Minutes of the 37th Meeting of State Environment Impact Assessment Authority (SEIAA), , held on 16.10.2020, 21.10.2020 and 22.10.2020 at 11.30 AM

The 37th meeting of the SEIAA, Odisha was held under the Chairmanship of Shri S.C Mohanty, on 16.10.2020, 21.10.2020 and 22.10.2020 in the office chamber of the Chairman. The following members were present in the meeting.

Members Present: 1. Shri S.C Mohanty, Chairman 2. Dr. S.P. Das, Member; 3. Shri Suresh Pant, Member Secretary

Discussions were held as per agenda circulated earlier and decisions /orders /observations in regard to grant of EC emerged as follows:

1. Forty two (42) nos. of Minor Mineral Proposals (B-2) received by SEIAA (Lease area upto 5 ha). (Offline Cases) Sl. Date a) Date of sending E- Proposal Treasure Categ Proj Name of the Name of District Gist of appraisal report / Observations / No. of mail to PP for File No. Challan ory of ect / proposal the / Communication received from Minutes of seeking additional Online information, if any (auto Particular the Activ project Tahasil SEAC / Present Status SEIAA meeting receip after preliminary generate s propo ity propon (To be uploaded t of scrutiny by MS/ Env. d in (Scrutiny sal appli ent to relevant the Engr. / MoEF & fees) ed along website of b) Date of asking for propo submission of hard CC for with MoEF&CC, and sal copy of the proposal website) contact communicated / details to concerned c) Date of receipt of quarters by post) hard copy of the proposal for TOR / for EC. d)Date of dispatch of acceptance letter 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1. 05.10. Manual SEIAA- Bank Non- 1(a) Proposal for Sri Keonjha This is a category B2 project as the Send to SEAC for 2020 692/10- Transactio Coal B2 Sasanga Sand Rajesh r / lease area is equal to 5 ha. appraisal. 2020 n No. Mining Quarry over an Kumar Champu The PP have submitted the cluster IK0ASGIS area of 6.10 Singh a certificate and other required X6 / acres or 2.47 documents such as Checklist, Form- 25.09.202 ha at village 1, PFR, EMP, Approved Mining Plan, 0 of Sasanga DSR and DLC. Rs.2000/- Tahasil The lease area is not included forest Champua in land. the district of Keonjhar


The proposal is complete in all respect with regard environmental setting. 2. 05.10. Manual SEIAA- Bank Non- 1(a) Proposal for Sri Keonjha This is a category B2 project as the Send to SEAC for 2020 693/10- Transactio Coal B2 Bhimpur Sand Soumya r / lease area is equal to 5 ha. appraisal. 2020 n No. Mining Quarry over an Ranjan Champu The PP have submitted the cluster 70610117 area of 0.50 Pahi a certificate and other required 1 / acres or 0.20 (P.K documents such as Checklist, Form- 24.09.202 ha at village Minerals 1, PFR, EMP, Approved Mining Plan, 0 of Bhimpur ) DSR and DLC. Rs.2000/- Tahasil The lease area is not included forest Champua in land. the district of The proposal is complete in all Keonjhar respect with regard environmental setting. 3. 06.10. Manual SEIAA- Tahasildar Non- 1(a) Proposal for Tahasild Bargarh This is a category B2 project as the Send to SEAC for 2020 694/10- Applicant. Coal B2 Talmenda ar, / lease area is equal to 5 ha. appraisal. 2020 Scrutiny Mining Sand Quarry-A Bheden Bheden The PP have submitted the cluster Fee is not over an area of certificate and other required required 6.00 acres or documents such as Checklist, Form- 2.428 ha at 1, PFR, EMP, Approved Mining Plan, village DSR and DLC. Talmenda The lease area is not included forest Tahasil land. Bheden in the The proposal is complete in all district of respect with regard environmental Bargarh setting. 4. 06.10. Manual SEIAA- Tahasildar Non- 1(a) Proposal for Tahasild Bargarh This is a category B2 project as the Send to SEAC for 2020 695/10- Applicant. Coal B2 Sankirda Sand ar, / lease area is equal to 5 ha. appraisal. 2020 Scrutiny Mining Quarry-B over Bheden Bheden The PP have submitted the cluster Fee is not an area of 6.00 certificate and other required required acres or documents such as Checklist, Form- 2.4281 ha at 1, PFR, EMP, Approved Mining Plan, village DSR and DLC. Sankirda The lease area is not included forest Tahasil land. Bheden in the The proposal is complete in all district of respect with regard environmental Bargarh setting. 5. 06.10. Manual SEIAA- Tahasildar Non- 1(a) Proposal for Tahasild Bargarh This is a category B2 project as the Send to SEAC for 2020 696/10- Applicant. Coal B2 Sankirda Sand ar, / lease area is equal to 5 ha. appraisal. 2020 Scrutiny Mining Quarry-C over Bheden Bheden The PP have submitted the cluster an area of 6.00 certificate and other required 2

Fee is not acres or 2.428 documents such as Checklist, Form- required ha at village 1, PFR, EMP, Approved Mining Plan, Sankirda DSR and DLC. Tahasil The lease area is not included forest Bheden in the land. district of The proposal is complete in all Bargarh respect with regard environmental setting. 6. 06.10. Manual SEIAA- Tahasildar Non- 1(a) Proposal for Tahasild Bargarh This is a category B2 project as the Send to SEAC for 2020 697/10- Applicant. Coal B2 Talmenda ar, / lease area is equal to 5 ha. appraisal. 2020 Scrutiny Mining Sand Quarry-B Bheden Bheden The PP have submitted the cluster Fee is not over an area of certificate and other required required 6.00 acres or documents such as Checklist, Form- 2.428 ha at 1, PFR, EMP, Approved Mining Plan, village DSR and DLC. Talmenda The lease area is not included forest Tahasil land. Bheden in the The proposal is complete in all district of respect with regard environmental Bargarh setting. 7. 06.10. Manual SEIAA- Tahasildar Non- 1(a) Proposal for Tahasild Bargarh This is a category B2 project as the Send to SEAC for 2020 698/10- Applicant. Coal B2 Bargaon Sand ar, / lease area is equal to 5 ha. appraisal. 2020 Scrutiny Mining Quarry over an Bheden Bheden The PP have submitted the cluster Fee is not area of 12.00 certificate and other required required acres or 4.856 documents such as Checklist, Form- ha at village 1, PFR, EMP, Approved Mining Plan, Bargaon DSR and DLC. Tahasil The lease area is not included forest Bheden in the land. district of The proposal is complete in all Bargarh respect with regard environmental setting. 8. 06.10. Manual SEIAA- Tahasildar Non- 1(a) Proposal for Tahasild Bargarh This is a category B2 project as the Send to SEAC for 2020 699/10- Applicant. Coal B2 Kutpali Sand ar, / lease area is equal to 5 ha. appraisal. 2020 Scrutiny Mining Quarry over an Bheden Bheden The PP have submitted the cluster Tahasildar to Fee is not area of 11.80 certificate and other required clarify the required acres or 4.775 documents such as Checklist, Form- distance of road ha at village 1, PFR, EMP, Approved Mining Plan, bridge over the Kutpali Tahasil DSR and DLC. river from the Bheden in the The lease area is not included forest quarry boundary. district of land. Bargarh


The concerned Tahasildar may be asked to clarify the distance from road bridge over river to quarry boundary 9. 06.10. Manual SEIAA- Tahasildar Non- 1(a) Proposal for Tahasild Bargarh This is a category B2 project as the Send to SEAC for 2020 700/10- Applicant. Coal B2 Bheden (New) ar, / lease area is equal to 5 ha. appraisal. 2020 Scrutiny Mining Sand Quarry Bheden Bheden The PP have submitted the cluster Fee is not over an area of certificate and other required required 12.00 acres or documents such as Checklist, Form- 4.856 ha at 1, PFR, EMP, Approved Mining Plan, village Bheden DSR and DLC. Tahasil The lease area is not included forest Bheden in the land. district of The proposal is complete in all Bargarh respect with regard environmental setting. 10. 06.10. Manual SEIAA- Tahasildar Non- 1(a) Proposal for Tahasild Bargarh This is a category B2 project as the Send to SEAC for 2020 701/10- Applicant. Coal B2 Salna (New) ar, / lease area is equal to 5 ha. appraisal. 2020 Scrutiny Mining Sand Quarry Bheden Bheden The PP have submitted the cluster Fee is not over an area of certificate and other required required 9.54 acres or documents such as Checklist, Form- 3.860 ha at 1, PFR, EMP, Approved Mining Plan, village Salna DSR and DLC. Tahasil The lease area is not included forest Bheden in the land. district of The proposal is complete in all Bargarh respect with regard environmental setting. 11. 06.10. Manual SEIAA- Tahasildar Non- 1(a) Proposal for Tahasild Bargarh This is a category B2 project as the Send to SEAC for 2020 702/10- Applicant. Coal B2 Dhubenpali-A ar, / lease area is equal to 5 ha. appraisal. 2020 Scrutiny Mining Sand Quarry Bheden Bheden The PP have submitted the cluster Tahasildar to Fee is not over an area of certificate and other required intimate the exact required 12.00 acres or documents such as Checklist, Form- distance between 4.856 ha at 1, PFR, EMP, Approved Mining Plan, the quarries village DSR and DLC. Dhubenpali-A & B Dhubenpali The lease area is not included forest quarries. Tahasil land. Bheden in the The concerned Tahasildar may clarify district of the exact distance between Bargarh Dhubenpali-A & B Sand Bed. 12. 06.10. Manual SEIAA- Tahasildar Non- 1(a) Proposal for Tahasild Bargarh This is a category B2 project as the Send to SEAC for 2020 703/10- Applicant. Coal B2 Apamara ar, / lease area is equal to 5 ha. appraisal. 2020 Scrutiny Mining Stone Quarry Bheden Bheden 4

Fee is not over an area of The PP have submitted the cluster required 5.10 acres or certificate and other required 2.064 ha at documents such as Checklist, Form- village 1, PFR, EMP, Approved Mining Plan, Apamara DSR and DLC. Tahasil The lease area is not included forest Bheden in the land. district of The proposal is complete in all Bargarh respect with regard environmental setting. 13. 06.10. Manual SEIAA- Tahasildar Non- 1(a) Proposal for Tahasild Bargarh This is a category B2 project as the Send to SEAC for 2020 704/10- Applicant. Coal B2 Jharapali ar, / lease area is equal to 5 ha. appraisal. 2020 Scrutiny Mining Stone Quarry Bheden Bheden The PP have submitted the cluster Fee is not over an area of certificate and other required required 12.00 acres or documents such as Checklist, Form- 4.856 ha at 1, PFR, EMP, Approved Mining Plan, village DSR and DLC. Jharapali The lease area is not included forest Tahasil land. Bheden in the The proposal is complete in all district of respect with regard environmental Bargarh setting. 14. 06.10. Manual SEIAA- Tahasildar Non- 1(a) Proposal for Tahasild Bargarh This is a category B2 project as the Send to SEAC for 2020 705/10- Applicant. Coal B2 Barpadar Sand ar, / lease area is equal to 5 ha. appraisal. 2020 Scrutiny Mining Quarry over an Bheden Bheden The PP have submitted the cluster Fee is not area of 12.00 certificate and other required required acres or 4.856 documents such as Checklist, Form- ha at village 1, PFR, EMP, Approved Mining Plan, Barpadar DSR and DLC. Tahasil The lease area is not included forest Bheden in the land. district of The proposal is complete in all Bargarh respect with regard environmental setting. 15. 06.10. Manual SEIAA- Tahasildar Non- 1(a) Proposal for Tahasild Bargarh This is a category B2 project as the Send to SEAC for 2020 706/10- Applicant. Coal B2 Luhakhandi ar, / lease area is equal to 5 ha. appraisal. 2020 Scrutiny Mining Sand Quarry Bheden Bheden The PP have submitted the cluster Fee is not over an area of certificate and other required required 12.00 acres or documents such as Checklist, Form- 4.856 ha at 1, PFR, EMP, Approved Mining Plan, village DSR and DLC. Luhakhandi The lease area is not included forest Tahasil land. 5

Bheden in the The proposal is complete in all district of respect with regard environmental Bargarh setting. 16. 06.10. Manual SEIAA- Tahasildar Non- 1(a) Proposal for Tahasild Bargarh This is a category B2 project as the Send to SEAC for 2020 707/10- Applicant. Coal B2 Achhandapali ar, / lease area is equal to 5 ha. appraisal. 2020 Scrutiny Mining Sand Quarry-A Bheden Bheden The PP have submitted the cluster Tahasildar to Fee is not over an area of certificate and other required intimate the exact required 12.00 acres or documents such as Checklist, Form- distance of 4.856 ha at 1, PFR, EMP, Approved Mining Plan, Achhandapali-A village DSR and DLC. sand quarry from Achhandapali The lease area is not included forest Achhandapali-B Tahasil land. quarry. Bheden in the Exact distance of Achhandapali-B district of sand quarry from proposed quarry Bargarh may be ascertained from tahasildar in regard to cluster. 17. 06.10. Manual SEIAA- Tahasildar Non- 1(a) Proposal for Tahasild Bargarh This is a category B2 project as the Send to SEAC for 2020 708/10- Applicant. Coal B2 Achhandapali ar, / lease area is equal to 5 ha. appraisal. 2020 Scrutiny Mining Sand Quarry-B Bheden Bheden The PP have submitted the cluster Tahasildar to Fee is not over an area of certificate and other required intimate the exact required 12.00 acres or documents such as Checklist, Form- distance of 4.856 ha at 1, PFR, EMP, Approved Mining Plan, Achhandapali-B village DSR and DLC. sand quarry from Achhandapali The lease area is not included forest Achhandapali-A Tahasil land. quarry. Bheden in the Exact distance of Achhandapali-A district of sand quarry from proposed quarry Bargarh may be ascertained from tahasildar in regard to cluster. 18. 06.10. Manual SEIAA- Tahasildar Non- 1(a) Proposal for Tahasild Bargarh This is a category B2 project as the Apparently, the 2020 709/10- Applicant. Coal B2 Deshbhatli ar, / lease area is equal to 5 ha. proposed lease 2020 Scrutiny Mining Sand Quarry-B Bheden Bheden The PP have submitted the cluster area is not on a Fee is not over an area of certificate and other required river bed, and also required 12.00 acres or documents such as Checklist, Form- a highway cuts 4.856 ha at 1, PFR, EMP, Approved Mining Plan, through the village DSR and DLC. middle. The sand Deshbhatli The lease area is not included forest mining is in Tahasil land. operation since, Bheden in the The proposal is complete in all 2016. With these district of respect with regard environmental observations, the Bargarh setting. proposal may be sent to SEAC for appraisal. 6

19. 06.10. Manual SEIAA- Tahasildar Non- 1(a) Proposal for Tahasild Rayaga This is a category B2 project as the Send to SEAC for 2020 710/10- Applicant. Coal B2 Khairaguda ar, da / lease area is equal to 5 ha. appraisal. 2020 Scrutiny Mining Sand Quarry Gudari Gudari The PP have submitted the cluster Fee is not over an area of certificate and other required required 12.00 acres or documents such as Checklist, Form- 4.856 ha at 1, PFR, EMP, Approved Mining Plan, village DSR and DLC. Khairaguda The lease area is not included forest Tahasil Gudari land. in the district of The proposal is complete in all Rayagada respect with regard environmental setting. 20. 06.10. Manual SEIAA- Tahasildar Non- 1(a) Proposal for Tahasild Rayaga This is a category B2 project as the Send to SEAC for 2020 711/10- Applicant. Coal B2 Silimi Morrum ar, da / lease area is equal to 5 ha. appraisal. 2020 Scrutiny Mining Quarry over an Gudari Gudari The PP have submitted the cluster Fee is not area of 8.00 certificate and other required required acres or 3.237 documents such as Checklist, Form- ha at village 1, PFR, EMP, Approved Mining Plan, Silimi Tahasil DSR and DLC. Gudari in the The lease area is not included forest district of land. Rayagada The proposal is complete in all respect with regard environmental setting. 21. 06.10. Manual SEIAA- Tahasildar Non- 1(a) Proposal for Tahasild Rayaga This is a category B2 project as the Send to SEAC for 2020 712/10- Applicant. Coal B2 Gudari Sand ar, da / lease area is equal to 5 ha. appraisal. We 2020 Scrutiny Mining Bed-II over an Gudari Gudari The PP have submitted the cluster may ask the Fee is not area of 11.64 certificate and other required Tahasildar to required acres or 4.71 documents such as Checklist, Form- submit the actual ha at village 1, PFR, EMP, Approved Mining Plan, linear map Gudari Tahasil DSR and DLC. distance of Gudari Gudari in the The lease area is not included forest -I sand quarry district of land. from the proposed Rayagada Exact distance of Gudari Sand quarry. Quarry-I from proposed quarry along with latitude & longitude may be ascertained from tahasildar in regard to cluster 22. 06.10. Manual SEIAA- Tahasildar Non- 1(a) Proposal for Tahasild Malkang This is a category B2 project as the Tahasildar be 2020 713/10- Applicant. Coal B2 Balimela Sand ar, iri / lease area is equal to 5 ha. requested to 2020 Scrutiny Mining Bed over an Chitrako Chitrako The PP have submitted the cluster clarify whether Fee is not area of 12.355 nda nda certificate and other required Balimela sand bed required acres or 5.00 documents such as Checklist, Form- is one and the 7

ha at village 1, PFR, EMP, Approved Mining Plan, same as Orkel Balimela DSR and DLC. sand bed, Tahasil The lease area is not included forest because mining Chitrakonda in land. plan lease order the district of Clarification may be asked from and DSR have Malkangiri concerned Tahasiladar about the different named different name of the quarry for the proposal. mentioned in both lease order/mining Send to SEAC for plan and DSR and also submit EC appraisal. compliance report if EC has been obtained earlier. 23. 06.10. Manual SEIAA- Tahasildar Non- 1(a) Proposal for Tahasild Kalahan This is a category B2 project as the Send to SEAC for 2020 714/10- Applicant. Coal B2 Bairikupuli ar, di / lease area is equal to 5 ha. appraisal. 2020 Scrutiny Mining Granite Lanjigar Lanjigar The PP have submitted the cluster Fee is not (Ordinary h h certificate and other required required Stone) Quarry documents such as Checklist, Form- over an area of 1, PFR, EMP, Approved Mining Plan, 4.10 acres or DSR and DLC. 1.656 ha at The lease area is not included forest village land. Bairikupuli The proposal is complete in all Tahasil respect with regard environmental Lanjigarh in the setting. district of Kalahandi 24. 06.10. Manual SEIAA- Tahasildar Non- 1(a) Proposal for Tahasild Kalahan This is a category B2 project as the Send to SEAC for 2020 715/10- Applicant. Coal B2 Talipada ar, di / lease area is equal to 5 ha. appraisal. 2020 Scrutiny Mining Granite Lanjigar Lanjigar The PP have submitted the cluster Fee is not (Ordinary h h certificate and other required required Stone) Quarry documents such as Checklist, Form- over an area of 1, PFR, EMP, Approved Mining Plan, 2.27 acres or DSR and DLC. 0.918 ha at The lease area is not included forest village land. Talipada The proposal is complete in all Tahasil respect with regard environmental Lanjigarh in the setting. district of Kalahandi 25. 07.10. Manual SEIAA- Tahasildar Non- 1(a) Proposal for Tahasild Sundarg This is a category B2 project as the Send to SEAC for 2020 716/10- Applicant. Coal B2 Jaharitoli Sand ar, arh / lease area is equal to 5 ha. appraisal. 2020 Scrutiny Mining Quarry over an Biramitr Biramitr The PP have submitted the cluster area of 11.78 apur apur certificate and other required 8

Fee is not acres or 4.767 documents such as Checklist, Form- required ha at village 1, PFR, EMP, Approved Mining Plan, Jaharitoli DSR and DLC. Tahasil The lease area is not included forest Biramitrapur in land. the district of The proposal is complete in all Sundargarh respect with regard environmental setting. 26. 07.10. Manual SEIAA- Tahasildar Non- 1(a) Proposal for Tahasild Sundarg This is a category B2 project as the Send to SEAC for 2020 717/10- Applicant. Coal B2 Chitabhanga ar, arh / lease area is equal to 5 ha. appraisal. 2020 Scrutiny Mining Sand Quarry Sadar Sadar The PP have submitted the cluster Fee is not over an area of Sunderg Sunderg certificate and other required required 10.20 acres or arh arh documents such as Checklist, Form- 4.127 ha at 1, PFR, EMP, Approved Mining Plan, village DSR and DLC. Chitabhanga The lease area is not included forest Tahasil Sadar land. Sundergarh in The proposal is complete in all the district of respect with regard environmental Sundargarh setting. 27. 07.10. Manual SEIAA- Tahasildar Non- 1(a) Proposal for Tahasild Sundarg This is a category B2 project as the Exact distance of 2020 718/10- Applicant. Coal B2 Nua-Amlipali ar, arh / lease area is equal to 5 ha. road bridge from 2020 Scrutiny Mining Sand Quarry Sadar Sadar The PP have submitted the cluster quarry boundary Fee is not over an area of Sunderg Sunderg certificate and other required be intimated by required 12.00 acres or arh arh documents such as Checklist, Form- Tahasildar. Send 4.85 ha at 1, PFR, EMP, Approved Mining Plan, to SEAC for village Nua- DSR and DLC. appraisal. Amlipali The lease area is not included forest Tahasil Sadar land. Sundergarh in Clarification on exact distance of road the district of bridge from proposed quarry may be Sundargarh ascertained from tahasildar. 28. 09.10. Manual SEIAA- Tahasildar Non- 1(a) Proposal for Tahasild Ganjam This is a category B2 project as the Send to SEAC for 2020 719/10- Applicant. Coal B2 Mahaguda ar, / lease area is equal to 5 ha. appraisal. 2020 Scrutiny Mining Stone Quarry Ghumus Ghumus The PP have submitted the cluster Fee is not over an area of ur ur certificate and other required required 9.355 acres or Bhanjan Bhanjan documents such as Checklist, Form- 3.785 ha at agar agar 1, PFR, EMP, Approved Mining Plan, village DSR and DLC. Mahaguda The lease area is not included forest Tahasil land. Ghumusur Bhanjanagar in 9

the district of The proposal is complete in all Ganjam respect with regard environmental setting. 29. 09.10. Manual SEIAA- Tahasildar Non- 1(a) Proposal for Tahasild Ganjam This is a category B2 project as the Send to SEAC for 2020 720/10- Applicant. Coal B2 Kullada Sand ar, / lease area is equal to 5 ha. appraisal. 2020 Scrutiny Mining Quarry over an Ghumus Ghumus The PP have submitted the cluster Fee is not area of 12.00 ur ur certificate and other required required acres or 4.856 Bhanjan Bhanjan documents such as Checklist, Form- ha at village agar agar 1, PFR, EMP, Approved Mining Plan, Kullada DSR and DLC. Tahasil The lease area is not included forest Ghumusur land. Bhanjanagar in The proposal is complete in all the district of respect with regard environmental Ganjam setting. 30. 09.10. Manual SEIAA- Tahasildar Non- 1(a) Proposal for Tahasild Ganjam This is a category B2 project as the Send to SEAC for 2020 721/10- Applicant. Coal B2 Dhamanajholi ar, / lease area is equal to 5 ha. appraisal. 2020 Scrutiny Mining Stone Quarry Ghumus Ghumus The PP have submitted the cluster Fee is not over an area of ur ur certificate and other required required 12.00 acres or Bhanjan Bhanjan documents such as Checklist, Form- 4.856 ha at agar agar 1, PFR, EMP, Approved Mining Plan, village DSR and DLC. Dhamanajholi The lease area is not included forest Tahasil land. Ghumusur The proposal is complete in all Bhanjanagar in respect with regard environmental the district of setting. Ganjam 31. 09.10. Manual SEIAA- Tahasildar Non- 1(a) Proposal for Tahasild Ganjam This is a category B2 project as the Send to SEAC for 2020 722/10- Applicant. Coal B2 Gohiribadi ar, / lease area is equal to 5 ha. appraisal. 2020 Scrutiny Mining Stone Quarry Ghumus Ghumus The PP have submitted the cluster Fee is not over an area of ur ur certificate and other required required 11.00 acres or Bhanjan Bhanjan documents such as Checklist, Form- 4.451 ha at agar agar 1, PFR, EMP, Approved Mining Plan, village DSR and DLC. Gohiribadi The lease area is not included forest Tahasil land. Ghumusur The proposal is complete in all Bhanjanagar in respect with regard environmental the district of setting. Ganjam


32. 09.10. Manual SEIAA- Tahasildar Non- 1(a) Proposal for Tahasild Ganjam This is a category B2 project as the Send to SEAC for 2020 723/10- Applicant. Coal B2 Indagada ar, / lease area is equal to 5 ha. appraisal. 2020 Scrutiny Mining Stone Quarry Ghumus Ghumus The PP have submitted the cluster Fee is not over an area of ur ur certificate and other required required 1.986 acres or Bhanjan Bhanjan documents such as Checklist, Form- 0.803 ha at agar agar 1, PFR, EMP, Approved Mining Plan, village DSR and DLC. Indagada The lease area is not included forest Tahasil land. Ghumusur The proposal is complete in all Bhanjanagar in respect with regard environmental the district of setting. Ganjam 33. 12.10. Manual SEIAA- Tahasildar Non- 1(a) Proposal for Tahasild Koraput This is a category B2 project as the Send to SEAC for 2020 724/10- Applicant. Coal B2 Malipeta-3 ar, / lease area is equal to 5 ha. appraisal. 2020 Scrutiny Mining Stone Quarry Machhk Machhk The PP have submitted the cluster Fee is not over an area of unda unda certificate and other required required 2.50 acres or documents such as Checklist, Form- 1.012 ha at 1, PFR, EMP, Approved Mining Plan, village DSR and DLC. Malipeta The lease area is not included forest Tahasil land. Machhkund in Exact distance of all Malipeta -1,2,3 the district of stone quarries to each other may be Koraput ascertained from Tahasildar in regard to cluster along with latitude and longitude.

34. 12.10. Manual SEIAA- Tahasildar Non- 1(a) Proposal for Tahasild Koraput This is a category B2 project as the Send to SEAC for 2020 725/10- Applicant. Coal B2 Chickenput-I ar, / lease area is equal to 5 ha. appraisal. 2020 Scrutiny Mining Morrum Quarry Machhk Machhk The PP have submitted the cluster Fee is not over an area of unda unda certificate and other required required 2.00 acres or documents such as Checklist, Form- 0.809 ha at 1, PFR, EMP, Approved Mining Plan, village DSR and DLC. Chickenput The lease area is not included forest Tahasil land. Machhkund in Exact distance of nearest other mines the district of from proposed quarry may be Koraput ascertained from tahasildar in regard to cluster


35. 12.10. Manual SEIAA- Tahasildar Non- 1(a) Proposal for Tahasild Koraput This is a category B2 project as the Send to SEAC for 2020 726/10- Applicant. Coal B2 Malipeta-2 ar, / lease area is equal to 5 ha. appraisal. 2020 Scrutiny Mining Stone Quarry Machhk Machhk The PP have submitted the cluster Fee is not over an area of unda unda certificate and other required required 2.50 acres or documents such as Checklist, Form- 1.012 ha at 1, PFR, EMP, Approved Mining Plan, village DSR and DLC. Malipeta The lease area is not included forest Tahasil land. Machhkund in Exact distance of nearest other mines the district of from proposed quarry may be Koraput ascertained from tahasildar in regard to cluster 36. 12.10. Manual SEIAA- Tahasildar Non- 1(a) Proposal for Tahasild Koraput This is a category B2 project as the Send to SEAC for 2020 727/10- Applicant. Coal B2 Tusuba ar, / lease area is equal to 5 ha. appraisal. 2020 Scrutiny Mining Morrum Quarry Machhk Machhk The PP have submitted the cluster Fee is not over an area of unda unda certificate and other required required 2.00 acres or documents such as Checklist, Form- 0.809 ha at 1, PFR, EMP, Approved Mining Plan, village Tusuba DSR and DLC. Tahasil The lease area is not included forest Machhkund in land. the district of Exact Distance of Jolaput reservoir Koraput from proposed quarry may be ascertained from tahasidar.

37. 12.10. Manual SEIAA- Tahasildar Non- 1(a) Proposal for Tahasild Malkang This is a category B2 project as the Send to SEAC for 2020 728/10- Applicant. Coal B2 Chitapari ar, iri / lease area is equal to 5 ha. appraisal. 2020 Scrutiny Mining Stone Quarry Chitrako Chitrako The PP have submitted the cluster Fee is not No.1 over an nda nda certificate and other required required area of 11.76 documents such as Checklist, Form- acres or 4.760 1, PFR, EMP, Approved Mining Plan, ha at village DSR and DLC. Chitapari The lease area is not included forest Tahasil land. Chitrakonda in The proposal is complete in all the district of respect with regard environmental Malkangiri setting. 38. 12.10. Manual SEIAA- Tahasildar Non- 1(a) Proposal for Tahasild Cuttack This is a category B2 project as the Send to SEAC for 2020 729/10- Applicant. Coal B2 Tamara ar, / lease area is equal to 5 ha. appraisal. 2020 Scrutiny Mining Narasin Narasin The PP have submitted the cluster Fee is not Sand Bed over ghpur ghpur certificate and other required required an area of documents such as Checklist, Form- 12

12.20 acres or 1, PFR, EMP, Approved Mining Plan, 4.93 ha at DSR and DLC. village Tamara The lease area is not included forest Tahasil land. Narasinghpur The proposal is complete in all in the district of respect with regard environmental Cuttack setting. 39. 12.10. Manual SEIAA- Tahasildar Non- 1(a) Proposal for Tahasild Cuttack This is a category B2 project as the Send to SEAC for 2020 730/10- Applicant. Coal B2 Manapur ar, / lease area is equal to 5 ha. appraisal. 2020 Scrutiny Mining Mahanadi Narasin Narasin The PP have submitted the cluster Fee is not Sand Bed over ghpur ghpur certificate and other required required an area of documents such as Checklist, Form- 12.20 acres or 1, PFR, EMP, Approved Mining Plan, 4.93 ha at DSR and DLC. village The lease area is not included forest Manapur land. Tahasil The proposal is complete in all Narasinghpur respect with regard environmental in the district of setting. Cuttack 40. 14.10. Manual SEIAA- Bank Non- 1(a) Proposal for Sri Nuapad This is a category B2 project as the Send to SEAC for 2020 731/10- Transactio Coal B2 Jugarajpur-B Maham a / lease area is equal to 5 ha. appraisal. 2020 n No. Mining Stone Quarry mad Arif Boden The PP have submitted the cluster IK0ATHB over an area of certificate and other required BA9 / 12.20 acres or documents such as Checklist, Form- 14.10.202 4.937 ha at 1, PFR, EMP, Approved Mining Plan, 0 of village DSR and DLC. Rs.1000/- Jugarajpur The lease area is not included forest Tahasil Boden land. in the district of The proposal is complete in all Nuapada respect with regard environmental setting. 41. 14.10. Manual SEIAA- Bank Non- 1(a) Proposal for Sri Nuapad This is a category B2 project as the Send to SEAC for 2020 732/10- Transactio Coal B2 Babebir Stone Lochan a / lease area is equal to 5 ha. appraisal. 2020 n No. Mining Quarry over an Sagadia Boden The PP have submitted the cluster IK0ATHB area of 12.00 certificate and other required WJ3 / acres or 4.856 documents such as Checklist, Form- 14.10.202 ha at village 1, PFR, EMP, Approved Mining Plan, 0 of Babebir DSR and DLC. Rs.1000/- Tahasil Boden The lease area is not included forest in the district of land. Nuapada


The proposal is complete in all respect with regard environmental setting. 42. 14.10. Manual SEIAA- Bank Non- 1(a) Proposal for Sri Nuapad This is a category B2 project as the Send to SEAC for 2020 733/10- Transactio Coal B2 Rokal Stone Santosh a / lease area is equal to 5 ha. appraisal. 2020 n No. Mining Quarry over an Kumar Boden The PP have submitted the cluster IK0ATHB area of 5.34 Meher certificate and other required OY1 / acres or 2.161 documents such as Checklist, Form- 14.10.202 ha at village 1, PFR, EMP, Approved Mining Plan, 0 of Rokal Tahasil DSR and DLC. Rs.1000/- Boden in the The lease area is not included forest district of land. Nuapada The proposal is complete in all respect with regard environmental setting.

2. Proceeding of SEAC meeting held on 06.10.2020 forwarded through offline. Sl. Date of a) Date of sending E- Propo Categ Proj Name of the Name District Date of Gist of appraisal report / Communication Observation No. online mail to PP for sal ory of ect / proposal of the / Send to received from SEAC / Present Status s / Minutes receipt seeking additional File the Activ projec Tahasil SEAC of SEIAA of the information, if any No. propo ity t meeting (To after preliminary proposa (auto sal appli propo be uploaded scrutiny by MS/ Env. l Engr. / gener ed nent to relevant b) Date of asking for ated in for along website of submission of hard MoEF with MoEF & CC, copy of the proposal & CC conta and / websit ct communicat c) Date of receipt of e) details ed to hard copy of the concerned proposal for TOR / quarters by for EC. post) d)Date of dispatch of acceptance letter 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1. 07.02.20 Manual SEIAA Non 1(a) Proposal for Sri N. Sundarg 8833 / This is a Category B2 proposal as the lease EC be given 20 - Coal San- Suresh arh 31.08.2 area is less than 5ha and the PP has with standard & 47/02- Mining Musaposh /Gurundi 020 submitted all the required information for the conditions for 16.07.20 2020 Stone Quarry a project as per the provision of EIA stone 20 over an area Notification,2006. The lease area is not quarries. of 10.00 included in forest land. The SEAC have acres or submitted their appraisal report. 4.046 ha at village San- 14

Musaposh The SEAC recommended to grant EC valid Tahasil from the date of EC accorded upto the lease Gurundia in period. the district of The proposal is complete in all respect and Sundargarh the SEIAA may consider for issuance of EC. 2. 07.03.20 Manual SEIAA Non 1(a) Proposal for Smt. Ganjam 7997 / This is a Category B2 proposal as the lease EC may be 20 - Coal B. Nuagam M. / 18.03.2 area is less than 5ha and the PP has issued on the 91/03- Mining Brick Earth Srilaks Patrapur 020 submitted all the required information for the basis of the 2020 Quarry over hmi project as per the provision of EIA cluster EMP. an area of Notification,2006. The SEAC have 1.02 acres or submitted their appraisal report. 0.415 ha. in The SEAC recommended to grant EC valid village B. from the date of EC accorded upto the lease Nuagam, period. However, EC may be issued after Tahasil receipt of the following from the concerned Patrapur in Tahasildar. the district of a) Revised checklist incorporating the Ganjam information in Table 11 as per the clarification submitted by the Tahasildar reveals that B. Nuagam Brick earth quarry (owner) Y. Malakondaiah situated at B. Nuagam and B. Nuagam Brick earth quarry (owner) D. Srinivas Rao situated at B. Nuagam both these mines are located within 500 meters (around 250 meters) from the periphery of the proposed mine lease area of Smt. M. Srilakshmi owner of B. Nuagam Brick earth quarry. The clarification on remaining point may be submitted directly to SEIAA for EC. The proposal is put up for consideration for submission of information as recommended by SEAC. 3. 07.03.20 Manual SEIAA Non 1(a) Proposal for Sri D. Ganjam 7997 / This is a Category B2 proposal as the lease EC may be 20 - Coal B. Nuagam Sriniva / 18.03.2 area is less than 5ha and the PP has issued on the 93/03- Mining Brick Earth s Rao Patrapur 020 submitted all the required information for the basis of the 2020 Quarry over project as per the provision of EIA cluster EMP. an area of Notification,2006. The SEAC have 0.860 acres submitted their appraisal report. or 0.348 ha. The SEAC recommended to grant EC valid in village B. from the date of EC accorded upto the lease 15

Nuagam, period. However, EC may be issued after Tahasil receipt of the following from the concerned Patrapur in Tahasildar. the district of Revised checklist incorporating the Ganjam information in Table 11 as per the clarification submitted by the Tahasildar reveals that B. Nuagam Brick earth quarry (owner) Y. Malakondaiah situated at B. Nuagam and B. Nuagam Brick Earth Quarry (owner) D. Srinivas Rao situated at B. Nuagam both these mines are located within 500 meters (around 250 meters) from the periphery of the proposed mine lease area of Smt. M. Srilakshmi owner of B. Nuagam Brick earth quarry. The proposal is put up for consideration for submission of information as recommended by SEAC. 4. 18.03.20 Manual SEIAA Non 1(a) Proposal for D. Digapah 8081 / This is a Category B2 proposal as the lease EC be given 20 - Coal Jakameripali Danda andi / 12.05.2 area is less than 5ha and the PP has with standard 125/03 Mining Sand Quarry pani Ganjam 020 submitted all the required information for the sand quarry -2020 over an area Dora project as per the provision of EIA conditions. of 8.125 Notification,2006. The SEAC have acres or submitted their appraisal report. 3.288 ha. at village The SEAC recommended to grant EC valid Jakameripali from the date of EC accorded upto the lease Tahasil period. Digapahandi in the district The proposal is complete in all respect and of Ganjam the SEIAA may consider for issuance of EC 5. 05.06.20 Manual SEIAA Non 1(a) Proposal for Tahasi Balasor 8459 / This is a Category B2 proposal as the lease EC be given 20 - Coal Kadarayan ldar, e /Basta 22.06.2 area is less than 5ha and the PP has with standard 184/06 Mining Sand Quarry Basta 020 submitted all the required information for the sand quarry -2020 over an area project as per the provision of EIA conditions. of 12.35 Notification,2006. The SEAC have acres or 5.00 submitted their appraisal report.

ha. at village The SEAC recommended to grant EC valid Kadarayan from the date of EC accorded upto the lease Tahasil period. Basta in the district of The proposal is complete in all respect and Balasore the SEIAA may consider for issuance of EC 16

6. 05.06.20 Manual SEIAA Non 1(a) Proposal for Tahasi Balasor 8459 / This is a Category B2 proposal as the lease EC be given 20 - Coal Dhitpura ldar, e /Basta 22.06.2 area is less than 5ha and the PP has with standard 185/06 Mining Sand Quarry Basta 020 submitted all the required information for the sand quarry -2020 over an area project as per the provision of EIA conditions. of 12.35 Notification,2006. The SEAC have acres or 5.00 submitted their appraisal report. ha. at village Dhitpura The SEAC recommended to grant EC valid Tahasil from the date of EC accorded upto the lease Basta in the period. district of The proposal is complete in all respect and Balasore the SEIAA may consider for issuance of EC 7. 05.06.20 Manual SEIAA Non 1(a) Proposal for Tahasi Balasor 8459 / This is a Category B2 proposal as the lease EC granted 20 - Coal Ambakuruchi ldar, e /Basta 22.06.2 area is less than 5ha and the PP has with standard 186/06 Mining Sand Quarry Basta 020 submitted all the required information for the conditions. -2020 over an area project as per the provision of EIA of 7.40 acres Notification,2006. The SEAC have or 2.99 ha. at submitted their appraisal report. village Ambakuruchi The SEAC recommended to grant EC valid Tahasil from the date of EC accorded upto the lease Basta in the period. district of The proposal is complete in all respect and Balasore the SEIAA may consider for issuance of EC 8. 05.06.20 Manual SEIAA Non 1(a) Proposal for Tahasi Balasor 8459 / This is a Category B2 proposal as the lease EC granted 20 - Coal Devog Sand ldar, e /Basta 22.06.2 area is less than 5ha and the PP has with standard 187/06 Mining Quarry over Basta 020 submitted all the required information for the conditions. -2020 an area of project as per the provision of EIA 12.35 acres Notification,2006. The SEAC have or 5.00 ha. at submitted their appraisal report. village Devog The SEAC recommended to grant EC valid Tahasil from the date of EC accorded upto the lease Basta in the period. district of Balasore The proposal is complete in all respect and the SEIAA may consider for issuance of EC 9. 17.06.20 Manual SEIAA Non 1(a) Proposal for Tahasi Keonjha 8505 / This is a Category B2 proposal as the lease EC granted 20 - Coal Kandara-II ldar r / 30.06.2 area is less than 5ha and the PP has with standard 212/06 Mining Stone Quarry Barbil Barbil 020 submitted all the required information for the conditions. -2020 over an area project as per the provision of EIA of 3.38 acres Notification,2006. The SEAC have or 1.37 ha. at submitted their appraisal report.

village 17

Kandara The SEAC recommended to grant EC valid Tahasil from the date of EC accorded upto the lease Barbil in the period. However, EC may be granted after district of receipt of the following: Keonjhar Detailed compliance report to the conditions stipulated in earlier EC.

The proposal is put up for consideration for submission of information as recommended by SEAC. 10. 17.06.20 Manual SEIAA Non 1(a) Proposal for Tahasi Keonjha 8505 / This is a Category B2 proposal as the lease EC granted 20 - Coal Kandara-I ldar r / 30.06.2 area is less than 5ha and the PP has with standard 214/06 Mining Stone Quarry Barbil Barbil 020 submitted all the required information for the conditions. -2020 over an area project as per the provision of EIA of 1.92 acres Notification,2006. The SEAC have or 0.78 ha. at submitted their appraisal report. village The SEAC recommended to grant EC valid Kandara from the date of EC accorded upto the lease Tahasil period. However, EC may be granted after Barbil in the receipt of the following: district of Detailed compliance report to the conditions Keonjhar stipulated in earlier EC.

The proposal is put up for consideration for submission of information as recommended by SEAC. 11. 22.06.20 Manual SEIAA Non 1(a) Proposal for Tahasi Mayurb 8647 / This is a Category B2 proposal as the lease EC be 20 - Coal Bhanra Sand ldar, hanj / 06.08.2 area is less than 5ha and the PP has granted with 254/06 Mining Bed over an Karanji Karanjia 020 submitted all the required information for the standard -2020 area of 12.35 a project as per the provision of EIA conditions. acres or 5.0 Notification,2006. The SEAC have ha. at village submitted their appraisal report. Bhanra Tahasil The SEAC recommended to grant EC valid Karanjia in from the date of EC accorded upto the lease period. the district of Mayurbhanj The proposal is complete in all respect and the SEIAA may consider for issuance of EC 12. 22.06.20 Manual SEIAA Non 1(a) Proposal for Sri Bolangir 8647 / This is a Category B2 proposal as the lease EC granted 20 - Coal Kutasinga Riksh / 06.08.2 area is less than 5ha and the PP has with standard 256/06 Mining Sand Bed Kumar Agalpur 020 submitted all the required information for the conditions. -2020 over an area Agraw project as per the provision of EIA of 12.355 al Notification,2006. The SEAC have acres or 5.0 submitted their appraisal report.


ha. at village The SEAC recommended to grant EC valid Kutasinga from the date of EC accorded upto the lease Tahasil period. Agalpur in The proposal is complete in all respect and the district of the SEIAA may consider for issuance of EC Bolangir 13. 03.07.20 Manual SEIAA Non 1(a) Proposal for Tahasi Bhadrak 8710 / This is a Category B2 proposal as the lease EC granted 20 - Coal Maninathpur ldar / 17.08.2 area is less than 5ha and the PP has with standard 286/06 Mining Sand Bed Bhand Bhandar 020 submitted all the required information for the conditions -2020 over an area aripok ipokhari project as per the provision of EIA applicable to of 12.35 hari Notification,2006. The SEAC have sand quarries acres or 4.99 submitted their appraisal report. restricting the ha. at village depth of Maninathpur The SEAC recommended to grant EC valid mining to 3m Tahasil from the date of EC accorded upto the lease as per OM Bhandaripok period. dated hari in the 24.12.2013 district of The proposal is complete in all respect and of Bhadrak the SEIAA may consider for issuance of EC MoEF&CC. 14. 03.07.20 Manual SEIAA Non 1(a) Proposal for Tahasi Balasor 8710 / This is a Category B2 proposal as the lease EC granted 20 - Coal Sahupada & ldar e / 17.08.2 area is less than 5ha and the PP has with standard 287/06 Mining Dumuda Remu Remuna 020 submitted all the required information for the conditions. -2020 Sand Bed na project as per the provision of EIA over an area Notification,2006. The SEAC have of 12.35 submitted their appraisal report. acres or 5.00 ha. at village The SEAC recommended to grant EC valid Sahupada & from the date of EC accorded upto the lease Dumuda period. Tahasil Remuna in The proposal is complete in all respect and the district of the SEIAA may consider for issuance of EC Balasore 15. 06.07.20 Manual SEIAA Non 1(a) Proposal for Sri Bolangir 8710 / This is a Category B2 proposal as the lease EC be 20 - Coal Fatamunda Rikash / 17.08.2 area is less than 5ha and the PP has granted with 291/07 Mining Sand Bed Kumar Agalpur 020 submitted all the required information for the standard -2020 over an area Agraw project as per the provision of EIA conditions. of 12.355 al Notification,2006. The SEAC have acres or 5.00 submitted their appraisal report.

ha. at village The SEAC recommended to grant EC valid Fatamunda from the date of EC accorded upto the lease Tahasil period. Agalpur in 19

the district of The proposal is complete in all respect and Bolangir the SEIAA may consider for issuance of EC.

16. 06.07.20 Manual SEIAA Non 1(a) Proposal for Tahasi Bolangir 8710 / This is a Category B2 proposal as the lease EC granted 20 - Coal Kukedmal ldar / Tusura 17.08.2 area is less than 5ha and the PP has with standard 294/07 Mining Sand Quarry Tusura 020 submitted all the required information for the conditions. -2020 over an area project as per the provision of EIA of 8.00 acres Notification,2006. The lease area is not or 3.23 ha. at included in forest land. The SEAC have village submitted their appraisal report. Kukedmal The SEAC recommended to grant EC valid Tahasil from the date of EC accorded upto the lease Tusura in the period. district of The proposal is complete in all respect and Bolangir the SEIAA may consider for issuance of EC. 17. 06.07.20 Manual SEIAA Non 1(a) Proposal for Sri Bolangir 8710 / This is a Category B2 proposal as the lease EC granted 20 - Coal Bhatasar Sand Jaldha / 17.08.2 area is less than 5ha and the PP has with standard 296/07 Mining Quarry over an r Bangom 020 submitted all the required information for the conditions. -2020 area of 7.49 Meher unda project as per the provision of EIA acres or 3.03 Notification,2006. The SEAC have ha. at village submitted their appraisal report. Bhatasar Tahasil The SEAC recommended to grant EC valid Bangomunda from the date of EC accorded upto the lease in the district of period. Bolangir The proposal is complete in all respect and the SEIAA may consider for issuance of EC 18. 10.07.20 Manual SEIAA Non- 1(a) Proposal for Tahasi Dhenka 8823 / This is a Category B2 proposal as the lease EC be 20 - Coal B2 Ekagharia ldar nal / 26.08.2 area is less than 5ha and the PP has granted with 320/07 Mining Brahmani Odapa Odapad 020 submitted all the required information for the standard -2020 Sand Quarry da a project as per the provision of EIA conditions. over an area of Notification,2006. The SEAC have 11.80 acres or submitted their appraisal report. 4.775 ha. at village The SEAC recommended to grant EC valid Ekagharia from the date of EC accorded upto the lease Tahasil period. Odapada in the district of The proposal is complete in all respect and Dhenkanal the SEIAA may consider for issuance of EC 19. 14.07.20 Manual SEIAA Non- 1(a) Proposal for Tahasi Bolangir 8823 / This is a Category B2 proposal as the lease EC granted 20 - Coal B2 Nunhad ldar / 26.08.2 area is less than 5ha and the PP has with standard 355/07 Mining Sand Quarry Belpar Belpara 020 submitted all the required information for the conditions. -2020 over an area a project as per the provision of EIA


of 12.355 Notification,2006. The SEAC have acres or 5.00 submitted their appraisal report.

ha. at village The SEAC recommended to grant EC valid Nunhad from the date of EC accorded upto the lease Tahasil period. However, EC may be issued after Belpara in receipt of compliance report to the the district of conditions stipulated in earlier EC certified / Bolangir authenticated by Regional Office of MoEF & CC as requested and by SEIAA vide letter no. 8821/SEIAA, Dated 26-08-2020 from the concerned Tahasildar.

The proposal is put up for consideration for submission of information as recommended by SEAC.

3. Seven (7) nos. of Minor Mineral Proposals (B-2) received by SEIAA (Lease area upto 5 ha). (Offline Cases) Sl. Date a) Date of sending E- Proposal Treasure Categ Proj Name of the Name of District / Gist of appraisal report / Observatio No. of mail to PP for File No. Challan ory of ect / proposal the Tahasil Communication received from SEAC / ns / seeking additional Online information, if any (auto Particular the Activ project Present Status Minutes of receip after preliminary generate s propo ity propon SEIAA t of scrutiny by MS/ Env. d in (Scrutiny sal appli ent meeting the Engr. / MoEF & fees) ed along (To be b) Date of asking for propo submission of hard CC for with uploaded sal copy of the proposal website) contact to relevant / details website of c) Date of receipt of MoEF&CC, hard copy of the proposal for TOR / for and EC. communic d)Date of dispatch of ated to acceptance letter concerned quarters by post) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1. 14.10. SEIAA- Bank Non- 1(a) Proposal for Sri Sundarga This is a category B2 project as the lease Send to 2020 734/10- Transactio Coal B2 Tangarpali Ramesh rh / area is equal to 5 ha. SEAC for 2020 n No. Mining Stone Quarry-I Chandra Rourkela The PP have submitted the cluster appraisal. CKO1230 over an area of Haricha certificate and other required documents Tahasildar 756 / 4.00 acres or ndan such as Checklist, Form-1, PFR, EMP, to clarify the 14.10.202 1.618 ha at Approved Mining Plan, DSR and DLC. exact 0 of village The lease area is not included forest land. distance of Rs.1000/- Tangarpali nearest 21

Tahasil The concerned Tahasildar may be asked mine with Rourkela in the to clarify the exact distance of nearest mine latitude and district of with latitude and longitude may be longitude Sundargarh ascertained from Tahasildar in regard to data. cluster 2. 14.10. SEIAA- Bank Non- 1(a) Proposal for Sri Nayagarh This is a category B2 project as the lease Send to 2020 735/10- Transactio Coal B2 Gobardhanpra Rajesh / Bhapur area is equal to 5 ha. SEAC for 2020 n No. Mining sad Stone Kumar The PP have submitted the cluster appraisal. IK0ATGP Quarry over an Pradhan certificate and other required documents RS9 / area of 4.03 such as Checklist, Form-1, PFR, EMP, 14.10.202 acres or 1.630 Approved Mining Plan, DSR and DLC. 0 of ha at village The lease area is not included forest land. Rs.1000/- Gobardhanpra The proposal is complete in all respect with sad Tahasil regard environmental setting. Bhapur in the district of Nayagarh 3. 14.10. SEIAA- Tahasildar Non- 1(a) Proposal for Tahasild Angul / This is a category B2 project as the lease Send to 2020 736/10- Applicant. Coal B2 Sanarohila ar, Kishorena area is equal to 5 ha. SEAC for 2020 Scrutiny Mining Stone Quarry Kishore gar The PP have submitted the cluster appraisal. Fee is not over an area of nagar certificate and other required documents required 5.49 acres or such as Checklist, Form-1, PFR, EMP, 2.22 ha at Approved Mining Plan, DSR and DLC. village The lease area is not included forest land. Sanarohila The proposal is complete in all respect with Tahasil regard environmental setting. Kishorenagar in the district of Angul 4. 14.10. SEIAA- Tahasildar Non- 1(a) Proposal for Tahasild Angul / This is a category B2 project as the lease Send to 2020 737/10- Applicant. Coal B2 Ambapal ar, Kishorena area is equal to 5 ha. SEAC for 2020 Scrutiny Mining Morrum Quarry Kishore gar The PP have submitted the cluster appraisal. Fee is not over an area of nagar certificate and other required documents required 4.59 acres or such as Checklist, Form-1, PFR, EMP, 1.86 ha at Approved Mining Plan, DSR and DLC. village The lease area is not included forest land. Ambapal The proposal is complete in all respect with Tahasil regard environmental setting. Kishorenagar in the district of Angul


5. 15.10. SEIAA- Bank Non- 1(a) Proposal for Sri Nayagarh This is a category B2 project as the lease Send to 2020 738/10- Transactio Coal B2 Bhokilapada Biswa / Bhapur area is equal to 5 ha. SEAC for 2020 n No. Mining Stone Quarry Ranjan The PP have submitted the cluster appraisal. IK0AQQJ over an area of Pradhan certificate and other required documents ZR5 / 0.76 acres or such as Checklist, Form-1, PFR, EMP, 19.08.202 0.308 ha at Approved Mining Plan, DSR and DLC. 0 of village The lease area is not included forest land. Rs.1000/- Bhokilapada The proposal is complete in all respect with Tahasil Bhapur regard environmental setting. in the district of Nayagarh 6. 16.10. SEIAA- Bank Non- 1(a) Proposal for Sri Nabarang This is a category B2 project as the lease Send to 2020 739/10- Transactio Coal B2 Boragam Sand Padman pur / area is equal to 5 ha. SEAC for 2020 n No. Mining Quarry over an Kumar Kodinga The PP have submitted the cluster appraisal. IK0ATHL area of 3.65 Bisoi certificate and other required documents YG9 / acres or 1.477 such as Checklist, Form-1, PFR, EMP, 15.10.202 ha at village Approved Mining Plan, DSR. 0 of Boragam The proposal is complete in all respect with Rs.2000/- Tahasil regard environmental setting. Kodinga in the district of Nabarangpur 7. 19.10. SEIAA- Bank Non- 1(a) Proposal for Sri Jharsugu This is a category B2 project as the lease Send to 2020 740/10- Transactio Coal B2 Sukhasoda Rabindr da / area is equal to 5 ha. SEAC for 2020 n No. Mining Sand Quarry a Lakhanpu The PP have submitted the cluster appraisal. IK0ARAJ over an area of Behera r certificate and other required documents RW0 / 7.00 acres or such as Checklist, Form-1, PFR, EMP, 28.08.202 2.832 ha at Approved Mining Plan, DSR. 0 of village The proposal is complete in all respect with Rs.2000/- Sukhasoda regard environmental setting. Tahasil Lakhanpur in the district of Jharsuguda


4. One no. of New ‘B’ category project received online by SEIAA (Scrutiny prior to sending to SEAC). Sl. Date of a) Date of sending E- Propos Bank Draft File Categ Proj Name of the Name of Distr Gist of appraisal Observations / No. online mail to PP for al File Particulars no. ory of ect / proposal the ict / report / Minutes of seeking additional receipt information, if any No. (Scrutiny assign the Activ project Taha Communication SEIAA meeting of the after preliminary (auto fees) ed by propo ity propon sil received from (To be uploaded proposa scrutiny by MS/ Env. generat SEIAA sal appli ent SEAC /Present to relevant l Engr. / ed in ed along Status website of MoEF b) Date of asking for submission of hard MoEF & for with & CC, and copy of the proposal CC contact communicated / website details to concerned c) Date of receipt of ) quarters by post) hard copy of the proposal for TOR / for EC. d)Date of dispatch of acceptance letter 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1. 19.09.20 EDS-16.07.2020/ SIA/OR/ Bank SEIAA Non- 1(a) Pandiapathar Sri.Ajay Ganj This is a category Send to SEAC for 20 HC-28.09.2020 MIN/546 Transaction File Coal B-1 Decorative Stone Kumar am B1 project as the specific ToR. 06.10.2020 85/2020 No. no. yet Mining (For (Granite Gneiss) Agrawal /Ask lease area more 0510200900 to be issue Mines deposit over ;Prop- a than 5ha. 01675 assign of an area of 20.566 Jay The PP has /03.10.2020 ed ToR) hectares located in Minerals submitted Form-I, of village PFR & Approved Rs.100000/- Pandiapathar, Mining Plan for the tahasil: Aska, project. district: Ganjam The proposal is put (Lease period- up for consideration 30years) of ToR.


5. Proceeding of SEAC meeting held on 30.09.2020 forwarded through online. Sl. Date of a) Date of sending E- Propo Categ Proj Name of the Name of District / Date Gist of appraisal report / Communication Observatio No online mail to PP for seeking sal ory of ect / proposal the Tahasil of received from SEAC / Present Status ns / additional information, . receipt if any after preliminary File the Activ project Send Minutes of of the scrutiny by MS/ Env. No. propo ity propon to SEIAA proposa Engr. / (auto sal appli ent SEA meeting l b) Date of asking for gener ed along C (To be submission of hard copy of the proposal / ated in for with uploaded c) Date of receipt of MoEF contact to relevant hard copy of the & CC details website of proposal for TOR / for websit MoEF & EC. d)Date of dispatch of e) CC, and acceptance letter communic ated to concerned quarters by post) 1 2 3 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1. 13.07.20 EDS-Nil/ 54671/ Bio- 7(da) Establishment Western Dhenkana 8936 The SEAC in its meeting held on 30.09.2020 Issue ToR 20 HC-16.07.2020 04- medica of Common Integrat l /Parjang / has prescribed the specific ToRs in addition to to PP for 20.08.2020 MIS/0 l waste Hazardous ed 08.0 standard ToRs for conducting detailed EIA undertaking 7-2020 Treatm Waste Waste 9.20 study for the project. the detailed ent Treatment, Manage 20 Specific ToR: EIA study. Facility Storage and ment 1. Land details/ kissam. Disposal Facility 2. Certificate from concerned DFO that no DLC land involve in the land area. Facility Pvt Ltd; 3. Exact distance from Brahmini river duly certified by (CHWTSDF) Sri. Tahasildar. at Village- Swayam 4. Elevation of site and elevation of high flood line of river Patrapada, Prakash Brahmini. 5. Specific measures to prevent leaching in case of heavy Teshil- Jena, rain fall, high flood and earth quake with justification Parjang, Dist- MD with Complete scientific leachate management be Dhenkanal – submitted. regarding 6. Water sampling and soil sampling monitoring points taking gradient into consideration consideration 7. List of measure industries out of total 200 industries of ToR. projected be indicated with their main products, production capacity with corresponding hazardous wastes being generated and the quantity there of. 8. Basis of estimation of hazardous waste as indicated i.e 50000 TPA. 9. Water balance with ETP details. 10. Status of NOC From CGWA and permission of WR department, Govt. of Odisha for use of ground water. 11. Inputs to STP, pusrpose of STP, STP capacity, septic tank and soak pits details be submitted.


12. Since Katabahal village is only 1.2 km from the site, odour prevention management be submitted. 13. When decommissioning is expected and the basis? 2. 21.05.20 EDS-Nil/ 53208/ Non 1(a) Badakuchulu M/s. R.V Sunderga 8936 The SEAC in its meeting held on 30.09.2020 Issue ToR 20 HC-26.05.2020 25- Coal B-1 Limestone & Enterpri rh / / has prescribed the specific ToRs in addition to to PP for 27.05.2020 MINB1 Mining Dolomite Mine sers Biramitrap 08.0 standard ToRs for conducting detailed EIA undertaking /05- over an area of Pvt. Ltd; ur 9.20 study for the project. the detailed 2020 64.993Ha in Biswana 20 Specific ToR: EIA study. village th (i) NOC from Irrigation Division, Sundergarh and Rourkela Badakuchul, Agrawal Steel plant for use of water from including an undertaking in form of a legal affidavit from the under a proponent to ensure safety of the said Dam. Biramitrapur (ii) Details of Waste Management and Erosion tahasil, Management. Sundergarh (iii) Plantation of trees within first year in safety zone to prevent air pollution district– (iv) Storm and surface runoff water management during regarding monsoon be submitted. consideration (v) Mitigation measures to be taken so that water bodies of ToR. nearby is not polluted. (vi) Certificate from the concerned Mining Officer indicating that no mining activity carried out since 2014 i.e. the year of execution of the mining lease deed. (vii) Approved mining scheme for current plan period. (viii) Gochar land 30.182 ha. Details of conversion of Gochar land is to be submitted. (ix) Details of mine drainage water and its management practice. (x) Distance of Mandira Dam from the mining lease area. Detailed measures to be taken so that mining activity will not affect Mandira Dam. (xi) Details of safety zone planting and maintenance. Planting in first two year and maintenance after. (xii) Certificate from the concerned DFO that no DLC land is involved in the lease area. (xiii) Since there is a reservoir there must be avian species. A specific inventory for avian species and their migratory path must be provided. A conservation plan if required on the basis of above inventory be prepared. (xiv) The groundwater table will vary seasonally in this region and could be linked to the FRL of the reservoir. This is very important because limestone and dolomites are often well jointed and in this region the attitude of the beds is perpendicular to the river channel. Seasonal data on Ground Water table and FRL must be provided and flow directions of Ground Water in different time be assessed. (xv) Size, design and adequacy of garland drain and retaining wall. (xvi) Size and adequacy of settling pond including silt management so that no silt is escaped.


(xvii) Exact distance from water bodies duly certified by Tahasildar. (xviii) Kissam of land duly certified by Tahasildar. (xix) Details of Waste Management plan. (xx) Slope study of mines as well as dump / OB.

6. Proceeding of SEAC meeting held on 09.10.2020 forwarded through offline. Sl. Date of a) Date of sending E- Propo Categ Proj Name of the Name Distric Date Gist of appraisal report / Observations No. online mail to PP for seeking sal ory of ect / proposal of the t / of Communication received from SEAC / / Minutes of additional information, receipt if any after preliminary File the Activ projec Tahasi Send Present Status SEIAA of the scrutiny by MS/ Env. No. propo ity t l to meeting (To proposa Engr. / (auto sal appli propo SEAC be uploaded l b) Date of asking for gener ed nent to relevant submission of hard copy of the proposal / ated in for along website of c) Date of receipt of MoEF with MoEF & CC, hard copy of the & CC conta and proposal for TOR / for websit ct communicate EC. d)Date of dispatch of e) details d to acceptance letter concerned quarters by post) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1. 11.03.20 Manual SEIAA Non 1(a) Proposal for Sri Sunda 7997 / This is a Category B2 proposal as the lease EC to be given 20 - Coal B2 Badnuagaon Kalyan rgarh / 18.03. area is less than 5ha and the PP has submitted with standard 103/03 Mining Brick Earth Aind Rajgan 2020 all the required information for the project as per conditions for -2020 Quarry over an (M/s gpur the provision of EIA Notification,2006. The brick earth lease area is not included in forest land. The area of 6.11 acres S.R. quarry upto a SEAC have submitted their appraisal report. or 2.472 ha. in Bricks depth of 1m. village The SEAC recommended to grant EC valid Badnuagaon, from the date of EC accorded upto the lease Tahasil period.

Rajgangpur The proposal is complete in all respect and the in the district of SEIAA may consider for issuance of EC Sundargarh 2. 16.03.20 Manual SEIAA Non 1(a) Proposal for Sri Ganja 8209 / The SEAC recommended to grant EC valid EC be granted 20 - Coal B2 Rankuda Stone Susha m / 18.05. from the date of EC accorded upto the lease with 117/03 Mining Quarry over an nta Aska 2020 & period with conditions as suggested by the stipulations -2020 area of 4.00 acres Kumar 8990 / DFO, Ghumsur, South Division, Ganjam vide suggested by letter no. 6503, dated 11.09.2020. Conditions of or 1.619 ha. at Rout 16.09. DFO regarding DFO need to be compiled by the project village Rankuda 2020 proponent and strictly monitored/regulated by blackbuck Tahasil Aska in DFO. conservation. 27

the district of However, EC may be issued after receipt of Ganjam copy of EC granted by DEIAA /SEIAA if any earlier and compliance to EC conditions from the concerned Tahasildar. 3. 01.07.20 Manual SEIAA Non 1(a) Proposal for Tahasi Bargar This is a Category B2 proposal as the lease EC be granted 20 - Coal B2 Deogaon Zeera ldar h / area is less than 5ha and the PP has submitted with standard 279/06 Mining River Sand Bed Bargar Bargar all the required information for the project as per conditions. -2020 over an area of h h the provision of EIA Notification,2006. The lease area is not included in forest land. The 12.02 acres or SEAC have submitted their appraisal report. 4.864 ha. at village Deogaon The SEAC recommended to grant EC valid Tahasil Bargarh in from the date of EC accorded upto the lease the district of period. Bargarh The proposal is complete in all respect and the SEIAA may consider for issuance of EC 4. 01.07.20 Manual SEIAA Non 1(a) Proposal for Tahasi Bargar 8710 / This is a Category B2 proposal as the lease EC be granted 20 - Coal B2 Bageibira Zeera ldar h / 17.08. area is less than 5ha and the PP has submitted with standard 281/06 Mining River Sand Bed Bargar Bargar 2020 all the required information for the project as per conditions. -2020 over an area of h h the provision of EIA Notification,2006. The lease area is not included in forest land. The 12.06 acres or SEAC have submitted their appraisal report. 4.880 ha. at village Bageibira The SEAC recommended to grant EC valid Tahasil Bargarh in from the date of EC accorded upto the lease the district of period. Bargarh The proposal is complete in all respect and the SEIAA may consider for issuance of EC 5. 01.07.20 Manual SEIAA Non 1(a) Proposal for Tahasi Bargar 8710 / This is a Category B2 proposal as the lease EC be granted 20 - Coal B2 Girsul River Sand ldar h / 17.08. area is less than 5ha and the PP has submitted with standard 282/06 Mining Bed over an area Bargar Bargar 2020 all the required information for the project as per conditions. -2020 of 6.02 acres or h h the provision of EIA Notification,2006. The lease area is not included in forest land. The 2.436 ha. at SEAC have submitted their appraisal report. village Girsul Tahasil Bargarh in The SEAC recommended to grant EC valid the district of from the date of EC accorded upto the lease Bargarh period. The proposal is complete in all respect and the SEIAA may consider for issuance of EC 6. 01.07.20 Manual SEIAA Non 1(a) Proposal for Tahasi Bargar 8710 / This is a Category B2 proposal as the lease EC be granted 20 - Coal B2 Balitikra Zeera ldar h / 17.08. area is less than 5ha and the PP has submitted with standard 283/06 Mining Nadi Sand Bed-2 Bargar Bargar 2020 all the required information for the project as per conditions. -2020 over an area of h h the provision of EIA Notification,2006. The lease area is not included in forest land. The 12.35 acres or SEAC have submitted their appraisal report. 4.997 ha. at village Balitikra 28

Tahasil Bargarh in The SEAC recommended to grant EC valid the district of from the date of EC accorded upto the lease Bargarh period. The proposal is complete in all respect and the SEIAA may consider for issuance of EC 7. 06.07.20 Manual SEIAA Non 1(a) Proposal for Tahasi Bolang 8710 / This is a Category B2 proposal as the lease EC be granted 20 - Coal B2 Sargada Sand ldar ir / 17.08. area is less than 5ha and the PP has submitted with standard 295/07 Mining Quarry over an Tusura Tusura 2020 all the required information for the project as per conditions. -2020 area of 12.00 the provision of EIA Notification,2006. The lease area is not included in forest land. The acres or 4.856 ha. SEAC have submitted their appraisal report. at village Sargada Tahasil Tusura in The SEAC recommended to grant EC valid the district of from the date of EC accorded upto the lease Bolangir period. The proposal is complete in all respect and the SEIAA may consider for issuance of EC 8. 06.07.20 Manual SEIAA Non 1(a) Proposal for Ms Bolang 8710 / This is a Category B2 proposal as the lease EC be granted 20 - Coal B2 Turekela Sand Sujata ir / 17.08. area is less than 5ha and the PP has submitted with standard 297/07 Mining Quarry over an Mohan Bango 2020 all the required information for the project as per conditions. -2020 area of 7.49 acres ty munda the provision of EIA Notification,2006. The lease area is not included in forest land. The or 3.03 ha. at SEAC have submitted their appraisal report. village Turekela Tahasil The SEAC recommended to grant EC valid Bangomunda in from the date of EC accorded upto the lease the district of period. Bolangir The proposal is complete in all respect and the SEIAA may consider for issuance of EC 9. 07.07.20 Manual SEIAA Non 1(a) Proposal for Tahasi Bargar 8710 / This is a Category B2 proposal as the lease EC granted 20 - Coal B2 Khuntpali ldar h / 17.08. area is less than 5ha and the PP has submitted with standard 305/07 Mining Pudhiatikra Stone Bargar Bargar 2020 all the required information for the project as per stone quarry -2020 Quarry-E over an h h the provision of EIA Notification,2006. The conditions. SEAC have submitted their appraisal report. area of 5.33 acres

or 2.157 ha. at The SEAC recommended to grant EC valid village Khuntpali from the date of EC accorded upto the lease Tahasil Bargarh in period. However, EC may be issued after the district of receipt of compliance to EC conditions from the Bargarh concerned Tahasildar. 10. 07.07.20 Manual SEIAA Non 1(a) Proposal for Tahasi Bargar 8710 / This is a Category B2 proposal as the lease EC granted 20 - Coal B2 Khuntpali ldar h / 17.08. area is less than 5ha and the PP has submitted with standard 306/07 Mining Ganjhiaatikira Bargar Bargar 2020 all the required information for the project as per stone quarry -2020 Stone Quarry over h h the provision of EIA Notification,2006. The conditions. SEAC have submitted their appraisal report. an area of 3.37

acres or 1.364 ha. at village 29

Khuntpali Tahasil The SEAC recommended to grant EC valid Bargarh in the from the date of EC accorded upto the lease district of Bargarh period. However, EC may be issued after receipt of compliance to EC conditions from the concerned Tahasildar.

11. 07.07.20 Manual SEIAA Non 1(a) Proposal for Tahasi Bargar 8710 / This is a Category B2 proposal as the lease EC granted 20 - Coal B2 Dhanger Stone ldar h / 17.08. area is less than 5ha and the PP has submitted with standard 307/07 Mining Quarry-A over an Bargar Bargar 2020 all the required information for the project as per stone quarry -2020 area of 8.54 acres h h the provision of EIA Notification,2006. The conditions. lease area is not included in forest land. The or 3.456 ha. at SEAC have submitted their appraisal report. village Dhanger Tahasil Bargarh in The SEAC recommended to grant EC valid the district of from the date of EC accorded upto the lease Bargarh period. The proposal is complete in all respect and the SEIAA may consider for issuance of EC 12. 10.07.20 Manual SEIAA Non- 1(a) Proposal for Sri Kalaha 8823 / This is a Category B2 proposal as the lease EC be granted 20 - Coal B2 Turlakhaman Hema ndi / 26.08. area is less than 5ha and the PP has submitted with a 327/07 Mining Sand Quarry over nta Kesing 2020 all the required information for the project as per condition that -2020 an area of 5.00 Sahu a the provision of EIA Notification,2006. The the quarry lease area is not included in forest land. The acres or 2.023 ha. lease shall be SEAC have submitted their appraisal report. at village at least 500m Turlakhaman The SEAC recommended to grant EC valid clear of any Tahasil in from the date of EC accorded upto the lease barrage. the district of period. However, EC may be granted after Kalahandi receipt of a) Copy of Environmental Clearance, if granted by DEIAA/SEIAA earlier and compliance status of EC conditions if granted. b) No. of Barrage proposal is under construction form by Water Resources Department across Tel river. This may be verified freshly by Water Resources Department and shall be submitted. 13. 10.07.20 Manual SEIAA Non- 1(a) Proposal for Bisod Sri Kalaha 8823 / This is a Category B2 proposal as the lease EC be granted 20 - Coal B2 Nadi Ghat over an Brahm ndi / 26.08. area is less than 5ha and the PP has submitted with a 328/07 Mining area of 11.16 a Kesing 2020 all the required information for the project as per condition that -2020 acres or 4.516 ha. Kumar a the provision of EIA Notification,2006. The the quarry lease area is not included in forest land. The at village Bisodi & Goel lease shall be SEAC have submitted their appraisal report. Matia Tahasil at least 500m Kesinga in the The SEAC recommended to grant EC valid clear of any district of from the date of EC accorded upto the lease barrage. Kalahandi period. However, EC may be granted after receipt of


a) Copy of Environmental Clearance, if granted by DEIAA/SEIAA earlier and compliance status of EC conditions if granted. b) A Dam is under construction across river Ret. A certificate from irrigation authority shall be submitted on the issue. 14. 10.07.20 Manual SEIAA Non- 1(a) Proposal for Boria Sri Kalaha 8823 / The SEAC recommended to grant EC valid EC be granted 20 - Coal B2 Sand Quarry over Saroj ndi / 26.08. from the date of EC accorded upto the lease with usual 331/07 Mining an area of 7.00 Prasad Kesing 2020 period. However, EC may be issued after stipulations. -2020 acres or 2.833 ha. Nayak a receipt of compliance to EC conditions from the concerned Tahasildar. at village Boria

Tahasil Kesinga in the district of Kalahandi 15. 13.07.20 Manual SEIAA Non- 1(a) Proposal for Tahasi Bolang 8823 / This is a Category B2 proposal as the lease EC be granted 20 - Coal B2 Bhuslad Sand ldar ir / 26.08. area is less than 5ha and the PP has submitted with usual 340/07 Mining Quarry over an Bango Bango 2020 all the required information for the project as per stipulations. -2020 area of 12.355 munda munda the provision of EIA Notification,2006. The SEAC have submitted their appraisal report. acres or 5.00 ha.

at village Bhuslad The SEAC recommended to grant EC valid Tahasil from the date of EC accorded upto the lease Bangomunda in period. the district of The proposal is complete in all respect and the Bolangir SEIAA may consider for issuance of EC 16. 13.07.20 Manual SEIAA Non- 1(a) Proposal for Tahasi Bolang 8823 / This is a Category B2 proposal as the lease EC be granted 20 - Coal B2 Sanmula Sand ldar ir / 26.08. area is less than 5ha and the PP has submitted with usual 341/07 Mining Quarry over an Bango Bango 2020 all the required information for the project as per stipulations. -2020 area of 12.355 munda munda the provision of EIA Notification,2006. The SEAC have submitted their appraisal report. acres or 5.00 ha.

at village Sanmula The SEAC recommended to grant EC valid Tahasil from the date of EC accorded upto the lease Bangomunda in period. the district of The proposal is complete in all respect and the Bolangir SEIAA may consider for issuance of EC 17. 13.07.20 Manual SEIAA Non- 1(a) Proposal for Tahasi Bolang 8823 / This is a Category B2 proposal as the lease EC be granted 20 - Coal B2 Sriram Sand ldar ir / 26.08. area is less than 5ha and the PP has submitted with usual 342/07 Mining Quarry over an Bango Bango 2020 all the required information for the project as per stipulations. -2020 area of 12.355 munda munda the provision of EIA Notification,2006. The SEAC have submitted their appraisal report. acres or 5.00 ha.

at village Sriram The SEAC recommended to grant EC valid Tahasil from the date of EC accorded upto the lease Bangomunda in period.


the district of The proposal is complete in all respect and the Bolangir SEIAA may consider for issuance of EC 18. 13.07.20 Manual SEIAA Non- 1(a) Proposal for Tahasi Bolang 8823 / This is a Category B2 proposal as the lease EC be granted 20 - Coal B2 Palaskhanda ldar ir / 26.08. area is less than 5ha and the PP has submitted with usual 344/07 Mining Sand Quarry over Bango Bango 2020 all the required information for the project as per stipulations. -2020 an area of 12.355 munda munda the provision of EIA Notification,2006. The SEAC have submitted their appraisal report. acres or 5.00 ha.

at village The SEAC recommended to grant EC valid Palaskhanda from the date of EC accorded upto the lease Tahasil period. Bangomunda in The proposal is complete in all respect and the the district of SEIAA may consider for issuance of EC Bolangir 19. 13.07.20 Manual SEIAA Non- 1(a) Proposal for Tahasi Bolang 8823 / This is a Category B2 proposal as the lease EC be granted 20 - Coal B2 Bandhapada ldar ir / 26.08. area is less than 5ha and the PP has submitted with usual 345/07 Mining Sand Quarry over Deoga Deoga 2020 all the required information for the project as per stipulations. -2020 an area of 12.355 on on the provision of EIA Notification,2006. The SEAC have submitted their appraisal report. acres or 5.00 ha.

at village The SEAC recommended to grant EC valid Bandhapada from the date of EC accorded upto the lease Tahasil Deogaon period. in the district of The proposal is complete in all respect and the Bolangir SEIAA may consider for issuance of EC 20. 13.07.20 Manual SEIAA Non- 1(a) Proposal for Tahasi Bolang 8823 / This is a Category B2 proposal as the lease EC be granted 20 - Coal B2 Kaindapali Sand ldar ir / 26.08. area is less than 5ha and the PP has submitted with usual 349/07 Mining Quarry over an Loising Loising 2020 all the required information for the project as per stipulations. -2020 area of 12.355 ha ha the provision of EIA Notification,2006. The lease area is not included in forest land. The acres or 5.00 ha. SEAC have submitted their appraisal report. at village Kaindapali The SEAC recommended to grant EC valid Tahasil Loisingha from the date of EC accorded upto the lease in the district of period. However, EC may be issued after Bolangir receipt of compliance to EC conditions from the concerned Tahasildar. 21. 14.07.20 Manual SEIAA Non- 1(a) Proposal for Tahasi Bhadr 8823 / This is a Category B2 proposal as the lease EC be granted 20 - Coal B2 Charigan Sand ldar ak / 26.08. area is less than 5ha and the PP has submitted with usual 357/07 Mining Quarry over an Bonth Bonth 2020 all the required information for the project as per stipulations. -2020 area of 5.40 acres the provision of EIA Notification,2006. The SEAC have submitted their appraisal report. or 2.185 ha. at

village Charigan The SEAC recommended to grant EC valid Tahasil Bonth in from the date of EC accorded upto the lease the district of period. Bhadrak 32

The proposal is complete in all respect and the SEIAA may consider for issuance of EC

22. 14.07.20 Manual SEIAA Non- 1(a) Proposal for Tahasi Bhadr 8823 / This is a Category B2 proposal as the lease EC be granted 20 - Coal B2 Gopinathpur Sand ldar ak / 26.08. area is less than 5ha and the PP has submitted with usual 359/07 Mining Quarry over an Bonth Bonth 2020 all the required information for the project as per stipulations. -2020 area of 7.00 acres the provision of EIA Notification,2006. The SEAC have submitted their appraisal report. or 2.832 ha. at

village The SEAC recommended to grant EC valid Gopinathpur from the date of EC accorded upto the lease Tahasil Bonth in period. the district of The proposal is complete in all respect and the Bhadrak. SEIAA may consider for issuance of EC 23. 14.07.20 Manual SEIAA Non- 1(a) Proposal for Tahasi Bhadr 8823 / This is a Category B2 proposal as the lease EC be granted 20 - Coal B2 Sahupada Sand ldar ak / 26.08. area is less than 5ha and the PP has submitted with usual 360/07 Mining Quarry over an Bonth Bonth 2020 all the required information for the project as per stipulations. -2020 area of 9.68 acres the provision of EIA Notification,2006. The SEAC have submitted their appraisal report. or 3.917 ha. at village Sahupada The SEAC recommended to grant EC valid Tahasil Bonth in from the date of EC accorded upto the lease the district of period. Bhadrak The proposal is complete in all respect and the SEIAA may consider for issuance of EC 24. 14.07.20 Manual SEIAA Non- 1(a) Proposal for Tahasi Bhadr 8833 / This is a Category B2 proposal as the lease EC be granted 20 - Coal B2 Chakarapadhi ldar ak / 31.08. area is less than 5ha and the PP has submitted with usual 361/07 Mining Sand Quarry over Bonth Bonth 2020 all the required information for the project as per stipulations. -2020 an area of 8.70 the provision of EIA Notification,2006. The SEAC have submitted their appraisal report. acres or 3.520 ha.

at village The SEAC recommended to grant EC valid Chakarapadhi from the date of EC accorded upto the lease Tahasil Bonth in period. the district of The proposal is complete in all respect and the Bhadrak SEIAA may consider for issuance of EC 25. 14.07.20 Manual SEIAA Non- 1(a) Proposal for Tahasi Bolang 8833 / This is a Category B2 proposal as the lease EC be granted 20 - Coal B2 Belgaon Sand ldar ir / 31.08. area is less than 5ha and the PP has submitted with usual 363/07 Mining Quarry over an Saintal Saintal 2020 all the required information for the project as per stipulations. -2020 area of 9.50 acres a a the provision of EIA Notification,2006. The SEAC have submitted their appraisal report. or 3.844 ha. at

village Belgaon The SEAC recommended to grant EC valid Tahasil Saintala in from the date of EC accorded upto the lease the district of period. Bolangir The proposal is complete in all respect and the SEIAA may consider for issuance of EC


26. 14.07.20 Manual SEIAA Non- 1(a) Proposal for Tahasi Bolang 8833 / This is a Category B2 proposal as the lease EC be granted 20 - Coal B2 Ampalli Sand ldar ir / 31.08. area is less than 5ha and the PP has submitted with usual 364/07 Mining Quarry over an Saintal Saintal 2020 all the required information for the project as per stipulations. -2020 area of 7.10 acres a a the provision of EIA Notification,2006. The SEAC have submitted their appraisal report. or 2.873 ha. at

village Ampalli The SEAC recommended to grant EC valid Tahasil Saintala in from the date of EC accorded upto the lease the district of period. Bolangir The proposal is complete in all respect and the SEIAA may consider for issuance of EC 27. 14.07.20 Manual SEIAA Non- 1(a) Proposal for Tahasi Bolang 8833 / This is a Category B2 proposal as the lease EC be granted 20 - Coal B2 Kamarlaga Sand ldar ir / 31.08. area is less than 5ha and the PP has submitted with usual 368/07 Mining Quarry over an Saintal Saintal 2020 all the required information for the project as per stipulations. -2020 area of 8.10 acres a a the provision of EIA Notification,2006. The SEAC have submitted their appraisal report. or 3.278 ha. at

village Kamarlaga The SEAC recommended to grant EC valid Tahasil Saintala in from the date of EC accorded upto the lease the district of period. Bolangir The proposal is complete in all respect and the SEIAA may consider for issuance of EC 28. 14.07.20 Manual SEIAA Non- 1(a) Proposal for Tahasi Bolang 8833 / This is a Category B2 proposal as the lease EC be granted 20 - Coal B2 Chhanchhada ldar ir / 31.08. area is less than 5ha and the PP has submitted with usual 373/07 Mining Sand Quarry over Saintal Saintal 2020 all the required information for the project as per stipulations. -2020 an area of 12.00 a a the provision of EIA Notification,2006. The SEAC have submitted their appraisal report. acres or 4.85 ha.

at village The SEAC recommended to grant EC valid Chhanchhada from the date of EC accorded upto the lease Tahasil Saintala in period. the district of The proposal is complete in all respect and the Bolangir SEIAA may consider for issuance of EC 29. 14.07.20 Manual SEIAA Non- 1(a) Proposal for Tahasi Bolang 8833 / This is a Category B2 proposal as the lease EC be granted 20 - Coal B2 Mahagaon Sand ldar ir / 31.08. area is less than 5ha and the PP has submitted with usual 374/07 Mining Quarry over an Saintal Saintal 2020 all the required information for the project as per stipulations. -2020 area of 12.00 a a the provision of EIA Notification,2006. The SEAC have submitted their appraisal report. acres or 4.85 ha.

at village The SEAC recommended to grant EC valid Mahagaon from the date of EC accorded upto the lease Tahasil Saintala in period. the district of The proposal is complete in all respect and the Bolangir SEIAA may consider for issuance of EC 30. 14.07.20 Manual SEIAA Non- 1(a) Proposal for Tahasi Bolang 8833 / This is a Category B2 proposal as the lease EC be granted 20 - Coal B2 Tikrapada Sand ldar ir / 31.08. area is less than 5ha and the PP has submitted with usual Mining Quarry over an 2020 all the required information for the project as per stipulations. 34

377/07 area of 12.00 Saintal Saintal the provision of EIA Notification,2006. The -2020 acres or 4.85 ha. a a SEAC have submitted their appraisal report.

at village The SEAC recommended to grant EC valid Tikrapada Tahasil from the date of EC accorded upto the lease Saintala in the period. district of Bolangir The proposal is complete in all respect and the SEIAA may consider for issuance of EC 31. 14.07.20 Manual SEIAA Non- 1(a) Proposal for Tahasi Bolang 8833 / This is a Category B2 proposal as the lease EC be granted 20 - Coal B2 Saintala Sand ldar ir / 31.08. area is less than 5ha and the PP has submitted with usual 378/07 Mining Quarry over an Saintal Saintal 2020 all the required information for the project as per stipulations. -2020 area of 12.35 a a the provision of EIA Notification,2006. The lease area is not included in forest land. The acres or 4.99 ha. SEAC have submitted their appraisal report. at village Saintala Tahasil Saintala in The SEAC recommended to grant EC valid the district of from the date of EC accorded upto the lease Bolangir period. However, EC may be issued after receipt of copy of Environmental Clearance, if granted by DEIAA/SEIAA earlier and compliance to the EC conditions if granted from the concerned Tahasildar. 32. 14.07.20 Manual SEIAA Non- 1(a) Proposal for Tahasi Bolang 8833 / This is a Category B2 proposal as the lease EC be granted 20 - Coal B2 Kuikeda Sand ldar ir / 31.08. area is less than 5ha and the PP has submitted with usual 381/07 Mining Quarry over an Saintal Saintal 2020 all the required information for the project as per stipulations. -2020 area of 8.15 acres a a the provision of EIA Notification,2006. The SEAC have submitted their appraisal report. or 3.298 ha. at village Kuikeda The SEAC recommended to grant EC valid Tahasil Saintala in from the date of EC accorded upto the lease the district of period. Bolangir The proposal is complete in all respect and the SEIAA may consider for issuance of EC 33. 14.08.20 Manual SEIAA Non- 1(a) Proposal for Kanti Tahasi Puri / 8833 / This is a Category B2 proposal as the lease Ask for final 20 - Coal B2 Kothbad Sand ldar, Pipili 31.08. area is less than 5ha and the PP has submitted DSR from 425/08 Mining Bed over an area Puri 2020 all the required information for the project as per Tahasildar. -2020 of 3.50 acres or the provision of EIA Notification,2006. The lease area is not included in forest land. The 1.418 ha. at SEAC have submitted their appraisal report. village Kanti Kothbad Tahasil The SEAC recommended to grant EC valid Pipili in the district from the date of EC accorded upto the lease of Puri. period. However, EC may be issued after receipt of copy of final DSR from the concerned Tahasildar. 34. 14.08.20 Manual SEIAA Non- 1(a) Proposal for Tahasi Puri / 8833 / This is a Category B2 proposal as the lease Ask for final 20 - Coal B2 Kakudia Sand ldar, Pipili 31.08. area is less than 5ha and the PP has submitted DSR from Mining Bed over an area Puri 2020 all the required information for the project as per Tahasildar. 35

426/08 of 4.00 acres or the provision of EIA Notification,2006. The -2020 1.62 ha. at village lease area is not included in forest land. The SEAC have submitted their appraisal report. Kakudia Tahasil Pipili in the district The SEAC recommended to grant EC valid of Puri. from the date of EC accorded upto the lease period. However, EC may be issued after receipt of copy of final DSR from the concerned Tahasildar. 35. 14.08.20 Manual SEIAA Non- 1(a) Proposal for Tahasi Puri / 8833 / This is a Category B2 proposal as the lease Ask for final 20 - Coal B2 Totapada Sand ldar, Pipili 31.08. area is less than 5ha and the PP has submitted DSR from 427/08 Mining Bed over an area Puri 2020 all the required information for the project as per Tahasildar. -2020 of 4.00 acres or the provision of EIA Notification,2006. The lease area is not included in forest land. The 1.62 ha. at village SEAC have submitted their appraisal report. Totapada Tahasil The SEAC recommended to grant EC valid Pipili in the district from the date of EC accorded upto the lease of Puri period. However, EC may be issued after receipt of copy of final DSR from the concerned Tahasildar. 36. 14.08.20 Manual SEIAA Non- 1(a) Proposal for Tahasi Puri / 8833 / This is a Category B2 proposal as the lease Ask for final 20 - Coal B2 Patelikuda Sand ldar, Pipili 31.08. area is less than 5ha and the PP has submitted DSR from 428/08 Mining Bed over an area Puri 2020 all the required information for the project as per Tahasildar. -2020 of 4.00 acres or the provision of EIA Notification,2006. The lease area is not included in forest land. The 1.62 ha. at village SEAC have submitted their appraisal report. Patelikuda Tahasil Pipili in The SEAC recommended to grant EC valid the district of Puri from the date of EC accorded up to the lease period. However, EC may be issued after

receipt of following documents: a) Copy of final DSR from the concerned Tahasildar. b) Clarification from the irrigation authority of Puri / Nimapada with regard to river embankment in the lease area with distance from the boundary of mine. 37. 14.08.20 Manual SEIAA Non- 1(a) Proposal for Tahasi Puri / 8833 / This is a Category B2 proposal as the lease Ask for final 20 - Coal B2 Gangapada Sand ldar, Pipili 31.08. area is less than 5ha and the PP has submitted DSR from 429/08 Mining Bed over an area Puri 2020 all the required information for the project as per Tahasildar. -2020 of 3.50 acres or the provision of EIA Notification,2006. The lease area is not included in forest land. The 1.418 ha. at SEAC have submitted their appraisal report. village Gangapada The SEAC recommended to grant EC valid from the date of EC accorded upto the lease Tahasil Pipili in period. However, EC may be issued after the district of Puri receipt of copy of final DSR from the concerned Tahasildar. 36

38. 14.08.20 Manual SEIAA Non- 1(a) Proposal for Tahasi Puri / 8833 / This is a Category B2 proposal as the lease Ask for final 20 - Coal B2 Gobardhanpur ldar, Pipili 31.08. area is less than 5ha and the PP has submitted DSR from 430/08 Mining Sultnnagar Sand Puri 2020 all the required information for the project as per Tahasildar. -2020 Bed over an area the provision of EIA Notification,2006. The lease area is not included in forest land. The of 4.50 acres or SEAC have submitted their appraisal report. 1.823 ha. at village The SEAC recommended to grant EC valid Gobardhanpur from the date of EC accorded up to the lease Sultnnagar period. However, EC may be issued after Tahasil Pipili in receipt following document: the district of Puri. a) Copy of final DSR from the concerned Tahasildar. b) Letter from irrigation authority Puri / Nimapada with regard to presence of river embankment along with distance.

7. Letter received for five nos. of Country liquor proposals requesting to SEIAA to consider the proposals under Category-B2. (File No. SIA/OR/IND2/48450/2019, SIA/OR/IND2/48407/2019, SIA/OR/IND2/48406/2019, SIA/OR/IND2/48354/2019 and SIA/OR/IND2/48446/2019).

Decision of SEIAA: The EC applications filed in 2018 in these five cases where grievance has been made may be transmitted to SEAC for appraisal and recommendation.

The Meeting ended with a vote of thanks to the Chairman.

(Shri Suresh Pant) (Dr. S. P. Das) (Shri S.C. Mohanty) Member Secretary, SEIAA Member, SEIAA Chairman, SEIAA