Separating Layered and Row Treewidth

Prosenjit Bose1 Vida Dujmovic´2 Mehrnoosh Javarsineh1 Pat Morin1 David R. Wood3

May 5, 2021

Abstract. Layered treewidth and row treewidth are recently introduced graph parameters that have been key ingredients in the solution of several well-known open problems. It fol- lows from the definitions that the layered treewidth of a graph is at most its row treewidth plus 1. Moreover, a minor-closed class has bounded layered treewidth if and only if it has bounded row treewidth. However, it has been open whether row treewidth is bounded by a function of layered treewidth. This paper answers this question in the negative. In par- ticular, for every integer k we describe a graph with layered treewidth 1 and row treewidth k. We also prove an analogous result for layered and row pathwidth. arXiv:2105.01230v1 [math.CO] 4 May 2021

1School of Computer Science, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada (jit,[email protected]). Research supported by NSERC. 2School of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada ([email protected]). Research supported by NSERC and the Ontario Ministry of Research and Innovation. 3School of Mathematics, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia ([email protected]). Research supported by the Australian Research Council. 1 Introduction

Treewidth is a graph parameter that measures how similar a given graph is to a ; it is of fundamental importance in structural and algorithmic ; see the surveys [3, 23, 29]. Layered treewidth is a variant of treewidth introduced independently by Dujmovic,´ Morin, and Wood [15] and Shahrokhi [34]; see Section2 for the definition. A key property is that layered treewidth is bounded on planar graphs but treewidth is not. In particular, planar graphs have layered treewidth at most 3 [15], but the n n grid graph has treewidth × n. Layered treewidth has been used in upper bounds on several graph parameters includ- ing queue-number [13, 15], stack number [13], [33], clustered chromatic num- ber [27], generalised colouring numbers [35], asymptotic dimension [4], as well for results in theory [34]. Row treewidth1 is a refinement of layered treewidth, implicitly introduced by Duj- movic,´ Joret, Micek, Morin, Ueckerdt, and Wood [14], who proved that planar graphs have row treewidth at most 8. This result and its generalisations have been the key to solv- ing several open problems, regarding queue-number [14], nonrepetitive chromatic num- ber [12], universal graphs [5, 11, 21], centred colouring [7], [14, 28], and vertex ranking [6]. Layered and row treewidth are closely related in that the layered treewidth of a graph is at most its row treewidth plus 1, and a minor-closed class has bounded layered treewidth if and only if it has bounded row treewidth. However, a fundamental open problem is whether row treewidth is bounded by a function of layered treewidth. This paper answers this question in the negative.

Theorem 1. For each k N there is a graph with layered treewidth 1 and row treewidth k. ∈ This result is proved in Section3. In Section4 we use a key lemma from the proof of Theorem1 to prove a result about the relationship between layered treewidth and queue- number. Layered pathwidth is a graph parameter analogous to layered treewidth, first studied by Bannister, Devanny, Dujmovic, Eppstein, and Wood [1] and Dujmovic,´ Eppstein, Joret, Morin, and Wood [10]. Row pathwidth is defined in a similar way to row treewidth. We prove the following analogue of Theorem1 for layered pathwidth and row pathwidth.

Theorem 2. For each k N there is a tree with layered pathwidth 1 and row pathwidth k. ∈ 2 Definitions

We consider finite, undirected, simple graphs and use standard graph theory terminol- ogy [8].

1The name “row treewidth” is an original contribution of the present paper.

1 Minors

A graph H is a minor of a graph G if a graph isomorphic to H can be obtained from a subgraph of G by contracting edges. A graph class is minor-closed if for every graph G G , every minor of G is in . A graph class is proper if some graph is not in .A K ∈ G G G G t model in a graph G is a set X ,...,X of pairwise-disjoint connected subgraphs in G, such { 1 t} that there is an edge of G between X and X for all distinct i,j 1,...,t . Clearly, K is a i j ∈ { } t minor of G if and only if G contains a Kt model. Treewidth and Pathwidth

A of a graph G is a collection (B : x V (T )) of subsets of V (G) called T x ∈ bags indexed by the nodes of a tree T such that (i) for each v V (G), the ∈ T [ x V (T ): v B ] is nonempty and connected; and (ii) for each edge vw E(G), there { ∈ ∈ x} ∈ exists x V (T ) such that v,w B . The width of a tree decomposition is the size of ∈ { } ⊆ x its largest bag, minus 1. The treewidth tw(G) of a graph G is the minimum width of any tree decomposition of G. If = (B : x V (P )) is a tree decomposition of G and P is P x ∈ a path, then is a path decomposition of G. The pathwidth pw(G) of a graph G is the P minimum width of any path decomposition of G. For each k N, the graphs with treewidth ∈ at most k form a minor-closed class, as do the graphs with pathwidth at most k. Note that tw(K ) = pw(K ) = n 1. n n − Layered Treewidth and Pathwidth

A layering of a graph G is a partition of V (G) into a sequence of sets (L ,...,L ) such that L 0 n for any edge vw E(G), if v Li and w Lj then i j 6 1. For example, if r is a vertex in a ∈ ∈ ∈ | − | connected graph G, and Li is the set of vertices at distance i from r in G, then (L0,L1,...) is the breadth-first layering of G rooted at r.A layered tree decomposition of a graph G consists of a pair ( , ) where = (L ,...,L ) is a layering of G and = (B : x V (T )) is a tree L T L 1 n T x ∈ decomposition of G. The (layered) width of ( , ) is the size of largest intersection between L T a layer and a bag; that is, max B L : x V (T ),i 1,...,n . The layered treewidth ltw(G) {| x ∩ i| ∈ ∈ { }} of G is the minimum width of any layered tree decomposition of G. This definition was introduced independently by Shahrokhi [34] and Dujmovic´ et al. [15]. The latter authors proved that ltw(G) 6 3 for every G; more generally that ltw(G) 6 2g + 3 for every graph G of Euler genus g; and that a minor-closed class has G bounded layered treewidth if and only if some apex graph2 is not in . For an arbitrary G proper minor-closed class , Dujmovic´ et al. [15] showed that every graph in has a tree- G G decomposition in which each bag has a bounded set of vertices whose deletion leaves a sub- graph with bounded layered treewidth. This version of Robertson and Seymour’s Structure Theorem has proved to be very useful [4, 26, 27]. If ( , ) is a layered tree decomposition of G and is a path decomposition, then ( , ) L P P L P is a layered path decomposition of G. The layered pathwidth of G is the minimum width of any layered path decomposition of G. This parameter was introduced by Bannister et al. [1],

2A graph G is apex if G v is planar for some vertex v. A graph G is an apex-forest if G v is a forest for − − some vertex v.

2 who proved that every has layered pathwidth at most 2 (amongst other examples).

Row Treewidth and Pathwidth

The cartesian product of graphs A and B, denoted by A  B, is the graph with vertex set V (A) V (B), where distinct vertices (v,x),(w,y) V (A) V (B) are adjacent if: v = w and × ∈ × xy E(B); or x = y and vw E(A). The direct product of A and B, denoted by A B, is the ∈ ∈ × graph with vertex set V (A) V (B), where distinct vertices (v,x),(w,y) V (A) V (B) are × ∈ × adjacent if vw E(A) and xy E(B). The strong product of A and B, denoted by AB, is the ∈ ∈ union of A  B and A B. × The row treewidth rtw(G) of a graph G is the minimum treewidth of a graph H such that G is isomorphic to a subgraph of H  P , where P is the 1-way infinite path. This ∞ ∞ definition is implicit in the work of Dujmovic´ et al. [14] who proved that rtw(G) 6 8 for every planar graph G; more generally, that rtw(G) 6 2g + 9 for every graph G of Euler genus g; and that a minor-closed class has bounded row treewidth if and only if some G is not in . For an arbitrary minor-closed class , Dujmovic´ et al. [14] showed G G that every graph in has a tree-decomposition in which each bag has a bounded set of G vertices whose deletion leaves a subgraph with bounded row treewidth. It follows from the definitions that for every graph G,

ltw(G) 6 rtw(G) + 1.

To see this, suppose that G H  P where tw(H) = rtw(G). Let = (Bx : x V (T )) be ⊆ ∞ T ∈ a minimum-width tree decomposition of H. Assume V (P ) = N. For each vertex (a,b) ∞ ∈ V (G), replace each occurrence of a a in each bag Bx with (a,b) and place (a,b) in layer Lb. Then = (L ,L ,...) is a layering of G, and ( , ) is a layered tree decomposition of G L 1 2 L T having layered width tw(H) + 1 = rtw(G) + 1. Define the row pathwidth rpw(G) of a graph G to be the minimum pathwidth of a graph H such that G is isomorphic to a subgraph of H  P . Then lpw(G) 6 rpw(G) + 1 for every graph G. As explained above, “bounded layered treewidth”∞ and “bounded row treewidth” coincide for minor-closed classes. However, this is not the case for their pathwidth ana- logues. Dujmovic´ et al. [10] proved that a minor-closed class has bounded layered path- G width if and only if some apex-forest is not in . However, forests are a minor-closed class G excluding some apex-forest (namely, K3), but forests have unbounded row pathwidth by Theorem2. In fact, Robertson and Seymour [30] proved that for every fixed forest T , the class of T -minor-free graphs has bounded pathwidth (see [2] for a tight bound). It fol- lows that a minor-closed class has bounded row pathwidth if and only if has bounded G G pathwidth if and only if some tree is not in . G 3 Separating Layered Treewidth and Row Treewidth

This section proves Theorem1. Subdivisions play a key role. A subdivision of a graph G is a graph G0 obtained by replacing each edge vw of G with a path Pvw from v to w whose internal vertices have 2. If each Pvw has exactly s internal vertices, then G0 is the s-subdivision of G. If each Pvw has at most s internal vertices, then G0 is a( 6 s)-subdivision

3 of G. It is well known and easily proved that tw(G0) = tw(G) for every subdivision G0 of G. The proof of Theorem1 is based on two lemmas. The first shows that subdivisions efficiently reduce layered treewidth (Lemma3). The second shows that subdivisions do not efficiently reduce row treewidth (Lemma6). The theorem quickly follows.

3.1 Subdivisions Efficiently Reduce Layered Treewidth

Lemma 3. For every graph G with layered treewidth k N, ∈ (a) there exists a (62k 2)-subdivision G0 of G of layered treewidth 1; and − (b) if any subdivision G0 of G has layered treewidth c, then some edge of G is subdivided at least k/c 1 times in G . − 0 Proof. Let (B : x V (T )) be a tree-decomposition of G and let (V ,V ,...) be a layering of x ∈ 0 1 G, such that Bx Vi 6 k for each x V (T ) and i N0. | ∩ | ∈ ∈ First we prove (a). Let c : V (G) 0,1,...,k 1 be a k-colouring of G such that all → { − } vertices in Bx Vi, for some x V (T ) and i N0, get different colours. This is possible ∩ ∈ ∈ since χ(G[Vi]) 6 tw(G[Vi]) + 1 6 k (since χ(Q) 6 tw(Q) + 1 for every graph Q). Let Lki+j := v Vi : c(v) = j for i N0 and j 0,1,...,k 1 . Let G0 be obtained from G as follows. { ∈ } ∈ ∈ { − } Consider each edge e = vw of G. Say v V and w V , and v L and w L . Without ∈ i ∈ i0 ∈ a ∈ a0 loss of generality, a < a0. Then a0 6 k(i0 +1) 1 6 k(i+2) 1 6 a+2k 1. Replace e by the path − − − (v,se,a+1,se,a+2,...,se,a 1,w) in G0. The number of division vertices is at most a0 1 a 6 2k 2. 0− − − − Put each se,a in La. So (L1,L2,...) is a layering of G0. Some bag Bx contains v and w. Add a leaf node to T adjacent to x with corresponding bag v,se,i+1,se,i+2,...,se,i 1,w . We obtain { 0− } a tree-decomposition of G0 with at most one vertex in each layer and in each bag. Hence ltw(G0) = 1.

We now prove (b). Suppose that some (6 r)-subdivision G0 of G has ltw(G0) 6 c. Let (B : x V (T )) be a tree-decomposition of G and let (V ,V ,...) be a layering of G such x ∈ 0 0 1 0 that Bx Vi 6 c for each x V (T ) and i N0. Orient each edge of G arbitrarily. For | ∩ | ∈ ∈ each oriented edge vw of G and for each division vertex z of vw, let α(z) := v. For each node x V (T ), let C be obtained from B by replacing each division vertex z B by ∈ x x ∈ x α(z). Observe that (Cx : x V (T )) is a tree-decomposition of G. For j N0, let Lj := ∈ ∈ V (G) (Vj(r+1) Vj(r+1)+1 V(j+1)(r+1) 1). Consider an edge vw of G with v Vi and ∩ ∪ ∪ ··· ∪ − ∈ w Vi and i 6 i0. Then i0 6 i + r + 1 since vw is subdivided at most r times. Say v Lj and ∈ 0 ∈ w Lj . By definition, j(r + 1) 6 i 6 (j + 1)(r + 1) 1 and j0(r + 1) 6 i0 6 (j0 + 1)(r + 1) 1. ∈ 0 − − Hence j0(r +1) 6 i0 6 i +r +1 6 (j +1)(r +1) 1+(r +1) = (j +1)(r +1)+r, implying j0 6 j +1. − That is, (L0,L1,...) is a layering of G. Each layer Lj contains at most c(r +1) vertices in each bag Cx. Thus k = ltw(G) 6 c(r + 1), implying r > k/c 1. −

Note that the proof of Lemma3(a) is easily adapted to show that if se > 2k 2 for each − edge e E(G) and G is the subdivision of G in which each edge e is subdivided s times, ∈ 0 e then ltw(G0) 6 2. We omit these straightforward details. Bannister et al. [1] proved that lpw(G) 6 (pw(G) + 1)/2 . An analogous proof shows d e that ltw(G) 6 (tw(G) + 1)/2 . Lemma3(a) then implies: d e

4 Corollary 4. Every graph with treewidth k has a (6 k)-subdivision with layered treewidth 1.

We remark that Corollary4 is tight, up to a small constant factor:

Observation 5. Let G0 be any (6 s)-subdivision of the Kk+1. Then ltw(G0) > (k + 1)/(2s + 3). In particular, ltw(G ) > 1 if s < (k 2)/2. 0 − Proof. Let ( , ) be a layered tree decomposition of G . Since K has radius 1, G has L T 0 k+1 0 radius at most s + 1 and therefore 6 2s + 3. Since Kk+1 has treewidth k, so does G0. |L| Thus has at least one bag Bx of size at least k + 1. By the pigeonhole principle, Bx L > T | ∩ | (k + 1)/ > (k + 1)/(2s + 3) for at least one L . |L| ∈ L 3.2 Subdivisions do not Efficiently Reduce Row Treewidth

This section proves the following result.

Lemma 6. For each k N and s N0 there exists a graph G such that tw(G) 6 k, and for every ∈ ∈ (6s)-subdivision G0 of G, rtw(G0) > tw(G).

A weaker version (with a more indirect proof) of Lemma6 is implied by existing results about the p-centred chromatic number χp(G) of a graph G; see [7,9] for the definition (we will not need it). Dubois et al. [9] show that, for each p N, there exists an integer ∈ k Θ(√p) and a treewidth-k graph G, such that if G is the 6k-subdivision of G, then ∈ 0 Ω(tw(G)) χp(G0) > 2 .

On the other hand, De¸bski et al. [7] (see also [16]) show that for every graph G and p N, ∈ p+rtw(G) ( rtw(G) ) χp(G) 6 (p + 1)p .

Thus, for the graph G0 constructed by Dubois et al. [9],

p+rtw(G0) Ω(tw(G)) ( rtw(G ) ) 2 6 χp(G0) 6 (p + 1)p 0 . This implies that rtw(G ) Ω(tw(G)/ log(tw(G))), as noted in [19]. 0 ∈ To prove Lemma6 it will be convenient to use the language of H-partitions from [14]. An H-partition of a graph G is partition = (B : x V (H)) of V (G) indexed by the nodes H x ∈ of some graph H such that for any edge vw E(G), if v B and w B , then xy E(H) or ∈ ∈ x ∈ y ∈ x = y.A layered H-partition ( , ) of a graph G consists of a partition and a layering H L H L of G. The (layered) width of ( , ) is max B L : x V (H),L . The layered width of an H L {| x ∩ | ∈ ∈ L} H-partition of a graph G is the minimum width, taken over all layerings of G, of the H L width of ( , ). Dujmovic´ et al. [14] observed that: H L Observation 7 ([14]). For all graphs G and H, G is isomorphic to a subgraph of H  P  Kw if and only if G has an H-partition of layered width at most w. In particular, rtw(G) equals∞ the minimum treewidth of a graph H for which G has a layered H-partition of layered width 1.

5 This observation and the next lemma (with w = 1) implies Lemma6. Lemma8 gener- alises a result of Dujmovic´ et al. [14] who proved the s = 0 case.

Lemma 8. For all w,k N and s N0, there exists a graph G = Gs,k,w such that tw(G) 6 k, and ∈ ∈ for any (6s)-subdivision G0 of G, and for any H-partition of G0 with layered width w, there is a Kk+1 minor in H, implying tw(H) > k and rtw(G) > k.

Say a K model Y ,...,Y in a graph G respects an H-partition (A : x V (H)) of G k { 1 k} x ∈ if for each x V (H) there is at most one value of i 1,...,k for which V (Y ) A , . ∈ ∈ { } i ∩ x ∅ For each i 1,...,k , let X be the subgraph of H induced by those vertices x V (H) such ∈ { } i ∈ that V (Y ) A , . Then X ,...,X is a K model in H. Thus the next lemma implies i ∩ x ∅ { 1 k} k Lemma8.

Lemma 9. For all w N and k,s N0, there exists a graph G = Gs,k,w such that tw(G) 6 k, and ∈ ∈ for any (6 s)-subdivision G0 of G, and for any layered H-partition (Ax : x V (H)) of G0 with ∈ layered width w, there is a model Y ,...,Y of K in G that respects (A : x V (H)), and { 1 k+1} k+1 0 x ∈ for each i 1,...,k + 1 we have V (Yi) 6 k(2s + 1) + 1 and V (Yi) V (G) , . ∈ { } | | ∩ ∅

Proof. The proof is by induction on k. For the base case with k = 0, the graph Gs,0,w has a single vertex v and no edges. Any subdivision G contains a model Y = G [ v ] of K with 0 1 0 { } 1 Y1 6 1 = 0(2s + 1) + 1, and this model trivially respects any H-partition of G0. | | Now assume k > 1, and that the induction hypothesis holds for k 1. Let Q = Gs,k 1,w − − be the graph obtained by induction. Let N := k2(2s + 1)(4s + 5)w + 1. Create the graph G by starting with N disjoint copies Q1,...,QN of Q. Next add a vertex v and, for each i 1,...,N and each w V (Q ), add N internaly disjoint paths of length 2 from v to w. ∈ { } ∈ i First we show that tw(G) 6 k. Begin with any width-(k 1) tree decomposition (Bx : − x V (T )) of Q ... Q . Add v to every bag B . For all i,j 1,...,N and for each vertex ∈ 1 ∪ ∪ N x ∈ { } w V (Q ), choose a bag B that contains w, and attach a leaf node adjacent to x whose bag ∈ i x contains v, w, and the degree-2 vertex of the j-th length-2 path from v to w. Each bag of this decomposition has size at most max 3,k + 1 6 k + 1 and therefore tw(G) 6 k. { } Let G0 be a (6 s)-subdivision of G and let ( , ) be a width-w layered H-partition of H L G with := (A : x V (H)). Since the radius of G is 2, the radius of G is at most 2s + 2. 0 H x ∈ 0 Therefore 6 4s + 5, and Ax 6 (4s + 5)w for each x V (H). |L| | | ∈ Let z be the unique node of H such that v A , and let Q0 ,...,Q0 be the (possibly ∈ z 1 N subdivided) copies of Q ,...,Q that appear in G0. So A V (Q0) , for at most (4s+5)w 1 1 N z ∩ i ∅ − values of i 1,...,N . Since N > (4s + 5)w, we have V (Q0) Az = for some i 1,...,N . ∈ { } i ∩ ∅ ∈ { } Let H be the subgraph of H induced by the nodes τ V (H) such that A V (Q0) , . i ∈ τ ∩ i ∅ So (A V (Q0): τ V (H )) defines a width-w layered H -partition of Q0 (with respect to τ ∩ i ∈ i i i layering ). By induction, there is a K model Y ,...,Y in G that respects (A V (Q ): L k { 1 k} 0 τ ∩ 0 τ V (Hi)), and for each j 1,...,k we have V (Yj ) 6 (k 1)(2s + 1) + 1 6 k(2s + 1) and ∈ ∈ { } | | − 2 V (Yj ) V (G) , . Let yj be a vertex in V (Yj ) V (G). Note that V (Y1 Yk) 6 k (2s + 1). ∩ S ∅ ∩ 2 | ∪ ··· ∪ | Let F := Ax : Ax V (Y1 Yk) , . So F 6 k (2s + 1)(4s + 5)w. { ∩ ∪ ··· ∪ ∅} | | Since V (Q0) A = , we have v < F. Since N > F , for each j 1,...,k , for at least i ∩ z ∅ | | ∈ { } one of the N paths between v and yj added in the construction of G, the corresponding

6 S path in G avoids F. Let P be this path, not including y . Let Y := P : j 1,...,k . 0 j j k+1 { j ∈ { }} So V (Y ) F = . By construction, there is an edge from y to Y for each j 1,...,k . k+1 ∩ ∅ j k+1 ∈ { } So Y ,...,Y is a K model in G . Since Y ,...,Y respects (A V (Q ): τ V (H )) { 1 k+1} k+1 0 { 1 k} τ ∩ 0 ∈ i and V (Y ) F = , it follows that Y ,...,Y respects (A : x V (H)). By construction, k+1 ∩ ∅ { 1 k+1} x ∈ V (Yk+1) 6 k(2s + 1) + 1 and v V (Yk+1) V (G). By assumption, for each j 1,...,k we | | ∈ ∩ ∈ { } have V (Yj ) 6 (k 1)(2s + 1) + 1 and V (Yj ) V (G) , . This shows that Y1,...,Yk+1 is the | | − ∩ ∅ { } desired Kk+1 model in G0.

We now prove the following strengthening of Theorem1.

Theorem 10. For each k N there is a graph G with ltw(G) = 1 and rtw(G) = tw(G) = k. ∈

Proof. By Lemma6 with s = k, there is a graph G with tw(G) 6 k such that rtw(G0) > k for every (6 k)-subdivision G0 of G. By Corollary4, there exists a ( 6 k)-subdivision G0 of G with ltw(G0) = 1. By definition, rtw(H) 6 tw(H) for every graph H. It is well known and easily proved that tw(H) = tw(H0) for every subdivision H0 of H. Thus k 6 rtw(G0) 6 tw(G0) = tw(G) 6 k, implying rtw(G) = tw(G0) = k.

See [9, 22] for other examples where O(tw(G))-subdivisions of graphs G are used to prove lower bounds. 4 Queue Layouts and Layered Treewidth

The queue-number qn(G) of a graph G is a well-studied graph parameter introduced by Heath, Leighton and Rosenberg [24, 25]; we omit the definition since we will not need it. Queue-number can be upper bounded in terms of layered treewidth and row treewidth. In particular, Dujmovic´ et al. [15] proved that n-vertex graphs of bounded layered treewidth have queue-number in O(logn), while Dujmovic´ et al. [14] proved that graphs of bounded row treewidth have bounded queue-number. (Row treewidth was discovered as a tool for proving that planar graphs have bounded queue-number.) This is a prime example of a difference in behaviour between layered treewidth and row treewidth. Nevertheless, it is open whether graphs of bounded layered treewidth have bounded queue-number. We show that the answer to this question depends entirely on the case of layered treewdith 1. Corollary 11. Graphs of bounded layered treewidth have bounded queue-number if and only if graphs of layered treewidth 1 have bounded queue-number.

Proof. The forward implication is immediate. Now assume that every graph of layered treewidth 1 has queue-number at most some constant c. Let G be a graph with layered treewidth k. By Lemma3, G has a (6 k)-subdivision G0 with layered treewidth 1. So qn(G0) 6 c. Dujmovic´ and Wood [18] proved that for every graph H and (6 s)-subdivision 2s s+1 H0 of H, we have qn(H) O(qn(H0) ). This bound was improved to O(qn(H0) ) in [17]. +1 ∈ Thus qn(G) 6 O(ck ), implying that graphs of bounded layered treewidth have bounded queue-number.

This proof highlights the value of considering the behaviour of a graph parameter on subdivisions.

7 5 Separating Layered Pathwidth and Row Pathwidth

Recall that Theorem2 asserts that for all k N there is a tree T with lpw(T ) = 1 and ∈ rpw(T ) > k. We first show that this theorem, in fact, follows from results in the literature. Bannister et al. [1] noted that lpw(T ) = 1 for every tree T . Dvorak´ et al. [19] showed that any family of graphs with bounded row pathwidth has polynomial growth. The family G of complete binary trees does not have polynomial growth, so for each k N, there exists a ∈ complete binary tree T with rpw(T ) > k. This proves Theorem2. We now prove the following stronger result.

Theorem 12. For every k N there exists a tree T with pw(T ) = rpw(T ) = k. ∈

Let Td,h be the complete d-ary tree of height h. It is folklore that pw(Td,h) = h for all d > 3 (see [20, 31, 32]). So Observation7 and Lemma 13 with ` = 3 and w = 1 implies Theorem 12.

Lemma 13. For all h N0 and w,` N there exists d N such that for every H-partition ∈ ∈ ∈ (A : x V (H)) of T with layered width w, the graph H contains a subgraph isomorphic to x ∈ d,h T . Moreover, if r is the root vertex of T and r A , then z is the root vertex of a subgraph of `,h d,h ∈ z H isomorphic to T`,h.

Proof. We proceed by induction on h. The case h = 0 is trivial. Now assume that h > 1. We may assume that the number of layers is at most the diameter of Td,h plus 1, which equals 2h + 1. So Ax 6 w(2h + 1) for each x V (H). Let r1,...,rd be the children of r 1 | d| ∈ i in Td,h. Let T ,...,T be the copies of Td,h 1 in Td,h, where T is rooted at ri. At most w(2h+1) 1 of T 1,...,T d intersect A . Without− loss of generality, T 1,...,T d w(2h+1)+1 do not − z − intersect Az. For each i 1,...,d w(2h + 1) + 1 , let zi be the vertex of H such that ri Azi . i ∈ { − } ∈ Since T Az = , we have zi , z. Since rri E(Td,h), we have zzi E(H). By induction, ∩ ∅ i ∈ ∈ H z contains a subgraph S isomorphic to T`,h 1 rooted at zi. Let X be the intersection − 1 d w(2h+1)+1 i j − i j graph of S ,...,S − . If S and S intersect in node y of H, then T and T both i h intersect Ay. Since V (S ) = (` 1)/(` 1) and Ay 6 w(2h + 1), X has maximum degree | | − − | | ∆(X) 6 w(2h + 1)(`h 1)/(` 1). Thus χ(X) 6 w(2h + 1)(`h 1)/(` 1) + 1. For sufficiently − − − − large d, we have V (X) > (` 1)χ(X). Thus, in any χ(X)-colouring of X, some colour | | − class has at least ` vertices. Without loss of generality, S1,...,S` are pairwise-disjoint. Hence, S S along with z forms a subgraph of H isomorphic to T , rooted at z, as 1 ∪ ··· ∪ ` `,h desired.

We finish with an open problem: what is rpw(T2,h)? It follows from a result of Dvorak´ et al. [19] that rpw(T ) Ω( h ). Is this tight, or is rpw(T ) Ω(h)? Obviously 2,h ∈ logh 2,h ∈ h rpw(T2,h) 6 pw(T2,h) = . d 2 e References

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