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Zeitschrift/Journal: Andrias

Jahr/Year: 2014

Band/Volume: 20

Autor(en)/Author(s): Aukema Berend, Bruers Jos, Viskens Gaby

Artikel/Article: petiti Wagner, 1954, a new burrower bug for Belgium (Heteroptera: ) 15-19 ©Staatl. Mus. f. Naturkde Karlsruhe & Naturwiss. Ver. Karlsruhe e.V.; download unter www.zobodat.at

Andrias 20 (2014): 15-19, 7 Abb.; Karlsruhe, 1.12.2014 15

Geotomus petiti Wa g n e r , 1954, a new burrower bug for Belgium (Heteroptera: Cydnidae)*

Be r e n d Au k e m a , Jo s Br u e r s & Ga b y Vi s k e n s

Abstract same collection, collected on 16 August 1941 in Geotomus petiti (Wa g n e r , 1954) is recorded for the first Melle, Oost-Vlaanderen province. Ba u g n é e et al. time from Belgium. Information on the other Belgian re- (2003) included G. punctulatus with a question presentatives of the genus is summarized. Geotomus mark on their list of Belgian Heteroptera, becau- elongatus is only known from Liège province and the se none of the authors actually saw the speci- records of Geotomus punctulatus are doubtful. mens concerned, and Lis (2006) followed this Keywords: Cydnidae, Geotomus, Belgium treatment in the Catalogue of the Heteroptera of the Palaearctic Region. In 2010 new Belgian Geotomus material was Kurzfassung collected at two different localities in the province Geotomus petiti Wa g n e r , 1954, eine neue Erdwanze of West-Vlaanderen, after dissection of the male aus Belgien (Heteroptera: Cydnidae) genitalia these belong to a third species, the Geotomus petiti (Wa g n e r , 1954) wird erstmals aus Bel- atlanto-mediterranean Geotomus petiti Wa g n e r , gien nachgewiesen. Für die anderen Arten der Gattung 1954. werden Informationen zusammengestellt. Geotomus elongatus ist nur aus der Provinz Lüttich bekannt, und An identification key for all European species, in- die Nachweise von Geotomus punctulatus sind anzu- cluding drawings of the parameres, is given by zweifeln. St i c h e l (1961). Drawings of the parameres of the relevant species are given by Wa g n e r (1963) and Authors Ri z z o t t i Vl a c h (1995). Be r e n d Au k e m a , NCB Naturalis, P.O. Box 9517, NL- The Belgian species are treated in more detail 2300 RA Leiden,The Netherlands; below, abbreviations used are: E-Mail: [email protected] KBIN: Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sci- Ga b y V i s k e n s & Jo s Br u e r s , Van Heelulaan 31, BE-2050 ences, Brussels; RMNH: Naturalis Biodiversity Antwerpen, Belgium; E-Mail: [email protected] Center, Leiden; ZMAN: Zoological Museum Uni- versity of Amsterdam [now housed in RMNH]; ZMUG: Zoological Museum University of Ghent. Introduction The genus Geotomus was represented in Bel- Geotomus elongatus (He r r i c h -Sc h a e f f e r , 1840) gium by two species: G. elongatus (He r r i c h - Liège province: Hollonge-aux-Pierres, FS7512, Sc h a e f f e r , 1840) and G. punctulatus (A. Co s t a , 19.V.1870, 1 ), leg. L. Le t h i e r r y (coll. KBIN). 1847) (Kiriakoff 1962; Bo s m a n s 1975; Ba u g n é e et Tilleur, FS7810-7910, 10.IV.2007, 3 ((, leg. M. al. 2003). Geotomus elongatus is known from a De t h i e r (coll. M. De t h i e r ); Idem, 4.-7.VI.2007, specimen in the collection of the Museum of Na- 3 )), 3 (( and 1 nymph, leg. M. De t h i e r (coll. M. tural Sciences in Brussels, collected by Le t h i e r r y ­De t h i e r ). in Hollogne-aux-Pierres, Liège province, on 19 May 1870 (Bo s m a n s 1975). Geotomus punctu- In Europe Geotomus elongatus (figs 1, 2) has latus was recorded for the first time from Belgi- a Mediterranean distribution and occurs further um by Kiriakoff (1962), based upon a specimen north only to the west of the Alps. In Europe it collected by M. Go e t g h e b u e r on 24 April 1924 in is known from Albania, Belgium, Bosnia-Her- Merelbeke, Oost-Vlaanderen province, and kept zegovina, Bulgaria, France, Greece, Hungary, in the collection of the University of Ghent. Bo s - Italy, Croatia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Ukraine, m a n s (1975) listed a second specimen from the Portugal, Romania, Central and South Russia, Serbia, Slovenia, Spain, European Turkey and * Dedicated to our friend and collegue Dr. Ch r i s t i a n Switzerland (Mi s j a 1973; Pr o t i ć 2001; Lis 2006; Ri e g e r on the occasion of his 70th birthday. Go g a l a 2008). The occurrence in the Czech Re- ©Staatl. Mus. f. Naturkde Karlsruhe & Naturwiss. Ver. Karlsruhe e.V.; download unter www.zobodat.at

16 Andrias 20 (2014)

Figure 1. Geotomus elongatus ( from Croatia. – Photo: G. St r a u s s .

public is questionable (Km e n t 2005). In Germa- ny it is a very rare species, only known from the neighbouring area in Rheinland-Pfalz (Gü n t h e r 2002). Outside Europe the species is known from North Africa and, in Asia, from the Middle East towards China (Lis 2006). Like the other species of the genus, Geotomus elongatus lives in warm dry sites in sandy or sto- ny soils, where they feed on the roots of plants. They are active on the soil surface mainly during the mating period. As far as known, they have only one annual generation and the adults over- winter. Adults of the new generation hatch from the end of June to early August (Wa c h m a n n et al. Figure 2. Paramere of Geotomus elongatus from 2008). Thus far, all Belgian records were over- ­Fuerteventura. – Photo: T. He i j e r m a n n . wintered specimens.

Geotomus petiti Wa g n e r , 1954 Geotomus petiti (figs 3, 4) has a very limited West-Vlaanderen province: Nieuwpoort, Lom- atlanto-mediterranean distribution. It was descri- bardsijde (Brandaris), IJzer Estuary, DS8166, bed from the French Pyrenees (Banyuls) (Wa g n e r 3.IV.2010-8.XI.2010, 75 )), 144 ((, 2.IV-8. 1954) and is also known from Italy and Spain (Lis VII.2011, 6 )), 21 (( in pitfall traps, leg. L. Ba e r t , 2006), and Morocco (Ma g n i e n 2011). In France it F. H e n d r i k x & W. De k o n i n c k (coll. KBIN, ZMAN in is known from the departments of Bouches-du- RMNH). Idem, 17.V.2011, 12 )), 12 (( extracted Rhône, Pyrenées-Orientales and Seine-et-Marne from litter, leg. B. Au k e m a . Oostduinkerke, recre- (Forêt de Fontainebleau) (Wa g n e r 1954; Mo u l e t ational park in the dunes, DS7763, 9.IV.2010, 2 1986). According to Ma g n i e n (in lit. 2011), who )), 3 ((, leg. A. & H. Dr u m o n t (coll. KBIN). collect­ed it in the départments of Charentes, Loire- ©Staatl. Mus. f. Naturkde Karlsruhe & Naturwiss. Ver. Karlsruhe e.V.; download unter www.zobodat.at

Au k e m a et al.: Geotomus petiti new for Belgium 17

Figure 3. Geotomus petiti ( from Belgium. – Photo: G. St r a u s s .

Atlantique and Manche, it is quite often found in coastal dunes. In Italy, the species is known from the provinces of Trentino and Veneto (Ri z z o t t i - Figure 4. Paramere of Geotomus petiti from Belgium. – Vl a c h 1995), and in Spain from the provinces of Photo: Th. He i j e r m a n n . Barcelona, Madrid, Pontevedra and Saragossa (Wa g n e r 1954; De l a Fu e n t e 1972; Ri b e s & Sa u l e d a 1979; Ri b e s 1986; Ri b e s & Ri b e s 2001). In Moroc- but the species is not present in Germany (Lis co, a single specimen was collected in the Middle 2006, Wa c h m a n n et al. 2008). In addition to North Atlas in the province of Ifrane (Ma g n i e n 2011). Africa, the Middle East and Central Asia, it is also In Belgium, in the nature development area of present in the Azores, Madeira and the Canary the IJzer Estuary G. petiti occurs in the older dry Islands (Lis 2006). dune grassland at the higher edge of the salting The only two Belgian specimens were in the en- (fig. 7), which is flooded at high tide only a few tomological collection of the University of Ghent times a year. The vegetation is dominated by (Bo s m a n s 1975), but now cannot be found. Sin- mosses, sand sedge Carex arenaria L. and seed- ce the genitalia of the specimens were not dis- lings of sea buckthorn Hippophae rhamnoides L. sected, it seems quite possible that they were The population in Oostduinkerke was also found actually Geotomus petiti. Because their localities, in old dune grasland not far from the coast. most likely river dunes, resemble present habi- tats of the latter, this points in the same direc- Geotomus punctulatus (A. Co s t a , 1847) tion. In conclusion, for the time being, there is no Oost-Vlaanderen province: Melle, 16.VIII.1941, evidence for the occurrence of G. punctulatus in 1 ex. (coll. ZMUG?). Merelbeke, 24.IV.1924, Belgium. 1 ex., leg. M. Go e t g h e b u e r (coll. ZMUG?). Acknowledgements The distribution area of Geotomus punctulatus Wo u t e r De k o n i c k supplied the pitfall catches of Geoto- (figs 5, 6) largely overlaps that of G. elongatus, mus petiti and introduced us to the nature development ©Staatl. Mus. f. Naturkde Karlsruhe & Naturwiss. Ver. Karlsruhe e.V.; download unter www.zobodat.at

18 Andrias 20 (2014)

Figure 5. Geotomus punctulatus ( from the Azores. – Photo: G. St r a u s s .

area of the IJzer estuary, Al a i n Dr u m o n t supported us with the specimens he collected in Oostduinkerke, and Do m i n i c k Ve r s c h e l d e assisted in our unsuccess- ful search for the specimens of G. punctulatus in the collec­tion of the University of Ghent. The photos were supplied by Wo u t e r De k o n i n c k (IJzer Estuary), Th e - o d o o r He i j e r m a n (parameres) and Ge r h a r d St r a u s s (habitus of the species). Be r n a r d Na u corrected the English text. Figure 6. Paramere of Geotomus punctulatus from the Azores. – Photo: Th. He i j e r m a n n .

References Ba u g n é e , J.-Y., De t h i e r , M., Br u e r s , J., Ch é r o t , F. & Vis- k e n s , G. (2003): Liste des punaises de Belgique (He- miptera Heteroptera). – Bulletin van de Koninklijke Belgische Vereniging voor Entomologie 139: 41-60. Bo s m a n s , R. (1975): Voorkomen van Belgische wantsen I. – Biologische Jaarboek Dodonaea 43: 78-89. De l a Fu e n t e , J. A. (1972): Revisión de los Pentatómidos ibéricos. Familia Cydnidae Bi llb e r g , 1820. – Boletin de la Real Sociedad Española de Historia Natural (Sección Biológicas) 70: 33-78. Go g a l a , A. (2008): Heteroptera of Slovenia, V: Penta- tomomorpha II and additions to the previous parts. Figure 7. Habitat Geotomus petiti near Lombardsijde. – – Annales for Istrian and Mediterranean Studies (Hi- Photo: W. De k o n i n c k . storia Naturalis) 18: 91-126. ©Staatl. Mus. f. Naturkde Karlsruhe & Naturwiss. Ver. Karlsruhe e.V.; download unter www.zobodat.at

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Gü n t h e r , H. (2002): Ergänzungen zur Wanzenfauna talana d’Història Natural i la Societat Catalana de (Insecta: Heteroptera) von Rheinland-Pfalz. – Main- Lepidopterologia 4: 156-164. zer Naturwissenschaftliches Archiv 40: 197-204. Ri b e s , E. & Ri b e s , J. (2001): Clarícies sobre Hemípters Kiriakoff, S.,G. (1962): De wantsen ( Heter- de la ciutat de Barcelona i voltants (Heteroptera). optera) van de verzameling M. Go e t g h e b u e r . – Biolo- – Sessió d’Entomologia de la Institució Catalana gische Jaarboek Dodonaea 30: 451-460. d’Història Natural i la Societat Catalana de Lepido- Km e n t , P. (2005): Nové druhy ploštic (Heteroptera) pro pterologia 11 (1999): 109-128. faunu České republiky ze sbírky Otokara Kubíka. – Ri b e s , J. & Sa u l e d a , N. (1979): Heteropteros de Alicante Práce Muzea v Kolíně, Řada Přírodovědná 6 (2004): y zonas adyacentes. – Mediterránea 3: 123-158. 81-87 [in Czech, English summary]. Ri z z o t t i Vl a c h , M.(1995): Geotomus petiti Wa g n e r , Lis, J. A. (2006): Family Cydnidae Bi llb e r g , 1820 - bur- 1954 (Heteroptera, Cydnidae) in Italia: osservazioni rowing bugs (burrower bugs). – In Au k e m a , B. & Rie- morfologiche comparative e corologia. – Studi Tren- g e r , C. (Eds): Catalogue of the Heteroptera of the tini di Scienze Naturali – Acta Biologica 70 (1993): Palaearctic Region 6: 119-147. 63-68. Ma g n i e n , P. (2011): Captures intéressantes de Cyd- St i c h e l , W. (1961): Illustrierte Bestimmungstabellen nides au Maroc (Heteroptera, Cydnidae). – Nouvelle der Wanzen II Europa. – (Hemiptera – Heteroptera Revue d’Entomologie (N.S.) 27: 35-36. Europae) 4: 545-768. Mi s j a , K. (1973): Rezultate të studimit të gjysëmkrahë- Wa c h m a n n , E., Me lb e r , A. & De c k e r t , J. (2008): Wanzen fortëve Hemipterëve të vëndit tonë. – Buletini ­Shkencave 4 II . Cydnidae, të Natyrës 1-2: 131-151 [in albanian, french résumé]. Thyreocoridae, Plataspidae, Acanthosomatidae, Mo u l e t , P. (1986): Les Hétéroptères de La Montagnet- Scutelleridae, Pentatomidae. – Die Tierwelt Deutsch­ te (Bouches-du-Rhône, France). – Bulletin de la So- lands 81: 1-230. ciété d’Étude des Sciences Naturelles du Vaucluse Wa g n e r , E. (1954): Geotomus petiti nov. spec. Eine 1986: 19-39. neue Cydniden-Art aus Süd-Frankreich (Hem. Hete- Pr o t i ć, L. (2001): Catalogue of the Heteroptera fauna ropt.). – Vie et Milieu 4 (1953): 197-200. of Yugoslav countries. Part two. – Prirodnjački Muzej Wa g n e r , E. (1963): Untersuchungen über den taxo- u Beogradu Posebna Izdanja 39: 1-272. nomischen Wert des Baues der Genitalien bei den Ri b e s , J. (1986): Noves dades sobre Hetéropters Cydnidae (Hem. Het.). – Acta Entomologica Musei Ibèrics. – Sessió d’Entomologia de la Institució Ca- Nationalis Pragae 35: 73-115. ©Staatl. Mus. f. Naturkde Karlsruhe & Naturwiss. Ver. Karlsruhe e.V.; download unter www.zobodat.at

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