
2 Chester Close, Belgravia, London, SW1X 7BE +44 (0)20 7752 0000 | [email protected] |

Our current booking conditions apply to all reservations and are available on request. All special offers are subject to availability.

NCNP105-K 2 Dear Traveller We hope you enjoy browsing through the following pages and that they inspire you to make 2021 or 2022 the year you become better acquainted with the treasures of the British Isles and Ireland. Every year the popularity of small ship cruising in our own waters grows and now it has become the single most important area in the world for us. This is immensely rewarding as the vast majority of passengers are from Britain.

2021 is our 30th anniversary year and to mark the occasion we have a huge variety of small ship cruises around the UK. Even after thirty years of designing trips to the hidden corners of our remotest places, every year we discover something new. Although we set sail with a set itinerary it is the unscheduled events that often become the highlight of our journeys around the British Isles. Our ideally suited vessels will allow access to places larger vessels are unable to venture and with our fleet of Zodiac landing craft we can explore inlets, fjords, bird sanctuaries and land in otherwise inaccessible places.

We do hope you will enjoy discovering these very special places with us. The sheer diversity of the landscape and lifestyles will amaze you, as will the spirit and warmth of the small communities we will encounter. In an age of rapid centralisation and common identity, it is fortifying to know that life with its unique traditions and values still can be found on the edges of our islands. Whether you be an avid gardener, birdwatcher, amateur historian or simply enjoy sailing past and visiting some of the most enchanting places in the world then one of the expedition cruises featured in the following pages could be for you.

We look forward to welcoming you on board.

A 0 YE RS 3

1 9 1 9 2 Tim Cochrane 0 1 2 Managing Director


Small Ship Cruising 04-05 Scottish Island Odyssey 38-39 Your Onboard Team 06-07 Spring in the 40-41 MS Serenissima & Deck Plan 08-09 Britain & Ireland in Bloom 42-43 MS Hebridean Sky & Deck Plan 10-11 Atlantic Island Odyssey 44-45 MS Island Sky & Deck Plan 12-13 Islands on the Edge 46-47 Ocean Nova & Deck Plan 14-15 Circumnavigation of the United Kingdom 48-51 Birds & Blooms of Britain 16-17 Island Life 18-19 Splendours of Scotland 20-21 Summer in the Isles 22-23 Spirit of Scotland 24-25 Island Hopping from the 26-27 to the Isles of Scilly Islands on the Edge II 28-29 Enchanted Islands of the United Kingdom 30-31 Island Hideaways 32-33 Bird Islands 34-35 Birds of the Scottish Isles 36-37 Grey seal

3 MS Serenissima alongside Oban pier small ships – big experiences in the british isles

Our cruises around the British Isles are not cruises in the conventional sense, more explorations with like-minded companions to enjoy the peace and tranquillity of our islands. Learn something of their history, see the beautiful gardens, witness the abundant bird and marine life, but above all revel in the timeless enchantment that the islands exude to all those who appreciate the natural world. Having arranged hundreds of small ship cruises around the British Isles, we have learned that everyone takes something different from the experience.

Now more than ever there is a great appreciation for the peace, beauty and culture of the hidden corners of the United Kingdom and there is no better way to explore than by small ship. With no more than 100 travelling companions and our nimble Zodiacs, we will be able to land on remote beaches and cruise close to shorelines and cliffs crowded with birdlife. Enabling us to land in remote places, the Zodiacs make the otherwise inaccessible readily available. Although we will set sail with a schedule, this will not be set in stone as these are perfect waters for expedition cruising and our Captain and expedition team will keep a flexible approach allowing for the opportunity to fully experience the unexpected whether it be a sighting of dolphins, a whale or any unusual event.

Our voyages include visits to both inhabited and uninhabited islands and places of great natural beauty, rich in wildlife and mystical history. There are a range of itineraries to choose from and we have included calls into some very special places such as the spiritual island of Iona, St Kilda, a remarkable uninhabited archipelago some fifty miles beyond the Outer Hebrides, the idyllic islands of Herm and St Agnes in the southwest with their crystal-clear waters and fine white sandy beaches, Tresco’s famous subtropical Abbey Gardens, Ireland’s magnificent Mount Stewart house and gardens, Lundy where we hope to see puffins and Rathlin Island, off the north coast of Ireland and home to hundreds of seals and nesting seabirds.

Each day of your expedition will be varied and there will be the opportunities to explore coastal paths, see the resident wildlife, enjoy the wonderful views on offer and appreciate the ancient and Medieval history of the region. When exploring ashore with our local experts we will divide into small groups thereby enjoying a more comprehensive and peaceful experience, ensuring the solitude we find on some of the isles is not disturbed.

You will be travelling with our onboard team of experts who will enhance your experience in so many ways. The added pleasure of cruising with experienced naturalists, ornithologists and marine biologists who have such a passion for the natural world is hard to describe. Every day they will highlight something of wonder and share their knowledge. There will be daily port briefings, presentations and the team will always be available for informal chats.

Throughout this brochure, you will find the majority of cruises feature an expedition cruising logo indicating that Zodiacs will be integral to the operation of the itinerary. Zodiacs are invaluable for our expeditions. These inflatable craft offer marvellous manoeuvrability allowing us access to otherwise impossible landing places. With these we can explore inlets, fjords, bird sanctuaries, land in otherwise inaccessible places and be footloose in a way that would be totally impractical for larger groups of passengers. Zodiacs are safe, reliable and allow us to go from ship to shore, whether we land on a beach, on rocks, or on a concrete jetty. If you have any concerns or queries pertaining to expedition cruising and what it entails, please do not hesitate to contact one of our experienced travel consultants.

4 what to expect

Flexibility is the key to an expedition cruise; sometimes the whole day’s schedule may be changed to maximise your experience based on weather or wildlife sightings, something that would not be possible on a large cruise ship. Each day holds something new and below are some extracts from our vessel’s logs from our previous expeditions which will provide you with an idea of what to expect should you choose to join one of our adventures in the British Isles.

Shiant Islands: By breakfast the ship had anchored amongst the Shiant Islands in the Minch. Once more we were viewing tertiary basalt columns just like Staffa and Canna but this time several hundred feet tall and thronging with seabirds, many of whom sat on the calm sea as our Zodiacs cruised close off shore. We made first for the tall basalt cliffs where we enjoyed a fly-past of a white-tailed sea eagle which then landed near its mate on a grassy ledge. They sat side by side for the rest of our visit. We saw some grey and common seals hauled out ashore, and investigated some interesting sea caves before turning along the huge boulder scree along the east side of Garbh Eilean with its huge numbers of razorbills, puffins and shags. There were also some great skuas flying around, looking for an opportunity to rob the auks of the food they carried to feed chicks.

St Kilda: The early risers were rewarded with fine views of our approach to the archipelago of St Kilda, its tops draped mysteriously in mist. It had been a calm crossing and some dolphins and minke whales had been spotted on route. After breakfast, the Zodiacs began shuttling people ashore to the pier and, although several options had been offered, many people opted first to join John on a guided historical walk along the village street. Many then progressed up The Gap to find Jamie and his party of longer walkers, while Karin led an energetic walk up the road to the summit ridge and the radar installation. John’s group then dispersed to explore on their own and most of us, of course, found time to visit the shop for postcards and souvenirs. On return to the ship, lunch consisted of a barbecue prepared by the galley staff and many opted to eat outside on deck with the impressive backdrop of St Kilda’s Village Bay. But we were not finished yet, for the expedition team filled their Zodiacs with enthusiastic and intrepid passengers, keen to explore the rocky shores and dramatic caves of Dun, seeing seals, seabirds and notably, puffins. This highlight was quickly overshadowed by the final offering – the Captain taking the ship for a circumnavigation of St Kilda. Approaching Stac Lee he opted to take a wide sweep and circumnavigate this hugely impressive tooth of rock, smothered in 9000 pairs of nesting gannets.

Iona, Staffa and Lunga: This morning we went ashore by Zodiac to Iona to visit the amazing monastery of Saint Columba. An Irish saint established this place as one of the holiest sites in Christendom and it is also famous for the monks’ creativity in art and sculpture culminating in the creation of the Book of Kells. We toured the church and wondered at the many relics on display, including the oldest Celtic cross in the world. Several people took a walk with John and Conrad to see if they could find the elusive corncrake but alas, it did not show though they were at least able to hear one or two from their hiding places in the nettles. We repositioned to Staffa during lunch and the conditions were so good that Emma decided to offer a surprise landing and Zodiac cruise to the small volcanic island. The rock formations of hexagonal basalt columns make this a fascinating place to explore and is interlinked with the Giant’s Causeway in Northern Ireland. We landed on a concrete jetty and carefully walked along the hexagonal steps to Fingal’s Cave, an impressive split in the columns leaving a cave filled by the rushing swell of the sea. Back on board, John Love gave a short presentation of photographs of Staffa in all seasons and times of day accompanied by Mendelsohn’s classic Hebridean Overture, which was inspired by his visit to Fingal’s Cave on Staffa. We repositioned once again, this time to an emerald green small island called Lunga, for our third landing of the day. What awaited us was a breeding colony of the Clowns of the Sea, the Atlantic puffin! There were also guillemots, razorbills, skuas and kittiwakes galore but the stars of the show were the pint-sized puffins and their wonderful antics. Coming in and out of their burrows and making their trademark laughing calls, they delighted us for a few hours of late afternoon sunshine amidst the wildflowers and green grass of Lunga.

+44 (0)20 7752 0000 5 joining you on board Tresco Island

Our cruises are led by a highly experienced expedition team and for each voyage, we carefully select the best experts in their field who will lead you every step of the way with their knowledge and enthusiasm. These may include ornithologists, naturalists, marine biologists as well as Zodiac drivers and Expedition Leaders. Through onboard briefings and talks, informal presentations, whilst accompanying you ashore and on Zodiac excursions, they will share their in depth knowledge of the wildlife, landscape and natural and cultural history of the region.

Dr Susan Currie Susan was born and brought up in North East England. After obtaining her Bachelor of Science degree in Geology from the University of Exeter and a Doctoral degree from the University of Cambridge she worked as a geologist in the UK offshore oil and gas industry and lived in Aberdeen, Scotland, for 27 years. Over the past decade climate change has been a particular area of interest and study for her and in 2008 she took up an appointment as a senior geologist in the UK Government Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) until 2012 when she decided to make geology lecturing on expedition cruise ship her full-time profession. Susan made her first ship-based expedition in 2002 and since then she has worked in many regions including the Antarctic, South Pacific and Australasia, the Arctic and the UK. She also served on the Fellowship and Validation Committee of the Geological Society of London and continues to give talks to different organisations on geology and climate change topics. When not working on cruise ships she may be found enjoying a walk along her native Northumbrian coast-line, practising Taoist Tai Chi, or hiking in the English Lakes District.

John Love Born in Inverness, John graduated in zoology at Aberdeen University. In 1975 he went to live on the Isle of Rum where he managed a highly successful project to reintroduce the white-tailed sea eagle. While he remains involved with birds of prey, seabirds are another passion. In the 1990s John acted as guide and lecturer on several small charter vessels around the Hebrides and has lectured on cruises, around Scotland and to Norway, for the National Trust for Scotland. He first worked for Noble Caledonia in 2009 and now participates in various expedition cruises for three to five months each year. This is mainly around the UK - and the Hebrides in particular - but he has also voyaged around Ireland, northern France, Iceland and the Faroes, Norway, the White Sea, the Seychelles, the Maldives, the Tanzanian/Mozambique coast, northern Madagascar and, most recently, New Zealand and the Lesser Antilles. John has written and illustrated books on eagles and penguins, on the human history of the Isle of Rum, and natural histories of and of St Kilda. His interests are wide, and include drawing, photography and playing the fiddle.

Colin Munro Colin is a freelance marine biologist and photographer with a strong interest in underwater photography. Originally from the north of Scotland, he now lives in Southwest England. As a marine biologist he has specialised in diving and camera surveys of the seabed, in particular he has worked on the monitoring of marine protected areas in temperate waters. His work has taken him from the sea lochs of Scotland to the seagrass beds off Libya and deep water reefs of the Persian Gulf. He has been a professional SCUBA diver for over 30 years, first starting as a military diver in the rivers of Germany and with brief stints as a salvage diver in East Africa and diving instructor, before his passion for ocean life lead him back to university and a career as a diving biologist. When not diving or driving Zodiacs Colin spends his time restoring his own wooden sailboat or tinkering with old motorbikes.

Ian Pringle Iain was born in Edinburgh, Scotland and grew up in a small village in neighbouring Fife. He now lives in Lincolnshire, England with his wife and two sons. He studied Ancient History and Archaeology at Newcastle University and after working for a number of years in outdoor retail, he has since been working as a commercial archaeologist and geophysicist, excavating all over England. He also spends several weeks each summer on a research excavation in Ardnamurchan, Scotland which has been excavating the area for the past thirteen years uncovering historically important sites. In the austral summer of 2015/16, he worked at Port Lockroy in Antarctica for the United Kingdom Antarctic Heritage Trust. Here he was part of a four-person team maintaining the buildings, running the museum, shop and Post Office and surveying the penguin colony. He travelled back to Antarctica at the beginning of this year when he spent two months working as an expedition guide.

Dr Chris Edwards A native of Scotland, after graduating from the University of Glasgow Chris was employed by the British Antarctic Survey and spent two and a half years in Antarctica as a field geologist. On return to the UK via a tour of South America he obtained a PhD and published scientific papers based on his Antarctic work. Twelve years in the oil exploration industry saw Chris initially based in Aberdeen working both offshore and onshore before postings to South America and the Far East. On return to the UK he was based in London, Aberdeen and Glasgow. Since 1989 he has been the horologist in his own antique clock restoration business. This has allowed him the flexibility to leave the workshop for several months a year to work on expedition ships as an expedition leader and lecturer in the Antarctic, the Arctic and North-West Europe. Aside from his broad geological knowledge, he is passionate about environmental and natural history matters, is a lichenologist, a bookbinder and keen photographer. Chris lives with his family in Aberdeenshire, Scotland where he grows trees, sails on ocean-going yachts for a charity and bakes real bread.

6 Kevin Morgan An enthusiastic naturalist with a passion for wildlife, Kevin has been a keen birdwatcher since childhood. He has worked on cruise ships from Antarctica to the Arctic, Iceland to Norway, and the Atlantic to the Indian Ocean, with the British Isles being a favourite with its diverse coastline and seabird colonies. Kevin was a naturalist on a sailing expedition from South Africa to the UK; on a junk in the South China Seas, and he has led whale watching tours, from Blue Whale encounters off California, to swimming with dolphins in the Bahamas and has seen over 40 species of cetaceans. Based on his experience at sea he was behind the concept of Sealife - A Complete Guide to the Marine Environment, working closely with the artist to illustrate dolphins from above. In the UK he carries out wildlife surveys (bats, bird, reptiles & amphibians), lectures on his travels, and leads wildlife walking tours. He is a fellow of the Royal Geographical Society, a member of the Marine Conservation Society, a founder member of The Shark Trust and he has an Oceanography Masters. In his spare time Kevin likes to lambada and salsa dance.

Ian Bullock Ian Bullock is a British biologist who lives in St.Davids, Pembrokeshire, on the south-western seaboard of Wales. Since 1978 he has specialised in seabird surveys, habitat management for endangered species and the conservation of remote island nature reserves. For 25 years he worked for the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds as both research biologist and warden, establishing new reserves for conservation and managing offshore islands. In spare moments since 1990 he has worked as guide and lecturer on board expedition ships in the UK, Indian, Pacific and Atlantic oceans, as well as Arctic and Antarctic environments. He loves the sea, wildlife and wilderness and relishes any opportunity to share this enthusiasm with fellow adventurers.

Seb Coulthard Seb Coulthard was born in London, raised in Quito, Ecuador, and completed his higher education in England. He is an award winning sailor, engineer and adventurer with 15 years long service and good conduct in the Royal Navy (retired 2016). During his time in Her Majesty’s Armed Forces he travelled extensively between British Overseas Territories from the South Atlantic to the Indian Ocean. In 2013, with a passion for adventure travel, Seb joined Shackleton Epic Expedition, the most audacious and faithful re-enactment of the celebrated 830 mile boat journey undertaken by Sir Ernest Shackleton aboard the James Caird lifeboat from Elephant Island to South Georgia. As an empirical historian and expedition guide, his latest expedition took him to the Arabian Peninsula where he followed in the footsteps of Lawrence of Arabia to mark the 100th Anniversary of the Battle of Aqaba. Seb is Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society, and a joint Royal Yachting Association and Union Internationale Motonautique powerboat world record holder. He is a specialist in remote areas travel and a certified Antarctic tourism guide.

Kevin Treacher Kevin served in the Royal Marines for 12 years which took him all over the world working in some of the most arduous environments on earth from Arctic training in Norway to desert training in Death Valley, Mountain training up in the Rockies’ and jungle training in Belize. After a couple of tours of the Middle East as a regular soldier, Kevin went on to specialise as a boat Coxswain which saw him posted to ‘Diego Garcia’ - a tropical island in the Indian Ocean where some of his duties included fishery and wildlife conservation. Upon returning to the UK he completed an advanced boat operator course enabling him to work with the Special Boat Service (SBS) as a highly skilled coxswain in a role designated to counter terrorism for the United Kingdom. After leaving the Marines in 2012 Kevin went on to work as a private security contractor providing armed protection for vessels sailing through the high-risk pirate areas of the Indian Ocean before finally joining the Noble team as a Zodiac driver. Originally from Chichester in West Sussex he now resides just outside of London.

Rebecca Hodgkiss Becky is a conservation biologist who was born in the UK but spent her childhood on the move. She grew up in the USA, Norway, Indonesia and Singapore; this exposure to different cultures and wildlife instilled in her a love of travel, exploring and nature. After graduating with an MSc in Animal Behaviour, she returned to Southeast Asia to work as a Field Biologist in Malaysia. Becky then moved to the Seychelles and spent four years coordinating projects on sea turtles, giant tortoises, seabirds and endemic passerines, and was part of a team who set up a lemon shark tagging project. Her most recent posting was on the RSPB’s Little Tern Recovery Project on the Norfolk coast. She is a PADI/SSI Divemaster and keen amateur wildlife photographer.

James McClelland James is a British Conservation Biologist who was bitten by the travel bug whilst carrying out research on coral reef fish for his undergraduate degree in Environmental Science. He has gone on to conduct and lead ecological fieldwork programmes from the UK to Seychelles and Southeast Asia. Most recently, James co-managed the conservation programme for a private nature reserve in the Seychelles. He is currently completing a master’s degree studying lemon shark genetics and holds a bird ringing permit under the South African Ringing Unit. James spent (possibly) too much of his childhood, armed with a net and a bucket, hunting down anything that moved in every available pond, stream or rock-pool he could find. He is never happier than when he is on, in, under or by water, and in addition to his scientific work he is also an experienced Yacht Master, Powerboat skipper and Divemaster.

Colin Baird Colin grew up on the west coast of Canada and developed a love for the sea at an early age, sailing and scuba diving the local waters off Vancouver Island. He spent 10 years as a marine mammal trainer working with seals, sea lions and orca (perhaps better known as Killer Whales). In 2002 he was hired by Jean Michel Cousteau as the director of field operations for the Free Willy/ Keiko Project in Iceland and Norway. This was and remains today the only attempt to release a previously captive orca back into the wild. Since then, Colin has been expedition cruising to many out of the way places including Iceland, Norway, Svalbard, the High Arctic and Antarctic and has participated in many expeditions around the British Isles. When at home in Canada, Colin leads whale watching tours from Victoria, B.C. during the northern summer to see his favourite of all the cetaceans….the orca.

+44 (0)20 7752 0000 7 ms serenissima

Harald Jarl Lounge Venice Restaurant Andrea Lounge

The charming MS Serenissima began her career as the Harald Jarl, cruising the Norwegian coastline and fjords. Since 2003, when she was extensively renovated, she has been operating as a classic cruise ship. Previously known as the MS Andrea, she was upgraded again in 2013 and started her new life as the MS Serenissima. With her small size she can navigate into small, remote ports inaccessible to the big cruise ships and appears an impressive sight when moored. With her fleet of Zodiacs, she is capable of both destination and expedition cruising.

Your Cabin/Suite Accommodating no more than 95 passengers, there are eight different with hot and cold dishes available. Dinner is served à la carte and is four grades of cabins arranged over five decks, and all feature either courses, except at the Captain’s Dinner, which is a six course affair. Where windows or portholes. The cabins are attractively designed for comfort possible, local produce is sourced for an authentic dining experience. A and convenience. All cabins are fully air conditioned with an en-suite choice of red or white wine, beer and soft drinks is included at lunch and bathroom with shower (please note cabins 601 - 605 and 507 have a dinner. In good weather there are al fresco dining facilities available and tea bath with shower attachment) and a selection of toiletries in addition and coffee are available around the clock in the Andrea Lounge. to a hairdryer, robes and slippers. All cabins come equipped with telephone, flat screen television, safety deposit box and other thoughtful Your Space appointments. Refillable water bottles are available in all cabins for use The facilities on board include two lounges – the larger Andrea Lounge on board. Due to the very nature of the ship, the cabins vary in shape is comfortable and spacious and the smaller Harald Jarl Lounge is more and size, adding to the vessel’s overall charm. intimate. There is also a small library and Wi-Fi is available at an extra cost throughout the vessel. The outside areas really are something Your Dining special. A spacious observation deck allows 360 degree views of the The free seating Venice Restaurant passing scenery. From here, step down to the lido area with Jacuzzi accommodates all guests in one sitting and outside bar. The covered seating area at the back of Deck 6 is ideal and, with its Deck 5 location, all of the for relaxing with a drink in hand. Perhaps, one of the best known and tables benefit from great views. The loved features of this vessel is its unique style. During the major refit in picture windows also make the restaurant Sweden the then owners commissioned Swedish interior designers to wonderfully light and airy. Breakfast is served create a country house style which has recently been updated with some buffet-style with cooked dishes available and Art Deco styling which works particularly well on a vessel of this vintage, eggs to order by the ship’s accomplished providing intimacy and a classic nautical sensibility often lacking in chef. Lunch is also served buffet-style larger vessels.



702 BRIDGE DECK 7 704



422 505 503 501 404 402 420 505 503 501 ROOMROOM DECK 4 DECKDECK 4 4 421 419 407 417 412 410 401 418 409 408405 406403 424 418 414 412412410410 422 418 408 404406402 424424420 414414 408 406

422 404 402 422

420 404 402 420

421 419 407 417 401 316 314 312 409310 403 419 318 308

421 419 407 DECK 3 421 322 320417 407405 401 417 409 306 401 409 405304405 403403 OWNER’S SUITE 302 (22 square metres) H 301 DECK 3 322 320 318 316 314 312 310 308 DECK 3 322 320 318318 316316314314312312310310308306308 304303 DECK 3 321322319320 307 305 306306 304 317 315 313 311 309 304 302 302302 H H H 301 301 303 301 STANDARD STATEROOM DELUXE STATEROOM 305SERENISSIMA303303 SUITE 321 319321 319 311 309 307 307 305305 321 319317 317315317313315315313313311311309309307 CLASSIC STATEROOM JUNIOR SUITE STANDARD SINGLE




NB. Please note cabin sizes vary in each category and measurements shown are approximate. JUNIOR SUITE (21 square metres)

DELUXE STATEROOM SUPERIOR STATEROOM CLASSIC STATEROOM (15 to 25 square metres) (11.5 to 18 square metres) (14 to 19 square metres)

STANDARD STATEROOM STANDARD SINGLE Lido Deck (10 to 11.5 square metres) (7 to 12.5 square metres)

+44 (0)20 7752 0000 9 ms hebridean sky

Friendly Service Owner’s Balcony Suite The Restaurant

The MS Hebridean Sky is one of our three flag ships and sister vessel to the MS Island Sky and MS Caledonian Sky. All three vessels were built in the same ship yard in Italy at similar times and share the same excellent attributes that make them three of the finest small ships in the world. With a maximum passenger capacity of only 118, a vessel of her size is capable of carrying many more but instead the MS Hebridean Sky has the benefit of unusually large suites, luxuriously appointed public areas and spacious outside decks.

Your Suite Your Dining On board there are 59 exceptionally spacious and well-designed suites. With only one sitting and a maximum of just over 100 passengers, the All feature a sitting area and some have private balconies. The feeling of cuisine on board the MS Hebridean Sky is of a consistent superior quality luxury is enhanced by the wood panelling and brass, which predominates that befits such a vessel. In keeping with the informal atmosphere on throughout the vessel conveying the atmosphere of a private yacht. board, when dining you are able to choose your seating arrangements The passenger accommodation is arranged over five decks and all and choice of restaurants at your leisure; whether that be joining a table suites have outside views with those on the Scott and Shackleton Decks of four to six other passengers in the elegant à la carte Restaurant or, featuring private balconies. Each suite affords considerable comfort with outside buffet-style on the Lido Deck in the evening sunshine. In the en-suite bathroom featuring vanity unit with sink and walk-in shower, main Restaurant, breakfast is served buffet-style, with certain items large wardrobes, dressing table with large mirror and stool and excellent cooked to order on request. Lunch and dinner menus offer plenty of storage. There is a mini-fridge, flat screen television and a telephone in choice, often reflecting the daily catch and local delicacies. The Welcome each suite. Bottled water, Egyptian cotton sheets, dressing gowns and and Farewell dinners are a sumptuous five course affair. To enhance slippers are also provided for your comfort. Other facilities include a your dining experience further a selection of wines is included with both programmable electronic safe, hairdryer, assorted Molton Brown toiletries meals. Afternoon tea and pre-dinner canapés take place in either the and individually controlled air-conditioning and heating. Soft hues comfort of the Lounge or out on the Lido Deck when the weather is and blended tones enhance the traditional maritime style making the favourable. Tea and coffee are also available 24 hours a day. Special diets passenger accommodation an inviting and relaxing place to be. can be catered for with sufficient notice.

10 The Library Superior Suite The Club

Your Space The spacious and finely decorated public rooms include a large Lounge on the Byrd Deck featuring a selection of seating options from individual armchairs and sofas to side cushioned benches. Daily briefings given by the Cruise Director and talks from Guest Speakers and expedition staff take place in the Lounge. In addition to the main Lounge, there is also The Club, located on the Mawson Deck which features the main bar. The Club also features a 24-hour tea and coffee station. Towards the aft of the ship on the Mawson Deck is the Library. Well stocked with reference books pertaining to the destinations the vessel is visiting and a selection of essential reads, you will not find yourself short of excellent literature on board. A selection of games and two computers offering complimentary internet access can also be found in the Library. The main Restaurant, Alfresco Dining which can seat all guests at one sitting, is located on the Amundsen Deck, and outside there is a rear Lido Deck located on the Scott Deck where meals are served in warm weather under shade. Further MS HEBRIDEAN SKY DECK PLAN to this on the top Shackleton Deck there is an observation area, Explorer Deck complete with sun loungers for sunbathing, relaxing with a book Balconies or catching up with fellow travellers. The Promenade Deck wraps OOwnerwner’s’s BBalconyalcony SuiteSuitess 603 601 around the whole ship providing outstanding views. There is also a Shackleton Deck small beauty salon on board with appointments made on request. Scott Deck Jacuzzi Mawson Deck LIFT Hair dresser STAIRS & Beauty Throughout the vessel, carefully chosen artwork and photos reflect ByrdCenter Deck 604 602 OOwnerwner’s’s BalBalconycony SuiteSuitess the destinations we sail to. Amundsen Deck Balconies Erikson Deck Your Comfort Balconies Shackleton Deck Balconies DDeluxeeluxe BBalconyalcony SuiteSuitess r Radio Chart The MS Hebridean Sky is equipped with the latest safety, navigation room room Buffet Pantry Hotel managerOwne´sr’ sOwner’s Balcony511 Balcony Suite s Suites509 507 505 Office office STAIRS 605 603 601 Bridge and communications equipment along with roll stabilisers to Lido Open Deck Viewing Deck minimise the ship’s motion. During your voyage we hope to offer Platform Hair dresser STAIRS LIFSTT AIRS LIFT & Beauty Chief Captain Center 606 604 602 Engineer OwOwnerner’s’s BBalconyalcony512 SuiteSuitess Hebridean510 Suite508 506 you the opportunity to visit the Captain and Officers on the Bridge DDeluxeeluxe B Balconyalcony SSuiteuites

Balconies to check the vessel’s progress by charts and learn more about your Balconies Scott Deck journey. On board you will also find a clinic and Doctor and a lift that Marco Polo Deck Balconies

Promenade deck DelDeluxeuxe BalcoBalconyny SuiteSuitess r Radio Chart room room serves all decks. When at anchor our nimble Zodiacs will ferry you Buffet Pantry Hotel manager´s 511 509 Pr507emium505 Suites PremiumOffice Suites Premium Suites Corner Suite STAIRS office Sta ff Cabin Bridge Lido Open ashore or, on select cruises, enjoy Zodiac cruises getting you closer Deck 427 425 423 421 Deck419 417 415

STAIRS LIFT The Chief Captain to the natural world. Club 512 510 508 506 Engineer DelDeluxeuxe Balc Balconyony SSuiteuites Library STAIRS LIFT Sta ff Balconies Coffee Cabin 428 426 424 422 420 418 416 414 Station Premium Suites Premium Suites Premium Suites Corner Suite

Your Life On Board Mawson Deck Promenade deck Promenade deck The atmosphere on board is warm and convivial and more akin to Premium Suites Premium Suites Premium Suites Corner Suite Sta ff Columbus Deck Cabin a private yacht or country hotel in which you can learn more about 427 425 423 421 419 417 415 PromenadeThe deck Club Cruise Cruise Director Superior Suites Superior Suites Superior Suites the wonderful destinations you are visiting in the company of like- Library STAIRS LIFT office Sta ff Coffee Cabin 428 426347424345422343420341418339416 414335 333 331 329 minded people. There is a high ratio of crew to passengers and Station Premium Suites Premium Suites Premium Suites Corner Suite Promenade deck Public Entrance Lounge bathrooms Hall our friendly crew of 75 are mainly Filipino and Eastern European Reception Byrd Deck STAIRS LIFT STAIRS Promenade deck and our Captains are experienced mariners. After a day ashore you Cruise 348 346 344 342 340 338 336 334 332 330 Cruise Director SuperiorPurse Suiter’s s SuperiorSuperior Suite Suites s SuperiorSuperior Suite Suites s Superior Suites office Office will return to the comfort and peace of a well-run and exceedingly Promenade deck 347 345 343 341 339 335 333 331 329 Public Entrance Lounge bathrooms comfortable ship where Hall Magellan Deck Reception Boot STAIRS LIFT peace, high quality of Room STAIRS 348 346 344 342 340 338 336 334 332 330 Purse r’s Superior Suites SuperiorStanda Suiterds Suites Superior Suites Office Hospital Observation Deck Promenade deck service and attention to Galley 261 259 257 255 Doctor detail are the order of Amundsen Deck Restaurant Standard Suites Hospital the day. A little music in Galley STAIRS LIFT 261 259 257 255 Doctor Officer’s 252 250 Quarters 262 260 258 256 254 Standard Suites the Lounge or bar after Standard Suites Standard Suites Restaurant (forward)

STAIRS LIFT Officer’s dinner, Guest Speakers Quarters 262 260 258 256 254 252 250 and informative port Standard Suites Standard Suites Standard Suites briefings and of course Standard Suites Corner Suites Owner’s Balcony Suites good food, all contribute Standard Suites (Forward) Premium Suites Single Suites to make any voyage StandardSuperior Suite Suitess DeluxePremiumsingleStandardw) arDeluxed Su Balconyite SuiteSuitess Balcony (ForS Suites Suites Corner HebrideanSuites Suite DeluxesStandardCorner SuitesBalcony Suite Suite aboard this wonderful SuperiorPremium Suite Suitess Owners Balcony Suites OwnerssSuperior Balcony Suite Suite vessel a memorable and Please note that beds in each suite can be configured as double or twin with joyful experience. the exception of suites 601 and 602 which feature a fixed double bed.

(forwar +44 (0)20 7752 0000 11 ms island sky

Friendly Service Deluxe Balcony Suite The Restaurant

The much loved MS Island Sky is one of our three flag ships and sister vessel to the MS Hebridean Sky and MS Caledonian Sky. All three vessels were built in the same ship yard in Italy at similar times and share the same excellent attributes that make them three of the finest small ships in the world. With a maximum passenger capacity of only 118, a vessel of her size is capable of carrying many more but instead the MS Island Sky has the benefit of unusually large suites, luxuriously appointed public areas and spacious outside decks.

Your Suite Your Dining On board there are 59 exceptionally spacious and well-designed suites. With only one sitting and a maximum of just over 100 passengers, the All feature a seating area and some have private balconies, whilst those cuisine on board the MS Island Sky is of a consistent superior quality on the Marco Polo Deck feature tinted, sliding glass doors allowing that befits such a vessel. In keeping with the informal atmosphere on greatly enhanced viewing opportunities and quick access to the deck. board, when dining you are able to choose your seating arrangements The feeling of luxury is enhanced by the wood panelling and brass, and choice of restaurants at your leisure; whether that be joining a table which predominates throughout the vessel conveying the atmosphere of four to six other passengers in the elegant à la carte Restaurant or of a private yacht. The passenger accommodation is arranged over outside buffet-style on the Lido Deck in the evening sunshine. In the five decks and each suite affords considerable comfort with en-suite main Restaurant, breakfast is served buffet-style, with certain items bathroom featuring marble-topped vanity unit with sink and walk-in cooked to order on request. Lunch and dinner menus offer plenty shower, a large wardrobe, dressing table and excellent storage. There of choice, often reflecting the daily catch and local delicacies. The is a mini-fridge, flat screen television with inbuilt DVD/CD player and a Welcome and Farewell dinners are a sumptuous five course affair. To telephone in each suite. Refillable water bottles, dressing gowns and enhance your dining experience further a selection of wines is included slippers are also provided for your comfort. Other facilities include a with both meals. Afternoon tea and pre-dinner canapés take place in safe, hairdryer, assorted Molton Brown toiletries, air-conditioning and either the comfort of the Lounge or out on the Lido Deck when the heating. The comfortable beds in each suite can be configured as weather is favourable. Tea and coffee are also available 24 hours a day. either double or twin. Special diets can be catered for with sufficient notice.

12 Superior Suite The Club The Library

Your Space Your Life On Board The spacious and finely decorated public rooms include a large The The atmosphere on board is warm and convivial and more akin to spacious and finely decorated public rooms include a large Lounge a private yacht or country hotel in which you can learn more about on the Columbus Deck featuring a selection of seating options from wonderful destinations you are visiting in the company of like-minded individual armchairs and sofas to side cushioned benches. Daily people. There is a high ratio of crew to passengers and our friendly briefings given by the Cruise Director and talks from Guest Speakers crew of 75 are mainly Filipino and Eastern European and our Captains and expedition staff take place in the Lounge. In addition to the main are experienced mariners. After a day ashore you will return to the Lounge, there is also The Club, located on the Marco Polo Deck which comfort and peace of a well-run and exceedingly comfortable ship features the main bar. The Club also features a 24-hour tea and coffee where peace, high quality of service and attention to detail are the station. Towards the aft of the ship on the Columbus Deck is the Library. order of the day. A little music in the Lounge after dinner, Guest Well stocked with reference books pertaining to the destinations the Speakers and informative port briefings and of course good food, vessel is visiting and a selection of essential reads, you will not find all contribute to make any voyage aboard this wonderful vessel a yourself short of excellent literature on board. A collection of games memorable and joyful experience. as well as devices to access the internet via the ship’s satellite can also be found in the Library. Access to the ship’s satellite Wi-Fi via your own device is complimentary on board (signal strength varies depending on location and demand). The main Restaurant, which can seat all guests MS ISLAND SKY DECK PLAN at one sitting, is located on the Magellan Deck, and outside there is a rear Lido Deck located on the Erikson Deck where meals are served in warm weather under shade. Further to this on the top Explorer Deck Owner’s Balcony Suites there is an observation area ideal for spotting wildlife, complete with Explorer Deck sun loungers for sunbathing, relaxing with a book or catching up with Erikson DeckOwner’s Balcony Suites Marco Polo Deck fellow travellers. The Promenade Deck wraps around the whole ship ExplorerColumbus Deck Deck Owner’s Balcony Suites giving outstanding views. There is also a small beauty salon on board EriksonMagellan Deck Deck Marco Polo Deck with appointments made on request. Columbus Deck Owner’s Balcony Suites Magellan Deck

Explorer Deck Balconies Your Comfort Deluxe Balcony Suites Owner’s Balcony511 Suites509 507 505 The MS Island Sky is equipped with the latest safety, navigation and 605 603 601 Explorer Deck Balconies communications equipment along with roll stabilisers to minimise the Deluxe Balcony Suites Hair dresser Owner’s Balcony511 Suites509 507 505 STAIRS LIFT 602 & Beauty Center 605606 603604 601Island ship’s motion. During your voyage we hope to offer you the opportunity Owner’s Balcony512 Suites 510 508 506 DeluxeSuite Balcony Suites xxx to visit the Captain and Officers on the Bridge to check the vessel’s Balconies Hair dresser STAIRS LIFT 602 & Beauty Center 606 604512 510Island508 506 progress by charts and learn more about your journey. On board you Owner’s Balcony Suites Suite xxx Erikson Deck Balconies Deluxe Balcony Suites

Balconies will also find a clinic and Doctor and a lift that serves all decks. When DelDeluxeuxe BalcoBalconyny SuiteSuitess Radio Chart room room Buffet Pantry Hotel manager´s 511 509 Pr507emium505 Suites PremiumOffice r Suites Premium Suites Corner Suite office Erikson DeckSTAIRS at anchor our nimble Zodiacs will ferry you ashore or, on select cruises, Balconies Bridge Lido Open Deck 427 425 423 421 Deck419 417 415 DelDeluxeuxe BalcoBalconyny SuiteSuitess Radio Chart room room enjoy Zodiac cruises getting you closer to the natural world. Buffet PantrySTAIRS LIFTHotel Chief Office r Captain manager´s 511 509 Pr507emium505 Suites EngineerPremium Suites Premium Suites Corner Suite office STAIRS 512 510 508 506 Deluxe Balcony Suites Bridge Lido Deluxe Balcony Suites Open Deck 427 425 423 421 Deck419 417 415 Balconies428 426 424 422 420 418 416 414 STAIRS LIFT Corner Suite Premium Suites Chief PremiumCaptain Suites Premium Suites 512 510 508 506 Engineer Marco Polo Deck DelDeluxeuxe Balc BalconyDecko nyAccess SSuiteuites Deck Access Promenade deck Balconies Premium Suite428s Premium426 Suites 424 Pr422emium Suite420s Corner Suite418 416 414 Staff Premium Suites Premium Suites Premium Suites Corner Suite Cabin 427 425 423 421 419 417 415 Marco Polo Deck Deck Access Deck Access PromenadeThe deck Club Premium SuitesSuperiorPremium Suite Suitess SuperiorPremium Suite Suites s Corner Suite Superior Suites Staff Library STAIRS LIFT Cabin Staff 427 425 423 421 419 417 415 Coffee Cabin 428 426347424345422343420341418339416 414335 333 331 329 Station Premium Suites Premium Suites Premium Suites Corner Suite The PromenadeClub deck Superior Suites Superior Suites Superior Suites Deck Access Deck Access Library STAIRS LIFT Staff Coffee Cabin 428 426347424345422343420341418339416 414335 333 331 329 Columbus Deck Station Premium Suites Premium Suites Premium Suites Corner Suite

PromenadePromenade dec deckk Cruise 348 346 344 342 340 338 336 334 332 330 Cruise Director Superior SuiteDecks AccessSuperior Suites DeckSuperior Access Suites office Superior Suites Superior Suites Superior Suites Columbus Deck 347 345 343 341 339 335 333 331 329 Public Promenade deck bathrooms Entrance Lounge Cruise 348 346 344 342 340 338 336 334 332 330 Hall Superior Suites Superior Suites Superior Suites Cruise Director Superior Suites Superior Suites Superior Suites office Reception STAIRS LIFT 347 345 343 341 339 335 333 331 329 STAIRS 348 346 344 342 340 338 336 334 332 330 Purser’s Standard Suites Public Entrance Superior Suites Superior Suites Superior Suites Lounge bathrooms Office Promenade deck Hall Reception 261 259 257 255 STAIRS LIFT STAIRS 348 346 344 342 340 338 336 334 332 330 Magellan Deck Purser’s Standard Suites Office Superior Suites Superior Suites Superior Suites Promenade deck Standard261 Suites 259 Hospita257l255 Galley 261 259 257 255 Doctor Magellan Deck 252 250 262 260 258 256 254 Standard Suites Standard Suites Standard Suites Restaurant Standard Suites Hospital (forward) Galley 261 259 257 255 Doctor STAIRS LIFT Officer’s Quarte252rs 250 262 260262258 260256 254258252256250254 Standard Suites Standard SuitesStandarStandard Suited Suites s StandarStandardd Suites Suites Restaurant (forward)

STAIRS LIFT Officer’s Quarters 262 260 258 256 254 252 250 Standard Suites Corner SuitesStandard Suite withs Standar Deckd Suite Accesss Standard Suites Owner’s Balcony Suites

SuperiorStandard Suites (Forward) PremiumPremiumsingleStandardw) arDeluxed Su iteSuites SuitesSuites Balcony (ForS SuitesDeluxe Balcony Suites Island Suite Standard Suites Standard Suites CornerDeluxesStandardCornerCorner Suites SuitesBalcony Suite Suites Suite with DeckOwners Access Balcony SuitesOwner’s Balcony Suites Premium Suites with Deck Access SuperiorStandaSuperiorrd SuitesSuites (Forward) PremiumPremiumsingleStandardw)OwnerssSuperiorarDeluxed Su iteSuitesBalcony SuiteSuitesSuites Balcony (For SuiteS SuitesDeluxe Balcony Suites Island Suite Standard Suites CornerDeluxesStandardCorner Suites SuitesBalcony Suite Suite Owners Balcony Suites Alfresco Dining on the Lido Deck Premium Suites with Deck Access Superior Suites OwnerssSuperior Balcony Suite Suite

+44 (0)20 7752 0000 13 ocean nova


Category 3 Cabin

Bridge Dining Room Exploring by Zodiac

We have chartered the expedition ship, the Ocean Life On Board & Exploring Ashore The atmosphere on board is informal and time on board is often spent Nova for our unique island hopping expeditions. The out on deck keeping watch for wildlife or admiring the spectacular view. vessel was built in Denmark in 1992 with high ice The schedule can change due to weather conditions or unexpected wildlife sightings which adds to the adventure. Daily briefings from our class to serve Greenland’s west coast. In 2006 she expedition team will prepare you for each day’s activities and experts was completely refurbished and now has a career as a in subjects such as ornithology or marine biology will give talks and accompany us ashore. small and comfortable, 84-passenger expedition ship.

Your Cabin OCEAN NOVA DECK PLAN The Ocean Nova features 39 guest cabins. Cabins are spread over two decks and include cabins for the single traveller, double and triple cabins, all with sea-view and private facilities. The double cabins have either two TOP DECK lower beds or upper and lower beds. The triple cabins have upper and lower beds. In your cabin you will also find a desk with chair and ample storage space for clothes and equipment. They are well designed with DECK typical Scandinavian light woods. OBSERVATION

Your Space BRIDGE DECK CAPTAIN The Panorama lounge affords excellent views and is the main meeting LOUNGE

place where you can enjoy a drink with a breathtaking view of the 416 414 412 410 408 406 404 402

surrounding landscape. It is here that our expedition team will entertain BRIDGE LIBRARY and educate you with lectures on biology, history, geology or ornithology 415 413 411 409 407 405 403 401 with daily briefings. There is also a library with panoramic views and a good selection of books on the area you are visiting. On board there is a satellite UPPER DECK phone, small gym and medical doctor. Passengers are welcome on the OFFICE 320 318 316 314 312 310 308 306 304 302 Bridge and there is always something to see or search for from the spacious DINING ROOM observation decks.

321 319 317 BUFFET 315 313 311 309 307 305 303 301 Your Dining The comfortable dining room seats all passengers in a single sitting and MAIN DECK offers delicious hearty meals with a mixture of table service and buffet. It H is comfortable and spacious enough to accommodate all passengers and

expedition staff in one seating, and the portholes allow you to take in your GYM surroundings as you dine. The informal dining arrangement adds to the friendly atmosphere on board and meals are a great chance to discuss all you have seen with your fellow travellers, and for the expedition team to CATEGORY 1 CATEGORY 2 CATEGORY 3 share their knowledge.

14 Ocean Nova at St Kilda

+44 (0)20 7752 0000 15 birds & blooms of britain A springtime voyage from Plymouth to Oban aboard the MS Serenissima 6th to 15th May 2021

Tresco Abbey Gardens the itinerary Day 1 Plymouth, England. Embark the MS Serenissima this afternoon in formal lawns on its upper level, with Shiant slands Plymouth. Transfers will be provided from Plymouth Railway Station at a a wooded valley, stream and wild St ilda nverewe fixed time. Enjoy welcome drinks and dinner and sail this evening. garden below. There are dramatic SCOTLAND colours throughout the season Oban olonsay Day 2 Isles of Scilly. Spend the morning on traffic-free Tresco, walking with herbaceous borders, roses, Oronsay its idyllic lanes from the beach to the famous subtropical Abbey Gardens. hydrangeas, water lilies and clematis Rathlin sland Defying the Atlantic weather, this miracle of a garden is home to more that delight throughout the summer. NORTHERN IRELAND Peel than 20,000 species of plants from over 80 countries. Enjoy time to This afternoon will be free to explore alf of Man wander at your own pace along the paths, maybe visit the Valhalla Llandudno at leisure. Developed landudno collection of ship figureheads from ships wrecked on the islands or relax as an upmarket holiday town for WALES in the cafe. We spend the afternoon on St Agnes, the most southwesterly Victorian visitors, this seaside town Skomer ENGLAND community in the UK. Surrounded by rocks and reefs this delightful tiny still retains much of its 19th century undy island offers marvellous coastal walks. The small island of Gugh lies across grandeur, with graceful wedding- Plymouth sles of Silly a narrow sandbar and here we find a single stone monolith called the cake architecture lining its sweeping ‘Old Man of Gugh’ which dates back to the Bronze Age. Alternatively, waterfront promenade. join a boat trip to the nearby island of Annet, the second largest of the uninhabited islands and a bird sanctuary. We are not allowed to land but Day 5 Calf of Man & Peel, Isle of Man. At first will cruise the coastline alive with puffins, European storm petrels and light we will cruise around the Calf of Man, a 600 acre shag. island situated off the southern tip of the Isle of Man, and home to thousands of seabirds including Manx shearwater, kittiwake and Day 3 Lundy & Skomer Island. We have scheduled a morning on Lundy, a razorbill. Meanwhile in the water we may be lucky to see dolphins and remote and absolutely delightful island in the Bristol Channel. Walk along seals. Afterwards we will continue to Peel where we will have some free its traffic-free lanes and paths, explore the wide bays and coves by way of time to explore. After lunch on board, or independently ashore, we will hanging valleys, observe the puffins nesting in abandoned rabbit warrens, visit Tynwald Hill, located in the little village of St John’s. This grass- have a drink at the inn and buy the ‘puffin stamps’ at the island’s shop. topped, tiered hill is made from the soil and stones from each of the Return to the ship for lunch as we sail to Skomer Island, one of the most island’s 17 parishes and is the point from which, each 5th of July, all the important wildlife sites in Northern Europe. It is a marvellously peaceful and laws enacted in the year preceding are promulgated to the gathered scenic island with fantastic birdlife including 6000 pairs of puffins, countless government officials and the public at large, both in Manx and English numbers of guillemots, fulmar, kittiwakes and the elusive Manx shearwater languages. At Castletown, board the vintage steam train for a delightful and storm petrel. Weather permitting we will use our Zodiacs to explore and traditional journey to Douglas. Dating from 1874, the Isle of Man the coastline. Steam Railway is the island’s oldest Victorian rail system and this narrow gauge railway still runs with its original locomotives and carriages. Day 4 Llandudno, Wales. This morning will be spent at Bodnant Garden. Situated above the River Conwy, the gardens have stunning views across Day 6 Rathlin Island, Northern Ireland. Arrive this morning at Rathlin Snowdonia. Begun in 1875, Bodnant Garden is the creation of four Island. Located just a few miles from the North Antrim coast, Rathlin has generations of Aberconways and features huge Italianate terraces and been settled for more than 6000 years. Today, there are only 140 or so

16 BIRDS & BLOOMS OF BRITAIN – MS SERENISSIMA souls, whereas before the Great Famine there were 1200 inhabitants. Puffin History can be seen everywhere here amongst the historic buildings and ruins. Enjoy a guided walk which will also take in the prolific seabird life with astonishing numbers of puffins, kittiwakes, fulmars as well as grey and harbour seals. Also see the unique “upside down” Rathlin West Light, a great feat of engineering and one of the Great Lighthouses of Ireland. Return to the MS Serenissima for lunch and an afternoon at sea as we sail to the Scottish islands.

Day 7 St Kilda, Scotland. Awake this morning in St Kilda, a remarkable uninhabited archipelago some fifty miles beyond the Outer Hebrides. Dominated by the highest cliffs and sea stacks in Britain, Hirta, St Kilda’s main island was occupied on and off for at least two thousand years, with the last 36 Gaelic speaking inhabitants evacuated at their own request in 1930. Immediately after the evacuation, the island was bought by the Marquess of Bute to protect the island’s thousands of seabirds including puffin and fulmars, and in 1957 it was bequeathed to The National Trust for Scotland. St Kilda is one of the few UNESCO World Heritage Sites with dual status reflecting its natural and cultural significance. The local ranger will join us on board before our expedition staff lead a number of guided walks on the island. Later, cruise past two of the largest gannetries in the Llandudno world at Stac Lee and Berneray. These impressive stacs rise 170 metres from the sea and are home to up to 60,000 breeding pairs of northern gannet.

Day 8 Inverewe & Shiant Islands. This morning we will visit one of Scotland’s premier gardens, Inverewe. This botanical garden in the north-west Highlands, presents an amazing collection of exotic trees and shrubs that are sheltered by well positioned windbreaks of native pine. After a guided tour of the gardens, we will return to the ship and sail over lunch. This afternoon we will board the Zodiacs for a cruise around the spectacular basalt cliffs of the Shiant Islands, a group of little islands located a few miles off the shores of Lewis. This is an excellent place to spot puffins, razorbills, guillemots, seals and hopefully white-tailed eagles.

Day 9 & Oronsay. Awake this morning off Colonsay. Lying between Mull and Islay, we will spend the morning exploring this lovely island with her craggy, heather-backed hills and sparse woodland yet with an impressive array of plant and birdlife. Near Colonsay House, built in 1722 by Malcolm MacNeil and bought by Lord Strathcona in 1904, we will visit the attractively dilapidated wooded gardens, which protect the tiny, enigmatic 8th century St Oran’s Cross. Oronsay is separated from Colonsay by a wide expanse of shell sand -The Strand- that can be crossed by foot when the tide is out. The ruins of a fine Augustinian Priory in 1380 contain the tall Oronsay Cross, a superb example of late Medieval artistry from Iona. This island is owned by Frances Colburn and managed by the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds who run a trim, environmentally friendly farm. Inverewe Gardens Guillemot

Day 10 Oban. Disembark this morning after breakfast. Transfers will be provided to Glasgow Airport and Glasgow Central Station at a fixed time.

PRICES PER PERSON Based on double occupancy


Cat Cabin Description Brochure Price Special Offer Price 2 Standard Stateroom £3995 £3795 3 Classic Stateroom £4195 £3995 4 Superior Stateroom £4695 £4495 5 Deluxe Stateroom £4995 £4795 6 Junior Suite £5495 £5295 7 Owner’s Suite £6195 £5995 8 Serenissima Suite £6195 £5995 10 Standard Single £4495 £4295

PRICE INCLUDES: Nine nights aboard the MS Serenissima on a full board basis • House wine, beer and soft drinks with lunch and dinner • Noble Caledonia expedition team • Shore excursions • Gratuities • Transfers • Port taxes. Travel insurance. Not Included: St Kilda

+44 (0)20 7752 0000 17 island life A springtime voyage of the British Isles from Inverness to Portsmouth aboard the MS Hebridean Sky 19th to 29th May 2021

MS Hebridean Sky, St Kilda

Stornoway Srabster the itinerary Shiant slands Embark the MS Hebridean Sky this afternoon off the spectacular basalt cliffs Sta ee Day 1 Inverness, Scotland. St ilda nverness in Inverness. Transfers will be provided from Inverness Railway Station and of the Shiant Islands in the unga SCOTLAND Staffa Inverness Airport at a fixed time. Enjoy welcome drinks and dinner as we mid-afternoon. We will take to ona sail this evening. the Zodiacs for a coastal cruise Rathlin sland Ailsa raig as this small group of little NORTHERN Day 2 Scrabster. Alight in Scrabster, the most northerly port on the islands located a few miles IRELAND Scottish mainland. This morning we will visit the Castle and Gardens off the shores of Lewis is an landudno of Mey, built between 1566 and 1572 by George Sinclair, 4th Earl of excellent place to spot puffins, WALES Caithness. The castle was purchased by Queen Elizabeth, the Queen razorbills, guillemots, seals and ENGLAND Mother, in 1952, who renovated and restored it and created the beautiful hopefully white-tailed eagles. undy Portsmouth gardens which we will see today. Alternatively, join a local walk to Holborn sles of Silly Head to enjoy views over the Atlantic coast. We will have lunch on board Day 4 St Kilda & Stac Lee. and an afternoon at sea relaxing and listening to introductory talks from This morning arrive at St Kilda, our expedition team. a remarkable uninhabited archipelago some 50 miles beyond the Outer Hebrides. Dominated by the highest cliffs and sea stacks in Britain, Hirta, Day 3 Stornoway & Shiant Islands. Awake in Stornoway, the capital St Kilda’s main island was occupied on and off for at least 2000 years, with of Lewis, and join a morning tour which will take us across the island the last 36 Gaelic speaking inhabitants evacuated at their own request to the beautiful west coast and to Callanish. Described as Scotland’s in 1930. Immediately after the evacuation, the island was bought by the Stonehenge, the Callanish Standing Stones date from around 3000 BC. Marquess of Bute to protect the island’s thousands of seabirds and in 1957 There is a total of 32 stones in a circular and avenue design standing like it was bequeathed to the National Trust for Scotland. St Kilda is one of the a petrified forest on the flat top of a peninsula which reaches out into few UNESCO World Heritage Sites with dual status reflecting its natural East Loch Roag. Visit the excellent visitor centre to learn more about the and cultural significance. The local ranger will join us on board before our site and venture out amongst the stones themselves to experience their expedition staff lead guided walks on the island. Later, we will cruise past mysterious atmosphere. Continue around the west coast to the site of one of the largest gannetries in the world at Stac Lee. The impressive stacs Dun Carloway Pictish Broch. Probably built sometime in the last century rise 170 metres from the sea and are home to up to 60,000 breeding pairs BC, it would have served as an occasionally defensible residence for an of northern gannet. extended family complete with accommodation for animals at ground floor level. We then head north to Gearrannan Blackhouse Village, a Day 5 Staffa, Iona & Lunga. Awake this morning off the island of Staffa, reconstructed settlement of traditional black houses where people and where the perpendicular cliff face features an imposing series of black animals lived in close proximity. The houses are made using dry stone basalt columns, known as the Colonnade, which have been cut by the sea masonry and have thatched roofs, distinctively weighted down with rocks. into cathedral-like caverns, most notably that of Fingal’s Cave. Weather Visit the small museum, enjoy a display of a typical crofting activity such permitting, we will use our Zodiacs to explore the caves in greater as weaving and take in the views at this dramatic site on the wild Atlantic detail. Later this morning we will visit Iona which has been occupied for coast. After lunch on board we sail amongst the islands before anchoring thousands of years and has been a place of pilgrimage and Christian

18 ISLAND LIFE – MS HEBRIDEAN SKY worship for several centuries. It was to this flat, Hebridean island that Puffins, Lunga St Columba fled from Ireland in 563 AD and established a monastery, here his followers were responsible for the conversion of much of pagan Scotland and Northern England. Visit the Abbey, where no less than 62 Scottish Kings are buried, walk along the white sandy beaches or go in search of the corncrake amongst the irises. Later today we hope to drop anchor off the nearby Treshnish Isles, an archipelago of uninhabited volcanic islets. The island of Lunga is the largest and has been described as ‘a green jewel in a peacock sea’. It is a summer nesting place for hundreds of sea birds, in particular kittiwakes, shags, fulmars, guillemots, razorbills and puffins.

Day 6 Rathlin & Ailsa Craig, Northern Ireland. Be on deck early to catch a glimpse of the magnificent cliffs to the north of the island which is home to the largest sea bird colony in Ireland. Located just a few miles from the North Antrim coast, Rathlin has been settled for more than 6000 years. Today, there are only 80 or so inhabitants whereas before the famine there were 1200. History is everywhere with historic buildings and ruins abundant on the island. Enjoy a morning guided walk which will take in the prolific sea birdlife with astonishing numbers of auks, kittiwakes and grey seals. Relax on board during an afternoon at Tresco Abbey Gardens sea before approaching the granite island of Ailsa Craig located in the Firth of Clyde. This tiny island, just 2.5 miles in circumference was once a refuge for sailors and base to a 19th century lighthouse. Today it is an RSPB reserve and home to the third largest gannet colony in Britain. In the early evening we hope to cruise by for a closer look and search for puffins, guillemots and gulls.

Day 7 Llandudno, Wales. This morning will be spent at Bodnant Garden, which is situated above the River Conwy with stunning views across Snowdonia. Begun in 1875, Bodnant Garden is the creation of four generations of Aberconways and features huge Italianate terraces and formal lawns on its upper level, with a wooded valley, stream and wild garden below. There are dramatic colours throughout the season, with herbaceous borders, roses, hydrangeas, water lilies and clematis that delight throughout the summer. Alternatively, take a drive across the Menai Straits to Anglesey and visit the RSPB’s reserve at South Stack, a beautiful but fragile heathland which is home to a large population of guillemots and razorbills and if we are lucky, we might also see some choughs. This afternoon will be free to explore Llandudno at leisure. Developed as an upmarket holiday town for Victorian visitors, this seaside town still retains much of its 19th century grandeur, with graceful architecture lining its sweeping waterfront promenade.

Day 8 Lundy. Enjoy a morning at sea as we sail south to Lundy. Those on deck in the early morning may catch a glimpse of the islands off the Pembrokeshire coast, home to some of the world’s largest gannetries with over 34,000 breeding pairs. During the afternoon discover Lundy, a remote and delightful island in the Bristol Channel. Walk along its traffic- free lanes and paths, explore the wide bays and coves by way of hanging valleys, observe the puffins nesting in abandoned rabbit warrens, have a drink at the inn and buy ‘puffin stamps’ at the island shop.

Iona Abbey Days 9 & 10 Isles of Scilly. We have one and a half days to explore some of the islands of this enchanting and uncrowded archipelago. We plan to visit traffic-free Tresco, walking its idyllic lanes from the beach to the famous subtropical Abbey Gardens. Defying the Atlantic weather, PRICES PER PERSON this miracle of a garden is home to more than 20,000 species of plants Based on double occupancy from over 80 countries. Enjoy time to wander at your own pace along the paths, maybe visit the Valhalla collection of ship figureheads from ships Deck Suite Category Price wrecked on the islands or relax in the café. Additionally, we will explore Amundsen Standard £5095 St Agnes, the most southwesterly community in the UK, surrounded by £ Byrd Superior £5295 rocks and reefs this tiny island offers marvellous coastal walks. The small Mawson Premium £5595 island of Gugh lies across a narrow sandbar and here we find a single Mawson Corner £5995 stone monolith called the ‘Old Man of Gugh’ dating back to the Bronze Scott Deluxe Balcony £6495 Age. We will also pay a visit to Bryher, the smallest of the inhabited Isles Shackleton Owner’s Balcony £6795 of Scilly, where you can wander along the tracks that cross the island Shackleton Hebridean £7795 amongst hedgerows and fields bursting with wildflowers. The active may Amundsen Standard for sole use £6595 wish to climb Watch Hill, where in the past islanders would keep watch Byrd Superior for sole use £6995 for ships in distress or take a stroll to one of the beautiful beaches. PRICE INCLUDES: 10 nights aboard the MS Hebridean Sky on a full board basis • Wine, beer and soft drinks with lunch and dinner • Noble Caledonia Disembark this morning after breakfast. Day 11 Portsmouth, England. expedition team • Shore excursions • Gratuities • Transfers • Port taxes. Transfers will be provided to Portsmouth Harbour Railway Station and Not Included: Travel insurance. London Heathrow Airport at a fixed time.

+44 (0)20 7752 0000 19 splendours of scotland A springtime voyage through the Hebridean, & Islands aboard the MS Serenissima 23rd May to 3rd June 2021

Loch Scavaig

SHETLAND ISLANDS the itinerary Papa Stour oula erwik Day 1 Oban, Scotland. Embark the MS Serenissima this afternoon. breathtakingly beautiful North Ronaldsay Transfers will be provided from Glasgow International Airport and view over the Cuillins. This Papa estray air sle Sta ee Stornoway Glasgow Central Railway Station at a fixed time. Enjoy welcome drinks is great walking country, ORKNEY and dinner as we sail this evening. but for those who prefer a St ilda ISLANDS OUTER less energetic morning our nverewe HEBRIDES ardens Day 2 Gigha & Islay, Inner Hebrides. Gigha is a place apart; heather Zodiacs will explore the Shiant slands covered hills, deserted beaches and a single lane verged with wildflowers coast looking out for seals. Rum oh Savaig Aberdeen that meander for some six miles between cottages and farms. Privately Sail over lunch to the Small unga SCOTLAND owned by its 120 inhabitants, it is a gem of a place and somewhere not Isles for an afternoon on Rum Staffa Oban easily forgotten. After landing by Zodiac, we will walk to the gardens which is a nature reserve. We INNER ona HEBRIDES igha of Achamore House where the Horlick family have created a lovely and will walk the nature trail, a slay eclectic garden with their collection of azaleas, rhododendrons and exotic beautiful area of wildflowers plants. This afternoon we will use our Zodiacs to land on Islay where, on and typical Scottish island a distillery visit, we can learn about the production of the island’s single scenery. This lovely island is also a bird watcher’s paradise. malt whisky and enjoy a tasting. Day 5 St Kilda & Stac Lee, Outer Hebrides. Arrive over breakfast at Day 3 Staffa, Iona & Lunga. At first light we arrive at Staffa where the St Kilda, a remarkable uninhabited archipelago some fifty miles perpendicular rock face features an imposing series of black basalt beyond the Outer Hebrides. Dominated by the highest cliffs and sea columns, known as the Colonnade, which has been cut by the sea into stacks in Britain, Hirta, St Kilda’s main island was occupied on and cathedralesque caverns, most notably Fingal’s Cave. Weather permitting, off for at least two thousand years, with the last 36 Gaelic speaking we will use our Zodiacs to explore closer. Continue to Iona which has inhabitants evacuated at their own request in 1930. Immediately after been occupied for thousands of years and has been a place of pilgrimage the evacuation, the island was bought by the Marquess of Bute to and Christian worship for several centuries. It was to this flat, Hebridean protect the island’s thousands of seabirds including puffin and fulmars, island that St Columba fled from Ireland in 563 and established a and in 1957 it was bequeathed to The National Trust for Scotland. St monastery. Here his followers were responsible for the conversion of Kilda is one of only a few UNESCO World Heritage Sites with dual much of pagan Scotland and Northern England. No less than 62 Scottish status reflecting its natural and cultural significance. The local ranger will Kings are buried in the Abbey. Visit the Abbey or perhaps walk along join us on board before our expedition staff lead a number of guided the white sandy beaches or go in search of the corncrake amongst the walks on the island. This afternoon we will cruise past two of the largest irises. Our day ends at the Treshnish Isles, an archipelago of uninhabited gannetries in the world at Stac Lee and Stac an Armin. These impressive volcanic islets. The island of Lunga is the largest of the Treshnish Isles in stacs rise 170 metres from the sea and are home to up to 60,000 Argyll and Bute. Of volcanic origin, Lunga has been described as ‘a green breeding pairs of northern gannet jewel in a peacock sea’ and is a summer nesting-place for hundreds of seabirds. Day 6 Inverewe Gardens & Shiant Islands. Sailing into Loch Ewe we will use our Zodiacs to visit Inverewe, surely one of the finest sited Day 4 Loch Scavaig & Rum. Awake at our anchorage in lovely gardens in all Scotland. Cared for by the National Trust for Scotland Loch Scavaig. Just beyond is the freshwater Loch Corruisk with its since 1952 it was first designed by plant hunter Osgood Mackenzie in

20 SPLENDOURS OF SCOTLAND – MS SERENISSIMA the late 19th century and is home to a multitude of exotic and tender Exploring by Zodiac Inverewe gardens plants that are sheltered by well positioned windbreaks of native pine. After a guided tour of the gardens, we will return to the ship and sail over lunch. This afternoon we will board the Zodiacs for a cruise around the spectacular basalt cliffs of the Shiant Islands, a group of little islands located a few miles off the shores of Lewis. This is an excellent place to spot puffins, razorbills, guillemots, seals and hopefully white-tailed eagles.

Day 7 Stornoway, Isle of Lewis. On leaving the island capital of Stornoway, we will head across the island to the beautiful west coast. Described as Scotland’s Stonehenge, the Callanish Standing Stones date from around 3000 BC. There are a total of 32 stones in a circular and avenue design. The stones stand like a petrified forest on the flat top of a peninsula which reaches out into East Loch Roag. We also visit the Dun Carloway Pictish Broch, probably built sometime in the last century BC it would have served as an occasionally defensible residence for an extended family complete with accommodation for animals at ground floor level. Our final stop is the Gearrannan Blackhouse Village, a reconstructed settlement of traditional black houses which were made using dry stone masonry and which have thatched roofs, distinctively weighted down with rocks. Visit the small museum, enjoy a display of a typical crofting activity such as weaving and take in the views of this dramatic site on the wild Atlantic coast.

Day 8 & Papa Stour, Shetland Islands. This morning we visit Foula, one of Britain’s most remote inhabited islands. Apart from a narrow coastal strip of more fertile croftland, Foula is an expanse of peat and moorland rising steeply to five dramatic peaks. In springtime Foula’s wildflowers provide a glorious burst of colour. Translated as “Bird Island” from Old Norse the island is a designated as a Special Protection Area for birds and is home to the world’s largest colony of great skuas, known locally as bonxies, which compete fiercely with Arctic Iona skuas for breeding territories. Over lunch we will sail the short distance to Papa Stour where we will use our Zodiacs to explore the stunning cliff scenery, sea stacks, arches, blowholes and coastal caves.

Day 9 Lerwick. From the Shetland capital, we will visit the remarkable archaeological site of Jarlshof. The site was uncovered by a violent storm in the winter of 1896/7, revealing an extraordinary settlement site embracing at least 5000 years of human history. The site contains a remarkable sequence of stone structures – late Neolithic houses, a Bronze-Age village, an Iron-Age broch and wheelhouses, several Norse longhouse, a Medieval farmstead and the 16th century laird’s house. Return to the ship for lunch and enjoy a free afternoon to explore this historic port. This evening we will be entertained by local musicians.

Day 10 & North Ronaldsay, Orkney Islands. This morning we anchor off the remote island of Fair Isle. Located midway between the Shetland and Orkney Islands, the tiny population of sixty or so islanders Callanish Standing Stones always extend us a warm welcome. Enjoy a walk across the island searching out the puffin slopes, visit the community hall for a cup of tea or maybe purchase some of the famous knitwear. After lunch we arrive in the Orkney Islands at the northernmost island of North Ronaldsay. The birdlife is prolific as the wetland habitats support the wildfowl and PRICES PER PERSON wader species whilst the rugged coastline provides nesting sites for Based on double occupancy seabird colonies. A series of walks will include the bird observatory SPECIAL OFFER – SAVE £300 PER PERSON and we can also view the seals hauled up on the beaches. Those FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY wishing to explore further can visit the lighthouse with views over the nearby islands or the wool mill where yarn is produced from the island’s Cat Cabin Description Brochure Price Special Offer Price seaweed eating sheep. 2 Standard Stateroom £4695 £4395 3 Classic Stateroom £4895 £4595 Superior Stateroom Day 11 Papa Westray. Spend the morning on Papa Westray where 4 £5295 £4995 there will be the opportunity for a number of island walks. Visit the 5 Deluxe Stateroom £5695 £5395 3500-year-old Knap of Howar, a Neolithic farm building that claims 6 Junior Suite £6095 £5795 to be the oldest standing house in Europe and the 12th century 7 Owner’s Suite £6495 £6195 St Boniface Kirk. Meanwhile in the north of the island is the North Hill 8 Serenissima Suite £6495 £6195 Reserve, home to Arctic terns and skuas and also the extremely rare 10 Standard Single £4695 £4395 Scottish primrose. We sail over lunch and have an afternoon at sea as PRICE INCLUDES: 11 nights aboard the MS Serenissima on a full we return to the Scottish mainland. board basis • House wine, beer and soft drinks with lunch and dinner • Noble Caledonia expedition team • Shore excursions • Gratuities Disembark this morning. Transfers will be provided Day 12 Aberdeen. • Transfers • Port taxes. to Aberdeen International Airport and Railway Station at Not Included: Travel insurance. a fixed time.

+44 (0)20 7752 0000 21 summer in the isles Discover the Channel Islands & Isles of Scilly aboard the MS Hebridean Sky 30th June to 7th July & 7th to 14th July 2021

Castle Cornet, Guernsey Tresco Abbey Gardens

Days 5 to 7 Tresco, Bryher, St Martin’s, St Agnes & St Mary’s, Isles of Scilly. We continue our island exploration with two and a half days in the Isles of Scilly. From our central anchorage, we will use our Zodiacs and local tenders to visit a number of the islands in the group. We will visit traffic-free Tresco, walking its idyllic lanes from the beach to the famous subtropical Abbey Gardens. Defying the Atlantic weather, this miracle of a garden is home to more than 20,000 species of plants from over 80 countries. Enjoy time to wander at your own pace along the paths, maybe visit the Valhalla collection of ship figureheads from ships wrecked on the islands or relax in the café. On St Agnes we find the most southwesterly community in the UK. Surrounded by rocks and reefs this delightful tiny island offers marvellous coastal walks. The small island of Gugh lies across a narrow sandbar and here we find a single stone St Agnes, Isles of Scilly monolith called the ‘Old Man of Gugh’ which dates back to the Bronze Age. We will tender ashore to Bryher, the smallest of the inhabited Isles of Scilly. Take the chance to wander along the tracks that cross the island amongst hedgerows and fields bursting with wildflowers. The the itinerary active may wish to climb Watch Hill, where in the past islanders would Day 1 Portsmouth, England. keep watch for ships in distress or alternatively take a stroll to one of the Embark the MS Hebridean Sky ENGLAND beautiful beaches. See the northernmost island of the group, St Martin’s, this afternoon. Transfers will a small island community of just 120 residents. Enjoy time to explore be provided from Portsmouth Portsmouth independently, climb to one of the viewpoints for vistas over the islands Harbour Railway Station at a and the offshore seal colonies or maybe join one of our expedition team St Martins fixed time, alternatively car on a guided walk. On St Mary’s, the largest island in the archipelago ryher Alderney parking facilities are available Treso yet still only six square miles, you can enjoy some time in the shops Herm at the port. Enjoy welcome St Agnes uernsey Hugh Town, walk the historic Garrison Walls or visit the Iron Age burial drinks and dinner as we sail Sark chamber at Bant’s Carn. On our final day we sail over lunch and have the this evening. afternoon at sea as we return to Portsmouth.

Days 2 to 4 Alderney, Herm, Guernsey & Sark, Channel Islands. Day 8 Portsmouth. Disembark this morning. Transfers will be provided We will spend our first two and a half days exploring the islands of to Portsmouth Harbour Railway station at a fixed time. the Bailiwick of Guernsey. On Guernsey, the ‘Island of Flowers’ there will be the option of a walking tour of St Peter Port including a visit to Castle Cornet, a 12th century battlement which guards the entrance PRICES PER PERSON to St Peter Port harbour. Alternatively, enjoy a panoramic drive during Based on double occupancy which we will see the beautiful coastline and beaches and visit the Little Chapel, built in 1914 as a miniature version of the famous basilica at SPECIAL OFFER – SAVE £300 PER PERSON FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY Lourdes and covered in fragments of shattered china, or join a cliff walk along the scenic coastline. We will sail the short distance to Herm, the Deck Suite Category Brochure Price Special Offer Price smallest inhabited Channel Island and, at just one and a half miles long Amundsen Standard £3895 £3595 and half a mile wide, perfect for exploring on foot. Here, you will have £ Byrd Superior £4195 £3895 free time to explore, perhaps take a stroll over to Shell or Belvoir Beach Mawson Premium £4395 £4095 whilst our naturalists will be ashore on the lookout for wildflowers and Mawson Corner £4695 £4395 birds. On Alderney, visit the island’s only town, St Anne, which has all Scott Deluxe Balcony £5295 £4995 the old-world charm of a Normandy village with tiny squares and pastel Shackleton Owner’s Balcony £5695 £5395 shaded cottages and shops. Maybe join a short walk to see the German Shackleton Hebridean £6195 £5895 fortifications or a longer walk with our naturalists heading to the cliffs Amundsen Standard for sole use £4895 £4595 to see the abundant birdlife. At Sark we will use our Zodiacs to land on Byrd Superior for sole use £5195 £4895 this peaceful traffic-free island. Horse-drawn carriages take us along the narrow lanes alive with the songs of chaffinches, skylarks and mistle PRICE INCLUDES: Seven nights aboard the MS Hebridean Sky on a thrush as we see the narrow isthmus which joins Little Sark and Big Sark full board basis • House wine, beer and soft drinks with lunch & dinner and the enchanting gardens at La Seigneurie. Those feeling active may • Noble Caledonia expedition team • Shore excursions • Gratuities • Transfers • Port taxes. wish to hire a bicycle and explore independently. On our final day we sail Not Included: Travel insurance. over lunch and have the afternoon at sea as we cross the Channel.

22 Bryher

+44 (0)20 7752 0000 23 spirit of scotland An in-depth exploration of Scotland’s remote & wild islands aboard the MS Serenissima 11th to 24th July 2021

Castle of Mey

SHETLAND ISLANDS Unst the itinerary Papa Stour Yell Foula Lerwick Day 1 Oban, Scotland. Embark the MS Serenissima this afternoon. Day 4 Colonsay & Iona, Hebrides. ORKNEY ISLANDS Fair Isle Transfers will be provided from Glasgow International Airport and Spend the morning exploring Papa Westray Glasgow Central Railway Station at a fixed time. the island of Colonsay, with Westray her craggy, heather-backed St Kilda Scrabster Day 2 Fort William. Awake this morning in Fort William, the largest hills and sparse woodland town in the Scottish Highlands and a great base to explore the yet impressive array of plant SCOTLAND surrounding beautiful scenery of the Nevis Range. On a morning tour and birdlife. Near Colonsay Canna Loch Scavaig Aberdeen we will drive to two of the best-known monuments in Scotland – the House, built in 1722 by Lunga Fort William Staffa Oban statue to commemorate Bonnie Prince Charlie and the failed Jacobite Malcolm MacNeil and bought Iona rising of 1745 and the Glenfinnan Viaduct, enjoying stunning views of by Lord Strathcona in 1904, Colonsay Ben Nevis along the way. Upon arrival at Glenfinnan, we will explore we will visit the attractively Portrush Rathlin Island the National Trust for Scotland’s visitor centre and then watch the dilapidated wooded gardens NORTHERN famous Jacobite steam train chug across this famous landmark. Return which protect the tiny, IRELAND to Fort William for lunch on board after which we will travel south along enigmatic 8th century St the shores of Loch Linnhe to visit Glencoe, one of Scotland’s most Oran’s Cross. Over lunch spectacular places which is now looked after by the National Trust for we sail the short distance Scotland. The glen provides some of Scotland’s most dramatic scenery to Iona which has been occupied for thousands of years and and it is, of course, the site of the infamous 1692 massacre. Continue has been a place of pilgrimage and Christian worship for several on our scenic drive via the Pass of Brander, taking in the impressive centuries. It was to this flat, Hebridean island that St Columba fled landscapes of the Scottish Highlands, mountains, sea lochs, castles and from Ireland in 563 and established a monastery. Here his followers islands before travelling back up the west coast to Fort William and were responsible for the conversion of much of pagan Scotland returning to the MS Serenissima. and Northern England. No less than 62 Scottish Kings are buried in the Abbey. Visit the Abbey or perhaps walk along the white sandy Day 3 Rathlin Island & Portrush, Northern Ireland. Arrive this morning beaches. at Rathlin Island. Located just a few miles from the North Antrim coast, Rathlin has been settled for more than 6000 years. Today, there are Day 5 Staffa & Lunga. This morning we hope to drop anchor off only 140 or so souls, whereas before the Great Famine there were 1200 Staffa, the south side where the perpendicular rock face features an inhabitants. History can be seen everywhere here amongst the historic imposing series of black basalt columns, known as the Colonnade, buildings and ruins. Enjoy a guided walk which will also take in the seabird which have been cut by the sea into cathedralesque caverns, most life with puffins, kittiwakes, fulmars as well as grey and harbour seals. notably Fingal’s Cave. Weather permitting, we will use our Zodiacs Also see the unique “upside down” Rathlin West Light, a great feat of to explore closer. In the afternoon, should conditions permit, we engineering and one of the Great Lighthouses of Ireland. Over lunch will use our Zodiacs to explore the Treshnish Isles, an archipelago we sail to Portrush, our base for a visit to the Giant’s Causeway which of uninhabited volcanic islets. The island of Lunga is the largest of became widely known from the 1700s as the ‘Eighth Wonder of the World’ the Treshnish Isles in Argyll and Bute. Of volcanic origin, Lunga has and large numbers of visitors came to view this amazing array of basalt been described as ‘a green jewel in a peacock sea’ and is a summer columns - it is estimated that there are around 40,000 in total. nesting-place for hundreds of sea birds.

24 SPIRIT OF SCOTLAND – MS SERENISSIMA Day 6 Loch Scavaig & Canna. Wake this morning in Loch Scavaig on Unst the island of Skye. Just beyond is the freshwater Loch Corruisk with its breathtakingly beautiful view over the Cuillins. This is great walking country and our expedition team will run a series of hikes for all interests and for those who prefer a less energetic afternoon our Zodiacs will explore the coast looking out for seals. Enjoy lunch as we sail over to Canna. Strategically placed between the mountains of Rum and the Outer Hebrides, the island and its adjoining neighbour, Sanday, are bound together like some rare text that reveals over 60 million years of Hebridean geology and history. They have an amazingly rich archaeological landscape with remains dating to all periods of settled occupation in Scotland. Canna is run as a single farm and bird sanctuary by the National Trust for Scotland and enjoys the best harbour in the Small Isles, a hornshaped haven. The fertile soil and its diversity of habitats mean that the island has an incredibly rich plant life with 248 native flowering plants recorded. We will see Canna House and wander across grassy basalt plateaus to the 600 foot cliffs on the north shore.

Day 7 St Kilda, Outer Hebrides. Awake this morning in St Kilda, a remarkable uninhabited archipelago some fifty miles beyond the Outer Hebrides. Dominated by the highest cliffs and sea stacks in Britain, Hirta, St Kilda’s main island was occupied on and off for at least two thousand years, with the last 36 Gaelic speaking inhabitants evacuated at their own request in 1930. Immediately after the evacuation, the island was bought by the Marquess of Bute to protect the island’s thousands of seabirds including puffin and fulmars, and in 1957 it was bequeathed to The National Trust for Scotland. St Kilda is one of the few UNESCO World Giant’s Causeway Canna House Heritage Sites with dual status reflecting its natural and cultural significance. The local ranger will join us on board before our expedition staff lead a number of guided walks on the island. Later, cruise past one of the largest gannetries in the world, Stac Lee. Flugga stacks. Arriving at Yell in the afternoon, we will have free time to explore the pretty village of Burravoe. Day 8 Scrabster. Spend the day in Scrabster, the most northerly port on the Scottish mainland. This morning we will visit the Castle and Gardens Day 12 Lerwick. From the Shetland capital, we will visit the remarkable of Mey, built between 1566 and 1572 by George Sinclair, 4th Earl of archaeological site of Jarlshof. The site was uncovered by a violent Caithness. The castle was purchased by Queen Elizabeth, the Queen storm in the winter of 1896/7, revealing an extraordinary settlement Mother, in 1952, who renovated and restored it and created the beautiful site embracing at least 5000 years of human history. The site contains gardens which we will see today. After lunch on board, enjoy a leisurely a remarkable sequence of stone structures – late Neolithic houses, a afternoon or choose to take a drive along the coast to John O’Groats, Bronze-Age village, an Iron-Age broch and wheelhouses, several Norse the most northerly town on mainland Britain. After some free time here longhouse, a Medieval farmstead, and the 16th century laird’s house. we will return to the ship via Dunnet Bay, a glorious crescent of sand and Return to the ship for lunch and enjoy a free afternoon to explore this dunes, and Dunnet Head to see the lighthouse, built in 1831 by Robert historic port. Perhaps wander through its narrow stone lanes or maybe Stevenson, taking in the views over the Pentland Firth to the Orkney visit the excellent Shetland Museum, containing artefacts from shipwrecks Islands. and the whaling era.

Day 9 Westray & Papa Westray, Orkney Islands. Awake off the islands Day 13 Fair Isle. Anchor over breakfast off the remote island of Fair to the north of the Orkney mainland. On Westray we will visit Noup Head, Isle. Located midway between the Shetland and Orkney Islands, the tiny an RSPB reserve on the sea cliffs and Notland Castle, an incomplete population of sixty or so islanders always extend us a warm welcome. fortress built in the 16th century by Gilbert Balfour, Master of the Royal Enjoy a walk across the island, perhaps visit the community hall for a cup Household to Mary Queen of Scots, Sheriff of Orkney. Meanwhile in the of tea or maybe purchase some of the famous knitwear. Sail over lunch main village of Pierowall we find the Westray Heritage Centre housing and spend the afternoon at sea as we return to mainland Scotland. Neolithic carvings. Over lunch we sail the short distance to Papa Westray, where there will be the opportunity for a number of island walks. You can Day 14 Aberdeen. Disembark after breakfast. Transfers will be provided also visit the 3500-year-old Knap of Howar, a Neolithic farm building that to Aberdeen Airport and Aberdeen Railway Station at a fixed time. claims to be the oldest standing house in Europe and the 12th century St Boniface Kirk. In the north of the island is the North Hill Reserve, home to Arctic terns and skuas and also the extremely rare Scottish primrose. PRICES PER PERSON In the early evening we will meet at the Papay pub for a well-deserved Based on double occupancy pre-dinner drink. Cat Cabin Description Price Day 10 Foula & Papa Stour, Shetland Islands. Sail to Foula, one of 2 Standard Stateroom £5595 Britain’s most remote inhabited islands. Apart from a narrow coastal strip 3 Classic Stateroom £5795 of more fertile croftland, Foula is an expanse of peat and moorland rising 4 Superior Stateroom £6295 steeply to five dramatic peaks. In the long midsummer days, Foula’s 5 Deluxe Stateroom £6595 wildflowers provide a glorious burst of colour. Over lunch we will sail the 6 Junior Suite £6995 short distance to Papa Stour where we will use our Zodiacs to explore the 7 Owner’s Suite £7395 stunning cliff scenery, sea stacks, arches, blowholes and coastal caves. 8 Serenissima Suite £7395 10 Standard Single £7095 Day 11 Unst & Yell. Arrive this morning on Unst, Britain’s most northerly PRICE INCLUDES: 13 nights aboard the MS Serenissima on a full inhabited island. At the Heritage Centre we will learn about the islanders board basis • House wine, beer and soft drinks with lunch and dinner struggles over the centuries and the industries that have prospered whilst • Noble Caledonia expedition team • Shore excursions • Gratuities the Unst Boat Haven is dedicated to the history of the islands distinctive • Transfers • Port taxes. wooden boats which descend from Viking craft. We also visit Saxa Vord Not Included: Travel insurance. with views over Hermaness National Nature Reserve and the Muckle

+44 (0)20 7752 0000 25 island hopping from the shetlands to the isles of scilly A voyage from Aberdeen to Portsmouth aboard the MS Island Sky 12th to 24th July 2021

Giant’s Causeway

SHETLAND ISLANDS the itinerary erwik

Embark the MS Island Sky this afternoon. irkwall air sle Day 1 Aberdeen, Scotland. Day 5 Scrabster & Handa, OUTER Transfers will be provided from Aberdeen Airport and Railway Station at a Scotland. This morning we HEBRIDES ORKNEY ISLANDS fixed time. Enjoy welcome drinks and dinner as we sail this evening. arrive in Scrabster, the most sle of Srabster ewis Handa northerly port on the Scottish Aberdeen Day 2 Fair Isle, Shetland Islands. After a relaxing morning at sea we mainland. On a morning oh Savaig arrive at the remote island of Fair Isle. Located midway between the tour we visit the Castle and anna SCOTLAND Shetland and Orkney Islands, the tiny population of sixty or so islanders Gardens of Mey which was always extend us a warm welcome. Enjoy a walk across the island built between 1566 and 1572 searching out the puffin slopes, visit the community hall for a cup of tea by George Sinclair, 4th Earl Derry or maybe purchase some of the famous knitwear. of Caithness. The castle was Peel purchased by Queen Elizabeth, NORTHERN IRELAND Day 3 Lerwick. From the Shetland capital, we will visit the remarkable the Queen Mother, in 1952 archaeological site of Jarlshof. The site was uncovered by a violent who restored the castle for use WALES ENGLAND storm in the winter of 1896/7, revealing an extraordinary settlement as a holiday home and created St Davids rassholm sland site embracing at least 5,000 years of human history. The site contains the beautiful gardens we will a remarkable sequence of stone structures – late Neolithic houses, a see today. Sail over lunch as we ryher Portsmouth Bronze-Age village, an Iron-Age broch and wheelhouses, several Norse cruise around Cape Wrath and Treso ISLES OF uernsey longhouses, a Medieval farmstead and the 16th century laird’s house. towards the island of Handa SCILLY CHANNEL Herm Return to the ship for lunch and enjoy an afternoon at leisure to explore where we see the magnificent ISLANDS this historic port. Perhaps wander through its narrow stone lanes or sea cliffs of Torridonian maybe visit the excellent Shetland Museum, containing artefacts from sandstone which rise from shipwrecks and the whaling era. This evening we will be entertained by the Atlantic. The island comes alive each summer when nearly 100,000 local musicians on board before we sail. seabirds gather to breed including internationally important numbers of guillemot, razorbill, puffins and great skua. If weather permits, we will take Day 4 Kirkwall, Orkney Islands. After arriving into Kirkwall, the Orkney a Zodiac cruise for a closer look. capital, we will drive into the west of Mainland, Orkney’s largest island, passing through gentle rolling landscape and into the Neolithic Heartland Day 6 Isle of Lewis, Outer Hebrides. On leaving the island capital of of Orkney; an area designated as a World Heritage Site due to its wealth Stornoway, we will head across the island to the beautiful west coast. of pre-historic archaeology. We will see the Standing Stones of Stenness, Described as Scotland’s Stonehenge, the Callanish Standing Stones date the Ring of Brodgar; a huge ceremonial circle of stones dating back from around 3000 BC. There are a total of 32 stones in a circular and almost 5,000 years. We continue to the 5,000 year old village of Skara avenue design. The stones stand like a petrified forest on the flat top Brae and see the remarkable dwellings revealed from beneath the sand of a peninsula which reaches out into East Loch Roag. We also visit the dunes by storms only 150 years ago. Return to the MS Island Sky for lunch Dun Carloway Pictish Broch, probably built sometime in the last century and enjoy an afternoon at leisure to explore independently. Maybe visit St BC it would have served as an occasionally defensible residence for an Magnus Cathedral, the Orkney Museum or the Bishop’s Palace. extended family complete with accommodation for animals at ground

26 ISLAND HOPPING FROM THE SHETLANDS TO ISLES OF SCILLY – MS ISLAND SKY floor level. Our final stop is the Gearrannan Blackhouse Village – a St Davids Cathedral reconstructed settlement of traditional black houses which were made using dry stone masonry and have thatched roofs, distinctively weighted down with rocks. Visit the small museum, enjoy a display of a typical crofting activity such as weaving and take in the views of this dramatic site on the wild Atlantic coast. Return to the ship for lunch and spend an afternoon at leisure to explore Stornoway at your own pace.

Day 7 Canna & Loch Scavaig, Inner Hebrides. Strategically placed between the mountains of Rum and the Outer Hebrides, the island of Puffin, Fair Isle Canna and its adjoining neighbour Sanday are bound together like some rare text that reveals over 60 million years of Hebridean geology and history. They have an amazingly rich archaeological landscape with remains dating to all periods of settled occupation in Scotland. Canna is run as a single farm and bird sanctuary by the National Trust for Scotland and enjoys the best harbour in the Small Isles, a horn-shaped haven. The fertile soil and its diversity of habitats mean that the island has an incredibly rich plant life with 248 native flowering plants recorded. We will see Canna House and wander across grassy basalt plateaus to the 600 foot cliffs on the north shore. This afternoon we sail into the lovely Loch Ring of Brodgar, Orkney Islands Scavaig on the island of Skye. Just beyond is the freshwater Loch Corruisk with its breathtakingly beautiful view over the Cuillins. This is great walking country and our expedition team will run a series of hikes for all interests. For those who prefer a less energetic afternoon our Zodiacs will Day 12 Guernsey & Herm, Channel Islands. Anchor this morning explore the coast looking out for seals. off Guernsey, the ‘Island of Flowers’. There will be the option of a walking tour of St Peter Port including a visit to Castle Cornet, a 12th Day 8 Derry, Northern Ireland. We will berth this morning in the historic century battlement which guards the entrance to St Peter Port Harbour. city of Derry, renowned as one of the finest examples of a walled city Alternatively, enjoy a panoramic island drive during which we will see the in all of Europe. This morning we leave the city and drive to the Giant’s beautiful coastline and beaches and also visit the Little Chapel, built in Causeway, an amazing array of 40,000 basalt columns which became 1914 as a miniature version of the famous basilica at Lourdes and covered widely known from the 1700s as the ‘Eighth Wonder of the World’ and in fragments of shattered china. Over lunch we sail the short distance to which is now a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Admire the unique rock Herm, the smallest inhabited Channel Island and, at just one and a half formations which have, for millions of years, stood as a natural rampart miles long and half a mile wide, perfect for discovering on foot. You will against the unbridled ferocity of the Atlantic storms and the rugged have free time to explore, perhaps take a stroll over to Shell or Belvoir symmetry of the columns never fail to intrigue. Return to Derry for lunch Beach. Alternatively, join our naturalists on the lookout for wildflowers and enjoy an afternoon to explore independently, maybe walk the city and birds. walls or visit one of the museums. Day 13 Portsmouth. Disembark this morning. Transfers will be provided Day 9 Peel, Isle of Man. Arrive this morning on the Isle of Man at to Portsmouth Harbour Railway Station at a fixed time. the main fishing port of Peel. Settlements have been here since the Mesolithic Age and the island also claims to have the longest continuous parliament which was founded in 979 AD. Leaving Peel we will visit SHIP TO SHORE: Tynwald Hill, located in the little village of St John’s. This grass-topped, This voyage is a combination of both expedition style cruising and small tiered hill is made from the soil and stones from each of the island’s 17 ship destination cruising. Whilst we will be alongside on many days, parishes and is the point from which, each 5th of July, all the laws enacted for those that we are at anchor local tenders or the vessel’s Zodiacs will in the year preceding are promulgated to the gathered government be used for transportation ashore. The Zodiacs will be used in Fair Isle, officials and the public at large, both in Manx and English languages. Canna, Loch Scavaig, Handa, Guernsey and Herm. If you have any queries Continue to Castletown where we board the vintage steam train for a pertaining to the use of Zodiacs or the level of fitness required for this delightful and traditional journey to Douglas. Dating from 1874, the Isle voyage, please do not hesitate to ask one of our experienced travel of Man Steam Railway is the island’s oldest Victorian rail system and this consultants. narrow gauge railway still runs with its original locomotives and carriages. Return to the ship for lunch and a free afternoon to explore Peel at your own pace. PRICES PER PERSON Based on double occupancy Day 10 St Davids & Grassholm Island, Wales. Arrive in Wales this morning and from our berth in Fishguard we will take a scenic drive to SPECIAL OFFER – SAVE £300 PER PERSON St Davids, Britain’s smallest city. Explore the magnificent 12th century FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY cathedral and see the Bishop’s Palace before enjoying some free time in the city. Return to the ship for lunch and be on deck later this afternoon as Deck Suite Category Brochure Price Special Offer Price we sail past Grassholm Island to view one of the world’s largest gannetries Magellan Standard £6295 £5995 with over 34,000 breeding pairs. Columbus Superior £6495 £6195 Marco Polo Premium £6995 £6695 Day 11 Tresco & Bryher, Isles of Scilly. Spend the morning on traffic-free Marco Polo Corner £7495 £7195 Tresco walking its idyllic lanes from the beach to the famous sub-tropical Erikson Deluxe Balcony £7995 £7695 Abbey Gardens. Defying the Atlantic weather, this miracle of a garden Explorer Owner’s Balcony Suites £8495 £8195 is home to more than 20,000 species of plants from over 80 countries. Explorer Island Suite £9495 £9195 Enjoy time to wander at your own pace along the paths, maybe visit the Magellan Standard for sole use £8185 £7885 Valhalla collection of ship figureheads from ships wrecked on the islands Columbus Superior for sole use £8495 £8195 or relax in the café. In the afternoon we tender ashore to Bryher, the 12 nights aboard the MS Island Sky on a full board smallest of the inhabited Isles of Scilly. Take the chance to wander along PRICE INCLUDES: basis • House wine, beer and soft drinks with lunch and dinner • Shore the tracks that cross the island amongst hedgerows and fields bursting excursions • Noble Caledonia onboard team • Gratuities • Transfers with wildflowers. Those feeling active may wish to climb Watch Hill, where • Port taxes. in the past islanders would keep watch for ships in distress or alternatively Not Included: Travel insurance. take a stroll to one of the beautiful beaches.

+44 (0)20 7752 0000 27 islands on the edge ii An exploration of the islands of England, Ireland & Scotland aboard the MS Hebridean Sky 14th to 26th July 2021

Bantry Bay House & Gardens

SHETLAND ISLANDS the itinerary erwik air sle Day 1 Portsmouth, England. Embark the MS Hebridean Sky in the enjoying lunch on board. This afternoon. Transfers will be provided from Portsmouth Harbour Railway afternoon you may wish Station at a fixed time. Sail this evening for the Channel Islands. to stay on board, enjoy Sta ee sle of ewis St ilda anna Aberdeen some free time in the oh Savaig Anchor this morning off small town or join a walk to unga Day 2 Guernsey & Herm, Channel Islands. Staffa Guernsey, the ‘Island of Flowers’. There will be the option of a walking Bantry House, overlooking ona tour of St Peter Port including a visit to Castle Cornet, a 12th century Bantry Bay. We will explore Tory sland SCOTLAND battlement which guards the entrance to St Peter Port Harbour. the house, one of the finest Alternatively, enjoy a panoramic island drive during which we will see the historic houses in Ireland beautiful coastline and beaches and also visit the Little Chapel, built in along with the gardens. IRELAND 1914 as a miniature version of the famous basilica at Lourdes and covered in fragments of shattered china. Over lunch we sail the short distance to Day 5 Skellig arnish sland ENGLAND alentia sland Herm, the smallest inhabited Channel Island and, at just one and a half Islands & Valentia antry ay miles long and half a mile wide, perfect for discovering on foot. You will Over Skellig slands Island. Portsmouth have free time to explore, perhaps take a stroll over to Shell or Belvoir breakfast we will ISLES OF SCILLY Beach. Alternatively, join our naturalists on the lookout for wildflowers arrive off The Skelligs, tiny islands Treso and birds. just off the magnificent coast of the uernsey Herm Dingle Peninsula. Weather permitting, Day 3 Tresco & St Agnes, Isles of Scilly. Spend the morning on we will sail around these mystical islands traffic-free Tresco, walking its idyllic lanes from the beach to the famous with their early Christian history. Skellig Michael is a World Heritage Site sub-tropical Abbey Gardens. Defying the Atlantic weather, this miracle and atop this rugged pyramid, that rises from the sea, are the ruins of a of a garden is home to more than 20,000 species of plants from over 80 monastery. Meanwhile at Little Skellig the sky can on occasion turn white countries. Enjoy time to wander at your own pace along the paths, maybe as some of the 20,000 pairs of breeding gannets leave their roosts. We visit the Valhalla collection of ship figureheads from ships wrecked on the continue along the famous Kerry (Iveragh) peninsula and anchor at the islands or relax in the café. On St Agnes we find the most southwesterly port of Knightstown on Valentia Island. Spend the afternoon exploring community in the UK. Surrounded by rocks and reefs this delightful tiny the island, perhaps take a coastal walk, visit the tropical gardens at island offers marvellous coastal walks. The small island of Gugh lies across Glanleam or join an island drive including the Cromwell Point Lighthouse. a narrow sandbar and here we find a single stone monolith called the ‘Old Man of Gugh’ which dates back to the Bronze Age. Day 6 Tory Island. After a morning at sea we arrive at Tory Island, located off the northwest coast of Ireland and home to 150 or so Gaelic speakers. Day 4 Garnish Island & Bantry, Ireland. This morning we anchor off the It is the most remote inhabited Irish island; although only 14 miles sheltered harbour of Bantry. Local boats will take us to Garnish Island and offshore, it feels like many more and island life here is full of traditions. the beautiful Ilnacullin Gardens where the sheltered position and Gulf Meet some of the local community in the village hall and enjoy some of Stream is favourable to the growth of ornamental plants, many normally their legendary storytelling, music and dance. Tory Island is also famous only found in sub-tropical or Mediterranean climates. We return by local for its migratory birds; seabirds nest here in large numbers and a puffin boats sailing past “Seal Island”, home to 250 common seals before colony nests on the northern cliffs. Look out for guillemots, kittiwakes,

28 ISLANDS ON THE EDGE II – MS HEBRIDEAN SKY fulmars, storm petrels and Manx shearwaters and we hope to hear the calls of the corncrake for which the island is known.

Day 7 Staffa, Iona & Lunga, Scotland. Awake this morning as we approach and anchor off Staffa, where the perpendicular rock face features an imposing series of black basalt columns, known as the Colonnade, which have been cut by the sea into cathedralesque caverns, most notably Fingal’s Cave. Weather permitting, we will use our Zodiacs to explore closer. We then plan to cruise the short distance to the Isle of Iona which has been occupied for thousands of years and has been a place of pilgrimage and Christian worship for several centuries. It was to this flat, Hebridean island that St Columba fled from Ireland in 563 and established a monastery. Here his followers were responsible for the conversion of much of pagan Scotland and Northern England. No less Callanish Standing Stones than 62 Scottish Kings are buried in the Abbey. Visit the Abbey or perhaps walk along the white sandy beaches or go in search of the corncrake amongst the irises. After lunch we cruise northwest to the Treshnish Isles, an archipelago of uninhabited volcanic islets. The island of Lunga is the largest of the Treshnish Isles in Argyll and Bute. Of volcanic origin, Lunga has been described as ‘a green jewel in a peacock sea’ and is a summer nesting-place for hundreds of sea birds. Here we hope to land by Zodiac and explore on foot.

Day 8 Loch Scavaig & Canna. Awake in the lovely Loch Scavaig on the island of Skye. Just beyond is the freshwater Loch Corruisk with its breathtakingly beautiful view over the Cuillins. This is great walking St Kilda country and our expedition team will run a series of hikes for all interests. For those who prefer a less energetic morning our Zodiacs will explore the coast looking out for seals. Enjoy lunch on board as we cross over to Canna. Strategically placed between the mountains of Rum and the Day 11 Lerwick, Shetland Islands. From the Shetland capital, we Outer Hebrides, the island of Canna and its adjoining neighbour Sanday will visit the remarkable archaeological site of Jarlshof. The site was are bound together like some rare text that reveals over 60 million uncovered by a violent storm in the winter of 1896/7, revealing an years of Hebridean geology and history. They have an amazingly rich extraordinary settlement site embracing at least 5000 years of human archaeological landscape with remains dating to all periods of settled history. The site contains a remarkable sequence of stone structures occupation in Scotland. Canna is run as a single farm and bird sanctuary – late Neolithic houses, a Bronze-Age village, an Iron-Age broch and by the National Trust for Scotland and enjoys the best harbour in the wheelhouses, several Norse longhouses, a Medieval farmstead and the Small Isles, a hornshaped haven. The fertile soil and its diversity of 16th century laird’s house. Return to the ship for lunch and enjoy a free habitats mean that the island has an incredibly rich plant life with 248 afternoon to explore this historic port. Perhaps wander through its narrow native flowering plants recorded. We will see Canna House and wander stone lanes or maybe visit the excellent Shetland Museum, containing across grassy basalt plateaus to the 600 foot cliffs on the north shore. artefacts from shipwrecks and the whaling era. Tonight we will enjoy the company of local musicians on board. Day 9 St Kilda & Stac Lee. We spend the morning at St Kilda, a remarkable uninhabited archipelago some fifty miles beyond the Outer Day 12 Fair Isle. This morning we arrive at the remote island of Fair Hebrides. Dominated by the highest cliffs and sea stacks in Britain, Hirta, Isle. Located midway between the Shetland and Orkney islands, the tiny St Kilda’s main island was occupied on and off for at least two thousand population of sixty or so islanders always extend us a warm welcome. years, with the last 36 Gaelic speaking inhabitants evacuated at their Enjoy a walk across the island searching out the puffin slopes, visit the own request in 1930. Immediately after the evacuation, the island was community hall for a cup of tea or maybe purchase some of the famous bought by the Marquess of Bute to protect the island’s thousands of knitwear. seabirds including puffin and fulmars and in 1957 it was bequeathed to The National Trust for Scotland. St Kilda is one of the few UNESCO Day 13 Aberdeen. Disembark the MS Hebridean Sky after breakfast. World Heritage Sites with dual status reflecting its natural and cultural Transfers will be provided to the Railway Station and Aberdeen Airport at significance. The local ranger will join us on board before our expedition a fixed time. staff lead guided walks on the island. Later, we will cruise past one of the largest gannetries in the world at Stac Lee. The impressive stacs rise 170 metres from the sea and are home to up to 60,000 breeding pairs of PRICES PER PERSON northern gannet. Based on double occupancy

Day 10 Isle of Lewis, Outer Hebrides. Arrive today on the Isle of Lewis. Deck Suite Category Price On leaving the island capital of Stornoway, we will head across the Amundsen Standard £5795 island to the beautiful west coast. Described as Scotland’s Stonehenge, £ Byrd Superior £6095 the Callanish Standing Stones date from around 3000 BC. There are a Mawson Premium £6895 total of 32 stones in a circular and avenue design. The stones stand like Mawson Corner £7095 a petrified forest on the flat top of a peninsula which reaches out into Scott Deluxe Balcony £7595 East Loch Roag. We also visit the Dun Carloway Pictish Broch, probably Shackleton Owner’s Balcony £7995 built sometime in the last century BC, it would have served as an Shackleton Hebridean £8595 occasionally defensible residence for an extended family complete with Amundsen Standard for sole use £7295 accommodation for animals at ground floor level. Our final stop is the Byrd Superior for sole use £7795 Gearrannan Blackhouse Village – a reconstructed settlement of traditional black houses which were made using dry stone masonry and have PRICE INCLUDES: 12 nights aboard the MS Hebridean Sky on a full board thatched roofs, distinctively weighted down with rocks. Visit the small basis • House wine, beer and soft drinks with lunch & dinner • Shore museum, enjoy a display of a typical crofting activity such as weaving and excursions • Noble Caledonia expedition team • Gratuities • Transfers • Port taxes. take in the views of this dramatic site on the wild Atlantic coast. Spend Not Included: Travel insurance. the afternoon at sea as we sail north.

+44 (0)20 7752 0000 29 enchanted islands of the united kingdom An expedition to the islands on the edge of Scotland & England aboard the MS Serenissima 2nd to 13th August 2021


SHETLAND ISLANDS the itinerary nst etlar oula Day 1 Aberdeen, Scotland. Embark the MS Serenissima this afternoon, longhouses, a Medieval farmstead, erwik air sle transfers will be provided from Aberdeen Airport and Aberdeen Railway and the 16th century laird’s house. St ilda Station at a fixed time. Return to the ship for lunch and enjoy a free afternoon to explore Stornoway Day 2 Fair Isle & Foula, Shetland Islands. Anchor over breakfast off this historic port. Perhaps wander SCOTLAND the remote island of Fair Isle. Located midway between the Shetland through its narrow stone lanes Aberdeen and Orkney Islands, the tiny population of sixty or so islanders always or maybe visit the excellent Staffa ona extend us a warm welcome. Enjoy a walk across the island, perhaps Shetland Museum, containing visit the community hall for a cup of tea or maybe purchase some of artefacts from shipwrecks and the famous knitwear. Over lunch we sail to Foula, one of Britain’s most the whaling era. Peel remote inhabited islands. Apart from a narrow coastal strip of more fertile IRELAND croftland, Foula is an expanse of peat and moorland rising steeply to five Day 5 Stornoway, Isle of dramatic peaks. In the long midsummer days, Foula’s wildflowers provide Lewis. After a morning at sea a glorious burst of colour. we arrive during lunch on the ENGLAND Isle of Lewis in the Hebrides. undy Portsmouth Day 3 Unst & Fetlar. Arrive this morning on Unst, Britain’s most northerly On leaving the island capital of inhabited island. At the Heritage Centre we will learn about the islanders Stornoway, we will head across ENGLISH sles of CHANNEL Silly CHANNEL struggles over the centuries and the industries that have prospered, whilst the island to the beautiful west ISLANDS Herm the Unst Boat Haven is dedicated to the history of the islands distinctive coast. Described as Scotland’s uernsey wooden boats which descend from Viking craft. We also visit Saxa Vord Stonehenge, the Callanish with views over Hermaness National Nature Reserve and the Muckle Standing Stones date from around Flugga stacks. Over lunch we sail to Fetlar, inhabited for over 5000 years 3000 BC. There is a total of 32 stones in a circular and avenue design the island lays claim to be the first Norse landing site in the Shetlands. standing like a petrified forest on the flat top of a peninsula which reaches Known as the most fertile of the Shetland Islands the wildflowers bring out into East Loch Roag. We also visit the Dun Carloway Pictish Broch, colour to the landscape. Our expedition team will lead walks ashore probably built sometime in the last century BC, it would have served as an which will include a visit to the Fetlar Interpretative Centre and Museum occasionally defensible residence for an extended family complete with where we will learn about the wildlife and archaeological history of the accommodation for animals at ground floor level. Our final stop is the island. We sail to Lerwick over dinner this evening Gearrannan Blackhouse Village, a reconstructed settlement of traditional black houses which were made using dry stone masonry and have thatched Day 4 Lerwick. From the Shetland capital, we will visit the remarkable roofs, distinctively weighted down with rocks. Visit the small museum, enjoy archaeological site of Jarlshof. The site was uncovered by a violent a display of a typical crofting activity such as weaving and take in the views storm in the winter of 1896/7, revealing an extraordinary settlement of this dramatic site on the wild Atlantic coast. site embracing at least 5000 years of human history. The site contains a remarkable sequence of stone structures including late Neolithic houses, Day 6 St Kilda, Outer Hebrides. Awake this morning in St Kilda, a a Bronze-Age village, an Iron-Age broch and wheelhouses, several Norse remarkable uninhabited archipelago some 50 miles beyond the Outer

30 ENCHANTED ISLANDS OF THE UNITED KINGDOM – MS SERENISSIMA Hebrides. Dominated by the highest cliffs and sea stacks in Britain, Hirta, St Kilda’s main island was occupied on and off for at least 2000 years, with the last 36 Gaelic speaking inhabitants evacuated at their own request in 1930. Immediately after the evacuation, the island was bought by the Marquess of Bute to protect the island’s thousands of seabirds and in 1957 it was bequeathed to the National Trust for Scotland. St Kilda is one of the few UNESCO World Heritage Sites with dual status reflecting An expedition to the islands on the edge of Scotland & England aboard the MS Serenissima its natural and cultural significance. The local ranger will join us on board 2nd to 13th August 2021 before our expedition staff lead a number of guided walks on the island. Day 7 Staffa & Iona, Hebrides. This morning we hope to drop anchor off Staffa, the south side where the perpendicular rock face features an imposing series of black basalt columns, known as the Colonnade, St Agnes which have been cut by the sea into cathedral-like caverns, most notably Fingal’s Cave. Weather permitting, we will use our Zodiacs to explore the caves in more detail. Over lunch we will sail the short distance to Iona which has been occupied for thousands of years and has been a place of pilgrimage and Christian worship for several centuries. It was to this flat, Hebridean island that St Columba fled from Ireland in 563 AD and established a monastery, here his followers were responsible for the conversion of much of pagan Scotland and Northern England. Visit the Abbey, where no less than 62 Scottish Kings are buried, or perhaps take a stroll along the white sandy beaches.

Day 8 Peel, Isle of Man. Arrive this morning on the Isle of Man and the main fishing port of Peel. Settlements have been here since the Mesolithic Age and the island also claims to have the longest continuous Tresco Abbey Gardens parliament which was founded in 979 AD. Today, we will travel to Tynwald Hill, located in the little village of St John’s. This grass-topped, tiered hill is made from the soil and stones from each of the island’s 17 parishes and is the point from which, every 5th of July, all the laws enacted in the year preceding are promulgated to the gathered government officials and the public at large, both in Manx and English languages. We continue to Castletown and the magnificent Castle Rushen, one of the best examples of a Medieval castle in Europe which was the former seat of the Kings and Lords of Mann. We end our tour at Castletown station and board the vintage steam train for a delightful traditional journey to Douglas. Dating from 1874, the Isle of Man Steam Railway is the island’s oldest Victorian rail system and this narrow gauge railway still runs with its original Isle of Lewis Iona locomotives and carriages.

Day 9 Lundy Island. After a morning at sea we arrive at Lundy, a remote island in the Bristol Channel. Although small, just three miles long by half a mile wide, its isolation has made it a home for a range of wildlife as well as a clutch of listed buildings and monuments. The towering cliffs and rocky shoreline are a haven for migrating seabirds, whilst Sika deer, red deer and Soay sheep can also be seen as we walk along its traffic-free lanes and paths. Spend the afternoon being as active as you wish, maybe explore the wide bays and coves by way of hanging valleys, see ancient burial chambers, climb the lighthouse, have a drink at the tavern or buy the island’s ‘puffin stamps’ at the shop. St Kilda

Day 10 Tresco & St Agnes, Isles of Scilly. Spend the morning on traffic-free Tresco, walking its idyllic lanes from the beach to the famous subtropical Abbey Gardens. Defying the Atlantic weather, this miracle PRICES PER PERSON Based on double occupancy of a garden is home to more than 20,000 species of plants from over 80 countries and enjoy some time to wander at your own pace along the SPECIAL OFFER – SAVE £300 PER PERSON paths. Sail over lunch to St Agnes, the most south westerly community in FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY the United Kingdom. Surrounded by rocks and reefs, this delightful tiny island offers marvellous coastal walks. Cat Cabin Description Brochure Price Special Offer Price 2 Standard Stateroom £4995 £4695 Day 11 Guernsey & Herm, Channel Islands. On Guernsey, the ‘Island 3 Classic Stateroom £5195 £4895 of Flowers’ there will be the option of a walking tour of St Peter Port 4 Superior Stateroom £5695 £5395 including a visit to Castle Cornet, a 12th century battlement which guards 5 Deluxe Stateroom £5995 £5695 the entrance to St Peter Port harbour. Alternatively, enjoy a panoramic 6 Junior Suite £6395 £6095 drive during which we will see the beautiful coastline and beaches and 7 Owner’s Suite £6795 £6495 visit the Little Chapel, built in 1914 as a miniature version of the famous 8 Serenissima Suite £6795 £6495 basilica at Lourdes and covered in fragments of shattered china, or join 10 Standard Single £6495 £6195 a cliff walk along the scenic coastline. We will sail the short distance to PRICE INCLUDES: 11 nights aboard the MS Serenissima on a full Herm over lunch, the smallest inhabited Channel Island and, at just one board basis • House wine, beer and soft drinks with lunch and dinner and a half miles long and half a mile wide, perfect for exploring on foot. • Noble Caledonia expedition team • Shore excursions • Gratuities • Transfers • Port taxes. Day 12 Portsmouth. Disembark after breakfast. Transfers will be Not Included: Travel insurance. provided to Portsmouth Harbour Railway Station at a fixed time.

+44 (0)20 7752 0000 31 Xxxxxx island hideaways Discover the Isles of Scilly & the Channel Islands with a visit to Lundy Island aboard the MS Island Sky 7th to 15th August 2021 & 28th May to 5th June 2022

St Martin’s

the itinerary Embark the MS Island Sky this afternoon. Day 1 Portsmouth, England. ENGLAND Transfers will be provided from Portsmouth Harbour Railway Station at undy a fixed time. Alternatively car parking facilities are available at the port. Portsmouth Enjoy welcome drinks and dinner as we sail this evening. St Martins ryher Treso Alderney St Agnes Sark Days 2 to 4 Tresco, Bryher, St Martin’s, St Agnes & St Mary’s, Isles St Marys uernsey Herm of Scilly. We begin our island exploration with two and a half days in the ISLES OF SCILLY CHANNEL Isles of Scilly. From our central anchorage, we will use our Zodiacs and ISLANDS local tenders to visit a number of the islands in the group. We will visit traffic-free Tresco, walking its idyllic lanes from the beach to the famous subtropical Abbey Gardens. Defying the Atlantic weather, this miracle Grey Seal of a garden is home to more than 20,000 species of plants from over 80 countries. Enjoy time to wander at your own pace along the paths, maybe visit the Valhalla collection of ship figureheads from ships wrecked on the shoreline are a haven for migrating seabirds, whilst sika deer, red deer islands or relax in the café. On St Agnes we find the most south westerly and Soay sheep can also be seen as we walk along its traffic-free lanes community in the UK. Surrounded by rocks and reefs this delightful tiny and paths. Spend the day being as active as you wish, maybe explore island offers marvellous coastal walks. The small island of Gugh lies across the wide bays and coves by way of hanging valleys, see ancient burial a narrow sandbar and here we find a single stone monolith called the chambers, climb the lighthouse, have a drink or lunch at the tavern or buy ‘Old Man of Gugh’ which dates back to the Bronze Age. We will tender the island’s ‘puffin stamps’ at the shop. ashore to Bryher, the smallest of the inhabited Isles of Scilly where you Tresco Abbey Gardens can wander along the tracks that cross the island amongst hedgerows Days 6 to 8 Alderney, Herm, Guernsey & Sark, Channel Islands. and fields bursting with wildflowers. Those feeling active may wish to Our island hopping voyage continues to the islands of the Bailiwick of climb Watch Hill, where in the past islanders would keep watch for ships Guernsey. On Guernsey, the ‘Island of Flowers’ there will be the option in distress or alternatively take a stroll to one of the beautiful beaches. of a walking tour of St Peter Port including a visit to Castle Cornet, a See the northernmost island of the group, St Martin’s, a small island 12th century battlement which guards the entrance to St Peter Port community of just 120 residents. Enjoy time to explore independently, harbour. Alternatively, enjoy a panoramic drive during which we will see climb to one of the viewpoints for vistas over the islands and the offshore the beautiful coastline and beaches and visit the Little Chapel, built in seal colonies or maybe join one of our expedition team on a guided walk. 1914 as a miniature version of the famous basilica at Lourdes and covered On St Mary’s, the largest island in the archipelago (yet still only six square in fragments of shattered china, or join a cliff walk along the scenic miles), you can enjoy some time in the shops in Hugh Town, walk the coastline. We will sail the short distance to Herm, the smallest inhabited historic Garrison Walls or visit the Iron Age burial chamber at Bant’s Carn. Channel Island and, at just one and a half miles long and half a mile wide, perfect for exploring on foot. Here, you will have free time to explore, Day 5 Lundy. Arrive this morning on Lundy, a remote island in the Bristol perhaps take a stroll over to Shell or Belvoir Beach whilst our naturalists Channel. Although small, just three miles long by half a mile wide, its will be ashore on the lookout for wildflowers and birds. On Alderney, isolation has made it a home for a range of wildlife as well as a selection visit the island’s only town, St Anne, which has all the old-world charm of listed buildings and monuments. The towering cliffs and rocky of a Normandy village with tiny squares and pastel shaded cottages and


Our voyage will “be a leisurely one visiting some truly idyllic islands where you can be as active and footloose as you choose. Tresco Abbey Gardens ”


shops. Maybe join a short walk to see the German fortifications or a longer walk with our naturalists heading to the cliffs to see the birdlife. At Sark we will use our Zodiacs to land on this peaceful traffic-free island. Horse-drawn carriages take us along the narrow lanes alive with the songs of chaffinches, skylarks and mistle thrush as we see the narrow isthmus which joins Little Sark and Big Sark and the enchanting gardens at La Seigneurie. Those feeling active may wish to hire a bicycle and explore independently.

Day 9 Portsmouth. Disembark this morning. Transfers will be provided to Portsmouth Harbour Railway Station at a fixed time.

PRICES PER PERSON Based on double occupancy St Agnes


Deck Suite Category Brochure Price Special Offer Price Magellan Standard £4295 £3995 Columbus Superior £4495 £4195 Marco Polo Premium £4995 £4695 Marco Polo Corner £5495 £5195 Erikson Deluxe Balcony £5995 £5695 Explorer Owner’s Balcony Suites £6495 £6195 Explorer Island Suite £7495 £7195 Magellan Standard for sole use £5585 £5285 Columbus Superior for sole use £5845 £5545

PRICE INCLUDES: Eight nights aboard the MS Island Sky on a full board basis • House wine, beer and soft drinks with lunch and dinner • Noble Caledonia expedition team • Shore excursions • Gratuities • Transfers • Port taxes. Not Included: Travel insurance. Tresco

+44 (0)20 7752 0000 33 bird islands A discovery of Britain’s seabird islands aboard the Ocean Nova 28th April to 8th May 2022

Puffin, Skomer Island

SHETLAND the itinerary ISLANDS air sle Day 1 Plymouth, England. Embark the Ocean Nova this afternoon. A maritime sward and heathland Papa estray transfer will be provided from Plymouth Railway Station at a fixed time. which is home to a large estray Sta ee Enjoy welcome drinks and dinner as we sail this evening. population of guillemots and St ilda ORKNEY razorbills. If we are lucky, we ISLANDS Handa Day 2 Isles of Scilly. Spend the morning on traffic-free Tresco, walking might also see some choughs. its idyllic lanes from the beach to the famous subtropical Abbey Gardens. Returning to the ship for lunch nverness Defying the Atlantic weather, this miracle of a garden is home to more we hope to arrive in the late unga SCOTLAND than 20,000 species of plants from over 80 countries. Enjoy time to afternoon at the Calf of Man, a Staffa wander along the paths, maybe visit the Valhalla collection of ship 600 acre island situated off the figureheads from ships wrecked on the islands or relax in the café. We southern tip of the Isle of Man, Ailsa raig spend the afternoon on St Agnes, the most south-westerly community and home to thousands of Rathlin sland in the UK. Surrounded by rocks and reefs this delightful tiny island offers seabirds including Manx NORTHERN marvellous coastal walks. The small island of Gugh lies across a narrow shearwater, kittiwake and IRELAND sandbar and here we find a single stone monolith called the ‘Old Man of razorbill. Meanwhile in the alf of Man Gugh’ which dates back to the Bronze Age. En-route we plan to sail past water we may be lucky to Holy sland the nearby island of Annet, the second largest of the uninhabited islands see dolphins and seals. and a bird sanctuary. We will cruise by to see the coastline alive with WALES puffins, European storm petrels and shag. Day 5 Ailsa Craig, Skomer ENGLAND Scotland & Rathlin Island, undy Day 3 Lundy Island & Skomer Island, Wales. This morning we will Northern Ireland. In the explore Lundy, a remote island in the Bristol Channel. Walk along its early morning we will anchor Plymouth traffic-free lanes and paths, explore the wide bays and coves by way of off the granite island of Ailsa sles of Silly hanging valleys, observe the puffins nesting in abandoned rabbit warrens, Craig. This tiny island, just 2.5 miles have a drink at the inn and buy some of the island’s ‘puffin stamps’ at the in circumference was once a refuge shop. This afternoon we will sail on to Skomer Island and discover the for sailors and base to a 19th century lighthouse. Today it is an RSPB coastline on a Zodiac cruise. One of the most important wildlife sites in reserve and home to the third largest gannet colony in Britain. We will Northern Europe, this island has fantastic birdlife including 6,000 pairs use the Zodiacs and cruise the coastal waters for a closer look searching of puffins, countless numbers of guillemots, fulmar, kittiwakes and the for puffins, guillemots and gulls. Sail in the late morning towards Rathlin elusive Manx shearwater and storm petrel. Return to the ship and later Island. Located just a few miles from the North Antrim coast, Rathlin has this evening we hope to sail around Grassholm; be on deck to view one been settled for more than 6,000 years. Today, there are only 80 or so of the world’s largest gannetries with over 34,000 breeding pairs. inhabitants, whereas before the famine there were 1200. Enjoy a guided walk which will take in the prolific seabird life with astonishing numbers Day 4 Holy Island, Wales & Calf of Man, Isle of Man. Over breakfast of auks, kittiwakes and grey seals. This evening we will sail past the we arrive at Holyhead, adjacent to Anglesey with its spectacular sea cliffs. magnificent cliffs to the north of the island which are home to the largest Here we will visit the RSPB’s reserve at South Stack, a beautiful but fragile sea bird colony in Ireland.

34 BIRD ISLANDS – OCEAN NOVA Tresco Abbey sub-tropical gardens Skomer Island

Exploring by Zodiac, Staffa, Fingal’s Cave Great Skua

Day 6 Staffa & Lunga, Scotland. Overnight we will sail to Staffa, where to Arctic terns and skuas and also the extremely rare Scottish primrose. the perpendicular rock face features an imposing series of black basalt In the early evening we will meet at the Papay pub for a well-deserved columns, known as the Colonnade, which have been cut by the sea into pre-dinner drink. cathedralesque caverns, most notably Fingal’s Cave. Weather permitting, we will use our Zodiacs to explore closer. We continue to Lunga, Day 10 Fair Isle, Shetland Islands. Anchor over breakfast off the remote the largest of the Treshnish Isles. Of volcanic origin, Lunga has been island of Fair Isle. Located midway between the Shetland and Orkney described as a ‘green jewel in a peacock sea’. Populated until the 19th Islands, the tiny population of sixty or so islanders always extend us a century, the island still bears the remains of black houses. There is prolific warm welcome. Enjoy a walk across the island searching out the puffin birdlife on the island including storm-petrels, puffins, kittiwakes and Manx slopes, perhaps visit the community hall for a cup of tea or maybe shearwaters. purchase some of the famous knitwear. Sail over lunch and spend the afternoon at sea as we return to mainland Scotland. Day 7 St Kilda & Stac Lee, Outer Hebrides. Arrive this morning at St Kilda, a remarkable uninhabited archipelago some 50 miles beyond Day 11 Inverness. Disembark after breakfast. Transfers will be provided the Outer Hebrides. Dominated by the highest cliffs and sea stacks in to Inverness Airport and Railway Station at a fixed time. Britain, Hirta, St Kilda’s main island was occupied on and off for at least 2,000 years, with the last 36 Gaelic speaking inhabitants evacuated at their own request in 1930. Immediately after the evacuation, the island was bought by the Marquess of Bute to protect the island’s thousands of seabirds including puffins and fulmars, and in 1957 it was bequeathed to the National Trust for Scotland. St Kilda is one of the few UNESCO World Heritage Sites with dual status reflecting its natural and cultural significance. The local ranger will join us on board before our expedition staff lead several guided walks on the island. This afternoon we cruise past two of the largest gannetries in the world at Stac Lee and Boreray. These impressive stacs rise 170 metres from the sea and are home to up to 60,000 breeding pairs of northern gannet.

Day 8 Handa. Spend the morning at sea, maybe join a lecture or find St Kilda a spot on deck to watch for wildlife. Over lunch we arrive at Handa where we will use our Zodiacs to explore the magnificent sea cliffs of Torridonian sandstone which rise from the Atlantic. The island comes alive each spring when nearly 100,000 seabirds gather to breed, including PRICES PER PERSON internationally important numbers of guillemot, razorbill, puffins and Based on double occupancy great skua. Cat Cabin Description Price Day 9 Westray & Papa Westray, Orkney Islands. Awake off the islands 1 Bunk bedded cabin for twin use £4195 to the north of the Orkney mainland. On Westray we will visit Noup Head, 2 Standard Twin £4595 an RSPB reserve on the sea cliffs and Notland Castle, an incomplete 3 Superior £4895 fortress built in the 16th century by Gilbert Balfour, Master of the Royal 1 Bunk bedded cabin for sole use £5095 Household to Mary Queen of Scots, Sheriff of Orkney. Meanwhile in the 2 Standard Twin sole use £5495 main village of Pierowall we find the Westray Heritage Centre housing PRICE INCLUDES: 10 nights aboard the Ocean Nova on a full board Neolithic carvings. Over lunch we sail the short distance to Papa Westray basis • House wine, beer and soft drinks with lunch and dinner where there will be the opportunity for a number of island walks. You can • Noble Caledonia expedition team • Shore excursions • Gratuities also visit the 3500-year-old Knap of Howar, a Neolithic farm building that • Transfers • Port taxes. claims to be the oldest standing house in Europe and the 12th century St Not Included: Travel insurance. Boniface Kirk. In the north of the island is the North Hill Reserve, home

+44 (0)20 7752 0000 35 birds of the scottish isles An in-depth exploration of the remote islands of Scotland aboard the Ocean Nova 8th to 17th May 2022

Gannet in flight

SHETLAND nst the itinerary ISLANDS erwik Papa Stour Day 1 Inverness, Scotland. Embark the Ocean Nova this afternoon. oula Noss Transfers will be provided from Inverness Airport and Railway Station at North Ronaldsay Sumburgh Papa estray Head a fixed time. Enjoy welcome drinks and dinner as we sail this evening for air sle the Shetland Islands. Sta ee ORKNEY St ilda ISLANDS Day 2 Fair Isle, Shetland Islands. After a morning at sea we will anchor OUTER HEBRIDES off remote Fair Isle. Located midway between the Shetland and Orkney nverness Islands, the tiny population of sixty or so islanders always extend us a unga SCOTLAND warm welcome. Enjoy a walk across the island searching out the puffin INNER Oban slopes, perhaps visit the community hall for a cup of tea or maybe HEBRIDES ona Noss Head purchase some of the famous knitwear. Sail this evening past the cliffs at as we make our way to our overnight anchorage.

Day 3 Sumburgh Head & Lerwick. From our anchorage at Grutness it is Hermaness National Nature Reserve and Muckle Flugga stacks and a short drive to Sumburgh Head, the southernmost point of the Shetland home to thousands of gannets and puffins as well as rare arctic-alpine mainland. Here the steep cliffs are home to colonies of puffins, fulmars, plants. guillemots and shags with each species occupying different areas of the cliffs. Also see the Sumburgh Head Lighthouse, the oldest in Shetland Day 5 Foula & Papa Stour. This morning we visit Foula, one of Britain’s having been constructed in 1821, whilst from the viewing points we may most remote inhabited islands. Apart from a narrow coastal strip of also spot whales and dolphins in the water. Over lunch we sail to Lerwick more fertile croftland, Foula is an expanse of peat and moorland rising for a free afternoon to explore this historic port. Perhaps wander through steeply to five dramatic peaks. In spring, Foula’s wildflowers provide its narrow stone lanes or maybe visit the excellent Shetland Museum, a glorious burst of colour. Translated as “Bird Island” from Old Norse containing artefacts from shipwrecks and the whaling era. This evening the island is a designated as a Special Protection Area for birds and we will be entertained by local musicians as we moor overnight. is home to the world’s largest colony of Great skuas, known locally as bonxies, which compete fiercely with Arctic skuas for breeding Day 4 Isle of Noss & Unst. Departing Lerwick at first light we will sail territories. Kittiwakes and Arctic terns return annually to nest whilst the around Noss Head, one of the most important seabird colonies in cliffs team with puffins, shags and fulmars. Over lunch we will sail the Scotland. Here the towering 180 metre sea cliffs will be full of nesting short distance to Papa Stour where we will use our Zodiacs to explore gannets, guillemots and fulmars and we may also see skuas in the skies the stunning cliff scenery, sea stacks, arches, blowholes and coastal above. We continue our exploration of Shetland on the northern island caves which are home to Arctic skua and large numbers of Arctic terns. of Unst. Unst is Britain’s most northerly inhabited island and at the Heritage Centre we will learn about the islanders’ struggles over the Day 6 North Ronaldsay & Papa Westray, Orkney Islands. Arriving centuries and of the industries that have prospered whilst the Unst Boat in the Orkney Islands we will visit the bird observatory on North Haven is dedicated to the history of the islands distinctive wooden boats Ronaldsay. Here the range of wetland habitats support the wildfowl which descend from Viking craft. We also visit Saxa Vord with views over and wader species whilst the rugged coastline provides nesting sites


Gannets and Great Skua, Hermaness Nature Reserve, Unst

Prehistoric settlement of Jarlshof, Shetland Islands

Stac Lee, St Kilda

for seabird colonies. Whilst walking on the island we will keep an eye out These impressive stacs rise 170 metres from the sea and are home to up for ringed plovers, sanderlings and dunlins which gather on the heath. We to 60,000 breeding pairs of northern gannet. can also view the seals hauled up on the beaches and for those wishing to explore further can visit the lighthouse with views over the nearby Day 9 Iona & Lunga, Scotland. This morning we land on Iona. For islands or visit the wool mill. Over lunch we sail the short distance to more than 1,000 years the island of Iona has been a place of deep Papa Westray where there will be the opportunity for a number of island spiritual significance. St Columba came here from Ireland in 563 AD walks. You can also visit the 3500-year-old Knap of Howar, a Neolithic and early Christianity spread through northern Britain from this remote farm building that claims to be the oldest standing house in Europe and island community. The island is also a haven for birdlife including the the 12th century St Boniface Kirk. In the north of the island is the North elusive corncrake which reside in the hayfields and are identified by a Hill Reserve, home to Arctic terns and skuas and also the extremely rare distinctive rasping call. Enjoy time to explore the Abbey before joining Scottish primrose. In the early evening we will meet at the Papay pub for our naturalists on a birding walk. We continue to Lunga, the largest of the a well-deserved pre-dinner drink. Treshnish Isles. Of volcanic origin, Lunga has been described as a ‘green jewel in a peacock sea’. Populated until the 19th century, the island still Day 7 North Rona & Sula Sgeir. Spend the day around North Rona, an bears the remains of black houses. There is prolific birdlife on the island isolated island some fifty miles north of Cape Wrath. The last islanders left including storm-petrels, puffins, kittiwakes and Manx shearwaters. North Rona in 1844 and today it is home to thirteen species of breeding seabirds including large colonies of great black-backed gulls, great skuas Day 10 Oban. Disembark this morning. Transfers will be provided to and puffins. There is also a large population of grey seals which we hope Glasgow International Airport and Central Railway Station at a fixed time. to observe on a Zodiac cruise. If weather permits, we will also visit the gannet colony on Sula Sgeir, home to over 5,000 breeding pairs and renowned as the least visited national nature reserve in Britain. PRICES PER PERSON Based on double occupancy Day 8 St Kilda & Stac Lee, Outer Hebrides. Arrive this morning at St Kilda, a remarkable uninhabited archipelago some 50 miles beyond Cat Cabin Description Price the Outer Hebrides. Dominated by the highest cliffs and sea stacks in 1 Bunk bedded cabin for twin use £3895 Britain, Hirta, St Kilda’s main island was occupied on and off for at least 2 Standard Twin £4295 2,000 years, with the last 36 Gaelic speaking inhabitants evacuated at 3 Superior £4595 their own request in 1930. Immediately after the evacuation, the island 1 Bunk bedded cabin for sole use £4795 was bought by the Marquess of Bute to protect the island’s thousands 2 Standard Twin sole use £5195 of seabirds including puffin and fulmars, and in 1957 it was bequeathed PRICE INCLUDES: Nine nights aboard the Ocean Nova on a full to the National Trust for Scotland. St Kilda is one of the few UNESCO board basis • House wine, beer and soft drinks with lunch and dinner World Heritage Sites with dual status reflecting its natural and cultural • Noble Caledonia expedition team • Shore excursions • Gratuities significance. The local ranger will join us on board before our expedition • Transfers • Port taxes. staff lead several guided walks on the island. This afternoon we cruise Not Included: Travel insurance. past two of the largest gannetries in the world at Stac Lee and Boreray.

+44 (0)20 7752 0000 37 scottish island odyssey A springtime voyage through the Shetland, Orkney & Hebridean Islands aboard the MS Hebridean Sky 14th to 24th May & 31st May to 10th June* 2022

St Kilda

SHETLAND ISLANDS erwik the itinerary ORKNEY Noss ISLANDS Head Day 1 Aberdeen, Scotland. Embark the MS Hebridean Sky this afternoon. Europe and the 12th century St estray air sle Transfers will be provided from Aberdeen Airport and Railway Station at a Boniface Kirk. In the north of the Sta ee Papa estray Stornoway fixed time. Enjoy welcome drinks and dinner this evening as we sail. island is the North Hill Reserve, St ilda home to Arctic terns and skuas Handa Shiant This morning we anchor and also the extremely rare nverewe Day 2 Fair Isle & Noss Head, Shetland Islands. slands ardens off the remote island of Fair Isle. Located midway between the Shetland Scottish primrose. In the early oh Savaig and Orkney Islands, the tiny population of sixty or so islanders always evening we will meet at the Aberdeen Oban extend us a warm welcome. Enjoy a walk across the island searching Papay pub for a well-deserved unga Staffa SCOTLAND out the puffin slopes, visit the community hall for a cup of tea or maybe pre-dinner drink. ona olonsay purchase some of the famous knitwear. Return to the ship for lunch and this afternoon we hope to sail around Noss Head. Here the cliffs will be Day 5 Isle of Lewis & Shiant Islands, Outer Hebrides. Arrive today on the full of nesting gannets, guillemots and fulmars and we may also see skuas Isle of Lewis. On leaving the island capital of Stornoway, we will head across in the skies above. This evening we moor overnight in Lerwick. the island to the beautiful west coast. Described as Scotland’s Stonehenge, the Callanish Standing Stones date from around 3000 BC. There are a total Day 3 Lerwick. From the Shetland capital, we will visit the remarkable of 32 stones in a circular and avenue design. The stones stand like a petrified archaeological site of Jarlshof. The site was uncovered by a violent storm forest on the flat top of a peninsula which reaches out into East Loch Roag. in the winter of 1896/7, revealing an extraordinary settlement site We also visit the Dun Carloway Pictish Broch, probably built sometime in embracing at least 5000 years of human history. The site contains a the last century BC, it would have served as an occasionally defensible remarkable sequence of stone structures – late Neolithic houses, a residence for an extended family complete with accommodation for animals Bronze-Age village, an Iron-Age broch and wheelhouses, several Norse at ground floor level. Our final stop is the Gearrannan Blackhouse Village, a longhouse, a Medieval farmstead and the 16th century laird’s house. reconstructed settlement of traditional black houses which were made using Return to the ship for lunch and enjoy a free afternoon to explore this dry stone masonry and which have thatched roofs, distinctively weighted historic port. Tonight we will be entertained by local musicians. down with rocks. Visit the small museum, enjoy a display of a typical crofting activity such as weaving and take in the views of this dramatic site on the wild Day 4 Westray & Papa Westray, Orkney Islands. During our day in Atlantic coast. This afternoon we will board the Zodiacs for a cruise around the Orkney Islands we will explore two of the islands to the north of the the spectacular basalt cliffs of the Shiant Islands, a group of little islands mainland. On Westray we will visit Noup Head, an RSPB reserve on the sea located a few miles off the shores of Lewis. This is an excellent place to spot cliffs and Notland Castle, an incomplete fortress built in the 16th century puffins, razorbills, guillemots, seals and hopefully white-tailed eagles. by Gilbert Balfour, Master of the Royal Household to Mary Queen of Scots, Sheriff of Orkney. Meanwhile in the main village of Pierowall we find the Day 6 Inverewe & Handa. This morning we will visit one of Scotland’s Westray Heritage Centre housing Neolithic carvings. Over lunch we sail the premier gardens, Inverewe. This botanical garden in the northwest Highlands short distance to Papa Westray where there will be the opportunity for a presents an amazing collection of exotic trees and shrubs that are sheltered number of island walks. You can also visit the 3500-year-old Knap of Howar, by well-positioned windbreaks of native pine. After a guided tour of the a Neolithic farm building that claims to be the oldest standing house in gardens, we will return to the MS Hebridean Sky for lunch as we sail to


Inverewe Gardens

Handa. Here we will use our Zodiacs to explore the magnificent sea cliffs of Torridonian sandstone which rise from the Atlantic. The island comes alive each spring when nearly 100,000 seabirds gather to breed including internationally important numbers of guillemot, razorbill, puffins and great skua.

Day 7 St Kilda & Stac Lee. Arrive over breakfast at St Kilda, a remarkable uninhabited archipelago some fifty miles beyond the Outer Hebrides. Dominated by the highest cliffs and sea stacks in Britain, Hirta, St Kilda’s main island was occupied on and off for at least two thousand years, with the last 36 Gaelic speaking inhabitants evacuated at their own request in 1930. Immediately after the evacuation, the island was bought by the Marquess of Bute to protect the island’s thousands of seabirds including puffin and fulmars, and in 1957 it was bequeathed to The National Trust for Lunga Scotland. St Kilda is one of only a few UNESCO World Heritage Sites with dual status reflecting its natural and cultural significance. The local ranger will join us on board before our expedition staff lead a number of guided walks on the island. This afternoon we will cruise past two of the largest gannetries in the world at Stac Lee and Stac an Armin. These impressive stacs rise 170 metres from the sea and are home to up to 60,000 breeding pairs of northern gannet.

Day 8 Loch Scavaig, Isle of Skye. Spend the morning at sea as we return to the Inner Hebrides and the Isle of Skye. Arrive in the early afternoon at the lovely Loch Scavaig. Just beyond is the freshwater Loch Corruisk with its breathtakingly beautiful view over the Cuillins. This is great walking Grey Seal White-tailed Sea Eagle country, but for those who prefer a less energetic afternoon our Zodiacs will explore the coast looking out for seals.

Day 9 Staffa & Lunga, Inner Hebrides. Awake this morning at Staffa, the south side where the perpendicular rock face features an imposing series of black basalt columns, known as the Colonnade, which has been cut by the sea into cathedralesque caverns, most notably Fingal’s Cave. Weather permitting, we will use our Zodiacs to explore closer. We continue to the Treshnish Isles, an archipelago of uninhabited volcanic islets. The island of Lunga is the largest of the Treshnish Isles in Argyll and Bute. Of volcanic origin, Lunga has been described as ‘a green jewel in a peacock sea’ and is a summer nesting-place for hundreds of seabirds.

Orkney Islands Day 10 Iona & Colonsay. Iona has been occupied for thousands of years and has been a place of pilgrimage and Christian worship for several centuries. It was to this flat, Hebridean island that St Columba fled from Ireland in 563 and established a monastery. Here his followers were PRICES PER PERSON responsible for the conversion of much of pagan Scotland and Northern Based on double occupancy England. No less than 62 Scottish Kings are buried in the Abbey. Visit the Abbey or perhaps walk along the white sandy beaches or go in search Deck Suite Category Price of the corncrake amongst the irises. Spend the afternoon exploring the Amundsen Standard £5095 island of Colonsay, with her craggy, heather-clad hills and sparse woodland £ Byrd Superior £5295 yet impressive array of plants and birdlife. Near Colonsay House, built in Mawson Premium £5595 1722 by Malcolm MacNeil and bought by Lord Strathcona in 1904, we will Mawson Corner £5995 visit the attractively dilapidated woodland gardens which protect the tiny, Scott Deluxe Balcony £6495 enigmatic 8th century St Oran’s Cross. Shackleton Owner’s Balcony £6795 Shackleton Hebridean £7795 Day 11 Oban. Disembark this morning after breakfast. Transfers will be Amundsen Standard for sole use £6595 provided to Glasgow International Airport and Glasgow Central Railway Byrd Superior for sole use £6995 Station at a fixed time. PRICE INCLUDES: 10 nights aboard the MS Hebridean Sky on a full board basis • House wine, beer and soft drinks with lunch and dinner • Noble *Please note that the 31st May departure operates in the reverse Caledonia expedition team • Shore excursions • Gratuities • Transfers direction to that shown from Oban to Aberdeen. The full itinerary can • Port taxes. be viewed at Not Included: Travel insurance.

+44 (0)20 7752 0000 39 spring in the hebrides An expedition exploring the majestic Hebrides aboard the MS Hebridean Sky 24th to 31st May 2022


the itinerary

Day 1 Oban, Scotland. Embark the MS Hebridean Sky this afternoon. a peninsula which reaches out Sta ee Transfers will be provided from Glasgow International Airport and Glasgow into East Loch Roag. We also Stornoway Central Railway Station at a fixed time. visit the Dun Carloway Pictish St ilda Handa Broch, probably built sometime nverewe Shiant slands ardens Day 2 Canna & Loch Scavaig. Strategically placed between the mountains in the last century BC, it would oh Savaig of Rum and the Outer Hebrides, the island of Canna and its adjoining have served as an occasionally anna unga neighbour Sanday are bound together like some rare text that reveals over defensible residence for an Oban Staffa 60 million years of Hebridean geology and history. They have an amazingly extended family complete with ona SCOTLAND rich archaeological landscape with remains dating to all periods of settled accommodation for animals at olonsay occupation in Scotland. Canna is run as a single farm and bird sanctuary ground floor level. Our final stop by the National Trust for Scotland and enjoys the best harbour in the Small is the Gearrannan Blackhouse Isles, a hornshaped haven. The fertile soil and its diversity of habitats mean Village, a reconstructed settlement of traditional black houses which were that the island has an incredibly rich plant life with 248 native flowering made using dry stone masonry and have thatched roofs, distinctively plants recorded. We will see Canna House and wander across grassy weighted down with rocks. Visit the small museum, enjoy a display of basalt plateaus to the 600 foot cliffs on the north shore. Sail over lunch to a typical crofting activity such as weaving and take in the views of this the lovely Loch Scavaig. Just beyond is the freshwater Loch Corruisk with dramatic site on the wild Atlantic coast. At Handa will use our Zodiacs to its breathtakingly beautiful view over the Cuillins. This is great walking explore the magnificent sea cliffs of Torridonian sandstone which rise from country, but for those who prefer a less energetic afternoon our Zodiacs the Atlantic. The island comes alive each summer when nearly 100,000 will explore the coast looking out for seals. seabirds gather to breed including internationally important numbers of guillemot, razorbill, puffins and great skua. Day 3 Shiant Islands & Inverewe. After breakfast we will board the Zodiacs for a cruise around the spectacular basalt cliffs of the Shiant Day 5 St Kilda & Stac Lee. Arrive over breakfast at St Kilda, a remarkable Islands, a group of little islands located a few miles off the shores of uninhabited archipelago some fifty miles beyond the Outer Hebrides. Lewis. This is an excellent place to spot puffins, razorbills, guillemots, Dominated by the highest cliffs and sea stacks in Britain, Hirta, St Kilda’s seals and hopefully white-tailed eagles. In the afternoon we will visit one main island was occupied on and off for at least two thousand years, with of Scotland’s premier gardens, Inverewe. This botanical garden in the the last 36 Gaelic speaking inhabitants evacuated at their own request northwest Highlands presents an amazing collection of exotic trees and in 1930. Immediately after the evacuation, the island was bought by the shrubs that are sheltered by well-positioned windbreaks of native pine. Marquess of Bute to protect the island’s thousands of seabirds including After a guided tour of the gardens, we will return to the MS Hebridean Sky puffin and fulmars, and in 1957 it was bequeathed to The National Trust for and sail to Stornoway where we moor overnight. Scotland. St Kilda is one of only a few UNESCO World Heritage Sites with dual status reflecting its natural and cultural significance. The local ranger Day 4 Isle of Lewis & Handa. On leaving the island capital of Stornoway, will join us on board before our expedition staff lead a number of guided we will head across the island of Lewis to the beautiful west coast. walks on the island. This afternoon we will cruise past two of the largest Described as Scotland’s Stonehenge, the Callanish Standing Stones date gannetries in the world at Stac Lee and Stac an Armin. These impressive from around 3000 BC. There are a total of 32 stones in a circular and stacs rise 170 metres from the sea and are home to up to 60,000 breeding avenue design. The stones stand like a petrified forest on the flat top of pairs of northern gannet.

40 SPRING IN THE HEBRIDES – MS HEBRIDEAN SKY Exploring by Zodiac Fingal’s Cave

We will explore the “spectacular beauty, rich wildlife and fascinating history of the Inner and Outer Hebrides and

Guillemots with our fleet of Zodiacs we will be able to visit some of the most remote and uninhabited islands. ”

St Kilda

Day 6 Staffa & Lunga. Awake this morning at Staffa, the south side Here his followers were responsible for the conversion of much of pagan where the perpendicular rock face features an imposing series of black Scotland and Northern England. No less than 62 Scottish Kings are basalt columns, known as the Colonnade, which has been cut by the buried in the Abbey. Visit the Abbey or perhaps walk along the white sea into cathedralesque caverns, most notably Fingal’s Cave. Weather sandy beaches or go in search of the corncrake amongst the irises. Lying permitting, we will use our Zodiacs to explore closer. We continue to the between Mull and Islay, we will spend the afternoon exploring the island Treshnish Isles, an archipelago of uninhabited volcanic islets. The island of of Colonsay with her craggy, heather-clad hills and sparse woodland yet Lunga is the largest of the Treshnish Isles in Argyll and Bute. Of volcanic impressive array of plants and birdlife. Near Colonsay House, built in 1722 origin, Lunga has been described as ‘a green jewel in a peacock sea’ and by Malcolm MacNeil and bought by Lord Strathcona in 1904, we will visit is a summer nesting-place for hundreds of seabirds. the attractively dilapidated woodland gardens which protect the tiny, enigmatic 8th century St Oran’s Cross. Day 7 Iona & Colonsay. Spend the morning on Iona which has been occupied for thousands of years and has been a place of pilgrimage and Day 8 Oban. Disembark this morning. Transfers will be provided to Christian worship for several centuries. It was to this flat, Hebridean island Glasgow International Airport and Glasgow Central Railway Station at a that St Columba fled from Ireland in 563 and established a monastery. fixed time.

PRICES PER PERSON Based on double occupancy

Deck Suite Category Price Amundsen Standard £3895 £ Byrd Superior £4195 Mawson Premium £4395 Mawson Corner £4695 Scott Deluxe Balcony £5295 Shackleton Owner’s Balcony £5695 Shackleton Hebridean £6195 Amundsen Standard for sole use £4895 Byrd Superior for sole use £5195

PRICE INCLUDES: Seven nights aboard the MS Hebridean Sky on a full board basis • House wine, beer and soft drinks with lunch and dinner • Shore excursions • Noble Caledonia expedition team • Gratuities • Transfers • Port taxes. Travel insurance. Iona Not Included:

+44 (0)20 7752 0000 41 britain & ireland in bloom A voyage exploring the gardens of England, Scotland, Ireland & Wales aboard the MS Serenissima with Guest Speaker Caroline Holmes 5th to 14th June 2022

Powerscourt House & Gardens the itinerary Srabster Shiant slands Day 1 Portsmouth, England. Embark this afternoon. Transfers will be Day 5 Llandudno & Bodnant nverewe provided from Portsmouth Harbour Railway Station at a fixed time. Enjoy Garden, Wales. Spend the Aberdeen SCOTLAND welcome drinks and dinner as we sail this evening. morning at Bodnant Garden, Arduaine which is situated above the rarae ardens Day 2 Tresco, Isles of Scilly. Spend the morning at sea arriving in the River Conwy and has stunning NORTHERN elfast Isles of Scilly over lunch. We spend the afternoon on traffic-free Tresco, views across Snowdonia. Begun IRELAND walking its idyllic lanes from the beach to the famous sub-tropical Abbey in 1875, Bodnant Garden is the Dun aoghaire landudno Gardens. Defying the Atlantic weather, this miracle of a garden is home creation of four generations of IRELAND to more than 20,000 species of plants from over 80 countries. Enjoy time Aberconways and features huge aterford WALES ENGLAND to wander at your own pace along the paths, maybe visit the Valhalla Italianate terraces and formal Portsmouth collection of ship figureheads from ships wrecked on the islands or relax lawns on its upper level, with in the café. a wooded valley, stream and sles of Silly wild garden below. There are Day 3 Waterford, Ireland. From our berth in the town of Waterford we dramatic colours throughout will drive to Mount Congreve, a spectacular woodland garden on the the season, with herbaceous banks of the River Suir. This privately owned seventy acre garden has borders, roses, hydrangeas, water lilies and clematis that delight a collection of over three thousand trees and shrubs and is particularly throughout the summer. This afternoon will be free to explore Llandudno stunning in early summer when the gardens are awash with magnificent at leisure. Developed as an upmarket holiday town for Victorian visitors, sweeps of flowering azaleas, camellias, magnolias and rhododendrons. this seaside town still retains much of its 19th century grandeur, with Enjoy time to walk the numerous paths bordered with wisterias or graceful wedding-cake architecture lining its sweeping waterfront bluebells and visit the vantage points with views over the landscape and promenade. meadows beyond. Return to the MS Serenissima for lunch and enjoy an afternoon at leisure to explore Waterford independently. Day 6 Belfast, Northern Ireland. This morning we will make our way to the famous gardens at Mount Stewart which were planted in the 1920s Day 4 Dun Laoghaire. After breakfast we will drive out into the Wicklow by Edith, Lady Londonderry and are of international importance. The Mountains and the wonderfully sited gardens of Powerscourt. Spread magnificent series of outdoor ‘rooms’ and vibrant parterres contain out over 47 acres we will explore the Italianate Terraces, the Japanese many rare plants that thrive in the mild climate of the Ards Peninsula. Garden where the azaeleas should be in bloom and maybe take a walk The formal areas exude a strong Mediterranean feel and resemble an through the wooded Tower Valley. We will enjoy lunch before continuing Italian villa landscape; the wooded areas support a range of plants from to Mount Usher, a lovely romantic garden on the banks of the River all corners of the world. There will be time to explore the opulent house Vartry with over 5,000 species of plants and shrubs. We hope to see which reveals a fascinating heritage and historic world-famous artefacts magnolias and crocuses line the pathways as we stroll through the and artwork. Do not leave without taking in the magnificent views of grounds. Alternatively, you may prefer to spend the day in Dublin and Strangford Lough from the Temple of the Winds. Return to the ship our onboard staff will be able to advise on travel arrangements to the for lunch and the afternoon is free to relax on board, explore the city city centre. of Belfast at your own pace or maybe take an independent visit to the Titanic Experience. Located by the site of the ship’s construction, this


Bodnant House & Garden

Grey Seal, Shiant Islands Inverewe Gardens Puffin

museum tells the story of the Titanic from her conception through her We continue to Dunnet Head to see the lighthouse, built in 1831 by construction and launch in 1911. Robert Stevenson, and enjoy the views over to Orkney. Before our return to the ship we will visit the Medieval Canisbay Kirk whose position over Day 7 Arduaine & Crarae Gardens, Scotland. Sail this morning along the Pentland Firth has made it a shipping landmark for centuries. the Argyll coast to our anchorage at Ardfern. From here we will visit two very special National Trust for Scotland gardens. First stop is Arduaine Day 10 Aberdeen. Disembark this morning. Transfers will be provided to Garden, a delightful woodland garden which enjoys the benefits from Aberdeen Railway Station and International Airport at a fixed time. the warming effect of the North Atlantic Drift and is a paradise for plant lovers. Take a walk through the woodland to the coastal viewpoint and enjoy superb views of the Sound of Jura or just spend some time relaxing SHIP TO SHORE at the water garden. Return to the ship for lunch and this afternoon drive This cruise is not classified as an expedition cruise; however, please to Crarae Gardens, created in 1912 by Lady Grace Campbell the aunt note that Zodiac landing craft are integral to the operation of the cruise of intrepid plant hunter Reginald Farrer, who sourced trees and shrubs and will be used to transfer ashore in Tresco, Llandudno, Ardfern and from China, Nepal and Tibet. Today it is a Himalayan style glen set in the Inverewe. Please also note that in the Shiant Islands our excursion will be gentle hills of Argyll. by Zodiac.

Day 8 Shiant Islands & Inverewe Gardens. This morning we will board the Zodiacs for a cruise around the spectacular basalt cliffs of the Shiant Islands, an excellent place to spot puffins, razorbills, guillemots and seal. PRICES PER PERSON Sailing into Loch Ewe we will use our Zodiacs to visit Inverewe, surely one Based on double occupancy of the finest sited gardens in all Scotland. Cared for by the National Trust for Scotland since 1952, it was first designed by plant hunter Osgood Cat Cabin Description Price Mackenzie in the late 19th century and is home to a multitude of exotic 2 Standard Stateroom £3995 and tender plants that are sheltered by well positioned windbreaks of 3 Classic Stateroom £4195 native pine. After a guided tour of the gardens, we will return to the ship 4 Superior Stateroom £4495 and sail this evening. 5 Deluxe Stateroom £4995 6 Junior Suite £5495 Owner’s Suite Day 9 Scrabster. Arrive today in Scrabster, the most northerly port 7 £5895 on the Scottish mainland. This morning we will visit the Castle and 8 Serenissima Suite £6095 Gardens of Mey, built between 1566 and 1572 by George Sinclair, 4th 10 Standard Single £4695 Earl of Caithness. The castle was purchased by Queen Elizabeth, the PRICE INCLUDES: Nine nights aboard the Serenissima on a full board Queen Mother, in 1952, who renovated and restored it and created the basis • House wine, beer and soft drinks with lunch and dinner • Noble beautiful gardens which we will see today. After lunch on board relax for Caledonia onboard team including Guest Speaker • Shore excursions the afternoon or choose to take a drive along the coast to Dunnet Bay, • Gratuities • Transfers • Port taxes. a glorious crescent of sand and dunes and home to many seabirds and Not Included: Travel insurance. unusual flora that we will discover on a guided walk with the local ranger.

+44 (0)20 7752 0000 43 atlantic island odyssey An island hopping expedition through the Shetland, Faroe & Hebridean Islands aboard the MS Serenissima 14th to 26th June & 26th June to 8th July* 2022

Loch Scavaig

estmanna FAROE the itinerary ISLANDS Torshavn Embark the MS Serenissima this afternoon. our visits to the northern Suduroy Day 1 Aberdeen, Scotland. SHETLAND Transfers will be provided from Aberdeen Airport and Railway Station at a islands of Fetlar and Unst. ISLANDS nst fixed time. Sail this evening to the Orkney Islands. Fetlar has been inhabited etlar for over 5000 years and the erwik ORKNEY Day 2 Westray, Orkney Islands. After a morning at sea we spend the island lays claim to being ISLANDS air sle afternoon in the Orkney Islands as we explore one of the islands to the the first Norse landing site in estray Sta ee north of the mainland. On Westray we will visit Noup Head, an RSPB the Shetlands. Known as the reserve on the sea cliffs and home to up to 100,000 nesting seabirds. We most fertile of the Shetland St ilda sle of ewis also see Notland Castle, an incomplete fortress built in the 16th century Islands, the wildflowers bring Shiant slands INNER by Gilbert Balfour, Mary Queen of Scots Sherif of Orkney, whilst in the colour to the landscape HEBRIDES oh Savaig anna Aberdeen main village of Pierowall we find the Westray Heritage Centre housing whilst the birdlife on the unga Neolithic carvings. island is prolific. Our SCOTLAND Staffa Oban expedition team will lead ona Day 3 Fair Isle, Shetland Islands. This morning we anchor off the remote walks ashore including the island of Fair Isle. Located midway between the Shetland and Orkney Fetlar Interpretative Centre Islands, the tiny population of sixty or so islanders always extend us a and Museum where we will learn about the wildlife and archaeological warm welcome. Enjoy a walk across the island searching out the puffin history of the island. Over lunch we sail to Unst, Britain’s most northerly slopes, visit the community hall for a cup of tea or maybe purchase some inhabited island and at the Heritage Centre learn about how the of the famous knitwear. Return to the ship for lunch and this afternoon islanders have lived over the centuries and the industries that have we hope to sail around Noss Head. Here the cliffs will be full of nesting prospered. We will visit the Unst Boat Haven, dedicated to the history gannets, guillemots and fulmars whilst we may also see skuas in the skies of the island’s distinctive wooden boats which descend from Viking above. This evening we moor overnight in Lerwick. craft and Saxa Vord. Admire the views over Hermaness National Nature Reserve and Muckle Flugga stacks, home to thousands of birds Day 4 Lerwick. From the Shetland capital, we will visit the remarkable as well as rare Arctic-alpine plants. archaeological site of Jarlshof. The site was uncovered by a violent storm in the winter of 1896/7, revealing an extraordinary settlement Day 6 Torshavn, Faroe Islands. After a morning at sea we make site embracing at least 5000 years of human history. The site contains our first call in the Faroes on Torshavn. From our berth we will join a a remarkable sequence of stone structures – late Neolithic houses, a guided tour through Torshavn over the hills to Kirkjubour, the island’s Bronze-Age village, an Iron-Age broch and wheelhouses, several Norse oldest cultural centre, where we see the ruins of the 13th century St longhouse, a Medieval farmstead and the 16th century laird’s house. Magnus Cathedral and the 11th century church, still in use. We also Return to the ship for lunch and enjoy a free afternoon to explore this visit the 900-year old “Roykstovan”, the old bishopric, considered to historic port. Tonight we will be entertained by local musicians. be the oldest wooden house in Europe. For the more active we will arrange a hike in the hills surrounding the town to discover the local Day 5 Fetlar & Unst. We continue our exploration of the Shetlands with flora and fauna.

44 ATLANTIC ISLAND ODYSSEY – MS SERENISSIMA Day 7 Vestmanna. Vestmanna is our base for today as we explore the Iona northwest corner of Streymoy and the nearby cliffs. Here we will board local boats to explore these vertical cliffs that climb almost 1500 feet, sailing into grottos carved by the surf over the years and watching the thousands of seabirds including puffins, guillemots, fulmars and kittiwakes that nest here each summer. After lunch on board, we will drive to the beautiful village of Saksun, an isolated settlement situated beneath steep majestic mountains. We visit Duvugaroar, an old farmhouse which is now a museum and will visit a traditional Faroese wooden church in Kollafjord. Fingal’s Cave

Day 8 Suduroy. Suduroy, the southernmost island of the group is our base for the morning. From the port of Tvoroyri we have a choice of activities. Choose to join an island drive passing the beautiful scenery as we drive between the villages seeing the stunning geology, fjords, tunnels and architecture of the island and end at the southernmost point and the Akraberg lighthouse. In Porkeri we will take the ridge-top road which winds up the mountainside for wonderful views towards the steep cliffs on the west coast, the Beinisvoro promontory to the north and the luscious grass slopes to the east. To locals, this delivers the essence of the Faroe Islands with mountains and fjords, villages and valleys, birds, sheep and nature. Alternatively, those feeling active may wish to join a hike to Hvaanhagi, a beautiful, uninhabited place north of Tvoroyri on the east Callanish Standing Stones coast of Suduroy with fantastic views towards the three islands Litla Dímun, Stora Dimun and Skuvoy. Sail over lunch as we return to Scotland. mean that the island has an incredibly rich plant life with 248 native Day 9 St Kilda, Outer Hebrides. Cruise past two of the largest gannetries flowering plants recorded. We will see Canna House, and wander across in the world at Stac Lee and Stac an Armin. These impressive stacs rise grassy basalt plateaus to the 600-foot cliffs on the north shore. 170 metres from the sea and are home to up to 60,000 breeding pairs of northern gannet. Later this morning we continue on to St Kilda, a Day 12 Staffa, Iona & Lunga. Awake this morning at Staffa, the south remarkable uninhabited archipelago some fifty miles beyond the Outer side where the perpendicular rock face features an imposing series of Hebrides. Dominated by the highest cliffs and sea stacks in Britain, Hirta, black basalt columns, known as the Colonnade, which has been cut by St Kilda’s main island was occupied on and off for at least two thousand the sea into cathedralesque caverns, most notably Fingal’s Cave. Weather years, with the last 36 Gaelic speaking inhabitants evacuated at their permitting, we will use our Zodiacs to explore closer. We continue to own request in 1930. Immediately after the evacuation, the island was Iona which has been occupied for thousands of years and has been a bought by the Marquess of Bute to protect the island’s thousands of place of pilgrimage and Christian worship for several centuries. It was seabirds including puffin and fulmars, and in 1957 it was bequeathed to to this flat, Hebridean island that St Columba fled from Ireland in 563 The National Trust for Scotland. St Kilda is one of only a few UNESCO and established a monastery. Here his followers were responsible for World Heritage Sites with dual status reflecting its natural and cultural the conversion of much of pagan Scotland and Northern England. No significance. The local ranger will join us on board before our expedition less than 62 Scottish Kings are buried in the Abbey. Visit the Abbey staff lead a number of guided walks on the island. or perhaps walk along the white sandy beaches or go in search of the corncrake amongst the irises. We end the day in the Treshnish Isles, an Day 10 Isle of Lewis & Shiant Islands. Arrive today on the Isle of Lewis. archipelago of uninhabited volcanic islets. The island of Lunga is the On leaving the island capital of Stornoway, we will head across the island largest of the Treshnish Isles in Argyll and Bute. Of volcanic origin, Lunga to the beautiful west coast. Described as Scotland’s Stonehenge, the has been described as ‘a green jewel in a peacock sea’ and is a summer Callanish Standing Stones date from around 3000 BC. There are a total of nesting-place for hundreds of seabirds. 32 stones in a circular and avenue design. The stones stand like a petrified forest on the flat top of a peninsula which reaches out into East Loch Roag. Day 13 Oban. Disembark this morning after breakfast. Transfers will be We also visit the Dun Carloway Pictish Broch, probably built sometime in provided to Glasgow International Airport and Central Station at a fixed the last century BC, it would have served as an occasionally defensible time. residence for an extended family complete with accommodation for animals at ground floor level. Our final stop is the Gearrannan Blackhouse *Please note that the 26th June itinerary operates in the reverse Village, a reconstructed settlement of traditional black houses which were direction to that shown from Oban to Aberdeen. The full itinerary can made using dry stone masonry and have thatched roofs, distinctively be viewed at weighted down with rocks. Visit the small museum, enjoy a display of a typical crofting activity such as weaving and take in the views of this dramatic site on the wild Atlantic coast. This afternoon we will board the Zodiacs for a cruise around the spectacular basalt cliffs of the Shiant PRICES PER PERSON Islands, a group of little islands located a few miles off the shores of Lewis. Based on double occupancy This is an excellent place to spot puffins, razorbills, guillemots, seals and hopefully white-tailed eagles. Cat Cabin Description Price 2 Standard Stateroom £5095 Day 11 Loch Scavaig & Canna, Inner Hebrides. Arrive this morning to 3 Classic Stateroom £5395 lovely Loch Scavaig on the island of Skye. Just beyond is the freshwater 4 Superior Stateroom £5795 Loch Corruisk with its breathtakingly beautiful view over the Cuillins. This 5 Deluxe Stateroom £6195 is great walking country, but for those who prefer a less energetic morning 6 Junior Suite £6495 our Zodiacs will explore the coast looking out for seals. Over lunch we 7 Owner’s Suite £6795 will sail to Canna. Strategically placed between the mountains of Rum 8 Serenissima Suite £6995 and the Outer Hebrides, the island of Canna and its adjoining neighbour 10 Standard Single £6595 Sanday are bound together like some rare text that reveals over 60 million PRICE INCLUDES: 12 nights aboard the MS Serenissima on a full years of Hebridean geology and history. They have an amazingly rich board basis • House wine, beer and soft drinks with lunch and dinner archaeological landscape with remains dating to all periods of settled • Noble Caledonia expedition team • Shore excursions occupation in Scotland. Canna is run as a single farm and bird sanctuary • Gratuities • Transfers • Port taxes. by the National Trust for Scotland and enjoys the best harbour in the Small Not Included: Travel insurance. Isles, a horn shaped haven. The fertile soil and its diversity of habitats

+44 (0)20 7752 0000 45 islands on the edge An exploration of the islands of England, Ireland & Scotland aboard the MS Island Sky 15th to 27th July 2022


the itinerary SHETLAND ISLANDS erwik Day 1 Aberdeen, Scotland. Embark this afternoon. Transfers will be Gearrannan Blackhouse provided from Aberdeen Airport and Railway Station at a fixed time. Enjoy Village – a reconstructed OUTER air sle HEBRIDES welcome drinks and dinner as we sail this evening. settlement of traditional

black houses which Sta ee sle of ewis Days 2 Fair Isle, Shetland Islands. This morning we arrive at the remote were made using dry anna Aberdeen island of Fair Isle. Located midway between the Shetland and Orkney stone masonry and have St ilda oh Savaig Islands, the tiny population of sixty or so islanders always extend us a thatched roofs, distinctively Tory Staffa warm welcome. Enjoy a walk across the island searching out the puffin weighted down with rocks. sland ona SCOTLAND slopes, visit the community hall for a cup of tea or maybe purchase some Visit the small museum, of the famous knitwear. Sail this afternoon for Lerwick where we moor enjoy a display of a typical NORTHERN IRELAND overnight. crofting activity such as weaving and take in the IRELAND Day 3 Lerwick. From the Shetland capital, we will visit the remarkable views of this dramatic site alentia sland archaeological site of Jarlshof. The site was uncovered by a violent on the wild Atlantic coast. Skellig slands ENGLAND Mien Head storm in the winter of 1896/7, revealing an extraordinary settlement ape lear site embracing at least 5000 years of human history. The site contains Day 5 St Kilda & Stac Lee. sland Portsmouth a remarkable sequence of stone structures – late Neolithic houses, a We spend the morning Bronze-Age village, an Iron-Age broch and wheelhouses, several Norse at St Kilda, a remarkable uernsey Treso longhouses, a Medieval farmstead and the 16th century laird’s house. uninhabited archipelago St Agnes Herm Return to the ship for lunch and enjoy a free afternoon to explore this some fifty miles beyond historic port. Perhaps wander through its narrow stone lanes or maybe visit the Outer Hebrides. the excellent Shetland Museum, containing artefacts from shipwrecks and Dominated by the highest the whaling era. cliffs and sea stacks in Britain, Hirta, St Kilda’s main island was occupied on and off for at least two thousand Day 4 Isle of Lewis, Outer Hebrides. After a morning at sea we arrive years, with the last 36 Gaelic speaking inhabitants evacuated at their own on the Isle of Lewis. On leaving the island capital of Stornoway, we will request in 1930. Immediately after the evacuation, the island was bought by head across the island to the beautiful west coast. Described as Scotland’s the Marquess of Bute to protect the island’s thousands of seabirds including Stonehenge, the Callanish Standing Stones date from around 3000 BC. puffin and fulmars and in 1957 it was bequeathed to The National Trust for There are a total of 32 stones in a circular and avenue design. The stones Scotland. St Kilda is one of the few UNESCO World Heritage Sites with dual stand like a petrified forest on the flat top of a peninsula which reaches status reflecting its natural and cultural significance. The local ranger will out into East Loch Roag. We also visit the Dun Carloway Pictish Broch, join us on board before our expedition staff lead guided walks on the island. probably built sometime in the last century BC, it would have served as an Later, we will cruise past one of the largest gannetries in the world at Stac occasionally defensible residence for an extended family complete with Lee. The impressive stacs rise 170 metres from the sea and are home to up accommodation for animals at ground floor level. Our final stop is the to 60,000 breeding pairs of northern gannet.

46 ISLANDS ON THE EDGE – MS ISLAND SKY Day 6 Loch Scavaig & Canna. Awake in the lovely Loch Scavaig on Puffin, Fair Isle the Isle of Skye. Just beyond is the freshwater Loch Corruisk with its breathtakingly beautiful view over the Cuillins. This is great walking country and our expedition team will run a series of hikes for all interests. For those who prefer a less energetic morning our Zodiacs will explore the coast looking out for seals. Enjoy lunch on board as we cross over to Canna. Strategically placed between the mountains of Rum and the Outer Hebrides, the island of Canna and its adjoining neighbour Sanday are bound together like some rare text that reveals over 60 million years of Hebridean geology and history. They have an amazingly rich St Peter Port, Guernsey archaeological landscape with remains dating to all periods of settled occupation in Scotland. Canna is run as a single farm and bird sanctuary by the National Trust for Scotland and enjoys the best harbour in the Small Isles, a horn shaped haven. The fertile soil and its diversity of habitats mean that the island has an incredibly rich plant life with 248 native flowering plants recorded. We will see Canna House and wander across grassy basalt plateaus to the 600 foot cliffs on the north shore.

Day 7 Staffa & Iona. Over breakfast we will anchor off Staffa, where the perpendicular rock face features an imposing series of black basalt columns, known as the Colonnade, which have been cut by the sea into cathedralesque caverns, most notably Fingal’s Cave. Weather permitting, Skellig Michael we will use our Zodiacs to explore closer. We then plan to cruise the short distance to the Isle of Iona which has been occupied for thousands of years and has been a place of pilgrimage and Christian worship for several centuries. It was to this flat, Hebridean island that St Columba Day 11 Tresco & St Agnes, Isles of Scilly. Spend the morning on fled from Ireland in 563 and established a monastery. Here his followers traffic-free Tresco, walking its idyllic lanes from the beach to the famous were responsible for the conversion of much of pagan Scotland and sub-tropical Abbey Gardens. Defying the Atlantic weather, this miracle Northern England. No less than 62 Scottish Kings are buried in the of a garden is home to more than 20,000 species of plants from over 80 Abbey. Visit the Abbey, perhaps walk along the white sandy beaches or countries. Enjoy time to wander at your own pace along the paths, maybe go in search of the corncrake amongst the irises. visit the Valhalla collection of ship figureheads from ships wrecked on the islands or relax in the café. On St Agnes we find the most southwesterly Day 8 Tory Island, Northern Ireland. Spend the morning on Tory community in the UK. Surrounded by rocks and reefs this delightful tiny Island, located off the northwest coast of Ireland and home to 150 or so island offers marvellous coastal walks. The small island of Gugh lies across Gaelic speakers. It is the most remote inhabited Irish island; although a narrow sandbar and here we find a single stone monolith called the ‘Old only 14 miles offshore, it feels like many more and island life here is full Man of Gugh’ which dates back to the Bronze Age. of traditions. Meet some of the local community in the village hall and enjoy some of their legendary storytelling, music and dance. Tory Island Day 12 Guernsey & Herm, Channel Islands. Anchor this morning is also famous for its migratory birds; seabirds nest here in large numbers off Guernsey, the ‘Island of Flowers’. There will be the option of a and a puffin colony nests on the northern cliffs. Look out for guillemots, walking tour of St Peter Port including a visit to Castle Cornet, a 12th kittiwakes, fulmars, storm petrels and Manx shearwaters and we hope to century battlement which guards the entrance to St Peter Port Harbour. hear the calls of the corncrake for which the island is known. Return to Alternatively, enjoy a panoramic island drive during which we will see the the ship for lunch and an afternoon at sea. beautiful coastline and beaches and also visit the Little Chapel, built in 1914 as a miniature version of the famous basilica at Lourdes and covered Day 9 Valentia Island & Skelling Islands, Ireland. Arrive today at in fragments of shattered china. Over lunch we sail the short distance to the famous Kerry (Iveragh) peninsula where we anchor at the port of Herm, the smallest inhabited Channel Island and, at just one and a half Knightstown on Valentia Island. Spend the morning exploring the island, miles long and half a mile wide, perfect for discovering on foot. You will perhaps take a coastal walk, visit the tropical gardens at Glanleam or have free time to explore, perhaps take a stroll over to Shell or Belvoir join an island drive including the Cromwell Point Lighthouse. In the Beach. Alternatively, join our naturalists on the lookout for wildflowers and early afternoon we will arrive off The Skelligs, tiny islands just off the birds. magnificent coast of the Dingle Peninsula. Weather permitting, we will sail around these mystical islands with their early Christian history. Skellig Day 13 Portsmouth. Disembark this morning. Transfers will be provided Michael is a World Heritage Site and atop this rugged pyramid, that rises to Portsmouth Harbour Railway Station at a fixed time. from the sea, are the ruins of a monastery. Meanwhile at Little Skellig the sky can on occasion turn white as some of the 20,000 pairs of breeding gannets leave their roosts. PRICES PER PERSON Based on double occupancy Day 10 Cape Clear Island & Mizen Head. Cape Clear is Ireland’s southernmost inhabited place, located eight miles from the Cork Deck Suite Category Price coast and home to 120 Gaelic speaking residents. It is a great place to Magellan Standard £5995 spend a morning and there will be options to visit the Cape Clear Bird Columbus Superior £6295 Observatory, the Heritage Centre with archive information on the island, Marco Polo Premium £6595 or to join a series of island walks where we may see some of the active Marco Polo Corner £6995 birdlife and enjoy the views over the Atlantic. Later we hope to use the Erikson Deluxe Balcony £8295 Zodiacs to land at the quaint village of Schull from where we will take Explorer Owner’s Balcony Suites £8995 the road to Mizen Head, the most southwesterly point of Ireland. Here Explorer Island Suite £9995 we find the famous signal station and there will be a choice of walks, Magellan Standard for sole use £7295 all offering stunning views along the west coast and a great chance Columbus Superior for sole use £7795 to see kittiwakes, gannets and choughs as well as seals on the rocks 12 nights aboard the MS Island Sky on a full board below. Those feeling active may also want to climb down to the Keepers PRICE INCLUDES: basis • House wine, beer and soft drinks with lunch & dinner Quarters including displays on the Fastnet lighthouse, the Marconi radio • Noble Caledonia expedition team • Shore excursions • Gratuities room and the bird mural room, home to a spectacular mural by Jules • Transfers • Port taxes. Thomas showing the birds of the Mizen peninsula, their habitats, nests Not Included: Travel insurance. and eggs.

+44 (0)20 7752 0000 47 circumnavigation of the united kingdom A summer voyage of England, Scotland, Ireland & Wales aboard the MS Serenissima 6th to 22nd August 2022

Lindisfarne Castle

SHETLAND the itinerary ISLANDS nst erwik Day 1 Portsmouth, England. Embark this afternoon. Transfers will be Day 5 Llandudno. This provided from Portsmouth Harbour Railway Station at a fixed time. morning will be spent at Srabster Bodnant Garden. Situated St ilda

Day 2 Guernsey & Herm, Channel Islands. This morning we arrive above the River Conwy, SCOTLAND on Guernsey, the ‘Island of Flowers’ where there will be the option of the gardens have stunning Staffa Montrose ona a walking tour of St Peter Port including a visit to Castle Cornet, a 12th views across Snowdonia. erwik uponTweed century battlement which guards the entrance to St Peter Port harbour. Begun in 1875, Bodnant NORTHERN Alternatively, enjoy a panoramic drive during which we will see the Garden is the creation IRELAND hitby beautiful coastline and beaches and visit the Little Chapel, built in 1914 of four generations of elfast sle of Man as a miniature version of the famous basilica at Lourdes and covered in Aberconways and features landudno fragments of shattered china. Over lunch we sail the short distance to huge Italianate terraces WALES ENGLAND Herm, the smallest inhabited Channel Island and, at just one and a half and formal lawns on Southwold ishguard miles long and half a mile wide, perfect for exploring on foot. Here, you its upper level, with a St Davids will have free time to explore, perhaps take a stroll over to Shell or Belvoir wooded valley, stream Portsmouth beach or join our naturalists for a walk. and wild garden below. There are dramatic colours ISLES OF Day 3 Isles of Scilly. Spend the morning on traffic-free Tresco, walking throughout the season, SCILLY uernsey its idyllic lanes from the beach to the famous subtropical Abbey Gardens. with herbaceous borders, Herm Defying the Atlantic weather, this miracle of a garden is home to more roses, hydrangeas, water than 20,000 species of plants from over 80 countries. Enjoy time to lilies and clematis that delight throughout the summer. This afternoon wander at your own pace along the paths, maybe visit the Valhalla will be free to explore Llandudno at leisure. Developed as an upmarket collection of ship figureheads from ships wrecked on the islands or relax holiday town for Victorian visitors, this seaside town still retains much of its in the cafe. We spend the afternoon on St Agnes, the most southwesterly 19th century grandeur, with graceful wedding-cake architecture lining its community in the UK. Surrounded by rocks and reefs this delightful tiny sweeping waterfront promenade. island offers marvellous coastal walks. The small island of Gugh lies across a narrow sandbar and here we find a single stone monolith called the Day 6 Peel, Isle of Man. Arrive this morning on the Isle of Man at the main ‘Old Man of Gugh’ which dates back to the Bronze Age. fishing port of Peel. Settlements have been here since the Mesolithic Age and the island also claims to have the longest continuous parliament which Day 4 St Davids & Fishguard, Wales. From our berth in Fishguard we was founded in 979 AD. Leaving Peel we will visit Tynwald Hill, located in will take a scenic drive to St Davids, Britain’s smallest city. Explore the the little village of St John’s. This grass-topped, tiered hill is made from magnificent 12th century cathedral and see the Bishop’s Palace before the soil and stones from each of the island’s 17 parishes and is the point enjoying some free time in the city. Return to the ship for lunch and either from which, each 5th of July, all the laws enacted in the year preceding are choose an afternoon at leisure or join our naturalists for a walk along the promulgated to the gathered government officials and the public at large, Pembrokeshire coastal path. The path covers 186 miles around the Welsh both in Manx and English languages. Continue to Castletown where we coast and we will join a section to enjoy the wonderful scenery. board the vintage steam train for a delightful and traditional journey to


Drawing on our “30 years of experience operating cruises around the British Isles, we have devised this unique circumnavigation of the UK which offers a wonderful portrait of life in our islands. ”

Bodnant Garden Peel Castle, Isle of Man

Douglas. Dating from 1874, the Isle of Man Steam Railway is the island’s Day 9 St Kilda. This morning we arrive at St Kilda, a remarkable oldest Victorian rail system and this narrow gauge railway still runs with its uninhabited archipelago some fifty miles beyond the Outer Hebrides. original locomotives and carriages. Return to the ship for lunch and a free Dominated by the highest cliffs and sea stacks in Britain, Hirta, afternoon to explore Peel at your own pace. St Kilda’s main island was occupied on and off for at least two thousand years, with the last 36 Gaelic speaking inhabitants evacuated Day 7 Belfast, Northern Ireland. This morning we will make our way at their own request in 1930. Immediately after the evacuation, the to the famous gardens at Mount Stewart which were planted in the island was bought by the Marquess of Bute to protect the island’s 1920s by Edith, Lady Londonderry and are of international importance. thousands of seabirds, including puffin and fulmars that nest here in The magnificent series of outdoor ‘rooms’ and vibrant parterres contain the spring, and in 1957 it was bequeathed to The National Trust for many rare plants that thrive in the mild climate of the Ards Peninsula. Scotland St Kilda is one of only a few UNESCO World Heritage Sites The formal areas exude a strong Mediterranean feel and resemble an with dual status reflecting its natural and cultural significance. The local Italian villa landscape and the wooded areas support a range of plants ranger will join us on board before our expedition staff lead guided from all corners of the world. There will be time to explore the opulent walks on the island. After lunch on board we have a relaxing afternoon house which reveals a fascinating heritage and historic world-famous at sea. artefacts and artwork. Do not leave without taking in the magnificent views of Strangford Lough from the Temple of the Winds. Return to the Day 10 Scrabster. Spend the day in Scrabster, the most northerly port ship for lunch and the afternoon is free to relax on board, explore the on the Scottish mainland. This morning we will visit the Castle and city of Belfast at your own pace or maybe take an independent visit to Gardens of Mey, built between 1566 and 1572 by George Sinclair, 4th the Titanic Experience. Located by the site of the ship’s construction, this Earl of Caithness. The castle was purchased by Queen Elizabeth, the museum tells the story of the Titanic from her conception through to her Queen Mother, in 1952, who renovated and restored it and created the construction and launch in 1911. beautiful gardens which we will see today. After lunch on board, enjoy a leisurely afternoon or choose to take a drive along the coast to John Day 8 Staffa & Iona, Scotland. Awake this morning as we approach and O’Groats, the most northerly town on mainland Britain. After some free anchor off Staffa, where the perpendicular rock face features an imposing time here we will return to the ship via Dunnet Bay, a glorious crescent series of black basalt columns, known as the Colonnade, which have been of sand and dunes, and Dunnet Head to see the lighthouse, built in cut by the sea into cathedralesque caverns, most notably Fingal’s Cave. 1831 by Robert Stevenson, taking in the views over the Pentland Firth Weather permitting, we will use our Zodiacs to explore closer. Over lunch to the Orkney Islands. we cruise the short distance to the Isle of Iona which has been occupied for thousands of years and has been a place of pilgrimage and Christian Day 11 Unst, Shetland Islands. After a morning at sea we arrive worship for several centuries. It was to this flat, Hebridean island that over lunch in Unst, Britain’s most northerly inhabited island and at the St Columba fled from Ireland in 563 and established a monastery. Here, Heritage Centre we learn about how the islanders have lived over the his followers were responsible for the conversion of much of pagan centuries and the industries that have prospered. We will visit the Unst Scotland and Northern England. No less than 62 Scottish Kings are buried Boat Haven, dedicated to the history of the island’s distinctive wooden in the Abbey. Visit the Abbey or perhaps walk along the white sandy boats which descend from Viking craft and Saxa Vord. Admire the views beaches. over Hermaness National Nature Reserve and Muckle Flugga stacks.

+44 (0)20 7752 0000 49 Helmingham Hall

Day 12 Lerwick. From the Shetland capital, we will visit the remarkable beautiful countryside of the North York Moors National Park using historic archaeological site of Jarlshof. The site was uncovered by a violent carriages and steam locomotives. storm in the winter of 1896/7, revealing an extraordinary settlement site embracing at least 5000 years of human history. The site contains Day 16 Southwold. Arrive today in Suffolk and the charming market a remarkable sequence of stone structures – late Neolithic houses, a town of Southwold. This morning there will be a choice of tours, one Bronze-Age village, an Iron-Age broch and wheelhouses, several Norse option being a visit to Helmingham Hall, the home of the Tollemache longhouses, a Medieval farmstead and the 16th century laird’s house. family since 1510. The Hall appears to float on the surface of its broad Return to the ship for lunch and enjoy a free afternoon to explore this surrounding moat and we have time to wander around the extensive and historic port. Perhaps wander through its narrow stone lanes or maybe beautiful gardens. Alternatively, visit the Anglo Saxon royal burial site visit the excellent Shetland Museum, containing artefacts from shipwrecks at Sutton Hoo where, in 1938 the archeologist Basil Brown discovered and the whaling era. the remains of a 90 foot burial-ship of an Anglo-Saxon warrior king. The exhibition tells the compelling story of Anglo-Saxon warriors, treasure Day 13 Montrose. Spend the morning at sea before we arrive in and kings, with a full-size reconstruction of the burial chamber. After lunch Montrose, the gateway to Angus and known as the birthplace of on board the afternoon is free to explore the town at your own pace, Scotland. It was the Battle of Dunnichen, between the Picts and see the lighthouse, visit the Adnams Brewery, walk along the seaside Northumbrians in 645 AD which led to the creation of the Kingdom of promenade or spend some time on the sandy beaches. Alba and in 1320 the signing of the Declaration of Arbroath marked Scotland’s creation as an independent country. This afternoon we visit Day 17 Portsmouth. Disembark this morning. Transfers will be provided nearby Glamis Castle, the childhood home of the Queen Mother. One to Portsmouth Harbour Railway Station at a fixed time. of the most famous rooms in the castle is Duncan’s Hall, the legendary setting for Shakespeare’s Macbeth. There will be some time to explore Montrose independently before we sail this evening. SHIP TO SHORE Due to the many small ports that we will be visiting during this voyage, Day 14 Berwick-upon-Tweed, England. England’s northernmost town whilst we will be alongside in some, on a number of days we will be at is our base for today’s exploration of Northumberland. To the south lies anchor and the vessel’s Zodiacs will be utilised for transportation ashore. Holy Island, also known as Lindisfarne, home to a monastic community which was established in 635 AD by Irish evangelist St Aidan. Viking raids forced the monks to leave in 875AD, but in 1082 St Cuthbert rebuilt the Priory, the remains of which we can visit today. Also walk up to Lindisfarne PRICES PER PERSON Based on double occupancy Castle perched atop a rocky crag on the island. After our visit choose to either return to the ship for lunch and an afternoon at leisure in SPECIAL OFFER – SAVE £300 PER PERSON Berwick or to continue to Alnwick Castle. The second largest inhabited FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY castle in England, it has been home to the Percys, Earls and Dukes of Northumberland since 1309. After lunch there will be the opportunity Cat Cabin Description Brochure Price Special Offer Price to visit the castle, see the fine collection of artwork and explore the 2 Standard Stateroom £6895 £6595 wonderful gardens. 3 Classic Stateroom £7095 £6795 4 Superior Stateroom £7595 £7295 Day 15 Whitby. This morning we will call into Whitby, where on the east 5 Deluxe Stateroom £7895 £7595 cliff the ruins of St Hilda’s Abbey dominate the skyline. This charming 6 Junior Suite £8295 £7995 fishing port, which was once an important whaling station, is also the 7 Owner’s Suite £8595 £8295 town where 18th century explorer Captain James Cook lived as an 8 Serenissima Suite £8795 £8495 apprentice seaman and where Lewis Carroll wrote some of his work. 10 Standard Single £8395 £8095 We will visit the ruins of Whitby Abbey and its museum as well as the PRICE INCLUDES: 16 nights aboard the MS Serenissima on a full unique parish church of St Mary’s. Take some time to enjoy the wonderful board basis • House wine, beer and soft drinks with lunch and dinner panoramic views from above the old town with its delightful collection • Noble Caledonia onboard team • Shore excursions • Gratuities of red roofed pantile cottages and narrow cobbled streets before • Transfers • Port taxes. descending to the old town. There will also be a chance to ride a section Not Included: Travel insurance. of the North Yorkshire Moors Heritage Railway which travels through the

50 St Hilda’s Abbey, Whitby



2 Chester Close, Belgravia, London, SW1X 7BE +44 (0)20 7752 0000 | [email protected] |

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