5781 Lakeview

Community Tikkun

Learn your way through an evening of study and schmoozing as we celebrate the receiving of Torah at Mount Sinai!

Sponsored by: Anshe Emet , Anshe Sholom B’nai Congregation, Central Synagogue of , Synagogue, ChiTribe, Emanuel Congregation, the JCC Sydney N. Shure Kehilla, KAM Isaiah Israel, Lakeview Beit Midrash, Mishkan Chicago, Rodfei Zedek, Silverstein Base Hillel, & Temple Sholom of Chicago

Table of Contents

Schedule at a Glance ...... 2 Rabbinic Panel ...... 3 Class Overview………………………………..……………..4 Class Descriptions ...... 6

A special Thank You is extended to the clergy, staff and members of Anshe Emet Synagogue, Central Synagogue of Chicago, Chicago Loop Synagogue, ChiTribe, Emanuel Congregation, the JCC Sydney N. Shure Kehilla, KAM Isaiah Israel, Lakeview Beit Midrash, Mishkan Chicago, Rodfei Zedek, Silverstein Base Hillel, & Temple Sholom of Chicago; the amazing late-night session teachers; Matthew Tobias and the Chicago Police Department; and every person who helped make this Shavuot a great success.

1 Schedule at a Glance

Saturday, May 15th

Havdalah Service & Rabbinic Panel 9:00 p.m. | Virtual

Sunday, May 16th

Erev Shavuot Service 9:00 p.m. | Virtual

Seventy Faces of Torah with the Anshe Emet Clergy 9:30 p.m. | Virtual

Community Tikkun 11:45 p.m. – 4:00 a.m.

If you are moved to make a donation in honor of this night of study, please consider a contribution to The Lakeview Pantry: https://www.lakeviewpantry.org/donate/

Rabbinic Panel: The Torah of Transitions

A Conversation Among:

Rabbi Ezra Balser, Silverstein Base Hillel Rabbi D’ror Chankin-Gould, Anshe Emet Synagogue Rabbi Shoshana Conover, Temple Sholom Rabbi Lizzi Heydemann, Mishkan Chicago Rabbi Craig Marantz, Emanuel Congregation Rabbi Frederick Reeves, KAM Isaiah Israel Rabbi David Wolkenfeld, Anshe Sholom B’nai Israel Congregation

The world is reopening! This Shavuot weekend, hear what our tradition says about emerging into a new reality.



Sanctuary Blum Gym 11:45 PM – An Open Debate - 12:30 AM What Makes Someone Jewish? Shaily Hakimian 12:00 AM – Compelling Torah: An 12:45 AM Exploration of Receiving the Torah in Talmud and Midrash Rabbanit Goldie Guy 12:15 AM – Ties that Bind? 1:00 AM Scattered Musings on Jewish Peoplehood Jacob Cytryn 12:45 AM – Beyond Land for Peace: 1:30 AM Theologies of Peacemaking Rabbi David Wolkenfeld 1:00 AM – II Kings 3: Elisha, Merlin, 1:45 AM and the Nature of Prophecy Binyamin Cohen 1:15 AM – Why is This Meal 2:00 AM Different from All Other Meals? Kate Goldstein 1:45 AM – Judaism and Tibetan 2:30 AM Buddhism: A Halachic Survey Marsha Morman


Sanctuary Blum Gym

2:00 AM – Ties that Bind? Scattered 2:45 AM Musings on Jewish Peoplehood Jacob Cytryn 2:15 AM – An Open Debate - 3:00 AM What Makes Someone Jewish? Shaily Hakimian 2:45 AM – Why is This Meal 3:30 AM Different from All Other Meals? Kate Goldstein 3:00 AM – Judaism and Tibetan 3:45 AM Buddhism: A Halachic Survey Marsha Morman 3:15 AM – II Kings 3: Elisha, Merlin, 4:00 AM and the Nature of Prophecy Binyamin Cohen


An Open Debate - What makes Someone Jewish? (Facilitated Discussion) Shaily Hakimian (Jewish Culture) 2 Jews, 3 opinions. Debate/discuss hot topics in the Jewish community!

Participants will have learned something new from the stories and perspectives shared by the other session attendees.

This is the 6th Anshe Emet Tikkun wherein a variation of this session has been offered. The session is well attended.

Shaily Hakimian (@hakimian45) is a Persian/Moroccan Indiana grad and a lover of cheesy icebreakers, bubble tea, poker, reality competition shows like Big Brother and Survivor, TEDx conferences, magic, flea markets, the Jewish community, and her sequin closet.

Shaily has been facilitating debates in various communities since 2012. This is her 6th time presenting her facilitated discussion session at the community-wide tikkun. This year, her session is focused on the highlighted topic of "What makes someone Jewish?" She created her workshop after she noticed her activist colleagues would tear each other down when they didn't agree with each other. She hated to see people who, in reality, should be working together, fight against each other. She wanted to get folks of various perspectives to learn from each other’s perspective in a respectful way. Learn more after chag at FriendingOurFoes.com.

Shaily is also one of the core members of ChiTribe.org, which showcases the range of Jewish programing around Chicagoland through a central events calendar.

Find her at ShailyHakimian.com or empowering business owners to get more out of their marketing efforts at YourSocialMediaSherpa.com. Go to her site to access a collection of her favorite LinkedIn profiles.

11:45 PM – Sanctuary | 2:15 AM - Gym


Compelling Torah: An Exploration of Receiving the Torah in Talmud and Midrash Rabbanit Goldie Guy (Rabbinic Text) Were we compelled to receive the Torah? What does that mean? Does it change how we relate to Torah and tradition? This session will explore the experience of receiving the Torah through selected rabbinic and Hassidic teachings.

Rabbanit Goldie Guy is the Director of Religious Engagement at Anshe Sholom B'nai Israel Congregation in Lakeview. Rabbanit Goldie received rabbinic ordination from Yeshivat Maharat, completed the Graduate Program in Advanced Talmudic Studies at Yeshiva University, and holds a BA in Religion from Barnard College. She is passionate about teaching and learning Torah with people of all backgrounds, and has taught and worked at SAR High School, Carmel Academy, the Columbia-Barnard Hillel, the Drisha Institute, Mechon Hadar, and various and Jewish institutions.

12:00 AM - Blum

Ties that Bind? Scattered Musings on Jewish Peoplehood Jacob Cytryn (Ideas & Inspiration) Our prevailing metaphor for what ought to tie individual Jews and, even more, the major Jewish communities of Israel and North America, together, is "peoplehood." Join me on an exploration, informed by scholars affiliated with the Shalom Hartman Institute, of paradigms of peoplehood and its utility.

Jacob Cytryn is the Executive Director of in and Ramah Day Camp in Chicagoland and an advanced Ph.D. student in Jewish Studies & Education at Brandeis University. A Wexner Graduate Fellow, he has an M.A. in Talmud & Rabbinic Literature from the Jewish Theological Seminary and a B.A. in Classical Studies from the University of Pennsylvania. A member of Anshe Emet, he lives in Lakeview with his wife, Tamar, and three sons. 12:15 AM – Gym | 2:00 AM - Blum


Beyond Land for Peace: Theologies of Peacemaking Rabbi David Wolkenfeld (Rabbinic Text) This class will explore diverse religious frameworks for thinking about peacemaking that move beyond the framework of land for peace that dominated the discourse in the early decades of the Arab-Israeli peace process.

David Wolkenfeld is the rabbi of ASBI Congregation.

12:45 AM - Sanctuary

II Kings 3: Elisha, Merlin, and the Nature of Prophecy Binyamin Cohen (Tanakh) Prophecy in Tanakh is usually a thing that just happens. But occasionally, as in the story of Elisha in II Kings 3, it requires some kind of facilitation. We'll explore the story of this chapter, and the concept of prophecy, with the aid of Mary Stewart's Merlin trilogy, and the thought of JRR Tolkien. We'll see how magic, "fairy stories", and Biblical prophecy are all cut from the same cloth, and a fundamental part of human imagination.

Binyamin Cohen is a lover of Tanakh, fantasy, and imagination. He teaches Jewish Studies and history at Rochelle Zell Jewish High School.

1:00 AM – Blum | 3:15 AM - Gym

Why is This Meal Different from All Other Meals? Kate Goldstein (Ideas & Inspiration) They Tried To Kill Us (We Survived, Let's Eat!)

We eat for nutrition, comfort, religious celebrations, etc. But what if eating is the problem? What if you don't feel comfortable eating in public? Or you're scared people will judge your food choices? What if constant snacks are constant source of stress? Where is the space to speak up about food?

Katie is born, raised, and living her best life, right here in Chicago. She is very excited to be leaving the house after spending about two years gazing sadly out of the window.

1:15 AM – Gym | 2:45 AM - Sanctuary


Judaism and Tibetan Buddhism: A Halachic Survey Marsha Morman (Interfaith Issues) How can a Jew navigate a Buddhist community? What food/actions might be permissible? What ritual items can a Jew own? Does it matter if they bought it at a monastery or the airport? Should we treat Buddhism as avodah zara? (Is that question even answerable?) This class is the results of an ongoing investigation into comprehending how sects of Buddhism (in this case, Tibetan) might interact with halachic Judaism, with a look at sources from Jewish and Buddhist material, as well as the speaker's own experiences living in India and the issues that arose while there.

Marsha Morman graduated from Web Yeshiva's Semicha and Halachic Mastery program in 2017, and the with a Masters in Divinity in 2020. She is studying for semicha under Rabbi Daniel Landes through the YASHRUT Institute.

1:45 AM - Sanctuary| 3:00 AM - Gym