Activities, Open Studios, Exhibitions and more and Exhibitions Studios, Open Activities,


th th  ^




Mak s er

ALE V 16 - 28 MEDI 2019 Gweithgareddau, Stiwdios Agored, Arddangosfeydd a mwy VALEMAKERS.ORG 1

Croeso 2019 Network Makers Vale the From please visit our website website our visit please

Rydym yn grw^ p o wneuthurwyr o Fro Morgannwg information more For FREE. is Membership Network?

gydag ystod o sgiliau eang a thalentau yn Makers Vale the join to like you Would Maker? a you Are

rhychwantu’r sector crefftau. skills. creative their using works of

their studios and working producing a wonderful variety variety wonderful a producing working and studios their Rydym yn cwrdd yn rheolaidd i gefnogi ac i ysbrydoli ein gilydd, up opening for makers talented our to you thank big A

a gyda’n gilydd byddwn yn cynnal ystod o ddigwyddiadau i

wneuthurwyr ac ymwelwyr i’w mwynhau ledled y Fro. Vale. the across enjoy to visitors and

and together we host a range of events for both makers makers both for events of range a host we together and Diolch mawr i’n gwneuthurwyr talentog am agor eu stiwdios another, one inspire and support to regularly meet We

a gweithio gan greu amrywiaeth o weithiau gan ddefnyddio’u sgiliau creadigol. sector. crafts the spanning talents

A ydych chi’n Wneuthurwr? A garech chi ymuno â Rhwydwaith and skills of range broad a with Gwneuthurwyr y Fro? Mae aelodaeth AM DDIM. I gael rhagor of Vale the from makers of group a are We

o wybodaeth ewch i’n gwefan Welcome

2 Allan o Rwydwaith Gwneuthurwyr y Fro 2019 Sponsors and Organisers Marked locations in the Vale

Sally Perini

Vale Courses 7 Nicola Sumner-Smith 2 5 1 3 4 Creative Rural Communities 6

Makers Market Organisers Maggie Cooper Frances Lloyd 1 5 2 Ogmore-by-Sea 6 Wick 3 7 Pendoylan 4 St Hillary


Vale Makers Festival Brochure v9.indd 2 13/08/2019 10:15 Category sections

Textiles Activity Refreshments Wood Exhibition Jewellery Disability access

Stone Open Studio Parking

Glass Suitable for all ages/families All venues are open on the Ceramic date and time indicated Suitable for specific activities. Paper for adults Icons show availability for parking, refreshments and Metal disability access. Mixed Media 3

Vale Makers Festival Brochure v9.indd 3 13/08/2019 10:15 Your guide to reading the brochure entries:

Activity Name Type of Activity Can be either of the following: • Activity or Master Class • Open Studio • Exhibition

Maker’s Name Suitable for beginners, and machine sewing. Make a lovely vintage style fabric brooch for a present or a Information about the Activity wrist corsage. 17/09/19 Open: 10:30am- 12pm or 1pm - 2pm Date and time of Activity / Ticket Price / Audience activity Ticket Price: £10 Suitability / Social Media Profiles. To book your place: [email protected] 07793 503068 Maker contact details 4

Vale Makers Festival Brochure v9.indd 4 13/08/2019 10:15 Oscars of Cowbridge Old Wool Barn Cowbridge Library The Old Hall

Physic Garden Pear Happy Days Kitchen Vintage Home Store Costa Coffee Church of the Cafe Aroma Filco Holy Cross Cafe Nero Supermarket


Vale Makers Festival Brochure v9.indd 5 13/08/2019 10:15 The Old Hall Vintage Fabric Flower Brooch

Oscars of Cowbridge Old Wool Barn

Cowbridge XXXXXCAROL XXXXXXBARTLETT The Old Hall Library VestibulumSuitable for iaculisbeginners, vehicula and semper.machine Curabitur sewing. Make tristique maximusa lovely vintage ante sed style fermentum. fabric brooch Proin for mattis a present sed mauris or a vitaewrist corsage.hendrerit Physic Garden XX/XX/XX17/09/19 Open: Open: 10:30am- XX:XXam 12pm - Xpm or 1pm or Xpm - 2pm - Xpm Pear The Old Hall is a Grade II listed building with an Happy Days Kitchen Art Gallery. Vale Courses use this venue to deliver Ticket Price: £X£10 Vintage Home Store Costa Coffee a variety of Art and Craft Workshops. Cafe Aroma Church of the Filco Old Hall, High Street, Cowbridge CF71 7AH Holy Cross Cafe Nero Supermarket To book your place: xxxxxxxxxx@[email protected] xxxxxxxx07793 503 068 xxxxxx@xxxxxxxxxxxx 6

Vale Makers Festival Brochure v9.indd 6 13/08/2019 10:15 XxxxxxxxSew Lovely XxxxxxxxChristmas Gift Tags

XXXXXCAROL XXXXXXBARTLETT XXXXXCAROL XXXXXXBARTLETT VestibulumExhibition of iaculis work byvehicula Carol semper.Bartlett Curabitur tristique VestibulumMake two reusable iaculis vehicula fabric gift semper. tags for Curabitur your special tristique maximusfrom Sew anteLovely sed . fermentum. Proin mattis sed mauris maximuspresents. anteGorgeous sed fermentum. designs to Proinchose mattis from. Suitablesed mauris for 16/09/19vitae hendrerit - 28/09/19 Open: 10am - 4pm vitaebeginners, hendrerit hand and machine sewing. XX/XX/XX Open: XX:XXam - Xpm or Xpm - Xpm XX/XX/XX16/09/19 Open: Open: 10:30am- XX:XXam 12pm - Xpm or 1pmor Xpm - 2:30pm - Xpm

Ticket Price: £XXFREE Ticket Price:Price: £XX£10

To book your place: To book your place: xxxxxxxxxx@[email protected] xxxxxxxxxx@[email protected] xxxxxxxx01446 773831 xxxxxxxx07793 503 068 xxxxxx@xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxx@xxxxxxxxxxxx 7

Vale Makers Festival Brochure v9.indd 7 13/08/2019 10:15 RobinXxxxxxxx Pin-cushion PatchworkXxxxxxxx Style Tree Decoration

XXXXXCAROL XXXXXXBARTLETT XXXXXCAROL XXXXXXBARTLETT VestibulumSuitable for iaculisbeginners, vehicula hand semper. and machine Curabitur sewing, tristique VestibulumSuitable for iaculisbeginners, vehicula and semper.machine Curabitur sewing. Make tristique maximusMake a lovely ante robinsed fermentum. red-breast Proinpin-cushion mattis forsed your mauris maximusa lovely tree ante decoration, sed fermentum. use up Proin all those mattis scraps sed maurisof vitaesewing hendrerit box or as a present for the crafter in your life. vitaematerial hendrerit and add a bit of sparkle. XX/XX/XX18/09/19 Open: Open: 10:30am XX:XXam - 12pm - Xpm or or1pm Xpm - 2:30pm - Xpm XX/XX/XX19/09/19 Open: Open: 10:30am XX:XXam - 12pm - Xpm or or1pm Xpm - 2:30pm - Xpm

Ticket Price: £X£10 Ticket Price: £X£10

To book your place: To book your place: xxxxxxxxxx@[email protected] xxxxxxxxxx@[email protected] xxxxxxxx07793 503 068 xxxxxxxx07793 503 068 xxxxxx@xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxx@xxxxxxxxxxxx 8

Vale Makers Festival Brochure v9.indd 8 13/08/2019 10:15 XxxxxxxxConcertina Bookmaking XxxxxxxxPrinting from Nature

XXXXXVALE COURSES XXXXXX - CHRISTINE LLOYD XXXXXVALE COURSES XXXXXX - CHRISTINE LLOYD VestibulumThe fun of concertina iaculis vehicula books semper. is their versatilityCurabitur for tristique travel VestibulumIntroduction iaculisto printing vehicula without semper. a press. Curabitur View nature tristique maximusjournals or ante sketch/scrap sed fermentum. books forProin wide, mattis panoramic, sed mauris maximusprints taken ante from sed the fermentum. Physic Garden’s Proin collection mattis sed of maurisplants vitaeoverlapping hendrerit and continuous work across several pages. vitaethen create hendrerit your own plant impressions with design guidance and practical support. XX/XX/XX19/09/19 Open: Open: 10:00am XX:XXam - 3pm - Xpm or Xpm - Xpm XX/XX/XX Open: XX:XXam - Xpm or Xpm - Xpm 18/09/19 Open: 10am - 3pm

Ticket Price: £XX£30 Ticket Price: £XX£30

To book your place: To book your place: xxxxxxxxxx@[email protected] xxxxxxxxxx@[email protected] xxxxxxxx01446 773831 xxxxxxxx01446 773831 xxxxxx@xxxxxxxxxxxx [email protected] 9

Vale Makers Festival Brochure v9.indd 9 13/08/2019 10:15 ValeXxxxxxxx Makers Exhibition ChalkXxxxxxxx Paint Furniture

XXXXXVALE MAKERS XXXXXX XXXXXVALE COURSES XXXXXX - NICOLA SUMNER-SMITH VestibulumAn exhibition iaculis by our vehicula Vale Makers semper. to Curabiturshowcase tristiquea variety VestibulumLearn how to iaculis prepare, vehicula paint semper. and finish Curabitur furniture tristique pieces maximusof local handmade ante sed fermentum. crafts. Proin mattis sed mauris maximususing Chalk ante Paint sed and fermentum. products, Proin followed mattis by sed a quick mauris vitae hendrerit vitaemaster hendrerit class in basic upholstery. XX/XX/XX16 - 27/09/19 Open: Open: XX:XXam 10am - 4pm - Xpm or Xpm - Xpm XX/XX/XX18/09/19 Open: Open: 10am XX:XXam - 4pm - Xpm or Xpm - Xpm

Ticket Price: £XFREE Ticket Price: £X£55

ToFor book more your information: place: To book your place: xxxxxxxxxx@[email protected] xxxxxxxxxx@[email protected] xxxxxxxx01446 773831 xxxxxxxx01446 773831 xxxxxx@xxxxxxxxxxxx [email protected] 10

Vale Makers Festival Brochure v9.indd 10 13/08/2019 10:15 XxxxxxxxShe Sews Sea Shells Textile Art XxxxxxxxSlip Casting Demonstrations

XXXXXCUTTING XXXXXX EDGE TEXTILE GROUP XXXXXCHLORIS XXXXXX CERAMICS VestibulumAn exhibition iaculis of textile vehicula art by semper. members Curabitur of the Cutting tristique VestibulumVisitors will iaculisbe able vehicula to see a semper. rolling demonstration Curabitur tristique of maximusEdge Textile ante Group. sed fermentum. Inspiration Proin has been mattis taken sed frommauris maximusporcelain anteslip-casting. sed fermentum. Various stagesProin mattis of the sed process mauris vitaethe sea hendrerit to create wall hanging and fabric postcards. vitaewill be hendrerit on display. XX/XX/XX17/09/19 to 21/09/19Open: XX:XXam Open: 10am - Xpm - 4pmor Xpm - Xpm XX/XX/XX16/09/19 Open: Open: 11am XX:XXam - 4pm - Xpm or Xpm - Xpm

Ticket Price: £XXFREE Ticket Price: £XXFREE

To book your place: ToNo book booking your required place: xxxxxxxxxx@[email protected] xxxxxxxx07811 159800 xxxxxxxx07871 315644 xxxxxx@xxxxxxxxxxxx [email protected] 11

Vale Makers Festival Brochure v9.indd 11 13/08/2019 10:15 MeetXxxxxxxx the Fused Glass Maker PaperXxxxxxxx Daffodil Workshop

XXXXXFRANCES XXXXXX LLOYD XXXXXEVA KRASENKA XXXXXX - THE FLOWER HIVE VestibulumFrances will iaculisbe demonstrating vehicula semper. how to Curabitur produce tristique various VestibulumJoin me for a iaculis paper vehicula bloom making semper. activity. Curabitur In 1.5 tristique hours maximusfused glass ante pieces sed readyfermentum. for firing. Proin A mattisselection sed ofmauris my maximusyou will create ante seda beautiful fermentum. daffodil Proin made mattis entirely sed mauris of vitaework willhendrerit be on display. vitaepaper. hendrerit All materials, tuition and tools provided. XX/XX/XX17/09/19 - 18/09/19 Open: XX:XXam Open: 10am - Xpm - 4pm or Xpm - Xpm XX/XX/XX21/09/19 Open: Open: 10:30am XX:XXam - 12pm - Xpm or 1:30pmor Xpm - Xpm3pm

Ticket Price: £XFREE Ticket Price: £X£10

To book your place: To book your place: xxxxxxxxxx@[email protected] xxxxxxxxxx@[email protected] xxxxxxxx07539326700 xxxxxx@xxxxxxxxxxxx [email protected] 12

Vale Makers Festival Brochure v9.indd 12 13/08/2019 10:15 The Old Wool Barn Gweithdy Agored

NIA BENNETT Llythrennu â llaw a cherfio mewn carreg a llechen gan greu darnau i’r ardd, cofebion, arwyddion tai a darnau dathlu gan ddefnyddio cýn a morthwyl. Ar agor drwy’r w^ yl Agor: 10am - 5pm Mae’r Old Wood Barn yn gasgliad o weithdai a stiwdios lle mae dylunwyr, artistiaid a gwneuthurwyr crefftau yn arfer eu crefft, ychydig oddi ar y Stryd Fawr yn y Bont-faen yn Verity Pris Tocyn: AM DDIM Court. Mae’r adeilad ar agor chwe diwrnod yr wythnos gydag unedau i fyny’r grisiau yn ogystal ag ar lefel y stryd. Mae croeso cynnes bob amser i ymwelwyr ar unrhyw adeg. I gadw lle: [email protected] The Old Wool Barn, Verity’s Court, Y Bont-faen CF71 7AJ 07749 264740 13

Vale Makers Festival Brochure WELSH v2.indd 13 13/08/2019 10:20 Cowbridge Library Cool Crafts Club

XXXXXCOWBRIDGE XXXXXX LIBRARY VestibulumCool crafts clubiaculis for vehicula children semper. ages 4-8 Curabitur years tristique maximus ante sed fermentum. Proin mattis sed mauris vitae hendrerit XX/XX/XX21/09/19 Open: Open: 10:30am XX:XXam - 12:30pm - Xpm or Xpm - Xpm Cowbridge Library is a bright, welcoming public library offering books, information and activities for all the family Ticket Price: £XFREE

Cowbridge Library, Old Hall Gardens, High Street Cowbridge, CF71 7AH To book your place: [email protected]@xxxxxx xxxxxxxx01446 773941 [email protected]/libraries 14

Vale Makers Festival Brochure v9.indd 14 13/08/2019 10:15 Japanese Themed Crafts for Children V ALE Makers FESTIVAL


COWBRIDGE LIBRARY To celebrate both the Crafts Festivals and the Rugby World Cup the library will be holding session of Japanese themed crafts for children approx 4+ years. QUALITY HANDMADE PIECES 21/09/19 Open: 1:30pm - 3:30pm WOOL • WIRE • GLASS • SILVER • WOOD CERAMICS • TEXTILES and much more Ticket Price: FREE FRIDAY 20TH & SATURDAY 21ST SEPTEMBER 10:30am to 4pm To book your place: Located in the beautiful Old Hall [email protected] on the High Street, Cowbridge. 01446 773941 FREE ENTRY 15

Vale Makers Festival Brochure v9.indd 15 13/08/2019 10:15 Makers at crafts by the sea Welsh Baskets Open Studios

CLARE REVERA & JOSEPHINE MCGAUGHEY Open studio for visitors to see a range of basketry items and observe basket making in action. Also have a go at a range of mini willow projects (small charge). 19/09/19 and 27/09/19 Open: 10:30am - 4pm Clare Revera’s Studio is based at Crafts by the Sea, in Ogmore-by-Sea. A wonderful Crafts Centre, that sells locally hand made & sourced Ticket Price: FREE crafts and where you can have a go at a huge variety of crafts. To book your place: [email protected] and Church Cl, Ogmore-by-Sea, Bridgend, CF32 0PZ [email protected] 07840 731664 and 16

Vale Makers Festival Brochure v9.indd 16 13/08/2019 10:16 Paint, Sip & Chat - Art lessons Taster Crafts

JOAN GORDON MAKERS AT CRAFTS BY THE SEA Paint, Sip & Chat - Take time out from your busy life. Come and visit our wonderful Craft centre, shop for BYO glass of wine or you drink of choice, learn easy local, handmade craft items and have a go at a huge painting techniques and make new friends. variety of crafts. EVERY THURSDAY NIGHT Open: 6pm - 8pm 16/09/19 to 29/09/19 Open: 10:30am - 5:30pm

Ticket Price: £15

To book your place: For more information: [email protected] [email protected] 074969 53671 01656 880069 17

Vale Makers Festival Brochure v9.indd 17 13/08/2019 10:16 Southerndown Pyramid Stained Glass Studio

INGRID WALKER An introduction giving you the chance to learn how to draw up design to size, cut, lead-up, solder, cement and polish a traditional leaded stained glass panel. 24/09/19 Open: 10am - 4pm Pyramid Stained Glass Studio is based in my home at Southerndown. A beautiful haven inspired by the nearby coast line. You are welcome to visit. Ticket Price: £70

2 South Terrace, Southerndown, CF32 0RN To book your place: [email protected] 01656 880288 18

Vale Makers Festival Brochure v9.indd 18 13/08/2019 10:16 Pyramid Stained Glass Open Studio

V ALE Makers INGRID WALKER FESTIVAL Come and see how I translate my enjoyment and observations of the world around me into stained glass. 28/09/19 - 29/09/19 Open: 11am - 5pm

Ticket Price: FREE FOR MORE VALE MAKERS FESTIVAL To book your place: ACTIVITIES PLEASE VISIT [email protected] 01656 880288 VALEMAKERS.ORG 19

Vale Makers Festival Brochure v9.indd 19 13/08/2019 10:16 Coed Hills Artspace Green Woodworking

PAUL BARTLETT Learn the techniques to convert a round log into usable furniture using traditional hand tools.

16/09/19 - 27/09/19 Open: 10am - 5pm Coed Hills offers a unique venue of artists workshops including pottery, woodwork, willow making, metalworking forge, jewellery, stone Ticket Price: £25 half day carving, forest garden, beehives, woodland walk and more. To book your place: [email protected] Road St Hillary Cowbridge CF71 7DP 01446 794147 or 07538 776070 20

Vale Makers Festival Brochure v9.indd 20 13/08/2019 10:16 Green Woodworking Pottery Workshop

PAUL BARTLETT DOVE LOVE CERAMICS - SAM HAYES Demonstration to see how I convert a round log in to Ceramic workshop, showcasing professional work. component parts to make a chair or stool. Examples of Affordable and available to take home. Why not have a finished work available to purchase. go at hand-building or throwing on the potter’s wheel? 16/09/19 - 27/09/19 Open: 10am - 5pm All day Open: All day

Ticket Price: FREE Ticket Price: £5

To book your place: To book your place: [email protected] [email protected] 01446 794147 or 07538 776070 07775 811362 21

Vale Makers Festival Brochure v9.indd 21 13/08/2019 10:16 Colwinston Village Hall Craft in Colwinston

CLIC GROUP An exhibition by local makers to show a variety of crafts including Quilting, Felt, Wood Carving and Printmaking, There will be a timetable of demos. 21/09/19 and 22/09/19 Open: 10am - 4pm Colwinston Village Hall has a large playing field, children’s playground and good parking. It is situated opposite the School so is easy to find. Ticket Price: FREE

Colwinston Near Cowbridge CF71 7NL To book your place: [email protected] 01656 659106


Vale Makers Festival Brochure v9.indd 22 13/08/2019 10:16 V ALE Dandelion Trail Makers FESTIVAL


EVA KRASENSKA There will be beautiful paper dandelions hidden amongst the exhibitions and studios, keep an eye out QUALITY HANDMADE PIECES as they will appear in weird and wonderful places! WOOL • WIRE • GLASS • SILVER • WOOD Open for the whole event Open: (Trail starting time) CERAMICS • TEXTILES and much more FRIDAY 20TH & SATURDAY 21ST SEPTEMBER Ticket Price: FREE 10:30am to 4pm Located in the beautiful Old Hall To book your place: on the High Street, Cowbridge. [email protected] FREE ENTRY 07539 326700 23

Vale Makers Festival Brochure v9.indd 23 13/08/2019 10:16 Wick & Monknash Village Hall Wick Group of Artists Exhibition

XXXXXWICK GROUP XXXXXX OF ARTISTS VestibulumA group of localiaculis artists vehicula who semper. support Curabitur local events tristique maximusand charities. ante This sed fermentum.exhibition shows Proin a mattis range sed of styles mauris vitaeresponding hendrerit to interests and locations around the Vale. XX/XX/XX20/09/19 - 21/09/19 Open: XX:XXam Open: 10am - Xpm - 4pm or Xpm - Xpm A collaborative event organised by Wick Artists. A show well worth visiting to experience the FREE FOR wide diversity of art and crafts within this part of Ticket Price: £X£1 CHILDREN the Vale. You will receive a warm welcome and refreshments. ToNo book booking your required: place: [email protected] Wick and Monknash Village Hall, Church Street, xxxxxxxx Wick, CF71 7QF xxxxxx@xxxxxxxxxxxx 24

Vale Makers Festival Brochure v9.indd 24 13/08/2019 10:16 Ffynnon Weaving Studio Open Studio/Trail

ANN FOX An opportunity to visit my studio and see the looms and how different weaves are produced in wool, silk and other fibres. Fancy a try on the small loom? 17th to 19th & 22nd to 28th September Open: 10am - 4pm My Studio is on the edge of Pendoylan village, overlooking open countryside which inspires my textile designs in wool, silk, linen or cotton, reflecting the colours and textures around Ticket Price: FREE me. If you don’t know the area please use SatNav, which will take you to a house about two minutes away. Please call me on 07764589914 and I will give you directions. I really am No booking required very easy to find. [email protected] Ffynnon Deilo, Pendoylan, Cowbridge CF71 7UJ 07764 589914 25

Vale Makers Festival Brochure v9.indd 25 13/08/2019 10:16 Ffynnon Weaving Studio Open Studio/Trail

ANN FOX An opportunity to visit my studio and see the looms and how different weaves are produced in wool, silk and other fibres. Fancy a try on the small loom? 17th to 19th & 22nd to 28th September Open: 10am - 4pm My Studio is on the edge of Pendoylan village, overlooking open countryside which inspires my textile designs in wool, silk, linen or cotton, reflecting the colours and textures around Ticket Price: FREE me. If you don’t know the area please use SatNav, which will take you to a house about two minutes away. Please call me on 07764589914 and I will give you directions. I really am No booking required very easy to find. [email protected] Ffynnon Deilo, Pendoylan, Cowbridge CF71 7UJ 07764 589914 25

Vale Makers Festival Brochure v9.indd 25 13/08/2019 10:16


Activities, Open Studios, Exhibitions and more and Exhibitions Studios, Open Activities,


th th  ^




s er Mak

ALE V 16 - 28 MEDI 2019 Gweithgareddau, Stiwdios Agored, Arddangosfeydd a mwy VALEMAKERS.ORG