BERGVLIET PRIMARY SCHOOL CHILDRENS WAY 7945 TEL: (021) 715 1103 FAX: (021) 715 24 86


15 June 2012

Bergvliet Primary School learners have a proud green heritage. Our uniform contains garments of a cheerful bottle-green colour and our motto, Servimus, accompanies our emblem of a delicate Marsh Erica, an indigenous plant, once endemic to the area surrounding our school. BPS was in the forefront of the emerging recycling consciousness some three decades ago, and the Recycling Depot remains a good source of funding for us. We have an ethos of caring, kindness and community outreach which teaches our learners the importance of sharing their good fortune with others and nurturing all other forms of life which co-exist alongside of us. However, WE CAN DO MORE! If all 727 learners at BPS AND their families (extended family too) established a lifestyle routine of recycling all the glass, tin, paper and plastic recyclables generated by their households, and delivered it to our Depot, we would be paid a great deal more money for these efforts – money which would be spent on improvements and upgrades at our school.

World Environment Day was celebrated on 05 June and the 2012 theme was “Green Economy: Does it include you?” World Oceans Day took place on 08 June, reminding us of our impact on the oceans which surround us and feed us. World Day to Combat Desertification will take place on Sunday, 17 June 2012, when the focus is on enhancing and sustaining the soil, which in turn ensures the good health of the entire planet. With so much information available and regular reminders focussing our attention upon the needs of the environment, we have no excuse to plead ignorance of the guidelines for sustainable living. For the well-being of our world and the quality of life of our children and grand-children, we must commit to a responsible, non-invasive pattern of existence. We know of no other place in the Universe which would nurture, feed and shelter future generations of mankind as Mother Earth does – let us show our love and gratitude in return for this beneficence by ensuring that we strive to be thoroughly “green beings”.


News from within the bosom of the school family so to speak, is the recent appointment of our Deputy Principal, Mrs Cherie Meyer-Williams, to the post of Principal at Cornflower Primary School in . We congratulate Mrs Meyer-Williams on this appointment which she takes up as from 01 July 2012. Mrs Meyer-Williams commenced her stay at Bergvliet Primary on 01 October 2006. She has shared her knowledge, her experience as an educator, her boundless enthusiasm for life and her ready smile and willingness to assist wherever needed, with staff, learners and parents for almost six years. She will be missed, but remembered with fond affection, and our heart-felt good wishes accompany her as she embarks upon this exciting and challenging journey.

Holistic Education to be proud of. 2

On Wednesday, 09 May 2012 twenty-one Grade Six and Seven learners from BPS volunteered to assist in the Lavender in Lavender Hill Project, by visiting Lavender Hill and beautifying a barren corner, painting the walls a gentle shade of lilac and planting a number of lavender bushes. BPS donated eight lavender bushes, compost and fertilizer for the soil. The sterling efforts of our learners, their energised and tireless participation, and the general spirit of community which prevailed amongst them, was noted with appreciation by the organisers. We received public thanks and recognition in an online newspaper (Independent on Line) and in the local Bulletin. Once again, BPS learners demonstrated the power of selfless giving and whole-hearted enthusiasm. To find out more about this social enterprise visit

Parents, family and friends of BPS learners in Grades Four (09 May), Three (16 May), Two (23 May) and One (06 June) were royally entertained when they watched the 2012 Drama Productions which took place in the School Hall. These evenings are always an occasion for even the shyest young actors to “star” and warm their parents’ hearts.

Bergvliet Primary School hosted the first round of the Interschools General Knowledge Quiz on Friday, 04 May 2012. Competitors came from The Grove Primary, Llandudno Primary, Micklefield School, Rosebank Junior School, Springfield Convent and Sun Valley Primary. We must apologise for the omission of Daniyal Matthews (Grade 7A) from the General Knowledge Team listing in the last Newsflash – the writer’s gremlin slipped in! The Grove were the winners in this round, with the remaining schools achieving results within a very closely-contested range – BPS were thus in 6th place.

Daniyal Matthews (Grade 7A) achieved very pleasing results when he participated in the Western Province Track Cycling Championships on 31 March (bronze medal) and again at the South African Track Cycling Championships in Pietermaritzburg from 26 – 30 April (one gold and one silver medal).

Dedication to task and persistent effort yields good results. We are pleased and proud to share the news that a number of our Grade Seven learners have been awarded scholarships/bursaries for high school: Daniel Ryklief (Gr 7H) Boys’ High School Takunda Chirenda (Gr 7H) SACS High School Leletu Lupuwana (Gr 7A) Daniyal Matthews (Gr 7A)

Our Chairman of the School Governing Body, Mr Michael Baumgart, and his family, have been blessed with the birth on Monday, 04 June 2012, of a bonny baby daughter, Jenna Rose Donna. We extend our congratulations and good wishes to them all.

For an injection of “feel good”, Google YouTube and enter Bergvliet Primary School, to view the 2011 Primary School Awards for Literacy and Numeracy. A short film on the winning schools includes the interviews conducted with our own Principal and teachers during the first term of this year.

Holistic Education to be proud of. 3

This excellent publicity for our school highlights once again the uplifting and heartwarming outcome derived from the ongoing dedication and commitment to task demonstrated by the staff and the majority of the parent body of BPS.


We have some very talented young hockey players at BPS. Eight of these learners participated in the annual Zonal Hockey Trials with Daniyal Matthews Grade 7A) being selected to join the Boys’ Zonal Team which will tour in Grahamstown during the July holidays. Nicole le Roux (Grade 7V) and Na’ilah Ebrahim (Grade 6N) persevered through to the final round, held on Tuesday, 12 June 2012.

At the Eisteddfod Poetry Performance Section, on Friday, 08 June 2012, our BPS Poetry Club entered two groups, Grades 4 & 5 and Grades 6 & 7. Each group performed two contrasting poems, with the Junior pieces called “The Lion and the Echo” and “The Marrog”, and the Seniors offered “Lone Dog” and “Information for Travellers”. Both groups received much praise from the adjudicator for their polished performances, carried out with great aplomb. The Juniors were awarded Diploma and the Seniors High Honours. These excellent results are the outcome of much hard work, commitment and enthusiasm. We thank Mrs Gail Williams for her guidance, dedication and passion, which encourages her performers to attain these heights.

Our Junior and Senior Choirs participated in the Cape Town Eisteddfod Choir performances on Saturday, 09 June 2012 at Rondebosch Boys’ Preparatory School. Both choirs performed two items – the Senior Choir received Honours and the Junior Choir was awarded Merit. A good deal of concentrated hard work went into the preparation for these performances and the results are most pleasing. A special vote of thanks is extended to Mrs Stephanie Marais and Miss Tamara Bates for their tireless efforts and ongoing dedication to our school choirs.

A Jazz Concert Music Evening was held at our school on Wednesday, 13 June 2012. Our choirs participated, as well as the string and the guitar orchestras and some solo performers. Visiting artists included the Bergvliet High School band and also a number of past pupil performers. Evenings such as this one serve to highlight the talent and progress of our music students and in addition offer delightful entertainment to their audience.


Thank you so much to everyone who contributed towards the success of our 2012 Sports Derby Day on Saturday, 09 June 2012. Despite the onset of our Cape Winter, the weather was kind to us on the day, and our wonderful, supportive school family turned out in force to ensure that all participants had a jolly good time. As always it is the hard work and skilled organisational talents of those working behind the scenes which goes a long way towards the ultimate success of these events. Many thanks to our Events Co-Ordinator, Mrs Bettie Shaban, and her team of helpers, to all members of staff for their enthusiastic participation, and of course to our learners, their families and friends who made it all happen!

The winners of the soccer games were Grade 4P and Grade 7A, with 6 goals each. The hockey matches were won by Grade 2B who scored 13 goals, and the netball winners were Grade 5V with 21 goals.

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Lucky draw winners were Lana Fouten (Gr 5V) who won the X-box, A Keller who received the microwave oven and Sarah Myburgh (Gr 2S) who took home the movie tickets for a family of four.

We extend grateful thanks to Mrs Shirley Jenner for a recent donation of ten library books for our School Library. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all parents who have contributed to the wonderful collection of reading material housed in our Library.

We are so pleased that many of our school families made use of the opportunity to eat at the Italian Kitchen in Tokai during the month of May, when a portion of their spending was returned to us for our funds. We thank you for your support – we received the sum of R2 925,00 in total. We may well participate in a similar fundraiser at some date in the future as this was clearly a popular venue with our diners.


MySchool Clothing Donation Day is an attempt to collect clothing for 1000 needy children – good quality second hand or new school uniform and other items of clothing. If you are able to support this initiative please bring along your donations to school where a box will be placed in Reception to receive these garments. Grey school pants, white shirts, grey/white socks, grey/black/navy jerseys, grey/black/navy blazers, grey/black/navy skirts, school shoes and any other suitable clothing for school-going children would be very welcome.

We will also be collecting any good used sports equipment and shoes (soccer/rugby/hockey boots, tennis shoes and other sports shoes), for needy learners at other local schools. If you have outgrown or no longer use these items, they will be greatly appreciated by other learners, many of them unable to afford such equipment themselves.

Please remember the lost, hungry and neglected dogs and cats who are rescued and cared for by the Animal Rescue Organisation, which we support. Donations of tinned or dry petfood will be much appreciated and may be placed in the box in Mrs Laura Anne Williams’ Reception Office. Many thanks to the families who have sent donations of food and cash in to school – your support is greatly appreciated.

Our traditional Thursday Sandwich Day when we donate an extra sandwich from our own lunch to the needy learners at a nearby school, is a gesture of loving outreach worth remembering.


Birthday Treats Learners frequently wish to share the happy occasion of a birthday celebration with the rest of the class, and kindly bring along edible treats to share with classmates. When planning such treats it should always be borne in mind that some children should not partake of sweets, cooldrinks or confectionary containing any colourant, flavourant, excessive amounts of sugar or other ingredients such as nuts, flour, cheese, etc. Many children suffer from food allergies or other dietary restrictions. In particular bubble-gum and chewing-gum are strictly forbidden at Bergvliet Primary School.

Holistic Education to be proud of. 5

Hairstyles for School BPS is a modern, progressive, 21st Century school. Nevertheless many old-fashioned rules and regulations still have value and practical implementation today, and among these are our rules regarding appropriate hairstyles for girls and boys during the school term.

Hair products such as gels, mousse, styling wax and hairspray have no place at school, nor do multi-coloured hair accessories of any kind. At school and during after school extramural activities the focus should not be on fashion trends – this is one of the main reasons for wearing uniform – it creates a one-ness with no distractions from clothing, jewellery or accessories. Clean, neatly groomed heads of healthy hair, tied back where necessary, are adornment enough.

Cycling to School If you permit your child to cycle to school, you must ensure that a protective cycle helmet and any other safety gear deemed necessary, is worn. In the prevailing climate of urban crime and the less than perfect conditions on the roadways, we cannot encourage this method of travelling to and from school. The school premises no longer have a bicycle shed or any other lock-up facility for the safe storage of bicycles during the course of the day. Two bicycles owned by a member of our Maintenance Staff have been stolen – the incidence of cycle theft in the area is high. We therefore cannot be held accountable or responsible for any mishap, accident, loss or theft of cycles which may occur should your child be allowed to cycle to and from school each day. NO RIDING OF CYCLES TO TAKE PLACE ON SCHOOL GROUNDS.

Requests for Lunch to be warmed Children are not permitted to use the microwave ovens in the school kitchen or Tuck Shop. If this facility was available to one child, it would have to be extended to all 730 learners. Clearly this would be totally impractical and so we must remind parents that should they send food normally heated up or requiring the addition of boiling water to school, the children will not be allowed to do this.

School Uniform Price List Please make the following amendments to the Uniform Price List sent home in March: Soccer Tops Age 7 – 8 & 9 – 10 R85,00 Age 11 – 12 & 13 – 14 R90,00 Small, Medium & Large remain R95,00

Also available from our School Clothing Shop for the cold Winter months is a bottle-green Beanie & Scarf set, embroidered with the school badge, at a price of R100,00 per set.

Lost Property Sale The termly Lost Property Sale will be held on the Hall Verandah on THURSDAY, 21 JUNE 2012 from 07.30. All unmarked and indistinctly marked unclaimed garments will be sold and the money raised will be given to the Animal Rescue Organisation. Polar fleece tops, jerseys and rainjackets will be sold for R10,00 and other items will cost R5,00 per garment.

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After School Care Centre: Holiday Care Parents who would like to make use of the services of the After School Care Centre during the forthcoming school holidays should contact Mrs Bettie Shaban at the School Office. The cost will be R50,00 per learner per day and the Centre will be open from 07.30 until 18.00.

Free Workshop at Bergvliet Methodist Church The Bergvliet Methodist Church will be hosting a free workshop on Saturday, 23 June 2012 from 08.30 until 12.30, facilitated by the Rev Delme Linscott who has written a book on the subject of “Living Oceans Apart”. The seminar explores the reality of families who have family members living abroad or in other provinces of , and offers hope and encouragement. For further information contact the Church Secretary, Thomas, on 021 – 715 3045 or Pam Warburton on 083 406 1000.


Parents are reminded that school fee payments must be made regularly and timeously – this is a commitment which was made upon the acceptance of your child to this school. Outstanding fees for Terms I and II MUST BE PAID BY FRIDAY, 22 JUNE 2012, after which matters will be handed to our Debt Collectors.


Using your MySchool card at the participating outlets is an excellent way of raising funds for our school. We receive regular monthly statistics from the MySchool organisers and the good news is that BPS has maintained a 16th position placing over the past two months (March and April 2012). This listing is for schools in the Cape Town South division. In March the amount raised by our swipes was R1 731,03 and in April R1 679,22. This shows pleasing consistency in the use of the MySchool cards by our school family. By ensuring that your card is always with you when out shopping we can so easily make a positive impact on our school finances.

From 01 June until 31 July 2012 purchases of Smart-Kids workbooks from will earn double points for our school – see


Please peruse the letter pertaining to the Parent-Educator Meetings to be scheduled for next Wednesday. This is to be found in your report envelope. School will close at the normal time as meetings will only begin at 17.00.


School closes at 11.00 on Friday, 22 June 2012. Kindly check that your lift arrangements and care-givers are timeously notified of the early closing. Children left behind on break-up day require assistance from the Office Staff who leave school at 12.00, by which time all learners should have been collected.

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We trust that you are going to enjoy a wonderful Winter holiday, whether you are travelling or based at home. A break from the routines of the working week, to ignore the summons of the alarm-clock, to indulge in prolonged bouts of good healthy sleep, to read interesting books for endless hours, to feast on fortifying foods like soups and stews – these are the luxuries of the cold weather holidays.

We return to school to commence the third term of 2012 on MONDAY, 16 JULY 2012.

L S L DE BEER PRINCIPAL ******************************************************************************************** BERG-ADS

Please note that Bergvliet Primary School does not endorse the advertising material sent home to parents. We see this form of advertising purely as a source of revenue for the school.

. SUNNY SKIES NURSERY SCHOOL: Provides after care facilities for children up to Grade 2. Transport is provided from within the Bergvliet Primary premises. We also have a holiday care program during the holidays for all children. For further details please contact Daneel on 0217125657 or 0827813080. . STEVE LYHNE OPTOMETRISTS, For All Your Visual Requirements. Kids get 50% off their EYETEST on presentation of this newsletter. 9 Park 'n Shop Centre, Firgrove way, . Tel: 021 712 7570. [email protected] . RELIABLE DRIVER IN RETREAT: In possession of a fully insured Toyota Quantum vehicle (including passenger cover) available to transport your child to school. Please call Michael on 083 941 3535 or for further information. . READING-IN MOTION: Assisting kids and adults with reading problems. We also need books for our NPO’s book drive. Collecting children’s books for 20 underprivileged schools in the Western Cape. We need 1500 books to open libraries for them. Please contact Monique on 0834634327, Fax: 0866524194 or [email protected] or [email protected].

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LEARNER’S NAME: ...... ………..………………...... GRADE: ………..

PARENT/GUARDIAN SIGNATURE: ...... ……………...... …. DATE: …......

Holistic Education to be proud of.