2014-15 ANNUAL REPORT CancerCare Foundation raises funds exclusively for CancerCare Manitoba (CCMB). Since 2000 the Foundation has donated more than $91 million to CCMB to support our shared INSIDE: vision of reducing the impact of cancer on all Manitobans and their families affected by cancer. 1 Message from the Chair and CEO This year Manitobans continued to trust the 2 Two Inspiring Manitoba Medical Firsts Foundation with their donations. We are 5 Donor Dollars stewards of these dollars and are proud to tell donors exactly how and where their 6 Individual Donors money was spent. This report is for the fiscal 9 Corporate Donors year ending March 31, 2015. 11 Signature Events

14 Community Events

17 Your Dollars at Work

19 Our Board and Committees

20 Financial Statements

On the cover: Two year-old twins Zoey and Zayne Espayos with Dr. Geoff Cuvelier. Read their inspiring WEstory on page 2. AREINSPIRED Dear Donors and Partners: YOU INSPIRE US

New technology, new treatments, new fundraising ideas! It has been an incredible year – thanks to you, our donors This was an exceptional year for CancerCare Manitoba and our volunteers. Your financial support, your gift of time – Foundation. I’m excited to share the annual report for the year both are so significant, because every moment and every ending March 31, 2015 on behalf of the Board of Directors. dollar counts when you are helping someone touched by cancer. Your support allowed us to invest over $5.7 Million 2015 marks my final year as Board Chair. It’s been an in key programs and services at CancerCare Manitoba this incredibly rewarding experience, and I am so proud of all past year. As the provincial fundraising charity for CancerCare that has been accomplished. Manitoba, our team at the Foundation is so proud to see the impact of those dollars in prevention, early detection, Thank you to my fellow board members who give their time, research, as well as patient care and support. expertise and passion to the cause of cancer in Manitoba. They are a critical part of the Foundation’s team and I thank In this annual report you will see the generosity of these them for their dedication. donors, corporate sponsors and volunteer fundraisers. We are truly grateful to each and every one. Together we Thank you to the Foundation’s professional staff. This are making an important and lasting difference in the outstanding team is on the front line of all fundraising lives of so many. efforts; working hard each day with passion and purpose! In the pages ahead you will read the story of the Espayos Thank you to the team at CancerCare Manitoba who twins: adorable, identical twin girls whose lives were saved consistently provide quality care for all Manitobans and their by the combined efforts of the perinatology team at Women’s families living with cancer. Hospital and the blood and marrow transplant team at And especially thanks to you, our donors, who give so CancerCare Manitoba. The twins’ treatment marks a medical generously to make such a profound difference in the lives of first and we are honoured to introduce them to you. so many. During my term on the board, I have met hundreds The Espayos twins’ story illustrates the critical role of of individuals and families managing through the shock of CancerCare Manitoba and how your donations to CancerCare diagnosis, the challenge of treatment, and the countless ups Manitoba Foundation make such a difference in people’s lives. and downs along the way. I have witnessed the incredible Their story also serves as a reminder that CancerCare difference your financial support makes in the lives of Manitoba plays a vital role as the mandated agency for both Manitobans living with cancer. cancer and blood disorders across the province. It has been a privilege to Chair the CancerCare Manitoba Your time and your financial support is helping create more Foundation Board, attend hundreds of events, and meet so tomorrows for thousands of Manitobans touched by many interesting people from all walks of life. I have been cancer. I am so grateful and very proud to be associated extremely fortunate to help create awareness for CancerCare with every one of you. Manitoba, and will continue to do so at every opportunity.

Annitta Stenning, PRESIDENT AND CEO Janice Filmon, CHAIR CancerCare Manitoba Foundation CancerCare Manitoba Foundation Board of Directors

1 Photo: Pam Lowe-Bond INSPIRING TWO MANITOBA MEDICAL FIRSTS Before they had names, before Zoey and Zayne Espayos were born on You don’t hear much about alpha August 30, 2013, but their story actually thalassemia in North America, they had cute little grins, before begins eight blood transfusions earlier. but the less severe forms of the genetic condition (silent carrier and alpha they had even left their mother’s You might think the most shocking part thalassemia trait) are actually quite of Reina Espayos’ pregnancy was common in people of African, Southern womb, the Espayos twins were learning that she was carrying identical Chinese, Southeast Asian, Middle twin girls. You would be wrong. Eastern and Mediterranean decent. already in a fight for their lives. Early in her pregnancy, Reina and her Mark and Reina Espayos met and husband Mark learned that both babies married in the Philippines. Unknowingly, had a deadly genetic blood disorder both were carriers of alpha thalassemia called alpha thalassemia (hydrops trait when Reina became pregnant with fetalis). The disorder would leave the the twin girls. Any children the couple babies unable to make hemoglobin produced would have a 25% chance of within their red blood cells. Hemoglobin having the severe form of the disorder. is important because it carries oxygen Their first-born daughter Zachi was throughout the body. In medical literature, perfectly healthy, but the genetic dice the phrase “incompatible with life” often would roll differently for the twins. follows the description of the condition. Affected by the severe form of alpha For the couple from Hamiota, Manitoba thalassemia, both girls would be in and their 11-year old daughter, it was a heart failure at 6 months into the heart-wrenching moment. “We were pregnancy. absolutely devastated,” says mom Reina.

2 CANCERCARE FOUNDATION 2014-15 ANNUAL REPORT A plan takes shape the umbilical vein of the fetus and marrow donation on one child in order In addition to treating cancer, injecting red blood cells. “Transfusing to save another sibling. It has to be CancerCare Manitoba is also deeply identical twins with a shared placenta the child’s decision to donate,” says committed to finding better ways to was particularly challenging, as a Dr. Cuvelier. After the CancerCare team treat blood disorders. Dr. Geoff Cuvelier, complication with one baby could affect met with Zachi they were convinced she a Pediatric Hematologist-Oncologist the other,” says Dr. Reid. had made her own decision. and specialist in blood and marrow transplantation at CancerCare Manitoba, The girls – who had only previously “The day of the procedure Zachi showed began to discuss the twins' case with been referred to as Twin 1 and Twin 2 up with a smile on her face. You could the perinatology team at the Women’s – were born in late summer 2013. They tell she really wanted to do this for her Hospital to find a solution. were named Zoey and Zayne, weighed sisters,” says Dr. Cuvelier. over 3 pounds each, and had delicate Working together, the two teams of tufts of black hair. They were greeted There is always a risk of a bone marrow specialists devised a bold plan. If it with overwhelming love and relief. recipient rejecting the transplant and worked, it would be one for the books. becoming very sick. For that reason, It was a huge moment, but even bigger CancerCare Manitoba’s Blood and “If the perinatology team could ones were still to come – bone marrow Marrow Transplant team opted to administer in utero blood transfusions transplants for both girls! perform the bone marrow transplants to the babies while they were still in the one twin at a time. womb, it might reverse their heart failure and keep them alive until they To everyone’s great relief, the transfusions were successful, and marked were old enough to be delivered closer to term. Once the twins were born, a medical first for the pediatrics team in Manitoba, being the first ever the team at CancerCare Manitoba was prepared to keep them alive after birth in utero transfusions performed for Alpha Thalassemia in the province. with regular blood transfusions,” said Dr. Cuvelier. Adding, “But, in the A big sister makes a big decision long-term, we needed to think outside When it came time to find a bone the box. Lifelong blood transfusions marrow donor, the twins' big sister are not good for the body, so we would Zachi stepped up. “I really wanted ultimately need to try to cure their sisters, and they needed my help,” disease through the use of bone marrow she explains matter-of-factly. transplantation.” As luck would have it, testing proved that Worldwide, only a few cases of bone Zachi was a good, but not perfect match marrow transplantation for severe alpha to be a bone marrow donor for her two thalassemia patients have been younger twin sisters. Dr. Cuvelier decided reported in medical literature. There are, that the chance for success outweighed however, no known cases where the risk of rejection. identical twins with the disorder have The process by which bone marrow survived as the result of in-utero blood would be taken from Zachi was transfusions followed by bone marrow Big sister Zachi with Zoey and Zayne. demonstrated to her using dolls. transplantation. It was a doubly For a girl afraid of needles, she showed daunting challenge that the CancerCare remarkable bravery. The extraction of a Zoey’s bone marrow transplant took team was ready to take on – provided th litre of bone marrow (enough for both place on September 30 2014 – they got the chance. twins) would require two hundred and the waiting began. Perinatologists Drs. Gregory Reid and needles being inserted and taken out While doctors waited to see if Zoey Jennifer Hunt began performing in utero from the back of her pelvic bone. would accept or reject the transplant, blood transfusions in Reina’s 28th week Two hundred! Zayne continued with blood transfusions of pregnancy. This involved passing a “We are very cognizant that parents and waited her turn. needle, with ultrasound guidance, into cannot strongly influence a bone

3 One month after the second “Although both girls will need ongoing follow-up through CancerCare Manitoba, transplant, test results showed I expect the twins will be healthy into the future. They have both done extremely that the Zoey had accepted the well,” says Dr. Cuvelier. transplant. The donor’s bone It was yet another medical first! Photo: Pam Lowe-Bond marrow would start making new Identical twins cured of Alpha Thalassemia through bone marrow Within four weeks, blood tests would healthy red blood cells in Zoey’s reveal disappointing results. Zoey had body, meaning Zoey would no longer transplant. rejected her sister’s bone marrow. “It was a very hard day, lots of tears,” need blood transfusions to stay Reina says the family’s journey through recalls Reina. Big sister Zachi also took trying times and difficult decisions has the news hard, but “we emphasized to alive. Zoey has been entirely cured brought her and Mark closer. They are her that even though it didn’t take, both extremely grateful for the excellent it was not her fault” says Dr. Cuvelier. of her Alpha Thalassemia. care and support they received from CancerCare Manitoba. If at first you don’t succeed Anything she can do As a backup, the Blood and Marrow In theory, the pressure should have been As for the future, Mom reports that Transplant team had already identified a eased going into Zayne’s transplant. “Zoey is the dancer, Zayne is the singer, perfectly matched unrelated donor from After all Zayne had the same disorder, and they take turns being bossy”. the general public who would be willing the same DNA, the same medical team to donate bone marrow to the twins. and the same donor. The reality was – Within four weeks following the rejection nobody was taking identical results for of her sister’s bone marrow, Zoey would granted. There were simply too many The Manitoba Blood and Marrow receive her second bone marrow variables at play. Transplant Program was established in 1991 transplant, this time from this unrelated at CancerCare Manitoba, and is one of only donor. Enough bone marrow was Success was not guaranteed… but 6 centres in that perform pediatric harvested from the donor for both girls – thankfully, is exactly what transpired. transplants (15-20 yearly). It’s an important half was given to Zoey, while the other component of the care that CancerCare can Zayne received her bone marrow half was frozen in CancerCare Manitoba’s provide to children with cancer as well as transplant on April 17, 2015 and is now Cell Therapy Lab for Zayne’s anticipated non-cancerous diseases. Without the program, happily following in the tiny footsteps future transplant. Once again, the family patients and family members would have to of her twin sister. braced themselves for success or failure. travel to Calgary or Toronto for prolonged periods of time. At a time when other parents of infants Both Zoey and Zayne are alive, healthy, are marking milestones like ‘first solid and doing great. Both girls have accepted food’, Zoey was undergoing her second their bone marrow transplants, with bone marrow transplant. The date was stem cells from the donor making new November 26, 2013. This time, it worked. and healthy blood for both girls. Zoey has not required a blood transfusion in over 6-months, and Zayne, who was discharged from the Children’s Hospital on May 22, 2015 following her bone marrow transplant, has not needed a blood transfusion since.

4 CANCERCARE FOUNDATION 2014-15 ANNUAL REPORT Specific projects funded in 2014-2015: DONOR RESEARCH, EDUCATION & EQUIPMENT Core Operating Budget – Research Centre Research Operating Grants Studentships & Fellowships DOLLARS CancerCare Manitoba Translational Research Program Core Funding for CancerCare Manitoba Training Programs

ARE MAKING A REAL DIFFERENCE Match Up Funding with MHRC Scholarship for Dr. S Katyal Manitoba Palliative Care Research Unit (MPCRU) EPIDEMIOLOGY AWARENESS & Infrastructure Support 6% RISK REDUCTION Large scale clinical implementation of a 3D 4% patient verification system EPIDEMIOLOGY Core funding to support Epidemiology and Cancer Registry

PEDIATRIC AND ADULT CLINICAL TRIALS PATIENT CARE, SUPPORT Core funding for Pediatric and Adult Clinical Trials AND TRAINING RESEARCH, Pediatric Specific Blood and Marrow Transplant (BMT) Trials 15% EDUCATION & EQUIPMENT PATIENT CARE – SUPPORT Camp Indigo – Pediatric Oncology PEDIATRIC 57% AND ADULT Manitoba's TLC (Teens Living with Cancer) CLINICAL TRIALS Palliative Care, Transition and End of Life Care Programming 18% Road to GMP V: Project Mapping the Establishment of cGMP Compliant Cell Production with the Manitoba Blood & Marrow Transplant Program Consultation Recording Service for Patient Support Patient Refreshment Service Patient and Family Resource Centre Guardian Angel Caring Room The Foundation’s mandate is to support Volunteer and Community Based Information and Support Programs CancerCare Manitoba’s strategic priorities by funding programs and services that may Cancer Specific Information and Networking Sessions not be eligible for government funding. The Navigator Newsletter Music To My Ears As stewards of your important donations, Community Cancer Care Educational Conference the CancerCare Manitoba Foundation Board of Community Oncology Scholarships: Enhanced Skills Training for Directors considers peer-reviewed research and Community Oncology Programs, Cancer Patient Navigators and program proposals from CCMB that fit with their Primary Care Professionals strategic plan. Funding requests are rigorously Enhanced Quality of Life and Supportive Care Programming reviewed by the Foundation’s Projects, Grants Aftercare Program (CAP) for Survivors of Childhood Cancer & Awards Committee and, if approved, are Clinical Practice Guidelines Initiative: Testis Cancer Meeting & Breast Cancer Meeting forwarded to the Finance Committee and then to the Board. The Patient Guide: Your First Appointment Pilot for a New Colon Cancer Screening Technology This fiscal year the Foundation provided Transitions Initiative – Oncology Patient Passport Project $5.7 million in funding to support CancerCare Patient Support Related Services (Head & Neck Fellowship) Manitoba’s strategic priorities. Purchase of 18 televisions for Clinic areas throughout CancerCare

5 This year the foundation earned over $10.5 million to support Manitobans living with cancer. INDIVIDUALWe’re inspired by DONORS

This year thousands of individual * Mr Paul Mahon and Mrs Anne Mahon $500,000+ Margaret R. Ruby donors contributed to the Estate of Perry Ross Ken Sigurdson Joanne and Greg Ward CancerCare Manitoba Foundation. Estate of Pauline Malvina Haskell $200,000-$499,999 Estate of Margaret Eleanor Horn We couldn’t do it without you, Estate of Douglas King Hall Estate of Elaine Margaret Joyce our amazing donors. Your reasons Estate of Violet Hitchcock Estate of Frances Lovatt Estate of Frances Gamble McKitrick Estate of Ralph Nix for giving are as varied and as Estate of John Schroeder special as you are. Whether you donated in memory of a loved one $100,000-$199,999 lost to cancer, to honour a friend * Mr Andrew B. Paterson $5,000-$9,999 Bob and Marnie Puchniak or family member during treatment, Thomas James Bourns or simply because you want to help Estate of David Colin Mann Denis and Debbie Devos eradicate this horrible disease – Monty Foussard know that we are extremely grateful. $50,000-$99,999 Ms Dawn Fraser For those who left legacy gifts, * Dr Percy Goldberg and Mrs Elaine Goldberg their generosity will be forever Adrian & Maylene Cancilla Ms Elizabeth R. Hastings remembered. The Bergen Family Below is a list of donors who $25,000-$49,999 contributed more than $1,000 this * Paul and Mary Lou Albrechtsen fiscal year. You will note that many Ken & Diane Cranston of these donors have supported the Dr Mark Evans and Mrs Sharon Evans Foundation for more than a decade * Doug Harvey and they are identified in the report * Hartley and Heather Richardson with an (*) next to their name. Kelvin & Joyce Smith Anonymous (4) Estate of Gaylor Gorringe RICHARD & HILLAINE KROFT Estate of Mary Ochitwa CancerCare Manitoba is a treasure among the many extraordinary things in our Province. We have chosen to focus $10,000-$24,999 on helping attract the best and brightest Gary Buckley researchers in the world to come and * Mr James W. Burns O.C., O.M., LLD build their careers here. Edmond & Mirla Faridy Richard & Hillaine Kroft

6 CANCERCARE FOUNDATION 2014-15 ANNUAL REPORT * Simon Hiebert and Rosie Grijalva Sean W. Berry Candice & Stephen Freed Mr Peter Jessiman and Mrs Dana Jessiman Guy Bieber John & Barbara Freeman Dr James B Johnston Alyssa Blanco Laura Fridfinnson Hamish & Susanna Laing Sheldon Blank, Gateway Industries Wendy Gallegos * Mr Raymond L. McFeetors and Mr Dan Blankstein and Dr Sara Israels Darrell Gebhardt Mrs Lynne-Anne McFeetors George Bock Jaret Gilmour * Dr Kenneth A Murray and Judy Murray Celia Bollenbach * Dr Ian Goldstine and Mrs Elaine Goldstine Dr Susan Holt Deborah Boni * Mr Jim R. Grant and Mrs Anne Marie Grant Mrs Carol Ploen-Hosegood * Audrey and Brian Book * Mr William E. Gray Ronald J. Borys Ms Sara Gray Mr Rene Bouchard and Mrs Michele I. Bouchard Sharon G. Greening Dustin & Dena Boyd Janet Handel John & Mary Brenan Kenneth & Elizabeth Hanssen Johanna Brierley Dr Godfrey Harding and Mrs Patricia Harding Pennee Brotsche-Griffis Shelagh & John Hare Mr Richard Brownscombe Alison Harvey and Mrs Joyce Brownscombe Beatrice Heard Keith Bruch Keith Heming C.M., Q.C. Heather Buchanan * Hal and Anne Heuchert Vivian J. Burnell Ms Janet Hewitt CAROL PLOEN-HOSEGOOD Raymond & Donna Cadieux Rhonda Hickes I support the Dragon Boat Festival Stephan and Sandra Carson, Aubrey Hope because it raises money for pediatric from PackEdge Designs cancers, something near and dear to Mr Colin Charles my heart. It also promotes health, well- Jeoffrey Chipman & Nancy Groff being and teamwork! Mr Daniel Chisick and Ms Baillie Chisick Enso Cilia Gerry & Barb Price Robert and Gail Cipryk * Mr J. D. Riley Isaura Clark Hal Ryckman Susan Comack Kelvin Shepperd & Debbie Wolfe Jared Conroy Russel Skinner Mr Sean Conroy and Ms Karen Conroy Mr Don Streuber * Hennie & Richard Corrin Mr Earl Yetman Marnie Couchman AUBREY HOPE Anonymous 3 Roan Crow Cancer can have life changing effects * Mr Paul J. Daeninck and Ms Monica Furer Estate of Elsie Corbeil on family and friends. My experience Dr Harbhajan Singh Dhaliwal Estate of Andrew B Crump with cancer was a success due to Bruce Danyluk Estate of Olga Grouch the exceptional care at CancerCare Lynda Daun Estate of Dorothy Jean Henrickson Manitoba. I choose to donate to In Memory of Abram Derksen CancerCare Manitoba Foundation Donald & Sally Dick to help others living with cancer. $1,000-$4,999 Mr Robert G. Downs Kevin Dube & Barbara Pritchard * David and Dianne Horne Mrs Marilyn Adams Ron Dunning Robert Hotton Robert Aldridge The Einarson Family Linda Huclack Dawn Allen Joanne Embree Dr Benjamin Itzkow Dr Leslie S. Allen and Mrs Patricia Allen Mr Glen Erb Jonathan Itzkow Randy Ambrosie Brad Evenson Mr Jeff Itzkow and Dr Cathy Moser Garry Ammeter Phyllis Fehr * Mr Bruce W. J. Jack and Mrs Shelley Jack Penny Antony David & Catherine Filmon * Jacqui James Richard Asselin * The Honourable Gary and Mrs Janice Filmon Dean Jin Richard J. Bahrychuk Lloyd Finlay David & Alexandra Johns * Mr Rennie Balciunas and Mrs Heidi Balciunas Harry & Elvira Finnigan John & Donna Johnson Mr Peter Barclay and Mrs Rita Barclay Mary Fiorentino Mackenzie Johnson * Mr Earl Barish and Mrs Cheryl Barish Carl A. Fleury Dave Johnston and Kathy Johnston Kenneth Baron Grant and Linda Floren Bob Jones Crystal Berens Dr & Mrs John Foerster Lisa Kasdorf Peter and Johanna Bergen Dr James Forest Dr Laurence & Ms Zoe Kogan * Bruce and Joyce Berry Mrs Ruby Francis Harley Katz Ryan Berry

7 Mr Jack Katz and Mrs Lesly Katz Mrs Donna M. Simister Dr Neil E. Kay Mr & Mrs Don and Terry Simons Blanche Keith Rob and Laurie Sitch * Glen Kennedy and Alyson Kennedy Inga Skundberg Mr Donald G. Kiffic & Mrs Lorraine Kiffic David L. Smith * Bryan Klein & Susan Halprin Debra Smith Gary Klein For the Love of Lucille Event David Knock Normand Sneyd Jordan Kork Norman and Robin Stamler * Stefan & Christine Kristjanson * Annitta Stenning & Ron Stenning Kristen Kruse Barbara M. Stewart Yen La LOUISE WELSH * Fred and Eileen Storozuk I lost a loved one in 2008 and had * Mr J. Robert Lavery and Mrs Elaine Lavery Carl Strempler incredible emotional support from the Pamela Leboldus * Barry Talbot and Elane Talbot Psychosocial Department. I’ve been * Dr Daniel Levin and Ms Lilian Bonin Ratnibd & Barbara Taylor a monthly donor ever since. I like that Mrs Margaret Lewis and Mr William Lewis I can choose where my money goes, Howard Thomson Maria Lindenberg because it’s important to me to fund Tim Tierney Mirko Ljubic brain cancer research. Gayle Timlick Pep Lough * Mark and Melanie Tooley James D. MacDonald John B. Topp * Mr Donald J. MacDonald * Dr William A. Norgate and Mrs Gillian Norgate Christopher Trajkovski Neil S. MacDonald Tim Oldham Mrs Kathy Turner Ted Maciurzynski Clarine Ostrove Helmut Unruh Elda Macki Mr Bruce Palansky Marcello Urciuoli Amber Magnifico * Chrys Pappas Kevin H. Van * Sylvia L. Main * Mr William S. Parrish and Mrs Theresa Parrish Jody van de Vijsel * Mr Lloyd Manchulenko and Mr Peter Pelech and Mrs Anita Pelech Chad Van Norman Mrs Marcy Manchulenko Mr Robert Penner Jordan Van Sewell Garth Manness * Frank and Jeanne Plett Dr Donna Wall Ms Carol Marcotte Flora Poirier * Ms Trudy G. Wall Ira & Gayle Marcus * Judge Rocky Pollack Russell Wasnie Garry Markham KB & Joanne Pooles Gordon & Charmaine Watt * Glenn Marr Bruce & Lynn Popham Catherine Weinstein Richard & Louise Marshall Mr & Mrs David & Joanne Provinciano Ms Louise Welsh Ms Angela Mathieson Jackie E. Pyle Brittany Werner Gerard Matte & Lydia Surasky-Matte Coleen Quigley Ken & Marjorie Whiklo Ms Joan McAdam * Mr W. John Rae and Mrs Marilyn Rae Sandra Wiebe Mr Clyde R. McBain and Mrs Victoria A. McBain * Mr Edward J. Ransby Andrew Wilton * Robert & Tammy McBain Peter Reich Alan & Lynne Wingate * Ken and Charlene McCrea Mr Tony Reznik and Mrs Donna Reznik William J. Woodford Greg & Bodil McFadzean * Janice Ricken * Dr Rochelle A. Yanofsky Rosy McNabb James & Johanna Rodger * Ms Mary Louise Young Keith & Olga McNamee Family Foundation Theresa, Fran & Lewis Rosenberg * Dr Alex and Harriet Zimmer Mr Robert Michaleski Craig & Mary-Lynn Roskos Estate of Rebecca Borts Darren Miller * Mr Norman Rozek Estate of Carl Bjarnason Nerino Molinari Mr Russ H. Saladin and Mrs Joan Saladin Estate of Marie Dorothy Fredborg * Mr Hugh Moncrieff and Mrs Jennifer Moncrieff Mr Peter Sawatzky Estate of Dianne Gamble Catherine Mortimer Dr. Carmine Scarpino Estate of Anita Anne Gobeil Mr David Muir and Mrs Donna Muir David Schioler & Sharon Clarke Estate of John Harkins * Mr Dan Murray and Mrs Kelly L. Murray Walter & Sandra Schirmeister Estate of Deanne Lander John & Margy Nelson Gregory F. Selinger Estate of John Alexander McLay Michael Nesbitt Raymond & Leanna Senez Estate of Diane Phippen * Jeff Neufeld and Katrina Lee-Kwen * David & Lena Shambrock Estate of Laureen Bernice Shipley Krista Nicholson * Mr Barry Shenkarow and Mrs Rena Shenkarow * Mr Dennis E. Nord and Mrs Patricia Nord Frank & Regina Shiffman

We make every effort to ensure the accuracy and completeness of all lists within this annual report, and extend our sincerest apology for any discrepancies. If you have questions please contact Val Pankratz, Stewardship Officer at 204-784-2872 or [email protected].


Manitoba Hydro Charitable Donations Once again our friends in the business $200,000-$499,999 Committee Brandon The Paul Albrechtsen Foundation Inc. * Manitoba Public Insurance community kept our mission close to * Mid-West Quilting Co. Ltd – The Knight Family their hearts. MTS Allstream $50,000-$99,999 Murray Auto Group The Foundation extends deep * All Charities Campaign NAV Canada appreciation to our corporate * Great-West Life Norquay Nurseries * Investors Group Power Corporation of Canada supporters. Your altruistic investments Order of Sons of Italy Garibaldi Lodge * Qualico Group Limited will help reduce the impact of cancer Paterson GlobalFoods Inc. * RTDS Technologies Inc. on all Manitobans. Please know that Safeway Seven Oaks Raiders Jr Hockey Club * The Winnipeg Foundation Shindico you are making a real difference. Shoppers Drug Mart We see the impact of your donations SMS Engineering Ltd. on a daily basis, and are so proud to TD Canada Trust $25,000-$49,999 Ten Spa at the Fort Garry have you on our team. Bank of Montreal * Terracon Development Ltd. Below is a list of corporate donors GiftPact Foundation Inc. The Fort Garry Hotel * Jewish Foundation of Manitoba The Megill-Stephenson Co. Ltd who contributed more than $1,000 TJ Rice Family Foundation this fiscal year. Corporations that have Urbanmine Inc. supported the Foundation for more Veron Consultants Inc. $10,000-$24,999 Wellington West Foundation than a decade are identified with an (*) * All-Fab Building Components Inc * WGI Westman Group Inc. next to their name. * AstraZeneca Canada Inc. * Winpak Social Club * Birchwood Automotive Group * Bison Transport Inc. Flatt Foundation $1,000-$4,999 * Manitoba Telecom Services Employee Charity Trust ABALON * Manitoba Telecom Services Inc. Abbvie * Melet Plastics Inc. ABCO Supply & Service Ltd. Nygard International Active Builders Limited Power Corporation of Canada * ADA Holding Co Ltd * Price Industries Limited ADESA Winnipeg * Radiology Consultants of Winnipeg AECOM Canada Ltd. Red River Cooperative Ltd. Apptius Computer Solutions Inc. * The City of Winnipeg Arlt Homes Ltd. * Wawanesa Mutual Insurance Company Arne’s Welding Ltd WCPD Foundation Arthur J Gallagher Group * Winpak Ltd Asphaltec Paving Ltd Scotiabank Assiniboine Interiors GREAT-WEST LIFE Audio Works Production Services Ltd. " CancerCare Manitoba is a necessary * B.A. Robinson Co. Ltd. resource for each and every one of us, B. Itzkow Holdings Ltd. as cancer touches every family on some $5,000-$9,999 BARCO Welfare Fund level. Our company is a long-standing Aikins Law Barnhart Transport Ltd supporter of CancerCare through capital * Antex Western BDC and research funding and through events CIBC BFI Canada like Challenge for Life and Guardian * Credit Union Central of Manitoba Big Freight Systems Inc Angel, where staff and advisors actively * Crosstown Civic Credit Union Ltd. Bijou Fine Jewellery fundraise and promote well-being for all DTZ Winnipeg Ltd BMO Nesbitt Burns Inc Insurance Brokers Association of Manitoba Bokhaut & Company Chartered Accountant Manitobans." Investors Group Boston Pizza Jan Belanger, Vice-President, Kleysen Group LP Bressanté Community Relations, Great-West Life, * MacDon Industries Ltd. Bridge Drive-In London Life and Canada Life

9 Broadview Networks Magellan Aerospace Limited * Richlu Manufacturing Brunswick Steel Manitoba Association of Insurance Professionals * Rob-Lyn Insurance & Financial Services Ltd Canad Inns Manitoba Hydro Neepawa Rond’s Marine Ltd. Canadian Footwear Ltd Manitoba Hydro Telecom Royal Canadian Properties Limited Capstone Ridge Group Mann Financial Assurance Ltd * Royal George Hotel Carpathia Credit Union Ltd Man-Shield Construction Inc. Russell Investments Canada Carte International Inc. * Maple Leaf Construction Ltd. Sanford Collegiate Chemo Savvy Inc. * Maxim Truck & Trailer SAS Institute CIBC Wood Gundy McPhillips Station Casino Sears Employee’s Charitable Fund Cloverdale Paint MIG Insurance Group Ltd. Seccuris Inc. Colony Insurance Agencies Mills Insurance Agency Servpro Corby Distilleries Mitzi’s Restaurant Sierra Systems Group Inc. Corporate Concepts MNP LLP Sigurdson Financial Group Inc. Couture Capital Group Inc. * Monarch Industries Limited Solvera Solutions Crosier Kilgour & Partners Ltd. Motor Coach Industries Limited Souris Valley Industries Ltd. Crossroads Insurance My Tribute Gift Foundation Southampton Air Conditioning Derksen Mechanical Services Inc. National Bank Financial Speciallaser Tech Inc. Desjardins Financial Security Norman & Adele Walker Foundation Spiring Wealth Management Group * DOMO Gasoline Corporation Ltd Northwestern Roofing Ltd. Sprott Asset Management Linden Ridge Orthodontics, Dr Rana Shenkarow Nova 3 Engineering Ltd St James Collegiate Duha Group Oldfield Kirby Esau Inc * St. James Volkswagen Audi Ltd. Duraco Windows Online Business Systems * StandardAero Dymatec Inc Parkside Ford Lincoln Ltd. Stantec Consulting Ltd Edison Properties Payworks Inc Steinbach Credit Union Elise Accessories PCGI Consulting Services – Winnipeg Stephen N. Rosenfield CGA Professional Enterprise Holdings PCL Constructors Canada Inc Corporation Enterprise Rent A Car Canada Foundation Peak of the Market Sun Media Ernst & Young LLP Pitblado Law Sylvan Learning Centre Even-Spray & Chemicals Limited Prairie Mountain Health Syngenta Crop Protection Canada Inc Exchange Industrial Group PricewaterhouseCoopers Management Services Sysco Food Services of Winnipeg FABCA Projects Ltd Princess Auto Limited Tait Insurance Group * Fillmore Riley LLP Procurity Inc. Taylor McCaffrey LLP Foretell Technologies Limited RBC Foundation Teleco Supply Freightliner Manitoba Ltd. RBC Wealth Management TELUS Communications FWS Group of Companies Red River Mutual The Asper Foundation FXR Racing Inc * Reimer World Corp The Canada Life Assurance Company G & L Sales Ltd. Rempel Insurance Brokers Ltd. The City of Winnipeg G.J. Andrews Incorporated * Richardson International Limited * The Gail Asper Family Foundation Inc. Gardewine Group Inc The Pollard Family Foundation GE Capital Thermo King of Mid Canada Genstar Development Company Thomas Design Builders Ltd GHY International Jean and Rick Riess * Thompson Dorfman Sweatman LLP Greenland Equipment Top It Paving and Materials Greenwater Investments Corp. UAP Canada Guardian Capital Advisors LP * United Way of the Lower Mainland Happy Monkey Club Vend-Tec Group Ltd Harco Co. Ltd. Venture Expediting Harmony Honda W.G. McTavish Medical Corp Harry Rosen Inc. Warkentin Homes Ltd. Hewlett-Packard (Canada) Co. Waterside Developments Hill Sokalski Walsh Trippier LLP Widows Sons Motorcycle Association HUB International Horizon Insurance REMPEL INSURANCE BROKERS * Winnipeg Airports Authority Inc. Hugh Munro Construction Ltd Winpark Dorchester Properties "Those who know me have heard me say ID Fusion Software Worldsource Financial Management Inc./ Imaginet 'everyone has bumps in the road, brain Stalker Financial Group Industrial Metals (2011) cancer was ours.' CancerCare Manitoba Wyatt Dowling Insurance Intact Foundation was there for my husband with state- iQmetrix Software Development Corp of-the-art equipment and treatments, J.K. May Investments Ltd. world-class physicians and nurses, and JC Paving Ltd. gracious volunteers – all in a beautiful Johnston Group Inc. tranquil building. The care we received Keith G. Collins Ltd. was awesome! I am thankful to those who Krismark Holdings donated in the past and urge others to get La Salle Insurance Services Inc involved. We continue to support CCMF Lawton Partners Lakewood Medical Centre so that all Manitobans will have the same * Landau Ford Lincoln Sales Ltd. positive experience, should they ever need it." Lehigh Hanson Materials Limited Lynne Rempel Life Benefit Solutions Inc.

10 CANCERCARE FOUNDATION 2014-15 ANNUAL REPORT Inspiring SIGNATURE EVENTS CancerCare Manitoba Foundation held four signature events in 2014. In addition to thanking volunteer organizers and attendees, we want to extend a special thanks to our many sponsors. We couldn’t do it without you. Your support helped us deliver fabulous fundraising events on the ground, on the water, on plates, and on the catwalk!


The 7th Annual Challenge for Life 20k Walk raised an amazing $1,050,000. It was an impressive end to an emotional and exciting event. Five hundred and forty walkers hit the pavement in June in support of cancer research, prevention, treatment, patient care and support. More than a fundraiser, the Challenge for Life participants commit to reducing their own personal risk of cancer. One way to do that is by getting active. In its seven-year history CFL has raised more than $7 million. event sponsors: platinum silver Canada Safeway Maxim Truck & Trailer Order of the Sons of Italy Birchwood gold Winnipeg Free Press Great-West Life bronze Paterson GlobalFoods Inc. Canstar Community News City TV 102.3 Clear FM Granny’s Poultry Red River Cooperative Ltd.


Flavour and philanthropy were on the menu at the 7th bi-annual dinner in support of Men’s Cancer. A Gold-Plated Evening raised over $410,000 for CancerCare Manitoba's Prostate Tumor Bank. The Tumor Bank has become a critical factor in the control, early detection, treatment and improving long-term outcomes for all Manitoba men living with prostate cancer. Over 800 people attended the popular April event at RBC Convention Centre. Guest Speaker Craig Kielburger with Presenting Sponsor Paul Albrechtsen. event sponsors: presenting sponsor bronze sponsor Planned Perfectly The Paul Albrechtsen Foundation Inc. The Asper Foundation RBC Wealth Management gold sponsor AstraZeneca Inc. Scotiabank Hartley and Heather Richardson Emma Couture Planning & Design Terracon Development Ltd. Freeman Audio Visual raffle sponsor silver sponsors Kleysen Group James W. Burns, O.C., O.M., LLD Your Prairie Chrysler, Dodge, Murray Chevrolet Ram & Jeep Dealers Assoc. Safeway Palliser Winnipeg Free Press Piston Ring Winpak



On your mark, get set, PADDLE! The 2014 Manitoba Dragon Boat Festival took place in September, with over 103 teams doing battle on the Red River. While cancer can touch anyone, some of the most tragic instances involve children. That is why CancerCare Manitoba Foundation and the Children’s Hospital Foundation of Manitoba partner together for the dragon boat festival. This year, the three-day event raised $350,000 for research, care and support for those most vulnerable of all – Manitoba kids with cancer. event sponsors:

Top fundraisers; The Happy Monkey Club. Boyd Autobody & Glass, 102.3 Clear FM, The Metro


A tradition for more than two decades, the 23rd Annual Guardian Angel Benefit for Women’s Cancer took place at RBC Convention Centre in October. The event, organized by Chairperson Ida Albo and a committee of volunteer Angels, raised $420,000. Over a thousand women and men enjoyed a powerful display of style and strength as cancer survivors graced the catwalk. In Manitoba, cancer is the leading cause of death for females aged 25 to 84. The annual gala is the centerpiece of the Guardian Angel’s fundraising efforts. Money raised supports tangible advancements in prevention, early detection, clinical treatment, research and patient care, resulting in better outcomes for women diagnosed with cancer. event sponsors: presenting angel angel of hope The Paul Albrechtsen Academy Florist Foundation Inc. Adesa platinum angel Algologie The Bergen Family AstraZeneca Mr. James W Burns, gold angel O.C., O.M., LLD Special model; Shawnda Muir. Dr. Edmond Faridy Elite Lighting and Dr. Mirla Faridy Emma Couture archangel Planning & Design Banville & Jones The Fort Garry Hotel Spa Great-West Life and Conference Centre Interior Illusions Freeman Audio Visual Power Corporation Manitoba Liquor & of Canada Lotteries Prairie 360 Matis Beauty Expert Radiology Consultants Dr. Kenneth A. Murray of Winnipeg & Judy Murray Ten Spa at the Fort Garry Planned Perfectly Yoga Public Qualico Winnipeg Free Press RBC Convention Centre The Paul Albrechtsen Foundation table – hosted by Mary Lou Albrechtsen. Winpak Winnipeg Shindico Terracon Development Ltd. Urbanmine Inc.

13 We’re inspired by OUR COMMUNITY Each year the community shows its $100,000+ $10,000-$24,999 * Breast Cancer Pledge Ride Ambrosie Lighting Pro Am support to CancerCare Manitoba * St Charles Invitational Pro-Am * Breast Cancer Pledge Ride North-Flin Flon * The Inside Ride * Coffeehouse to End Cancer Foundation in the form of a wide- * Conviron Employee Fundraiser * Emile Moskal Memorial Golf Tournament range of community events. We are * Female Hockey Fights Cancer * Gilliam Mother’s Day Belgian Waffle Brunch inspired by your enthusiasm and * Inspire for Life – Manitoba’s Walk for Lung Cancer creativity. In 2014-2015, nearly * Kids Fishing for a Cure * Lake of the Sandhills Ladies Charity Golf Tournament 400 community events registered * Nygard International * Peak of the Market Gala Dinner with CCMF. * Portuguese Women’s League Fall Tea * Schmenge Brothers Golf Tournament Approximately 60% are one-time INSIDE RIDE * Shirley Fleury Memorial Slo-Pitch Tournament events like birthday parties, golf These lovely ladies were 1 of 68 Smart Truck Canada Pink UnderTray Awareness Campaign tournaments and “head shaves” and teams that raised over $187,000 for pediatric clinical trials. 40% are annual events like Carman Curl for Cancer, The Inside Ride, and the Ness Middle School Wake-A- Thon. To show our appreciation – $50,000-$99,999 and aid in your fundraising efforts – * Pink Ribbon Ladies Golf Classic * Sears National Kids Cancer Ride the Foundation provides marketing * Techapalooza IV and other supports (upon request) The Summer Kickoff Social for events registered with the in Honour of Grandma Red Foundation. Having CCMF branded * Winnipeg Jets Hockey Fights Cancer support for an event often legitimizes SCHMENGE BROTHERS the event with donors and is shown $25,000-$49,999 to improve fundraising outcomes. GOLF TOURNAMENT * 102.3 KiSS Father Daughter Ball Fueled by perogies and cabbage rolls When you succeed, we succeed, and * Carman Curl for Cancer this tournament raised $10,102.00! for that we are incredibly grateful. * EMCO Waterworks Annual Golf Tournament & Fishing Derby Following is a list of events * Kendra’s Walk * St Norbert Hotel Meat Draws registered with CCMF this fiscal year. * Kick Butt for Colorectal Cancer Walk/Run * St Paul’s High School Walk In Honour Annual events are identified with an * Mud Hero of Blair Mattes * Scotiabank Charity Golf Tournament (*) beside the event name. * Stonewall Collegiate Hoops for Hope * Southwood Daisy Golf Tourament * YBN Dale Rempel Memorial Golf Tournament

$5,000-$9,999 * Bestland Family Reunion Concert for Carter * Donate a Car Canada * Jim Woodman 4 on 4 Co-ed Street Hockey Tournament * Kelvin High School Walk-a-thon * MG Electrical Our People Care Golf Tournament Murray Chevrolet & Enterprise Rent A Car #Imdrivingfor MUD HERO * Northern Harbour Welcome to Summer In its second year, this muddy event Celebration raised $41,359.35. * Paul Skinner Memorial Soccer Tournament Pre-Con Builders Christmas Party

14 CANCERCARE FOUNDATION 2014-15 ANNUAL REPORT Richard & Colette Asselin’s 40th Wedding Queenston School Art Auction Anniversary * Ribbons For Rylan So Long Daddy O: A Celebration of Gene Pyrz * Royal Canadian Legion Gillam Ladies Sun Life Financial Share Your Local Sun Poker Tournament Tapastry at Niakwa’s Wheelhouse Scott & Laura’s Wedding Pop-up Restaurant Shaftesbury High School Youth in Philanthropy The Treble 24 Shows in 24 Hours “Share the Flow” Dawson Cuts for Cancer Winnipeg Rifles Football Club in Honour * Simone Rey Memorial Cut a Thon of Blair Mattes Sky Zone Gets The Jump on Breast Cancer * Smitty’s with Friends Fight Cancer * Spirit Seekers $1,000-$4,999 * St Boniface Hospital Electrical Shop Movember ESTHER'S HAT OF THE DAY * St James Collegiate Variety Show Adam Kasloff & Brittany Werner’s Wedding Esther Paradoski created her own * St Mary’s Academy Walk Andrew & Nikita’s Wedding Hat of the Day calendar to help her * Stache Bash August Rush cope with breast cancer, hair loss, Stampin Up! Crop for Cure Baldur School Fundraiser * Sunova Credit Union Debit Card Fundraiser and to raise money. Ballin’ for Awareness * Tammi Kroeker: Run,Walk or Ride * Big Freight Systems Fundraiser Teulon Rodeo Club Big Guy’s Big Day Happy Daycare on Pineridge Garage & Bake Sale * The Joe Show Golf Tournament * Big Guy’s Ranch & Saloon Golf Fundraisers * Henry Derksen Memorial Golf Tournament The Winnipeg Sun Kick Cancer Wrap * Black Sparrow Golf Invitational Industrial Truck Service Dress Down Day & * The Winnipeg Table Hockey League * Bob Moffat Golf Tournament Silent Auction Think PINK For Breast Cancer * Calgary Winnipeg Golf Tournament * Jeannette and Carol’s Craft Sale * Tim Lewis Outdoor Winter Classic * Call a Foul on Cancer Pink Whistle Campaign * Larters Ladies Lassie Golf Tournament Tommy Gun’s Original Barbership Grand Opening * CancerCare Manitoba Volunteer Appreciation * Last Chance Christmas Craft Sale Transcona Major Junior Hockey Club * Canoe Quest for Cancer * Live in the Moment Golf Tournament Railer Express LOSE the hair...for CancerCare Turk Enterprises Grand Opening * Manitoba Association of Insurance United Soccer Trips Academy 90 minutes for Professionals Golf Tournament 60 days Manitoba Karting Association Rene Berard Classic University of Manitoba Faculty of Medicine * Manitoba Wall and Ceiling Association Class of 2014 Golf Tournament Virden Lions Club Fundraiser Marci Rozzi Head Shave in support Walmart Winnipeg South Flower Sale of Jeannie Rozzi * Winnipeg Airport Authority Fire Department Max Conroy & Andrea Northwood’s Boot Drive for Breast Cancer Wedding Social * Winnipeg Speedfest McPhillips Nissan Movember * Winnipeg Trap & Skeetclub Shoot for the Cure * Michael Finkbeiner Memorial Scotch Night Moksha Yoga Kildonan Candlelight Karma CANOE QUEST FOR CANCER * More Than Soup Cookbook $1-$999 This group of paddlers from St. Theresa * MTS Marketing Fun Curling Event Point First Nation raised over $2,000. Music Fest to End Cancer Access Credit Union Oak Bluff Jeans for Charity Ness Middle School Wake-a-thon Adam & Eve * Oak Park High School Youth in Philanthropy Adesa Drivers Cup in Memory of Brian Clague * Capital Ford Lincoln Sales Winnipeg Employees * Onanole RV Park & Campground Toe Jam Aliya Wong’s Bake Sale * Cartier Fire Truck Pull Music Festival Angel’s Headshave Chop the Mop * One Harvest Night Anne Hedley and Preston Mandamin’s Wedding * City of Winnipeg Employees & Retirees Paul’s Hauling Ltd Denim Days Anne Kostjuk’s 100th Birthday Charitable Fund * Pay it Forward Party Artis Reit Summer Fundraiser * Club 373 Bingo Night * Pembina Valley Twisters * Bank of Montreal Fort Richmond Bake Sale * Coin Belt Classics * Pink Pumpkin Sales for Breast Cancer * BDO Canada Denim Days * Cole Plaseski Social Pitblado LLP Breast Cancer Fundraiser BDO Canada LLP Fundraiser in Memory * Construction Industry Thinks Pink...Again Pizza Hut Henderson Highway – Ribbons of Karen Kroeger * Crunk for Kendra for Rylan Benjanmin’s 10th Birthday Cupcakes to Cure Childhood Cancer Bianca & Gabriel’s Birthday Cut for the Cure * Birds Hill Barrell Racing Dane’s Cookies For Cancer * Bison Service Centre Event Parking DeSoto’s Reunion Boldt Family Christmas Party * Eddystone Walk for the Cure * Bonnycastle School * EIO Golf Classic Borland Social Committee Christmas Draw * Ellen’s Benefit for Breast Cancer Brooke, Grace, Jenna & Madison’s Bake Sale * End Cancer. Period. Catherine Evans’ 20th Anniversary Esther’s Hat of the Day at Russel Metals * For the Love of Lucille Celebration of Life for Donalda Walker * George Benoit Runs the Manitoba Marathon * Charleswood Art Group * George Spiridakos Memorial Golf Tournament Chiara’s Birthday Get Gone Cancer Chris’s Hallo’a way Cancer Glenlawn Collegiate Class of 79 Reunion Social CUPCAKES TO CURE CHILDHOOD CANCER * City of Winnipeg Streets Maintenance * Handemonium raised $2,400. Golf Tournament for Bobby

15 Cole’s 9th Birthday Karen Komer and Troy Lemon’s Wedding * Park Manor Denim Day College Beliveau Grade 7 & 8 Dance Karen’s Buns of Hope * Parkway Co-op Breast Cancer Fundraiser College Louis-Riel Bake Sale Keigan’s 9th Birthday In Honour Pink Ladies Dart League Coronation Bowling Centre Knockdown Cancer of Shona Eisbrenner * Portage District General Hospital Casual Fridays * Creswin Properties Kelvin High School Student Council Poulin’s Pest Control Silent Auction Cuts for Cancer Prostate Fundraiser Professional Certification and Student Records * Daylan Damianakos Cupcake Drive Kennedy, Brooke & Charlie’s Rainbow Loom Jeans Day Deeley Fabbri Sellen Casual Days Bracelet Sale * Raffaele’s Birthday Deer Lodge Ladies Curling Club Kori and Tyler’s Wachniak’s Wedding Rainbow Loom Bracelet Sale in Honour Donwood School Bracelet Sale Kyle & Kim’s Wedding of Ylinh Lee Duboff Edwards Haight & Schachter Law Corp Ladies Tea in Support of Breast Cancer Research * R.D. Parker Collegiate Moustache Day Landmark Cinemas “Dr Cabbie” Fundraiser Robert Andrews School Lollipop Sales Ecole Belmont Head Shave * Last Chance Spring Craft Sale Robin and Lisa Campbell’s Wedding Ecole College Regional Gabrielle-Roy Bake Sale Latimer’s Christmas Party Rockin’ The 90’s * Ecole Leila North Community Auction Leslie Snell Memorial Golf Tournament Royal George Hotel’s New Year’s Eve Pretty in Pink Ecole Saint-Joachim Fundraiser Lincoln Middle School “Just Cause” Fundraiser Ryerson School Age Centre Fundraisers Ecole Selkirk Junior High School Junior Lindsay Noble’s Rainbow Loom Sale Ryerson School We Create Change Leadership Group Lite Up the Nite Party for Breast Cancer Awareness Sally Lipschitz’ Pink Ribbons * Ecole Varennes Movember Lord Selkirk Regional High School Samuel Raking for Opa Ecole Viscount Alexander School Bake Sale * Maintenance Golf Day Sarah’s 16th Birthday Elijah’s 6th Birthday Manitoba Association of Native Firefighters Sargent Park School Fundraiser Elkhorn School Wear Pink Spirit Day T-shirt Sales Sebastien Munilla & Danika Marchand’s Wedding Emily’s Pink Bracelet Sale * Manitoba Blue Cross Shawn and Maggie Desrocher’s Wedding Emma’s Bat Mitzvah Manitoba EHealth Social Committee Fundraiser Shirley’s Craft Sale Emms’ Fundraiser Manitoba Health Breast Cancer Month Kick Off Sizzling Dhaba Gives Back Erin’s 12th Birthday Manitoba Hydro Pancake Breakfast Skyler’s Birthday Ernie’s Birthday Manitoba Ranch Rodeo Fundraiser South Sherbrook Fitness Mock Meet * Fame Night Club Drink for Pynk Breast Cancer Manitoba Risk Insurance Putting Contest * Sperling Industries Movember Fazes Hair Studio Cuts for Cancer Mark Spence & Lianne Postma’s Wedding St James Assiniboia School Divison Movember Freeman Bird Memorial Hockey Tournament Matteo’s Birthday St John’s Ravenscourt School Philanthropy Project Geoffory’s Birthday MB Battery Grand Re-Opening Event St Mary’s Academy Movember George & Kristen’s Wedding Melissa Lewis’s Wedding St Nicolas Men’s Club Prostate Fundraiser * George Richards Big and Tall Mike Breed and Amanda Rothery’s Wedding * St Norbert Collegiate Pink Breast Cancer * Gib Nordin Memorial Golf Tournament * Mitzi’s Restaurant 36th Anniversary Awareness Campaign Glen Eden’s Father’s Day Charity BBQ * MPI’s Bison Service Centre Event Parking * Starbuck All Charities * Glenella School Breast Cancer Fundraiser * MTS Take Your Kids to Work Day Stony Mountain School Hot Chocolate Sales Glenora Mall Fundraiser in Memory of Natalie Duncan and Devon McDougall Wedding * Sunova Credit Union Member Appreciation Michael Chevalier Neely & Friends Lemonade Stand Take a Shot at Cancer Golden Girls Calendar Sales Nico’s 1st Birthday * The Beauty Within Grace’s 11th Birthday * The Green Shirt Golf Tournament Great Canadian Oil Change The Holiday Inn Winnipeg Airport Great-West Life Jets Draw Employee Fundraiser Gregg’s Insurance Agency Jean Day * The Saul and Claribel Simkin Centre Grosse Isle School Fundraiser Fundraising Events Hannah & Sophie’s Fundraiser The United Church in Meadowood Men’s Group Hannah’s Birthday * The Winnipeg Foundation Wear Jeans to Work Day Harvest Lunch Movember Mustache Challenge Thomas Greenway Middle School * Headingley Correctional Centre Movember Thomas William & Leanna Chartrand’s Wedding * Herfindahl’s Movember Trae’s 9th Birthday * Hill Top Research Blue Jean Day Transcona Nationals Football Club 50/50 Holly Profeta’s TV Commercial Turner Spence Chop Shop * HRMAM Golf Classic Union of Canadian Correctional Officers HSC Ancillary Services Movember Survey Contest * Infinite Courage Bracelets * Union Shoe Store Fundraiser Intact’s Employee Giving Program Urban Tactical Combats Breast Cancer * Interior Illusions – HANNAH'S BIRTHDAY * Vanguard Credit Union Movember The Window of Opportunity Program * Vincent Massey Collegiate’s Kelsey King Hannah Trickett got the cake, but she * Inverness Falls Wedding Moons Coffee House Inwood Golf and Country Club Mixed gave her birthday money to CancerCare * Voyageur School Fundays League Fundraiser Manitoba Foundation. Walter Whyte School Bake Sale Isaac Brock School “Wear a Hat” Day * Web Wizards CancerCare Crew Isabel Lemoing’s Pink Bracelets Nolan Aminot and Samantha Wilson’s Wedding Wesley’s Origami Jack and Stacey Jozwiak’s Wedding Nomads Midget Football Team * Wild Pink Yonder Janan Zied’s Bake & Freezie Sale Nomi’s 9th Birthday Pink & Blue Day Bake Sale Janan’s Rainbow Loom Bracelets North Winnipeg Nomads Minor Football Winnipeg Mennonite Elementary School Janice Cyrenne Internet Marketing Fundraiser Club Fundraiser Garage Sale Jeanette Patrick’s 50th Birthday * Noventis Credit Union Jeans Day Winnipeg Table Hockey Association Jeff McKay’s Movember Oakenwald School Pie Sale * Winnipeg Technical College Look Good Feel Good Joel and Andrea Hamm’s Wedding Odd Job Squad Lemonade Sale * Winnipeg Tenpin Bowling Association Jose Torre & Debbie Amaral’s Wedding Paige & Friends Team Fundraiser WPS – Tactical Support Team


Research improves outcomes for patients with cancer.

Research continues to be a key area of investment accounting for 57% of the Foundation’s annual grant to CancerCare Manitoba (CCMB). This level of support reflects the commitment to help CCMB attract and retain the best and brightest cancer specialists to our province. Our researchers study the complex nature of cancer through molecular, genetic and cellular research, with an emphasis on translational research – bringing the latest discoveries from laboratory bench to the patient’s bedside. This year the Foundation directed $3.2 million towards eleven research priorities identified by CCMB including $1.58 million in core operating support for the Research Institute of Oncology and Hematology (formerly MICB). In addition to funding the research platform at CancerCare, Our researchers study the complex nature of cancer, nearly $1 million additional dollars was awarded to individual researchers and research clinicians to support bringing the latest discoveries from laboratory bench the highest ranked projects. This financial investment has helped CCMB attract millions of additional dollars from a to the patient’s bedside. wide range of other local and national funding partners.

Manitoba boasts best cancer data in the world. Approximately 6% of this year’s grant to CCMB supported the Department of Epidemiology and the Cancer Registry. They play a key role in helping reduce the burden of cancer in Manitoba by studying the patterns of this disease in the province and working to understand the reasons behind the trends. By transforming raw data into useful information, the Department of Epidemiology provides critical insight that helps CancerCare develop programs in prevention, early detection, and improved treatment. Manitoba has been recording cancer information since the 1930’s. This information provides a clearer picture of the state of cancer across the province and represents one of the most comprehensive cancer registries in the world.

17 Clinical trials bring state-of-the-art treatment to Manitoba

CancerCare Manitoba participates in trials run locally, nationally and internationally using the best research from leading centres in the world. The Foundation provided over $1 million of funding to ensure pediatric and adult cancer patients in Manitoba would have access to these trials close to home. Clinical trials enable CCMB to bring the latest in treatments to our patients - helping Manitobans benefit from the most effective advances, without having to travel to other provinces or countries.

Patient Passport ‘Transitions’ key to patient supports journey safety and well being Everyone’s cancer journey is different. No single book A patient’s last could ever answer all the questions a person might have. appointment at With that in mind, a new oncology patient “passport” has CancerCare Manitoba been developed. Each fully customizable binder will serve as can be fraught with a guide to support patients through every phase of their own emotion. The transition cancer journey. Each passport will contain vital information back to the primary including appointment dates, test results, treatment care setting can be information, as well as a list of resources and contacts. stressful. Similarly, The Patient Passport will work as a navigation tool as well a transition to palliative as a powerful communication mechanism for patients, care can be overwhelming for patients and their families. family members as well as their caregivers. Transitions is a collaborative project focused on making the Knowing precisely process seamless and less stressful for patients, their families, where you are in your and primary care providers. Ensuring patients, families and journey and what is community providers receive the clear communication and coming next – can transfer of information at pivotal cancer transition points is vital. provide reassurance at With support from the Foundation, the Transitions project a very challenging time. was first piloted with the colorectal patient group. The Foundation was “The Foundation’s support for the pilot work has been crucial proud to provide the to the initiative’s success. CancerCare Manitoba’s innovative funds required to help Transitions Initiative is recognized across Canada for work that make this patient/ is setting a new standard of care for colorectal cancer patients.” healthcare provider Jill Taylor Brown, Director, Patient & Family Support Services initiative a reality. Transitions will now expand to include other areas, including breast, gynecology, lymphoproliferative and advanced cancers with support from CCMF.

18 CANCERCARE FOUNDATION 2014-15 ANNUAL REPORT back row, from left: Emoke J.E. Szathmáry, Annitta L. Stenning, Steven J. Kroft, Keith Boyd, Glen R. Peters, Dr. Mark Evans, Doug Harvey, Dr. Sri Navaratnam, Ken Cranston, Dr. Arnold Naimark, Hal Ryckman seated, from left: Dr. Joanne Embree, Gary Buckley, Janice Filmon, James W. Burns missing from photo: Ida Albo, Gregory Tallon, Alyson Kennedy, Paul Mahon, Jeffrey Morton, Barb Lillie missing directors emeritus: Raymond L. McFeetors, Andrew B. Paterson CANCERCARE MANITOBA Paul Mahon Dr. Joanne Embree, m.d., frcpc FOUNDATION BOARD Glen R. Peters Dr. Digvir S. Jayas Executive Officers Raymond L. McFeetors Dr. Ian Smith director emeritus Janice Filmon, c.m., o.m., lld Dr. Barbara Triggs-Raine chair Andrew B. Paterson director emeritus Dr. Sri Navaratnam Doug Harvey (ex-officio) vice chair CCMB Board Representatives Dr. Spencer Gibson James W. Burns, o.c., o.m., lld Dr. Arnold Naimark, m.d., o.c., o.m. (ex-officio) secretary chair Finance Committee Jeffrey Morton, fca icd.d Gregory Tallon, ll.b. treasurer, finance chair vice chair Jeffrey Morton fca icd.d chair Hal Ryckman Alyson Kennedy, fca, cfp marketing chair secretary Rick Abbott Emoke J.E. Szathmáry, c.m., o.m., ph.d. Barb Lillie, ca Gary Buckley projects, grants & awards chair treasurer Ken Cranston, b. comm., mba Annitta L. Stenning Dr. Sri Navaratnam John Smith president & ceo president and ceo (ex-officio) Marketing Committee Directors Hal Ryckman Ida Albo CANCERCARE MANITOBA chair Keith Boyd FOUNDATION COMMITTEES Ida Albo Gary Buckley Projects Grants and Awards Shawna Balas Committee (PGAC) Ken Cranston, b. comm., mba Dr. Mark Evans, ph.d. Emoke J.E. Szathmáry, c.m., o.m., ph.d. Dr. Joanne Embree, m.d., frcpc chair Marty Fisher p .d. Dr. Mark Evans, h Keith Boyd Jackie Shymanski Steven J. Kroft (ex-officio)

CCMF STAFF Louis St-Cyr Nicola Starin Donna Laurin chief development officer events manager events assistant Annitta Stenning Sandra Tym Diana Onesky Val Pankratz president & ceo director, finance & data management research & Pam McLeod administration supervisor stewardship officer executive assistant Lindsay Rayter Michelle Blais Courtney Sigurdson to the president & ceo annual giving manager marketing coordinator receptionist Robert Jones Alison Carter Sandy Nitzsche Carole Courchaine vice-president, marketing events manager events coordinator accountant and communications Kate Gameiro Elaine Scammell Marissa Trinidad events manager events coordinator data management assistant

19 CancerCare Manitoba Foundation Inc. Statement of Financial Position As at March 31, 2015

2015 2014

ASSETS Current Cash and short-term investments $147,728 $404,956 Accounts receivable 278,880 50,958 17% Prepaid expenses 230,615 241,806

657,223 697,720

Investments 49,594,008 45,684,979 Administration Expenses as Fixed Assets 15,531 15,421 Percentage of Total Revenue Property Development Costs 1,351,534 (Five Year Average)

$51,618,296 $46,398,120

LIABILITIES Current Our Professional Advisors: Accounts payable and accrued liabilities 307,218 $234,450 Grants payable 1,381,543 1,230,309 Auditors Deferred contributions 237,205 336,130 Deloitte LLP

1,925,966 1,800,889 Investment Managers GWL Investment Management COMMITMENTS Invesco Canada Ltd. Jarislowsky Fraser Ltd FUND BALANCES Phillips, Hager & North Investment Unrestricted Fund Management Invested in fixed assets and property development 1,367,065 15,421 Unrestricted 28,919,434 26,793,590 Custodian CIBC Mellon Global Security 30,286,499 26,809,011 Services Co. Restricted Funds 5,962,840 5,247,670 Endowment Funds 13,442,991 12,540,550 Solicitors Fillmore Riley LLP 49,692,330 44,597,231 Principal Bankers BMO Bank of Montreal $51,618,296 $46,398,120 BMO Nesbitt Burns

Asset Performance Measurement Consultant GLC Asset Management Group

For complete financial statements including notes, please contact the Foundation at (204) 787-2244

20 CANCERCARE FOUNDATION 2014-15 ANNUAL REPORT CancerCare Manitoba Foundation Inc. Statement of Operations and Changes in Fund Balances For the Year Ended March 31,2015

Unrestricted Restricted Endowment 2015 2014 Fund Funds Funds Total Total

FUNDRAISING AND INVESTMENT REVENUE Direct mail campaigns, net $108,208 $715 $ – $108,923 $118,629 Estates & insurance beneficiary 2,068,124 – 500 2,068,624 1,724,410 General donations 741,735 322,577 5,878 1,070,190 1,500,459 Memorial donations 509,357 7,770 1,324 518,451 600,755 Events, net 2,872,579 801,335 – 3,673,914 3,422,392 Capital campaign, net – 18,814 – 18,814 –

6,300,003 1,151,211 7,702 7,458,916 7,366,645

Other donations 229,670 – – 229,670 214,984 Realized investment income, net 1,908,359 281,729 655,907 2,845,995 3,283,802

8,438,032 1,432,940 663,609 10,534,581 10,865,431

DISBURSEMENTS AND GRANTING ACTIVITIES Administrative expenses 537,749 – – 537,749 509,653 Marketing & communication 223,968 – – 223,968 157,926 Donor development & major gifts 544,052 – – 544,052 295,887 Events & projects 493,159 – – 493,159 469,670 Amortization 7,136 – – 7,136 5,529 Grants 3,909,391 1,673,026 425,394 6,007,811 6,326,707

5,715,455 1,673,026 425,394 7,813,875 7,765,372

Excess of fundraising and investment revenue over disbursements and granting activities 2,722,577 (240,086 ) 238,215 2,720,706 3,100,059

Unrealized investment gains 1,415,540 294,627 664,226 2,374,393 3,582,332

Excess of fundraising and investment revenue over disbursements and granting activities 4,138,117 54,541 902,441 5,095,099 6,682,391

Fund balance, beginning of year 26,809,011 5,247,670 12,540,550 44,597,231 37,914,840

Transfer of funds (660,629 ) 660,629 – – –

Fund balance, end of year $30,286,499 $5,962,840 $13,442,991 $49,692,330 $44,597,231



21 1160-675 McDermot Avenue | Winnipeg, Manitoba R3E 0V9 PHONE (204) 787-4143 | TOLL FREE 1-877-407-2223 | FAX (204) 787-1607 EMAIL [email protected] | cancercarefdn.mb.ca