Urban Policy Implications of CAV in Bays Precinct A LITERATURE REVIEW FOR URBANGROWTH NSW

By Robyn Dowling, Pauline McGuirk and Donald McNeill with the assistance of Hannah Della Bosca





2.1 Bays Precinct Plans 6 2.2 Future Transport and Smart Cities 7 2.3 Connected and Automated Vehicles Overview 8 2.4 Summary 11


3.1 Transport Innovation Ecosystem 12 3.2 Background 14 3.3 Key International Trials 17 3.4 The Bays as a Trial Precinct 20


4.1 Shared CAV as a Priority for the Bays 23 4.2 CAV for Last-Mile Delivery 24


5.1 Limiting the Presence of the Private Car 25 5.2 Policies to Encourage Shared Mobility-on-Demand 26 5.3 Transport Infrastructure that is Multi-Modal and Smart 26 5.4 Considerations for Building Design 29



Urban Policy Implications of CAV in Bays Precinct - A literature review for UrbanGrowth NSW Page 3 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Much popular commentary focuses on the individually- 1. INTRODUCTION NSW government agencies Transport for NSW (TfNSW) owned and used driverless car. This ‘private and UrbanGrowth NSW recognize the importance of New technologies in vehicle automation and autonomy’ is not appropriate in all places, including The Bays Precinct sits at the nexus of a range of new transport technologies in general (in the Future connected transport infrastructure are rapidly the Bays. Shared, first-and-last-mile CAV for passenger existing and developing land-uses that spans a working Transport Technology Roadmap) and specifically in emerging and are expected to significantly transform and autonomous last-mile delivery are most likely and port, cruise vessel access and other maritime uses, as shaping the future of the Bays Precinct. Consequently, urban transport. These new technologies will also appropriate within the precinct. There is an innovation well as residential and commercial uses (UrbanGrowth this review of literature into the urban policy and impact urban planning and the built environment. opportunity to create Australia’s first new precinct in NSW, 2012). The site occupies a unique corridor planning dimensions of autonomous vehicles, and their Though a fully-autonomous transport system will which forms of transport other than the private car between the rapidly developing CBD and the role in such a transport network in the Bays Precinct evolve only in the long term, planning for it needs predominate. historical character of the inner western suburbs of was commissioned. Drawing on the proliferating to begin now. Peer-reviewed literature on the urban Balmain, Rozelle, Lilyfield, Annandale, Glebe, Ultimo and international experience with regulating, planning for, Shared CAV environments have a unique set of policy and planning implications of Connected and Pyrmont. Preliminary projections for the site suggest and implementing CAVs, the review draws attention to conditions to be considered. Automated Vehicles (CAV) is in its infancy but is that there will be 20, 000 residents, employment for three domains of significance: beginning to chart the planning implications of CAV. In 1 Shared CAV implies a reduction in 30, 000, and 4, 000 students entering and exiting • Opportunities for the Bays as a transport innovation reviewing this literature, this report finds the following quantities of road space, provision of smart the precinct daily. These figures are likely to increase ecosystem and test-bed for CAVs; implications need to be carefully considered in transport interchanges and separated significantly over time, particularly those representing planning processes for the Bays Precinct. infrastructure in the transition phase. students (TfNSW, 2017). Development and activation • shared CAVs as an appropriate configuration of CAVs of the Bays will occur over a 20-30 year time horizon in the Bays; and CAV has been an economic and innovation opportunity 2 Shared CAV will reduce on- and off-street (UrbanGrowth, 2015). This time period will be one of for many cities. The Bays has potential as a hub for parking requirements. • urban design considerations for CAVs. continuing and rapid technological change, especially transport innovation, working across the full breadth 3 Building design that is adaptable and smart with respect to transport. New technologies in vehicle The report begins with the context of CAVs before of the transport innovation ecosystem. This would will better cater to a transition to CAV automation are rapidly emerging, with potentially addressing each of these domains in turn. A summary both align with the NSW Department of Industry’s radical implications for the ways people and goods of recommendations and broader implications is then imperative to better understand the nature of 4 The transition to an autonomous transport move around urban space, urban infrastructure, design provided. innovation ecosystems and present the opportunity to future that is accessible and sustainable and planning, the experience of travel, and economic pursue this through the Bays (TfNSW 2016). will require strong guidance from innovation opportunities. government The trialling of CAV in real and/or controlled settings has been an economic opportunity for cities worldwide. The Bays has potential as a site for trialling CAV, especially in relation to public acceptance and infrastructural requirements.

Page 4 Urban Policy Implications of CAV in Bays Precinct - A literature review for UrbanGrowth NSW Page 5 2. CONTEXT The Brookings Report defines innovation precincts 2.2 Future Transport and Smart Cities the Federal Government Smart Cities and Suburbs as compact geographic areas in which leading program will infuse technological innovation through 2.1 Bays Precinct Plans technology and research institutions and companies Technology is reshaping the foundations of transport urban infrastructure, service delivery and city living cluster and connect” with start-ups and business (McKinsey Report, 2016a). Transport for NSW’s Future (Department of the Prime Minister and the Cabinet, Planning for the Bays Precinct requires coordinating incubators (Katz and Wagner, 2014). The emerging Transport Technology Roadmap identifies game- 2016). Technology alone will not transform urban the development and refurbishment of distinct interest for global cities in fostering innovation districts changing technologies that will have an impact on transport, but the combination of disruptive business destinations across 5.5km of Sydney harbourfront. corresponds to the increasing recognition of the value transport in future, including personalised customer models, technology (in particular digital technologies), The important point for this report is that of providing mixed-use spaces and work environments interactions, shared, demandresponsive services, and changing relations of people to mobility modes will redevelopment of the Bays Precinct will occur over the that encourage people with different technical connected and automated vehicle platforms and be transformative, as can be seen in the table below. long term. While planning started in 2015, the site will specialisations and life experiences to spontaneously intelligent transport networks (TfNSW, 2016). Likewise not be fully activated until between 2040-45. The size, interact, both physically and creatively (Freedman location and timeframe mean that the development Table 1. Technological and Business Disruptions to Transport and Calloway, 2013). In these districts, innovation is is seen as a once-in-a-generation opportunity to a product of regional culture in which the “hidden” drive innovation (UrbanGrowth, 2017). Achieving an Dimension Impact of Technological Transportation social and physical dynamics of place play a central authentic sense of place by blending recreational, role as new avenues of knowledge acquisition and residential and commercial land-use is a critical innovation (Obschonka et al., 2015). The long-term Emergence of sharing e.g. car share, bike share, ride planning issue. The aim is to provide residential Means of access and ownership success of innovation strategies comes from precinct share quality, quantity and diversity (UrbanGrowth, designs that foster initiatives that promote community, 2015). Fulfilling the transport and mobility needs environmental sustainability and connectivity. Landry Entrance of corporations with technological rather of individuals traveling within, to, from, and through Business models (2012) suggests that we need to approach, plan than transport expertise the precinct is fundamental to achieving these aims, and understand innovation precincts holistically, and is being addressed in a forthcoming Transport and to acknowledge that each component of the Apps, real time information, personalized route Masterplan for the site. This transport planning Transport information physical landscape contributes to the co-creation guidance includes consideration of connected and autonomous of both financial value and socio-cultural values. vehicles, which this report explores in depth. A comparative Canadian case study suggests that Smart cards, integrated ticketing across modes, Ticketing and payment A guiding philosophy of Bays planning is innovation, there is a decreasing geospatial distinction between integrated information and payment platforms with an attendant focus on creating an economic work, social life and home residence for the young, hub in which new and existing knowledge-intensive well-educated demographic and that this is having Real time, platooning, parking management, mobile industries can be encouraged and developed a growing impact on the culture and location of new Traffic management phone app-based V2Xenabled hazard and congestion The Bays(McKinsey Urban Transformation Report, 2016a; Program UrbanGrowth, 2016). economy districts (Duvivier and Polèse, 2016). warning

t llas rk Figure 1: The Bays Precinct (Urban Growth, 2015) Ba t Pa Goat Poin our Bridge ons Road Birchgrove Island rb Ly Digital and physical Infrastructure Sensors, bus stops Ha

dney Victoria Drummoyne Sy

Ro ad Automation and electrification (across freight, Brett Park Sydney Secondary College Balmain Street Darling Balmain private passenger transit, shared passenger transit), et The Rocks re Vehicle technologies

St Hick

g vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V), vehicle-to-infrastructure

so rlin

n Ro Da (V2I), and vehicle-to-everything (V2X) connectivity H ad

Rozelle Public School Mullens y reet e Ba Bridge St Whit y

Victoria St s Ba Proposed re Light Rail et reet Ro St ad rt Johnston Wynyard Callan be Ro Bays Waterfront et G Stre Cl A Promenade aren wman Leichhardt C Bo Park ad ce

St Bridge Ba Bays Market District An re B zac nk lmain Ro Bridge et Ba St E nk White Bay Power Li Pyrmont St James C st reet Station F We Market St ty y Ci Ba Rozelle Blac Hyde A Park kw Ha at D eld Road tle Ba rris lyfi Li y William St Stre Orange Grove et Lilyfield Bicentennial re Public School et Town Hall Rozelle Bay and Park Glebe Point Road B E Bays Waterways Haberfield

et F Rozelle Rail Yards re Sydney Secondary College Museum St Blackwattle Bay Wentworth

Park et ad D re St Ro Sydney Secondary G Glebe Island Johnston rley College Leichhardt Chinatown Da


ad Ultimo Moor Wa H White Bay e St reet tt le St

lmain Ro re

Ba ad et Ro Glebe Belmore Annandale Park Surry Hills Leichhardt Bridge

UTS Glebe Public School Broadway Central The Bays Precinct Urban Transformation Program Water Ferry stop Transformation area (land) 0 300 600 900 1200 Motorway Page/ primaryWater r oad6 Existing heavy railFerry stop TransformationTransformation area (water )area (land) Urban Policy Implications of CAV in Bays Precinct - A literature review for UrbanGrowth NSW Page 7 Arterial / distributoMotorwayr road / primary roadExisting light railExisting heavy rail line Parks and openTransformation space area (water) Metres Arterial / distributor road Existing light rail line Parks and open space Local road / service lane Proposed light rail Local road / service lane Proposed light rail line This product is for informational purposes and may not have been prepared for, or be suitable for legal, engineering or surveying purposes. While every effort has been made to make this product correct as at the date of its publication, UrbanGrowth NSW will not be liable in any event for any losses or damages, including incidental or consequential, resulting from the use of the product or any material referred to in it. 0 300 600 900 1200

This product is for informational purposes and may not have been prepared for, or be suitable for legal, engineering or surveying purposes. While every effort has been made to make this product correct as at Date: January 2016 the date of its publication, UrbanGrowth NSW will not be liable in any event for any losses or damages, including incidental or consequential, resulting from the use of the product or any material referred to in it. Metres www.urbangrowth.nsw.gov.au The simple division between public and private 2.3 Connected and Automated Vehicles Overview 2.3.1 CAV Implementation Timescales adoption from now to 2025, increasing level 2 and 3 transport is no longer valid with the emergence adoption between 2025-2035 and continuing into full of car sharing services (Kent and Dowling, 2013; Automation in vehicle technology is not new. Over the There are divergent predictions of when different levels level 4 capacity and availability at a subsequent point Dowling and Kent, 2015), bicycle sharing (Fishman, past twenty years vehicles have become increasingly of automation will be reached. Tangible forecasts for unspecified currently. In May 2017, a Canadian report Washington, and Hayworth, 2014), and increasingly automated, with the addition, for example, of parking Australia vary widely in the timeframe for adoption stated that the broad social impacts of CAVs would successful forms of mobility-on-demand that make assist, lane departure warning, and electronic braking of CAVs. The Australian Driverless Vehicle Initiative not likely be felt until CAV use was both common and use of smartphone apps to connect private transport systems. There are, however, different levels of Roadmap suggests full automation by 2030 at the affordable, predicted to occur at some point between providers with public users (Rayle et al., Urban automation (see Figure 2), with distinct variation in the latest, whereas a 2015 report by Main Roads Western 2040-2060 (Litman, 2017). There is agreement, Policy Implications of CAV in Bays Precinct 6 2016). type of driver involvement (with fallback to a human Australia titled Automated Vehicles: Are We Ready? nonetheless, that over the life of the Bays’ development, The notion of mobility as a service (MaaS) signals driver required in all but levels 4 and 5 automation) outlined a more conservative prediction of low level CAV the widespread deployment of CAVs will occur. a decline in the private ownership of transport (in and in whether automation is system limited or Figure 2: SAE Standard J301 CAV definitions (European ITS Platform, 2014) particular cars) in favour of consuming services that extensive. The promise and possibility of automated provide mobility. There are also significant disruptions vehicles is already being realised in a diverse range Level Name Execution of Monitoring Fallback System of industryspecific applications, including mining to the business of transport. Companies with steering and of driving performance capability technology options and expertise (e.g. Uber, Google) (Fagnant and Kockelman, 2015), “platooning” freight acceleration/ environment of dynamic (driving are entering the transport domains as transportation trucks (Switkes and Boyd, 2016) and in combat zones deceleration driving task modes) network companies (Kent and Dowling, 2016), while to direct armed vehicles or deliver supplies (Pietras, conventional transport companies (e.g. GM, Volvo) 2015). The use of CAVs in city-based movement of are developing partnerships with technology start-ups people and freight is currently limited. Human driver monitors the driving environment and new business models. Electrification is growing as a technology of vehicle propulsion (MacDonald, 2016). The integration of ticketing and of transport 0 No Automation n/a across modes is underpinned by the provision of real time information and monitoring. In each of Some driving these disruptions, information and communication 1 Driver Assistance technologies are central and critical. This is a modes rapidly evolving transport landscape, in which the development and implementation of CAVs is a Some driving 2 Partial Automation significant component. modes

Automated driving system monitors the driving environment

Some driving 3 Conditional Automation modes

Some driving 4 High Automation modes

All driving 5 Full Automation modes

Page 8 Urban Policy Implications of CAV in Bays Precinct - A literature review for UrbanGrowth NSW Page 9 2.3.2 CAV Implementation Scenarios and Social and automation serves to deepen car dependency. asking the committee to incorporate CAV into the identified in the NTC 2016 discussion paper National Implications In both seamless and clean and shared mobility National Disability Strategy, while in-vehicle driving Guidelines for Autonomous Vehicle Trials as: scenarios, shared vehicles predominate though with aids such as sensor-based warnings and driving The critical question facing urban strategies is not • Safety different outcomes in low density and high density assistance are positioned as technologies of particular whether, but how, CAV will shape how people and precincts. There is a differing role for government benefit to older drivers (Marshall, Smith and Chrysler, • Risk management goods move in, out and through cities. There is at across the scenarios, with strongest guidance 2014). Milos and McPherson (2016) have examined present no definitive answer to this question but • Liability assumed for the clean and shared scenario. The social justice considerations in the embedded ethical considerable discussion of possibilities (Isaac 2016; • Transparency mixed commercial-residential characteristics of the and social assumptions in current traffic control Fraedrich et al. 2015). The scenarios depicted below Bays, along with its location, make the seamless systems, and suggest that next-generation, connected As such, the NTC has drafted suggested guidelines (Table 2) represent the consolidated thinking on this mobility scenario the most likely and desirable systems have the potential to better serve more for each of these areas (NTC 2016). The safety topic. In the private autonomy scenario, privately- outcome for the location. socially just outcomes, based on financial access to recommendations call for mandatory requirements owned and used automated vehicles predominate, the efficienicies these systems represent, and ways involving the management of trials, including specific Table 2: CAV Scenarios adapted from An Integrated Perspective on the Future of Mobility (McKinsey Report, 2016a) in which non-monetary equity can be embedded in conditions of approval and bounded trial areas. systems of vehicle prioritization. Organisations would need to demonstrate that they would abide by all existing road and privacy laws and AVs may incentivize suburban sprawl by making the home-work commute more 2.3.3 Regulatory and Policy Context for CAVs convenient, productive and affordable. In this scenario, the attractiveness of vehicle standards, and provide separate management Private autonomy the private (and likely electric) vehicle remains, bringing with it corresponding The ways in which CAVs can and should be regulated plans for traffic issues, infrastructure requirements infrastructure requirements such as CAV-only highway lanes. This use of CAVs will are the subject of substantial attention worldwide. as well as stakeholder/public engagement. The risk most likely benefit high income suburban dwellers. National, state and local governments, road agencies management recommendations involve requiring safety and parliaments have commissioned hundreds of management plans that outline all safety risks, and Emerging technological capability within a changing economic marketplace will reports into the legal challenges posed by CAVs (STSC, how the trialling organisation will mitigate or eliminate transform mobility, particularly in dense, low-income metropolitan areas. Potential 2017; Staysafe, 2017; NTC, 2016). These reports physical, technical and human sources of error. Liability social uptake of electric vehicles within a shared mobility framework, alongside Clean and shared highlight critical issues of insurance and liability, data remains a source of interest for many stakeholders, exponential market investment in both CAV and new energy technologies such as and petitioning companies must demonstrate that solar will transform public transit towards cleaner, cheaper, and more networked privacy, and changes to standards associated with transport. vehicles such as the requirement for steering columns, they have obtained an appropriate level of insurance. as well as potential amendments to drivers’ licencing. Finally, recommendations for transparency involve There is no expectation that the regulatory context will guaranteeing that all data and information involved A high density of high income users will be able to seamlessly merge autonomous, in the trial would be collected and made available electric and shared transport applications to achieve their own transport needs become more certain or stabilised in the short term. ondemand. This scenario relies on effective and efficient first-and-last mile to external investigations, particularly in the case of Seamless mobility Most attention currently is being focused on the services in combination with optimized mass transit, all operating within a malfunction, collision and crash scenarios. regulatory facilitation of on-road trials of CAVs. In framework of fullyconnected mart infrastructure to eliminate congestion and 2.4 Summary facilitate reliable, fast and easy electric vehicle charging. Australia, the National Transport Commission (NTC) expects the next three years to see a proliferation of Technological, economic and governance trends mean trials of CAVs across Australia. CAV trials in Australia that a city in which the mobility of both people and These scenarios highlight the importance of a critical as groups having the most to gain with the popular are currently restricted to specific pedestrian precincts goods is met by CAV will eventuate, but in the very long perspective on CAV: while CAV will provide solutions uptake of truly autonomous vehicles, exactly how such as the South Perth Esplanade and the Darwin term. While there is currently considerable uncertainty for a number of transport issues it is not without CAVS will enable more equitable access to transport Waterfront, or they occur under highly controlled surrounding the regulation of CAVs, it is expected concern. Based simply on cost, for example, it is is relatively unexplored. The Parliament of Australia conditions on closed-to-the-public roads, as in Volvo’s that ongoing regulatory revisions will resolve many envisaged that if the lowered financial cost of driving is currently reviewing submissions for an inquiry into demonstration on Adelaide’s Southern Expressway issues in the short to medium term. It is therefore incentivises individuals to drive who had previously the the social issues relating to land-based driverless in late 2015. South Australia is so far the only state incumbent upon masterplanning processes to taken public transit, a transition towards autonomy vehicles in Australia, with particular reference to introduce specific CAV legislation South Australia consider the implications of CAV in specific locations. would increase the number of cars on the road and to access and equity issues for increasing the Motor Vehicles (Trials of Automative Technologies) The implications for the Bays are considered in the negate any environmental or experiential benefit independent mobility capacity of disabled and elderly Amendment Bill in March 2016, and even so the most rest of this report. These implications are of two types (Wadud, 2017). In a review of the CAV landscape people. According to their submission to this inquiry, recently funded South Australian Future Mobility Lab for the Bays. First, there are opportunities offered by in Australia, Sun et al. (2017: 43) note that much the Australian Driverless Vehicle Initiative is working Fund Projects will operate in the public yet bounded CAV in relation to transport-related innovation and as discourses contains an “implicit assumption” that on an interim pilot program designed to test the use precincts of the Tonsley Innovation Precinct, Flinders a trial site for CAV. Second, there are responsibilities the changes that Australia’s transport future will of existing advanced vehicle technology for those with University, and Adelaide Airport. to masterplan a ‘CAV and future-transport ready’ be transformed by shared-use, despite car reliance a ‘minor’ impairment, with the intent being to identify The key challenges in developing Australian guidelines precinct. We outline these in turn. remaining a significant present and future obstacle to additional pilot opportunities and candidates during for on- and off-road CAV trials in Australia are such a future. While the elderly and disabled are cited 2017. Deaf Australia Inc. also made a submission

Page 10 Urban Policy Implications of CAV in Bays Precinct - A literature review for UrbanGrowth NSW Page 11 3. MOBILITY-FOCUSED INNOVATION AS AN accommodation could be aligned with certain zones OPPORTUNITY of the precinct to provide a suitable innovation district for CAV testing. Such an approach would support and Box 1: Transport Technology and Start Up Companies 3.1 Transport Innovation Ecosystem encourage not only the testing and deployment of CAV Whatever the origin of an innovation precinct—whether but also a wider CAV ecosystem comprised of a variety Transport Start-ups emerging from existing user behaviour or fostered of technology, infrastructure, and service providers. through state planning initiatives–the contemporary Importantly, CAV does not present opportunities for Zoox Australian led Silicon Valley CAV robotics start-up, valued at A$1.9 billion literature suggests that creating a cultural foundation automobile production in Australia but for several in which new conventions and ideas are tested and different areas of intervention: first, the development Codha Wireless Technology firm focused on vehicle-to-vehicle, vehicle-to-infrastructure and encouraged through research and learning is as and testing of sensors, such as cameras, lidar, and vehicle-to-pedestrian communications. important as the physical initiatives in creating an radar; second, the role of AI and machine learning in environment of innovation (Ferilli, 2017; Goldberg- vehicles; third, the development of user-experience Seeing Machines Start-up company that evolved from the Australian National University. Miller and Heimlich, 2017; McDonald, 2017). In other technologies, which is an essential area in bringing Focus on development and commercialisation of proprietary algorithms and words, fundamental to innovation districts is exposure CAVs closer to market; fourth, market opportunities hardware for Driver Monitoring Systems. Existing relationships Caterpillar, to that which is novel and creatively stimulating, be for firms to act as consultants in the areas of Electro-Motive Diesel, Boeing, Bosch, LG. it in company policy, landuse and office layout and regulation and insurance; fifth, start-ups that can ethos, or business model. A focus on future transport develop applications that allow CAVs to operate as Australian App start-ups technologies as drivers of innovation is a usefuly fully exploited assets, whether in public sharing, “visibility strategy” (Landry, 2012, p.260) for a on-demand models or in corporate or precinct-based fledgling innovation precinct. There is an opportunity closed systems. As start-ups in this area are diverse, Who’s Driving Sydney designated driver service that deploys two people, one of to create a space in Sydney that represents and and the technologies are new, there is scope for whom drives the customer while the other returns customer vehicle develops the ethos of experimentation that supports exploring the feasibility of a focused accelerator e.g. after a night out, day surgery, or any such one-way service people, industries, ideas and sectors engaged in program in autonomous vehicles and automobility. innovation and enhances its outcomes. This would draw together a combination of mentorship Scoot to You (Brisbane) Drivers fold their scooters in the back of a customer’s car to drive While claims to the benefits of clustering and from industry experts, seed funding, and the We Drive (Melbourne) them home knowledge sharing in agglomeration districts can be aforementioned locational assets of cheap office Scooter Angels (Sydney) over-extended, their potential is well established. The space and ‘hard’ testing zones discussed elsewhere structure of CAV development can be seen as a ‘stack’ in the review. While a comprehensive market review Spotparking Parking payment app or chain of different products (Stewart, 2017). As the of business opportunities is beyond the scope of this report, the boxes below give an indication of the types Bays is likely to be developed in phases, it is possible Niftie Commuting co-op , in which a community of users in areas of Sydney poorly of businesses that may be targeted. that relatively cheap, minimally fitted start-up office served by public transport share in the cost of a chartered coach that runs express to the CBD.

Ingogo Taxi payments startup based on fixed-fares including tolls, distance and traffic conditions.

Divvy Online parking platform allowing companies and individuals to let out their under-utilised parking spaces for lower cost than on-street parking

Swift App-based courier service

Shippit Logistics startup offering customers more flexibility and options regarding when and how deliveries arrive.

Page 12 Urban Policy Implications of CAV in Bays Precinct - A literature review for UrbanGrowth NSW Page 13 The Bays hence has potential to evolve as a hub for public acceptance. These precinct level trials are of transport innovation, working across the full breadth three broad types. of the transport innovation ecosystem. This would Box 2: The GATEway (Greenwich Automated Transport Environment) initiative. 1 Precinct first-and-last mile1 trials: aimed both align with the NSW Department of Industry’s at testing specific CAV systems and their imperative to better understand the nature of capacity to address specific precinct GATEway is integrated as the smart mobility component of a wider smart city strategy for the Borough of innovation ecosystems and present the opportunity to transit needs, for example a business park, Greenwich, London, and is based in the Borough’s Digital Greenwich Innovation Centre. The project is funded pursue this through the Bays (TfNSW 2016). university campus or innovation precinct. by £8 million (A$14m) provided by the non-profit Transport Research Laboratory (TRL) a consortium of 3.1.1 3.1.1 Opportunities for CAV Trials members from the energy, university, insurance sectors, and car makers, matched by Innovate UK funding. 2 Controlled trial sites: trials and testing Its purpose is to create an open innovation environment for CAVs, though which to address technical, legal can be conducted secluded from wider The trialling of the multiple dimensions of CAV as and societal aspects of implementation in complex, dense urban environments by testing and demonstrating transport, infrastructural and regulatory an innovation district opportunity is recognized “the safe and efficient integration of sophisticated automated transport systems into complex real world systems. For example the University of internationally. Ticoll (2015:13) notes, for example, smart city environments” (https://gateway-project.org.uk/about/). Its planned trials will cover: Michigan Mobility Transformation Center’s in relation to Toronto that ‘It would be in the City’s Mcity is a 13 hectare simulation of urban • automated passenger shuttles interest to attract and support CAV technology and environments developed with multi-million innovation development by start-up and established • automated urban deliveries dollar investment from car companies and firms in the technology and automotive sectors’ • remote teleoperation demonstrations additional government funding. Mcity is ‘signature initiative’’. The city of Seattle is considering designed to provide the simulated testing an ‘assertive strategy’ in which to promote Seattle • high fidelity simulator trials to test interactions between regular and automated vehicles. capacity for multiple aspects of CAV as a CAV innovation hub to leverage local technology Beyond its immediate application to advancing the development and uptake ofCAV smart mobility through technology so as to refine new technologies industries. Both Dubai and Singapore are at the trials, GATEway also links innovation to wider goals of economic development and positioning the city in (Meek 2015). Many simulation test- forefront of testing and integrating autonomous the emergent global complex of hardware, software and knowledge industries emerging around CAV. As a bed sites are commercially-owned and functionality into city-wide transport plans. In the ‘real world’ testbed, GATEway is designed to produce “exploitable knowledge of the systems required for the operated, and are booked out several years United States, the city of Columbus, Ohio won the effective validation, deployment, management and integration of automated transport within the smart city in advance (Clayton Utz 2016). Department of Transportation’s Smart City Challenge environment” and to “capitalise on the consortium strengths to position UK PLC at the forefront of the global with a focus on transport innovation. In short, CAV 3 Whole city ‘real-world’ test beds: multiple marketplace encouraging inward investment and job creation”. trials can be an economic and innovation strategy forms of CAVs, systems, and combinations as much as a process for resolving technical and can be tested while integrated with real- regulatory challenges of CAVs. This section provides an world mobility systems, human-transit overview of these trials and their potential implications interactions, and built environments. Australian trials of CAV are still in their infancy. international precinct trials, especially those targeting for the Bays Precinct. One such precinct is London’s Greenwich However, in March 2017, funding for three new “first and last mile” passenger mobility needs. We Australian precinct trials (summarised in Table draw out the key learnings from these trials with 3.2 Background Automated Transport Environment or GATEway project which operates in a 3)—all focused on first and last mile solutions—was regard to prospects for CAV development and use in announced via the South Australian Government’s the Bays Precinct. While there are numerous trials for on-road testing of multifaceted real world test bed for Future Mobility Lab fund2.In contrast there are many private automated cars, of more direct relevance to evaluating automated transport systems the Bays precinct, are precinct-level trials focused on (http://www.digitalgreenwich.com/driverless- integrated testing of multiple aspects of a given CAV cars/) (see Box 2). 2 The Future Mobility Lab fund is providing $10 million over the next three years to projects that “demonstrate, develop, or contribute to the mode (e.g. autonomous shuttle) within a designated applied research of Future Mobility technologies” (http://www.dpti.sa.gov.au/transportinnovation). precinct: from infrastructural, communications and vehicle technologies, to the design of subsidiary infrastructure (signage, bus stops etc.), to aspects of

1 The term used to describe passenger travel getting to and from public transit stops (rail/bus) or parking stations or to-thedoor freight delivery from wider distribution networks.

Page 14 Urban Policy Implications of CAV in Bays Precinct - A literature review for UrbanGrowth NSW Page 15 Table 3: Future Australian CAV precinct-level trials, South Australia 3.3 Key International Trials systems dominate, using relatively lowspeed (20-40k/ hr), low capacity (6-15 passengers) driverless shuttles, Precinct Vehicle Purpose Stakeholders Additional Five key international trials are analysed below and costing US$180-250 000 per unit. The shuttles do not Infrastructure infrastructure summarized in Table 4. These are precinct-level trials require additional track or wire infrastructure, though focused on integrated testing of multiple aspects route signage and road markings are often installed to Tonsley Innovation Driverless cargo First and last SA government, N/A of a given CAV mode. The trials are analysed by key alert pedestrians and drivers. Additionally they require Precinct pod mile goods RDM Group (AV characteristics: intent and purpose, stakeholders, access to charging stations. Trial routes are commonly transportation and pod design & infrastructural components, governance, integration short (from 200m to 1.5km), and combine fixed stop delivery manufacturing) with other aspects of innovation, and evidence of public services with capacity for on-demand hailing via smart acceptance or evaluation. Following this, key observations phone apps. The trials generally allow for shuttles to Flinders University Driverless shuttle First and last SA government, Mobile app for and learnings are drawn out for the Bays Precinct. interact with on-road and pedestrian traffic, through bus mile passenger Flinders University, ondemand hailing predominantly in controlled areas such as a university mobility: transit Royal Auto Intent and purpose: These trials characteristically points to campus Association target ‘first and last mile’ solutions for one or more of campus or tech district. intra-precinct mobility, mobility between two precincts Governance: National regulatory frameworks Adelaide Airport Driverless shuttle First and last SA government, Solar-powered (eg a campus and innovation park), the precinct’s determine the governance structure for each trial. bus mile passenger Adelaide Airport bus stops with intersection with conventional public transit systems In order to meet legislated requirements, approvals mobility: carpark LED lights, CCT, (bus, metro and mainline rail). typically include the condition that an on-board officer to terminus wifi and charging be present at all times in the vehicle. station Stakeholders: Typically the trials are provisioned, managed and funded by multi-sectoral consortia. Integration with other aspects of innovation: Technology hardware and software partners are Integration with some form of innovation, knowledge, commonly joined by a university and/or a government eco-district or smart city strategy common. For agency partner supplying knowledge, expertise and example the Lyon Confluence Development Precinct logistics, and often a government funding partner. and a driverless shuttle trial form part of the Greater Government funding partners range from the scale Lyon Smart City initiative. of provincial government through to the EU. Notably, Evidence of public acceptance or evaluation: Several specialist software start-ups feature as consortia trials incorporate formal public evaluations of its partners in several instances e.g. Bestmile, a specialist perceived safety, comfort, speed and convenience, automated fleet management platform start-up that general acceptance and willingness to use. Where commenced as a spin-off from Switzerland’s EFPL such evidence was complied, both public acceptance University. and appraisal are highly positive. Infrastructural components: All the selected trials test shared mobility options as first and last mile solutions. In terms of vehicle technology, electric shuttle bus

Page 16 Urban Policy Implications of CAV in Bays Precinct - A literature review for UrbanGrowth NSW Page 17 Table 4: Summary and characterisation of key international precinct-level CAV trials

Lausanne, Switzerland Wageningen, Netherlands Singapore Dubai, UAE Lyon, France

Descriptor First and last mile trial Driverless First and last mile trial First and last mile trial First and last mile trial First and last mile trial shuttle minibuses trialled on university Driverless shuttle minibuses on fixed Driverless shuttle minibuses on fixed Driverless shuttle minibuses within Driverless shuttle minibuses on fixed campus over 16 days, transporting route (200m) Ede-Wageningen railway route (1.5km) between Clean Tech the Dubai World trade centre, then route (1.35km) around the Confluence 1600 users Follow up trial of 6 CAVs station to Wageningen University, and Park and NTU campus extended to trials at Mohammed bin development precinct on longer and more complex route then around campus Carried 500 people over 400 kms Rashid Boulevard and Business Bay Timeline: 1 year trial from 2016 connecting campus, Innovation Park, Timeline: 1 year trial 2015-16 to Timeline: Pilot phases 2016- 2019 District (700m) and metro station T1 2010-2014 and extend & expand to 3 yrs Timeline: Commenced 2016 T2 2014 -2015

Stakeholders BestMile (EPFL Startup) EasyMile (shuttle, software tech BestMile (EPFL Start up) (Navya EasyMile (shuttle, and tech support) Navly (partnership between Navya and (shuttle, tech support) support) Official consortium: Technical ARMA shuttle) Nanyang Technological Omnix International Keolis) EPFL University University of Delft, Spring Innovation University (NTU) SIngapore Land Emaar Properties French Agency for Environment and T1: EU FP7 funding of City Automated Management, Robot Care Systems, Transport Authority (LTA) and JTC RTA Dubai (funding and instigation) the Energy and Ministry of Ecology, Transport System (CATS) project TNO, Mapscape and Connekt. Corporation Funded by National Sustainable Development and Energy T2: EU Citymobil2 funding Gelderland Province Research Foundation, Prime Minister’s Lyon’s public transport operator Sytral Office (via Campus for Research Excellence And Technological Enterprise: CREATE). Google

Governance Private campus, free access and trial Pilot complied with safety Since 2017 CAV trials can now use Currently on restricted routes Public safety compliance was proved, led to exemption from Federal Office requirements, so the Rijkswaterstaat public roads. LTA granted flexibility Legislative changes required before allowing operation on public roads of Transport and the Federal Office of (the Directorate-General for Public to create new rules to accommodate vehicles can be used on open roads. Roads certification Works) adjusted the relevant time/place limited trials and can Approval delegated to local authority. legislation and regulations to allow exempt trials from existing provisions of the RTA

Infrastructure Electric Navya Shuttle: Electric WePod Bus Electric Navya ARMA shuttle Electric EZ10 shuttle bus Electric Navaya Shuttle 10 passengers 6 passengers 15 passengers 12 passengers 15 passengers Max 20km Max 40km Max 40km Max 40kmhr Max 45kmhr On road or pavement On road or pavement On road or pavement On road or pavement On road or pavement On board operator if required On board operator if required No on board operator No on board operator On board operator if required

Interaction with vehicles, public Yes, but within controlled area, Yes, but within controlled area, Yes, but with controlled area, test bed Yes, but within controlled area, Yes, on public roads, after proving roads campus with private roads university campus precinct business areas public safety compliance

Service Cost Free service Free service Free service Free service Free service

On demand No, fixed stops Yes, fixed stops and demand via smart No, fixed stops. Yes No, fixed stops, service at 10min Overlapping on demand trial via phone app On demand app in development On demand intervals at peak smartphone app

Integration with Business/ Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Innovation/Smart district Connected Campus with Innovation Intended to expand route along the Part of Jurong West Innovation Business Bay area Former industrial area redeveloped as Park Food Innovation Strip, to the Ede- District. eco-precinct. Precinct and trial part Wageningen intercity railway station. Clean Tech is a eco-business of Greater Lyon Smart City initiative. development precinct Lyon has Optimod centralised control system for mobility forecasting

Evidence of public acceptance Public response evaluation through High levels of customer acceptance No evidence Surveys suggest public reactions are No evidence survey. Overwhelmingly positive and satisfaction recorded generally surprised, enthusiastic and reaction to driverless concept positive

Page 18 Urban Policy Implications of CAV in Bays Precinct - A literature review for UrbanGrowth NSW Page 19 3.4 The Bays as a Trial Precinct CAV conditions at the Bays in the planning and There is also potential to test a connected IoT and disruptive mobility trends, particularly mobility- development phase provides an opportunity to environment. A connected IoT environment is one as-a-service, which relies on real-time data collection CAV trialling will continue in the short to medium term, simplify the environment around the CAV so vehicles in which sensors and other electronic devices that and analysis to deliver efficient, co-ordinated and in line with the expected c30 year timeline for delivery can operate safely while in their trial phase, while can send and receive information are embedded personalised mobility. of widescale CAV systems (NTC, 2016). TfNSW’s allowing the environment to become more complex into the urban environment, where they collect and Activating the Bays as an site in which to trial multiple (2016) Future Transport Technology Roadmap until the CAV is able to operate fully in traffic (Staysafe, communicate the information to a central database or aspects of an innovative mobility eco-system is an recognizes this need to trial all such dimensions 2016). across platforms. These sensors can be incorporated opportunity to inform NSW and Australia’s future and anticipates incubating new uses by “trialling into physical infrastrucre such as road surfaces, As the Inquiry into the social issues relating to land- transport planning needs and related aspirations and adopting new, world-class technologies as they traffic lights, and buildings and can also take the based driverless vehicles in Australia (SCIISR, 2017) to transition to more widerly automated transit emerge” to shape NSW as “the most customer-centric, form of personal mobile devices such as smart suggests, there are potentially significant barriers systems. Through testing it could generate crucial innovative, digitally-enabled transportation system phones. The capacity of connected devices relies on to the social acceptance of CAVs, particularly for knowledge around the urban design and infrastructure in Australia” (pg 6). Moreover the Roadmap includes a much wider communication ecosystem facilitated shared mobility and in mixed fleet scenarios. These requirements to maximize the social, economic and a strategic commitment to “foster shared, demand- by satellite and telecommunication networks (as barriers circulate around perceptions of safety (trust) environmental benefits of a transition to CAVs. responsive services” and recognizes the need to “build below). Such connectivity is necessary for emerging particularly in relation to the mixed fleet deployment an initial program of work focusing on accelerating of CAVs, concerns about data privacy (cybersecurity), the safe use of automated technology, particularly and resistance to the disruption of ‘sticky’ cultural in shared mobility services” (p 88). Running relationships with driving (aesthetic, affective) pilots and controlled trials of demand-responsive (Kyriakydis et al, 2015; Somers and Weeratunga, transport services is a clear pathway supported by 2015). Indeed a key priority of the GATEway project in the Roadmap. Both these potentials are consistent Greenwich is to advance understanding of “the public with UrbanGrowth NSW’s stated aspiration for the and industry perception and acceptance of automated Bays Precinct’s development to contribute “towards vehicles” (https://gatewayproject. a globally competitive and resilient transformation” UrbanGrowth, 2015). org.uk/about/). GATEway trials include sentiment mapping techniques that track social media so as The Bays Precinct’s offers a rich opportunity to operate to gauge public response toexperiences. Residents as a trial precinct, and in so doing could nurture wider and visitors are also able to provide feedback on transport innovation through research and learning. their interactions with driverless shuttle on an Using the Bays as a trial site for shared first and last interactive map. Similarly in the recently announced mile solutions could, further, stimulate early adoption precinct trials in Australia, a concern has been to and public acceptance of CAV via well-planned enact these trials to address public resistance to integration into land-use and infrastructure planning wider use of driverless technology, after a Royal for the Bays, and for the wider city. The site is also well Auto Association survey revealed that just 23 % of positioned to operate as a trial and research precinct members surveyed responded that they would feel on the embedded infrastructural requirements of CAV. safe in an automated car (http://www.abc.net.au/ The scale of the site, its masterplanned nature, news/2017-03-21/driverless-car-trial-at-adelaide- the large areas of land in government ownership airport,-flindersuniversity/ (currently 80 has), and UrbanGrowth NSW’s role 8373006). Nonetheless, there is evidence that public as the master developer for the site represent a acceptance of autonomous shuttle buses is more unique opportunity. UrbanGrowth NSW’s networks forthcoming (Jacobs, 2013). Public participation in across the NSW government departments and trials can be one way of encouraging public interaction existing relationships with the university research with CAV as a means of nurturing early adoption whilst sector provides a foundation from which to develop simultaneously providing an important opportunity relations with the tech sector—across hardware and to gather information about how the public evaluates software dimensions—to underpin trials. Further, the their experience of CAV mobility and its impacts for landownership and controlled conditions of use of adoption. There is significant evidence that familiarity the site provide the potential to negotiate favourable with CAVs and a demonstrated safety record is likely and agile regulatory conditions to enable trialing to enhance social, and thus political, acceptance CAV mobility options. The capacity to incorporate (Tennent et al., 2016; Deloitte, 2017).

Page 20 Urban Policy Implications of CAV in Bays Precinct - A literature review for UrbanGrowth NSW Page 21 4. CAV OPPORTUNITIES: SHARED MOBILITY-ON- The first is that mobility aspirations and habits, 4.1 Shared CAV as a Priority for the Bays varies considerably from city to city, issues that DEMAND FOR PASSENGERS AND LAST-MILE much more so than technology per se, will shape are exacerbated by personal and socio-cultural FREIGHT DELIVERY the ways in which automated vehicles are taken Ultimately, meeting the aspirations for the Bays will considerations of safety, comfort, and convenience up and how they shape cities. The second lesson be more effectively served by CAV implementation as (ibid.). The first and last mile problem can thus be One of the critical questions being asked by cities is that automated technologies are disruptive, but shared rather than individual transit. This is because, seen as the problem of matching personal travel around the world is how CAV can be optimally that disruptions are opportunities to change mobility firstly, “between now and 2035, autonomous car fleets needs with the infrastructure of public transport. In integrated into planning processes and infrastructure habits, as is evidenced on research on large scale have great potential for increasing the market share the past, transport planning has proven ill-equipped provision. Given the long timescale of development disruptions like Olympic Games, or small scale of mobility-ondemand systems” (ifmo, 2017, p. 67). to address first and last mile concerns, beyond, for in the Bays Precinct, planning for CAV needs to disruptions like temporarily being without a car (Cass Secondly, it is aligned with the NSW Future Transport example, the provision of ‘park and ride’ or a reliance begin now. Yet urban design, infrastructure and and Faulconbridge 2016). It is in this context that we Strategy. Thirdly, the characteristics of the Bays make on walking. It is within this framework that Sparrow planning responses to CAVs are still in their infancy, sketch options and implications of CAV in the Bays. it well situated to adopt an approach in which CAV and Howard (2017, p. 213) note that CAVs have the and transport plans and planners remain unaware takes the form of shared autonomous first and last potential to combine with mass transit to overcome or uncertain of the potentials and pitfalls of CAVs How CAVs will play out in cities of the future may be mile mobility services. The precinct is integrated with this issue of access that currently ‘bedevils’ public (Guerra 2016). Likewise, estimates of the take-up of dependent less on vehicle and transport infrastructure existing and planned public transport infrastructure transport systems. The location, scale and innovative CAVs are both tentative and variable (as section 2.3.2 technologies than on the transitions made in transport (bus, light rail, ferry, metro) as well as roads. Hence intent at The Bays, in combination with the advent of outlined). Research on the adoption of automated and travel more broadly. Some, but not all, cities are issues of (i) intra-precinct mobility and (ii) first and last shared CAVs makes it possible to create Australia’s technologies in other sectors (e.g. Strengers’ (2013) already considering these implications, such as those mile connectivity remain and will require resolution first new precinct in which forms of transport other work on the smart home) contains two pertinent outlined in Table 4. as the Bays evolves as a mixed use employment and than the private car predominate. lessons for the adoption of automated vehicles. residential area accessed by workers, residents and The discussion of precinct trials above corresponds Table 5: City Plans for CAV students. The mixed-used nature of proposed land with the shared CAVs most appropriate to the Bays. To use will produce diverse mobility needs across the re-cap, these are low speed, low capacity, driverless City Planning Document CAV Components day and night, lending itself to shared, on-demand shuttles. It may be that the aquatic vantage of the CAV services. Such services might simultaneously: (i) Bays Precinct site also opens up another avenue of Adelaide, Carbon Neutral Adelaide Encourage design and development of electric resolve issues around intra-precinct and first and last autonomous vehicle – boats. Amsterdam is currently Australia Action Plan 2016-2022 autonomous vehicles and infrastructure between 2017- mile mobility; (ii) augment the capacity of currently embarking on the world’s first major research program 2021 planned network investments while extending their on how autonomous floating vessels can be used to catchment; and (iii) address wider aspirations to shift address questions of urban transport. A prototype Columbus, USA Smart City Grant (USDoT) Fleet of autonomous vehicles as center of public the modal mix away from private cars towards more ‘Roboat’ will be launched in 2017 and will be the transport strategy within connected infrastructure socially and environmentally sustainable outcomes. framework foundation of research is also looking into using the Moreover, pursuing shared CAV first and last mile CAVs to gather information about water quality and and intra-precinct mobility solutions at the Bays is other environmental sensing, even using them to Toronto, Canada Driving Changes: Report commissioned by the City of Toronto fully consistent with UrbanGrowthNSW’s aspiration Autonomous Vehicles Transportation Services Division to inform their future gather floating waste. to produce a Bays Precinct Comprehensive Transport in Toronto (Ticoll, 2015) planning initiatives around CAV and Mobility Plan based on the idea of the seven- minute city, characterized by short distances between Boston, USA Memorandum: Work Proposal for an 8 month, $50,000 examination of how housing, workplace, public spaces and multiple Program for Planning CAVs can be implemented within Boston’s Long-Range for Connected and Transport Plan mobility options (UrbanGrowthNSW, 2015). Autonomous Vehicles The first and last mile problem, defined as the “lack of adequate connectivity between transit stops and trip Lyon, France Lyon Smart City Plan Driverless shuttle in eco-precinct origin or termination points”, has long been a critical factor in public transport utility and usage (Tilahun, Dubai, UAE Dubai White Paper: A Electric, renewable mobility highlighted as central Thakuriah, Li, & Keita, 2016, p. 359). In the public Collaborative Approach to aspect of Dubai’s Smart City plan, aim to further extend realm, multi-modal options, walking and cycling have Smart City Transformation existing connected infrastructure, autonomous public traditionally been proposed solutions to improve this transport and smart parking apps connectivity, however the viability and user-experience associated with these options continues to be an Singapore, Smart Mobility 2030 Outlines existing data-based intelligent Transport impediment to effective transport systems (Tight, Singapore strategy of sensors and smart infrastructure, and the Rajé, & Timms, 2016). For example, the quality and development pathway for autonomous vehicles connectivity of pedestrian and cycling infrastructure

Page 22 Urban Policy Implications of CAV in Bays Precinct - A literature review for UrbanGrowth NSW Page 23 4.2 CAV for Last-Mile Delivery et al 2017). McKinsey (2016b) predicts that in the 5. MASTERPLANNING IMPLICATIONS OF SHARED 5.1 Limiting the Presence of the Private Car next 10 years, 80 percent of parcel deliveries will be MOBILITY-ON-DEMAND FOR PASSENTERS AND Freight transport currently makes up around 16% of all made by autonomous vehicles. Algorithms capable LAST-MILE FREIGHT DELIVERY CAV Shared transport is most successful in precincts well road vehicle activity in our cities (Allen et al., 2017). of maximizing delivery efficiency within dense urban served by public and active transit and in which travel There is limited academic research on the detailed Increasing urban density, a changing marketplace areas mean that our cities will see the fastest and by private automobile is either limited or prohibited urban infrastructural and built form implications of shaped by online shopping (Allen et al., 2017), most effective implementation of this through (Kent and Dowling 2016). Thus for shared CAV to be CAVs in general (Guerra 2016), and of shared CAV and and increasingly by app-based shopping that can autonomous ground vehicles with parcel lockers, successful in the Bays the presence of the privately- last-mile delivery CAV in particular. However, there is be done from any smart device are increasing the drones, and bike couriers. In this forecast, CAVs owned car in the precinct will need to be limited. a proliferating ‘grey’ literature from think tanks and prevalence of small parcel delivery within the freight (including drones) will deliver close to 100 percent of Lessons can be learned from cities internationally consultancies. This information, in combination with sector (McKinsey 2016). A number of technologies goods delivered directly to customers, and 80 percent that are actively implementing policies to reduce existing knowledge on best practice planning for multi- are disrupting the traditional delivery model (allen of all items. the presence of cars on their streets. The London modal and shared mobility, highlights four issues to be congestion charging scheme is one example (Shove considered in preparing for a CAV future: Table 6: The future of last mile deliveries, adapted from McKinsey (2016b) and Walker 2010), the recently implemented car- • Limiting presence of the private car, unless for free Sundays in Paris is another. Oslo and Madrid, Model Method shared rides as shown in Table 7, are using a combination of measures to become car free. Notably, these plans do • Transport infrastructure (roads, footpaths, bicyle not take account of CAVs, but do include adopting well Current Delivery person transfers parcels between dedicated pick up point and paths) that is multi-modal and smart customers using large vans. known measures and infrastructure for encouraging • Transport interchanges appropriate to a smart and active travel. shared future Drones Autonomous aircrafts can deliver parcels up to 15 kg to their destination along the most direct route and at relatively high average speed. Can be used • adaptable building design for immediate deliveries, with estimates that one supervisor is required for every eight CAV aircraft. Table 7: Examples of Limiting Presence of Private Cars

Crowdsourcing App-based task network in which deliveries can be crowdsourced. Potential Place Goal Relevant examples for partnerships between existing services such as Uber to maximize road vehicle use. Oslo, pop. Car free in the city 60 km of new bicycle lanes by 2019 Autonomous ground vehicles Customers can track vehicle in real time, and be notified of specific delivery 600,000 centre by 2019 $1 billion investment in public transport infrastructure - with lockers time Customers are notified of the exact arrival time and use a code to prioritising walking, then bicycles, then public transport modes. access the their parcel, like a portable mailbox. Estimates suggest that Special arrangements for service/delivery vehicles, and for central supervisor could manage roughly eight to ten AGVs. vehicles for people with special needs Eliminating all on-street parking by the end of 2017 Existing downtown road pricing scheme Bike couriers Bike couriers deliver parcels point-to-point by bike, mostly for business-to- business documents, and prepared food. Madrid, pop. 500 acres of city Redesign of 24 busiest streets for walking and cycling only. 3.2 mil center Commitment by Mayor to make Gran Via (major road/central Droids Slow and small autonomous vehicles deliver parcels between businesses car free by 2020 hub) car-free by 2019 and customers using the sidewalk. City introducing SER intelligent parking meters (prices vary with vehicle engine type/nitrogen dioxide emission levels/parking Semiautonomous ground Use of autonomous road vehicle that allows delivery person to do alternate zone). vehicle tasks instead of driving in order to increase efficiency of deliveries.

‘Real world’ applications of autonomous delivery are limited, with no rigorous evaluation of costs and benefits currently in existence. Nonetheless, there is obvious opportunity for delivery CAV in the Bays.

Page 24 Urban Policy Implications of CAV in Bays Precinct - A literature review for UrbanGrowth NSW Page 25 5.2 Policies to Encourage Shared Mobility-on-Demand reduce road space and increase space devoted to Table 8: Bus stops as Smart Infrastrucure active travel and pedestrian precincts, summarized in Many of the tools of smart mobility are being used the term ‘road diet’ (e.g Gudz et al., 2016). In a shared Where Initiators/Partners Features worldwide to encourage the use of shared and on- CAV environment, the characteristics of road diets could demand transport. Referring back to the key elements become standard, accompanied by building design Auckland, Downer with Alcatel-Lucent, Wifi, charging ports, integrated and personalised transit of transport in Table 1 (means of access and elements as outlined below. New Zealand Chorus, Metshelter, Solta, info and booking service in real time, touchscreen ownership, business models, transport information, The Smart Samsung information access, area information, security There will, however, be a transition period in which ticketing and payment, infrastructure), a number Shelter both autonomous and non-autonomous vehicles will of policy options emerge. Infrastructures and traffic operate in a precinct. In this period (which could be management systems that give priority to shared Dubai, UAE In2Consulting 24-hour operation, real-time transit information, food/ quite lengthy) the sharing of roads and roadrelated transport are important, as are campaigns to raise Smart shelter (communications agency), beverage/product kiosk, charging station, utilities pace by different means of carriage will be accentuated. awareness of, and trust in, shared transport since it is Al Shamil Foodstuff Trading, payment , free wifi, air-conditioned waiting area Conflict among users of shared spaces, whether unfamiliar to many. Currently, however, policies thata Dubai Roads & Transport they be footpaths (pedestrians, animals, cyclists Authority (RTA) focus on ticketing and information are more common. etc) or roads (cyclists, cars, trucks) is perennial, and These include the integration of public, private and will need addressing in this transition phase. Speed shared transport options into trip planning apps (as Singapore, Infocomm Development Free wifi, e-books for download, a swing, device remains a critical issue in the relationship between Singapore Authority of Singapore, Land charging facilities, interactive smart boards, green undertaken in Los Angeles) or the inclusion of shared conflict and shared paths in urban areas (Hatfield and Project Bus Transport Authority, National roof with fragrant native plants, with rainwater storage transport into integrated ticketing systems/cards (as Prabhakharan, 2016; Nicholls et al., 2016). While it Stop Parks Board and Urban for watering, bike parking, local artwork, real-time in Los Angeles and North Carolina). There are also Redevelopment Authority, DP personalized transport info, access features with is expected that in a CAV-rich environment many of instances of subsidies being provided to those who Architects universal design these conflicts will be resolved computationally (for use shared transit, discounted Lyft and/or Uber tickets example by autonomous vehicles avoiding pedestrian to those who use these to and from transit stations, Sydney, Prototype winner of Climate Ventilation and shade which can be adjusted seasonally, concentrations; Millard-Ball 2016), it is advisable for and in some residential districts payments to those Australia Adapted People Shelter local artwork, Opal hub that allows top-ups, public planning to minimize opportunities for conflict through who do not own a car. These policies involve all scales (CAPS) competition project. wifi, solar powered, speakers and information service, separation of uses in the first instance. of government, including transit agencies, but local MM Creative, Penrith City security CCTV, live tracking of buses, colour system to Council. signal vicinity of bus, rainwater management and plant government is especially important for first-and-last 5.3.2 Transport Interchanges NSW government funding system with planter boxes, Modular design that allows mile journeys. adaption to weather conditions and user needs An environment in which first-and-last-mile shared 5.3 Transport Infrastructure that is Multi-Modal and Smart CAV, active transport, and metro coexist will involve a dense network of transport interchanges between Paris, France Paris City Council, Interactive touch-screens showing maps that highlight JCDecaux’s subsidiary municipal facilities or Vélib’ self-service bicycle all these modes. Seamless interchange underpins Transport infrastructure in a CAV-focused future will be SOPACT, Marc Aurel hire, signal masts that are offset so that the type of different to current infrastructure (Guala et al. 2015). successful public transport (both in terms of (Designer) shelter (bus, sightseeing line, taxi, airport shuttle) Given the divergent opinions about the timeframe of patronage and positive experience) (Chowdhury and and the waiting time for the next service can be read CAV development, and the rapid pace of technological Cedar 2015; Mees, 2010). Historically, this has been from a distance, tactile labels and a button for voice change in this sector, CAV-ready transport about timing and frequency of service, and more announcement of waiting times, illuminated information panels at night; USB ports for device charging, infrastructure cannot be definitively delineated. recently has been underpinned by the communication wheelchair access to 100 large touchscreen digital of information in real time through apps and the Nonetheless, a number of characteristics of shared information and service panels, 100 roofs fitted with CAV are accepted and are outlined here. like. The built environment must support successful solar panels and 50 with green roofs interchange between modes in order for shared CAV to 5.3.1 Street Design with a Focus on Footpaths work. Smart bus stops present a way of integrate new rather than Roads Croatia Energomobil (Solar power Solar powered lighting, charging facilities for devices, wifi tech (e.g, solar energy), with urban/sensory design Easy Bus company) In a shared CAV environment, and with CAV in general, it (e.g. water capture from roof to water green space) is increasingly accepted that the amount of road space with integration of mobility options (e.g. bike parking Los Angeles, City of Los Angeles, Outfront/ Solar-powered, device charging USB ports, LED lighting, can be reduced for a number of overlapping reasons at bus stop as first and last mile service) with smart USA JC Decaux, Soofa (MIT design real-time travel information for busses, wifi hotspot (Noyman 2017). These include: fully autonomous tech (e.g. customised transport info) and collaborative company). vehicles require reduced road width, shared CAV innovation (new business opportunities). Table 8 may replace private cars thus reducing the need for below provides information on recent developments road space, the need for on-street parking is reduced in smart bus stops, highlighting their role in providing (Noyman et al 2017). There is already considerable solar-powered USB charging ports, Wi-Fi hot spots and transport planning attention paid to mechanisms that innovative means of displaying information.

Page 26 Urban Policy Implications of CAV in Bays Precinct - A literature review for UrbanGrowth NSW Page 27 5.3.3 Parking parking for the precinct. It is within this context that the necessity for adaptable building design There is considerable speculation on the parking becomes crucial. Shared CAVs will likely reduce the implications of potential CAV adoption scenarios. A need for on-street parking as mobility by private car study by Zhang et al. (2015) suggests that shared is foregone for shared CAV mobility. There is then a CAVs may be able to eliminate up to 90% of parking likely reduced need for on-street parking. There will, demand for clients who adopt the system, even however, be an increased need for pick-up and drop- at a low market penetration rate of 2%. A WSP/ off spaces along curbs. Farrels Whitepaper entitled Making Better Places: 5.4 Considerations for Building Design Autonomous Vehicles and Future Opportunities used local government figures to suggest that a 100 ha Considering the variety of adoption scenarios for CAV development zone in central London could result CAVs and the associated impacts large scale use in approximately £1.25 billion in local land value. will have on parking and land use, it is critical that This was replicated ito find that such a development urban planning apply principles of adaptable design would result in a £300 million value addition in outer where possible. This will allow urban developments London, or a £15-£75 million across the majority of to meet the needs of the present while anticipating the rest of the UK. Parking plays a large role in this the changing needs of the future. Adaptable building uptake of value as a result of increased greenspace design – facilitating buildings which can cater for a potential and higher air quality resulting from a 30% diversity of uses over their lifespan - is desirable from -45% reduction in circulating traffic that currently many planning perspectives, including CAV (Gosling results from drivers searching for parking spaces. et.al. 2008). Adaptibility in this sense becomes “a The parking implications of a CAV future, with models design characteristic that embodies spatial, structural, suggesting up to a 15% reduction in required parking and service strategies which allow the physical space if CAV use remained private (Bertoncello and artefact a level of malleability in response to changing Figure 3: Singapore’s Project Bus Stop (Singapore Ministry of National Development, 2016) Wee, 2015), resulting in 15-20% more developable operational parameters over time.” (Schmidt et al., area in the city (Skinner and Bidwell, 2016). 2010: 17). Alternately, highly shared, roaming CAVs would result in up to 80% in parking demand (Martinez and Crist, There are a number of elements of building 2015), and could contribute to up to 12% reduction in adaptability that will be emphasized by CAV, though used road space (Ambühl et al., 2016). again it is important to recognize that much of these implications are not yet fully understood. Driveways As Miller and Head (2016) note, regardless of whether as the predominate building-street interface may CAVs are primarly privately owned and thus travel give way to pick-up/drop-off/waiting interfaces. unoccupied, or whether they are integrated into Autonomous last mile delivery CAV is being on-demand, shared business models, large scale incorporated into building design through elements adoption will reduce the footprint of parking since they such as a ‘drone landing pad’, evident in the amenity can double-park themselves in smaller spaces. The deck of the recently completed Ten50 apartment potential for continuous circulation, more accurate complex by Tremark Urban in Los Angeles. A and efficient parking means that the displacement of significant barrier to an electric CAV future continues parking requirements will occur alongside reduction. to be inadequate public charging infrastructure For example, the preliminary research of Zhang et al. (Anderson, Lehnes and Hardinghau, 2017). Thus (2017) on the parking implications of CAV adoption some consideration of charging must be anticipated in the City of Atlanta found that not only would they and accounted for in new building design. Attention likely reduce parking land by up to 4.5%, they would to constructing ‘smart’ buildings is also required. also change paid parking use by shifting demand Connected autonomous vehicles communicate with away from the main urban centre and into adjacent nearby vehicles, road and other urban infrastructure. low-income neighbourhoods. Applying these findings Buildings are a critical component of urban to the Bays Precinct context highlights the potential infrastructure, and embedding sensors etc into negative flow on effect to surrounding neighourhoods buildings will facilitate CAV. Figure 4: Gare de Lyon bus stop in Paris (ArchiExpo, 2016) of not adequately planning for and providing

Page 28 Urban Policy Implications of CAV in Bays Precinct - A literature review for UrbanGrowth NSW Page 29 The parking implications of CAV adoption are SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS REFERENCES beginning to be considered in adaptable building Peer-reviewed literature on the urban policy and Allen, J., Piecyk, M., & Piotrowska, M. (2017). An Analysis of Online Shopping and Home Delivery in the UK. Freight Traffic designs. The city of Somerville are part of planning implications of CAV is in its infancy but is Control (FTC) 2050 Project. Retrieved from http://www.ftc2050.com/reports/Online_shopping_and_home_delivery_in_the_ a partnership to create a CAV garage that can UK_final_version_Feb_2017.pdf beginning to chart the planning implications of CAV. accommodate sixty percent more vehicles than In reviewing this literature, we recommend that the a traditional parking facility of equivalent size Ambühl, L., Ciari, F., & Menendez, M. (2016, May). What about space? A simulation based assessment of AVs impact on following implications be carefully considered in (Meier-Burkert, 2015). In June, Daimler and Bosch road space in urban areas. In 16th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC 2016),(Swiss Transport Research Conference processes of planning for the Bays Precinct. (STRC)). demonstrated fully autonomous valet parking in the garage of the Mercedes-Benz Museum in Stuttgart, 1 The Bays’ potential as a hub for transport Anderson, J. E., Lehne, M., & Hardinghaus, M. (2017). What electric vehicle users want: Real-world preferences for public and suggest that any car parking facility can be innovation, working across the full breadth charging infrastructure, International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, DOI: 10.1080/15568318.2017.1372538 retrofitted for CAVs and increase their capacity by of the transport innovation ecosystem. ArchiExpo (2016). Gare de Lyon smart Shelter. Image retrieved http://www.archiexpo.com/prod/metalco/ up to twenty percent (Daimler, 2017). An office- This would both align with the NSW product-56172-1653762.html park and mixed-use development is currently under Department of Industry’s imperative to consideration outside Nashville, with underground better understand the nature of innovation Bertoncello, M., & Wee, D. (2015). Ten ways autonomous driving could redefine the automotive world. Retrieved from parking facilities that are being built to smaller ecosystems and present the opportunity McKinsey & Company website: http://www. mckinsey. com/insights/automotive_and_assembly/ten_ways_autonomous_ specifications to account for the increased parking to pursue this through the Bays (TfNSW driving_could_redefine_the_automotive_world. efficiency of future CAVs (Sisson, 2016). CAV parking 2016). Cass, N., & Faulconbridge, J. (2016). 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