order to facilitate the access to the different public and private funding opportunities. The experts of the Word Bank

COMPARTMENT INTERNATIONAL RELATINGS RELATIONS WITH THE MEDIA OF BUSINESS AND CIVIL SOCIETY PARTNERSHIPS City Hall of Alba Iulia, 5A Way of the Motii, Alba Iulia, Alba County, 510134 Personal data processed in accordance with the principles of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 Tel: +40 (0) 258 819 462, Fax: +40 (0) 258 812 545 Internet:, E-mail: [email protected] Facebook:

assisted the municipality in drafting the Prioritisation of projects for 2014-2020. One of the most important strategic planning in addressing the specific challenges is the Local Action Plan realized during the CityLOGO project. While being partner, the city of Alba Iulia drafted its local Action Plan together with the relevant stakeholders, and in a few years, after the implementation of some actions and measures of the Action Plan, Alba Iulia Municipality became an example of reference at international level, and a Good practice in the field of city branding. Another strategy addressing some of the above mentioned challenges is the Sustainable Development Strategy of Alba Iulia 2014-2023, in close relation also with the actions of the Local Action Plan above-mentioned. The goal of the strategy for 2023 is Alba Iulia a place for citizens, a place for tourists and investors.

URBACT and EU project experiences The municipality was also a Lead partner in different projects financed at national level while being part as project partner in different transnational projects, being familiar in working with other cities such as Oslo, Berlin, Paris, London, Liverpool, Genova, Murcia, Barcelona, Stockholm, Copenhagen, Utrecht, Zaragoza, Bruxelles, Ghent, Wien, Warsaw, Krakow etc, and being familiar in working within most European funding programs: URBACT, Interreg Europe, Horizon 2020, Europe for Citizens, Intelligent Energy Europe, Erasmus Plus, COSME, etc.

The Municipality of Alba Iulia is currently involved as partner in several approved Horizon 2020, Interreg Europe and URBACT projects such as: 1.INT-HERIT (URBACT III), 2. LOCARBO (Interreg Europe), 3.THERMOS (Horizon 2020), 4.SUITS (H2020), 5.Metamorphosis (H2020), 6.PlastiCircle (H2020), 7.CityChangerCargoBike – CCCB (H2020), 8.CityxChange (H2020), 9.Tinngo (H2020), 10.5G-Victory (H2020), 11.SUMP PLUS (H2020), 12.SOCIAL GREEN (Interreg Europe), 13.Rurban Food (Urbact III)

Previous projects implemented by Alba Iulia municipality financed through URBACT III, II and I “CITY-As A-STARTUP”, “INTERACTIVE CITIES“, “INNOVATIVE PLACE-BRAND MANAGEMENT CityLogo” “TUTUR”, “GASTRONOMIC CITIES”.

List of previous projects of AIM

NATIONAL PROJECTS Funding source: Operational Programme Administrative Capacity 2014-2020 • Alba Iulia - Digital Public Administration • Alba Iulia Municipality - Intelligent Administration • BI Smart Alba Iulia • Alba Iulia ISO Smart

Funding source: Regional Operational Programme 2014 – 2020 • Preservation, restoration and sustainable recovery of the Palace of principals ensemble in Alba Iulia – Exhibition Center Principia E Assembly • Expansion, rehabilitation and modernization of the infrastructure of the social service "Day Center for the Elderly" Alba Iulia • Creation of the public lighting system in Alba Iulia – Cetate District • Creation of the public lighting system of in Alba Iulia - the Central Area, Districts 1, Ampoi 2, Ampoi 3 and Partos districts • Rehabilitation of the public lighting system of Alba Iulia, component localities: Oarda de Sus, Oarda de Jos, Pâclisa, Micești and Băbanț • CHILDREN MUSEUM – Building, equipping and operationalizing the Multifunctional Complex: educational, cultural, recreational, socio-cultural activities • Rehabilitation of the major urban public transport infrastructure in Alba Iulia - Lot no. 1 • Rehabilitation of the major urban public transport infrastructure in Alba Iulia - Lot no. 2 • Purchase of public transport means - electric buses • Construction of the Kindergarten no.16 with extended program, by changing the destination and expanding the canteen building within the technical college "Alexandru Domşa" Alba Iulia COMPARTMENT INTERNATIONAL RELATINGS RELATIONS WITH THE MEDIA OF BUSINESS AND CIVIL SOCIETY PARTNERSHIPS City Hall of Alba Iulia, 5A Way of the Motii, Alba Iulia, Alba County, 510134 Personal data processed in accordance with the principles of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 Tel: +40 (0) 258 819 462, Fax: +40 (0) 258 812 545 Internet:, E-mail: [email protected] Facebook:

• Increasing the energy efficiency of educational buildings in Alba Iulia municipality - High School with Sports Program • Increasing the energy efficiency of residential buildings in Alba Iulia Municipality, lot 2 block 14a, block 13b, block cf11, block mv 1-mv 7, block mv 2-mv 12 and lot 3 block d3-d4, block d2- d3, block 8 • Increasing the energy efficiency of residential buildings in Alba Iulia municipality, Lot 1, Block M1-M6B, Block M7A-M12, Block 35, Block 62 and Block CH1 • Functional conversion, outdoor ditch – North side of the Alba Carolina Fortress, public spaces for leisure. • Urban Ensemble with Socio-Cultural, Educational and Living Spaces, Gheorghe Șincai District, Alba Iulia • REHABILITATION AND MODERNIZATION OF THE SCHOOL WORKSHOP, THE THERMAL AND POWER PLANT OF THE ALEXANDRU DOMSA TECHNICAL COLLEGE - STRADA TUDOR VLADIMIRESCU, NR.143

Funding source: Environmental Fund Administration, Program concerning reducing greenhouse gas emissions in transport by promoting infrastructure for energy-efficient road transport vehicles: Re-charging stations for electric vehicles in municipalities of county-based financing. • Re-charging stations for electric vehicles

Funding source: Human Capital Operational Programme 2014 – 2020 • Integrated measures to combat Social Exclusion in marginalised communities in Alba Iulia – MICESA • Alba Iulia 360 • Start-up@Centru • Start-up Plus - Urban Entrepreneurship in the Urban Startup Country Center • Alba Iulia - responsible local community • A new life in the „New World” - Alba Iulia

Funding source: Operational Programme for Fisheries and Maritime Affairs 2014 – 2020 • Development of the recreational area and embankement on the Mureş River in Alba Iulia

Funding source: Large Infrastructure Operational Programme 2014 – 2020 • Acquisition of equipment to strengthen the capacity of the Alba Iulia public medical system, in order to manage the emergency situation caused by the COVID - 19 crisis

Funding source: Administration of the National Cultural Fund • ANCIENT CHARACTERS IN VIRTUAL DIALOGIES WITH THE VISITERS OF THE PRINCIPIA MUSEUM ( muzeul-principia/) • Culinary reeacntment: Menus and gastronomic rituals at the princely court of Alba Iulia • Alba Iulia - A visual history through famous imprints • DISCOVER THE CULTURAL HERITAGE OF ALBA IULIA BY QR CODE (

TRANSNATIONAL PROJECTS Funding source: HORIZON 2020 • Transport Innovation Gender Observatory – TInnGo ( • CityChangerCargoBike - CCCB ( • Methamorphosis ( • PlastiCircle ( • Vertical demos over common large scale field trials for rail, energy and media industries - 5G- VICTORI ( • Positive City ExChange – CityxChange (

COMPARTMENT INTERNATIONAL RELATINGS RELATIONS WITH THE MEDIA OF BUSINESS AND CIVIL SOCIETY PARTNERSHIPS City Hall of Alba Iulia, 5A Way of the Motii, Alba Iulia, Alba County, 510134 Personal data processed in accordance with the principles of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 Tel: +40 (0) 258 819 462, Fax: +40 (0) 258 812 545 Internet:, E-mail: [email protected] Facebook:

• Integrated Transport Systems: Transferable tools for Authorities- Sisteme integrate de transport: Instrumente transferabile autoritatilor – acronim SUITS ( • Thermal Energy Resource Modelling and Optimisation System – THERMOS ( • Sustainable Urban Mobility Planning: Pathways and Links to Urban Systems - SUMP – PLUS ( • ULaaDS - Urban Logistics as an on-Demand Service ( • Supporting Urban Integrated Transport Systems: Transferable tools for local authorities - SUITS (

Funding source: ERASMUS+ • Violence - an important issue • FabEdu + • A sustainable environment for the development of rural areas • A healthy lifestyle for youngsters • Dif – Skills • Journey of your life • Respect my differences • Stop wasting • World of diversity • Inclusion Cafe - Discussing migrants, asylum seekers and refugees • MANAS- Music and Nature Around the Sound • Involving marginalized youth in international projects • Share to Grow • Spring of Sport • Youth workers- the engine of social change in marginalized communities • P.L.A.C.E 2016 (Personal Learning and Cultural Education) • Education for global responsibility • TICTAC- „Time for International CooperaTion: Active Cities” • Our Change • My Home is Your Home: On this earth nobody is a foreigner • Transforming your city • Against youth unemployment trough social entrepreneurship

Funding source: URBACT • City-as-a- Startup • GASTRO-CITIES: INNOVATIVE CITY: CITY STRATEGY ON GASTRONOMY AS A TOOL FOR TOURISM AND EMPLOYMENT DEVELOPEMENT” – Gastronimic Cities ( • Temporary Use as a Tool for Urban Regeneration – TUTUR ( • Innovative place-brand management – City Logo ( • Find your Greatness ( • Innovative Heritage Management - INT-HERIT ( • Interactive Cities ( • Empowering rural & urban food connections within European regions – Food Corridors ( • Rumorless Cities ( • Exploring current approaches to strengthen social cohesion in neighbourhoods – CoNet ( • Nodus (

Funding source: INTERREG • Effectiveness of Environmental Urban policies to improve Resources Efficiency – EURE ( COMPARTMENT INTERNATIONAL RELATINGS RELATIONS WITH THE MEDIA OF BUSINESS AND CIVIL SOCIETY PARTNERSHIPS City Hall of Alba Iulia, 5A Way of the Motii, Alba Iulia, Alba County, 510134 Personal data processed in accordance with the principles of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 Tel: +40 (0) 258 819 462, Fax: +40 (0) 258 812 545 Internet:, E-mail: [email protected] Facebook:

• Novel roles of regional and Local authorities in supporting energy consumers’ behaviour chance towards a low CARBOn economy - LOCARBO ( • Regional Policies Towards Greening the Social Housing Sector – Social Green (

Funding source: Interreg Danube • ConnectIng hiSTorical Danube rEgions Roman routes – ISTER (http://www.interreg-

Funding source: EEA and Norwegian grants • IRIS - INTEGRATION OF ROMA THROUGH INNOVATIVE SKILLS ( • Integrated approach at The Municipality of Alba Iulia to Reduce Discrimination and Marginalisement of Vulnerable Groups – INTERVIN ( • Innovative energy efficiency solutions for the Olympic Swimming Pool – Alba Iulia • Strengthening administrative capacity through sustainable urban mobility: Alba Iulia - Trondheim partnership (

Funding source: European Commision through the program „Local Authorities: Partnerships for sustainable cities 2020”, topic EuropeAid/167744/DH/ACT/Multi, budgeratry line BGUE-B2019-21.020802-C1-DEVCO • Edineț - introspection in the cities of tomorrow

Funding source: Intesa Sanpaolo Bank • Health for all 2 (


Funding source: Representative of the European Commission in Romania • Center Europe Direct

Funding source: Europe for Citizens • The impact of Euroscepticism on the construction of Europe

Main sources ● ● ● ● ● or%20poeple%20and%20culture_Gehl_EN.pdf ● MagneticCities-Jun18-v4.pdf

COMPARTMENT INTERNATIONAL RELATINGS RELATIONS WITH THE MEDIA OF BUSINESS AND CIVIL SOCIETY PARTNERSHIPS City Hall of Alba Iulia, 5A Way of the Motii, Alba Iulia, Alba County, 510134 Personal data processed in accordance with the principles of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 Tel: +40 (0) 258 819 462, Fax: +40 (0) 258 812 545 Internet:, E-mail: [email protected] Facebook: