D E C E M B E R M2 6A,Y 280,2 20 0 |2 0V A| Y EI MG AOSRH | P A G E 1 Congregation Beth Sholom WEEKLY Learning Initiative ז"ל A Project of the Linda Mitgang Sponsored by Flora & Mark Bienstock in memory of his mother Mindel bat Avraham Z'L

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ZMANIM If I Forget Thee Candle-lighting 4: 15 pm 4:10 pm BY KENNETH HAIN Mincha 7:45 am [email protected] Shacharis Hashkama Sephardic 8:45 am The convergence of the Fast of the 10th of Tevet with the Joel Shiff/Main 9:15 am reading the parsha of is remarkably telling. In Mincha 4:15 pm addition the Haftorah we read with this parsha also reflects Shiur w/ Rabbi Miller 4:30 pm the same critical issue of concern. Let us look at these three Maariv 5:15 pm elements to find the connecting thread. The 10th of Tevet is Shabbos Ends 5:20 pm alluded to in Yechezkel 24:12. IN THIS ISSUE “And the word of Hashem came to me in the 9th year, 10th 1 If I Forget Thee month, on the 10th day of the month (Tevet) saying: Son of Rabbi Hain man write for yourself the name of the day, of this very same day; on this very day King of Babylon laid siege of .” 2 Close Encounters Yael Saffra The remarkable emphasis of “this very day” is in fact why we fast even on Erev Shabbat, which does not occur with other 3 Speech, Strength, & Solidarity Rabbinic fasts. Beyond the shock and fear of this tragic news Avromie Fein one wonders why the 10th of Tevet should uniquely qualify to be observed as the one fast observed on erev Shabbat! 4 Halacha Al HaDaf Chayim Maza To expand the question let us look at the connection of Parshat Vayigash and the Haftorah from Yechzekel. Both are 6 First & Last expressions of the challenge of maintaining unity. In the Rabbi Fogel parsha Yehuda emerges as the leader who breaks down the viceroy (Yosef) to reveal himself as their brother, and the 8 The World’s First reuniting of the brothers, albeit tentative, is restored. Successful Trial Lawyer Dr. Lewis Stein Similarly the Haftorah describes the dream of the unification of the tribes and its author, Yechzekel in fact tragically must Taking Three Steps Forward join his brothers in Babylon. There he hears the call from 9 Rabbi Miller Hashem to order a fast on the 10 of Tevet – “on that very day S E P TOMENCDODMANOOTDEJACSUYNEBOVUNACOECUT GOEMEV1TUBLEJOCPAJJOEMCJGURAVMU5OEYUMEAUGTMVTBU ASUE,MN RLMBEY1UNOEBG E3B1TMSYGY M2AE BMSEARBU,8 T2E 1 U0 BR, U1EYTR1B ,EY2R ,B1S52 23E S,R2 5G2 RE5 T1 9,E021 2016RT192 5, 0R2U, , R20472 ,, , 12 6,0 | 20S 8,2 ,82 0,9542,07 2 20T ,10, 2,B2,0| , 02 0 ,2 0|2 02E 2| 2020C 02|20H 0 02N |0 MH20 S02 | | 2A0| V2I||0 U2 0|BU A 0 TR|0A| B| D 0PS |K AK ET ZL |EK- V|' A |H IECB|KBSMAOEV M|V IA N M VE HVOT EICAT MKVRNIOAVYOTCISATLRICADOH-TY-IEAKYOIREDSHAORBEM HY BS'EK FIECIYTU AEB ICALEHGUAIT|E V|AHSEMDECHASDVLI IZINALKRS H RV T CHIM AT R O|EAE|NSOP |ATPI|OZHZ EK|YI ITHAC I ON |TAPE |P V AP EOP| HR| G|AP IG. A| IA |P A| NP| A | EI|LGPE GP4 GAP G| AP | PEG APEAEP3|AGE 3EA GCAE AG GPA GE 2PGEH2 GP2G2EAEG E2 A EA E2 E 2EG E |E2G 2 G2 2 E 22E2PE2 2 A32G E 2

“– the day the city of Jerusalem is placed under siege, the precursor to its destruction.

The obvious question to be asked is why the laying siege of Jerusalem requires in Babylonia then and even now – to fast. Among the answers to this critical question I offer a textual answer. This fast is punctuated by this term “on this very day”. The siege of Jerusalem means that the people of the city are now deprived of food and supplies. As we know later the city and the Beit Hamikdash will be destroyed, but Jews living in the diaspora (Babylonia) must understand that their brothers and sisters in are starving. That is why this fast that recalls that moment and must be observed simultaneously with the reality of the starving citizens of Jerusalem. Thus the fast of the 10th of Tevet must be observed on “that very day”. Every Jew must share in the pain of the tragic reality facing their brothers and sisters.

As our parsha describes the painful but extraordinary reunification of the brothers (tribes) of Yaakov’s (Israel’s) children, it is reinforced by the promise of the dream of unity once again in this ’s Haftorah. But the premise of this ultimate promise is also why we fast on the 10th of Tevet. That day must be observed precisely on the day (even if it’s a Friday) to express our solidarity forever with Jerusalem and its Upcoming Shiurim people when their future is under threat. Daf Yomi 7:30am with R. Weberman May we continue to remain in solidarity with all Jews everywhere and particularly in Jerusalem – now and forever. 8:30 am with Chayim Maza Shabbat Shalom.

Thursday 9:15 pm, R. Weberman, Parsha Close Encounters BY YAEL SAFFRA [email protected] IN CASE YOU MISSED IT

Because a silver goblet was found in ’s bag, Joseph demands that Benjamin remain a slave in Egypt while the brothers return to their father. In response to this, the Torah Yehuda approaches Yosef, comes close - וַ ִיּ ַּגׁ֨ש ֵא ָל֜יו ְיהוּ ָד ֗ה tells us AUDIO SHIUR ROUNDUP to him and gives the longest single monologue of an individual in the .This speech is tense, and emotional and R. Miller: "Making Sense of the has very little to do with the case of the missing goblet. The last Night Sky: The Alignment of time Yehuda and Yosef interacted was twenty years earlier, Jupiter and Saturn from Moshe when Yosef upon the request of Yaakov went searching for his until Tonight!" brothers. There the Torah tells us that they saw him from a ּ The truth is, they probably didn’t even .וַ ִי ְראוּ אֹת ֹו ֵמ ָר ֹחק R. Wein: "Hatzalah and the distance - ְּכתֹ֥ ֶנת ּ ַפ ִּ ֽסים Mistaken Case of Indigestion"- see him, what they probably saw from afar was the the hated tunic that he was wearing . Yehuda turned to his brothers and, as a true politician, offered a compromise to sell SIGN UP for the him. A compromise that benefited no one, not the brothers, not CBS Torah WhatsApp Group their father and certainly not seventeen-year-old Joseph. by clicking here Now, twenty years later, at the opening of our parsha, Judah Vayigash - Why did Yehuda feel the -וַ ִיּ ַּגׁ֨ש .comes close to Yosef need to come close? How will this encounter of closeness play is earlier in the וַ ִיּ ַּגׁ֨ש C L I C K T O itself out? The first time we see the word Torah when God informs Avraham that he wants to destroy וַ ִיּ ַּגׁ֨ש ַא ְב ָר ָהם וַיֹּא ַמר ַה ַאף ִּת ְס ּ ֶפה ַצ ִ ּדיק S’dom - the Torah tells us Avraham, bravely approaches God and argues for ִעם־ ָר ׁ ָשע ! T H E N E X T T O R A H W E E K L Y justice and the saving of the city. The next time we see the word is two generations later when Yitzchak wishes to bless his וַ ִיּ ַּגׁ֨ש S E P TOMNECDOAMJDNOOTUJDJEACSYNUEOVBUNAOCCOEN TUGOCEV1MLUTJOABJEPCJOCJEGUAMVRU5YUEOMGUTEAVT BMUES ,M NJ L1BMERUNEOYG1B 3E1UMTSBGY2ME BM2 SA,RUE8B TN2E, 1U0 BR 1E,TB R,Y 2EB1 S2,R5 2E 3S2 ,R E 5R2T190E21 ,20 6RT10859 R,20 ,5 2R4072 ,0, 2 1, 2026 |,0 ,28 , ,2 8,0594 2 72 0, 0, 102,2 B, ,|0, 20 |,2 0 2 0|2 E|20 2|2 0C202| 0H B020 0N |2 0HM20 2S 0| EA2 |2V 0 | 0I| 2 U0A BH 0|R0|T A D| 0P S K| TA KL|A EV-ZK |' |HNIEC|BS AOKE VM|A INV E HAEVT CO KRATMNVRYLIOACTILRCASO-H-DIEYTOIKAOIEHYAOBRMOE HYSM'F EKBECYTIAI CEILHE UTAIEVG|A EHSM|HCDELSIVILZNKIS CRHAV TCHM A I TO|AEPS|O|HAP S|OTIZHKZ EI|Y CTA H TA|PNIE| P A VP P|EHO RG| AI|G P A|A PIA|PA | EN I|GPAEL GPGPA G | A |P AEPGPA6EAPE G2|E GAC GA EAP G AG E3PGE3H3P G3EAGEG EA3 E A3EG3 E E3|G 33G E3 39E33PE 3 A23G E 3 eldest son Eisav. Yitzchak says to Yaakov Speech, Strength, & Solidarity ְּג ׁ ָשה־ ָּנא וַ ֲא ֻמ ׁ ְש ָך ְּב ִני ַה ַא ָּתה זֶה ְּב ִני ֵע ָ ׂשו ִאם־ל ֹא Come close my son and let me feel you and BY AVROMIE FEIN know if you are truly Eisav .

After Yosef reveals himself to his brothers, they וַ ִיּ ַּג ׁש יַ ֲעקֹב ֶאל־ ִי ְצ ָחק ָא ִביו And the next pasuk says and Yaakov, dressed up as Eisav, came close to are too ashamed to even face him, לענות אתו כי נבהלו מפניו ולא-יכלו .his father Yosef tries to assuage his brother's guilt How will Yehuda approach Yosef? Will he feelings by explaining that it was Hashem's plan approach him as Avraham? Will he come close to bring Yosef to Egypt so that he could provide to God guided by justice, or will he continue for the family and the people. All their actions, 's path of deception? Yehuda comes including the sale of Yosef, were divinely forward, like Avraham, breaks down barriers, choreographed so that Yosef would become והנה עיניכם ראות כי-פי",removes all pretenses and bares his soul. He ruler in Egypt. Yosef says Rav Mordechai Kaminetsky, shlita ".המדבר אליכם simultaneously rectifies his father's duplicity by coming close and revealing the truth. Yehuda asks: Yosef should have said, “your ears hear retells the narrative that shaped his entire life my mouth speak”, why the reference to eyes and haunted him since that very day when he seeing his mouth speak? Rav Mordechai points is the only language that has לשון הקודש sold his brother. And it is that emotion - the out that regret, the pain, the fierce love for Binyamin no foul words. Yosef was imploring them to but his לשון הקודש that Yosef perceives when Judah cries out: “Take notice not only did he speak me instead”. This outpouring spurs Joseph to language was clean as opposed to other rulers. remove his mask, as the viceroy of Egypt. He is "כי-פי המדבר אליכם" breaks down, cries, and reveals his true identity However, the usage of as Yehuda’s brother and the son of Jacob. It is rather strange. There are 2 other places where קרח, is used. The first time is by פי this moment of tikun between Judah and the word The second time is when .ותפתח הארץ את-פיה .Joseph, that bridges the distance between them and the donkey starts to בלק is going to בלעם Yosef can now invite his brothers to come close Chazal tell us ".ויפתי ה' את-פי האתון" ,and finally, after talk to him וַיֹּ֨א ֶמר י ֹו ֵס֧ף ֶאל־ ֶא ָח֛יו ְּג ׁשוּ־ ָנ ֥א ֵא ַ֖לי years of anguish, they too are able to approach that these 2 mouths Hashem created during ,and truly see him. twilight on the last day of creation. I suggest וַ ִיּ ָּגׁ֑שוּ Yosef Yosef was telling his brothers to understand We, as Yehudim, are the descendants of that all that had occurred was predestined. כי-פי המדבר“ ,Yehuda. Like our great ancestor, we need to When Yosef tells his brothers he wants the brothers to “see” who was ,”אליכם break down barriers, and not see each other from afar. How healing it would be if we could the one who was really in control. Bilam said to Just as Hashem ."לא אוכל לעבר את-פי ה" :all come closer to God and to each other - and recognize that we are sisters and brothers. controlled what Bilam spoke, so too, the brothers’ actions were all part of Hashem’s master plan. Bnai Yisrael were destined to go through the slavery of Egypt to become the chosen nation. Yosef was telling the brothers to see the hand of Hashem in everything that transpired.

Yosef sends for his father and tells Pharaoh that his family has arrived to live in Egypt. Yosef brings only a few of his brothers to meet If we are ."ומקצה אחיו לקח חמשה אנשים".Pharaoh told that Yosef brought 5 brothers to meet Pharaoh, obviously he only took some of them. describes these five brothers as the Joseph and His Brothers, Willem de Poorter, 17th C. weaker ones. Yosef feared that if Pharaoh saw S E P TOMNECDOAMJDNOOTUJDJEACSYNUEOVBUNAOCCOEN TUCGOEV1MLUTJOABJEPCJOCJEGUAMVRU5YUEOMGUTEAVT MBUES ,M NJ L1BMERUNEOYG1B 3E1UMTSBGY2ME BM2 SA,RUE8B TN2E, 1U0 BR 1E,TB R,Y 2EB1 S2,R5 2E 3S2 ,R E 5R2T190E21 ,20 6RT10859 R,20 ,5 2R4072 ,0, 2 1, 2602 |,0 ,28 , ,2 8,0594 2 72 ,0 0, 102,2 B,,|0, 20 |,2 0 2 0|2 E|20 2|2 0C202| 0H B020 0N 2| 0HM20 2S 0| EA2 |2V 0 | 0I| 2 U0A BH 0|R0|T A D| 0P S K| TA KL|A EV-ZK |' |HNIEC|B SAOKE VM|A INV VE HAEVT CO KRATMNVRYLIOACTIALRCASO-H-DIEYTOIKAOIEHYAOBRMOE HYSM'F EKBECYTIIA CEILHE UTAIGEV|A EHSM|HCDELSIVILZNKIS CRAHV TCHM A I TO|AEPS|O|HAPS |OTIZHKZ EI|Y CTA H TA|PNIE| P A VP P|EHO RG| AI|G P A|A PIA|PA | EN I|GPAEL GPGPA G | A |P AEPGPA6EAPE G2|E GAC GA EAP G AG E3PGE3H3P G3EAGEG EA3 E A3EG3 E E3|G 33G E3 349E33PE 3 A23G E 3

them as strong, he would make warriors of them. The 5 were Reuven, Shimon, , Halacha Al HaDaf: Yissacher and Binyamin. These five brothers Pesachim 7b may have been weaker than the others, but BY CHAYIM MAZA they were still much stronger than any soldier in Egypt. The Medrash Rabbah tells us that Yehudah told Naftali to find out how many This is the 3rd and final article in the series of gates were in Egypt. When Naftali told him articles discussing the text and timing of there were 12, Yehudah said, if Yosef does not Brochos. We discussed the fundamental, and let Binyamin go, he would destroy 3 of them universally accepted principle of “Over and the remaining brothers would each destroy LaAsiyasan” that Brochos should be recited 1. Each brother was capable of annihilating at before the performance of the , and least 1/ 12th of Egypt. Shimon and Levi that, accordingly, the text of the Brocho should destroyed Shechem. The Medrash tells us that be forward looking, reflecting that you are when Yosef went to imprison Shimon, 300 of about to perform the Mitzvah. Egypt's finest soldiers could not constrain Shimon. We, further, discussed that there is a lack of uniformity in the text of Brochos on Mitzvos, at the with some using the prefix “LE”, which means אחיו Furthermore, why are they called ,”To Perform”, and some using the word “AL“ אנשים beginning of the Posuk but referred to as at the end of the Posuk? Obviously, they are his which means “On the Performance of”, and we mentioned that, although, “LE” is clearly more ,פרשת וישלח brothers, and they are men. In Shimon and Levi destroy the city of Shechem forward looking than “AL”, both are acceptable. We already Finally, we discussed the factors that the .אחי דינה and the Torah calls them know they are Dina’s brothers. I suggest the considered, and the rules that they established, Torah is telling us that their strength and ability to determine which Brochos should use the to destroy the entire city emanated from their formulation “AL” and which should use “LE”. love for their sister Dina and not from their natural physical prowess. The capability of the We ended last week’s article, by noting that in brothers to destroy all of Egypt came from the spite of the rule of Over LaAsiyasan, there are a unity of the brothers and the strength they number of instances, where we reverse the drew from each other. Yosef separated these 5 process and perform the Mitzvah first, and say brothers from the source of their strength so the Brocho afterwards. that they would not appear strong when meeting Pharoah. Therefore, the Torah changes The first one that we mentioned, which is their characterization from being Yosef’s actually mentioned in the , as an brothers to mere men; their strength had been exception to the rule is Tevilah, immersion in lessened. the Mikvah, where the Brocho is said after the Tevilah. The opinion of Tosfos is that this only Yehudah confronts Yosef and begs him to applies to Tevilah for the purposes of The conversion, since the convert is not officially .”ונפשו קשורה בנפשו“ .release Binyamin reference is thought of as Yaacov’s soul being “Jewish” until after the Tevilah, and a non-Jew intertwined with Binyamin. However, the word cannot say “Asher Kideshanu BeMitzvotav has a Vetzivanu”. There is a dispute among the ”ונפשו“ which immediately precedes ”אתנו“ under the word, Rishonim, in the case of Tevila for purposes of מנח אתנחתא of a טעמי המקרא which can be indicative of a period. I want to purification from Tumah, whether he should ,is referring to wait until after he is Tahor, to make the Brocho ”ונפשו קשורה בנפשו“ opine that Yehudah and Binyamin. Yehudah introduces or, if he can recite it beforehand. Today, as a practical matter, only women recite a Brocho .כי עבדך ערב את-הנער ,the concept of Arvut During when they go to the Mikvah, and, there is a .”ולא-יכל יוסף להתאפק“ ,Right afterwards these difficult times we need to unite as a dispute in the Shulchan Aruch, Yoreh Deah, we will become a community of Siman 200, Seif 1, whether she recites the אי"ה nation and to Brocho, before or after. We follow the opinion משיח בן יוסף causing ,”ונפשו קשורה בנפשו“ and the of the Rama, that women recite the Brocho גאולה reveal himself and usher in the .after immersion in the Mikvah .בית המקדש במהרה בימנו rebuilding of the S E P TOMNEDCOADNMJDOOTDEUJJACSYNUEEOVBUNAOCOENC TUCGOEV1MLUTEJOCABJPJOECJEGUAMVRUE5YUOMGUETMAVT MBUMES , NJ L1BMERUNEOBYG1 3E1BUMTSBGY2MBE M2 SEAB,RU8 ETN2E, 1U0 BR E1,TRB ,EY 2RB1 S2,R5 2ER 3S2 , RE5 2T19 0E21 ,20 61RT08 95R,2 0,5 2R4027 ,20, 12, ,602 |,0 ,28 ,,2 ,0954 2 72 ,0 2 0,1022 ,B,|02, 0 0 |,2 0 2 0| E20|2 2| 0C202| H02 B00 N 2| 0HM20 S 0 |2EA | 2V 0 | 0I| 2 U| A B0H |R0|T A | D 0PS K| TAK L|A E-ZK V ' |HNIEC|B SAOKVE M |AINAV VE HAET COA MKRTNVRLYIOACTIALRCASO-HY-DIETOKIAOIEHYAOBRMOEY HM'ESKF BECYTIIA CEILE HUITAEGV|A EHSM|HCDESLIIVIIZNKLS CRAHTV CHM AT I O|AEAPS|O|HAZPS |OTIHZKE I|Y TAC HE TA|PNI| PV A P P|EO RGH|I A|G P A| A PI|A|PA | EN I|GPAEL GP GPA G | A |P P AEGPA6EPAE G2|E GAAC G AEP GA G E3PGE3H3GP 3EGAGE EA3 E A3EEG3 E E4|G 34 3G E 3 459E343PE 4 A23G E 3

Related to that, is Netilas Yadayim, washing recite the Brocho after we perform the Mitzvah, your hands before you eat bread. Here, too, the since, as we said above, the moment we have Rishonim say, as codified by the Shulchan taken the Lulav in our hands, we have fulfilled Aruch, Orach Chaim, Siman 158, Seif 11, that the Mitzvah, and it is, therefore, not possible to the Brocho is recited after you wash your comply with the requirement of Over hands. The Berurah explains in Seif LaAsiyasan, in this case. And, it is for this very Katan 40, that the reason you recite the Brocho reason, says the Rambam, that we say “AL after you wash your hands for bread, is that Netilas Lulav” and not “LE”, because we cannot since there are other times that you wash your say “LE”, i.e. “To Do” after we have performed hands, such as after using the bathroom, or the Mitzvah. Tosfos, using a creative approach, when waking up in the morning, where your says that you are in keeping with the hands are unclean (spiritually, as well as requirement of Over LaAsiyasan, even if you say physically) and, therefore, the Brocho could not the Brocho after you perform the Mitzva. The be recited until after you wash your hands, reason for this says Tosfos, is that, even after therefore, the Rabbis instituted that all hand the initial taking of the Lulav and Esrog, the washings should be done before the Brocho is performance of the Mitzvah continues, in an recited. The Rama, in Seif 11, does rule, even enhanced and more beautiful way, by the however, that, in order to preserve compliance carrying and the waving of the Lulav and Esrog with the principle of Over LaAsiyasan to the during Hallel. extent possible, one should recite the Brocho before drying his hands, because drying your The final Halacha where this issue comes up, is hands is part of the Mitzvah of Netilas Yadayim, lighting candles Friday night. The custom that so you are still reciting the Brocho, during the we follow is the opinion of the Rama in Orach performance of the Mitzvah, and, before its Chaim, Siman 263, Seif 5, who says that we completion. should light the candles first, and then recite the Brocho of LeHadlik Ner Shal Shabbos, The next Halacha where this issue comes up, is because once the Brocho has been recited, that the Mitzvah of Netilas Lulav, taking the Lulav constitutes acceptance of Shabbos, and you and Esrog, on Succos. We are all familiar with would not then be permitted to light the the custom to turn the Esrog upside down, with candles. However, continues the Rama, we the Ukatz on top, recite the Brocho, while cover our eyes, so as to have no benefit from holding it that way, and, only, then, after the the light of the candles, while reciting the Brocho, turn the Esrog over and shake it. This is Brocho, in order to comply with the not just a custom, it is a Halacha in Shulchan requirement of Over LaAsiyasan, to the extent Aruch, Orach Vhaim, Siman 651, Seif 5, and, the possible. Mishnah Berurah explains that the reason we perform the Mitzvah in this way, is due to the Our discussion of this subject would not be following quandary: On the one hand, reciting complete, without discussing what the Halacha the Brocho while the Lulav and Esrog are on the is, if one forgot to recite the Brocho Over table would not be acceptable, because the LaAsiyasan, BEFORE he performed the Mitzvah. Brocho may only be said when it is evident that May he recite the Brocho after, or has he lost one is ready to perform the Mitzvah, which is the opportunity to make a Brocho? when he is holding the Lulav and Esrog in his hands; on the other hand, once he is holding it It is instructive, in this regard, to go back to the in his hands he has already performed the topic that we began with, the topic of Bedikas Mitzvah, and would be in violation of the Chametz. The Shulchan Aruch, Orach Chaim, requirement of Over LaAsiyasan. By holding the Siman 432, Seif 1, the Rama says that if one Esrog upside down, we show that we are ready began the Bedikah without first having made to perform the Mitzvah, but we have not yet the Brocho, he may recite the Brocho as long as performed the Mitzvah, until we turn it over and he has not finished searching for the Chometz. hold it properly, AFTER we recite the Brocho. And the Mishnah Berura, Seif Katan 4 explains that as long as he is still engaged in the It is interesting to note that other Rishonim performance of the Mitzvah, reciting the Brocho approach the Brocho of Netilas Lulav quite qualifies as Over LaAsiyasan. This same differently. The Rambam, in Laws of Brochos, reasoning is applied to other Mitzvos as well. Perek 11, Halacha 15, says that, in fact, we Accordingly, for example, if one did not recite S E P TOMNEDCOAMJDNOOTDEUJJEACSYNUEOVBUNAOCCOEN TUCGOEV1MLUTEJOCABJPEJOCJEGUAMVRU5YEUOMGUETAVT MBUES ,M NJ L1BMERUNEOBYG1 3E1UMTSBGY2MEB M2 SEAB,RU8E TN2E, 1U0 BR E1,TRB ,EY 2B1 S2,R5 2E 3S2R , RE 52T190E21 ,20 61RT0859 R,2 0,5 2R4072 ,0, 2 1, 2602 |,0 ,28 , ,2 8,,0954 2 72 ,0 0, 10,22 ,B,|02, 0 |,2 0 2 0|2 E0|2 2| 0C202| 0H2 B00 N 2| 0HM20 2S 0 | 2EA |2V 0 | 0I| 2 U0 A B0H |R0|T A | D 0P S K| TAK L|A EV-ZK | ' |HNIEC|B SAOKVE M|A INV VE HAVET COA MKRTNVRYLIOACTIALRCASO-HY-DIETOIKAOIEHYAOBRMOE HYSM'EKF BECYTIIA CEILHE UITAIEGV|A EHSM|HCDESLIVILIZNKS CRAHV TCHM AT I O|AEPS|O|HAPS |ZOTIHZKE I|Y CTA H TA|PNEI| PV A P P|EHO RG| AI|G P A| A PIA|PA | EN |I|GPAEL GPGPA G | A |P AEPGPA6EAPE G2|E GAC AG EAP G AG E3PGE3H3PG 3EAGEG EA3 E A3EG3 E EE4|G 353 G E3 569E53153PE 4 A23G E 3 the Brocho in advance, he can still recite the actually refers to a very different historical Brocho on his Tefilin, as well as on his Tallis, as event. long as he is wearing them; he can recite Al Netilas Yadayim as long as he has not yet dried Following the destruction of the Beis his hands; he can recite LeShev Basukka as long Hamikdash on Tisha B’Av (the fifth month), the as he is sitting in the Sukkah; and according to news of the destruction took about five months Tosfos approach, mentioned above, that until it traveled to the Jews already in exile in holding the Lulav during the recitation of Hallel, Bavel. The Navi Yechezkal reports that the is a continuation of the performance of the messenger reached Bavel on the fifth day of the Mitzvah, he can still say the Brocho as long as tenth month.(1) According to Rabbi Shimon, the he is holding the Lulav and Esrog in his hand. “fast of the tenth month” refers to the Good Shabbos. commemoration of the Jews of Bavel finding out for the first time that the Beis HaMikdash was destroyed. With this understanding, the pasuk in Zecharia now makes chronological sense. The First & Last last fast of the set of fasts to commemorate the BY RABBI BARUCH FOGEL destruction is when the news reached Bavel, [email protected] and that is why the “fast of the tenth month” is listed last. (In other words, according to Rabbi The progression of historical events that led up Shimon we do NOT fast in commemoration of to the destruction of the 1st Beis HaMikdash the siege.) (2) were the 1) Siege of Yerushalayim, 2) Breaching the walls, 3) Destruction of the Beis HaMikdash, Rabbi Shimon’s understanding of the pasuk is and 4) the Assisnation of Gedalya that sent the that the fasts are listed in the chronological last remaining Jews into exile. According to this order in which they occurred. According to simple timeline, the event of Asara B’Teves, the , the events are listed out of order siege, was the first one that occured. Yet, for for the sake of preserving the “order” of some reason, when the Navi lists the four fast months. Even though the event of the siege days it is listed last. The Navi Zecharia (8:9) took place first, it is listed last because it took says: place in the last month according to the ordering of the months. While that does explain how to read the pasuk, it still leaves us with a ּכֹֽה־ ָא ַ֞מר’ ה ְצ ָב- ֹות צ ֹ֣ום ָה ְר ִבי ִ֡עי ְוצ ֹ֣ום ַה ֲח ִמי ׁ ִשי֩ ְוצ ֹ֨ום (desire for a little better of an explanation.(3 ַה ׁ ְּש ִבי ִע֜י ְוצ ֹ֣ום ָה ֲע ִ ׂשי ִר ֗י ִי ְהיֶ ֤ה ְל ֵבית־ ְיהוּ ָדה֙ ְל ָ ׂש ׂש֣ ֹון וּ ְל ִ ׂש ְמ ָ֔חה וּֽ ְלמֹ ֲע ִ ֖דים ט ֹו ִב֑ים ְו ָה ֱא ֶמ֥ת ְו ַה ׁ ָּש ֖ל ֹום ֱא ָ ֽהבוּ׃ When we think of “first” and “last” we typically Thus said the LORD of Hosts: The fast of the fourth think the only possible explanation is month, the fast of the fifth month, the fast of the chronologically. Time is linear, and therefore seventh month, and the fast of the tenth month first always comes before last. Yet, there are shall become occasions for joy and gladness, exceptions to this seemingly obvious rule. Every ס ֹוף ַמ ֲע ּ ֶ ׂשה happy festivals for the House of Judah; but you Friday night we say in Lecha Dodi Shabbos was that last act of , ְּב ַמ ֲח ׁ ָש ָבה ְּת ִח ָּלה .must love honesty and integrity creation(4) and yet it actually was the first in Since we number the months from Nissan, the thought/planning/purpose.(5) It is possible for first month, then the 4th month is Tammuz, and the same thing to be both last and first. the 10th month is Teves. Why does the Navi put Shabbos is both last and first depending on the first event, Asara B’Teves, last? your perspective.

This is a very good question. We know this That is exactly the message that we find twice in because the Gemara (Rosh HaShana 18b) says this week’s parsha. Yaakov sends Yehuda ahead that this is the reason for Rabbi Shimon of everyone else, to be “first”. Yehuda was to pave the way“ , ְלה ֹורֹ֥ת ְל ָפ ָנ֖יו ּגֹׁ֑ ְש ָנה disagreeing with Rabbi Akiva’s understanding of instructed to the pasuk. Our observance of Asara B’Teves before him to Goshen”. Simply, he was to carry follows the opinion of Rabbi Akiva that the “fast out Yosef’s invitation to settle in Goshen (45:10) of the tenth month” means the beginning of the and prepare the area before they arrived. siege on the 10th of Teves. However, Rabbi According to the Midrash (using the other Yehuda was sent ( ְלה ֹורֹ֥ת Shimon says that the “fast of the tenth month” meaning of the word S E P TOMNECDOADMJONOTUJDJEACSYNEUEVBUONACCOEN TUCGOE1MLUTVJOABJEPJCOEEJGUAMVRU5YUOMEGUTAEVMT BUES , NJ L1MBERMUNEOYG1B 3E1UMTBSGY2ME M2 SBA,RUE8BE TEN2, 1U0 BR 1,TB RE,Y 2EB1 SR2,5 2E 3S2 , R E 52RT19 0E2 1 ,20 6RT108952R ,0 ,5 2R4072 ,0, 2 1, 2602 |,0 ,28 ,,2 8,054 92 ,72 0 0, 102 ,2 B,,|0, 20 2 | , 20 2 0| E2|02 2|0 0C202| H0 B200 2N | 0HM20 S 20|EA |20V | 0I| 2 UA 0BH |0R |TA D|0P S|K TAK L|A E-ZK V' |HNI|EC |BSAOKE VM|AINV VE HAET COV KRATNMVRLAYIOCTIALRCASO-HA-DIEYTOKIAIOYEHIAOBRMOE HYMS'YF EKBECYTIA CEILE HUTAIEGVE|A HESM|HCDELSIVIZLNKS IA CRHV CHM AT I OT|AEPS|O|SHAP |OTIHZK ZEI|Y TAC H TA|PNI|E P AVP P|EO RHG| A|GP I A|A PIA||PA E|N I|GPAEL GPG PAG | A |P P AEGPA6PEAPE G2|E GACA G AEP AG AG E3PGE3H3GP 3EGAGE GEA3 E A3EGE3 E E4|G 3 63G E3 79E3663PE 4 A23G E 3 ahead to set up a Beis Medrash that could It could be that the events of Asara B’Teves, decide halachic matters. Why was there a need according to Rabbi Akiva, had a similar quality. to set up a halachic center first? Of course the siege occurred first in the progression of the churban. But, it was also The Gemara (Sanhedrin 38) tells us that last. The reason for the churban was the Hashem acted favorably and sympathetically to ignoring of the wakeup call. By placing the siege the Jewish people when He first exiled the last in the pasuk, the Navi might be telling us to Rabbis to Bavel.(6) The exile of Yehoyochen appreciate the importance of Asara B’Teves. The (Yechonya) took place 11 years before the eventual destruction of the Beis HaMikdash can destruction of the Beis HaMikdash, and due to be traced to ignoring the message of the siege. that seemingly horrible first exile, Bavel was (8) If it would have been placed first, we would populated with scholars and leaders. Therefore, have assumed it was just in chronological order. when the Jewish people were exiled to Bavel, Now that it was placed last, we can understand they found an existing Jewish community, and that it is the reason for everything that one that was already set up with all the followed. religious amenities necessary for continued Jewish life.(7) Understanding the proper order of chronological events is the lesson of the parsha In other words, the “first” exile of the scholars and of Asara B’Teves. With this understanding was to ensure that the end result, the 70 years we end the parsha. Famously, there is no of the exile and the subsequent return to build separation between Vayigash and Vayechi in the the 2nd Beis HaMikdash, would occur. The end Torah because the exile is starting in earnest. result of the Jewish people after 70 years was And then, to survive exile we (almost) had the the cause of the first exile. Similarly, in order to ultimate non-chronological event; the revelation ensure that the Bnei Yisroel would have of the true end of days. The true “first” of any emunah after 210 years of exile in Egypt, it was exile is knowing that it will end. May the necessary to “first” send Yehuda to set up a Beis ultimate end to our exile occur speedily in our Medrash. Last caused, first. days.

וַ ְי ִ֞הי ִּב ׁ ְש ֵּת ֧י ֶע ְ ׂש ֵר֣ה ׁ ָש ָנ֗ה ָּב ֲע ִ ׂש ִ ֛רי ַּב ֲח ִמ ׁ ָּש֥ה ַל ֹ֖ח ֶד ׁש ְל ָגלוּ ֵת֑נוּ (And also in this vein, when Yosef tries to mollify 1 (33:21 In the twelfth year of ָּבא־ ֵא ַל ֨י ַה ּ ָפ ִ֧ליט ִמירוּ ׁ ָש ִַ֛לם ֵלא ֖מֹר ֻה ְּכ ָת ֥ה ָה ִעֽיר׃ his brothers he tells them (45:5) “And now, do our exile, on the fifth day of the tenth month, a fugitive not be grieved, and do not vex yourselves that you came to me from Jerusalem and reported, “The city has sold me here, because for sustenance did G-d send fallen.” me before you. All the events of the past 22 2 According to the Vilna Gaon (OC 541) years were in preparation for the coming years 3 Especially since we follow the opinion of Rabbi Akiva. ָ ּד" ַא ֶמה ָהיָה ָהע ֹו ָלם ָח ֵסר? ְמנוּ ָחה, ָּבאת ׁ ַש ָּבת ָּבאת (See Rashi (2:2 4 ְמנוּ ָחה, ָּכ ְל ָתה ְו ִנ ְג ְמ ָרה ַה ְּמ ָלא ָכה of famine, and for the beginning of the exile in Egypt. What happened “first” was all because of, 5 The word “machshava” has many meanings. צדקה עשה הקב"ה עם ישראל שהקדים גלות צדקיהו ועוד גלות and in preparation of, what came “last”. 6 יכניה קיימת Chronologically we can chart the events, but 7 It is worthwhile to ponder what the Jewish immigrant conceptually we must view the story as one of experience in America would have been like if the religious “last = first in thought.” infrastructure had preceded mass immigration instead of the reverse. The rabbinic hesitancy and reluctance to move The story of Yosef, his brothers, and the to America is a factor in the mass abandonment of religion of the Eastern European Jews. eventual beginning of the exile in Egypt that is 8 It is interesting that the pasuk in Yechezkal that Rabbi told in these parshiyos, can only be understood Shimon mentions says that the messenger said that the with an unchronological look. Though we read “city has fallen” and not that the Beis HaMikdash was the Vayigash after Miketiz after Vayeishev, Yosef destroyed. Perhaps this is a hint to the idea that the lesson to the Jews in Bavel was that the siege was successful. The teaches his brothers that conceptually Vayigash Jews in Bavel, who had been there for over a decade, were comes first. If we understand the vital nature of wondering what would happen in Eretz Yisroel. Would the preparation for exile, and the importance of Jews repent? Would they be able to prevent the destruction ensuring the existence and continuity of the through teshuva? The messenger told Yechezkal that the city has fallen, that the lesson of Asara B’Teves was not Bnei Yisroel, then it is clear that the lessons of learnt. Vayigash are “first” and the stories of the other parshiyos follow. S E P TOMNEDCOAMJDNOOTEUJDJEACSYNUEOVBUNAOCCOEN TUCGOEV1MLUTEJOABJPEJCOJEGUAMVRU5YEUOMGUTEAVT MBUES ,M NJ L1BMERMUNEOBYG1 3E1UMTSBGY2MEB M2 SEA,RU8EB TN2E, 1U0 BR E1,TRB ,Y 2EB1 S2,R5 2E 3S2R , E 52RT190E21 ,20 61RT0859 R,20 ,5 2R4072 ,0, 2 1, 2602 |,0 ,28 , ,2 8,,054 92 72 ,0 0, 10,22 B,,|02, 0 |,2 0 2 0|2 E0|2 2| 0C202| 0H2 B00 N 2| 0HM20 2S 0 | EA2 |2V 0 | 0I| 2 U0 A BH 0|R0|T A | D 0P S K| TAK L|A EV-ZK | ' |HNIEC|B SAOKVE M|A INV VE HAVET COA KRTNMVRYLIOACTIALRCASO-HY-DIETOIKAOEHYIAOBRMOE HYSM'EF KBECYTIIA CEILHE UITAIGVE|A HESM|HCDESLIVILZNKS I CRAHV TCHM A I OT|AEPS|O|HAPS |ZOTIHKE ZI|Y CTA H TA|PNEI| PV AP P|EHO RG| AI|G P A| A PIA|PA | EN |I|GPAEL GPGPA G | A |P AEPGPA6EAPE G2|E GAC AG EAP G AG E3PGE3H3PG 3EAGEG EA3 E A3EG3 E EE4|G 373 G E3 589E53153PE 4 A23G E 3

a persuasive and passionate display of The World’s First reasoning, Yaakov convinced Lavan why he had Successful Trial Lawyer to take leave and return home. The success though, was only short lived as Lavan chased BY DR. LEWIS STEIN, MD after Yaakov and threatened him.

I suggest that the answer is in this week’s In memory of my father, Jack Stein, Yaakov Ben Yehuda Parsha, Vayigash. Yaakov’s son, Yehuda takes Lev’s 5th yahrzeit on 14 Teves. Although not an attorney, in charge and briefly puts the Viceroy of Egypt, retirement, he volunteered many years in assisting lawyers Yosef, on trial. Yehuda utilizes his first-hand for the Pennsylvania Legal Aid Society, an organization that knowledge of his father‘s health and combines helps others that can’t help themselves. this with powerful, passionate, and persuasive reasoning to knowingly or unknowingly penetrate Yosef and successfully break him Law, knowledge, reasoning, passion, and down and reveal his identity. Yehuda is more persuasiveness are meritorious traits for a than successful in his effort because not only successful trial lawyer who produces good does his argument win, but I feel that Yehuda outcomes. If we travel back in time to Tanach actually transformed Yosef. Until that moment days, we might ask who first represented this in time, Yosef ran Egypt with the uncertainty of entire package? being an outsider, but now with the presence of his family, he probably experienced a feeling of Instinctively, one might suggest Avrohom greater security in running Egypt’s affairs. Avenu. After all, Avrohom displayed passion when he pleaded and reasoned with Hashem on In our current unfortunate pandemic situation, behalf of the residents of Sodom. However, we need strong civil and communal leadership Avrohom ultimately was not successful. to successfully plead their case with the community to follow the protective norms that I might skip a generation and suggest Yaakov are required. I appreciate all the work that our Avenu. Yaakov put his father-in-law, Lavan, on communal leaders are doing in this respect. We trial complaining to him about all of the toil and all have the ability to display admirable trial suffering he underwent in Lavan’s household. In lawyer traits to encourage others to follow the rules. Just as in medical malpractice review, I utilize passion, knowledge, persuasion, and Quotes of the Week reasoning to advocate a case, I out of love for members of our community, utilize my medical BY RABBI AVRAHAM WEIN insight and speak out to encourage people to follow the Covid safety rules. Albeit I am not Dr. Zev Eleff, The “Between-the-Lines” Faith 100% successful in my efforts but I keep trying of Rabbi Hershel Schachter as I know my father would have done.

God steered His faith, hitting human checkpoints I learned just today during a live 10 Teves shiur from Israel given by Rabbi Ben Artzi (a navigator we call , Rabbi Yosef Caro, the Vilna on the Israeli plane that bombed the Iraqi Gaon, Rabbi Yitzhak Elhanan Spektor, Rabbi nuclear reactor in 1981) about another little Soloveitchik, and Rabbi Moshe Feinstein. God known individual in Jewish history who through utilized these deserving men to calibrate the his trial lawyer like efforts, saved . In twists and turns that textual study alone cannot the days of early Christianity, after churban anticipate. Bayit Sheni, Christians were actually religious Jews who added on extra beliefs such as the Rabbi Aaron Rakeffet-Rothkoff, From belief that Mashiach already came. It was Lakewood to Yeshiva University difficult to differentiate between Jews and Christians. An individual named Rabbi Shimon, But if a black hat will keep you frum in America, who was a scholar and tzadik, went to spy on you should wear two black hats, not just one. To the Christians and ultimately persuaded them me, being a Torah Jew is the most important to give up their Jewish beliefs. This was thing in the world. necessary for the survival of Judaism, and we, S E P TOMNEDCOAMJNDOOTDEUJJEACSYNUEOVBUNAOCCOEN TUGOCEV1MLUTEJOCABJPEJOCJEGUAMVRU5YEUOMGUETAVT BMUES ,M NJ L1BMERUNEOBYG1 3E1UMTSBGY2MEB M2 SEAB,RU8E TN2E, 1U0 BR E1,TRB ,EY 2B1 S2,R5 2E 3S2R , RE 52T190E21 ,20 61RT0859 R,2 0,5 2R4072 ,0, 2 1, 2026 |,0 ,28 , ,2 8,,0954 2 72 0, 0, 10,22 ,B ,|02, 0 |,2 0 2 0|2 E0|2 2| 0C202| 0H2 B00 N |2 0HM20 2S 0 | 2EA |2V 0 | 0I| 2 U0 A B0H |R0|T A | D 0P S K |TAK L|A EV-ZK | ' |HNIEC|BS AOKVE M|A IN V E HAVET COA MKRTNVRYLIOACTILRCASO-HY-DIETOIKAOIEHYAOBRMOE HYSM'EKF BECYTIAI CEILHE UITAIEVG|A EHSM|HCDESLIVILIZNKS CRHAV TCHM AT I O|AEPS|O|HAP S|ZOTIHZKE I|Y CTA H TA|PNEI| PV A P P|EHO RG| AI|G P A| A PIA|PA | EN |I|GPAEL GPGPA G| A |P AEPGPA6EAPE G2|E GAC AG EAP G AG E3PGE3H3PG 3EAGEG EA3 E A3EG3 E EE4|G 383 G E3 59E53153PE 4 A23G E 3

many generations later, have him to thank for The second comes from this week’s parsha his efforts. Interestingly enough, his yahrzeit is when Yehuda approaches Yosef, pleading with 9 Teves which coincides with the weekly parsha him to release his brother, Binyamin. this year. בראשית מ״ד:י״ח וַ ִיּ ַּגׁ֨ש ֵא ָל֜יו ְיהוּ ָד ֗ה וַיֹּא ֶמ ֮ר ִּב ֣י ֲאדֹ ִני ֒ ְי ַד ֶּבר־ ָנ֨א ַע ְב ְ ּד ָך ֤ ָד ָבר ֙ ְּב ָא ְז ֵנ ֣י Let’s take at least one message from Vayigash ֲאדֹ ִ֔ני ְו ַאל־ ִי ֥ ַחר ַא ְּפ ָך֖ ְּב ַע ְב ֶ ּ֑ד ָך ִּכ ֥י ָכ ֖מ ֹו ָך ְּכ ַפ ְרעֹֽה׃ and do our part to kindly and passionately reason with others to follow Covid rules as we live in dangerous and uncertain times. Then Judah came near unto him, and said: ‘Oh my lord, let thy servant, I pray thee, speak a word in my lord’s ears, and let not thine anger burn Taking Three Steps against thy servant; for thou art even as Pharaoh.

Closer to God The third Vayigash is the story of Eliyahu on Har BY RABBI AVI MILLER Carmel, in which he prays to HKBH that his [email protected] sacrifice be accepted in order to publicly discredit the of Baal and instead Before we daven Shemona Esrei -- even before sanctify the name of God. Hashem open my“ //”ה’ ְ ׂש ָפ ַתי ִּת ְפ ָּתח“ we recite מלכים א י״ח:ל״ו lips” -- there is a minhag to take three initial וַ ְי ִה֣י ׀ ַּב ֲע ֣ל ֹות ַה ִּמ ְנ ָח֗ה וַ ִיּ ַּ֞ג ׁש ֵא ִליָּ ֣הוּ ַה ָּנ ִבי ֮א וַיֹּא ַמר ֒ ְיהוָ֗ה steps forward. This is recorded by the Rema ֱאל ֹ ֵהי֙ ַא ְב ָר ָהם֙ ִי ְצ ָח֣ק ְו ִי ְ ׂש ָר ֵ֔אל ַהיּ ֹ֣ום ִיוָּ ַד ֗ע ִּכֽי־ ַא ָּת ֧ה ֱאל ֹ ִה֛ים :(O.C. 95:1) ְּב ִי ְ ׂש ָר ֵ֖אל וַ ֲא ִנ ֣י ַע ְב ֶ ּ֑ד ָך ובדבריך [וּ ִב ְד ָב ְר ָך ֣] ָע ִ֔ ׂשי ִתי ֵא֥ת ָּכל־ ַה ְ ּד ָב ִ ֖רים ָה ֵֽא ֶּלה׃ ְויֵ ׁש א ֹו ְמ ִרים ְּכ ׁ ֶשע ֹו ֵמד ְל ִה ְת ּ ַפ ֵּלל יֵ ֵל ְך ְל ָפ ָניו ג' ְּפ ִסיע ֹות, ֶ ּד ֶר ְך And it came to pass at the time of the offering of ֵקרוּב ְו ַה ָּג ׁ ָשה ַל ָ ּד ָבר ׁ ֶש ָּצ ִרי ְך ַל ֲע ׂש ֹות Some say when a person stands to pray he/she the evening offering, that Elijah the came should take three steps forward in the way of near, and said: ‘O LORD, the God of , of coming close and approaching a matter that must , and of Israel, let it be known this day that be done. Thou art God in Israel, and that I am Thy servant, and that I have done all these things at Thy word. The Rema’s source is the Sefer Ha-Rokeach, written by Rabbi Eleazar of Worms (1176-1238). How might the Rokeach’s three specific He connects the origins of the practice to this examples of “Vayigash” help us approach God in week’s parsha. The three steps forward are our daily lives? How might our Shemoneh Esrei meant to evoke three specific times the word be different and more meaningful if after the “Vayigash” (“And he approached”) is used in the first step forward we think of Avraham, the Torah. second Yehuda, and the third Eliyahu? המתפלל צריך שיתן עיניו למטה ולבו למעלה. וכשיחפוץ Perhaps “approaching” God begins with an להתפלל ילך לפניו ג' פסיעות שכתוב ג' הגשות לתפלה. almost Abrahamic audacity to take that very ויגש אברהם. ויגש יהודה. ויגש אליהו first step and muster the confidence to confront One who prays must direct his eyes downward and God. Avraham is not shy when he hears about his heart upward (Yevamot 105b). When he desires God’s plan to destroy Sodom: Abraham came to pray, he should take three steps forward, for forward and said, “Will You sweep away the there are three “approaches” to prayer written in innocent along with the guilty? the Bible. “Abraham approached” (Genesis 18:23). “Judah approached” (Genesis 44:18). “Elijah Prayer requires a first step of confidence, approached” (I Kings 18:36). courage, and a conviction. Despite the power differential, we are still fit and able to speak The first Vayigash comes from the story of before the King of Kings and share with him Avraham beseeching HKBH to save the city of what is on our minds. Sodom. The second step however is much more בראשית י״ח:כ״ג modulated. Yehuda is much more deferential in וַ ִיּ ַּג ׁ֥ש ַא ְב ָר ָ ֖הם וַיֹּא ַמ֑ר ַה ַא֣ף ִּת ְס ֶּ֔פה ַצ ִ ּ֖דיק ִעם־ ָר ׁ ָ ֽשע׃ And Abraham drew near, and said: ‘Will You language and tone with Yosef than Avraham indeed sweep away the righteous with the wicked? was with God. He approaches with an S E P TOMNEDCOAMJNOOTDEUJJEACSYNUOVBUNAOCCOEN TUGOEV1MLUTEJOCABJPEJOCJEGUAMVRU5YEUOMGUETAVT BUES ,M NJ L1BMERUNEOBYG1 3E1UMTSGY2MEB M2 SEAB,RU8E TN2, 1U0 BR E1,TRB ,EY 2B1 S2,5 2E 3S2R , RE 52T190E21 ,20 612RT0859 R,2 0,5 2R4072 ,06, 2 1, 202 |,0 ,28 , ,2 8,,0954 2 72 0 0, 10,22 ,B,|02, 0 |,2 0 2 0|2 E0|2 2| 0C202| 0H2 B00 N | 0HM20 2S 0 | 2EA |2V | 0I| 2 U0 A B0H |R0|TA | D 0P S K TAK L|A EV-ZK | ' |HNIEC|BSAOKVE M|A IN VE HAVET COA MKRTNVRYLIOCTIALRCASO-HY-DIETOIKAOIEHAOBRMOE HYSM'EKIF BECYTIA CEILGHE UITAIEV|A EHSM|HCDESLIAVILIZNKS CRHV TCHM AT I O|ASEPS|O|HAP |ZOTIHZKE HI|Y CTA TA|PNEI| PV A P P|E HO RG| AI|GP |A A PIA|PA | EN |I|GPA EL GPGPA G | AP | AEPGPA6EAPE G2|E AGC AG EAP G AG E3PGE3H3PG 3EAGEG EA3 E A3EG3 E EE4| G 383 G 1E3 59E53153PE0 4 A23G E 3

[וּ ִב ְד ָב ְר ָך] ָע ִ ׂשי ִתי ֵאת ָּכל־ ַה ְ ּד ָב ִרים ָה ֵא ֶּלה׃ abundance of caution and calls himself a servant and addresses Yosef as a master. I have done all these things for You Prayer requires courage but it also requires humility. Prayer is thus more than simply a private one- on-one encounter with God. We approach God The final step is when we finally prepare to lay with the world on our shoulders. We pray for it all on the line. With his actual life on the line, the safety and security of our brothers and Eliyahu “approaches” God, with passion and sisters, we pray for total strangers, we even Answer me, pray for God Himself. Prayer is an act where we - ” ֲע ֵנ ִני ה’ ֲע ֵנ ִני“ .even desperation Hashem, Answer me. can escape the smallness of ourselves and acknowledge and take responsibility for the Our three steps forward represent the courage, greater world in which we inhabit. humility, and vulnerability of confronting our Maker. Finally, each of the three steps we take forward represent a different kind of request. Avraham Another idea I saw from Rabbi Saul Berman (in requests justice, Yehuda requests mercy, and his introduction to the RCA Artscroll siddur) is Eliyahu requests the presence of HKBH be felt that with each step forward, we have in mind in the world. When we take three steps someone else to “pray for.” Avraham prays for forward, we request all three. total strangers. According to Rashi, he prays not only for the righteous in Sodom but even May HKBH take note of all of our prayers, not for the wicked. Yehuda petitions Yosef to free only the words we say, but also the silent steps his brother. Eliyahu “approaches” God for God’s forward we take in order to draw closer to Him. sake, to sanctify His Name in public and wrest the temptation of idolatry away from the people.