WARWICK DISTRICT COMMUNITY FORUM Data Capture Sheet Name and date Forum: Rural West CF Thurs 27 February 2020

No. of No. of Cllrs No. of PCC No. of No. of Total Residents Police ambassador VCS Officers


7 1 1 8 1 2 20

Police Priorities: New Rural West Policing Priorities:

• Conduct speed checks around the village of (Rising Lane and Old Warwick Road). 64% • Increase patrols around tourist sites i.e , Packwood House, Hatton Country World etc due to a major spike in vehicle crime due to increased number of vehicles. 12% • Visit all WRW schools to view parking and child safety issues. 11% • Conduct speed checks around the village of Bishops Tachbrook (Mallory Road/Banbury Road junction) (This priority decided on at forum meeting)

Police Update:

PC Parker reported that there were 6 break ins to sheds on the allotments at Kingsley Road, Bishops Tachbrook – youths are suspected. A large quantity of power tools was stolen in Lapworth. At Hatton County World six shops were broken into and goods taken overnight. The National Speeding Campaign launched in January for the WRW area with 2800 vehicles checked over 78 locations. 193 drivers received a speed warning, 30 fines given out and 1 driver arrested for failing a blood alcohol test. Other comments:

A parish councillor from Rowington commented that the parish council are keen on more cross-border liaison as residents have recently suffered with car key crime and the rumour is that offenders are travelling from the Solihull area to carry out this crime. PC Parker responded that cross-border liaison is a matter of course when it comes to the police’s daily business and there’s no need for it to be a specific priority.

Bishops Tachbrook Parish Council had a meeting with the Police and Crime Commissioner Philip Seccombe regarding reported drug dealing in the Warwick Gates area. PC Parker explained that this issue would come under Warwick Town Community Forum.

There is a police officer going out to Lapworth this weekend to conduct speed safety checks. There is a speedwatch team being set up in Lapworth and there is a request for volunteers. PC Parker offered support to any other WRW villages who wished to set up a speedwatch scheme.

\ 1 Other Issues/ Action Points:

Ros Anscombe updated the forum on County Council’s current consultations ‘Your Say on Community Safety’ (closes 19 April) and ‘Warwickshire Joint Strategic Needs Assessment – Residents & Professionals’ (closes 29 February).

BarZero community action group gave an excellent presentation on the actions Barford are taking with regard to the climate emergency.

They were followed by a comprehensive presentation from Andrew Pau, Strategy & Commissioning Manager at WCC for Waste Management on the declared climate emergency by the council. The Council Plan 2025 which includes the report and recommendations of the Climate Change Adaption Task and Finish Group went to cabinet last week and was signed off. A copy can be found here: Questions asked by the forum attendees included: • What are we doing about not creating waste in the first place? • There is a lot of focus on carbon emissions but we should be looking at carbon consumption and the supply chains which often have embedded carbon in them. It is easier for the developed West to reduce emissions but in developing countries this is a real struggle. • You say that climate change will be considered in every council decision – will this be done retrospectively as well? as there is a sand and gravel project near Barford that is shortly going ahead. Andrew stated that he is only talking about council decisions going forward from this point. • Is the county council aware that some of their policies are in conflict with what parish councils are trying to do? For instance Burton Farm recycling centre will only accept 1 x 25kg of some waste such as old kitchen tiles per month from a resident. If he wanted to deposit more, he could drive 20 miles to Princess Drive recycling centre. Then do multiple drops between the two until he had deposited all his waste therefore creating a bigger carbon footprint. Also no recycling centres now accept hard plastic waste. Andrew explained that the county council are controlled as to what they can accept at their recycling centres. These controls allow householders to deposit small amounts of certain types of waste. If they have a larger amount to deposit, they can make a small payment to do this – this is the advice the attendee should have been given at Burton Farm. • The county council own a large car park at Cape Road in Warwick – why aren’t employees charged for parking there? Andrew replied that there is the possibility of introducing a parking charge for a space. He added that the county council does support car sharing • Scope 3 of the Climate Emergency Mitigation Work plan includes the commissioning of new buildings including schools. What influence does WCC have to ensure these are built with deference to environmental factors? Andrew stated that it is an active conversation the county council are having and that new buildings will be built to a high standard, although what this high standard is has yet to be decided • Is Warwickshire County Council able to override what the Department of Education want? as the DofE doesn’t’ necessarily promote the reduction of carbon footprints. Cllr Les Caborn commented that the new school proposed at Bishops Tachbrook will be a ‘green’ school although subject to change by the developers. • A parish councillor commented that the decline in rural public transport means that everyone in a rural community needs a car • Andrew added that county council fleet cars will be moving to hybrid and electric ones

Julie Williams from Council and Ian Henderson from Rowington Parish Council then presented on the Community Infrastructure Levy and how Rowington plans to spend its CIL monies.

Finally Ros Anscombe showed a brief presentation on feedback from the WRW community forum grants awarded in March 2019 and the results.

Please get in touch with Ros Anscombe at [email protected] or on 07917 594121 if you wish to be sent a copy of any presentation. Applications to the forum fund were then heard:

All applications were fully supported and recommended for the asked sums.

Grants Considered and amount granted:

1) WRW-1920-004 Village Hall – Renewal of fascias & guttering £990

2) WRW-1920-005 Bishop’s Tachbrook Parish Council – New bus shelter £2000

3) WRW-1920-006 Bishop’s Tachbrook Rainbows & Brownies – New programme materials £500

4) WRW-1920-007 Parish Council – Refurbishment of telephone box £1550

Suggested Items for Next Meeting:

• Where the local health system is at with regard to the new Primary Care network

• Update on Stanks Island road planning work

• Flood Management and Local Issues

• Emergency Plans for Parish Councils – how will these fit with joint Coventry, Solihull & Warwickshire

• HS2 – How will it affect residents in WRW community forum area?

• Progress & plans for Canal Conservation Corridor (WDC)

• Where will trees be planted to offset carbon emissions?

Date of next meeting: Thursday 24 September 2020 at 7pm at Shire Hall, Warwick

Recorded: No