Public School Boards’ Association of

President’s Report

2017 Annual General Meeting

Arlene Hrynyk, President

As I prepare this Report for presentation to you, I am reminded of how quickly this four‐year term has passed.

It has been four years of hard work that commenced with a purposeful priority of relationships. Our relationships with each other, our communities, our Provincial Governments‐previous and current, our relationship with numerous stakeholders and ultimately, all Albertans. I believe it is fair to say we have accomplished great things together and at each fork in the road, we marched together for children first; ALL children. We have just hit a reset button as we welcome so many new faces to such important work for Public Schools and children, as well as say goodbye to so many whom have shaped Public Education to this point. However, our advocacy as locally elected Trustees, in concert with our Superintendents and staff, has never been more important or necessary. We must never stop using our voices, and we must at all times, continue to center our decisions on our children.

When the Members approved the Association’s 2015 – 2018 Work Plan, it was the consensus of Members that the Association should begin with Priority Three – focus on strengthening and supporting the Association, our Members, your voices, your confidence as advocates for all of Alberta’s children. This work was followed and complimented by Priority Two – protecting and advancing Public School Board governance and local autonomy in Alberta. Our collective work within these two priorities, over this past year has allowed us to bring clarity to conversations regarding the difference between Public Education and publicly funded Education; it has enabled us to create alliances with individuals and organizations that share our values regarding Public Education; it has set out a pathway that has enabled us to begin to grow grassroots conversations about and support for our Priority One – to promote the creation of a new single Public Inclusive Education system in Alberta.

The Report which follows, reflects the pathway that you our Members and our Association forged over this past year; it is a snapshot of the work I have undertaken on your behalf. The President’s Reports to the Public School Boards Council contain the details of my activities for the past four years and are available on the Association website (www.public‐

Priority Three: Strengthen & Support the Association

I continued to have formal meetings and informal conversations with numerous non‐ Member Boards, Trustees and Board Chairs to garner interest in our Association and/or an opportunity to meet with them.

The Association continues to extend invitations to our non‐Members for our Spring Assembly, Fall Events and Annual General Meeting.

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We have seen an increase in non‐Member participation at these events. At our 2017 Spring General Assembly, we welcomed the following colleagues:

Edmonton Public Schools: Sherry Adams; and Cheryl Johner. Elk Island Public Schools: Trina Boymook. Horizon School Division: Marie Logan; Livingstone Range School Division: Kristy Stevens; Brad Toone; Clara Yagos; and Martha Radcliffe.

Following our 2017 Spring General Assembly, we were very pleased to welcome Public Schools to the Association and have experienced the strong contributions they have been offering to our work. It is additionally valuable to have their representation on the Executive Committee.

During my tenure as President I have met with every one of our Member Boards, on two or more occasions, within your respective Divisions and have absolutely enjoyed the opportunity to learn more about the wonderful work that you engage in, on behalf of Alberta’s children.

My sincere thanks to: Aspen View Public Schools Buffalo Trail Public Schools Chinook’s Edge School Division Canadian Rockies Public Schools Edmonton Public Schools Fort McMurray Public Schools Fort Vermilion School Division Golden Hills School Division Grande Prairie Public School District Grasslands Public Schools Grande Yellowhead Public School Division High Prairie School Division School District Northern Gateway Public Schools Parkland School Division President’s Report – Annual General Meeting 2017 2 | Page

Palliser Regional Schools Peace Wapiti Public School Division Pembina Hills Public Schools Prairie Rose School Division Prairie Land Regional Division Red Deer Public Schools St. Albert Public Schools Sturgeon Public School Division Wetaskiwin Regional Public Schools Wild Rose School Division Wolf Creek Public Schools

Each Member Board, has extended a warm welcome and offered rich conversations; the relationships I have gained and stories you have shared will stay with me – always.

A Board Council Representative roles and responsibilities refresher was provided in February 2017. In addition, I continue to reach out to Member Board Trustees and representatives to offer our support and assistance as they encounter challenges.

As I reflect upon the work that we collectively have undertaken with respect to strengthening and supporting our Association I believe that, as the Association moves forward, and affirms the Work Plan 2018 – 2021, it is imperative that the Association continue to build vibrant alliances with those who share our values; speak with pride about Public Education as the first choice of our communities; grow a strong and resonant voice in support of our Public Schools.

It is also important for each of you to remember, that every Member of this Association is valued and every voice of our Members is valuable.

Priority Two: Protect & Advance Public School Board Governance & Local Autonomy in Alberta

At each meeting with every Minister and MLA, I continued to reiterate the fundamental difference between Public Education and publicly funded Education; the important work of our locally elected Public School Trustees; and the need for Government to stop funding Private Schools with tax payer dollars. In every conversation, I have highlighted the work that you engage in, within and on behalf of the children, families, staff and local communities within your care.

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Strong emphasis is always placed on the relationships and partnerships you, our Members have built with your Municipalities, Post ‐ Secondary Institutions and community agencies as you seek educational solutions and opportunities for children through collaboration and the sharing of resources.

On Thursday 23 February 2017, I was pleased to join several provincial organizations at the Public Interest Alberta event to advocate for our Association position and call for the phasing out of public funding of private schools. I want to thank you for the conversations you are having locally to support this work, and know that it is a conversation that has engaged many Albertans. Thank you to Cathy Hogg, Second Vice President, for representing the Association at the April 2017 media event that took place in Calgary. Our voices in concert with those who share our Public Education values are making a difference for our children.

Over this past year, our Executive Committee, Executive Director and I have forged many new relationships with multiple stakeholders and shared our Association's messages regarding our Priority One. Public Education was well represented and Bill 1 certainly inspired many conversations around Public Education.

In February 2017, I participated in Minister Ceci’s Pre‐Budget consultation. At the consultation, I shared my comments regarding the need for Government and all stakeholders to begin looking at our challenges as opportunities to bridge genuine, collaborative relationships. If we fail to do so, we will have failed our children.

In February 2017 the Executive Committee, our Government Relations Consultant, Executive Director and I met with the Rural Development Committee. This Committee includes Government MLAs who represent the rural constituencies across Alberta. The meeting was an excellent opportunity for the Association to present our concerns regarding the continued fracturing of resources, communities and families as a result choice. I said to the Committee that more choice truly means less choice. I asked Committee Members to carry our concerns and messages forward to their Government colleagues. I know that the Association looks forward to meeting with the Rural Development Committee to continue this important conversation.

Along with the Executive Committee and Executive Director, I attended a Caucus Pre‐Reception and the Throne Speech, as a guest of Minister Eggen. A special thanks to Rick Massini, First Vice President for his efforts and MLA , Medicine Hat Cypress, who provided passes for our Executive Committee to attend as well.

On 16 March 2017, I participated in Minister Eggen’s embargoed Budget Meeting with Education stakeholders; Minister Ceci’s embargoed Budget meeting and the presentation of the 2017 Provincial Budget as a guest of Minister Ceci.

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The various receptions prior to and following the Throne Speech, as well as the reception following the 2017 Provincial Budget, were a wonderful opportunity to share conversations with the following:

Government Ministers / MLAs:

Hon. , Premier; Hon. , Deputy Premier, Minister of Health; Hon. Brian Mason, Minister of Infrastructure and Transportation, Government House Leader; Hon. , Minister of Education; Hon. , Minister of Economic Development, Deputy House Leader; Hon. , President of Treasury Board, Minister of Finance; Hon. , Minister of Justice, Solicitor General; Hon. Shaye Anderson, Minister of Municipal Affairs; Hon. Margaret McCuaig‐Boyd, Minister of Energy; Hon. , Minister of Human Services; Hon. , Minister of Seniors and Housing; Hon. , Minister of Labour, Minister Responsible for Democratic Renewal; Hon. , Minister of Advanced Education; Hon. Brandy Payne, Associate Minister of Health; MLA Babcock, Stony Plain; MLA , Edmonton Meadowlark; Member Estefania Cortes Vargas, Strathcona Sherwood Park; MLA , Edmonton McClung; MLA , Edmonton South West; MLA Maria Fitzpatrick, Lethbridge East; MLA Bruce Hinkley, Wetaskiwin Camrose; MLA Trevor Horne, Spruce Grove St. Albert; MLA Sandra Jansen, Calgary North West; MLA Jamie Kleinsteuber, Calgary North Hills; MLA Jessica Littlewood, Fort Saskatchewan Vegreville; Member , Edmonton Ellerslie; MLA Robyn Luff, Calgary East; MLA Annie McKitrick, Sherwood Park; Member Karen McPherson, Calgary Mackay Nose Hill; MLA Barb Miller, Red Deer South; MLA Chris Nielsen, Edmonton Decore;

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MLA Colin Piquette, Athabasca Sturgeon Redwater; MLA , St. Albert; MLA Kim Schreiner, Red Deer North; MLA Graham Sucha, Calgary Shaw; MLA Heather Sweet, Edmonton Manning; MLA Bob Turner, Edmonton Whitemud; and MLA Denise Woolard, Edmonton Mill Creek.

Wild Rose Members MLA Drew Barnes, Medicine Hat Cypress MLA (Education Shadow Minister), Chestermere‐Rocky View MLA , Rimbey‐Rocky Mountain House‐Sundre MLA , Cardston‐Taber‐Warner MLA , ‐Cold Lake MLA , Lac La Biche‐St. Paul‐Two Hills

Progressive Conservative Members MLA Richard Starke, Vermilion‐Lloydminster (Leadership Candidate) MLA Wayne Drysdale, Grande Prairie‐Wapiti

Liberal Party Member MLA David Swann, Leader, Calgary‐Mountain View

Alberta Party Member MLA Greg Clark, Leader, Calgary‐Elbow

Throughout the year I met with Ministers and Government MLAs, to share our Association’s commitment to good governance, local autonomy as well as our collective vision for a single Public Inclusive Education system for our children. Whether I am attending a meeting or chatting with MLAs at the Premier’s K Days Breakfast, I hear from our provincial counterparts that they recognize and respect the Association as a solution focused Education stakeholder whose interest is to place children first – always.

One of the initiatives that is perhaps closest to my heart, is creating pathways for those who will follow in our footsteps. In our Association’s continued efforts to grow and engage the voices of students as current and future leaders, I was pleased to see the Public School Boards Council approve the creation of an Ad Hoc Committee for Student Voice. The youth whom have joined us at our Fall Events and Spring General Assemblies are articulate, thoughtful, innovative, engaged and dedicated community leaders, whose commitment to and vision for Public Education holds tremendous promise for us all.

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In April 2017, I was pleased to join Minister Eggen at the launch of the Minister’s Youth Council. It was an opportunity for us to profile the Association’s Student Voice Program and our commitment to engaging student voices within our Divisions and across Alberta. I was thrilled to meet many students whose commitment to Public Education and community service is inspirational.

You may recall that at our 2017 Spring General Assembly, Minister Eggen acknowledged the Association’s Student Voice Program and stated that his Youth Council is modelled after the Association’s program. As a sign of the Minister’s commitment to Student Voice he has provided the Association with a $100,000.00 grant. The grant will enable the Association to grow the voices of our youth leaders, ambassadors for Alberta’s Public Schools.

Priority One: Promote the creation of a new single Public Inclusive Education System

The Executive Committee Goal has been to raise awareness regarding the difference between Public Education and publicly funded Education and to model the many ways by which each of us can introduce, facilitate and lead the important conversations regarding a new single Public Inclusive Education system.

Over this past year, each Member of the Executive Committee created an outline of the suggestions, plans and activities that we engaged in within our own Divisions in support of this priority. The Association shared those plans, along with social media content, with Member Boards, for you to use and adapt, within your own Divisions.

While we are at the first steps of our journey, I believe are efforts are beginning to bear fruit. I have noted a change in the language of other stakeholders when they speak about Public Education and publicly funded Education. I have also received questions regarding what a single Education system would look like.

How do we move from the current system of systems to a place where the system serves our children? What would the governance model look like? Is there a better way for us to collectively address the economic challenges that Alberta is experiencing? Should private schools receive any public funds? What does choice look like within one Public Inclusive Education system? Do we as leaders, model for our children the collaboration that we ask of them?

These questions have provided me with opportunities to engage in respectful conversations that have given pause to many who may have dismissed our vision out of hand.

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I believe that we are just beginning down a path, that will lead Alberta to create a new single Public Inclusive Education system. It will take courage, tenacity, patience and wisdom. It will challenge our beliefs, our values, our commitment in ways that we may not anticipate.

I believe that we have been afforded a single window in the history of our province, thus in both my written and spoken word, I have endeavored to stay true to the language and spirit of our Association’s collective commitment to our Values – Integrity; Leadership; Collaboration; Innovation; Stewardship and Influence. Whether it is a Letter to the Editor (attached) or my opening comments at the Education Legislation Consultations (attached), I believe that is it critically important for each one of us – every parent, every staff member, every Public School Trustee, every elected official, every civil servant, every community leader, every person who shares our vision for a single inclusive system – to stand up for ALL children. We must initiate the conversations and build the relationships; we must model for our children the inclusive, collaborative and vibrant future that we want for them. As Ghandi, once told us we must “be the change we wish to see in the world”. It will matter in 100 years.

As always, it has been my absolute pleasure to serve as your President. I will miss each of you that I have been so privileged to learn from and work with ‐ the relationships I have been afforded are the greatest gift and reward I have received as your President. I will also regret not getting to know the many new passionate Trustees in this room. However, I am confident that the next four year journey you will embark upon together will result in great things for our kids and public schools.

I will be pleased to respond to any questions you may have.

Arlene Hrynyk President

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Public School Boards’ Association of Alberta Appendix A: Letter to the Editor, Alberta Views; Education Legislation Presentation

President’s Report – 2017 Annual General Meeting