. . Humby chapel . . Lenton . . . Sapperton

Pew Sheet – April 28th Second in Easter Today’s Gospel reading is the story of ‘Doubting Thomas’, who comes to faith because he meets the risen Jesus. Jesus tells him, ‘Blessed are those who have not seen me, and yet have come to believe’. That’s us!

Please remember in prayer

In the world: • The injured and bereaved, following the bombings in Sri Lanka. • The people of Northern Ireland, in the wake of recent terror acts, as they seek to breathe new life into the power-sharing agreement. • A new urgency in decisions about steps to combat climate change. • All those subject to discrimination and hate crimes on account of their class, religion, ethnicity, gender, sexuality or any other perceived ‘difference’.

In the community and society: • Compassion and justice for those living in poverty. • The work of our Parish Councils.

The sick: All who are suffering within our own communities, especially Charles Ojeh, Liza Grenfell, Florence Southwell, Muriel Robinson.

Those who have died: Pamela Wiles (Simon and family), Nancy Thornett (Hazel and family). Rest eternal grant to unto them, O Lord; and let light perpetual shine upon them.

The Collect for Easter Two: Almighty Father, you have given your only Son to die for our sins and to rise again for our justification: grant us so to put away the leaven of malice and wickedness that we may always serve you in pureness of living and truth; through the merits of your Son Jesus Christ our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. this week’s Diary: Events are in the relevant church unless otherwise stated. More information on anything in this Pew Sheet is available from the Parish Priest – Anna Sorensen, 01476586991 [email protected] Please note that Anna will be on a post-Easter break from 28th April to 1st May – no Morning or Evening Prayer. Sunday 28th SECOND SUNDAY IN Easter 10.00 Lenton Group Communion with Choir

Tuesday 30th 10.00 Ingoldsby V Hall Coffee Morning

Wednesday 1st S Philip & S James, Apostles 10.00 Ropsley Prayers for the Sick 19.30 Rectory Choir Practice

Thursday 2nd 10.30 NO Morning Prayer – Clergy Chapter 17.30 Braceby Evening Prayer

Friday 3rd 16.00 Ingoldsby Wedding rehearsal 17.00 Lenton Evening Prayer

Saturday 4th 13.00 Ingoldsby Wedding: Featherstone &Dwyer 17.30 Boothby Pagnell Evening Prayer

Sunday 5th Third Sunday of Easter 10.00 Boothby Pagnell Holy Communion 12.00 Ingoldsby Baptism: Holly Allen 15.00 Ropsley Evening Prayer

Lots of exciting things Coming in May!

Messy church Saturday 11th May, 10 am – 12 noon at Ingoldsby Church. Crafts, story, song, lunch. All welcome!

Benefice Council AGM Through the Benefice Council, the churches of the North Beltisloe Group work together. All congregation members, and those on the Church Electoral Roll of their church, are invited to attend the Annual General Meeting on May 15th, at Ropsley School. Wine, tea or coffee and meet the Council members from 19.00 Meeting begins at 19.30 Come and participate in this important event.

Christian Aid Week: 12th – 18th May. This year Christian Aid are running a campaign to help families, especially mothers, in Sierra Leone – a country which, in recent years has been struck by natural disaster, and crippled by IMF debts, taken out to pay for the fight against Ebola. Look out for collections and events in your community. Also … Christian Aid Coffee morning at the Rectory 15th May, 10.00 – 12.00 Tea, coffee, cake, chat – see you there!

GRANTHAM CHORAL SOCIETY PRESENTS … Handel’s Jephtha Saturday 18th May at St Wulfram’s Church, , 7pm Bar open from 6 pm. Tickets £15 from Guildhall Box Office, Jenny Wilkins 585749, or on the door.

Rogationtide procession Sunday 19th May, starting at 10.00 at Lenton Church and ending at 12.00 at Ingoldsby Church, followed by refreshments. You are welcome to join in for all or part of the morning. Transport available from Lenton to Ingoldsby. More details from Peter 01476 585766. As we walk around the village we ask for God’s blessing on water, crops, animals, orchards and people.

Ingoldsby Quiz Night Saturday 25th May, 19.30 at Ingoldsby Social Club, for Church Funds Includes supper. For more details, and to book contact Diana 01476 585513.

Animal Blessing Service Sunday 26th May, 16.00 at Humby Chapel. Come and worship, and bring your furred and feathered friends. (All members of the congregation should be suitably restrained!)

Worship Rota – May 2019 1st - Wednesday 10.00 Ropsley Prayers for the Sick

5th – Third of Easter Acts 9.1-20; Revelation 5.11-end; John 21.1-19 10.00 Boothby Pagnell Holy Communion 15.00 Ropsley Evensong

9th – Thursday 10.30 Ingoldsby Pause for Though

11th - Saturday 10.00 Ingoldsby Messy Church!

12th – Fourth of Easter Acts 9.36-end; Revelation 7.9-end; John 10.22-30 10.00 Braceby Morning Worship 10.00 Old Somerby Holy Communion

19th – Fifth of Easter Acts 11.1-18; Revelation 21.1-6 10.00 Lenton/Ingoldsby Rogationtide Procession 18.00 Ropsley Holy Communion

23rd - Thursday 10.30 Ingoldsby Pause for Thought

26th – Sixth of Easter Acts 16.9-15; Revelation 21.10, 22 – 22.5; John 5.1-9 10.00 Sapperton Holy Communion 10.00 Old Somerby Morning Worship 16.00 Humby Chapel Animal Blessing Service

30th – Ascension Day Daniel 7.9-14; Acts 1.1-11; Luke 24.44-end 19.00 Ingoldsby Holy Communion

Who’s who in the North Beltisloe group of Parishes: MINISTRY TEAM: Rector Designate Rev’d Anna Sorensen 01476 586991 07793544238 Assistant Priest Rev’d John Spriggs 01476 585756 Reader Ken Mann 01476 585574 ALM Colin McGarrigle 01476 585909 ALM Fred Mann 01476 585905 ALM Diana Burrows 01476 585513 ALM Tony Clayton 01476 585711

CHURCHWARDENS: Boothby Pagnell Tom Blake 01476 585898 Andrew Usborne 07901 511976 Braceby Rick Clegg 01529 497273 Ingoldsby Kate Welbourne 01476 585812 Hilary Gilbert 01476 585979 Lenton Tony Clayton 01476 585711 Peter Dobney 01476 585766 Old Somerby Len Watson 01476 568439 Simon Bond (Acting) 01476 562797 Ropsley Helen Sloss 01476 585433 Sapperton Fred Mann 01476 585905 Jonathan Tesh 01476 585348 Humby Chapel Colin McGarrigle (Chair) 01476 585909