Delegation Leader Senator the Hon John Hogg President of the Senate Senator for

Map of (showing location of SA)

Senator the Hon John Hogg was elected to the Senate for Queensland in 1996 and commenced his term on 1 July 1996. He was re-elected to the Senate in 2001 and 2007.

Senator Hogg is currently President of the Senate and has served in this role since 26 August 2008. He previously served as Temporary Chair of Committees from 29 September 1997 to 19 August 2002 and Deputy President of the Senate and Chair of Committees from 19 August 2002 to 26 August 2008.

Senator Hogg has been an active member of committees since commencing his term as Senator. He is currently serving on  Senate Standing Committee on Appropriations and Staffing (Chair); and  Joint Statutory Committee on Broadcasting of Parliamentary Proceedings.

Prior to entering Parliament, Senator Hogg was a trade union official of the Shop Distributive and Allied Employees' Association. He served as Branch Secretary and Member of the National Executive (1981-96) and Branch President from 1996. Duty Delegation Leader Hon MP Member for Berowra Liberal Party of Australia

Map of Australia (showing electorate)

The Honourable Mr Philip Ruddock was elected to the House of Representatives for Berowra, in 1973.

Mr Ruddock is currently Shadow Cabinet Secretary and is a member of several committees:  Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade; and the  Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security.

Mr Ruddock has held various ministries including Attorney-General, Minister Immigration and Multicultural Affairs, Administrative Services, and Minister assisting the Prime Minister for Reconciliation.

Prior to entering Parliament, Mr Ruddock worked as a solicitor after completing a BA, LLB in Sydney. Senator Catryna Bilyk Senator for Australian Labor Party

Map of Australia (showing location of Tas)

Senator Catryna Bilyk was elected as a Labor Senator for Tasmania in November 2007 taking her seat in the Senate on 1 July 2008.

Senator Bilyk currently serves on the following committees:  Joint Standing Committee for the Parliamentary Library;  Senate Standing Committee on Senators’ Interests;  Senate Legislative and General Purpose Standing Committee on Community Affairs;  Senate Education, Employment and Workplace Relations: Legislative Committee;  Senate Education, Employment and Workplace Relations: References Committee; and  Joint Standing Committee on Migration.

Senator Bilyk worked in a variety of different positions and roles including administration, research and child care. She joined Services Union Tasmanian Branch, as an Industrial Officer and later became the Branch Training Officer. Senator Bilyk was responsible for setting up the first Union Jobskills Program and represented the Union on many Industry Training Advisory Boards. She also held the position of Senior Vice President of Unions Tasmania.

Senator Bilyk presently holds the position of National Convenor of the Labor Women’s Network. Ms Maria Vamvakinou MP Member for Calwell Australian Labor Party

Map of Australia (showing electorate)

Ms Maria Vamvakinou was elected to the House of Representatives for Calwell, in 2001.

Ms Vamvakinou is a member of the following committees:  Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs Defence and Trade;  Standing Committee on Industry, Science and Innovation;  Standing Committee on Petitions; and  Joint Select Committee on Cyber-Safety.

Prior to entering Parliament, Ms Vamvakinou worked as a high school teacher, advisor to the Premier of Victoria and other parliamentarians, and was Councillor for Northcote City Council in 1990-92. Mr Andrew Laming MP Member for Bowman Liberal Party of Australia

Map of Australia (showing electorate)

Mr Andrew Laming was elected to the House of Representatives for Bowman, Queensland in 2004.

Mr Laming is currently a member of two committees:  Treaties Public Accounts and Audit; and  Standing Committee on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Affairs.

Prior to entering Parliament, Mr Laming completed a medical degree in London and was a Senior Ophthalmology registrar for the Royal North Shore Hospital. He has also worded in various fields including community organisations, as a ministerial adviser and as a management consultant.