Microb Ecol DOI 10.1007/s00248-015-0630-7


Bacterial Diversity in Bentonites, Engineered Barrier for Deep Geological Disposal of Radioactive Wastes

Margarita Lopez-Fernandez1 & Andrea Cherkouk2 & Ramiro Vilchez-Vargas3 & Ruy Jauregui4 & Dietmar Pieper4 & Nico Boon3 & Ivan Sanchez-Castro1 & Mohamed L. Merroun1

Received: 26 January 2015 /Accepted: 15 May 2015 # Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015

Abstract The long-term disposal of radioactive wastes in a studied samples. However, two samples were less diverse and deep geological repository is the accepted international solu- dominated by Betaproteobacteria. tion for the treatment and management of these special resi- dues. The microbial community of the selected host rocks and Keywords Spanish bentonite . Bacterial diversity . Illumina engineered barriers for the deep geological repository may sequencing . Cloning and sequencing affect the performance and the safety of the radioactive waste disposal. In this work, the bacterial population of bentonite formations of Almeria (Spain), selected as a reference material Introduction for bentonite-engineered barriers in the disposal of radioactive wastes, was studied. 16S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) gene-based Many countries are considering long-term disposal of nuclear approaches were used to study the bacterial community of the waste in a deep geological formation, encapsulated in a metal bentonite samples by traditional clone libraries and Illumina container, surrounded by a bentonite-engineered barrier and sequencing. Using both techniques, the bacterial diversity emplaced in the host rock [1–3]. In Spain, bentonite forma- analysis revealed similar results, with phylotypes belonging tions located in Almeria have been intensely studied due to to 14 different bacterial phyla: Acidobacteria, Actinobacteria, their possible use as a natural analogue of the bentonite- Armatimonadetes, , Chloroflexi, Cyanobacteria, engineered barrier in the deep geological repository Deinococcus-Thermus, Firmicutes, Gemmatimonadetes, (DGR) for radioactive waste. In addition, these bentonite for- Planctomycetes, Proteobacteria, Nitrospirae, mations were selected as a Spanish reference material because Verrucomicrobia and an unknown phylum. The dominant they are well characterized from mineralogical, geochemical groups of the community were represented by Proteobacteria and technological points of view [4]. Clay is not only a can- and Bacteroidetes. A high diversity was found in three of the didate as a backfill or sealing material but also as suitable host rock for a high-level radioactive waste repository in other Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article European countries, for example Opalinus Clay in Switzer- (doi:10.1007/s00248-015-0630-7) contains supplementary material, land, Boom Clay in Belgium and Bure Clay in France. In which is available to authorized users. some of these clay formations, microbiological studies were performed to get information about what kind of microorgan- * Margarita Lopez-Fernandez [email protected] isms are present, about their viability and activity. Occurrence of viable indigenous microbes, including sulfate-reducing and also some isolated strains belonging to genus 1 Department of Microbiology, University of Granada, Granada, Spain Sphingomonas, was evidenced in Opalinus Clay at the Mont 2 Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, Institute of Resource Terri Underground Research Laboratory using culture-based Ecology, Bautzner Landstrasse 400, 01328 Dresden, Germany methods [5, 6]. A multidisciplinary approach was performed 3 Laboratory of Microbial Ecology and Technology, Ghent University, to study the microbial diversity in Boom Clay formation, a Ghent, Belgium deep subsurface clay deposit in Mol, Belgium [7]. In the 4 Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research, Braunschweig, Germany Meuse/Haute-Marne Underground Research Laboratory M. Lopez-Fernandez et al. located at Bure (300 km east of Paris), the Callovo-Oxfordian makes allowance to go deeper into the , up to genera argillite formation was evaluated for its use as a potential host and species. However, it is necessary to analyze a high amount rock for a high-level radioactive waste repository in France [8] of clones per sample to reach sufficient reads to completely and its microbial diversity was studied twice by Urios et al. characterize the most abundant representatives of the commu- [9]. The bacterial diversity found at the French formations was nity [26]. The work presented in this study is focused on the dominated by Firmicutes, Actinobacteria and Proteobacteria bacterial diversity analysis of the already mentioned Spanish [9]. It is of great importance to know what microbes occur in bentonites using two different culture-independent molecular the selected Spanish clay formation because present microbes approaches based on the 16S rRNA gene analysis via (i) could impact the rate of processes implicated in (1) metal Illumina sequencing platform and (ii) cloning and sequenc- corrosion, (2) transformation of clay minerals and (3) radio- ing to get better knowledge about what kind of microor- nuclide migration and transport [10]. All these processes may ganisms is present and how these microorganisms can impact the safety of the repository by compromising its isola- potentially influence the performance of the nuclear waste tion and containment functions [10]. Microorganisms can po- repository. tentially affect radionuclide migration by various processes including biosorption, biomineralization, intracellular accu- mulation, biotransformations, etc. [11–17]. In addition, micro- Materials and Methods bial occurrence can influence the release of radionuclides by changing geochemical conditions (especially pH and Eh), by Description of Bentonite Samples producing organic complexes [18]. Moreover, microorgan- isms can also affect the conditions in the repository by micro- Five bentonite samples were collected from clay formations bial reduction or dissolution of the clay minerals [19]; by from three different sites in Almeria, in the south-east of Spain microbial production or consumption of gases, which can during March 2011 (Fig. 1). Bentonites from these clay de- generate an overpressure and form fractures [20]; and by mi- posits are best described as a natural analogue of the crobial degradation of organic compounds, which can be parts bentonite-engineered barrier in the context of deep geological of the radioactive waste or container material, affecting the disposal of radioactive waste for their good compaction prop- longevity of the metal waste container in the repository [21]. erties [4]. Two samples called BI-2 and BI-3 were collected However, in the case of Spanish clay formations, so far, only from El Cortijo de Archidona, site BI. Bentonites from this one investigation of the presence of microorganisms was per- area are mainly made up of ash and pumice fragments, with a formed. Culture-dependent analysis of microbial diversity predominance of green and blue colours (Fig. 1b). They are from these clay formations were presented in the study of very plastic materials that show extrusion signals from the Lopez-Fernandez et al. [22]. Bacteria from different phyla reactivation of the fault after the bentonite formation process were isolated, whereas representatives from Proteobacteria, [27]. Another sample called BII-2 was collected from the acid Firmicutes and Actinobacteria were dominant. In addition, a area of El Toril, site BII, which is 50 m to the north of El Cerro pigmented yeast strain, namely Rhodotorula mucilaginosa del Toril. This area results from an acid alteration of the orig- BII-R8, was also recovered [22]. Nevertheless, this approach inal deposits caused by physical, chemical and mineralogical is limited as a small percentage of natural microbial popula- changes in the bentonite material [28]. The superficial area of tions can be isolated and studied in the laboratory due to the the fault contains jarosite, an iron sulfate mineral responsible limited knowledge about their nutrient requirements and other for its ocher coloration, as shown in Fig. 1c. The last two life necessities [23, 24]. Different methods based on 16S ribo- samples called BIV-2 and BIV-3 were collected from Los somal gene sequences have been used to characterize the mi- Trancos, site BIV, over the Carboneras fault, at the south- crobial diversity since the beginning of the 1980s, and they east of Carboneras. This is the area with the highest presence have revealed a tremendous prokaryotic diversity which was of bentonites in this region of Almeria (Fig. 1a). Samples overlooked by traditional culture enrichment techniques [23]. called BI-2, BII-2 and BIV-2 were taken from the surface, Next-generation sequencing (NGS) is a good method to study whereas samples BI-3 and BIV-3 were taken from a depth of the richness and evenness of a prokaryotic community. 20 cm. All the samples were collected under sterile conditions Illumina sequencing platform allows a full characterization andstoredfrozenat−80 °C until used for further analysis. of the bacterial community, with the major advantage of obtaining thousands of gene sequences [25]. However, this Geochemical and Mineralogical Analyses new technology is limited by the short length of the reads. Therefore, to improve the taxonomical affiliation of the sys- X-ray diffraction (XRD) characterization of the three benton- tem studied, the analysis of 16S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) gene ite sites was done as described in Lopez-Fernandez et al. [22]. clone libraries might be applied. The latter method provides Composition of the major elements of each sample was deter- longer reads, analyzing almost the full 16S rRNA gene, which mined by X-ray fluorescence (XRF) spectroscopy, on pressed Bacterial Diversity in Bentonites, Engineered Barrier

Fig. 1 Geographical location of clay sampling sites in the region of Almeria, Spain. a Los Trancos sampling site (samples BIV-2 and BIV-3). b El Cortijo de Archidona sampling site (samples BI-2 and BI-3). c El Toril sampling site (sample BII-2) pellets made of 1:10 lithium tetraborate dilution. A portion of distilled water. Suspensions were shaken for 10 min, and after this pellet was burned at 1000 °C for 1 h to calculate the loss decantation, the pH of the supernatant was measured three on ignition (LOI). The instrument used for the XRF measure- times using a Crison pH meter (MicropH 2002). The instru- ments was Philips Magix Pro (PW-2440; Netherland). De ment was previously standardized against commercial refer- Jongh model [29] was used to convert the X-ray intensities ence solutions with pH values 4.00, 7.02 and 9.18. The report- into concentrations (Philips software). Trace element content ed accuracy was of ±0.02 pH units. of the samples was determined in triplicate by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) using a DNA Extraction and Ribosomal Intergenic Spacer NexION 300D spectrometer (Perkin Elmer) with a precision Analysis of ±5 % for an analyte concentration of 10 ppm. Thus, 0.1 g of sample powder was digested with a mixture of HNO3 and HF Total DNA was recovered from 10 g of the bentonite soil in a Teflon-lined vessel, evaporated to dryness and subse- sample using a method developed by Selenska-Pobell and quently dissolved in 100 ml of 4 vol% HNO3. co-workers [32]. This method uses SDS to lyse the cells and release bacterial DNA instead of a mechanical lysis step often Organic Carbon Content and pH Measurements used in commercial DNA extraction kits [33]. The very effec- tive direct lysis of microorganisms in environmental samples Total organic carbon (TOC) of the bentonite samples was is combined with the precipitation of the extracted DNA with determined by wet oxidation according to optimized Walkley polyethyleneglycol, and the final purification steps based on and Black’smethod[30], a standard method to measure or- the use of AXG-100 cartridges (Macherey-Nagel, Düren, Ger- ganic carbon in agricultural soils described by Mingorance many). The resulting DNA pellet was dissolved in 35 μlof et al. [31]. The pH was measured on a 1:5 (w/v)soil/water sterile Milli-Q water. For screening the bacterial communities, suspension. One part of clay was combined with five parts of ribosomal intergenic spacer analysis (RISA) with the primers M. Lopez-Fernandez et al.

16S969f (5′-ACG CGA AGA ACC TTA C-3′) and 23S130r the rarefaction curves and for calculating the diversity index- (5′-GGG TTN CCC CAT TCG G-3′)[34] was performed es. The sequences were annotated using SILVA Incremental as described by Selenska-Pobell et al. [32]. Aligner (SINA) [39].

Illumina Sequencing Clone Library Analysis

Total DNA extracted was also sequenced by Illumina follow- 16S rRNA gene fragments were amplified by PCR in a reac- ing the procedure of Camarinha-Silva et al. [35]. The V5–V6 tion mixture of 20 μl, containing 1 μlof(≈100 ng/μl) DNA hypervariable region of the 16S rRNA gene was amplified template, 2.5 mM of MgCl2 solution, 125 μMofeachofthe using universal primers based on 16S807f and 16S1050r [36]. four deoxynucleoside triphosphates, 350 nM each of the for- Resulting PCR products were amplified using sequencing ward and reverse primers and 1 unit GoTaq® DNA Polymer- primers for the V5–V6 region, and the forward primer con- ase with the corresponding GoTaq® Flexi Buffer (Promega, tains a 6-nt barcode [37]anda2-ntCAlinker[38]. Forward Mannheim, Germany). The primers used for this reaction and reverse primers comprised sequences complementary to were the bacterial universal primers 16S8F (5′-AGAGTTTG the Illumina-specific adaptors to the 5′-ends. Amplification ATCCTGGCTCAG-3′)[40] and 16S1492R (5′-TACG was performed in a total volume of 50 μlwith5× GYTACCTTGTTACGACTT-3′)[41]. The PCR amplifica- PrimeSTAR™ buffer (Clontech Laboratories, Mountain tions were performed as described by Geissler and Selenska- View, CA, USA), containing each deoxynucleoside triphos- Pobell [42], using 2 μl of the reaction mixture obtained by phate at a concentration of 2.5 mM, each primer at a concen- combining three parallel replicates. A total of 100 single white tration of 0.2 μM, 1 μl of template DNA and 0.5 μl colonies were randomly selected. The inserted 16S rRNA PrimeSTAR™ HS DNA polymerase (2.5 units; Clontech gene fragments were amplified and further analyzed accord- Laboratories, Mountain View, CA, USA). An initial denatur- ing to Geissler and Selenska-Pobell [42]. PCR products of ation step of 95 °C for 3 min was followed by 15 cycles of selected clones were purified using an Exo-SAP purification denaturation at 98 °C for 10 s, annealing at 55 °C for 10 s and protocol, which uses two hydrolytic enzymes, exonuclease I extension at 72 °C for 45 s. One microlitre of this reaction (New England Biolabs, UK) and thermosensitive alkaline mixture served as a template in a second PCR performed phosphatase (TSAP) (Promega, Germany), in a specially for- under the same conditions as described above, but for 10 cy- mulated buffer for the removal of unwanted primers and cles using PCR primers designed to integrate the sequence of dNTPs. After adding the enzymes to the PCR product, a 30- the specific Illumina multiplexing sequencing primers and min incubation at 37 °C is following and then enzyme inacti- index primers. Non-template controls (using water as a tem- vation at 85 °C for further 15 min. Purified PCR products were plate) were performed and were free of any amplification sequenced as described by Geissler and Selenska-Pobell [42]. products after both rounds of PCR. PCR amplicons were ver- The rest of the clones, not grouped in any predominant ified by agarose gel electrophoresis, purified using Macherey- type, were classified as individual representatives of the Nagel 96-well plate purification kits (Macherey-Nagel, community. PCR products of these clones were sent to Düren, Germany) following the manufacturer’s instructions GATC Biotech (Germany) to be purified and sequenced. and quantified with the Quant-iT PicoGreen dsDNA reagent Phylogenetic and molecular evolutionary analyses were and kit (Invitrogen, Darmstadt, Germany). Libraries were pre- conducted using Molecular Evolutionary Genetics Analysis pared by pooling equimolar ratios of amplicons (200 ng of (MEGA) version 5 [43]. The 16S8F and 16S1492r sequences each sample), all having been tagged with a unique barcode. of each clone were aligned using MEGA 5 software In total, five libraries were prepared. To remove any contam- (ClustalW) and were compared to those from GenBank inants or PCR artefacts, each library was precipitated on ice using the Basic Local Alignment Tool (BLAST) server at for 30 min after the addition of 20 μl of NaCl (3 M) and three the National Centre for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) volumes of ice-cold 100 % ethanol. The precipitated DNA (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov). Phylogenetic trees were was centrifuged at 16,000 rpm for 30 min at 4 °C. The super- generated also with MEGA 5 using the neighbour-joining natant was removed, and the pellet was air-dried, resuspended algorithm and were bootstrapped (500 trial replicates). The in 30 μl of double distilled water and separated on a 2 % possibility of chimera formation by 16S rRNA gene se- agarose gel. PCR products of the correct size were extracted quences was checked by submitting sequences and their and recovered using the QIAquick gel extraction kit (Qiagen, closest phylogenetic relative to Pintail program, version 1. Hilden, Germany). Libraries were sent for paired-end se- 1(http://www.mybiosoftware.com). Possible chimeras were quencing on a MiSeq System Sequencer (Illumina, CA, excluded from the phylogenetic analyses. 16S rRNA gene USA), obtaining 92,832 sequences of 280 nt in length. R sequences of the bacterial clones were submitted to the program (with vegan and phyloseq packages) was used to European Nucleotide Archive, under accession numbers normalize to the minimum the pool of sequences, for plotting HG970666-HG970729 and LK023520-LK023709. Bacterial Diversity in Bentonites, Engineered Barrier

Statistical Multivariate Analysis (Principal Component compared with previous data published for this region [48,

Analysis) 49]. The high content of Fe2O3 confirms the characteristic composition because of the presence of jarosite in sample Statistical calculations for the principal component analysis BII-2 (Table 1). In addition, this sample had the lowest bacte- (PCA) were performed in R [44] using a vegan package. Geo- rial diversity as it was revealed by the rarefaction curves chemical, mineralogical and bacterial diversity (up to phylum (Fig. 2). Comparing samples BIV-2 and BIV-3 with the rest level) results were used for the calculations. of the samples, a ten times higher concentration of manganese oxide (MnO) was detected, although it was similar to average MnO published [50]. In addition, concentrations of minor Results elements were determined by ICP-MS (Online Resource 2). Samples BI-2 and BI-3 showed a high concentration of ele- Sampling and Characterization of the Bentonites ments like lithium (Li) and zirconium (Zr) compared to the values of the samples from sites BII and BIV. Sample BII-2 The mineralogy of the bentonite samples is dominated by presented a high concentration of minor elements such as smectites, combined with minor quantities of feldspars, rubidium (Rb), strontium (Sr), vanadium (V) and cerium quartz, etc. [27]. The bentonites show different colours: white, (Ce). Finally, barium (Ba) concentration in sample BIV-2 green, red, blue, brown and so forth, depending on the trace and lanthanum (La) and europium (Eu) concentrations in sam- element contents of the first transition series [45]. In this work, ple BIV-3 were much higher than those in the other samples. we focused on three different sampling sites which were char- acterized from a mechanical, mineralogical and chemical Organic Carbon Content and pH Measurements point of view as well as by the processes involved in their genesis [46]. In each sampled site, the bentonites exhibit dif- The organic carbon content measured, on a dry weight basis, ferent characteristics, due to the type of rock undergoing al- for the bentonite samples was very low in the range of 0.03– teration or chemical composition, for example [47]. The XRD 0.12 % (Table 3). These values are much lower than those semi-quantitative estimation of the mineralogical composition described for other clays. Clays contain, generally, organic of the studied sites revealed that smectites (montmorillonites) carbon in the range of 0.1–5.0 % (e.g. 0.6±0.3 % in Opalinus are the dominant mineral phase, 84, 71 and 96 % in sites BI, Clay [51]and1–5 % in Boom Clay [52]). The pH measured BII [22] and BIV, respectively (Table 1). Moreover, feldspars was 9.03, 7.82 [22] and 8.03 for superficial samples BI-2, BII- were detected: K feldspar (sanidine) in site BII and plagioclase 2 and BIV-2, respectively (Table 3). The pH values were 9.16 (albite) in sites BI and BIV. The presence of jarosite, an iron and 8.32 for samples BI-3 and BIV-3, respectively. sulfate mineral phase, was only detected in site BII. XRD diffractograms are shown in Online Resource 1. Elemental Bacterial Diversity Analysis analysis of the bentonite samples revealed that an increased concentration of iron oxides (Fe2O3) and sodium oxide Due to the differences observed in the RISA profiles (Online (Na2O) is present in samples BI-2 and BI-3, respectively Resource 3), the five bentonite samples were further analyzed (Table 2). However, sample BII-2 showed the biggest differ- to study the bacterial community. Therefore, two complemen- ences compared to the rest of the samples. For example, this tary techniques were applied to get a deep characterization by sample had high concentrations of potassium oxides (K2O), semi-quantification of bacterial diversity by Illumina sequenc- iron oxides (Fe2O3) and phosphorus pentoxides (P2O5) ing and to get a precise taxonomical affiliation of the bacterial

Table 1 DRX semi-quantitative estimation of the mineralogy of Site Mineral Chemical formula Semi-quantification (%) the studied sites BI Montmorillonite Ca0.2(Al, Mg)2Si4O10(OH)2·4H2O84

Plagioclase (albite) (Na0.75Ca0.25)(Al1.26Si2.74O8)12

Quartz SiO2 3

BII Montmorillonite (Na, Ca)0.3(Al, Mg)2Si4 O10(OH)2·nH2O71

K feldspar (sanidine) K(AlSi3O8)18

Quartz SiO2 10

Jarosite K(Fe3(SO4)2(OH)6)1

BIV Montmorillonite Ca0.2(Al, Mg)2Si4O10(OH)2·4H2O96

Plagioclase (albite) Na(AlSi3O8)3

Quartz SiO2 1 M. Lopez-Fernandez et al.

Table 2 Chemical composition, determined by XRF spectroscopy, of the samples studied

Element (ppm) SiO2 Al2O3 TiO2 Fe2O3 MnO MgO CaO Na2OK2OP2O5 LOI Total

BI-2 61.07 17.20 0.24 5.22 0.03 4.15 2.43 1.22 1.55 0.07 6.48 99.65 BI-3 69.81 15.43 0.20 2.36 0.02 2.54 2.06 2.08 1.24 0.04 3.91 99.69 BII-2 54.64 14.50 0.55 11.26 0.01 1.58 0.59 0.48 6.59 0.36 8.91 99.47 BIV-2 61.90 17.79 0.25 2.33 0.11 4.90 2.13 0.88 0.75 0.05 8.49 99.57 BIV-3 58.85 20.55 0.24 2.69 0.14 5.41 1.67 0.34 0.24 0.05 9.18 99.36 community by classical clone library analysis. NGS platform 8 individual clones in sample BIV-3. After the sequencing, 14 offers a high-throughput culture-independent analysis. After bacterial phyla were taxonomically affiliated to Acidobacteria, normalization, a total of 13,179 sequences per sample were Actinobacteria, Armatimonadetes, Bacteroidetes, Chloroflexi, annotated with a length of 244 nucleotides. A number of 174 Cyanobacteria, Deinococcus-Thermus, Firmicutes, operational taxonomic units (OTUs) were discretely separated Gemmatimonadetes, Planctomycetes, Proteobacteria, and classified into class (98 % of phylotypes), order Nitrospirae and Verrucomicrobia as well as to one unknown (96 % of phylotypes), family (83 % of phylotypes) and bacterial phylum (Fig. 4). Due to the similar results obtained by genus (51 % of phylotypes) levels (Online Resource 4). In Illumina and cloning sequencing, it is possible to compare the total, 174 phylotypes belonging to 13 different bacterial bacterial diversity data of both methods to get deeper informa- phyla (Acidobacteria, Actinobacteria, Armatimonadetes, tion of the population of each bentonite sample. Bacteroidetes, Chloroflexi, Cyanobacteria, Firmicutes, The predominant phylum in sample BI-2 was Gemmatimonadetes, Planctomycetes, Proteobacteria, Bacteroidetes (Fig. 3), represented by 48.9 % of all sequences. Nitrospirae, Verrucomicrobia and an unknown bacterial The principal families semi-quantified were Cytophagaceae phylum) were identified (Fig. 3). Rarefaction curves were and Chitinophagaceae as well as Flavobacteriaceae (Online plotted to evaluate the quality of the sampling (Fig. 2). As Resource 4). Belonging to family Cytophagaceae,some the curves reached a plateau, the sequencing for each clones were taxonomically identified up to genus, for example sample was deep enough to detect all phylotypes. Rich- BI-2-62 affiliated to Pontibacter sp. MDT2-9. Clones be- ness, evenness and phylotype diversity were measured longing to family Chitinophagaceae were also identified: using conventional diversity indices (Table 4). These indi- BI-2-2 affiliated to ginsengisoli strain Gsoil ces are based on species richness/evenness data from each 643 [53] and BI-2-64 affiliated to Flavisolibacter sp. sample. The resulting restriction fragment length polymor- MDT2-37 (Online Resource 5). One of the dominant gen- phism (RFLP)-predominant groups and RFLP individuals era was Flavobacterium, OTU-77 (Online Resource 4), of 100 clones per library were sequenced as follows: 19 also detected as individual clone BI-2-113, which is affil- predominant groups and 38 individual clones in sample iated to uncultured Flavobacterium sp. clone bsc41. How- BI-2; 8 predominant groups and 71 individual clones in ever, most of the Bacteroidetes clone sequences in sample sample BI-3; in the case of sample BII-2 and BIV-2, 14 and 57 BI-2 were affiliated to uncultured Bacteroidetes bacteria individual clones, respectively, and 13 dominant groups for (Online Resource 5). The second dominant phylum in sample each of both samples; and finally, 12 predominant groups and BI-2 was Proteobacteria (26.2 %) with affiliations to Alpha-, Beta-, Delta-andGammaproteobacteria (Figs. 3 and 4). Class Alphaproteobacteria was represented by 13 % of the proteobacterial phylotypes by Illumina, mainly by genus Sphingomonas (15 OTUs). This genus was not one of the most abundant, since alphaproteobacterial clone sequences

Table 3 Determination of the percentage of total Sample % OC pH organic carbon (TOC) and pH of the samples BI-2 0.12±0.02 9.03 studied BI-3 0.03±0.01 9.16 BII-2 0.04±0.00 7.82 BIV-2 0.04±0.00 8.03 BIV-3 0.06±0.00 8.32 Fig. 2 Rarefaction curves portraying the number of species against sampling depth of each sample Standard deviation is included as ±SD Bacterial Diversity in Bentonites, Engineered Barrier

Fig. 3 Community structure of the five samples studied by Illumina sequencing

were taxonomically affiliated to other genera, such as affiliated to uncultured Comamonadaceae bacterium clone Porphyrobacter, Brevundimonas and Rhodobacter (Online Ppss Ma80 (clone BI-3-27) and Comamonadaceae bacterium Resource 5). Class Betaproteobacteria was mainly dominated b4M (clone BI-3-102). Moreover, several clones belonging to by families Comamonadaceae and Oxalobacteraceae via family Oxalobacteraceae were detected, e.g. Herbaspirillum Illumina. BI-2 clone sequences were mainly represented spp. (clones BI-3-24 and BI-3-46) and clone BI-3-100, whose by family Oxalobacteraceae (Herbaspirillum spp. and sequence was affiliated to uncultured Janthinobacterium sp. Massilia sp.). Interestingly, one clone sequence belonged clone cEIII43 (Online Resource 6). Sphingomonas (85 %) to phylum Deinococcus-Thermus, which was only found was the predominant alphaproteobacterial genus via Illumina in sample BI-2. This represents a minor abundant phylum (Online Resource 4), as in sample BI-2. In addition, the that could not be detected by Illumina sequencing. Slight majority of the alphaproteobacterial clones belonged to gen- differences were observed between samples BI-2 (surface) era Blastomonas, Tabrizicola and Mesorhizobium (Online and BI-3 (20 cm deep). Analyzing the bacterial communi- Resource 6). Belonging to Bacteroidetes, Cytophagaceae ty of sample BI-3, Proteobacteria, Bacteroidetes and was detected as the principal family (Online Resource 4), Actinobacteria were the main phyla identified, represented represented by genera Pontibacter (clones BI-3-55, BI-3-56 by 42, 26 and 12 % of all the sequences, respectively and BI-3-98) and Rufibacter (clone BI-3-51). Different (Fig. 3). Beta-andAlphaproteobacteria were the predominant Flavisolibacter species (BI-3-5, BI-43, BI-68 and BI-69) classes of Proteobacteria. In this sample, Comamonadaceae and uncultured Bacteroidetes bacteria (BI-3-1, BI-2, BI-29, was the most significant betaproteobacterial family by Illumina BI-9, -59, BI-71 and BI-72) were also affiliated to some (Online Resource 4), represented also by two identified clones clones of this sample (Online Resource 6). In the case of phylum Actinobacteria, two different genera were dominant by Illumina, Arthrobacter and Gaiella (Online Resource 4). Table 4 Ecological biodiversity indices of bentonite sample communities Moreover, some of the actinobacterial clone sequences were Sample SH′ λ 1/λ Unbias Simp α J′ affiliated with Arthrobacter spp. (Online Resource 6). Super- ficial samples BI-2 and BIV-2 showed a higher diversity BI-2 119 3.96 0.96 28.24 0.96 17.74 0.83 compared to the other samples, although the phylum distribu- BI-3 122 3.96 0.97 30.44 0.97 18.60 0.82 tion is different. In sample BI-2, Bacteroidetes is dominant, BII-2 46 2.00 0.74 3.86 0.74 5.64 0.52 while in sample BIV-2, the overbearing phylum was BIV-2 108 3.66 0.96 25.90 0.96 15.00 0.78 Proteobacteria (52 % of all sequences) with affiliations mainly BIV-3 111 2.87 0.84 6.29 0.84 14.92 0.60 to Betaproteobacteria (27 %), followed by Alphaproteobacteria (16 %), Deltaproteobacteria (9 %) and The indices presented are as follows: species richness (S), Shannon index (H′), Simpson index (λ), inverse Simpson index (1/λ), unbias Simpson Gammaproteobacteria in very low proportion (Fig. 3). The index (Unbias Simp), Fisher’s alpha index (α)andPielou’s evenness (J′) prevailing betaproteobacterial order was Burkholderiales,and M. Lopez-Fernandez et al.

Fig. 4 Bacterial community structure determined using the cloning and sequencing approach of the studied samples

the major families were Comamonadaceae (genus Variovorax: showninFig.3). The betaproteobacterial clone sequences were clones BIV-2-30, BIV-31 and BIV-66) and Oxalobacteraceae affiliated with different genera, as shown in Fig. 5. In correlation (genus Herbaspirillum: clones BIV-2-5, BIV-23, BIV-35 and with Online Resource 8, where it is observed that Ralstonia spp. BIV-104) (Online Resource 7). Belonging to Alpha-and and Burkholderia spp. were the most detected ones in both sam- Gammaproteobacteria, genus Sphingomonas and family ples, the dominant phylotypes were genus Ralstonia, family Xanthomonadaceae were dominant, respectively. Another Comamonadaceae and genus Burkholderia, in decreasing order abundant phylum in sample BIV-2 was Bacteroidetes. The (Online Resource 4). The genera Pelomonas and Curvibacter principal families of this phylum were , were, in contrast to the rest of the samples, only identified in Chitinophagaceae and Cytophagaceae (Online Resource 4). samples BII-2 and BIV-3. Clone sequences belonging to On the genus level, Hymenobacter could be only identified, genera Hydrogenophaga and Acidovorax were only detected which was also detected in the clone library (clone BIV-2- in sample BII-2 (Online Resource 9) and clone sequences 103). The majority of the Bacteroidetes clone sequences in belonging to Ramlibacter only in sample BIV-3 (Online sample BIV-2 were affiliated, as in the case of BI-2 and BI-3 Resource 10). Variovorax spp. were detected by cloning in samples (Online Resources 5 and 6), to uncultured sample BII-2, but not in sample BIV-3 (Online Resource 8). Bacteroidetes bacteria, but also to family Sphingobacteriaceae Taxonomical affiliation to Acidobacteria was detected in (Online Resource 7). Additionally, clone representatives of sample BIV-3 by cloning (Online Resource 10), but not to phyla Actinobacteria, Planctomycetes, Cyanobacteria and Bacteroidetes. However, phylum Bacteroidetes was detected Gemmatimonadetes were found in sample BIV-2, which were via Illumina sequencing. There were also some predominant also detected in both or just one of the BI samples. Taxonom- OTUs in each of the five samples analyzed (Online ical affiliation to Actinobacteria (1 predominant group and 12 Resource 4). In sample BI-2, OTU-22, OTU-24 and OTU- individual clones) was more abundant than to Bacteroidetes (2 30, annotated as Chitinophagaceae, Cytophagaceae and predominant groups and 6 individual clones) in sample BIV-2 Flexibacter, respectively, were highly enriched compared to the (Online Resource 7). Finally, bacterial diversity in sample BII-2 rest. In the case of sample BI-3, the most enriched OTUs was significantly different to those of samples BI-2, BI-3 and were OTU-22, OTU-26 and OTU-42, affiliated, respec- BIV-2, but similar to sample BIV-3. Although samples BII-2 tively, to families Chitinophagaceae, Comamonadaceae and BIV-3 were taken from different bentonite formations, they and Gemmatimonadaceae. Ralstonia (OTU-6), represented a similar bacterial community composition (Figs. 3 Comamonadaceae (OTU-13) and Burkholderia (OTU- and 4). Indeed, the same predominant phylotypes of sample 14) were the highest enriched OTUs in both samples BII-2 were also prevalent in sample BIV-3 (Online Resource BII-2 and BIV-3. For sample BIV-2, the predominant 4). The main class was Betaproteobacteria (98 and 83 % of all OTUs were OTU-18 and OTU-27, annotated as the sequences, for samples BII-2 and BIV-3, respectively, as Sphingobacteriaceae and Sphingomonas, respectively. Bacterial Diversity in Bentonites, Engineered Barrier

Fig. 5 16S rRNA gene-based BII-2-9, 7 cl. (HG970695) phylogenetic tree showing the Ralstonia pickettii B1RO1 (JQ689181) retrieved betaproteobacterial BII-2-43, 6 cl. (HG970700) sequences of bentonite samples JN201 (KF150440) BII-2, BIV-2 and BIV-3 and their Ralstonia mannitolilytica closest related sequences, Ralstonia pickettii QL-A6 (HQ267096) obtained using the neighbour- BII-2-19, 2 cl. (HG970698) joining algorithm (maximum Ralstonia sp. DMSP-S11 (KC860267) composite likelihood corrections) Uncultured Ralstonia sp. BF65B_B60 (HM141343) BII-2-92, 2 cl. (HG970702)

Ralstonia pickettii A-15 (JX036030) BIV-3-52, 2 cl. (HG970725) BIV-3-4, 10 cl. (HG970719) BIV-3-23, 7 cl. (HG970720)

Ralstonia sp. OV225 (AY216797) BII-2-2, 34 cl. (HG970693) BII-2-8, 10 cl. (HG970694)

Burkholderia sp. SAP38_2 (JN872505) BII-2-29, 4 cl. (HG970699)

Burkholderia sp. U1-4 (FJ560474) Herbaspirillum sp. 9NM-7 (JQ608329) BIV-2-5, 2 cl. (HG970709) BIV-2-23, 10 cl. (HG970710) BII-2-62, 2 cl. (HG970701)

Pelomonas saccharophila NBRC 103037 (AB681917) BIV-3-41, 4 cl. (HG970724)

Ramlibacter sp. HTCC332 (AY429716) BII-2-12, 2 cl. (HG970696)

Uncultured Curvibacter sp. S_S_KL_303 (KC337212) BII-2-1, 3 cl. (HG970692)

Hydrogenophaga sp. Gsoil 1545 (AB271047) BII-2-116, 2 cl. (HG970703)

Hydrogenophaga sp. MDT1-42 (JX949586) BII-2-15, 10 cl. (HG970697)

Variovorax paradoxus CBF3 (JN990697) Variovorax sp. C6d1 (AB552894) Uncultured Variovorax sp. 4.6h17 (JN679121) BIV-2-30, 2 cl. (HG970711) BIV-2-31, 2 cl. (HG970712)

0.01 Tamura-Nei model

Statistical Multivariate Analysis (PCA) Moreover, a correlation of those samples with jarosite was also found. Curiously, these two samples showed the lowest PCA showed that the studied geochemical and mineralogical diversity, dominated by Betaproteobacteria. Lower correla- variables such as pH, TOC, etc., not contributing a major tions were found for TOC and pH with sample BI-2. explanation to the bacterial diversity detected either by Illumina sequencing or traditional clone library analysis (Fig. 6). However, some samples showed light correlations Discussion to some geochemical parameters. For example, according to the bacterial diversity analysis, a correlation of samples BII-2 In this study, the structure and composition of bacterial popu- and BIV-3 with class Betaproteobacteria was found. lations in bentonite formations, considered as safety barriers M. Lopez-Fernandez et al.

Fig. 6 Principal component analysis (PCA) showing mineral- ogical parameters and bacterial diversity data (I Illumina data, C cloning data, A Alphaproteobacteria, B Betaproteobacteria, D Deltaproteobacteria, Bac Bacteroidetes, Act Actinobacteria)

(i.e. clay buffer and stone) within a future Spanish deep geo- abundance of particular phylotypes differed between the three logical repository (DGR), were analyzed by two different superficial bentonite samples (BI-2, BII-2 and BIV-2). For culture-independent assessments of 16S rRNA genes: classi- example, Bacteroidetes (49 % of total of phylotypes) and class cal clone libraries analysis and analysis of the V5–V6 hyper- Betaproteobacteria (98 %) dominate the bacterial population variable region through Illumina platform. Wouters and co- of samples BI-2 and BII-2, respectively. In the case of sample workers [7] suggested that the clear correlation between mi- BIV-2, bacterial dominance is divided among class crobial diversity and TOC content in the water samples col- Betaproteobacteria (27 %) and phylum Bacteroidetes lected from the underground Boom Clay facility in Belgium is (26 %). The variations in bacterial diversity observed between due to the bioavailability of the carbon source. In our case, clay samples could likely be influenced by the differences in there is no clear correlation between the bacterial diversity and their mineralogical and geochemical properties (Fig. 6). Sam- TOC content determined in the studied samples. BI-2 and BI- ple BII-2 differs in the chemical content (Tables 1 and 2, 3 are the samples with the highest and the lowest TOC Online Resource 2) in many aspects. For example, this sample (Table 3), respectively. However, both samples present very is characterized by the presence of sanidine, jarosite and a high similar species richness (Table 4). On the other side, there is amount of Fe2O3 (11 % of the total oxides content) in com- no information about the bioavailability of the carbon sources parison to the other studied samples where the range of Fe available. oxide content is between 2 and 5 % (Table 2). This could be The same bacterial phyla were identified using both a reason for the low species richness in sample BII-2. methods in this study, with the only exception of the detection Betaproteobacterial clones identified in sample BII-2 of Deinococcus-Thermus by cloning, which revealed the good belonged mainly to Burkholderiales specially Ralstonia spp., quality of both methods to identify the bacterial population of Burkholderia spp., Variovorax spp. as well as Curvibacter an environment. Interestingly, highly comparable affiliation of spp. and Acidovorax spp. (Online Resources 8 and 9). the population was found by Illumina sequencing (16S807f and Ralstonia spp. are implicated in the biogeochemical cycle of 16S1050r) and by cloning (16S8f and 16S1492r). For example, Fe through oxidation of Fe(II) [54] including solubilization by Proteobacteria (mainly Alpha-andBetaproteobacteria), siderophore production. The high tolerance to heavy metals Bacteroidetes, Actinobacteria and Acidobacteria were the and organic compounds of Ralstonia spp. was previously de- main bacterial phyla present in the studied bentonite samples. scribed [55, 56]. For example, Ralstonia metallidurans The structure and composition of populations in clays consid- (renamed as Cupriavidus metallireducens) is a model micro- ered as host rock for deep geological disposal of radioactive organism for studies of metal resistance [57, 58]. It was also wastes are poorly studied [21, 9]. The prevalence and demonstrated that Variovorax species are resistant to several Bacterial Diversity in Bentonites, Engineered Barrier metals: Cu, Cd, Pb and Zn [59]. Moreover, arsenite-oxidizing biogeochemical processes of microorganisms, either indige- Variovorax strains were identified by Majumder et al. [60]. nous to the repository’s host rock or introduced during the Similar betaproteobacterial sequences were also detected in construction of a repository [10, 63], may affect the safety of sample BIV-3, which is also dominated by Betaproteobacteria. this long-term deep geological disposal system. Microbial However, in addition to these, betaproteobacterial sequences processes can affect the geochemistry of clays and also belonging to families Comamonadaceae and the mobility and transport of radionuclides from the repos- Oxalobacteraceae (e.g. Massilia spp.) were also found in sam- itory to the geosphere. Three different clay-microbe inter- ples BI-2, BI-3 and BIV-2 (Online Resource 4). action mechanisms were described: (i) structural Fe-clay Betaproteobacteria represented also a major part of the bacte- mineral transformation (oxidation/reduction), (ii) alteration rial community in deep subsurface clay borehole water in the of mineral surfaces by the production of siderophores and Boom Clay, Belgium [7]. small organic acids and (iii) formation of biofilm in the However, in the case of Bacteroidetes,thisphylumdomi- clay mineral surface [10]. Moreover, the anaerobic canister nates the bacterial community of samples BI-2, BI-3 and BIV- corrosion might be due to the activity of sulfate-reducing 2. It is interesting that, in BI-2 and BI-3 samples, different bacteria of the compacted bentonite buffer surrounding the phyla of Bacteroidetes were identified in contrast to samples canister [12] that accelerates the corrosion of the canister BIV-2 and BIV-3, where only a few of them were detected. In or the overpack materials [64]. However, no sulfate- the BI-2 sample, the genera Flexibacter (OTU-30), reducing bacteria were detected in this study using the Flavobacterium (OTU-77), Cytophaga (OTU-62) as well as used methods. The largest portion of bacterial populations Pontibacter (OTU-115) were identified. In the BIV-2 and found in the clay samples BII-2 (98 %), BIV-3 (83 %), BIV-3 samples, there was instead a higher proportion of BIV-2(27%)andBI-3(19%)belongstoclass Hymenobacter spp. (OTU-54, OTU-81, OTU-107) found Betaproteobacteria, whose members are able to affect the compared to samples BI-2 and BI-3. Alphaproteobacteria structure of the Fe-containing clay minerals through differ- were observed in almost all studied samples (not just in ent processes, for example through redox-based transfor- sample BII-2) but represented by different species belonging to mation of Fe, in the case of Ralstonia spp. or Acidovorax orders Rhizobiales, Rhodobacterales and Sphingomonadales. spp. [65]; production of siderophores by Ralstonia [66]; Representatives of this phylum were also found in other clay and formation of biofilm on the surfaces of minerals samples [6] and in deep subsurface clay borehole water [7]. (e.g. Acidovorax). Ralstonia was the main genus identified Samples BI-2, BI-3 and BIV-2 showed overall a higher (almost 50 % of the total clones) in the BII-2 and BIV-3 bacterial diversity, where Gammaproteobacteria, samples. For example, in sample BII-2, the biggest group Actinobacteria and Firmicutes were detected in small quanti- of clones identified belonged to Ralstonia pickettii strain ties similar to bacterial phyla found in deep subsurface clay QL-A6, which is a congener strain of Ralstonia borehole water in the Boom Clay, Belgium [7]. The results of solanacearum, a soil-isolated strain, described for their samples BI-2 and BI-3 (Online Resources 4, 5 and 6)demon- capacity to oxidize Fe(II) in smectite soil [67]. Another strate that even when sample BI-3 was taken 20 cm deeper clone identified in sample BII-2 was affiliated to Ralstonia than sample BI-2, the predominant population in both samples mannitolilytica strain JN201, isolated from potassic tra- consisted of representatives of two phyla: Bacteroidetes and chyte soils, interacting with silicate minerals. In sample Proteobacteria. Surprisingly, the bacterial diversity was very BII-2, a predominant group of clones was closely related similar at the phylum level in these two samples, with small to genera Acidovorax and Variovorax, described for their variations (Figs. 3 and 4), although sample BI-3 contains a ability to oxidize iron [68]. Acidovorax plays important lower amount of TOC and was collected from a greater depth. roles in iron corrosion by biofilm formations in flowing In addition, Chloroflexi, Armatimonadetes, Firmicutes and an environment [69]. Other betaproteobacterial clones identi- unknown phylum were only detected in samples BI-2 and BI- fied in these clay samples were affiliated to genera includ- 3. In the case of Firmicutes, only clone BI-3-106 was identi- ing Herbaspirillum, Janthinobacterium and Massilia.Some fied as Anoxybacillus sp. SCSIO 15096 in sample BI-3 of these bacteria, for example different species of (Online Resource 6). Microbial diversity at iron-clay inter- Sphingomonas, Herbaspirillum and Massilia,havealso faces inside a deep argillite geological formation in France been isolated from samples BI-2 and BII-2 using culture- was dominated by Firmicutes, Actinobacteria and dependent approaches [22]. Additionally, some isolates Proteobacteria [61]. Bacteria related to Firmicutes could be were affiliated to Micrococcus spp., Arthrobacter spp. isolated from Opalinus Clay in Mont Terri, Switzerland [16, and Kocuria spp., belonging to phylum Actinobacteria; 17] but did not dominate the bacterial community using Pseudomonas and Stenotrophomonas, belonging to phylum culture-independent approaches. Sporulation is a common Proteobacteria;andBacillus simplex strain Qtx-12, belonging ability within the Firmicutes [62], which could make them to Firmicutes, and in addition, a pigmented yeast strain related more resistant against extraction of DNA. The to R. mucilaginosa was also recovered from these formations M. Lopez-Fernandez et al.

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