RECO!" Ernothergreat iiIRROR 'live' album Largest selling colour pop weekly newspaper. !Nice6d. No, 051 EveryThursday Week ending November 11969 from Tom!

THAT brightlightcityLas Vegas was recently fused by the powers of our very own Tom Jones. A recording of -Jim great eventison releasethis week-all neatly hacked in a very colourful sleeve. TOM JONES Live in Las Vegas. (Decca SKL 5032 stereo). The album kicks off with the beaty "Turn On Your Love Light", with a very tight backing -arranged and conducted by Johnny Spence. Tom swings straight into the jazzy "Bright Light And You Girl". Says Toni: "Some people can't stop eating, some can't stop drinking and some can't stop smoking, but -.can't stop loving you". And this is where he works his audience up into a frenzy, with the Don Gibson classic " Can't Slop Loving You". The very beautiful "I'll Never Fall In Love Again" closes side one of the album. Sarstedt and Side Two opens with "Help Yourself" and a tribute to John Lennon and Paul McCartney (who,incidentally,is'aliveandwell'our news -team assures!) "Hey Jude" and "Yester- day" receive the full Jones treatment. Othertracksinclude:Hard ToHandle; that song I Danny Boy; Love Me Tonight; It's Not Unusual; FOLLOWING considerable demandfromclubs,ball- Twist and Shout and Uptight. roomsanddiscothequesthe"B"sideofPeter Ifyou've never witnessed a Tom Jones Sarstedt's current single, the controversial "Take Off Your show, or erenLettthe atmosphere of the Clothes" is picking up sales for the disc company, United Flamingo Hotel in Las Vegas-get this album, Artists Records. it's sensational! But the company has run into considerable difficulties REX GOMES over airplay for the song. Luxembourg have not included itin their play list because "we don't feel that the record is ahit.Ifit reaches the chartsI don't know what we will do, but it really is not the sort of disc the company wishes to be associated with," said a spokesman. Ronnie Bell, head of promotion at Liberty-UA Records emphasised that "As Though It Were A Movie" remains the "A" side of the disc, although promotion is coming in for "Take Off Your Clothes". Mark White, Chief Assistant of Radio One, told me: "We have played the "A" side all along and will continue to do so. It's not our policy to playflip -sides anyway, butif'TakeOff Your Clothes' reaches the charts, I think all the producers will avoid the disc, but there iscertainly no ban in operation at the moment. "The song was, in fact, included in a Radio One Club broadcast earlier this year and we received many com- plaints from listeners afterwards." Lyrics of the song include lines such as "Let's be on the bed . . . the first time is always the best, you can ask anybody . . . how can you say thatI have got you here for one purpose?" A clampdown on radio airplay could mean that the disc will sell on curiosity value, as was the case with the Max Romeo and Jane Birkin/Serge Gainsbourg releases, but "As ThoughIt Were A Movie" has proved to be Sarstedt's slowest selling single since he shot to fame. An album of the same name will be issued on November 1, the date of Sarstedt's marriage to Anita Atke. RODNEY COLLINS the record mirror revolution

The old order has changed. No longer are the big name groups automatically making the charts. No longer is pop music a strange wayout activity of the hairies. Pop has become a new way of life. It is a new era in living. And next week the Record Mirror ushers in a new experience in journalism. It will cost a bit more. But with extra pages, intelligent colour impact, insight news coverage, authoritative analyses of trends, pages of detailed record reviews and a comprehensive list of happenings in Britain, it's worth it. AND we've hired more writers. AND the whole news/magazine is being produced on glossy paper. Like a regular colour supplement! It's bigger, it's better, it's outasite . The revolution starts next Friday. Record Mirror is bringing out the big guns. Shoot off to your newsagent now. 2 RECORD MIRROR, Week ending November 1, 1969

. . . want to let off steam? Any questionson the scene? Any problems? Thendropa line to VALor JAMES, 14(1,1k1Lit. letters dept. RECORD MIRROR EVERY THURSDAY 7 CARNABY ST. W.1. GER8090

John'smessage is to shock you into awakening,says a reader superstars.Cliffisstillthe best in I AM 46 years old - hardly an hysterical teenager - but MATURE SHAW the view of many. - William 1-I would like to make a point or two in John Lennon's ISN'T it about time everyone Hooper, 14 Grosvenor Place South, 1 stopped criticising . Cheltenham, Glas. defence after Bob Pheasant's letter last week (October 18). She's the world's greatest female Life is nothing if not change and to want to push back singer.Put allthe others together MAGIC JOHN the clock to the old days of the Beatles is not very mature. and you might get someone equal Secondly, John is a highly intelligent man - and to stand toSandie Shaw. Just listento her WHAT has happenedto John great new single,"Heaven Knows still in music or life would be death to him. I'm Missing Him Now". Her voice Sebastian of the Lovin' Spoon- ful. Hewrotethosemagic John Lennon believes that people do not think, but they- isso powerful and mature. songs for the group such as "Day- allow habit to move them into action. His aim is to shock Sandie'stheone for me - and dream" and"Didn't Have To Be Ibetthisletter won't beprinted So Nice"butthen he released people into using their reasoning power in finding that life becausethetruthneveris. Nick "She's A Lady"in.January,and can be a very different and more wonderful thing than habit Palmer, 44 QueensRoad,Bristol. since then nothing. makes it. John Sebastian. please re -appear. - Derek Harvey, 8 Ramsay Road, He is an artist. His musical brilliance can hardly be denied. SUPERCLIFF Oxford. Therefore, he should forever be reaching for the apparently EVERYBODY is rushing about in unattainable. He should be applauded for his courage. Listen pop music confusion, naming DESERVING to his music, Mr. Pheasant, for heistelling you and the A LETTER FROM hosts ofstars assuperstars! world to away from your slumbers. - Arthur Blumdell, 54 The majority don't deserve such a QTEPPENWOLFdeserves much Cottage Grove, London, S.W.9. title. more success. A superstaris somebody whois 'Theiralbum,"Steppenwolfthe tzr.(46 a show business phenomenon with Second" isoneofthebestLP's 1967. They followed it up with two lastingquality. Whilepeoplerun I've heard.It includes the fantastic BACK NUMBERS DEPT. records but since early1968,noth- around praising Johnny Cash, Bob "MagicCarpetRide" andthree ing. aer. /17 Dylan, Leonard Cohen, Tom Jones, othertrackswhichwouldmake WHATEVER happened to two of Nirvanaissuedfivesinglesand andEricClapton,Britain'svery great singles - "28". "Disappoint- Britain's greatest groups, Ru- two albums in1967-68 butnothing a.vk Ze.:177;ng own Cliff Richard goes on,inhis ment" and "Faster Than The pert'sPeople andNirvana? muchthisyear,justonedreary own littlegroove, churning out hit Speed Of Light". - Barry Smith, "Reflections Of Charles Brown" single in March.Perhaps we could afterhit.Keepallyour so-called 69 Beddows Road, Walsall, Staffs. was a hitforRupert's Peoplein have some new records out by both groups. - K. Russell, 73 Ferndales reme"ie /72e . yr-/rend Road, Leytonstone, .jet0/len /*/*-AVYA/ tP"./A/7/e//51 cX44, ARTHUR HOPE... tiod/' dm' dece(42Ae e SUPERB professionalism-that's theonlywaytodescribethe >77,/ ree.ora4- /dr Europe sings again... Kink's new album "Arthur". 42/ The group have developed into one d,/efi.75 /re/fr'41)- J".°'"e of the best in the country, so let's -( ve hope we see the Kinks back in the cCriel chartssoon. - Mick Stanczewski, 1- ,7 ,,9A1 6e 108HilitieldAve., Hornsey, London WESLEY LAINE REPORTS N.8. FROM LUXEMBOURG " p.P..7/ec, REGGAE RADIO le":: 7:e7?;:442; ALLEurope seems to love a song contest WITH the Upsetters and the from Bratislava to Brighton, count- Pioneers making the RM a)re peefie, //2.7,11e7' a/7- less singers have stood up over the last chartsitseemsthatreggae will be the next big force in music. udet ;11-4e_ few years, sung a song, been judged by But what reggae fans really want 4414 JaPinel-ih141- 74 peopleinthe business with, more often is their own Radio One programme. thannot, Whenrecordslike"Wet Dream" very vestedinterests, and the make the charts with non exposure entire population of the old world has been itmakes you wonder what would subsequently subjugated several times happen to the chartsif reggae re- /19/7cedfir, yearly by enthusiastic radio and TV broad- ceiveditspropershare ofair- time. - ErnestPullman,673 Se- casts of the events. wellHighway,CourthouseGreen, Thelatestinthe seriesoftheseinternational Coventry,Warwickshire. /7lefirX40/0i'y gihare,?/.,e/ /40i-e noise -makers is the"GrandPrixR.T.L.Inter- J. A. FREEDMAN with BUNNY LEWIS national",1969.Itsdifferenceliesnotinthefact of the concert itself (which follows much the same cyi7J//edic pea, voice was overpowered by the orchestra but adjust- BUDGET GOODIES format as the others)butin itsbasic raison ments righted this. just bought Sheila Southern's d'etre. I quote from apressrelease:"This con- Later,J.A. Freedman walked on and sang his testhasbeenorganisedbyalltheservicesof own song, "When You Walked Out Of My Life". I'vEnew album "Sheila Southern Radio-Tele-Luxembourg to acknowledgethe vital Sings The Bacharach And David aevf/ ahol cleAtiGjGg/c in Produced by Bunny Lewis, the song isa dramatic Song Book" and it'sa fine record. roleplayed by record producers today's music heart -feltself-pityingslabofemotion,which was scene." Buttheremarkable thingis that c? 101.r putacrossnotonlyinJules'interestingthough thealbumisretailingat14s.6d. Get down withit!Certainlytheproductionsof ratherindistinctvoice,butalsothroughhistor- etrearseolfie Pon these numbersweresubstantiallybetterthan is Surely record companies can bring turedfacialexpressions.But,torelapseintothe out LP's by evenbetter-known

official album from Fleet- issuedbytheir formerdisccom- NExTwood Mac will he the Jeremy panyis"not representative of our Spencersoloalbum,"World musictodayandhopethatour Of Jeremy Spencer",linedup for fanswill notbe mislead into M8111/61:4,44,4 endofNovemberrelease.Itwill believing thatalbums suchas JUST WHO bereleased on theRepriselabel, "Blues Jam At Chess"(adouble compiled by RM's News team whichissuedthegroup'scurrent album from Blue Horizon, reported material,"Then Play On" in last week's RM) comprise Groupfeelthatthematerial recentlyrecordedtracks." (Phone: GER-8090)

ARE THE Decca changes.. . Leslie Gould resigns

CLODAGH Rodgers'brother, 24- ESLIEGouldmanagingdirec- News in brief: year -oldFrank takes overas tor of Philips Records for the Concert Promotions, run by Former King Records disc group Label Manager for Decca Re- Past 11 years has resigned and Joseph Halmai, arerunning a theDinkees have broken away to cordsonNovember 1. Hewas leavesthe company on December seriesof Sunday night concerts at form their own label, Tulip, formerly Assistant Head of Promo- 31. Gould,whojoinedthecom- theTheatreRoyal,DruryLane. launched here next month, tion for Decca. panyin1952,willremaininthe Thefirstoftheshowsfallson He planstore -vitalizethelabel entertainments industry, concentrat- November 16andfeaturesP.J. PeterSmith,managerofLon- ARCHIE ? andchangethelogoto anew inghiseffortsonthetheatrical Proby don's Lyceum Ballroom, intends to andChristinePerfect.On one inside four weeks on the chart - that's imagetoDecca.Frankwill be and filmside.His decision tore- the 23rd Gene Vincent isfeatured. presentaseriesof"livealbum" NUMBER responsibleforallDecca releases. sign was taken some months ago Already bookedforFebruaryare concerts in which the leading the success story of the Archies. But who are Heintendstotravelaroundthe and Gould said this week that he Richard Harris and Jim Webb. artisteswillperformallthe ma- they?ThegroupwasformedmusicallybyDon country lookingfor new acts. allthe help albums. was most grateful for The Groundhogs are very pleased terialfromtheircurrent Kirshner, who is also the supervisor for a TV series "We have alot of good acts on Philipshadgiven him in the Heishoping tonegotiatewith thelabel,"saidFrank, "nowit's Past and was sorryto be leaving with the vast promotion on Ground- Led Zeppelin toperform "Led built around the Archie cartoon characters created a question of finding good material many friendsatthe company. hog Tyres.The company was so Zeppelin Two" and has confirmed some 20 years ago - and he's not telling. forthem." pleased that they booked the Groundhogs to appear atthe Tyre thatFlaming Youthwillperform However there are rumours - and strong ones at Factory. Underground Tyres? "Ark 2"inthe near future. Soundstyring. that - which say that the lead singer on "Sugar Ahi Ofarim is nowliving in Sugar" is, in fact, lead singer of MCA group the Cuff- The Monkees new single. Munich and has launched four com- links, currently at number nine on Billboard U.S. Hot "Mommy And Daddy" isto be re- paniesthereincludingarecord leased on November 14. The song label,musicpublishingcompany, 100, with "Tracy". is ONLY10%DOWN any4LPs written and sung by Micky Do- prOduction company and a manage- If this is so, then there are likely to be a few legal lens. ment firm. (Balance 10/- weekly) The 4L.P.s,fresh fromthe makers are difficulties as the Archies are tied to RCA, a rival to Delaney and Bonnie's con- posted to you anywhere in Gt. Britain. Just send 10/- P.O. with a cert date at London's Royal Albert MCA in America and here at home. As far as the disc list of L.P.s and S.A.E. for receipt. PRINT home address. Christ'as Hall company are concerned, the Archies are a group of names, surname (Mr./Mrs./Miss), and your age. Over 17 accepted. lastMondaywascancelled Any popularL.P.including BEATLES, DYLAN, LED ZEPPELIN, at the last minute. They will now POSTERS session men collected by Kirshner for the disc. They beappearingin Decemberwith CREAM, SUPREMES, BEACH BOYS, HOLLIES, MOODY BLUES, Eric Clanton among the musicians will make no personal appearances or tours. BLIND FAITH. hacking them. FOR SALE!! So to Don Kirshner, the man who gave us the Mon- ALL STEREO L.P.s (unless Mono essential) Pickwick International'snewest kees, RM says this . . . " exactly WHO are the Archies? THE G.A. LONG PLAY CENTRE budget album series, RCA Camden. ButfirstgettheFull We await areply." (Dept. 90K), 42-44 GT. CAMBRIDGE ROAD, LONDON, 6.17 has got offtoaflying start with Illustrated Catalogue. R.C. sales of the "Country Side Of Jim Reeves"albumexpected to be around the 250,000 mark by Christ. 20 pages plus colour. FREE DETAILSofourexciting. mas.The LP includes the current situations vacant Popular method of making friends. single "When Two Worlds Collide" Send 1/6 or call at: CLASSIFIEDS plus an earlierhit."I Won't For- S.I.M. (32) Braemar House. Queens get You". The price for a classified advertisement is: Road, Reading.Berks. THE POSTER SHOP GREAT BAND The Edwin Hawkins Singers,of 1/- per word DATELINE LEADS AGAIN. Com- "Oh,HappyDay"fameareto (Dept. RM) 12.0.0. per single column inch, boxed. wants great puterdatingandcomputerhoro- give a special concert performance Box Number charge 2s. 6d. scopes. Watchit allhappenon inCoventryCathedralaspartof 7 New College Parade No money, in any form, should be paid to a Box number. SHOW-OFF SINGER our computer,at: 23 Abingdon Advertisements should be submitted by Friday of Road, London, W.8.Write or tele- Coventry's annual Lanchester Arts Finchley Road, the, week pre- whoplaysgreatmusic. FestivalinJanuary. Theconcert ceding publication.All advertisements are subject to approval by phone01-9370102fordetails. will probably be filmed by the BBC. London, NW3 the publishers. Please phone Derek Taylor, BLUSHING, shyness, nerves, quickly APPLE, now-Regent 8232. overcome by famous 40 -year -old re- medy. Write now to:Henry Rivers ORDER FORM (RMI4), 2 St. Mary Street, Hunting. don. Hunts. TO PLACE your advertisement phone: 01-437 8090 or complete EXPERIENCED theorderformbelowandsendto:RECORD MIRROR, publications 7 CARNABY STREET, W1V 1PG. SALES LADY Must be dolly and know what COLLECTORS' SOUL magazine No. she is talking about. Wages £12 3 articles on Wilson Pickett, Mar- I would like my copy to read p.w. Increase by Christmas velettes, Gaye, Dells, Contours etc. Comearoundandseeusat List of Motown releases.Rare de- Headstart Records, 12a Newburgh St.,Carnaby St.,London, W.I. 29 Westfield Road. Brock worth. Gloucester, ROCK & ROLL COLLECTOR No. 5 available soon.Includes Charlie fan clubs Feathersinterview,plus Merrill I would like to have insertion/s week beginning Moore.Sticks McGhee,Elvisetc. KENNY BALL APPRECIATION Send3s.6d.blankP.O. nowto: Under the classification SOCIETY. - S.a.e.toMiss PatHot Rock Ford, 27 Hartington Rd.. 1Z" London E.16. kg, I enclosecheque/postalorderforf Sanders, 18 Carlisle Street, London. W.I. Management: Booking enquiries:- Signed Address SMG 3 MAGAZINE has soul, rock, BARRIE HAWKINS WILD ANGEL FAN CLUB. Send CLIVE SANDERS auctions, Elvis Discography etc.2s. ROGER KINSEY 01-734 3760 Mis., Doris Blum, 53 Bell- blank postal order to Chris Savory, 0223 63308 ingham Road, Catford. London. Top Flat, 5 Coronation Road, Sheer S.E.6. ness, Kent. ANITA HARRIS Official Fan Club. S.a.e. Aileen,The SquareP.O.. ORDERS PLEASE! For "Earshot" RARE SOUL:Allforyou, Love - Wimborne, Dorset. No.3featuringOtis Redding with records for sale light.Discotheque.Manyothers. complete disco, NormanJopling Cheapselection ofsouloldies, feature continued, plus Dave Godin BlackAtlanticetc.,twoImpres- column.Price2s.6d.fromPeter sions,oneChuck Jacksonimport records wanted Burns.20 BulwerRoad.London, A Great FREE Offer from the LP's - bestoffer.Lists:Bucher, N.18. Q: What makesa SKA'N'SOUL CENTRE LibraryDiscotheque,EastgateSt.. ALL YOUR UNWANTED 45s,1.1's Buy a full priced LP, 2 -Budget Gloucester. bought. Anyquantity. Sendfor LPscr 4 Singlesandreceive cash by return to: More, 16 hit record? entirely free a new Ska or Soul U.S.IMPORTS LOWEST PRICES Leighton Road,Linslade,Leighton for sale Single.AllthelatestSka and ANYWHERE. WestCoastgroups. Buzzard, Beds. SoulRecords in stock Send soul, C&W, LP'sonly,listss.a.e. BARE WALLS? Then send for our s.a.e.forlistsand details,All 182 ShaftesburyAvenue,London. UNWANTED LPs bought/ex- illustratedposter catalogue,listing Records sent postfree by W.C.2. changed for new, S.a.e. Cob Records over 300 different way-out posters. (Purchases),Portmadoc,Caernar- SendIs.6d,to:CauldronPromo- return. We are Blue Beat and 2170). American Soul Specialists. SOUL BARGAINS. 4s.each, Every vonshire(Tel, tions,iDept.R). 31 MillLane. Callers are welcome. Thursdayat SOUL TIME DISCO- WILL PAY £4eachforEverlys London N.W.6. SKA'N'SOUL RECORD THEQUE TheLion,AngelLane. "Two Yanks In Europe" and Four CENTRE (R.M.) Stratford,E.15(AdjacentCentral Seasons "Born To Wonder": Ken. 2 PHILIPS EL 3302 cassette recorder 328a RAYNERS LANE Line Station). Kirby Road, Lawrence Weston. complete. 46 Cumwhinton Road, PINNER, MIDDX. (01-868 8637) Bristol. Carlisle. A:The Beat COLLECTORS WantsService-Let penfriends ussearchforallthosehardto ROMANCE, MARRIAGE, songwriting finddiscsyouneedtocomplete JEANS INTRODUCTIONS, le FRIENDSHIP AND Yourcollection. QueenStreet,Exeter. 17 to 70. DiscDeletions, 16Leighton Road, Worldwide successfulromances. PENFRIENDS LYRICS WANTED by Music Pub - Linslade,LeightonBuzzard,Beds. ItchingHouse - ItSt. Alban's Avenue, London,W.4. SEND Is.pluslarges.a.eforlist TEENS /TWENTIES. Penfriends. WHY BE LONELY? Home/abroad. M.F.C. 9 The Arbour Our files contain 100's of clients, of past U.S.A. imported 45's. Many Farnhlll, Keighley, Yorkshire. PROFESSIONAL, MANUSCRIPTS rare deletions included, R&B, R&R both sexes, all ages, professional, fromtape.Photostats.Demonstra- etc. Moore, 16 Leighton Road, Lins- business and working class. tion Records by Recording Stars.- dale Leighton Buzzard, Beds. UNDER 21. Penpals anywhere. S.a.e.for freedetails. - Teenage SEND FOR DETAILS Morgan Jones, 27 Denmark Street, 1956 - 1969 past hits for sale. Club, Falcon House, Burnley. 503. London, W.C.2.01-8361186 Thousands ofraredeletionsavail- or phone able,both45's and LP's. Send Is. OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS! Make BRADFORD 663273 HOLLYWOOD COMPANY needs ly- 16 new friends through POSTAI. PEN - ricsfornewsongs. All types LeightonRoad,Linsdale,Leighton FRIENDS. Send s.a.e.for details: 9 a.m. - 10 p.m. wanted.Freedetails. - Musical Major Lance Buzzard Beds. 52 Earls Court Road, London, W.B. Services, 715/R. West' Knoll.Holly- GENTRI AGENCY wood, California, USA. DO YOU LIVE IN SWEDEN, Nor- FRENCH pentriends,all ages from P.O. BOX 141, way.Finland, Denmark, Germany, 12to21.Send s.a.e.for tree de- EARN MONEY SONGWRITING. Soul City SC 114 Holland, Yugoslavia,etc.,then try tails -Anglo French Correspondence 55 GODWIN STREET, Amazingfreebooktellshow, - Tandy's famous mail order export Club. Burnley. BRADFORD 1, YORKSHIRE. L.S.S.,10-11R. Dryden Chambers, serviceandgetallyourrecords 119OxfordSt..London, quickly and cheaply. - Details and MARY BLAIR BUREAU. Introduc- W.I. available from freelistsofnewreleasesfrom: tions everywhere.Detailsfree. - HOW TO MAKE MONEY writing Tandy's(RM).20Wolverhampton 43/52 Ship Street, Brighton 523 JANE SCOTT for genuine friends, Island Records or Road.Warley.Worcestershire. song lyrics.Free details, s.a.e. to: introductions opposite sex with sin- Dept. P.J.B.,la ByronParade. PENFRIENDS at home and abroad. cerityandthoughtfulness.Details Philips depots. OLDIES (UNPLAYED). Send s.a.e. send S.a.e.for free detalls.-Euro free, 5d, stamp to Jane Scott, 50/1451 Hillingdon. Middx. forlists: 12WinkleyStreet,Lon- DeanFriendshipSociety, 13urnleY Maddox Street, London, W.1. don E.2. 504 LYRIC WRITERS requiredbyre- COMPANIONSHIP introductions,all cordingcompany. Write 3 Coal - SUPER SOUL. Rock and pop bar- INTRODUCTIONStonewfriends ages,since1943.Brochure free - way Road.Bloxwich.Staffs. gains,allinrecordmart maga- oftheoppositesexarrangedby Friendly Folk Association, Tor- zine,ls.6d. p.p.From16London post.Membersaged 16 upwards quay. Hill.Rayleigh.Essex. everywhere. Write for details, stat- ROMANCE, marriage, friendship OLDIE POP 45's,Nolists.Send ing age: Mayfair Introductions (De- andpenfriends.Whyhe lonely? announcements s.a.e. De Carle partment 9),60 Neal Street.Lon- 100's requirements, don, W.C.2. Ourfilescontain ofclients. THE WEST LONDON BRANCH of Music, 19 Briercliffe Road, Burnley, bothsexes,allages,professional. theElvisPresleyFanCluban- Lancs. ROMANCE OR PENFRIENDS. businessandworkingclass.Send nounce the next social will he held ELVIS. JAILHOUSE ROCK. Easy England/Abroad.Thou/landsof fordetails.GentryAgency,P.O. attheWashingtonClub.Norwich come easygo.LP's.Offers: - members. Details World Friendship Box141.55 Godwin Street,Brad- from 2 p.m. Sunday. December 14, John,53St.Thomas Road,Fins- Enterpriser, MC74, Amhurst Park. ford 1, orringBradford663273. Tickets10s.from:PeterWilson. 9 bury Park, London, N.4. N.111. a.m.-10 p.m. RoyalHotel,Norwich. RECORD MIRROR, Week ending November 1, 1969 5 DECCAhavegiventhe Moody Blues the key to the city. No more schedules, no more overseers and no more outsidedecisions,for Buy Beautiful Singles the Moodies have had their ownlabelbestowedupon them."Threshold"willbe completely controlled by the six members and will include The Brotherhood of Man theirownrecordingsplus anyone else they feel would Love one another measure up to the high stan- dards of music today. Lead DM 276 Deram singerJustinHaywardex- plains how this came

about. . . . "It wasn't just given to us. we had to push it along and 'Wewere really scared of America'! SAY MOODY BLUES negotiations took ten monthsthe same time, a single is re- to get through. I think they leasedfromthe LP titled gave it to us because of the"Watching And Waiting" b/w way things always go when"Out And In". Both are out ,we are in the studios. Every at the time the Moodies be- time we book one,it'sfor gin an American tour. That about two weeks and at the being an odd time to release end of that period, there is something, I askedJustin The Cuff -Links somuchsurplusmaterial why this was done. that we wanttodo, it "BecausetheLPwas a little Tracy creates a problem. All six of behindand wealsohadtowait us wantedtogointothe until discussions over the MU 1101 MCA 'Threshold'labelwerecompleted. studios and live there until We've only been to the States once wehadwhat wewanted, before and that was for a consider even though it may be more able length of time. We were really scared, because we'dheard all thanis required for an LP. about the nature of the people over They must have had alot there,theviolence and thepres- sure.Allthosewe meton the of faith in us as well." circuit we covered were absolutely "We have only to get out insane.Atthat time, we were doinc the Fillmores,GreenwichVillage nine releases per year. This andplaceslikethat,so Idon't means about threeof our know what the rest of the permie own and one LP apiecein werelike.Thingsmove sofast production there, thatitall changes suddenly. to coverthe This time, we're doing larger minimum. The maximum is venuesinmore places, so things up to us. We can put out as mighthedifferent. many as we like. As far as "When wegetback, we'llbe doing a Britishtour along with a singles go, we don't have to groupthatwillhe on'Threshold' put out anyatall,butI called'Trapeze' from Wolverhamp- ton,plus asinger from Liverpool think we will." called 'Tinton' who will also be on Theirnewest album is itand whom I'llbe producing." The Moodies' first Threshold LP. called"ToOurChildren's "To Our Children's Children's Chil- Children's Children" and at dren" follows. . . TO OUR CHILDREN'S CHILDREN'S CHILDREN.The Moody Blues. Threshold THS 1. APORTENTOUSLYvoyagistic2001 -styleopening,with Neil MacArthur whooshing sound effects, leads into a "Heavenly choir", then solid beat music and abit of narrative with strong It's not easy poetic and philosophicalambitions - that'sthe opening attempt to get "Higher And Higher" and it nicely sets the DM 275 Deram album's tone. The next track, "Eyes Of A Child" is pleasantly pretty. "Floating" is relaxed and space -minded, On to "Eyes Of A Child 2"-much more rugged eyes this time. Tender guitar work introduces "I Never Thought I'd Live To Be A Hundred", a very short bit of bemused wonderment. "Beyond" is a slightly corny instrumental, reminiscent of the Tornadoes. That leads into the last track of side one, "Out And In", some

trippy musings on the meaning of life and that. . . Side two and "Gypsy" withabig, cunningly produced sound giving it an air of profundity but the lyrics could do with more than references to visions of eternity to give the song any genuine significance. A smooth slide into the plain- tive "Eternity Road", a typically Moody Blues quest for peace of mind, excellently played and sung, at considerable length. Abrupt switchto"Candle Of Life"but maintaining the album's basic mood of gentle searching. Some grandiose piano flourishes on this one which most progressive listeners will consider a bit pathetic. "Sun Is Still Shining" invites us to open our hearts to the universe - a delightful performance but an embarrassingly naive song. "I Never Thought I'd Get To Be A Million" is just a few seconds long and is no more than a mathematical increase of the sentiments expressed on side one. "Watching And Waiting" wraps up the show with soothing strings and sincere -style singing about the pursuit of love. The Casuals An album that tries very hard to be beautiful, life -enhancing and cosmically aware. Here and there it succeeds. Throughout, Caroline the production isimpressive. F 22969 Decca DAVID GRIFFITHS

SINCE the closing of the Round- pluscreating a considerable tom house meetings,Middle Earth inercial appeal. hasnotfalteredinimage,it The labelis launched on October simply hasn't been atalltangible. 31 with albums from the first three Most followers were convinced that. signings.Arcadiump r e s e nt likebefore,it was just hibernating "Breathe Awhile", Writing On The until the time was right for another Wallrelease "The Power Of The re -birth; what form it would assume Picts" and a jazz influenced group. this time was unknown. Wooden 0have the third LP, Conditions arenow apparently called "Lazy Day". right, for Middle Earth has So Middle Earth conies to plastic emerged as a recordlabel,dis- andyoucanholdhappeningsin tributedby Pye and cateringim- your own home. Invite your friends mediately to those groups that .live, squirm, freak. Seriously,let's remainedfaithfulduringthe dark hope the curse of the Evil Beagle days of Covent Garden and Chalk isn't upon them and that the label Farm. The brothers Waldman and blossoms,for thechartshaven't DapperDaveHousen havestuck reallyhadsuch a singleslabel with thepursuitof the Under- andalotofrecord buyers have 45 rpm records group records ground's pet symbol and now em- been distraught until now. barkon a projectwhichshould The Decca Record Company LimitedDecca House Albert Embankment London SEI DECCA keep the original enthusiasts happy. LON GODDARD RECORD MIRROR, Week ending November 1, 1969 6 RECORD MIRROR, Week ending November 1, 1969 OPINION It's the artist Stop knocking who makesa song ahit's-

OU wouldn't expect a SAYS MAMA CASS s u cccessful the BBC! solosinger towantto TOP knocking the BBC! And start THINKING about go backto Radio One. Them ARE problems. Record Mirror has singing with said that all along. 'You read a a group, but But let's not get hysterical about them. Get them Mama Cass in perspective. We all remember the days of Radio Elliotis an exception. "The London and Radio Caroline. lot of criticism reason Ileft the Mamas and Some people long for their return. Papas was because I was And, if Radio Deanna. intended to be a straight tiredoftouring,"said 28 - replacement fo: the pirates, then the network has failed. about Radio year -old Mama Cass. "Being But it WASN'T. Because the BBC has a string of restric- a member of a group is such tions placed upon it which the pirates never had to bother a full time job and I had just almut. One, but over had a baby. The BBC didn't ASK for a 21 -hours -a -day disc station to "When I left, I vowed I'd be run with only 50 bean per week needletime. never join another group but I've changed my mind over 'WONDERFUL' the years the the last two years. A group like Crosby Stills and Nash The BBC didn't ASK for Radio's One and Two tobe I'dlike to be a member of." mated, But how can they go their separate ways on so few hours of records each week, BBC has never Before becoming a singer, It's not the BBC's fault. It's not your fault either Never- 'TINY TIM-In London with fiancee Jackie. Cass had visions of being an theless the BBC does recognise, and listen to, your criticisms, actress. Only two weeks ago, in the Record Mirror, its hoe. admitted failed to cater for the "I thoughtI'd be a great that nobody at the BBC is satisfied with the network. More than a actress and went to New York But GRADUALLY things are getting better. totry and get a jobin the Itis Radio One's job to cater for the mass audience inaudience'- Bruce Wyndham HarMst. Dal,e0r1e3mer'rejltillne!, t!tite V 'gay' film... theatre," Mama admitted. pop. They do this with disc "The trouble was theonly jockeys like Jimmy -Young. 'rer-VIX'aTtractlye eater. slmves Ivefeiseg; em I.e a masse fobs I got were singing ones. OX.! O.K.! YOU don't like :10 .::..?: 1687 'C'irManntirlfaliZI Mann Was arid TheKilling of "Mark Murphy was respon- him. YOU would like to him announcer, ... 20 sears awl sible for my learning to sing. REGGAE to move over to Radio Two trlii=leHu=an'orl.'ge7: m dietop R.* One disc Ma . a This was fifteen years ago. I 1.7%toswoar mien. audio. for . Satordaymor=nrogramwmcon permanently. 8=7;,.ergel knew him well and liked the HOT 20 Mil WORT MILLION people tty'keWen vbirting XX; dOWn to anykin. perverSiOns. listento him. Andthat IS a "MIT ClirseteeioneneeBBC. die ...I.. was lo newsreading and things he did with his voice. maJor. audience. tt'magifignt itierrieeen,t1, trtryTativeT jl° I thinkhe'sthebestjazz NW Showsat time.Atrull '"),etrr"'"'Nfo_. 'vt"avtell,rn' singer in the world but not 17 tn. re.eildive:iieep=rarnmes Mic Sw.s -arm! l'Music°11rotion reo4 I PROBLEMS 'r= iltirhat33. many people know of him." tIlt GIRL WHAT YOU "Tien Radio Zneame MM tre. MAMA CASS-dldn tIlke touring... ARE DOING TO ME eirlia,,:tErkt..1,1720e; fir ot turned profes- ItiS.rather. a sympathetic so. sional nine years ago when Owen GrayCamel CA 25 ro;?'.=z; itrreStrto.'llurt of a relationshipoutside soeiet. hanging around them again doingthissince the day I Is Mat when John Peellost = 2 MO MOON HOP fact norm. she went to New York but atand was missing more and was born:. Derrick Morn VitetrttuZirrle"t MESare:172e11:411Ti..Z=ii.;;:c=2tror" 1Ts rinL 413 Me firstonlygotjobsfor40 more classes. I met Tim Rose When she's at home, Cass mi.n in that time slot, dollars a week doing clubs. 3 0.r andgettrt: ilinal=rttlerttre:"=1;x1FclincTi who asked me if I sang folk doesn't have much time tor CO HOW LONG WILL IT I'M not claim. that Radio sirin 7nrIne=st aroad tem seaM. "Nrlic'.arri=terPlalledN Rex Later she went on I TAKE Oneis . -wearied.,In some Mener end which didn'tatthetime. a hobby-she's far too busy "We Cater Mr Me MM. of the tour with "Music Man" and daughter readpep en.slasWifYoe UN. =i/e"..:11 '1111T.'7'3'" tirrelaZger"if: hrrtt set We went to Chicago and met lookingafterher triMOnattnt";r1Mtl: = ream, Nmey. reeews net a woman called Adnia IHf:IV=1011171aLD' point of view. wedon, waiam, Nag..., for .20years. He was alsoIn show another guy and formed a trio and business commitments. ACID ROCK Rice. . IS FALLING DOWN muSIC WM. NS W a speciMst alma3Wten for the show, '1 called Triumvirate which was "Iget upat7.30inthe 4Illtd au.nce a. M.. Idon'the- read Men, oneof them sic.. rmo=ng..r. Ken PaMer m2enrec=igT7,12Z Wye Mat UM LYN of mom we. and W NM Of wear MeV rldhimselfof Me-ardinari. a good trio." morning and am either on One. out.. all .itsfaults a:reiei ermtof me meeeesor am nms" of Harry. The met in 51-/WITHOUTarNIVIIVEIll ' MADE A DAME guyCass the'phoneoroutseeing dew Iswith mance pa.elpa- Richard BULIOR'S Hal, isa sem CRAB 39 =toia 7:1,7no17 Chicago was Jimmy Hendrix people on business nom 9 NM" r,dazo "She made a big difference WETDREAM 1Intdoesheattribute =orl'IT'vLs wan' ozder....zz (notJimi)who shelater in the morning until 730 in owe medusa' "Well, Ws has lust iirtytegort:t ,::r4L relatimship is sustained, seem- to my life," said Mama. "She married. Theresultofthe the evening. NOT EASY lo me hot ingly, o RCM retharks and Cal 45)reiTOWri-;4ak- sal Snub., advised me to go to college marriageis Mama's 23 -year. I don't I M.. 11 enlOymeni what culated ess. "Inthe evenings OUT "We .lude a lot of hands hi De Is chargedwith and study as I hadn't been old daughter Owen Vanessa In' termeantime stopknocking show, mainly because of Me medic Iam N. because from Me have the energy togo to moment I get on lit do the show, at a as a womanand before.Adnie is a great Hendrix who wasn't able to for the sake of it. And start dme Moblent. We Cannot OW more r"'"' ""m'' digroup raWe through clubs. I have guileafew f SA eel...I Mitoyitall andI am ;0Qra Trek" thinking person and if they had suchcome onthetripasshe friendsinLos Angeles like vela happy r. prop-m.1ms as e de'er tiff eel!: titidd.Me 1=nt13I'liria'117a-- SOUL BROTHER ROONEY COLLINS iratet. s'Sid'e3Fm:nal. tMn prevails and hefindshimself a thing in America she developed flu. this NM and obviously I Crosby Stills and Nash, Joni BBC hl -v:u'read wi about should be made a Dame. Before joining the Mamas Mitchel! and Graham Bond IQSTRANGE''' adnill Mat SoMe deleners may not meMU:s7if'th'e"rop"eetTlett mMe of the SMir we P. usao etw, over Me Veers Ma "'"'" ttdandemleae overtones, ZarpTS at'Ltaries "Ienrolled atuniversity and Papas, Cass was with a BBC h. newer failedtocater for and mines when he was living there. We 'vs meotherhand. Z.h n'eee'"itoTlIstr It Itcomes and went toa few classes :ittipire'Verotlene Te:keZ We am. 211, or ev'vv.rdwrd. Me' orgasmic finale6'terrific. tit'l.on="or group called the Mugwumps. visit each other and just play o lackey eau play only . favourite HonItisproducedanddireeted (MBAFF BOOM in a celebrity wheet-chart push .e of BMW on a Pram.. he. airtime M fill ea. deg andit and tried to stay away from "They were the firstfolk- records at our homes, W stev. e.y to please evenwe. You've WESLEY LAINE the theatre. But soon I was rock group and were ca. n Mt to remember allthis aN take 'ffudPet:"Zrre'n" w"' "Myhobby t On WHAT AM I TO DO accatiot restrictione grimed influenced by the Beatles who front'of irewatchingistinrIL wan We bassesand,really. bow hadjust become popular," If I hadtime, I'd study eaeW weeritallexcept. "The Beatles 2fl2,SSIZiSgeOrTHE saMee add a., forIndividual she stated. POrtugu0Se, Marn French, SEA NOM of programmes?" really took the grease out of mad alot and maybe even mgiAa,,, unity UNs2g 11. proved Mat YOLIdon't rock." ta NM to be a progressive daWellon- crochet.Likemostofmy eating mum loverto N agood friends. I'm interested in "Wmel CA 20 BROADWAY astrology andthingson 'altraVI,T 4°,11;i.P1.1.471;',' a WISAVE THE LAST metaphysical level. be. a DANCE Since leaving the Mamas Virg and the interesting Laurel Ank,an and Papas. Cass has devoted thing about astrology is the mom time to her acting Ill THROW ME CORN number of coincidences that ambitions. happen. (Instrumental) SEARCHIN'l "Ithink actingisavery You'veprobablybeenreadingabout THE although it may not grab you first time. These are the best single ever from Ray. Apart from singing Mamaviews.n hpaesoptiaeiyyrlycovsetrz w"'"7,9As MOODY BLUES own label, Threshold. This tour highly talented musicians, of whom we shall it he also arranged and co -produced it, and itseasy time, so why not do it IS o5iT00 EXPERIENCE undoubtedly be hearing a lot more. The single is very powerful indeed. On Monument, MON 1039. for money," Mama said with records. Winston Franci; resentativm of BYG Meords. week their first single is released on Threshold, a laugh. "I've donetwo titled 'Watching and waiting', and its from on Decca F 12974. "Idon'tlike the ideaof Pretritrfollmorn: 'The S.N.P.' in case you didn't know, is the sketches ontelevisionand covering asong an le 1721 MAN ON MOON mg Me group md Belgian Police their next album. It gives you a good idea how have been offered two parts een.caM*nti is always ofa rtiste has already recorded.'' CRAB 30 ColinHichardnon. comanager or stunning the album will be-the single is out- A new single from THE ALAN SOWN I Scottish Naval Patrol, and al. the title inBroadway shows. When ColosSeuni.told RM Ms week: she stated."When I did jaunty new single from NIGEL DENVER, which I IS 11.TO PROUD TO BEG standing. they really are one of the best groups good news, and 'Gipsy girl' is a highlight from I go back to America have -At Ostend m Friday about eight 'Move in A LittleCloser Policemen and offiCials WM the in the world. The number is TO 1. their amazing stage act. In fact you can almost is for singing along with after a few drinks. On to do a TV show withPhil cAs grouptounloadalltheireq1.1.- see them leaping about the stage;it's a very Decca F 12975. Specter and . eh abd, mi doena, hre. been n. punchy, up -tempo number from a group who are. I shall be recording as well. =' 2001ITZIIOU'reli7VileWnl:g I know a lot of people dig TONY JOE WHITE IfI'd known Paul Jones had (271:W=14'n" mnnel van wentonaheadfrom always competent and never dull. On Deram, the And from RICKY MOVEY AND THE HILTON, "At the start of next year REMEMBER Ostend. leavMs the enuMment van as much as I do, and if you don't, swamp fever done'It'sGetting Bette: I The Hippy flar3a3 will get you sooner or later. His new single is number is DM 278. a great interpretation of Ins Buck Owens song, I'm beginning a film. I've been to make own way toFestival offered a TV show in England ouldn't have released it as Amuogie. ArtiV. there called 'Roosevelt and Ira Lee' and every home 'People like you' on Emerald MD 1134. asingle from the album. in mid.December with a should have one. It starts with a spoken intro in THE POPPY FAMILY had a huge chart smash keep informed "To my mind, it'sthe ttkrror tote °V,Vore"'1.X:. British comedian but I don't that gorgeous Louisiana drawi -and how he gets in Canada with their single 'Which way you thinkI'll be able to do it as artiste who makes a song a 1,1,,Lnri song. IfIhib ,/:mere,:eeereee, examined - ex.- so much sound out of one guitar, I do not know. goin'. Billy 7'. It' s a very attractive song,a bitsad, itwill be too near Christmas otthesongiow It's on Monument, and the number is MON 1040. sung tenderly and with a nice subtle backing. On cane, isit and I want to be athome -11 is almost as thowh . group records that out of too people who Porno Records authorit. were waiNg forColo.. Decca, the number is F 22976. DECCA then. seuni, alMou. Me group have a Get a single by QUARTET called 'Now' and 'Essentially I'm a 'method' song four times straight off. After the third is certainly versatile. His latest 45 reoo. 'oenceorgf 'thheerntalTs VrItlys playit aMress. I 1"altroutas irrop.7 prOLZ don't have a great individual Ca_ W obviou.not BYG hearing I almost floated away, it's such a beauti- is a huge,emotion -chargednumbercalled the Once .,ord, acting technique - I'm just alldowntothe PetrIRPhan.' and the arrangement.' itreallywas I 01.965 2117/8/5 Re... faultbut ful and uplifting record, it has that kind of effect. 'Sunday mornin' comin' down' and think Dec. HOuSe Albert Embankment London S E.I. natural. Acting is the observa- disdpsWg treaWent under the tion of people and I've been IAN MIDDLETON RECORD MIRROR, Week ending November 1, 1969 6 RECORD MIRROR, Week ending November 1, 1969 OPINION It's the artist Stop knocking who makesa song ahit's-

OU wouldn't expect a SAYS MAMA CASS s u cccessful the BBC! solosinger towantto TOP knocking the BBC! And start THINKING about go backto Radio One. Them ARE problems. Record Mirror has singing with said that all along. 'You read a a group, but But let's not get hysterical about them. Get them Mama Cass in perspective. We all remember the days of Radio Elliotis an exception. "The London and Radio Caroline. lot of criticism reason Ileft the Mamas and Some people long for their return. Papas was because I was And, if Radio Deanna. intended to be a straight tiredoftouring,"said 28 - replacement fo: the pirates, then the network has failed. about Radio year -old Mama Cass. "Being But it WASN'T. Because the BBC has a string of restric- a member of a group is such tions placed upon it which the pirates never had to bother a full time job and I had just almut. One, but over had a baby. The BBC didn't ASK for a 21 -hours -a -day disc station to "When I left, I vowed I'd be run with only 50 bean per week needletime. never join another group but I've changed my mind over 'WONDERFUL' the years the the last two years. A group like Crosby Stills and Nash The BBC didn't ASK for Radio's One and Two tobe I'dlike to be a member of." mated, But how can they go their separate ways on so few hours of records each week, BBC has never Before becoming a singer, It's not the BBC's fault. It's not your fault either Never- 'TINY TIM-In London with fiancee Jackie. Cass had visions of being an theless the BBC does recognise, and listen to, your criticisms, actress. Only two weeks ago, in the Record Mirror, its hoe. admitted failed to cater for the "I thoughtI'd be a great that nobody at the BBC is satisfied with the network. More than a actress and went to New York But GRADUALLY things are getting better. totry and get a jobin the Itis Radio One's job to cater for the mass audience inaudience'- Bruce Wyndham HarMst. Dal,e0r1e3mer'rejltillne!, t!tite V 'gay' film... theatre," Mama admitted. pop. They do this with disc "The trouble was theonly jockeys like Jimmy -Young. 'rer-VIX'aTtractlye eater. slmves Ivefeiseg; em I.e a masse fobs I got were singing ones. OX.! O.K.! YOU don't like :10 .::..?: 1687 'C'irManntirlfaliZI Mann Was arid TheKilling of "Mark Murphy was respon- him. YOU would like to him announcer, ... 20 sears awl sible for my learning to sing. REGGAE to move over to Radio Two trlii=leHu=an'orl.'ge7: m dietop R.* One disc Ma . a This was fifteen years ago. I 1.7%toswoar mien. audio. for . Satordaymor=nrogramwmcon permanently. 8=7;,.ergel knew him well and liked the HOT 20 Mil WORT MILLION people tty'keWen vbirting XX; dOWn to anykin. perverSiOns. listento him. Andthat IS a "MIT ClirseteeioneneeBBC. die ...I.. was lo newsreading and things he did with his voice. maJor. audience. tt'magifignt itierrieeen,t1, trtryTativeT jl° I thinkhe'sthebestjazz NW Showsat time.Atrull '"),etrr"'"'Nfo_. 'vt"avtell,rn' singer in the world but not 17 tn. re.eildive:iieep=rarnmes Mic Sw.s -arm! l'Music°11rotion reo4 I PROBLEMS 'r= iltirhat33. many people know of him." tIlt GIRL WHAT YOU "Tien Radio Zneame MM tre. MAMA CASS-dldn tIlke touring... ARE DOING TO ME eirlia,,:tErkt..1,1720e; fir ot Cass Elliot turned profes- ItiS.rather. a sympathetic so. sional nine years ago when Owen GrayCamel CA 25 ro;?'.=z; itrreStrto.'llurt of a relationshipoutside soeiet. hanging around them again doingthissince the day I Is Mat when John Peellost = 2 MO MOON HOP fact norm. she went to New York but atand was missing more and was born:. Derrick Morn VitetrttuZirrle"t MESare:172e11:411Ti..Z=ii.;;:c=2tror" 1Ts rinL 413 Me firstonlygotjobsfor40 more classes. I met Tim Rose When she's at home, Cass mi.n in that time slot, dollars a week doing clubs. 3 0.r andgettrt: ilinal=rttlerttre:"=1;x1FclincTi who asked me if I sang folk doesn't have much time tor CO HOW LONG WILL IT I'M not claim. that Radio sirin 7nrIne=st aroad tem seaM. "Nrlic'.arri=terPlalledN Rex Later she went on I TAKE Oneis . -wearied.,In some Mener end which didn'tatthetime. a hobby-she's far too busy "We Cater Mr Me MM. of the tour with "Music Man" and daughter readpep en.slasWifYoe UN. =i/e"..:11 '1111T.'7'3'" tirrelaZger"if: hrrtt set We went to Chicago and met lookingafterher triMOnattnt";r1Mtl: = ream, Nmey. reeews net a woman called Adnia IHf:IV=1011171aLD' point of view. wedon, waiam, Nag..., for .20years. He was alsoIn show another guy and formed a trio and business commitments. ACID ROCK Rice. . IS FALLING DOWN muSIC WM. NS W a speciMst alma3Wten for the show, '1 called Triumvirate which was "Iget upat7.30inthe 4Illtd au.nce a. M.. Idon'the- read Men, oneof them sic.. rmo=ng..r. Ken PaMer m2enrec=igT7,12Z Wye Mat UM LYN of mom we. and W NM Of wear MeV rldhimselfof Me-ardinari. a good trio." morning and am either on One. out.. all .itsfaults a:reiei ermtof me meeeesor am nms" of Harry. The met in 51-/WITHOUTarNIVIIVEIll ' MADE A DAME guyCass the'phoneoroutseeing dew Iswith mance pa.elpa- Richard BULIOR'S Hal, isa sem CRAB 39 =toia 7:1,7no17 Chicago was Jimmy Hendrix people on business nom 9 NM" r,dazo "She made a big difference WETDREAM 1Intdoesheattribute =orl'IT'vLs wan' ozder....zz (notJimi)who shelater in the morning until 730 in owe medusa' "Well, Ws has lust iirtytegort:t ,::r4L relatimship is sustained, seem- to my life," said Mama. "She married. Theresultofthe the evening. NOT EASY lo me hot ingly, o RCM retharks and Cal 45)reiTOWri-;4ak- sal Snub., advised me to go to college marriageis Mama's 23 -year. I don't I M.. 11 enlOymeni what culated ess. "Inthe evenings OUT "We .lude a lot of hands hi De Is chargedwith and study as I hadn't been old daughter Owen Vanessa In' termeantime stopknocking show, mainly because of Me medic Iam N. because from Me have the energy togo to moment I get on lit do the show, at a as a womanand before.Adnie is a great Hendrix who wasn't able to for the sake of it. And start dme Moblent. We Cannot OW more r"'"' ""m'' digroup raWe through clubs. I have guileafew f SA eel...I Mitoyitall andI am ;0Qra Trek" thinking person and if they had suchcome onthetripasshe friendsinLos Angeles like vela happy r. prop-m.1ms as e de'er tiff eel!: titidd.Me 1=nt13I'liria'117a-- SOUL BROTHER ROONEY COLLINS iratet. s'Sid'e3Fm:nal. tMn prevails and hefindshimself a thing in America she developed flu. this NM and obviously I Crosby Stills and Nash, Joni BBC hl -v:u'read wi about should be made a Dame. Before joining the Mamas Mitchel! and Graham Bond IQSTRANGE''' adnill Mat SoMe deleners may not meMU:s7if'th'e"rop"eetTlett mMe of the SMir we P. usao etw, over Me Veers Ma "'"'" ttdandemleae overtones, ZarpTS at'Ltaries "Ienrolled atuniversity and Papas, Cass was with a BBC h. newer failedtocater for and mines when he was living there. We 'vs meotherhand. Z.h n'eee'"itoTlIstr It Itcomes and went toa few classes :ittipire'Verotlene Te:keZ We am. 211, or ev'vv.rdwrd. Me' orgasmic finale6'terrific. tit'l.on="or group called the Mugwumps. visit each other and just play o lackey eau play only . favourite HonItisproducedanddireeted (MBAFF BOOM in a celebrity wheet-chart push .e of BMW on a Pram.. he. airtime M fill ea. deg andit and tried to stay away from "They were the firstfolk- records at our homes, W stev. e.y to please evenwe. You've WESLEY LAINE the theatre. But soon I was rock group and were ca. n Mt to remember allthis aN take 'ffudPet:"Zrre'n" w"' "Myhobby t On WHAT AM I TO DO accatiot restrictione grimed influenced by the Beatles who front'of irewatchingistinrIL wan We bassesand,really. bow hadjust become popular," If I hadtime, I'd study eaeW weeritallexcept. "The Beatles 2fl2,SSIZiSgeOrTHE saMee add a., forIndividual she stated. POrtugu0Se, Marn French, SEA NOM of programmes?" really took the grease out of mad alot and maybe even mgiAa,,, unity UNs2g 11. proved Mat YOLIdon't rock." ta NM to be a progressive daWellon- crochet.Likemostofmy eating mum loverto N agood friends. I'm interested in "Wmel CA 20 BROADWAY astrology andthingson 'altraVI,T 4°,11;i.P1.1.471;',' a WISAVE THE LAST metaphysical level. be. a DANCE Since leaving the Mamas Virg and the interesting Laurel Ank,an and Papas. Cass has devoted thing about astrology is the mom time to her acting Ill THROW ME CORN number of coincidences that ambitions. happen. (Instrumental) SEARCHIN'l "Ithink actingisavery You'veprobablybeenreadingabout THE although it may not grab you first time. These are the best single ever from Ray. Apart from singing Mamaviews.n hpaesoptiaeiyyrlycovsetrz w"'"7,9As MOODY BLUES own label, Threshold. This tour highly talented musicians, of whom we shall it he also arranged and co -produced it, and itseasy time, so why not do it IS o5iT00 EXPERIENCE undoubtedly be hearing a lot more. The single is very powerful indeed. On Monument, MON 1039. for money," Mama said with records. Winston Franci; resentativm of BYG Meords. week their first single is released on Threshold, a laugh. "I've donetwo titled 'Watching and waiting', and its from on Decca F 12974. "Idon'tlike the ideaof Pretritrfollmorn: 'The S.N.P.' in case you didn't know, is the sketches ontelevisionand covering asong an le 1721 MAN ON MOON mg Me group md Belgian Police their next album. It gives you a good idea how have been offered two parts een.caM*nti is always ofa rtiste has already recorded.'' CRAB 30 ColinHichardnon. comanager or stunning the album will be-the single is out- A new single from THE ALAN SOWN I Scottish Naval Patrol, and al. the title inBroadway shows. When ColosSeuni.told RM Ms week: she stated."When I did jaunty new single from NIGEL DENVER, which I IS 11.TO PROUD TO BEG standing. they really are one of the best groups good news, and 'Gipsy girl' is a highlight from I go back to America have -At Ostend m Friday about eight 'Move in A LittleCloser Policemen and offiCials WM the in the world. The number is TO 1. their amazing stage act. In fact you can almost is for singing along with after a few drinks. On to do a TV show withPhil cAs grouptounloadalltheireq1.1.- see them leaping about the stage;it's a very Decca F 12975. Specter and Burt Bacharach. eh abd, mi doena, hre. been n. punchy, up -tempo number from a group who are. I shall be recording as well. =' 2001ITZIIOU'reli7VileWnl:g I know a lot of people dig TONY JOE WHITE IfI'd known Paul Jones had (271:W=14'n" mnnel van wentonaheadfrom always competent and never dull. On Deram, the And from RICKY MOVEY AND THE HILTON, "At the start of next year REMEMBER Ostend. leavMs the enuMment van as much as I do, and if you don't, swamp fever done'It'sGetting Bette: I The Hippy flar3a3 will get you sooner or later. His new single is number is DM 278. a great interpretation of Ins Buck Owens song, I'm beginning a film. I've been to make own way toFestival offered a TV show in England ouldn't have released it as Amuogie. ArtiV. there called 'Roosevelt and Ira Lee' and every home 'People like you' on Emerald MD 1134. asingle from the album. in mid.December with a should have one. It starts with a spoken intro in THE POPPY FAMILY had a huge chart smash keep informed "To my mind, it'sthe ttkrror tote °V,Vore"'1.X:. British comedian but I don't that gorgeous Louisiana drawi -and how he gets in Canada with their single 'Which way you thinkI'll be able to do it as artiste who makes a song a 1,1,,Lnri song. IfIhib ,/:mere,:eeereee, examined - ex.- so much sound out of one guitar, I do not know. goin'. Billy 7'. It' s a very attractive song,a bitsad, itwill be too near Christmas otthesongiow It's on Monument, and the number is MON 1040. sung tenderly and with a nice subtle backing. On cane, isit and I want to be athome -11 is almost as thowh . group records that out of too people who Porno Records authorit. were waiNg forColo.. Decca, the number is F 22976. DECCA then. seuni, alMou. Me group have a Get a single by QUARTET called 'Now' and 'Essentially I'm a 'method' song four times straight off. After the third RAY STEVENS is certainly versatile. His latest 45 reoo. 'oenceorgf 'thheerntalTs VrItlys playit aMress. I 1"altroutas irrop.7 prOLZ don't have a great individual Ca_ W obviou.not BYG hearing I almost floated away, it's such a beauti- is a huge,emotion -chargednumbercalled the Once .,ord, acting technique - I'm just alldowntothe PetrIRPhan.' and the arrangement.' itreallywas I 01.965 2117/8/5 Re... faultbut ful and uplifting record, it has that kind of effect. 'Sunday mornin' comin' down' and think Dec. HOuSe Albert Embankment London S E.I. natural. Acting is the observa- disdpsWg treaWent under the tion of people and I've been IAN MIDDLETON 8 RECORD MIRROR, Week ending November 1, 1969

new singles reviewed by Peter Jones new singles reviewed by Peter Jones new singles reviewed by Peter Jones new singles reviewed by Peter Powerful batch of singles -Beatles, Shadows,

Moodyblues, Plastic Ono Band & AmenCorner.. ROGER JENSENrevives the "Break My Mind", a Loudermilk MAX ROMEO THEMOODY BLUES PLASTIC ONO BAND GENE LATTER oldie"Jezebel"(Major Minor song, iswellhandled byIAIN Mini -Skirt Vision; Far Far Away 636) is big -voiced style. CAMPBELL (Major Minor 639) - Watching And Waiting;Out And Cold Turkey; Don't Worry Kyoko Tiger Bay; We Can Make Out (Unity 532). Another smash, needless In(Threshold TH 1).Predictably (Apple1001). Alotofassembled (Parlophone K 5815), Do you know, Amiable ballad from BOB MONK - nicelyrics,too. "WithTearsIn tosay.The "Wet Dream"gent HOUSE:"AnotherTime,Another My Eyes" by TIDAL WAVE (Decca high standards here onthistrack talent on this one - and obviously Ireally believe thisisthe one to Place, Another World" (CBS 4607). F22973) doesn't have a commercial on another bouncy reggae number, fromthe group's new album. A a massive seller, There's a strident establish Gene inthe charts?It's with atopical slant - hisbaffle- lovelybig sensitiveslow -building riff a saga of his life in Cardiff's dock- Good Scottishfolk -type saga"7113 ring toit.Lively folksey material: behind, withJohn forcing Scottish Naval Patrol" from talented "Horo Bhodachan" by THE MAC - ment at the thigh sights of London.atmosphere and lyricsgiven a through his own lyrics.Itsimply land,andvairyinterestingitis, DONALD SISTERS (Emerald 1132) Completely straight, danceable and hauntingpromotion. Notentirely leapsstraightintoacommercial too.Excellent hard -bitingarrange- NIGEL DENVER (Decca F 12975). dead darned catchy,Flip:Rather sure aboutitssingle chances, but feel and fairly thuds along. Listen ment, Catchy, too,in a sometimes Gandhi Centenary disc of interest: -andexpansivepatriotismfrom a poignant piece. "Ramdhun", by TRIPTI DAS (The DOREEN on "The Land ThatIs itisa magnificent preview of the to itcarefully.It'sasortof over -contrived way. But a powerful Flowers FL 1). From THE LITTLE My Home" (Emerald 1133). CHART CERTAINTY LP. Organ, voice, simplicity.Flip: "complete" pop record, Flip: Yoko production, Flip: A more clean-cut Faster,almostjerky. in beat ballad. BOYS:"Bongonyah"(Camel36). BLUE MINK, on "Melting Pot" repetitive, gimmicky style. reggae material at CHART POSSIBILITY Breathless. CHART POSSIBILITY push -along (Philips BF 1818), come up with a AMEN CORNER MASSIVE SELLER tempo, danceable. "Same Old veryunusualsongwhichsticks Song", by WINSTON FRANCIS Get Back; Farewell To The Real firmlyin mymind,Livelyand MagnificentSeven (Bamboo 10),ispretty strong ska professional performance from (Immediate IM THE SHADOWS THE BEATLES stuff,chattering back -beat. 084). Growls of anguishfrom VAL DOONICAN Slaughter On Tenth Avenue; VALERIE MASTERS on"1Don't Beatles lovers, but I dunno. I found Love Of A Gentle Woman; Sunday Something; Come Together (Pario- "Once Upon A Time InThe Wanna Play House" (Columbia DB Midnight Cowboy (Columbia DB phone R 5814). For me, one of the West" (Pye 17843) itan exciting hard -poundingtreat- Best(Pye17842).Good material 8628). Simple, straightforward Hank isa musicianly 8629). "Now", by QUARTET (Decca ment with Andy a bitecstatic forVal - ascene -settingverse, most satisfyingthings amonglots sound blend from CYRIL STAPLE - F12974),isamid -tempoballad, in B. Marvin -led reading of the Richard of satisfaction on the "Abbey Road" TON and his choir and orchestra.with strings. MARCIE GRIFFITHS style,occasionally hidden away in then into a chorus, all very straight- Rodgers' standard. Ever so thesheervolume,andstraining forward, whichseems tohave musicianly, notch, and the melody album.Excellent vocal by George "Theme From the film'Z' " comes does well with "Put A Little Love strong Harrison, who wrote it, and upneatlyfromthe away hard throughout. Good commercial appeal. A istreated with reverence. Hard to MARCELLO In Your Heart" (Harry J 693), ska number, energetic treatment - butpleasantsortofchoralbacking, splendid guitar figures, Probably a MINERBI ORCH. (Durium54017). materialdeliveredwitha see just how far it'll go, but It's a topthreesingle,even breath- nottheirbest.Flip: Almost a plus orchestra. Must do well, Flip: fine arrangement, Flip:Just Hank. thoughso Couldbeconsiderableinterestin less efficiency. Usual touch of class Friendly mid -tempo ballad. many people have the album. Flip: "TheIceCream Song"by JONfrom THE SKATALITES on "Please hymnal quality within the big beat. on the eloquent movie theme. CHART CERTAINTY CHART POSSIBILITY CHART PROBABILITY John and Paul in great form. FORD (Philips BF 1817) - here Let Me Hide" (Spark SRL 1034).a MASSIVE SELLER singethamore -than -usefultalent. singlewhich couldclick. GINETTE RENO: EverythingThat I Am; Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood (Decca F 22972).Definitely,butdefinitely,agrade one LUCKY' -NEWC&W LABEL By James Hamilton talent* * -* super * * -performanceandhopeitgetsthenecessaryplays. NEW labelLUCKY emerges doing a first-rate deep -voiced THE NEW INSPIRATION: My World's Beginning; You Ain't Got The withabatchofsixlined job on "TheBallad Of Ned JOE "GROUNDHOG" (TornioMotown THE 716).If Feeling(PennyFarthing704).Somethingaboutthisonegetsinthe uptoexposeandexploit Kelly" (Lucky 103) -could RICHARDSON youdigtheTemps youreally mind -anywayit'sabusinesslikebeat -ballad,wellsung. * * * * the British Country music scene. takeoff,thisone. ought to have their "Cloud Nine" DUSTER BENNETT: I'm Gonna Wind lip Ending Up Or I'm Gonna Awellvariedbatch,infact, From COUNTRY FEVER: Take ItOff;Blues To Take It album,whichcontainsthefull End Up Winding Up With You; Rock Of Ages Cleft For Me (CBS Blue and sometalentthatcould do "Mental Revenge"(Lucky106), Off By (Major Minor MM 632). 9:38 of Ls breathtakingly inven- Horizon 3164).Greattitle;great performance actually, and Duster ina agoodjobforpromOtingour a mid -tempo bit of yearning THIS IS FABULOUS! Toan tive to only 4:30 probablycommercial mood,bluesilyspeaking. * * * * home-grown product. material onafair melodyline. ultra -cool "BabyScratch My (Do tsounds RAYMOND FROGGATT:Hasn'tTheLordBlessedUs;LazyJack ThereisDAVID H. LEE on "Too Many HonkyTonks"by Back" -likeriff,Joe imploreshis gre , asa (Polydor56358).A RecordoftheWeek.Sensitivereadingand good "You'd Better Take Time" CODY NASHOUT 'IT (Lucky baby to take itoff . to take fo ikelyto guitar -and anyway Raymond deserve, or deserves a hit* * * * * (Lucky 105) - a pacy romantic 102),aphilosophicpieceata itALL off!Inactualfactthe rea h may - THE ALAN BOWN: Gypsy Girl;AllICan (Deram DM 278), Another ballad with finger-snaPPing fairoldtempo - nicelydone. underlying ideamaybethat be (Goget Recordofthe Week - actuallyit:with strongchart chances.It'sa rhythm. "WatchingTrains Go PHIL BRADYdoeshisusual natural Black is beautiful, but the the bouncer, whistle -introduced, and builds very excitingly. Good group,this. By'Lisby COUNTRY EXPRESS so -smooth job on "Let The main message is obvious enough C * * * * * (Lucky 104) and isa beaty Whole World SingItWith Me" to practically guarantee its being GLENN WESTON: A Very Merry Christmas; Sweet Maria (Columbia guitar-introedand reallyavery (Lucky 101) . . and rounds off banned on Radio1 - so watch SISTERS DB 8627,Must be ratedasthefirstChristmas extrathis year, albums good song indeed, well performed. averyprOmisinghalf -dozen of the Charts! (Also. Joe may bene- ayton apart - butpretty innocuous. ** Then comes BRIAN CHALKER. bestBritishcountry. fit from Dunlop's new tyre pub- WAYNE FONTANA:We'reBuilding A Love;CharlieCass(Fontana licity!)'The best thing about this. Chimes Of TF 1054). As ever, a strong performance but not sure the song is strong though,isthatit'ssuch a com- o S 4583). enough. Romantically portrayed. * * * * Judith for A&M ENGELBERT DISC pulsive gas dancer, produced, in- bledabig NELLIE: I Who Have Nothing; You Send Me (Gas 126). Very impressed UX-SEEKER JudithDurham has cidentally.byDonCovay,for tthemall withthisreggae -treatedversionoftheoldS.Bassey biggie.Could be 1.4 signed a contract with A & M ANEWsingle by Engelbert Johnny Nash's Jadlabel.Let' songbook - big. * * * * Records. On a recentvisitto Hutnperdinckisscheduledfor hope the word spreads. e resultant ACID GALLERY: Dance Round The Maypole;Right To Blues (CBS Hollywood,world HQ of A & M. release on November 7. CHART CERTAINTY d surprisingly 4608). Another Record of the Week A Roy Wood song, and recognisably The top side is another Les Reed/ empoGospel so, with a Judithplannedherfuturecareer lot of straight commercial zeal and spirit. Could do well . . . with the company, andtheinitial Barry Mason composition -"Winter THE TEMPTATIONS already been certainty hope so. * * * * * World Of Love" with Musical Direc- 1. album whichwillinclude"That's Run Radio The THE POPPY FAMILY: Which Way YouGoin'Billy;EndlessSleep tion by Les Reed. Away Child, Running B makeit a How My Love Is" and "God Bless Wild; I Need Your Lovin' (Decca F 22976), Very pleasant, with Susan Jacks taking the lead. Catchy The Child". The albumis,as yet, Theflipsideiswrittenbyhis TY but perhaps no: a chart-er, which is a pity. * * * * untitled.A &M'sLondonoffice manager, Gordon Mills entitled commented that "this is one of our "Take MyHeart"withJohnny THE INTRIGUES:In A Mo (London HL HarrisasMusicalDirector. 10293).Fabulously tightsoul vo style thatis most exc'tinr acts so far." completely, and understandably, tyof people in this country. For those few to ommonly known here - abouts as S.G.F.$),this bouncy a -from heaven, as it'scertainly the best exa eleased in Eng- land this year, Nice old-fashio * * * FERRANTE & TEICHER: Guy's InLove With You (United Artists UP ought that the day would come when Icould ho rante and Teicher THE cWORLD OF record -however, tempus fug ctacled piano duo must have beenlistenin iful"Hot Buttered Soul" album before arr the groovy movie/ click flick theme, as the his "Walk On By" . . . which is probably it reallyis different JOSH WHITE for them, andiswell relaxed yet freaky good music. Excellent inst value. * * * * * * biggie on flip, for added TONY JOE WHITE: Roosevelt And e Migrant (Monument MON .1040).Kingofthedown-home m rs,TonyJoereally mumbles some on a spoken introduction to his latest funky tale of life ofthe Bayous-Rosko willlovethisone!Not much toit,butit's betterthanhis"Willie aura Mae Jones"and has bagsof atmosphere. The slow 11 ork. * * PEGGY LEE:IsTh A Woman (Capitol CL 15614).ThisLeiber an eelspeaking -and -singing tempo -changesubdued at"ThoseWereThe Days") has just done to say that!)in America -and it's winsome enou as well. To helpit.her classic (from the same FRED NEIL: Every a *(Capitol * * *-CL 15616).* Fred HOUSE OF LORDS (of "The Dolphins" hit song, and here he sings it -beautifully, with 1 nice too. * * * * king. Equally restfulflipis - TAJ MAHAL: Give e Wants; Farther On Down The Road (You Will irection58-4586).While no In the land of dreams "Statesboro' Blu r (with an incredibly strong bass) c/w a so alue Tai Mahal. (Both from his new album). * CB112 BILLY EDD WH And A Country Tune; Three Fingered Banjo ists UP 35045).Finger-lickin' jolly Country must really great. * * * * * STEAM: Na Na su Him Goodbye; It's The Magic In Yost r Girl (Fontana T ere are four indigenous American singles out this week th style. though basically rooted in the early '60s. 0 they may be of interest to real Avaibble through Philips Depots & Island Sales Office. White American a new category for you!). The hestisthisch , which hasa nice percussive B&C RKORDS LTD. 37 SOHO SQUARE, LONDON,W.H01734 3932) break during w ack in. The pretty flip has heavy Classics IV in a sucker for it! * * * * * MARSHMAL Y Kitty (Let's Go To The City); Michigan Mints 35031).Pure W.A.P.(nottobe confused with D omethin' else again!), with roots that go deepe ble Gum beat -to "Bristol Stomp" GINGERBREAD and all the cuses for having a simple good time. This* * *one * enough todowellheretoo. ANDY RI I Got To Know (Dot132).Vet prOducer/so Phil Spector's past collaborator,just Howareyou' successfully nse) re -did "Baby ILove You" with Andy Kim even deeper into the Master's sound. Another for *re* C3113 THE C eDo You Go? (MCA MU 1101). Another v an one -it's not only the biggesthit, A Great Album butit'salso The boys, obviously not the gang of "Guid uetothe 'teen tradition though, toa skip- TH Dream; Together (Bell BLL 1084). Well. By A Great Artist Igo really don't know what to say about this and seems to me much ofamuchness. Let's wait At A Great Price TINY TIM: ey; Neighbourhood Children (Reprise RS 20855).Mr. Tim is trictlyforthe kiddies here, whichisa shame as he can be devatingly adult.Fine fortots. * * * * SPA/ PA 44 SANTANA: Persuasion; Savor (('BS S 4593). From their "Santana" LP (not"Santa".asinourU.S.Album chart!),twopercussive "heavy"heaters -thefranticLatininstrumentalflipisbetterthan Carlos Santana's vocal on top. * * * DINO, DESI & BILLY: Hawley;Let'sTalkIt Over (CBS 4592). 1911 "Hawley was a girl who really knew her mind", in case you wondered. A gentle soft slowie from these scions of fame. * * * * RECOMMENDED PRICE THE PLAYHOUSE: You Don't Know It; Love Is On Our Side (Dot 12"Stereo or MonoLP DECCA 130). "Ws gettin' near dawn" . . . oh, no?It'sthe cast of "Hair" singing Bubble Gum? No? Oh, well! * * * GENE VINCENT: Be-Bop-A-Lula 569; Ruby Baby (Dandelion Stereo The Decca Record Company Limited S4596).Astheclassic,unimprovable,original1956recordingstill exists for one to enjoy, this messy new treatment seems unnecessary. * Decca House Albert Embankment London SE1 RECORD MIRROR, Week ending November 1, 1969 9 7'CIMA JONES

_cote La/s V'ec,ccis

SIDE ONE TURN ON YOUR LOVE LIGHT (Scott) BRIGHT LIGHTS AND YOU GIRL (Shepard) I CAN'T STOP LOVING YOU (Gibson) HARD TO HANDLE (Redding; Isbell; Jones) DELILAH (Reed: Mason) DANNY BOY (Weatherly; Arr. Blackwell) I'LL NEVER FALL IN LOVE AGAIN (Donegan; Currie)


YESTERDAY (Lennon; McCartney) HEY JUDE (Lennon; McCartney) LOVE ME TONIGHT (Pilat; Panzeri; Pace; Mason) IT'S NOT UNUSUAL (Mills; Reed)

TWIST AND SHOUT (Russell; Medley)


M LK 5032 S SKL 5032 DECCA

12 Stereo or Mono LP The Decca Record Company Limited Decca House Albert Embankment London SE1 10 RECORD MIRROR, Week ending November 1, 1969 Agrx fiff raof says mr. anderson: WILL Tsia Chin do for Juicy Lucy what Jacqui Chan did for Simon Dupree? . . . certain members of the pop business think the hypers

are back in the game again . . . . A41: The Critters . . . two currently big chart names also due to hit your local cinema screens shortly: Jane

Birldn in "The Sinners" and Johnny Cash in "Door To Door Maniac" . . fromthenoises coming from Decca's Gt Malborough Streetoffices,it I'm going away.. sounds like they have orgies to promote their records . . . John Morgan of Spiritof John Morgan received a 200 ft,letter from an anxious fan - . what it contained has not been confirmed . who is Top Ten Cathy? . a new dynamic duo stormed through the West End of London last week no one will know - Stan Webb and Chick Churchill . .Apple's Tony Bramwell dancing

with Christine Keeler at the Revolution . . Q42: which two ancient Lon-

don - American hits were associated with cartoon characters, . . . following trend set by RM's Ian Middleton, NEM's Conn Johnson has sprouted a . . not up . where I am...I beard . Elvisemphatically cleaning with"Backyard" .

journalistin"Groupie" book sounds suspiciouslylikeTony Wilson . . IF . . . No.21:ifNilsson had co -written "You Really Got A Hold On Me", would it have been known as a half -Nilsson? . . Emperor Rosko might never opening Rock & RollCircusDiscothequeinLondoninFebruary .

P.R.Bill- Harry now handling New York Rock & Roll Ensemble . . Abi

Ofarim sporting a fuzzy beard . . . following their visit to Ireland, Casuals

. left Plug' Taylor behind for a seven day booze -up with Joe Dolan severalRadio 1 DJ'sreportedtobe come back.. contemplatingthebest wayof getting the sack . Promoter for the Casuals Italian trip over Christmas guarantees a bottle of Scotch per person per night as part of the contract - poor Bob O'Brien. he's had a sudden attack ofliver complaint! . . ..yet another tryingto QWEET Dream' is the best record we've made. It took

do anI.M. - publicist David Reay attempting to grow a beard . . . Spectorama back with a great big bang in the shape of Checkmates Ltd's L., quite a long time to put together and the result is

"Proud Mary" . . . Stan Webb equipped with his own 'bovver' boots . . . three or four minutes of solid, valid and well constructed StartlingMusicplansforRingo Starr . . . new Chapter Onesigning music. It's very pleasing to succeed." Cressida, to be produced by ex -Bee Gee producer Ossie Byrne . . . Adge Cutler has a collection of vintage cars and fire engines worth over f7,000 A very successful Ian Anderson, the lead singer and . . . RM's featureof Sammy Davis by Ian Middleton, quotedinthe inspiration of Jethro Tull, sat back in a cramped Oxford Autumn edition of "Perfectly Frank", the official Frank Sinatra magazine Street office amid pictures of the group on the walls and . . . even though he wrotea Liberty/UAitemfortheScott Report, copies of the new single "Sweet Dream" littered on the Rodney Collinsstill works for the Record Mirror . . . in America, the desk. Beatles' flipsideisout -stripping "Something" . . .. Family Dogg's Mike -velpsofcourse,butthat,initself,won'tpullany Hazelwood has written a kiddie's serial for screening in the New Year with He looks unlike the big pop star image. His pullover audience. Freddie and the Dreamers. But that's not quite how the RM's news -team isholed to perfectionhishair, reaching down to his "Butit'sthe growing awareness of pop as a serious heardit . . .followinglastweek's Face item,Liberty/UA inform us they have shelved their bargain -priced Sunset series . . . the rare Tibetan shoulders, meets his beard, full grown and heavy. musical form which is doing it.I'm a bit suspicious of Krishna Hare isactually Bugs Bunny . . . watch out fora rave up ver- He talks quietly, carefully emphasising each point. You anyone who dancesduringourperformances.That's sion of "Cokey Cokey" by the Mike Morton Sound on Plexium Records - begin to wonder whether thisis the same Ian Anderson self-indulgent. We don't encourage people to stamp about could be good for Christmas parties. . . will Barry Gibb play Tarzan in the next exciting jungle epic? . . . Mike Hales of Elektra destroyed RM's who makes with all that freaky dancing - the standing and it's not easy to do it. Our music's not rhythmically Lon Goddard at pinball without being deaf, blind and dumb, . . if asked on one leg, the scratching, and so on. easy to follow and I must be suspicious of anyone dancing. about Mama, would little Owen Elliot reply "sheain't heavy, she's my Iasked him about the one leg bit:"It's just a kind of "So people are coming to see us for the music. There mother" . . . . Singer 'Bob Anthony attempting a world non-stop singing record at the thingIdo which involves a sort of muscular reaction," issomething more than image. People come along - Lyceum Ballroom, London at midnight on November 6 and hopes to con- he replied. straight peopleif you like, skinheads and so on - to tinue through to midnight November 7 - three M.D.'s and four orchestras "Ifindthat'sthe comfortable and,for me,natural hear the music. will be in attendance . . . inspite of rumours, Paul McCartney is alive position for singing. Just as some people bite their nails and well and in hiding inSt. John's Wood . . . Apple besieged by Ameri- "Idon't think we represent anything otherwise. The canradionewscasters . . . . AbieNathan'speaceship, starringJohn or scratchtheir heads when they'retense,Ifindthat words of 'Living In The Past' wasn't a social message- Lennon,isnearingcompletioninNew York . . .. Paul McCartneyis alive and well and in hiding at 3 Savile Row, London, W 1 when I'm singing I have to stand on one leg. (don't understand things like that - it was a personal "But 1 can only do it when I'm putting a lot into a the The Spirit of John Morgan are advertising their new LPon the sides of view.Itwas afeelingrather than amessage, in racing cars at Silverstone. song. For instance,Itriedto do itfor a photographic first person plural." "The Frightened City"(once ahitfor the Shadows)is Thames TV's session recently andIfell over. Even with our records Now "Sweet Dreams" has been released on the new filmpresentationthis Thursday evening (7.5p.m.) . ."Sugar Sugar" playing I couldn't do it. makes allthe other discs in the chart sound like Flanagan and Allan's Chrysalis label and the new Jethro Tull album is in hand, stuff - you know, underneath the Archks. "So it's very dependent on the music. Now it's become Ian is having his first holiday for two years. part of the whole thing." "I'm going to Scotland for ten days. I'm getting away Jethro Tull are perhaps the one group to have emerged completely from everything - music, thelot.I'm very LOU- new single and tour here from the Underground to have substantial commercial curious to find what happens when I get back - whether success. That success is due, inpart, of course, to the TOP five artiste Lou Christie A newrelease isscheduled I can still play. on November 21 whichwill entertainment value of Ian Anderson singing, Ian had "But I'm going tovisitunlikely places, staying ata arrives in Britain on probably be "She Sold Me another reason. NOvember 16torehearse Magic". different place every night. Nobody will know where I with a Britishgroupbefore Apartfromradio andTV "Audiences have changed since we started. People are am. And you never know,Imight not come back." starting his tour of this country appearances in Britain, Christie coming to see us because of the music. One hit record ROBERT PARTRIDGE on November 26 to Decem- will go to Holland for his own ber 14. Dutch TV series.

WEST Indian records have well in Britain for many years but, apart from a brief surge of"in - crowd"popularitywithLondonmods back in the days when the Beatles were 'Ska music is goingto be the biggest thing in still mop -tops, the market for these discs was almost exclusively among immigrants. Now, all of a sudden, ska rock -steady, reggae, blue -beat are all the thing, with no fewer than five records in this week's Record Mirror chart. pop-big enough to make the West Indian music is threatening to take overour popsceneina suddenex- plosion matched only by the impact which rock 'n'roll made on a then turgid pop scene back in 1956. Undergroundscene look puny!' But, while most ofthenation's major record companies and record dealers have been caught completely on the hop, any club or ballroom disc -jockey could have "We are convinced ska is going to be this business I thought ofska as predicted the trend months ago. the biggest thing in pop - big enough to puerile, boring music but now it's taken Despitetheobscurityofmanyska make the underground scene look puny. on a whole new direction.Thereare artistes and thelabels they record for, But the music has to grow up. Too many some very exciting records being turned these are themostrequested dance of the lyrics are banal rubbish, too many out. records, the jerky,infectiousrhythm ofthe productions arethe cheap back- "Take the Upsetters' Return Of lending itself ideally to dancing. street jobs," says Dave Hadfield whose Django'for instance-that has got sax - Maximum Sound studios in the Old Kent work to match the old rock magic for Road have turned out many of the better itsprimitive,gutsyexcitement." ska sounds, aswellas Manfred Mann Laughing loudest ofall must be SOUND THAT COUNTS and Amen Corner recordings. Graeme Goodall, a man who has The skasceneisdominatedbythe worked and struggledfor yearstoget Perhaps the most remarkable and re- small, independent record companies and ska offthe ground over here. Now his freshing thing about the whole West Indian a bewilderingnumberoflabels with Pyramid label can claim a long string music explosion isthat the old idea of such names asUpsetter,CoxsonCrab, ofhits,thanks mainlytotheremark- stars who can record nothing bad is be- Songbird,HarryJ.,Pama,Revolution, able Desmond Dekker who has scored ing swept aside. To the ska fan it is the Unity,Trojan. Gas and Pyramid, most no fewer than 40, yes 40, number one's soundwhichcounts,not the artiste. of them run by West Indians who know inhis native Jamaica. Thus, new names are continually the music inside out. Graeme is a white man whohas bursting onto the scene, even though the lived much of hislifeinthe Caribbean Public has never had the opportunity to and wholongagorealisedthatthe see them live.Indeed, often the British BURNED FINGERS happy, musical peopleofthoseislands record companies concerned know noth- wereproducingsomething which,pro- ingwhatsoever abouttheartistescon- perlyhandled,couldbecomea major cerned! Everytime a majorcompany has force in world pop. Ski does have a fewestablished tried to break into the scene its fingershave been burned.E.M.I.tried Britain'spop sceneisalready being artistes but they remain at the top only conquered - andit's no longer just because they consistently turn outfirst- itwithaspecialColumbiaBlue -Beat seriesrunbyZiggyJackson,a man immigrants and skin -heads who buy the rate recordings. Men like Desmond records-and now skaisbreakingbig Dekker, Owen Grey and Prince Buster withvastexperienceinthefield,but failedmiserably, other companies have in America too,thankstothepioneer- have scored hitafter hit but they have had periodic bursts of ska releases but ing workofJohnny Nashand the worked hardtoholdtheirprestigious successofDekker's"Israelites". Positions. mostlywithoutsuccess. "You can'tcater for a specialist "There is somethingunique about Just lookatthose records whichare West Indian music," says Nash, a man making the charts. True the pattern was music unless everybody in your organis- ation is geared up to the product," says whohas already made a bigimpact set by theconsistent Desmond Dekker onsoulmusic, show music andother withhis"007" some yearsbackand Harry Palmer who in a bare 12 months has built Pama Records from a idioms:"I fellin love withit and now followedup,ironically,byexperienced struggling little company into one of the I commute between NewYorkand Americanartiste Johnny Nash,butto- Jamaica where I do most ofmy day we have groups likethePioneers, - biggest ska names. Harry hastheadvantageof owning recording. the Harry J. All Stars and the Upsetters Johnny - all relatively obscure though talented hisown retailshops,enabling himto provides the linkin ska's gauge publicreaction,so coming tomaturity. Asa young man, outfits - jumpingintothebest-sellers too does Lee he was greatly list. Gopthal who controls the B&C group of influenced by thelate Of all the ska records getting action at record labels and the Musicland record Sam Cooke, daddy of all soul singers. themoment, JimmyCliff's"Wonderful stores. The ska ofthe past may have been World,Beautiful People" seems to have Gopthal's pressofficeris Max Need- largely atrocious but now the musicis thebestchanceoffollowingDesmond ham-WaxieMaxieofrock'n'roll reedytobe takenseriously - watch Dekker's "The Israelites" as the second fame. Says Maxie: "WhenIcame Into out forit! JIMMY CLIFF ska record to make the number one spot and it is this record which holds the key LEE PERRY to the most important thing happening to of the Upsetters, has the music today Suddenly,after yearsofpoor record- currentlyburstinto ings using cheap studios and a minimum RM charts with ofmusicians skaisbecomingsophisti- "ReturnofDjango". cated and polished. Johnny Nash started the trend of course It's the disc with and now Jimmy Cliff'sproducer Leslie "saxwork tomatch Kong - who also produced all Desmond theoldrock magic Dekker's hits - has followed the same lines,usingsubtlyarrangedstrings to for its primitive, gutsy fill in the gaps. excitement." RECORD MIRROR, Week ending November 1,1969 11 RECORD MIRROR CHARTS PAGE

Compiled for BILLBOARD .coe- U.S. ALBUMSr Record ABBEY ROAD Retailer and 1 ABBEY ROAD' 1 Beatles (Apple) 4 Beatles (Apple) the BBC by 2 JvaTOoWoN UaSTn GREEN RIVER ATr steITs H( a,iM oVtOowI.P)Ill 2 1 Creedence Clearwater Revival (Fantasy) The British ci JOHNNY CA, HATTSAN TOP 3 THROUGH THE l'AST DARKLY (BIG HITS)., Market 2 Johnny Cash (CBS) 3 3 Rolling Stones (London) 4 WORLD OF MANTOVANI (VOL. 2) BLIND FAITH* Research 3 Mantovani (Decca) 45 Blind Faith (Atlantic) THROUGH THF: PAST DARKLY (BIG HITS AT SAN QUENTIN SUGAR SUGAR 5 V0(:,.2) 5 2 Johnny Cash (Columbia) 1(q) Archles (VA) 4 Rolling Stones (Decca) I'VE GOT DEM (1I; KOZMIC BLUES I'M GONNA MAKE YOU MINE SUPER DUPER BLUES 6 6 AGAIN. MAMA 2 3(8) Lou Christie (Buddah) NEW YORK 13 Various Artistes (CBS) 16 (Columbia) HE AIN'T HEAVY, HE'S MY BROTHER AIR MAILED FROM IN THE COURT OF THE CRIMSON CROSBY/STILLS/NASH. 3 7 7 5(5) The Hollies (Parlophone) sum yus MIND KING 11 (Atlantic) OH WELL ( t1) - King Crimson (Island) 8 HOT BUTTERED SOUL 4 8 (5) Fleetwood Mac (Reprise) WEDDING BELL BLUES WORLD OF VAI. DOONICAN 8 Isaac Hayes (Enterprise) Sl'A('E ODDITY 2 7 (5) 5th Dimension (Soul City) 8 7 Val Doonican (Deceit) IN-A-GADDA-DA-VIDA 5 6(7) David Bowie (Philips) SUGAR SUGAR* WORLD OF MANTOVANI 9 6 Iron Butterfly (ARO I'll. NEVER FAI IIN LOVF. AGAIN 3 3 WO Archie,: (Calendar) 9 18 Mantovani (Decca) 10 SANTA 6 2 (9) (Capitol) 4 I CA 'T GET NEXT TO YOU 10 SOUND OF MUSIC 1(1 Santa (Columbia) NOBODY'S CHILD 1 (11) Temptatjons (Gorily) 1(1 Soundtrack (R('A Victor) BLOOD, SWEAT AND TEARS 7 11 7(8) Karen Young (Major Minor) BABY. IT'SYOU SSSIIII 7 Blood. Sweat and Tears (Columbia) laiTtaiN OF DJANGO/DOLLAR IN THE 5 g (6) Smith (Dunhill) 11 6 Ten Years After (Derain) 12 PUZZLE PEOPLE 8 6 HOT SUN IN THE SUMMERTIME. 12 THEN PLAY ON 211 Temptations (Gordy) 17 (4) liosettges (Upsetter) 2 (11) Sly & The Family Stone (Epic) 11 Fleetwood Mac (Reprise) "LIVE" MOI NON PLUS LITTLE WOMEN. NASHVILLE SKYLINE 13 JE 7 13 14 Glen Campbell (Capitol) 9 4(5) Jane Birkin & Serge Gainsbourg 6 (9) Hobby Cherman (Metro Media) 9 Bob Dylan (CBS) THIS IS TOM JONES (Major Minor) JEAN BEST OF THE SEEKERS 14 13 Tom Jones (Parrot) 8 4 (11) Oliver (Crewe) 14 17 The Seekers (Columbia) A BOY NAMED SUE 15 EASY RIDER 10 10(8) Johnny Fish (CBS) 9 TRACEY. 15 HIS ORCHESTRA. IIIS CHORUS, 29 Sound Track (Dunhill) 9 (6) Cuff Links (Deceit) HIS SINGERS. HIS SOUND BAYOU COUNTRY 11 Rs, ('OME TOGETHER. 26 Ray Coniff (CBS) 16 21 Creedence Clearwater Revival (Fantasy) 10 13 13) Beatles (Apple) ACCORDING TO MY HEART DEL A LADY 16 NASIIVII.LE SKYLINE' 12 20(6) - (Regal Zonophone) SOMETHING* 22 (Jim Reeves (R('A International) 17 18 Bob Dylan (Columbia) ovF's RFFN GOOD TO ME 11 11 (3) Beatles (Apple) OLIVER 17 18 LED ZEPPELIN* 13 13 (51 Frank ,Sinatra ilicprise) 12 SMILE A LITTLE SMILE FOR ME* 12 Soundtrack (R('A) 26 Led Zeppelin (Atlantic) 1)0 WHAT V0.1111rE CaITTA toy 16 (3) Flying Machine (Congress) WORLD OF BACHELORS MIDNIGHT COWBOY 14 YOUR GOOD THING* 18 16 Bachelors (Decca( 19 19 Soundtrack (United Artists) 13 14 (12) Lou Rawls (Capitol) SONGS FOR A TAILOR BEST OF* 19 20 15 1 (61'"--ILL-L4PIT"Ptefainla-Ml""-14Mama("ass7Stateside) 14 'S HEOVEWAY IS Jack Bruce (Polydor) 9 Cream (Atoll 12 ( arvinaye(G(Tamia) WORLD OF VAL DOONICAN (Vol. 2) THE BAND 16 I'M G NNA MARE YOU MIN 20 21 (Decca) 21 22 The Band (Capitol) 15 10 (91 Lou ('hrislie (Buddahl BLIND FAITH ilAILMAM-Baffiji-18.'a.thlerLy) 'atexj12.11"1 21 22 HAIR* ii;,w()In2) MO(IliliveNrINSSS)TARSIIINE: 16 GOING IN CIRCLES 14 Blind Faith (Polydisr) 12 Original Cast (RCA) 17 25 (7) The Friends of Distinction (RCA) THIS IS JAMES LAST BEST OF. WONDER WORLD, BEAT TIFUL ANI) WHEN I DIE - James Last (l'olydor) 23 25 (Ate()) 18 17 29 (3) Blood Sweat & Tears (Columbia) WORLD OF REGINALD DIXON PEOPLE 23 SMASH HITS. 44(2) Jimmy Cliff (Trojan) YOU'VE LOST THAT LOVIN' FEELING* 23 (Decca) 24 15 Jimi Hendrix Experience (Reprise) DON'T FORGET TO REMEMBER 18 211 STAND-UP (4) Dionne Warwick (Scepter) STAND UP* 19 16 (111 Bee Gees (PolYdor) I'1.L NF'VER FAIL IN LOVE AGAIN* 24 24 .Jethro Tull (Island) - Jethro Tull (Reprise) 19 nn) hind, 25 (CALL ME) NUMBER ONE (Parrot) 25 HAIR ['CRT SO BAD - (I) Tremetees (CBS) JEALOUS KIND OF EF.I.LOW 19 London ('ast ll'olydorl 26 24 The Lettermen (Capitol) 2021 (5) Galan(' Green (CND GREATEST HITS LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT ALICE'S RESTAURANT. 21 19 (8) Sounds Nice (Parlophone) TAKE A LETTER MARIA 2116 -.Hob Dylan (CBS) 27 28 Arlo Guthrie (Reprise) 21 IMI'ACT WHAT I)()ES IT TAKE 37 (2) R. B. Greases (Afro) SOFT PARADE 22 29 (4) Junior Walker & The All Stars BABY I'M FOR REAL 27 - Various Artistes (EMI) 28 17 Doors (Elektra) 22 BASKET OF LIGHT (Tanila Motown) 26 (3) Originals (Soul) A GROUP CALLED SMITH LONG SHOT/KICK THE BUCKET EASY TO BE HARD* 2$ - Pentangle (Transatlantic) 29 - Smith (Dunhill) 23 WORLD OF MILITARY BANDS 23 32 (3) The Pioneers; Rico (Trojan) 18 (12) Three Dog Night (Dunhill) BARA BAJAGAL EVERYBODY'S TALKIN' SUGAR ONSUNDAN" 29 20 (Decca) 30 23 (Epic) 24 24 22 19) Clique (White Whale) .1 MAN ALONE 23 (4) Nilsson (RCA) EVERYBODY'S TALKIN' 30 31) Frank Sinatra (Remise) 25 AND THE SUN WILL SHINE 25 15 (111 Nilsson (RCA) 30 (3) Jose Feliciano (RCA) BALL OF FIRE I'UT YOURSELF IN MY PLACE 26 33 13) Tommy James & the Shondells 26 21(9) Isley Brothers (Tamla Motown) THIS GIRL IS A WOMAN NOW 10 YEARS AGO I'ENNY ARCADE 27 17 (On Gars Puckett and the Union Gap 5 YEARS AGO 27 39 (4) Roy Orhison (London) TR A YELLIN' LIGHT THROW DOWN A LINE JESUS IS A SOUL MAN. 'MERE S.AI NAYS SOMETHINGTHERE 1 .28 35 (4) Lawrence Reynolds (Warner Bros.) 1Cliff Richard 28 15 (8) Cliff & Hank (Columbia) YO1'. I'-7 ,MAC({ THE: ENIFF HARE KRISHNA MANTRA 1 San( ax ( ye) 2 29 24 (8) Rugby's (Amazon) 2 Bobby Darhi 2922 (8) lindbaj(rishna Temple (Annie) LET A MAN ('OME IN AND DO THE 2 VII.V1 3 SEA (IF LOVE I SECOND THAT EMQTIQN 30 POPCORN 4 Mart) Wilde 30 29 (7) Diana Ross & The Stipromes I THE WEDDING"' RED RIVER ROCK & The Temptations (Tanta Motown) - (1( James Brown (King) 3 Julie Rogers (Mercury) 4 WALK ON BY. -11 Lahnum & Tho Il urrirau., THE LIOUIDATOR 31 4 WALK AWAY TILL I KISSED YOU 31 36 (2) Harry J. & All Stars (Trojan) 30 (5) Isaac Hayes (Enterprise) 6 (Parlophone) 5 YESTER-ME, YESTE 1-Y( U. YESTERDAY 3 Everly Brothers FOR ONCE IN MY LIFE 32 (1) (am a) 5 r=4413Tra (R !t7 V) 6..31114EF WEI I S 32 26 (7) Dorothy Squires (('resident) TRY" A LITTLE TENDERNESS 6 WHEN Y01: WALK IN TILE ROOM 5 The Bralkys TOO BUSY THINKING ABOUT MY BABY 33 44 (2) Glen Campbell (Capitol) 7 MAKIN LOVE 33 27 (14) Marvin Gale (Taffill TIVOTOWTO SUITE. JUDY BLUE EYES They iesqlers (Pye) 8 Floyd Robinson VIVA BOBBIE. JOE 34 7 J. 11 PUT YOUR HEAD ON MY SHOULDER 34 (2) Crosby & Nash (Atlantic) -The Supiepuk (gtolpsityl$1 34 24 113) Equals (President) RUBIN JAMES NEN ER - IN 35 8 THE TWELFTH ygNirt,..0>"TWATviNET FTOOB MAKE 36 (2) & The First Edition 8 Cliff Richard (Columbia) 35 25 (12) 7ager & ,vans (RCA) (Reprise) 9 SWEET DREA 9 WHERt: DID OUR LOVE GO? F.nille Ford LET A WOMAN BE A WOMAN, LET A MAN The Simi-eines (Stateside) 36 - (1) Jethro Tull (Chrysalis) 36 BE A MAN WE'RE. THROUGH BROKEN HEARTED MELODY NO MUL'S FOOL 48 (21 Dyke and the Blazers (Original Sound) 10 10 - Sarah Vaughan 37 - (1) Family (Reprise) SOMETHING IN THE 1114. 7 The 'lollies (Parlophone) COIL) TURKEY 37 38 (2) Thum erclan Newman (Track) - (I) Plastic Ono Band (Apple) CHERRY IIiLL I ARK 3$ PUT A LITTLE LOVE IN YOUR HEART 38 49 (2) Billy Joe Royal (Columbia) 39 47 (2) Dave Clark Five (Columbia) WHAT'S THE USE OF 'SNEAKING UP* B SINGLES R & B HONKY TONK WOMEN 39 39 (9) Jerry Butler (Mercury) 40 46 (16) Rolling Stones (Decca) ECHO PARK PO WHAT YOU GOTTA DO plOTOWN clIARTBUSTERS NO, 3 ROBIN'S RETURN 40 42 (4) Keith Barbour (Epic) 1 Four TOPSCriMiarA town TING 910) -Varitgis Artistes 41 37 (2) Neville Dickie (Major Minor) SO GOOD TOGETHER 2 )(ETTER/ e14- (Thalia Motown STML HOD 41 41 (3) Andy Kim (Stead) 3 1,1psetters (Upsetter US301) 2 TIIE SUNSHINE IN 42 311%1Yual"'ElraYnk Sinatra_ "Reprise) 1 Diana Ross & The Suoremes THE BUNT BACKFIELD IN MOTION 3 WHAT DOES IT TAKE 42 43 (3) Mel & Son (Bamboo) 6 Jr. Walker & The All Stars (Tamla Motown STML 11114) 43 41(5) Flarry Ryan (Polydor) SWEET CAROLINE.* (Tamla Motown TMG 712) 3 ('LOUD NINE WET DREAM 43 :12 (18) Neil Diamond (UND THE LIQUIDATOR 2 Temptations (l'ainla Motown STMT. 1109) 44 Romeo (Unit MAKE BELIEVE 4 - Harry J. (Trojan TR675) TIGHTEN U1' RUBY DON T71KE NOICR-T.OVE TO TOWN 44 28 (51 Wind (Life) I SECOND THAT EMOTION 4 - Various Artistes (Trojan TTL II) 45 49 (21 Klmny r. and lltr First Editions 5 RED RED WINE NA NA HEY HEY KISS HIM GOODBYE 2 Diana Ross & the Supreme, with the 5 (Reprise) 45- 11) Steam (Fontana) Temptations (Tamla Motown TMG 909) - Various Artistes (Trogan TTL 11) I'M A BETTER MAN IN A MOMENT LONG SHOT KICKET THE BUCKET 6 THIS IS SOUL 46 43 (12) Engelbert Humperdinck (Decca) 46 40 (8) Intrigues (Yew) - Plotwers (Trojan TR672( 7 Various Artistes (Atlantic 6433(11) (11):1,i(D;rrN SLUMBERS-CARRY THAT DON'T IT MAKE YOU WANT TO GO HOME. BLACK 7 SOULFUL 47 47 45 (61 Joe South (Capitol) 7 10 Mar -Keys (Stax 132) 6 Dionne Warwick (Pye NSPL 28122) 38 (2) Trash (Apple) DOING OCR THING TAKE A LETTER MARIA 8 TO LOVE SOMEBODY GIN GAN GOOLIE 43- (1) Clarence Carter (Atlantic) 8 - R. B. Greaves (Ate() 88007) 10 Nina Simone (RCA SE 8018) 48 - (1) Scaffold (Parlophone) TIME MACHINE HAI'PY TERESA 49 50 (2) Grand Funk Railroad (Capitol) 9 5 William Bell (Stag 128) 9 331-1;;Gr;inGaye (Tamla Motown STMO 11119) - (1) Joe Dolan (Pye) ELI'S COMING 10 WONDERFUL WORLD. BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE 10 ARETHA'S GOLD 'S YOU BABY 50 - (1) Three Dog Night ) - Jimmy Cliff (Trojan 'I R690) 5Aretha Franklin (Atlantic 588198) 48 (2) Mary Johnson (Tamla Motown)

For Release October 31st A First Single From We predict a TopTen placing for this new single ESTHER PHILLIPS Jean "Tonight I'll Be Staying Bouchety Here With You" Marley Purt Drive ROGER JENSEN R0508 MM651

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12 RECORD MIRROR, Week endin94441V19f1

Plastic Ono Band COLD TURKEY Don't worry Kyoko (Mummy's only looking for a hand in the snow)

Printed by Papers and Publications (Printers)Ltd.(TU.), Swan Close, Banbury, Oxon. forCardfontPublishersLtd., 7 CarnabyStreet.London,W.1.(Telephone:GERrard 8090). SoleDistributingAgents for Great Britain.Surridge. Dawson 8( Co.Ltd.,138-142 New Kent Road, London. S.E.I.