British Birds

Vol. 60 No. 1 1


Report on bird-ringing for 1966* By Robert Spencer Ringing Officer, B.T.O. THE WRITER OF an introduction to a ringing report must always be prepared to swallow his words: events have a tiresome (but neverthe­ less very satisfactory) habit of gently ridiculing his earlier pronounce­ ments. For example, in the introduction to the 1965 report it seemed appropriate to describe the number of Sand Martins Riparia riparia ringed in that year—over 66,000—as 'truly massive', yet in 1966 the total reached a new record level of over 75,000. In the 1965 report, too, the reader was invited to consider 'the many night watches necessary to catch 3,497 Storm Petrels Hydrobatespelagicus'', but in 1966 the ringers more than doubled that figure, with a score of 8,608. Against such a background of steadily increasing proficiency on the part of ringers, it is probably impossible to comment on developments in such a way that there is no risk of lessening the impact of superlatives by employ­ ing them too generously or prematurely. Indeed, the risk must be taken, for one can compare each year only with those that have gone before. Judged this way, 1966 was most rewarding. Two milestones were passed during the year: the ringing of the five millionth bird since the inception of the scheme; and the marking of 100,000 nestlings in a single breeding season for the first time. For many years now the former achievement has seemed inevitable: it has merely happened very much sooner than once appeared likely. On the other hand, there have often been doubts whether the annual nestling total would ever reach six figures and so it is perhaps of interest to see how this was made up. Seabirds—petrels, shearwaters, cormorants, skuas, gulls, terns and auks—formed almost half the total, with nearly

*This is the thirtieth report issued on behalf of the Ringing and Migration Committee (formerly the Bird-Ringing Committee) and is a publication of the British Trust for Ornithology. For the twenty-ninth report, see Brit. Birds, 59: 441-491.

429 BRITISH BIRDS 49,000. The other major groups were 1,533 ducks, geese and swans; 472 raptors (more than half of them Kestrels Faleo tinnunculus); 2,528 waders; 542 pigeons and doves; 243 owls; 9,048 swallows (all but 74 being Hirundo rustled); 1,092 crows; 9,792 tits; 7,969 thrushes; 2,280 chats (including Robins Erithacus rubecula and Nightingales Luscinia megarhynchos); 3,997 warblers; 1,447 flycatchers; 390 Dunnocks Prunella modularis; i,ziz pipits and wagtails; 1,311 Starlings Sturnus vulgaris; and 5,879 finches, buntings and sparrows. It is a reasonably balanced list although, considering their abundance and the con- spicuousness of some of their nests, the pigeon and crow totals are much lower than might have been expected. Conversely, the warbler and finch totals are probably rather higher. For many years the Starling annually headed the list as the most- ringed species, but of late it seems to have been losing popularity with ringers and has slipped to sixth place, behind the Sand Martin, Swallow, Blackbird Turdus merula, Blue Tit Parus caeruleus and Greenfinch Carduelis Moris. For each of these birds the annual ringing total now exceeds 20,000, but in the next few years only- the House Sparrow Passer domestieus seems likely to move into this category. For most species, of course, the annual total is a matter of hundreds rather than thousands, and the simplest way of assessing the year's catch is to compare it with the grand total. By this test, for example, the modest totals of 57 Gadwall Anas strepera, 292 Tufted Ducks Aythya fuligula and 1,357 Fieldfares Turdus pilaris become much more impressive than they appear at first sight, while 457 out of 1,528 Siskins Carduelis spinus, 26 out of 103 Great Grey Shrikes 'Lanius excubitor and 411 out of 888 Collared Doves Streptopelia decaocto are all major contributions. In the report for 1965, comment was made on the steady improve­ ment in the ringing figures for the Stonechat Saxicola torquata, suggest­ ing a gradual return to normal population levels after the severe losses of 1963. That this process continued during 1966—not only for the Stonechat, but also for the Wren Troglodytes troglodytes, another affected species—is indicated by further increases in the numbers ringed. The slight improvement in the population of the Sparrowhawk Acci- piter nisus, hinted at by the 1965 figures, seems also to have continued. A remarkable and quite unexpected feature of the year's ringing was the addition of no fewer than seven species to the list. Perhaps not surprisingly, only one of the seven, the Goshawk Accipiter gentilis, was an Old World species (the surprise there is that a mist-net held so powerful a bird). The remaining six—dowitcher ILimnodromus sp., Least Sandpiper Calidris minutilla, Brown Thrasher Toxostoma rufum, Rose-breasted Grosbeak Pheucticus ludovicianus, Rufous-sided Towhee Pipilo erythrophthalmus and Red-eyed Vireo Vireo olivaceus—are all North American. The total of species ringed in Britain and Ireland since 1909 is now 325, of which 25 are strictly of New World origin.

430 REPORT ON BIRD-RINGING FOR I966 The recovery section of this report incorporates a new feature which will, it is hoped, add appreciably to the interest of the reader. For many years now an attempt has been made to draw attention to the more unusual recoveries by means of a line or two of comment based on the formula 'This is the first recovery of a British-ringed . . .' Inevitably, as the report has grown more selective, such comments have become proportionally more numerous and the space they have occupied has meant the publication of even fewer recoveries. To break this pernicious circle, ordinal numbers have been introduced after the name of the country of recovery. The resulting pages, sprinkled with ist's, 2nd's and 3rd's, may remind some readers of a score sheet for the Olympic Games, but the system does permit many more recoveries to be evaluated and in less space than has been required in the past. In a sense, of course, the cjth's and ioth's are often more important than the ist's and 2nd's (and the unnumbered recoveries even more so) since the analyst is investigating the normal pattern of migration, but long lists of similar movements may be monotonous for general readers. Seabirds, which represented nearly half of all the nestlings ringed in the year, also produced a wealth of notable recoveries. Reports of Manx Shearwaters Puffinus puffinus in Bra2il have become almost commonplace during the past ten years, but the western Atlantic seaboard further north appears to lie outside the normal range of the species and recoveries in Newfoundland and Bermuda were both exceptional. Equally beyond the normal range of the British popula­ tions concerned were a Shag Phalacrocorax aristotelis which penetrated the Mediterranean and a Lesser Black-backed Gull Larus fuscus which reached Finland. Much more striking because of the immense distance involved, and more important because the recovery locality may well lie within the normal winter range of our breeding population, was an Arctic Tern Sterna paradisaea in eastern Australia. Records of British-ringed birds in the Balkans and beyond are of such infrequent occurrence that for six to be reported in a single year suggests the possibility of some abnormal meteorological circum­ stances. The six concerned were a Teal Anas crecca in Turkey, a Pintail A. acuta in Greece, Fieldfares in Greece and Jugoslavia, and Redwings Turdus iliacus in Turkey and Greece. All save the Teal (dated 1 st March) were reported in the first six weeks of the year, the period when cold weather movements are most likely to occur. For most ringers a recovery in Africa represents the ultimate goal. It is not merely that African recoveries are coveted because they are rare (although in ringing, as in most spheres of human interest, rarity does enhance the values we attach to things); but also that Africa is the winter home of many species and it is intellectually more gratifying to contribute to our still slender knowledge of movements there than to the much better documented passage through Europe. Typically,.

43i BRITISH BIRDS perhaps, one thinks of the Swallow as the African migrant par excellence and we have come to expect that each winter will produce a quota of recoveries from the extreme south of the continent. The year 1966, with 3 3 records from South Africa, was no exception, but in addition we received an interesting and unprecedented report from Uganda; we cannot, however, be certain that this bird was of British stock. Excluding seabirds, there were in 1966 only two other recoveries from south of the Sahara, both of them Spotted Flycatchers Muscicapa striata in Nigeria, but a Whitethroat Sylvia communis in Senegal was only the second there and may well have been near its winter quarters. A Wheatear Qenanthe oenanthe in Algeria was far into the desert country, while north of the Sahara a Redstart Phoenicurus phoenicurus in Libya was particularly interesting. A gem of its kind was the recovery of a Robin in Algeria. True, the bird in question was almost certainly a shy Scandinavian rather than the confiding companion of our gardens, but it is still odd to think of its forsaking the conifers of a Christmas- card landscape for the land of the Foreign Legion. Other Scandinavian birds winter with us, and several of the less frequently ringed ones have been recovered in their summer homes. A Siskin caught in September at Gibraltar Point was reported the following June in Norway (another travelled in a subsequent winter to Italy), while a Brambling Fringilla montifringilla also caught on the east coast, at Spurn, was found dead ten months later in the far north of Sweden. Perhaps most remarkable, however, was the recovery of a Reed Bunting Emberi^a schoenklus in Sweden. Small species which spend much of their lives in marshland are seldom recovered, so that it is a difficult—and certainly slow—task to study their movements. In a sense it is only when a recovery such as this comes to light that we can know that some of the birds we handle are true migrants and not just roving individuals from a local population.

COMMITTEE The members of the Ringing and Migration Committee on 31st December 1966 were Dr. P. R. Evans (Chairman), H. J. Boyd, J. Cudworth, Dr. J. J. M. Flegg, P. A. D. Hollom, P. Hope Jones, J. M. McMeeking, Dr. C. M. Perrins and R. G. Pettitt, with J. D. Macdonald (representing the Trustees of the British Museum) and Dr. Bruce Campbell, R. C. Homes, G. M. Lewis, Dr. R. K. Murton and D. R. Wilson (ex officiis) and Robert Spencer (Secretary).

FINANCE The work of the Ringing Scheme is financed partly by the Nature Conservancy, an annual grant being received to cover the salaries of most of the scientific staff, and partly from the proceeds of the sale of rings and other equipment and from revenue derived from ringing

432 REPORT ON BIRD-RINGING FOR 1966 permits. The Wildfowl Trust obtained their rings at cost price, but made a contribution of £75 towards the costs of administration. The publishers of British Birds made their usual grant of £25. Accommoda­ tion and certain services are provided by the British Trust for Ornithology, and their cost is normally covered by the income of the scheme. Income and expenditure are incorporated in the accounts of the Trust, published in its Annual Report.

STAFF Robert Spencer, Robert Hudson, C. J. Mead, Mrs. U. V. Mead and Mrs. M. Benson.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Grateful acknowledgement is made to the Nature Conservancy for their generous grant towards the salaries of the headquarters staff, and to the Wildfowl Trust and H. F. & G. Witherby Ltd for their con­ tinued financial support. We are indebted to the trustees of the British Museum for permitting the use of its address on our rings and to the staff there for dealing with enquiries and forwarding mail. The Biological Records Centre of the Nature Conservancy, especially Mrs. M. Horrill, gave invaluable help in the preparation of tables 1 and 2 of this report and we are most grateful. J. N. Dymond compiled the species summary tables A-O and R. C. Faulkner drew the maps. Lastly, it is a great pleasure to acknowledge the dedicated work of James Ferguson-Lees in seeing this report (and its 14 predecessors) through the various stages of publication, and the co-operation of the printers in dealing with a most complex piece of type-setting.

PUBLICATIONS The following papers, based wholly or partially on the results of British ringing, have been published: AXELL, H. E. (1966): 'Eruptions of Bearded Tits during 1959-65'. Brit. Birds, 59: 5I3-543- BERNTIS, F. (1966): Aves Migradoras Ibericas, parts 1-4. Madrid. COULSON, J. C. (1966): 'The movements of the Kittiwake'. Bird Study, 13: 107-115. (1966): 'The influence of the pair-bond and age on the breeding biology of the Kittiwake Gull Rissa tridactyla'. J. Anim. Ecol., 35: 269-279. DAVIS, P. (1966): 'The movements of Pied Wagtails as shown by ringing*. Bird Study, 13: 147-162. -(1966): 'The great immigration of early September 1965'. Brit. Birds, 59: 353-376. EVANS, P. R. (1966): 'Autumn movements, moult and measurements of the Lesser Redpoll Carduelis flammea cabaret'. Ibis, 108: 183-216. HARRIS, M. P. (1966): 'Age of return to the colony, age of breeding and adult survival of Manx Shearwaters'. Bird Study, 13: 84-95. HARRISON, J. G., and OGILVIE, M. A. (1967): 'Immigrant Mute Swans in south­ east England'. Wildfowl Trust, iSth Ann. Rep.: 85-87.

433 BRITISH BIRDS MURTON, R. K. (1966): 'Natural selection and the breeding seasons of the Stock Dove and Wood Pigeon'. Bird Study, 13: 311-327. NELSON, J. B. (1966): 'Population dynamics of the Gannet {Sula bassand) at the Bass Rock, with comparative information from other Sulidae'. J. Anim. Ecol., 35: 443-47°- ———•—-(1966): 'The breeding biology of the Gannet Sula bassana on the Bass Rock, '. Ibis, 108: 584-626. OGILVIE, M. A. (1967): 'Population changes and mortality of the Mute Swan in Britain'. Wildfowl Trust, 18th Ann. Rep.: 64-73. PERRINS, C. M. (1966): 'Survival of young Manx Shearwaters Vuffinus puffinus in relation to their presumed date of hatching. Ibis, 108: 132-135. •—• (1966): 'The effect of beech crops on Great Tit populations and move­ ments'. Brit. Birds, 59: 419-432. — —• and REYNOLDS, C. M. (1967): 'A preliminary study of the Mute Swan, Cygnus olor'. Wildfowl Trust, iSth Ann. Rep.: 74-84. SNOW, D. W. (1966): 'Movements of British Robins as shown by ringing'. Brit. Birds, 59: 67-74. • (1966): 'The migration and dispersal of British Blackbirds'. BirdStudy, 13:

—• (1966): 'Population dynamics of the Blackbird. Nature, 211 (5055): 1231-1233. THOMSON, A. L. (1966): 'An analysis of recoveries of Great Skuas ringed in Shetland'. Brit. Birds, 59: 1-15. —•—-—•—• (1966): 'Bird ringing in Scotland'. Scottish Birds, 4: 151-158. —(1965): 'The transequatorial migration of the Manx Shearwater (Puffin des Anglais)'. Oiseau, 35 (supplement): 130-140. VAN HECKE, P. (1965): 'The migration of the West-European Stonechat, Saxicola torquata (L.), according to ringing-data. Gerfaut, 55: 146-194. WAINWRIGHT, C. B. (1967): 'Results of wildfowl ringing at Abberton Reservoir, Essex, 1949 to 1966'. Wildfowl Trust, iSth Ann. Rep.: 28-35.

Table 1 NUMBERS OF BIRDS RINGED AND RECOVERED - 'Kinged • Recovered }uv.\Adult Pullus* Total Total 1966 451,626 100,611 552,237 13,408 1965 427,05i 91,689 518,740 14,182 1964 372,537 76,700 449,237 12,665 1963 35 5,oo7 80,918 435,925 M,397 196a 307,924 81,551 389,475 11,689 1961 272,919 77,443 350,362 9,238 i960 219,104 60,085 279,189 7,9JI T959 184,837 57,488 242,325 6,949 1958 155,414 45,42i 200,835 6,374 IQ57 137,060 49,286 186,346 5,497

Grand total ringed 1909-66 5,227,234 Grand total recovered 1909-66. 144,279

* An explanation of the term pullus or pull, appears at the top of page 440. 434 REPORT ON BIRD-RINGING FOR I966 Table 2 RINGING AND RECOVERY TOTALS TO 31 ST DECEMBER 1966

Section 1-—Species of wl lich 100 or more have been ringc d

Rffj""" 1966 Grand Grand Juv.fAdult Pullus total total •1966 total

Little Grebe 19 2 21 279 2 14 Leach's Petrel 60 — 60 1,022 1 8 7 Storm Petrel 8,608 IO9 8,717 23,652 30 5 Manx Shearwater .. i,3i5 8,883 10,198 144,850 212 2,026 Fulmar 669 1,050 1.719 12,390 18 157 Gannet 126 1,844 1,970 30,534 n6 1,557 Cormorant 1 I.IIJ 1,1.16 9,989 150 2,191 Shag 153 5,094 5,247 27,024 243 2,254 Heron 5 131 i)6 5,"4 21 846 Mallard 3,786 338 4,"4 55,604 733 9,423 Teal 1,362 8 i,37° 42,594 237 8,027 Garganey 5 —• 5 279 2 41 Gadwall 25 32 57 263 t 44 Wigeon 32 24 56 2,799 17 548 Pintail 7° —• 7° 910 15 197 Shoveler 63 3 66 889 20 203 Tufted Duck 229 63 292 i,553 19 285 Pochard 45 45 377 6 64 Eider 218 575 793 5,966 55 426 Shelduck 58 102 160 2,204 8 134 Grey Lag Goose .. 141 56 197 J.591 37 299 White-fronted Goose —. —. 582 4 179 Pink-footed Goose —. —. —. 11,824 57 3,i34 Barnacle Goose 53 —. 53 407 5 50 Canada Goose 288 67 355 2,174 40 278 Mute Swan 1,311 265 !>576 15,858 759 4,483 Buzzard 33 33 1,219 5 67 Sparrowhawk 29 34 63 1,582 5 227 Marsh Harrier 1 1 127 —- H 2 Hen Harrier 1 71 7 882 5 91 Montagu's Harrier —• 6 6 274 39 Peregrine — 1 1 204 — 24 1 121 Merlin 8 3 39 896 5 Kestrel 78 296 374 4,379 59 54i Red Grouse —. i,538 176 Red-legged Partridge 4 — 4 116 — 20 Partridge 14 —• 14 336 — 20 Water Rail 88 —. 88 884 1 32 Corncrake 4 5 9 762 — 12 403 Moorhen 681 38 719 8,917 3° Coot 151 3 154 2,814 19 322 Oystercatcher 1,879 494 2,375 I7.512 162 1,101 Lapwing 226 1,615 1,841 83,316 25 1,872 Ringed Plover 343 no 453 6,970 7 131 Little Ringed Plover 20 52 72 712 1 16 Grey Plover 5i —• 51 851 4 14 Golden Plover 28 22 5° 945 1 33 22 Turnstone 73 — 73 1,492 3 Snipe 570 15 585 9,066 21 504 Jack Snipe 73 —- 73 742 2 VI Woodcock 16 7 23 5,896 6 466 Curlew 190 166 356 8,812 28 454 435 BRITISH BIRDS Ringed— —-Recovered—- 1966 Grand Grand Jtiv:j Adult Vullus total total 1966 total Whimbrel* 19 t 20 100 .— 4 Bar-tailed Godwit 41 — 41 293 1 12 Green Sandpiper 27 — 27 351 — 12 Wood Sandpiper 20 — 20 199 — 1 Common Sandpiper 437 34 471 6,445 8 66 Redshank 654 121 775 10,869 24 400 Spotted Redshank* 24 — 24 m 3 5 Greenshank 34 — 34 275 — 10 Knot 941 — 941 5,773 II 60 Purple Sandpiper 15 —. 15 218 — 1 Little Stint 29 — 29 444 —. 11 Dunlin 6,364 1 6,365 4o,35i 77 527 Curlew Sandpiper 40 .—, 40 286 — — Sanderling 164 — 164 438 — 7 Ruff.. 83 . — 83 916 4 34 Stone Curlew 1 5 6 387 .— 22 Arctic Skua — 5° 5° 1,692 3 5° Great Skua — 1,397 1,397 8,061 23 183 Great Black-backed Gull .. 77 490 567 6,572 37 461 Lesser Black-backed Gull.. 157 3,3S5 3,542 50,703 169 2,118 Herring Gull 546 8,273 8,819 71,652 261 2,858 Common Gull 113 227 340 6,342 14 265 Black-headed Gull.. 543 6,670 7,213 92,654 238 4,258 Kittiwake 212 1,742 i,954 25,741 47 586 Common Tern 108 2,559 2,667 45,225 41 838 Arctic Tern.. 319 2,623 2,942 37,341 44 558 Roseate Tern 3 856 859 10,095 7 116 1 Little Tern 5 5 56 2,512 1 37 Sandwich Tern }2 3,i5i •3,183 57,251 "7 1,160 Razorbill 512 450 962 16,154 43 477 Guillemot 227 921 1,148 11,249 34 385 12 Black Guillemot 29 55 84 1,037 2 Puffin 819 89 908 21,203 23 172 Stock Dove 37 87 124 2,492 12 184 Rock Dove.. I 4 5 130 — 5 Woodpigeon 677 358 1,035 12,732 122 1,142 Turtle Dove 72 58 130 2,716 4 104 Collared Dove 376 35 411 888 19 49 Cuckoo 62 30 92 2,514 5 88 Barn Owl 18 62 80 1,668 23 281 Little Owl 32 28 60 2,126 5 191 Tawny Owl 47 116 163 3,509 7 259 Long-eared Owl 14 21 35 699 3 46 Short-eared Owl 5 16 21 531 3 45 Nightjar 4 6 IO 554 3 15 Swift , 5,131 178 5,309 49,147 164 1,047 Kingfisher 203 —. 203 2,213 9 75 Green Woodpecker 41 — 41 765 2 40 Great Spotted Woodpecker 88 z 90 1,663 8 93

—• Lesser Spotted Woodpecker 14 5 !9 144 —• 45 13 58 838 — !5 Woodlark —. 8 8 523 — 2 Skylark 389 283 672 15,453 3 130 Swallow 51,061 8,974 60,035 310,455 5" 2,519 J House Martin 3,056 21 3,077 42,7" 9 3 9 Sand Martin 75,098 53 75,151 322,837 2,365 7,800 Raven — 76 76 1,430 11 158 * Newly promoted from section 2 436 REPORT ON BIRD-RINGING FOR I966

• •" ' -rungm ru&u

1966 Grand Grand Juv.jAdult Pullus total total l<)66 total Carrion/Hooded Crow 26 160 186 5,010 17 349 Rook 418 531 949 14,634 45 936 Jackdaw 266 173 439 12,288 37 757 Magpie 38 121 J59 4.I91 14 240 >y 204 24 228 3,446 28 270 Chough .1 7 8 352 1 28 Great Tit 7,378 3,967 ",345 118,005 152 1,932 Blue Tit 19,966 5,33i 25,297 251,820 338 4,467 Coal Tit 1,295 367 1,662 13,535 16 160 Marsh Tit 630 84 714 6,398 5 57 Willow Tit 716 33 749 3,810 4 20 Long-tailed Tit 1,763 10 i,773 8,696 19 83 Nuthatch 157 134 291 4,010 6 106 Treecreeper 643 21 664 3,891 2 20 Wren 4,092 38 4,13° 26,683 13 180 Dipper 104 180 284 6,729 2 81 Bearded Tit 709 —. 709 2,778 41 92 Mistle Thrush 429 183 612 i5,094 28 520 Fieldfare 1,357 i,357 6,601 25 129 Song Thrush 9,062 2,828 11,890 187,238 302 5,372 Redwing 4,098 —• 4,098 24,351 52 368 Ring Ouzel.. 222 75 297 2,694 4 47 Blackbird 31,587 4,883 36,470 391,525 1,446 14,592 Wheatear 843 403 1,246 23,110 6 120 Stonechat 174 163 337 4,644 1 39 Whinchat 354 161 515 9,400 6 45 Redstart 1,657 578 2,235 23,153 21 142 Black Redstart 42 42 907 1 20 Nightingale 114 25 139 4,234 — 18 Bluethroat 12 12 289 — 2 Robin 10,456 950 11,406 I3S.978 219 i,m Grasshopper Warbler 366 45 4" 1,898 —• 5 Reed Warbler 3,264 481 3,745 23,500 34 190 Marsh Warbler 11 — 11 H5 —• Sedge Warbler .. 7,938 413 8,351 44,654 30 137 Melodious Warbler 6 6 127 — Icterine Warbler .. 26 — 26 173 — 2 Blackcap 4,187 180 4,367 20,809 25 98 Barred Warbler .. 36 —. 36 351 —• Garden Warbler .. 1,848 109 i,957 13,765 6 45 Whitethroat 6,860 754 7,6i4 82,492 36 357 Lesser Whitethroat 1,828 51 1,879 9,691 14 53 Dartford Warbler .. —. 1 1 J55 1 Willow Warbler .. 11,001 1,628 12,629 112,997 39 310 Chiffchaff 6,708 !52 6,860 32,337 20 105 Wood Warbler .. 29 183 212 2,993 —. 12 Goldcrest 3,181 3,181 15,819 10 30 Firecrest 47 — 47 379 —• Spotted Flycatcher.. 1,242 472 1,714 21,339 19 150 Pied Flycatcher i,6oo 975 2,575 23,786 12 no Red-breasted Flycatcher 9 9 187 — — Dunnock ",975 930 12,905 123,621 158 1,668 Meadow Pipit 1,77° 447 2,217 45,240 26 445 Tree Pipit 182 139 321 5,37° 1 10 Rock/Water Pipit 287 56 343 11,025 2 85 Pied/White Wagtail 3,918 407 4,325 32,630 87 948 Grey Wagtail 118 45 163 3,925 1 35 Yellow Wagtail ssp. 1,767 118 1,885 20,910 18 189

437 BRITISH BIRDS Kinged Recovered 1966 Grand Grand Juv.j'Adult Pullus total total 1 $66 total Waxwing 28 - 28 338 5 16 Great Grey Shrike* 26 — 26 103 1 3 Red-backed Shrike 16 71 87 2,847 2 23 Starling 21,292 1,311 22,603 468,851 977 17,935 Hawfinch .. 27 — 27 327 2 5 Greenfinch 23.133 596 23,729 214,582 570 4,663 Goldfinch . . 2,444 137 2,581 21,576 35 300 Siskin 457 — 457 1,528 10 23 Linnet 10,323 1,401 11,724 110,032 88 891 Twite 106 127 233 3,040 2 15 Redpoll 1,807 77 1,884 10,611 43 165 Bullfinch .. 4.404 212 4,616 34,512 "7 773 Crossbill 73 — 73 539 2 5 Chaffinch . . 10,680 345 11,025 143,606 93 1,662 Brambling 4,011 — 4,OII 14,729 15 90 Yellowhammer 2,189 180 2,369 28,308 17 233 Corn Bunting 121 7 128 1,744 — 24 Cirl Bunting — 5 5 210 — 1 Reed Bunting 5.904 590 6,494 44,494 36 282 Snow Bunting 9 — 9 3,067 — 24 House Sparrow 18,417 853 19,270 216,188 281 3,532 Tree Sparrow 4,783 1,348 6,131 54,279 20 314 *Newly promoted from section 2 Section 2—Species of which fewer than 100 have been rinj?e d (1966 total, grand total, 1966 recoveries and grand total recoveries are given in that order) Black-throated Diver • — 3 — Ptarmigan .. . — 3 — — Great Northern Diver • — 3 — Capercaillie . — 3 — — Red-throated Diver 3 27 3 Quail 1 13 — 1 Great Crested Grebe . 12 67 1 2 Pheasant 1 73 — 4 Red-necked Grebe . . — 2 —. — Spotted Crake 2 21 Slavonian Grebe • ~ 3 —. •— Kentish Plover . — 1 — — Cory's Shearwater . . . —• 1 —. — Dotterel 1 5° — 1 Wilson's Petrel •— 2 — — Solitary Sandpiper .. 1 2 —. _ Little Bittern • — 4 — — Black-tailed Godwit 3 24 — — Bittern 1 50 — 8 Dowitcher sp.* 1 1 — — Red-crested Pochard . — 16 — 5 Temminck's Stint .. . — 4 —. .— Scaup 6 74 3 18 Least Sandpiper* .. 2 2 — — Mandarin Duck 2 8 — — Semipalmated Sandpiper . 2 3 — — Goldeneye 1 33 1 7 White-rumped Sandpiper . . — 5 — — Long-tailed Duck . . . — 6 — 1 Pectoral Sandpiper.. 2 20 — — Velvet Scoter • — 3 — 1 Stilt Sandpiper . — 1 — — Common Scoter 1 18 — 3 Western Sandpiper . — 1 — — Red-brested Merganser . — 24 1 2 Buff-breasted Sandpiper 2 4 — 1 Goosander • — 73 2 12 Avocet . — I — —. Smew —• 2 — — Grey Phalarope 1 47 —. — Bean Goose. . — 1 — 1 Red-necked Phalarope 1 28 —• — Brent Goose . — 8 — 1 Pomarine Skua . — 2 — 1 Whooper Swan 8 36 — 3 Glaucous Gull 2 7 — 1 Bewick's Swan . 18 36 — 3 Iceland Gull . — 1 —. — Goshawk* 1 I —. — Little Gull . — 5 — 1 Kite . . — I — — Sabine's Gull . — 1 — — Rough-legged Buzzard — 1 — — Black Tern . — 6 — — Golden Eagle .. I 65 — 5 Gull-billed Tern .. . — 1 — — Hobby 2 67 — 5 Little Auk 1 23 —• 2 Red-footed Falcon . . — I — — Scops Owl . —• 1 — — Black Grouse •• 33 97 2 6 Snowy Owl . — 1 — — 1 Added to the list in 1966 438 REPORT ON BIRD-RINGING FOR I966

Hoopoe 1 15 .— •— Dusky Warbler . — 3 Short-toed Lark . — 5 — — Radde's Warbler .. 2 5 Shore Lark .. . — H — ~- Richard's Pipit 1 6 Red-rumped Swallow . — 1 .— — Tawny Pipit 1 6 Golden Oriole . — 4 — — Olive-backed (Indian Tree) Nutcracker . — 1 — — Pipit . — 2 Crested Tit .. . — 72 __ •—• Pechora Pipit 2 i Brown Thrasher* .. 1 1 — — Red-throated Pipit . — 5 Black-throated Thrush . — 1 _ .— Citrine Wagtail . — 4 Dusky Thrush . — 2 — — Lesser Grey Shrike 2 7 American Robin .. — 2 — — Woodchat Shrike .. . 6 Siberian Thrush . — 1 — — Red-eyed Vireo* .. 1 n1 Grey-cheeked Thrush . — 3 — 1 Myrtle Warbler . — 1 Desert Wheatear .. . — 2 .—• — Northern Waterthrush . — 1 Black-eared Wheatear . — 3 — — Yellowthroat . — t Pied Wheatear , — 1 — —. Bobolink , — 1 Thrush Nightingale . — 6 — — Slate-coloured Junco . — 1 Rufous Bush Chat .. . —. 1 — — Rose-coloured Starling . — 2 Cetti's Warbler . — 2 — — Baltimore Oriole .. . —. 2 River Warbler . — 1 — — Summer Tanager .. . —. 1 Savi's Warbler . — 2 — — Tanager sp...... — 1 Lanceolated Warbler . —. 1 — — Arctic Redpoll . — 4 Pallas's Grasshopper Warb ler — 1 — — Serin .. . — 2 Moustached Warbler . ~ 1 — — Scarlet Grosbeak .. 7 39 Great Reed Warbler 2 12 — — Rose-breasted Grosbeak* 1 1 Paddyfield Warbler.. . — 1 — — Pine Grosbeak . — 1 Aquatic Warbler .. 5 47 — — Parrot Crossbill . — 42 Thick-billed Warbler 1 — — Rufous-sided Towhee* 1 1 Olivaceous Warbler . — 3 — — Black-headed Bunting . — 2 Booted Warbler .. 1 2 — — Red-headed Bunting 2 19 Orphean Warbler .. .. — 1 — — Yellow-breasted Bunting . 1 5 Sardinian Warbler .. — 1 — — Ortolan Bunting .. 3 40 Subalpine Warbler • 3 15 — — Rustic Bunting 11 Greenish Warbler .. 1 23 — — Little Bunting . — 17 Bonelli's Warbler ., — 12 — —. Fox Sparrow . — 1 Arctic Warbler 1 16 •— — White-throated Sparrow . 1 2 Yellow-browed Warbler 7 82 — 1 Song Sparrow , — 2 Pallas's Warbler .. 1 8 — — Lapland Bunting .. . 6 83 •Added to the list in 1966

Selected list of recoveries reported during 1966 The following list is highly selective. To indicate the quantity and the nature of the material omitted, the total number of recoveries is stated in brackets after the scientific name of each species, followed (but not in all cases) by the minimum movement to qualify for inclusion and the longest time lapse between ringing and recovery. All foreign recoveries are either given in full or mentioned in the summaries. Species which produced only local movements—generally less than ten miles—are left out, but the individual totals thus omitted are listed in table z. An innovation in this report is the use of ordinal numbers in brackets after the names of foreign countries (and the Channel Islands) to show the number of British-ringed recoveries of the species concerned in those countries since the start of the ringing scheme in 1909. For example, the entry 'France (3rd)' under Storm Petrel indicates that the bird carrying ring number 47425 was only the third British-ringed Storm Petrel to be recovered in France. Absence of any number means that there have been more than ten recoveries of the species in the country. 439 BRITISH BIRDS Key to symbols and terms Ring number: Where this is in italics the ring has been returned. Age: pull, (pullus)—nestling or chick, not yet flying; juv.—young, able to fly freely; istW.—first winter; istS.—first summer (one year old); f.g.—full-grown, age uncertain; Sex: ad.—adult, at least one year old. shot or killed by man; x —found dead or dying; x A—found long dead; 0—caught or trapped alive and not released, or released but with ring removed; Date of recovery: / ?/•—manner of recovery unknown. Where this is unknown the date of the reporting letter is given in Distance: brackets. Arrangement of entry: The distance, given in miles, and the directions are approximate. Recoveries are arranged by species, and within species usually by ringing locality from north to south. Ringing details are given on the first line and recovery data on the second. Great Crested Grebe {Podiceps cristatus) (i; i year) AJ23023 ad.(J 2.2.65 Morden: 5 i°23'N. o°i2'W (Surrey) MJC x 25.2.66 Stanton Fitzwarren, Swindon (Wiltshire) 68 m. W. This is only the second recovery of a British-ringed Great Crested Grebe.

Leach's Petrel (Oceanodroma leucorhoa) (1; 8^- years) R24404 ad. 11.7,58 North Rona: 59°o7'N. 5°5o'W. Outer Hebrides TBB v 13.8.66 Hirta, St. Kilda, Outer Hebrides 130m. SW. Storm Petrel (Hydrobates pelagkus) (30; 50 miles; 11 years)

31188$ ad. 16.7.61 Foula: 6o°o8'N. 2°o5'W. (Shetland) BEG V 3.7.66 Inishglora (Mayo) 510m. SW. 653751 ad. 5.8.65 Foula BEG V 23.7.66 Salthavdi: 6i°49'N, 6°52'W. (Sandoy) Faeroe Islands (1st)

655275 ad. 11.7.66 Fair Isle: 59VN. i°37'W. (Shetland) V 27.8.66 Red Banks, Fetlar (Shetland) 78m. NNE. 669281 ad. 31.8.57 Roaninish: 54°52'N. 8°33'W. (Donegal) GTF V 2.7.66 Inishglora (Mayo) 75m. SW. 669649 ad. 2.7.66 Inishglora: 54°i3'N. io°07'E. (Mayo) CBO V 7.7.66 Inishvickillane, Blasket Islands (Kerry) 150m. S. HC38282 ad. 13.8.66 Bardsey: 52°46'N. 4°48'W. (Caernarvon) V 9.9.66 Skokholm (Pembroke) 75 m. SSW. 659146 ad. 2.8.65 Great Skeilig: 5i°47'N. IOV'W. (Kerry) RRL V 1.7.66. Inishglora (Mayo) 165m. N. 4742J ad. 19.7.59 Skokholm: 5i°42'N. 5°i6'W. (Pembroke) X 25.9.66 Ozeville: 49°3o'N. i°2o'W. (Manche) France (3rd) 661554 f.g. 15.8.66 Skokholm V 18.8.66 Bardsey (Caernarvon) 75 m. NNE. 652236 ad. 1.7.65 Annet: 49°54'N. 6°22'W. Scilly (Cornwall) SABO 2.7.66 Burhou: 49°44'N. 2°i5'W. (Alderney) Channel Islands (1st)

440 REPORT ON BIRD-RINGING FOR 1966 This excellent series of recoveries reflects a big increase in the activity of ringers at west coast colonies.

Manx Shearwater (Puffinus puffinus) (212; 13-Jk years) 0 SS2559I pull. 26.8.65 Hallival:56°59'N.6 i6'W.Rhum, Inner Hebrides PW X 15.10.6f6 Itapua: 26°55'S.48°4o'W.(SantaCatarina)Brazil SS332SS 27.7.65 Bardsey: 52°46'N. 4°48'W, (Caernarvon) X 25.5.66 Armagh, Ballycroy (Mayo) 225m. WNW. 5063230 pull. 4.9.58 Skokholm: 5i°42'N. 5°i6'W. (Pembroke) V 23.4.66 175 miles NE. of Bermuda c. 34°oo' N. 62°3o'W. EC65555 pull. 18.8.65 Skokholm X 27.7.66 Santos: 23°56'S. 46°22'W. (Sao Paulo) Brazil EC69450 pull. 30.8.65 Skokholm + c. 10.8.66 Bonavista Bay: c. 49°oo'N. 53°3o'W. Newfoundland (3rd) Recoveries in the western North Atlantic are very unusual. EC65 5 5 5 and SS25591 are, respectively, the first 'winter' recovery in Brazil and the first Brazilian recov­ ery of a Scottish-ringed bird. In addition, three juveniles from Pembroke­ shire colonies were recovered in Brazil in October and November and a fourth was reported from Uruguay in February. The recovery showing movement from the Irish Sea to the west coast of Ireland is very unusual. In the Bay of Biscay, 26 were reported off the north Spanish coast (February one, March 23, April one and May one) and 16 in French waters north to the Pas-de-Calais (February one, March three, April nine, September two and November one). A number of inland recoveries in September—in Northampton, Cardigan, Carmarthen, York, Stafford (two), Monmouth and Lincoln—coincided with periods of south-westerly gales or fog.

Fulmar (Fulmarusglacialii) (18; 150 miles; 8 years)

AT55634 pull. 2.8.58 Foula: (SoOoSTSJ. 2°o5'w". (Shetland) DRW X 6.8.66 Tonsberg: 59°i6'N. io°25'E. (Vestfold) Norway (6th) SS09&2; pull. 13.8.65 Foula BEG 19.4.66 0 off Labrador: 56°25'N. 58°2o'W. (and) SS13319 pull. 7.8.63 Eynhallow: 59°o8'N. 3°og'W. (Orkney) AU + 5.5.66 a/Scatari: 46°o2'N. 59°43'W. Nova Scotia (2nd) SS;y;o2 pull. 11.8.66 Eynhallow AU X 9.10.66 Aldborough (York) 385m. SSE. 0 SSimS; pull. 31.7.64 TarbatNess:57 52'N. i^'W. (Ross) AJW X 30.5.66 Ameland: 53°28'N. 5°5o'E. Frisian Islands, Netherlands (2nd) SS57796 pull. 22.8.66 Sands of Forvie: 5 7°2o'N. 2°oo'W. (Aberdeen) AU V 11.9.66 Labo: 54°25'N. io°i3'E. (Schleswig-Holstein) Germany (4th)

GanneGarni t (Sula bassand) (116; 12-JJ- years) 1043212 pull. 21.7.63 Bass Rock: 56°o4'N. 2°38'W. (East Lothian) PY X 31.7.66 Reykjavik: 64°o9'N. 2i°58'w\ Iceland (2nd) 1034797 pull. 19.7.64 Bass Rock IVBP X c. 1.6.66 Faeroe Islands: c. 62°oo'N. 7°oo'W. (2nd) 1047092 pull. 9.7.65 Ailsa Craig: 55°i3'N. 5°o7'W. (Ayr) B&J X 2.9.66 Cherchel: 36036':^, 2°n'E. Algeria (7th) 441 BRITISH BIRDS

1047582 pull, 1,7.66 Ailsa Craig B&J + 16.12.66 Golfo di Catania: J7°25'N. i5°io'E. Sicily (2nd) 1047887 pull. 3.7.66 Ailsa Craig B&J 0 5.11.66 oJ"Sfax: }404j'JN. io°45'E. Tunisia (2nd) A total of 140 recoveries reported in the years 1964-66 from more customary localities are summarised in table A. Table A—Countries and months of recoveries of Gannets

Country of recovery Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Sweden (x) Norway {&) Denmark (S) Germany (3*) Netherlands (7) Belgium (1) France (29) 5 'Biscay' (8) I Portugal (37) 17 Spain (23*) NW Africa (17)

•Total includes one undated record NOTE. The tables A-O are subject to error in cases where it has been necessary to assume that the date of recovery was approximately that of the letter reporting it, whereas the bird may have been dead for some time before being found Cormorant {Phalacrocorax carbo) (150; 6||- years) Twenty-four foreign recoveries—in France, Spain and Portugal—will be tabulated in a future report. Movements in home waters do not call for comment.

Shag {Phalacrocorax aristotelis) (243; 15 years) I00pl/2 pull. 26.5.63 Grassholm: 51 °44'N. 5 "29'W. (Pembroke) SkBO x 3.5,66 El Perello: 39°i7'N. o°i8'W. (Valencia) Spain (1st) British Shags are seldom recovered further south than Brittany, and this one must be regarded as a freak. Other 1966 foreign recoveries comprise birds from Fair Isle and the Fame Islands in Germany (September) and the Netherlands (January) respectively, and three from the Isles of Scilly in Finistere, France (two January and one September).

Table B—Countries and months of recovery of Mallard

Country of recovery Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

France (54) 14 5 Belgium (j*) 2 - Netherlands (92*) S 3 Germany (40) 1 - >5 7 10 5 Denmark (91) - - *S 18 21 9 Norway (j) - - 1 4 ~ - Sweden (49*) - - IS IS 6 5 Finland (40} - - 14 IJ 6 1 Poland (4) - - l z - - Baltic States (9) - - 3 1 2 I U.S,S,R.{29*) - - > 7 2 - •Total includes undated record(s) See footnote to table A

442 REPORT ON BIRD-RINGING FOR I966 Heron (Ardea cinerea) (21; 100 miles; 5 years) 1041064 pull. 15.5.65 Boyton: 52°04'N. i°29'E. (Suffolk) PRC xA (12.3.66) Treddunock (Monmouth) 190m. W. Mallard (Anas platyrhynchos) (733; 9$ years) A total of 147 Mallard were recovered abroad. These, together with the 153 and 118 foreign recoveries reported in 1964 and 1965 respectively, are summarised in table B at the foot of page 442. Teal (Anas creccd) (237; 7-^ years) 3x042)7 pull. 19.6.66 Locker Tarn: 54°i9'N. 2°oo'W. (York) KRS + 7.12.66 La Cava: 4o°44'N. 0^43'E. (Tarragona) Spain EC57665 ad. cj 28.11.64 Abberton: 50°ji'N. o°53'E. (Essex) + (1.3.66) Koca G61: 4i°2i'N. 36°4o'E. (Samsun) Turkey (3rd) A further 99 foreign recoveries from more frequented localities will be tabulated in a future report.

Garganey (Anas querquedula) (2; 2 years) EC46676 ad. 6* 28.3.64 Abberton: 5i°5o'N. o°53'E. (Essex) + 17.4.66 Ilek: 51 °3 5 'N. 5 3 °24'E. (Orenburg) U.S.S.R. (3rd) EC46684 ad.

Gad wall (Anas strepera) (1; -fe year) SS46528 ad. $ 8.6.66 : 56°i3'N. 3°23'W. (Kinross) + 3.11.66 Lough Corrib (Galway) 300m. SW.

Wigeon (Anas penelope) (17; 7^ years) 309261; f.g. $ 24.10.62 Mahee Island: 54°30'N. 5°39'W. (Down) PPM + 17.9.66 Arneberg: 6o°34'N. i2°oj'E. (Hedmark) Norway (tst) A total of 52 other foreign recoveries reported in the years 1964-66 are summarised in table C. Table C—Countries and months of recoveries of Wigeon

Country of recovery Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

France (7) _-___-__iIj2 Netherlands (2) j ______!____ Germany (5) __i ---____ XI Denmark (5) ------j-j! Sweden (1) ___-__-_x___

Finland (3) __'----_ 2i--- U.S.S.R. (jl) ---4 14 2-4351-

See footnote to table A

Pintail (Anas acuta) (13; 200 miles; 6^- years) AE9874 f.g.? 21.10.62 Mahee Island: 54°3o'N. 5 °39'W. (Down) PPM + 0.12.66 R, Seine estuary: c. 49°3o'N. o°ij'E. France A}B462 j f.g.? 9.1.63 Mahee Island PPM + 25.5.66 Mezen': 65VN. 44°i7'E. (Arkhangel) U.S.S.R. AJ92956 f.g. S 4.10.64 Mahee Island PPM + (28.11.66) Sunk Island, R. Humber (York) 230m. ESE.

443 BRITISH BIRDS AJ972J2 f.g.? 1.12.64 Mahee Island PPM + 22.5.66 Ust'-Tsil'ma: 6j°26'N. 52°n'E. (Komi) U.S.S.R. AJ2600} f.g. cJ 13.2.60 Slimbridge: 5i°44'N. 2°25'W. (Gloucester) + 11.9.66 Filso: 55°43'N. 8°i5'E. Denmark AJ48614 ad. 5 16.1.64 Abbotsbury: 5o04o'N. 2°36'W. (Dorset) + 6.2.66 Thessaloniki: 40°38'N. 22°58'E. (Makedhonia) Greece (1st) SS46706 ad. $ 15.1.66 Abbotsbury + 0.11.66 Illmitz: 47°46'N. i6°48'E. (Burgenland) Austria (1st) There are no previous south-easterly recoveries of this species.

Shoveler {Anas clypeata) (20; 25 miles; 3-^- years) AJ76923 pull. 26.6.65 Locker Tarn: 54°2o'N. 2°oo'W. (York) KRS +(=?) 21.3.6-6 Bai- -e d-e Somme- : JO°II'N._.._. i°35'E. (Somme- ) France SSi2j}6 juv. $ 15.8.65 Sutton Bridge: 52°44'N.O°II'E. (Lincoln) CMR + 27.3.66 Val Boccara: 44°54'N. I2°22'E. (Rovigo) Italy (6th) AJ6)io6 pull. 8.7.62 Venus Pool: 52°43'N. 2°45'w°., Shrewsbury (Shropshire) S&B 0.3.66 St. Etienne: 47°i6'N. i°47'W. (Loire-Atlantique) France SS42112 f.g 9 jo.3.66 Deeping St. James: 52°4o'N. o°i7'W. (Lincoln) 6.5.66 Osa: 5 7019'N. 5 5 °29'E. (Perm) U.S.S.R. AIS}}6y f.g. d* 21.3.64 Peakirk: 52°38'N. o°i7'W. (Northampton) - + 31.3.66 Anglure: 48°35'N. 3°49'E. (Marne) France AT95993 f-g- 3 29.3.64 Slimbridge: 5i°44'N. 2°25'W. (Gloucester) + 8.9.66 «carHarfleur:49°26'N. o°i4'E. (Seine-Maritime) France Shovelers ringed at Abberton, 5i°5o'N. o°53'E.(Essex), were recovered as follows: -BJnged— -Kecovered- ATS)96c»* 14.7-65 8.1.66 Baie de Somme, France AT&}S6i\ 22.7.64 10.3.66 Agde: 43°i9'N. 3°28'E. (Herault) France YE}o?2* 4.6.65 28.3.66 Gesnes: 48°2i'N. o°oi'E. (Sarthe) France ATSjf/2 3.6.65 28.4.66 Kunashak: 55°42'N. 6i°34'E. (Chelyabinsk) U.S.S.R. ATSjpfg 13.6.65 15.8.66 Dybs0 Fjord: 55°o9'N. 1 i°42'E.(Sjaelland) Denmark YE307J* 4.6.65 14.8.66 Lake Ilmen: 58°26'N. 3i°22'E. (Novgorod) U.S.S.R. SS21038 3.6.66 21.10.66 Busum: 54°o8'N.8°52'E.(Schleswig-Holstein) Germany SS21008 2.4.66 6.11.66 war Casablanca: 33°39'N. 7°35'W. Morocco (1st) SSuojtf 21.7.66 19.11.66 ZwarteMeer:c. 5 2°36'N.6°oo'E.(Overijssel) Netherlands SS21026 7.5.66 27.12.66 Sanlucar: 36°46'N. 6°2i'W. (Cadiz) Spain(9th) SS21031 27.5.66 (6.12.66) Woumen: 5 i°oo'N.2°52'E. (West Flanders) Belgium •Ringed as pultus; fringed as juvenile; the remainder were ringed as full-grown AT8 3 9 5 2 is the most easterly recovery ever recorded for this species.

Scaup (Aylhya marila) (3; 10 miles; 4^- years) AJ21324 istW.

Tufted Duck {Aythya fuliguld) (19; 150 miles; lo-j^ years) AJ26441 f.g. 7.1.63 Newburgh: 57°i9'N. 2°oi'W. (Aberdeen) EAG + 2.1.66 Plon: 54°io'N. io°26'E. (Schleswig-Holstein) Germany (ist) AT95949 ad. 6" 26.1.63 Newburgh EAG + 25.1.66 Lough Neagh (Antrim) 250m. SW. •AT9S9H ad. 6* 26.1.63 Newburgh EAG x 24.9.64 Lake Myvatn: 65°37'N. i6°59'W. Iceland (2nd)


Pochard {Ay thy a ferina) (6; 150 miles; 2+ years) GM2JJ4) ad. 0* 17.11.65 Deeping St. James: 52°4o'N. o°i7'W. (Lincoln) + 5.9.66 Spassk: 54°24'N. 40°23'E. (Ryazan) U.S.S.R. (7th) GMJ4746 ad. 6* 20.6.66 Abberton: 5i°5o'N. o°53'E. (Essex) + 24.9.66 Corbet Lough, Banbridge (Down) 340m. WNW. AJ28744 ad.

Goosander (Mergus merganser) (2; 3^ years) AJI6064 ad.? 21.12.65 Abberton: 5i°5o'N. o°53'E. (Essex) X 14,4.66 Saaler Bodden: 54°2o'N. I2°25'E. (Mecklenburg) Germany (1st) AJ230I2 f-g. 20.2.63 Walton-on-Thames: 5i°24'N. o°25'W. (Surrey) MJC X 29.12.66 Heegermeer: 52°57'N. 5°35'E. (Friesland) Netherlands (1st) Shelduck (Tu 418957 ad. $ 2.3.62 Newburgh: 57°i9'N. 2°oi'W. (Aberdeen) AU X 18.10.66 Norderney: 53°43'N. 7°09'E., East Frisian Islands, Germany (10th) AJ8686) ad. S 23.3.65 Newburgh AU X 5.2.66 River Ribble (Lancashire) 260m. S. AJ9J070 juv. 27.8.66 Sutton Bridge: 52°44'N- o°n'E. (Lincoln) C&PM X 26.11.66 Calenick Creek, Truro (Cornwall) 280m. SW.

Grey Lag Goose (Anser anser) (37; 12-^- years) There were eleven recoveries in Iceland: May two, June two, August three and September four.


White-fronted Goose (Anser albifrons) (4; 8^- years) SWTJS istW.

Canada Goose {Branta canadensis') (40; 13 -& years) Eleven ringed on the Beauly Firth, Inverness, while moulting, were recovered in Yorkshire.

Mute Swan (Cygnus olor) (739; 200 miles; 8-^- years) Z15898 istW. 12.2.65 Abingdon: 5i°4i'N. i°i7'W. (Berkshire) PBW X 27.11.6' 6' Silloth (Cumberland) 240m. NNW. Z4245 f.g.. 21.2.63 Maidstone: 5i°i7'N. o°3i'E. (Kent) MKRG 0 c. 1.10.66 Bad Siilze: 54°o8'N. i2°4o'E. (Mecklenburg) Germany (3rd) Z06203 ad.. 31.1.63 Newhaven: 5o°47'N. o°o3'E. (Sussex) CJM V 18.5.66 Olivet: 47°52'N. i°54'E. (Loiret) France (3rd) Z12034 ad.. 11.2.63 Eastbourne: 50°46'N. o°i7'E. (Sussex) CJM V 29.1.66 Insto: 57°54'N. n°39'E. (BohuslSn) Sweden (1st) The foreign recoveries listed above are respectively the most easterly, southerly and northerly so far reported for this species. It seems reasonable to assume that the birds concerned were of Continental origin and that they reached this country in an attempt to avoid the severe weather of early 1963.

Buzzard (Buteo buteo) (3; 20 miles; ^t year) AJ9266- pull. 6.6.65 near Sedbergh: c. 54°23'N. 2°32'w". (York) SS v 21.4.66 near Dumfries, c. 65m. NW.

Sparrowhawk (Accipiter nisus) (5; 10 miles; 1^- years) EC43433 istW. ? 26.10.65 Fair Isle: 59°32'N. i°37'W. (Shetland) v (11.4.66) Trondra, Scalloway (Shetland) 45 m. NNE.

Hen Harrier (Circus cyaneus) (5; 40 miles; 2 years) SS44208 pull. 28.6.65 Stenness: 59WN. 3°i5'W. (Orkney) EB x (11.3.66) Canna (Inverness) 180m. SW.

Merlin (Falco columbarius) (5; 50 miles; 3 years)

20)0919 pull. 23.7.65 Mid-Yell: 6o°So°3355'N': . i°o5'W. (Shetland) RHD x (3.3.66) near Kirkcaldildy(y (FifeF ) c. 320m. SSW. 446 REPORT ON BIRD-RINGING FOR I966 Kestrel (Falcotinnunculus) (59; 150 miles; 6^- years) YDojfi juv. 11.8.57 Fair Isle: 59°32'N. i°37'W. (Shetland) + 0.9.60 0vre-Sirdal: 5 8°48'N. 6°45 'E. (Vest Agder) Norway (2nd) EC72623 pull. 6.7.66 Birsay: 59°o8'N. 3°i8'W. (Orkney) EB v 10.11.66 Barbezieux: 45°28'N. o°09'W. (Charente) France 3090578 pull. 24.6.64 Kielder: 55°i4'N. 2°35'W. (Northumberland) NRG + (= ?) 1.4.66 Kain: 50°38'N. 3°22'E. (Hainaut) Belgium (5th) }09}26j pull. 22.6.63 »«flr Morpeth: 55°o9'N. i°43'W. (Northumberland) B&C x (27.6.66) near Dreux: 48°44'N. i°23'E. (Eure-et-Loir) France pull. 28.6.66 Dent: 54°i7'N. 2°27'W. Sedbergh (York) SS x (11.12.66) Saxon Street (Cambridge) 185m. SE. ED 12406 pull. 5.7.66 Thornton-in-Craven: 53°57'N. 2°09'W. (York) W&M x c. 20.10.66 Treowen, Newbridge-on-Usk (Monmouth) 160m. S.

EC770OJ pull. 30.6.65 Whitewell: 53°56'N. 2°34'W. Slaidbum(York) W&M x 25.2.66 Westerwohld: 54°io'N.9°i2'E.(Schleswig-Holstein)Germany (3rd) EC77060 pull. 21.6.66 war Burnley: 53°5o'N. 2°i5'W. (Lancashire) W&M x 23.8.66 Worcester Park, Croydon (Surrey) 190m. SE. Moorhen (Gallinula cbloropus) (30; 40 miles; 7-^- years) SS49316 juv. 12.11.66 Sutton Bridge: 52°44'N. o°n'E. (Lincoln) C&PM + 27.11.66 Chatillon-sur-Seiche: 48°02'N. i°4o'W. (Ille-et-Vilaine) France (3rd) SS32587 f-g. 22.10.66 Dersingham: 52°5i'N. o°3o'E. (Norfolk) MP x 4.11.66 Kersey, Hadleigh (Suffolk) 5 5m. SSE. SS21422 juv. 5.10.65 Abberton: 5i°5o'N. o°53'E. (Essex) + 31.1.66 Marham, Swaffham (Norfolk) 57m. N. 3082239 istW. 25.12.64 Leybourne: 5i°i8'N. o°28'E. (Kent) MKRG X 20.4.66 Lem: 56°36'N. 8°48'E. (Jylland) Denmark (4rd)

Coot (Fulica atra) (19; 150 miles; 4^ years) AJ8821} ad. 21.11.65 Deeping St. James: 52°4o'N. o°i7'W. (Lincoln) WAC + 16.10.66 Vederso: 56°i5'N. 8°i2'E. (Jylland) Denmark AJ92001 pull. 25.7.64 Boyton: 52°04'N. i°29'E. (Suffolk) PRC 6.2.66 Lac de Grand-Lieu: 47°o6'N. i°4o'W. (Loire-Atlantique) + France AJ76449 ad. 1.1.64 Abberton: 5i°5o'N. o°53'E. (Essex) v 28.8.66 Novorzhev: 57°o3'N. 29°2o'E. (Pskov) U.S.S.R. (3rd) GM2J477 ad. 24.11.65 Abberton + 18.9.66 Stavning: 55°58'N. 8°23'E. (Jylland) Denmark GM2)484 ad. 29.11.65 Abberton + 26.1.66 Ouistreham: 49°i6'N. o°i5'W. (Calvados) France AJ86607 ad. 12.12.65 Hoddesdon: 5i°47'N. o°oo (Hertford) RMRG + 19.11.66 Nieuwkoop: 52°o8'N. 4°47'E. (Zuid-Holland) Netherlands AJ86621 f-g- 6.2.66 Hoddesdon RMRG x 4.6.66 Wachtebeke: 5i°io'N. 3°52'E. (East Flanders) Belgium (and) AJ789J6 f-g- 12.2.63 Slimbridge: 5i°44'N. 2°25'W. (Gloucester) trs. 12.2.63 Shrawley: 52°i7'N. 2°i7'W. (Worcester) + 28.8.66 Taasinge: 55'oo°N. io°35'E. (Fyn) Denmark A]26182 ad. 25.9.65 Slimbridge + 10.4.66 Shatura: 55°35'N. 39°32'E. (Moscow) U.S.S.R. (4th) 447 BRITISH BIRDS

The last mentioned recovery is much further east than any previous recovery of a British-ringed Coot.

Oystercatcher (Haematopus ostrakgus) (162; 13^- years) A total of 38 foreign recoveries from customary localities will be tabulated in a future report.

Lapwing (Vanellus vanellus) (25; j-fs years) DSIJOIJ ad. 3.8.64 Blithfield: 52°49'N. I0J6'W. (Stafford) C&PM /?/ 17.4.66 Enkoping: 59°38'N. I7°07'E. (Uppsala) Sweden (2nd) The remaining foreign recoveries are summarised in table D. Table D—Countries and months of recoveries of Lapwing Country of recovery Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Ireland (i) i ______France (7) 3 ------~ i - 1 2 Spain (2) 2______Portugal ^2) ii__-______

See footnote to table A

Ringed Plover (Charadrius hiaticuld) (7525 miles; 8 years) 6}t)]00 ad. 2.9.63 Holbeach: 52°54'N. o°o4'E. (Lincoln) WWRG + 26.8.66 Noyelles-sur-Mer: 50^1 I'N. 1 "43'E. (Somme) France Little Ringed Plover [Charadrius dubius) (1; ^ year) BA82364 pull. 31.5.66 Stanton Harcourt: 5i°45'N. i°25'W. (Oxford) GRMP v 11.7.66 Minsmere (Suffolk) 130m. ENE.

Grey Plover (Pluvialis squatarola) (4; 10 miles; 6-^- years) DS14006 ad. 6.9.63 Dawsmere: 52°5i'N. o°C7'E. (Lincoln) WWRG X 10.9.66 Ravnsholt: 54°56'N. II°I6'E. (Lolland) Denmark (1st) DS140/2 ad. 6.9.63 Dawsmere WWRG x 24.4.66 Tibenham, New Buckenham (Norfolk) 50m. ESE.

Turnstone (Arenaria interpres) (3; 15 miles; 6 years) CA8j)2j f.g. 9.12.64 Heysham: 54°02'N. 2°54'W. (Lancashire) AJM + 25.5.66 Egedesminde: 68°4o'N. 52°4o'W. Greenland (3rd) R-7379% Juv. 10.8.60 Spurn Point: 53°35'N. o°o6'E. (York) v 6.8.66 Harty, Sheppey (Kent) 155m. S.

Snipe (Gallinago gallinago) (21; 3^ years) Recoveries in Ireland (five), France (four), Denmark (one), Portugal (one) and U.S.S.R. (three) will be tabulated in a future report. All recoveries within Great Britain showed movements of less than three miles.

Woodcock (Scolopax rusticola) (6, 100 miles; 3^ years) EC43424 f.g. 23.10.65 Fair Isle: 59°32'N. i°37'W. (Shetland) + 6.4.66 Hvidbjerg Plantage: 56°52'N. 8°2i'E. (Jylland) Denmark (3rd) EC 45243 f.g. 17.4.66 Fair Isle + 26.12.66 Castletown Bere (Cork) 625m. SW. 2J1296 f.g. 16.4.66 Spurn Point: 53°35'N. o°o6'E. (York) + 28.12.66 Dungarvan (Waterford) 340m. WSW. 448 REPORT ON BIRD-RINGING FOR I966 277774 f.g. 22.11.62 Colchester: 5 i°5j'N. o°53'E. (Essex) RVAM + 23.1.66 Royan: 45°38'N. i°02'W. (Charente-Maritime)^France(ioth) Curlew {Numenius arquota) (28; 80 miles; 8-^- years) 0 }02J}73 pull. 12.7.64 near Ukley: 54°oo'N. i 49'W. (York) WNS + 4.10.66 Laurencetown, Ballinasloe (Galway) 260m. W. 3086123 f.g. 24.3.62 Walcot: 52°42'N. 2=32^. Wellington (Shropshire) JML /?/ 4.9.66 Norra Billinge: 59°24'N. i5°07'E. (Orebro) Sweden (ist) 3101165 f.g. 30.9.65 Walcot CEW /?/ 26.11.66 near Kingsbridge (Devon) 170m. SSW. SS344H f-g- 1.10.65 Walcot JML 1.8.66 Darum: 55°26'N. 8°37'E. (Jylland) Denmark (4th) + 0 SS43876 f-g- 7.4.66 Frampton-on-Severn: 5i 46'N. 2°22'E. (Gloucester) KJG V 19.5.66 Terschelling: rfz^H. 5°3o'E., Frisian Islands, Netherlands (2nd)

EC281S1 f-g- 17.8.62 Stoke: 5 i°27'N. o°3 8'E. Rochester (Kent) NKRG + 4.8.66 Hojer: 54°58'N. 8°48'E. (Jylland) Denmark (5th) Bar-tailed CGo d wit (Umosa lapponica) (1; 1^ years) 2035132 f-g. 8.9.64 Mahee Island: 54°3o'N. fi France and the U.S.S.R.

Common Sandpiper (Tringa hypoleucos) (8; 10 miles; 7^ years) CB2I6II f-g- 30.8.64 Sutton Bridge: 52°44'N. o°n'E. (Lincoln) JFWB + 30.8.66 Sandouville: 49°29'N. o°i9'E. (Seine-Maritime) France (8th) BB0I24J ad. 9.7.64 Abberton: 5i°5o'N. o°53'E. (Essex) X 7.5.66 East Tanfield, Ripon (York) 190m. NW. BB0I27S ad. 6.8.64 Abberton + 13.3.66 Sondica: 43°i7'N. 2°52'W. (Vizicaya) Spain (3rd) BA89754 ad. 21.7.66 Abberton V 31.7.66 Zele: 5i°o4'N. 4°02'E. (East Flanders) Belgium (2nd) Redshank ((Tritiga1 totanus) (24; 100 miles; 7-jV years) CC20002 pull. 29.5.66 Rockcliffe: 54°56'N. 2°59'W. (Cumberland) RHB + 25.8.66 Noyelles: 5o°n'N. i°43'E. (Somme) France CX39855 f-g. 10.4.64 Point of Air: 5 }°2i'N. 3°i9'W. (Flint) MRG X (26.4.66) Coleraine (Londonderry) 185m. NW.

Pi9'f9 ad. 26.8.60 Dawsmere: 52°5i'N. o°o7'E. (Lincoln) WWRG + 17.1.66 near Carentan: c. 49°22'N. i°o8'W. (Manche) France DS18054 juv. 28.8.66 Sutton Bridge: 52°44'N. o°ii'E. (Lincoln) C&PM + 23.10.66 Foucauld: 33°n'N. 7°55'W. (Casablanca) Morocco (ist) 0 DS09470 f-g- 8.4.64 East Tilbury: 5i 28'N. o°26'E. (Essex) ABO X e. 10.7.65 Stadur: 65°46'N. 2i°5i'W.(Strandasysla) Iceland (2nd) The recovery in Morocco is much the most southerly one reported for a British- ringed Redshank.

Spotted Redshank (Tringa erythropus) (3; 5 miles; 1^ years) DS19914 f.g. 25.8.66 Chew Lake: 5i°2o'N.2°38'W. (Somerset) CVRS v 25.9.66 near Orford (Suffolk) 180m. ENE. 449 BRITISH BIRDS Knot {Calidris canutus) (11; 10 miles; 6^- years) CXz)}i! ad. 3.9.63 Holbeach Marsh: 52°54'N. o°04'E. (Lincoln) WWRG + 20.6.66 Egedesminde: 68°4o'N. 52°4o'W. Greenland (4th) CXzjyn juv. 3.9.63 Holbeach Marsh WWRG X 2.9.66 Hals: 57°oo'N. io°i9'E. (Jylland) Denmark (2nd) CX2660} juv. 6.9.63 Dawsmere: 52°5i'N. o"o7'E. (Lincoln) WWRG X 15.5.66 estuary of R. Tees (Durham) 135m. NNW.

CV36052 f-g- 18.8.59 Terrington Marsh: 52°47'N. o°i7'E. (Norfolk) WWRG V 22.1.66 West Kirby, Wirral (Cheshire) 150m. WNW.

CX66779 f-g. 22.10.65 Hoylake: 53°23'N. 3°II'W., Wirral (Cheshire) MRG + 31.5.66 Akunak: 68°45'N. 52°2o'W., Egedesminde, Greenland(5th) Dunlin {Calidris alpind) (77; 6 years) Table E—Countries and months of recoveries of Dunlin Country of recovery Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct

Portugal (1) Spain (1) France (i i) Netherlands (i) Germany (j) Denmark (i) Sweden (9) Finland (3) U.S.S.R. (3)

See footnote to table A One of the Russian recoveries in table E was from unusually far to the south-east and is given in full: CBS9108 f.g. 7-3.65 Canvey Island: 5i°32'N. o°35'E. (Essex) DGH + 0.8.65 Znamenovka: 48°39'N. 35°28'E. (Ukraine) U.S.S.R.

Ruff {Philomachuspugnax) (4; 10 miles; 3-^- years) 4}J7*& juv.? 17.8.62 Shotton: 53°i2'N. 3°02'W. (Flint) C&T X 16.5.66 Storsjon: 62°48'N. i3°o7'E. (Jamtland) Sweden (1st) DSo9j)2 ad. cJ 19.2.65 Abberton: 5i°5o'N. o°53'E. (Essex) 17.1.66 Puyoo: 43°32'N. o°5 5'W. (Basses-Pyrenees) France (6th) + 0 DS14642 f-g- 10.10.64 Harty: 5i°22'N. o 55'E. Sheppey (Kent) SWG + 13.3.66 Vellezzo Bellini: 45°i7'N. 9°o5'E. (Pavia) Italy (6th) Arctic Skua (Stercorariusparasiticus) (3; 40 miles; 6^- years) 2044340 pull. 8.7.62 Fair Isle: 59°32'N. i°37'W. (Shetland) x (19.9.66) Henck, Grangemouth () 255m. SSW. Great Skua {Stercorarius skua) (23; 200 miles; 4 years) 424619 pull. 19.7.63 : 6o°52'N. o°53'W., Unst (Shetland) NJG xA 3.8.66 Goes: 43°i2'N. o°36'W. (Basses-Pyrenees) France HW074I3 pull. 23.7.66 Hermaness FIBO + 22.10.66 off Risor: 58°44'N. 9°I5'E. (Aust Agder) Norway (2nd) HW07432 pull. 23.7.66 Hermaness FIBO + 11.11.66 off Nazare: 39°36'N. 9°04'W. (Estremadura) Portugal A]90)j2 19.6.65 Noss: 6o°o8'N. I°OI'W. (Shetland) WJE pull. 3.2.66 Magescq: 43°46'N. i°i3'W. (Landes) France

450 REPORT ON BIRD-RINGING FOR I966 AJ90365 pull. 20.7.66 Noss WJE + 18.10.66 Ribe: 55°2o'N. 8°47'E. (Jylland) Denmark (7th) Great Skuas ringed as pulli on Foula: 6o°o8'N. z°o5'W., Shetland, were recovered as follows: Ringed- -Kecovered- 423994 17.7.63 24.1.67 LeBoucau:43°32'N. i°29'W.(BassesPyrenees)France 4211J) 23.7.63 (13.6.66) Porkeri: 61 °29'N. 6=45 ' W. (Suderoy) Faeroe Islands (3rd) 4**JJJ 3.8.63 15.12.63 Ault: 5o°o6'N. i°27'E. (Somme) France 421426 6.8.63 r.8.6.66 Sandur: 6iV'N. 6°48'W. (Sandoy) Faeroe Islands (4th) 421608 30.7.64 4.12.65 Moeze: 45°54'N. i°o2'W. (Charente-Maritime) France 421916 14.7.65 5.12.65 Soulac: 45°3o'N. i°o6'W. (Gironde) France HW02423 17.7.65 (10.1.66) St. Georges: 45°59'N. I°I8'W.(Charente-Maritime)France HW0242J 17.7.65 26.9.66 Bay of Biscay: 46°oo'N. 2°o4'W. B.W02484 23.7.65 (21.1.66) Bay of Biscay: 43°45'N. 3°4o'W. UW01S06 30.6.66 7.10.66 Pesse*: 52°46'N. 6°27'E. (Drenthe) Netherlands HW01898 6.7.66 (29.12.66) De Koog: 53°o6'N. 4°46'E., Texel, Netherlands HW03036 13.7.66 5.ii.66 Hossegor: 43°39'N. i°25'W. (Landes) France HW03655 15.7.66 29.12.66 Le Boucau: 43°32'N. i°29'W. (Basses-Pyrenees) France WW0}}2) 17.7.66 18.9.66 Lough Ree* (Westmeath/Roscommon) 500m. SW. HW03S04 25.7.66 1.12.66 o^Cabourg: 49°i7'N. o°07'W. (Calvados) France 16.9.66 Sychevka*: 55°5o'N. 34°i4'E. (Smolensk) U.S.S.R. (2nd) •Denotes inland recovery locality (as is that of 424619 on page 450) HW03804 is much the most easterly recovery reported for this species.

Great Black-backed Gull (Larus marinus) (37; 200 miles; 7 years) HW00955 pull. 7.7.64 Castlecraig: 57-41^. 3°59'W., Nigg (Ross) PRC x (24.9.66) estuary of R. Medway (Kent) 470m. SSE. 4*443J pull. 8.6.65 Skomer: 5i°44'N. 5°i9'W. (Pembroke) DRS

x 6.2.66 Cap Ferret: 44°37TSI. I°I5'W. (Gironde) France (6th)

Lesser Black-backed Gull (Larus fuscus) (169; 8-^- years) AJ83270 pull. 7.7.63 Flanders Moss: 56°io'N.40i3'W., (Stirling) BEW x 5.7.66 Raahe: 64°4o'N. 24°29'E. (Oulu) Finland (1st) The exceptional nature of this recovery may be judged by the fact that in the past 5 7 years only four British-ringed Lesser Black-backed Gulls have been recovered in Scandinavia—two in Denmark, one in southern Sweden and one on the west coast of Norway. Other foreign recoveries reported in the years 1964-66, 249 in all, are summarised in table F. Table F—Regions and months of recoveries of Lesser Black-backed Gulls Region of recovery Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Belgium (3) 'Channel* France (8) •Biscay'(35) W Spain* and Portugal (160) Mediterranean Spain (13) Morocco (27) Mauritania-^)

•Total includes one undated record See footnote to table A

451 BRITISH BIRDS Herring Gull (Lartts argentatus) (261; 9^ years) GM29460 pull. 30.6.66 Skokholm: 5 i°42'N. 5°i6'W. (Pembroke) x 11.12.66 Fouesnant: 47°54'N. 4°oi'W. (Finistere) France Only 30 recoveries within the British Isles showed movements of over 100 miles.

Common Gull {Icarus canus) (14; 120 miles; 7-^- years) }0};66

Common Tern (Sterna hirundd) (41; 12 years) Eleven recoveries from well-represented localities abroad will be tabulated in a future report.

Arctic Tern (Sternaparadisaea) (44; 350 miles; i8-}|- years) There were only four foreign recoveries, but all merit publication in full. The recovery in Australia is much the most distant for any species to result from British ringing and would command a very high place in any world list of the most spec­ tacular recoveries. CK32897 juv. 6.9.66 Fair Isle: 59°32'N. i°37'W. (Shetland) 19.zj hours . + 8.9.66 0rre: 56°i4'N. 8°53'E. (Jylland) Denmark (4th) //.00 hours CK66P90 pull. 16.7.66 Fame Islands: 55°37'N. i°37'W. (Northumberland) x (12.8.66) Bad-Oldesloe: 53°49'N. io°22'E. (Schleswig-Holstein) Ger­ many (5th) CA08600 ad. 1.8.65 Spurn Point: 53°35'N. o°o6'E. (York) v (breeding) 25.5.66 Scharhorn: 53°57'N. 8°26'E., Elbe estuary, Germany (6th) CKJ1037 pull. 28.6.66 Valley: 53°i7'N. 4°34'W. (Anglesey) J&E x 31.12.66 Bega: 36°4o'S. i49°55'E. (New South Wales) Australia (1st) 452 REPORT ON BIRD-RINGING FOR I966 Roseate Tern {Sterna dougallit) (7; 100 miles; 4-JJ- years) A first-summer bird was recorded in Senegal in May, two in their first-winter and one in its second-winter were reported in Ghana in March, and a two-year-old bird was found oiled in northern Spain in June.

Little Tern {Sterna albifrons) (1; 6 days) BC33696 juv. 21.8.66 Bradwell-on-Sea: 5i°44'N. o°54'E. (Essex) + 27.8.66 Leixoes: 4i°n'N. 8°44'W. (Douro-Litoral) Portugal (6th) Note that the journey was completed in not more than seven days.

Sandwich Tern {Sterna sandvkensis) (117; 8-^- years) 2009102 pull. 26.6.57 Ravenglass: 54°2i'N. 3°25'W. (Cumberland) K.OMF •y {breeding) 28.5.66 Langerrwerder: 54°02'N. n°5o'E., Poel (Mecklenburg) Ger­ many (German ring Hiddensee 60051188 added) 0 2-3-67 Denu: c. o6°oo'N. I°IO'E., Keta, Ghana A total of 61 other foreign recoveries will be tabulated in a future report. During the breeding season 21 Sandwich Terns were recovered in colonies between 80 and 230 miles from their natal colonies.

Razorbill {Aha tordd) (43; 300 miles; 7-^- years) Table G—Countries and months of recoveries of Razorbills Country of recovery Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Italy (1) i______Spain (12) 5-1 i ------14 France (n*) i i 3 1 _ - - - ' x 1 1 1 Belgium (1) ______i Netherlands (3) i__i__-_--i~ Norway (3) -___-___ia-- •Total includes one undated record See footnote to table A Two of the recoveries in table G were in the Mediterranean and are published in full: SSj2)66 pull. 2.7.66 Great Saltee: 52°07'N. 6°35'W. (Wexford) DRG + 2.12.66 Salobrena: 36°4j'N. 3°35'W. (Granada) Spain SS23610 pull. 29.6.65 Skokholm: 51VN. 5°i6'W. (Pembroke) x 31.1.66 Portovenere: 44°o3'N. 9°5i'E. (Liguria) Italy (9th) Guillemot {Uria aalge) (34; 9-Ji- years) Seven recoveries in Norway, two in the Netherlands, four in France and two in Spain will be tabulated in a future report.

Black Guillemot {Uria grylle) (2; -fe year)

EC43278 pull. 31.7.65 Fair Isle: 59°32'N. i°37'W. (Shetland) x 4.4.66 Westray (Orkney) 50m. WSW. B.C94166 pull. 18.7.66 Fair Isle x 13.8.66 Stronsay (Orkney) 45 m. SW. The Black Guillemot is the subject of a special study on Fair Isle and most of the ringing of this species is now carried out there. The only long-distance recovery to date involved a Fair Isle bird in Essex in 1953.

453 BRITISH BIRDS Puffin (Frafercula arctkd) (23; 100 miles; 11^- years)

SS31386 ad. 13.7.64 Faraid Head: 58°56'N.4°46'W. (Sutherland) PRC 0 (28.2.66) Suances: 43°25'N. 4°03'W. (Santander) Spain (4th) AT51344 ad. $ J7-4-59 Fame Islands: 55°37'N. i°37'W. (Northumberland) x 22.11.66 South Ness, Lerwick (Shetland) 315m. N. o 0 SS24ffi ad. 13.7.64 Rathlin: 55 i7'N.6 i5'W. (Antrim) TE x 5.4.66 Llandudno (Caernarvon) 165m. SE.

Stock Dove (Columba oenas) (12; 10 miles; 2^- years) SS40777 pull. 27.3.66 Glazebury: 5 j°28'N. 2°3o'W., Leigh (Lancashire) MRG -f 3.7.66 Todmorden (Lancashire) 25m. NE.

Woodpigeon (Columba palumbus) (121; 50 miles; 10-& years) 300406; f.g. 14.2.63 Cranborne: 5o°56'N. ic55'W. (Dorset) JSA -f 26.3.66 Winners!}, Wokingham (Berkshire) 57m. NE.

Turtle Dove (Streptopelia turtur) (4; 5 miles; 4 years) 20 SopS7 pull. 16.7.66 Armthorpe: 53°32'N. i°o}'W. (York) PG 16.9.66 Cabo de Espichel: 38^24'N. 9°i3'W. (Estremadura) Portugal + 0 2030018 ad. 15.5.64 Great Saltee: 32 o7'N. 6°35'W. (Wexford) F&M X 27.6.66 Ashdon, Saffron Walden (Essex) 290m, E. DS14501 pull. 17.7.66 Mentmore; 5i°52'N. 0^41'W. (Buckingham) PED 10.9.66 Ericeira: 38°59'N. 9°25'W. (Estremadura) Portugal

Collared Dove {Streptopelia decaocto) (19; 30 miles; i||- years) EC90017, f.g. 30.1.66 Bradwell-on-Sea: 5i°44'N. o°54'E. (Essex) x (13.12.66) Youghal (Cork) 370m. W. B.C9006S f.g. 25.6.66 Bradwell-on-Sea + 28.10.66 Scarborough (York) 185m. NNW. Collared Doves ringed at Avonmouth, 5i°3i'N. 2°42'W. (Gloucester), were re­ covered as follows: -Ringed- -Remvered- 3088585* 25.10.64 16.10.66 Kilrush (Clare) 295m. WNW. ;ogU6) 14X65 29.9.66 Dublin 200m. NW. 3088671 30.8.65 r.15.6.66 Drogheda (Louth) 215m. NW. }0$8672 30.8.65 26.12.65 Avonmouth 3088762 22.3.66 at sea St. George's Channel: 49°2o'N. n°o6'W. c. 400m. WSW. 3088713 2.1.66 f.7.8.66 Troqueer, Maxwelltown (Kirkcudbright) 250m. N. 17.4.66 3.5.66 Perranporth (Cornwall) 130m. SW. •Ringed as adult; the remainder were ringed as juvenile or first-year This series provides impressive evidence of the continued westward expansion of this species. There are no previous recoveries in Ireland. See also map 1.

Barn Owl (Tyto alba) (23; 20 miles; 5-J^ years) 933579 puH- n.7.65 Gouthwaite: 54°o8'N. i°48'W. (York) SS&W x 16.3.66 Anlaby, Hull (York) 60m. ESE.

Little Owl (Athene noctua) (5; 30 miles; 3^ years) 0 SS07008 istW. 29.9.64 Portland Bill: 5o 3I'N. 2°27'W. (Dorset) x 6.11.66 Lower Heyford, Woodstock (Oxford) 105 m. NNE.


MAP I . All recoveries of Collared Doves Streptopelia decaocto showing movement of more than 30 miles {drawn by E.. C. Faulkner)


Swift (Apus apus) (164; 100 miles; 10 years)

SEI9642 f.g. 24.5.66 Worsborough: 53°33'N. i°29'W. (York) A&B X 31.7.66 Faira: 55°2o'N. 8°3o'E. (Jylland) Denmark (3rd) SE.21919 ad. 27.5.65 Leigh: 53°3o'N. 2°33'W. (Lancashire) MRG X c. 1.9.66 North Sea: 57°oo'K 4°oo'E. SC9J264 ad. 4.7.65 Offertcn: 53°24'N. 2°09'W., Stockport (Cheshire) S&B X 17.5.66 Le Verdon: 45°3o'N. i°o6'W. (Gironde) France (9th) SEI3596 ad. 17.7.65 Offerton S&B V 10.7.66 Hoddesdon (Hertford) 145m. SE. SC26437 f-g. 30.5.62 Nantwich: 53°04'N. 2°3i'W. (Cheshire) G&W V 19.6.66 Beddington, Croydon (Surrey) 155m. SE. 0 SC94J8J ad. 3.7.65 Marston: 52°59'N. o 4i'W. (Lincoln) WMP + 10.2.66 near Lilongwe: I3°58'S. 33°49'E. Malawi (2nd) SC94664 ad. 3.7.65 Marston WMP V 3.8.66 Fordley, Dudley (Northumberland) 15 om. N.

SE0056I f.g- 5.7.65 Coven: 52°38'N. 2°c8'W. (Stafford) WAC V 9.7.66 Pitlessie, Cupar (Fife) 260m. N. SC5097I ad. 20.6.63 Hoddesdon: 51 "47'N. o°oo'(Hertford) RMRG V 7.7.66 Hindley, Wigan (Lancashire) 165m. NW. SC54397 ad. 29.6.63 Hoddesdon RMRG V 25.6.66 Coven 105 m. WNW. A44533 ad. 22.7.60 Epsom: 5i°2o'N. o°i6'W. (Surrey) CE&Q X 17.1.66 near Lilongwe, Malawi (3rd) It is a remarkable coincidence that the two African recoveries should both have been in the vicinity of Lilongwe in Malawi.

Kingfisherr (Alcedo atthis) (9; 5 miles; 1 year) SC32337 JUV. ivunsmereMinsmere„„„„.„» : 552°i4'N2 14 IN.. 137ci°37'E.. (Suffolk(,aunou ) HEA V Minsmere .12.9.6 ,., 6 MinsmerHolland-on-See a (E , ,_, ... v 25.9.66 Holland-on-SHolland-on-Sei a (Essex'" )' 33m. SSW" . SE28503 juv. 12.8.66 Holbrook: 551 i°59'N . i°io'E. (Suffolk) PRC v 12.9.66 Minsmere 2525mr . NE.

Swallow (Hirundo rustica) (511; 5^- years) AR3J940 JUV. 26.9.64 Shotton: 53°i2'N. 3°02'W. (Flint) MRG X 0.1.66 Alcora: 40°05'N. o°i4'W. (Castellon) Spain

HH55749 juv. 12.9.66 Bedworth: 52°29'N. i°28'W. (Warwick) HL 0 5.12.66 AnakaParomo: 2°4i'N. 32°27'E. (Acholi) Uganda (1st) HH15332 juv. 20.9.66 Bedworth MJD 0 10.11.66 Luluabourg: 5°5 3'S. 22°26'E. (Kasai) Congo (7th) AR35940, which the finder identified as a Swallow, and which he reported (in a letter dated February) as dying 'one day last month', was presumably wintering in southern Spain. The two African recoveries are from localities unusually far to the east. A further 42 foreign recoveries, no fewer than 3 3 of them from South Africa, will be tabulated in a future report.

House Martin (Delichon urbicd) (9; 25 miles; 3^- years) SE05939 juv. 5.9.64 West Wycombe: 5i°39'N. o°48'W. (Buckingham) SBRG x 20.6.66 Snitterfield (Warwick) 53m. NW. 456 REPORT ON BIRD-RINGING FOR I966 Sand Martin (Riparia riparia) (2,365; 5^- years) AS92663 ad. 30.5.65 Dunblane: 56°i2'N. 3°59'W. (Perth) RJD v 9.4.66 Sebha: 27°o4'N. I4°25'E. Libya (1st) AR02756 ad. 20.5.65 Trysull: 52°33'N. 2°i4'W. (Stafford) PD v 22.4.66 Tour du Valat: 43°3o'N. 4°4o'E. (Bouches-du-Rh6ne) France Evidence is steadily accumulating that, as in the case of Swallows, some Sand Martins return to Britain in spring by more easterly routes than are used for de­ parture in autumn. In addition to the two recoveries above, both indicative of the easterly return, a Sand Martin ringed in Malta in April 1966 was controlled at a Hampshire breeding colony in July. The recovery in Libya is the most south­ easterly so far recorded for this species. The remaining foreign recoveries are summarised in table H. Table H—-Countries and months of recoveries of Sand Martins

Country of recovery Jan Feb Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Nov Dec Denmark (i) Belgium (3) Biscay (1) France (27) Spain (7)

See footnote to table A Recoveries showing movement within Great Britain and Ireland may be tabulated according to distance travelled: Miles moved Number of birds Miles moved Number of birds

O-IO 733 151-200 122 11-25 432 201-300 94 26-50 335 301-400 62 51-100 318 over 400 15 101-150 207

Rook (Corvus frugilegus) (45; 30 miles; 13^- years) 3102691 istS. 22.6.65 Newburgh: 57°i9'N. 2°oi'W. (Aberdeen) AU () 12.7.66 Ballogie, Aboyne (Aberdeen) 32m. SW. Jackdaw {Corvus moneduld) (37; 15 miles; 8^- years) EC778IO istW. 1.12.65 Deeping St. James: 52°4o'N. o0i7'W. (Lincoln) WAC 0 21.5.66 West Acre, King's Lynn (Norfolk) 38m. E. Magpie {Picapica) (14; 10 miles; 6^- years) )oo}S6o f-g- 16.3.60 Duddingston Loch: 55°56'N. 3°09'W. (Midlothian) DRA x 27.7.66 Auchenbowie, Bannockburn (Stirling) 32m. WNW. SS138J} pull. 31.5.64 Mentmore: 5i°53'N. o°4i'W. (Buckingham) HMG X 30.4.66 Hemel Hempstead (Hertford) 14m. SE. Jay (Garrulusglandarius) (28; 10 miles; 9^- years) P12137 pull. 1.6.64 East Mailing: 5i°i8'N.o°26'E. (Kent) MKRG x 22.7.66 Ashford (Kent) 20m. ESE. Great Tit (Parus major) (152; 30 miles; S% years) BC33468 f.g. 16.10.65 Bamburgh: 55°36'N. i°42'W. (Northumberland) BRS v 30.4.66 Arcot, Cramlington (Northumberland) 35 m. S.

457 BRITISH BIRDS BB07293 pull. 4.6.66 Ancaster: 52°59'N. o°32'W. (Lincoln) JJL X 20.12.66 Staveley, Chesterfield (Derby) 38m. WNW. AH49797 f.g.c 5.10.65 Bradwell-on-Sea: 5i°44'N. o°54'E. (Essex) X 26.8.66 West Wittering (Sussex) 100m. SW. BA?}7r? f.g. 8.11.65 Frieth: 5i°36'N. o°49'W. (Buckingham) SBRG 20.5.66 Horndon, Stanford-le-Hope (Essex) 55m. E.

Blue Tit (Parus caeruleus) (338; 30 miles; 7^- years) SE16791 istW. 25.12.65 Gravesend: 5i°27'N. o°24'E. (Kent) B&K v 21.12.66 Crawley Down (Sussex) 33m. SW. It is a number of years since there have been so few 'distant' recoveries to list for this species.

Long-tailed Tit {Aegithalos caudatus) (19; 10 miles; 3-^- years)

HB58803 f.g. 20.10.65 Holme: 52°58'N. o°33'E. (Norfolk) HBO v 10.4.66 North Walsham (Norfolk) 35m. ESE. AN17293 f.g. 26.12.64 Walcot: 52°42'N. 2°32'W. (Shropshire) RES v 20.5.66 Tettenhall, Wolverhampton (Stafford) 17m. ESE. HA29406 f.g. 27-9-65 Minsmere: 52°i4'N. i°37'E. (Suffolk) HEA v 27.5.66 Weald Park, Brentwood (Essex) 70m. SW.

Treecreeper {Certhia familiaris) (2; 3 miles; i-JI years) ABS0691 f.g. 29.3.64 Edinburgh: 55°57'N. 3°i3'W. (Midlothian) DEB X 17.2.66 Aberlady (East Lothian) 13 m. E.

Wren (Troglodytes troglodytes) (13; 15 miles; 2^- years) AX28I6S f.g. 28.8.65 Thomhill: 5 5 ° 15 'N. 3 °46'W. (Dumfries) NSRG X (26.9.66) Murraythwaite, Ecclefechan (Dumfries) 20m. SE.

Bearded Tit (J anurus biarmicus) (41; 30 miles; 2^- years)

AH46680 juv. S 6.7.64 Walberswick: 52°i8'N. i°37'E. (Suffolk) DBC V 3.11.65 Springhead, Northfleet (Kent) 80m. SW. V 7.10.66 Minsmere (Suffolk) 75 m. NE. HB87II3 f.g-6" 14.11.65 Chew Lake: 5i°2o'N. 2°38'W. (Somerset) CVRS V 30.1.66 Chichester (Sussex) 85 m. ESE. N72406 f.g.c? 30.1.66 Chichester: 50°48'N. o°48'W. (Sussex) CJM V 23.9.66 Minsmere 140m. NE. AX36330 f.g.c? 21.10.65 Stanpit: 5o°44'N. i°44'W., Christchurch (Hampshire) CHRS V 20.8.66 near Alkmaar: 52°39'N. 4°47'E. (Noord-Holland) Netherlands (ist) AX36459 f.g-? 6.3.66 Stanpit CHRS V 25.9.66 Minsmere 175m. NE. The recoveries selected for publication reveal that an eruption south-westwards from the breeding grounds may be (and perhaps normally is) followed by a return movement. Although the recovery in the Netherlands is unique, there are nine records of Dutch-ringed Bearded Tits in England and Wales. During the year Suffolk-ringed birds were recovered in Kent (four) and Hampshire (three).

Mistle Thrush (Turdus viscivorus) (28; 15 miles; 7^- years) CX77968 pull. 10.5.66 Castor Hanglands: 52°36'N. o°2o'W. (Northampton) C&F 4- 15.11.66 Mourens: 44°39'N. o°i2'W. (Gironde) France (15th) All foreign recoveries for this species have been in France.

458 REPORT ON BIRD-RINGING FOR 1966 Fieldfare (Turduspilaris) (23; 20 miles; 4^ years) 64S4JX. f.g. $ 11.8.61 Spurn Point: 53°35'N. o°o6'E. (York) x end 1.66 Alt-Lichtenwarth: 48°38'N. i6°48'E. Austria (ist) 67397S istW. 2.11.63 Spurn Point + (6.2.66) near Khiliomodhion: 37°48'N. 22°JI'E. (Corinth) Greece (ist) CVjo<>4; 27.12.65 Cleethorpes: 53°34'N. o"o2'W. (Lincoln) CRG + 23.10.66 Jonsvatn: 63°24'N. io°3j'E. (Sor-Trondelag) Norway CB49803 ad. 23.10.6; near Skegness: 53Qi6'N. o°i7'E. (Lincoln) KA 0.12.66 Cuba: 38°09'N. 7°54'W. (Baixo-Alentejo) Portugal (and) CA78092 ad. «J 5.1.64 Holbeach: 52°49'N. o°oi'E. (Lincoln) RKS /?/ 13.1.66 Raski Kanal: 44°58'N. I4°03'E. (Hrvatska) Jugoslavia (ist) CB21782 f-g- 2.1.65 Thorpe: 52°37'N. i°2o'E. (Norfolk) JFWB + 27.12.66 Marzabotto: 44°2i 'N. 11 ° 12'E. (Bologna) Italy (7th) CX52303 ad. 15.1.66 Boughton: 52°35'N. o°3o'E. (Norfolk) GRMP 24.12.66 war Verona: 45°26'N. n°oo'E. Italy (8th) + CX9790J 15.1.66 Little Clacton: 5i°jo'N. i°09'E. (Essex)- SC istW. $ 10.12.66 Tormine di Mozzecane: 45°i8'N. io049'E. (Verona) Italy (9th) CX}<249 f.g+ . 18.1.66 Stock: 5i°4i'N. o°26'E. (Essex) AGH () (breeding) 22.5.66 Godunovo: 56-29^. 39°02'E. (Vladimir) U.S.S.R. (ist) CV16422 13.3.66 Navestock: 51 >'N. 0° 12'E. (Essex) DGH f-g- 0 + 21.11.66 Somi6: 43°32'N. 5 36'W. (Oviedo) Spain (3rd) In addition to the above remarkable list of recoveries, there were five reported from France between October and January, and six breeding season recoveries— three in Norway and three in Finland. It is interesting to compare these recoveries with the map published in the 1964 report (Brit. Birds, 58: 5 66).

Song Thrush (J'urdusphilomelos) (302; 7^- years) Table I—Countries and months of recoveries of Song Thrushes Country of recovery Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Great Britain (276*) o-z miles 49 27 5-10 miles 4 4 n-100 miles S i 100+ miles Netherlands (1) Belgium (1) France (16*) Spain (6) Portugal (a)

•Total includes undated record(s) See footnote to table A Published in full are all recoveries of birds ringed April-August and travelling more than ioo miles. Table I summarises all recoveries reported during the year. CV6528I pull. 6.6.66 St. Andrews: 56°2o'N. 2°48'W. (Fife) JLSC + 20.11.66 St. Estephe: 45°i6'N. o°46'W. (Gironde) France CX}629) f-g. 30.5.66 Benacre: 5z°2i'N. 1 "43'E. (Suffolk) AGH + 13.H.66 Bermeo: 43°25'N. 2°44'W. (Vizcaya) Spain CB71372 juv. 9.6.65 Cholsey: 5i°34'N. i^W. (Berkshire) OOS X 0.1.66 Cherac: 45°43'N. o°27'W. (Charente-Maritime) France CX40271 f-g. 4.6.65 Dungeness: 50°55'N. o°59'E. (Kent) + 17.1.66 St. Malo: 48°39'N. 2°oo"W. (Ille-et-Vilaine) France 459 BRITISH BIRDS ;$744R. juv. 9.8.64 Portland Bill: 5o°3i'N. 2°27'W. (Dorset) + 1.1.66 St. Suliac: 48°34'N. I°J8'W. (Ille-et-Vilaine) France Redwing (Tardus iliacus) (53; 3^ years) A total of 41 foreign recoveries are summarised in table J, the more outstanding amongst them also being published in full. Whilst many of the recoveries in southern France and Iberia are in the winter of ringing, this is rarely the case with the more south-easterly ones and CX46768 is thus of added interest. Table J—Countries and months of recoveries of Redwing Country of recovery Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nor Dec Belgium (3) _-__-____2i- France (14) 5 1 I ----- I 251 Spain (3) ______-ia Portugal (6) 1-1------11 Italy (8) --1------241 Greece (1) !---____-_-- Turkey (1) i-______- Iccland (1) - - - r - _ ------Finland (2) ----J-J----- U.S.S.R.{2) -__!____,_-_ See footnote to table A 0 CXli)4J f.g- 13.10.65 Fair Isle: 59°32'N. 5 $7'W. (Shetland) + (7.1.66) Kadirli: 37°22'N. 36°05'E. (Adana) Turkey (ist) CX}0247 ad. 12.4.64 Fair Isle x c. 20.4.64 Raudkollsstadir: 64°49'N. 22°2c/W. (Hnappadalssysla) Ice­ land (and) CX46768 f-g- 1.10.65 Fair Isle X early 1.66 near Volos: 39°25'N. 23°o5'E. (Magnisia) Greece (ist) CX37419 f.g. 19.1.65 Swansea: 5i°38'N. 3°57'W. (Glamorgan) CMR + 1.3.66 Roccaforte: 38°03'N. I5°53'B. (Calabria) Italy Ring Ouzel (Tardus torquatus) (4; 5 miles; 3^- years) CAoS6fj istW. cj 1.10.65 Spurn Point: 53°35'N. o°o6'E. (York) + c. 4.4.66 Argeles-Gazost: 43°oi'N. o°o6'W. (Hautes-Pyr&iees) France CXS2224 istW. cj 8.10.66 Gibraltar Point: 53°o6'N. o°zi'E. (Lincoln) x 16.10.66 Vieux-Mareuil: 45°26'N. o°3o'E. (Dordogne) France / CV}7ij6 istW. $ 9.10.66 Bardsey: 52°46 N. 4°48'W. (Caernarvon) -+- 23.10.66 Pointe ds Branne: 44°42'N. i°04'W. (Gironde) France

Blackbird (Tardus merula) (1,446; 9^- years) Published in full are a Spanish recovery of a bird of probable British or Irish origin, two recoveries from unusually far north in Finland and a south-easterly record from Germany:

CX8J864 juv. 17.8.65 CalfofMan: 54°03'N. 4°49'W. x 12.2.66 Comillas: 43°23'N. 4°i7'W. (Santander) Spain CB94230 istW.? 7.11.6$ Hornsea: 53°55'N.o0io'W. (York) CC x 7.5.66 Kivesjarvi: 64°28'N. 27°28'E. (Oulu) Finland CV18206 ad. J 12.12.65 Cleethorpes: 53°34'N.o°o2'w". (Lincoln) CRG /?/ (24.10.66) Peltovuoma: 68°24'N. 24°io'E. (Lappi)Finland CA30858 f-g-9 17,11.63 Kesgrave: 520051S1. t°i3'E. (Suffolk) PRC x 5.8.66 ««

Country of recovery Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Great Britain (1,287*) 0-2 miles 64 78 134 159 181 zoo •5* 48 29 37 61 46 3-100 miles IJ 12 10 12 9 7 8 5 2 ! 7 xoo-f- miles -la — ' l z 1 4 Ireland (10) 2-4-----1- - -- Spain(6) 1 j--!----- France (17) 3 1 1-1----4 Belgium (1) 1 ------Netherlands (11) z-2211-1-1 Germany (21) -1554123-- Denmark (8) -_42__I_»_ Norway (37*) --6811 3 — — 15 Sweden (34*) -13 18 2122-3 Finland (13) ---3123x12 Estonia (1) _-_i_-__--

•Total includes undated record(s) See footnote to table A

Wheatear {Oenanthe oenanthe) (6; 70 miles; 1^- years) BA52159 istW. 2.8.64 Fair Isle: 59VN. i°37'W. (Shetland) + 10.3.66 Aoulef e) Arab: z7°oo'N. i°04'E. (Tidikelt) Algeria (1st) BC740SS 20.8.66 istW. Fair Isle 25.9.66 near Sanlucar: 36°46'N. 6°2i'W. (Cadiz) Spain BBi28oi + Copinsay: 58°54'N. 2°4i'W. (Orkney) EJW f.g. 19.8.66 Orellana: 39°oo'N. sV'W. (Badajoz) Spain AX07258 + autum4.9.6n 656 St. Mary's Island: 55°05'N. i°29'W. (Northumberland) B&C istW. Spurn Point (York) 115m. SE. v 26.4.66 BC<>27}8 pull. 3.6.66 Goyt Valley: 53°i8'N. i°59'W. (Derby) S&B X (8.8.66) mar Alconbury (Huntingdon) c. 90m. SE. Aoulef el Arab, the recovery locality of BA52159, is an oasis in the Sahara, and the recovery is the most southerly recorded for this species. Out of a grand total of 120 recoveries, all the 53 foreign ones are shown on map 2.

Whinchat (Saxhola rubetrd) (6; 5 miles; i-JJ- years) HC4J7J6 istW. ? 9.9.66 Fair Isle: sgVN. i°37'W". (Shetland) 30.10.66 Puerto de Santa Maria: 36°36'N. 6°i2'W. (Cacliz) Spain (10th) 4Xi7994 pull. 9.7.66 Cumnock: 55°27'N. 4°i6'W. (Ayr) JSP + 17.10.66 St. Vincent de Tyrosse: 43°39'N. I°I8'W. (Landes) France AN49j76 juv. 19.7.64 Bamburgh: 55°36'N. i°42'W. (Northumberland) BRS x e. 2.7.66 Gosforth (Northumberland) 40m. S. AS23540 istW. $ 4.9.65 Spurn Point: 53°35'N. o°o6'E. (York) D X 8.10.66 Faro: 37 oi'N. 7°56'W. (Algarve) Portugal AS2}6)j istW. $ 4.9.65 Spurn Point X 25.9.66 La Granja: 40°53'N. 4°oi'W. (Segovia) Spain (nth) The grand total of recoveries of this species is now 45, of which 33 have been abroad. The latter are all marked on map 3.

Redstart (Pboenicurus pboenkurus) (21; 70 miles; 3$ years) AX37577 istW.? 25.9.65 : 56on'N.2033'W. (Fife) 0 6.4.66 Zanzur: 32°49'N. i3°oi'E., Tripoli, Libya (1st) 461 WHEATEAR WHINCHAT BLACK REDSTART

MAPS 2, 3 and 4. All foreign recoveries of Wheatear Oenantbe oenanthe, Whinchat Saxicola rubelra and Black Redstart Pboemcurus ochrnros. Recoveries mentioned in this report are marked by open circles and previous ones by solid circles {drawn by R. C. Faulkner) REPORT ON BIRD-RINGING FOR I966

ASj7}}6 pull. 10.6.66 Hamsterley: 54°4i'N. i°49'W. (Durham) ND&N X c. 18.9.66 St. Andrew: 49°26'N. 2°35'W. (Guernsey) Channel Islands (3rd) AS78164 ad. S 2.5.65 Calf of Man: 54°03'N. 4°49'W. + 0.9.66 Vitoria: 42-5 I'N. 2°4o'W. (Alava) Spain HB08467 f.g. & 23.4.66 Hilbre: 53°23'N. 3°4i'W. (Cheshire) HiBO X 21.6.66 Dunning (Perth) 210m. N. AS48100 ad. S 23.4.65 Bardsey: 52°46'N. 4°48'W. (Caernarvon) + 27.9.66 Cafede: 39°55'N. 7°32'W. (Beira-Baixa) Portugal HA77971 juv. 5.9.65 Reydon: 52°2i'N. i°39'E. (Suffolk) CGDC X early 4.66 Palaciosdela Sierra: 4i°58'N. 3°07'W. (Burgos) Spain HAjiS)2 f-g- 4.9-65 Benacre: 5 2°21TS1. 1 "43 'E. (Suffolk) AGH xA 8.7.66 Furusjoen: c. 6i°45'N. 9°4j'E. (Opland) Norway (1st) H53416 f-g-

Robin (Erithacus rubecula) (219; 6^ years) AS88429 f-g- 9.4.66 Fair Isle: 59°32'N. i°37'W. (Shetland) X 19.11.66 Tongeren: 50°47'N. 5°28'E. (Limburg) Belgium (6th) HB82640 f-g- 14.4.66 Fair Isle X (26.11.66) Vejer de la Frontera: 36°i5'N. 5°58'W. (Cadiz) Spain HE41264 f-g- 15.10.66 St. Andrews: 56°2o'N. 2°48'W. (Fife) JLSC 21.11.66 Adamuz: 38°02'N. 4°32'W. (C6rdoba) Spain + 0 YLC66971 f-g- 15.10.66 Fife Ness: 56°i7'N. 2 36'W. (Fife) JLSC X 22.11.66 Bayonne: 43°3o'N. i°28'W. (Basses-Pyrenees) France

AR24819 f-g. 29.4.65 Isle of May: J6°II'N. 2°35'W. (Fife) + (12.2.66) mar Orleansville: 36°ii'N. i°2i'E. Algeria (1st) HH70061 ad. 19.10.66 Newton-by-Sea: 5 5°32'N. i°36'W. (Northumberland) B&C X (28.12.66) Talairan: 43°o2'N. 2°39'E. (Aude) France HB2J20I f-g- 15.10.66 Scarborough: 54°i7'N. o°24'W. (York) RH + c. 22.11.66 Chiclana de Segura: 38°i9'N. 3°02'W. (Jaen) Spain HB82I98 ad. 16.10.66 Tetney Lock: 53°29'N. o°oi'W. (Lincoln) CRG /?/ (28.11.66) Villafranca: 37°58'N. 4°34"W. (Cordoba) Spain AR46465 f-g- 25.10.64 Gibraltar Point: 5 3°o6'N. o°2i'E. (Lincoln) V 24.4.66 Akeroya: 59°02'N. io°53'E. (0stfold) Norway (5th) HE489I2 f-g- 10.10.66 Holme: 52°58'N. o°33'E. Hunstanton (Norfolk) HBO X 17.11.66 Villanueva: 38°oo'N. 3°54'W. (Jaen) Spain 463 BRITISH BIRDS AR}ni4 uv. 4.7.65 Walberswick: 52°i8'N. i°4i'E. (Suffolk) DBC X 20.1.66 Moas en Baroeul: 5o°38'N. 3°o7'E. (Nord) France AK4I482 uv. 17.6.64 Fteith: 5i°38'N.o°52'W. (Buckingham) SBRG x (24.12.66) La Chevroliere: 47°o6'N. i°37'W. (Loire-Atlantique) France HH80I79 uv. 15.10.66 Sandwich Bay: 5i"i7'N. i°2o'E. (Kent) X 6.11.66 Languevoisin: 49°44"N. 2°j6'E. (Somme) France AS 3 08 20 f.g. 7.8.65 Ewhurst: 5i°o9'N. o°z6'W. (Surrey) L&JW X 16.1.66 LaBernerie: 47°oj'N. 2°02'W. (Loire-Atlantique) France AS26611 istW. 31.10.64 Dungeness: 5o°55'N. o°59'E. (Kent) /?/ 2.12.66 Entroncamento: 39°28'N. 8°28'W. (Ribatejo) Portugal (8th) AK28}}0 f-g- 25.9.64 BeachyHead: 50°44'N.o°i6'E.(Sussex) BHRS X 0.1.66 Linghem: 50°36'N. 2°22'E. (Pas-de-Calais) France A frontal system moving northwards up the North Sea on 14th and 15 th October 1966 produced a substantial fall of Robins, which is reflected in the ringing dates of several of the above.

Reed Warbler (Acrocephalus scirpaceus) (34; 50 miles; 4^- years) HH40760 istW. 24.9.66 Anderby: 53°i6'N. o°i8'E. Skegness (Lincoln) HRG + 1.11.66 Safi: 32°2o'N. 9°i7'W. Morocco (3rd) AR05530 juv. 29.8.64 Wiggenhall: 52°4i'N. o°23'E. (Norfolk) JAH /?/ 0.9.66 Anadia: 40°26'N. 8°26'W. (Beira-Litoral) Portugal

AN9II29 ad. 3.8.64 Walberswick: 52°i8'N. i°37'E. (Suffolk) DBC + 5.9.66 Bustos: 4o°3o'N. 8°36'W. (Beira-Litoral) Portugal SC77373 ad. 21.5.64 Fuiboum Fen: 52°n'N. o°i4'E. (Cambridge) ASC /?/ (27.9.66) Paderne: 37°io'N. 8°n'W. (Algarve) Portugal AS 00) 84 juv. 20.8.64 Abberton: 5i°5o'N. o°53'E. (Essex) X 31.10.66 Ain Sebaa: 33°4o'N. 7°33'W. Casablanca, Morocco (4th) 0 HE40247 juv. 16.9.66 Cliffe: 5i°28'N. o 3o'E. (Kent) NKRG X 5.11.66 Tangier: 35°49'N. 5°52'W. (1st) HA07082 ad. 31.7.65 Chew Lake: 5i°2oTSI. 2°}8'W. (Somerset) CVRS + 27.8.66 Golega: 39°24'N. 8°29'W. (Ribatejo) Portugal HE70669 juv. 15.8.66 Chichester: 5o°5o'N. o°48'W. (Sussex) CHI 0 + 24.9.66 Abrantes: 39°28'N. 8 iz'W. (Ribatejo) Portugal AX32610 f-g. 5.9.65 Eastbourne: 50°46'N. o°i7'E. (Sussex) RHC + (16.2.66) Carreiras: 4i°4o'N. 8°29'W. (Beira-Litoral) Portugal N98165 f.g. 24.5.64 Portland Bill: 50°3i'N. 2°27'W. (Dorset) v [breeding) 5.7.66 Walcot, Wellington (Shropshire) 150m. N.

Sedge Warbler (Acr AN8i8}

HE35503 juv. 8.8.66 Old Denaby: 53°28'N. i°i5'W. (York) HEB V 16.8.66 Chichester (Sussex) 185m. S. 0 HC02851 f-g- 2.7.66 Willington: 52°5i'N. i 34'W. (Derby) W&W X 8.9.66 Lavadores: 4i°o8'N. 8°4o'W. (Douro-Litoral) Portugal (2nd) EH13290 juv. 29.8.66 Holbrook: 5i°59'N. I°IO'E. (Suffolk) PRC V 9.9.66 Chichester 110m. SW.

HA68539 ad. 15.8.65 Weston Turville: 51 °47'N. o°46'W. (Buckingham) SBRG X 13.5.66 Uddingston, Bothwell (Lanark) 310m. NNW. 464 REPORT ON BIRD-RINGING FOR I966

HCS4909 ad. 25.8.66 Colnbrook: 5i°29'N. oV'W. (Buckingham) FKB 0 13.9.66 Sao Marcos da Serra: 37°2i'N. 8°23'W. (Algarve) Portugal (J«i)

HB07523 juv. 4.9.65 Chew Lake: 51 °2o'N. 2°3 8'W. (Somerset) CVRS V 3.5.66 Bardsey (Caernarvon) 130m. NW. HBSy}6) f-g. 24.4.66 Chew Lake CVRS V 19.8.66 Birjdid: 33°26'N. 8°oo'W. (Casablanca) Morocco (ist) ASSjn? ad. 19.8.65 Lundy: 5i°i2'N. 4°4o'W. (Devon) X 0.8.66 Midleton (Cork) 165m. TOW. AS26148 istW. 8.9.64 Dungeness: 50°55'N. o°59'E. (Kent) V 1.5.66 Great Saltee (Wexford) 330m. W. P41192 juv. 4.8.64 Chichester: 50°5oTSf. o°48'W. (Sussex) CHI X (13.6.66) Kilmore, Drumsna (Roscommon) 370m. NW. AS22520 JUV. 20.9.64 Chichester CHI V 3.5.66 Wilsford, Sleaford (Lincoln) 145 m. N. HB04344 juv. 22.8.65 Chichester CHI v {breeding) 11.7.66 Attenborough (Nottingham) 140m. N. HB04430 juv. 23.8.65 Chichester CHI V 10.5.66 Calf of Man 280m. NW. HB16018 juv. 24.8.65 Chichester CHI V 23.6.66 Polesworth (Warwick) 125m. NNW. HB16126 juv. 29.8.65 Chichester CHI + (11.4.66) Colomb-Bechar: 3i°35'N. 2°i7'W. Algeria (ist)

Blackcap (Syh HB57038 ad.

HC66790 ad.

Garden Warblef {Sylvia boriri) (6; 15 miles; z% years) AX02909 f.g. 13.8.65 Isle of May: 56°n'N. 2°33'W. (Fife) x 25.4.66 Biarritz: 43°29'N. i°33'W. (Basses-Pyrenees) France (4th) 465 BRITISH BIRDS AX0623I ad. 3.9.65 Isle of Mav V 1.6.66 Heligoland: 54°II'N, 7°55'E. Germany (2nd) HCoS)}) f-K- 31.8.66 Benacre: 52°2i'N. i°43'E. (Suffolk) AGH X 13.9.66 Chandler's Ford, Eastleigh (Hampshire) 160m. SW.

HA68}68 juv. 30.7.65 Weston Turville: 5i°47'N. o°46'W. (Buckingham) SBRG X 10.8.66 Sincey-les-Rouvray: 47°26'N. 4°o8'E. (Cdte-d'Or) France (5th) AH32991 istW. 17.9.63 Slapton: 5o°i7'N. 3°39'W. (Devon) SIBO -f- 0.9.66 El Ksiba: 32°32'N. 6°02'W. Morocco (3rd) Whitethroat ( AK97S6} f-g. 1.6.66 Bamburgh: 55°36'N. i°42'W. (Northumberland) CC /?/ 25.9.66 Chemaia: 32°05'N, 8°4o'W. Morocco (4th) HE12160 ad. $ 21.7.66 SeatonBurn: 55'03'N. i°37'W. (Northumberland) NRG /?/ IO.IO.66 Gouveia: 40°29'N. 7°35'W. (Beira-Alta) Portugal AX50560 juv. 11.7.66 Barrow: 54°07'N. 3°i4'W. (Lancashire) BS X c, 15.9.66 Sor: i6°02'N. i6°29'W., St. Louis, Senegal (and) HBJ4706 pull. 5.6.66 Formby: JJ^'N. 3°o6'W. (Lancashire) MRG X 4.11.66 Cisse: 46°39'N. o°i5'E. (Vienne) France

HA772J7 pull. 30.5.66 Berrick Salome: 5i°38'K 1 °o7'W. (Oxford) _ OOS X 31.7.66 Forges les Eaux: 49°37'N. i°33'E. (Seine-Maritime) France H9149) ad.o* 11.5.65 Lundy: 5i°i2'N. 4°4o'W. (Devon) X 24.9.66 Soulac: 45°3i'N. i°o6'W. (Gironde) France HC68394 istW. 4.10.66 Dungeness: 5o°55'N. o°59'E. (Kent) 22.10.66 Braganca: 4i°48'N. 6°45'W. (Tras-os-Montes) Portugal P4!4" juv. 25.8.64 Chichester: 50°5o'N. o°48'W. (Sussex) CHI X (14.6.66) Great Leighs, Chelmsford (Essex) 85m. NE.

HAS/)) 2 ad. 0 3.9.65 Beachy Head: 5o°44'N. o°i6'W. (Sussex) BHRS + 0.9.66 Braganca, Portugal AR29464 ad. (J 9.5.65 Beachy Head BHRS X 7.5.66 Newquay (Cardigan) 225m. TOW. AX42640 f-g- 10.9.66 Porthgwarra: 50°02'N. 5°4o'W. (Cornwall) NRP 1.11.66 Zaldivar: 43°io'N. 2°33'W. (Vizcaya) Spain

Lesser Whitethr HB62811 f-g- 30.4.66 Spurn Point: 53°35'N. o°o6'E. (York) X 13.5.66 Attleborough (Norfolk) 80m. SE. HB7!j;6 juv. 11.9.66 Hoddssd M: 51 °47'N. o°oo (Hertford) RMRG + 27.9.66 Alzano Lombardo: 45°44'N. 9°43'E. (Bergamo) Italy (13th) AS98911 ad. c? 9.7.66 Willingale: 51 °46'N. o° 19'E. (Essex) TFP + 29.8.66 Gardane Valtrompia: 45°42'N. io°io'E. (Brescia) Italy (14th) AK1S373 istW. 1.8.63 Cholsey: 5i°34'N. i°o9'W. (Berkshire) OOS X 9.6.66 Great Wilbraham (Cambridge) 72m. NE. HA07821 juv. 8.8.65 Chew Lake: 5i°2o'N. 2=38'W. (Somerset) CVRS 0 12.9.65 near Seriate: 45°4i'N. 9°44'E. (Bergamo) Italy (15th) HC46144 juv. 3.7.66 Chew Lake CVRS V 3.9.66 Innsbruck: 47°i7'N. u°25'E. (Tirol) Austria (2nd) HC47806 juv. 31.7.66 Chew Lake CVRS + 9.9.66 Treviglio: 45°32'N. 9°36'E. (Bergamo) Italy (16th) HB11121 istW. 28.8.65 Sandwich Bay: 5i°i7'N. i°2o'E. (Kent) (25.4.66) Choueifat: 33°48'N. 35°3o'E. (Beirut) Lebanon (4th) 466 REPORT ON BIRD-RINGING FOR I966 AS27281 f.g. 16.8.65 Dungeness: jo055'N. o°59'E. (Kent) x j 1.5.66 Weeley, Thorpe-le-Sokea (Essex) 65m. N. AN88822 f.g. 25.8.64 Eastbourne: 5o°46'N. o°i7'E. (Sussex) RHC () 1.4.66 Anfa: 34°22'N. 35°44'E. (Tripoli) Lebanon (5th) AR29497 ad. 16.5.65 Beachy Head: 5o°44'N. o°i6'E. (Sussex) BHRS + 11.4.66 Roum: 33°32'N. 35°27'E. (Sidon) Lebanon (6th) Hitherto four has been the greatest number of foreign recoveries in one year.

Willow Warbler (Phylloscopus trochilus) (39; 100 miles; 4 years)

AH62J}) juv. 6.8.66 Reay: 58°33'N. 3°47'W. (Caithness) DMS + 8.9.66 Baracaldo: 43°i8'N. 3°oo'W. (Vizcaya) Spain AX37836 f-g- 9.5.66 Isle of May: 56°II'N. 2°33'W. (Fife) 7.9.66 Cadima: 4o°i9'N. 8°38'W. (Beira-Litoral) Portugal 0 P81372 juv. 30.6,66 Arcot: 55 o4'N. i°37'W. (Northumberland) TTRG V 15.8.66 Spurn Point (York) 125m. SE.

AKS?jio juv. 13.7.63 Gosforth: 55°o2'N. i°37'W. (Northumberland) PB&W /?/ (23.10.66) Sidi Bettache: 33°35'N. 6°55'W. (Casablanca) Morocco (6th) AN58401 istW. 10.8.64 Gosforth NRG V 15.4.66 Edgmond, Newport (Shropshire) 155m. SSW.

SE23750 juv. 17.7.66 Ilkley: 53°46'N. i°49'W. (York) WNS V 16.8.66 Havering, Romford (Essex) 180m. SE. AX57394 juv. 27.8.66 Weston Turville: 51 °47'N. o°46'W. (Buckingham) B&S V 11.9.66 Heligoland: 54°n'N. 7°55'E. Germany (is*) PJSSI- pull. 5.6.65 Lane End: 5i°37'N. o°48'W. (Buckingham) SBRG + 1.4.66 Alza: 43°i9'N. 2°oo'W. (Guipuzcoa) Spain P60720 istW. 22.8.65 Sandwich Bay: ji°i7'N. i°2o'E. (Kent) V 5.5.66 Newtown (Montgomery) 215m. WNW. AK78520 f.g. Haslemere: 5i°o6'N. o°42'W. (Surrey) PGD V Aysgarth, Leyburn (York) 225m. N.

V M t- t -~ 4 OV * Aysgarth a AX)S6j3. f.g. I7.4.66 Hengistbury Head: 50 43'N. i°45'W. (Hampshire) CHRS X 3O.4.66 Partington (Cheshire) 190m. N. 0 3 AS84398 juv. 17.8.66 Portland Bill: JO JI'N. 2 27'W. (Dorset) X (7.9.66) Ramalheiro: 4o°24'N. 8°43'W. (Beira-Litoral) Portugal HASS061 juv. 16.8.65 Slapton: 5o°i7'N. 3°39'W, (Devon) SIBO X 7.4.66 Howth (Dublin) 240m. NNW.

CMffchaff(P#, AXtfOfj istW. 9.10.65 Isle of May: 56°n'N. 2°23'E. (Fife) X 22.3.66 Trapani: 38°oi'N. i2°}i'E. Sicily (1st) AS77433 f.g. 7.9.65 Copeland: 54°4o'N. 5<*32'W. (Down) V 2.4.66 Dungeness (Kent) 370m. SE. AX05732 f-g. I6.9.65 Walney: 54°o5'N. 3°I5'W. (Lancashire) X IO.5.66 Tempo, Enniskillen (Fermanagh) 175m. W. AX65616 £g. 7.9.66 Brighouse: 53°42'N. i°47'W. (York) TDB V 21.9.66 Dungeness (Kent) 225m. SE. 647397 ad. 28.8.62 Minsmere: 52°i4'N. i°}7'E. (Suffolk) HEA X (31.3.66) Santurce: 43°2o'N. 3°03'W. (Vizcaya) Spain

PA4)j} juv. 8.10.66 Wolvercote: 5i°47'N. I°I6'W. (Oxford) GRMP + 21.11.66 Faro: ^"oiTN. 7°56'W. (Algarve) Portugal 467 BRITISH BIRDS 0 PA2612 juv. 20.8.66 Thorpe: 5i 24'N. O°J4'W. (Surrey) DAB V 23.10.66 Coto de Dofiana: 37°oo'N. 6°3o'W. (Huelva) Spain AH38506 juv. 29.7.63 Norton Malreward: 5I^J'N. 2°34'W. (Somerset) DMC v 3.3.66 Dungeness (Kent) 155m. E. P60987 f.g. 29,9.65 Sandwich Bay: JI^'N. i°2o'E. (Kent) v 25.4.66 Cholsey (Berkshire) IIom. W. 0 AX08270 f.g. 19.9.65 Totton: 5o°56'N. i 29'W. (Hampshire) JWH x (26.3.66) TOflr St. Mate: 48°3iTSl.i059/W.(Ille-et-Vilaine) France

AS83559 f.g. 7.10.65 Portland Bill: 5o°3i'N. 2°27'W. (Dorset) Y 7.4.66 Calf of Man 265m. NNW. Both the ringing and the recovery details of the first bird listed suggest that it may have belonged to a more easterly population. The migration of British Chiffchaffs in the autumn is oriented towards the south-west and there is, as yet, no evidence indicating that more easterly routes are followed in the spring.

Goldcrest {Regulus regulus) (10; 20 miles; jj- year) 16273 f.g.? 1.5.66 Bamburgh: 55°36'N. i°42'W. (Northumberland) BRS V 10.5.66 Blavands Huk: 55°33'N. 8°05'E. (Jylland) Denmark (1st) •4069 f-g- 3.10.65 Craster: 55°28'N. i°35'W. (Northumberland) PRE X 22.3.66 Walton-on-the-Naze (Essex) 275m. SE.

7844 istW. 2 22.9.66 Calf of Man: 54°o3'N. 4°49'W. V 18.10.66 Coylton (Ayr) 100m. N. 0 IOIO f.g. 9 10.4.66 Hilbre: 53 23'N. 3°i4'W. (Cheshire) JCG V 22.4.66 Calf of Man 80m. NW. 0833 f-g-9 27.2.66 Studley: 52°i6'N. 1" 5 z'W. (Warwick) EJP V 20.3.66 Studley 30.4.66 V Calf of Man 175m. NW. 7238 f.g.? 12.10.65 Sandwich Bay: 5i°i7'N. i°2o'E. (Kent) V 30,9.66 Spurn Point (York) 165m. NNW. The Goldcrest, being so tiny, is seldom found dead. It is noteworthy that all save one of the above were controlled by other ringers, the exception—P64069—being found ailing and subsequently dying.

Spotted Flycatcher (Mmcieapa striata) (19; 60 miles; 6 years) () AX43809 istW. 4.9.66 Isle of May: 56 ii'N. 2°33'W. (Fife) X 20.9.66 Nassiet: 43°36'N. o°4i'W. (Landes) France HAII580 juv. 13.8.66 Walney: 54°05'N. 3°i5'W. (Lancashire) 0 4.10.66 near Enugu: 6°2o'N. 7°29'E. Nigeria (1st) AS94067 f-g. 19.5.65 Calf of Man: 54°o3'N. 4°49'W. X 19.8.66 Ainzon: 4i°48'N. i°29'W. (Zaragoza) Spain HC}S«JI istW. 19.9.66 Bardsey: 52°46'N. 4°48'W. (Caernarvon) 0 22.9.66 Castro-Urdiales: 43°24'N. 3°I4'W. (Santander) Spain N65669 f.g. 14.5.64 Skokholm 5i°42'N. 5°i6'W. (Pembroke) + 10.10.66 mar Awgu: 6°05'N. 7°26'E. Nigeria (2nd) AK97204 juv. 24.6.63 Walberswick: 52°i8'N. i°37'E. (Suffolk) DBC V 2.10.66 Calahorra: 42°i9'N. i°58'W. (Logrofio) Spain

WE}; 16} juv. 13.8.66 Semer: 52°o5'N. o°56'E. (Suffolk) AJW + 5.10.66 Malaga: 36°43'N. 4°25'W. Spain HC32157 ad. 24.7.66 Chippenham: 5i°28'N. 2°o7'W. (Wiltshire) T&B + 11.9.66 near Madrid: c. 40°2o'N. }°45'W. Spain 468 REPORT ON BIRD-RINGING FOR 1966 AK99448 pull. 29.6.65 Godalming: 5i°nTSI. o°37'W. (Surrey) VE + c. 8.10.65 Jabalquinto: }8°oi'N. j°43'W. (Jaen) Spain There is only one previous recovery of this species south of the Sahara- -in Ghana. Note the rapid journey of HC38631.

Pied Flycatcher (Ficedula hypokuca) (12; 30 miles; z-fe years) ASjyjSj pull. 16.6.66 Hamsterley: 54°4i'N. i°49'W. (Durham) ND&N /?/ 23.8.66 near Fromista: c. 42°i4'N. 4°2i'W. (Palencia) Spain ad. «J 19.8.66 Low Hauxley: 55°i9'N. i°33'W. (Northumberland) NRG + 2.9.66 Contis: 44°05'N. I°I8'W. (Landes) France HE12350 ad. «J 19.8.66 Low Hauxley NRG v 8.9.66 Ushant: 48°28'N. 5°05'W. (Finistere) France HHOOJJI istW. 30.9.66 Spurn Point: 53°35'N. o°o6'E. (York) /?/ 16.10.66 Setubal: 38°3i'N. 8°54'W. (Baixo-Alentejo) Portugal HC7J2J0 pull. 6.6.66 Mochre: 52°3i'N. 3°22'W. (Montgomery) RRL + 26.9.66 Bacal: 4i°5i'N. 6°44'W. (Tras-os-Montes) Portugal HC50157 pull. 7.6.66 Blakeney: 5 i°46'N. 2°29'W. (Gloucester) EGI X 28.8.66 Quintanilla: 42°34'N. 3°43'W. (Burgos) Spain AN54567 f.g. 16.8.64 Sandwich Bay: 5i°i7'N. i°2o'E. (Kent) + 1.10.66 Tomar: 39°36'N. 8°25'W. (Ribatejo) Portugal Meadow Pipit (Anthus pratensis) (26; 3^- years) N96979 ad. 28.8.65 Fair Isle: 59°32'N. i°37'W. (Shetland) v 14.9.66 Spurn Point (York) 410m. S. HH00076 f-g- 6.9.66 Spurn Point: 53°35'N. o°o6'E. (York) /?/ 20.10.66 Mondragone: 4i°07'N. I3°53'E. (Caserta) Italy (3rd) AS24680 f-g- 9.9.64 Bardsey: 52°46'N. 4°48'W. (Caernarvon) v 5.4.65 Skokholm (Pembroke) 75m. SSW. v 20.3.66 Skokholm HB33896 pull. 21.6.66 Frensham: 5i°io'N. o°48'W. (.Surrey) PGD v 11.12.66 Farnham (Surrey) 3m. N. v 30.12.66 Farnham It is of interest that the two previous Meadow Pipits recovered in Italy were also ringed in the first week of September—a time of the year when Scandinavian passage migrants of many species are often present in eastern Britain. HB33896 is significant as one of the very few recoveries indicating overwintering by British Meadow Pipits. Table L summarises unpublished foreign recoveries in 1964-66.

Table L—Countries and months of recoveries of Meadow Pipits Country of recovery Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec France(12) Spain (14)

Portugal (20) (1)

See footnote to table A

Pied/White Wagtail {Motacilla alba) (87; 150 miles; 5-^- years) HA90140 ad. 6* 5.7.66 East Woodburn: 55°n'N. 2°io'W. (Northumberland) NRG x 18.11.66 Sale: 34°03'N. 6°5i'W. (Rabat) Morocco (3rd)

AN 10f02 pull. 1.6.64 Warcop: 54°32'N. 2°23'W. (Westmorland) RWR x 3.3.66 Water End, Hemel Hempstead (Hertford) 210m. SSE. 469 BRITISH BIRDS

AH7I974 f-g. 17.1.64 Capenhurst: 53°i6'N. 2°58'W. (Cheshire) MRG X 8.5.66 Dufftown (Banff) 290m. N.

N94390 istW. 7.11.64 Wolvercote: 5i"47'N. I°I6'W. (Oxford) GRMP V 51.5.66 Fauldhouse (West Lothian) 300m. NNW.

AE9I744 juv. 28.7.63 Snodland: 51WN. o°26'E. (Kent) MKRG V 8.4.66 Knutsford (Cheshire) 180m. NW. Other foreign recoveries were in France, two January, one October, one November; Spain, one March, one November, two December; and Portugal, one January, one October, three November, one December. Grey Wagtail {Motacilia cimrea) (1; -fe year)

HC11670 f.g. § 24.7.66 Aberfeldy: 56°37'N. 3°54'W.(Perth) CH X (30.12.66) Erquy: 48°38'N. 2°27'W. (C6tes-du-Nord) France (1st) This is the first foreign recovery of a British-ringed Grey Wagtail. Yellow Wagtail 1ssp . (hlotacillaflava) (18; 50 miles; 5^ years)

HBi/68}} ad. 0 16.8.66 Sedbergh: 54°i9'N. 2°32'W. (York) PJM X 23.9.66 Oeiras: 38°4i'N. 9°i8'W. (Estremadura) Portugal AN70161 juv. 26.7.64 Nantwich: 53004'N. 2°}i'W. (Cheshire) G&W 0 (12.5.66) Goulimine: 28°56'N. io°04'W.(Tiznit)Morocco(6th) AS;)}oo juv. 4.7.66 Abberton: 5i°5o'N. o°53'E. (Essex) + 4.10.66 Portugalete: 43°I9'N. 3°oi'W. (Vizcaya) Spain AS53502 JUT. 19.7.66 Abberton X 0.10.66 Casteio do Neiva: 4i°37'N. 8°48'W. (Minho) Portugal P26584 ad.

CB9905 2 ad.? 12,1 I.6J Biakeney: 52°59'N. o°59'E. (Norfolk) RGHC + c. 25.3.66 Presilly: 46°o6'N. 6°05'E. (Haute-Savoie) France (1st) BA97344 f-g- 1.12.65 Farnham: 5i°i3'N. o°49'W. (Surrey) PGD X 2.3.66 Cookham Rise (Berkshire) 25 m. N. Great Grey Shrike (ILanius excubitor) (1; 29 days) CV14652 ad. 8.10.66 Spurn Point: 53°35'N. o°o6'E. (York) x 6.11.66 Crowland (Lincoln) 65 m. S. Starling (Sturnus vulgaris) (977; 9^- years) A total of 151 foreign recoveries will be tabulated in a future report. Published in full below are the most northerly and easterly records, and all Continental recoveries of Starlings of presumed British stock.

9)174$ istW.$ 18.11.62 Whiteness: 6o°i?'N. I°I5'W. (Shetland) CjB x 18.4.66 Leiknes: 69°i9'N. i8°oo'E. (Troms) Norway CX53320 istW. 2 26.2.65 ChaddesleyCorbett: 52°22'N. 2°o9'W. (Worcester) JAH () 12.4.66 near Medvezh'yegorsk: 62°5j'N, 34°27'E. (Karelia) tJ.S.S.R.


CX74US juv. 22.5.66 Elm Park: ji^s'N. o°n'E. (Essex) RRS + 28.6.66 Essen; 5i°28'N. 4°28'E. (Antwerpen) Belgium CV7U9I JUV. 25.6.66 Elm Park RRS 30.10.66 Blanes: 4i°4i'N. 2°48'E. (Gerona) Spain (and) S}S?;S + ? 27.12.62 Littlestone: 50°59'N. o'jS'E. (Kent) DBO istW. c. 7.3.66 X Kosmonosy: 5o°27'N. I4°56'E. (Prague) Czechoslovakia(wt) CX23642 juv, 8.6.64 Dungeness: 5o°55'N. O°J9'E. (Kent) + c. 16.7.66 Rang-du-FIiers: 5o°25'N. i°39'E. (Pas-de-Calais) France GX402S6 juv. 12.6.65 Dungeness X 18.1.66 Demouville: 49°II'N. o°i6'W. (Calvados) France Greenfinch (Cardmlis cbloris) (570; 150 miles; -j-fe years) CC05916 f.g.? 12.12.65 Skelton: 53°59'N. i°o7'W.(York) GDC v 3.8.66 Weybridge (Surrey) 180m. S. CB97668 ad. $ 20.9.65 Great Holland: 5 iQ49'N, I'ISTS. (Essex) DW 0 f. 18.1.66 Avion: 5o°24'N. 2°5o'E. (Pas-de-Calais) France BA56360 ad. $ 4.2.65 Hendrefoilan: 5i°37'N. 4°oi'W. (Glamorgan) CMR v 5.3.66 Worplesdon (Surrey) 150m. E. BB22647 ad. i 12.3.66 Upper Holloway: 5i°34'N. o°o8'W. (London) NKRG x 29,7.66 Patrington (York) 145m. N. BAtS?72 istW. S 26.1.66 Loose: JI'H'N. o°32'E. Maidstone (Kent) MKRG x 27.7.66 Ardres: 5o°5i'N. i°59'E. (Pas-de-Calais) France Goldfinch (Cardmlis cardmlis) (35; 3^- years) AS}$6ij juv. 19.7.65 Minsmere: 5*"i4'N. i°37'E. (Suffolk) HEA 4- 4.11.66 near Braganga: 4i°47'N. 6°46'W. (Tras-os-Montes) Portugal (1st) The remaining foreign recoveries are summarised in table M.

Table M—Countries and months of recoveries of Goldfinches Country of recovery Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct NOT Dec

Belgium (;) France (8) Spain (6)

See footnote to table A Siskin {Cardmlis spinus) (10; ?•$- years) P48985 ad, o* 4-9-65 Gibraltar Point: 53°o6'N. o°2i'E. (Lincoln) x 29.6.66 Sigdal: 6o°05'N. 9°4o'E, (Buskerud) Norway (1st) AH95503 f.g.


MAPS 5 and 6. All foreign recoveries of Chaffinch Fringilla coelebs and Brambling Vringilla montijringilla. Recoveries mentioned in this report are marked by open circles and previous ones by solid circles (drawn by R. C. Faulkner) REPORT ON BIRD-RINGING FOR 1966 Table N—Countries and months of recoveries of Linnets Country of recovery Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

France (34) 1 1 j. - - 1 - 22 6 2 Spain (10) 4 1 2 1 - 1 X

See footnote to table A Redpoll (Acanthis flammed)(43 ; 4^ years) HA86993 istW.

AN86722 istW. S n.9.65 Gosforth: 55°o2'N. i°j7'W. (Northumberland) TTRG V 4.5.66 Scunthorpe (Lincoln) 105m. SSE. AN28734 f.g. 17.10.64 Copeland: J4°4O'N. 5°j2'W. (Down) 26.7.66 Rampside, Barrow (Lancashire) 100m. ESE.

HA79S}7 f.g.? n.12.65 Bicknor: 51 ° 18'N. oV'E. (Kent) MKRG V 25.9.66 Leziate: 52°45'N. o°29'E. (Norfolk) 0 13.11.66 Balatre: 50°3o'N. 4°39'E. (Namur) Belgium P36878 f.g. 21.10.64 Haslemere: 5i°o6'N. o°42'w\ (Surrey) PGD X (. 16.8.66 Norwich (Norfolk) 135m. NE. AS47881 f.g. 13.3.65 Haslemere PGD V 26.10.66 Goussainville: 49°oi'N. 2°27'E. (Seine-et-Oise) France (8th) A further 30 British-ringed Redpolls were taken by bird-fanciers in Belgium in October and November. Bullfinch Q?yrrhulapyrrhuld) (117; 40 miles; 4% years) SCpppio istW.

Belgium (7) Netherlands (3) Germany (2) Denmark (2) Norway (i) Sweden (5) Finland (2)

See footnote to table A Maps 5 and 6 show all foreign recoveries of Chaffinch (188) and Brambling (49).

473 BRITISH BIRDS Brambling (Fringilla montifringilld) (15; 150 miles; 1^-years) AN2P/4P ad. $ 5.12.65 Nunthorpe: 54VN. I°IO'W. (York) IFS x (25.11.66) Sistels: 44°04'N. o°47'E. (Gers) France (10th) HB902J} istW.

HB70113 f.g-6" 5.2.66 Hinstock: 52=5I'N. 2°28'W. (Shropshire) JML x 6.11.66 St. Maurice: 45°24'N. 4°47'E. (Isere) France(12th) HA67895 t-g-3 12.2.66 Hinstock PWC x 24.4.66 Zarnitz: 54°oi'N. I3°44'E. (Mecklenburg) Germany (4th) AS71S/7 f.g-? 12.3.66 Leziate: 52°45'N. o°3o'E. (Norfolk) JFWB X 22.5.66 Texel: c, 53°05'N. 4°45'E. Netherlands (4th) A42946 istW.

AH2460; istW.

HC94492 ad. (J 1.10.66 Sandford: 5i°43'N. I°I5'W. (Oxford) OOS V 19.11.66 Corsham (Wiltshire) 44m. SW. The recovery in Sweden is astonishing and opens up the possibility that a con­ siderable passage of Scandinavian Reed Buntings through Britain has remained undetected owing to the poor recovery rate for the species. There are only three previous foreign recoveries—one in France and two in Belgium. It is interesting to recall that the French recovery was ringed on Fair Isle in October and was thus quite likely to have been of Scandinavian origin. House Sparrow (Passer domesticus) (281; 30 miles; 8-fe years) AC39854 istW. S 13.9-63 Spurn Point: 53°35'N. o°o6'E. (York) x 21.7.66 Bainton, Beverley (York) 37m. NW.

BC70554 f.g. $ 21.8.66 Tetney Lock: 53°29'N. o°oi'W. (Lincoln) CRG v 23.10.66 Gibraltar Point (Lincoln) 30m. SSE. BA92962 istW. (J 30.12.65 Kearsney: 5i°o8'N. I°I6'E. Dover (Kent) SBBO x 0.9.66 Bexley Heath (Kent) 53m. WNW. BA}4}8o istW. $ 23.1.64 Dungeness: 50°55'N. o°59'E. (Kent) x (18.7.66) Eastbourne (Sussex) 30m. WSW.

AB54368 ad. ? 23.4.62 Selsey Bill: 5o°43'N. oV'W. (Sussex) BAEM x 8.5.66 Bitterne (Hampshire) 30m. NW. Tree Sparrow (Passer mantanus) (20: 30 miles; 4|| years) AN0S0S) f.g. 11.10.64 Eccles: 53°28'N. 2°2i'W. (Lancashire) WDR x 13.3.66 Prestatyn (Flint) 43m. W. 474 KEY TO RINGERS' INITIALS IN LIST OF RECOVERIES DRA D. R. Anderson AF A. Frudd BAEM B. A. E. Marr OOS Oxford Orn. Soc. HEA H. E. Axell GTF G. T. Flock CJM C. J. Mead RES R. E. Simister JSA J. S. Ash JEF J. E. Flynn OM O. Merne RKS R. K. Summerfield KA K. Atkin ROMF R. O. M. Ford PJM P. J. Mawby RRS Romford Ringing Station AB A. Barnard BEG Brathay Exploration Group PPM P. P. Mackie SS Sedbergh School CJB C. J. Booth CRG Cleethorpes Ringing Group RVAM R. V. A. Mashall WNS Wharfedale Nat. Soc. DAB D. A. Bullock DRG Dublin Ringing Group ABO A. B. Old AU Aberdeen University DEB D. E. Bradley EG E. Griffiths CBO Copeland Bird Observatory AJW A. J. Waller EB E. Balfour EAG the late Miss E. A. Garden DBO Dungeness Bird Observatory BEW B. E. Weld FKB F. K. Bennett HMG H. Mayer-Gross FIBO Fair Isle Bird Observatory CEW C. E. Wright HEB H. E. Beaumont HRG Huttoft Ringing Group HBO Holme Bird Observatory DW D. R. Watson JFWB J. F. W. Bruhn JCG J. C. Gittins HiBO Hilbre Bird Observatory DRW D. R. Wilson RHB R. H. Brown KJG K. J. Grearson SABO St. Agnes Bird Observatory EJW E. J. Williams TBB T. B. Bagenal MKRG Mid-Kent Ringing Group SBBO Sandwich Bay Bird Obs. FW F. White TDB T. D. Bisiker MRG Merseyside Ringing Group SkBO Skokholm Bird Observatory PW P. Wormell AC A. Cumber NJG Miss N. J. Gordon S1BO Slapton Bird Observatory PBW P. J. Wilkinson ASC A. S. Cheke NKRG North Kent Ringing Group EJP E. J. Pratley PJW P. John Wilson BC Bruce Campbell NRG Northumbria Ringing Group GEMP G. R. M. Pepler VSW V. S. Wiseman CC C. Carter NSRG North Solway Ringing IVBP I. V. Balfour-Paul PY P. Yeoman CGDC C. G. D. Curtis Group JSP Rev. J. S. Phillips A&B Archer & Bower DBC Dingle Bird Club FG P. Gocdlad MP M. Potts B&C Belshaw & Colley DMC Miss D. M. Crampton RMRG Rye Meads Ringing Group NRP N. R. Phillips B&J Brewer & Jeffrey GDC G. D. Craine SBRG South Bucks Ringing Group TFP T. F. Pritchard B&K Bcddy & Kiddie JLSC J. L. S. Cobb SWG Sheppey Wader Group WMP W. M. Peet B&S Bevan & Southam MJC M. J. Cowlard SVRG Severn Vale Ringing Group CMR C. M. Reynolds CE&Q Carter, Edwards & Quin PRC P. R. Catchpole TTRG Tyne-Tweed Ringing Group JNR J. N. Rutherford C&F Collier & Forster PWC P. W. Challinor WWRG Wash Wader Ringing Group RWR R. W. Robson C&FM C. & P. Minton RGHC R. G. H. Cant AGH A. G. Hurrell WDR W. D. Richmond C&T Cockbain & Thomason RHC R. H. Charlwocd CH C. Hudson BS B. Sutton F&M Flegg & Musson SC S. Cox DGH D. G. Henderson BHRS Beachy Head Ringing G&W Goodin & Whalley WAC W. A. Cook JAH J. A. Hardman Station J&E Jones & Ellis MJD M. J. Drakeley JWH J. W. Hibberd BRS Bamburgh Ringing Station L&JW L. & J. Weller PD P. G. Deans RH R. Hoste CHRS Christchurch Harbour ND&N Northumberland, Durham PED P. E. Davis CHI Chichester Ringing Group Ringing Station & Newcastle NHS PGD P. G. Davis EGI Edward Grey Institute CVRS Chew Valley Ringing PB&W Parrack, Bell & Watson RHD R. H. Dennis HL H. Lapworth Station S&B Sorensen & Burgess RJD R. J. Dowsett JL the late Rev. J. Lees DMS D. M. Stark SS&W Sanderson, Summersgill PRE P. R. Evans JJL J. J. Latham DRS D. R. Saunders & Walker TE T. Ennis JML J. M. Langford IFS I. F. Stewart T&B Tyler & Bellingham VE V. Edwards RRL R. R. Lovegrove KRS Knaresborough Ringing W&M Watts & McConville WJE W. J. Eggeling AJM A. J. Mercer Station W&W Wassell & Whipple