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The BG News February 6, 1995

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Monday, February 6,1995 Bowling Green, Ohio Volume 82, Issue 92 Judge's ruling Monday feature stalls defense in Davis trial Baseball, Mom, apple pie Nicola Pankuch ings], and knows that the defense Americana saturates BGSU's Popular Culture Library The BC News has to have the opportunity to interview its witnesses," said Friday's pre-trial of Ku Klux Eileen Scheff, Davis' defense at- by Genell Pavelich Klan protestor Marvetta Davis torney. stalled the defense after Judge Bishop, Wood County pros- Gale Williamson ruled to delay ecutor, said the credibility of its its motion to dismiss the charges. witnesses is not in question, so Williamson also decided to they need not be interviewed. subpoena pros- '.'We're not talking about credi- ecution witnes- bility as the central issue," ses on Feb. 22 Bishop said. "The whole incident at the sugges- [involving Davis] is on tape, so tion of the credibility of the prosecution has prosecution. nothing to do with it." The sub- The defense argued that the poena motion premise of credibility is ex- was in re- tremely pertinent to Davis' case. sponse to the "You cannot call a witness to defense's pro- the stand without the issues of in- longed attempt terest and bias being material," to obtain the addresses of the Schef f said. prosecution's witnesses. In an effort to compromise on "[Gary] Bishop has been play- ing games throughout [the hear- See DAVIS, page four. Officers arrest assault suspects Aaron Gray The BG News Two people were arrested Friday morning in connection with a shooting in the parking lot of Buckeye Budget Motor Inn on East Wooster Street. William D. Cole, 27, of Sandusky allegedly shot James Butler Jr., 22, in the leg shortly after 1:30 am. Cole then reportedly fled to San- dusky, where he was arrested by police for felonious assault. Also arrested was Cole's brother Curtis L. Clinton, 23, of Bowling Jack Cochran, a student employee of the Popular Culture Library, "The Popular Culture Library 1* the greatest reference tool in the Green for aggravated menacing. Clinton was placed In the Wood sifts through a collection of comic books that date back to the known universe." County Jail with a $700 bond. 1950s. According to bead popular culture librarian Alison Scott, The elevator stops for the These buttons, reflecting non-fiction books on a variety which is extremely rare, sur- fourth floor of the Jerome Li- different aspects of society, of subjects. vives into the future. "They got in a fight outside of brary. The doors open, reveal- are just one of the various and Alison Scott, head librarian "Some of the material is so Uptown-Downtown, which our officers went ing a wall polka-dotted with diverse collections belonging of the Popular Culture Library, rare that we can never, ever down and broke up." multi-colored circles. to the University's Popular said the University is very get another copy of it, so we Some circles contain mes- Culture Library. lucky to have a facility like have to take good care of it," sages of a political nature, in- The Pop Culture Library, es- this. • she said. "We want to make tablished in 1969, is dedicated 'Too many people's educa- sure this stuff survives into the Brad Conner cluding a "Jesse Jackson for President" button and a Clin- exclusively to research mate- tion is boring, and it shouldn't next century and beyond be- Bowling Green Police Seargant ton/Gore campaign button, rials from 19th and 20th cen- have to be," she said. "This is cause it is the foundation of while others show aspects of tury American popular culture. an exciting place to explore." research material for centur- the entertainment world. Other materials from the li- Last year, more than 10,000 ies to come." Butler, Clinton, Cole and several other people had been involved in Images of famous people and brary include vintage paper- people visited the library, Scott Heather Robinson, a junior a fight earier that evening on North Main Street, said Bowling Green movies are shown, including back books such as Nancy said. who works al u;s library, said Police Sgt. Brad Conner. Michael Jackson, Miss Piggy, Drew, the Bobbsey Twins and The library has a closed the material is unlike material "They got in a fight outside of Uptown-Downtown, which our offi- Back to the Future - shaped various romance novels, maga- stack policy, and research you can find anywhere else. cers went down and broke up," Conner said. "They decided to contin- like a license plate, a square zines, movie and television must be done on the fourth She said it has many Interest- ue it outside Buckeye Budget. • scripts and comic books. The floor. These policies are to en- Mrs. Doubtfire and Raiders of See MOM, page five. the Lost Ark. library also has fiction and sure that the material, some of See SUSPECTS, page four. Senator Dole announces candidacy Jim Ab rams On NBC's "Meet the Press," of Texas, who is already actively attacked for avoiding military to people's concerns. the mistakes of his past cam- The Associated Press Dole also sought to Identify him- campaigning, and other pros- service In Vietnam, Dole said, Dole was the Republican vice paigns, when he gained a reputa- self with the ideas of Jack Kemp, pects including former Vice "Some people might suggest presidential nominee during tion for sharp attacks on his op- the conservative Republican who President Dan Quayle and form- that." Gerald Ford's unsuccessful race ponents. WASHINGTON -- Senate says Republicans need to reach er Tennessee Gov. Lamar Alex- But he said he picked the date against Jimmy Carter in 1976, "I'm at sort of peace with my- Majority Leader Bob Dole said out more to minorities. He men- ander. "because I thought it was a fairly Sunday his experience as tioned Kemp as a possible run- Kemp, secretary of Housing important experience in my life- "someone who has been tested in ning mate. and Urban Development in the time, and it's not aimed at anyone "I'm at sort of peace with myself. I know a lot of ways" qualifies him to be He added that former Joint Bush administration, recently else." what I want to do. I've never personally president. The Chiefs of Staff Chairman Colin announced he would not seek the He said voters would turn to Kansas Repub- Powell and several Republican 1996 GOP presidential nomina- him if they are "looking for attacked President Clinton or Mrs. Clinton." lican said he governors, Including California's tion. someone with experience, will formally Pete Wilson and New Jersey's Dole said he would formally someone who has been tested in a announce his Christine Todd Whitman, would announce his presidential bid lot of ways and somebody who Robert Dole candidacy also be on his list of potential around April 14, the 50th an- gets up every morning and U.S. senator around the 50th running mates. niversary of receiving a serious knows that people are going to anniversary of In a series of recent appearan- wound while fighting with U.S. have difficulties." one of his most ces. Dole has made it dear that forces in Italy. Referring to his partially para- and he unsuccessfully sought the self. I know what I want to do," severe tests, a he will contend for the Republi- Asked if this was a way of em- lyzed arm from the war wound, Republican presidential nomina- he said. "I've never personally World War II can presidential nomination in phasizing how he differs from he noted that he has difficulties tionsinl980andl988. attacked President Clinton or Injury. 1996. He Joins Sen. Phil Gramm President Clinton, who has been dressing, making him sensitive He said he had learned from Mrs. Clinton. I gave that up." AN •'^IB Bull •Y:iVi1 Rust urn Kozain talks OhioCare will extend BG icers sweep UAF about the film Roger and Medicaid coverage to in the weekend series. INSIL3E Me. include 375,000 more Page 6. Page 2. Ohioans. LOOK Page 4. G fc W. * Colored Ink Editorial The BG News page two Monday, February 6,1995 Has capitalism gone too far?

The BG News Sony to harp on my South power that the people behind the relationship between poverty African background, but it U In- such an action can claim inno- and crime. "Celebrating 75 years of Excellence" evitable that it affects every- cence and ascribe it to the mar- As the crime rate rocketed, a thing I see and say. For instance: ket? new prison opened in Flint. The I only got to see Roger & Me a What, I also want to know, were rich paid $100 per couple to at- Julie Tagliaferro Michael Zawacki few weekends ago. I don't recall the demands of the market? Is tend the opening, a "Jallhouse editor-in-chief managing editor it being screened In South Africa, the ultimate demand not that you Rock" party. but I had read a bunch of reviews show higher profits and that, to President Reagan visited the about it back when it was that aim, GM would open plants town and preached optimism too, released. in Mexico, where labor is as if that sunny attitude would re- Leah Barnum Dawn Keller Briefly, Roger & Me is a docu- cheaper? Yes, certainly, you can open the plants; as if it was news editor assistant managing editor mentary by Michael Moore, and fire an employee — after all, you pessimism that caused such sud- it centers around the massive own the business and you are den, massive unemployment in General Motors lay-offs during free to do whatever you want the first place. the mid-SOs in Flint, Mich However, when it lays an en- Furthermore, and like Marx's Joe Peiffer Larry Hannan Sharon Turco Central to the story is Moore's tire town to waste, should we not classical opiate, showbiz stars city editor editorial editor feature editor quest to find Roger Smith, who stop and think? Have things not trooped through the town. Pat was then chairman of GM, to ask gone too far - a capitalism so Boone, for years endorsing GM him some questions about the rampant that the demands of the products, and Anita Bryant came lay-offs. Of course, Roger Smith market are obeyed to the extent to Inspire people, Bryant offer- proves to be a highly evasive that Roger Smith screwed so ing Marx's actual opiate, God. Attendance policy character, avoiding Moore and can bludgeon the lives of ordin- many of his fellow Americans? Of course, nothing helped. his camera as if he was being ary people. I guess capitalism knows no What was missing, sadly, was a hounded by a revolutionary mob Yes, I was brought up on empty national loyalties. It Is loyal to sense of history. For some reason is not a necessity In 18th century France. anti-capitalist slogans, but Roger one god, the free market, and like the workers had forgotten that The meat of the movie, & Me made those slogans ring gods, that market la as transcen- collective action, not God, Rea- however, is made up of inter- true for me. dental as it is whimsical. gan nor optimism might have views with the unemployed and How, for Instance, can I de- And the rich of Michigan acted given them at least a sense of Professors are permitted to create their own at- the rich historical footage, foo- scribe the eventual lay-off of as decadent as my communist power. tendance policies and are not required to give make- tage of Ronnie Raygun and other about 35,000 workers - an entire slogans had predicted. Without Probably still duped by Ameri- Up exams or review work missed due to student absence, celebs and executives trying to town, a whole history of families any sense of the tragedy that ca's most resilient myth - the according to the University Academic Charter. breathe new life Into Flint, and so and growing up - other than an Roger's flick of his writing wrist powerful, resourceful individual ■ Even though most faculty members do allow for make- on. The movie itself has very inhumanity that can only be bred had caused, the rich shrugged - they forgot that in 1937, for in- ups, The News believes that attendance should not be re- I much the feel of a home movie. by advanced capitalism? their shoulders. They played stance, workers at GM collec- quired. IronicallyJloger & Me is shelved What, other than inhuman, do I their golf and held Great Gatsby tively brought both a rabid, anti- ; The News believes that students have the right to [under 'Comedy'. call the eviction of tenant and her parties at which they had humans union GM and the government to cjhoose if they want to go to class or not. Ironic, especially because the children on Christmas Eve be- - no doubt the desperate poor - heel. ; After all, they do pay tuition whether they attend class movie made me angry - very cause, laid off and unemployed, stand around as statues. The dissolution of the Soviet or not angry - and sad, too. While it cer- she couldn't make the rent? Of course to them things wer- Union may have given capitalism " Faculty members get paid the same amount whether 10 tainly has many funny moments Certainly, you say, an em- en't bad. In fact, some would say, a moral high ground, but the free - like when Moore frequently ployer has the right to dismiss the unemployed were just lazy market system is definitely not students are attending or 2S0 students are in class. gets turned away from Roger's whomever he or she wants, and and should be more optimistic. above barbarism. The slogans j Since students are paying the University for their edu- office by receptionists and according to whatever the free The decadence didn't stop that early communists left us cation, they are the ones responsible for ensuring that guards offering transparent ex- market demands or dictates, but here. As the unemployment rate with, while maybe overhasty dur- they learn something. The professors are instruments in cuses - the movie also shows how do we not assign too much power rose, so too did the crime rate, ing the 50s and 60s, are certainly t)iat learning, but if students don't feel they are gaining the whims of an industrial giant to the free market? So much providing a good case study on not empty. anything from attending class, they should not have to go. If University students choose not to attend class on a regular basis, they are the individuals who may lose out on their education. Professors cannot force students to learn. However, if professors create an atmosphere in which students want 3»*ul HflCS to be involved, more will attend class. If students are required to go to a class that they do not Hear about u,our perceive as interesting, they are not going to learn a great deal. beath seuten i However, The News believes that if professors make Class interesting and communicate information in an ef- fective manner, students will be more likely to attend. ' Students come to the University to become independ- ent adults, and they should not be told that they have to go to class. You can't become an adult if people don't treat you like one. > If the University and its faculty members treat their students like children, then they are failing to fulfill their responsibilities at the lowest level. ! It's a choice that students should make, and professors cannot make it for them. The News believes that if Uni- versity students feel they will learn a great deal in the class, they will go. ' If they feel that they are not learning and could use their time more effectively in another manner, it should riot be up to a professor to require attendance. ; The News also believes that if students complete work qorrectly and on time, they should not be punished for a lack of attendance or be required to go to class.

- • Copyright ©1995 by The BG News. Reprinting of any material in this publication without the permission of The BG News is strictly prohibited. The BG News is an independent student voice founded Condoms fail physically and vote on Tuesday, Feb. 7. painful. in 1920 and is published daily during the academic year and Safe sex nothing psychologically. Sex is fully rea- Sarah Ogdahl Fortunately, the fire station Is Wednesdays in the summer. but unfounded myth lized only in the total self-giving Freshman right across the street from this Opinions expressed herein are not necessarily those of love of marriage with an open- Environmental Sci- crosswalk and the unfortunate the student body, faculty or University administration. Opin- I am responding to the front- ness to children; not in a cheap ence/Geology pedestrian received immediate page article on Friday, Jan. 27, on package of condoms. medical assistance. ions expressed in columns, cartoons and lettes are not necessar- condom accessibility. Safe sex is Joseph Brickner USG must have a strong dislike ily those of The BG News. Currently a very popular phase. Senior Crosswalk system for University students and fac- Letters intended for publication must be between 200- It Is, however, unfounded and a Social Studies clearly not working ulty if they propose to install two 300 words long, typed and include the writer's name, phone myth Safe sex from what? From more crosswalks. That should number and University affiliation, if any. The BG News AIDS? Remember to vote Recently I have been watching raise the accident ratio from two How many people realize. In- the great pedestrian crosswalk to six a semester. reserves the right to edit any and all letters. cluding our own University if registered in BG I have been at this University The BG News encourages its readers to notify the debate occurring on campus. health director, that the Undergraduate Student for four years and never have I paper of any errors in the stories or photograph descriptions. HIV virus is thousands of times I would like to remind my fel- Government is currently crusad- heard of a person struck by a car smaller than a sperm cell? low University students that ing for the installation of two in the location which the new We are led to believe, as- there Is a special election on crosswalks on the east end of crosswalks are being placed. So The BG News Staff suredly, that condoms are safe. Tuesday, Feb. 7. On this day, we campus. why do they want to put in a In addition, there is a lot of de- will be voting on a Bowling At first glance, crosswalks system of street crossing that Is photo editor Ross Weitzner bate over the relationship of the Green school levy. If you are reg- clearly not working? Jim Vickers seem like a great safety precau- , city editor HIV virus and AIDS, Just ask istered to vote in Bowling Green, tion. However, I dont quite agree Although It sounds like a good sports editor Marty Fuller Nobel Prize winner Dr. Kary asst. sports editor Pat Murphy please remember to vote on that they are a viable, safe pas- system, the truth Is drivers and graphics editor Jim Mericsko Mullis or the scholars of the Tuesday. On-campus students sageway for pedestrians. pedestrians do not know how to Weekend Reality editor Glen Lubben "Yale Scientific." The cause of can vote In the Northeast Com- One early evening last semes- deal with crosswalks. Weekend Reality mg. editor Melissa Upowski AIDS is still very much disputed. mons from 6:30 a.m. to 730 p.m. ter, I was walking to my class In copychief Cindy Wll flams Why are we trying to kid our- All too often, students have assistant copy chief Jo* Boyle West HalL I was Just past the Also, the people using the special projects editor Robin Coe selves? forgotten to vote In special elec- McDonald quad heading toward crosswalks become to comforta- assistant special projects editor Aaron Gray How else does the condom tions. In 1993 only 27 on-campus the administration building when i ble with cars yielding to them make sex "safe?" Safe from students voted in a special police I heard the screech of tires. I and forget to watch for cars that pregnancy? Condoms promote and fire levy election, despite the looked up Just In time to see a may not stop. the objectiflcation of people; the fact that over 1,000 were regis- small car slam Into a woman on a If crosswalks are Installed they 204 West Hall Idea that humans are sexual toys. tered. Let's not repeat that em- bike. need to be elevated or placed Sex Is often viewed as a game, barrassing statistic again. About The woman was riding her bike underground and made fully Bowling Green State University land pregnancy Is the undesired 1,100 students who currently live through-the pedestrian cross- handicap accessible. Otherwise Bowling Green, Ohio 43403-0726 result. Do we honestly think that on campus are registered to vote walk, the supposed DMZ of traf- more accidents will occur. if we "mess around" now we can In Bowling Green. There Is no fic I do not know the extent of KenRatllff be faithful to our spouse In mar- excuse for a low turnout her Injuries but I can safely say Senior 372-6966 . riage? Let's all do our civic duty and mat what happened to her was Social Studies Education The BG News Headlina Monday, February 6,1995 page three THEY SAID IT j "I am sick of the [O.J.] case, if you real- ly want to know."

-Cindy Moody, mail clerk in Brentwood, Calif.

ACROSS •towcaat for noon, Monday, ampus THE NATION orner Mother gives up life so Exhibit to feature bus understand his pain or take the \£2 easy way out and go along with children can live filled with prejudice the crowd," said Loren Behr, the EUGENE, Ore. - Barbara Bar- CHICAGO - Imagine taking exhibit's project manager. WBGU-TV to ad- ton gave up her own life so her your 8-year-old child for a Satur- The exhibit, which will begin dress policing pro- babies could live. day afternoon museum outing. later this year after the museum While pregnant with twins, Once there, the youngster boards moves to Its new home at Navy gram Barton put off treatment for a school bus filled with prejudice Pier, will also have information A look at how Lima is leukemia so she would not harm - derogatory names like "fatso," aimed at parents. adopting a community po- them. The delay, however, "cripple," "four-eyes" and "u- Behr said parents will be ad- licing program and how it proved too much and Barton died gly." vised the exhibit contains strong could be used In other Jan. 22, six months after the The bus Is part of an exhibit language. communities will be the twins were born. planned at the Chicago Children's "If you've been a victim, what focus of "Journal 1995," Her cancer — chronic granulo- Museum and Is aimed at teaching we really believe is that this will WBGU-TVs public affairs cytic leukemia - was diagnosed 8- to 12-year-olds about prejudice validate you," he said. "If you program on Feb. 7 at 10 p.m. in December 1993, the same day and discrimination. feel like you're the only one who As a part of Lima's com- COLD MM/IV snnOMur munity policing program, she learned she was pregnant. "Someone who's ostracized felt this way... it makes you feel residents get to know their She and her husband, Jeff, de- from the group, be he a fat kid, a part of the world and not singled cided against an abortion. kid in a wheelchair or a black kid, out." neighborhoods and work it's the same process. The exhibit And, "those kids who have been closely with specific police HOH LOW «I«JII»» mm Tnumm rurmmi mo* a auwr rr.aouur aouar officers to try to prevent In July 1994 she gave birth to a helps people understand the pro- lucky enough to live in a world crime, rather than react to healthy son and daughter. Her cess of exclusion," said Terri where they're not discriminated crimes after they have been condition quickly deteriorated, Johnson, a member of the exhi- against, they ought to know what committed. and she underwent a bone mar- bit's advisory committee, in a re- it feels like to be the victim," he On This Date Guests on "Journal 1995" row transplant In August. cent newsletter of the nonprofit said. "We want them to be aware She was sent home in mid- Joyce Foundation, which is fi- that if they're calling someone will include: Dan Beck sher- Twenty two years ago today, 19 iff of Allen County, and December and doctors expected nancing the exhibit with a else a name, it does hurt." Greg Garlock, an Inspector her to survive only a matter of $175,000 grant. Kim Dell'Angela, a child psy- counties in Northwest Ohio will be in the Lima Police Depart- days. When youngsters walk on the chologist at Loyola University of served by WBGU-TV when it ment. bus, they will see cutouts of other Chicago, doesn't think exposure "She got to go home... and play children and will hear taped to the harsh language will be increases it power from 10,000 watts Viewers may phone in to 750,000 watts. questions to "Journal 1995" with the kids out of the hospital shouts of racial epithets and der- harmful because children hear at 1-800-255-9248 beginning environment, and that was really ogatory names. such language elsewhere - with- A new tower and transmitter under uplifting to her," said family After leaving the bus, the child out positive follow-up. construction in Putnam County will at 10 p.m. the evening of the friend Kit Fisher. "I think that's punches a button to indicate how The problem, she said, will program. Judy Paschal is. probably what kept her going was he feels — angry, sad or guilty. occur when a child visits the ex- beam the signal in a 55-mile radius. public affairs director of having that time with her family Then, a child who had similar hibit, then goes home to a preju- WBGU-TV, is the host of the and with her kids. She had a very, feelings after experiencing real- diced parent. "They have to program. very strong will." life discrimination will appear on either believe their parent is a WBGU-TV provides tele- a video and share that experience bad person, or they have to not You Can Learn A Lot From A vision programs and educa- Barton died at age 36 at the and how he or she handled it. believe what they heard on the tional services to 19 hospital where she had worked as Among other parts of the exhi- bus," she said. Dummy. counties In northwest and a transcriptionist and her hus- bit will be a videotaped scenario central Ohio. band Is a nurse's aide. The couple where the child decides whether Compiled from staff and wire Buckle Your Safety Belt. also has a 4-year-old daughter. to "take the side of the victim and reports.

PICKUP FOR SUNDAY'S BG/OHIO BASKETBALL GAME STARTS TODAY! t**# LIMITED AVAILABILITY. ..Students planmns to attend must pickup a ticket at Memorial Hall £■■>

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of the 1995 KEY senior section iff you miss the last portrait session now underway!

Call The KEY office today, 372-8086, to This Is your last session and your last chance. Call new! schedule your session wim our professional photographer. Schedule now to ensure a 372-8086 convenient sitting time.

Walk-ins accepted! Ceme te 28 West Hall, 10 a.m.-1 p.m.;2- 6 p.m. City The BG News page four Monday, February 6,1995 Plan could help local uninsured

Bethanee Filch of the OhioCare program on a federal poverty level, which is Under the current program, OhioCare would also provide a inated," Miesle said'They may The BC News local level. $12,320 annually for a family of every hospital is a Medicald pro- more comprehensive form of not have a choice of a hospital or "The OhioCare program will three. vider. Under OhioCare, partici- medical coverage, giving the doctor anymore." J A new program may change solve the problem for Wood pating in the program's network health-care providers a financial OH A and nearly 200 members the way Ohio provides health Countians who do not have ex- Mary Yost, senior director of would be the only way hospitals Incentive to regularly treat public af fairs for the Ohio Hospi- could provide care to Medicald continue to work on the proposal, care to its poorest citizens. tensive medical coverage," Mie- patients with immunizations, which will be presented to the sle said. tal Association, said the program patients. regular check-ups and emer- OhioCare will extend Medtcaid has many benefits. state legislature as early as July coverage to include 375,000 addi- gency treatment, Melsle said. 1. If approved, the program will tional Ohioans who work but are The proposal calls for a hospi- "Today, every hospital is a begin by Jan. 1,1996. poor and uninsured. tal tax raising more than $100 "The OhioCare program is a Medlcaid provider. If someone However, Miesle said he be- ' Mike Miesle, administrator of million a year. The hospital tax new way for hospitals to be in- walks in needing treatment and lieves personal choice may be If the program is passed. It will Wood County Hospital, said it Is and federal funding will provide volved in the Medicald pro- they can't pay, the hospital is not greatly affected. take at least five years for it to be hard to estimate the full impact Medlcaid to everyone below the gram," Yost said. reimbursed," Yost said. "The freedom of choice is elim- fully Implemented, Miesle said. DAVIS SUSPECTS

Continued from page one. Continued from page one. t}ie issue of address disclosure. During the course of the sec- Bishop suggested his witnesses ond fight. Cole reportedly pulled lie subpoenaed to appear in court out a revolver and fired several to determine for themselves if shots, Conner said. they will release their addresses. A bullet reportedly went Williamson agreed to use Feb. through the rear windshield of a 22, which was formerly set to be- car belonging to one of the other people involved in the fight An- gin the trial, as the date to sub- poena the prosecution's witnes- other bullet struck Butler in the ses. leg.

' Jodi Masley, the other defen- After the shooting, Butler's friends got in the damaged car dent indicted for inciting vio- lence at last summer's KKK ral- and drove to the corner of East ly, was outraged at the actions in Wooster and Baldwin streets, where they flagged down a police court. car, Conner said. Clinton was ar- "It's an infuriating travesty of rested shortly afterward. justice. We have the right to Conner said police still had not those addresses. Since we be- located the revolver. lieve that the witnesses are Klan supporters, we have a right to in- vestigate those witnesses," Mas- 14 L ley said. "[Williamson] should have dismissed the case." - Members of the National Groceries Women's Rights Organizing Co- alition who demonstrated outside the court house before the hear- purchased ing said they were also outraged by the prosecution's actions. by 84% "I think It's outrageous that the prosecution is willing to go even further [by subpoening Its wit- BGSU nesses] than the Klan supporters Tte BG Ntwi/Rou Wf inner will go," said Luke Massle, NWROC member. "[Williamson] Defense attorney Eileen Scheff stands before Judge Gale Williamson protestors, dismissed on the basis of the unavailability of prosecution students should have ordered the pros- Friday afternoon during a pre-trial bearing, in an attempt to have witnesses. "We have the right to [the addresses of the witnesses]," ecution to provide the [witnes- charges against Marvetta Davis and Jodi Masley, Ku Klux Klan Scheff said. ses'] addresses."

HOME FALCON WOMEN'S BASKETBALL WEDNESDAY us. CENTRAL -7:30 PM! Students, this SPUD'S for you' Come sign-up to be the COUCH POTATO, sponsored by Papa John's Pizza.

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Reed Midnight Skiing-Feb. 17 M€WfOttfttU 1995 Mount Brighton ♦ 824 6th St leave-7:45 p.m. & Rehim-7:30 a.m. ♦ 801&803 5th St. Sign-ups: Feb.9lh-15lfi Price $35 without equip./$25 wilh equip. ♦ 309 High Two nnnnif N«W Buildings ♦ 709 5th St Backpacking Workshop-Feb. 23 For more Bawl-N-Gnene.y information call at Campbell Hill Apts. 8-10 p.m. Price-Free . I NEWLOVE • 2 and 3 Bedrooms • Full basements Horseback Riding Trip-Feb. 25 Rentals • Washer/Dryer hookups. • flir Conditioning Leave-10:00 a.m. & Retum-5:30 p.m. Sign-ups: Feb.9lh-23rd 352-5620 Prkei$35 Our Only Office Greenbriar Inc. * The Rental Agency Prices are of rsarablel voted #1 by the BG It4 I UleeiUr 3510717 UAO Office 3rd Floor Union Call 372-2343 for more info. NEWS for 1994! The BG News Monday, February 6,1995 Employers discuss wages Police combat Proposed pay increases do." Liss said. "We used to have it through a minimum wage raise 42 employees and' now we're without a scratch. Greg Hala- gang activity down to 32, but the work's still may, owner of Finders Records 4 getting done." Tapes on North Main Street, said may affect local merchants he does not foresee any prob- Wayne Krause the center has been a ware- Assistant economics Professor lems. The BG News house of information. "[The kids] really want to let Aaron Gray the price along to the consumer, Mary Ellen Benedict said mini- so you're going to have to in- mum wage Increases have histor- The Wood County Prosecut- you know [about gangs]. We'- The BC News "I can understand how It might ing Attorney's Office is fight- crease productivity or else cut ically narrowed the market for affect some small businesses, but ve donated a vast array of ing an increase in gang activi- Local business owners could be labor," Liss said. job hunters. I don't think it will hurt ours," clothing, tapes, photos of tat- ty with a gang task force. feeling a sharp pain in the wallet Clinton proposed Friday to Halamay said. "We already pay toos - stuff like that is price- if Clinton's proposed increase of boost the minimum wage rate above and beyond the minimum The Wood County Gang less," Brown said. "The neoclassical way Task Force may be growing the minimum wage from $4.25 to through two 45-cent increases suggests that if the minimum wage. If they were to raise it $1.50, it could have an effect, but faster than the gangs them- Titterington mentioned cer- $5.15 an hour is passed by Con- over the next two years. wage is raised, the amount of selves. According to director If the minimum wage is in- jobs fall and there will be more if it's smaller than that, I'm not tain traits indicative of gang gress. Phil Titterington, the task unemployment," Benedict said. worried." membership: coloring of force has gone from dealing "This hits young people the clothing, jewelry, athletic Ramona Di Benedetto, owner of with seven police departments team jackets, 5- or 6-pointed "They have raised the minimum wage in hardest because they have most in and around Wood County in of the minimum- wage jobs." DiBenedetto's Pasta & Subs on stars and different colored New Jersey and found an increase in October 1993 to the current shoelaces. East Wooster Street, said her number of 62. employment." This might not necessarily main concern is that a shift in Titterington said at the mo- training wages might come with "Sometimes a teacher will prove true If the minimum wage ment there could be 200 to 300 say, 'Oh, I confiscated some is increased, Benedict said. a minimum-wage increase. Mary Ellen Benedict gang members in Wood graffiti from a kid, but I didn't "They have raised the minu- Di Benedetto can legally pay County. know it had to do with a gang,' assistant economics professor Garland Brown, director of mum wage in New Jersey and less than minimum wage to new " Brown said. "That's how we the Wood County Juvenile De- found an increase in employ- employees for the first few educate people." ment," Benedict said. months of their employment. tention Center, said if future On the University campus, trends continue, gang activity Jerry Liss, owner of Pisanello's creased, Liss said he would DiBenedetto said an increase in Titterington said the task will probably get worse. Pizza on North Main Street, said rather cut the hours of his em- Benedict said as long as the in- this could be costly. force is speaking to education "I see a lot of heavy gang- classes, working closely with an increase in minimum wage ployees than eliminate Jobs, as he crease is small, its effect on jobs will probably be small, too. "Naturally, it could be a disas- bangers just floating through campus police and even has will mean employers have to has done in the past. the area," he said. "A lot of the tighten their budgets in order to ter for a lot of small businesses," internship spots open for stu- local kids are just in the wan- dents. still come out ahead. "We have six drivers doing Some Bowling Green em- DiBenedetto said. "I'm hoping it The task force is headed by "You really don't want to pass won't be a problem for me." nabe stage." now what it used to take 10 to ployers said they expect to make Titterington said he charac- Wood County Prosecuting At- terized a "wannabe" as "the torney Alan Mayberry. kid who acts and dresses the part." Brown said another tremen- Art program targets children "[He or she] wants to be a dous supporter of the task member, but doesn't know force is juvenile judge Robert how to play the game," he Pollex. Andrea Wood community and the kids - they said. The task force has taken a The BG News have a good time," Trythall said. "It's very well received by the community The task force combats strong stance against gang ac- Beginning Feb. 11, the classes and the kids - they have a good time." gangs with a pro-active strat- tivity in Wood County since Children will have a chance to will be offered every Saturday egy, Titterington said. Diver- the problem was identified, express themselves at the Satur- from 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Three- sion programs and communi- Brown said. day Art Program offered by Con- and 4-year-olds will discover oil Shirley Trythall cation with police, schools, tinuing Education. pastels, paints and clay in the community blocks and profes- "We're going to try and stop spokeswoman for Continuing Education Kids ages three to 16 will have program "Art Discoveries." sional organizations are em- kids - with education," he a chance to learn about art and Five- and 6-year-olds will ex- phasized. said. "We're not gonna toler- culture through a program plore drawing, painting, sculp- The task force receives ate these activities." created with the help of the Uni- ture and printmaking in "Art Ex- serving the environment and 20th century ideas and create in- much of the vital information If citizens suspect gang ac- versity School of Art plorations." Children In this other cultures. depth studio projects in "Teen making communication possi- tivity or want further infor- Shirley Trythall, spokeswoman group will also be introduced to Ten- to 12-year-olds will have a Studio Workshop." ble from Brown and the juven- mation, the Gang Task Force for Continuing Education, said related artists and art forms. chance to explore studio work, ile detention center. He said can be reached at 354-9250. the program has been going on "Art Fundamentals" will show exploring various techniques, art The program will last through for several years and partici- 7- to 9-year-olds greater self- forms and styles in "Art Expres- April 29. To register for the Sat- pants seem to enjoy themselves. awareness through art. This sions." Thirteen- to 16-year-olds urday Art Program, call Continu- "It's very well received by the group will also learn about ob- will have a chance to learn of ing Education at 372-8181. MOM Toledo Continued from page one. ing collections, including the "Popular culture plays an im- brarian. students pin collection, memorabilia from portant role in our lives every Browne thought popular cul- different restaurant promotions, day, and the library can help to ture needed to be considered an mall order catalogs and scripts enhance our understanding of academic discipline, and he examine from various television shows it," she said. wanted to have research material and movies. Planning for the library began to go with it. The two men began Robinson said she encourages in 1967 with Ray Browne, an Eng- collecting material from garage cemetery students to come see all that is lish professor, and William sales, second-hand stores and available at the library. Schurk, the collection's first 11- University alumni. TOLEDO -- Woodlawn "There are so many interesting Cemetery is known for its hem- things here," she said. "There Is lock, ash and dogwood trees. But at least one thing here that some University of Toledo stu- everyone can get into." ♦ HOD AM MANOR ♦ dents are going through old re- Scott agreed that the material cords to find out more about its is worth knowing about and that ♦ •NOW RENTING* ♦ CLEVELAND BALLET DANCING WHEELS 118-year-old history. it can be helpful for research. J Choose from choice apartments within walking Y Tuesday, February 7,1995 A dozen students are reviewing She said the material is Impor- 7:30 p.m. • Kobacker Hall ao,o^».-, deed books, meeting minutes and tant to study because it is what distance to campus Summer 1995 and school year ▼ ▼ FREE ADMISSION l m E. uatfi st monument records found in an we are surrounded with. 0»«Und.OII ♦ 1995-1996. For more Information call 372-2343 iiun-im old vault and the administration "It serves an important aca- building's belfry to find answers. demic function because it helps 2 bedroom, furnished or unfurnished, gas heat in teaching people how to think The students are finding re- critically and engage with mate- and water included, air conditioning cords of people who were promi- rial from their own culture," she ! nent in their day and now are said. ▲641 Third St. Apt 4, B.G. Resident Manager 352-43801 known mostly because streets, Christee Breen, a sophomore buildings, parks and schools nursing major, said she has used were named for them. . the facility for research in different classes. She said she More than 65,000 people are enjoyed looking through the old buried at the cemetery, which Time magazines to see what was the best has room for about 40,000 more popular during the different dec- people. ades. thing to do on X tuesdays... X Enjoy Good Living in Haven House Manor Apartments! Preferred Properties Management Co. Rental Office 530 S. Maple St. Phone: 352-8378 J Office hours - Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 4:30 pm • Columbia Court Apartments - 8 Left closed 12:00 -1:00 A Every Tuesday All Day • Field Manor Apartments - 4 Left NOW LEASING FOR SUMMER AND FALL e\Not available for delivery.Dine-in or carry-out only. Special Features: • Frazee Avenue Apartments -15 Left • 900 ♦ sq. ft. par apartment wall-to-wall carpeting 2 • 2 bedrooms -1 1/2 baths sound conditioned Interior • nidge Manor Apartments - Full • central Qas heating with Individual cable TV available X •The buffalo would like to apartment controls kitchen comes equipped • completely furnished with a Qas range, \{ congratulate Jeff Hodak On • L-shaped Irving-dining area refrigerator, food waste x All Close To Campus • Insulated window glass disposal, stainless steel winning the 1st annual bw-3 • sliding glass doors sink • fast recovery Qas water heating extra large walk-In closets Bowling Green Cluck-Off. • twin beds In each bedroom carpeted halls and Inside • built-in vanity In hallway entrances • Inen closet Ample off street parking Good luck at the nationals. • resident paid utilities G«s-equlpped laundry area • 48 two bedroom apartments available In each apartment building Call 353-bwww Greenbriar Inc. All residents receive 0 membership to CHERRYWOOD HEALTH SPA bg. OH bw-3 <7.Jo. Ud n.immi*4 peoi imu^a, Hjir* - Spm Whirlpool, compUu *, ci~ 176 E. Wooster J\ ipm—t, compUu lock* room mud •kow.rfmcilUim.) Check out our ask about our other listings ?> BUFFALO WILD WINGS tVWECK^ 244 E. Wooster Summer listings. :352-©7tB Sports The BG News page six Monday, February 6,1995 leers sweep Fairbanks, 6-3,6-1 BG penalty-killing lines score five times

John Boyle But the stage was set for Pun- his play suffered the following The BG News chard's second attempt when left weekend against Ohio State and wing Jason Clark was banished at Miami. The second, not the third, time the 5:00 minute mark of the third "I feel a lot better," Fry said. "I was the charm for BG left wing for interference. Punchard was missed a full week of practice Brett Punchard. then sent in alone off a feed from there before Ohio State and ' Punchard's short-handed goal center Mike Hall. Miami, and I felt horrible. But 6:09 into the third period effec- "I was going down on that this last week of practice I felt a tively dashed the hopes of Alas- break and I was thinking, this lot better." ka-Fairbanks Saturday at the Ice thing better go in the net, and go Arena and led the Falcons to a 6-1 to that hard or I'm going to be ... BG still held a three-goal ad- win and non-conference sweep of not happy,'" Punchard said. vantage through two periods at the Nanooks. 4-1. UAFs Forrest Gore's short- The goal, Punchard's 11th of The Falcons, who defeated the handed marker at 2:19 cut the BG the season, gave BG a 5-1 lead Nanooks 6-3 Friday night, im- margin to two. But Brian Hol- and drained the life out of the proved to 19-7-1 overall but fell zinger, a Hobey Baker Award beleaguered UAF power-play to second place In the Central candidate, fired home his 29th unit. The BG penalty Wll scored Collegiate Hockey Association. goal of the season to reclaim the five short-handed goals on the Michigan made up its two games Falcons' three-goal bulge. Hol- weekend and held the Nanooks to in hand over the Falcons with 8-3, zinger's 58 points leads the na- 1-12 with the man-advantage. 5-3 victories against Western tion. Punchard was robbed by UAF Michigan and Michigan State, re- Hall scored his ninth of the goaltender Brian Fish on the spectively. season at 19:04 for the final mar- Nanooks' previous power-play BG took a 3-0 lead at the end of gin. BG goaltender Will Clarke, attempt with only four seconds the first period on goals from de- whose 2.52 goals-agalnst-average left in the second period. fenseman Kelly Perrault at 6:09, leads the CCHA, improved to left wing Tom Glantz at 10:26 and 11-2-1 while making 27 saves. Tb BG N»>/Bclk Matter* right wing Curtis Fry at 13:31. BG cut down UAPs chances BG left winger Brett Punchard collides with U AF's Kyle McDonald In an effort to get to the puck. The Fry, who has nine points in his and were much better overall Falcons swept the weekend series from the Nanooks. last five games, said he's healthy Saturday than they were in the again after injuring his thigh series opener Friday, head coach played, and that's playing hard down the slot area and limiting Clark and Holzinger scored Management Inc. against Notre Dame on Jan. 6. Al- Buddy Powers said. when you don't have the puck," their grade-A opportunities. We two goals each, and BG got solid though he missed only one game "We wanted to play the game Powers said. "I thought our guys just a better job all over the ice goaltending from Bob Petrie in New New New New New New (against UIC the following night). the way it's supposed to be did a much better job shutting tonight." the 6-3 victory Friday night. Hillsdale Aph., 3bdrm TownhouM* v«ry spaciouj, full bimt, 1 1 /2 bath and car port*. 9 1 /2 or 12 mo. leas* »tart» al $775. Short-handed Falcons flourish Christian Pelusl In BG's 6-3 victory on Friday, Out-manned, but not out- in the defensive zone extremely with Hall. "He takes care of his A The BG News short-handed tallies by Brian gunned. well. That combination of speed side, I take care of mine Management Inc. Holzinger and Jason Clark within "The guys we got killing penal- and anticipation creates pressure "He's a good skater, realty ag- Bowling Green's penalty kill- 25 seconds of each other in the ties are quick and fast guys," on the opposing power play's de- gressive and a smart hockey Ttw Willow HOUM is now Leasing Holzinger said. "Any time we get (or next year. 1 bdrm, gas heal, ing left Alaska-Falrbanks's first period paced the way and cision maiHng and forces mis- player." A/C starling al $310/mo. power play empty-handed while put the Nanooks on their heels a break on a loose puck in the takes. That description could cover 353-5800 keeping the hands of the Nan- with the man-advantage. Curtis neutral zone and with the speed "The important thing for us is all of the aforementioned for- ooks' defense full all weekend Fry added another shorthander that we have, it creates scoring to be aggressive in our zone and wards, and it was those qualities long. in the second on a break-in alone opportunltes." not give the opponent any time," that led to turnovers by Alaska- The Falcons limited UAF to 1 from the Nanoo k blue line Hie group of guys Holzinger is Johnson said. "Our defensemen Fairbanks. Head coach Buddy of 12 on the power play, while On Saturday, Fry and Brett speaking of up front are the pair- did a good job playing down low, Powers saw that as the key to the Management Inc. scoring five short-handed goals Punchard scored breakaway ings of Holzinger and Fry, Pun- as well." penalty killing success offensive- chard and Mike Hall, and Jason ONE BEDROOM, 215 E. Po. Rd in Bowling Green's two victories ahorthanders to take away any Being familiar with your line- ly. (EVERGREEN APTS.) this weekend. chance of a UAF upset Those Clark and Mike Johnson. mate is also important in antici- "[UAF] got a little tentative in More size for the In fact, BG's penalty killing two goals pushed BG into first in Not only do they possess good pation and defensive coverage. their passing," Powers said. this lo others Rents $310-$360. units outscored the total UAF the CCHA in short-handed goals speed and offensive skills, but "We combine together pretty "Whenever you get that way, you 353-5800 output in the two games, 5-4. with 13. they anticipate and force the play well," Punchard said of playing seem to make more mistakes."

PICKUP FOR SUNDAYS BG/OHIO BASKETBALL GAME STARTS TODAY! M$ LIMITED AVAILABILITY. ..Students planning to attend must pickup a ticket at Memorial Hail Jfk

Valentines's Day "Love Notes" Let your Valentine know how much you care with a Valentine love note made Monday Special $5.20 especially for them. Choose between a display ad or a regular classified ad. You can even add a color to your message for $5 to make it extra special. "Fabulous" fried chicken r "¥¥¥»»»»**» V V i incl: salad bar, baked potato, • , , Name veggie & unlimited beverage ¥ ¥ 11 Address , BEST VALUES ON CAMPUS 1x5 ¥ 1x3 OPEN 4:30 - 7 P.M. ¥ Display ad Display ad ALL STUDENT MEAL CARDS ACCEPTED up to 60 up to 35 Soc. # words ¥ words , , Phone # ¥ 820 < 020 £10 1 ! Size 3 1x3 = #10 Q 1x5 = BILLIARD'S ¥ ' ' 3 Classified - $ Sat Feb. 11th - Buckeye Rm Union ¥ " ColorQ Yes 3NO-8 Sign Up in UAO Office 330 Union TODAY!! J£* ¥ Word Count . $5 entry Fee - Buraarable _ \ > ¥ ' • Message: Classified ad 3 line minimum ( ( ¥ SOU per line

¥ Wend/, Roses ore red, BOWLING violets are blue, Bowl on Wed., Thurs, or Fri. Happy Valentines Day Feb. 8 -10, Buckeye Rm. Union T from YouKnowWhol Sign up in UAO office, 330 Union TODAY!!! Dttmch A nturu * It* m.U H*U W/w «W itmMn: \ $5 Entry Fee - bursarable ♦vyyy?fvyyyyy" Winner of each Tournament will go to •^^n^^^^^TOAyo^T^^^nm^^^Ma^^^^^^^^ Acu-I Regional* • Feb. 25,26 The BG News Sports Monday, February 6,1995 page seven Komives cans threes, Kent Kent flashes by Junior scores 25 in 79-76 win BG women, 96-88 Mike Kizlmora Komives, however, did Rein- Marly Fuller BG rallied to within three The BC News king's three-point play one bet- The BC News points after a few Charlotta ter on the Falcons' ensuing Jones free throws and a Bridget After struggling to put the possession. KENT - Amy Sherry was a Andrews three-pointer. But ball in the basket the last few with 3:40 left on the dock, one-woman wrecking crew as she Sherry and freshman guard Ash- games, Shane Komives got Komives drained a 22-footer led her Kent Golden Flashes in ley Bland led Kent on a three- back into the offensive flow in from the left wing while also the dismantling of the Bowling minute tear that put the Flashes a big way Saturday against drawing a foul on Kent's Geoff Green women's basketball team ahead at the half, 57-47. Kent State. Byrne. on Saturday, 96-88. "When we got close, it seemed Komives, a junior forward, "[My teammates] set a Each time the Falcons crept like the pressure really bothered entered the double [screen] for me, and my back into the game Sherry would us and they got points in droves game having man tried to beat me to the top somehow, some way, take control and we didn't answer back." scored just of the key so I faded out on and send the BG squad reeling. Clark said. 27 points in him," Komives said. "It was a "Amy Sherry is a fantastic Part of the problem for BG was the Falcons' great pass by Antonio [Daniels] player, and she played like she is sloppy ball handling. The crisp previous four and a really good screen by Jay one of the best players in the passing wasn't there, and de- contests. He [Larranaga] and Shane The big MAC," BG head coach Jaci Clark cisions seemed to develop slowly. nearly key was that I think it was said. "When she turns her inten- The Falcons turned the ball over matched that more of an element of surprise sity up, the whole team turns 12 times in the first half, nine of output in because I think they thought their intensity up." them on Kent steals. scoring a we were going to go to Rumin- The 5-11, junior forward The second half was a lot like season-high aW." poured in 36 points on an 11-18 the first. Kent opened up a lead, 25 points and leading Bowling "It was a big play because at shooting performance, but shoot- this time much bigger, and BG Green to a 79-76 win over the that point we were two down," ing wasn't the only aspect Sherry returned to cause problems. Golden Flashes. Kent head coach Dave Grube excelled in. She pulled down With eight minutes left in the Eighteen of Komives' points said. "We just went wrong side eight rebounds, dished off six as- contest, Kent broke open the came from three-point land - of the screen ... and gave him sists, blocked two shots and game with a 24-point advantage, including a couple of 25-foot some space. Komives really swiped the ball seven times. but the Falcons didn't roll over. bombs. hurt us. I thought he played BG went on a 234 spurt and "Kent State fronts the post, really welL" Sherry's outstanding perform- closed within seven with SO sec- SO I was hanging out on the Knit didn't fold and even ance boosted the Flashes' record onds left. backside a lot and Floyd [Mil- managed to pull within one at to 8-2 in the Mid-American Con- "As soon as we backed off a ler] and Shane [Kline- 77-76 when Shawn McKenzie The BC NcwiAtou r ference and sent BG sliding to little bit, pressure-wise, we didnt the ball as well as we did Ruminskl] were setting good connected on a triple from the Shane Komives locks up with Kent's Geoff Byrne during BG's 46 in league play. "Amy is just a great player, she earlier and we got hurt," Lindsay screens, and I could either fade right baseline with three sec- 79-76 victory over the Flashes on Saturday. or curl around for a good look," onds left in the game. carries the team," Kent head said. came largely on the heels of a In the first half, it was BG coach Bob Lindsay said. "She's a Despite a great effort, the Fal- Komives said. "Last game Daniels, who scored BG's blistering shooting perform- that held the hot-shooting hand. last seven points, hit two free great athlete, she plays inside cons could get no closer. An- when we played [at Kent] we ance. Despite hitting 13 of their 22 and outside and she gets a lot drews led BG with 19 points, and didn't get those kinds of looks." throws to provide the final "[Kent] shot 66 percent in attempts - including margin of victory. done for us." Kent opened the Jenny Kulics knocked down 18. The victory improves BG's the second half, and that frus- a 4-8 performance from behind game In control, running out to a Jones, who got her first start, overall record to 12-6, Includ- "I thought for the most part trates me because until our de- the triple arc - the Falcons the players on the floor left 15-6 lead early and pushing the pulled down 18 rebounds, but ing a 6-4 mark against Mid- fense is consistent where we were only able to build a 36-27 margin up to an 11-point spread shot just 4-20 from the Held. American Conference foes. everything on the floor that keep opponents [shooting per- advantage heading into the they had to give," Grube said. at the mid-way mark of the first "We thought we needed to go Kent slips to 5-13,2-8. centages] in the low 40s, we half. half. up with someone a little more "I think for our ballteam there "We probably had 15 turn- After falling behind by as can't expect to control the "Kent was really playing at a athletic, especially guarding many as 13 points in the second are certainly a lot more posit- game because we're getting overs in the first half where we ves than negatives. It's just un- different level than us for a while Amy Sherry. I wish she would stanza, Kent cut the lead to scored upon so often," BG head don't get shots," Komives said. have shot a little bit better, but 66-64 when Nate Reinking fortunate that we couldn't pull coach Jim Larranaga said. "We "That really hurts us there," Clark said. "Until we found some players that could she did a great job on the boards. penetrated BG's zone defense it out- have to do something about offensively when we don't get get In the flow, we really had a We definitely need the rebound- for a floater in the lane. Kent's second-half surge that." shots at the basket." terrible time during that period." ing and the scoring inside."

HOME FALCON WOMEN S BASKETBALL WEDNESDAY vs. CENTRAL -7:30 PM! Students, this SPUD'S for youi Come sign-up to be the COUCH POTATO, sponsored by Papa John's Pizza.

Enter PAPA John t -COUCH HOURS POTATO COHItSr before Mon-W.d 11AM -1AM rhe gome Sundoy. Feb. 12 Thur. Fri, Sot 11AM ■ SAM vs. Ohio University 12Mm PM [pizzai Sun Moon- 1AM

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ita Set aside money for emergencies. Unless you'd rather call your parents for it instead. Between 5 - 7 PM Every Tuesday for the ?-2 Keep your eye on your wallet. Have a Citibank Classic card in case you rest of the semester! lose it. The Lost Wallet" Service can get you emergency cashr a new card, usually within 24 hours, and help replacing vital documents. The Time You Coll is the Price You "Based on available cash line Pay For o Large One Item Pizza!!

For example: If you coll of 5:05 pm you pay $5.05, or if you coll 6:15 pm you pay $6.15. 826 S. Mai-i St. ,. 353-PAPA * O IWS Citibank (South Dakota). NA Classifieds The BG News P«ge eight Monday, February 6,1995

STUDY ABROAD INFORMATION TABLE BUSINESS/COMPUTER SCIENCE RE- LOOKING TO SAVE MONEY7I ANrMUNCING: •1 Awesome Florida's Spring Break Hotspotil The Ofl-Campus Student Center LATED... CAMPUS EVENTS The American Marketing Association and area Operation MORE. Cocoa Beach (Near Dieney)-27 Acre Deluxe Tue. Feb. 7.10:30-1:30pm ATTENTION 1ST OR 2N0 YEAR STU- businesses have put together a coupon book MINORITY CAREEH FAIR Beachfront Resort 7 Nights $159I Key West DENTSIII with over 40 coupons for a low price of 85.00 Thursday, Feb. Bth $2291 Deytona Beach Room With Kitchen 3 6PM Stop by lor information ALPHA LAMBDA DELTA They wll be on sale Mon., Fab. 6-Fri., Fab. 10 From $12911-800-676-6366. Planning Meeting Grand Ballroom - Union on Study Abroad mthoBA Irom 10am-2pm. II you spend money Programs and funding possibilities! 386 Sx Computer Tuesday Feb. 7ti m BG, there's a coupon lor you I Suits & Resumes Suggested CEAL HOURS AND EXCELLENT PAY TO FIT YOUR SCHOOL SCHEDULE. 2-3 DAYS A with hard drive. $500 OBO OlSpmBA no SAVEISAVEISAVEI 2-2451 Da-a Fulton lor details WEEK. 2ND SHIFT POSITION AVAILABLE Call 354-2753 WITH MAJOR FORTUNE 500 COMPANY AMERICAN MARKETING ASSOCIATION THE •LOCOMOBILE B HEREI NSSLHA MEETING FOR COMPUTER OPERATORrMONITOR. Monday. Feb. Bth informal Meeting Attention: Student Teachers THE BLOOOMOBILE IS HEREI Mon. 2-6 7:00111 South COMPANY WILL PROVIDE EXTENSIVE THC BLOOOMOBILE BHEREI Brorher Word Processor ltwiloer»ld©7 30inBA1l6 Speaker: Judy Knox on TRAINING BUT SOME COMPUTER KNOW- leaching FaU Semester. It's time The Bioodmoblia will be here Fab. $-10. WP3400. full screen monitor. Recognizing Child Abuse LEDGE REQUIRED. IDEAL CANDIDATE tor required TB Skin Tests Please give blood or help ua volunteer. Call $200 OBO. Cal 352-1427 ABE YOU HAVNG TROUBLE RECRUITING 352-4575 or Barb at 353-5114. Relraeh- WILL POSSESS EXCELLENT PEOPLE MEMBERS lor your organization? Than you SKILLS. DRIVE AND INITIATIVE. OSEA 'LOVE CONNECTION- Cost $6.00. meme will be provided. need lo anand our workshop -Creative Recruit- ARE YOU LOOKING FOR MRAIS. RIGHT? FOR SALE: Be Buick Somerset. A(C. cruise, ing Taohnlquas" which will be presented on UAO PLEASE CALL TOOAYMI ASK FOR JEN- auto steering and windows. Completely over- Go to 410 Education lor more Information. Location: BGSU Student Health Service) Wednesday. Fabruary 8. 1995 i 7flO p.m. In Midnight Skiing NIFER OR DEBORAH hauled. $3500. Call352-1376. a Fliers will be pooled in rhe Ed. Building about Refer to dates that correspond with t on S. College Dr. AvailaDIe NEY BASH Sell-defense Workshop ing. Climbing/Ropes, Mountain Biking, Com- prices USA. Party in Jamaica, Cancun, Ba- May with 1 yr. lease. $57S/mo. tod. uti. Da- AND DON7 FORGET YOUR DUES Monday, Feb. 6tii < outers. AAC, Video, Rado. Gn-Campua inter- WANTED hamas, Florida. Padre. Organize group travel posil required. Cal 686-6541. ALL ARE WELCOME 9:00-10:30 pm views Tuesday. February 28. Please can Intel Cal tor Into I prices. SUN SPLASH UCF Center 1 -600-6254747 or 516-683-3067. TOURS 1-800- 4267710. 3 or 4 bedroom house 1 block Irom campus. gas avail. Available Feb. 5. dress comfortably 2 male roommates needed Community Service LEARN TO PROTECT YOURSELFI Summer Counselors. N.Y. S. Co-ed 1 bdrm apt. 1 block from campus, gas a- Into the Streets meets Wed. at 9pm in room Finish ALL language requirements lor 95/96 school year Call Mike at 352-6142 resident camp. Exp. stall preferred vail .Available Feb. 2. 10S BA. Free food and drinks provided. Bring a monlySweeksl Athletics, baseball, basketball. friend and find out what going Into the Streets Programs available tor summer, tennis, hockey, swim., waierskling Call 353-2382 Is all aboutl For more info, call Todd at semester, ol full academic year 2 Summer Sublessors • to share creative arts. KENNYBROOK19Southway 352-296* 1 vary Ig. bdrm. in 2 bdrm. house AYA Spain Into. Night Hartsdale. NY 10530. Community Service SERVICES OFFERED Close to campus. 353-0630 353-0325 Cany Rentals Tuesdiy, Feb. 7.1995 (914) 693-3037 95-96 Apartment listings 7.-00 pm. FAX (914) 693-7678 630 N. Summit DANCE FOR HEART Responsible female grad. student non- Christian wHI Mecdonatd North 316 E. Merry Rec Center will have a danco eierciso smoker. Own room, full bath and house privi- care for your child. Main Lounge 3091/2 E. Merry event to benefit the American Heart Assoc. Typist • computer Word- Perfect Call 666-0908 leges. $200 summer. $275 - fall. Cal 352-4895 326 Leroy • up 9:30 -noon Financial Aid AvallabJalll after 3 pm. leave message. friendly, lor mailings, ask 146 S. College - studio apt. Saturday. Feb. 11 Ih For more information tor Val 686-5295 Roommates needed tor a $5 donation SRC members Come to the maeting 5 bedroom house. Apartment tor Rant or collect donation and win pnzesi GOINOTODAYTONA7 or call AYA office al 372-8053. Call 353-7042. VAN DRIVER. Part-time position to provide Available Immediately. 2 BR. Close to campus, $126 /person Booking direct Saves Suites. transportation to and from social service Call 353-0540. Februery 8emlnare kitchenettes, all beachfront in the heart of agency. Must be between the ages ol 21-65, The following University Computer Services Spring Break 111 ■600468-74 23 Summer subleaser wanted. Own bedroom and and have a valid drivers license and excellent Apts. 650 Scott Hamilton 2biks from camp. FRIGHT NITE bathroom AC. Dishwasher, blocks Irom Nice, 'urn., air. laud., reserved parking. 4 peo- seminars wll be offered during the month ol Loving Mother wil care tor children. Part- driving record. Submit resume to P.O. Box 738, February. They are free and open 10 anyone at campus. Cal 352-7734. Bowling Green. Ohio EOE. ple max. No pets 10 month lease $675Vmo. time 'Full time. Call 353-8110. Mark'e Pizza Pub BGSU. Please call 372-2911 10 register lor tie We need 1-2 Male or Female roommates tor 12 month lease $620/mo. 287-3233/alter Alternative Music seminars. summer. Low rent dose to campus, nice 5:00,287-4255. RESUME SERVICE Starting Monday Gelling Started on the Mac is scheduled lor apartment. Call Heidi or Lori 352-8611 ■ FOR SALE Prolesslonal RESUME writer from Clove Nights, Feb. 6,1995 Tuesday. Feb. 7, from 5 pm 10 7pm in 120 GEORGETOWN MANOR APTS. land Hayes Hall. This seminar introduces basic 800 THIRD STREET now here on campus offering his skils 19AND OVER WELCOME skils for getting started with [he Macintosh and HELP WANTED fi Awesome Spring Breakl Panama Cityl 8 Now renting for 1995-98 > summer 1995 to BGSU students tor huge discountl presents The word-processing software pack- Days Oosenview Room With A Kitchen $1291 2BRS1 BR units LASER printed age Microsoft Works. Walk To Bast Bars' Includes Free Discount Fully fum. A air conditioned Thick cotton bond paper Intro lo the IBM PC and Wlndowe is sched- Irs Tanning Time Again $1750 weekly possible mailing our circulars Card Which Will Save You $100 on Convenient Location Call 372-5155 tor more into. SignupEarty uled lor Wednesday. Fab. 5. 6pm 10 torn in No experience required. Begin Now. Food/Drinks 11-800-878-6386. Reasonable Rales Month Unlimited still $30 128 Hayes Han. This seminar provides a basic Forinlo call 202-296-9065. Call 352-4968 orientation D ksM personal computers and the Parking Available #1 Awesome Spring Breakl Cancun A Ja- Windows operating system. Campus Tanning maical Includes Roundtrip Airfare from Colum- House 234 S. College. 1 1/2 bike, from Internal tor Macintosh Users Is scheduled lor 42SE.WooaiarSi. —SPRMQ BREAK •$•- bus I Hole! For 7 Nights From $4391 Hurryl Space Wll Sol Out1 Spring Break Travel camp. 4 people max. No pets, avail May 95'. Wednesday. Fab. 15. 6pm to 8pm in 126 America'a f 1 Spring Break Company I 12 mo. lease. $575 per month. 287-3233/ after Hayes Hail This seminar covers the Internet 352-7869 Cancun. Bahamas, or Florida! 1 -800-676-6366. PERSONALS 5:00 267-4255. apptcationa Eudora, NewaWalcher, and Nets- 110% Lowest Pnce Guarantee I Organize 15 #1 Awesome Spring Breakl Bahamas Parly Mends and TRAVEL FREE! Call tor our tlne- cape LAGA DANCE ' LAG A DANCE Cruise 6 Days S279! Includes 12 Meals & 6 Houses, 1 and 2 BR apartments. llzed 1995 Party Sohedulesll (800) 95-BREAK Internet for Windows Users is scheduled for AT UPTOWN Free Parties' Greal Beaches $ Nightiifel A 1 year, nine months, or summer leases. Wed.. Feb. 22, from 6pm 10 8pm In 128 Hayes SATTENTION'S SUNDAY. FEB. 121995 1995 SUMME R MANAGEMENT POSITIONS HUGE Panyl Spring Break Travel 352-7454. Hall. This seminar covers the Internet applica- HUMAN RESOURCE MGMT. 9PM-2AM T.A.S.P. International is looking tor highly mo- 1-BOO-678-6386. tions over Ethernet using PC-Eudora. VN, and Students: LAGA DANCE * LAGA DANCE tivated, hard working student to join our man- Netscape National Company coming agement dim Gain valuable experience to im- Intro lo BGNet is scheduled for Mon . Fab. 27. to Interview In early Marchl prove your resume. Average earnings are be- Local company seeking Accounting from 6pm to 8pm in 126 Hayes Hall. This sem- tlBOO S2000/montni tween $8,000 -10,000. Positions are available studsnt wflfl 3.0 OPAlor inar introduces BGSU s link 10 the Internet, in- $'SUMMER JOB *$ in select Cleveland suburbs, Akron, and Can- Summer $ Fall Co-op Posit Ion. ♦ WINTHROP cluding email, news, and gopher. Co-op Office 2-2451 on. For more information call Matt Scherer @ $1,650'monlh. Slop by 1-800-543-3792. GET PUBLISHED NOW! 238 Ad. Bldg. 2-2451 dstaila. ♦ TERRACE ♦ PRAIRIE MARGINS "COLLEGIATE WOMEN'S VOLLEYBALL 250 COUNSELORS $ INSTRUCTORS The Undergraduate Fine Arts Magazine TRYOUTS" neededl NAILS! NAILS! NAILS! ♦ When You "Lease" ♦ CENTER FOR CHOICE II Now accepting submissions of an, poetry, and February g @ 6.00pm in Anderson Arena. Al Private, coed summer camp In Pocono Mtns. BY MONICA Conflttantial'HsBlth Cart For Woman Action. Place submissions in Prairie Margins participants must complete and submit tryout NE Pennsylvania. Lohikan, Boi 234BG, ♦ Expect It ♦ Maifbo« 202C Univ Hal. Any OuesMns Call packet poor 10 February 0. For more mforma- Kenirworrh, NJ 07033. (906) 276-0998. AimooQ 353-0216. non call the Volleyball Office) 0372-7413. Specializing In: Manicures. Nail Artiaoy,« Y • Free Heat ♦ • Student fee Acrylic Overlays • Abortion through NOW CHARGE ID PRICES ACTIVITIES DIRECTOR ▼ • On-site Management PAPA JOHNS NOW ACCEPTS VISA AND •Monday Special" MT MUGGS ■ Manicures $7.00 Need a summer job? Don't wall till the last ^ • 24-Hour Maintainence 20 weeks MASTERCARD Al-U-Can-Eat Spaghetti Acrylic Overlays $25.00 minute i Yogi Bear's Jeilystono Camp Resort is ♦ • Morning after CALLNOWI353-PAPA with Garlic Toast FlUns $10.00 looking tor 2 creative, outgoing parsons to co- 4^ • Fully carpeted FREE NAIL DESIGNS!!! ordinate and direct activities tor a family camp- ▲ • Laundry Facilities treatment For Appi: Call Monica al 372-5772 ing facility. We are located near Aurora, Ohio • Caring friend or just 5 miles from Sea World of Ohio. Experi- X • Ample Parking ence is preferred, but not necessary. Living fa- relative allowed Packages Plus has great balloon bouquets tor T • Playground cilities are available. Males or females are en- Valentine's Day. Order Early and Save... $849 couraged to apply. Interviewing will be done at for persona] If ordered by February 12th. T • Close to Shopping the Resort. If interested, send your resume to: support PAPA JOHN'S .leily stone Camp Resort NOW ACCEPTING VISA AND MASTERCARD 3392 SR 82 l 352-9135 16 N. Huror. CALL NOW! 353-PAPA Mantua OH 442S5 Toledo, OH 43604 RAPE ♦)4CW^APOLEONRpADi 1-800-569-6005 PLEASE REMEMBER TO VOTE Alaska Fisheries Hiring! Earn thousands this summer in canneries, processors, etc. IT'S REAL Tuesday, Fabruary 7th Male/Female. Room/BoaravTravel often pro- (jJAO UAO MAO UAO UAO MAO UAO UAO UAO UAQ There is a special BG school levy videdl Guide. Guaranteed success! (919) electlonl 929-4396 ex1.A1029. IT'S SCARY On-campus students vote & SPRING BREAK ALASKA SUMMER EMPLOYMENT-Fishmg NE Commons Industry. Earn lo $3,000-$6.000Wmonth • benefits. MalerFemale. No experience neces- in Remember Catch the Wava'7 sary.(206)S4S^155a«l.A55444. PANAMA CITY BEACH coma help plan for the next year's ASSEMBLERS: Excellent income BUT... HOMECOMING!! to assembki products at home. Hotel only $161 1ST MEETING: TUES. FEB. 7, Ink)' -504-646-1 700 DEPT. OH 6255 $43 PM, TAPT ROOM UNION Full Package $253 (includes transportation and hotel) IT'S NOT call 2-2343 tor Into sponsored by UAO BEAUTICIANS - FAMOUS HAIR BETTER working conditions, Hotel: Holiday Inn Sunspree BETTER pay, BETTER of INEVITABLE All Rooms are beachfront location, BETTER chance of LEARN HOW YOU CAN RUSH TONIGHT! being hired immediately. • :00PM « 9:00PM Management positions available. Sign up in the UAO office AT THC FOLLOWING CHAPTER 1-800-589-HAIR PROTECT YOURSELF- HOUSES: Room 330 Union Bldg. SIGMA KAPPA BEAUTICIANS - FAMOUS HAIR For more info, call 372-7164 ATTEND A SELF-DEFENSE ALPHA GAMMA DELTA BETTER working conditions. BETTER pay, GAMMA PHI BETA BETTER choice of location. BETTER chance First Come - First Served WORKSHOP, SPONSORED BY ALPHA OMICROM PI ol being fared immediately. Management posi- KAPPA KAPPA GAMMA tions available, i 800-589- HA IR. KAPPA DELTA rivn ovn ovn ovn ovn ovn ovn ovn ovnovrP WOMYN FOR WOMYN, MONDAY FMMU Cruise Ships Hirmgl Earn Big $$$ . Free World Travel (Carribaan. Europe, Hawaii, Etc.) OUESTIONS CALL PANHEL 2-2S34 FEB 6 AND MONDAY FEB 13. Sumrrvx/Permanerrt, No. Exper. Nee. Guide. OR GREEK LIFE 2-2151 THE WORKSHOP WILL BE FROM (919)929-4398e»t. C1029 DAYS 1-3:30; EVE 5 3:30-10:00 PRODUCTION STAFF Interesting telephone work from our BG office. 9-10:30PMATTHEUCF SPRING BREAK PANAMA CITY BEACH No exp. necessary. Must have good voice $ FLORIDA FROM $01 PER PERSON PER ousjoing personality. Earn $7-9rper hour. Sal- MEMBER OF THE WEEK CENTER. PERSONNEL FROM WEEK. FREE INFO. 1 fXk>486-8828 ary plus bonuses Cal 352-553$. WOOD COUNTY HOSPITAL WILL DEMONSTRATE TECHNIQUES Janet -Have YOU Been Using FOR PREVENTING ATTACKS Millei AS WELL AS WHAT TO DO IF The Coupons In The BGSU YOU ARE ASSAULTED. ANY You showed a QUESTIONS? CALL THE marvelous WOMEN'S CENTER AT 2-2281. Student Directory Yellow Pages?! performance! . _ ..