Administration of William J. Clinton, 1998 / Nov. 17 2325 request that the Tribunal require the United Statement on the Election of States to produce classified intelligence in- Representative Jim Clyburn To formation. Chair the Congressional Black 4. U.S. nationals continue to pursue claims Caucus against Iran at the Tribunal. Since my last November 17, 1998 report, the Tribunal has issued awards in two private claims. On July 2, 1998, Chamber I am pleased that Representative Jim Cly- Two issued an award in Kamran Hakim v. burn was elected by his colleagues to chair Iran, AWD No. 587–953–2, ordering Iran to the Congressional Black Caucus. In January pay the claimant $691,611 plus interest as Representative Clyburn will begin his fourth compensation for measures that deprived the term representing the people of the Sixth claimant of his interest in a company he had District of . Throughout his established. The Tribunal dismissed claims career, he has been a tireless advocate for regarding parcels of real property on grounds his constituents and he has been a national that, in certain instances, the claimant failed leader on issues including rural economic de- to prove expropriation or other measures af- velopment and affirmative action. I commend outgoing CBC Chairwoman fecting property rights, and failed in other for her outstanding leader- instances to prove ownership. ship of the caucus, and I am confident that On July 8, 1998, Chamber One issued an Representative Clyburn will be a most able award in Brown & Root, Inc. v. Iran, AWD successor. I look forward to working with No. 588–432–1, giving effect to a settlement Chairman Clyburn and the entire Congres- agreement between the parties, ordering sional Black Caucus during the 106th Con- Iran to pay the claimant $16,718,214. gress. 5. The situation reviewed above continues to implicate important diplomatic, financial, and legal interests of the United States and Statement on the Election of its nationals and presents an unusual chal- Representative Lucille Roybal-Allard lenge to the national security and foreign pol- To Chair the Congressional Hispanic icy of the United States. The Iranian Assets Caucus Control Regulations issued pursuant to Exec- November 17, 1998 utive Order 12170 continue to play an impor- tant role in structuring our relationship with I am pleased that today the Congressional Iran and in enabling the United States to im- Hispanic Caucus (CHC) elected Representa- tive Lucille Roybal-Allard as their new chair plement properly the Algiers Accords. I shall for the 106th Congress. Representative Roy- continue to exercise the powers at my dis- bal-Allard has already established a record posal to deal with these problems and will of distinction, serving her constituents in the continue to report periodically to the Con- 33d District of California and as a national gress on significant developments. leader in the areas of education, financial services, homeownership, and women’s and William J. Clinton children’s rights. The White House, I commend outgoing CHC Chair Xavier Becerra for his outstanding leadership of the November 16, 1998. caucus, and I am confident that Representa- tive Roybal-Allard will be an excellent advo- NOTE: Identical letters were sent to Newt Ging- cate for the caucus and the entire Latino rich, Speaker of the House of Representatives, community. I look forward to working with and Albert Gore, Jr., President of the Senate. Chairwoman Roybal-Allard and the entire