1 Title: Molecular evidence for a recent founder event in the UK populations of the

2 ( bellargus)


4 Running title: Molecular analysis shows a founder event in the adonis blue


6 Authors:

7 Dr Georgina Harper1,2*; Maclean2, N., and Goulson3, D.


9 Addresses:

10 1. School of Applied Sciences, University of Glamorgan, Pontypridd, Mid Glamorgan

11 CF37 1DL, UK

12 2. Biodiversity and Ecology, School of Biological Sciences, University of

13 Southampton, Bassett Crescent East, Southampton, SO16 7PX, UK

14 3. School of Biological and Environmental Sciences, University of Stirling, Stirling,

15 FK9 4LA, UK


17 *Corresponding Author:

18 Dr Georgina Harper, School of Applied Sciences, University of Glamorgan,

19 Pontypridd, Mid Glamorgan, CF37 1DL, UK. . E-mail: [email protected].


21 Keywords:

22 , calcareous grasslands, mtDNA, founder event, metapopulation 23 Summary


25 Contrary to accepted theories of post-glacial colonisation of the UK approximately

26 10,000 ybp, historical population data for Polyommatus bellargus suggests the

27 butterfly was either extremely rare or not present before 1775. We examined the

28 phylogeography of the species by sequencing the ‘hypervariable’ mitochondrial

29 control region of UK and French . Overall, twenty-two polymorphic

30 nucleotide sites were identified within the control region. French specimens were

31 highly variable, with seventeen polymorphic sites, whereas most UK specimens were

32 monomorphic. Average nucleotide diversity was 0.026 (S.D. 0.016, n = 8) in France,

33 whilst the UK values ranged from 0.00 (n = 6) (for every UK population outside

34 Dorset, n = 43) to 0.01 (S.D. 0.008, n = 7) (Dorset). The mean number of pairwise

35 differences among the French samples was 7.42, whilst the UK values ranged from

36 0.00 (all populations except Dorset) to 0.295 (Dorset). One French haplotype differed

37 from the predominant UK version by just a single nucleotide substitution. It seems

38 implausible that the species can have been resident in the UK for 10,000 years without

39 accumulating variation at this mitochondrial region. Thus, the results suggest that

40 either a severe genetic bottleneck or founder event has occurred recently in the UK. 41 Introduction

42 A combination of both historical and contemporary demographic processes will

43 determine the genetic structure and geographical distribution of genetic diversity

44 among populations (Templeton et al, 1995). The phylogeography of many European

45 species reflects the location of their glacial refugia, as well as the nature of the post-

46 glacial colonisation. Specifically, where colonisation has been rapid, genetic diversity

47 is often reduced, particularly in northern areas of Europe such as the UK (Hewitt

48 1996; Hewitt, 1999). Genetic diversity is also likely to be low for species that have

49 colonised more recently because they are often at the edge of their range, where the

50 cycles of expansion and subsequent bottlenecks will result in impoverished diversity.

51 Conserving genetic diversity is vital since it provides adaptive capacity and

52 evolutionary potential (Frankham ref?).


54 Phylogeographic studies can allow inferences to be made about the history of

55 population divergence based on associations between the geographical distribution of

56 mitochondrial DNA haplotypes and their genealogical relationships (Avise, 2000).

57 This approach has been used to elucidate colonisation patterns for many species

58 (Hewitt, 1999), including butterflies such as the marsh fritillary (Joyce and Pullin,

59 2001). In this study, we use MtDNA haplotype diversity to shed light on patterns of

60 colonisation in the Adonis blue butterfly (Polyommatus bellargus (Rottemburg)

61 (Lepidoptera: family ; subfamily : tribe ).


63 P. bellargus is a local species in the UK, where it exists in a metapopulation structure,

64 at the north-western edge of its European range (Harper et al. 2000; 2003; 2006).

65 Although the species is widespread in Europe, it is confined to the warmer southern 66 counties of the UK, specifically on areas of south facing calcareous grassland

67 (Thomas, 1983; Emmet and Heath, 1990; Bourn and Warren, 1998; Bourn et al, 1999;

68 Stewart et al, 2000; Asher et al, 2001).


70 It has been suggested that many butterfly species, including P. bellargus, colonised

71 the UK during the first half of the Flandrian period, around 9,500 to 10,000 years BP

72 (Dennis, 1977). This was because much of the UK was glaciated 18,000 years BP, at

73 which time most of its present flora and fauna were confined to refugia in southern

74 parts of Europe. They remained there until the ice, which covered most of northern

75 Europe, retreated around 10,000 years BP, and they then began to expand northwards,

76 recolonising areas such as Britain (Dennis, 1977; Hewitt, 1999).

77 There is no fossil evidence for butterflies to test this theory, but data for Coleoptera

78 are broadly consistent with it (Osborne, 1976). However, since the Flandrian period,

79 there have been several smaller scale temperature variations, including the “little ice

80 age”, dated to the late medieval period (Grove, 1988), and it is possible that this

81 climatic cooling resulted in a contraction of the range of P. bellargus, culminating

82 once again in its exclusion from Britain.


84 Evidence already exists for the butterfly’s susceptibility to climatic change; for

85 example, it is known that a drought in 1976 severely affected the host plant,

86 Hippocrepis comosa, causing UK populations of P. bellargus to crash. Many of the

87 more isolated northerly populations have not recovered from this event (Thomas,

88 1983; Emmet and Heath 1990; Pearman et al, 1998; Asher, 2001; Harper et al, 2003)

89 90 It is notable that the species appears to have been extremely rare or not present in the

91 UK prior to 1775 CE, when the first confirmed record of the species was made

92 (Harris, 1775; as cited by Emmet & Heath, 1990). In Wiltshire the species was not

93 identified until 1883, yet there are now over 90 confirmed populations in the county

94 (Fuller, 1995). The collecting of butterflies as a hobby began during the last quarter

95 of the 17th century, and one of its chief proponents, James Pettiver, “the father of

96 British entomology”, named and described the majority of the British butterfly species

97 (Emmet & Heath, 1990). Notably he made no description that fits P. bellargus,

98 although this species is a conspicuous butterfly and most of his collecting trips were

99 in the south east of the UK, where the species currently occurs. Despite a period of

100 intense entomological activity, no description of this species appears in any work on

101 the British fauna prior to 1775(summarised in Emmet & Heath, 1990). Emmet and

102 Heath (1990) conclude that P. bellargus “must have been an extremely rare species”.

103 This historical population data for P. bellargus implies that the present day

104 populations of the butterfly in the UK may have a more recent origin.

105 106

107 In order to test this theory, we use the mitochondrial control region to characterise

108 contemporary populations of P. bellargus from the UK and France. These data can

109 infer the likely source population and time at which the UK was colonised. In many

110 species, the control region is one of the most variable regions in the

111 mitochondrial genome, and has been described as “hypervariable” (Simon et al.,

112 1994; Taylor, 1993; Brookes et al. 1997). It has been applied to lepidopteran species

113 to deduce both phylogenetic relationships (Taylor, 1993) and population demography

114 (Brookes, 1997).

115 116 Materials and Methods


118 Fifty adult male specimens of P. bellargus were collected from throughout the UK

119 range (the Isle of Portland, the Isle of Wight, Kent, South Downs, Sussex, Salisbury

120 Plain, Dorset) during June and August in 1998 and 1999. These localities represent

121 the geographic spread of the UK populations. Eight adult butterflies from southern

122 France were also collected during September 1999 (5°22'E 44°45'N). For details of

123 DNA extraction method refer to Harper et al., 2001.


125 PCR amplification and sequencing of a 722 bp fragment encompassing the entire

126 mitochondrial control region and a section of the 12SrRNA gene was achieved using

127 invertebrate specific oligonucleotide primers TM-N-193 (Met-20) (5’-TGG GGT

128 ATG AAC CCA GTA GC) (Simon et al., 1994) and 12s-332 (5’-TAG GGT ATC

129 TAA TCC TAG TT) (Taylor et al, 1993). Each 25µl PCR reaction contained 50-

130 100ng of template DNA; 2U Taq DNA polymerase (ABgene, UK); 0.2µmoles of each

® 131 primer; 20mM (NH4)SO4; 75mM Tris-HCl, pH 8.8; 0.01%(v/v) Tween 20; 1.5mM

132 MgCl2; 0.25mM dNTPs (ABgene, UK). Amplifications were carried out under the

133 following conditions: 1x 94°C, 4 min; 30x 94°C, 1min, 45°C, 1min, 72°C, 2.5min; 1x

134 72°C, 7 min. Negative controls for each batch of PCRs showed no contamination.


136 PCR products were purified from the agarose gel by excision of the band, then a

137 Qiaquick gel purification kit (Qiagen, USA) was used to isolate the DNA. Each

138 sequencing reaction was carried out via the manufacturers instructions using Big-Dye

139 Terminators (PE-Applied Biosystems, USA) and run on 5% denaturing

140 polyacrylamide gel by vertical electrophoresis at 20-60mA for 2 hours using a Perkin- 141 Elmer ABI 377 automated sequencer. The region was sequenced using both Met20

142 and 12Sr348, so that both the forward and reverse sequences were obtained.


144 Statistical Analysis


146 Sequence data were subjected to alignments using the computer programme Clustal-X

147 (Thompson et al 1997), highlighting any sequence variation between the control

148 regions of the individuals studied. The P. bellargus control region was also compared

149 with other species: Jalmenus evagoras (from Ebor, Australia) (Lepidoptera: family

150 Lycaenidae; subfamily Theclinae: tribe Zeziini) (GenBank L16849) and Strymon

151 melinus (from North America) from the same subfamily (Theclinae: tribe Eumaeini;

152 classification follows Eliot, 1973) (GenBank L16850).


154 Basic statistics (haplotype number, transition:transversion ratio (TS:TV), nucleotide

155 composition and mean number of pair-wise differences between haplotypes (Tajima

156 1983; Nei 1987)) were calculated using Arlequin (Schneider et al., 2000). The

157 relationships between populations were calculated in Arlequin, using Tamura’s (1992)

158 genetic distance. This distance measure was considered most appropriate because of

159 the high A+T content of the sequences, and also on the basis of the transition:

160 transversion ratio, which was higher than the expected ratio of 1:2 (Tamura, 1992;

161 Oyler-McCance et al., 1999).


163 A Tree representing the relationship between the haplotypes was constructed in Phylip

164 3.57c (Felsenstein, 1993) using a maximum likelihood method, without the

165 assumption of a molecular clock. Published control region sequences for J. evagoras 166 and S. melinus were used in the analysis as outgroups. The data were bootstrapped in

167 the subroutine SEQBOOT, with 1000 iterations, and then 1000 distance matrices were

168 created from the bootstrapped data using the subroutine DNADIST. These matrices

169 were used to create 1000 Neighbour Joining trees, using the subroutine NEIGHBOUR,

170 invoking option J to randomise the input order. Finally, a maximum likelihood

171 consensus tree was created using the subroutine CONSENSE. A minimum spanning

172 network between haplotypes was also created using MINSPNET (Excoffier, 1993).


174 Results

175 All variation was found to be within the initial 193bp of control region, the remaining

176 529bp of the amplicon was found to be monomorphic among all 58 P. bellargus

177 individuals sequenced. The UK populations of P. bellargus were particularly

178 impoverished of variation in the control region. The only divergence between the

179 sequences was by either one or two indels of a (TA) repeat unit in the latter part of a

180 short microsatellite repeat ((TA)3C(AT)n) (See figure 1). The addition of a single

181 repeat occurred in three individuals and the addition of two repeat units was present in

182 a single individual, all four originating from a Dorset population (variation at this

183 microsatellite was not found to exclusively relate to the geographic origin of the

184 haplotype; it is present in both the French and UK butterflies). All other UK samples

185 were monomorphic; represented by a single mtDNA haplotype (represented by 46

186 sequences) (shown in figure 2). However, the French specimens showed a much

187 higher level of haplotypic variation than that observed in the UK, and there was

188 significant divergence between the UK and French specimens. The eight French

189 specimens were represented by six haplotypes (figure 2).

190 191

192 Of the 58 sequences analysed, seven substitutions and 15 indels characterised a total

193 of nine haplotypes, of which six were transitions, and two were transversions. As

194 expected for insect MtDNA, there was an extremely low G+C content in the sequence

195 data (Clary & Wolstenholme, 1985) and whilst this varied slightly between

196 individuals, the nucleotide ratios were on average found to be: A 36.4%; C 5.74%; G

197 6.63%; T 51.5%. Nucleotide diversity (average number of nucleotide differences per

198 site between two sequences) was 0.021 (S.D. = 0.012, n = 58) overall, with the French

199 population at 0.026 (S.D. = 0.016, n = 8) and the UK values ranging from 0.00 (n = 6)

200 (All UK populations except Dorset, n = 43) to 0.01 (S.D. 0.008, n = 7) (Dorset). The

201 mean number of pairwise differences among the French samples was 7.42, whilst the

202 UK values ranged from 0.00 (all populations except Dorset) to 0.295 for Dorset, the

203 overall number of pairwise differences between all haplotypes being 3.25. Gene

204 diversity (the probability that two randomly chosen haplotypes are different) ranged

205 from 0.153 (n = 50) for the UK, to 0.929 (n = 8) for France.


207 The French haplotypes showed much higher levels of variation than in the UK, with

208 seventeen polymorphic nucleotide sites. Haplotypes can be characterised by between

209 one and sixteen nucleotide changes between them, although the majority appear to be

210 from one to three mutational steps (see figure 2). Most have at least eleven nucleotide

211 differences compared with the predominant UK haplotype, but a single French

212 haplotype (“Fr2”) is almost identical to the predominant UK haplotype (“UK1”), with

213 only one nucleotide change separating them (figure 1). The maximum likelihood tree

214 (figure 3) shows that all but one (“Fr2”) of the French haplotypes group away from

215 the UK haplotypes (and “Fr2”) very robustly, supported by 100% of the bootstraps. 216


218 Discussion


220 The lack of haplotype diversity and polymorphism within the UK populations of P.

221 bellargus is most unusual when compared to the results of similar surveys in other

222 taxa. MtDNA studies of vertebrates (e.g. Avise, 1986; Moritz et al., 1987) and

223 invertebrates (Smith & Brown 1990; Brookes et al. 1997, Joyce & Pullin 2001)

224 generally reveal a much higher degree of differentiation at the population level than

225 observed within P. bellargus. The A+T-rich mitochondrial control region sequenced

226 for this study is considered to be hypervariable in many insect species (Zhang &

227 Hewitt, 1997), and has been found to contain sufficient variation for demographic

228 analyses in several lepidopteran species (Taylor et al., 1993; Brookes et al., 1997).

229 This is in sharp contrast to the three haplotypes, varying by just one or two TA repeats

230 at a short microsatellite, found for P. bellargus across its entire UK range. However, it

231 is notable that in France, P. bellargus had far higher levels of mitochondrial diversity.


233 The analysis of the UK and French haplotype variation reveals a separation of the UK

234 haplotypes from the majority of those found in France (figures 2 and 3). With the

235 exception of “Fr2”, a minimum of 11 base pair differences can be found between any

236 two UK and French sequences. The maximum likelihood tree echoes this pattern,

237 with 99.9% of the bootstraps separating the two groups. The only exception is

238 haplotype “Fr2”, which groups strongly with UK haplotypes. The six French

239 haplotypes were obtained from just eight specimens, so it is likely that with more

240 comprehensive screening, additional haplotypes would be identified, a proportion of 241 which would probably bridge this 11bp difference. The minimum spanning network

242 tree provides a putative pattern of descent for the UK haplotypes: with “UK2” and

243 “UK3” both stemming from “UK1”, via the sequential insertion of (TA) repeats (or a

244 single insertion of a (TA)2 repeat in “UK3”).


246 The similarity between “Fr2” and the UK haplotypes suggests that the UK population

247 may have originated via a recent and rapid colonisation event from France. The

248 maternal inheritance pattern of the mitochondrial genome provides a powerful

249 indicator of such colonisation events (Moritz, 1991; Harrison, 1989), and additionally

250 can be used to estimate the numbers of individuals mediating them. In this study,

251 where all of the observed UK haplotypes appear to stem from a single predominant

252 version (which is closely related to a haplotype found in France where widespread

253 variation is present), the most plausible explanation is that the colonisation of the UK

254 by P. bellargus was mediated by very few female butterflies. Furthermore, the severe

255 lack of sequence variation observed in the control region among UK butterflies tends

256 to indicate that this colonisation was a recent event, because variation at this non

257 coding site would have accrued among the UK haplotypes by mutation over longer

258 time periods. It has been proposed that in fast colonising events, pioneers rapidly

259 expand to fill new areas, and that the genes of these individuals will subsequently

260 dominate the new population genome (Hewitt, 1999). It is plausible that following the

261 initial colonisation of the UK, the butterfly spread rapidly across suitable habitats to

262 occupy its present range.


264 An alternative possibility is that a range wide bottleneck reduced the UK variability to

265 just a few closely related haplotypes. This rationale is improbable, because the UK 266 population would need to have been reduced to one or a few females (and an

267 unknown number of males) in order to eradicate virtually all variation. The more

268 probable outcome of this scenario would be the loss of most, but not all UK

269 populations, leaving a few butterflies in core areas. This would inevitably result in

270 the fixation of different haplotypes in separate geographic regions, a pattern that is not

271 found.


273 If this genetic evidence for a recent UK founder event is combined with the historical

274 population data for P. bellargus, and geological evidence for climatic fluctuations,

275 then the evidence for a recent colonisation becomes more convincing. The failure of

276 entomologists to describe P. bellargus anywhere in the UK until 1775 (Emmet and

277 Heath, 1990) suggests that P. bellargus must have either been extremely rare before

278 this date, or was not present in the UK. The latter explanation would infer that the

279 colonisation of the UK may have occurred as recently as within the last 250 years,

280 perhaps as global temperatures increased after the “little ice age”. This cannot rule

281 out the possibility that the butterfly may have previously been native to the UK prior

282 to this date, and subsequently became extinct, but it does provide compelling evidence

283 that contemporary populations of P. bellargus in Britain are the descendants of recent

284 colonists, almost certainly from France. This type of biogeographic event is generally

285 accepted as a route of colonisation, but whether this happened through a chance

286 natural event (perhaps a mated female was blown from France during a storm) or at

287 the hands of man will remain unknown. If the colonisation was anthropogenic, this

288 inevitably raises the issue of whether the species should be considered to be native to

289 Britain, leading to questions about its conservation. There is often debate as to the

290 natural range of species, and those that are deemed not to be native generally receive 291 much lower conservation efforts. Even species which are natural recent colonists are

292 generally given low priority of importance to conservation. The comparative lack of

293 genetic diversity within the UK also implies that these populations may be less

294 important in the conservation of the species, in comparison to the French populations

295 that appear to be much richer in diversity and hence in adaptive potential.


297 One important caveat of this work is that because of the inheritance pattern of

298 mtDNA, no inferences can be made towards male mediated gene flow. Although

299 there is disagreement about whether dispersal is male or female mediated in

300 butterflies (Goulson 1993; Kuussaari et al., 1996; Barascud, 1999; Mouson et al.,

301 1999), mark-release-recapture studies of P. bellargus have indicated that the male is

302 the main proponent of gene flow (Thomas, 1983; Emmet & Heath, 1990; Rusterholz,

303 & Erhardt, 2000). Thus although the UK was probably colonised by a very small

304 number of females it is possible that a larger number of males have made the crossing,

305 so that levels of variation in nuclear DNA may be higher.


307 308 References


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481 482 Figure legends


484 Figure 1. Sequences of the Met20 amplified control region of six French and one UK

485 P. bellargus individuals. A colon (:) indicates identity with the predominant UK

486 haplotype; and a dash (-) indicates a deduced indel. The haplotypic variation within

487 the UK is indicated at the bottom of the figure.


489 Figure 2. . A minimum spanning network (Excoffier, 1993) showing the number of

490 base changes between haplotypes. Each haplotype is represented as a circle with its

491 relationship to the most similar haplotypes (defined by the number of base changes)

492 represented as a line. A dotted line indicates an alternative relationship. The numbers

493 of base pair differences between haplotypes is only indicated where values are >1.

494 Shaded circles are French and non-shaded are UK haplotypes.


496 Figure 3. An unrooted maximum likelihood consensus tree of control region

497 haplotypes, from UK and French populations of P. bellargus. Equivalent published

498 sequences for Jalmenus evagoras and Strymon melinus have been included as

499 outgroups. Tree created using the DNADIST programme in PHYLIP3.57c. Figures

500 in italics indicate bootstrap values after 1000 replications





505 506 Figures:

507 Figure 1

508 UK CTTTATTTAGCTTATTTTTAAAAAATAATTTTTTATTTTTATTATAAAAATTATTAAAAATG 509 Fr1 ::::::::::::::::::::::::-:::::::::T::::::::::G::::::::::::::-: 510 Fr2 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 511 Fr4 :::::::::::::::::::::::--:::::::::T::::-:::::G:::::::::::::::: 512 Fr6 :::::::::::::::::::::::--:::::::::T:::--:::::G:::::::::::::::: 513 Fr3 ::::::::::::::::::::::::-:::::::::T::::-:::::G:::::::::::::::: 514 Fr5 ::::::::::::::::::::::::-:::::::::T::::-:::::G:::::::::::::::: 515 516 517 UK G-TTTAAGAATATAATTATTTTTACCGTTGATTGGGTTTTTCTTTTATTATTTACCGTGCAC 518 Fr1 :G::::::::::::::::::::-:::A::::::A:-:::::::C:::::::::::::::::: 519 Fr2 :-::::::::::::::::::::::::A::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 520 Fr4 :G::::::::::::::::::::-:::A::::::A:-:::::::C:::::::::::::::::: 521 Fr6 :G::::::::::::::::::::-:::A::::::A:-:::::::C:::::::::::::::::: 522 Fr3 :G::::::::::::::::::::-:::A::::::A:-:::::::C:::::::::::::::::: 523 Fr5 :-::::::::::::::::::::-:::A::::::A:-:::::::C:::::::::::::::::: 524 525 ▼ 526 UK CGTAT-ATATACATATATATA—-TATATTAAATTTTTAATTAATTATTAATTTTAATAATT 527 Fr1 :::::T:::::T:::::::::--C::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 528 Fr2 :::::-:::::::::::::::--:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 529 Fr4 :::::T:::::T:::::::::--C::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 530 Fr6 :::::T:::::T:::::::::TAC::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 531 Fr3 :::::T:::::T:::::::::--C::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 532 Fr5 :::::T:::::T:::::::::--C::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 533

534 Indels:-

535 ▼ Insertion of either TA or TATA here (UK only).


537 Figure 2

Fr5 n=2 11 1 Fr3 UK2 Fr2 Fr1 n=2 n=3 2 UK1 1 11 n=1 2 n=1 1 n=46 2 Fr4 Fr6 n=1 3 n=1 4 UK3 n=1 538

539 540 Figure 3.


542 Strymon melinus

Jalmenus evagoras

UK1 8733 6 UK2 U.K. Group 70621 109804 UK3

Fr2 100999


44926 Fr5 French Group 36205 Fr3

17205 Fr4 30384 Fr6