Der Vorsitzende - The Chairman - Le Président

Mr President of the Paul-Henry Spaak 09B011 Rue Wiertz 60 B-1047 Brussels

Brussels, 5 February 2020

Dear Mr President, Dear David,

As we enter a new stage of the relationship between the United Kingdom and the , we believe it is crucial to maintain solid ties between our respective representatives.

A continuous and fruitful exchange will play a key role, especially when discussing and defining our future agreement.

That is why we would hereby propose to consider the opportunity of establishing an EU-UK Joint Parliamentary Assembly, in order to keep solid relations between our MEPs and Westminster.

To continue the close collaboration between citizen’s representatives would be paramount to ensure this transition does not come at the expenses of our peoples. The new assembly would provide the best opportunity to make sure the EU and the UK would remain close partners in the future in the interests of our citizens.

We trust we will be able to count on your support and thank you for your consideration to our proposal.

Yours sincerely,

David McALLISTER MEP Esteban GONZÁLEZ PONS MEP Chair of the Committee of Vice-Chairman of the EPP Group in the EP Foreign Affairs responsible for Working Group Legal and Home Affairs

Manfred WEBER MEP MEP Chairman of the EPP Group in Vice-Chairman of the EPP Group in the EP the European Parliament responsible for Working Group External Policies

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