The Influence of Meadow Moisture Levels on Activity of Small Mammal Nest Predators in the Sierra Nevada, California Author(S): M

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The Influence of Meadow Moisture Levels on Activity of Small Mammal Nest Predators in the Sierra Nevada, California Author(S): M The Influence of Meadow Moisture Levels on Activity of Small Mammal Nest Predators in the Sierra Nevada, California Author(s): M. Constanza Cocimano, Michael L. Morrison, Heather A. Mathewson, and Lisa M. Vormwald Source: Northwestern Naturalist, 92(1):50-56. 2011. Published By: Society for Northwestern Vertebrate Biology DOI: 10.1898/10-17.1 URL: BioOne ( is an electronic aggregator of bioscience research content, and the online home to over 160 journals and books published by not-for-profit societies, associations, museums, institutions, and presses. Your use of this PDF, the BioOne Web site, and all posted and associated content indicates your acceptance of BioOne’s Terms of Use, available at Usage of BioOne content is strictly limited to personal, educational, and non-commercial use. Commercial inquiries or rights and permissions requests should be directed to the individual publisher as copyright holder. BioOne sees sustainable scholarly publishing as an inherently collaborative enterprise connecting authors, nonprofit publishers, academic institutions, research libraries, and research funders in the common goal of maximizing access to critical research. NORTHWESTERN NATURALIST 92:50–56 SPRING 2011 THE INFLUENCE OF MEADOW MOISTURE LEVELS ON ACTIVITY OF SMALL MAMMAL NEST PREDATORS IN THE SIERRA NEVADA, CALIFORNIA MCONSTANZA COCIMANO,MICHAEL LMORRISON,HEATHER AMATHEWSON, AND LISA MVORMWALD Department of Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77843 ABSTRACT—High nest predation rates are one of the main sources of nesting failure in passerines. Mountain meadows in the Sierra Nevada have been intensively modified, reducing meadow wetness and potentially favoring easy access for mammalian predators to reach nesting areas in the meadow interior. We conducted mammal trapping in wet and dry areas of montane meadows during May through August of 2007 and 2008 to identify the assemblage of potential mammalian nest predators and determine the relationship between activity and meadow wetness. Chipmunk (Tamias spp.) activity was primarily restricted to dry areas. Activity of Yellow-pine Chipmunks (Tamias amoenus) was .90% higher in dry versus wet areas. Deer Mice (Peromyscus maniculatus) were equally active in both site types in 2007, but declined and were only captured in wet areas in 2008. Overall activity was higher in 2007 and 2008 for both wet and dry areas (68% and 52%, respectively). Our results suggest that increasing the proportion of inundated areas in meadows may reduce small mammal activity (for instance Yellow-pine Chipmunks) and potentially reduce nest predation. Key words: California, Empidonax traillii, meadows, passerine, predators wetness, Sierra Nevada, small mammals, Willow Flycatcher Studies in the Sierra Nevada, California, 1993; Jobin and Picman 1997; Cain and others suggested that predation by terrestrial verte- 2003; Fletcher and Koford 2004; Hoover 2006); brates significantly reduced nest success of the thus restoring higher water levels may inhibit California state endangered Willow Flycatcher some predators from accessing nests, increase (Empidonax traillii), and other species such as recruitment and survival of riparian deciduous Yellow Warbler (Dendroica petechia; Cain and shrubs, and improve habitat for passerine prey others 2003) and Dusky Flycatcher (E. oberhol- (wasps, flies, moths, caterpillars, and bees) seri) that nest in riparian areas (Cain and (Erman 1984; Green and others 2003). Morrison 2003). Meadows in the Sierra Nevada Rodents are known nest predators (Liebezeit have been intensively modified by livestock and George 2002; Bradley and Marzluff 2003). grazing, road construction, timber harvesting, Among rodent species, Douglas’ Squirrel (Ta- changes in fire regimes, and recreational activ- miasciurus douglasii), Deer Mice (Peromyscus ities (Ratliff 1982; Green and others 2003; Fites- maniculatus), and chipmunks (Tamias spp.) have Kaufman and others 2007). These activities have been photographed predating abandoned Yel- led to a decrease in meadow wetness (Green low Warbler nests baited with eggs in montane and others 2003), which in turn facilitates the meadows in the Sierra Nevada (Cain and others establishment and expansion of Lodgepole Pine 2003); we have no data on specific rodent (Pinus contorta) farther into meadows (Fites- predators of Willow Flycatcher nests in our Kaufman and others 2007). In the Sierra study region. Based on the work of Cain and Nevada, Cain and others (2003) found that others (2003), we predicted that wet meadows meadow wetness, distance to isolated trees, and would show lower small mammal abundance distance to forest edge were related to predator and activity relative to dry meadows. Our goal, activity. The presence of water may prevent using the same general study areas as Cain and terrestrial mammalian activity in inundated others (2003), was to evaluate the activity and (standing water) areas (Picman and others abundance of small mammals in meadows by: 50 SPRING 2011 COCIMANO AND OTHERS:SMALL MAMMAL ACTIVITY 51 (1) determining the relative abundance, activity, Wetness Conditions and distribution of small mammals in meadows We used the line-intercept method (Bonham of the Sierra Nevada; (2) determining the 1989) to evaluate the wetness conditions of wet influence of meadow wetness on the activity and dry areas in each meadow every 3 m along and abundance of potential nest predators; and the trap lines. We classified soil surface moisture (3) providing management recommendations as dry, saturated, or inundated, and measured for the implementation of restoration practices water depth. We defined soil as inundated soil to improve meadow conditions for passerines where there was standing surface water, as such as the California state endangered Willow saturated soil where water seeped to the surface Flycatcher. after pressing on the ground, and as dry soil where no surface moisture was present or seeped METHODS to the surface when pressed. We calculated the Study Area overall percentage of sampling points with inundated soils, and mean water depth for each Our study sites were part of a long-term wet and dry area in each meadow. demography study of Willow Flycatchers locat- In each meadow we classified wet and dry ed in montane meadows in central Sierra areas, where wet areas were where at least 60% Nevada, California (Bombay 1999; Bombay of the line intercept (described below) was wet and others 2003; Cain and others 2003). The (with saturated and inundated soils). We area presents a mountainous topography and a randomly determined the order in which each naturally fragmented landscape. Meadows meadow would be sampled. Of the approxi- were associated with streams and small head- mately 422 ha of meadows included in our water rivers, pond and lake margins, or spring study, only about 59 ha (14%) were dominated and seeps (Ratliff 1982; Bombay and others by willow (Bombay 1999; Bombay and others 2003). Forests dominated by Lodgepole Pine 2003). Of this willow-covered area, about 30 ha (Pinus contorta) surrounded the meadows, (7%) were excluded from trapping to avoid which predominately consisted of herbaceous disturbing nesting Willow Flycatchers. plants (Carex spp. and Juncus spp.) and willows (Salix lemmonii and S. geyeriana). Willows were Mammal Sampling distributed along streams and in clumps scat- tered throughout the meadows (Bombay and To evaluate mammal abundance and activity others 2003; Cain and others 2006). Meadows in different wetness conditions across the mead- ranged in size from 25 to 103 ha and elevations ows, we live-trapped small mammals in May to ranged from 1900 to 2700 m. Temperatures in August of 2007 and 2008. In each of the wet and the summer ranged from an average overnight dry areas of the meadows, we set Sherman live low of 36C to an average daily high of 266C traps (extra large [7.6 3 9.5 3 30.5 cm] and large 3 3 (Western Regional Climate Center 2008). [7.6 8.9 23.5 cm]) 10 to 15 m apart within willow clumps along trap lines running from the Study Site Selection forest edge to the center of the meadow. We focused on willow because it is the predominate We selected 10 study sites (meadows) that shrub in the meadows we studied, and many presently or historically supported populations meadow-nesting passerines use this substrate for of Willow Flycatchers in the north-central Sierra nest placement and foraging. Although the Nevada (Bombay 1999; Green and others 2003) number of traps we set was proportional to the in the Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit and available wet and dry area in a meadow, Tahoe National Forest (El Dorado, Placer, trapping density (about 100 traps/ha) was Nevada, and Sierra counties), and Department approximately equivalent across sites. We set of Fish and Game lands (Warner Valley, Plumas traps $30 m from known Willow Flycatcher County); specific meadows and geographic territories to avoid disturbance. We sampled locations are in Cocimano (2009). Specific each wet and dry area only once each summer, sampling areas (wet and dry, see below) were except Truckee Marsh, which we sampled twice then selected from within each of these mead- (with 1 month separation) in 2008 and consid- ows (8 in 2007, and 7 in 2008). ered the 2 trapping sessions as 1 sample. 52 NORTHWESTERN NATURALIST 92(1) We baited traps with oatmeal and peanut and used Spearman correlations (Zar 1984:318– butter, supplied the traps with polyester filling 320) to examine relationships between the small to provide insulation, and checked traps 2 (or mammal dependent variables (relative abun- occasionally 3) times during 4 consecutive dance and index of activity). Relative abun- nights in each of the wet and dry areas in each dance and activity of small mammals were meadow. The number of trap checks was the highly correlated (rs . 0.5, P , 0.05) for both same for all traps during a 24-h period and was wet and dry areas during 2007 and 2008.
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