the commencement of this Order, cease to be an commencement of this Order, cease to be an Area Area infected with foot-and-mouth disease. infected with foot-and-mouth disease. 2. This Order shall take effect from and imme- 3. The following Area (namely),—the .whole diately after the ninth day of November, .one of the parish of , in the petty sessional thousand eight hundred and eighty-three. division of Spilsby, in the ,, Herbert M. Sufi., ; ,—shall continue to be and is hereby- declared to be an Area infected with foot-and- mouth disease. (FOOT-AND-MOUTH DISEASE.) 4. The following Area (namely),—4he whole^ IT the Council Chamber, Whitehall, the 8th of thfr parishes of , Burgh-le-Marsh, A day of November, 1883. , Croft, , , Skegnessy. By Her Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Thorpe, and Winthorpe, in the petty sessional Council. division of Spilsby, in the Parts of Lindstey, Lincolnshire,—shall continue to be and is hereby Lords and others of Her Majesty's Most declared to be an Area infected with foot-and- JL Honourable Privy Council, by virtue and in mouth disease. exercise of the powers in them vested under The 5; This Order shall take effect from and imme- Contagious Diseases (Animals) Act, 1878, and of diately after the ninth day of November, one- every other power enabling them in this behalf, thousand eight hundred and eighty-three. do order, and it is hereby ordered, as follows : Herbert M. Suft. 1. The following Area (namely), — such part of the parish of Burley-on-the-Hill, in the county of Rutland, as lies on the south side of the road leading from Oakham through the village of (FOOT-AND-MOUTH DISEASE.) Burley-on-the-Hill to the Old Toll Bar and from IT the Council. Chamber, Whitehall, the 8th, thence by the Park Wall to the boundary of the A day of November; 18,83. parish of Exton, — which was declared by Order By Her Majesty's Most Honourable Privy of Council dated the twenty-fourth day of Sep- Council. tember, one thousand eight hundred and. eighty- three, to be an Area infected with foot-and- HHHE Lords and others of Her Majesty's Most mouth disease, is hereby declared to be free from JL Honourable Privy Council, by virtue and in fpot-and-mouth disease, and that Area shall, as exercise of the powers in them vested under The from the commencement of this Order, cease to Contagious Diseases (Animals) Act, 1878, and of be an Area infected with f oot-and -mouth disease. every other power enabling them in. this behalf,' do order, and it is hereby ordered, as follows : 2. This Order shall take effect from and imme- 1 diately after the ninth day of November, one 1. The following Area declared by Order of" thousand eight hundred and eighty-three. Council dated the eighteenth day of October, one Herbert M. Sufi.. thousand eight hundred and eighty-three, to be an Area infected with foot-and-mouth disease- (namely),—so much of the petty sessional division- of Otleyi in the West Riding of the county of York, (FOOT-AND-MOUTH DISEASE.) as lies south of the river Wharfe,—is, except such • IT the Council Chamber, Whitehall, the. 8th portion thereof as is included in the Area described A day of November, 1883. in Article 2 of this Order, hereby declared to be-, By Her Majesty's Most Honourable Privy free from foot-and-mouth disease, and the Area > Council. above described, except as aforesaid, shall, as from- the commencement of this Order, cease to be an fTlHE Lords and others, of Her Majesty's Most Area infected with foot-and-mouth disease. JL Honourable Privy Council, by virtue and in 2. The following Area (namely),—the town—, exercise of the powers in them vested under. The. ships of Baildon, Carlton, Esholt, Guiseley,. Contagious Diseases (Animals) Act, 1878, and of Hawksworth, Menston, and Yeadon,' in the petty, every other power enabling them in this behalf, sessional division of Otley, in the West Riding of do order, and it is hereby ordered, as follows: the county of York,—shall continue to be and is; 1. The following Area declared by Order of liereby declared to be an Area infected with foot-j. Council to be an Area infected with foot-and- and-mouth disease. mouth disease (namely ),-^tbe whole of the 3. This Order shall take effect from and imme- parishes of Spilsby, and Toynton, in the petty diately after the ninth day of November, one. sessional division of Spilsby, in the Parts of thousand eight hundred and eighty-three. Lindsey, Lincolnshire,—is, except such portion Hubert M. Suft. thereof as is included in the Area described in Article 3 of this Order, hereby declared to be free from foot-and-mouth disease, and the Area above described in $ris Article,, except as afore- (FOOT-AND-MOUTH. DISEASE.) said, shall, as from the commencement of this T the Council Chamber, Whitehall, the 8tb Order, cease to be an Area infected with foot- day of November, 1883. and-mouth disease. A 2'. The following Area declared by Order of By Her Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council to be an Area infected with foot-and- Council. mouth disease (namely),—the whole of the parishes Lords and others of Her Majesty's. Most: of Addlethorpe, Burgh-le-Marsh, Bratoft, Croft, JL Honourable P.rivy Council, by virtue and i» Ingoldmells, Orby, , Thorpe, Win- exercise of the powers in .them vested under The thorpe, and Wainfleet, in the petty sessional divi- Contagious Diseases (Animals) Act, 1878, and of sion of Spilsby, in the Parts of Lindsey, Lin- every other power- enabling -them in this behalf., colnshire,—ig, except such portion thereof as is do order, and it is hereby ordered, as follom:. included in the Area described in Article 4 of this 1. Each of the Areas described in the Schedule;; Order, hereby declared to be free from foot-and- to, this Order is hereby declared to be an Area; mouth disease, and the Area above described-m infected with foot-and-mouth disease.. this Article, except as aforesaidr shall, as from the 2. This Order shall take effect from and imst$-