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2020 Undergraduate Presentations Research Day 2020


How Propels Social Movements

Jade Brolly

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By Jade Brolly University of Northern Colorado

Introduction #MeToo as Social and Community

Declarative Who can be Using #MeToo has expanded understanding of activism nature of heard? from being confined to in-person, event related activity, to The history of humanity is one of growth, change and usage development through discovery and innovation in Anyone also encompass how we communicate on social media. Reinforcing the message that everyone can do something science and technology Alternative to to raise awareness and support for an issue. • Social media allows for community-based input and traditional #MeToo channels of content sharing. It has drastically changed social #MeToo is a collective identity existing primarily in the reporting dynamics of how personal information is shared, Open channel of digital world, based on shared values and objectives. how we engage socially online, how businesses harassment communication, easily accessible to anyone. function and even how we define community and Sharing trauma, breaking • Strong predictor of participation= extent and strength of Diversity of voices can be activism. the prevalent silence group identity. A person must recognize and embrace heard across cultures • Social media can assist social movements and which, historically, their membership in group identity collective action. Causes like #MeToo, have surrounds sexual violence • #MeToo promoted awareness of an issue, providing information, a space to connect advocates, survivors to encouraged and facilitated important global and fear of reporting support and resources. conversations about power, sexual violence and mistreatment. • Communication through social media has been vital to cultural attitudes. While being a communicative, #MeToo- An online and collective help people connect and reinforce this sense of group organizational tool, promoting positive social action, identity. change, in pursuit of equity for all people. resulting in mass disclosure of injustices • Social media has allowed for alternative narratives to be experienced. heard rather than relying on traditional media. These Highlighting, this is not a rare occurrence but a dominant media frames typically reflect current social Social Media and #MeToo widespread issue in society, and both a personal norms and systems, rather than challenging them. and structural problem. References • 70% of Americans use at least one social media Why Use Social Media? platform daily. Unfortunately, rational thought, grievances, Bogen, K. W., Bleiweiss, K. K., Leach, N. R., & sympathy or compassion are insufficient in • 24 hours after Alyssa Milano’s initial #MeToo post, Orchowski, L. M. (2019). MeToo: Disclosure and themselves to promote lasting social changes. response to sexual victimization on twitter. Journal #MeToo was posted over 12 million times. Context and planning are crucial. of Interpersonal Violence, 88626051985121. doi:10.1177/0886260519851211 • October 15, 2017- September 30, 2018, Social media can achieve ‘popular mobilization’ by Corrigall-Brown, C., Snow, D. A., Smith, K., & Quist, #MeToo and variations (e.g. #JeSuisCharlie) -Reaching maximum numbers of people T. (2010). Explaining the puzzle of homeless were used in 74 countries. -Sharing an evocative message to compel mobilization: An examination of differential responses participation. Sociological Perspectives, 52(3), 309- • 29% of tweets from these dates were in languages -Provide organization and resources to channel 335. doi:10.1525/sop.2009.52.3.309 other than English. A message resonating across responses into consequential action. Fung, T. K., Scheufele, D. A. (2014). Social norms, cultural and language divides, and a global concern Social and spirals of silence and framing theory: An argument (Bogen et al., 2019). economic for considering cross-cultural differences in media context to Consequential effects research, (pp. 131--144). New York, NY: provide time, action / opportunity Collective Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group. and action motivation