
Chris van Daele / 06.02.2015 / QuestBack, Köln

Laravel 5 Framework The PHP Framework for Web Artisans „Simplicity is the essence of happiness.“

- Cedric Bledsoe

Chris van Daele - Introduction to 5 Chris van Daele - Introduction to Laravel 5 Was bisher geschah

❖ 06/2011: Laravel 1

❖ 11/2011: Laravel 2

❖ 02/2012: Laravel 3

❖ 05/2013: Laravel 4

❖ 02/2015: Laravel 5 (4.3)

Taylor Otwell

Chris van Daele - Introduction to Laravel 5 Larawhat? Das Ecosystem.

laravel/laravel laravel/homestead Framework Struktur und Demo Code Lokale Laravel Entwicklungsumgebung

laravel/framework Forge Laravel Kernel Deploymentsystem in der Cloud

Illuminate Laracasts Laravel Komponenten Screencasts. It‘s amazing! Namespace innerhalb des Frameworks

Chris van Daele - Introduction to Laravel 5 Features, Features, Features!

Expressive, beautiful Syntax Version 5 Features:

Eloquent ORM (ActiveRecord Implementation) Illuminate Contracts

Routing (Restful) Middleware (Filter) Command Bus IoC Container Flysystem (Local, Amazon S3, Rackspace) Dependeny Injection Elixir (Gulp Api Wrapper) Migrations, Schema Builder & Seeds Socialite (OAuth) Authentication Scheduler Testable



Chris van Daele - Introduction to Laravel 5 Symfony meets Laravel

symfony/console symfony/process

symfony/debug symfony/routing

symfony/finder symfony/security-core

symfony/http-foundation symfony/translation

symfony/finder symfony/var-dumper


Chris van Daele - Introduction to Laravel 5 Thats not all – there is even more!







Chris van Daele - Introduction to Laravel 5 Illuminaten!

Auth Encryption Queue

Bus Events Redis

Cache Exception Routing

Config Filesystem Session

Console Foundation Support

Container Hashing Translation

Contracts Http Validation

Cookie Pagination View

Database Pipeline

Chris van Daele - Introduction to Laravel 5 StackPHP - Der Kernel

Symfony HttpKernelInterface middlewares

• Authentifizierung

• CSRF Protection

• Encrypt Cookies

• Session Handling

Chris van Daele - Introduction to Laravel 5 The Inversion Of Control (IoC)

IoC Binding

$this->app->bind('FooBar', function($app) { return new FooBar($app['SomethingElse']); });

$this->app->singleton('FooBar', function($app) { return new FooBar($app['SomethingElse']); });

$this->app->bind( 'App\Contracts\SomeInterface', 'App\Services\ConcreteImplementation'‚ );

IoC Resolving

$fooBar = $this->app->make('FooBar')->get('key');

Chris van Daele - Introduction to Laravel 5 Facades – It‘s all static?

Route::get('/', 'HomeController@showWelcome'); Facade erstellen:

1. Ioc Binding

2. Facade Class

$app['router']->get('/', 'HomeController@showWelcome'); 3. Facade Alias Configuration

IoC Container

Chris van Daele - Introduction to Laravel 5 MVC = EBC

Model = Eloquent ORM

View = Blade Template Engine

Controller = Controller

Chris van Daele - Introduction to Laravel 5 Model - Eloquent

class User extends Eloquent { class Post extends Eloquent {

public function posts() public function user()

{ { return $this->belongsTo('User'); return $this->hasMany('Post'); } }

} }

Chris van Daele - Introduction to Laravel 5 Model - Eloquent

// User auslesen // Neuen User anlegen

$users = User::all(); $user = new User;

$user = User::where('name', '=', 'John Doe')->posts(); $user->name = 'John Doe';

$user = User::find(1); $user->save();

$user = User::findOrFail(1);

// User löschen var_dump($user->name); $user = User::destroy(1);

Chris van Daele - Introduction to Laravel 5 View – Blade Template



@section('content') Hello, {{ $name }}.

@foreach ($users as $user)

This is user {{ $user->id }}

@endforeach @stop

Chris van Daele - Introduction to Laravel 5 Controller

use App\Http\Requests\PurchasePodcastRequest; class PodcastController extends Controller {

use DispatchesCommands;

public function purchasePodcast(PurchasePodcastRequest $request, $podcastId) { $this->dispatch( new PurchasePodcast(Auth::user(), Podcast::findOrFail($podcastId)) ); } }

Chris van Daele - Introduction to Laravel 5 CommandBus class PurchasePodcast extends Command implements SelfHandling {

protected $user, $podcast;

public function __construct(User $user, Podcast $podcast) { $this->user = $user; $this->podcast = $podcast; }

public function handle() { // Handle the logic to purchase the podcast. event(new PodcastWasPurchased($this->user, $this->podcast)); } }

Chris van Daele - Introduction to Laravel 5 Ressourcen

❖ http://laravel.com

❖ http://laracasts.com

❖ http://laravel.io/forum

❖ http://laracasts.com/discuss

❖ http://laravel-news.com

❖ http://mattstauffer.co

❖ http://daylerees.com

❖ http://fideloper.com/tag/laravel

❖ http://laracon.eu (25.08. – 26.08.2015, Amsterdam. YAY!)

Chris van Daele - Introduction to Laravel 5 Fin.

Vielen Dank für die Aufmerksamkeit !

Chris van Daele - Introduction to Laravel 5