Cosmopolitan( 2 ) NOTTINGHAM3
Robin Hood Chase Building (Learning Centre) Many activities take place in the above building, Computer training for different skills, Career in- formation's on Training, Citizen’s Advice Bu- reau, Technical Aids for Nottingham Communities, Recreation Hall, which can be used for special purposes, Kitchen, Dinning Areas, and confer- ence room. Social and Cultural events and ac- tivities, Play sessions & Schemes for Children, Legal Advice & Guidance. ,Refugees advice Session. Youth Inclusion Project for 16&18 year olds. and a Café that opens Monday- Friday for food and drinks. YIPS representation at the Holding Hands event 60 were the Chase Action Group, the Pakistani Centre, Sycamore Millennium Centre, the Indian Mosque. St Ann’s Orchard, Community Recording Stu- dio, Russell Youth Club, and Stonebridge City Farm they promote Community cohesion in St Ann’s. The 2005 event was organised by Racial Equal- ity Council (REC) Nott’s Black Police Associa- tion (BPA) Technical Aid for Nottingham Com- munities (TANC) and Chase Neighbourhood Centre with other groups taking part, and was funded by Nottingham City Council and Not- tingham TANC( Technical Aid for Nottingham Communi- ties Ltd) is one of a small number of independ- ent regeneration Consultancy providing free services to voluntary community groups in the East Midlands. Project Management Since it was established in 1991 (ANC) has been man aged by a voluntary management committee consisting of representatives from supportive organisations, from the public and private sector, with some representation also from the who have been in receipt of (TANC) services. 61 Funding Strategy The ability of (TANC ) to offer an independent and free service is vitally important to both the project and it's clients.
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