Curriculum Vitae

Matilde Marcolli

February 14, 2017

General Information

University address: Pure Department of Mathematics College of Arts and Sciences 1017 Academic Way, 208 Love Building Tallahassee, Florida 32306-4510

Professional Preparation

1997 Ph.D., , Chicago, Illinois. Major: Mathematics. . Supervisor: Melvin Rothenberg.

Matilde Marcolli. (1997). Three-dimensional aspects of Seiberg-Witten . Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois.

Professional Experience

2013–present Distinguished Visiting Research Chair, Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics.

2008–present Professor, Mathematics, California Institute of Technology.

2001–present Professor (Courtesy), Mathematics, Florida State University.

2006–2010 Honorary Professor, Mathematik, University, Bonn, Germany.

2003–2008 Associate Professor, Max Planck Institute for Mathematics.

Visiting Professorship(s)

2013 Research Professor, Mathematical Sciences Research Institute, Berkeley.

2009 Max Planck Institute for Mathematics.

Vita for Matilde Marcolli

2009 Research Professor, Mathematical Sciences Research Institute, Berkeley.

2005 Visitor at the Kavli Institute of Theoretical Physics Santa Barbara, USA.

2005 Visitor (Kempf Lectures), Johns Hopkins university, USA.

2005 Visiting scholar, Vanderbilt University, USA.

1999 Max Planck Institute f•or Mathematics.

1999 Tata Institute of Fundamental Research.

1998 Max Planck Institute f•or Mathematics.

1996 Research in Pairs (with M. Sprea_co) Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach.

Honors, Awards, and Prizes

Invited Speaker (Mathematical Physics) International Congress of Mathematicians, (2010). Plenary Speaker for the 5th European Congress of Mathematics, Am- sterdam (2008). Sofja Kovalevskaya Award of the Alexander von Hum- boldt Foundation and the ZIP Program of the German Government (2004). Sofja Kovalevskaya Award of the Alexander von Hum- boldt Foundation and the ZIP Program of the German Government (2003). Sofja Kovalevskaya Award of the Alexander von Hum- boldt Foundation and the ZIP Program of the German Government (2002). Heinz Maier Leibnitz Prize awarded by the Deutsche Forschungs- gemeinschaft (2001). Sofja Kovalevskaya Award of the Alexander von Hum- boldt Foundation and the ZIP Program of the German Government (2001). Borsa di Studio e Ricerca , Research Grant awarded by the National Council of Research (CNR) of (1997). Borsa di Studio e Ricerca , Research Grant awarded by the National Council of Research (CNR) of Italy (1996). Borsa di Studio e Ricerca , Research Grant awarded by the National Council of Research (CNR) of Italy (1995).


Courses Taught

Differential Equations The Geometry of Quantum States (CAltech)

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Calculus Chaos and Fractals Advanced Topics in Algebra I (MAS6396) Arithmetic and Geometry of Quantum Fields (Caltech) Differential Geometry Riemann Surfaces Analysis on manifolds Morse theory and Floer theory Topology

Doctoral Committee Chair

Zhang, D., graduate. (2011). Projective Dirac operators, twisted K- theory and local index formula. Fritz, T., graduate. (2010). Contributions to Quantum Probability. Heydarpour, M., graduate. (2010). Green Functions on the Boundary at In_nity of Hyperbolic 3-manifolds. Shojaei-Fard, A., graduate. (2010). Riemann-Hilbert Problem and : Integrable Renormalization, Dyson-Schwinger Equation. Torres, R., graduate. (2010). Geography and Botany of Irreducible Sym- plectic 4-manifolds with Abelian Fundamental Group. Dynov, I., graduate. (2008). Type III von Neumann Algebras in the The- ory of In_nite-Dimensional Groups. Mesland, B., graduate. (2008). Bivariant K-theory of Groupoids and the Noncommutative Geometry of Limit Sets. Zainy al-Yasry, A., graduate. (2008). Coverings, Correspondences, and Noncommutative Geometry. Mahanta, S., graduate. (2007). Algebraic aspects of Noncommuta- tive Tori: the Riemann-Hilbert correspondence. Vargas, J. P., graduate. (2007). Arithmetic structures on noncom- mutative tori with real multiplication. Ha, E., graduate. (2006). Quantum Statistical Mechanics of Shimura varieties.

Doctoral Committee Cochair

Branimir, C., doctoral candidate. Caltech. Duston, C. L., doctoral candidate. Kunwar, I. J., doctoral candidate. Ni, X., doctoral candidate. Shen, Y., doctoral candidate. Li, D., doctoral candidate. Ivankov, N., doctoral student. MPI. Teh, K., doctoral student. Caltech.

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Research and Original Creative Work


Refereed Journal Articles

Marcolli, M., & Aluffi, P. (in press). A motivic approach to phase transitions in Potts models. Journal of Geometry and Physics.

Marcolli, M., Cacis, B., & Teh, K. (in press). Coupling of gravity to matter, spectral action and cosmic topology. Journal of Non-commutative Geometry.

Marcolli, M., & Estrada, C. (in press). Noncommutative Mixmaster . International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics.

Marcolli, M., & Perez, C. (in press). Codes as fractals and noncommutative spaces. Mathematics in Computer Science.

Marcolli, M., & Su, J. (in press). Arithmetic of Potts model hypersurfaces. International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics.

Marcolli, M., & Bhuyain, T. A. (2012). The Ricci flow on noncommutative two-tori. Letters in Mathematical Physics, 101, 173-194.

Marcolli, M., & Ceyhan, O. (2012). Feynman integrals and motives of con_guration spaces. Communications in Mathematical Physics, 313, 35-70.

Marcolli, M., & Tabuada, G. (2012). Kontsevich's noncommutative numerical motives. Compositio Mathematica, 148, 1811.

Marcolli, M., & Tabuada, G. (2012). Noncommutative motives, numerical equivalence, and semi-simplicity. Compositio Mathematica, 148, 1811.

Marcolli, M. (2011). Building cosmolgical models via noncommutative geometry. International Journal of Geometric Methods in Mathematical Physics, 8, 1131-1168.

Marcolli, M. (2011). The spectral action and cosmic topology. Communications in Mathematical Physics, 304, 125-174.

Marcolli, M., & Aluffi, P. (2011). Algebro-geometric feynman rules. International Journal of Geometric Methods in Mathematical Physics, 8, 203-237.

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Marcolli, M., & Aluffi, P. (2011). Graph hypersurfaces and a dichotomy in the Grothendieck ring. Letters in Mathematical Physics, , 95, 223-232.

Marcolli, M., & Manin, Y. (2011). Error-correcting codes and phase transitions. Mathematics in Computer Science, 5, 133-170.

Marcolli, M., & Paolucci, A. M. (2011). Cuntz-Krieger algebras and wavelets on fractals. Complex Analysis and Operator Theory, 5, 41-81.

Marcolli, M., Pierpaoli, E., & Teh, K. (2011). The coupling of topology and in ation in noncommutative . Communications in Mathematical Physics, 309, 341-369.

Kolodrubetz, D., & Marcolli, M. (2010). Boundary conditions of the RGE ow in the noncommutative geometry approach to and cosmology. Physics Letters B, 693, 166-174.

Marcolli, M., & Ceyhan, O. (2010). Open string theory and planar algebras. Journal of physics, 43, 385401-385413.

Marcolli, M., Denicola, D., & Zainy al-Yasry, A. (2010). Spin foams and noncommutative geometry. Classical and , 27, 205-225.

Marcolli, M., & Manin, Y. (2010). Parametric Feynman integrals and determinant hypersurfaces. Mathematics in Computer Science, 14, 911-963.

Marcolli, M., & Pierpaoli, E. (2010). Early Universe models from Noncommutative Geometry. Advances in Theoretical and Mathematical Physic, 14, 1373-143.

Marcolli, M. (2009). Cyclotomy and Endomotives. Ultrametric Analysis and Applications, 1, 217-263.

Marcolli, M. (2009). Fun with F 1. Journal of , 129, 1532-1561.

Marcolli, M., & Aluffi, P. (2009). Feynman motives of banana graphs. Communications in Number Theory and Physics, 3, 1-57.

Marcolli, M. (2008). Solvmanifolds and noncommutative tori with real multiplication. Com- munications in Number Theory and Physics, 2, 423-479.

Marcolli, M. (2008). Zeta functions that hear the shape of a Riemann surface. Journal of Geometry and Physics, 58, 619-632.

Marcolli, M., Cornelissen, G., & Lorscheid, O. (2008). On the K-theory of graph C* algebras. Acta Applicandae Mathematicae, 102, 57-69.

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Marcolli, M., & Rej), A. (2008). Supermanifolds from Feynman graphs. Journal of Physics A, 41, 315402-315414.

Marcolli, M., & Zainy al-Yasry, A. (2008). Coverings, correspondences, and noncommutative geometry. ournal of Geometry and Physics, 58, 1639-1661.

Marcolli, M. (2007). Gravity and the Standard Model with neutrino mixing. Advances in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, 11, 991-1090.

Marcolli, M., Connes, A., & Consani, C. (2007). Noncommutative geometry and motives: the thermodynamics of endomotives. Advances in Mathematics, 11, 991-1090.

Marcolli, M., & Consani, C. (2007). Quantum statistical mechanics over function _Fields. Journal of Number Theory, 123, 487-528.

Marcolli, M. (2006). Q-lattices: quantum statistical mechanics and Galois theory. Journal of Geometry and Physics, 56, 2-23.

Marcolli, M., & Connes, A. (2006). Quantum Fields and motives. Journal of Geometry and Physics, 56, 55-85.

Marcolli, M., Connes, A., & Consani, C. (2005). KMS states and complex multiplication. Selecta Mathematics, 11, 325-347.

Marcolli, M., & Connes, A. (2004). Renormalization and motivic Galois theory. International Math. Research Notices, 76, 4073-4092.

Marcolli, M., & Consani, C. (2004). Noncommutative geometry, dynamics, and ∞-adic Arakelov geometry. Selecta Mathematica, 10, 167-251.

Marcolli, M. (2003). Limiting Modular symbols and the Lyapunov spectrum. Journal of Number Theory, 98, 348-376.

Marcolli, M. (2003). Spectral triples from Mumford curves. International Math. Research Notices, 36, 1945-1972.

Booss-Bavnbe, B., Marcolli, M., & Wang, B. L. (2002). Weak UCP and perturbed monopole equations. International Journal of Mathematic, 13, 987-1008.

Marcolli, M., Carey, A., & Wang, B. L. (2002). The geometric triangle for 3-dimensional Seiberg-Witten monopoles. Communications in Contem- porary Mathematics, 5, 197-250.

Marcolli, M., & Consani, C. (2002). Triplets spectraux en geometrie d'Arakelov. Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences Series I, 335, 779-784.

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Marcolli, M., & Wang, B. L. (2002). Seiberg-Witten and Casson-Walker invariant for rational homology spheres. Geometriae Dedicata, 91, 45-58.

Marcolli, M., & Manin, Y. (2001). Holography principle and arithmetic of algebraic curves. Advances in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, 5, 617-650.

Marcolli, M., & Mathai, V. (2001). Twisted index theory on good orbifolds II: Fractional quantum numbers. Communications in Mathematical Physics, 217, 55-87.

Marcolli, M., & Wang, B. L. (2001). Equivariant Seiberg{Witten Floer homology. Communications in Analysis and Geometry, 9, 451-639.

Marcolli, M., & Mathai, V. (1999). Twisted index theory on good orbifolds I: Noncommutative Bloch theory. Communications in Contemporary Mathematics, 1, 553-587.

Marcolli, M., & Spreafico, M. (1997). Gauge groups and characteristic classes. Expositiones Mathematicae, 15, 229-249.

Marcolli, M. (1996). Seiberg{Witten Floer homology and Heegaard splittings. International Journal of Mathematics, 7, 671-696.

Marcolli, M. (1996). Some remarks on conjugacy classes of bundle gauge groups. Cahiers de Topologie et Geometrie Differentielle Categoriques, 37, 21-39.

Marcolli, M. (1993). Lorentz bundles. Rendiconti dell'Istituto di Matematica dell'Università di Trieste, 25, 309-315.

Refereed Books

Marcolli, M. (2010). Feynman Motives. World Scientific.

Marcolli, M., & Connes, A. (2008). Noncommutative Geometry, Quantum Fields and Motives. Colloquium Publications.

Marcolli, M. (2005). Arithmetic noncommutative geometry. University Lectures Series, American Mathematical Society.

Marcolli, M. (1999). Seiberg{Witten gauge theory. Hindustan Book Agency, New Delhi.

Edited Books

Marcolli, M., Abbaspour, H., & Tradler, T. (Eds.). (in press). Deformation Spaces. Vieweg Verlag.

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Marcolli, M., & Parashar, D. (Eds.). (in press). Quantum groups and noncommutative geometry. Vieweg Verlag.

Marcolli, M., Ceyhan, &., & Manin. Y. (Eds.). (in press). Arithmetic and Geometry around Quantization. Birkh•auser.

Marcolli, M., Ebrahimi-Fard, K., & Suijlekom, W. (Eds.). (2012). Combinatorics and Physics. Contemporary Mathematics, Vol.539, American Math- ematical Society.

Marcolli, M., & Khalkhali, M. (Eds.). (2008). An invitation to Noncommutative Geometry. World Scientific.

Marcolli, M. (Ed.). (2007). Traces in Geometry, Number Theory and Quantum Fields. Vieweg Verlag.

Marcolli, M. (Ed.). (2006). Noncommutative Geometry and Number Theory. Vieweg Verlag.

Marcolli, M. (Ed.). (2004). Frobenius manifolds, quantum cohomology and singularities. Vieweg Verlag.

Refereed Book Chapters

Marcolli, M. (2011). Motivic ideas in noncommutative geometry. In Noncommutative Ge- ometry and Physics: Renormalisation, Motives, Index Theory (pp. 61-87). European Mathematical Society.

Marcolli, M. (2011). Motivic ideas in physics. In Combinatorics and Physics (pp. 407-415). Contemporary Mathematics.

Marcolli, M., & Aluffi, P. (2011). Feynman motives and deletion-contraction relations. In Topology of Algebraic Varieties and Singularities (pp. 21-64). Contemporary Mathematics.

Marcolli, M., Carey, A., & Rennie, A. (2011). Modular index invariants of Mumford curves. In Noncommutative Geometry, Arithmetic, and Re- lated Topics (pp. 31-74). Johns Hopkins University Press.

Marcolli, M. (2010). Motivic renormalization and singularities. In Quanta of Maths (pp. 409-458). Clay Mathematics Institute.

Marcolli, M. (2010). Noncommutative geometry and arithmetic. In Proceedings of the ICM-2010 (pp. 2057-2077). World Scientific /Hindustan Book Agency.

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Marcolli, M., Connes, A., & Consani, K. (2009). Feynman integrals and motives. In Algebra, Arithmetic, and Geometry: in honor of Yu.I.Manin (pp. 339-340). Progress in Mathematics.

Marcolli, M., & Connes, A. (2008). A walk in the noncommutative garden. In An invitation to Noncommutative Geometry (pp. 1-128). World Scientific.

Marcolli, M., & Manin, Y. (2008). Modular shadows and the Levy-Mellin in_nity-adic transform. In B.Edixhoven, G. van der Geer, & B.Moonen (Eds.), Modular forms on Schiermonnikoog (pp. 189-238). Cambridge University Press.

Marcolli, M., & Connes, A. (2007). A walk in the noncommutative garden. In An invitation to noncommutative geometry. World Scientific.

Marcolli, M., & Connes, A. (2006). From Physics to Number Theory via Noncommutative Geometry. Part I: Quantum Statistical Mechanics of Q-lattices. In Frontiers in Number Theory Physics and Geometry, I (pp. 269-350). Springer Verlag.

Marcolli, M., & Connes, A. (2006). From Physics to Number Theory via Noncommutative Geometry. Part II: Renormalization, the Riemann{Hilbert correspondence, and motivic Galois theory. In Frontiers in Number Theory Physics and Geometry, II (pp. 361-372). Springer Verlag.

Marcolli, M., Connes, A., & Ramachandran, N. (2006). KMS states and complex multiplication (part II). In Operator Algebra (pp. 15-60). Springer Verlag.

Marcolli, M., & Consani, C. (2006). Archimedean cohomology revisited. In Non-commutative Geometry and Number Theory (pp. 109-140). Vieweg Verlag.

Marcolli, M., Cornelissen, G., Reihan, K., & Vdovina, A. (2006). Noncommutative geometry on trees and buildings. In Traces in Geometry, Number Theory and Quantum Fields (pp. 73-98). Vieweg Verlag.

Marcolli, M., & Mathai, V. (2006). Towards the fractional quantum Hall e_ect: a noncommutative geometry perspective. In Noncommutative Geometry and Number Theory (pp. 235-262). Vieweg Verlag.

Marcolli, M., & Wang, B. L. (2005). Variants of equivariant Seiberg-Witten Floer homology. In Spectral Geometry of Manifolds with Boundary and Decom- position of Manifolds (pp. 225-238). Contemporary Mathematics.

Marcolli, M., & Wang, B. L. (2005). Variants of equivariant Seiberg-Witten Floer homology. In Spectral Geometry of Manifolds with Boundary and Decom- position of Manifolds (pp. 225-238). Contemporary Mathematics.

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Marcolli, M., & Consani, C. (2004). New perspectives in Arakelov geometry. In Number Theory (pp. 81-102). CRM Lecture Notes.

Nonrefereed Journal Articles

Marcolli, M. (2008). Non commutative geometry and number theory. Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde, 9, 109-112.


Invited Lectures and Readings of Original Work

Marcolli, M. (2013). Index theory. Delivered at American MAthematical Society, Austin, USA. (State)

Marcolli, M. (2013). Title Not Available. Delivered at . (State)

Marcolli, M. (2012). Colloquium Talk. Delivered at University of Hawaii at Manoa. (Regional)

Marcolli, M. (2012). Midwest Topology Seminar. Delivered at Purdue University. (State)

Marcolli, M. (2012). Noncommutative Algebraic Geometry and its Applications to Physics. Delivered at Lorentz Center. (International)

Marcolli, M. (2012). Novel approaches to the _finite simple group. Delivered at Banff. (State)

Marcolli, M. (2012). West Coast Operator Algebra Semina. Delivered at University of Oregon. (State)

Marcolli, M. (2011). Colloquium talk. Delivered at Harvard University. (Local)

Marcolli, M. (2011). Geometry and Quantum Field Theory. Delivered at Villa de Leyva, Colombia. (State)

Marcolli, M. (2011). Jose Adem Memorial Lecture Series. Delivered at Cinvestav. (National)

Marcolli, M. (2011). Mathematics Related to Feynman Diagrams. Delivered at American Mathematical Society, New Orleans, La. (Regional)

Marcolli, M. (2011). Noncommutative Geometry and Number Theory. Delivered at CIRM. (State)

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Marcolli, M. (2011). plenary talk Strings-Math conference. Delivered at University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA. (Regional)

Marcolli, M. (2011). Title Not Available. Delivered at Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics. (National)

Marcolli, M. (2010). Arithmetic Geometry and Noncommutative Geometry. Delivered at Utrecht University. (International)

Marcolli, M. (2010). Colloquium talk. Delivered at Georgia Tech, Atlanta. (State)

Marcolli, M. (2010). Geometry and Quantum Field Theory. Delivered at MPI. (National)

Marcolli, M. (2010). Mathematical Physics. Delivered at ICM 2010, Hyderabad, India. (National)

Marcolli, M. (2010). Noncommutative Geometry and . Delivered at Oberwolfach. (State)

Marcolli, M. (2010). Noncommutative geometry, Number Theory and Mathematical Physics. Delivered at UNAM. (National)

Marcolli, M. (2010). Number Theory and Physics. Delivered at American Mathematical Society, University of Notre Dame, South Bend, IN. (State)

Marcolli, M. (2009). .Title Not Available. Delivered at Mathematical Physics Meeting, Caltech. (State)

Marcolli, M. (2009). Algebra Seminar. Delivered at Florida State University. (State)

Marcolli, M. (2009). Algebraic Geometry Seminar. Delivered at MSRI. (State)

Marcolli, M. (2009). Geometry and Physics Semina. Delivered at Northwestern University. (State)

Marcolli, M. (2009). Geometry over F1, noncommutative geometry, and zeta. Delivered at Conference, Vanderbilt University. (State)

Marcolli, M. (2009). High Energy Physics Seminar. Delivered at Florida State University. (State)

Marcolli, M. (2009). Noncommutative geometric methods in global analysis. Delivered at Hausdorff Center. (State)

Marcolli, M. (2009). Noncommutative Geometry. Delivered at AMS Special Session, UC Riverside, USA. (State)

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Marcolli, M. (2009). Noncommutative Geometry and Cosmology. Delivered at IHES. (State)

Marcolli, M. (2009). Quantum _Fields, periods and polylogarithms. Delivered at IHES. (State)

Marcolli, M. (2009). Seminar Algebra Geometry and Physics. Delivered at MPI, MPIM. (State)

Marcolli, M. (2009). Title Not Available. Delivered at Colloquium, University Michigan, Ann Arbor. (State)

Marcolli, M. (2009). Title Not Available. Delivered at JAMI conference, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore. (State)

Marcolli, M. (2009). Title Not Available. Delivered at Geometry and Physics Seminar, U Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan. (State)

Marcolli, M. (2009). Title Not Available. Delivered at Symplectic Geometry Seminar, UC Berkeley. (State)

Marcolli, M. (2008). Non-commutative Geometry. Delivered at Florida State University. (Local)

Marcolli, M. (2008). Random matrices and number theory. Delivered at Hausdorff Institute. (State)

Marcolli, M. (2008). Title Not Available. Delivered at Colloquium, University of Southern California. (State)

Marcolli, M. (2008). Title Not Available. Delivered at Colloquium, University of Southern California. (State)

Marcolli, M. (2007). Algebraic Geometry. Delivered at AMS Special Session, UC Riverside, USA. (State)

Marcolli, M. (2007). G_eom_etrie Noncommutative. Delivered at CNRS. (State)

Marcolli, M. (2007). Motives in Physics. Delivered at MPIMIS. (State)

Marcolli, M. (2007). Non-commutative Geometry and Arithmetic. Delivered at American Mathematical Society, New Brunswick, USA. (Regional)

Marcolli, M. (2007). Noncommutative Manifolds. Delivered at ICTP. (State)

Marcolli, M. (2007). Title Not Available. Delivered at Colloquium, Caltech, USA. (State)

Marcolli, M. (2007). Title Not Available. Delivered at Mathematical Physics Seminar, Caltech, USA. (State)

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Marcolli, M. (2007). Title Not Available. Delivered at Mathematical Physics Seminar, Yale University, USA. (State)

Marcolli, M. (2007). Title Not Available. Delivered at Colloquium, Yale University. (State)

Marcolli, M. (2007). Title Not Available. Delivered at Symplectic Geometry Seminar, Courant Institute, New York, New York. (State)

Marcolli, M. (2007). Title Not Available. Delivered at Number Theory Seminar, Berkeley, USA. (State)

Marcolli, M. (2007). Title Not Available. Delivered at Colloquium Berkeley, USA. (State)

Marcolli, M. (2007). Title Not Available. Delivered at Euler Fest, St. Petersburg. (State)

Marcolli, M. (2007). Title Not Available. Delivered at Spring School on Non-commutative Geometry and Operator Algebras, Vanderbilt University. (State)

Marcolli, M. (2007). Title Not Available. Delivered at CIRM. (State)

Marcolli, M. (2007). Title Not Available. Delivered at Colloquium Geometry and Quantum Physics Cluster, Nijmegen. (State)

Marcolli, M. (2007). Trends in Noncommutative Geometry. Delivered at Northwestern University, USA. (State)

Marcolli, M. (2006). Arithmetic and Geometry around Quantization. Delivered at CIMPA. (State)

Marcolli, M. (2006). Characteristic classes of singular space. Delivered at Renyi Institute. (State)

Marcolli, M. (2006). Non-commutative Geometry and Operator Algebras. Delivered at Vanderbilt University, USA. (State)

Marcolli, M. (2006). Title Not Available. Delivered at Colloquium, Freiburg University. (State)

Marcolli, M. (2006). Title Not Available. Delivered at Talk in the workshop Renormalization. (State)

Marcolli, M. (2006). Title Not Available. Delivered at Mathematical Sciences Institute. (State)

Marcolli, M. (2006). Title Not Available. Delivered at Operator Algebra Seminar. (State)

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Marcolli, M. (2006). Title Not Available. Delivered at Colloquium, University of Trondheim. (State)

Marcolli, M. (2006). Title Not Available. Delivered at Operator Algebra Seminar. (State)

Marcolli, M. (2006). Title Not Available. Delivered at Noncommutative Geometry Conference, BIRS. (State)

Marcolli, M. (2006). Title Not Available. Delivered at Centre Physique Théorétique, CIRM. (State)

Marcolli, M. (2006). Title Not Available. Delivered at Colloquium, University of Rome II. (State)

Marcolli, M. (2005). Arithmetic geometry and high energy physics. Delivered at Lorentz Center. (State)

Marcolli, M. (2005). Journ_ee thematique: g_eom_etrie complexe th_eorie de jauge. Delivered at CIRM. (State)

Marcolli, M. (2005). Kempf Lectures. Delivered at Johns Hopkins University. (Regional)

Marcolli, M. (2005). Masters Forum: Noncommutative Geometry. Delivered at Fudan University. (International)

Marcolli, M. (2005). Mathematical structures of String Theory. Delivered at Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics. (Local)

Marcolli, M. (2005). NCG 2005. Delivered at IPM. (National)

Marcolli, M. (2005). Symmetry and universality in mesoscopic systems. Delivered at BHPC. (National)

Marcolli, M. (2005). Title Not Available. Delivered at University of Milan. (State)

Marcolli, M. (2005). Title Not Available. Delivered at INdAM. (State)

Marcolli, M. (2005). Title Not Available. Delivered at Renormalization and Number Theory, MPIMIS. (State)

Marcolli, M. (2005). Title Not Available. Delivered at Arbeitstagung. (State)

Marcolli, M. (2005). Title Not Available. Delivered at CIRM. (State)

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Marcolli, M. (2005). Title Not Available. Delivered at The 3rd Annual Spring Institute on Noncommutative Ge- ometry and Operator Algebras, Vanderbilt University. (State)

Marcolli, M., & Connes, A. (2005). Title Not Available. Delivered at Vanderbilt University. (Regional)

Marcolli, M. (2004). Arithmetic and algebraic geometry. Delivered at University of Padua. (State)

Marcolli, M. (2004). Noncommutative and arithmetic geometry. Delivered at Vanderbilt University. (State)

Marcolli, M. (2004). Noncommutative Geometry in Mathematics and Physics. Delivered at special lecture on gauge theory on 3-manifolds, CIRM. (State)

Marcolli, M. (2004). Noncommutative Mani-folds. Delivered at ICTP. (State)

Marcolli, M. (2004). Operator Algebra. Delivered at Abel Symposium. (State)

Marcolli, M. (2004). Title Not Available. Delivered at Banach Center. (State)

Marcolli, M. (2004). Title Not Available. Delivered at Noncommutative Geometry conference. (State)

Marcolli, M. (2004). Title Not Available. Delivered at Mathematical Physics Seminar. (State)

Marcolli, M. (2004). Title Not Available. Delivered at Seminar Algebraic Structures in Quantum Field Theory, Florida State University, USA. (State)

Marcolli, M. (2004). Title Not Available. Delivered at Algebra Seminar, Florida State University. (State)

Marcolli, M. (2004). Title Not Available. Delivered at Stochastics Seminar. (State)

Marcolli, M. (2004). Title Not Available. Delivered at Geometric Analysis Seminar. (State)

Marcolli, M. (2003). Computational algebraic and analytic geometry for low dimensional varieties. Delivered at American Mathematical Society, Baltimore USA. (State)

Marcolli, M. (2003). Frontiers in Number Theory, Physics, and Geometry. Delivered at Les Houches. (State)

Marcolli, M. (2003). Geometry and Physics. Delivered at CIRM. (State)

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Marcolli, M. (2003). Noncommutative and arithmetic geometry. Delivered at University of Nottingham. (State)

Marcolli, M. (2003). Noncommutative Geometry. Delivered at Mittag-Leffler Institute. (State)

Marcolli, M. (2003). Title Not Available. Delivered at Colloquim Lecture, University of California Berkeley, USA. (State)

Marcolli, M. (2003). Title Not Available. Delivered at Algebra Seminar, Florida State University. (State)

Marcolli, M. (2003). Title Not Available. Delivered at Arbeitstagung. (State)

Marcolli, M. (2003). Title Not Available. Delivered at Cambridge-Oxford-Warwick Seminar in Algebraic Geometry. (State)

Marcolli, M. (2003). Title Not Available. Delivered at Lecture at the AMS National meeting, special session Primes and Knots, Baltimore USA. (State)

Marcolli, M. (2003). Workshop on Noncommutative geometry and Number Theory. Delivered at Max Planck Institute. (State)

Marcolli, M. (2002). Geometric properties of real and complex manifolds. Delivered at CRM. (State)

Marcolli, M. (2002). Geometrical aspects of fi_eld equations. Delivered at University of Greifswald. (State)

Marcolli, M. (2002). Manifolds in mathematics and other _fields. Delivered at Polish Academy of Science and Max Planck Society. (State)

Marcolli, M. (2002). Series of five lectures on Noncommutative geometry. Delivered at Villa de Leyva, Colombia, Fields Institute. (State)

Marcolli, M. (2002). Title Not Available. Delivered at Topology Seminar, Aarhus University. (State)

Marcolli, M. (2002). Title Not Available. Delivered at Algebraic Geometry Seminar. (State)

Marcolli, M. (2002). Title Not Available. Delivered at Geometric Mathematical Physics Seminar, Aarhus University. (State)

Marcolli, M. (2002). Title Not Available. Delivered at Colloquium Lecture, Florida State University. (State)

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Marcolli, M. (2002). Title Not Available. Delivered at Colloquium Lecture, . (State)

Marcolli, M. (2002). Title Not Available. Delivered at Colloquium, Roskilde University. (State)

Marcolli, M. (2002). Title Not Available. Delivered at Colloquium Lecture, M•unster University. (State)

Marcolli, M. (2001). Geometric Analysis and Index Theory. Delivered at ICTP. (State)

Marcolli, M. (2001). Title Not Available. Delivered at Number Theory Seminar. (State)

Marcolli, M. (2001). Title Not Available. Delivered at Colloquium, University of Helsinki, Finland. (State)

Marcolli, M. (2001). Title Not Available. Delivered at Seminar on Algebra, Geometry and Physics. (State)

Marcolli, M. (2001). Title Not Available. Delivered at Colloquium Lecture, Regensburg University. (State)

Marcolli, M. (2001). Title Not Available. Delivered at Algebraic Geometry seminar, University of Toronto. (State)

Marcolli, M. (2001). Title Not Available. Delivered at Colloquium Lecture, Bielefeld University. (State)

Marcolli, M. (2001). Title Not Available. Delivered at SNS. (State)

Marcolli, M. (2001). Title Not Available. Delivered at Differential Geometry Seminar, Max Planck Institute. (State)

Marcolli, M. (2001). Title Not Available. Delivered at Colloquium Lecture, G•ottingen University. (State)

Marcolli, M. (2001). Title Not Available. Delivered at Colloquium Lecture, Bonn University. (State)

Marcolli, M. (2001). Topology of manifolds and group actions. Delivered at CRM. (State)

Marcolli, M. (2000). Mathematical Analysis. Delivered at EURESCO. (State)

Marcolli, M. (2000). Perspectives in gauge theory and calibrated geometry. Delivered at CRM. (State)

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Marcolli, M. (2000). Perspectives in geometry. Delivered at MPIMIS. (State)

Marcolli, M. (2000). Title Not Available. Delivered at Topology seminar, Trinity College, Dublin. (State)

Marcolli, M. (2000). Title Not Available. Delivered at Seminar on Algebra, Geometry and Physics. (State)

Marcolli, M. (2000). Title Not Available. Delivered at Gauge Theory Seminar, Harvard University, USA. (State)

Marcolli, M. (1999). Gauge Theory. Delivered at American Mathematical Society, Charlotte NC, USA. (State)

Marcolli, M. (1999). Title Not Available. Delivered at Geometry Seminar, Florida State University, USA. (State)

Marcolli, M. (1999). Title Not Available. Delivered at Tata Institute of Fundamental Research. (State)

Marcolli, M. (1999). Title Not Available. Delivered at Topology seminar, Yale University, USA. (State)

Marcolli, M. (1999). Title Not Available. Delivered at Geometry seminar, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, USA. (State)

Marcolli, M. (1999). Title Not Available. Delivered at Mathematical Physics Seminar, Harvard University/MIT, USA. (State)

Marcolli, M. (1999). Title Not Available. Delivered at Oberseminar Topologie, Max Planck Institute. (State)

Marcolli, M. (1998). Title Not Available. Delivered at Oberseminar Topologie, Max Planck Institute. (State)

Marcolli, M. (1997). Geometry and Physics, Center for the Subatomic Structure of Matter. Delivered at University of Adelaide, Australia. (State)

Marcolli, M. (1997). Title Not Available. Delivered at Ohio State University. (State)

Marcolli, M. (1997). Title Not Available. Delivered at Joint Meeting of the American Mathematical Society. (State)

Marcolli, M. (1997). Title Not Available. Delivered at Stanford University, USA. (State)

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Marcolli, M. (1997). Title Not Available. Delivered at University of Adelaide, Australia. (State)

Marcolli, M. (1997). Title Not Available. Delivered at Lecture at the Workshop on 4-dimensional manifolds, MSRI, USA. (State)

Marcolli, M. (1996). Title Not Available. Delivered at Stanford University, USA. (State)

Marcolli, M. (1995). Title Not Available. Delivered at University of Bielefeld, Germany. (State)

Marcolli, M. (1993). Title Not Available. Delivered at Lecture at the International Conference of Topology, Trieste Italy. (State)

Marcolli, M. (1992). Title Not Available. Delivered at Lecture at the Workshop on Measure Theory and Real Analysis, Grado Italy. (State)

Contracts and Grants

Contracts and Grants Funded

Marcolli, Matilde (PI), & Bowers, P. L. (Jul 2007–Jun 2011). FRG: Collaborative Research Noncommutative Geometry. Funded by National Science Foundation. (0651925). Total award $45,000.

Conferences Organized

Marcolli, M. (2008). Winter School and Workshop Moduli Spaces (co-organized with C.F.B•odigheimer, Yu.I.Manin, U.Tillmann).

Marcolli, M. (2008). Workshop Algebraic and Geometric Deformation Spaces", (co-organized with Hossein Abbaspour and Thomas Tradler).

Marcolli, M. (2008). Workshop The manifold geometries of quantum fi_eld theory, (co-organized with Sergio Albeverio and Hanno Gottschalk).

Marcolli, M. (2007). Workshop \Combinatorics and Physics" MPIM Bonn, (co-organized with Kurusch Ebrahimi-Fard and Walter van Suijlekom).

Marcolli, M. (2007). 60th birthday conference (co-organized with Henri Moscovici and Georges Skandalis).

Marcolli, M. (2007). International School and Conference of Noncommutative Geometry, Chern Institute (with Guihua Gong and Guoliang Yu).

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Marcolli, M. (2007). Workshop Hochschild and Cyclic homology (co-organized with Hossein Abbaspour).

Marcolli, M. (2007). Workshop Quantum Groups and Noncommutative Geometry (co-organized with Deepak Parashar).

Marcolli, M. (2006). Fourth Annual Spring Institute on Noncommutative Geometry and Operator Algebras, Vanderbilt University (co-organized with Dietmar Bisch, Alain Connes, Bruce Hughes, Gennadi Kasparov, and Guoliang Yu).

Marcolli, M. (2006). Workshop Renormalization (co-organized with Kurusch Ebrahimi-Fard).

Marcolli, M. (2005). "\Arithmetic Geometry and High Energy Physics", Lorenz Center, Lei-den, the Netherlands, (co-organized with Gunther Cornelissen and Andrew Waldron).

Marcolli, M. (2005). "'s Emeritierung Conference", MPIM Bonn (co{organized with Ivan Penkov and Don Zagier).

Marcolli, M. (2005). International workshop on Noncommutative Geometry (co-organized with Masoud Khalkhali, Shahin S. Jabbari, Mehrdad Mirshams Shahshahani).

Marcolli, M. (2005). Traces in Geometry, Number Theory, and Quantum Fields (co-organized with Sergio Albeverio,Sylvie Paycha).

Marcolli, M. (2004). Workshop on Noncommutative geometry and Number Theory (co-organized with A.Connes,C.Consani, and Yu.Manin).

Marcolli, M. (2003). Workshop on Noncommutative geometry and Number Theory (co-organized with C.Consani and Yu.Manin).

Marcolli, M. (2002). Frobenius manifolds, singularities, and quantum cohomology (co-organized with B. Dubrovin, C. Hertling, Yu. Manin, K. Saito).

Marcolli, M. (2002). Maass wave forms, Selberg zeta function, and Spin chains (co-organized with J. Lewis and D. Zagier).

Submitted for Peer Reviewed Publications

Marcolli, M., & Tabuada, G. (2013). Noncommutative numerical motives, Tannakian structures, and motivic Galois groups. arXiv:1110.2438.

Ceyhan, O., & Marcolli, M. (2012). Feynman integrals and periods in configuration spaces. arXiv:1207.3544.

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Cornelissen, G., & Marcolli, M. (2012). Graph Reconstruction and Quantum Statistical Mechanics. arXiv:1209.5783.

Estrada, C., & Marcolli, M. (2012). Asymptotic safety, hypergeometric functions, and the Higgs mass in spectral action models. rXiv:1208.5023.

Manin, Y., & Marcolli, M. (2012). Kolmogorov complexity and the asymptotic bound for error-correcting codes. rXiv:1203.0653.

Marcolli, M. (2012). Unconditional motivic Galois groups and Voevodsky's nilpotence conjecture in the noncommutative world. arXiv:1112.5422.

Marcolli, M., & Bejleri, D. (2012). Quantum field theory over F1. arXiv:1209.4837.

Marcolli, M., & Tabuada, G. (2012). From exceptional collections to motivic decompositions via noncommutative motives. rXiv:1202.6297.

Marcolli, M., & Tabuada, G. (2012). Noncommutative Artin motives. arXiv:1205.1732.

Cornelissen, G., & Marcolli, M. (2010). Quantum Statistical Mechanics, L-series and Anabelian Geometry. arXiv:1009.0736.

Marcolli, M. (2010). Dynamical Systems on Spectral Metric Spaces. arXiv:1008.4617.


Additional Service Not Reported Elsewhere

Marcolli, M. (2001). Journal of Geometry and Physics.

Marcolli, M. (2000). Letters in Mathematical Physics.


Marcolli, M. (2002). NSF grant proposals under the programs Algebra and Number Theory.

Marcolli, M. (2002). Transactions of the American Mathematical Society.

Marcolli, M. (2002). Volkswagen Stiftung grants.

Marcolli, M. (2000). Communications in Mathematical Physics.

Marcolli, M. (2000). Conformal Geometry and Dynamics.

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Marcolli, M. (2000). Topology.

Marcolli, M. (2000). Topology and its Applications.

Marcolli, M. (1999). Communications in Analysis and Geometry.

Marcolli, M. (1998). Journal of the AMS.

Marcolli, M. (1997). Minerva Stiftung grant proposals Junior Research Group.

Marcolli, M. (1996). Central European Journal of Mathematics.

Marcolli, M. (1995). Acta Mathematica.

Marcolli, M. (1995). Annals of Mathematics.

Marcolli, M. (1995). Communications in Contemporary Mathematics.

Marcolli, M. (1995). Communications in Number Theory and Physics.

Marcolli, M. (1995). Contemporary Mathematics.

Marcolli, M. (1995). Crelle.

Marcolli, M. (1995). Documenta Mathematica.

Marcolli, M. (1995). Functional Analysis.

Marcolli, M. (1995). International Mathematics Research Notices.

Marcolli, M. (1995). Journal of Number Theory.

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