Election to Follow

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Election to Follow FOOTBALL SEASON was intro­ duced to San Angelo College Ram fans here Saturday after­ OFFICIAL PUBLICATION SAN ANGELO COLLEGE noon with all the trimmings. People lined the streets down­ Vol. 23 SAN ANGELO, TEXAS, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1957 No. 2 town San Angelo to watch Ram and Goodfellow Air Force parade, but rain dampened 'The Trail' Jam Session Slated the spirits at the game that For 2 P.M. Monday night. Only a handful of the Dig them blues! expected 5,000 stayed for the First Literary Publication Of SAC Gob (William Rupert) Frankin game. Highlights of the fes­ reported his combination western- tivities show (upper left) Dr. rhythm and blues combo is look­ Raymond C a v n e s s, college Presented To Journalism Department ing for a male vocalist and a drum­ president, and Col. A. C. Evan- mer. off, base commander, riding in 'The Trail," first literary publics Harrison Crotty, sports editor; Clar­ Hallmark, president of the First Na­ A jam session is slated by the style, (center) cheerleaders group for 2 p.m. Monday in Room tion of San Angelo College, has ence Lockhart, humor editor; and tional Bank, were members of the being soaked at the game, and n presented to the Journalism De­ 22 in Mayer Hall. Franklin asks Ram Coaches Max Bumgardner Raymond Kenley, exchange editor. school board at that time. Other drummers and-or singers to join partment by Mr. Ralph Masterson, a and Phil George, with a mber of the faculty. Mr. J. S. Spratt, currently a mem­ board members are deceased. the jam at the time. ber of the Southern Methodist Uni­ "Time does fly! It seems only a gloomy look. (Staff Photos) The first edition came off the press versity eonomics department, served few years ago—not 29—that these November, 1928, two months after as faculty business sponsor. He was a young men and women entered San doors of the institution were the member of the social science depart­ Angelo College. Many warm mem­ opened for the first time. ment here for about 10 years. ories surround my felings as I turn Masterson and Mr. Leslie T. Bare Many of the advertisers who helped this first issue of 'The Trail' over to Fall Picnic Date Set; of the science department have been finance the publication are still in the jouranlism group for safekeep­ mbers of the faculty since the two- business today. Others have gone out ing," Masterson said. ye college was organized in 1928. of business. The publication will be displayed 'As I recall, students of the Eng- Ed Blanton, local printer, and C. R. -in the journalism department. Election To Follow lish department, under the guidance of Miss Rose Sharp Brewer, did most of the work in publishing 'The Bands, Helicopter Dorm Resident Drop Nominations, Campaign Speeches Tt ail'," Masterson said. Noted By Dean Cox To Highlight Oct. 10 Outing Here |"The name, the design of the cover, Highlight Parade Only 49 girls have checked into the short stories, the poems, and all Carr Hall for the fall semester. At paign speeches. Student council presi­ San Angelo College's first home Fall picnic is set for Thursday, Oct. the articles with the exception of the this time last year there were 70, dent, vice president, secretary, treas­ game was ushered in with a parade 10, reported Gail Wiginton, student President's message were contribu­ according to Dean of Women Ruby urer and reporter candidates will be previewing the SAC-Goodfellow Air council interim president. tions of freshmen students who had Cox. introduced to the student body and Force Base game. Highlight of the event will be been in college about two months," Reason given by Miss Cox for the formal nomination speeches and cam- accept nominations, Wiginton added. Masterson recalled. The Saturday afternoon parade drop in enrollment was that many School will be dismissed Oct. 12 Cover design, showing a mounted was highlighted by a military atmos­ of the freshman girls did not return for the picnic. Night classes will meet horseman and desert scene, was done phere with the presentation of the this year after getting married during Confusion Strikes as usual, however. The picnic, an an­ by Ralph Hickman, a student. Goodfellow band and a helicopter the summer months. Maybe it was the maze of forms nual event, will probably be held which hovered over the parade. Last year when the fall semester "I remember that Ralph worked forms and cards to be filled, but this year at Ben Ficklin park, Wi­ SAC was represented by the Ram- started every freshman girl from the for hours on the cover. He finally some students apparently got a bit ginton said. ettes, Ram Horns, Sigma Alpha Chi, 1956 class was back in Carr Hall. completed three designs and asked mixed up when they supplied per­ Election of student association of­ and Lambda Tau. French, Spanish, With 24 of last years freshman girls me to help him choose the best one," tinent information. ficers will be held in the lobby of Press, and Home Economics clubs getting married this summer, Carr Masterson said. For instance, four or five SAC- the main building Friday, Oct. 11. represented the clubs. Hall now has many unfilled rooms. '"Whereabouts of most of the staff sters were born in 1957, according Wiginton emphasized that an activity , mbers is unknown while others to their application blanks. card is necessary to vote. No person ve settled in San Angelo and near- Several freshman supplied the without one will be allowed to cast communities. facts. ' ballot. Staff members on the first publica- Shirley Lay, Davenport Head Take the fellow, who after list­ Second feature of the picnic will »n included Allen Hodges, editor; ing his father as expired, wrote be food. A barbecue lunch is set. den Little, literary and issue edi- "In case of emergency notify my To be fed, Wiginton said, students Ralph Hickman, a present Mid- girl." must present an activity card. Cards nd oilman, business manager; Idel- '58 Journalism Publications Another wrote without hesitation will be punched at the buffet table. Talbot, a present local accounting that he was born in Clinic-Hospital. Deadline for petitions of nomina­ Kirkham was photographer for both m employee, assistant business man- Staffs for the Ram Page, student One prospective student said on tion is Thursday, Oct. 3. Such a pe­ publications. er; Lynton Gaskins, school editor; newspaper, and Rambouillet, year­ his religious preference card: "I tition is an absolute necessity in order Linda Green is book, have been announced by Mr. am in agreement with all the above to run for student office. assistant editor of named churches." An example petition, signed by at Guy M. Horton, journalism teacher. the Ram Page Shirley Lay, least 20 full-time students, might Library Listening and feature edi­ read, "We, the undersigned, nominate freshman from tor of the annual. Lake View High Joe Blow for the office of Student She was assistant Ram Room Hours Council president, 1957-58 . ." Section Enlarged School of San editor and busi­ Angelo, w i 11 be Qualifications, if the student is a ness manager of Told By Dean Cox sophomore, call for an average of at A larger section for listening to re- Rambouillet edi­ the Carthagenian Dean of Women Miss Ruby Cox tor. She was edi­ least C. If a freshman, the only rdings has been made available in of Carthage announced new hours which the Ram tor of the Lake qualification is a petition, according e library, announces Miss Ruth High School last Room will be open during the week. View annual and to the 1957-58 Student Handbook. fay, librarian. M. E. Davenport year. "The Ram Room will be open from served as business President, secretary, treasurer and The listening section will be used TW, Lynn Halbardier is assistant editor six to nine on Monday and Tuesday manager there vice president of the student associa­ imarily by students studying Eng- of the Rambouillet. Lynn, a freshman evenings," announced Miss Cox dur Shirley Lay one year. She was tion are considered major offices. No h and literature, Miss Gray said, from San Angelo High School, ing orientation class September 23. student, according to the Student it anyone who wishes to use the on the newspaper staff at Lake View worked on both yearbook and an­ The annoucement came after many J Council Constitution, can hold more luipment may do so. two years. nual there. She was feature editor of students expressed their desires Sot than one major office. Albums of poems recited by their Ram Page editor is Mary Ellen both publications. the Ram Room to be open dtuiog^ Other major offices include presi­ thors are among the newest addi- Davenport. She was freshman editor Feature editor of the Ram Page is evening hours. dent of sophomore class, president of tk>i Bernice Floyd, freshman. Anne Foster Dean Cox.ftaid, "The students need the freshman class, Ram Page editor, ns to the section. and co-editor last year of the Ram Among the new recordings added is assistant feature editor of the Ram­ some place to gt> and something to do and Rambouillet editor. e poems of Robert Frost and San- Page and is a reporter for the San bouillet. after their evening meals.'' A student must maintain a C av­ b. rg- Musical albums include "Burl Angelo Standard-Times and Evening Ervin Hawkins is business man­ Plans are under way for club erage to hold office. Ives Sings for Fun" and "Songs of Standard. ager of the yearbook.
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