Providence College

T e wSINCE l 1935 January 31, 2019 Co Vol. LXXXIII No. 15 A Peek Behind the Curtain Rev. Nontombi Take a Look Inside PC s Theatre Department Naomi Tutu ’ Inspires Campus

by Hannah Langley 21 by Kellie Johnson ’22 ’ News Staff News Co-Editor FEATURE MLK CONVOCATION

Between managing an insanely One of the missions of busy rehearsal schedule and Providence College over the keeping up with classes, theatre, past several years has been to dance, and film (TDF) majors are build a stronger community by very driven students. promoting and building on- Both Aisling Sheahan ’19 campus diversity and equality. and Mireya Lopez ’19 provided Working towards this goal, insight into their lives behind the the College celebrated its second scenes. annual Rev. Dr. Martin Luther To audition for a production at King, Jr. Convocation this past Providence College, students are Thursday, January 24, featuring expected to prepare a two-minute Rev. Nontombi Naomi Tutu, monologue for the director. daughter of Nobel Peace Prize From there, students who made Winner, Archbishop Desmond an impression at their audition Tutu. will be asked to participate in While Tutu’s father is well- callbacks. known throughout the world for Students are preparing his work and actions in South constantly for auditions and Africa during apartheid, Rev. summer programs, since Tutu has also made a name for opportunities at the College herself by working as a human and in the city of Providence rights activist, coordinating are always coming up. various educational programs TDF/Page 2 about race, gender, and gender-based violence, leading

NORA JOHNSON '20/THE COWL reconciliation workshops for The stage of the Blackfriars Theatre in the Smith Center for the Arts, set up for production of The Lord of the Flies. conflicts in areas such as racism and violence, leading women’s retreats, and writing her own book provisionally titled I Don’t Men s Lacrosse Hopeful for New Season Think of You as Black: Honest Conversations on Race and Racism. ’ Tutu began her speech with by Liza Sisk 19 ’ great enthusiasm, automatically Sports Staff engaging and awakening her PC ATHLETICS audience by having them respond and laugh along to her greeting, acknowledging how Despite the freezing temperatures, her introducers had difficulties the Providence College Men’s Lacrosse pronouncing her name. Team has taken the field by storm. The Her speech focused on 2019 season kicked off on Jan. 26 with an building “the road to a beloved exhibition game against the University community,” a recurring theme of Massachusetts on Chapey Field at throughout PC’s week of events Anderson Stadium. The regular season held in honor of Martin Luther is slated to begin on Sunday, February 3 King Jr. Day. as the Friars face off against the Boston One of the things Tutu University Terriers at home. strongly emphasized in her Last season, the team struggled speech was the idea of taking a to find consistency. After starting the stand for what one believes in season 3-1, the Friars went on a five- and acting to make a change. game losing streak and finished the She used her own experiences season 5-10 overall and 1-4 in the Big growing up in South Africa East. Despite the down season, the during apartheid as examples of team returns several key players that NORA JOHNSON '20/THE COWL how she personally did this. She will be important for the team’s success Colin Keating 19 plays in Saturday s exhibition game in which the Friars beat said that from a young age she this season. the University of Massachusetts 11-5. was taught to “show resistance Defenseman Nick Crews ’19 of ’ ’ as you can, when you can,” Longmeadow, Massachusetts said his which she always did by giving of Matthews, North Carolina, Brendan leading the squad this year, including goal for the 2019 season is to “lead the white authority figures a little bit Kearns ’19 of Wantagh, New York two athletes who received Preseason team to a Big East Championship.” of attitude. Crews was named a captain for the and David Procopio ’19 of Syracuse, All-Big East Honors. 2019 season, along with Tate Boyce ’19 New York. The Friars have 12 seniors LAX/ Page 20 MLK/ Page 3

Providence College’s Student-Run Newspaper Since 1935 UNDERtheHOOD News Opinion A&E Portfolio 2 Opinion 6 Students should branch out from Debate over the Super Check out the "Writer's Block" feature: A&E 9 Ray and explore food options Bowl halftime show one line, two writers, two Photography 13 around Providence. sparks controversy. wildly different stories. Portfolio 16 Page 6 Page 9 Page 17 Sports 20 Page 2 News January 31, 2019 PC Performers Go Behind the Scenes An Inside Look at Providence College’s Theatre Department TDF:

Continued from front page

Rehearsals for productions run on a demanding schedule of 7:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. every night, except for Saturdays. Six days a week, time is put in toward developing characters and meeting with voice coaches and various other experts who are able to help the actors perform to the best of their abilities. Attendance is mandatory, and goes even beyond that. In the theater, showing up five minutes early is a rule. Being “on time” will be considered late. Lopez gave an example of one of the special opportunities that comes with being a theatre, dance, and film (TDF) major at Providence College. She talked about the time that she met with a fight choreographer to help her with the fighting scenes involved in a production. She explained, “I played Gertrude in Hamlet and I had to have rehearsals with the fighting choreographer and the actor who played Hamlet in order for us to be able to physically fight appropriately during the show.” Sheahan talked about how close she has become The scene shop, where all sets are constructed, is located in the Smith Center for the Arts. NORA JOHNSON '20/THECOWL with the others involved in productions at PC. The relationships developed between everyone scene shop. The scene shop is where the set for onstage or in the crew. Everyone is encouraged in the theater department are noteworthy due to productions are built. This experience is valuable to visit the Smith Center for the Arts in order how much time they spend together. because she is able to be involved backstage as to explore the opportunities that the theater She said, “I have found theatre majors to be the well as perform onstage, managing her time department provides. most hardworking people I know because we do incredibly well, while still being able to have a Following this weekend’s production of Lord not even have much time to do our homework, great experience inside and out of the classroom. of the Flies, the department’s next production will we have to finish it before rehearsal if we want to The theatre department has their own be Moon Over Buffalo, and auditions will be held get a good night’s sleep.” account, @pctdf. They encourage students to be in February. All are welcome to an incredible Lopez explained her job on campus in the a part of any of their productions, whether it be experience with incredible people. Dominicans Dedicate Feast Day Mass in Dormitory’s Namesake Aquinas Hall Celebrates St. Thomas Aquinas’ Legacy

by Kyle Burgess ’21 St. Thomas Aquinas’ chief claim to The atmosphere at PC is no because of his personability in Asst. News Editor fame is his vast collection of proofs exception to this trend, with many pondering life’s greater questions. and writings in the study of theology, students placing MPAc exams and “St. Thomas is really admirable ON CAMPUS most notably his Summa Theologiae. coveted intramural t-shirts over any because of the way he dedicated his His dedication to the field quickly of the Summa’s revelations. whole life to finding truth,” remarked made him a beloved member of the However, Rev. Peter Martyr Brooke Douglass ’21. “My first This Monday, January 28, saw Dominican religious community, as is reminded attendees that although theology class revolved around his residents of Aquinas Hall come proven by the plethora of references theology textbooks don’t appeal to works and I loved it so much that I together to celebrate the feast day found in the name of the dorm everybody, the messages within them even added theology as a major!” of St. Thomas Aquinas with a Aquinas Hall and statues across the point towards a far greater truth A “culinary tour” of St. Thomas special mass in Aquinas Lounge. College’s campus. than any other class or intramural Aquinas’ life immediately followed The main celebrant for the occasion Despite the efforts of St. Thomas game can teach. “It is the work of St. Mass, which incorporated Italian, was Providence College’s Chaplain Aquinas and the Dominican order Thomas,” he explained, “which aims French, and German cuisine to and Director of Campus Ministry, to make progress in understanding to help us understand the love of God represent the countries in which he Reverend Peter Martyr Yungwirth, man’s relationship with God, their and how he is present in our daily taught and lived, providing Aquinas O.P. discoveries have been viewed as lives.” Hall residents with the opportunity As any first-year Development of irrelevant to the demands of modern St. Thomas Aquinas is also a fan- to socialize and partake in the day’s Western Civilization student could society. favorite of many faithful Catholics festivities with a feast of their own. tell you, St. Thomas Aquinas was born in 1225 in modern-day Sicily as the youngest member of a well- off merchant family. His family sent him away to the monastery of Monte Cassino just outside of Rome at five-years-old in keeping with the traditional Italian custom of designating one’s youngest child to the religious life. Eventually, Aquinas transferred to a university in Naples where he would first encounter the Dominican order. Despite attempts by his family to prevent him from joining the sect, Aquinas persisted and was soon ordained a priest and full-fledged Dominican friar. Francisco de Zubarán's painting depicting St. Thomas Aquinas. PHOTO COURTESY OF CRADIO.ORG.AU January 31, 2019 NEWS The Cowl 3 PC Community Comes Together for Convocation

ourselves; “[We are] called not only to have courage engagement, diversity, and research at the Hospital MLK: to change ourselves, but also to be the ones to give for Special Surgery in , the second others the courage to change.” She continued, saying, MLK Vision Award for her various works in helping Continued from front page “It is only in [changing] that we show we’re building improve the lives of medical patients of color. Her mindset somewhat changed, however, during the road to a beloved community.” Each of these speakers, Tutu included, strongly an encounter she had with a white government Before Tutu’s speech, the convocation began with encouraged not only PC students, but the entire PC soldier who stopped her on the road one day to search several introductory addresses by members of the community, to understand the importance of God her car. She noted how she saw a look of fear on his College community, including Dr. Hugh F. Lena, and faith in creating a beloved community. In Fr. face, which made her curious, being that he was the provost and senior vice president for academic Peter Martyr’s invocation prayer, he asked God to one in authority and, “with the gun.” She decided to affairs, Rev. Peter Martyr Yungwirth, O.P., Rev. Brian make all those present instruments of change and start a conversation with this soldier, recounting how J. Shanley, O.P., Ralph E. Tavares ’01, director of healing in the world. she “allowed [herself] to see a young frightened man multicultural student success and assistant dean of Fr. Shanley also touched upon the religious side of not simply as a white South African soldier.” undergraduate studies, and Marvin Taveras ’19. creating a diverse and equal PC community, saying, She used this story to encourage her audience to During these introductions, Shanley also awarded “We are all of equal dignity in the sight of God.” He take a step back and consider whether there may be Jillian Rose ’04, current director of community continued, “[what makes us] different is part of the another story behind one’s initial thinking. While beauty of God’s creation.” Tutu knows stepping outside of one’s comfort zone Tutu emphasized this while discussing her father, may be difficult, she encouraged her audience, who, she explained, would go out tirelessly and especially the students, to step outside their comfort advocate for change. Rather than getting discouraged zones to discover the truth about others. in his lack of progress, Tutu explained that her father Tutu’s encouragement to strive for the truth would respond to this, saying, “I believe that the God related personally to her PC audience, as searching I serve is a God who keeps going back to his people for the truth, or Veritas, is one of the founding ideas over and over,” giving him the strength to continue surrounding the Dominican tradition PC is built in his efforts and work. upon. As the PC website states, “[Veritas] seeks to One of the largest takeaways those who spoke share the fruits of contemplation in an increasingly wanted to impress on those in attendance at not only global and diverse society, and to praise and bless all convocation, but all of the MLK events throughout that is good and vital in human endeavors,” which the week, was the idea of continuously working and is similar to what Tutu called her audience to do reaching out to others, just as Tutu’s father did and everyday. Tutu herself does, in order to promote a stronger “[It is] often easy to simply be amongst those diverse community at PC. who support you... be quiet,” she explained, “but Taveras encouraged those listening to “share your silence won’t bother them... it will stay in your something you learned from today or this week heart.” She used the advice from one of her spiritual [with others]” and to “share not just knowledge, but directors to emphasize this point, saying, “Who you also power.” are at any time is who you are all the time.” As Tutu stated during her speech, “We [need to] Tutu discussed how she believes building a strong LAURA CHADBOURNE '20 /THE COWL open the door a little bit to give a taste of a beloved community takes more work than just changing Rev. Tutu addresses the student body at MLK Convocation. community.” The Great Equalizer: Education Nikole Hannah-Jones Speaks on Racial Inequality in America

by Julia Acquavita ’22 States had just fought a war to separate because slavery forms so much of the different district in an attempt to better News Staff the country from being slaves of the racism we see today. She mentioned her education, as many people still do. British. However, Jefferson did not get the stereotype that black people are Hannah-Jones claimed that she ON CAMPUS enough support for this version of the people who do not value an education. could not say the system was wrong, Declaration of Independence, so he However, she then mentioned but then act like a hypocrite by busing On Friday, January 25, the was forced to create a new version that that despite it being illegal for slaves her kid off to a predominantly white Humanities Forum hosted Nikole excluded mentioning the institution to read and write, many did anyway school. She claimed that if each of us Hannah-Jones, a staff writer at theNew of slavery altogether. Hannah-Jones even though they could be brutally fights for equality, but make choices York Times Magazine. claimed that at this moment, we punished if they were caught. that are unequal, we are repeating Hannah-Jones came to Providence entered into a world of "slavocracy." Slavemasters feared that once the the cycle and hindering the racial College to discuss her upcoming book Hannah-Jones went on to mention a slaves started to read, they would progression of our country. Choosing a School For My Daughter in a very significant year, 1976, the year of begin to challenge their circumstance Hannah-Jones’ last words were Segregated City, adding to the special her birth. and become more difficult to control. “Hope is an action,” meaning that, if we events organized for Martin Luther During this part of the speech, For black Americans, education hope to see racial equality in the future, King Jr. Day. Hannah-Jones made some captivating meant they would be free; it was we must take action and not feed into Hannah-Jones began her speech points, claiming that eight years before not about getting a high-paying the vicious cycle that was established by saying how this will not be an she was born, it was legal to deny job. Hannah-Jones then explained decades ago. We must take action and uplifting speech, as the struggle for someone housing because of African that once black people were given try to be better than we were today so racial equality is not uplifting either. ancestry, and how 11 years before it the right to education, it was no that our children can stop living in a She aimed to focus our attention on was legal to deny black people the surprise that their educations would world of segregation. how racial inequality affects American right to vote in certain parts of U.S., be inferior to white people. children in schools. as well as deny black people access to Black children were originally left She defined what the role of public public pools, libraries, and restaurants out of commonly funded schools. education is by referring to Horace even though their taxes helped pay for Hannah-Jones stated that once Mann’s idea of being “a great equalizer these establishments. allowed into these schools, it was of the conditions of men.” Hannah-Jones commented on how ensured that they would be given However, despite the ideal goal of it is disappointing to know that all of an education that taught them how public education systems, Hannah- these things were legal right before she to stay in their place and remain Jones pointed out that there have was born about 50 years ago, proving inferior to their white peers. always been two philosophies for her point that racism has not and will She claimed that the inequality we education: one for democracy for not go away unless action is taken. see today is because of how we use white children, and one for oppression She explained that we like to pretend schools as a form of social control for black children. that these racist actions took place a for black students, but as a form of Following her introduction about very long time ago, but in reality, they liberation for white students. the racial inequality currently present did not. She then posed the question Hannah-Jones continued to in America, Hannah-Jones explained that many people across the country emphasize the racial inequality that if we want to understand racial may sometimes ask themselves: Why prevalent in today’s society despite inequality we must look back at the do black Americans still complain years and years of attempting to end history of our nation. She brought about inequality when they have their racism for good. She claimed that it up the Declaration of Independence, rights now? is upsetting that we can predict the except Hannah-Jones mentioned a Hannah-Jones responded with a quality of the education children fact that not many people know about simple answer, stating that racism is will receive based on the color of Thomas Jefferson, the original writer embedded in our country, regardless their skin. of this significant document. of the so-called “equality” given to She ended her speech by mentioning In the original declaration, Jefferson African-Americans by the law. how she decided to enroll her talked about the institution of slavery Hannah-Jones then dug deeper into daughter in the school that the kids in and called out the hypocrisy of this history, discussing how it is necessary her neighborhood went to, instead of BRIANNA COLLETTI '21/THE COWL institution, considering the United for us to recall the times of slavery busing her off to a different school in a Forum by Hannah-Jones continues MLK week. 4 The Cowl NEWS January 31, 2019 Riding the Radio Waves Christopher Judge Gives Inside Look At PC's Podcast

by Matthew Mazzella ’20 News Staff ON CAMPUS

There are many voices to be heard around Friartown, and the Providence College Podcast team is looking to find them by sharing the stories of the people who make this campus so special. The Providence College Podcast releases new stories from people in the PC community in the form of a podcast every week and providing students with compelling stories that are just a click away. Christopher Judge, multimedia producer for PC marketing & communications, believes this new method of communication for the College is a great way to connect with the Friar Family. Judge states, “It is a new way to reach alumni, parents, students, donors, and fans of the athletic program at PC. We want to hit every piece of the College and hear about what people on campus PC Podcasts attracts a wide array of guests, such as Friars basketball head coach Ed Cooley PHOTO COURTESY OF FRIARS.COM are doing, and it gives us a chance to share stories every week and have been in the making for the unique about Providence College.“ past two years. Although the podcasts about Friar athletics Although the podcasts are mainly geared are the most popular, Judge believes there are toward alumni and parents who have more time some other very interesting stories to be heard. to listen, the Providence College Podcast team would He found the interview with Father Nicanor like more students to tune in and become a part of Austriaco, O.P. to be particularly compelling. this storytelling platform. “This was one of my favorites because of how Judge mentions, “We understand that students amazing of a person he is and the stories he can are busy and may not have time to listen to tell. I especially liked hearing about his MBA podcasts, but they should really check out what process,” says Judge. we are offering and open their minds to the Without the podcast program, stories like amazing stories that are being told by the people these could go unheard, especially for people not right around them.” directly on campus. The podcast team is looking Joseph McDonald ’20 loves keeping up with to change that. the podcasts and the stories being told around Associate Vice President of Marketing and campus. “I enjoy hearing about people I see on Communications Joseph Carr ’83, finds this to campus but have never had the chance to sit down be a great platform for storytelling. He believes and talk to. One of my favorite podcasts was the that “it is up to us to provide compelling content interview with Ed Cooley. He is such a motivating about the Providence College community, and we figure on campus, and to be able to follow him on want to make a good connection with the Friar the podcast was really cool for me.” Family that tunes into our shows.” PC is a special place to so many people, and While there is a large following already, this program allows Friars to remain informed marketing and communications is always looking about what is going on around campus. It also for new ways to get Friars to tune into their gives older generations a way to stay connected shows. Luckily, these shows are readily available to their beloved Friar community. on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Play, and These podcasts describe the quality and SoundCloud and are easily accessible for those uniqueness of the College, and it allows everyone PHOTO COURTESY OF SOUNDCLOUD.COM looking to learn a little more about the people who in the community to learn more about the people The PC Podcast posts new podcasts every week. make PC so unique. These podcasts are produced that make this campus and community so special. Featured Friar: Brendan Cooney ’20 An Inside Look On a Student's Success While Studying Abroad by Brian Garvey ’20 News Staff history. “It was definitely interesting and the architecture and museums of the “I hadn’t left America before, and challenging working in Ireland. The city were truly beautiful to see.” FEATURED FRIARS I was excited to see Dublin. I wanted workplace environment was very Cooney also found the beauty of to connect with my heritage, and I different from the U.S.” the churches across Europe to be wanted to experience what it was Cooney had daily meetings and astounding. “The churches were like to live in the country where my presentations with professionals definitely one of my favorite parts of ancestors were from,” says Cooney. much older than himself, and had to Europe. They were really beautiful Cooney found, surprisingly, that get used to a very different mentality and the history was incredible.” he learned a lot just from small talk and lifestyle. “The Irish people take Cooney’s advice to those going with the local people in the pubs. “I lots of breaks during the day, and abroad in the future is to make as found that I really enjoyed the rich I had to get used to working weird many new friends as you can and to history of the pubs, and I engaged hours with people who expected a travel as much as possible. with many enriching conversations lot from me. It was definitely really “Don’t just stick with the same with locals.” valuable experience.” kids from home; try to branch out and He even met a former Prime meet new people. I really connected Minister of Ireland. “After my with my classmates from all over the school-sponsored trip to Belfast, "Don't just stick with country, and I made lifelong friends. I was sitting at the pub when an You should also travel as much as older man recognized my American the same kids from possible. While I may have had accent and started talking to me. some early mornings and late flights He asked me if I knew who he was, home; try to branch out home, it is well worth seeing the and he introduced himself as Bertie most beautiful cities on earth.” Ahern, the former Prime Minister of and meet new people." Brendan’s time in Ireland was Ireland. I shook his hand and took an experience he will never forget, a picture with him, and we talked with memories and friends to last

PHOTO COURTESY OF BRENDAN COONEY '20 for hours about the traditional Irish Cooney also did not just explore a lifetime. But he is still happy to While Cooney '20 had fun abroad, he was happy sport, hurling. It was really cool.” Ireland. He took advantage of be back at Providence College. “I to return to his hometown of Westchester, NY. Dublin was certainly not all play the amazing cities throughout definitely missed being at Providence and no work. Cooney worked as an Europe, traveling everywhere from College; it made me appreciate the Brendan Cooney ’20 loves his economics intern for the Business & Barcelona to Belfast. Prague, in the Friar Family more.” For Cooney, Irish roots; he has always wanted Finance Media Group, where he got Czech Republic, was his personal while Europe was amazing, there is to travel to Ireland and explore his a real crash course in Irish culture. favorite. “I am a massive art fan, and no place like home. January 31, 2019 NEWS The Cowl 5 Bursting the PC Bubble A Temporary End to the Government Shutdown: Will it Last?

by Kelly Martella ’20 to the U.S. goes against the ideals of $5.7 billion budget for the wall; The temporary nature of the News Staff America, a sentiment House Speaker likewise, Congress has refused the agreement means that the government Nancy Pelosi has echoed frequently, President’s proposed compromise, will have three weeks to resolve the WORLD NEWS calling it “immoral.” which included temporary protection budget. If no solution is reached, the The temporary reopening comes for Deferred Action for Childhood President could declare a national For the 35 days the government on the heels of rising frustration Arrivals (DACA) recipients. These emergency or the government could was shutdown, there seemed to be no among the American people. One of uncompromising stances will make shut down again. end in sight. However, in a surprising the biggest criticisms of the shutdown negotiations difficult, because, as President Trump has expressed turn of events, it was announced on was that the 800,000 federal workers Trump commented on Twitter, “both his willingness to take either of these Jan. 25 that the government would be were not receiving their paychecks, parties [are] very dug in.” routes. The countdown is on until Feb. reopening—sort of. including some employees working While the government is currently 15, and we will have to wait and see if Last Friday, President Trump in essential agencies who still had to reopened, this is by no means a a resolution can be reached before time signed a bill that would temporarily report to work. permanent solution. is up. reopen the federal government for Although people will be three weeks, beginning on Jan. 28. compensated when the government The recent government shutdown, opens again, it still put a financial which has been the longest in U.S. strain on employees who live paycheck history, began on Dec. 22, after to paycheck. Congress failed to approve a budget Both sides cited this as their motive including funds for the proposed to agree to the temporary reopening: border wall. The wall has long been a on Twitter, Speaker Pelosi wrote that priority for President Trump. it was “for America’s families & small Ever since announcing his election businesses, as well as ensure federal campaign in 2015, he has been workers finally receive the pay they adamant about building a wall along deserve;” President Trump tweeted the U.S.-Mexico border to prevent that “it was taking care of millions of people from illegally entering the people who were getting badly hurt by country. The wall is part of Trump’s the Shutdown.” solution to strengthen national border Although the shutdown was security. initially due to disagreement over the The need for immigration reform national border security budget, the is an issue acknowledged by both actual policy does not seem to be the parties, but for as long as Trump issue anymore. has been emphasizing a wall, many It has turned into a standoff between Democrats have avidly opposed it. the President and Congress, ultimately In addition to pointing out flaws in symbolizing a test of powers, and the actual construction and funding, reluctance to concede. Both sides have many of them oppose the wall for stood firm in their positions. what it represents. They argue that a Trump has repeatedly noted PHOTO COURTESY OF VOX.COM physical barrier closing off entrance that he will not take less than a Pelosi, Pence, and Trump sit down to discuss matters of controversy. Know a Fellow Congress Updates Friar You Think by Margaret Mahoney ’21 if students should make art, analyze Student Congress Publicity art, or a combination of the two in order to fulfill the requirement. CONGRESS Additionally, the committee gathered student responses to the core focus and how it impacts their Should be On Tuesday, January 29, 2019, academic experiences. One element Student Congress welcomed members of the core focus that was discussed of the Core Curriculum Committee, is how frequently a students’ core who presented on the Science, Fine focus develops into a minor or double Arts, and Core Focus components of major. the curriculum. The Core Curriculum Following this presentation from Featured in The Committee presented on the goal the Core Curriculum Committee, of the committee, which is to assess Student Congress also voted the implementation of the core to approve the Sports Business curriculum. They are in the process Organization as a club of Providence of reviewing each requirement. College. Regarding the science component Members of congress also Cowl? of the core curriculum, the members presented a recommendation of the committee gathered student regarding the trash and recycling feedback on how members of methods in residence halls. This piece congress have fulfilled the science recommends that Residence Life core and their general ideas place more trash and recycling bins and suggestions regarding this in the residence halls and have UG2 Contact Us at: component. The Committee also workers rotate trash and recycling gathered feedback and experiences on the weekends. In the discussion from students fulfilling the fine arts regarding this piece, students debated core at Providence College or while the effectiveness of increasing bins studying abroad. One main discussion and a need for a cultural shift favoring regarding the fine arts requirement is recycling at PC. [email protected] Page 6 Opinion January 31, 2019 Expand Your Providence Palette How Two PC Seniors Ate Like Kings on a Budget

by Marie Sweeney ’20 Opinion Staff CAMPUS

One of the biggest complaints that Providence College students have regarding campus is the food. Students are constantly disappointed with the food served at Raymond Dining Hall and wish the College would offer better quality and variety food options on campus. However, what a lot of PC students do not realize is that the city of Providence itself is one of the best “foodie” cities in America. Therefore, we should all make an effort to explore the delicious options off campus. A lot of students have the misinterpretation that the off-campus options such as the restaurants on Federal Hill, Thayer Street, and other popular areas of Providence are too expensive. Two hungry PC seniors have explored the city’s food choices to find the best delis in Providence that won’t break your budget. When Brian Crowe ’19 and Sean Sweeney ’19 realized they were getting sick of the campus food, as well as their usual spot to escape campus food, Anthony’s Italian Deli on Admiral Street, they decided they wanted to explore other options. “We realized that it was our senior year and we haven’t fully experienced the great food that the city of Providence has to offer,” stated Crowe. Both being from the New York area, these two

students decided to go on the hunt to find the PHOTO COURTESY OF BRIAN CROWE ’19 AND SEAN SWEENEY ’19 best deli for a delicious, yet cheap, sandwich in Sweeney ’19 and Crowe ’19 concluded that Geoff’s Superlative Sandwiches was the best deli out of the six they initially Providence. set out to try. They did their research and started with a list of six delis that they were going to try every Friday While everyone has their own specific opinions as Sweeney and Crowe mention, we run out of for lunch. These delis included Anthony’s Deli, on sandwiches, these two students are a great time. It also does not mean spending a ton of time Hudson Street Deli, The Sandwich Hut, Mercer’s example of how eating off-campus does not have and money to accomplish this. Delicatessen, Ocean State Sandwich Company, to be difficult, expensive, or elaborate. They also There is a plethora of cheap food options in and Geoff’s Superlative Sandwiches. All of these exemplify how you can easily explore off-campus Providence that are of great quality, and you can delis are located in Providence, only a quick drive food in a fun way and avoid continuously going even split something with your friends to save from campus and all within the price range of $7- to the same spots or chains, such as Chipotle or some money, too. As for time, try to make it a goal $12 per sandwich. Chick-fil-A. of eating off-campus once a week or once every In their rankings, Sweeney and Crowe took Providence is a city full of different cultures and two weeks just to explore, enjoy, and go out of into consideration not only the taste and quality interests, which is reflected in the city’s diverse your comfort zone. of the sandwiches, but also sandwich variety, food options. Ranging from authentic Italian to Living in the city of Providence, we are very authenticity, and atmosphere of the deli. trendy health foods such as Pokéworks and Nitro lucky to have amazing food options at our After tasting and discussing each of the delis Bar, Providence has it all. So why are we limiting disposal, and it does not mean spending more and their sandwiches, they concluded that ourselves to Ray or Alumni every single day? than you can afford. Geoff’s Superlative Sandwiches was the best deli, As PC students, we should take advantage of Next time you want to get offcampus for a quick but they still want to explore as many as they can our proximity to all of these amazing food spots bite, be sure to check out some of these great delis before graduation. and explore what Providence has to offer before, that Sweeney and Crowe have explored.

PHOTO COURTESY OF POKEWORKS PHOTO COURTESY OF VAGABOND MAGAZINE Pokéworks is located on 213 Thayer St. in Providence, Rhode The Nitro Cart has installed over 50 taps into restaurants all over Rhode Island. January 31, 2019 OPINION The Cowl 7 Develop PC’s Diversity Proficiency Students Require More Knowledge on Social Issues

by Bridget Blain ’19 various social issues, taking one does not properly express the true may end there. Opinion Staff course may not be enough. importance of diversity nor does Taking the time to learn about CAMPUS As the world becomes it educate students in a way that cultures different from one’s own increasingly globalized, it is allows for them to actively be and about how our own society has important that college students involved in the world once they evolved is necessary in order to be a One of the most important learn how to actively fight against graduate. thoughtful member of society. opportunities that attending a stereotypes and harmful social While students are required to One of the most satisfying liberal arts college gives students is norms. They should also be able take two classes in both theology moments as a student is realizing the ability to take courses in subjects to go out into the world with more and philosophy, the diversity that what you are learning in class that they may have otherwise never awareness of societal issues. proficiency is much easier to satisfy. will stick with you forever and been exposed to. At Providence College, students For students who are not genuinely changes the way you see The majority of liberal arts are only required to take one class that sociology or global studies majors, the world. colleges require students to take will fulfill the diversity proficiency. for example, there should be a much Seeing the world through as courses that they consider to fulfill While PC does offer courses that bigger push to take courses in those many different perspectives as a diversity requirement. cover a wide range of topics such as departments. possible and learning how to For many students, these courses race and gender, it is easy for students Two years of undergrad at PC are put their understanding into expose them to issues in society that to put off fulfilling the proficiency spent focusing on the Development meaningful practice will hopefully they may have never even known until much later on in their time as of Western Civilization program and lead to students graduating with a existed. a student. learning about Western Civilization unique outlook on the world. But in order to gain a true Only requiring one approved class and, for many students, taking After all, for many students, that understanding of our society and to fulfill the diversity proficiency courses about society and culture is one of the goals of receiving a college education. Students at all liberal arts colleges, not just PC, should continuously be encouraged to take classes outside of their major that focus on important social issues. Developing an understanding of the need for diversity and gaining knowledge about culture is extremely beneficial to students, as many social issues seem to be growing more rampant each day. While having to take more courses to fulfill the diversity requirement may seem like a nuisance to some students, it may benefit students more than they thought possible in GRAPHIC COURTESY OF BD FOUNDATION the long run. The Early Bird Gets the Internship Take Advantage of Career Resources on Campus

by Katherine Belbusti ’22 Opinion Staff CAMPUS

Getting a job is always stressful. There is so much pressure to try and find the perfect fit. For college students, it can become even more stressful when there is pressure to find the perfect summer job. Whether you are in the market for an unpaid internship or a paid job, knowing what options are out there for you is one of the most important parts. The Providence College Center for Career Education and Professional Development is one great tool to look into for help in finding internships or jobs. For some majors, such as accounting or finance, it is easier to see job possibilities compared to other fields, but, regardless, the Career Center is PHOTO COURTESY OF HANDSHAKE a great place to start your search. Handshake, which recently replaced eFRIARS, is a great way to connect with employers and other PC students while Of course, another great option is to talk to exploring internship and job options. your professors or your major’s department chair to ask if they have any insight about possible job The downside is that depending on what field families this past summer who I worked for often or internship openings. your internship is in, you may not get paid. (almost daily), and it was a fun way to make The most important part about the summer If you are looking to get a paying job this money over the summer. Job openings are always job search, however, is to start looking as early as summer, there are a couple of good options. The available.” possible. Career Center suggests using the Handshake app. Summer is a great opportunity to test the My friends and I all agree that there has been Handshake allows you to filter job searches waters with different options that you may have a lot of recent pressure to start finding a summer by category, location, full-time or part-time, and never known you would be interested in. job now. It can be difficult to sift through the many other filters. If you can take an unpaid internship, use the various positions available to find a good match. Other options for paying summer jobs opportunity to try out the ‘real world’ job market For example, internships are a great way to get include camp counselors, lifeguards, and even and see what it is like. You will have the chance to exposure to a field of possible interest. They give babysitting. make connections with people in careers that you you the opportunity to see the inner workings If you are interested in babysitting, a great would like to go into. of a company and then allow you to decide if resource for finding a job is Do not wait to start looking for your own it is something you could see yourself having a Cara Turner ’22 said, “I have had a great perfect summer job or internship, take a look at career in. experience with I’ve met multiple what is out there now. 8 The Cowl OPINION January 31, 2019 Providence College’s Student-Run Newspaper Since 1935 Building a ‘Beloved Community’ at PC Publisher: Kristine Goodwin of the question. Because building a conversations that we must have with Co-Publisher: Dr. Steven A. Sears “beloved community” is about more people that we care about. It is in the Advisor: Richard F. Kless than just saying the words. It is a way that we must be committed to goal which we must constantly work building this ‘beloved community’ Journalism Consultant: Michael Pare towards and one to which we can even if it might be easier for us not to Editor-in-Chief: Taylor Godfrey ’19 never be satisfied we have achieved. be. It is in the way that we must always King’s original idea of the beloved question the things we think we know Associate Editor-in-Chief: Abigail Czerniecki ’19 community was of a community of and strive to see and understand the people committed to peace, justice, other side, as mutual understanding is Managing Editor: Tom Tobin ’19 love, and trust for all. It was an ideal the only way to build bridges towards that could only be met if every member mutual peace and love. Jamie Warren ’19 Social Media Curator: in the community was striving Tutu’s sentiments, inspired by News Co-Editor: Thomas Edwards ’20 for these things. This is what Tutu Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. could News Co-Editor: Hannah Langley ’21 urged the entire Providence College not have come at a better time. As Asst. News Editor: Kyle Burgess ’21 by Taylor Godfrey ’19 community to do. If we want to truly the country faces huge challenges Opinion Editor: Hannah Paxton ’19 Editor-in-Chief work towards a “beloved community,” and seems more divided and Asst. Opinion Editor: Andrea Traietti ’21 EDITOR’S COLUMN every member of this community polarized every day, it can be easy Asst. Opinion Editor: Katherine Torok must be committed to doing the work. to become discouraged, to lose sight ’20 “Something is called for from us,” Tutu of the beloved community. It may be Arts & Entertainment Co-Editor: Patrick “If we say we are on the road to a said, we are called “to make choices, uncomfortable, it may be difficult, it Fuller ’21 beloved community,” Rev. Nontombi maybe choices nobody else notices we may be such a fight that, as Tutu said, Arts & Entertainment Co-Editor: Sara Conway ’21 Naomi Tutu repeated again and again are called to make,” but we must make we can only live this struggle for five Arts & Entertainment Co-Editor: Kerry when she spoke at the second Rev. Dr. them anyway. minutes every day. But we must make Torpey ‘20 Martin Luther King, Jr., Convocation Tutu’s words remind us that it is not that effort, even if it is only for five about the things we do when others minutes, because as Rev. Nontombi Portfolio Editor: Connor Zimmerman ’20 last week. Referencing one of Rev. King’s ideas that was the theme of the can see us, but about the difficult Naomi Tutu reminded us, this beloved Sports Co-Editor: Meaghan Cahill ’20 entire week, Tutu’s keynote speech choices we are called to make when community is and always will be Sports Co-Editor: Jack Belanger ’21 emphasized “if” as the crucial part no one is watching us. It is in the hard worth the struggle. Photography Co-Editor: Nicholas Crenshaw ’20 Photography Co-Editor: Laura Chadbourne ’20 Photography Co-Editor: Nora Johnson ’20 Tangents Tirades Head Copy Editor: Annie Shelley ’19 Asst. Head Copy Editor: Courtney Day & ’19 Junior Head Copy Editor: Madeline Wanted: On-Campus Employment Accept Swipes for Simply to Go Burns ’20 for ‘Broke College Students’ Products Campus-Wide Copy Editors: Hope Allard ’22, Karlene Cudak ’19, John Duffy ’20, Hannah Echo ’19, Elizabeth Gleason ’21, CJ McCartin The cliché of the “broke college student” has grown As college students, most of us have had our fair share of ’20, Kathleen Moore ’20, Tuyenhan hackneyed for a reason. A college degree for most students and days where we find ourselves too busy to sit down for a meal Nguyen ’22, Nicole Patano ’22, Grace their families is typically unaffordable. Sherlog ’22, Megan Stuart ’19, Olivia at Ray. Walsh ’19 However, in today’s society, obtaining a job that ensures Thankfully, there are several on-campus options for financial security without an undergraduate degree proves to be students with jam-packed schedules to grab food during Disclaimer tremendously difficult. those few minutes in between classes. The opinions and positions expressed in Between the price of tuition, room and board, and steep rental Alumni Hall, Flo’s to Go, Ruane Café, and Eaton Street The Cowl do not necessarily represent those of Providence College or The Cowl’s staff, and the fees, the expenses of college are unreasonably costly. Café all carry Simply to Go meals, which are pre-packaged content of advertisements do not necessarily Despite the convenience of the availability of on-campus sandwiches, salads, and various other items for students in communicate endorsement by the College or jobs at Providence College, such employment opportunities a hurry. The Cowl’s staff. are rarely advertised on any overt public platform, such as the However, depending on the dining location you visit, the morning mail, bulletin boards in Ray or in the Library, or on PC Letter/Guest Submission Policy forms of payment that are accepted for these items differ. The Cowl welcomes guest opinions and social media accounts. Simply to Go meals can be purchased using either a meal letters to the editor from members of the To that end, students must navigate a poorly publicized swipe, Friar Bucks, or cash at Alumni Hall and Flo’s to Go. Providence College community and outside contributors. All submissions must include website for job listings, which is irregularly updated, or rely on However, the option to use a meal swipe is not available at the writer’s name, signature, a phone number, an occasional email from the head of the department of their Ruane Café and Eaton Street Café, where these products can and an email address where he or she can be major about an open position in their office. only be bought using Friar Bucks or cash. reached. Letters should be no more than 250 words in length and will be printed as space This makes the search for consistent work during the school All meal plans are different, and many students on campus permits. Guest commentaries should be limited year exceedingly difficult, as off-campus jobs also prove do not have Friar Bucks. to 500 words in length, and only one will be impractical because the majority of PC students would have published per week. The Cowl reserves the Why should a student without Friar Bucks be forced to right to edit articles for grammar. Submissions no means of transportation to their place of employment, since use cash to buy a Simply to Go product at Ruane Café if they must be emailed to The Cowl office no later students are not allotted parking spots on campus until their could get the same item at Alumni using one of their meal than 9 ­­­p.m. on the Sunday before publication. We do not print previously published articles. junior year. swipes? Email responses to commentary@thecowl. Essentially, the eight months of the year that college Providence College should fix the incongruence in com, and remember a guest submission is only courses are in session are a long period of time to be without payment options that cover Simply to Go items around an email away. employment, particularly for students who will be buried in campus. Accuracy Watch college debt come graduation. So do us all a favor, PC, and The Cowl is committed to accuracy and If we can purchase a PB&J using a meal swipe one place, carefully checks every article that goes into publicize on-campus jobs as overtly as possible—we promise it is only logical that we should be able to do so everywhere print to ensure that the facts are presented we’ll fill your open positions. they are sold. clearly and truthfully. If you find an error in any article, please email the Editor-in-Chief at [email protected]. Corrections will be —Alyssa Cohen ’21 —Kelly Wheeler ’21 printed as necessary. Advertising Contact The Cowl with advertising requests and questions at [email protected] or, if necessary, via telephone at 401-865-2214. Visit for rates, publication dates, and other information about advertising with The Cowl. We reserve the right to decline any advertisement at any time for any reason. We reserve the right to label an advertisement with the word “Advertisement” when, in our judgment, this action is necessary to clearly distinguish between editorial material and advertising. Subscriptions Subscription rate for a weekly issue by mail is $100 per year. Send payment to The Cowl, 1 Cunningham Square, Providence, R.I. 02918; make checks payable to The Cowl. Student subscription is included in tuition fee; issues are available around campus on Thursday nights.

The Cowl is a proud member of the Associated

Collegiate Press. PHOTO COURTESY OF PROVIDENCE COLLEGE DINING Students can find Simply to Go products at Eaton Street Café. Arts & Entertainment Page 9 January 31, 2019 Super Bowl Halftime Show Controversy Artists Protest In Solidarity With Colin Kaepernick

by Anne DeLello ’20 A&E Staff VARIETY

As Super Bowl LIII approaches, the only thing getting almost as much buzz as the New England Patriots and the Rams is the National Football League (NFL)’s halftime show. The coveted slot is occupied by elite artists year after year, including Lady Gaga, Beyoncé, and Bruce Springsteen, to name a few. The guaranteed exposure from performing on Super Bowl Sunday is unparalleled to any other opportunity that an artist can have throughout their career, with over 100 million Americans watching. In the past, artists have taken advantage of this publicity with out-of- the-box performances, leading to many memorable halftime show moments. Prince’s performance of “Purple Rain” during a downpour at Super Bowl XLI is certainly one that will not be forgotten. Even though the Super Bowl halftime show has been the holy grail of shows for artists in the past, it has recently lost its clout. When Colin Kaepernick took a knee during the national anthem to protest racial Critics argue that the Super Bowl halftime show organizers did not take advantage of ’s scene. PHOTO COURTESY OF USA TODAY injustice in America, and then stopped appearing on NFL rosters after doing so, the NFL lost the support of native of the group, will also perform alongside top-40 chart,” with nine hit singles occupying the many artists. USA Today reported that Rihanna, Cardi Scott and Maroon 5, rounding out the show. number one spot at one point. The halftime show B, and Jay Z all declined the NFL’s offer to perform Fans of Maroon 5 signed petitions attempting performers have had recent success as well, with at the Super Bowl this year in support of Kaepernick. to stop them from performing, making it known being nominated for six Grammys, and The NFL waited as long as possible before that they did not want the California-based pop Big Boi winning six Grammys as part of Outkast. announcing who would perform at the halftime band to get mixed up in the controversy that is the The halftime show has fallen from its holy grail show on Feb. 3, before revealing that it will be Super Bowl halftime show this year. Nevertheless, status, and artists are exercising their power in Maroon 5. Travis Scott later announced that he the band will perform in front of the country this declining to perform. Despite the controversy, the would be performing as well, but only after “the NFL Sunday. They have many popular songs to choose show must go on. The NFL will need to develop a new made a donation to a social justice organization” from for the show, including hits like “Moves Like relationship with the artists they want to perform at the according to USA Today. American rapper Big Boi, Jagger” and “Sugar.” The band has “the most No. Super Bowl. This is the beginning of a new chapter one half of the Outkast duo and the only Atlanta 1 singles by a group in the 20-year history of the for the show, one in which the artists have the power. A Musical Enigma: Assume(s) Form Mysterious British Singer Allies with Travis Scott, for New

by Julia Vaccarella ’20 individuals perceive James Blake—if is certainly not as superficial as Blake’s integrating what he is experiencing A&E Staff they have even heard of him. Despite approach might seem, as illustrated by in reality is essential to Assume Form. his contributions to other well-known “Into the Red.” The record is highly Since his previous album, The Colour MUSIC projects, he still remains largely personal and highlights a variety of in Anything, Blake moved to the United under the radar in the U.S. However, themes ranging from insomnia, to States, fell into a new relationship, English singer James Blake he has reached critical acclaim self-doubt, to love. Blake says of the and grew older. The closing track released his fourth record entitled throughout the United Kingdom, album’s title track, “Assume Form,” on Assume Form, “Lullaby for My Assume Form on Jan. 18. As is the debuting Assume Form in the top 10 “… The plan is to become reachable, Insomniac,” is a testament to Blake’s case with many artists today, Blake’s on the British charts. Therefore, the to assume material form, to leave my altered sound, written as a calming work spans a multitude of genres. experimentation in his work may head and join the world. It seems like tune to soothe its listeners to sleep. Historically, his earlier songs consisted be a way to entice individuals who a quite modern, Western idea that you It is evident that much has changed, of an upbeat sound heavily associated listen to some of the more prevalent just get lost…” Considering the multi- but the new release is more than mere with house music. Although genres of music in the United States. layered elements of personality that symbolism for Blake. It is an active iTunes categorizes Assume Form as The main purpose of Assume Form Blake has incorporated into his work, step forward, proceeding with hope. electronica, Blake takes a slower, more melodic approach to the 12 overall tracks which comprise the album. However, versatility is sometimes necessary. Assume Form is a prime example of the various ways in which Blake excels at individualizing his sound. The record includes several tracks with R&B influences, offering features from Travis Scott to Metro Boomin. This genre is not new for Blake, who has worked with artists like Chance the Rapper and was also a part of the song “King’s Dead,” a project featured on the album curated for Black Panther. Blake’s incorporation of pop songs has been criticized to some extent. This is because the most memorable aspects of the album are the tracks where Blake takes the spotlight. Craig Jenkins of Vulture says, “Assume Form is an exercise in dropping Blake’s aloof veneer, in writing songs that tell stories, where they preferred to serve puzzles.” In fact, this is exactly how many Assume Form is James Blake’s fourth album since his self-titled debut in 2011. PHOTO COURTESY OF THE TIMES January 31, 2019 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT The Cowl 10 Netflix’s Insatiable Garners Success and Debate Making Light of Sensitive Issues in Modern Television

eating is a slippery slope.” This implies that Patty has in the narration that “skinny is magic.” Some think by Catherine Goldberg ’20 some sort of binge-eating disorder, which incorrectly that this concept is giving the wrong idea to the A&E Staff implies that obesity and binge-eating are the same. millions of young girls who watch it, especially with TELEVISION In a BuzzFeed article, Jenna Guillaume writes about the prevalence of eating disorders in our generation. the problem of Patty wearing “fat suits” in flashbacks. Students at Providence College have attested to A popular Netflix original among teens and college She states, “The fat suits themselves are employed as this. Sarah Kerrigan ’20 says, “The show sends the students, Insatiable, aired this past summer on Netflix. a visual joke—because the idea that the thin actors wrong message about beauty to young women.” Lauren Gussis created the comedy-drama series inhabiting them could look so fat is just so ridiculous. Overall, the show seems to have done well with which stars former Disney Channel actress Debby ‘Fat suits’ dehumanize fat people, reducing them to ratings, and a new season is set to air in 2019. Although Ryan. It is based on a 2014 article from nothing more than bodies to be reviled and mocked.” the show is controversial, people continue to watch, called “The Pageant King of Alabama” by Jeff Chu. Throughout the show, there is a common notion and fans are looking forward to the second season. Ryan plays Patty Bladell, a teenage girl who was bullied at her high school for being overweight. However, the summer vacation before going back to school, she has a strange accident, resulting in her having her mouth wired shut. This causes Patty to go on a liquid diet for three months. After she recovers and is able to go off of the liquid diet, she loses a ton of weight and comes back to her high school looking thin and glamorous. As a result, she seeks revenge on those who bullied her for being overweight throughout high school. Somewhere in between Patty’s dilemma, a civil lawyer and beauty pageant coach, Bob Armstrong (Dallas Roberts), notices Patty’s potential. After helping her pro bono in a court case regarding her accident, Armstrong sets out to turn her into a pageant queen. The series has caused a lot of controversy among viewers with its “revenge body” storyline. The show has also posed problems regarding sexual assault and bullying. In one scene, these controversies are made evident. While being mentored by her beauty pageant coach, Patty gets upset and takes part in an eating competition. He states to Patty, “You eat a box of doughnuts to make yourself feel better… Emotional Despite controversy, Insatiable has been renewed for a second season. PHOTO COURTESY OF CBS NEWS New on Netflix Movies: TV:

•Ant-Man and the Wasp (Jan. 29) •Gabriel “Fluffy” Iglesias: One •The Incredibles 2 (Jan. 30) Show Fits All (Jan. 29) •About a Boy (Feb. 1) •Free Rein: Valentine’s Day (Jan. •American Pie and American Pie 2 30) (Feb. 1) •Russian Doll (Feb. 1) •As Good as it Gets (Feb. 1) •Siempre Bruja (Feb. 1) •Final Destination (Feb. 1) •True: Happy Hearts Day (Feb. 1) •Hairspray (Feb. 1) •Bordertown season 1 (Feb. 2) •Jaws, Jaws 2, Jaws 3, Jaws: The •Romance is a Bonus Book (Feb. 2) Revenge (Feb. 1) •Velvet Buzzsaw (Feb. 1) •Beverly Hills Chihuahua (Feb. 3)

LIST COURTESY OF GAMESRADAR 11 The Cowl ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT January 31, 2019 Haute Couture: Paris Fashion Week Showcases Seasonal Collections Designers Debut Interesting “Wordy” Clothing

was titled “Fashion Statements.” The collection was I’m late I didn’t want to come,” and a simple “No.” filled with lots of tulle, bright colors, and, what Of course, these dresses were all over the Internet, by Brigid Walshe ’19 A&E Staff caught the most attention, words printed on the front and even though we may never get the chance to of the dresses. Dresses had messages like “I’m not wear one of these haute couture looks, we cannot FASHION shy I just don’t like you,” “I’m not mean,” “Sorry help but reflect on fashion’s newest innovations.

It may be cold and dreary here in Providence, but Paris was filled with life and haute couture this past week, as Paris Fashion Week brought the biggest celebrities, models, and designers back to the City of Lights. Famous designers were showing off their men’s and haute couture collections for the Spring/Summer 2019 season. French brands like Chanel and Dior went all out for their haute couture shows. Chanel’s collection was influenced by fashion from the 18th century, under the direction of legendary creative director and fashion icon Karl Lagerfeld. He received inspiration from a collection at the Musée Cognacq-Jay in Paris, which focuses on merchants who supplied Parisians with all things needed for haute couture in the 18th century. Chanel had many looks that were both elegant and chic, but the end of the show was what everyone remembered. Chanel ended its show like most other haute couture shows, with a bridal look. But this year, the brand took a completely new approach to the final bridal. Chanel decided to have a model walk out in a sequined “bridal” bathing suit complete with a headpiece and veil. For the show itself, Chanel reconstructed an Italianesque villa in the Grand Palais, while snow was falling outside in Paris. Dior’s haute couture show took place at the Musée Rodin, and the runway featured a circus. The show, which was an all-female show, featured acrobats and models navigating the runway in the middle of their acrobatic tricks. One designer that has gained notoriety is the Dutch designer label Viktor & Rolf. Their Spring 2019 couture looks were big, extravagant, and exactly what one would expect from a haute couture designer. The brand has always tried to close the gap between fashion and art, believing them to be one and the same. Their Spring/Summer 2019 collection Left to right: Louis Vuitton, Chanel, Balmain. PHOTO COURTESY OF IMAXTREE Greta Van Fleet Raises Question About Familiar Sound Is it Right to Judge a Band Simply by Comparison?

by Peter Keough ’20 A&E Staff MUSIC

During its midseason debut on Jan. 19, Saturday Night Live hosted the up-and-coming Michigan rock outfit Greta Van Fleet as their musical guest. Comprised of frontman Josh Kiszka, brothers Jake and Sam Kiszka on guitar and bass, and drummer Danny Wagner, the band took the stage decked out in vests, feathers, and retro-clothes. During their time on stage, the band strutted around and performed renditions of their popular tracks “Black Smoke Rising” and “You’re the One” from their From the Fires (2017) and Anthem of the Peaceful Army (2018), respectively. PHOTO COURTESY OF TRAVIS SHINN With two successful albums and Greta Van Fleet’s debut album, Anthem of the Peaceful Army, is out now via . three separate Grammy nominations (Best New Artist, Best Rock Performance, following Greta Van Fleet’s SNL that there’s substance to what we’re Army a 1.6 out of 10 and writing and Best Rock Album) already under act and continued this Zeppelin doing.” Kiszka continues, “Obviously, “Greta Van Fleet sounds like they did their belts, it would not be surprising rhetoric without missing a beat. Even we hear the similarity…That’s one weed exactly once, called the cops, and if Greta Van Fleet found widespread Robert Plant himself, legendary singer influence of ours. But at this point, tried to record a Led Zeppelin album popularity and acclaim. And to some and leader of Led Zeppelin, has it’s like ‘Okay, we’ve acknowledged before they arrested themselves.” extent, they have. However, much of the acknowledged Greta Van Fleet and that. Let’s move on.’” Essentially, Despite the criticism, the boys of immediate response to their SNL debut joked that their sound reminds him Kiszka and his bandmates want the Greta Van Fleet, all in their late teens and work as a whole has followed a very much of Zeppelin’s first album. world to stop viewing them from the or early 20s, have not only gained single critical trend—people think they As one might imagine, the band one-dimensional perspective of “Hey, a large following over the past year sound too much like Led Zeppelin. is certainly aware of this criticism these guys sound like so and so.” or so, but also multiple Grammy The band has been compared to the which remains attached to their rise This perspective is not just reserved nominations. With talent, followers, British heavy metal pioneers virtually to fame. In an interview with Rolling for trolls on social media, either. and an abundance of energy and since their inception, and it does not Stone’s Andy Greene, Josh Kiszka Publications like magazine potential, it would be foolish to count seem like this association will be going acknowledged this frequently-made have doled out particularly scathing this band out already. Someday, music away anytime soon. In fact, many critique of his band’s sound. He reviews from this viewpoint, giving listeners may even be saying that new critics took to the internet immediately said, “Ultimately, I’d like to think their album Anthem of the Peaceful bands sound just like Greta Van Fleet. 12 The Cowl ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT January 31, 2019 Kerry Me To : The Imperial War Museum A British Perspective Memorializing World War I

by Kerry Torpey ’20 A&E Co-Editor ABROAD

When one pictures London, the first images that come to mind are major tourist attractions, such as Big Ben, the London Eye, and Tower Bridge. Although these are all worth seeing, London’s numerous museums must be on one’s itinerary. They hold millions of artifacts from all over the world and different periods of history. One such place is the Imperial War Museum (IWM), found in the Central London district of Lambeth. Like most museums in London, the IWM offers free admission. Founded in 1917 and opened to the public in 1920, the museum’s creators sought to preserve Britain’s efforts during the First World War (WWI). Because of the nation’s deep involvement in the war, dozens of commemorative statues and plaques can be found throughout Britain—the IWM has over 1,300 artifacts in this collection alone. Museum-goers from other countries have a unique opportunity to experience how those living in Britain understand the war. From uniforms to pistols to exclusive government documents, the WWI galleries are highly detailed and provide information many may not have been aware of before. A notable part of the exhibit memorializes the women who had the chance to leave forced PHOTO COURTESY OF MR ONLINE The guns outside of the IWM on Lambeth Road were unveiled in 1968. domestic life and work in factories, production, and on the battlefield. Spectators can read gives a voice to the people who created them, used comradeship and love.” Like other museums in the about and see the uniforms of “munitionettes,” them or cared for them, and reveals stories not city, the IWM seeks not only to educate its visitors British women who made ammunition. only of destruction, suffering, and loss, but also on the history of WWI, but also to honor the nation’s The IWM website states, “Each object on display endurance and innovation, duty and devotion, heroes who experienced the trauma of the war. Vinyl Revival

PHOTO COURTESY OF IMAXTREE American Jack White Opens Detroit Record Press by Dan O’Neill ’21 A&E Staff Must-Reads MUSIC Life is too short to read everything. It may even be too short to major in American studies, history, or English. This column, brought to you by professors in American studies, history, and English, highlights the books you simply cannot let pass, whatever your major. Start your list!

by Dr. Keith Morton would threaten the social order, and Professor of Public & Community Service so their oppression became necessary. Studies Undoing racism, then, is not a problem to be solved with education LITERATURE and empathy alone. “An antiracist America can only be guaranteed It is hard to believe that a 500-page if principled antiracists are in history, sweeping in its scope and power,” Kendi concludes. How PHOTO COURTESY OF JOHN FROELICH/ SPECIAL TO THE FREE PRESS spanning 400 years, can claim to be we can get there is the subject of Jack White may not be a household all types of recording equipment, new “definitive.” As much detail and as his equally compelling and just- name when it comes to music and old, which allows for the engineers many buried stories as Ibram Kendi released book, How To Be an Antiracist. lovers, but he is without a doubt to work with multiple types of relates and analyzes in Stamped from one of the most influential artists formatting, including digital and tape. the Beginning, there is much that and producers of the 21st century. The new master recording studio is undeveloped or left out. It is a On Tuesday, January 15, White’s will be led by two of White’s most definitive study, nonetheless, because , Third Man Records, capable engineers, Bill Skibbe and of the consistent historic pattern Kendi announced the opening of a new Warren Defever. Skibbe mixed White’s surfaces with meticulous attention. master recording studio in the label’s most recent album Boarding House Most work in undoing racism, Detroit-based complex. The studio Reach and has worked on White’s anti-racism, or diversity, follows a offers a vinyl pressing aspect, as well. side projects, The Dead Weather and familiar logic: people have some White opened his new recording The Raconteurs, in the past. Warren unfounded beliefs and ideas about studio in the hopes of completing Defever has produced for Iggy Pop an “other,” and this distorted his dream of keeping vinyl pressing and The Stooges. Both engineers perspective, when combined with alive. For the White Stripes founder, have experience producing over 1,000 power, leads them to treat “the other” vinyl recordings may not be the way albums between the two of them. The badly, and to justify it as normal. of the future, but that does not mean expertise of both engineers, combined The remedy in this formulation is they need to be a thing of the past. with White’s revolutionized ideas education and a dose of empathy. According to , White for music production, makes the new Surveying a history that stretches said, “I like to take what’s beautiful Detroit-based studio a step forward from 17th-century Puritan, Cotton about what’s already been proven— in innovating the music industry. Mather, to Barack Obama’s presidency, what works—and ask how can we When looking at White’s track Kendi argues that this conventional marriage that with what’s happening record, there is no question about logic has it exactly backwards. Whites right now?” about his love for vinyl his influence in the music industry. in power, Kendi argues, wanted to pressing. For White, it is not about Although White may not be in take land, labor and capital from the the fame; what matters is that music the spotlight like he once was “other,” took it, and then constructed can be created in ways that are with the White Stripes, his talent justifications: racist ideas that innovative and efficient. The master and genuine love for music has amplified “otherness,” and justified PHOTO COURTESY OF THE JUNTO/ EARLYAMERICANISTS.COM recording studio is not just meant for allowed for him to stay relevant in the taking. Left unchecked, these others vinyl recordings; White is providing an ever-changing world of music. Page 13 Photography January 31, 2019


WILLIAM BOZIAN ’19/ THE COWL ABOVE: The Providence College Men’s Hockey Team is pictured skating against the Northeastern University Huskies on Friday, January 25. The Friars defeated the opposing team with a final score of 4 - 1. ABOVE RIGHT: Ethan Dionne ’22, Matt McGuane ’20, Brian Sailer ’19, and Joey Trasatti ’20 make use of their new space for the Providence College eSports Team. The room was recently converted into a gaming area which will host the group. The room was previously named the Balfour Unity Center. RIGHT: Board of Programmers hosts Slavin Night Live in Lower Slavin on Friday, January 25. The event included casino games, free food, music, and performances by the college’s co-ed OK cappella group, Strictly Speaking. BELOW: Students enjoy Free Skate Night on Saturday, January 26 in Schneider Arena. First-time skaters and well-seasoned athletes alike skated together throughout the night and indulged in hot chocolate and cookies after the event. LAURA CHADBOURNE ’20/ THE COWL

LAURA CHADBOURNE ’20/ THE COWL Photos compiled by Laura Chadbourne ’20 and Nora Johnson ’20, Photography Co-Editors Roving

Page 14 Photography January 31, 2019 Who would you choose to be the Bachelor or Bachelorette?

“Harry Styles.” “Dr. Spencer Reid.” Lauren Venuti ’22 Libby Heller ’22

“Tom Brady.” “Bad Bunny.” Cassidy Molinare ’22 María Elena Santos ’20

“Jake Gyllenhaal or Jennifer Lawrence.” “Patrick Dempsey.” Josh Flynn ’22 Lauren Petrillo ’22


-Chris Harrison, Host of The Bachelor

PHOTO COURTESY OF THE DAILY BEAST Photos by Lilly Hunter ’22 and Jay Willett ’20, Staff Photographers 15 The Cowl PUZZLES & COMICS January 31, 2019

rrr Last Name: How Well Do You Know the History of the Super Bowl? Week’s Complete the crossword below 1 2


Answers 4 Across

2. Aquinas 5 6 7 3. Basketball 5. Veritas

8. Syracuse 8 10. DWC 9 14. Dalmation

16. Track and Field 10

Down 11 1. Finlandia 12 4. Bruce Springsteen 6. Stevens Hall

7. Fr. Cunningham Created using Crossword Puzzle Maker Across Down 9. Dave Gavitt 1. This team holds the record for most Super Bowls wins. 2. The Super Bowl is second behind this holiday for the biggest eating 6. Who won Super Bowl LII? day of the year for Americans. 11. Dominican 9. After winning the Super Bowl, Phil Simms was paid $75,000 to say 3. Before it was called the Super Bowl, it was called... '______' on live T.V. 4. Who is the only quarterback to win a Super Bowl with two different 12. Warwick 10. This trophy is handed out each year at the Super Bowl and is teams? made by Tiffany & Co. out of sterling silver. 5. This team has lost the most in Super Bowl appearances. 13. Biology 11. This player is the most successful quarterback in Super Bowl 7. This college has the most alumni with Super Bowl appearances. History. 8. Who won Super Bowl I? 15. Friar Boy 12. The most consumed food on this day is... 12. What network airs the Super Bowl?

Cartoon by Mark Fairchild ’20 Page 16 PortfolioProvidence College’s Home For Creative Writing January 31, 2019

Maribelaby Jessica Polanco ’20 Portfolio Staff FICTION

This morning, the sun on back.” Mia chuckles. today, but you never know. Halfway home, the crickets was selfless, too selfless and “What’s wrong, Sophi?” The sea does not respect us. sing their warnings to us, better yet, shining its rays all “I am in the middle of Nature expects us to obey letting us know that the over our backs without our a book, and I just bought whatever it throws at us. If moon is approaching. I also permission. Mia and I have a candle so I can read at we complain, it will only get hear another warning and to walk 25 miles up to the sea night.” worse with the intention of that’s when it happens. Mia’s to get water and bring it back “You need to get your testing our obedience. scream takes over the whole to our families. These are the head out of those books, Mia sighs—we are both evening. When I look back, duties that the townspeople Soph. You get so lost in them exhausted once we arrive. all I can see are the barrels have to do as citizens and, and you forget of the world We sit on a rock by the rolling down the hill we unfortunately, today is our around you. Your head shore and admire the view. had just finished climbing, turn. It is not like I would should be here, helping Who knew that the sea skipping over the branches have preferred any other everyone out. This is your could serve as a bed for the buried under the ground. day to do our duties, but book, Soph. Your life. Those mountains? They look so Mia is out of my sight and I today is special for me. After books hold nothing for peaceful as they lay under run towards nowhere trying five years, I to find her. I finally raised scream her enough name and money to all I hear are buy myself a the birds candle. singing. My I am in the heart begins middle of a to beat in my book called throat. “Mia, El Viaje de please don’t las Estrellas, lose me,” I and I am so whisper into anxious to the abyss. find out what I am happens next running and and what searching. happens after After what that. During feels like a the day, I run across work, helping the globe, I Mami with find myself the chores all back with around the the sea. house and by There is Mia, the time the screaming for day is over, help, in every the light of language she the sun is gone. It becomes you.” the sky. knows. Her voice begins to impossible to read what “Ugh Mia, you’ll never Mia breaks me out of vanish with the waves of the the pages are saying. Now, understand. Are you ready? my gaze and declares that sea. This is what I cautioned with the candle, I can finally Let’s go.” we must get to work if we her about. Panic takes over read at night. Maribela, One more mile and want to get back to town my flesh; I am torn between from the book, just got lost the sea awaits. I can hear by sun down. The barrels two friends I know well. in the middle of the woods the tiny waves crashing we carried here are about Suddenly, Maribela enters near her town, and I need to against the shore. It feels to weigh five times more my thoughts, and I am know what happens to her cooler near the water and than they did before, only reminded of her bravery. She next. much more peaceful. The making our journey back has a father who showed her “Mia? Do you think we language of the sea has home harder. This is what how to build boats when she can run to the sea and get always been one of my the captain trained us for was a little girl. Just like me. back as quickly as possible?” favorites, after Spanish, though, we can handle it. And that’s when I trust in I ask. of course. I once read that With no more barrels left to the skills my father showed Mia looks at me worriedly. there are moments when fill, Mia and I take another me. After years of practice, “Of course, we can lift our it rants loudly enough to glance at the beautiful view. I build a boat. I sail off into feet and run with the wind envelope the wind, leaving We wave goodbye with our the reflection of the moon that the trees provide. We nothing but curiosity in the glares. And, of course, the on the sea, with the fret of can close our eyes and— air. I warn Mia to be careful sea sends its warm regards. detachment from Mia and snap!—we pick up the water when we greet it. It sounds It remembers us from our the comfort of the waves.

from the sea and be right like it is in a good mood last visit. GRAPHIC DESIGN BY CONNOR ZIMMERMAN '20 AND PHOTO COURTESY OF WEEKLYSTANDARD.COM January 31, 2019 PORTFOLIO The Cowl 17 The Last One

by Erin Lucey ’20 Portfolio Staff FICTION

Dan much time away from my family, the guilt I feel I swore to myself that for these young girls who this would be the last time. have suffered, never to see Two writers, one line: But as I sift through the their own families again, is pile of potential suspects, unbearable. I can’t let this I can’t help but torture guy get away with this. myself with the thought With just enough incentive "I swore to myself that that I must have missed to look through those something again. Okay, I arbitrary clues one last time, thought, THIS will be the I finally see it. Of course. this would be last time, and then I have to It’s been right in front of me go home. Carly is probably all along! I practically jump one re-run episode away out of my seat. The killer! I the last time... from falling asleep on the know who he is! couch, trying desperately to wait up for me. I feel so Julie guilty about how often I have been leaving her all I swore to myself that this alone with the baby. I’ve would be the last time, but as lost count of how many the thrill of the enchanting nights it’s been since I’ve power I held when taking made it home while little the life of another person Troy is still awake. I had engulfs me again, I already always promised myself know I am going to crave that I wouldn’t be that type this feeling some more. of dad, but at this point, I Okay, that statement made can only hope that my son me sound crazy. It’s not Late Night Visits won’t remember these days what you think. I do know without me, and that soon that what I am doing is by Sarah Kirchner ’21 I will learn to balance and wrong. It’s not like I am Portfolio Staff separate my personal and one of those psychopaths POETRY professional lives. After we that doesn’t feel any guilt. crack this case, I thought, The truth is, I do feel really I am never getting this bad about it. Every day, I swore to myself that this would be the last time… involved in my work again. the thought of just ending The last time I went into his room and I am missing out on so it all and turning myself in The last time I let him manipulate me with lies, much of my life, obsessing crosses my mind. But at the The same lies he told too many girls before me. over the twisted acts of same time, what do I have Those girls who I see too often and have to hide from, this anonymous criminal. to lose by continuing with Because they know just like I do. By subjecting myself to my actions at this point? They memorize the lies only to tell themselves this endless cycle of leads When they do catch me, I That he really means it this time. followed by deadlock, I am will probably already go “It’s only you.” Classic. letting this monster steal to jail for life for what I’ve life from me, too, though done so far, even despite my I swore to myself that this would be the last time, not with the same direct status as a minor. So why That I left his room at 4 a.m. brutality as that used on not chase the electrifying And walked home alone in the dark. these poor girls. feeling all the way to the The feeling of regret washing over me The dim light of my end? But not enough to make me not go back, desk lamp begins to flicker, I don’t quite understand Because he has a pull that I can’t quite refuse. probably a sign that it’s how no one has even The way he smiles at me makes my heart beat faster, time to pack up for the thought to question me And I never know exactly what to do. night. Hopeless, I am yet. Do I really seem that He texts to me “u up?” and somehow just about ready to give innocent? Anytime I see I feel like the luckiest girl in the world. up. Maybe I am just too my famous crimes on TV He barely does a thing, invested, but I can’t ignore I completely freak out. Yet he’s become my everything. the feeling that I am so How has no one noticed I swore to myself that this would be the last time, close to cracking this. There that? I always feel like I am And one day it will be the last time. must be something obvious making it so obvious! While It terrifies me that someday that I am missing! Has it part of me wants to just get He’ll really be gone. been right in front of me all caught and get it over with I’ll believe in myself instead of his lies along? This barbaric man already, I can’t escape the So that one day I will walk out that door is getting away with some intense desire to keep this And never go back. of the most savage slayings up. How far can I go? How I have ever seen. How blind can they be? I must be could I let these innocent really good at what I do. little girls down? As guilty as I feel for spending so 18 The Cowl PORTFOLIO January 31, 2019 Crimson RED RED Red by Jay Willett ’20 VERMILLION Portfolio Staff CINNABAR RUBY POETRY CINNABAR CINNABARRed is the rising temperature when I’m alone. Red isn’t a goodbye; it’s an awakening. When the dust settles and clears, and the party’s VERMILLION VERMILLION over, there’s just him. Red is the pain I’ve come to know all too well, Crimson with his rough edges filled with true loss. Red is worn, engulfing me throughout my life— the losses, the tragedies, RED VERMILLION blinding me with sharp ruby. Crimson Hard truth: nothing calms me at night. RUBY As I pant in the crimson aggression that crawls into my life, I slowly choke and sputter on the Crimson flames of intense vermillion, RUBY releasing all of the horror of the night into the cinnabar day, the blazing sun. RUBY Colors aren’t poetry. Words are. RED CINNABAR Crimson CINNABAR RED VERMILLION RED VERMILLION RUBY Crimson CINNABAR

Self Titled Manifesto 1

by Sam Ward ’21 Portfolio Staff Intro: POETRY

I got the heaviest skull and the emptiest stomach. No heart, all construct, Sans act, more dumb luck. “When it’s Time to act, will you conquer?” More Or less a revelation from a Cowardly lion’s conscience.

Time can heal but can’t unshoot the messages. So 1. Reload with blanks and try to dilute the atmosphere, And discuss my travelling fear, like, “Uhm, it’s not my fault they’re out here.”

And the law of motion attracts 2. A fickle few, destinies detract. Ashes to ashes, to make sense of constancy. Unpredictable futures reject the ideology.

Minimize the gravity and maximize vida 3. Till, mortem rifts you on the prenup. Scrutinize the reality and actualize your vita. Still, mortals thrift you of your freedom.


by Mark Fairchild ’20 Portfolio Staff CARTOON Making PC an emotionally stable place one letter at a time.

Lately, I have been just so tired and stressed after class that I’ve been sleeping the whole day away. Do you have any tips on how to relax after a long day of classes without going back to sleep?

Sincerely, Sleeping Beauty

Dear Sleeping Beauty,

I have heard your case too many times. There is only one cure for this problem.

Step one: buy caffeine pills. Step two: put one in your coffee. Step three: throw the coffee in your face (hot coffee works best). Step four: down the rest of Listomania* the 24 caffeine pills and go get ’em! Essentials for Super Bowl Sunday Best, • An extra TV if you smash yours Tiff • First aid kit Dear Slumped,

• Lucky underwear Clearly you’re not fully immersed in the PC • A pound of buffalo wings to stress eat experience yet! You’re not really a part of the Friar • Extra pants in case of an emergency Family until you’re taking six classes, doing a work • Liquids to hydrate study, informally tutoring • Water bottles to pee in during overtime all of your roommates, on the exec board for • My autograph from Tom Brady (#humblebrag) 11 clubs, playing an intramural sport, and • Fire extinguisher somehow never missing a single Thursday night • Face paint out. Soon enough you’ll learn that sleeping isn’t • Extra couches an option, because your schedule won’t allow it! • A shoulder to cry on if your team loses *cough LA fans* Get used to canceling dinner with yourself • Best of Maroon 5 playlist (again). • Ice for drinks and injuries I’m too busy for a salutation, EARL *This is a satirical page that does not reflect the views of Providence College or The Cowl. Page 20 Sports January 31, 2019 Cheerleading Team Takes Nationals Team Competes in Nationals For the First Time

by Sullivan Burgess ’20 were different than theirs, those top Sports Staff schools are competing for a National CHEERLEADING Championship. We are not there yet. As we grow, our expectations will continue to rise, and one day Providence College On Jan. 17, the Providence College Cheerleaders will be competing for a Cheerleading Team traded in their snow National Championship.” boots for sandals and sunscreen as they At Disney World, the team stayed for headed down to the magical world of four days at the Disney All Star Resort. Disney for the school’s first appearance They were able to explore the resort at the UCA College Cheering National and meet other teams from around the Championship in Orlando, Florida. country. Between practice times and While the overall experience was competition, the resort provided shuttles amazing, the journey to the competition to the parks so the teams could enjoy a was something unlike anyone on the true Disney experience, go on all the team has ever experienced. rides, and see iconic locations. The team was able to practice all As a team, they were able to watch the throughout winter break and utilize the partner stunt competition and Division extra sessions to finalize and perfect its 1A finals. While the cheerleading team routine for the competition. On days off, itself was on the mat for roughly two they were able to mentally prepare for minutes and 30 seconds and did not what was in store in Florida and manage PHOTO COURTESY OF PC ATHLETICS to advance to the final, they succeeded the pressure to be positive throughout Going to Nationals gives the cheerleading team the experience it needs to improve for in their own way by managing the life the performance. years to come. of a student-athlete, preparing for the When it came to preparing for the trip, the routine by hitting our elite hand-in- to be able to compete at the same level basketball games, and getting ready for Assistant Coach Dan Weaver knew the hand stunt sequence, I knew Providence as some of the high profile teams in the team’s overall first competition. challenges the team faced, and helped Cheerleading had arrived.” our Division such as University of The advice given by Taylor Dimond them prepare for something the team One of the biggest challenges when Memphis, Purdue University, University ’19 was simple when it comes to has never seen before in the school’s going into a competition like this, is of Delaware, Bowling Green State preparing for next year, “Going into history. Yet, he had ultimate confidence. facing the big name schools who have University, and University of Alabama- next year, and future competitions, we “As a first-year team, our mindset was been in the competition before. Going Birmingham. These teams have been definitely want to step our difficulty unlike some of the other teams that into the event, Coach Melissa Scungio competing at this level for years (some up…Yet this was a great place to start have been competing for years,” Weaver was excited for the team to enjoy this over 15-20 years). With that being said, and we are only going to get even stated. “They perform in the Dunk and experience, while at the same time and this being our first year, we were stronger from this point." Madison Square Garden in front of become comfortable with the idea of unbelievably proud and excited to be Overall, this is a big step for the thousands of people. They can handle one day being on that stage as national representing Providence College on improvement for the cheerleading team anything. And when we opened up champions. She stated, “It is amazing this prestigious level. Our expectations that anticipates a bright future. Lacrosse Ready to Hit the Ground Running Upperclass Leadership To Set the Tone for 2019 Season LAX: Continued from front page

On Jan. 23, Boyce and Alex George ’19 were named to the 2019 Preseason All-Big East Team. Boyce was a unanimous selection to the team. He has started all 48 of the Friars’ games in the goal since his freshman year. He holds a 9.43 goals against average and a .541 save percentage with 525 total saves in his career. Boyce is a three- time All-Big East First Team and Preseason All-Big East Team award recipient, and in 2017 was named Big East Goalkeeper of the Year. Additionally, Boyce served as a captain for the Friars during his sophomore and junior seasons, carrying this role into his senior season. George is a face-off specialist who has made 34 game appearances as a Friar. His game winning goal against St. John’s University on March 31, 2018 gave the Friars great momentum. In addition to stacked senior leadership, the Friars are also led by a strong junior class, spearheaded by Sean Leahey ’20. Leahey is a midfield for the Friars, beginning his third season at PC. Last season, he led the team in Alex Borg ’21 attacks the defense in a scrimmage against University of Massachusetts-Amherst. NORA JOHNSON ’20/THE COWL goals with 26, and in points with 36. He was also ranked first on the team in shots with ultimately play for an NCAA bid is definitely an to leadership will take the Friars far this season. 88. Leahey was named to the New England achievable goal for us and we are all on board to Crews said “As players, we feed off the energy Intercollegiate Lacrosse Association Preseason make that happen.” from the crowd. With great support from the Team and to the Big East All-Academic Team in His personal goals for the season include student body, we will be able to accomplish and 2018. Additionally, he received the Mike Chapey “[becoming] a better leader on the offensive side exceed our goals.” Offensive MVP Award. of the ball.” He plans to work on “being able to The Friars take on Boston University Feb. 3 at Leahey explained, “The team’s goal for the be more vocal and taking on more of a leadership home and then hit the road to take on the College season involves being able to play in May. Being role.” Leahey’s experience and skill is evident in of the Holy Cross in Worcester, Massachusetts on able to make the Big East Tournament and then his accolades, his tenacity, and his commitment Feb. 9. January 31, 2019 SPORTS 21 The Cowl Former Friars: Where Are They Now? Kris Dunn is Rising Up as Leader on the Bulls by Scott Jarosz ’21 Sports Staff skillset. 2017-18 season, Dunn began to look as dominant Dunn began his career in the NBA back in 2016 as he was throughout his career at Providence Men’s Basketball with the Timberwolves. It took him some time to College. In his first season with the Bulls, Dunn fully transition from college basketball to the more averaged almost 30 minutes per game along with Now in his third year in the National Basketball fast-paced, skilled NBA. In his rookie season, Dunn 13.4 points per game, six assists per game, and Association, Kris Dunn ’16 has established himself averaged just over 17 minutes per game, 3.8 points 4.3 rebounds per game. Perhaps his most notable as one of the youngest elite point guards in the NBA. per game, and 2.4 assists per game. Following the performance of the season came on December Drafted by the Minnesota Timberwolves in 2016 2016-17 season, Dunn was traded to the Chicago 26, 2017 against the Milwaukee Bucks. In this as the fifth overall pick in the first round, Dunn’s Bulls alongside Zach LaVine in exchange for Jimmy game, Dunn netted 20 points alongside 12 assists, talent was immediately recognized leaguewide. A Butler and the rights to two other players. Dunn four steals, and two blocks. This outstanding point guard at 6’4”, 205 pounds, Dunn’s physical adjusted well to his new team and his presence had performance placed Dunn in legendary company build attracted the attention of many NBA teams an immediate positive impact. as he became the second Bulls player to ever record when combined with his more-than impressive In his first year with the Chicago Bulls, in the at least 20 points. The only other Bulls player that had ever done so was Michael Jordan. Now in the 2018-19 season, Dunn is finally starting to establish himself as a rising star in the NBA. Despite the struggles that the Bulls have been experiencing as a team, Dunn has shown resilience to continue battling throughout the season. After being sidelined for a significant length of time early in the season with an MCL injury, Dunn has returned to being a consistent presence at point guard for the Bulls. He is now averaging 12.1 points per game, 6.3 assists per game, and over 30 minutes played per game. While his numbers as the team’s point guard are respectable, Dunn’s presence as a young leader is part of what makes him a special player. Kris Dunn stated, “I’m trying to be a good leader for this team, I am trying to do what coach wants me to do. We are starting to push the pace, starting to figure that out and be aggressive on both ends of the floor.” Despite only being in his third NBA season, Dunn has accepted his responsibility to be a leader as a point guard and run the team as effectively as possible. The Bulls are currently in 13th place in the Eastern Conference with a record of 11-39, but PHOTO COURTESY OF SPORTING NEWS Dunn’s positive presence as a young star on this Dunn leads the Bulls in assists per game and steals per game, proving he can lead on both ends of the court. team provides hope for its future. Noel Acciari is Making His Presence Known on the Boston Bruins

by Meaghan Cahill ’20 Sports Co-Editor PC Athletics

Before fans entered Schneider Arena to watch the Friars skate to a 4-1 win over Northeastern University, they were gifted with free bobbleheads of former Providence College men’s hockey player and current forward for the Boston Bruins Noel Acciari ’15. Captain of the NCAA National Championship winning team (a first for PC), Acciari is one of the few former Friars who have made a statement within the National Hockey League as a solid fourth-liner. A Rhode Island native, Acciari has played in 150 games with the Bruins over the course of his four years with the team. Originally undrafted, the Bruins picked up Acciari at the end of his junior year just after PC ousted Boston University for the National Championship with a 4-3 win. Acciari left PC to begin his professional career and on June 8, 2015 he signed a two-year entry-level contract as a free agent. However, Acciari would not see the NHL until March of 2016 as the Bruins assigned him to the Providence Bruins to develop his game. Acciari’s NHL debut took place on March 1, 2016 against the Calgary Flames. For the remainder of that season, he would go on to play 19 games with the Bruins, totaling a single assist and a -4 plus/minus rating. Acciari’s physical play style has helped him carve out a consistent role with the Bruins. PHOTO COURTESY OF SB NATION In his second season with the Bruins (2016-2017), Acciari appeared in a total of 29 regular season games, rebound and scores. That’s Friar hockey,” PC men’s scratches stem from the fact that he is not producing as racked up two goals and three assists for a total of five hockey Head Coach Nate Leaman commented on his much as the Bruins’s coaching staff would like. In the points, and had a +3 plus/minus rating. His first NHL former player in 2018. 42 games he has played, he has only notched one goal goal was scored on March 28, 2017 against the Nashville Over the course of his first three seasons with the and three assists and has a -9 plus/minus rating. Yet, Predators, just over a year after his NHL debut. Bruins, and even going back to his days as a Friar, Acciari despite being scratched from multiple games and his It was at the end of this season that the Bruins re- gained the reputation of being a hard hitter along the low numbers in terms of points he is posting, Cassidy signed him with a two-year contract extension. boards. acknowledges that Acciari’s line, which usually consists Acciari saw an increase of playing time over the “He can turn the tide of a game with the physicality of Sean Kuraly and Chris Wagner, has been playing great course of his third season with the Bruins, totaling 60 part…You have to match [teams] hit for hit…and the and “working hard” in both games and practices. games played. Over the course of 2017-2018, he scored 10 Kevan Millers, Charlie [McAvoy], Noel, Z [Zdeno The start of 2019 marks the last year of Acciari’s goals and notched a single assist during regular season Chara]…give us some of that counterpunching contract with the Bruins before he will once again play. And despite his -6 plus/minus rating, his presence we need,” Bruins Head Coach Bruce Cassidy once become a free agent up for grabs. While the Bruins have was surely felt on the ice. commented on Noel’s physical style of play. made no indication on whether or not he will be offered Acciari’s third season influx of goal-scoring caught Of the 50 games played so far this current NHL season, another extension, going forward Acciari will need to his former college coach’s eye. Acciari has played in 42 of them; the eight missed games start producing more on the ice and adding a bit more “He takes the puck to the net hard, stays on the were due to healthy scratches. Unfortunately, Acciari’s consistency to his game. January 31, 2019 SPORTS The Cowl 22 Providence College Investigates: Should Defensive Pass Interference Be Reviewable? Yes, The Referees Need to Get the Right Call by Jack Belanger ’21 give an offense the momentum it Sports Co-Editor needs or kill the drive completely. PCI Regarding other calls that get replayed in the NFL, unless there is conclusive evidence to overturn After the blatant missed defensive the call, the original call on the pass interference call on Los Angeles field stands. While we should not Rams cornerback Nickell Robey- expect every time that there is a Coleman that shifted the outcome little contact it will be overturned, of the National Football Conference by reviewing pass interference the championship game that cost the league will be able to cut down on New Orleans Saints the opportunity the number of incorrect calls, and to go to the Super Bowl, it is time there would be fewer games decided for the NFL to follow suit with other by a controversial call. professional leagues and improve Allowing defensive pass interference their replay system. to be challenged should not slow While those opposed to making the game down significantly to the play reviewable will point out it the point that fans stop watching is a “judgement call,” the truth is, if football. Since coaches only get two a guy does not even try for the ball challenges a game, unless a pass and is solely focused on inhibiting interference was obvious or on a the defender from trying to get to crucial play, they would be more the ball, it must be called 10 out of 10 likely to hold onto their challenge times. When Major League Baseball for later in the game. decided to expand the number of In a time where referees have calls that can be challenged, the idea fallen under more scrutiny than was that it was important that the ever before, with camera angles that allow the average fan at home umpires get the right call because PHOTO COURTESY OF CHUCK COOK-USA TODAY SPORTS games should not be decided on a It is time for the NFL to stop letting games be determined by a missed pass interference call. to get a close look at every play, it missed call. would be beneficial to the league Other leagues have also allowed league gets the correct call in order reduced and fewer games will be and referees to allow coaches to judgement calls to be replayed. In to protect its players. determined by missed calls. challenge pass interference calls. It is the National Basketball Association With 22 players on the field at a It is not necessary for small five- more important to get the call right (NBA), hard fouls will be reviewed time, there is a lot happening on the yard penalties to be challenged and than to worry about slowing down to see if excessive contact is used. If field at once, which means plenty reviewed as most teams can make the game. Getting more calls right so, then a flagrant foul are assessed. of calls are being missed. By having up five yards easily, but calling pass means that refs will be criticized less, It may be based on the referee’s pass interference be reviewable, the interference can be the difference of a and games will not be determined judgement, but it is important the number of incorrect calls will be 20 yards or more, which can quickly by an incorrect call. No, It Would Slow The Game Down

by Cam Smith ’21 but they were instead forced to settle football. Simply put, it would not be. Creating any sort of system to review Sports Staff for a field goal. In the ensuing overtime, Replay has already taken over most these judgment call penalties, such as PCI Rams kicker Greg Zuerlein would send of the game. Every scoring play and pass interference, would increase the Los Angeles to Super Bowl LIII. turnover is automatically reviewed disruptions of play tenfold. In week The 2019 National Football The debate around pass interference by the replay assistant, who sends the one of the 2018 NFL season, an average Conference Championship featured review is understandable because, if head referee on the field to the replay of nearly 16 penalties was called per the non-call heard round the world, as the correct call was made, it would be booth if the play looks even somewhat game. If the replay assistant had the officials missed a clear pass interference the Saints playing Tom Brady and the questionable. In the final two minutes ability to call down to the field for every penalty on Los Angeles Rams New England Patriots this weekend of each half, the replay assistant can do one of these penalties, there would be cornerback Nickell Robey-Coleman in Atlanta. Yet, there should not be an this for any play, excluding “judgement a possible 16 additional stoppages in in the waning seconds of regulation. uproar over a team not advancing that call” penalties. These rules already slow play per game. The penalty would have set the New rewrites the rulebook. What should the game down, as they disrupt the Then comes the word “judgement” Orleans Saints up with a first and goal dictate a change of this magnitude is flow of offenses and halt momentum itself. Penalties such as pass interference with a minute and 45 seconds to play, if it is actually good for the game of for the sake of accuracy. are much more difficult to judge than say, watching the replay to determine if the ball crossed the goal line. Pass interference reviews will still come down to the official determining if there was enough contact to “significantly hinder” the offensive player from catching the ball. This wording leaves PHOTO COURTESY OF SB NATION more up to the interpretation of the referee than is desirable. Other factors are the flags that are not thrown. If coaches are able to ask officials to look for a flag ona seemingly uninterrupted play, imagine the uproar when a big play is negated for a sketchy holding penalty 30 yards away from the ball. All in all, reviewing pass interference calls simply is not worth the slower rate of play and potential controversy it would cause. With NFL TV ratings dropping lately, from 17.9 million views per game in 2015 to 15.8 million this past season, the last thing the NFL needs is a game bogged down by Trying to review a play that is a “judgement call” is not worth slowing down the pace of games. PHOTOS COURTESY OF FOX SPORTS constant review. January 31, 2019 SPORTS 23 The Cowl Baseball Writers Elect Four to Cooperstown Three Pitchers & First Designated Hitter Cement Their Legacy

by Thomas Zinzarella ’21 Sports Staff PRO BASEBALL

With the winter meetings in the rearview mirror, the next big event on the baseball calendar before spring training in March is the annual Baseball Hall of Fame election. The voting for this prestigious honor is left in the hands of an exclusive few who are also known as as the Baseball Writers Association of America (BBWAA). Four members on this year’s ballot were voted into the Baseball Hall of Fame. Mariano Rivera garnered 425 votes out of the possible 425 votes. Rivera is the first player ever to be a unanimous decision. Ken Griffey Jr. was the closest in 2016, earning 99.3 percent of the possible votes. Edgar Martinez and the late Roy Halladay ushered in 85.41 percent of the vote, while the PHOTO COURTESY OF THE PHOTO COURTESY OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS final candidate to be elected was Mike Mussina with 76.71 percent of the vote. Mussina was as steady and reliant as a pitcher could be. Mussina, a five-time All Star and seven-time Gold Glove award winner, posted 17 consecutive seasons with 11 or more wins while finishing in the Cy Young top-5 six different times. Mussina started his career with the Baltimore Orioles before heading to the New York Yankees via free agency. Many debated whether he should be inducted because he holds the 3rd highest ERA for a pitcher to be elected into the Hall of Fame. Some argued this is because he pitched in the hitter- friendly Camden Yards and Old Yankee Stadium, while others state that he was pitching in a time when hitters were dominating the game of baseball. Martinez had to wait 10 years but, in his final year on the ballot, he was able to reach the 75 percent threshold. Martinez was used to waiting, though. Signed for $4,000, Martinez hit .173 in his first minor league season where he PHOTO COURTESY OF GREG M. COOPER/USA TODAY SPORTS PHOTO COURTESY OF THE DENVER POST did not get a starting job until he was 27 years old. Martinez ended up spending Clockwise from top left: Halladay, Martinez, Rivera, and Mussina make up one of the greatest Hall of Fame Classes in recent memory. the entirety of his 18-year career with the Seattle Mariners, where he was a to foul off pitches, and it pissed me off live on through his family and his fans. currently the all-time leader in saves seven-time All Star, five-time Silver because I couldn’t get the guy out.” Halladay was drafted by the Toronto with 652. Slugger, and led the American League Edgar only scratched three hits in 25 Blue Jays as the 17th overall pick in Rivera’s story is a unique one. In in Average twice. Martinez’s number plate appearances against Pedro, but the 1995 draft, but he struggled early 1988, Herb Raybourn, a scout, noticed may not be the flashiest, but fellow Hall his legacy lives on. on in his career. In fact, Halladay was Rivera playing shortstop at a youth of Fame Pitcher Pedro Martinez ranked The late Roy Halladay got into the demoted to Single-A to work on his tournament in Panama and decided to Edgar as one of the five toughest hitters Hall on his first try and well deservingly. mechanics. Halladay persevered and pass up on him. Rivera began to pitch he faced in his career due to the fact Halladay passed away suddenly in 2017 became a first-ballot Hall of Famer. and a teammate of his called Raybourn, that he “was a guy that had the ability after a plane crash, but memories of him Halladay was one of the most dominant who was then the Director of Latin pitchers in the modern era. American Operations for the Yankees. He was an eight-time All Star, a In February of 1990, behind Rivera’s two-time Cy Young award winner, and house, he threw only nine pitches recorded 61 complete games from 2003- before Reybourn quickly signed him to 2011. This is 30 more complete games a $2,000 bonus, and the rest was history. Have a Question for than CC Sabathia, who was second. He not only excelled on the field, but Halladay was a consistent workhorse for he was flat out dominant. More people both the Blue Jays and the Philadelphia have walked on the moon (12) than men Phillies. During his tenure with the who have scored against Rivera in the PCI That You Want Phillies, Halladay threw a perfect game postseason (11), and he faced 527 hitters and a no-hitter, both in the same season. in the postseason, yet only two of those He became the first player ever to throw batters hit a home run off him. You can both in one season and become only the love him or hate him, but you have to Answered? second player ever to throw a no-hitter respect the fact that our generation has in the postseason. Many remember grown up with one of the best closers in Halladay by his nickname “Doc” for his the game, and we may have taken him flat-out dominance and control on the for granted. Email: mound, and he will be missed by the The 2019 Baseball Hall of Fame class baseball community is truly unique due to the fact that many Surprisingly, it took this long for a of these players had to grind their way [email protected] player to be unanimously voted into through and experienced failures along the Hall of Fame, but there is no better the way. It proves to any athlete or candidate than Rivera. Better known baseball player that pure determination by his nickname “Mo,” Rivera is a five- and effort can take you anywhere you time World Series Champion and is want to go. 24 The Cowl SPORTS January 31, 2019 A Look New Season for Softball

Around by Gavin Woods ’22 philosophy that has allowed our team to frame Sports Staff out the program’s new core values. It’s through these core values, every player, no matter what SOFTBALL Friartown program, can be guided when making decisions on and off the field and long after they’ve received As the winter season rages on, we begin to their hard-earned degree.” look forward to the start of the spring and the When asked how she feels about her return to Men’s Basketball: collegiate sports that come with it. Perhaps the the PC program, Karwoski replied, “Words can’t most notable is the Providence College Softball express how grateful I am to be back in Friartown. 1/27 vs DePaul University, win 70-67 Team, led by new Head Coach Jill Karwoski. Previously, when I was with the program, the The Friars are looking to bounce back from a Friars were able to leave a positive impression 1/30 vs Seton Hall University, loss 63-65 somewhat underwhelming 2018 season, ending that I still cherish to this day.” with an overall record of 13-32. Another development from last season is the The primary change from last season is the change in experience. Last year, the Friars had a Upcoming: difference in team management. The Friars relatively young squad. With only four seniors on said goodbye to longtime prior Head Coach the roster, PC fielded as many freshmen as they 2/2 at DePaul University Kerri Jacklets, who served in the position for a did seniors. This year, however, PC’s softball team staggering total of 13 seasons with the College. In features a total of seven seniors. This increase 2/6 vs Georgetown University her time as head coach of the Friars, Jacklets was in experience will, no doubt, assist the Friars in able to produce 15 All-Big East selections, one improving their overall record. All-Big East Tournament Team player, three All- While PC softball only lost four seniors to Women’s Basketball: Northeast Team selections, one College Sports graduation, they will certainly be missed. Such Madness Big East Rookie of the Year, and one talents include Julianne Rurka ’18, who held 1/20 vs Xavier University, win 71-58 NFCA All-Region Team player. the Friars’ highest batting average at .333, and However, Karwoski is no stranger to the job; Brittney Veler ’18, who led the team in RBIs, home this will mark Karwoski’s return to Friartown as 1/26 at Creighton University, win 77-63 runs, and second to most runs. While these are she formerly served as volunteer-assistant coach enormous losses for the program, PC softball has for the Friars’ 2012-2013 season, ending with an much to look forward to with this relatively older Upcoming: overall record of 23-28-1. While she looks forward team. Emma Lee ’19 looks to improve her already- to bringing her new head coaching experience stellar reputation from last season with the most 2/1 at Villanova University back to PC, Karwoski insists, “I am still the same hits, runs, and second to highest batting average person and coach as I was when I volunteered with on the squad. On defense, the Friars pitching staff the Friars. The biggest difference now is that I feel features four relatively young players. The oldest 2/3 at Georgetown University I am able to invest all of my time and energy into of which is Miranda Trinidad ’20, who held the building relationships with each player equally lowest ERA of all pitchers last season. Men’s Ice Hockey: and play a more significant role in enhancing Coach Karwoski remains poised and eager to their overall student-athlete experiences.” make her mark on the Big East conference, this 1/25 vs Northeastern University, win 4-1 Karwoski returns to PC after serving five years time as head coach. She is especially enthused as head coach for the Quinnipiac University over one match-up in particular, “New to the Big Bobcats. Coach Karwoski values her time with the East, every opponent will be an exciting match up 1/26 at Northeastern University, win 3-0 Bobcats and looks forward to following their next for both our players and coaching staff. Having season, this time as a fan. As far as carrying over grown up in a suburb just northwest of Chicago, Upcoming: her experience from Quinnipiac to PC, Karwoski I am particularly excited to travel to DePaul to maintains, “With me I have already brought see some of my family and friends in the stands 2/1 vs University of Vermont my love for the game as well as my coaching cheering for the Friars!”

2/2 vs University of Vermont

Women’s Ice Hockey:

1/25 at Boston College, loss 2-4

1/26 vs Boston College, loss 2-4


2/1 at Merrimack College

2/2 vs University of Connecticut

Swimming and Diving:

1/26 at University of Maine, men win 180-108, women lose 147-152


2/2 at Seton Hall University

PHOTO COURTESY OF PC ATHLETICS With new leadership, the softball team hopes to start a new era for the Friars.