8 THE JSEAVS ANDOIiSBKVKR, APltil, ‘JO, 18»8 BUCKLEN’S ARNICA SALVE. The News 1 Observer. The best salve In the world for cuts, fever bruises, sores, uleeri, salt rheum, hands, chilblains, Wl:u XESDA Y \pr:l 20, 1808. sores, tetter, chapped skin eruptions, and poei- A. B. corns, and all Stronach. required. It dvely cures piles, or no pay ADVERTISEMENTS. s guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction NEW cents per jr money refunded. Price 25 by druggists. lIDI.LEiR BROfcC —Ziegler's Shoes. oox. For sale all HATS TRIMMED FREE OF CHARGE. A Dry Goods Store for Ladies Mainly but SHERWOOD HIGGS & CO.—French Thousands of sufferers from grippe by One . 'lave been restored to health Open to All. TUGS. H. /BRIGGS & SONS—Puritan Minute Cough Cure. It quickly cures Oil Stores. ••onghs, colds, bronchitis, pneumonia, ginghams. grippe, and all throat and lung diseases. about wants of customers, & Heartt. We have anticipated the our and WEATHER ileartt season; these cool THE TO-DAY. mammon- Ibis is a are in good shape to meet them. niid cleanly fabrics are very much :n Suits. For North Carolina: Fair weather; JAPANESE demand! for Shirt Waists and decreasing cloudiness; westerly winds. There'll be some right lively selling from Fabrics From France. Local forecast for Raleigh and vicini- DILE these lots. ty to 8 o’clock to-uight: Fair, cooler. For the coming week we make showings that are suit- Local data for Raleigh: Maximum temperature # GINGHAMS. are from abroad. temperature 80; minimum CURB able for the season. Only the best brought 02; mean 71; rainfall .07 inches for 21 A New and Complete Treatment*. consisting of SUPPOSITORIES, Capsules cf Ointment and two In neat stripes and checks—the 10c. We have a new lot now, just from France, full of those hours. (or Piles se- Boxes of Ointment. A never-fai.'ing cure value, (annex), The following table gives data at of every nature and degree. It makes an operation Frenchy ideas. They cost no more, because they are from lected stations at 8 p. m. yesterday: with the knife, which is painful, and often results Rain. in death, unnecessary. Why endure this terrible I-2C Fiance. Max. Min. In each 7 52 .01 disease? We pack a Written Guarantee the Washington 56 SI Box. No Cure, No Pay. 50c. and $1 a box. 6 lot French in most dainty colorings, including New York -10 *lO •*£* Sent by mail. Samples free Ahnora Mairas. very latest idea —Bayadere effects. These goods are to Chicago *l4 40 j. OINTMENT, 25c- and 50c. 31 New Orleans 78 00 .40 New Waists Styles—see tlie new wide, 48c per yard. 72-inch French Or- - CONSTIPATION 32-inches 213 cto St. Louis 54 50 and reds. This line of goods only on sale .4_j great LIVER and STOMACH REGULATOR gandy, (white) to SI.OO per yard; 1-2 to 5 1-2 yards Atlanta 72 00 BLOOD PURIFIER. Small, mild and pleasant here. 25c 4 Synopsis of tin* Weather. —The bar- to take: especially adapted for children's use. «o make a dress. ( Think of that! ) high in the northwest and doses 25 cents. ometer is little Pellets will 12 I-2C french Bastiste. The most wearer that northeast and lowest in tin* Lake region. FREE.—A vial of these famous 47-inch perfect Mississippi valley to be given with a $1 box or more ofPile Cure. 1-2 Rain fell from the Notice—The genuine fresh Japanese can be purchased; 35,40 and Cambric Handkerchiefs; to per yard, 6 6 1-2 yards The weather is generally clear west of 25; 40c to Mississippi and some places east of it. IOC make a dress. hut near the river. It i* snowing at Marquette, Michigan. NEW DRESS GOODS. The temperature generally is slightly SHOES. Must Be New. lower, hut the fall is