Loch Lomond & The Trossachs National Park Local Development Plan

Action Programme

March 2018

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1. Introduction ...... 3 2. Vision and Development Strategy ...... 4 3. Strategic Growth Areas (Arrochar, Balloch & ) ...... 7 4. Placemaking Priorities in other Towns and Villages ...... 14 5. Rural Development Frameworks ...... 21 6. Allocated Sites in Towns and Villages excluding Strategic Growth Areas ...... 31 7. Strategic Transport Infrastructure ...... 46 8. Local Development Plan Policies ...... 47 9. Guidance ...... 51

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This Action Programme accompanies the Local Development Plan (the Plan) and identifies the actions needed to implement and deliver the development proposals and policies contained within the Plan.

These actions involve a range of stakeholders and focus on delivering the Plan’s:

Section 2 Vision and Development Strategy Section 3 Placemaking priorities identified in the main growth areas including Callander, Balloch and Arrochar Section 4 Placemaking Priorities identified in towns and villages Section 5 Rural Development Frameworks Section 6 Allocated sites in towns and villages Section 7 Strategic transport projects Section 8 Local development plan policies Section 9 Supplementary and Planning Guidance

Timescales for carrying out each of the actions, The following pages chart the progress and the lead body/organisation responsible, status of all actions. Where possible infrastructure needs and other stakeholders infrastructure needs and associated involved are included, along with an update on development costs have been added. The level progress made in delivering the action required of detail on infrastructure and costs will expand to date. Some actions are already progressing as the delivery process evolves. well, whilst others require to be instigated during Completed Housing at Kilmun (H1) the Plan period (2017-2026).

This Action Programme will be used to monitor progress and as a project management tool to show where more focussed effort/action is required to facilitate site delivery and, where necessary highlight slippage in programmed activity. Allocated sites and policies are included with the timescales for the delivery of housing sites being linked to the Housing Land Audit. Actions will be reviewed bi-annually in collaboration with the wide range of delivery partners involved and the Action Programme itself will be re-published every two years. New Filling Station at (MU1)

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Deliver high quality visitor accommodation in a range of locations with more places to camp Focus majority of growth in and experience the outdoors. Strategic Growth Areas of Arrochar, Balloch and Callander

Deliver 75 new homes a year (open market and affordable)

Deliver Strategic Support Placemaking Priorities in Transport Aberfoyle, Arrochar, Balloch, Infrastructure Blairmore, Callander, , improvements at Tarbet and A82 (Tarbet to ) and Callander South (new road bridge across River Teith) Support more active travel options and off-road

Support the rural economy through Rural Activity Areas and Buchanan South and West Loch Lomondside Rural Development Support more opportunities to travel Frameworks on the Lochs and experience being beside the water

Support the National Walking and Cycle Network through delivery of new and improved links to routes

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Main themes to deliver the Vision and Development Strategy

Three Strategic Growth Areas Eight Placemaking Priorities Two Rural Development Frameworks

Arrochar, Balloch and Callander offer the The Plan identifies eight Placemaking Priorities Rural Development Frameworks are identified greatest potential for sustainable development of Aberfoyle, Arrochar, Balloch, Blairmore, at West Loch Lomondside (between Inverbeg growth based on economies of scale for Callander, Drymen, Tarbet and Tyndrum. and Balloch including Luss) and Buchanan services and facilities, ability of surrounding Placemaking Priorities are central areas with South (between Drymen and including environment to accommodate development and good potential for public realm improvements Buchanan). These identify where there is access to sustainable transport. Each of these and/or new development opportunities. Some of opportunity for some development within the areas has a good mix of land use allocated. these have grown from local community countryside, linked to ongoing land thoughts and ideas driven by former charrettes. management and diversification and supporting The key focus for these areas is to create a rural communities and the rural economy. more welcoming and friendly environment for people to walk, cycle, visit, shop and work in. The works could include improvements to open/ green space, easier path networks to walk/ cycle, de-cluttered street furniture, buildings for community uses and soft landscaping measures.


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Interactive map The details of each individual Local Development Plan allocated site is displayed in the tables contained within this document but we have also developed an interactive map, so you can view the site in more detail. This page explains how to use the map and also provides a link to the map. Please note that the map does not include details of individual planning applications on non-allocated sites. Information on planning applications can be found using our separate online planning application search.

Type in the name of your village here then the map will display your town

Click here to get the legend (key) showing you what the colours are:

Click on a site and a pop up will appear with information about site owner, developer, planning status, a list of actions and progress. You can maximise this pop up.

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Delivery partners

Action by a wide range of partners is required to Agent Ag Scottish Environment Protection SEPA deliver the vision and development strategy set Agency out in the Plan. This includes landowners, Argyll & Bute Council Scottish Futures Trust SFT agents, developers, as well as the local authorities, agencies and public sector organisations identified below. Partnership Community Council CC Scottish Government working between private and public sector is needed to deliver key infrastructure and Development Trust DD Scottish Natural Heritage services for development growth many towns and villages. In some instances developer Forest Enterprise Scottish Water contributions will be sought and this is identified

as far as practicably possible in this document Highlands and Islands Transport sportscotland however advice should always be sought early Partnership from the National Park Authority as circumstances can/may change. Historic Environment Scotland Council

Land Owner LO Strathclyde Partnership for Transport National Park Sustrans

National Health Service Scotland Tactran

Perth & Kinross Council Transport Scotland

Police Scotland Visit Scotland

Registered Social Landlord RSL West Council

Scottish Enterprise

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3. STRATEGIC GROWTH AREAS There are three strategic growth areas each with their own placemaking priorities. These include Callander, Arrochar, Balloch.


Callander Balloch

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Arrochar & Succoth Click here to view an interactive map of the village Arrochar & Succoth at the north of Housing Opportunity Loch Long offer great potential as a marine gateway in a stunning Succoth open space 26 new homes under landscape. The Ben Arthur Resort is This is a key opportunity to improve construction and due to a key tourism opportunity whilst the open space. Focus to date has complete by Sept 2018 other sites offer growth in terms of been on Marine Litter and bridge (2014/0027/DET). Placemaking Priority for a new repairs. LLTNPA to work with owner village centre next to Three Villages and partners to encourage action. Hall, improved water access, economic development and housing.

Village Centre Placemaking Priority This is a key development site. It has planning permission in principle (ref: 2015/0447/PPP).

Ben Arthur Resort This site is a priority and the key action is to work with the owner and key partners to ensure delivery.

Housing Opportunity Encourage submission of Pontoon planning application for Planning permission has been granted for a Cobber’s Rest (H1) and community and visitor pontoon in 2017 (ref: enhance site. 2017/0236/DET).

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Arrochar & Succoth Good progress is being made in delivering the strategic vision for Arrochar & Succoth. Following on from the charrette in 2014, there has been continued work with owners of the sites and partners.

Stuart Mearns, Director of Rural Development & Planning and Jackie Baillie (MSP) facilitate an Area Forum and topics include the Ben Arthur site, the litter at the head of Loch Long, a new viewing platform (A83/A814 junction) and the pontoon project south of the village centre (given difficulties of developing at the central site). LLTNPA will continue to facilitate the Arrochar Forum on various projects.

Ben Arthur Resort (old Torpedo site) Progress: There is no live planning permission for the site. The owner (Clydebank Developments) and the prospective purchaser (Ben Arthur ltd) have been making slow progress on the transfer of the land and making a deal due to various issues.

Actions: LLTNPA, Council and Highlands and Islands Enterprise will continue to speak to the landowner and prospective purchasers to consider innovative ways to take this site forward. Succoth housing—under construction Progress: The housing site at Succoth (H1) (ref: 2014/0027/DET) is delivering affordable Arrochar Pontoon Charrette Town Centre Image housing funded by Argyll and Bute’s Strategic Housing Investment fund. Construction work Planning permission has been granted Progress: In July 2016 planning permission in principle was started in 2017 and is progressing well. The for a new pontoon in Arrochar in 2017 approved for the Arrochar Village Centre site (ref: 2015/0447/ upgrade to the Trunk Road, with new right (ref: 2017/0236/DET).. It has been PPP). hand turn lane (see photo above) has been given funding through the National Park Actions: For village centre site, the LLTNPA will encourage the completed and the private access road has its grant scheme to fund the building of a main owner (Arrochar Hotels) to market and promote the site new passing places. bridgehead adjacent to the existing with its planning permission in principle. Also, LLTNPA will slipway to which the pontoon will be support Community Development Trust to progress the Actions: Developer to complete site by Sept attached. Community Heritage/Café. 2018 with key partners, Council, LLTNPA & SEPA. Local Development Plan | Action Programme | 10

Arrochar & Succoth Progress of all allocated sites

Site Landowner Agent Timescale Planning Status Scottish Water Action 1 Action 2 Action 3 Progress Reference & Delivery Partners Contributions Requirements Name required Arrochar H1 Landowner: Mr. William 2018-2020 Planning permission Land needs serviced. Encourage Work with the Work with RSL The site has been marketed as Cobblers Burton for 12 homes lapsed Scottish Water submission of Argyll and Bute and developer single plots. The site is not Rest Agent: Clark Design in 2006 (2006/0409/ confirms sufficient new planning Council to ensure to agree identified in the Argyll and Housing 12 Architecture DET). Affordable capacity at the Water application. site is identified in affordable Bute Council SHIP. Delivery Partners: housing requirement and Waste Water Strategic Housing housing Scottish Water, of 25%. Treatment works. Investment delivery. LLTNPA, Registered Early engagement with Programme Social Landlord, Argyll Scottish Water is (SHIP). and Bute Council recommended.

Arrochar H2 Landowner: Dunbritton 2017-2018 Planning Permission Monitor Once completed Condition to The site is identified in the Succoth Housing Association, for 26 units progress of Argyll and Bute create private Argyll and Bute Council SHIP. Housing 26 Agent: CP Architects (reference: site Council Housing foul drainage The 26 units are being Delivery Partners: 2014/0027/DET) - construction department may and connect to delivered as social rented SEPA, LLTNPA, under construction and resolve undertake a public network affordable. Work commenced Transport Scotland, Affordable housing any issues further needs once available. on site in July 2017 and is due Argyll and Bute Council requirement of 25%. with partners analysis. to complete in early 2018 for where the 26 units. The trunk road necessary. improvements have been completed. Work is progressing well. Arrochar ED1 Landowner: Luss 2020-2022 None There is currently Discuss No progress. Arrochar Estates sufficient capacity at options with Economic Agent: the Waste Water landowner. Development Delivery Partners: Treatment Works Encourage Scottish Water, however engagement planning LLTNPA, Argyll and with Scottish Water is application to Bute Council recommended once be submitted. final flows are known.

Arrochar Landowner: Arrochar 2019-2021 Planning Permission Scottish Water Encourage Work with No progress. MU1 Land Hotel Group and in Principle approved recommended early detailed community to help next to 3 Community (Reference: engagement to planning develop their Villages Hall Development Trust 2015/0447/PPP) for discuss service applications plans for the Mixed Use Agent: Opfer Logan mixed use connections. (matters community/ Architects and FPS development of land specified in heritage element. Planning for tourism, housing, conditions) are Delivery Partners: retail, community/ submitted for Scottish Water, heritage and civic each phase of LLTNPA, Argyll and space in July 2016, the proposal. Bute Council expires July 2019. Local Development Plan | Action Programme | 11

Arrochar & Succoth Progress of all allocated sites continued

Site Landowner Agent Timescale Planning Status Scottish Water Action 1 Action 2 Action 3 Progress Reference & Delivery Partners Contributions Requirements Name required Arrochar MU2 Landowner: Clydebank 2020-2022 No planning Scottish Water LLTNPA to work LLTNPA to work LLTNPA to Stronafyne farm being Succoth Developments, and permission. advises a Flow And with council, with community encourage marketed by Galbraith. Land Mixed Use Argyll and Bute Pressure Test and landowner and to investigate prospective owned by Clydebank Council and Drainage lmpact community to funding to enable developers and Developments Ltd is linked to Stronafyne Farm Assessment may be enable footpath the removal of future owners to Ben Arthur site and likely to Agent: None required to assess upgrade including invasive species. undertake a be sold as one lot. Argyll and Delivery Partners: the local network. new bridge. feasibility study Bute purchased land Scottish Water, Early engagement and flood risk originally for a football pitch LLTNPA, Argyll and with Scottish Water assessment to be but not progressed. Bute Council, is recommended. undertaken. Community Arrochar VE1 Landowner: Clydebank 2020-2022 Permission lapsed Scottish Water LLTNPA to LLTNPA to work NPA and ABC are having Ben Arthur Developments June 2016 advises a Flow And encourage with owners and ongoing discussions with the Visitor (reference Pressure Test and prospective partners to owner. Experience Agent: None. 2012/0163/DET) for Drainage lmpact developer ‘Ben improve the 130 bed hotel, 36 Assessment may be Arthur Ltd’ to submit appearance of Amenity Notice served in July Delivery Partners: holiday required to assess a planning the site and 2016 to clear up site and Scottish Water, accommodation the local network. application for prevent fly close road which has been LLTNPA, Argyll and units, 16 dwelling Early engagement renewal of 2012 tipping. complied with. Bute Council and houses, chandlery/ with Scottish Water permission or attract Highlands and Islands cafe bar building is recommended. other developer to Enterprise and pedestrian submit a planning walkway. application for a new proposal. Arrochar TR1 Landowner: Crown 2022-2024 Permission lapsed Ongoing liaison with Note: Arrochar, Tarbet & Arrochar Pier land in 2012 for pontoon the community, Ardlui Community have Transport Agent: Community (reference Argyll and Bute applied to install a small Development Trust 2009/0264/DET). Council and Luss floating pontoon just south of Delivery Partners: The Community are Estates through the the site for the pier. LLTNPA, Argyll and pursuing a new Arrochar Forum. Bute Council pontoon at an alternative site.

Arrochar H3 Landowner: Luss 2023-2024 No planning No immediate Church Road Estates permission. action. Long term Housing 6 Agent: None. Affordable housing housing site. Delivery Partners: requirement of Scottish Water, 25%. LLTNPA, Argyll and Bute Council

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Balloch Click here to view an interactive map of the village Balloch on the shores of Loch Balloch Castle Lomond offers great opportunities for growth especially for Visitor Actions: Work with West Dunbartonshire Council to assess Experience with sites at West funding options to fulfil preferred Riverside, Balloch Castle and options identified in the Council’s Country Park, Woodbank House and Transport /Pier End. The village centre placemaking priority offer an opportunity for public realm enhancement. Other sites for housing are also available. Balloch Pier and Maid Actions: Work alongside Loch Lomond Steamship Company to introduce temporary visitor/ passenger facilities for Maid of Loch project.

West Riverside and Woodbank House Village Centre Placemaking Progress: Pre-Application Priority Consultation event in Nov 2017. Progress: Sustrans and West Dun- Actions: Work alongside the new bartonshire Council held a consulta- owner and encourage submission of tion event in June 2017 on the village planning application in Spring 2018. centre. Actions: Work with Sustrans and West Dunbartonshire Council on the design of the Station Square and Vil- lage Square to improve arrival point in Housing Opportunities Balloch and connection from the train Progress: Planning permission granted for station. 8 homes at Craiglomond (2016/0200/DET). Actions: Encourage works to start at Craiglomond Gardens and encourage a planning application from Turnberry Homes for the Carrochan Road housing site.

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Balloch Following the 2016 Balloch Charrette there has been a strong drive from partners and the local community to rejuvenate the centre of Balloch and develop West Riverside.

West Riverside Street Designs Progress: The developer has completed their pre- The Balloch Street Design project application consultation event with the public in involving the upgrading of the village November 2017. At this event they displayed visuals and station squares and Balloch Road for the riverside site, village centre and Woodbank has been progressing following several house. The proposal included: well attended public events. We are now  Apartment hotel & family restaurant entering the delivery stage and  Outdoor Waterpark and swimming pool construction aims to start on the car  Woodland lodges parking at the village centre during  Village centre proposals (see illustration) summer/autumn 2018. Works on the  Woodbank House proposals station square are on hold pending progress with the West Riverside Sweeney’s Cruises have also submitted a planning masterplan. application for the upgrade to their site (ref: 2017/0373/DET). Developer’s Initial Proposals

Actions: A planning application is anticipated spring 2018. The planning process will allow further formal public consultation before determining the application at Committee.

Developer’s Initial Proposals

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Balloch Progress of all allocated sites Site Planning Status Reference & Landowner Agent Delivery Timesca Contributions Scottish Water Name Partners le required Requirements Action 1 Action 2 Action 3 Progress Balloch VE1 Landowner: Scottish 2018- No planning Scottish Water Encourage Encourage Work with Developer ‘Flamingo Land Ltd’ West Enterprise, NPA, West 2021 permission for main recommends submission of a LLSC to partners to was named as the preferred Riverside Dunbartonshire Council, Pier site. Pre-application early engagement planning submit encourage developer in 2016 by Scottish Visitor & Engine House leased to consultation event to discuss service application for planning feasibility Enterprise. Public consultation Experience Loch Lomond Steamship undertaken in Nov connections. main site and application for study for River event was held Nov 2017 and a Company (LLSC) 2017. associated temporary Leven bridge planning application is due to be Agent: Flamingo Land Agent masterplan and co passenger/ connection submitted April/May 2018. - Peter Brett Associates -ordination visitor facility between West (PBA) and LLSC Agent – between different in 2017. Riverside and studio KAP Architects interests. Balloch Delivery Partners: Country Park. Community, Scottish Water, LL Water Sports Association, LLSC

Balloch VE2 Landowner: West 2018- Play park built in WDC to improve Enhance As part of the Balloch East Riverside Dunbartonshire Council 2021 2013 (ref: facilities for events connection to streetscape project 31 additional Visitor Agent: None 2012/0383/DET) such as drainage riverside. car parking spaces will be Experience Delivery Partners: and parking. constructed next to the access LLTNPA, West road into Moss O’Balloch. Dunbartonshire Council

Balloch VE3 Landowner: Glasgow City 2018- No planning Scottish Water Glasgow City Feasibility Significant restoration works Balloch Castle Council 2021 permission. recommends Council, WDC and study being completed and scaffolding Visitor Agent: ZM Architecture early engagement NPA to progress led on by removed. It is hoped that toilets Experience (Feasibility) to discuss service redevelopment of WDC to are re-opened. WDC completed Delivery Partners: Scottish connections. Castle for reuse. investigate a feasibility report in March Water, LLTNPA, West future uses of 2017. WDC awaiting details for Dunbartonshire Council Castle. West Riverside in order to ensure Community any proposals complement this. Balloch VE4 Landowner: Scottish 2018- No planning Scottish Water Encourage Vegetation cleared from site. Woodbank Enterprise 2021 permission. Pre- recommends planning Developer ‘Flamingo Land Ltd’ House Visitor Agent: Peter Brett Associates application early engagement application and named as the preferred Experience (PBA) on behalf of Flamingo consultation event to discuss service associated developer in 2016 by Scottish Land (prospective developer) undertaken in Nov connections. masterplan. Enterprise. Public consultation Delivery Partners: Scottish 2017. event was held in Nov 2017 and Water, LLTNPA, West a planning application is due to Dunbartonshire Council, be submitted April/May 2018. Scottish Enterprise, Community

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Balloch Progress of all allocated sites continued Site Landowner Agent Timescale Planning Status Scottish Water Action 1 Action 2 Action 3 Progress Reference Delivery Partners Contributions Requirements & Name required Balloch MU1 Landowner: Scottish 2018-2021 No planning Scottish Water Encourage Determine the Work with Developer ‘Flamingo Land Ltd’ was named The Old Enterprise and permission for main recommends submission of a planning partners to as the preferred developer in 2016 by Station Sweeney’s Cruises part of site. Planning early planning application for ensure road Scottish Enterprise Public consultation Mixed Use Agent: Peter Brett permission lapsed for engagement to application and Sweeney’s upgrades and event was held Nov 2017 and a planning Visitor Associates (PBA) upgrade to discuss service masterplan to cruises which public realm application is expected April/May 2018. Experience Delivery Partners:- Sweeney’s cruises connections. include car includes an is improved Road improvements including enhanced & Transport Scottish Water, LLTNPA, yard. Renewal parking area office, slipway between Train arrival/public realm are a separate project West Dunbartonshire application is and public enclosure/ Station and led by West Dunbartonshire Council. The Council, Scottish pending realm areas. workshop Visit Scotland station works will be part of Phase 2 of the Enterprise, Community, consideration building and Centre at Old streetscape project, village square to be Sustrans (2017/0373/DET). boathouse and Station undertaken as Phase 1. Proposals will 2 new seek to complement masterplan for West pontoons. Riverside. Balloch MU2 Landowner: West 2018-2020 Planning permission Scottish Water Encourage Planning permission in principle granted. Carrochan Dunbartonshire Council in principle approved recommends detailed Turnberry Homes have been identified as Road Mixed Agent: None. January 2016 early planning the preferred developer by West Use Delivery Partners: (reference engagement to application Dunbartonshire Council. Note: planning Housing and Scottish Water, LLTNPA, 2015/0075/PPP) discuss service submitted. permission granted for no affordable Parking West Dunbartonshire Affordable housing connections. homes given delivery of public car parking Council Community requirement of 25%. as planning gain.

Balloch H1 Landowner: Robert 2018-2022 Planning permission Scottish Water Encourage Planning permission granted. No North of Dawson Esq approved for 8 two- recommends implementation affordable housing required given planning Craiglomond Agent: Jim Lough bed cottage flats early of the planning history of site, brownfield constraints and Gardens Delivery Partners: (2016/0200/DET). engagement to permission proposal is for small ‘starter’ size homes (2 Housing 8 Scottish Water, LLTNPA, Affordable housing discuss service before expiry. -bed flats approx. 70sqm). Also, here is off West Dunbartonshire requirement of 25%. connections. -site delivery of affordable homes at Council Community windfall site, Dumbain Road, edge of Balloch. Balloch TR1 Landowners: Loch 2018-2020 Planning permission Refurbishment Improve strong Refurbishment works planned of Pier from Loch Lomond Shores for approved of main Balloch connections to summer 2017 to summer 2018. New Lomond Drumkinnon Bay, West (2012/0104/DET) for pier for Maid of water based pontoon in operation within Drumkinnon Shores Dunbartonshire Council pontoon at Loch. transport. Bay. Transport own Balloch Pier, Drumkinnon Bay. No National Park Authority planning permission own slipway and required for repairs pontoon. to Balloch Pier. Delivery Partners: Loch Lomond Steamship Company, Community

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Callander Click here to view an interactive map of the village Town Centre Callander is the largest town in the Park Placemaking Priority and forms its eastern gateway. The town is Station Road Car Park Continue to work with the community set within a special landscape including Encourage Stirling Council to sell the site as a and Stirling Council to improve the town River Teith, Callander Crags and Ben Ledi. development opportunity for community, retail and centre public realm including improved The majority of growth opportunity is to the business uses with enhanced parking area and bus shop frontages, addressing street clutter, and improvement to signage. south at Claish Farm which is allocated for turning area. a mix of uses including visitor experience Work with Sustrans to encourage active travel improvements. and housing.

Callander has the opportunity to:

a) design and create friendly environments for pedestrians and cyclists with support from Sustrans, and

b) develop a long term road bridge through City Deal and developer contributions to accommodate future growth.

Callander South Preliminary design options to be created by land owner and agents. Work with Rural Stirling Housing Association in relation to their part of the site.

Developer to identify and address infrastructure for site including roads, bridge, water and drainage with Stirling Council.

Following bridge feasibility work with Stirling Council, the community and other to decide what happens next.

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Callander The main focus for Callander is to deliver the outcomes identified in the Charrette (2011), Community Action Plan and Callander Landscape Partnership. The projects from the charrette include the regeneration and support to the town centre (inc. the square and modernisation of Station Road Car Park including new supermarket), a replacement pedestrian bridge, long term road bridge and associated road improvements, and visitor accommodation and large scale land release to the south of the River Teith, known as Claish Farm, to accommodate housing, tourism, economic development and Riverside Park. A masterplan framework for Callander South has been prepared as Planning Guidance (see Section 9 for an update).

AncasterIllustration Square of new—Concept Pedestrian from Bridge2016 consultation Progress: There have been improvements to Ancaster Square public realm including installation of quality materials, new benches and prioritised bus stop. In 2016, Callander South—Claish Farm site initial design proposals were generated for improved routes for pedestrians and cyclists in consultation with Progress: Rural Stirling Housing Association Stirling Council and Sustrans. These routes will better Active travel bridge concept have purchased part of the Claish Farm site and connect the services and facilities throughout Callander have undertaken a pre-application public with local residents. People had an opportunity to offer Progress: A bridge feasibility study has consultation event in February 2018 and another ideas on the design proposals during a public exhibition been completed which looked at the event held in March (see https://www.rsha- on 20th May 2017. A feasibility report has now been junction capacity of A81 and A84 and the claish.com/), with application due to be submitted produced with recommendations, based on the impact of future growth at Callander South, late April/May 2018. consultation responses, on how the proposals could on this junction. The study also looked at proceed. An application for a new pavilion in the square potential bridge crossing options and Actions: Rural Stirling Housing Association to was submitted in December 2017 (reference 2017/0410/ provided costing for two options: a vehicle/ submit a high quality planning application and DET). This is still under consideration by LLTNPA active travel bridge and an active travel associated supporting information. Landowner/ planning team. only bridge. developer to develop proposals for remaining part

of the site in consultation with LLTNPA. Actions: LLTNPA, working with Stirling Actions: LLTNPA to determine planning application. Council, will develop a business case as Sustrans, Stirling Council and LLTNPA to progress part of Stirling City Deal. detailed design and consider parking.

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Callander Progress of all allocated sites Site Planning Status Reference & Landowner Agent Delivery Timesca Contributions Scottish Water Name Partners le required Requirements Actions Progress Callander H1 Landowner: Stirling Council 2018- Developer Scottish Water advise: Work with Stirling Council to ensure Planning application approved Pearl Street Housing Partnership 2019 contributions – 33% a) early engagement, any barriers to start of this September 2017. Work started Jan 2018 Housing 5 affordable housing. b) limited capacity at the development are overcome following discharge of the planning Homes Delivery Partners: Scottish Planning WwTW and DIA required, including discharging of any conditions. The site is identified within Water, LLTNPA, Stirling application for 4 and conditions. Stirling Council Strategic Housing Council two-bed cottage c) Network investigations Investment Programme (SHIP) for flats (100% social may be required to assess 2017/18. A drainage plan to be agreed rented) 2017/0174/ the local network. as part of the discharge of planning DET approved in conditions in relation to 2017/0174/DET. September 2017. Connection is to be made to the WwTW.

Callander H2 Landowner: Rural Housing 2017- Planning Scottish Water advise: Work with developer to ensure any Planning permission approved. Work Old Stirling Association (RSHA) 2018 permission for 23no a) early engagement, issues during construction are started on site July 2017 and due to Telephone flats (reference b) limited capacity at the overcome quickly including complete 2018. The site is identified Exchange Agent: William Harley 2014/0095/DET) WwtW and DIA required, discharging of conditions. within the Stirling Council Strategic Housing 23 Architects expires July 2019. and Housing Investment Programme (SHIP) Homes c) Network investigations for 2017/18 Scottish Water confirmed Delivery Partners: Scottish may be required to assess there was sufficient capacity and a Water, LLTNPA, Stirling the local network. drainage plan was approved and we Council discharged the in relation to drainage.

Callander H3 Landowner: Mike Luti 2022- Lapsed planning Scottish Water advise: Encourage owner to submit planning Active discussions are underway with a Churchfields 2025 permission in a) early engagement, application with development number of parties who have expressed Housing 30 Agent: Felsham Planning & principle expired in b) limited capacity at the adopting ecosystems services an interest. Homes Development 2013 (reference WwtW and DIA required, approach with support from SEPA, 2008/0376/OUT) and SNH and River Forth Fisheries Delivery Partners: Scottish c) Network investigations Trust. Water, LLTNPA, Stirling 33% affordable may be required to assess Council, SEPA, SNH housing the local network.

Callander Landowner: Robert Long No planning Scottish Water advise: Long term site. No progress required. LT3 Mackellar Term permission a) early engagement, Balgibbon Agent: Graham+ Sibbald, b) limited capacity at the Drive Glasgow WwtW and DIA required, Housing Delivery Partners: Scottish and Water, LLTNPA, Stirling c) Network investigations Council may be required to assess the local network.

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Callander Progress of all allocated sites continued

Planning Status Site Reference Landowner Agent Contributions Scottish Water & Name Delivery Partners Timescale required Requirements Actions Progress Callander ED1 Landowner: Stirling Council 2017-2021 No planning Scottish Water advise: Work with Stirling Council, Economic Bridge feasibility study undertaken Lagrannoch permission a) early engagement, Development to safeguard potential with Stirling Council involved. Bridge Industrial Estate Agent: Unknown b) limited capacity at the route of road bridge subject study highlighted Geisher Road as a Economic WwTW and DIA required, feasibility study. Encourage planning possible crossing point but Development Delivery partners: and application to create small to highlighted need to possibly relocate Scottish Water, LLTNPA, c) Network investigations medium enterprises. businesses if progressed (this Stirling Council may be required to assess allocated site is a possibility). the local network.

Callander MU2 Landowner: Mr & Mrs Gray 2018-2024 No planning Scottish Water advise: Rural Stirling Housing Association to Agent on behalf of landowner has Claish Farm and Rural Stirling Housing permission. a) early engagement, submit a high quality planning carried out assessments in relation Mixed Use of Association Developer b) limited capacity at the application and associated to road capacities and continues to Visitor contributions inc WwtW and DIA required, supporting information. Landowner/ market the site. A multi-agency Experience, Agent: Geddes Consulting - 33% affordable and developer to develop proposals for approach is being taken to make Economic Bob Salters housing, potential c) Network investigations remaining part of the site in progress on the site. Development, education may be required to assess consultation with LLTNPA. Housing (90 Delivery Partners: contribution and the local network. Rural Housing Stirling Association Homes) & Scottish Water, LLTNPA, new bridge (RHSA) has acquired part of the site Playing Field Stirling Council, Historic contribution. for 50 units with 25 units Environment Scotland, programmed for 2018/19. Pre- SEPA. application event held on 20th February and another event held 27th March (see https://www.rsha- claish.com/) , with application due to be submitted late April 2018. The site is identified within Stirling Council Strategic Housing Investment Programme (SHIP) for 25 in 2018/19 units and 25 units 2019/20. Callander MU1 Landowner: Stirling Council 2017-2021 No planning Scottish Water advise: Encourage planning application to Stirling Council have marketed site Station Road permission a) early engagement, be submitted subject to car parking and are in discussions with the Mixed Use of Delivery Partners: b) limited capacity at the strategy. Community Development Trust over Retail, Scottish Water, LLTNPA, WwtW and DIA required, potential community buy out . Business, Car Stirling Council, Community and parking and Development Trust c) Network investigations Transport may be required to assess the local network.

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Callander Progress of all allocated sites continued

Site Reference & Landowner Agent Delivery Planning Status Name Partners Timescale Contributions required Scottish Water Requirements Actions Progress Callander Landowner: Mr & Mrs Gray Long Term No planning permission Scottish Water advise: Long term site. Agent on behalf of LT2 Claish Agent: Geddes Consulting - a) early engagement, landowner has carried Farm South Bob Salters b) limited capacity at the WwtW and Future phase subject to out assessments in Mixed Use Delivery Partners: DIA required, and masterplan with adopted relation to road Scottish Water, LLTNPA, c) Network investigations may be ecosystems services approach capacities and Stirling Council, Historic required to assess the local network. with support from SEPA, SNH continues to market Environment Scotland, SEPA. and River Forth Fisheries Trust. the site. Callander Landowner: Drummond 2017-2021 Planning permission in Scottish Water advise: Determine live planning No formal objections RET1 Stirling Estates principle (reference: a) early engagement, application for a supermarket from statutory Road Retail Developer: Graham + Sibbald 2011/0167/PPP) will lapse b) limited capacity at the WwtW and and work with developer to consultees. Awaiting Delivery Partners: in Aug 2017. Planning DIA required, and negotiate new developer further information Scottish Water, LLTNPA, permission pending for a c) Network investigations may be contribution levels. from applicant on Stirling Council supermarket (2017/0239/ required to assess the local network. active travel plans and PPP). further negotiation to Contributions possibly be held on developer required towards public contributions. realm and active travel improvements.

Callander Landowner: Cambusmore 2017-2021 No planning permission Scottish Water advise: Encourage application to be No progress to date. VE1 Estates Trust a) early engagement, submitted. Auchenlaich Agent: Montgomery Forgan b) limited capacity at the WwtW and Visitor Associates DIA required, and Develop access strategy for the Experience Delivery Partners: c) Network investigations may be site as adjacent to A84 in Scottish Water, LLTNPA, required to assess the local network. consultation with Transport Stirling Council, Transport Scotland. Scotland Callander Landowner: George Long Term No planning permission Scottish Water advise: Long term site No progress to date. LT2 Cruickshank a) early engagement, Cambusmore Agent: Houghton Planning Ltd b) limited capacity at the waste water Quarry Delivery Partners: treatment works and a Drainage Visitor Scottish Water, LLTNPA, lmpact Assessment required, and Experience Stirling Council c) Network investigations may be required to assess the local network. Callander Landowner: Cambusmore 2017-2021 No planning permission Scottish Water advise: Encourage application for small No progress to date. RA1 Estates Trust a) early engagement, to medium size enterprises. Callander Agent: Montgomery Forgan b) limited capacity at the waste water East Rural Associates treatment works and a Drainage Activity Area Delivery Partners: lmpact Assessment required, and Scottish Water, LLTNPA, c) Network investigations may be Stirling Council required to assess the local network.

Local Development Plan | Action Programme | 21


There are five other placemaking priorities in addition to the strategic growth areas of Callander, Balloch and Arrochar. These include Aberfoyle, Blairmore, Drymen, Tarbet and Tyndrum.

Aberfoyle Blairmore pier Drymen Tarbet


Local Development Plan | Action Programme | 22

Aberfoyle Placemaking Priority Support improvements to main street and riverside car park

The 2013 charrette and other community engagement identified the opportunity to enhance and improve two key areas within the village centre- the main street and the Riverside area. Both are busy visitor areas and offer scope for improved public space and realm, and opportunity to better utilise the Riverside setting with more activities and enterprises aimed at outdoor recreation, food and drink and craft market activity.

Flooding is a key issue within Aberfoyle. Stirling Council is the lead agency working with the community to identify and implement flood prevention measures.

Location of Placemaking Priority

© Crown copyright and database rights 2017. Ordnance Survey 100031883 Charrette sketches of potential town centre and riverside

Local Development Plan | Action Programme | 23

Blairmore Placemaking Priority Safeguard retail frontage and enhance Blairmore Pier—a key asset for water access

The local community have helped shape ideas to The Blairmore Village Trust (an independent transform the Village Green into a more useable Community Interest Company) purchased the site Charrette sketch space for the benefit of both locals and visitors in 2014. through a Charrette in 2013/2014. Actions: Trust and wider community to realise The vision for the Village Green is to create their long term aspirations for a mixed use recreational open space, tourism accommodation, development on the site with LLTNPA support. café/shop, parking and bus stop, use of Trust and wider community to continue to hold renewables, and bike and boat hire. The site is more events, looking at funding options and keep allocated in the Local Development Plan up momentum. (Blairmore VE1).

Community Grant Awarded Location of Placemaking Priority Progress: Community grant awarded in Feb 2018 to support the development of 5 holiday let facilities. These will ultimately provide the income stream that creates sustainability for the community owned assets. Funding allows for a topographical survey and architect and engineering work.

Open Space Enhancement Progress: The works completed in 2017 included new picnic benches, wooden planters, flower/shrub borders, tree works, informal children play areas, bird table, wildlife log, and wooden sculptures. The community are now maintaining the site with grass cutting and ongoing

© Crown copyright and database rights 2017. Ordnance Survey treatment of the japenese knotweed. 100031883

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Drymen Placemaking Priority Support improvements to the village square

The Square is the central point of the village and a priority for action identified through the 2013 Charrette and in the Local Community Action Plan. Action is needed to make it a more attractive, safe and functional place for people to congregate and gather, including a review of car parking, pedestrian

safety and landscaping.

Location of Placemaking Priority © Crown copyright and Crown © databaserights 2017. Ordnance Survey 100031883 Charrette illustration of the village square

Local Development Plan | Action Programme | 25

Tarbet Placemaking Priority Support preparation of a master plan for central Tarbet to co-ordinate linkages between development opportunities including safe crossing/access to the A82/A83

The main focus of this placemaking priority is to The National Park Authority owns the open ensure the new development sites (VE1, MU2) are recreational space with associated loch frontage, developed within a masterplan framework with the including the car park, kiosk and public toilets. primary focus to address the junction of the A82/ There is an opportunity to stimulate development A83 and create a new core for Tarbet. of the other sites through improvements to this site by enhancing visitor car parking and facilities. The Tourist Information Centre has closed and the The car parking area was resurfaced early 2018 old filling station site is blighting the arrival into and a new tenant is now operating the café. A Tarbet from the south and from the north the old planning application will be encouraged with garage site is also in need of being regenerated to community engagement expected to inform create a sense of arrival. detailed ideas for the site.

Location of Placemaking Priority

© Crown copyright and database rights 2017. Ordnance Survey 100031883 Charrette sketch

Local Development Plan | Action Programme | 26

Tyndrum Placemaking Priority Support public realm improvement A charrette took place in 2013 highlighting that The key partners in the project are the community, Tyndrum had a lack of focus and is more of a Transport Scotland and the local businesses. The stopping over point and there are limited Real Food Café have recently undertaken works opportunities to stop and linger and enjoy what to improve their own public image with updated Tyndrum has to offer. A small scale trial has been signage, and a new extension which is underway extracting gold from the stockpiled ore contributing positively to the place. remaining from previous exploratory works in the nearby Cononish Glen. The construction has started on the new cycle/foot path between Crainlarich and Tyndrum with the A revised application (ref: 2017/0154/MIN) has section between Tyndrum and Dalrigh now open been approved for the gold mine in February (July 2017) creating a new circular walking route 2018 which , if environmental safeguards are met, from Tyndrum through the community woodland is hoped to stimulate development of Tyndrum and and along the existing West Highland Way. This realise the community’s aspiration of a visitor may encourage visitors to stop and stay as it will Charrette sketch centre with a gold/geology theme. create day visit opportunities.

This will hopefully stimulate the economy and lead to the improvements of the public realm, such as a possible new covered walkway between the Real Food Café and the Green Welly that are both popular stopping points.

Location of Placemaking Priority New cycle track—

Tyndrum to Dalrigh

© Crown copyright and database rights 2017. Ordnance Survey 100031883 Charrette sketch

Local Development Plan | Action Programme | 27

5. RURAL DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORKS We developed two Rural Development Frameworks to pilot new approaches to guide and facilitate appropriate rural development in two pressured countryside areas of the National Park; at east and west Loch Lomondside. They were created to provide a coordinated policy direction and comfort to landowners, investors and communities on the types of development that could be accommodated.

Areas covered by a Rural Development Framework


West Loch Lomondside between Inverbeg and Buchanan South Balloch inc Luss between Drymen and LUSS Balmaha, inc.





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West Loch Lomondside Rural Development Framework Increase economic activity, the supply of housing and improve infrastructure

Over the last year we have worked closely with Luss Estates (the local landowner), on a package of development projects within Luss and in the countryside around the village. New Homes 2017 saw the completion of 5 new affordable homes, by Link Housing Association, within the village delivering high quality development on the ground. The Framework has given Luss Estates the certainty that this affordable house site would form part of an overall package of development, including open market housing. The development of these homes represents a milestone for Luss Estates in progressing their aspirations for community growth. This provided four three-bed family homes and a smaller two-bed Luss village—5 homes built 2017 Arnburn—3 houses proposed home. By providing family homes, this can help retain local public services such as schools, in what is projected to be a declining and ageing population. The additional 11 homes planned to the south of the village and 19 new homes in the rural area (across 7 applications at various sites inc. Muirlands, Arnburn, Aldochlay, and Port O’Rossdhu) are being proposed to create a mix of housing opportunities, mainly to be open market housing, across the Luss & Arden area.

Edge of Luss village—11 homes Muirlands North—4 houses proposed New sense of arrival proposed The re-opening of the redundant filling station at the north of the village, has given the northern entrance to the village a renewed sense of arrival. There is further work to be undertaken at both entrances to the village: To the north retail/workshop units have been given approval, with attractive new public realm proposals including trees and high quality surfacing, and to the south, a new public open space has been given approval.

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Buchanan South Rural Development Framework Wider Buchanan area offers opportunity for small scale development linked to building groups, or on brownfield sites. offers opportunity for limited expansion (small-scale housing), Buchanan Castle Estate Buchanan Castle Estate, Quarry has opportunities for small scale development in the quarry and associated with the golf course and the wider countryside has opportunities for conversions and houses in connection with a established rural business. Recreation networks Progress: The track from Drymen via Buchanan Castle Estate was upgraded (Wilkie’s Path 2014/0257/DET) and with the use of existing forest roads a low level cycle and walking link was created to Balmaha in 2015. In addition, work has been underway to improve the Conic Hill path (2017/0143/DET), with the lower section complete in 2017 and the upper section recently gained planning permission. This is part of the Mountains and People project. Also, see previous page, regarding the Pontoon at Balmaha. Action: Further improve connections to the loch, pier, viewpoints and walking/cycling routes in particular improve cycle links between Balmaha Before and After Path Works—Wilkie’s Path and adjacent villages for local people and visitors and place greater emphasis on the network of forest paths for walking and cycling. Progress: Planning permission for Conversions and homes in connection with rural erection of 13 holiday lodges which was businesses implemented before expiring (2010/0277/ At a group of farm buildings on the edge of Balmaha, DET). Auchengyle, approval was given for three dwellings in Actions: Framework states that an 2015 (2015/0086/DET). alternative to the holiday lodges could be Montrose Estates Ltd propose to convert an agricultural small scale housing, with consideration outbuilding to a dwelling house and erect two new estate of a commuted sum or offsite affordable worker’s houses but this permission expires this year. housing at Milton of Buchanan. This is LLTNPA have made enquiries about whether they intend being explored by the owner. to renew the permission.

Auchengyle Farm & Steadings, Balmaha

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Buchanan South Rural Development Framework Balmaha’s Strategic Principles Plan provides a current update on the key sites that require focus over the short and medium term.

Key Development site Housing Opportunity Progress: Application approved for 20 lodges, 3 Progress: Planning holiday flats, restaurant/bar, application approved in smokehouse & brewery with March 2018 for 22 cafe, manager's house homes to be delivered (2016/0024/DET). by Rural Housing Actions: Developer to complete project and LLTNPA to Stirling Association monitor construction of the site. Ref: 2016/0399/DET).

Actions: LLTNPA to closely work with Rural Stirling Housing Association (RSHA), Scottish Water, SEPA and community to progress the site.

Water access Progress: A new pontoon was built in 2017 at the main pier (2015/0423/DET). Actions: At bay, Public Space improve water Progress: Work was completed on the new picnic access by area, Tom Weir statue and landscaping works in engaging with 2015/6 by Friends of Loch Lomond. Final landowner. landscaping works adjacent to the public car park were completed in 2017 by Community Development Trust (2014/0198/DET). Actions: LLTNPA supporting applicant to ensure final snagging and planting undertaken.

Local Development Plan | Action Programme | 31 6. Allocated sites in Towns and Villages excluding Strategic Growth Areas

Town/Village Partners and Timescale Planning Status Scottish Water Actions required Progress Site reference and Landowner and Developer Requirements name Land use Contributions Aberfoyle Aberfoyle ED1 Landowner: 2017-2021 Currently used as Scottish Water Landowner - Forest No change. Forestry Forest Enterprise offices, storage recommends early Enterprise Scotland to Commission Service Scotland and service yard. engagement to finalise access and flood Yard Agent: Potentially can discuss service mitigation arrangements. Economic accommodate connections. Development Delivery Partners: further economic Confirm options – either Scottish Water, development implement or market land. LLTNPA, Stirling uses. Council Balmaha Balmaha Landowner: Rural 2022-2023 Planning Land needs serviced. Determine planning Planning Application H1 Forestry Stirling Housing application Scottish Water application by spring 2018 approved on 26th March Commission site Association approved advises that there is at Public Hearing. 2018 following removal Housing 15 Homes (gifted from (2016/0399/DET) very limited capacity of objection from SEPA (proposal for 22 new Forest Enterprise for 20 affordable at Balmaha Waste LLTNPA to closely work and agreement from homes) Scotland) homes – 10 for Water Treatment with landowner (FCS), Scottish Water on social rent, 6 Works. If Scottish Rural Stirling Housing investment plan for water Agent: John houses for low Water’s 5 Growth Association (RSHA) and supply. Gilbert Architects cost home Criteria are met a community to progress the ownership growth project will be site. Site is identified in Delivery Partners: (shared equity) initiated to Stirling Council Strategic Scottish Water, and 4 local accommodate future RSHA to progress Housing Investment Plan LLTNPA, Stirling workers to rent development needs. investment in water Programme (SHIP) for Council, RSL. and 2 self build infrastructure to enable 2017/18 and 2018/19 but general needs site delivery. the funding will now need plots. to be reallocated as 100% affordable Scottish Water confirmed housing investment in water contribution supply will take 4 years. required.


Town/Village Partners and Timescale Planning Status Scottish Water Actions required Progress Site reference and Landowner and Developer Requirements name Land use Contributions Balmaha TR1 Landowner: 2018-2021 No proposals Engage with landowner. No change. Balmaha Bay Private Transport Proposal Agent: None. Delivery Partners: Scottish Water, LLTNPA, Stirling Council

Carrick Castle Carrick Castle H1 Landowner: 2018-2023 Planning Scottish Water Monitor progress of the Development started in Carrick Castle - Drimsynie Estate permission live advises: site. 2015, included initial Housing 8 Homes for 8 homes a) that there is very road layout and pegging Agent: The Hay (reference limited capacity at out of plots. Phased Partnership 2013/0020/LAW Carrick Castle completion has been and original septic tank indicated. Delivery Partners: permission b) Early engagement The plots are being Scottish Water, 2007/0009/DET). with Scottish marketed by Drimsynie LLTNPA, Plot 1 – detailed Water is Estate Ltd as serviced Community. permission recommended, plots. One plot has been amended and sold and detailed (2017/0150/DET) c) Site is some permission has been distance to granted in August 2017. No developer Scottish Water contributions main sewerage required as part infrastructure. of 2007 permission. A private system is proposed. Crianlarich Landowner: 2025-2027 Allocated Site Land to be marketed and Not included within SHIP H1 Willowbrae Stirling Council 25% requirement serviced. at present Housing (6 Homes) Agent: None for on-site affordable Develop access strategy Delivery Partners: housing. for the site as adjacent to LLTNPA, Stirling A85 in consultation with Council, Transport Scotland.


Town/Village Partners and Timescale Planning Status Scottish Water Actions required Progress Site reference and Landowner and Developer Requirements name Land use Contributions Transport Scotland

Crianlarich Landowner: 2018-2021 Allocated Site Land to be marketed Need for timber transport ED1 Railway Station Private Discuss with owner/agent transfer has been Economic Agent: None Land to be serviced reviewed and is a Development potential future strategic (0.89Ha) Delivery Partners: opportunity. LLTNPA, Stirling Council.

Croftamie Landowner: 2024-2026 Allocated Site Scottish Water Owner to market the land Site currently being H1 Buchanan Private 50% requirement advises there is and sell to a developer.. investigated by RSHA for Crescent for on-site currently limited potential to deliver 100% Housing (5 Homes) Agent: None affordable capacity at Croftamie Land to be serviced. affordable housing. Site housing. Waste Water is identified in Strategic Delivery Partners: Treatment Works. Housing Investment Plan LLTNPA, Stirling Early engagement for 2019/20. Council, Scottish with Scottish Water is Water, RSL. recommended.

Croftamie Landowner: 2017-2021 Allocated Site. Scottish Water Owner to market the land. No change. LLTNPA VE1 Pirniehall Private advises there is recently undertook a Visitor Experience Agent: Unknown Included on currently limited LLTNPA to make contact review of the Tree Site has listed Buildings at Risk capacity at Croftamie with owner and other Preservation Order on building that is on Delivery Partners: Register. Waste Water stakeholders such as HES site. building at risk LLTNPA, Historic Treatment Works. to discuss potential for the register. Environment Early engagement site. Scotland (HES), with Scottish Water is LLTNPA to encourage Scottish Water. recommended. owner to market site for hotel/educational facility with possibility of housing to enable development.


Town/Village Partners and Timescale Planning Status Scottish Water Actions required Progress Site reference and Landowner and Developer Requirements name Land use Contributions Drymen Drymen H1 Stirling Landowner: 2018-2020 Planning Scottish Water Planning application Road MacTaggart and Permission advises that there is determined 2017 for the Housing 36 Homes Mickel Homes approved to limited capacity at Owner is considering a renewal of 36 homes and car park Ltd. renew the 2014 Drymen Waste Water larger scheme including (2016/0360/DET). Pre- permission. Treatment Works and Drymen LT1 and next step Application Consultation Agent: Iceni Planning Ref. no. a Drainage impact is to submit a planning has been undertaken to Projects Ltd. 2016/0360/DET assessment may be application for consultation develop Drymen H1 and for 36 homes with required. and consideration by the Drymen LT1 proposing Delivery Partners: % of affordable LLTNPA. 90 units (indicative). LLTNPA, Stirling homes (10) and Application anticipated to Council. local needs Land to be serviced. be submitted early homes (14). 2018.RHSA in discussions with MacTaggart and Mickel. The site is identified in the SHIP for 10 social rent units programmed in to be delivered by Rural Housing Stirling Association in 2019/20. Drymen H2 Landowner: Mr 2018-2019 Planning Scottish Water Support Stirling Council as SHIP funding in place for Laurelfields John Ferrier permission advises that; a) There the developer to deliver 2017/2018 for 10 social Housing 10 Homes approved is currently limited the site and overcome any rent units to be delivered Agent: S3 September 2017 capacity at Drymen barriers to development by Stirling Council. Work Building Design (reference waste water treatment including discharging of is hoped to start on site Ltd. 2015/0241/DET) works and a Drainage conditions. Spring/Summer 2018. for 10 units (4 lmpact Assessment Delivery Partners: flats and 6 semi- may be required. And LLTNPA, Stirling detached houses) b) There is also sewer Council, Scottish 50% requirement infrastructure running Water, RSL. for on-site through this site. Early affordable engagement with housing but 100% Scottish Water to be delivered. regarding diverting these mains is recommended.


Town/Village Partners and Timescale Planning Status Scottish Water Actions required Progress Site reference and Landowner and Developer Requirements name Land use Contributions Drymen LT1 South Landowner: Long Term Scottish Water Review as part of LDP Note: See Drymen H1. Stirling Road MacTaggart and advises that there is update. MacTaggart and Mickel Housing 30 Homes Mickel Homes limited capacity at Homes intend to submit Ltd. Drymen Waste Water an application in 2018 to Treatment Works and develop this site in Agent: Iceni a Drainage impact conjunction with Drymen Projects Ltd. assessment may be H1. required. Delivery Partners: LLTNPA, Stirling Council, Scottish Water. Drymen MU1 Landowner: 2022-2024 No planning Scottish Water Discuss with owner/agent Early discussions have Former Salmon Private permission. Tree advises that there is Land to be serviced taken place with the Leap works consent limited capacity at agent in 2017. Note: site Mixed Use Agent: MW (2015/0235/TRE) Drymen Waste Water included in charrette Economic Consultants given in 2015 to Treatment Works and outcomes from 2014 and Development and allow survey work a Drainage impact sketch ideas prepared. Housing (4 Homes) Delivery Partners: for proposed assessment may be LLTNPA, Stirling development. required. Council, Scottish Affordable Water. housing requirement 50% on-site. Drymen RA1 Landowner: 2018-2021 Scottish Water Land to be marketed Drymen South Private advises that there is Discuss with owner/agent Rural Activity Area limited capacity at Land to be serviced 0.75 Ha Agent: Unknown Drymen Waste Water Delivery Partners: Treatment Works and LLTNPA, Scottish a Drainage impact Water assessment may be required.

Drymen TR1 Landowner: 2018-2021 LLTNPA discuss options Balmaha Road Stirling Council with Stirling Council for Transport low density overflow car Agent: Unknown. parking with appropriate soft landscaping to main


Town/Village Partners and Timescale Planning Status Scottish Water Actions required Progress Site reference and Landowner and Developer Requirements name Land use Contributions Delivery Partners: visual amenity. LLTNPA, Stirling Council.

Drymen VE1 Landowner: 2020-2021 Scottish Water The land has been Drumbeg Private advises that there is marketed since Spring Visitor Experience limited capacity at 2016. Agent: Unknown. Drymen Waste Water Discuss with owner/agent Treatment Works and Land to be serviced Delivery Partners: a Drainage impact LLTNPA, Stirling assessment may be Council, Scottish required. Water, Gartmore H1 Park Landowner: 2024-2026 No planning LLTNPA to seek update Early discussions held Avenue Private permission. from owner who is with owner and LLTNPA Housing 6 Homes required to resolve road and road access issue Agent: None raised. access issue before site

Delivery Partners: can become effective. LLTNPA, Stirling

Council. Gartocharn Gartocharn H1 Landowner: 2017-2019 No planning Discuss with owner/agent Site is included within Burnbrae Farm Private permission. and encourage SHIP as a reserve Housing 10 Homes 50% affordable submission of a planning project. Agent: Breagh housing application. Architects requirement. Early discussions with Land to be serviced agent have taken place Delivery Partners: regarding this site and LLTNPA, West Funding required through the re-development of Dunbartonshire West Dunbartonshire the adjacent farm. Council. Strategic Housing Investment Plan


Town/Village Partners and Timescale Planning Status Scottish Water Actions required Progress Site reference and Landowner and Developer Requirements name Land use Contributions Gartocharn H2 Landowner: 2024-2026 No planning No immediate action France Farm Private permission. required. Housing 6 Homes Agent: Unknown

Delivery Partners: LLTNPA, West Dunbartonshire Council.

Killin ED1 Roads Landowner: 2017-2021 No planning Land to be marketed Depot Stirling Council permission. Discuss with owner/agent Economic Land to be serviced Development 0.35 Agent: Unknown. Ha Delivery Partners: LLTNPA, Stirling Council, Community

Killin RA1 Acharn Landowner: 2017-2021 Biomass plant Discuss with owner/agent The biomass plant has Rural Activity Area Private built(2014/0258/D options for utilising been completed and was 13.47 Ha Agent: Unknown. ET) residual heat, such as operational in February Delivery Partners: drying woodchip for local 2018 and provides LLTNPA, Stirling consumption and 5.2MW of renewable Council, opportunities for ancillary electricity for approx. Community uses. 10,000 homes.


Town/Village Partners and Timescale Planning Status Scottish Water Actions required Progress Site reference and Landowner and Developer Requirements name Land use Contributions Kilmun, Strone and Blairmore Kilmun, Strone and Landowner: 2018-2019 Various Monitor progress of On site phased Blairmore H1 Private and permissions for remaining two plots. completion. 8no. Former Finnartmore Fyne Homes 12 units in total. affordable houses (by Nursing Home Housing 8no affordable Fyne Homes) and 1no. Housing 11 Homes Association flats (reference: private house have 2011/0288/DET) been completed. There Agent: McIntosh 2no detached are 2 possibly 3 private Homes. house (reference: houses still to be 2012/0386/MSC& developed. Delivery Partners: 2015/0224/MSC) LLTNPA, Argyll And 2no. semi- and Bute Council detached (ref: 2016/0254/DET) recently superceded with 1no. detached house (2017/0361/DET),

Kilmun, Strone and Landowner: 2020-2022 Requirement for Continue discussions with Not currently identified in Blairmore H2 High Private 25% affordable owner/agent SHIP. LLTNPA have had Road, Strone housing on-site. Land to be serviced separate discussions Housing 10 Homes Agent: Unknown. with council housing department and owner Delivery Partners: regarding delivery of LLTNPA, Argyll affordable housing. and Bute Council There is a lack of affordable housing need in the area. Owner considering self-build serviced plots.

Kilmun, Strone and Landowner: 2018-2021 No planning Work with Trust to explore Charrette held in Blairmore VE1 Blairmore Village permission. options for Phase 2 2013/2014 which Blairmore Green Trust Land to be holiday units which has explored options for this Visitor Experience (independent serviced. been awarded feasibility site.


Town/Village Partners and Timescale Planning Status Scottish Water Actions required Progress Site reference and Landowner and Developer Requirements name Land use Contributions 0.66Ha Community funding from the National Blairmore Village Trust Interest Park Grant Scheme. bought this site in 2014 Company) and is exploring options Agent: Unknown. to develop. An informal Delivery Partners: play area has been LLTNPA, Argyll created. (see update in and Bute Council, Placemaking Priority Community section of action programme) Lochearnhead H1 Landowner: 2019-2022 Planning Scottish Water Land to be marketed Soil remediation Former holiday Tommy Gilmartin permission in advises that there is Discuss with owner/agent complete centre perpetuity as currently very limited Land to be serviced Housing 12 Homes Agent: Unknown implemented for capacity at Site survey to assess 12 homes. Lochearnhead levels complete Delivery Partners: (Reference: WwTW. There are LLTNPA, Scottish 2007/0194/DET) also network issues in Exploratory work on Water this area and existing drains and therefore Drainage culverts are on going lmpact Assessment may be required. Flow and Pressure Tests may be required for water supply. Lochearnhead MU1 Landowner: 2019-2022 No Planning Scottish Water Discuss with owner/agent Land being marketed by Former garage Private Permission. advises currently very Graham and Sibbald, old Mixed Use Visitor Previous limited capacity at garages cleared from Experience and Delivery Partners: permission in Lochernhead WwTW. Develop access strategy site end of 2016. Economic LLTNPA, Scottish principle for There are also for the site as adjacent to Development Water, Stirling mixed use network issues in this A85 in consultation with 0.9 Ha Council, tourism, retail, area and a Drainage Transport Scotland. Transport commercial and lmpact Assessment Scotland business may be required. Flow development and Pressure Tests expired in 2012 may be required for (reference: water supply. 2009/0245/PPP)


Town/Village Partners and Timescale Planning Status Scottish Water Actions required Progress Site reference and Landowner and Developer Requirements name Land use Contributions Lochgoilhead Lochgoilhead H1 Landowner: 2019-2021 Planning Scottish Water Discuss with owner/agent Site owned by Dunbritton Land near Donich Dunbritton permission in advises there is when they are likely to Housing Association. Park Housing principle live as currently limited bring site forward. Housing 6 Homes Association implemented capacity at Site is serviced. Agent: CP Phase 1 Lochgoilhead Water Architects (Reference: Treatment Works and No SHIP funding 2008/0064/OUT) early engagement is currently allocated but it Delivery Partners: recommended. is under a 5 year review LLTNPA, Scottish subject to further needs Water, Argyll and analysis. Bute Council Luss Luss H1 Land North Landowner: Luss 2018-2020 Pending planning There is no Scottish Determine current The applicant has been of Hawthorn Cottage Estates application for 11 Water sewer in planning application. asked to revise the Housing10 Homes detached houses vicinity. Proposal Continue discussions with design and layout. Will Agent: Hay (reference includes private owner/agent be determined as a Partnership 2016/0391/DET). system. Land to be serviced. package with other housing applications in Delivery Partners: the rural area. See the LLTNPA, Scottish Rural Development Water, Argyll and Framework update Bute Council section in the action programme.

Luss H2 Land North Landowner: LINK 2017-2018 Planning No actions. 5 affordable homes of Loch Lomond Housing Application were completed in Arms Association approved for 5 June 2017. They are Housing 4 Homes units (reference is now occupied. LINK Agent: Anderson 2015/0441/DET). Housing Association Bell + Christie delivering 100% affordable units for rent. Delivery Partners: LLTNPA, Scottish Water, Argyll and Bute Council


Town/Village Partners and Timescale Planning Status Scottish Water Actions required Progress Site reference and Landowner and Developer Requirements name Land use Contributions Luss MU1 Land Landowner: Luss 2018-2021 Planning Land to be serviced, Encourage landowner to Phase 1 filling station North of Primary Estates application for Scottish Water implement permission and complete and open. School and Former 6no. Retail/ light advises that there is market units once Phase 2 – 6no. Filling Station Agent: Smith and industrial units currently insufficient completed. Retail/light industrial Brooke 2015/0255/DET capacity at Luss units – no progress. Mixed Use Visitor approved in June Waste Water Experience and Delivery Partners: 2016 (expires Treatment Works. On Public Realm LLTNPA, Scottish June 2019). receipt of Scottish Water, Argyll and Filling station Water's growth criteria Bute Council application being met, Scottish approved in Nov Water will initiate a 2015 (reference: Growth Project to 2015/0207/DET) upgrade the WwTW. There is currently sufficient capacity at the Water Treatment Works, however, Further Network investigations may be required. Early engagement with Scottish Water is recommended. St Fillans St Fillans H1 Station Landowner: 2018-2020 Planning Scottish Water state Discuss with Drummond Plot 19 is now under Road WRFU Ltd and permission there is capacity at Trust and encourage construction (part of Housing16 Homes The Drummond expired (Ref: Waste Water planning application for 2014/0237/DET Trust 2006/0038/OUT) Treatment Works but part of site with expired permission). Detailed there may be network permission (14-17homes). Agent: Black & application issues so early Williams (Black Planning engagement with Apple) permission for Scottish Water is part of site (ref; recommended. Delivery Partners: 2014/0237/DET) LLTNPA, Scottish for 4 dwellings. Water, Perth & (WRFU) Kinross Council 25% affordable


Town/Village Partners and Timescale Planning Status Scottish Water Actions required Progress Site reference and Landowner and Developer Requirements name Land use Contributions housing requirement. A commuted sum £4,750 for each unit agreed as part of 2014 permission. Tarbet Tarbet H1 Land Landowner: Luss 2023-2028 No planning There is currently Land to be marketed and South of A83 Estates permission. sufficient capacity at serviced. Housing10 Homes 50% affordable Belmore water Agent: Unknown housing treatment works and Discuss with owner/agent requirement. there is currently and develop masterplan Delivery Partners: Site is not within sufficient capacity at with tourism sites. LLTNPA, Scottish the Strategic the waste water Water, Argyll and Housing treatment works to Develop access strategy Bute Council, Investment serve this proposed for the site as adjacent to Transport Programme as development. A83 in consultation with Scotland. currently no Transport Scotland. housing need in Tarbet. Tarbet VE1 Tourism Landowner: 2020-2022 No planning Engagement with NPA to work with owner to Owner is developing Information Centre Private. permission. Scottish Water is develop masterplan for revised plans to offer Visitor Experience recommended when site alongside Tarbet high end Tourism offer Agent: Private. final flows for this MU1. Potential uses including Delivery Partners: proposed include tourist accommodation, LLTNPA, Scottish development is accommodation, retail, conference and event Water, Argyll and known. food and drink. space, and recreational Bute Council, activity base. Transport Land to be serviced Scotland. Develop access strategy for the site as adjacent to A83 in consultation with Transport Scotland.


Town/Village Partners and Timescale Planning Status Scottish Water Actions required Progress Site reference and Landowner and Developer Requirements name Land use Contributions Tarbet MU1 Central Landowner: 2018-2021 No planning Engagement with National Park Authority Main car park was Green LLTNPA and permission Scottish Water is Estates Team to develop resurfaced in March Visitor Experience Private owner except for recommended when project to improve main 2018. Investment options and Open Space temporary final flows for this part of site – central open to upgrade the current Agent: Private permission for proposed space including car park, public toilet facilities is on cruise ticket office development is kiosk and public toilets. track for 2018/19. Delivery Partners: and previously known. LLTNPA, Scottish change of use LLTNPA to work with other Water, Argyll and permission for owner to develop Bute Council, kiosk. masterplan for this site Transport and connected site Tarbet Scotland. VE1.

Long term solution to be sought for ticket office.

Removal of invasive species and enhancement of paths.

Develop access strategy for the site as adjacent to A82 and A83 in consultation with Transport Scotland.

Tarbet VE2 Former Landowner: 2018-2021 No planning Engagement with LLTNPA to discuss option Owner/agent has been Harvey’s Garage Private permission. Scottish Water is with owner/agent, with reviewing (late 2016) and Visitor Experience Previous recommended when potential uses identified in considering options. Agent: Private permission final flows for this charrette in 2014 - visitor lapsed in 2015 proposed development centre, retail, food and Delivery Partners: for a guesthouse is known. drink alongside other LLTNPA, Scottish and 3 self- economic development Water, Argyll and catering units uses. Develop access Bute Council, (reference: strategy for the site as Transport 2012/0217/DET) adjacent to A82 in Scotland. consultation with Transport Scotland.


Town/Village Partners and Timescale Planning Status Scottish Water Actions required Progress Site reference and Landowner and Developer Requirements name Land use Contributions Tarbet VE3 Land to Landowner: Bay 2018-2021 No planning Engagement with LLTNPA to discuss rear of Tarbet Hotel Hotels Ltd permission. Scottish Water is options with owner/agent. Visitor Experience recommended when Agent: None final flows for this proposed Develop access strategy Delivery Partners: development is for the site as adjacent to LLTNPA, Scottish known. A82 and A83 in Water, Argyll and consultation with Bute Council, Transport Scotland. Transport Scotland. Tarbet TR1 Landowner: 2018-2021 No planning National Park Authority Water-based National Park permission. Estates Team to develop infrastructure Authority project to improvement water access include Agent: None upkeep of existing pier and supporting access to Delivery Partners: the water via pontoon, Argyll and Bute slipway etc. Council. Tyndrum Tyndrum MU1 Landowner: 2018-2021 No planning There is currently Owner to market l to Clifton Highland Heritage permission. A sufficient capacity at developer. Mixed Use Visitor Hotels 2009 permission Tyndrum water LLTNPA to discuss Experience and has expired for 5 treatment works and options with owner/agent Economic Agent: None affordable homes Tyndrum waste water Land to be serviced Development and 2004 treatment works (1.7Ha) Delivery Partners: permission for however, depending LLTNPA, Stirling mixed use on final flows from the Council, Scottish development. development, network Water investigations may be required. Early engagement with Scottish Water is recommended.


Town/Village Partners and Timescale Planning Status Scottish Water Actions required Progress Site reference and Landowner and Developer Requirements name Land use Contributions Strathfillan RA1 Landowner: SAC 2017-2021 No planning LLTNPA to discuss Rural Activity permission. options with owner/agent. Agent: None Opportunity for expansion

of education and other Delivery Partners: LLTNPA, Stirling resource related activities Council in association with existing farming and research operated by the college.

Strachur RA1 Landowner: 2017-2021 No planning LLTNPA to discuss No progress. Potential Strachur South Sawmill, permission. options with owner/agent. issues with flooding on Rural Activity Bailliemeanach 2017/0062/DET Opportunity for small-scale site identified from River Agent: None and wood processing, biomass Cur but possible scope Delivery Partners: LLTNPA, Argyll 2015/0305/DET - timber products and/or for development remains and Bute Council applications electricity production, at alternative location refused due to scale of associated timber outwith flood risk area flooding for products and small rural but within allocated Rural erection of office business units. Activity Area. accommodation and formation of car parking area.


7. Strategic Transport Infrastructure A82 Trunk Road Upgrade between Callander to Route765 Killin to Tyndrum route (pedestrian Callander Bridges Tarbet and Inverarnan (pedestrian & cycle path) & cycle path) This is the major upgrade of a Route 765 of the National Cycle This path will contribute to the delivery A priority for Callander within the National Trunk Road along the site of Network currently connects Doune of the ‘Cross-Scotland Pilgrims Way’ Local Development Plan (p42) is Loch Lomond. It is identified as a with Stirling. The project involves long distance cycle route, a national to accommodate a replacement strategic priority nationally to extending the route from Doune to priority under NPF 3 (no. 8). It will pedestrian bridge, a long term strengthen strategic road Callander with 5km of new traffic free connect with NCN number 7 in Killin road bridge and associated road connections that serve the north and route. The majority of this route is and connect westwards to Oban. It improvements. west coast directly and also the ports outwith the National Park, however, it includes 40km of path creation from that connect to the islands. The is a priority for Callander as identified Tyndrum to Crieff through Glen Ogle. project is identified on the in the Local Development Plan (p42) Development Strategy Map (pg17) of and a national priority under NPF3 the Local Development Plan and (no.8) identified within NPF3. Timescale: 2017-2021 Timescale: 2017-2021 Timescale: 2017-2021 Timescale: 2017-2021 Status: Transport Scotland has Status: Planning permission yet to Status: The section between St Fillans Status: Planning permission yet to selected a preferred upgrade option be secured – Stirling Council will and Tynreoch was constructed in 2016 be secured. A bridge feasibility utilising the existing A82 corridor. It is handle the planning application. planning permission (Reference: study has been completed which currently in the design development Stirling Council and Sustrans are 2015/0302/DET). A further section looked at the junction capacity of stage, identifying land and preparing negotiating with the landowner and within St Fillans was recently A81 and A84 and the impact of Draft Orders which will define the line finding is anticipated 2017-18 which constructed in summer 2017(reference future growth on this junction. of the route. It is also undertaking an is included with the Stirling City Deal. 2016/0357/DET). The section between The study also looked at potential Environmental Impact Assessment. A planning application is anticipated Crianlarich to Tyndrum has planning bridge crossing options and The assessment that will form part of 2017. permission (2016/0057/DET) and the provided costing for two options: a the Environmental Statement are first section between Tyndrum and vehicle/active travel bridge and an being undertaken. No planning Dalrigh was built in July 2017. A active travel only bridge. permission required as covered by feasibility study and community/ Roads legislation subject to Roads landowner consultation is underway for . Orders signed by Scottish Minister. the section between Lochearnhead to Road Orders to be drafted by end of St Fillans. 2018. Who: Landowners: Various Who: Stirling Council, Sustrans Who: St Fillans Community Trust, Who: Stirling Council, NPA Project Lead: Transport Scotland Strathfillan Community Development and Operating Company: BEAR Trust, Killin Community Council. Loch Scotland Lomond &Trossachs Countryside Trust Delivery Partners: Argyll and Bute is delivering the project between Council, SEPA, SNH, NPA, Network Tyndrum and Crianlarich. rail, Community Councils.


8. Local Development Plan Policies

We are the main stakeholder that will be delivering the policies in the Local Development Plan through the planning applications handled. Where other stakeholders are involved then this will be listed in the Actions Required column. We will be monitoring the LDP policies on an ongoing basis. You can view the detailed Monitoring Framework 2018 on our website. Below is a summary of how the monitoring is progress for each policy.

Overarching Policies (OP) Actions required Progress Policy reference and title OP1 Strategic Principles None Adopted LDP Policy OP2 Development Requirements Monitor no and type of zero and low Adopted LDP Policy - Monitoring indicator established. In 2017 we carbon technology and how schemes have have approved the inclusion of solar panels in 7 new buildings, 2 been sited to conserve energy. biomass boilers and 1 air source heat pump.

OP3 Developer Contributions Monitor contribution levels. Adopted LDP Policy- Monitoring indicator established. Work with councils to ensure financial contributions are spent within time and within the area for housing and education. Detailed Policies Actions required Progress Policy reference and title H1 Providing a diverse range of Monitor number, and type of housing Adopted LDP Policy – Monitoring indicators established. In 2017 we housing approvals and % of on-site affordable have approved 106 affordable units across 11 of our 26 housing sites. housing delivered. Our target for these 11 sites was to achieve 57 affordable units (based on the % requirements). We have exceeded our target.

H2 Location and types of new Monitor the number, and location of Adopted LDP Policy. Monitoring indicator established. In 2017 we housing required housing approvals to ensure delivery in approved: towns and villages and effective housing  81 units (21 windfall units and 60 units on LDP sites). See above land supply. table for details on our allocated sites. Work with councils to ensure delivery of  Of the 81 approvals 59 units were in the towns and villages. affordable housing and liaise on Strategic Housing Investment Programme. We will publish our Housing Land Audit for 2017 in late spring 2018 which has further analysis, charts and maps. ED1 Economic Development in Monitor the supply and take-up of Adopted LDP Policy. Monitoring indicator established. We intend to Towns and Villages employment land in towns and villages monitor the number of economic development approvals in the towns through the Employment Land Audit. and villages.


ED2 Economic Development in the Monitor the supply and take-up of Adopted LDP Policy. Monitoring indicator established. We intend to Countryside and Small Rural employment land in countryside through monitor the number of economic development approvals. Communities the Employment Land Audit. ED3 Safeguarding Economic Monitor Adopted LDP Policy. Monitoring indicator established. We intend to Development Sites monitor the number of economic development sites safeguarded or lost.

VE1 Location for new development Monitor the number of tourism and Adopted LDP Policy - Monitoring indicator established. In 2017 we to enhance the Visitor Experience recreation applications approved in terms approved of type and location.  62 self-catering units, 78 new bed spaces and 51 new camping/caravan pitches. This has been an increase in camping and motorhome pitches due to our commitment to delivery of these pitches in relation to Your Park. In 2014 and 2015 for instance we saw no approvals for camping pitches.  15,590 metres of recreational paths (mainly Mountains and People project ), and  6 new visitor facilities (which includes pontoons, footbridges and a bird hide). In terms of delivery on the ground  8 new self-catering units built  38 new camping pitches provided, and  6,055metres of recreational paths being built. The allocated Visitor Experience sites are included in table above. There have been no approvals in 2017 at allocated visitor experience sites. There are three sites with planning permission from previous years.

VE2 Delivering a World Class Visitor None Adopted LDP Policy Experience VE3 Safeguarding existing Tourism Monitor Adopted LDP Policy. Monitoring indicator established. Sites TP1 Safeguarding Sites to Improve Monitor Adopted LDP Policy – see allocated Transport sites in the table above. the Transport Network TP2 Promoting Sustainable Travel Monitor Adopted LDP Policy. Monitoring indicator established. and Improved Travel Options TP3 Impact Assessment and Design None Adopted LDP Policy – this policy is being applied on new developments Standards of New Development where there is a new road access and/or parking requirements. No specific monitoring being undertaken.

NE1 National Park Landscapes, Monitor Adopted LDP Policy. Monitoring indicator established. seascape and visual impact


NE2 European sites - Special Areas Monitor Adopted LDP Policy. Monitoring indicator established. of Conservation and Special Protection Areas NE3 Sites of Special Scientific Monitor Adopted LDP Policy. Monitoring indicator established. Interest, National Nature Reserves and RAMSAR Sites NE4 Legally Protected Species Monitor Adopted LDP Policy. Monitoring indicator established.

NE5 Species and Habitats Monitor Adopted LDP Policy . Monitoring indicator established

NE6 Enhancing Biodiversity Monitor Adopted LDP Policy . Monitoring indicator established.

NE7 Protecting Geological None Adopted LDP Policy Conservation Review Sites NE8 Development Impacts on Trees Monitor Adopted LDP Policy - Monitoring indicator established. and Woodlands NE9 Woodlands on or adjacent to Monitor Adopted LDP Policy- Monitoring indicator established. development sites NE10 Protecting peatlands Monitor Adopted LDP Policy Monitoring indicator established.

NE11 Protecting the Water Monitor Adopted LDP Policy. Monitoring indicator established. Environment NE12 Surface Water and Waste Monitor Adopted LDP Policy. Monitoring indicator established. Water Management NE13 Flood Risk Monitor Adopted LDP Policy. Monitoring indicator established.

NE14 Marine and Inland Monitor Adopted LDP Policy. Monitoring indicator established. Aquaculture NE15 Coastal Marine Area Monitor Adopted LDP Policy. Monitoring indicator established.

NE16 Land Contamination Monitor Adopted LDP Policy. Monitoring indicator established.

HE1 Listed Buildings Monitor Adopted LDP Policy. Monitoring indicator established.

HE2 Conservation Areas Monitor Adopted LDP Policy. Monitoring indicator established.

HE3 Wider Built Environment and Monitor Adopted LDP Policy. Monitoring indicator established. Cultural Heritage HE4 Historic Gardens and Designed Monitor Adopted LDP Policy. Monitoring indicator established. Landscapes


HE5 Conversion and Re-use of Monitor Adopted LDP Policy. Monitoring indicator established. Redundant Buildings HE6 Scheduled Monuments and Monitor Adopted LDP Policy other Nationally Important Archaeological Sites HE7 Other Archaeological Monitor Adopted LDP Policy Resources HE8 Sites with Unknown Monitor Adopted LDP Policy. Monitoring indicator established. Archaeological Potential OS1 Protecting Outdoor Sports Monitor Adopted LDP Policy. Monitoring indicator established. Facilities OS2 Protecting Other Important Monitor Adopted LDP Policy. Monitoring indicator established. Open Space OS3 New Open Space Monitor Adopted LDP Policy. Monitoring indicator established. Opportunities CF1 Supporting New and Existing Monitor Adopted LDP Policy. Monitoring indicator established. Community Facilities R1 Retail Development in Towns Monitor the loss of retail uses. Adopted LDP Policy. Monitoring indicator established. and Villages R2 Retail Development outside Monitor Adopted LDP Policy Monitoring indicator established. Towns or Villages R3 Display of Advertisements Prepare Planning Guidance on Adopted LDP Policy. No progress on the planning guidance. Advertisement Control RE1 Renewable Energy within the Monitor number and type of renewable Adopted LDP Policy. Monitoring indicator established. National Park energy proposals. RE2 Renewable Energy Monitor number of consultations. Adopted LDP Policy. Monitoring indicator established. Developments adjacent to the Respond to consultation requests relating National Park to wind energy at edge of National Park. ME1 Mineral Extraction Monitor Adopted LDP Policy. Monitoring indicator established.

TS1 Telecommunications Monitor Adopted LDP Policy. Monitoring indicator established. Development WM1 Waste Management Monitor Adopted LDP Policy. Monitoring indicator established. Requirement for New Developments WM2 Waste Management Facilities Monitor Adopted LDP Policy. Monitoring indicator established.


9. Supplementary and Planning Guidance Supplementary Guidance (SG) Actions required Progress SG1 Design and Placemaking  Review comments from 2015 Consulted May-June 2015 consultation. Adopted March 2018.  Adopt and Publish Guidance SG2 Housing Development  Review comments from 2015 Consulted May-June 2015 consultation. Adopted June 2017.  Liaise with agents.  Adopt and Publish Guidance SG3 West Loch Lomondside Rural  Adopt and Publish Guidance Consulted May-June 2015 Development Framework Adopted June 2017.

 Monitor progress of planning Luss Estates have submitted a series of planning applications to deliver housing, applications in West LL. new open space and a car park to deliver the framework. These applications are still to be assessed.

SG4 Buchanan South Rural  Adopt and Publish Guidance Consulted May-June 2015 Development Framework Areas Adopted June 2017.

 Monitor progress of planning Monitoring taking place of applications that deliver the framework. None applications in Buchanan submitted. South.

SG5 Developer Contributions  Review comments from Consulted May-June 2015 2015 consultation. Requires changed to Supplementary Guidance and re-consultation and adopted  Liaise with Stirling Council by Spring/Summer 2018. re. bridge. This has been delayed due to feasibility study being undertaken for transport  Re-consult contributions in Callander.  Make amendments.  Adopt and Publish Guidance


Planning Guidance (PG) and title Actions required Progress PG1 Callander South Masterplan  Review comments from Consulted May-June 2015. Framework 2015 consultation. Approval and publication of framework delayed due to developer contribution  Liaise with Stirling Council re detail. bridge.  Make amendments.  Approve and Publish Guidance PG3 Listed Buildings and  Review comments from Consulted May-June 2015. Reviewed and made changes following comments, Conservation Areas 2015 consultation. completed Nov 2016.  Make amendments. Planning and Access Committee to approve and published in February 2017.  Approve and Publish Guidance PG4 Visitor Experience  Review comments from Consulted May-June 2015. 2015 consultation. Planning and Access Committee to approve and published Dec 2017.  Make amendments.  Approve and Publish Guidance PG5 Callander Conservation Area  Monitor Complete (2011) Appraisal PG6 Killin Conservation Area  Monitor Complete (2011) Appraisal PG7 St Fillans Conservation Area  Monitor Complete (2011) Appraisal PG8 Gartmore Conservation Area  Finalise draft Draft complete Appraisal Draft PG  Board approval  Public consultation  Monitor PG9 Drymen Conservation Area  Finalise draft Draft complete Appraisal Draft PG  Board approval  Public consultation  Monitor PG10 Luss Conservation Area  Commence draft Draft complete Appraisal Draft PG PG12 Milton Conservation Area  Commence draft Started draft Appraisal Draft PG PG11 Tyndrum Conservation Area  Commence draft To be started Appraisal Draft PG


Loch Lomond & The Trossachs Published by National Park Authority Loch Lomond & The Trossachs National Park Headquarters National Park Authority Carrochan Road Balloch March 2018 G83 8EG 01389 722600 [email protected] www.lochlomond-trossachs.org/planning