To all members of Sherfield on Loddon Parish Council You are hereby summoned to attend the FULL COUNCIL MEETING of the Parish Council to be held on TUESDAY 13 March 2018 at 7.30 PM in THE LIDDELL HALL.

Members of the public and press You are welcome to attend and address the Parish Council only during the public participation section on matters relevant to the Parish Council. You are welcome to submit comments on agenda items to the Clerk prior to the meeting.

Karen Ross Clerk to Sherfield on Loddon Parish Council Tel: 01256 842662 Email: [email protected]


180301 To receive and accept apologies for absence

180302 To receive declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests relating to items on this agenda

180303 To receive Chairman’s Announcements

180304 To approve the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 13th February and 1st March 2018

180305 Public participation To hear matters raised by members of the public, or Councillors with a prejudicial interest, either on agenda items or for future consultation (period allowed is 15 minutes). Please note that for non-agenda items Members of the Council are not permitted to respond, except to ask questions for the purposes of clarification. 180306 To note correspondence received

180307 To consider the following Planning applications and agree responses:

180307.01 18/00370/ROC Razors Farm Cufaude Lane Variation of condition 1 of 16/03842/RES to allow amended plans for inclusion of kickabout area within phase 2.

180307.02 18/00498/HSE Holt Cottage Bramley Road Sherfield-On-Loddon RG27 0DE Single storey side extension

180307.03 17/04200/HSE 1 Wheelers Court Cottages Reading Road Sherfield-on-Loddon Hook Hampshire Erection of rear conservatory and single storey side extension

180307.04 17/03392/FUL Wyvale Garden Centre Wildmoor Lane Sherfield-On-Loddon RG27 0HL Surface water drainage works


180307.05 18/00589/HSE 39 Northfield Road Sherfield-On-Loddon RG27 0DN 2 storey side extension to create a new garage space with bedroom over. Rear single storey extension to provide additional kitchen space. Extend roof down in line with old garage roof to provide entrance hall and access to study.

180307.06 18/00606/OUT Redlands Reading Road Sherfield-On-Loddon RG27 0JQ Outline application with some matters reserved (except for access and Layout) for the erection of 4 no. 4 bed and 6 no.3 bed dwellings and 6 no. 2 bed flats following demolition of existing dwelling

180307.07 18/00619/FUL Water Bailiffs Barn Wildmoor Lane Sherfield-On-Loddon RG27 0HE Erection of 3 no. detached dwellings following the demolition of existing barns. Change of use from part agricultural and part equestrian to residential

180308 To consider any matters arising not covered on the agenda elsewhere

180309 To receive report from County Councillor

180310 To receive report from Borough Councillors

180311 To receive the monthly safety report and playground inspection reports (previously circulated) and consider any action required

180312 To consider and agree requests for payment

180313 To note the current financial situation and sign bank statements

180314 To agree the purchase of a new laptop for the Clerk

180315 To consider responding to the Council ward boundaries for

180316 To agree to plant a tree at the War memorial to commemorate the ending of the First world war

180317 To agree the purchase of memorial plagues at a cost of £55 each

180318 To agree the purchase of a Bench at the War memorial

180319 To consider a change in bank arrangements for dual authorisation

180320 To consider the Mole contract

180321 To Consider Traffic signage proposal from Hampshire highways

180322 To authorise all works for St Leonards Drive

180323 To note the Parish Councillor vacancy

180324 To confirm the date for the next meeting as 10th April 2018