.flutttb. 32 725




Crown Land set apart as a Permanent State Forest Land taken for Housing Purposes in the Borough of Blenheim

[L.S.] B. C. FREYBERG, Governor-General [L.S.] B. C. FREYBERG, Governor-General A PROCLAMATION . A PROCLAMATION URSUANT to the Public Works Act, 1928, I, Lieutenant­ y virtue and in exercise of the powers and authorities conferred P General Sir Bernard Cyril Freyberg, the Governor-General B upon me by section eighteen of the Forests Act, 1921-22, I, of the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby proclaim and declare Lieutenant-General Sir Bernard Cyril Freyberg, the Governor­ that the land described in the Schedule hereto is hereby taken for General of the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby set apart the housing purposes ; and I do also declare that this Proclamation Crown land described in the Schedule hereto as a permanent State shall take effect on and after the sixteenth day of June, one forest. thousand nine hundred and forty-seven.

SCHEDULE SCHEDULE APPROXIMATE area of the piece of land taken : l ·89 perches. AUCKLAND LAND DISTRICT.-AUCKLAND CONSERVANCY Being part Section 3, Omaka District (Borough of Blenheim). ALL that area in the Auckland Land District, Taumarunui County, Situated in Block XVI, Cloudy Bay Survey District (Marl­ containing by admeasurement 4,631 acres, more or less, being borough R.D.). (S.O. 3855.) Sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8, Block IX, Section 1, Block X, · In the Marlborough Land District ; as the same is more Sections 1 and 2, Block XIII, and Sections 1 and 2, Rlock XIV, particularly delineated on the plan marked P.W.D. 124721, Maungaku Survey District. As the same is more particularly deposited in the office of the Minister of Works at Wellington, and delineated on plan No. 53/7, deposited in the Head Office of the thereon coloured yellow. State Forest Service at Wellington, and thereon bordered red. (Auckland plan S.O. 33370.) Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, and issued under the Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor-General Seal of that Dominion, this 31st day of May, 1947. of the Dominion of New Zealand, and issued under the Seal R. SEMPLE, Minister of Works. of that Dominion, this 5th day of June, 194 7. GoD SA VE THE KING ! C. F. SKINNER, Commissioner of State Forests. (P.W. 80/59.) GOD SA VE THE KING ! Land taken for Rbad in Block XIII, Te Mata Survey District, (F.S. 6/1/168.) Hawke's Bay County

[L.S.] B. · C. FREYBERG, Governor-General Additional Land taken for a Police-station in Block XVI, Kaitieke A PROCLAMATION Survey District URSUANT to the Public Works Act, 1928, I, Lieutenant­ P General Sir Bernard Cyril Freyberg, the Governor-General [L.S.] B. C. FREYBERG, Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby proclaim and declare A PROCLAMATION that the land described in the Schedule hereto is hereby taken for road ; and I do also declare that this Proclamation shall take URSUANT to the Public Works Act, 1928, I, Lieutenant­ effect on and after the sixteenth day of June, one thousand nine P General Sir Bernard Cyril Freyberg, the Governor-General of hundred and forty-seven. the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby proclaim and declare that the additional land described in the Schedule hereto is SCHEDULE hereby taken for a police-station; and I do also declare that this Proclamation shall take effect on and after the sixteenth day APPROXIMATE areas of the pieces of land taken :- of June, one thousand nine hundred and forty-seven. A. R. P. Being I O 11 · l Part Patangata la Block; coloured blue. SCHEDULE I 3 11 · 2 Part Patangata lH 2 Block ; coloured orange. APPROXIMATE area of the piece of additional land taken : 30·91 Situated in Block XIII, Te Mata Survey District (Hawke's perches. Bay R.D.). (S.O. 2222.) Being part Section 20 of Block V, Waimarino Township, and being In the Hawke's Bay Land District ; as the same are more the balance of the land comprised and described in Certificate particularly delineated on the plan marked P,W.D. 125087, deposited of Title, Volume 283, folio 266 (Wellington Land Registry). in the office of the Minister of Works at Wellington, and thereon coloured as above mentioned. · Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor-General Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, and issued under the of the Dominion of New Zealand, and issued under the Seal of that Dominion, this 28th day of May, 1947. Seal of that Dominion, this 28th day of May, 1947. EDWARD CULLEN, EDWARD CULLEN, For the Minister of Wo:rks. For the Minister of Works, GOD SA VE THE KING GOD SAVE THE fuNG- ! (P.W. 25/547.) (P.W, 40/590.) A THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE

Land taken for Road in Blocks X and XI, Christchurch Survey District, and the Borough of Riccarton

[L.S.] B. C. FREYBERG, Governor-Ge.Il.eral A PROCLAMATION URSUANT to the Public Works Act, 1928, I, Lieutenant-General Sir Bernard Cyril Freyberg, the Governor-General of the Dominion P of New Zealand, do hereby proclaim and declare that the land described in the Schedule hereto is hereby taken for road; and I do also declare that this Proclamation shall take effect on and after the sixteent~ qay of June, one thousand nine hundred and forty-seven.


A pproxirnate Areas j of the Piecrs of · Being ISituated in Block I Shown on Plan I Cnlou,ed oo l'W, Land taken. . I

A. R. P. 0 0 34 Part Rural Section 139 X P.vV.D. 123357 Blue. 0 0 1 Part Rural Section 139 X Edged blue. (S.O. 7618.) 0 0 13· l Part Section 11 I r Red. 0 0 7 Part Section 12 \ I Blue. 0 0;4 Part Section 14 rWharenui Hamlet .. X P.W.D. 123358~ Red. 0 0 3.3 Part Section 15 \ I Blue. 0 0 5·1 Part Section 25 J L ·. Orange. 0 o 1s· Part Lot 2, D.P. 4072 · I 1\ Red. 0 0 1·9 Part Lot 3, D.P. 12103 Ip R 1 s · 240 I Blue. Part Lot 2, D.P. 12103 arts ura ect10n X ~ 0 0 0·5 r I 0 0 4·4 Part Lot 1, D.~. 12103 J l Orange." 0 0 14 Part Lot 10, D.P. 247l r Red. 0 0 9·5 Part Lot 11, D.P. 247 rParts Rural Section 180 X ~ Blue. 0 0 11·4 Part Lot 33, D.P. 247 J . l Orange. 0 0 · 0··2· Part Rural Section 180 X Red. 0 0 18·5 Part Lot 1, D.P. 6734 I r Blue. 0 0 10·6 Part Lot 1, D.P.12635 rParts Rural Section 180 X ~ Orange. 0 0 11·7 Part Lot 2, D.P. 12635 J L Red. 0 0 5.5 Part Rural Section 180 X Blue. 0 0 10·9 Part Lot 5, D.P. 50641 r Red. 0 0 11·3 Part Lot 6, D.P. 5064 I 0 0 11·7 Part Lot 7, D:P. 5064 , . X 0 0 12·1 Part Lot S, D.P. 5064 Parts Rural Sect10n 145 ~ 0 0 25·5 Part Lot 1, D.P. 5002 I I 0 0 23·9 Part.Lot 2, D.P. 5002 J L Bi~e. (S.O. 7619.) 0 0 33·4 Part Lot 3, D.P. 50021 r Blue. 0 1 24 Part Lot 2, D.P. 7166 rParts Rural Section 145 X P. W.D. 123359~ 0 1 20·7 Part Lot 3, D.P. 7166 j l o;~nge. (S.O. 7620.) 0 0 0·85 Part Lot 4, D.P. 1307, part Rural Section 153A X and XI P.W.D. 123360 Orange. (Borough of Riccarton.) 0 0 0·9 Part Lot 3, D.P. 1108, part Rural Section 153 X Red. (Borough of Riccarton.) 0 2 23·3 Part Rural Section 145 X Orange. 0 1 39·1 Part Rural Section 145 X and XI Blue. (S.O. 7621.)

Situated in Christchurch Survey District (Canterbury R.D.). In the Canterbury Land District; as the same are more particularly delineated on the plans marked and coloured as above mentioned, and deposited in the office of the Minister of Works at Wellington.

Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, and issued under the Seal of that Dominion, this. 31st day of May, 1947. R. SEMPLE, Minister of Works

GoD SA VE THE KING ! (P.W. 70/14/58/0/15,)

,Land proclaimed as Road, and Road closed, in Block VIII, SECOND SCHEDULE Heretaunga Survey District, Hawke's Bay County R,OAD CLOSED APPROXIMATE areas of the pieces of road closed :__:__ A. R. P. Adjoining or passing through [L.S.] R C. FREYBERG, Governor-General 0 0 11 Lot 2, D.P. 3049, Meeanee Suburban Section 8; coloured green. A PROCLAMATION 0 0 16 Lot 1, D.P. 3049, Meeanee Suburban Section 8: URSUANT to section twelve of the Land Act, 1924, I, coloured green. · P Lieutenant-GeneralSir Bernard Cyril Freyberg, the Governor­ 0 0 8·7 Lot 2, D.P. 363, Meeanee Suburban Section 8: General of the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby proclaim as coloured green. · road the land described in the First Schedule hereto ; and also do 2 0 36 Lot 4, D.P. 1730, Meeanee Suburban Section 8 hereby proclaim as closed the road described in the Second Schedule coloured green. hereto. All situated in Block VIII, Heretaunga Survey Distric1 (Hawke's Bay R.D.). (S.O. 1995, red.) All in the Hawke's Bay Land District; as the same are more . FIRST SCHEDULE particularly delineated on the plan marked P.W.D. 124988, depositec LAND PROCLAIMED AS ROAD in the office of the Minister of Works at Wellington, and therem coloured as above mentioned. · APPROXIMATE areas of the pieces of land proclaimed as road :- Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor-Genera A. R. P. Being . of the Dominion of New Zealand, and issued under th 0 0 12·8 Part Lot 2, D.P. 3049, Meeanee Suburban Section Seal of that Dominion, this 28th day of May, 1947; 8 ; coloured blue. 0 0 5 Part Meeanee Suburban Section 82; coloured EDWARD CULLEN, pink. For the Minister of Works. 0 0 18 Crown land, being old river-bed adjoining road through Meeanee Suburban Sections 8 and 82.; GOD SAVE THE KING! coloured yellpw. (P.W. 40/552.) JUNE 12] THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE 727'

Declaring Land taken for a Government Work, and not required for that Purpose, to be Grown Land

[L.S.] B. C. FREYBERG, Governor-General A PROCLAMATION URSUANT to section thirty-five of the Public Works Act, 1928, I, Lieutenant-General Sir Bernard Cyril Freyberg, the Governor­ P General of the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby declare the land described in the Schedule hereto to be Crown land subject to the Land Act, 1924.


Approximate Areas of the Situated in Situated in Survey Coloured Pieces of Land Being Block District of Shown on Plar, declared to be on Plan Crown Land.

A. R. P. 0 1 11 ·98 Part Lot 66, D.P. 475 i rorange. 0 0 23·4 Lot 2, D.P. 3366 ),- Being parts Section 1, VIJ Port Nicholson P.W.D. 118030 .. ~ Sepia. 0 0 23·8 Lot 3, D.P. 3366 J Evans Bay District LBlue. (S.O. 21069.) (City of Wellington.)

In the Wellington Land District; as the same are more particularly delineated on the plan marked and coloured as above mentioned, and deposited in the office of the Minister of Works at Wellington. Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor-General of the Dominion of Ne,v Zealand, and issued under the Seal of that Dominion, this 28th day of May, 1947. EDWARD CULLEN, For the Minister of Works. Gon SAVE THE KING ! (P.W. 24/2954/11/2.)

Land proclaimed as Street in the Borough of New Plymouth

[L.S.] B. C. FREYBERG, Governor-General A PROCLAMATION URSUANT to section twelve of the Land Act, 1924, I, Lieutenant-General Sir Bernard Cyril Freyberg, the Governor-General of the P Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby proclaim as street the land described in the Schedule hereto. SCHEDULE Approximate I Areas of the Being Situated in Situated in I 8hown on Plan Coloured Pieces of Land Block OD proclaimed as I Su-rvey District of Plan Street. • 1

A, R. P. 0 0 19·01 Part Lot 111 1 Orange. 0 0 3·82 Part Lot 20 I Blue.- p t L t !" Deeds Plan 4, parts Section 26, IV Paritutu P.W.D. 125434 J 0 0 6· 13 20 I· Orange. 0 0 2· 12 p:~t L~t 21 J Fitzroy District L Blue. (S.O. 8256.) (Borough of New Plymouth) (Taranaki R.D.).

In the Taranaki Land District ; as the same a,,re more particularly delineated on the plan marked and coloured as above mentioned, and deposited in the office of the Minister of Works at Wellington. Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, and issued under the Seal of that Dominion, this 2nd day of June, 1947. R. SEMPLE, Minister oi Works. Gon SAVE THE KING ! (P.W. 51/1316.)

Land proclaimed as Street in the Oity of Christchurch Situated in the City of Christchurch (Canterbury R.D.). (S.O. ' 7765.) [L.S.] B. C. FREYBERG, Governor-General In the Canterbury Land District; as the same are more particularly delineated on the plan marked P.W.D. 1252~7, deposited· A PROCLAMATION in the office of the Minister of Works at Wellington, and thereon URSUANT to section twelve of the Land Act, 1924, I, coloured as above mentioned. P Lieutenant-General Sir Bernard Cyril Freyberg, the Given under the hand of His Excellency the Govern.or-General Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby of the Dominion of New Zealand,. and issued under the proclaim as street the land described in the Schedule hereto. Seal of that Dominion, this 28th day of Ma.y, 194 7. EDWARD CULLEN, For the Minister of Works. SCHEDULE Gon SA VE THE KING ! APPROXIMATE areas of the pieces of land proclaimed as street :- (P.W. 51/3096.) A. R. p. Being 0 0 31 · 8 Part Lot 6, D.P. 11168, part Rural Section 2382; coloured blue. Grown Land set apart for Post and Telegraph Purposes (Postmaster's· 0 4·6 Part Lot 1, D.P. 12155, part Rural Section 2382; ·Residence), in the Borough of Dargaville coloured orange. 0 2 5 · 5 Part Rural Section 135 ; coloured blue. [L.S.] B. C. FREYBERG, Governor-General 0 0 4 Part Lot 28, D.P. 427, part Rural Section 2382; coloured sepia. A PROCLAMATION 0 0 5· 6 Part Lot 27, D.P. 427, part Rural Section 2382; URSUANT to the Public Works Act, 1928, I, Lieutenant­ coloured orange. P General Sir Bernard Cyril Freyberg, the Governor-General 0 7 · 5 Part Lot 27, D.P. 427, part Rural Section 2382; of the Dominion of New 'Zealand, do hereby proclaim and declare coloured orange. that the Crown land described in the Schedule hereto is hereby 0 0 24·9 Part Lot 4, D.P. 11067, part Rural Section 453; set apart for Post and Telegraph purposes (postmaster's residence); coloured sepia. and I do also declare that this Proclamation shall take effect on 0 2 21 · 5 Part Lot 6, D.P. 10483, part Rural Section 453; and after the sixteenth day of June, one thousand nine hundred coloured blue. and forty-seven. \'


SCHEDULE Lot 2 to its northernmost corner ; thence along a right line across APPROXIMATE area of the piece of Crown land set apart : 29·4 Lot, 5, as shown on the plan numbered 15603 aforesaid, to the peg perches. numbered XX.XIX on the south-eastern boundary of Lot 6, as shown Being Lot 309, D.P. 859, and being portion of Kaihu No. 2D Block, on the aforesa,id plan numbered 15603, the aforesaid Lots 2, 3, 5, and being the whole of the land in Certificate of Title, Volume and 6 being portions of Section 11, Selwyn Settlement, Block X. 712, folio 186 (Auckland Land Registry). aforesaid; thence north-easterly generally along the said south­ eastern boundary, and a right line being its production across Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor-General Overdale Road, another part of the aforementioned Auckland­ of the Dominion of New Zealand, and issued under the Rotorua Railway, and Buckland Street to the eastern side of the Seal of that Dominion, this 28th day of May, 1947. last-mentioned street ; thence along a right line to a point being the intersection of the south-western boundary of Lot 180, as shown EDWARD CULLEN, on the plan numbered 17973, deposited as aforesaid, produced in a For the Minister of Works. north-westerly direction, and the north-western boundaries of Lots 97, 98, and 99, as shown on the aforesaid plan numbered 17973, GOD SA VE THE KING ! produced in a south-westerly direction, the aforesaid lots being (P.W. 20/8/2.) parts of Section 97 aforementioned ; thence along a right line to and along the north-western boundaries of Lots 99, 98, and 97 aforesaid, and Lots 96, 95, 94, 93, 92, and 91, as shown on the plan numbered 18502, lodged in the office of the District Land Registrar Constitutiny thP H 1rm1.yh u1 ·I',, , , u ., · aforesaid, being parts of Section 97 aforesaid, to and along . the south-western boundaries of Lots 88, 87, and 86, as shown on the LL.s.] B. C. FREYBERG, Governor-General plan numbered 18021, deposited as aforesaid, being parts of Section 97 aforesaid, and a right line being the last-mentioned boundary A PROCLAMATION produced to the south-eastern boundary of part Section 97, a·s shown HEREAS, in accordance with the provisions of section one on the plan numbered 13158; thence along that south~eastern W hundred and thirty-five of the Municipal Corporations Act, boundary to the point of commencement. 1933, a petition was presented to the Governor-General praying Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor-General tha.t the area described i:n the Raio petition be constituted a new borough: of the Dominion of New Zealand, a~d issued under the Seal And whereas the provisions of the said section one hundred and of that Dominion, this 10th day of June, 1947. thirty-five have been complied with in respect thereto, and the W. E. PARRY, Minister of Internal Affairs. result of the poll taken on the proposal that the area should .be constituted a new borough was in favour thereof: GOD S,\ VE THE KING ! Now, therefore, in pursuance and exercise of the powers and (I.A. 103/4/16.) authorities vested in me by the Municipal Corporations Act, 1933, I, Lieutena.nt-General Sir Bernard Cyril Freyberg, the Governor­ General of the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby proclaim and declare that the , area described in the Schedule hereto shall be Domain Board appointed to have Control of the Arawa Park Domain constituted a borough under the said Act as on and from the first day of July, one thousand nine hundred and forty-seven, that the name of such borough shall be the Borough of Putaruru, and B. C. FREYBERG, Governor-General that the number of Councillors to be elected to the Council of the said borough shall be eight, exclusive of the Mayor.: ORDER IN COUNCIL And I do further proclaim and declare that Victor Leslie At the Government Buildings at Wellington, this 4th day of Drummond, of Putaruru, shall be the Returning Officer to conduct June,,1947 the first election of Mayor and Councillors of the said borough ; Present:. and that the said Victor Leslie Drummond shall be the Town THE RIGHT HoN. P. FRASER PRESIDING IN CouNcIL Clerk and the person to prepare the district electors' roll for the purposes of the sa.id first election : N pursuance and exercise of the powers conferred by ·section And, lastly, I do proclaim and declare tha.t the first election of I forty-four of the Public Reserves, Domains, and National Mayor and Councillors of the said borough shall be held on Parks Act, 1928, His Excellency the Governor-General of the Wednesday, the sixteenth day of July, one thousand nine hundred Dominion of New Zealand, acting by and with the advice and and forty-seven, and that the first meeting of the Council of the consent of the Executive Council of the said Dominion, doth hereby said borough shall be held on Tuesday, the twenty-second day of appoint July, one thousand nine hundred and forty-seven, at seven-thirty· Mahuri John Coughlan, o'clock in the afternoon, in the office of the Town Board, Pntaruru. Lionel Emile Dixon, Leslie Ewert, Athol Charles Garlick, John James Lewis, SCHEDULE Cyril Rankin Lloyd, BOROUqH OF PUTARURU Alexander Francis Moncur, ALL that area in the Auckland Land District, bounded bv a line Henry Leslie Victor Musgrave, and commencing a.t a point being the easternmost corner "of pa.rt Douglas Edward Southwick Section 97, Selwyn Settlement, Block VI, Patetere North Survey to be the Arawa Park Domain Board, having control of the land District, as shown on the plan numbered 13158, deposited in the described in the Schedule hereto; and doth hereby appoint Tuesday, office of the District Land Registrar at Auckland, and running the tenth day of June, one thousand nine hundred and forty-seven, southerly generally along the generally western side of the public at eight o'clock p.m., as the time when, and the Old Boys' Gym­ road on the left bank of the Oraka Stream to the northern corner of nasium, Fenton Street, l}otorua, as the place where, the first Section 97 A, Selwyn Settlement, Block VI aforesaid ; thence along m_eeting of . the Board shall be held. a right line across the Waitoa-Wairaki Main Highway, to and along the generally western side of the fishing reserve on another part of the left bank of the Oraka Stream aforesaid, to and along the generally western boundaries of Section 165, Selwyn Settlement, .SCHEDULE and part Section 102, Selwyn Settlement, Block VII, Patetere North AUCKLAND LAND DISTRICT.-ARAWA PARK DOMAIN Survey District, as shown on the plan numbered 22647, deposited SECTION 23, Suburbs of R"otorua, Block I, Tarawera Survey District: as aforesaid, t,0 another part of the Waitoa-Wairaki Main Highway Area, 46 acres 3 r0ods 17 perches, more or less. aforesaid ; thence westerly generally along a right line across the said highway, the Auckland-Rotorua Railway, and Section 17, W. 0. HARVEY, Clerk of the Executive Council. Selwyn Settlement, Block X., Patetere North Survey District, to (L. and S. 1/62.) its westernmost corner; thence along a right line across Section 16, Selwyn Settlement, Block X aforesaid, to the southernmost corner of Lot 64, as shown on the plan numbered 17362, deposited as aforesaid, being part of, Section 15, Selwyn Settlement, Block X Revoking the Reservation over Parts of Reserv;s in Fighting Hill aforesaid; thence along the south-western boundaries of the said Survey District, Canterbiiry Land District Lot 64 to its westernmost corner, being a point on the north­ eastern side of Lichfield Road; thence south-westerly along a right line for a distance of 950 links at right angles to the aforesaid north­ B. C. FREYBERG, Governor-General eastern side; thence north-westerly along another right line parallel to Lichfield Road aforesaid to the southern side of the ORDER IN COUNCIL A.r,aRuni-,,.:Putaruru Main Highway, the aforesaid right :lines crossing At the Government Buildings at Wellington, this 4th day of Lichfield Road ap,cl passing through part Section 14, Selwyn Settle­ .,June, 1947 ment, Block X. aforesaid ; thence northerly generally along a right. Present: line running parallel to the south-western boundary of Lot 3, as shown on the plan numbered 15603, deposited as aforesaid, for a THE RIGHT HON. P. FRASER PRESIDING IN 00UNCII, distance of llOO links, crossing the Arapuni-Putaruru Main Highway N pursuance and exercise of the powers and authorities conferred aforesaid, and passing through Lot 1, as shown on the plan numbered I upon him by subsection one (b) of section seven of the Public 30337, deposited as aforesaid, and extending into part Lot 1, as Reserves, Domains, and National Parks Act, 1928, His Excellency shown on the plan numbered 20533, deposited as aforesaid, the the Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, acting by aforementioned· lots being parts of Sections 11 and 12, Selwyn and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council of the said Settlement, Block X. aforesaid ; thence along a right line at right Dominion, doth hereby revoke the reservation for plantation pur­ angles to the south-western boundary of Lot 3 aforesaid, to and poses over the land described in the Schedule hereto ; and doth across the said Lot 3 and Lot 2,. as shown on the plan numbered hereby declare that the said land, being vested in the Crown, is 15603 aforesaid, to and alortg the eastern boundary of the said Cr©wn land available for disposal under the Land Act, 1924. JUNE 12] THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE 72'9·

SCHEDULE Varyi'.ng the Determinations in respect of the Otago Harbour Board'8 CANTERBURY LAND DISTRICT Loan of £20,000 ALii that area containing by admeasurement 114 acres l rood 28 perr.hes, more or less, being part Reserve 1829, situated in Block V, Fighting Hill Survey District. As the same is more particularly delineated on the plan marked L. and S. 36/1594A, B. C. FREYBERG, Governor-General deposited in the Head Office, Department of Lands and Survey, at ·wellington, and thereon bordered red. ORDER IN COUNCIL Also all · that area containing by admeasurement 298 acres At the Government Buildings at Wellington, this 4th day of 2 roods 16·2 perches, more or Jess, being part Reserve 1830, and ,June, 1947 also part Lot 3 on plan deposited in the Land Registry Office at Christchurch and numbered 2683, being part Rural Section 20422, Present: situated in Blocks IV and V, Fighting Hill Survey District. As THE RIGHT HoN. P. FRASER PRESIDING IN CouNcIL the same is more particularly delineated on the plan marked L. and S. 36/1594B, deposited in the Head Office, Department of HEREAS by Order in Council made on the fourteenth day Lands and Survey, at Wellington, and thereon bordered red. W of November, one thousand nine hundred and forty-five (hereinafter called the said Order in Council), and subject to the W. 0. HARVEY, Clerk of the Executive Council. determinations as to borrowing and repayment therein set out, (L. and S. 36/1594.) consent was given to the raising by the Otago Harbour Board (hereinafter called the said local authority) of the sum of twenty Consenting to the Raising of a Loan of £2,000 by the Wairarapa thousand pounds (£20,000), to be known as "Harbour Works Catchment Board and prescribing the Conditions thereof Loan, 1939, £400,000 (Fourth Issue, £20,000, 1945) " (hereinafter called the said loan) : B. C. FREYBERG, Governor-General And whereas the said loan has not yet been raised, and it is ORDER IN COUNCIL expedient to vary the determinations in respect thereof : At the Government Buildings at Wellington, this 4th day of ,June, 1947 Now, therefore, His Excellency the Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, acting by and with the advice and consent Present: of the Executive Council of the said Dominion, and in pursuance and THE RIGHT HoN. P. FRASER PRESIDING IN CouNCIL exercise of the powers and authorities conferred on him by section HEREAS the Wairarapa. Catchment · Board (hereinafter eleven of the Local Government Loans Board Act, 1926, as set out W called the said local authority) proposes, pmsuant to the in section twenty-nine of the Finance Act, 1932 (No. 2), and of all provisions of section thirty of the Soil Conservation and Rivers other powers and authorities enabling him in this behalf, doth Control Act, 1941, to raise a loan of two thousand pounds (£2,000), hereby vary certain of the determinations aforesaid in respect of to be known as " Works Loan, 1946 " (hereinafter calied the said the said loan by prescribing as follows:- loan), for the purpose of financing works and purchasing materials for stock: (1) In lieu of a term of thirty (30) years, as specified in clause Now, therefore, His Excellency the Governor-General of the one of the said Order in Council, the term for which the said loan Dominion of New Zealand, acting by and with the advice and or any part thereof may be raised shall not exceed twenty (20) years. consent of the Executive Council of the said Dominion, and in (2) In lieu of a rate of interest not exceeding three pounds ten pursuance and exercise of the powers and authorities conferred on shillings (£3 10s.) per centum per annum, as specified tn clause two him by section eleven of the Local Government Loans Board_ Act, of the said Order in Council, the rate of interest that may be paid 1925, as set out in section twenty-nine of the Finance Act, 1932 in respect of the said loan or any part thereof shall be such as shall (No. 2), a.nd of all other powers and authorities enabling him in not produce to the lender or lenders a rate or rates exceeding three this behalf, doth hereby consent to the raising by the said local pounds five shillings (£3 5s.) per centum per annum. authority of the said loan for the said purpose up to the amount (3) In lieu of payments being made to the sinking fund esta­ of two thousand pounds (£2,000), and in giving such consent doth blished in accordance with clause three of the said Order in Cormcil, hereby determine as follows:- at the rate of two pounds and fourpence (£2 Os. 4d.) per centum, (1) The rate of interest that may be paid in respect of the said the payme1,1.ts shall be made at the rate of three pounds fourteen loan or any part thereof shall be such as shall not produce to the shillings and fivepence (£3 14s. 5d.) per centum. lender a rate exceeding three pounds ten shillings (£3 10s.) per centum per annum. (4) No moneys shall be borrowed under the consent contained (2) The said loan or any part thereof shall be repaid on or in the said Order in Council after the expiration of three (3) years prior to the thirty-first day of March, one thousand nine hundred from the date thereof. and forty-nine. . W. 0. HARVEY, Clerk of the Executive Council. W. 0. HARVEY, Clerk of the Executive Council. (T. 49/710.) (T. 49/18/3.)

Consenting to the Raising of Loans by certain Local Authorities and p1-escribing the Conditions thereoJ

B. C. FREYBERG, Governor-General ORDER IN COUNCIL At the Government Buildings at Wellington, this 4th day of June, 1947 Present: THE RIGHT HON. P. FRASER PRESIDING IN COUNCIL HEREAS the several local authorities enumerated in the Schedule hereto, being desirous of raising the respective loans stated opposite W their names therein, have respectively complied with the provisions of the Local Government Loans Board Act, 1926 (hereinafter called the said Act), and it is expedient that the precedent consent of the Governor-General in Council, as required by the said Act, shquld be given to t;he raising of the said loans : Now, therefore, His Excellency the Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, acting by and with the advice antl consent of the Executive Council of the said Dominion, and in pursuance and exercise of the powers and authorities conferred on him, by section eleven of the said Act, as set out in section twenty-nine of the Finance Act, 1932 (No. 2), and of all other powers and authorities enabling him in this behalf, doth hereby consent to the raising in New Zealand by the respective local authorities mentioned in the first column of the said Schedule of the respective loans set out in the second column of the said Schedule up to the respective amounts specified in the third column of the i,;aid Schedule, and in giving such consent doth hereby determine 'as follows :- (1) The terms for which the said loans or any parts thereof may be raised sha!l be the respective terms (in years) stated in the fourth column of the said Schedule. (2) The rates of interest that may be paid in respect of the said loans or any parts thereof shall be such as shall not produce to the lender or lenders a rate or rates exceeding the respective rates per centum per annum stated in the fifth column of the said Schedule. · (3) The said respective loans or any parts thereof, together with interest thereon, shall be repaid by equal aggregate annual or half­ yearly instalments extending over the respectfve terms as determined in (1) above. (4) The payment of such instalments shall be made in New Zealand, and no such instalment shall be paid out of loan-moneys. (5) The rate payable for brokerage, underwriting, and procuration fees in respect of the raising of the said respective loans or any parts thereof shall not in the aggregate exceed one-half per centum of any amount raised. (6) No moneys shall be borrowed under this consent after the expiration of two years from the date hereof.


Fourth First Column. Second Column. Third Column. Column. Fifth Column Name of Loan. Term of Rate of Name of Local Authority. Amount of Loan. Loan Interest. (Years).

£ £ s. d. {.aitaia Borough Council Improvements Loa.n, 1946 I 12,000 20 3 5 0 Cimaru Fire Board Supplementary Building Loan, 1947 5,500 25 3 5 0 \· (T. 40/416/6.) W. O. HARVEY, Clerk of the Executive Council, 780 TRE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE .[No. 32

The Southern Side of Portion of Aubrey Street, in the. Borough of The Eastern Side of Portion of Fitzherbert Street, in the Borough of New Plymouth, exempted from the Provisions of /9ection 128 of Petone, exempted from the Provisions of Section 128 of the Public the Public Works Act, 1928, subject to a Condition as to the Works Act, 1928, subject to a Condition as to the Building-line Building-line

B. C. FREYBERG, Governor-General B. C. FREYBERG, Governor-General ORDER I;N COUNCIL At the Government Buildings at Wellington, this 4th day of ORDER IN COUNCIL June, 1947 At the Government ,Buildings at Wellington, this 4th day of Present: June, 1947 THE RIGHT HON. P. FRASER PRESIDING IN COUNCIL ' Present: URSUANT to section one hundred and twenty-eight of the THE RIGHT HON. P. FRASER PRESIDING IN COUNCIL P Public Works Act, 1928, His Excellency the Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zeala,p.d, acting by and with the advice URSUANT to section one hundred and twenty-eight of the and consent of the Executive -Council of the said Dominion, doth P Public Works Act, 1928, His Excellency the Governor-General hereby approve of the following resolution passed by the New of the Dominion of New Zealand, acting by and with the advice Plymouth Borough Council on the twenty-third day of December, and consent of the Executive Council of the said Dominion, doth one thousand nine hundred and forty-six, viz.:- hereby approve of the following resolution passed by the Petone Borough Council on the thirty-first day of March, one thousand " The New Plymouth Borough Council, being the local nine hundred and forty-seven, in so far as it affects the side and authority having control of the streets in the Borough of New portion of street described in the Schedule: hereto, viz. :- Plymouth, by resolution declares that the provisions of section one hundred and twenty-eight, subsection one, of the Public " The Petone Borough Council, being the local authority Works Act, 1928, shall not apply to the southern side of the having control of the street hereinafter mentioned, hereby portion of Aubrey Street adjoining part Sections 218 and 219, resolves and declares that the provisions of section one hundred Town of New Plymouth, Certificate of Title, Volume 124, and twenty-eight of the Public Works Act, 1928, shall not folio 180 (Taranaki Registry) " ; apply to that portion of Fitzherbert Street, in the Borough of subject to the condition that no building or part of a buidling shall Petone, fronting Lot 30 and part Lot 31, Deposited Plan No. at any time be erected on. the land fronting the southern side of 321 (Wellington Registry)"; the portion of Aubrey Street (described in the Schedule hereto) subject to the condition that no building or part of a building shall within a distance of thirty-three feet from the centre-line of the at any time be erected on the land fronting the eastern side of the said portion of street. portion of Fitzherbert Street (described in the Schedule hereto) within a distance of thirty-three feet from the c@tre-line of the said portion of street. SCHEDULE THE southern side of all that portion of street situated in the Taranaki Land District, Borough of New Plymouth, known as Aubrey Street, fronting Section 218 and part Section 219, Town of New Plymouth. SCHEDULE As the same is more particularly delineated on the. plan marked P.W.D. 125415, deposited in the office of the Minister of Works THE eastern side of all that portion of street situated in the Wellington Land District, Borough of .Petone, known as Fitz­ at Wellington, and thereon coloured red. herbert Street, fronting Lot 30 and part Lot 31 of subdivision of· W. 0. HARVEY, Clerk of the Executive Council. Section 4, Hutt District, D.P. 321. As the same is more particularly (P.W. 51/1305.) delineated on the plan marked P.W.D. 125282, deposited in the office of the Minister of Works at Wellington, and thereon coloured red. The South-eastern Side of Portion of Portman Street and the South­ \V. 0. HARVEY, Clerk of the Executive Council. western Side of Portion of Graham Street, in the City• of Christ­ church, exempted from the Provisions of Section 128 of the Public (P.W. 51/1232.) Works Act, 1n8, subject to Conditions as to the Building-lines

B. C. FREYBERG, Governor-General ORDER IN COUNCIL The Western Side of Portion of Wensley Road, iu the Borough of At the Government Buildings at Wellington, this 4th day of Richmond, exempted from the Provisions of Section 123 of the June, 1947 Public Works Act, 1928, subject to a Condition a_s to the Building­ Present: line THE RIGHT HON. P. FRASER PRESIDING IN COUNCIL URSUANT to section one hundred and twenty-eight of the B. C. FREYBERG, Governor-General P Public Works Act, 1928, His Excellency the Governor­ General of the Dominion of New Zealand, acting by and with the ORDER IN COUNCIL advice and consent of the Executive Council of the said Dominion, At the Government Buildings at Wellington, this 4th day of doth hereby approve of the following resolutions passed by the · , June, 1947 Christchurch City Council on the seventeenth day of March, one thousand nine hundred and forty-seven, viz.:- Present: " The Christchurch City Council, being the local authority THE RIGHT HoN. P. FRASER PRESIDING IN COUNCIL -having control of the streets in the City of Christchurch, hereby by resolution declares that the provisions of section one hundred URSUANT to section one hundred and twenty-eight of the and twenty-eight of the Public Works Act, 1928, shall not P Public Works Act, 1928, His Excellency the Governor­ apply to that portion of the south-eastern side of Portman General of the Dominion of New Zealand, acting by and with the Street adjoining Lot 35, D.P. 39 "; and advice and consent of the Executive Council of the said Dominion, doth hereby approve of the following resolution passed by the ".The Christchurch City Council, being the local authority Richmond Borough Council on the eighth day of April, one thousand 1having control of the streets in the ~~ty of Chris_tchurch, hereby nine hundred and forty-seven, viz.:- by resolution declares that the provisions of sect10n one hundred and twenty-eight of the Public Works Act, 1928, shall not " The Richmond Borough Council, being the local authority apply to that portion of the south-western side of Graham having control of the streets in the Borough of Richmond, Street adjoining Lot 35~ D.P. 39 "; by resolution declares that the provisions of section one hundred and twenty-eight of the Public Works Act, 1928, shall not subject to the condition that no building ?r part of a building s~all apply to the western side of the Portion of Wensley· Road 'at any time be erected on the land fro~tmg_ the south-eastern side adjoining subdivision of part Section 26, Waimea East, of the portion of Portman Street (described m_ the Schedu_le here~o) Block VII, W aim ea Survey District " ; within a, distance of forty feet from the centre-line of the said port10n of street, and subject to the condition that no building or part of a subject to the condition that no building or part of a building shall building shall at any time _be erected on the land frontin~ the ~outh­ at any time be. erected on the land fwnting the western side of the western side of the port10n of Graham Street ( described m the portion of Wensley Road (described in the Schedule hereto) within Schedule hereto) within a distance of forty-eight feet from the a distance of thirty-three feet from the centre-line of the said centre-line of the said portion of street. portion of street. SCHEDULE THE south-eastern side of all that portion of street situated in the Canterbury Land District, City of Christchurch, known as ~ortman SCHEDULE Street, fronting part of Lot 35 on D.P. 39, par~ Rural Secti~n 39. THE western side of all that portion of street situated in the Also the south-western side of all that port10n of street situated Nelson Land District,. Borough of Richmond, known as W ensley in the said land district and city, known as Graham Street, fronting Road, fronting part Section 26, District of Waimea East. As the part of Lot 35 on D.P. 39, part Rural Section 39. sa.me is more particularly delineated on the plan marked As the same are more particularly delineated on the plan marked P.W.D. 125438, deposited in the office of the Minister of Works P.W.D. 125439, deposited in the office of the Minister of Works at at Wellington, and ·thereon coloured red. Wellington, and thereon coloured red. W. O. HARVEY·, Clerk of the Executive Council. W. 0. HARVEY, Clerk-of the Executive Council., (P.W. 51/1442.) (P.W. 51/433.) JUNE 12] THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE 731

Order under Section 6 of the Visiting Forces Act, 1939 TEMPORARY RANK RELINQUISHED Lieutenant-Colonel (temp. Colonel) C. R. Burns, N.Z.A,M.C., B. C. FREYBERG, Governor-General relinquishes the temporary rank of Colonel and assumes the acting URSUANT to subsection five of section six of the Visiting rank of Colonel. Dated 16th June, 1947. P Forces Act, 1939, I, Lieutenant-General Sir Bernard Cyril Captain (temp. ) F. H. Childs, N.Z. Infantry Regiment, Freyberg, the Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, relinquishes the temporary rank of Major and assumes the acting do hereby make the following order :- rank of Major. Dated 16th June, 1947. · 1. The military forces of New Zealand serving as part of the Lieutenant (temp. Captain) R. B. Duncan, N.Z.A.M.C., relin­ British Commonwealth Occupation Force are hereby declared for quishes the temporary rank of Captain and assumes the acting rank the pu:·poses of the above-mentioned section six to be serving of Captain. Dated 7th June, 1947. together and acting in combination with the naval, military, and F. JONES, Minister of Defence. air forces of His Majesty raised in the Commonwealth of Australia. 2. This order s'hall be in substitution for paragraph two of the order under section six of the Visiting Forces Act, 1939, made on Appointments, Promotions, Resignation, and Retirements of Officers the ninth day of May, one thousand nine h'undred and forty-six, of the New Zealand Military Forces and published in New Zealand Gazette No. 38 of the sixth day of June, one thousand nine hundred and forty-six, which paragraph Army Department, is hereby cancelled. Wellington, 6th June, 1947. As witness the hand of His Excellency the Governor-General IS Excellency the Governor-General has been pleased to of the Dominion of New Zealand, this 30th day of May, H approve of the following appointments, promotions, resig­ 1947. nation, and retirements of officers of the New Zealand Military F. JONES, Minister of Defe~ce. Forces:- · ROYAL N.Z. ARTILLERY Captain J. A. Pountney is appointed to comwand the 10th Regulations for the New Zealand Military Forces 1927, Amendment Coast Regiment, Royal N.Z. Artillery, and is granted the temporary No. 58 rank of Major whilst so employed. Dated 27th March, 1947. B. C. FREYBERG, Governor-General The notice published in the New Zealand Gazette No. 22, dated URSUANT to the Defence Act, 1909, I, Lieutenant-General 24th April, 1947, relative to Captain (temp. Major) R. de la Cour, P. Sir Bernard Cyril Freyberg, the Governor-General of the is hereby cancelled and the following substituted:- Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby make the following regulations. " Captain (temp. Major) R. de la Cour relinquishes the appointment of Area Staff Officer, Area 11, Dunedin, and is REGULATIONS attached to Jayforce for special duties. Dated 31st March, 1. THESE regulations may be cited as the Regulations for the New 1947'." Zealand Military Forces 1927, Amendment No. 58. N.Z. ARMOURED CORPS 2. These regulations shall be read together with and form part Major H. G. Wooller is appointed Assistant Adjutant ~d of the Regulations for the New Zealand Military Forces 1927, Quartermaster-General, Northern Military District, and is granted published in the Gazette on the 25th day of May, 1927, at page 1555. the temporary rank of Lieutenant-Colonel whilst so employed. 3. These regulations shall come into force on the day following Dated 1st June, 1947. publication thereof in the Gazette. 4. Paragraph 209 of the principal regulations is amended by N.Z. ARMY SERVICE CORPS adding the following :- Temp. Lieutenant and Quartermaster G. H. Sands is posted " Extensions of service beyond the age of forty-five years shall to the Retired List with the rank of Lieutenant and Quartermaster. be permitted in special cases where such extensions are in Dated 19th May, 1.947. the interests of the Service." TERRITORIAL FORCE 5. Paragraph 252 of the principal regulations, as amended by THE N.Z. INFANTRY CORPS the Regulations for the New Zealand Military Forces, Amendment No. 57, is revoked, and the following substituted:- The Auckland Regiment (Countess of Ranfurly's Own) Hon. Lieutenant and Bandma~ter G. W. Bowes is appointed " 252. The normal maximum age for discharge of warrant Bandmaster, Papakura Military Camp, and is granted the temporary officers, non-commissioned officers, and men of the Permanent honorary rank of Captain and Bandmaster whilst so employed. Forces shall be forty-five years, but extensions beyond that age Dated 19th May, 1947. shall be permitted in special cases where such extensions are in the Frederick Neil Orange to be 2nd Lieutenant (on prob.), and is interests of the Service." seconded to the Auckland Grammar School Cadets, Area 1. Dated As witness the hand of His Excellency the Governor-General, 8th February, 1947. this 6th day of June, 1947. N.Z. ARMY MEDICAL CORPS F. JONES, Minister of Defence. Colonel Sir Hugh T. D. Acland, Kt., C.M:.G., C.B.E., F.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., is reappointed Assistant Director of Medical Services, Southern Military District, on a part-time basis. Dated 1st April, Promotions of Officers of the 2nd New Zealand Expeditionary Force, 1947. (Japan Section) N.Z. CHA.PLAINS DEPARTMENT Army Department, The Rev. A. F. Collins, Chaplain, 4th Class (Methodist), resigns Wellington, 7th June, 1947. his commfosion. Dated 16th May, 1947. · IS Excellency the Governor-General has been pleased to confirm N.Z. ARMY NURSING SERVICE H the following promotions of officers of the 2nd New Zealand Expeditionary Force (Japan Section), vide List No. 51, dated Matron-in-Chief E. C. Mackay, O.B.E., R.R.C., is reappointed 14th May, 1947 :- Matron-in-Chief, N.Z. Army Nursing Service, on a part-time basis.· Dated 1st April, 1947. _ GRANTS OF TEMPORARY RANK The undermentioned to be Sisters (non-nursing) :­ Major R. B. McQueen, N.Z. Infantry Regiment, to be temp. Mary Margaret Angus. Dated 16th May, 1947. Lieutenant-Colonel. Dated 13th May, 1947. Wray Cecile Corsbie. Dated 2nd June, 1947. Captain W. F. Hayes, N.Z. Infantry Regiment, to be temp. Major. Dated 13th May, 1947. OFFICERS STRUCK OFF THE STRENGTH OF THE 2ND NEW ZEA.LAND EXPEDITIONARY FORCE The undermentioned Lieutenants, N.Z. Army Dental Corps, to be temp. Captains :- Lieutenant J. B. Higgins, and is posted to the Retired List. Dated 15th May, 1947. F. Akel. D. C. Bull. With reference to the notice published in the New Zealand Dated 1st April, 194 7. Gazette No. 65, dated 19th September, 1946, relative to Lieutenant F. JONES, Minister of Defence. A. J. Rabarts, 1\LM., for "Dated 2nd August, 1946" substitute "Dated 1st November, 1946." F. JONES, Minister of Defence: Promotions and Relinqui.shments of Temporary Rank of Officers of the 2nd New Zealand Expeditionary Force (Japan Section) Appointments, Promotions, and Retirements of Officers of the New Army Department, Zealand Military Forces Wellington, 10th June, 1947. IS Excellency the Governor-General has been pleased to confirm Army Department, H the follmving promotions and relinquishments of temporary Wellington, 10th June, 1947. rank of officers of the 2nd New Zealand Expeditionary Force (,Japan JIS Excellency the Governor-General has been pleased to Section), vide List No. 52, dat0d 20-bh May, 1947 :- TI approve of the following appointments, promotions, and retirements of officers of the New Zealand Military Forces:- GRANTS OF TEMPORARY RANK Lieutenant I. J. Hellyer, N.Z. Infantry Regiment, to be temp. SUPERNUMERARY LIST, N.Z. REGULAR FORCE Captain. Dated. 14th l\fay, 1947. Captain (temp. Major) R. H. Perrett, M.B.E., is posted to the Retired List with the rank of Major. Dated 3rd June, 1947. The undermentioned 2nd Lieutenants, N.Z. Infantry Regiment, With reference to the notice published in the New Zealand to be temp. Lieutenants:- Gazette No. 25, dated 15th May, 1947, relative to the posting to the R. L. Bonifant. A. V. Bayliss. W. J. Henderson. Retired List of Captain and Quartermaster A. E. Sharp, for" Dated Dated 20th May, 1947, 26th April, 19{7," su-bBtitute "Dated 1st June, 1947." 732 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE [No. 32

N.Z. TEMPORARY STAFF JJfember of Assessment Court for Farm-land .List for Borough of Temp. Captain F. B. Bath is appointed Director of Army South Invercargill appointed Education and Welfare Services, Army Headquarters, and is granted the temporary rank of Major whilst so employed. Dated 1st June, Department of Internal Affairs, 1947. · Wellington, 10th June, 194 7. TERRITORIAL FORCE IS Excellency the Governor-General has been pleased, in THE N.Z. INFANTRY CORPS H terms of section 10 of the Ur-ban Farm Land Rating Act, The North Auckland Regiment 1932, to appoint Temp. Lieutenant W. S. Bestic ceases to be seconded to the Leonard Raymond Lopdell, Esquire, Valuer, of Invercargill, Kaitaia District High School Cadets, Area 3, and is posted to the as a member of the Assessment Court for the Borough of South Retired List with the rank of Lieutenant. Dated 27th May, 1947. Invercargill, on the recommendation of the• South Invercargill N.Z. -ARMY DENTAL CORPS Borough Council, vice Gordon Richard William Barnes, Esquire. Temp. 2nd Lieutenant and Quartermaster B. B. Wilson to be W. E. PARRY, Minister of Internal Affairs. temp. Lieutenant and Quartermaster. Dated 1st April, 1947. (I.A. 103/2/47.) N.Z. ~MY NURSING SERVICE Sister (temp. Charge Sister) L. M. Howe (nee Davis) is posted to the Retired List with the rank of Charge Sister. Dated 10th April, 1947. JJf embers of Oinematograph Film Operators' Licensing Board Sister B. S. Wylie, from the Reserve List, to pe Sister, with appointed seniority from 1st August, 1944, is seconded to the Royal N.Z. Navy, and is granted the temporary rank of Charge Sister. Dated 1st June, 1947. Office of the Minister of Internal Affairs, The undermentioned to be Sister:- Wellington, 10th June, 1947. Margaret Imelda O'Driscoll. Dated 31st May, 1947. URSUANT to the powers conferred on me by the Cinematograph P Films Act, 1928, as amended by section 18 of the Statutes F. JONES. Minister of Defence. Amendment Act, 1936, and the Cinematograph Operators Licensing Regulations 1938, I, William Edward Parry, Minister of Internal Affairs, do hereby appoint- · · Appointment, Promotions, and Relinquishments of Officer8 of the Royal New Zealand Air Force Harold Owen Hills, Esquire, representing the New Zealand Motion Picture Exhibitors' Association, and Air Department, Francis John Sherwood, Esquire, an electrical engineer having Wellington, 7th June,·1947. no financial interest in the film industry, IS Excellency the Governor-General has been pleased to to be members of the Cinematograph Film Operators' Licensing H approve the following appointment, promotions, and relin­ Board, vice William Burton, Esquire, and Findlay Forbes Gilmore, quishments of officers of the Royal New Zealand Air Force :- Esquire, respe.ctively, resigned.

GENERAL DUTIES BRANCH W. E. PARRY, Minister of Internal Affairs. Appointment AsPilot- NZ 39916 Flight· Lieutenant (temp.) Gilbert Sydney HALLEY, D.F.C., relinquishes his temporary commission, and is granted a Appointment of Honorary Fishery Officers short-service commission in his present rank and seniority. Dated 1st April, 1947. N pursuance and exercise of the power and authority conferred Promotions I upon me by section 29 of the.Statutes Amendment Act, 1946, Th~ undermentioned Squadron Leaders (temp.) to be Acting I, James O'Brien, Minister of Marine, do hereby appoint the person Wing Commanders (paid):- named hereunder to be an Honorary Fishery Officer for the purposes of Part I of the Fisheries Act, 1908, to hold office until the 31st day Dated 13th November, 1945: NZ 2308 Thomas Francis GILL, of March, 1950 :- · · D.S.O. Dated 10th June, 1947: NZ 1060 Theodore Jasper MACLEAN Robert Veitch, of Owaka. de LANGE, D.F.C., A.D.C. Dated at Wellington, this 31st day of May, 1947. Relinquishments JAS. O'BRIEN, Minister of Marine. The undermentioned officers are permitted to relinquish their temporary commissions :- Dated 14th May, 1947: NZ 413399 Neal · JJf embers of the New Zealand Poultry Board appointed.-( Notice Wingmore FAGG. Dated 27th May, 1947: NZ 429196 Flight Lieutenant John No. Ag. 4428) MURPHY. Dated 9th June, 1947 : NZC 43507 Flying Officer Foster Department of Agriculture, Malcolm Neill TAPLIN. Wellington, 9th June, 1947. Dated 15th June, 1947- IS Excellency the Governor-General has been pleased, in NZ 2115 Peter Sidley ANDERSON. ·H pursuance of subsection (1) M section 65 of the Statutes NZ 439003 Flight Lieutenant John Herbert DAVIES. Amendment Act, 1946, to appoint, on the 2nd day of June, 1947- NZ 422917 Flight Lieutenant Colin GLossoP. (a) As a representative of the New Zealand Government­ Dated 1st July, 1947: NZ 411442 Flight Lieutenant George Alfred PATRICK, D.S.O., D.F.C. John Wood McGlinchy, Esquire; Dated 18th July, 1947: NZ 39941 Squadron Leader (Acting (b) On the nomination of the Auckland Provincial Association ) Gage Darwent SrsE, D.S.O., D.F.C. of Registered Poultry-keepers (Inc.)- F. JONES, Minister of Defence. Fritz Graham Jackson, Esquire ; (c) On the nomination of the Otago-Southland Provincial Association of Registered Poultry-keepers (Inc.)- Appointment of an Assistant Law Draftsman George Lorimer McLatchie, Esquire ; Prime Minister's Office, to be members of the New Zealand Poultry Board established under Wellington, 6th June, 1947. the Poultry-runs Registration Act, 1933. IS Excellency the Governor-General has been pleased to EDWARD CULLEN, Minister of Agriculture. H appoint as from 5th June, 1947- 1 John Graham Hamilton, Esquire, LL.M., to be an Assistant Law Draftsman, in terms of the Statutes Drafting . and Compilation Act, 1920. JJf ember of Otago Land Board appointed P. FRASER, Prime Minister. : Department ofL1,nds and Survey, Tru8tee of Saving8-bank appointed Wellington, 9th June, 1947. OTICE is hereby given that His Excellency- the Governor­ The Treasury, N General has, pursuant to section 47 of the Land Act, 1924, Wellington, 5th June, 1!)4 7. been pleased to appoint IS Excellency the Governor-General has been pleased to John Alexander Coll H appoint Mark Wallace to be a member of the Land Board of the Land District of Otago for a term of three years from the 21st day of May, 194,7. 'to be a trustee of the Hokitika Savings-bank. A. H. NORDMEYER, D. M. GREIG, Under-Secretary for Lands. For the Minister of Finance. (L. and S. 22/748/9.) .\


Waterfront Industry Emergency Regulations 1946.-Appointment of Notiffoation of Approval of Rules.-Auckland Acclimatization Society Member of Timaru Port Committee Department of Internal Affairs, URSUANT to the Waterfront Industry Emergency Regulations Wellington, 5th June, 1947. 1946, the Minister of Labour doth hereby appoint P URSUANT to the provisions of section 25 of the Animals · Joseph Entwistle P Protection and Game Act, 1921-22, I hereby notify that to be a member of the Port Committee for the Port of Timaru, copies of the amended rules made by tbe Auckland Acclimatization vice Russell Roberts Turnbull. Society on the 7th day of December, 1946, have been forwarded to Dated at Wellington, this 4th day of June, 1947. me and were approved on the 5th da.y of June, 1947. A. McLAGAN, Minister of Labour. vV. E. PARRY, Minister of Internal Affairs.

Appointments in the Public Service Appointment of Members to the Hamilton Federated Bobby Calf Pool Office of the Public Service Commission, Committee . Wellington, 9th June, 1947. HE Public Service.Commission has made the following appoint­ URSUANT to the Bobby Calf Marketing Regulations 1946, T ments in the Public Service :- P notice is hereby given that the following persons, namely- Reginald Stoneham Maurice Mason John Perrow, to be an Inspector for the purposes of the Dairy Industry Act, 1908, Malcolm Charles Hodgson, and the Rabbit Nuisance Act, 1928, on and from the 1st day of Claude Stephen Mexted, April, 1946. Henry Hamilton King Borman, Horace Joseph Ambury, John Joseph King Lester Wilfred Masters, to be Deputy Registrar at Nelson of the Supreme Court of New William Aickin, Zealand and Deputy Sheriff for the District of Nelson for the Robert William Penlington, purposes of the Judicature Act, 1908, and Assistant Clerk of the­ Kelvin Gifford, Magistrates' Court at Nelson for the purposes of the Magistrates' Roy McDermid Hall, Courts Act, 1928, on and from the 18th day of March, 1947. Edward Cleave Hockin, and William Robert Millier Robert Edward Harris to be District Public Trustee for the District of Timaru for the are duly appointed to be the first memqers of the Hamilton purposes of the Public Trust Office Amendment Act, 1921-22, on Federated Bobby Calf Pool Committee established under the said and from the 29th day of April, 1947. regulations. ' Dated at Wellington, this 4th day of June, 1947. Frank Berry Smith to be an Inspector for the purposes of the Orchard and Garden Diseases A. H. NORDMEYER, Act, 1928, on and from the 1st day of April, 1947. For the Minister of Marketing. Constable Stephen Charles Higgins to be Clerk and Bailiff of the Magistrates' Court at Carterton for Election of Members of the Drury Bobby Calf Pool Committee the purposes of the Magistrates' Courts Act, 1928, and Maintenance Officer at the Magistrates' Court at Carterton for the purposes of the Destitute Persons Amendment Act, 1926, on and from the U. RSUANT to the Bobby Calf Marketing Regulations 1946, 19th day of May, 1947. P notice has been received that- William Caviil Shaw James Mawhinney, to be Registrar of Marriages and of Births and Deaths for the Frank Austin Henderson Parker, District of Methven, on and from the 1st day of May, 1947. William Draper, Sydney Norman Baker, Stanley Mark Goodman Cyril Raymond· Whitehead, to be Registrar of Marriages and of Births and Deaths for the Charles Clarence King, and District of Matiere, on and from the 7th day of May, 1947. Hubert Thomas George Vincent Albert William O'Connor have been duly elected to be members of the Drury Bob,by Calf to be Deputy Registrar of Births and Deaths of Maoris at Kawhia, Pool Committee established by the said regulations. on and from the 12th day of May, 1'94 7. Dated at Wellington, this 4th day of June, 1947. Alexa,nder James Murdoch Leslie A. H. NORDMEYER, to be Registrar of Marriages and of Births and Deaths for the For the Minister of Marketing. District of Mamaku, on and from the 22nd day of May, 194 7. John Cameron Pirrit Leath em Election of Members of the ]{ umeu Bobby Calf Pool Committee to be Deputy Registrar of Births and Deaths of Maoris at Rawene, on and from the 22nd day of May, 194 7. URSUANT to the Bobby Calf Marketing Regulations 1946, Ainsley Clarence Anderson notice has been received that- to be Registrar of Births and Deaths for the District of Fortrose P at Niagara, on and from the 1st day of June, 1947. Curtis Albert Breddow, Joseph Barlow Copeland, L. A. ATKINSON, Secretary. Richard Percy Dane, Richard Hall Ockleston, George Peterson, Notice of Intention to take Land in Block II, Port Nicholson Survey Albert Arthur Tate, and District, for Road John Nesbit Kerr have been duly elected to be members of the Kumeu Bobby Calf OTICE is hereby given that it is proposed, under the provisions Pool Committee established by the said regulations. N of the Public Works Act, 1928, to execute a certain public Dated at Wellington, this 4th day of June, 1947. work-to wit, the construction of a road-and for the purposes of such public work the land described in the Schedule hereto is A. H. NORDMEYER, required to be taken: And notice is hereby further given that the For the Minister of Marketing. plan of the land so required to be taken is deposited in the post­ office at Karori and is there open for inspection ; and that all persons affected by the execution• of the said public work or by the taking Election of Members of the Ladbrooks-Halswell-Cashmere Bobby Calf of the said la,nd should, if they have ·any well-grounded objections Pool Committee to the execution of the said public work or to the taking of such land, set forth the same in writing, and send such writing, within forty days from the first publication of this notice, to the Minister URSUANT to the Bobby Calf Marketing Regulations 1946, of Works at Wellington. P notice has been received that-- James Reuben Parish, SCHEDULE Frank Sparks, APPROXIMATE areas of the pieces of land required to be taken :- William Wilson, A.· R. P. Being Henry McGough, 3 · 0 39 · 06 L Part road-line, being part Section 39, Makara John Young Pethig, 1 0 28·57 J District. Cedric Robert Tatterstall Ward, Situated in Block II, Port Nicholson Survey District. Albert John Parlane, In the Wellington Land District ; as the same are more parti­ James Alexander Foster, and cularly delineated on the plan marked P.W.D. 125518, deposited George Joseph James Clark in the office of the Minister of Works at Wellington, and thereon have been duly 'elected to be members of the Ladbrooks-Halswell­ coloured orange. Cashmere Bobby Calf Pool Committee established by the said As witness my hand at Wellington, this 5th day of June, 1947. regulations. F. JONES, Dated at Wellington, this 4th day of June, 1947. For the Minister of Works. A. H. NORDMEYER, (P.W. 23/565/1.) For the Minister· of Marketing. B. 734: THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE

Election of Members of the Paraparaumu-W aikanae Bobby Calf Election of Members of the Kaikohe Bobby Calf Pool Committee Pool Committee I URSUANT to the Bobby Calf Marketing Regulations 1946, URSUANT to the Bobby Calf Marketing Regulations 1946, I P notice has been received that- P notice has been received that- Arthur William Edwards, William Henry Potts, -YV alter Graham, Alfred Hardham, Harold Fisher Guy, Samuel Ian Nicholson, Hubert Knox Hatrick, Gilbert Courdray Maclean, Norman Bruce Johnston, Gilbert Hawkins Howell, Neil Garfield Moffatt, Robert Thompson, Joseph Lionel Paul, William Harold Mowbray, and Kari Pou, and Daniel Timothy James Hurley Rex Hepburn Robson have been duly elected to be. members of the Paraparaumu­ have been duly elected to be members of the Kaikohe Bobby Calf Waikanae Bobby Calf Pool Committee established by the said Pool Committee established by the said regulations. regulations. Dated at Wellington, this 6th day of June, 1947. Dated at Wellington, this 4th day of June, 1947. EDWARD CULLEN, Minister of Marketing. A. H. NORDMEYER, For the Minister of Marketing. Election of .Zif, embers of the M angonui County Bobby Calf Pool , Committee

Election of Members of the Te Kauwhata - W aerenga Bobby Calf URSUANT to the Bobby Calf Marketing Regulations 1946, Pool Committee P notice has been received that- . Ellis Robert Bird, URSUANT to the Bobby Calf Marketing Regulations 1946, Henry Parker, P notice has been received that- John William Hoskin, Douglas Ernest Aldridge, Harold Sanders, and Gilbert George Glass, Joseph Albert Maria Frank Deacon Holt, have been duly elected to be members of the Mangonui County Joseph Keith, Bobby Calf Pool Committee established by the said regulations. William Blake Mackay, Dated at Wellington, this 6th day of June, 1,947. Bruce Chamberlain Murray, . EDWARD CULLEN, Minister of Marketing. Ernest Henry Pipe, Vivian George Smith, and William Frederick Carter Election of Members of the Nuhaka-Wairoa Bobby Ca~f Pool Committee have been duly elected to be members of the Te Kauwhata­ Waerenga Bobby Calf Pool Committee established by the said URSUANT to the Bobby Calf Marketing Regulations 1946, regulations. notice has been received that- Dated at Wellington, this 4th day of June, 1947. P Ian William Bremner, A. H. NORDMEYER, William Henry Christy, For the Minister of Marketing. Lewis Edward Oldham, Geoffrey Walter Powdrell, and Gordon. Sydney Bertie Steele Election of Members of the Whangarei Bobby Calf Pool Committee have been duly elected to be members of the Nuhaka-Wairoa Bobby Calf Pool Committee established by the said regulations. Dated at Wellington, this 6th day of June, 1947. URSUANT to the Bobby Calf Marketing Regulations 1946, P notice has been received that- EDWARD CULLEN, Minister of Marketing., Edward Snell Tremaine, Phillip Sidney Carter, Election of Members of the Okaihau Bobby Calf Pool Comm·ittee Roderick Donald Norman Finlayson, Herbert Elvin Hewlett, John Roy Babe, URSUANT to the Bobby Calf Marketing Regulations 1946, Stirley w·atson Crawford, and P notice has been received that- Clifford Finlayson Smith William Neil Austin, James Patrick Flood, have been duly elected to be members of the Whangarei Bobby Edwin Dixon, Calf Pool Committee established by the said regulations. Frank Hamilton Robson, and Dated at Wellington, this 4tkday of June, 1947. Henry Lock A. H. NORDMEYER, have been duly elected to be members of the Okaihau Bobby Calf For the Minister of Marketing. Pool Committee established by the said regulations. Dated .at Wellington, this 6th day of June, 1947. EDWARD CULLEN, Minister of Marketing. Election of Members of the Dannevirke Bobby Calf Pool Committee 1 Election of Members of the Opotiki Bobby Calf Pool Committee URSUANT to the Bobby Calf Marketing Regulations 1946, notice has been received that- P URSUANT to the Bobby Calf Marketing Regulations 1946, George Cammock, P notice has been received that- John Henrv Cordell, Edward John Baigent, Alexander Sturrock, Herbert Sydney Holmes, Albert George Turner, Frederick Reuben Looney, Percv William McDonell, Samuel Maxwell, Albeit Hugh Pollock, and George Nathaniel Vanstone, Eric Campbell Thorburn Edward Percy Woolfield, have been duly elected to be members of the Dannevirke Bobby Charles Paxton Wylde, Calf Pool Committee established by the sa.id nigulations. Arthur John McCallion, and Dated at 1Nellington, this 6th day of June, 1947. Peter Whitfield Savage EDWARD CULLEN, Minister of Marketing. have been duly elected to be members of the Opotiki Bobby Calf Pool Committee established by the said regulatiorni. Dated at Wellington, this 6th day of June, 1947. . EDWARD CULLEN, Minister of Marketing. Election of Members of the Hunua-Paparimu Bobby Calf Pool Committee Election of Members of the Otorohanga Bobby Calf Pool Committee URSUANT to the Bobby Calf Marketing Regulations 1946, P notice has been received that-- URSUANT to the Bobby Calf Marketing Regulations 1946, notice has been received that- Robert Hughes, P George Frederick Lockwood, George William Lawrence Palmer, Jack Matthew Pickard, Walter Irving Bowyer, William Redman, and Alfred Theodore Cowley, Alexander Mitchell Stewart Frederick Thomas Wylie, and Cyril Francis Reeve have been duly elected to be members of the Hunua-Paparimu have been duly elected to be members of the Otorohanga Bobby Bobby Calf Pool Committee established by the said regulations. Calf Pool Committee established by the said regulations. Dated at Wellington, this 6th day of June, 1947. Dated at Wellington, this 6th day of June, 1947. EDWARD CULLEN, Minister of Marketing. EDWARD CULLEN, Minister of Marketing. JUNE 12] THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE 735

Election of Members of the Pahiatua Bobby Calf Pool Committee Notice to Mariners No. JS of 1947

URSUANT to the Bobby Calf Marketing Regulations 1946, Marine Department, P notice has been received that- Wellington, N.Z., 4th June, 1947. Cecil Henry Brown, NEW ZEALAND.-SOUTH ISLAND.-TIMARU HARBOUR Richard Robert Cleghorn, Gerald Francis Hoggard, Buoy established Lester Herbert Hughes, Position : Lighthouse. Lat., 44° 23'·7 S. ; long., 171 ° 15'· l E. Arthur James Gleeson, (approx). George Allan Wilton Keast, Details : A black and white chequered can buoy has been Robert John Smith, established in a position 070° 750 ft. from the lighthouse in a depth William Thomas McClenaghan, of 18 ft., M.L.W.S., to mark the extreme north-eastern end of the Alfred Peter Jensen, and reef which is approximately midway between Nos. I and 2. wharves. Horace Garnet Rose Chart affected : No. 2532, inset plan. have been duly elected to be members of the Pahiatua Bobby Calf Publications: New Zealand Pilot, 1930, page 283; New Pool Committee established by the said regulations. Zealand Nautical Almanac and Tide-tables. Authority: Timaru Harbour Board, 19th May, 1947. Dated at Wellington, this 6th day of June, 1947. W. C. SMITH, Secretary. EDWARD CULLEN, Minister of Marketing. (M. 3/3/278.)

Election of Members of the Rahotit-Cape Bobby Calf Pool Committee Notice to Mariners No. 16 of 1947

URSUANT to the Bobby Calf Marketing Regulations 1946, Marine Department, P notice has been received that- Wellington, N.Z., 6th June, 1947. William Henry Butler, Gerald Douglas Dawson, NEW ZEALAND.-NORTH ISLAND.-0PITO POINT Patrick Brophy, Light to be discontinued William Archibald Corbett, and Position: Lat., 36° 42'·7 S.; long., 174° 49'·0 E. (approx.). Richard Fleming Details : The flashing white light in the above position will be have been duly elected to be members of the Rahotu-Cape ·Bobby permanently discontinued on the 6th July. Calf Pool Committee established by the said regulations .. Charts affected: Nos. 3797, 3332, 2543. Dated at Wellington, this 6th day of June, 1947. Publications: Admiralty List of Lights, Part X, 1945, No. 3842 ; New Zealand Nautical Almanac and Tide-tables, page 142, No. 32A. EDWARD CULLEN, Minister of Marketing. W. C. SMITH, Secretary. (M. 3/3/276.)

Election of lJfembers of the Tauranga Bobby Calf Pool Committee Notice to Mariners No. 17 of 1947 URSUANT to the Bobby Calf Marketing Regulations 1946, P notice has been received that- Peter Thomas Kearn, Marine Department, Arthur Charles Harrison, Wellington, N.Z., 9th June, 1947. Harry Ormsby Lloyd, Sidney George Wil1iams, NEW ZEALAND.-SOUTH ISLAND Joseph Henry Grant, Power Restrictions William James Kennedy, and ARINERS are hereby informed that harbour electric lights Reginald William Strugnell M and fog-signals connected with the power-supply are liable have been duly elected to be members of the Tauranga Bobby to be extinguished or to cease operating without notice at any time Calf Pool Committee established by the said regulations. during the existing power restrictions. Mariners should therefore exercise care when approaching or Dated at Wellington, this 6th day of June, 1947. navigating these harbours. EDWARD CULLEN, Minister ef Marketing. W. C. SMITH, Secretary. (M. 3 /3 /280.)

Election of Members of the W aimate Plains Bobby Calf Pool Committee Declaring Lund to be subject to Part I of the Native Land Amendment Act, 1936 URSUANT to the Bobby Calf Marketing Regulations 1946, notice has been received that- P URSUANT to section 4 0f the Native Land Amendment Act, Hubert Harry Mead, P 1936, the Board of Native Affairs hereby declares the land William Richmond Auton, described in the Schedule hereto to be subject to Part I of the said Edwin Thomas Burke, Act, and to be included in the Bay of Islands Development Scheme. Waldron David Gulliver, George Herbert Meuli, and Albert Edward Luscombe SCHEDULE have been duly elected to be·members of the Waima.te Plains Bobby ALL that area of land in the Tokerau Native Land Court District, Calf Pool Committee established by the said regulations. containing 18 acres 1 rood 30 perches, more or less, situat.: in Dated at Wellington, this 6th day of June, 1947. Block XI, Hukerenui Survey District, and called or known as Puhipuhi 5c lOB. EDWARD CULLEN, Minister of Marketing. Dated at Wellington, this 6th day of June, 194 7. For and on behalf of the Board of Native Affairs- G. P. SHEPHERD, Elect-ion of Members of the Waihao Bobby Calf Pool Committee Under-Secretary of the Native Department. (N.D. 1/1/1.) URSUANT to the Bobby Calf Marketing Regulations 1946, P notice has been received that- Cyril Francis · Rose, William Scarlett, Appointment of Deputy District Public Trustee Angus J am(;lS Sheddan, ,John Cartwright, Michael Leonard, OTICE is hereby given that, in pursuance of the power and Cyril Griffiths Verity, N authority vested in me by section 3 of the Public Trust Office Ernest Samuel Marshall, Amendment Act, 1921-:-22, I, the Public Trustee of the Dominion George Murray, and of New Zealand, have appointed Ian Donaldson Jack, of the Public John Archibald Gynes Trust Office, Hamilton, to be deputy of the District Public Trustee, Hamilton, during the abse11ce of such District Public Trustee from have been duly ·elected to be members of the Waihao Bobby Calf his headquarters from any cause, and all previous Warrants appoint­ Pool Committ~e established by the said regulations. ing any deputy of the said District Public Trustee have been revoked. Dated at Wellington, this 6th day of June, 1947. Dated at Wellington, this 6th day of June, 1947. · EDWARD CULLEN, Minister of Marketing. W. G. BAIRD, Public Trustee. THE NEW ZEALAND '

Public Trust Office Act, 1908, and its Amendments.-Election to administer Estates

OTICE is hereby given that the Public Trustee has filed in the· Supreme Court an election to administer in respect of the several N estates of the persons deceased whose names, residences, and occupations (so far as known) are herein set forth:- Date Date Testate or Stamp Office No. I Name. Occupation. Residence. of Death. I Election Intestate. I concerned. I filed. I 1 Bayly, Rosa Kate .. .. Married woman .. Waitara .. .. 16/2/47 30/5/47 Testate New Plymouth. 2 Bott, Frank Arnold .. .. Clerk .. .. Dunedin .. . . 25/4/47 30/5/47 Intestate Dunedin. 3 Con?-olly, James Clement .. Retired railway em- Auckland .. 9/5/47 30/5/47 Testate Auckland. ployee 4 Garrity, Douglas .. .. Retired machine presser .. 29/4/47 30/5/47 fotestate 5 Healy, Mary Margaret .. Spinster .. .. Ale;~ndra .. 18/3/47 30/5/47 Testate Dun;din. 6 Holst, Lizzie .. .. Married woman .. Rewiti . . .. 25/4/47 30/5/47 Auckland. 7 Jum, Young .. .. Retired gardener . . Kumara .. .. 6/5/47 30/5/47 In~~tate Hokitika. 8 Marshall, George Taylor .. Miner .. .. Rotowaro .. 9/6/45 30/5/47 Auckland. 9 Meiklejohn, Caroline Frances .. Widow ' .. .. Dunedin .. .. 16/4/47 30/5/47 " Dunedin. 10 Mollet, Henry .. .. Retired storekeeper .. Ohope .. . . 3/5/47 30/5/47 Test~te Auckiand. 11 McCormick, John Bruce .. Retired dairy factory . Swanson .. 7/12/46 30/5/47 Intestate employee " 12 Naylor, Benjamin .. .. Retired mining engineer Auckland .. 18/4/47 30/5/47 Testate 13 Smith, Thomas Edward .. Milk-roundsman .. .. 24/4/47 30/5/47 Intestate " " "

Public Trust Office, Wellington, 3rd June, 1947. W. G. BAIRD, Public Trustee.


STATEMENT OF AssETS AND LIABILITIES OF THE RESERVE BANK OF N:mw ZEALAND AS AT THE-CLOSE OF BUSINESS ON WEDNESDAY, 28th MAY, 1947 Liabilities Assets £ s. d. 7. Reserve­ £ s. d. 1. General Reserve Fund 1,500,000 0 0 (a) Gold 2,801,877 10 0 2. Bank-notes 47,007,884 10 0 (b) Sterling exchange* 92,306,775 2 10 3. Demand liabilities­ (c) Gold exchange (a) State 11,732,285 15 5 8. Subsidiary coin 45,146 11 8 (b) Banks 63,341,225 9 7 9. Discounts- (e) Other 527~850 16 6 (a) Commercial and agricultural bills . 4. Time deposits (b) Treasury and local-body bills 5. Liabilities in currencies other than New 10. Advances- Zealand currency 71,051 1 4 (a) To the State or State undertakings­ 6. Other liabilities 3,181,754 17 3 (!) Marketing organizations 254,146 9 5 (2) For other purposes .. 27,000,000 0 0 (b) To other public authorities (c) Other 11. Investments .. 3,868,093 2 U 12. Bank buildings 13. Other assets .. 1,086,013 13 3

£(N.Z.)127 ,362,052 10 · 1 £(N.Z.}127 ,362,052 10

• Expressed in New Zealand currency. Proportion of reserve (No. 7 less No. 5) to notes and other demand liabilities, 77•512 per cent. W. R. EGGERS, Chief Accountant.


STATEMENT OF ASSETS AND LIABILITIES OF THE RESERVE BANK OF NEW ZEALAND AS AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS ON WBDNESDA.'J' 4T_H JUNE, 1947 Liabilities Assets £ s. d. 7. Reserve­ £ s. d. 1. General Reserve Fund 1,500,000 0 0 (a) Gold 2,801,877 10 0 2. Bank-notes .. 46,972,743 0 0 (b) Sterling exchange* 93,240,474 11 5 3. Demand liabilities­ (c} Gold exchange (a) State 11,486,768 14 1 8. Subsidiary coin 44,395 12 7 (b) Banks ' 64,377,711 19 5 9. Discounts- (c) Other 363,476 12 3 (a) Commercial and agricultural bills· 4. Time deposits (b) Treasury and local-body bills 5. Liabilities in currencies other than New 10. Advances- Zealand currency 35,506 15 11 (a) To the State or State undertakings­ ~. Other liabilities 3,183,236 9 8 (!) Marketing organizations 148,631 1 10 (2) For other purposes •. 27,000,000 0 0 (b) To other public authorities · (c) Other 11. Investments .. 3,868,093 2 11 12. Bank buildings 13. Other assets •• 815,971 12 7 £(N.Z.)127 ,919,443 11 4 £(N.Z.}127, 919,443 11 4

• Expressed in New Zealand currency. Proportion of reserve (No. 7 less No. 5) to notes and other demand liabilities, 77·927 per cent. W.R. EGGERS, Chief Accountant. JUNE 12] THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE

Price Order No. 722 ( Amending Price Order No. 665) ( Apples and Pears)

URSUANT to the powers conferred on it by the Control of Prices Emergency Regulations 1939,* the Price Tribunal, actiri.g"with--the P authority of the Minister of Industries and Commerce, doth hereby make the following amending Price Order :- - 1. This Order may be cited as Price Order No. 722, and shall be read together with and deemed part of Price Order No. 665t (hereinafter referred to as the principal Order). 2. This Order shall come into force on the 16th day of June, 1947. 3. (1) Price Orders Nos. 674t and 694§ are hereby revoked. (2) The revocation of the said Orders shall not affect the liability of any person for any offence in relation thereto committed before the coming into force of this Order. _ 4. The First Schedule (as set out in Price Order No. 694§), the Second Schedule (as set out in Price Order No. 674t), and the Thi_rd and Fourth Schedules to the principal Order are hereby revoked, and the following Schedules substituted therefor respectively:- " FIRST SCHEDULE "MAXl'.MUM WHOLESALE PRICES OF APPLES TO WHICH THIS ORDER APPLIES

Maximum Wholesale Prices ( exclusive of Cost of Case).

Variety. Count. Fancy Grade. Commercial Grade. Minimum Grade. ------Per Bushel Case. Per Bushel Case. Per Bushel .Case.

Dessert s. d. s. d. s. d. Delicious, Red Delicious, Richared, and Golden 100 and larger .. .. 11 6 11 6 10 6 Delicious 113/125 ...... 11 6 11 6 10 6 138/150 · ...... 11 3 11 3 10 3 163/198 ...... 11 3 11 3 10 3 216 and smaller .. .. 11 0 11 0 10 0 Granny Smith ...... 100 and larger . . .. 11 3 11 3 10 6 113/125 ...... 11 3 11 3 10 6 138/150 ...... 11 6 11 6 10 6 163/198 ...... 11 6 11 6 10 6 216 and smaller .. .. 11 0 11 0 10 0 Sturmer and Dougherty ...... 100 and larger . . .. 8 0 8 0 7 0 113/125 ...... 8 0 8 0 7 0 138/150 ...... 8 0 8 0 7 0 163/198 ...... 7 3 7 3 7 0 216 and smaller .. .. 7 0 7 0 6 0

·-""'- Jonathan and other dessert .. .. 100 and larger . . .. 11 6 11 6 10 0 113/125 ...... \ 11 6 11 6 10 0 138/150 ...... 11 3 11 3 I 10 0 I 163/198 ...... 11 3 I 11 3 9 0 216 and smaller .. .. 11 0 11 0 8 6 Cookers Ballarat ...... 100 and larger .. .. 8 3 8 3 7 3 113/125 ...... 8 6 8 6 7 3 138/150 ...... 8 6 8 6 7 3 163/198 ...... 8 0 8 0 7 0 Lord Wolseley and other cookers .. .. 100 and larger .. .. 9 0 9 0 8 0 113/125 ...... 9 0 9 0 8 0 138/150 ...... 9 0 9 0 8 0 163/198 ...... 8 0 8 0 7 0


Maximum Wholesale Prices (exclusive of Cost of Case).

Variety. Count. Fancy Grade. Commercial Grade. Minimum Grade.

Per Bushel Case. Per Bushel Case. Per Bushel Case.

s. d . s. d. s. d. Winter Cole .. ') Winter Nelis . . ~ All counts 16 0 16 0 15 0 P. Barry .. j


Maximum Retail Prices (inclusive of Cost of Case).

Retailer's Cost into Store, per Bushel Case. Per Half-bushel. Per Bushel Case. Per 10 lb. Per 1 lb. No. 5 Case. No. 6 Case.

- --~------~--~------'------'------s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. Less than 5s. 6d. 6 0 3 3 2 7 1 11 0 2i- Not less than 5s. 6d. but less than 6s. 6d. 7 0 3 9 3 0 2 2 0 3 6s. 6d. 7s. 6d. 8 0 4 3 3 5 2 5 0 3 7s. 6d. 8s. 6d. 9 3 4 11 3 11 2 9 0 3! 8s. 6d. 9s. 6d. 10 3 5 5 4 4 3 0 0 4 9s. 6d. lOs. 6d. 11 6 5 11 4 9 3 3 0 4! , 10s. 6d. lls. 6d. 12 6 6 5 5 1 3 6 0 4! lls. 6d. 12s. 6d. 13 6 6 11 5 6 3 9 0 5 12s. 6d. 13s. 6d. 15 0 7 9 6 2 4 2 0 5t 13s. 6d. 14s. 6d. 16 0 8 3 6 7 4 5 0 6 14s. 6d. 17 0 8 9 7 2 4 8 0 6i-

* Statutory Regulations 1939, Serial number 1939/275, page 1057. Reprinted with amendments: Statutory Regulations 1946, Serial number 1946/169, page 468. t Gazette, 20th March, 1947, Vol. I, page 355. :j: Gazett,e, 10th April, 1947, Vol. I, page 446. § Gazett,e, 8th May, 1947, Vol. II, page i68. 7.38 THE. NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE [No.· 3~


Maximum Retail Prices (inclusive of Cost of Case or other Container). Retailer's Cost into Store, per Bushel Case. Per Half-bushel Per Bushel Case. I Case. Per 10 lb. Per llb. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. Less than 5s. 6d. 6 0 3 3 1 11 0 2t Not less than 5s. 6d. but less than 6s. 6d. 7 0 3 9 2 2 0 3 6s. 6d. 7s. 6d. 8 6 4 6 2 5 0 3t 7s. 6d. 8s. 6d. 9 6 5 0 2 10 0 4 8s. 6d. 9s. 6d. 10 6 5 '6 3 1 0 4 9s. 6d. 10s. 6d. 12 0 6 3 3 5 0 4t 10s. 6d. lls. 6d. 13 0 6 9 3 8 0 5 lls. 6d. 12s. 6d. 14 0 7 3 3 11 0 5! 12s. 6d. 13s. 6d. 15 6 8 0 4 4 0 6 13s. 6d. 14s. 6d. 16 6 8 6 4 · 7 0 6 14s. 6d. 15s. 6d. 17 6 9 0 4 10 0 6! 15s. 6d. 16s. 6d. 19 0 9 9 5 2 0 7! 16s. 6d. 17s. 6d. 20 0 10 3 5 5 0 8 17s. 6d. 18s. 6d. 21 0 11 3 5 11 0 8! 18s. 6d. 19s. 6d. 23 0 12 3 6 5 0 9 19s. 6d. 20s. 6d. 23 6 12 9 6 11 0 9! 20s. 6d. 24 6 13 3 7 2 0 10"

Dated at Wellington, this 10th day of June, 1947. The Seal of the Price Tribunal was affixed hereto in the presence of-. W. J. HUNTER (Judge), President. [L.S.] H. L. WISE, Member.

Price Order No. 721 ("Sunshine" Soup-powders) New Zealand Dairy Board Election, 1941.-Declaration of Result .I of Election in the Middle Ward URSUANT to the powers conferred on it by the Control of LEONARD IRWIN, Returning Officer appointed under , section 19 of the Agriculture (Emergency Powers) Act, 1934, Prices Emergency Regulations 1939, * the Price Tribunal, I P do hereby declare that Andrew Linton, of Greytown, · Dairy-farmer, · acting with the authority of the Minister of Industries and Commerce, is the only candidate nominated for the election of a Middle Ward doth hereby make the following Price Order :- member of the New Zealand Dairy Board, the nominations whereof 1. This Order may be cited as Price Order No. 721, and shall closed at noon on the 4th day of June, 1947. · come into force on the 13th day of Jtme, 1947. I therefore declare the said Andrew Linton to be duly elected. 2. (1) Price Order No. 88t is hereby revoked. Dated at Wellington, this 5th day of June, 1947. (2) The revocation of the said Order shall not affect the lia­ L. IRWIN, Returning. Officer. bility of any person for any offence in relation thereto committed before the coming into force of this Order.

Notice to Persons affected by Applicdtions for Licences under Part III APPLICATION OF THIS ORDER of the Industrial Efficiency Act, 1936 3. This Order applies with respect to soup-powers manufactured by W. F. Tucker and Company, of Auckland, and marketed under Manufacture ror Sale of Footwear the trade name of " Sunshine." R. B. and B. J. Wright, 11 Richmond Avenue, Grey Lynn, Auckland, have applied for a licence to manufacture children's FIXING MAXIMUM RETAIL PRICE OF Goons TO WHICH THIS ORDER shoes, sizes 3's to 9's, by the cemented process. APPLIES F. A. Mencik (on behalf of Bata Shoe Co., Ltd., 228 Lambton Quay, Wellington) has applied for a licence to manufacture footwear 4. (1) The maximum price that. may be charged or received composed of canvas and leather with rubber. soles by a special by any retailer for any soup-powders to which this Order applies vulcanizing process, at a place to be decided on later. shall be determined as follows :- (a) Where the retailer buys "" freight paid" or where his Radio-manufacturing Industry . premises are situate in any locality where a wholesale N.Z. Recording Studios (by, D. T. Ager, Public Accountant, general merchant buys "freight paid," the maximum 143 Hereford Street, Christchurch) has applied for a licence ·to price for packets stipulated to make one quart shall be manufacture radio receiving-sets. 8d. per packet: . ... (b) Where the retailer does not buy "freight paid" or where Manufacture of Paua (Haliotis iris) Shell for Sale his premises are not situate in any locality where a G. M. Alberino, 194 Queens Drive, Island Bay, Wellington, wholesale general merchant buys " freight paid," the has applied for a licence to manufacture paua shell for sale. maxim.um price for packets· stipulated to make one quart ~hall be 8}d. per packet. Retail Sale and Distribution of Motor-spirit (2) Notwithstanding anything in the foregoing prov1s10ns F. Robinson, Cape Hill, Pukekohe, has applied for a licence of this clause and subject to such conditions, if any, as it thinks to resell motor-spirit from one pump to be installed on the kerb­ fit, the Tribunal, on application by any retailer, may authorize side fronting garage premises at the corner of Cape Hill Road, special maximum prices in respect of any goods to which this Order Grey Street, and the Pukekohe East- Bombay Road, Pukekohe. applies where for any reason extraordinary charges (freight or V. A. Lawrence and H. G. Thorpe, Ongaonga Motors, Onga­ otherwise) are incurred by the retailer. Any authority given by onga, have applied for a licence to resell motor-spirit from one the Tribunal under this subclause may apply with respect to a pump to be installed on the kerbside fronting garage premises in specified lot or consignment of goods or may relate generally to all Bridge Street, Ongaonga. goods to which this Order applies sold by the retailer while the I. C. Watkins, Whangarei Tractor Co., Whangarei, has applied approval remains in force.· for a licence to resell motor-spirit _from one pump to, be installed inside garage premises at 11 Vine Street, Whangarei. Dated at Wellington, this 9th day of June, 1947. T. D. Harvey, Douglas Square, Rongotea, has applied for a licence to resell motor-spirit from one pump to be installed on The Seal of the Price Pribunal was affixed hereto in the premises at Douglas. Square, Rongotea. presence of~ - Applicants and, other persons considering themselves· to be J. materially affected by the decisions of the Bureau of Industry on [L.S,] W. HUNTER (Judge), President. H. L. WISE, Member. these applications should, riot later than the 19th June, 1947, submit any written evidence and representations they may desire * Statutory Regulations 1939, Serial number 1939/275, page 1057. to tender. All communications should be ·addressed to the Acting­ Reprin,ted with amendments : Statutory Regulations 1946, Serial Secretary, Bureau oflndustry, C.P.O. Box 3025, Wellington. number 1946/169, page 468. t Gazette, 11th June, 1942, Vol. II, page 1586. V. E. JONES, Acting-Secretary. JUNE 12] THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE

Notices under the Regulations Act, 1936

N O'l'ICE is hereby given in pursuance of the Regulations Act, 1936, of the making of regulations and orders as under:-

-~--~ ---·--- ·----

Short Title or Subject-matter. Serial Date of I Price (Postage Authority for Enactment. Number. Enactment. ld. extra). 1

Coal-mines Act, 1925 Coal-mines Regulations 1939, Amendment No. 3 1947/86 4/6/47 2d. Emergency Regulations Act, 1939 Economic Stabilization Emergency Regulations 1942, 1947/87 31/5/47 2d. Amendment No. 12 Emergency Regulations Act, 1939 Licensing Act Emergency Regulations 1942 (No. 2), 1947/88 11/6/47 Id. Amendment No. 5

Copies can be purchased at the Government Printing and Stationery Office, Lambton Quay, Wellington. Prices for quantities supplied on application. Copies may be ordered by quoting serial number. E. V. PAUL, Government Printer·.


Land in the Southland Land District forfeited

Department of Lands and Survey, Wellington, 30th May, 1947. · OTICE is hereby given that the lease of the undermentioned land having been declared forfeit by resolution of the Southland Land N Board, the said land has thereby reverted to the Crown under the provisions of the Land Act, 1924.


Tenure. Lease No. Sections. Block. Survey District. l . , Lessees. j Date of Forfeiture.

L. ease in perpetuity .1 659 2 and 3 VII I Lillburn I John. Jeremiah O'Brien and Denis Haldane I 14th May, 1947. O'Brifoin

___..:.______,_ ____ ~------:------_::__ W. E. PARRY, (L. and S. 22/4465.) For the Minister of Lands.

Land in Southland Land District forfeited

Department of Lands and Survey, Wellington, 30th May, 1947. OTICE is hereby given that the lease of the undermentioned land having been declared forfeit by resolution of the Southland Land N Board, the said land has there by reverted to the Crown under the provisions of the Land Act, 1924.


Tenure. Lease No. Section. Survey District. Lessee. Date of Forfeiture.

Lease in perpetuity 622 79 Eyre Stanley John Gallagher 14th.May, 1947.

W. E. PARRY, (L. and S. 32/819.) For the Minister of Lands.

Land in North Auckland Land District for Selection on Optional Section 4, Block III: Area, 261 acres I rood 7 perches. Tenures Capital value, £250. Deposit on deferred payments, £25. HaJf. yearly instalment on deferred payments (term: ten years), North Auckland District Lands and Survey Office, £14 15s. 6d. Ren~wable lease: Half-yearly rent, £5. Auckland, 10th June, 1947. Section 3 is weighted with £30 (payable in cash) for improve­ OTICE is hereby given that the undermentioned sections are ments, comprising half-share 40 chains boundary-fencing. N open for selection on optional tenures under the Land Act, L924; and applications will be received at the North Auckland The sections are situated on the Otakairangi-Jordan Road District Lands and Survey Office, Auckland,' up to 11 o'clock a.m. about fourteen miles distant by good metalled road from Whangarei,, m Monday, 14th July, 1947. seven miles from the Hikurangi Post-office, Railway-station, and· Applicants should appear personally for examination at the Dairy Factory, and ten miles from Kamo Saleyards. Otakairangi 'forth .Auckland District Lands and Survey Office, Auckland, School is three-quarters of a mile away. m Tuesday, 15th July, 1947, at 10 o'clock a.m., but if any. Section 4.-100 acres relatively high; covered in stony tea-tree; Lpplicant is unable to attend he may be examined by any other blackberry infested. Lies along road. Remainde'r, fire-swept· ~and Board or by any Commissioner of Crown Lands. swamp. All flat. The ballot will be held immediately upon conclusion of the Section 3.-Lower than Section 4; divided bv canal. Back :xamination of applicants, and the successful applicant is required portion difficult of access. 140 acres fairly strong tea-tree and o pay immediately at conclusion of ballot a deposit comprising the 80 acres approximately natural clearing in wi-wi and rushes. Flat irst half-year's rent, broken-period rent, lease fee, and deposit in and easy. eduction of. weighting for improvements. Both sections have peat soil of good quality. However, subject SCHEDULE to severe flooding and not suitable for erection of buildmgs. NoRTH AucKLAND LAND DrsTRICT.-SECOND-CLASS LAND Any further particulars required may be obtained from the Whangarei Oounty.-Purua Survey District undersigned. :EcTION 3, Block III: Area, 224 acres 2 roods. Capital value, BASIL KING, 220. Deposit on deferred payments, £20. Half-yearly instalment Commissioner of Crown Lands. n deferred payments (term : ten years), £13 2s. 8d. Renewable ~ase ; Half-yearly rent, £4 8s. (H.O. 9/3524; D.O. M.L. 2681 and 2772.) 740 THE- NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE {No. 32


Land in the North Auckland Land District acquired for a State Forest Timber in the Otago Land District for Sale by Public Tender

State Forest Service, Wellington, 9th June, 1947. OTICE is hereby given that the land described in the Schedule District Lands and Survey Office, N hereto has been acquired under the Forests Act, 1921-22, for Dunedin, 9th June, 194 7. the purposes of a permanent State forest. OTIPE is hereby given that written tenders are invited, N addressed to the Commissioner of Crown Lands, Dunedin, SCHEDULE 'for the purchase of milling-timber on Section 21, Block VI, Woodland NORTH AUCKLAND LAND DISTRIOT.-AUCKLAND CONSERVANCY Survey District. Tenders close at 4 p.m. on Monday, 28th July, 1947. ALL those areas in the North Auckland Land District, Great Barrier Island Comity, containing· by admeasurement 551 acres 2 roods, more or less, situated in Blocks V, VI, and IX, Fitzroy Survey District, and described generally as follows :- SCHEDULE All that area containing 180 acres, more or less, being Allotments. 0TAGO LAND DISTRIOT.-WOODLAND SURVEY DISTRICT 164, 165, and 166, Aotea Parish, and being the lands comprised and · described in certificates of title, provisional register, Vol. 6, THE estimated quantity of timber is 150,000 ft., made up as folio 120, and Vol. 6, folio 124. As the same is delineated on plan follows:- No. 15/6, deposited in the Head Office of the State Forest Service Feet. at Wellington, and thereon bordered blue. Southland silver beech 120;·000 Also all that area containing 371 acres 2 roods, more or less, Rimu 30,000 being Allotment 187, Aotea Parish, and being the land comprised and described in certificate of title, Vol. 388, folio 275. As the same Total 150,000 is delineated on plan No. 15/7, deposited in the Head Office of the State Forest Service at Wellington, and thereon bordered red. Upset price : £150. N. J. DOLAMORE, Time for removal : Twelve months from date of acceptance Assistant Director of Forestry. of tender. · (F.S. 9/1/82.) Term~ of Payment , Land in the Otago Land District acquired for a P erinanent Each tender must be accompanied by a deposit of £50 in respect State Forest of the purchase-price, together with £1 ls. licence fee. The balance of purchase-money will be payable in two equal instalments, together State Forest Service, with interest thereon, at 5 per cent., and will be secured by two Wellington, 10th June, 1947. promissory notes endorsed to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Crown Lands. The first of such promissory notes will fall due .OTICE is hereby given that the land described in the Schedule at the expiration of four months from the date of acceptance of N hereto has been acquired under the Forests Act, 1921-22, tender, and the remaining promissory note will fall due at the for the purposes of a permanent State forest. expiration of eight months from date of acceptance of tender : Provided, however, that if more than a due proportion of timber SCHEDULE is found to be cut these promissory notes may be presented at earlier intervals. Additional interest at the rate of 5 per cent. 0TAGO LAND DISTRICT.-SOUTHLAND CONSERVANCY per annum will accrue in the event of the promissory notes not ALL that area in Otago Land District, Bruce County, containing being met on due date. by admeasurement 1,315 acres 2 roods and 22 perches, more or less, being Sections 13, 14, 15, 16, and 17, Block VII, and Sections 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 58, 59, 60, and 61, Block IX, Clarendon Survey Conditions of Sale District, exoluding therefrom all public roads and road-lines, and being the lands comprised and described in certificates of title, I. The aforementioned qualities, quantities, and kinds of timber Vot 187, folio 157, and Vol. 216, folio 181 (Otago Registry). As the shall be taken as sufficiently accurate for the purposes of this sale, and same is delineated on plan No. 215/6, deposited in the Head Office no contract for the purchase shall be voidable, nor shall the successful of the State Forest Service at Wellington, and thereon bordered red. purchaser be entitled to any abatement in price by reason of the said timber being of less quantity, quality, or kind as stated herein N. J. DOLAMORE, or in any advertisement having reference to the said timber. Assistant Director of Forestry. 2. A return giving the number of logs cut of each species and (F.S. 9/7 /45.) their contents must be made monthly by the licencee on the last day of each month. A return must also be made on the same dates showing the output of sawn timber of each species. These Land in the. N eison: Land District acquired for a Permanent State returns may be ascertained and verified by inspection of the books Forest of the mill, or by such other means as the Commissioner of Crown Lands may require, and for this purpose the account and books State Forest Service, shall be open to the inspection of the Commissioner of Crown Lands Wellington, 10th June, 1947. or other duly authorized officer. OTICE is hereby gi;en that the land described in the Schedule 3. The attention of all tenderers is drawn to the fact that the N hereto has been acquired under the Forests Act, 1921-2~, local controlling body may· require the successful tenderer to pay for the purposes of a permanent State forest. any claims or charges which may be made by that body for the maintenance of the road over which the timber may be transported, SCHEDULE and before a sawmill licence is issued or any timber is removed a letter indicating that satisfactory arrangements have been made NELSON LAND DISTRIOT.-NELSON .CONSERVANCY in this.connection must be produced tQ the undersigned. ALL those areas in the Nelson Land District, Waimea County, 4. Intending purchasers are expected to visit the locality and containing by admeasurement 491 acres, more or less, and described to satisfy themselves in every particular on all matters relative to generally . as follows :-:- the sale. · All that area containing 142 acres, more or less, being 5. If no tender is offered for the timber herein mentioned it Sections 11 and 23, Block VIII, W ai-iti Survey District, and part will remain open for application for three months from the date of of Section 2 of Block I, District of W ainiea West, being the lands the closing of tenders. comprised and described in certificates of tit.le, Vol. 47, folio 223, and Vol. 25, folio 256 (Nelson Registry). ' 6. Boundary fences must be left in same order and condition Also all that area containing 349 acres, more or less, being as they are at present. Sections 16, 17, and 24, Block VIII, Wai-iti Sur.vey District, 7. The highest or any tender need not necessarily be accepted. I excluding therefrom all public roads, and being the land comprised and described in certificate of title, Vol. 33, folio 236 (Nelson The conditions, which will be inserted in the licence to be Registry). As the same is delineated on plan No. 102/12, deposited issued to the purchaser, and any further particulars required, may iri the Head Office of the State Forest Service at Wellington, and be obtained on application to the undersigned. thereon bordered red. W. E. SHAW, N. J. DOLAMORE, Commissioner of Crown Lands, Assistant Director of Forestry. '(F.S. 9/4/59.) (H.O. 27 /325; D.O. O.R.P. 458.) JUNE 12] THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE 74l


In Bankruptcy.-Suprerne Court THE COMPANIES ACT, 1933, SECTION 282 (6)

ASON HAY JENKIN, of Christchurch, Dealer, was adjudged OTICE is hereby given that the name of the undermentioned'. M bankrupt on the 3rd June, 1947. Creditors'_meeting will be N..... company has been struck off the Register and the company held at the office of the Official Assignee, Maling's Buildings, corner dissolved :- of Gloucester Street and Oxford Terrace, Christchurch, on Thursday, Market Gardeners (Canterbury), Limited. 1944/41. the 12th June, 1947, at 2.15 p.m. Given under my hand at Christchurch, this 9th day of June,. G . .,.vV. BROWN, 1947. Official Assignee, Christchurch. J. MORRISON, Assistant Registrar of Companies. !I!"====~======~ THE COMPANIES ACT, 1933, SECTION 282 (3) LAND TRANSFER ACT NOTICES AKE notice that at the expiration of three months from the. T date hereof the name of the undermentioned company will, VIDENCE of the loss of certificate of title, Vol. 58, folio 145, unless cause is shown to .the contrary, be struck off the Register E for Lot 1 of Subdivision 4 of Section 23, Block X, of the and the company dissolved :- Ngaere Survey District, whereof JOHN FRANCIS KING, of The Allied Electronic Engineering Company, Limited. 1938/57. Eltham, Farmer, is the registered proprietor, having been lodged Given under my hand at Christchurch, this 9th day of June, with· me together with an application for a new certificate of title 1947. in lieu thereof, notice is hereby given of my intention to issue such J. MORRISON, Assistant Registrar of Companies. new certificate of title after fourteen days from the 12th June, 1947. Dated this 6th day of June, 1947, at the Land Registry Office, WELLINGTON CITY COUNCIL New Plymouth. E. W. WORTHINGTON, District Land Registrar. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO TAKE LAND In the matter of the Public Works Act, 1928, the Municipal Corporations Act, 1933, and their respective amendments. VIDENCE having been furnished of the loss of the qutstanding E duplicate of certificate of title, Vol. 230, folio 156 (Wellington OTICE is hereby given that the Wellington City Council Registry), in the name of WILLIAM HOLLIS LEIGHTON, for N proposes, under the provisions of t_he above-named Acts and part of Lot 5 on Deposited Plan No. 1970, being part of Section 25, all other Acts, powers, and authorities enabling it m that behalf, Hutt District, containing 4·8. perches, and application (K. 26772) to execute a certain public work-namely, for a public street and having been made for the issue of a new certificate of title in lieu in connection with street widening, Taranaki Street, in the City of thereof, I hereby give notice of my intention to issue such new Wellington-and for the purpose of such public work the lands certificate of title on 27th June, 1947. described in the Schedules ·hereto are required to be taken : And Dated this 6th day of June, 1947, at the Land Registry Office, notice is hereby further given that plans of the land so required to Wellington. be taken are deposited in the public office of the Town Clerk to E. C. ADAMS, District Land Registrar. the said Council at the Town Hall, Cuba Street, in the said city, and are there open for inspection (without fee) by all persons during ordinary office hours ; and that all persons affected by the execution of the said public work or the taking of such VIDENCE having been furnished of the loss of the outstanding land s'aould, if they have well-grounded objections to the execution E duplicates of (1) Mortgage No. 190011 in the names of JOHN of the said public work or to the taking of the said land, set MAXWELL HEWISON and GEORGE STANLEY BLAKE, both forth the same in writing, and send such writing, within forty of Wellington, Builders, as mortgagees, and (2) Submortgage No. days from the first publication of this notice, to the Wellington 190472 in the name of SYDNEY JAMES LAVELLE, of Wellington, City Council, addressed to the Town Clerk at his said office. Commercial Traveller, ·as submortgagee, affecting Lot 6 on Deposited Plan No. 8498, being part of Section 8, Watts Peninsula District, FIRST SCHEDULE containing 24·24 perches, and being all the land in certificate of Land required for Public Street title, Vol. 389, folio 193 (Wellington Registry), and application ALL that piece of land containing by admeasurement four perches (K. 26770) having been made for the issue of provisional mortgages and eighty-five one-hundredths perches (4·85 perches), more or less, in lieu thereof, I hereby give notice of my intention to issue such being part Section 133, Town of ·wellington; as is more parti­ provisional mortgages on 27th .June, 1947. cularly shown on S.O. plan 21497, and thereon coloured blue. Dated this 6th day of June, 1947, at the Land Registry Office, Wellington. SECOND SCHEDULE E. C. ADAMS, District Land Registrar. Land required in Connection with Street Widening ALL that piece of land containing by admeasurement fifteen one­ VIDENCE having been furnished of the loss of the outstanding hundredths perches (0· 15 perches), more or less, being part E duplicate of certificate of title, Vol. 298, folio 23 (Wellington Section 133, Town of \Vellington; as is more particularly shown on. Registry), in the name of NORMAN PEPPERELL, a Draper, and S.O. plan 21497, and thereon coloured orange. • JAMES ALFRED HAZELWOOD, a Storekeeper, both of Upper Dated at \Vellington, this 2nd day of lune, 1947. Hutt, for part of Section 12, Ohiro District, being Lots 3, 6, and 7 183 E. P. NORMAN, Town Clerk. on Deposited Plan No. 961, containing 1 rood 6·3 perches, and application (K. 26777) having been made for the issue of a new WELLINGTON CITY COUNCIL certificate of title in lieu thereof, I.hereby give notice ofmy intention to issue such new certificate of title on 27th June, 1947. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO TAKE LAND Dated this 9th day of June, 1947, at the Land Registry Office, Wellington. In the matter of the Wellington City Empowering and Amend­ E. C. ADAMS, District Land Registrar. ment Act, 1919, the Public Works Act, 1928, and the Municipal Corporations Act, 1933, and their respective amendments. VIDENCE of the loss of certificate of title, Vol. 36, folio 143 OTICE is hereby given that the Wellington City Council E'J (Nelson Registry), for 1 rood, being Section 691 of the Town N proposes, under the provisions of the above-named Acts and of Westport, in favour of GEORGE ALEXANDER McDONALD, a,11 other Acts, powers, and authorities enabling it in that behalf,. of Westport, Carpenter, having been lodged with me together with an to execute a certain public work-namely, for public access ,vay, application for the issue of a new certificate of title jn lieu thereof, Donald Street, in the City of Wellington-and for the purpose of I hereby give notice of my intention to issue such new certificate such public work the lands described in the Schedule hereto are of title after fourteen days from 12th June, 1947. required to be taken: And notice is hereby further given that plans. Dated this 6th day of June, 1947, at the Land Registry Office, of the land so required to be taken are deposited in the public office Nelson. of the Town Clerk to the said Council at the Town HalJ, Cuba St,reet,. A. FOvVLER, District Land Registrar. in the said city, and are there open for inspection (without fee) by all persons during ordinary office hours; aad that all persons affected by the execution of the said public work or the taking of ' VIDENCE of the loss of certificate of title; Vol. 121, folio 197 . such land should, if they have well-grounded objections to the E (Southland Registry), for Lots 1 and 2, Plan 2375, being execution of the said public work or to the taking of the said land, part of Section 14, Block IV, Invercargill Hundred, in favour of set forth the same in writing, and send such writing, within forty ROBERT DICK, of Waikiwi, Baker, and of Memorandum of days from the first publication of this notice, to the Wellington Mortgage No. 49043 affecting the land in the said certificate of City Council, addressed to the Town Clerk at his said office. title 121/197, given by the said Robert Dick, as mortgagor, to SCHEDULE Christina McPhail, of Wellington, Spinster (now deceased), as mortgagee, having been lodged with me together with an application ALL that piece of land situate in the City of Wellington, containing for a new certificate of title and provisional mortgage in lieu thereof, by ad.measurement three and fifty-one one-hundredths perches. notice is hereby given of my intention to issue such new certificate (3·51 perches), more or less, being part Section 36, Karori District,. of title and provisional mortgage after fourteen days from the 12th being part of Lot 2 on Deposited Plan No. 1730; as the said piece June, 1947. of land is more particularly shown on S.O. plan 21501, and thereon Dated this 6th day of June, 1947, at the Land Registry Office, coloured orange. Invercargill. Dated at Wellington, this 29th day of May, 1947. J. LAURIE, District Land Registrar. 184 E. P. NORMAN, Town Clerk. 742 TRKNEW .·ZEALAND GAZETTE [No. 32


OTICE is hereby given, in pursuance of section 232 of the ALFRED IBBOTSON, General Ma;nager of The Perpetual N Companies Act, 1933, that a general meeting of the above­ I ., Trustees Estate and Agency Company of New Zealand, named company will be held at 27-37 Jackson Street, Petone, on Limited, do solemnly and sincerely declare :_:__ Friday, the 27th day of June, 1947, at 9 a.m., for the purpose of l. That the liability of the members is limited. having an account laid before the meeting showing the manner 2. That the capital of the company is £106,250, divided into in which the winding-up has been conducted and the property of 25,000 shares of £4 5s. the company disposed of, and of hearing any explanation that may 3. That the number of shares issued is 25,000. be given by the liquidator, and also of determining by extraordinary 4. That calls to the amount of 18s. (eighteen shillings) per resolution the manner in which the books, papers, and documents share have been made under which the sum of £22,500 has been of the company and of the liquidator thereof shall be disposed of. received. .. .. _ _ K. K. WATTS, Liquidator. 5. That the amount of moneys received on account of Estates under Administration during the six months ended 31st March, P.O. Box 14, Petone. 185 1947, is £802,842 16s. 2d. 6. That the amount of all moneys paid on account of Estates under Administration during the six months ended 31st March, 1947, EDUCATION BOARD OF THE DISTRICT OF AUCKLAND is £830,353 7s. 10d. 7. That the amount of the balance held to the credit of Estates NOTICE OF INTENTION TO TAKE LAND UNDER THE PUBLIC WORKS under Administration during the six months ended 31st March, 1947, ACT, 1928 is £174,424 12s. Id. 8. That the liabilities of the company on the 1st day of October OTICE is hereby given that the Education Board of the last were owing to sundry persons by the company-viz.: On N District of Auckland intends to take, under the provisions judgment, nil; on specialty, nil; on notes or bills, nil; on simple of the Public Works Act, 1928, .for the use, convenience, and enjoy­ contracts, £354,537 10s. 7d. ; on estimated liabilities, nil. ment of a public school, the following land-namely: All that 9. That the assets of the company on that date were: piece of land situated in the Provincial District of Auckland, con- Government securities, £11,740; other securities, £297,023 19s. 2d.; taining eleven acres three roods· twenty-four decimal two perches bills of exchange and promissory notes, nil ; cash · on deposit, (11 acres 3 roods 24·2 perches), more or less, being portion of the land £72,160 lls. 5d. ; cash at bank, £32,672 Os. 3d. on Deposited Plan 8687, and being portion of Allotment 47 of the Parish of Tahawai, and being part of the land comprised and A. IBBOTSON. .described in certificate of title, Vol. 214, folio 73, of the register­ And I make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing books of the Land Registry Office at Auckland. the same to be true and by virtue of the provisions of an Act of A plan of this land is deposited in the post-office at Katikati, the General Assembly of New Zealand intituled the Justices of the .and is there open for inspection by all persons . at all reasonable Peace Act, 1927. hours. Declared by the said Alfred Ibbotson at Dunedin, this 3rd day All persons affected are hereby required and called upon to of June, 1947, before me-W. Vv. King, a Justice of the Peace in set forth in writing any well-grounded objections to the taking of and for the Dominion of New Zealand. 189 such land, and to send such writing, within forty days from the first publication of this notice, to the Education Board of the District of Auckland at its office in Wellesley Street East, Auckland. Dated this 3rd day of June, 1947. TAURANGA COUNTY COUNCIL A. NIXON, Secretary to the Education Board of the RESOLUTION MAKING SPECIAL RATE District of Auckland. This notice was first published in the Auckland Star newspaper on the 4th day of June, 1947. 186 N pursuance and exercise of the powers vested in it in that behalf I by the Local Bodies' Loans Act, 1926, the Tauranga County Council hereby resolves as follows:- CHANGE OF NAME OF COMPANY " That, for the purpose of providing the interest and other charges on a loan of £9,000, authorized to be raised by the Tauranga ·NOTICE is hereby given that ROBINSONS FINANCE COMPANY County Council under the .above-mentioned Act, for the purpose (DUNEDIN), LIMITED, has changed its name to ROBINSONS of purchasing land and erecting dwellings thereon at Tauranga, TRADING COMPANY (DUNEDIN), LIMITED, and that the new name hereby makes and levies a special rate of 5/32nds of one penny was this day entered on my Register of Companies in place of the in the pound upon the rateable (unimproved) value of all rateable form.er name. property in the County of Tauranga ; and that such special rate Dated at Auckland, this 30th day of May, 1947. shall be an annual-recurring rate during the currency of such loan and be payable half-yearly on the 1st day of June and December 187 L. G. TUCK, Assistant Registrar of Companies. in each and every year during the currency of such loan, being a period of ten years or until _the loan is fully paid off." CHANGE OF NAME OF COMPANY I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was duly passed at a meeting of the Tauranga County Douncil held on the 29th day of May, 1947. -NOTICE is hereby given that ADVANX TY-RE-PAIR COMPANY l.. (NEW ZEALAND), LIMITED, has changed its name to ADVANX 191 E. M. FOX, County Clerk. TYRE & RUBBER COMPANY (N.Z.), LIMITED, and that the new name was this day entered on my Register of Companies in place of the former name. Dated at Auckland, this 30th day of May, 1947. NAPIER BOROUGH COUNCIL 188 L. G. TUCK, Assistant Registrar of Companies. RESOLUTION MA.KING SPECIAL RATE WHANGAREI BOROUGH COUNCIL N pursuance and exercise of the powers veRted in it in that behalf RESOLUTION MAKING SPECIAL RATE I by the Local Bodies' Loans Act, 1926, the Municipal Corpora­ tions Act, 1933, and the Local Legislation Act, 1946 (section 16), Electricity Reticulation Loan, 1946 the Napier Borough Council hereby resolves as follows:- N pursuance and in exercise of the powers vested in it in that " That, for the purpose of providing the interest, instalments I behalf by the Local Bodies' Loans Act, 1926, and its amend­ of principal, and other charges on a loan of £8,900, known as ments, and of all other Acts, powers, and authorities enabling it 'Aerodrome Loan, 1946,' authorized to be raised by the Napier in that behalf, the Whangarei Borough Council hereby resolves as Borough Council under the above-mentioned Acts, for the purpose follows- of paying compensation-moneys for lands taken for an aerodrome, " That, for the purpose of providing interest and other charges including all costs incidental thereto, and for the purpose of applying ,on a special loan of sixty thousand four hundred pounds (£60,400), £2,000 thereof in repayment to the District Fund Account of the to be known as the ' Whangarei Borough Electricity Reticulation Council of moneys already expended in capital works on the said Loan, 1946,' authorized to be raised by the Whangarei Borough lands, the said the Napier Borough Council hereby makes and


COLIN HILL MAcGIBBON, l\'LB., Ch.B. (N.Z.), 1947, now I "J residing in Rotorua, hereby give notice that I intend applying HE following Scientific Works, published under the . ·on the 29th ,Tune, 1947, to have my name placed on the Medical T authority of the Government, are now obtainable from Register of the Dominion of New Zealand; and that I have the GOVERNMENT PRINTER, WELLING'.l.'ON, to whom all orders . deposited the evidence of my qualification in the office of the should be addressed:- Department of Health at Wellington. Dated at Rotorua, this 29th day of May, 1947. GEOGRAPHICAL REPORT ON THE FRANZ JOSEF GLACIER. By J. M. BELL. ls. Postage, 2d. COLIN HILL lVIA.cGIBBON. Public Hospital, Rotorua. 192 GEOLOGICAL BULLETIN No. 1: The Geology · of the Hokitika Sheet, North Westland Quadrangle. By DR. BELL. 2s. 6d. Postage, 6d. CHANGE OF NAME OF COM:PANY GEOLOGICAL BULLETIN No. 2: The Geology. of the Area covered by the Alexandra Sheet, Central · Otago Division. 2s. 6d. Postage, 6d. OTICE is hereby given that THE MODERN BAG COMPANY, N LIMITED, has changed its mtme to MODERN BAGS, LIMITED, GEOLOGICAL BULLETIN No. 4: The Geology of the . and that the new name was this clay entered on my Register of Coromandel Subdivision, Auckland. By C. FRASER, , Companies in pla.ce of the former name. assisted by J. H. ADAMS. Cloth, 6s. 6d.; !-calf, 10s. Dated at Auckland, this 23rd day of May, 1947. Postage, 6d. J94 L. G. TUCK, Assistant Registrar of Companies. GEOLOGICAL BULLETIN No. 16: The Geology of the Aroha Subdivision, Hauraki. By J. HENDERSON, assisted by J. A. BARTRUM. 2s. 6d. Postage, 6d. CHANGE OF NAME OF COMPANY GEOLOGICAL BULLETIN No. 26: Geology and Mines of the Waihi District, Hauraki Goldfield. By P. G. OTICE is hereby given that STONEX Co-OPERATIVE MILK MORGAN. Paper, 10s.; -!-cloth, 12s. 6d.; cloth, 14s. N PRODUCERS, LIMITED, has changed its name to AUCKLAND Postage, 6d. , Co-OPERATIVE MILK PRODUCERS, Ln\UTED, and that the new name GEOLOGICAL BULLETIN No. 27: Geology of the was this day entered on ·my Register of Companies in place of the Whangarei - Bay of Islands Subdivision, North Auckland. -former name. By H. T. FERRAR. -a-cloth only, 16s. Postage, 6d. Dated at Auckland, this 22nd day of May, 1947. GEOLOGICAL BULLETIN No. 28: Geology of Huntly- _-195 L. · G. TUCK, Assistant Registrar of Companies. Kawhia Subdivision, Pirongia Division. -!-cloth, 20s. Postage, 6d. GEOLOGICAL BULLETIN No. 29: Geology of the Egmont CHANGE OF NAME OF COMPANY Subdivision, Taranaki. By P. G. MORGAN and W. GrnsoN. -!-cloth, 15s. Postage, 6d. OTICE is hereby given that Joy ToYs, LIMITED, has changed GEOLOGICAL BULLETIN No. 30: The Geology of Waiapu N its na.me to LINES BRos. (N.Z.), LIMITED, and that the new Subdivision, Raukumara Division. By M. 0NGLEY and -name was this day entered on my Register of Companies in place E. 0. MACPHERSON. Paper, 13s.; -!-cloth, 15s. 6d. . of the former name. Postage, 6d. Dated at Auckland, this 22nd day of May, 1947. GEOLOGICAL BULLETIN No. 31: The Geology of the :196 L. G. TUCK, Assistant Registrar of Companies. Tongaporutu-Ohura Subdivision, Taranaki. By L. I. GRANGE. Paper, 12s.; -!-cloth, 14s. 6d. Postage, 6d. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP GEOLOGICAL BULLETIN No. 32: Minerals and Mineral Substances of New Zealand. By the late P. G. MORGAN. Paper, 5s. 6d.; -!-cloth, 7s. 6d. Postage, 6d, In the matter of the Partnership Act, 1908 GEOLOGICAL BULLETIN No. 33. The Soils of Irrigation OTICE is hereby given that the partnership hitherto subsisting Areas in Otago Central. By H. T. FERRAR. Paper N between CARL MARTIN ASHWIN and STANLEY BELL Woon­ covers, 10s.; !-cloth, 12s. 6d. Postage, 6d. W ARD was dissolved on the 4th day of June, 1947. GEOLOGICAL BULLETIN No. 34: The Geology of the C. M. ASHWIN. Dargaville-Rodney Subdivision, Hokianga and Kaipara 197 S. B. WOODWARD. Divisions. Paper covers, 17s.; -l-cloth, 18s. 6d. Postage, 6d. ------GEOLOGICAL BULLETIN No. 37. The Geology of the CANTERBURY UNIVERSITY COLLEGE Rotorua-Taupo Subdivision, Rotorua and Kaimanawa Divisions. By L. I. GRANGE. Paper covers, 14s.; · cloth, ELECTION OF MEMBERS OF COUNCIL 16s. Postage, 6d. GEOLOGICAL BULLETIN No. 38: Geology of the OTICE is hereby given, pursuant to regulations for the conduct Kaitangata - Green Island Subdivision (Eastern and N of elections of members of the Council' of Canterbury Central Otago Division). By M. ONGLEY. Paper covers, University College, that at the elections held on the 2nd June, 1947, 10s. 6d.; 1-cloth, 12s. Postage, 5d. ·the following were the persons elected and the respective classes GEOLOGICAL BULLETIN No. 39: Geology of the Naseby ,,of electors by whom they were elected :- Subdivision, Central Otago. By J. H. WILLIAMSON. Jack Thomas Watts (elected by members of Parliament). Paper covers, 21s.; -1-cloth, 22s. 6d. Postage, 7d. Donald William Bain and Arthur Edward Flower (elected by GEOLOGICAL MEMOIR No. 1: The Geology of the­ members of the Canterbury District Court of Convocation). Malvern Hills. 4s. 6d. Postage, 3d. Samuel John Irwin (elected by the School Committees of the GEOLOGICAL MEMOIR No. 2: The Geology of the Lower Canterbury University District). Awatere District. Price, 2s. 6d. Postage, 3d. Duncan Mackay (elected by the school-teachers of the Canter­ bury University District). GEOLOGICAL :MEl\IOlR No. 3: The Geology of the Mount Somers District. Price 5s. Postage, 4d. C. C. KEMP, Returning Officer. GEOLOGICAL MEMOIR No. 4: Experiments in Geophysical Canterbury University College, Christchurch, 9th June, 1947. Survey in New Zealand. Price, 7s. 6d. Postage, 4d. 198 GEOLOGICAL :MEMOIR No. 5: Metamorphism in the LAke Wakatipu Region, Western Otago, New Zealand. By STATUTORY REGULATIONS C. 0. 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