The Bahn Stormer The Official Newsletter of the Rally Sport Region PCA


PCA Member Goes Topless in Color Tour!

NOVEMBER 1997 Volume II, Issue No. 11

Photo: E. Garcia

There’s no mistaking Phil Kubik’s . What’s really impressive is the planning it took to get this license plate. IN THIS ISSUE

From The Grill 3 Also Inside: The Left Lane 4 The Lighter Side 5 Tech Tonics 7 New Members 8 Fall Color Tour Food Drive 8 Net Escape 8 & Tour De Detroit 9 Board Meeting Minutes 12 A Parade of Upcoming Events 13 Der Marktplatz 14

Other Stuff The Bahn Stormer is the official publication of the Rally Sport Region of Porsche Club of America. The ideas, opinions and suggestions expressed are those of the author and not neces- sarily those of PCA or RSR. Permission to reprint any material is granted provided full credit is given to the Bahn Stormer and the author, and provided copyright is not involved. Yeah, that’s the ticket. RSR OFFICERS THE HOME PAGE President* Bob Sandau 29900 Greenland Contact: You can contact the Bahn Stormer through the (313) 525-0464 Livonia, MI 48154 following: Vice President* Phone: 248/253-2959 (day) Tom Green 13187 Macon Road 810/795-4468 (night) (313) 429-5958 Saline, MI 48176 Fax: 810/826-3441 Treasurer* E-mail: [email protected] Lisa Sandau 29900 Greenland 73470,115 (CompuServe) (313) 525-0464 Livonia, MI 48154 Also, look for us at: Secretary* / Advertising Chairperson Kyle Stevens 3051 Potomac Drive Articles: All articles and pictures should be submitted by the (313) 973-8209 Ann Arbor, MI 48108 20th of the month to the addresses above. Archivist/Historian Preferably, please use the e-mail address to minimize re- Joe Lile 22514 Alexandrine typing, or send a diskette. Accurate typing isn’t my forte. It’s (313) 274-3091 Dearborn, MI 48124 not even a fifte or sixte. The Bahn Stormer is created on a Charity Chairperson Macintosh using PageMaker 6.0. In theory, I should be able Sharon Winston 3640 E. Pineview to read almost any file format (Mac/PC) that you send. If you (313) 426-8091 Dexter, MI 48130 would like to include photographs, please send the photos and I’ll go ahead and scan them. I will (eventually) return all Goodie Store Chairperson materials back to you, so please include a return address. Dave Bates 1208 Pearl (313) 482-3213 Ypsilanti, MI 48197 Subscriptions: Subscription to the Bahn Stormer is free to Insurance Chairperson RSR members, and US$12.00 for non-members. Matt Huber 30083 Cobblestone Lane (810) 486-3984 New Hudson, MI 48165 Classifieds: Classifieds are free to RSR members, and $5.00 Membership Chairperson per issue for non-members. Those submitted by the 20th of the month will be in the next issue of the Bahn Stormer. Emmanuel Garcia 3064 Gloucester Drive (810) 795-4468 Sterling Heights, MI 48310 Classifieds will be printed for three issues. Safety Chairperson Advertising: The costs are $100/quarter for a full page ad, 1 John Melvin 1218 Snyder $50/quarter for a ⁄2 page ad, and (all together now) $25/ 1 (313) 665-8912 Ann Arbor, MI 48103 quarter for a ⁄4 page ad. Tech Chairperson Membership Information: Those interested in joining Ken Owings 459 Burr Oak Drive (313) 668-8252 Ann Arbor, MI 48103 Porsche Club of America (PCA) can fill out the application form located in this issue. Cost is US$36.00 per year. You will Track Chairperson receive a subscription to both Panorama, the official PCA Bob Sandau 29900 Greenland magazine, and a local region’s cool newsletter (if they have (313) 525-0464 Livonia, MI 48154 one). Send the application and a check (or Visa/MC), pay- Trophy / Door Prize Chairperson able to Porsche Club of America, to the membership chair- Brian Preblich 1060 Millbrook man to process it. (313) 981-6354 Canton, MI 48188 Board Member Address Changes: If you change your address, please Thwen Chaloemtiarana 100 N. Glendale forward your new address to Porsche Club of America’s (313) 668-1585 Ann Arbor, MI 48103 Executive Secretary, Ruth Harte at: Board Member P.O. Box 30100 Vigen Darian 1329 Glendaloch Cir Alexandria, VA 22310 (313) 747-9333 Ann Arbor, MI 48104 Board Member / Past President Please also forward your new address to the RSR Member- Matt Huber 30083 Cobblestone Lane ship Chairman (me) at any of the addresses given in this (810) 486-3984 New Hudson, MI 48165 newslettter. This will ensure the timely delivery of both the Board Member Panorama and the Bahn Stormer. Joe Lile 22514 Alexandrine Special Note: Rally Sport Region’s official acronym from (313) 274-3091 Dearborn, MI 48124 PCA national is RSP. RSR is actually the Rennsport Region in Board Member / Weather Chairperson Canada. While this may seem duplicitous, other regions also Glenn Trapp 1834 Woodcreek follow this convention. For example, Southeastern Michigan (810) 227-7854 Brighton, MI 48116 Region calls itself SMR, although PCA refers to them as SEM. Bahn Stormer Editor SMR is actually the Smoky Mountain Region. Please note this Emmanuel Garcia 3064 Gloucester Drive when dealing with PCA national. (810) 795-4468 Sterling Heights, MI 48310 Bahn Stormer Printer Errors, Mistakes, Gaffs and other Editorial Liberties: October was not a good month. I left out an article and National Print Service 16176 Middlebelt Road (313) 427-6111 Livonia, MI 48154 failed to mention some winners. I may have to re-take Editor’s School again. D’oh! *Denotes board member

2 Bahn Stormer • Nov 1997 FROM THE GRILL we do have volunteers who help when we get to the track. But let me tell you this: I would not be Bob Sandau able to race or put on as many schools as we do if What is that sound I hear? it were not for all of my wife’s (who doesn’t even Maybe it’s a ghost left over from drive at the track) patience and hard work. I Halloween? Or my wife remind- would like to thank her for all of her late nights ing me to write this article. No, after 1:00 AM at Kinkos before a track event; for I think it is scarier than that— printing student and instructor schedules because the sound of November winds. of last minute changes to add someone into a Which can only be a sign that school; for all the mornings she was up at 5:00 AM winter is near and our Porsches will need to be put arranging breakfast for all of us; and let us not to rest for the winter. No more racing or last forget, for calling the ambulance company to minute phone calls to see if there is still room left remind them where they should be. All of that.. in tomorrow’s driving school. and she lets me race!!! Which brings me to this phrase that you may I thank you Lisa for all of the help you have have seen on the back of some track junkies’ given me this season. And for your contributed shirts—I live with Fear everyday…and on Sun- time, patience and help that you gave to our days she lets me race!! members—THANK YOU FROM ME AND ALL OF Well, the fear part may not apply at our house, OUR MEMBERS !! but my wife does let me race and I know that she Last, but not least, I would like to welcome all has fears (of it). But she is a good sport about it. of our new members to our region. We don’t have As anyone who has called us during driving any driving events planned any more this year, season knows, Lisa usually fields the call and but we do have other events planned throughout answers your questions. If you were at any of our the winter months. So look at our calender and driver schools and were among the sixty to sev- come out and meet our fellow members. P.S. I am enty drivers who regularly attended, I am sure you a lucky man to have such a wife!! know what it must take to put on an event like that Until Next Month… once (and sometimes twice a month) and still work and go racing (some of us even fit in a (I would also like to thank Lisa for her tireless work wedding close to a race track on the east coast). I at our track events as well as for her work in other think you get the picture. club activities. That’s a lot of time and effort just I may be listed as the track chairperson, and for a social club.—ed.) ~ ATTENTION CLUB MEMBERS ~ Photo: E. Garcia RSR is assembling a phone list of our membership (again). The phone list will be available to members of our region. Please contact me (Emmanuel Garcia–Membership Chairman) if: • you transferred from another region • you recently changed area codes • you do not want to be included in this list • you just feel like it (or not sure if I have your number) I can be reached at any of the following: phone: (248) 253-2959 fax: (810) 826-3441 e-mail: [email protected]

(The phone list will be available for mailing sometime in December 1997)

Bahn Stormer • Nov 1997 3 THE LEFT LANE Web of Honor A member of region, Jerry Brady, has agreed E “Swords” Man to become Web-meister for us. The prototype he Mmm…I can smell the turkey showed us at the October meeting was, as the in the oven from here. The rela- British may put it, Absolutely Fabulous. tives are milling around the liv- The content will be similar to the newsletter, ing room, wonderful smells but the potential for this site is great. And unlike coming from the kitchen, the some written publications, this site is in color. Lions roasting on the tv (d’oh!). Our site, the Info-Bahn Stormer, can now be The air has that cool sharp sting seen at Browser near you! The address is: to it. It must be November. It also means winter is < > approaching. This winter, I want to catch up with my reading, curled up next to the fireplace with a Clear and Present Danger warm drink and a good thriller. Road Rage is still getting a lot of press. I even read an article in one magazine that talks about Patriot Games that classic Greek play about road rage, Oedipus. I want to thank Thwen Chaloemtiarana for It seems that Sophocles’s play has Oedipus, our bringing a Boxster to the October club meeting. “hero,” slaying a man (who turned out to be his Owning a Boxster is now one of my fantasies, just father) in a traffic argument. ahead of being assimilated by the She-Borg “Seven” I wouldn’t recommend, however, telling the on Star Trek: Voyager, and being adopted by Bill person who just cut you off that he has an Oedipus Gates. Those last two fantasies are eerily similar, complex. It may be more prudent to let him by. with their assimilation theme. Soon, we will all Just as I’ve always felt it’s prudent to let faster become the drones of Microsoft. With little to traffic pass. Say you’re in the left lane and a faster impede this giant’s steps, guerrilla hackers ‘round car approaches you. On the track, we would give the world will have to use the battle cry “Remem- this car the passing signal and let the car by. Why ber the Macintosh!” as they strive to free them- not do the same in street traffic? Let this person go selves of this Orwellian future. Think Different. by, and use him as an anti-traffic enforcement I’m sure the Thought Police will convince me survey vehicle. Let them identify the location of I’m wrong, but I can picture this scene in the not- the traffic enforcement officers ahead of you. so-distant future: you’re driving along and some- thing happens to your car—it just stops running. Without Remorse So you switch the ignition to “off,” get out of the The clock is ticking (not that it’s ever stopped). car, get back in and re-start it. Your car, the 95NT, In only 50,000 years, our solar system will hurtle will do this everytime you want to go somewhere, through space to a large dust cloud in our galaxy. and you will think it’s perfectly normal. We have less than 800 days left before we have to Or maybe that’s my imagination. Just like I stop partying like it’s 1999. And I have one or two imagined Forbes naming Bill Gates the richest more issues of the newsletter until I move to man in the world, surpassing the pre-eminent car- Germany. I will be moving there sometime in dude, the Sultan of Brunei. Resistance is futile. January 1998. Am I excited about this move? Does Anthony Hunt for Red Oktobers Hopkin’s and Alec Baldwin’s large, furry co-star in Diving deep into a pile of (guards) red and The Edge leave its waste in the woods (it was a orange leaves raked into a pile—there’s some- hairy bear / it was a scary bear / they beat a hasty thing about a Michigan fall that brings back fond retreat outta there)? I’m still working out the memories. Maybe it’s the crispness in the air that details for new Editorial-ship of this newsletter, brings the past into sharp focus. but I’m sure it’ll all work out in the end. A number of us decided to attend the RSR Fall What kind of qualifications should an editor Color tour last month. I’d like to extend special have? A pulse is a good start. Being a masochist thanks to Brett Noseworthy of Bloomfield Motor- who requires little sleep before a deadline is also ing Accessories (248/669-6666) for laying out a plus (so I hit two out of three—guess which one coffee, cider and donuts for our club. If you get a I missed). So if you have a drop or two of creative chance, check out his place in Walled Lake. It’s juice flowing, give me a call. Really soon. Mean- filled with exotic memoriabillia. while, watch out for the White Storm Rising.

4 Bahn Stormer • Nov 1997 THE LIGHTER SIDE Infiniti Q45 • I am a physician with 17 malpractice E “OB1KNOB” Man suits pending. Impulse • I do not give a damn about J.D. oing through some back issues, I’ve de- Power or his reports. cided that I haven’t done a good enough Jaguar XJ6 • I am so rich I will pay $60K for a car G job offending people, so I’m going to try that is in the shop 280 days per year. and make up for all that in one large swoop. Kia Sephia • I learned nothing from the failure of Someone sent this to me from the Net. If I missed Daihatsu Corp. your car, don’t worry—I’ll get you later. Also, to Lamborghini Countach • I only have one testicle single women with a lifetime supply of hair spray— Lincoln Town Car • I live for bingo and covered I have a 944. So here, submitted for your rejection, dish suppers. is your “other” car: Mercury Grand Marquis • (See above.) Mercedes 500SL • I will beat you up if you ask me Acura Integra • I have always wanted to own the for an autograph. Buick of sports . Mercedes 560SEL • I have a daughter named Acura Legend • I’m too bland for German cars. Bitsy and a son named Cole. Acura NSX • I am impotent. Miata • I do not fear being decapitated by Audi 90 • I enjoy putting out engine fires. an eighteen-wheeler. Buick Park Avenue • I am older than 34 of the 50 MGB • I am dating a mechanic. states. Mitsubishi Diamante • I don’t know what it means Cadillac Eldorado • I am a very good Mary Kay either. salesman. 300ZX • I have yet to complete my divorce Cadillac Seville • I am a pimp. proceedings. Camaro • I enjoy beating the hell out Oldsmobile Cutlass • I just stole this car and I’m of people. going to make a fortune off the parts. • I like seeing people’s reac- Peugeot 505 Diesel • I am on the EPA’s Ten Most tions when I tell them I have a ’Vette. Wanted List. • I’m in a mid-life crisis. Plymouth Neon • I sincerely enjoy doing the Chevrolet El Camino • I am leading a militia to Macarena. overthrow the government. Pontiac Trans AM • I have a switchblade in my Chrysler Cordoba • I dig the rich Corinthian sock. leather. Porsche 911 Turbo • I have a three inch thingie. Datsun 280Z • I have a kilo of cocaine in my wheel Porsche 944 • I am dating big-haired women that well. otherwise would be inaccessible to me. Dodge Dart • I teach third grade special educa- Rolls Royce Silver Shadow • I think Pat Buchanan tion and I voted for Eisenhower. is a tad bit too liberal. Dodge Daytona • I delivered pizza for four years Saturn SC2 • (See Civic.) to get this car. Legacy • I have always wanted a Japa- Ferrari Testarossa • I am known to prematurely nese car even more inferior than Isuzu. ejaculate. Toyota Camry • I am still in the closet. Ford Fairmont • (See Dodge Dart.) Volkswagon Beetle • I still watch Partridge Fam- Ford Mustang • I slow down to 85 in school zones ily reruns. Ford Crown Victoria • I enjoy having people slow Volkswagon Cabriolet • I am out of the closet. to 55mph and change lanes when I pull up Volkswagen Jetta GLX • I am hung like a dead behind them. horse. Storm • I will start the 11th grade in the fall. Volkswagon Microbus • I am tripping right now. Geo Tracker • I will start the 12th grade in the fall. Volvo 740 Wagon • I am frightened of my wife. Honda del Sol • I have always said, half a convert- ible better than no convertible at all. Honda Civic • I have just graduated and have no “Men show their character in nothing more clearly credit. than by what they think laughable.” Honda Accord • I lack any originality and am —Johann Wolfgang von Goethe basically a lemming.

Bahn Stormer • Nov 1997 5 Second Annual Rally Sport Region Holiday Party

Join your fellow RSR members at our gala second annual Holiday Party at Ernesto’s in Plymouth (see map on page 13). The date is set for January 10, 1998. Cocktails will begin at 6:30 PM (cash bar), dinner will begin at 7:30 PM. Following dinner and dessert will be special presentations and conversation.

Dinner will be served Italian Family Style. You will be treated to a variety of selections from five different courses. The cost will be $30 per person.

Your RSVP and payment (checks payable to RSR/PCA) must be received no later than January 5, 1998 (sorry, no phone reserva- tions). Refunds for cancellation will be given up to seven days prior to the event. Due to the constraints of Ernesto’s, there can be no

exceptions to the requirements above.

○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ (return this portion)

I/we would like to RSVP for the RSR Holiday Party: Please list all who are attending (adults only please):

Name: ______

Name: ______

Phone Number: ______

Send to: Make checks payable to RSR/PCA Barbara Stevens 3051 Potomac Drive Total enclosed $______Ann Arbor, MI 48108 ($30 per person)

Questions? 313/973-8209

6 Bahn Stormer • Nov 1997 TECH TONICS • Engage a gear on cars with manual transmis- sion to move the shift rod all the way into the Bruce Anderson to prevent shift rod corrosion. WINTER CAR STORAGE • Vehicles stored outdoors in direct sunlight: I am not really much of an expert on storing Precautions should be taken to prevent sun- cars because I live in California where we really light from entering the car’s interior. Cover don’t store cars. Because I continue to get ques- windshield, door, side and rear glass. tions about storage, I have gathered a bunch of • Putting vehicle in service: Remove intake duct information from various different sources. and tailpipe sealing. Check for nesting crea- Porsche recently put out a technical bulletin tures under the hood and evidence of fluid on storage of used Porsches. leaks under the car. • Install battery. Start engine. Technical Bulletin • Do not depress the accelerator pedal. Do not • If the vehicle remains in storage for more than run engine at high RPM during warm up. 3 months, remove spark plugs and discon- • Should the engine not start after two starting nect coil wire(s) from distributor cap(s). attempts, remove spark plugs and check for Ground the coil wire(s) using jumper cable(s). oil deposits. If necessary, clean or replace • Squirt 3-5 cm of engine oil into each combus- spark plugs. tion chamber. Caution: Do not crank engine with spark • Reinstall spark plugs and torque to 25-30 N·m plugs removed. (18-22 ft·lb). • Switch on A/C at idle RPM and check state of • Do not connect spark plug wires. Crank en- charge. Correct if necessary. gine for 5-8 seconds. Do not operate gas • Adjust tire pressure to specified pressure. pedal. Connect spark plug and coil wires. Caution: Brakes may not have the highest • Do not operate engine until vehicle is put possible braking efficiency after long storage. back in service. Apply brakes several times at low speed. • Seal the air intake ducts and the muffler tailpipe using towels or tape. (This was a partial re-print from the November • Windshield/Headlight Washer: Check and cor- 1996 Bahn Stormer. The information was origi- rect antifreeze/cleaning solution level as nec- nally pulled down from a CompuServe forum essary. from Bruce Anderson. Remember, use this infor- • Electric: The battery should be removed from mation at your own risk. If you want a re-print of the vehicle and stored in a cool and dry place, the entire article, please contact me.—ed) not on a cement floor. Recharge battery every 3 months. If the battery remains in the vehicle ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ with cables connected, it is necessary to check, remove and recharge the battery every 2-3 “Laughter is the sun that drives winter from the weeks. human face.” • Do not fast charge batteries. Refer to Techni- —Victor Hugo cal Bulletin Group 2, Number 8801 for charg- ing information. Three things give us hardy strength: sleeping on • Vehicle Interior: The interior must be dry, hairy mattresses, breathing cold air, and eating especially in the area of the floor carpets. The dry food. use of drying agents (Silica-Gel) is recom- —Welsh Proverb mended in vehicles with leather interior and in areas with high humidity. The recom- “Old age isn’t so bad when you consider the mended amount is 3 fabric bags of 500 grams alternative.” each placed on the floor carpets. —Maurice Chevalier • Windows, doors, lids and top must be closed. • On cars with manual heating/ventilation sys- “A person’s age is not dependent upon the num- tems, air flaps should be open. ber of years that have passed over his head, but on • Brakes and shifting: Brake discs and brake the number of colds that have passed through it.” pads should be completely dry to prevent —Shirley W. Wynne corrosion. Do not apply hand brake.

Bahn Stormer • Nov 1997 7 NEW MEMBERS

❥❞✐❜❢m¤◗✐❥mm❥qt Herzlich Willkommen! ✷✿✽✼¤✿✷✺ Welcome one and the other one! Come to an event! ✮✉s❜ot❣❢sÒ❚p✈✉✐❢❜t✉❢so¤❥❞✐❥❤❜o✯ Although only two new members were added to the club, our total increased to 136 members as of 9/30/97. ❥❞✐❜❢m¤❑✴¤◗✈✉mp❞❧ Why, you ask? Because certain members, who shall ✷✿✾✿¤✿✺✺ remain nameless (for now), renewed their member- ✮o❢x¤n❢n❝❢s✯ ship late. That’s why.

FOOD DRIVE car, I’d wonder how we were going to keep RSR’s first virtual member abreast (sounds like Internet funny Tom Green stuff) of developments here. Answers to troubling (Proving I’m not the Great and Powerful Editor yet, I questions like, “How many red 944 Turbo Ss does it forgot to put this article in last month’s newsletter. I can take for Bob (Sandau) to have one that drives?” Or, take a little solace that at least I remembered to put the “How do I ship that straight-from-Stuttgart door prize to pictures in last month’s issue. Sorry, Tom. —ed.) Brian Preblich?” Jerry Brady, newly released from his contract with Good weather prevailed for the Second Annual SMR and an unexpected stint with Rennsport Region RSR Progressive Dinner. Although attendance was (there’s a reason why you were getting that newsletter slightly down from last year (with 27 attendees), enthu- from Canada, Jerry!), came to our rescue. Jerry has siasm for food and Porsches was high. merged Rally Sport onto the Info-Bahn. Our roving E. The appetizer portion was hosted by Dave and Garcia will be able to tune in to our tales of derring-do Sharon Winston near Dexter. After a brisk and winding and derring-don’t—courtesy of the World Wide Web. journey through the back roads of the Pinkney Recre- Click over to for a look ation Area, we arrived at Glenn and Claudia Trapp’s in at The Info-Bahn Stormer! Then drop Jerry a line and a Brighton for the main meal, which included marinated thank-you-for-the-late-nights-spent-driving-the-laptop- beef tenderloin and smoked turkey. The cars travelled instead-of-sealing-up-the-914 at . more slowly to Matt and Dru Huber’s in New Hudson Or ring me up at 313/668-1585. (due to the negatively affected power-to-weight ratio Jerry says, “First and foremost, let’s let everyone in the cars) for a finale of desserts. know the site is up to be reviewed and commented on I know all attendees had a great time. We hope to freely. I’ll welcome any and all helpers.” see all of you next year for the Third Annual RSR Besides ideas, criticisms, and general comments, Progressive Dinner. we’re looking for a bunch of stuff:

• Jerry has designed space in the site for everyone: NET ESCAPE you can send us a picture and a caption, a paragraph of stats about you or your car or a favorite recipe for Thwen Chaloemtiarana homemade hide food, and relevant e-mail and Web- A Rally Sport Web Site? site addresses for inclusion in our Membership area. The Info-Bahn Stormer! • Items and events for posting in our news and notes At all of our club events of late a topic of no minor area. sorrow has been mulling. Our pal E Man’s heading • Web addresses for other Zone 4 event listings that east. Waaay east. To the venerable homeland we make we can link up with the Info-Bahn Stormer. pun of in our publication’s name. Ger-man-y, baby. • Technical articles or Web links to articles and other Sayonara Bahn Stormer editor numero uno. resources associated with keeping us and our cars In spite of my sadness I’ve been set upon by two running well and looking well. lines of questions. At the Fall Color Tour and the • A listing of parts suppliers, tuners, catalogs, and Detroit Science Center festivities, I polled whomever services we’d recommend to friends would listen: “E said he was going to have to leave his • Pictures and contact information for the Officers car here in Michigan. Water content notwithstanding, page (you know who you are!) it’s so considerate of him to ensure that we won’t have to send anyone home because of mechanical prob- Over the din of our mantra of “We’re not worthy, lems! May I be the first to sign out our club 944?” we’re not worthy,” E Man and I thought we heard Jerry Amidst the ensuing enthusiasm and general agree- say, ment on the topic of caring for and feeding Emmanuel’s “So there. Now someone come and fix my oil leak.”

8 Bahn Stormer • Nov 1997 MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION

Name Street City / State Zip Code (must be given) County *Family Member Relationship *Affiliate Member

* Note: Members may name either Family or Affiliate, NOT both. Family or Affiliate member must by 18 years or older.


Occupation Telephone No. (H)

Spouse’s Name (if married) (W) My Interests Are: Technical Social Concours Autocrossing Rallying Drivers Education

PORSCHE INFORMATION Model Year Serial No. (VIN) Color (REQUIRED) Local Region Rally Sport Region (RSP)

I own (co-own) a Porsche, am 18 years of age or older, and having read the Objectives of PCA herewith apply for Active Membership in the Porsche Club of America.

Visa/MC: Expiration Date:

Signature Date

ENDORSEMENT BY REGIONAL OFFICIAL The application MUST be processed through a local PCA Region and must be endorsed by a Regional Officer.

Signed Title Region Rally Sport Region (RSP) Date Membership Dues: US$36.00 per year. Dues include $12.00 for Porsche Panorama magazine. A portion of the annual dues is returned to the local region. Please enclose payment with application. Make check payable to Porsche Club of America, Inc., or send credit card number and expiration date. Send Check and Application To: Emmanuel Garcia 3064 Gloucester Drive Sterling Heights, MI 48310

Bahn Stormer • Nov 1997 9 TOUR DE DETROIT through Chelsea and back into Ann Arbor to Webers restaurant for dinner. Kyle Stevens One of the nicest things about this year’s color …And Miles to Go Before I Eat tour was seeing members who may not have had Bright sunshine and crisp, clear air set the perfect the opportunity to attend other events. We even mood for the color tour on Saturday, October 11. had members from other regions on the tour. A great collection of almost twenty cars showed When you organize an event, it is particularly up for this second annual event. In attendance gratifying to see people taking time out of their were 911s, 928s, 944s, a Boxster, a 356 and even busy life to participate and support club activities a very rare 904! and we sincerely thank you. This year’s activities were limited to a color tour only. There just wasn’t enough time to in- clude a rally. Judging by reaction, this was just fine since absolutely everyone seemed to have a great !! Please Note !! time. The gathering point was Bloomfield Motoring Due to special circumstances, the Accessories where members had an opportunity deadline for the December issue to inspect an excellent selection of “automobilia.” Thanks go to Brett Noseworthy for his fine hospi- will be November 9. tality. If you’ve never visited Bloomfield Motoring Accessories you should definitely stop by to view Sorry for any inconveniences this may their selection. They’re located at 2085 West Maple present. in Walled Lake (248-669-6666). The “Porsche Train” snaked it’s way down through the northwest suburbs and then west Corrections/Additions: Omitted from last towards Hudson Mills Metropark. Heading fur- month’s Bahn Stormer were the following ther south, the group was treated to a canopy of Autocross winners in the Ladies categories: trees between Dexter and Ann Arbor. The course continued around the southwest outskirts of Ann PORSCHE CLASS Arbor, eventually arriving at Wiards Orchard in Susan Sarin (993 Targa) 47.837 sec Ypsilanti. There, participants had a chance to stretch their legs and stock up on apples, caramel OPEN CLASS apples, donuts and cider. Klixi Shaer (BMW M3) 49.802 sec From there, the group went on a fast loop further west. Out to Waterloo Metropark, down Congratulations, and sorry for the omission.

Photo: E. Garcia Photo: E. Garcia Keith Geasland and Don Fischer fantasizing about their post- Roger Garrell and Katie Sharp are happy that it was a color color tour dinner tour this year instead of a rally

10 Bahn Stormer • Nov 1997 Fall Color Tour

Photo: E. Garcia Photo: E. Garcia …they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not Angela Hartman and George Thornton interrupt their lunch at be weary; they shall walk, and not faint; and they shall drive Wiards Orchard to indulge the editor Boxsters and not Z3s. ~Isaiah 40:31 (New Emmanuel Version)

Photo: E. Garcia Photo: E. Garcia Our hosts from Bloomfield Motoring Accessories, Donna & Brett The Million Porsche Rally gets ready to start, even though the final total just fell short of the promoters’ anticipated numbers

Orange Sky Blue

Green Yellow Red

Frog Pumpkin Orange


Photo: E. Garcia Photo: E. Garcia For those that missed this year’s tour, here’s my attempt to Rhana Burgess and the BMW that beat the Porsches to Wiards make you feel like you stuck your head out of a BMW’s sunroof Orchard (thanks to her editor/navigator’s “unfair advantage”)

Bahn Stormer • Nov 1997 11 BOARD MEETING MINUTES

RSR Meeting Minutes October 2, 1997

• Meeting called to order by President at 7:55 P.M.; location: Magna Corp., Farmington Hills. » Present: Thwen Chaloemtiarana, Tom Green, Matt Huber, Joe Lile, Bob Sandau, Lisa Sandau, Kyle Stevens, Glenn Trapp » Absent: Vigen Darian • September meeting minutes: approved. • Treasurer’s report: approved. • Track report: » Extremely successful season. » Most events were sold out. » New safety issues will be addressed for next year. » Drivers will tech their own car in the hot pits after having “four wheels off the track.” » Helmet requirements will be upgraded to SA90. » Discussion of complaint letter from last event. It was agreed that the complaint was valid and all effort will be made to remedy the issue and take steps to ensure that it does not occur again. • Membership: » 132 Primary members officially. » Glenn Trapp volunteered to take on membership functions from Emmanuel Garcia. • Newsletter: » Circulation is approximately 210. » December issue will be the current editor’s last before relocation to Germany. He is working to identify a new editor(s). • Goody Store: No new orders have been placed. • Web Site: » Jerry Brady displayed what the Web site will look like and the capabilities. » Site can be used for identifying other “quality “ links. » Motion passed to budget funds for domain name. • Club Events: Past » Autocross—good turn-out; $1000 was raised for the charity. Future » Color tour—Starting point will be Bloomfield Motoring Accessories in Walled Lake. Tour will start at 1:00 PM and will include a stop at Wiards Orchard. It will end around 5:30 PM for dinner. Children will enjoy the apple orchard and are encouraged to attend. Anyone not participating in the tour are still encouraged to come to Wiards Orchard on Merrit road in Ypsilanti at about 2:30 PM. » I-Max movie—12 reservations are set aside at Detroit Science Center on 10/18 at 3:00 PM. » Ski trip—tentatively reserved rooms at Crystal Mountain Resort on 2/20/97; motion passed to budget $200 for deposit. » Meadowbrook ’98—Susan Sarin will be taking responsibility for RSR representation; PCNA expressed interest in working with us; Ohio Valley Region expressed interest in attending; RSR could sponsor a Porsche corral and other events; announce in newsletter, web site and Pano. » Auto show—discussion postponed until next month. » Porsche Design tour—last weekend of January and first week February are tentative dates. • New Business: » Bob Sandau suggested researching timing equipment; there was also discussion about participating in the IROC series and finding a chairman for autocross events; David Bates will begin to research locations. » Barb Stevens volunteered to coordinate the Holiday party. » Board meeting location tentative schedule: November and December will be at Magna Corp.; January 8th and February will be at Gary Starin’s office; March and April will be at be Susan Sarin’s house; May and June will be at Jerry Brady’s office; July and August will be at Rob Deigel’s community club house. » Motion passed to purchase a canopy for driving events. • Meeting adjourned at 9:25 PM.

Submitted by: Kyle Stevens, Secretary

12 Bahn Stormer • Nov 1997 UPCOMING EVENTS

November/December Meeting 12 Mile Road

What: Monthly Club Meeting(s) 696 Where: 37655 Interchange (Magna), Farmington Hills 37655 Interchange When: 7:30 P.M., Thursday, November 6, 1997 7:30 P.M., Thursday, December 4, 1997 Who: Matt Huber 248/486-3984, or any board 11 Mile Road member for more information Grand River


Cost: n/a Haggerty Interchange Dr. 275

5 10 Mile Road

Holiday Party - Ernesto’s Ernesto’s Restaurant 41661 Plymouth Road (313) 453-2002 275 What: Holiday Party (semi-formal) Where: Ernesto’s Restaurant • 313/453-2002 41661 Plymouth Road, Plymouth When: 6:30 P.M., Saturday, January 10, 1997 Haggerty Who: Contact Barb Stevens 313/973-8209 14 (You must RSVP by January 5 if you plan to attend) Plym 96

Sheldon Main St. outh Cost: $30 / person (see page 6)

Ann A Ann Arbor Road rbor Tra il

Haggerty January Club Meeting 12 Mile Road AlliedSignal Civic Center Dr. What: Monthly Club Meeting Southfield, MI Where: AlliedSignal, Civic Center Drive, Southfield (first driveway east of the 11 Mile Road Lodge freeway ) 696 When: 7:30 P.M., Thursday, January 8, 1998 Who: Gary Starin 810/827-6405, or any board Civic Center Dr.

member for more information 10 Mile Road Cost: n/a 10

Lahser Beecher Evergreen 9 Mile Road Telegraph

Bahn Stormer • Nov 1997 13 $19,500. Serious inquiries call 313/528-9585, DER MARKTPLATZ Robert--Ann Arbor. (11/97) 1986 944 ITS Turn-key, race-ready, spares. CARS FOR SALE Fuchs and cookie-cutter wheels. $7900 obo. 1970 914-6 Needs work, stored 17 yrs., new Scott (h)810/220-8613 (w)248/553-1323. (10/ brake system, muffler, and more. Many extra 97) parts of value. $7,900.00. 313/665-7546 or e- mail [email protected] (11/97) 1987 924S Guards Red, black interior, 74K miles, excellent condition. No winters, non- 1972 914 Restored, 1.8 liter rebuilt, orange smokers, all maintenance records (AutoHaus and ext./blk. int. no rust, runs great. $4,300.00. Jeff Jones), new tires (Aqua treads), rear lens 313/665-7546 or e-mail [email protected] update between taillights/Porsche block let- (11/97) ters, dead space rear lights and rear valance. Porsche exported this special 924S to the U.S. 1974 914 1.8L Garaged for last 15 years. Major for only 3 years: 1986, 1987, 1988. It’s project or parts car. Complete $1800 OBO 248/ uniqueness is that underneath that 924S skin 366-8141. (11/97) is a 944. Must sell--just got a 944S. Can only keep one! $6,900 C. Tietz 248/437-2205. (10/ 1979 911SC Coupe Silver Blue/Black, whale 97) tail, 934 air dam/oil cooler, “Big Red” brakes, street-track suspension, Electromotive fuel/ 1989 944S2 Guards red w/blk leather. 61,000 ignition system, high compression pistons, miles, new clutch, new rotors/pads, strut new-Sandern AC, RS door panels, Cobra Sport brace, good RE71s, never chipped. $13,500 Matt seats, 17" Forgeline/BFG R1s. 1,500 miles on Chapman 810/225-2048. (11/97) engine/trans. Too much to list. $25,000 W.G. Giles 4906 Fernlee, Royal Oak, MI 248/435- PARTS FOR SALE 6099. (10/97) 1989 G-50 Transmission 3,535 miles $2,500/ offer. Pressure plate, disc, slave cylinder, 1979 911SC Project car, guards red, needs minor shift linkage available. Dan Kantrow 313/998- repair of left fender and door, black leather 1403. (10/97) interior good condition, rebuilt engine not yet installed, many new parts included. $9,000 993 Factory Take-off Wheels 7x17, 9x17 with OBO. Call Tom Krueger at 313/881-8150 day or Comp TA R1s 205/50 17, 225/40 17. Used on the 810/566-9099 eve. (11/97) track twice, 1 has a small scratch, others mint condition. Brad Van Hull 313/662-1631. (11/97) 1981 928 5-speed, leather, all options, 29,000 miles, white on black, all original, Oregon Wheels: Four 7” x 15” cookie-cutter wheels with car--has never seen salt or snow. Absolutely black centers from 911, excellent condition. no rust, stored since new, never driven in $300 + shipping. Alex Pollock 313/531-8689. winters. Bra, new tires, battery. This car is (11/97) like new. New house forces sale of my baby, RSR Goodie Store Jackets • Golf shirts • Patches • Mugs • Stickers • and More! David Bates 313/482-3213

Order a jacket for those chilly Fall nights… …with RSR logo to keep you warm

14 Bahn Stormer • Nov 1997 Come Join Us for the Monthly RSR Board Meeting Held the First Thursday of Every Month at 7:30 p.m.

This Month’s Location is:

Magna Corp, Farmington Hills

(see map on page 13 for more details)

Interested in advertising in the Bahn Stormer?

Reach over 150 car enthusiasts in the Metro Detroit area!

Contact Kyle Stevens at (313) 973-8209 for more details

(see page 2 for rates and more information)

The Ultimate Finish (888) 999-2937 Orders (810) 247-5888 Tech Info (810) 247-3010 Fax


Bahn Stormer • Nov 1997 15 The Bahn Stormer 3064 Gloucester Drive Sterling Heights, MI 48310

First Class (Please) Address Correction Requested


November 6 Club Meeting • Magna Corp, Farmington Hills 9 Special Newsletter Deadline for December issue !!! 27 Thanksgiving Day 28 Official Start of Shopping Season

December 4 Club Meeting • Magna Corp, Farmington 24 Last shopping day before Christmas

January 8 Club Meeting • AlliedSignal, Southfield 10 Holiday Party • Ernesto’s

February 5 Club Meeting • AlliedSignal, Southfield

~ Pass early, pass often ~ “RSR • The Fast, Fun, Friendly Region”