Roman House Guard ���������� Rufaro Manyepa Ferega, court guard ������������� Harley Breth Parthernius, court gaurd ���������� Micah Turgeon Processus, prison gaurd �������Kumbirai Matemadombo Martinianus, prison gaurd �����������Sean Welsh Young Timothy �������������� Ezekiel Malone

OTHER CHORUS MEMBERS Paulette Arnfield, Rachel Brown, Westley Campbell, Jaden Chibarirwe, Alexis Cruz, Chrissie Dattolo, Corinne Eagle, Emily Gill, Fleda Goddard, Julia Goddard, Selah Harms, Zechariah Henderson, Anastasia Hunt, Rachel Hyde, Sarah Icasiano, Megan Jenkins, Jacquelynn Locher, Skye Malone, Emma Moore, Heidi Rodis, Smythe, Amber Wainwright, Hannah Worrell, David Vejil

Orchestra Piano/Keyboards ��������Ryan Malone, Mark Jenkins Flute ����������������� Parthena Owens Clarinet ������������ Tara Heitz, Jennifer Rucker Saxophone ��������������� Jennifer Rucker Uilleann Pipes ��������������� Ryan Malone Bassoon ������������������ Lori Wooden Horn ����������������� Derek Mattheson Trumpet ������������������ Karl Sievers A MUSICAL IN TWO ACTS by ryan malone Trombone ������������������ Jeff Kidwell original armstrong auditorium cast recording • Soundtrack liner notes Percussion ���������� Roger Owens, Ryan Malone Violin ���� Densi Rushing, Ezekiel Malone, Patrick Conlon, SINGING CAST , grandmother of Timothy ���������� Amy Flurry �� Sam Formicola, Deborah McDonald, Elizabeth Venegas Paul, apostle to the Gentiles ��������� Ryan Malone , apostle ������������� Seth Malone Viola ����������� Royce McLarry, Steve Waddell , deacon in ������� Mark Jenkins Mary, convert in ������������ Vienna Flurry Cello ��������������Seth Malone, Jim Shelley , mother of Timothy ���������� Paula Malone Julia, convert in Rome ������������ Ansley Welsh Bass ������������������� Geib Timothy, evangelist & protégé of Paul ���� David Brandon Tryphena, convert in Rome �������� Valerie Jenkins Luke, evangelist & physician ��������� Dan Arnfield Tryphosa, convert in Rome �������� Rebekah Goddard PRODUCTION Aquila, minister in Ephesus ���������� Joel Hilliker Novatus, second son of Rufus ��������Tristan Hogan Executive Producer ������������� Gerald Flurry Priscilla, wife of Aquila ����������� Laura Turgeon Executive Producers ���� Stephen Flurry, Andrew Locher , advisor to Nero �������� Gianni Welsh NAMED CHORUS MEMBERS Producer ����������������� Ryan Malone Helen, wife of Simon Magus ���������Calela Brooks , minister & secretary (dancer) ����� Jude Flurry Vocal Coaches �������� Paula Malone, Mark Jenkins Nero, emperor of Rome ���������� Shane Granger Eubulus, brother of Claudia �������� Isaiah Morrison Recording Engineer �������������� Ken Sarkey Acte, mistress of Nero ������������ Paris Roberts Linus, cousin of Claudia ������������Dillon Davis Logo Design ��������� Steve Hercus, Julia Goddard Rufus Pudens, half-brother of Paul ������� Jordan Ellis Timotheus, son of Rufus ���������� William Jenkins Claudia Rufina, British princess ������ Jessica Brandon Prassede, daughter of Rufus ��������� Ella Brandon #PaulMusical , minister & secretary ������� Joshua Sloan Toddler Timotheus ��������������Roan Burns #FightTheGoodFight LIBRETTO HELEN: MARY: So we watch and we pray ACTE/HELEN: These are dangerous times, ACTE, HELEN: It is all for the monarchy’s sake! When dark perceptions must be revised, Assembling When I read the words Though similar to Jews, For the soon-coming day; NERO: This uprising must be suppressed! SIMON: Understand this and make no mistake! You need a stylishly bright disguise. (A.D. 68) Our apostle has penned They’re identified as “Christian.” RUFUS, CLAUDIA, EPHESIANS: I’ve quelled Parthians, British, ALL: We must cut off the head of the snake! Through the storm, About what a bishop should be— And the fire left many clues, Be aware of these signs Germanics and critics; You transform to an of light! PAUL: PAUL: Vigilant, blameless, PROLOGUE That suggested their sedition. To endure through these times. But these are new crimes Angel of Light How so many have forgotten Apt to teach, yet modest— OVERTURE — DANCE OF THE FLAMES For these dangerous times. When well-known facts are not on your side. The I have preached; TIMOTHY: Aquila, it’s your face I see. (A.D. 64) MAGUS: MARY: NERO: But soon I must travel to Greece. And there’s a charge that is hard to hide; Though through me they were begotten Our crusade against their treason, How so many have forgotten MAGUS: MAGUS: You can leave this “apostle” to me. Then cast a glare with your flair, In the truth they now should teach. TIMOTHY, EUNICE, ONESIPHORUS, PRISCILLA: Was quite the strong campaign, What our apostle Paul has preached; Remember who ignited your anxieties of late; ACTE: Yet another huge problem As an angel of light. But a faithful flock is scattered, We raise the glass unto the just elder! Introductions: Dangerous Times But still within this region Though through him they were begotten The embers of our temples attest unto their hate. Continues to blossom: Who holds fast what is true; Impart double honor! (A.D. 67) One leader still remains. In the truth they now should teach. You’ve already extinguished It’s a matter of publicity. The talking points and the topics Their will has not been shattered— all conspiracies and coups; Come after what they can see; How stands this faithful few! AQUILA: GREEK CHORUS: These are dangerous times. MAGUS, HELEN, CHORUS: These are dangerous times, PAUL: Stay locked upon the target; HELEN: So optimizing the optics is the key. I raise my chalice to Priscilla my wife, With more perilous times ahead. But a faithful flock is scattered, let Vespasian handle the Jews. Acte’s right. Where two or three are gathered, Who is half my success, as you know! His name is Nero. MAGUS/HELEN: If dissent is allowed to spread! Who holds fast what is true; Snuffing out the is your next best move. On that day you were born, How any narrative can be quashed, If to God they are affixed, Great wealth she has gathered, ACTE: And he welcomes your applause! MAGUS: How a poisonous creed, And faithful to his master At the glimmer of morn, Just cast a spell with a swell panache; Where those two or three are gathered, But she’s used it rather CHORUS: Rome’s emperor … Still continues to breed; Is the beloved doctor Luke. Every movement behaves like a creature, You were touched by the rays of the sun. You can distract them from facts like wrong or right, Our Lord is in their midst. That true riches may be bestowed! NERO: and hero! ALL: These are ominous signs, Where each feature fulfills its own role; Then some seventeen years later, If you are an angel of light. ACTE: He is equal with the gods! Of these dangerous times. LUKE: If you want to be rid of its peril, Like some famed gladiator, TIMOTHY: TIMOTHY, EUNICE, ONESIPHORUS, AQUILA: NERO: I am equal with the gods! We have weathered many shipwrecks, You get rid of the source of control. The heart of your kingdom you’d won. Keep in mind that the masses Let us hold fast our profession, We raise the chalice to those who invest ONESIPHORUS: My fellow saints in Ephesus, But the harshest crash of all Want to be entertained; In hope remain unswayed; In a heavenly palace—O how they are blessed! ACTE: They are pillars of the Church. Is deception at its apex, If this Paul is the head of the body, ACTE: What delights all the classes overpasses blame. Evoke renewed affection, When Rome was destroyed by a fire, TIMOTHY: And our deacon Onesiphorus, And a spiritual withdrawal; Then he holds all its members intact; Helen’s right. With phrases that persuade. EUNICE/PRISCILLA: He led a great restoration; How faithfully he serves! Many turn away, and many fall! So the stroke of the sword is quite simple; But opinions have changed They just want to be dazzled; We raise the cup to one we know well, Though critics began to inquire— EUNICE: My son Timothy, our evangelist, All of nature embodies this fact: Through the years of your reign Give the people a show; Not forsaking our assembly EUNICE: Who has ministered much for our care, Questioning his motivation. Our confidence upholds. PAUL, LUKE, CHORUS: These are dangerous times, And were scorched in the wake of the Fire. See how far some pizzazz will go! While others let this die; PRISCILLA: Showing great dedication TIMOTHY: Though facing more antagonists, With more perilous times ahead. Here’s the tactic Your Highness should take; But just as you rebuilt, But doing so especially, In this congregation, NERO: EPHESUS BRETHREN: Our faith can grow bold. PAUL/LUKE: How so many have been misled! You must cut off the head of the snake. So impressions can tilt, So there are truths that will not survive, As that day is drawing nigh! EUNICE: Of his fervor we all are aware! My mistress says gossip has grown, PAUL: The delusion is strong, And your public support can rise higher. But you’ve brought glee into people’s lives; Spreading through Rome like a flame, RUFUS PUDENS: Persecution raged the hottest Blurring righteous from wrong. ACTE: What’s the harm in some charm Where two or three are gathered, TIMOTHY: Yes, when I read the words Rumors are rather well-known, In Rome, where we reside. ALL: These are ominous signs, His offense is a grievous infraction: MAGUS: From an angel of light? If to God they are affixed, Our apostle has penned Claiming that I was to blame! MARY: And here among the Godless Of more perilous times. His allegiance to some other crown! Be not overwhelmed, Where those two or three are gathered, About what a deacon should be— Our loyalty is tried. As you travel the realm; And when they witness your redesign, Our Lord is in their midst. PAUL: No drunkard or glutton; NERO, ACTE, CHORUS: These are dangerous times. COMPANY: HELEN: Here he publicly hails some new kingdom. Discontent is not something to fear; With your remarkable sparkling shine, But respected, and loving— Could more perilous times await? CLAUDIA: These are perilous, ominous— With my help you can master, Why, then the crowd will be wowed My mother and I give thanks to our hosts: TIMOTHY: Onesiphorus is whom I see. NERO/ACTE: No exemptions for heads of state! My homeland has been smitten, There will be drama ACTE, HELEN, MAGUS: Any public relations disaster, By this angel of light! Aquila, the man of the house, NERO: Whether home or abroad, Which Nero the Lion subdued, Less common than records define— This conspirator must be brought down! And all discord will soon disappear! Conveying the quality Paul our apostle advised, for my health, I must be on my guard; What lies ahead for Britain? These are stranger, yes, dangerous times! Go find the heart of the action, Of true hospitality, To drink of the fruit of the vine, ALL: These are ominous signs How can we not conclude … NERO: Would exile or chains be sufficient? When you’re troubled by chatter, And plant yourself centerstage; Along with Priscilla, his spouse. And for this occasion, Of these dangerous times. These are dangerous times, MAGUS: Execution must be the result! Rumors flying around, Become the greatest attraction of the age! If in moderation, ACT ONE NERO: This requires judicial proceedings. How you handle this matter— I raise my glass to these helpers in : It blends with God’s gracious design! NERO: This is Simon the magician, RUFUS, CLAUDIA, MARY, EPHESIANS: Head of the Snake MAGUS: But the case will be open and shut! To calm the clatter down: Now if your subjects can be bewitched, No matter the places they’ve dwelled, For my spiritual improvement. And more perilous times await. Rumors need better rumors, Then your regime soon will seem enriched; They’ve hosted the saints ALL: SIMON MAGUS: And I helped him shift suspicion These are dangerous times. NERO: These are dangerous times, Your position is clearly at stake. Fighting fire with fire! Observe my counsel, and how your fame takes flight; Without any constraints, Where two or three are gathered, To a new religious movement. RUFUS: Can apostasy be restrained? In Judaea is more unrest. You must cut off the head of the snake. Sell what fills the consumer’s desire! Just show them an angel of light! Our fellowship they have excelled. If to God they are affixed, Where those two or three are gathered, And the miracles this would entail! In your mind the vision keep. And rearranged the games, Opponents test the thickness of our skin. Your Caesar comes in peace, His song demands a chorus, DANCE OF THE CROWNS Our Lord is in their midst. PRISCILLA: And after a year and a half of this work, To coincide with his visit, We strive to be effective, To bring you lives of ease and relaxation; Oh, how can we refrain? BOTH: Unto Syria Paul then set sail. Never forget your first love; This garnered great disdain; But we know the real objective: Fear not the autocratic, His skills are clearly sharp, PRISCILLA: He let us join, but then altered the plan, Never let it wax cold; The Greeks … they saw it as profane. To conquer the antagonist within! My flare for the dramatic Oh, hear the royal strain! Letter From Luke Adventures So in Ephesus we stopped and remained; Ever growing, Has freed you from the burden of taxation. (present day) AQUILA: We here met , that eloquent man; Ever growing stronger, TIMOTHY: When triumph is achieved NERO: ONESIPHORUS: BOTH: We ensured in God’s way he was trained. Ever growing as we grow old. What happened there a year ago, Clouds of witnesses perceive ACTE: Apollo comes with singing, AQUILA: We should also acknowledge our evangelist here, As we consider these reports, The lasting crown our Savior will provide As this drama will unfold, Encouraging the Fates; A letter has arrived, An example, despite his young age, We told him, as we both became his mentors: We recall when first enlightened, Though sport is not our religion, Is not a waning wreath, Your attention he will hold, Their hands spin ever faster; With troubling news described, In conduct and charity, The way of God is always an adventure! What afflictions we’d endure; Our religion shares comparisons with sports. Nor a fading olive leaf, Like the lead in any story of the stage. His music resonates. Reports of harm God’s servant now sustains. In faith and in purity, Now this passion should be heightened, But treasure which eternally abides! And to help explain it for us, His prophecy is uttered: Our apostle has been thrown A workman worthy of his wage. AQUILA: We returned to Rome under Nero’s regime, This devotion should mature. An athlete toils and trains Every plot needs a Greek chorus, “O Fates of men, be poised! In some dungeon there in Rome. Where our work could have greater effect; What this era should be earning, Through the sweat and through the pain, We know this match is real: To tell us how our star is all the rage. Let Nero be my equal, So writes his helper Luke about these chains: And Eunice, his mother, PRISCILLA: We offered our lives to the martyr’s extreme, Overflowing in its wealth; Content to leave all other quests behind. We don’t box against thin air, In song and hallowed voice!” A lady renown, BOTH: And were happy to risk our own necks. We must keep the candle burning, He pushes for perfection, We don’t wrestle flesh and blood, CHORUS: LUKE: Whose husband was never converted; PRISCILLA: We soon left Rome not long after it burned; That was sparked by Christ Himself! Brings his body in subjection, But we know our foes are there. (Just beware, among the Greek, CHORUS: When jailed in Rome before, So she was the one, Its aftermath cut our work short. And diligently disciplines the mind. Our commentary might be tongue-in-cheek.) Have you heard such a lyre? For two years all that lay in store Who instructed her son; AQUILA: So here back to Ephesus we have returned, Stir those embers, And our race is not won Give such a poignant pitch, Was waiting for indictments to be purged. What faith she exerted! BOTH: Giving Timothy our full support. Stoke that fire! At last arrives the day By the fastest feet to run CHORUS: Ranging from sea to sea? His accusers never appeared, Fan the flames that inspire. When his strength is on display: But those who push with patience to the end. Have you heard such a lyre? His air won’t expire! But neither was his record cleared, Like Timothy, I give thanks to our hosts: If to this Higher Power we surrender, Be filled with the gift of Father above; Opponents test the thickness of his skin. This course cannot be lost, On such a major scale? The overtones are rich, Now charges of sedition reemerge. For soon I must travel abroad, Then we shall sail the gales that guide to splendor. Be filled with His power; He strives to be effective, If the finish line is crossed; Look how he pulls the strings! We’re wondering: What is the key? It would help me prepare, For the way of God is always an adventure! Be filled with His love. But he knows the real objective: So run! And that crown we’ll apprehend! His act we admire, The contrast is quite stark— If you both could share To conquer the antagonist within! His craft will never fail. He demands every possible prize, These new conditions far more dark— Your many adventures with God. Never forget that first love With our senses exercised, No mortal could orchestrate such things. Brings new meaning to the word “vocalize”; A place where flames of fellowship have fled. First Love Never let it wax cold, With exhaustive exercise, And the mark before our eyes, And so we must inquire: No one else is in the running, Now treated as a traitor, AQUILA: Where does your business take you? But infinitely increase, With the mark before his eyes, We will press toward the prize. Has such a mortal ever played the lyre? For such captivating cunning, Some hostile agitator, ON: Italy … Rome, to be precise. PRISCILLA: It is an adventure but a sacrifice. And multiply beyond measure; He will press toward the prize. We do not run in vain, This chorus must inquire: A deadly sentence lingers overhead. AQUILA: Now that awakens memories. AQUILA: We must guard against the lethargy that lurks. Ever growing stronger as we grow old. Rather that we may obtain NERO: Have you ever heard such a lyre? PRISCILLA: (We made our home their twice.) PRISCILLA: But one thing we have learned, When triumph is achieved, The treasure which eternally abides! Apollo gave his favor, ONESIPHORUS: When you love the one you work with, Clouds of witnesses perceive Upon this monarch’s birth. NERO: I’m already bound for Rome, AQUILA: Some twenty years and one caesar ago BOTH: You love the work. The Olympian Saint As on his head the hero’s prize is placed The Fates observed his blessing: Like a chariot out of the gate, Where God’s man is being held; Yes, Rome was where we had dwelled, They don him with a wreath, DANCE OF THE ATHLETES A golden age on Earth. Each morning the sun is renewed. To visit him in his distress, PRISCILLA: When there at that time, new evil arose, ONESIPHORUS: You are faithful to each other ONESIPHORUS: Though it’s just a fading leaf, (flashback) Three sisters on the spindle, Like Lucifer chasing the stars, My spirit is compelled. BOTH: And from Rome, all the Jews were expelled. And loyal to the faith. Those years you spent in Corinth, The accolades can never be erased. The threads of life they weave; Like Aurora’s awakening hue. But this particular decision— PRISCILLA: Like the tents we made, AQUILA: Yet the key to both commitments Your work of making tents, They draw out gilded fibers, To strengthen one forlorn— we uprooted and moved Is one and the same. I’d gather that you witnessed We also toil and train The Olympian Lyre And long life I receive! CHORUS: Would draw danger and derision, To the hub of our lucrative trade; Those epic sporting events? Through the sweat and through the pain, He will cadence with a bang, Uncertainty and scorn. AQUILA: In Corinth, prosperity quickly improved How so many have forsaken Content to leave all other quests behind. GREEK CHORUS: His name is Nero— CHORUS: So note the noble twang! BOTH: When we gave God’s apostle our aid. The fervor that once flamed, PRISCILLA: Yes, it’s like religion We too push for perfection, ACTE: And he welcomes your applause— Have you heard such a lyre? He says no tune goes higher, With these words it could awaken, To each and every Greek. Bring our bodies in subjection, NERO: Your emperor and hero! What shrewdness has been honed, What a brilliant, eloquent, eminent, resonant lyre! The Road We found that in this new life we would enter: What the pen of Paul proclaimed: AQUILA: The games held at Olympia And diligently discipline the mind. CHORUS: He is equal with the gods! See how he plucks away, The way of God is always an adventure! Grow not weary in well doing; Are the pinnacle and peak. This commenting choir NERO: EUNICE: Are you shaken by these tidings? In due season we shall reap; How often are the days NERO: Gives atmosphere and tone, Lest my empire succumb to the flames, TIMOTHY: Persecution, we expect; AQUILA: How many there to God’s way would convert, Do not faint in all your sowing; ONESIPHORUS: So last year, when Nero went there, When our strength is on display: My subjects here in Greece, Exposing the tenor of the day. My dazzling brilliance must be restrained. But this … this changes everything. EUNICE: And you ask what happens next? Often starting on an unlikely road. TIMOTHY: What miracles and wonders we beheld. PAUL: But not devoid! No Shame He promises a sacred seat of honor, And by drawing close to him, Our daily habits form eternal features, TIMOTHY: Well, we had it all planned perfectly; DISCIPLES: Persecuted sore! (present day) So anything he asks I will embrace! So Christ to me draws near! The qualities define our very core; EUNICE: But God directs it all; Just when we think we hold the reins, EUNICE: But rivals soon would come PAUL: But not forsaken! And if we can be faithful with a little, Just remember what once happened That our grip on life is certain, From and Iconium— DISCIPLES: Oppressed! ONESIPHORUS: For there is no shame, ALL: Fiery trials light the crown before our eyes God knows we will be faithful with much more! To a Pharisee once named Saul. We find our plans are vain, TIMOTHY: A nearby city from which both men had fled. PAUL: Yes, but not destroyed! These words have offered strength No dishonor, nor disgrace; And the majesty we soon shall realize That we’re of burden. EUNICE: And since Paul was the spokesman, And fortified my heart, Just great acclaim! ONESIPHORUS: If abased for just a moment, We acknowledge the author, by embracing the message; He began with aspirations, We can carve our own course, The adversaries stoned him! ALL: Through much tribulation we enter the kingdom. To forge ahead in faith I know this honor shall displace ALL: We shall rise! We identify Heaven, by God’s chosen on Earth. With a zeal none could outshine; Which yields its violent prod, TIMOTHY: They dragged him out Through many afflictions we achieve the prize. While shame and fear depart. Any ridicule I gain. And if a man is just, But before his destination, Or defer to destiny’s force, and left this man for dead. PAUL: All the grief with Christ we share There is never ever shame, We trust it’s Christ he follows, Something thwarted his designs. And yield unto our God! Truly cannot be compared Some are made a spectacle When we suffer for His name. ACT TWO And what his example is worth! So renowned was his conversion, (flashback) To the majesty we soon shall realize! Others are stoned Support When a new ambition flowed; Claiming victory in surrender, BARNABAS: The Lord will take away, and so shall He give. Some are cast in dungeons, God’s man is not embarrassed of the gospel; He needs our backing and support, It began on this excursion, Taking pleasure in defeat, How precious in His sight, the death of a saint. Our momentary woes Others disowned. His boldness is not fettered by his bonds. ONESIPHORUS: I’m looking for the house He needs our positive reports, On an unexpected road. Our own flames reduced to embers, LOIS: If we have died with Him, with Him we shall live; Are light upon the scale, In this is wrought the signs of an apostle, of Rufus Pudens. Encouragement whenever he can hear it. We are fervent with new heat; DISCIPLES: If we endure with Him, with Him we shall reign! When weighed against our infinite rewards! Now he has suffered all of these, And God observes how each of us responds! NOVATUS: He is our father, and this is our home. Whatever burdens we can share, On the road to Damascus And the road that we must follow, Our momentary foes, Now cast with those condemned. ON: My name is Onesiphorus, Along with bold and fervent prayers— Where his grandest plans took flight, This new path that we now face, PAUL: Unable to prevail, But he said: “Remember those in chains Yet if his spirit falters for a moment, I travel here from Ephesus Whatever might rejuvenate his spirit! On this road to Damascus, Though it’s called the strait and narrow, God’s man cannot be diminished, Can never shut divinely opened doors! As though we are bound with them.” And in that hour reproach begins to build, RUFUS: Welcome, Onesiphorus, to Rome! He was struck down by the light; We will run it like a race! If his work is not yet finished; Then I will bear his burden, By finding God’s man, we discover God’s mercy; So convinced he was right, Though struck by many pressures and concerns. LOIS: But if we are bound for God? When brothers suffer ridicule, And shoulder his shame, ON: I heard you are disciples with connections. By hosting His brethren, with Him we converse. So convicted of his mission, (with AQUILA, PRISCILLA, ONESIPHORUS): They come with the territory, PAUL: Then we are bound for greatness! Our reflex to retreat For in this is the love of God fulfilled! Our great apostle is prisoner here. And when we give a drink It took losing his sight, On the road to Damascus, But I count them all as glory; LOIS: And if we suffer loss? Must yield to godly confidence, I heard he also is your brother. To the least of His disciples, To truly see the vision Here the grandest plans take flight, So right back to this city I return! PAUL: Then we gain even more! And join in their defeat. But if we are bound for God? RUFUS: We share the same mother. He pledges we never shall thirst! Of where his journey would go; On this road to Damascus, EUNICE: If cast down for Christ? My Lord is not ashamed to call me brother, Then we are bound for greatness! ON: To you then let me make my mission clear: And it started on an unlikely road, We are lifted by the light; While this might make some timid, PAUL: We are grounded in hope! To bless my name in melodies of praise! PRISCILLA/AQUILA: And if we suffer loss, Faith helps me discern the bigger picture, On the road to Damascus. (with TIMOTHY): Now we know we are right, My faith becomes more rigid; BARNABAS: If we are put to flight? So why should I feel shame toward another, then we gain even more! When I heard God’s man was cast in prison, So my vision is not dim: Not by physical ambition For death is just a temporary sleep. (with PAUL): Then to great heights we soar! Whose humble state the crown of Christ displays? EUNICE/LOIS: If cast down for Christ, Deep within desire began to grow; I see God behind the man, When we bring this to remembrance, But with spiritual sight, In fact, everyday I perish, we are grounded in hope! Coming here to this community, Therefore I must find God’s man. His adventure should recall We truly see the vision of where our journey will go. So one day I will cherish ALL: Through much tribulation we enter the kingdom. For there is no shame, TIMOTHY: If we are put to flight, Gave a precious opportunity He needs me, and I need him. The remarkable resemblance AQUILA, PRISCILLA, ONESIPHORUS: The recompense this confidence shall reap! Through many afflictions we achieve the prize. No dishonor, nor disgrace (with BARNABAS): then to great heights we soar! To find him in his greatest hour of woe. Of what happens to us all; We go though we started on this road. PAUL: And the hardness we endure In his chains! ONESIPHORUS: We soar! Now we understand our calling, Through much tribulation we enter the kingdom. Makes our victory secure; He knows this honor shall displace Some unseen things are cloaked in the apparent, Seek What the Lord above has done; EUNICE: So abandon ev’ry load, Through many afflictions we achieve the prize. Any fire just lights the crown before our eyes! Any ridicule he gains. ALL: Through much tribulation we enter the kingdom. A shadow marking greater things to come; As we find one voyage stalling, For the prize to be bestowed The adversity we suffer DISCIPLES: It illuminates the crown! There is never ever shame, Through many afflictions we achieve the prize. Some simple things just stand for something grander, CLAUDIA: Then another has begun. At (ALL:) the end of the road! Will only make us tougher; When we suffer for His name. The smallest parts reveal a greater sum. I am the wife of Rufus Pudens. Abased for just a moment, we shall rise! PAUL: ON: There is no shame! Just great acclaim! An ambassador reflects a higher power, These are our children, and these are my kin. On the road to Damascus, May these words now offer strength, Those who went before me Any shame with Christ we share A saint embodies Christ within his flesh. My name is Claudia, Where our grandest plans take flight, Through Much Tribulation I will magnify the Lord in life or death! And fortify your hearts; Were despised for His name; Truly cannot be compared And if we offer aid unto a brother, A princess of Britannia; On this road to Damascus, To live is Christ, and to die is gain. So continue in the faith, For this they did rejoice. To the majesty we soon shall realize! It truly is our Lord we have refreshed. We know Rome without and within. We are struck down by the light; ONESIPHORUS: When did you first meet God’s apostle? If we have died with Him, with Him we shall live; While shame and fear depart! If I were counted worthy OTHERS: See the majesty we share! So convinced we are right, EUNICE: When he and Barnabas brought the gospel If we endure with Him, with Him we shall reign! To accomplish the same, ALL: Though abased for just a moment we shall rise. If we honor the Son, then we honor the Father; Eubulus and Linus can be of service, So convicted of our mission, to — DISCIPLES: Fiery trials light the crown before our eyes, Then that would be my choice. If we visit the servant, then we visit his Lord. To certain key officials they can speak— It takes losing our sight, ON: Is that where your family dwelled? BARNABAS: We are pressured from all sides! And the majesty we soon shall realize: ONESIPHORUS: What profit we receive, Employing our position, To truly see the vision EUNICE: Yes. And my son was just a youth PAUL: Yet not distressed! PAUL: Though abased for just a moment, My God is not ashamed to be my Father, So I will not draw back, If we receive a prophet; To aid you in your mission Of where our journey should go, When Mother and I heard God’s truth. LOIS: Perplexed on points of faith! ALL: We shall rise! He builds for me an everlasting place; But desert all pride and fear! It profits a prophet’s reward. To help discover all that you seek. If we seek the Lord with all our heart and soul, It was something he would glory in, PAUL: This gift of sweet fragrance, So borderless, boundless and endless, Your labor God remembers, We have both excelled the gospel, If I may so implore: If we search the hidden treasures of His mind. I attest, as his historian. Like the ancient cloud of incense, The Work carries on! Your love is not ignored. Abba Father, your son now cries, Together in the Spirit we have walked. That he see his son once more? If we ask, we will receive; This concluded six years ago. To God may this aroma ascend! ON: Your despair is not despised, My every need your love supplies. No other man is like him, If we knock, doors will open; Carry on! Carry on! I receive you as the Lord. I give you thanks for all your grace, No elder as like-minded, PAUL: And all that we seek, we will find. (flashback) We must write those in Philippi at once, Yes, the work of God carries on! That overflows and grows my faith. Extending my compassion to the flock. I know why he groans, MARY: A family is here to see you; The achievements here these many months. Enduring strong, PAUL: I know why he cries, A Christian knows the hunger and then the satisfaction, Your half-brother Rufus and Claudia his bride. For these kinds of letters The work of God carries on! Give no thought unto my lack; TIMOTHY: I fall on my knees, TIMOTHY: I know what he inwardly wants; Of finding hidden treasure from unrelenting action. CLAUDIA: God has doubled our joys! Have conquered these fetters. Of this truth there is no doubt: And lift up my hands, I know why I groan, But there are unknowns, Of selling all we have to buy one fruitful field, RUFUS: We now have two boys! What a marvelous work God has done! If the deadliest viper strikes from the flame, We brought nothing to this world, My eyelids enclosing my thoughts; I know why I cry, Beyond tearful eyes, Because what it contains to us has been revealed. PAUL: What pleasure your presence provides! This is how I respond: And surely we can carry nothing out. As I intercede, I know what I inwardly want; What is your will to be done? TIMOTHY: Now you shall witness the secretary’s deeds: Shake off that serpent into the fire, The silence expands, But there are unknowns, He needs your Spirit, If you seek the Lord with all your heart and soul, CLAUDIA: The name of our newest is Novatus; JOHN MARK: Mix the ink! And carry on! I bear in my body the marks of the Lord— My lips are now at a loss. Beyond tearful eyes, The need is sore. If you search the hidden treasures of His mind. RUFUS: Our firstborn is named after Timothy. LUKE: Score the paper! An emblem of righteous renown; What is your will to be done? Please give him more. If you ask, you will receive; MARY: And may they be praised, JOHN MARK: And sharpen the reeds! ALL: These chains are an ornament, PAUL: That you would count me worthy, If you knock, then doors will open; Because they were raised Carry on! Carry on! More priceless and glorious And extend to me your mercy, Take charge of my request, And all that you seek, you will find. Upon the apostles’ knees. LUKE: Imploring our God, Yes, the work of God carries on! Than the jewels in the emperor’s crown. Forgiving the transgressions of my past. For I don’t know what’s best. Final Charge With thanksgiving and zeal; Though done blindly in unbelief, But your Spirit will prevail, This Christian knows the value of leaving former fortunes, Nearly two years inside this confinement, JOHN MARK: For what we will publish, TIMOTHY: Enduring strong! ONESIPHORUS: Of all sinners, yes, I am chief, Where ours will often fail; LUKE: It is I, your servant Luke, Exchanging bygone glory for everlasting portions. Our apostle endured few constraints. BOTH: This is our appeal: LUKE: Through the night! That Timothy now could be here in my place— You still hear each petition that I ask. Composing our appeal, Here at your request. Possessing next to nothing truly will suffice, He has published instruction May it sail upon our penmanship, PAUL: Beyond the dawn! Regaining the courage that wanes! Though at odds with what we feel. PAUL: What comfort to welcome your voice: Because we have discovered the pearl of great price. Without any obstruction, Approaching every shore; JOHN MARK: In the light! Much comfort has fled, PAUL: So now I come … I need that Spirit, Of all prisoners I am most blessed! Receiving and employing these saints. On wings of parchment, PAUL: The work of God always carries on! Through the tears he has shed; TIMOTHY: For what should I ask? The need is sore; With the power of God’s Spirit, May these words now soar! LADIES: Helped by loyal secretaries But you could rekindle his flame! PAUL: … Before your throne, I need that Spirit, I have gone to the ends of the realm, That searches all things, TRYPHENA: You know Luke, the scribe and physician; CLAUDIA, RUFUS: Overpowering adversaries’ throngs! TIMOTHY: For what should I pray? Please give me more! To the uttermost shores of the West; We delve to new depths, TRYPHOSA: The devoted historian: John Mark. PAUL: LUKE: We are ready to write! PAUL: PAUL: About a son I call my own. My Father will shortly excel We strike lasting springs! He’s a relative of Barnabus. The fruits of this sentence are clear: The servants of the Lord Your Holy Spirit … PAUL: My moment to enter His rest. Seek the Lord with all your heart and soul, TRYPHENA: This minister is Tychicus, The increase in spite of these chains. ALL: Carry on! Must not be disillusioned. TIMOTHY: My heart is searching … Could I also now obtain, Search the hidden treasures of His mind. Who delivers Paul’s afar. The truth is proclaimed without fear, All the godly in Christ PAUL: … In him restore, If I may so implore: We must work while it is day, Ask, receive; TIMOTHY: The gospel has not been restrained. Shall suffer persecution. TIMOTHY: … For what to say. With what little sight remains Before my life’s dismissal, Knock, doors will open. Our efforts demand faithful women, Remind them the Word of the Lord DANCE OF THE CHAINS PAUL: He has your strength, but he needs more. To see my son once more? To act without delay, Seek, find. Like Mary, who greeted you there. Cannot be constricted by bonds; (present day) I must write unto Timothy at once, To write one last . All that we seek, we will find. The lady Tryphena, Unaltered, unfettered, unhindered, One more charge from a father to a son; TIMOTHY: Like a father with his son, (They say my pen has weight and strength, The laboring Tryphosa, The Work carries on! This may be my last gift. I know I shall be heard; What a force we would become, But my speech is less respected; And Julia, what is it you share? Groanings Fetch me Luke, and be swift! But I don’t know the words. Empowered by a love I’d never known; I’ve literally bored a man to death.) The Work Carry on! Carry on! With his presence this work can be done. Yet your Spirit will prevail, When gallant hearts grow hollow, LUKE: Though he was resurrected! JULIA: has arrived from Philippi; Yes, the work of God carries on! ONESIPHORUS: Is my apostle down below? Where words will often fail; His faith I now must follow, RUFUS: The evangelist Luke is based here with us, He delights us with his safe return. Yes, the work of God always carries on! PAUL: Who’s voice is that I hear? Tell him my objective— Composing our request, And imitate the courage he has shown. PAUL: Now, to Timothy we write, Helping God’s servant in multiple ways; The Philippians have sent a special gift … ON: Onesiphorus, your . Inform him of my needs: The unspoken is expressed. O, diligent recorder, As Paul’s scribe and physician, TIMOTHY: Another one? My bonds give them boldness of voice, PAUL: A visitor appears! Bring the ink, and the paper, I need that Spirit, (Together) So may our minds unite, He can also aid your mission. JULIA: … to help your spirits lift. A faith and a love that abounds; And well-sharpened reeds. The need is sore; TIMOTHY: To set God’s House in order. ONESIPHORUS: What history your ministry portrays! PAUL: My deepest thanks these brethren have earned. In God I will always rejoice: PAUL: Not many would hazard such shame for my sake; I need that Spirit, Abba Father, your son now cries, LUKE: Now who could deliver your message? For they are my joy and my crown! This place is not found with much ease. ON: And I’ll return oft, Please give me more! My every need your love supplies. PAUL: Are you not the one I should use? LUKE: MARY: What other congregation ON: Your condition grieves my heart, Bringing comfort and care. Your Holy Spirit in me restore, LUKE: I have promised to attend The first trip to Rome for God’s apostle Shares such communication? Commend them for how they’ve obeyed, But no shame will it impart. PAUL: And here in your absence, PAUL: I have your strength, but I need more. Your needs unto the end; Began as a prisoner, as you know. JULIA: Their charity truly knows no end. And labored while I have been gone! PAUL: With your sacrifice God is well-pleased. I will offer prayer: Like a son works with his father, Could he also now obtain, Is there another minister to choose? PAUL: Some elders deserted the cause. PAUL: I thank God whom I serve As the words flowed from his mouth, And save me for his heavenly kingdom; Deadly Aim Outlived by all the acts that shall transpire. TIMOTHY: Departure Some faithful are serving abroad. Just as my fathers did, Like a breeze in a grievous desert, To Him be glory forever! For as they often say, The fruits of these matters are clear: ? With a conscience clean and pure. The cooling breath of God GREEK CHORUS: Rome wasn’t built in a day, A saint may be sentenced and slain; MARK: Are we ready to go with all these components, LUKE: He’s in . ? Was a most assuring, most inspiring treasure. EUNICE: Some qualities can be feigned, And so into the future I shall fire! Though the faithless could cower in fear, To our apostle in the East? PAUL: To Dalmatia. Tell him of my ceaseless daily prayers, It had blessings for the house of Onesiphorus, At times we feel deserted Momentarily be sustained, God’s objective will still be attained! TIM: I’ll be right there; just give me one moment. While others are fighting our God. Longing to see him, mindful of his tears, Greetings from a few remaining saints, On some lone, desert island, In fantasies of poetry and song. These names must be recorded. Commend him for the pure faith he retains, Salutations sent to Prisca and Aquila, Feeling crowded by seclusion, But men revert to their real nature, The Word I see how the Word of the Lord PAUL: LUKE: As for carriers, there is one: That has dwelled within his family many years. And warnings of the adversary’s gains. And deafened by the silence; Or in theatrical nomenclature: Cannot be constricted by bonds; I see my ship now docked at the harbor, With Tychicus at hand, When loyalty turns to loneliness, No one can wear a mask for very long! AQUILA: John Mark has arrived to see you. Unaltered, unfettered, unhindered, Its final trip is set for departure: He can meet this demand. Remember your grandmother Lois PAUL: And faith could turn to fear, TIMOTHY: I thank you for answering my call. God’s Word shall live on! My Captain now calls me aboard. PAUL: Agreed. So let it be done! Your devout mother Eunice as well. Now as for ministers Companionship approaches; HELEN: JOHN MARK: It sounded quite pressing. Uncoil the rope, and draw up the anchor; Recall when I laid my hands on you Still with this prisoner, Assurance soon draws near. Reports of revolt in Africa, TIMOTHY: Yes, I must express things TIMOTHY, MARK, AQUILA, LUKE: Embark with hope, raise victory’s banner: ONESIPHORUS: So within you God’s Spirit would dwell. There is one last devotee. News of mutiny in Gaul, Contained in this letter from Paul. Living on! Living on! I journey to claim my reward! He prepared this parting gift, Since I sent Tychicus Our Righteous Judge in heaven Protests and plots in the senate, Yes, the Word of God shall live on! Putting all faith, love and hope in; Stir those embers, To you in Ephesus, Stands ready to defend us; Foreshadowed our emperor’s fall. TIMOTHY: He charged me to bring you to see him Yes, the Word of God always lives on! I have fought the good fight, Though caged beneath the dark, Stoke that fire, Only Luke remains with me. We say: If God be for us, To come before winter’s rebuke; I have guarded the faith, His heart was never more open. Fan the flames that inspire. Then who can be against us? ACTE: Our Caesar has met his demise. JOHN MARK: With parchments in hand? TIMOTHY: The Scriptures I’ve known since a child, I have joyfully finished my race; Fewer words could be more eloquent, Be filled with the gift of Father above; For Rome soon embark, If only foes surround us, And some of the last words he’d speak: TIMOTHY: That was his command: Expand with the words he has penned; At the end of this plight, No more zeal could he exert, Not the spirit of fear, But first find John Mark; And start to cast their stones, NERO: Qualis artifex pereo! To bring them to him and to Luke. MARK, LUKE: These epistles that we have compiled, Is a crown that awaits, Though a prisoner facing his final charge, But of soberness, power and love. He is useful for missions to come. We can see our elder Brother NERO/ACTE: “What an artist dies in me!” From the mouth of our God they descend! And an honor we all may embrace! He authored this final charge. Your haste I compel; Standing from our Father’s throne! AQUILA: Another guest has joined us. His most assuring, most inspiring work. ONESIPHORUS: The books bring as well, MAGUS: JOHN MARK: Luke? AQUILA: His words are the Word of the Lord; I see my cup poured out on the altar; So the words flowed from his mouth, Especially the parchments, my son. When we stand for God, we never stand alone. When goals cannot be reached, AQUILA: Why are you not still in Rome TIMOTHY: This was God’s design all along. Its final drop is soon to be offered; So Luke was ready to write: Like the pen of a ready writer; At our right hand, He makes His presence known. And walls cannot be breached, Attending God’s servant? AQUILA: Outspoken, LUKE: Unshaken, MARK: Unbroken, I’ve given until there was none. LUKE: You may begin to recite; In shadows of demise, And if all others leave, we’re never on our own: A tactic that those Parthians have employed, LUKE: My message is urgent. QUARTET: God’s Word shall live on! May God now drink of my last libation; I will start with, “Paul, an apostle …” His eyes were never brighter. Stand When we stand for God, we never stand alone. Is crouching from afar, TIMOTHY: If you’re here, then his fate is known. I’m at the brink of tasting salvation. PAUL: An apostle of Christ, Fewer words could be more confident, Well-hidden from the war, Living on! Living on! I know that my work here is done. By the will of God, No more faith could he assert, EUNICE: For this our feet stand ready: As archers, distant targets are destroyed. LUKE: At last to Caesar’s blade, Yes, the Word of God shall live on! LUKE: By the will of God, Like a soldier poised for his final charge, It says when he first was tried, The gospel’s proclamation. His neck he would give. AQUILA: Enduring strong, I am ready, I know; yes, I know in my heart, PAUL: According to the promise, He authored this final charge. No man stood at his side With this our mind is guarded: A hunter with his game, TIMOTHY: How true: TIMOTHY: The Word of God always lives on! I am ready to go, LUKE: According to the promise, His most assuring, most inspiring work. To share the guilt of which he was accused. The helmet of salvation. Will make his deadly aim, The king bears not the sword in vain. The time is at hand, the time to depart. PAUL: The promise of life which is in Christ Jesus. His faith would not be shaken, With righteousness our breastplate, Though all the while proceeding with great stealth. PAUL: If we have died with Christ, QUARTET: God has appointed men once to die; LUKE: Of life which is in Christ Jesus. And though he was forsaken, With truth our belt is bound; His vision must be sharp, with Him we shall live; AQUILA: Of this we are assured. This crown that I will hold Dance of the Dispatch He prayed to God that they might be excused. Equipped with sword and shield— Unclouded by the dark, ALL: If we endure with Him, with Him we shall reign! LUKE: Fading like flowers, Made of silver and of gold, LUKE: To Timothy, my son? The faith to stand our ground! Though all the while invisible himself. MARK: Withering like grass, Is not just something one man can attain; PAUL: My dearly beloved son. PAUL: TIMOTHY: Are these all the parchments in question? QUARTET: But God’s Word endures! Truly as that day is nearing, LUKE: Then the typical greeting? Breath of God For the Lord stood right there, Remember what He promised My darts with tips aflame, LUKE: His writings compiled in one place? All who long for His appearing PAUL: Grace, mercy and peace from… So I could declare When solitude might shake you: I make my deadly aim, JOHN MARK: This set represents Living on! Living on! Shall from our Righteous Judge receive the same! LUKE: One moment, sir, to record… EUNICE: His truth to the crowd God gave. “I will never, never leave you, no! What shield can extinguish my barrage? Many letters he sent, Yes, the Word of God shall live on! PAUL: Peace from God the Father, When Tychicus arrived, Christ stood in the breach Nor never ever forsake you.” The genius that I am, A task I have gladly embraced. MARK: Enduring strong, The Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit. LUKE: God the Father, The letter he’d recite, And strengthened my speech, Though outnumbered by the masses This forward-thinking plan, My codex contains twelve epistles. AQUILA: Though men are gone, Grace be with you. PAUL: And Christ Jesus our Lord. Was profitable for doctrine and reproof, And from lions’ mouths I was saved. And in spite of feeling small: Will execute unrivaled sabotage. TIMOTHY: And I possess two sent to me. LUKE: The Word of God always shall live on! LUKE: Christ Jesus our Lord. Improvement and correction, Stand up, stand out, stand tall! AQUILA: So fourteen in size! Amen. With training and instruction, For I know the Lord shall deliver me I’ll ride the long-term course, LUKE: This number implies QUARTET: Enduring strong, though we are gone, LUKE: Then your statement of thanksgiving? That brethren be made perfect with this truth. From every evil endeavor, Astride my pure white horse, His legacy is doubly complete. The Word of God forever shall live on! EPILOGUE AQUILA: The evil without, SAINT LEADS: We are warriors, PAUL: So be strong in the Lord Fight the Good Fight — and the darkness within; ONESIPHORUS: Advancing at God’s command; and the pow’r of His might! DANCE OF THE CHRISTIAN SOLDIERS EUNICE: So stand as the children of light! PRISCILLA, AQUILA: By kneeling in prayer, SAINT LEADS: And fight! SAINT LEADS: And fight! +CLAUDIA, RUFUS: We surely can stand. SAINT LEADS: We are soldiers, LOIS, BARNABAS: We suffer all struggles and strife, But not of the fleshly klnd; COMPANY: Fight the good fight, the fight of faith! RUFUS: Our weapons are honed To lay hold on immortal life; By invisible forces our war is defined. Fight with honor, and fight with strength! with a spiritual spark, EUNICE, ON: We battle our way to the source. LOIS: Our foes are not mortal but deadly still yet, Fight to finish, CLAUDIA: Their blades proven powerful, PRISCILLA, AQUILA: With God on our side TIMOTHY: Their venomous tactics CHORUS: And never back down; nimble and sharp, we will make it; a much greater threat; SAINT LEADS: We will never back down! MARK: More than a two-edged sword; TIMOTHY, PAUL: It is there for the taking, so … LUKE: Yet we shall put them to flight. Ever holding our ground! LOIS: No part of our armor is iron or steel, SAINT LEADS: … take it! Ever gaining more ground! BARNABAS: But fashioned from elements Behold how we take it by force! PRISCILLA: We battle the devil, we wrestle with sin— ALL: Fight for the glory and fight for the crown! truly more real. ALL: Go forth!

Recorded and mixed at Cornerstone Recording Company and Armstrong Auditorium, Edmond, Oklahoma. Copyright © 2020 • Herbert W. Armstrong College • All Rights Reserved