North Branch River Watershed Workgroup (NBWW) General Membership Meeting Wednesday, August 8, 2018 * 1:00pm – 3:00pm Glenview Village Hall, 2500 E Lake Ave, Glenview, IL 60026


1. Introductions Brandon Janes, North Branch Watershed Workgroup (NBWW) President, welcomed attendees to the August 8, 2018 NBWW General Membership Meeting. Everyone introduced themselves and roll-call was taken for the Executive Board members. Roll call included: Brandon Janes, Matt Ueltzen, James Tigue, Rob Flood and James Bernahl; a quorum was present. Sign-in sheets are attached to the meeting notes for the attendees list.

2. Guest Speaker(s) a. Friends of the Chicago River Turtle Habitat Projects Maggie Jones, Conservation Programs Specialist, Friends of the Chicago River (FOCR) Maggie Jones gave a presentation on FOCR’s recent on-the-ground turtle habitat projects which was a collaboration effort between FOCR and the Forest Preserve District of Cook County. Maggie’s presentation included looking at ideal nesting habitats for turtles in Northeastern and current habitats that are making turtles unable to safely lay their eggs because invasive species are immobilizing and minimizing nesting areas (leaving turtle eggs exposed to predators). Over the last 4 years, FOCR and hired contractors have been removing invasive brush, applying herbicides, preserving seedbanks, and implementing re- sprouting treatments after 2 growing seasons in areas throughout the Chicago River watershed. This work is going to continue and currently FOCR has cleared approximately 100 acres of land for turtle habitat. Within months of turtle habitat restorations, results from tracking equipment have shown that these cleared areas have increased turtle mobility. Turtle habitat work is considered restoration because crews are going in and removing invasive plant species, daylighting the ground and exposing the native seedbank, and reintroducing habitats and native plant species.

Q/A Q: Do you have any reintroduction programs going on or are you just helping existing turtles? A: No, currently FOCR is focused on helping existing turtles because their species numbers are not at a point where turtles are endangered but do need some support to keep their numbers from declining too much.

Q: Do you have any future restoration projects in the works for this year or next year? A: Yes, FOCR is going to be focusing on Chipilly Woods. FOCR has been there before but they’re going to be doing some additional restoration efforts there. Depending on funding and future opportunities, Maggie Jones would love to continue this type of work.

Q: Is FOCR mostly just focused in Cook County or are you up in Lake County too? A: FOCR can coordinate anywhere in the watershed. With this particular project, FOCR was close partners with the Cook County Forest Preserve District wildlife biologist. FOCR is more than willing to and Maggie Jones would love to work up here as well.

Next NBWW General Membership Meeting – November 14, 2018, 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm at the Winnetka Village Hall (510 Green Bay Rd, Winnetka, IL 60093) North Branch Chicago River Watershed Workgroup (NBWW) General Membership Meeting Wednesday, August 8, 2018 * 1:00pm – 3:00pm Glenview Village Hall, 2500 E Lake Ave, Glenview, IL 60026

b. MBI Monitoring Kickoff Presentation Chris Yoder, Research Director, Midwest Biodiversity Institute (MBI) Chris Yoder gave a presentation on an overview of MBI’s previous and current work throughout Northeast Illinois with various watershed workgroups. This work includes developing a plan for sample collection locations and details about analyzing water quality indicators and parameters. MBI assists watershed workgroups by assessing stream conditions at the local scale and trying to understand all things affecting waterbodies biology: macroinvertebrates, fish, invertebrates, and crustaceans. Chris Yoder explained the various water quality collection methods performed by 3 crews (fish, macroinvertebrate, and water quality). MBI also provides the qualitative habitat evaluation index (QHEI) and an integrated prioritization system (IPS) for some of the watersheds. Chris Yoder gave updates and a timeline of sampling events for the NBWW. Currently, MBI is starting to collect samples in the North Branch of the Chicago River Watershed and plans to finish the 11 sample location sites for 2018. The remaining 14 sites will be sampled in 2019.

Q/A None.

3. NBWW Executive Board Business a. Approve NBWW May 9, 2018 Meeting Summary 1st motion to approve: James Bernahl, Village of Winnetka 2nd by: Larry Bridges, East Skokie Drainage District (ESDD) Approved by unanimous consensus.

b. Financial Report Ashley Warren presented the projected revenue and cost estimates for approved FY18 funds. Ashley Warren also updated the General Membership Attendees that the WMAG Grant has been paid out for $12,000 and an update on membership dues; currently NBWW is waiting on 3 membership dues. Ashley Warren continued to give updates on the received revenues, expenditures, and invoices. Motion to ratify revenues/expenditures. 1st motion to approve: Larry Bridges, ESDD 2nd by: James Tigue, Village of Glenview Approved by unanimous consensus.

c. Old Business

i. Monitoring Committee Update – Rob Flood Rob Flood gave updates on North Shore Water Reclamation District’s (NSWRD) and MBI’s sampling events. NSWRD performed two sampling events have been completed: 25 sites on May 23 and May 24, and 11 sites on July 25. NSWRD laboratories is currently running tests on these samples and both show high E. Coli numbers. NSWRD is waiting to get Nitrate samples back. The next sampling event will be the week of

Next NBWW General Membership Meeting – November 14, 2018, 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm at the Winnetka Village Hall (510 Green Bay Rd, Winnetka, IL 60093) North Branch Chicago River Watershed Workgroup (NBWW) General Membership Meeting Wednesday, August 8, 2018 * 1:00pm – 3:00pm Glenview Village Hall, 2500 E Lake Ave, Glenview, IL 60026

August 26 where organics and metals will be collected. MBI is doing their fish survey and fish sampling that started July 30, 2018. NSWRD is still waiting for the Illinois EPA to approve their Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP).

d. New Business i. NBWW Letters of Support(3): Section 319(h) Nonpoint Source Pollution Control Financial Assistance Program Ashley Warren explained that nine project applications were submitted by SMC for the FY19 Illinois EPA Section 319(h) Nonpoint Source Pollution Control Financial Assistance Program grant cycle. Three projects applications are located within the North Branch of the Chicago River watershed and are requesting letters of support from the NBWW. These 3 projects would be greatly benefited by a letter of support that states that it is supported by the NBWW and does not require the workgroup to any financial support.

Motion to submit the letters of support. 1st motion to approve: Rob Flood, NSWRD 2nd by: James Bernahl, Village of Winnetka Approved by unanimous consensus. Roll call was taken of the NBWW Executive Board: Brandon Janes, Deerfield; Matt Ueltzen, LCFPD; James Tigue, Glenview; James Bernahl, Winnetka and Rob Flood, NSWRD.

4. Watershed Project Update or Other Announcements/Discussion Christine Davis (Illinois EPA) announced the retirement, effective September 30, 2018, of Amy Wackenbach. Christine Davis asked anyone working with Amy Wackenbach to reach out to her for follow up. Ashley Warren followed by presenting current projects going on through the watershed management board (WMB) grant. Ashley Warren gave updates on the WMB cycle that is currently going on for the Lake County portion of the watershed and that the submittal deadline is October 5, 2018. See for more information.

5. Meeting Adjournment – 2:01 pm 1st motion to approve: Rob Flood, NSWRD 2nd by: Larry Bridges, ESDD Approved by unanimous consensus.

After the meeting, the NBWW hosted a Glenview BMP Tour (2-3pm) for various BMP projects implemented by the Village of Glenview.

Next NBWW General Membership Meeting – November 14, 2018, 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm at the Winnetka Village Hall (510 Green Bay Rd, Winnetka, IL 60093) North Branch Chicago River Watershed Workgroup (NBWW) General Membership Meeting Wednesday, August 8, 2018 * 1:00pm – 3:00pm Glenview Village Hall, 2500 E Lake Ave, Glenview, IL 60026

North Branch Watershed Workgroup Meeting Attendees Name Organization Alvaro Melara Representative of Congressman Bill Schneider Ashley Warren Lake County Stormwater Management Commission Bernard Lodygr Deigan & Associates Bill Schrimpf East Skokie Drainage District Brandon Janes Village of Deerfield Caitlin Burke Gewalt Hamilton Associates Chris Yoder Midwest Biodiversity Institute Christine Davis Illinois Environmental Protection Agency James Bernahl Village of Winnetka James Tigue Village of Glenview Joe Marencik Lake County Joe Robinson North Shore Water Reclamation District Kate Amoruso Village of Wilmette Larry Bridges East Skokie Drainage District Lisa Mende Village of Glenview Maggie Jones Friends of the Chicago River Marc Facchini Village of Lincolnshire Marcy Knysz Manhard Consulting Mark Olszewski Village of Deerfield Matt Ueltzen Lake County Forest Preserve District May Keen Lake County Stormwater Management Commission Nick Kollias Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago Peter Winkler Land Conservancy of Lake County Rob Flood North Shore Water Reclamation District Robyn Flakne Village of Glenview Thomas Burke Christopher B. Burke Eng., Ltd. Tom Polzin Hey & Associates

Next NBWW General Membership Meeting – November 14, 2018, 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm at the Winnetka Village Hall (510 Green Bay Rd, Winnetka, IL 60093) North Branch Chicago River Watershed Workgroup (NBWW) General Membership Meeting Wednesday, May 9, 2018 * 1:00pm – 3:00pm Lake Forest Municipal Center, 800 N Field Drive, Lake Forest, IL 60045


1. Introductions Brandon James, North Branch Chicago River Watershed Workgroup (NBWW) President, welcomed attendees to the May 9, 2018 NBWW General Membership Meeting. Everyone introduced themselves. Sign-in sheets are attached to the meeting notes for the attendees list.

2. Guest Speaker(s) a. Plastic Litter in Freshwaters: Abundance, Movement, and Biological Interactions Tim Hoellein, Aquatic Ecologist and Associate Professor in the Biology Department at Loyola University Chicago Tim’s gave a presentation on recent research on plastic litter in freshwater ecosystems in Chicago and the upper Midwest region. Looking at the state of garbage and plastics, roughly 92% of the plastic that was ever produced still exists somewhere in some form. The biological effects of microplastics were explored through ingestion, transfer (prey to predator) and toxic effects. There are many sources of microplastics of which are sourced to personal care products, production pellets, fragmentation and synthetic fibers that make their way into wastewater treatment plants and streams. The research results were compared with studies in the marine environment and point towards management priorities for reducing or preventing litter. Possible applications or solutions for this issue are funding research and innovation, policies to address different components of plastic litter and supporting grass root organizations and community services.

Q/A Q: Have the impacts to human health by eating fish been assessed, in relation to what is in the fish (microplastics)? A: Not to Tim’s research but outside research is in the early stages for that. Microplastics have been found in human foods in certain studies – some sea salts, bottled water, beer, shellfish, etc.

Q: Are there any fish that can break down or digest the plastics? A: Not as part of this research, but it would most likely be a slow process with certain microbes (some oil-degrading enzymes) that have been found to break down certain types of plastics.

Q: How are the fish intestines separated from the plastics? A: Same way as sediment in water, size separation with sieves then running a peroxide digestion where it breaks down organic materials and keeps the plastic intact; then a saline solution is used to separate the plastics.

Q: Where are you finding bioaccumulation of plastics in the fish? A: As of right now just in the stomach.

b. Update on Fish Assemblage Sampling & Dam Removal Efforts on the North Branch Stephen Pescitelli, Region II Stream Specialist, IDNR Stephen presented the results of the 2016 IDNR North Branch basin survey with comparisons to previous fish collections. Fish assemblages in Upper North Branch consist of

Next NBWW General Membership Meeting - August 8, 2018, 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm at the Glenview’s Village Hall Board Room(2500 E. Lake Avenue, Glenview, Illinois 60026) North Branch Chicago River Watershed Workgroup (NBWW) General Membership Meeting Wednesday, May 9, 2018 * 1:00pm – 3:00pm Lake Forest Municipal Center, 800 N Field Drive, Lake Forest, IL 60045

low fish species richness, dominated by tolerant and generalist species. Some of the dams prevent migratory fish from making their way upstream, which can play a factor in the fish species diversity upstream of dams. Stephen gave an update on current dam removal projects within and downstream of the North Branch of the Chicago River watershed. The effects of dams have a localized and system-side effect on the river ecosystems, water quality and fish migration process. Three dams within and downstream of the North Branch of the Chicago River are slated to be removed in 2018-2019 (West River Park, Tam O’Shanter and Chick Evans).

Q/A Q: Has the IDNR tried relocating fish to areas (in the watershed) above the dams to see if they would survive (given the water quality in those areas)? A: The only fish species the IDNR has stocked in the streams is walleye and sauger (sport fish). It is possible to relocate other species but the IDNR does not know the level of effort it would take or if they have enough resources to transport/stock other fish species. IDNR is trying to move towards non-sport fish in their hatcheries to potentially do this effort, but more research needs to be done.

Q: Why was lizard’s tail plants chosen for emergent plant habitat plantings? A: The IDNR did some trails with this plant species but transplanting these species from ponds to a river setting and lizard’s tail worked well in shade and once established it can take over an area.

Q: Is the IDNR testing sport fish for contaminants in tissue? A: Not the IDNR but the Department of Public Health is doing this, and their results are on their website?

3. NBWW Executive Board Business a. Approve NBWW February 21, 2018 meeting summary 1st motion to approve: Matt Ueltzen, Lake County Forest Preserve District (LCFPD) 2nd by: Rob Flood, North Shore Water Reclamation District (NSWRD) Approved by unanimous consensus b. Financial Report Ashley presented the current budget spreadsheet. SMC is finalizing the NBWW deposit accounts to start processing the membership dues and WMAG grant money received so far. Currently, NBWW has received $19,000 in membership dues plus the $12,000 in WMAG funds ($31,000 total). c. Old Business Brandon updated the workgroup on what action items have been completed since the February 21, 2018 meeting – NBWW website has been established, NBWW signed agreements with SMC (administrative agent), Manhard Consulting (technical coordinator) and MBI (bioassessment monitoring). NBWW approved the 2018-2023 workplan and the preliminary monitoring strategy. All of this information can be found online at d. New Business North Shore Water Reclamation District (NSWRD) Laboratory Services Contract

Next NBWW General Membership Meeting - August 8, 2018, 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm at the Glenview’s Village Hall Board Room(2500 E. Lake Avenue, Glenview, Illinois 60026) North Branch Chicago River Watershed Workgroup (NBWW) General Membership Meeting Wednesday, May 9, 2018 * 1:00pm – 3:00pm Lake Forest Municipal Center, 800 N Field Drive, Lake Forest, IL 60045

Rob Flood presented the NSWRD Laboratory Services Contract to the NBWW members and there were no questions or comments. Rob Flood and Joe Robinson, NSWRD abstained from voting on this agreement. 1st motion to approve: Al Giertych, Lake County Depart. of Transportation (LCDOT) 2nd by: Matt Ueltzen, LCFPD Approved by unanimous consensus. Roll call was taken of the NBWW Executive Board: Brandon Janes, Deerfield; Al Giertych, LCDOT; Matt Ueltzen, LCFPD; James Tigue, Glenview.

4. Watershed Project Update or Other Announcements/Discussion Ashley Warren provided updates on two projects that were awarded through SMC’s Watershed Management Board (WMB) grant (January 2018). The first award was for a stormwater creek and wetland restoration project in the Fields of Cambridge Hidden Orchid subdivision. This project will restore 0.3 acres of creek drainage from Interstate 94 and 1.9 acres of wetland. The second award was to the Whispering Lake Umbrella Association which will install native buffers, naturalize and fix the spillways, and restore the outflow of two ponds to restore positive drainage off the site. This property was severely affected by the 2017 flood events. Mike Warner gave an update on the Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) North Branch Flood Mitigation Study for the Skokie River and Middle Fork. 5 local government entities have signed an agreement with the USACE (Village of Deerfield, City of Lake Forest, East Skokie Drainage District (ESDD), Lake County Stormwater Management Commission and City of Highland Park) and a local cost-share agreement has been signed with those entities as well to move forward with the project.

5. Adjournment – 2:30pm 1st motion to approve: Rob Flood, NSWRD 2nd by: Larry Bridges, ESDD Approved by unanimous consensus.

North Branch Watershed Workgroup Meeting Attendees Name Organization Al Giertych Lake County Department of Transportation Alvaro Melara Representative of Congressman Brad Schneider Ashley Warren Lake County Stormwater Management Commission Barbara Little Village of Deerfield Bernard Lodyga Deigan & Associates LLC Bill Schrimpf East Skokie Drainage District Brandon Janes Village of Deerfield Bud Reed East Skokie Drainage District Caitlin Burke Gewalt Hamilton Associates, Inc. Chris Johnson Sierra Club Damon Cederberg Libertyville Township David Johannesen James Anderson Company Eric Otto Forest Preserve District of Cook County James Tigue Village of Glenview Joe Marencik Lake County MS4 Program Joe Robinson North Shore Water Reclamation District Justin Vick Metropolitan Water Reclamation District Kate Amoruso Village of Wilmette Next NBWW General Membership Meeting - August 8, 2018, 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm at the Glenview’s Village Hall Board Room(2500 E. Lake Avenue, Glenview, Illinois 60026) North Branch Chicago River Watershed Workgroup (NBWW) General Membership Meeting Wednesday, May 9, 2018 * 1:00pm – 3:00pm Lake Forest Municipal Center, 800 N Field Drive, Lake Forest, IL 60045

Larry Bridges East Skokie Drainage District Marcy Knysz Manhard Consulting Maria Lasday Village of Bannockburn

Mark Olszewski Village of Deerfield Matt Ueltzen Lake County Forest Preserve District Mike Warner Lake County Stormwater Management Commission

Rebecca Grill Park District of Highland Park Robert Flood North Shore Water Reclamation District Robyn Flakne Village of Glenview Ryan London Lake Forest Open Lands Association Steve Pescitelli Illinois Department of Natural Resources Tim Hoellein Loyola University Chicago Tom Polzin Hey and Associates

Next NBWW General Membership Meeting - August 8, 2018, 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm at the Glenview’s Village Hall Board Room(2500 E. Lake Avenue, Glenview, Illinois 60026) North Branch Chicago River Watershed Workgroup (NBWW) PROJECTED REVENUE AND COSTS

SMC Account # Approved FY2018 Actual FY2018 Projected FY2019 Projected FY2020 REVENUE Dues - Membership dues 778-4230010-46010 $120,000.00 $107,110.56 $120,000.00 $120,000.00 WMAG Local Grant - Awarded Jan. 2018 778-4230010-45350 $12,000.00 $12,000.00 Carryover Addition 778-4230010-46010 $40,938.00 $52,438.00 Other 778-4230010-45350 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Total Revenue $132,000.00 $119,110.56 $160,938.00 $172,438.00

EXPENSES 2018 Consultants - Technical Support (Marcy Knysz FY18: June 1 - Nov 30, 2018) 778-4230010-71150 $10,000.00 $ 472.50 Consultants - Administrative Services (SMC FY18: February 28 - Nov 30, 2018) 778-4230010-79940 $15,000.00 $ 10,949.13 Contractuals - Monitoring Strategy and QAPP Refinement (unassigned) 778-4230010-71170 $10,000.00 Contractuals - NSWRD - Water Column Chemistry Monitoring 778-4230010-71310 $25,634.00 Contractuals - Flow Monitoring 778-4230010-71310 Contractuals - NSWRD - Sediment Chemistry Analysis 778-4230010-71310 $8,628.00 Contractuals - MBI - Bioassessment Monitoring/Sediment Collection (2018/2019) 11 sites FY18 778-4230010-71310 $21,800.00$ 1,810.17 need to include benthic chlorophyll A anaylsis (~$200 additional cost) 2019 Consultants - Technical Support 778-4230010-71150 $10,000.00 Consultants - Administrative Services 778-4230010-79940 $15,000.00 Consultants - MBI Monitoring Compilation and Statistics (2018/2019) 778-4230010-71150 $19,700.00 Contractuals - NSWRD - Water Column Chemistry Monitoring 778-4230010-71310 $32,000.00 Contractuals - Flow Monitoring 778-4230010-71310 Contractuals - NSWRD - Sediment Chemistry Analysis 778-4230010-71310 $10,000.00 Contractuals - MBI - Bioassessment Monitoring/Sediment Collection (2019/2020) 14 sites FY19 778-4230010-71310 $21,800.00 need to include benthic chlorophyll A anaylsis (~$200 additional cost) 2020 Consultants - Technical Support 778-4230010-71150 $10,000.00 Consultants - Administrative Services 778-4230010-79940 $15,000.00 Consultants - MBI Monitoring Compilation and Statistics 778-4230010-71150 $19,700.00 Contractuals - NSWRD - Water Column Chemistry Monitoring 778-4230010-71310 $32,000.00 Contractuals - Flow Monitoring 778-4230010-71310 Contractuals - NSWRD - Sediment Chemistry Analysis 778-4230010-71310 $10,000.00 Contractuals - MBI - Bioassessment Monitoring/Sediment Collection 778-4230010-71310 $21,800.00 IPS Model - MBI Estimate $50,000.00

Total Expenses $ 91,062.00 $ 13,231.80 $ 108,500.00 $ 158,500.00

Unexpended Carryover/Reserve $ 40,938 $ 52,438 $ 13,938 NBWW NBWW-Expense-Revenue Activity 500 W Winchester Rd For Period Jan 2018 - December 2018 Libertyville, Illinois 60048 Phone 847 377 7700 [email protected] [email protected] Date Date NBWW Revenues Received Received Deposited Ratification Carryover $ - Deerfield Park District $ 200.00 4/24/2018 5/16/2018 7/11/18 Gewalt Hamilton Assoc $ 200.00 4/24/2018 5/16/2018 7/11/18 Deigan & Associates $ 200.00 4/26/2018 5/16/2018 7/11/18 City of Highland Park $ 6,031.40 4/24/2018 5/16/2018 7/11/18 Village of Lincolnshire $ 1,741.96 4/27/2018 5/16/2018 7/11/18 Friends of the Chicago River $ 200.00 5/2/2018 5/16/2018 7/11/18 Village of Bannockburn $ 2,162.48 4/27/2018 5/16/2018 7/11/18 Libetyville Township $ 2,732.00 5/3/2018 5/16/2018 7/11/18 Hey & Associates $ 200.00 5/7/2018 5/16/2018 7/11/18 LCDOT $ 1,152.00 5/3/2018 5/16/2018 7/11/18 Lake Forest Open Lands $ 200.00 5/10/2018 5/16/2018 7/11/18 Lake County Treasurer-ESDD $ 1,000.00 5/14/2018 5/30/2018 7/11/18 Town of Vernon $ 1,235.00 5/10/2018 5/30/2018 7/11/18 Village of Deerfield $ 12,083.32 5/14/2018 5/30/2018 7/11/18 Village of Northfield $ 2,847.78 5/16/2018 5/30/2018 7/11/18 Village of Glencoe $ 2,095.00 5/14/2018 5/30/2018 7/11/18 Village of Wilmette $ 2,893.14 5/16/2018 5/30/2018 7/11/18 Lake County & SMC (transfer) $ 4,007.90 5/18/2018 5/30/2018 7/11/18 Christopher Burke Engineering $ 200.00 5/18/2018 5/30/2018 7/11/18 NSWRD $ 35,816.55 5/23/2018 5/30/2018 7/11/18 Village of Skokie $ 1,895.30 5/25/2018 5/30/2018 7/11/18 WMAG FY17 $ 12,000.00 6/1/2018 6/6/18 7/11/18 Cook County Forest Preserve $ 2,520.77 6/4/2018 6/6/18 7/11/18 City of North Chicago $ 1,218.00 6/8/2018 7/11/18 7/11/18 Metro Water Rec Dist $ 200.00 6/14/2018 7/11/18 7/11/18 City of Lake Forest $ 8,455.82 6/25/2018 7/11/18 7/11/18 Union Drainage Dist West Fork $ 1,000.00 6/22/2018 7/11/18 7/11/18 Village of Niles $ 1,104.14 6/14/2018 7/11/18 7/11/18 Cook County DOTH $ 1,415.00 7/2/2018 7/11/18 Lake County Forest Preserves $ 942.00 7/2/2018 7/11/18 Village of Riverwoods $ 1,933.00 7/6/2018 7/11/18 City of Park City $ 1,479.00 7/12/2018 7/18/18 Village of Northbrook $ 7,749.00 7/23/2018

Other Contributions Received

Total Received: $ 119,110.56 Total Received + Carryover $ 119,110.56

Date NBWW Expenditures Paid: Received Paid Date Ratification MBI $ 1,810.17 7/3/2018 7/9/2018 Manhard Consulting $ 472.50 7/5/2018 7/10/2018 LCSMC $ 10,949.13 7/9/2018 7/10/2018

Total Expenditures Paid $ 13,231.80 Revenue-Expenditures $ 105,878.76 Invoice

Date Invoice #

7/3/2018 1551

Bill To

North Branch Watershed Workgroup Lake Cty Stormwater Mgmt. Commission 500 W. Winchester Rd, Suite 201 Libertyville, IL 60048

PO # Client's Job


Item Description Rate Period Hours Qty Amount

Professional Services Mobilization and Planning - Personnel Costs1,606.92 Work through June 30, 1,606.92 2018

Supplies Associated Supplies 203.25 203.25

The above costs are associated with the North Branch Chicago River Watershed Bioassessment Monitoring, 2018-19

Please contact Allison Boehler at 614-457-6000 with questions. Thank you! BalanceDue $1,810.17

Please remit to the Midwest Biodiversity Institute, Inc., at the address provided above. The Institute is a 501(c)(3) company incorporated in Ohio. Tax ID# 31.1559845

Phone # Fax #

6147716278 614.457.6005 Invoice

MIKE WARNER July 5, 2018 LAKE COUNTY SMC Project No: SMC.LCIL01.00 500 W. WINCHESTER ROAD Invoice Number: 35638 LIBERTYVILLE, IL 60048 Billing Manager: Knysz, Marcy



SERVICES INCLUDED: -ATTEND 6/13/18 COMMITTEE MEETING AND BOARD MEETING Professional Services through June 29, 2018

Phase E Technical Support to North Branch Professional Personnel Hours Rate Amount Project Manager 3.50 135.00 472.50 Totals 3.50 472.50 Total Labor 472.50 Billing Limits Current Prior To-Date Total Billings 472.50 0.00 472.50 Limit 10,000.00 Remaining 9,527.50 Total this Phase $472.50

Total this Invoice $472.50

Terms: Net 30 Days. A finance charge of 1% per month will be assessed on invoices not paid within 30 days as per contract. We appreciate your business and welcome any comments you may have that would improve our quality of service. Lake County Stormwater Mgmt INVOICE 500 W. Winchester Rd. #201 Libertyville, IL 60048 Phone 847-377-7700 INVOICE #SMC001 DATE: AUGUST 7, 2018

TO: FOR: Attn: Wendy Morey NBWW Administrative Agent Services (February 21, 2018 – North Branch Chicago River Watershed Workgroup November 30, 2018) 500 W. Winchester Road Libertyville, IL 60048 847-377-7710


SMC providing NBWW Administrative Agent Services (February 21, 2018 – June 30, 2018)

Total Current invoice $10,949.13

(see attached staff hour summary)

TOTAL $ 10,949.13

Make all checks payable to Stormwater Management Payment is due within 30 days. If you have any questions concerning this invoice, please contact Wendy Morey or Mike Warner at 847-377-7700.

Thank you !

North Branch of the Chicago River Watershed Project Summaries

The BMPs in the proposed projects are designed to address nonpoint sediment, total suspended soils, phosphorus and nitrogen pollutant contributions to impaired waters via tributary streams, direct land-based inputs, and internal pollutant cycling to the Skokie River and West Fork North Branch Chicago River. All three projects implement BMP action recommendations from the North Branch Chicago River Watershed Plan (2008). These projects will achieve pollutant load reductions by restoring watershed-scale green infrastructure in the form of infiltrative native and naturalized landscapes, wetland and stream restorations, and implementation of urban stormwater BMPs.

1) Skokie River Streambank Stabilization, Lake Forest Illinois: The East Skokie Drainage District (ESDD) proposes to stabilize approximately one mile of the Skokie River corridor that has severe and very severely eroded streambanks. The project reaches are in the City of Lake Forest, Illinois. A combination of BMPs including gabion baskets, natural and stone toe protection and bank reshaping will be used with deep-rooted native plants to stabilize the streambanks. The project will reduce sediment, phosphorus and nitrogen inputs to the Skokie River, and in doing so will address the dissolved oxygen, total phosphorus, and total suspended solids causes of impairment identified by Illinois EPA. The proposed project is recommended in the North Branch Chicago River watershed plan: o Reaches SR016 and SR017 (covered by this project) are identified in the “Steam Restoration and Maintenance” table of the Site-Specific Action Plan in Chapter 5 as high priority for bank stabilization.

2) Pine Street Streambank Stabilization and Open Space Project: The Village of Glenview will stabilize 764 feet of the bank of the West Fork North Branch Chicago River by re-grading and installing native riparian vegetation and installing a riffle-pool structure. Additionally, the project will treat urban stormwater by directing street runoff in a bioswale/bioretention cell. The project is part of an ongoing effort by the Village to implement water quality improvements in the West Fork watershed, including several previous streambank projects, channel re-meandering, pool-riffle sequences, and naturalization of riparian areas and stormwater facilities. The project will reduce total phosphorus, total nitrogen, total suspended solids, and sediment loads to the West Fork and addresses the dissolved oxygen, total phosphorus, and total suspended solids causes of impairment identified by Illinois EPA. The proposed project is recommended in the North Branch Chicago River watershed plan: o The BMPs included in the project are recommended as high priority under actions 1.15, 1.16, 1.25, and medium priority under action 3.1 of the programmatic action plan.

3) HPCC Shoreline Restoration and Wetland Enhancement: In 2019, the Park District of Highland Park will transform the 100-acre Highland Park Country Club (HPCC) golf course into open space and passive natural recreation areas adjoining the Skokie River, an impaired water. The project will create large-scale water quality benefits in the highly-developed North Branch Chicago River watershed. The proposed 319 funding contributes to a larger $1.7 million project and complements prior and ongoing work by the District to benefit the Skokie River. Specifically, the project will stabilize and restore a total of 2,000 feet of eroding shoreline on ponds that are directly connected (via culverts) and contribute nutrient and sediment pollution to the Skokie River. The project will also create a 50-foot buffer of native vegetation along the shoreline and enhance 1,300 feet of vegetated swales within the project site to control and filter nonpoint source pollutants originating on land. Interpretive signage will also be installed, as the site is intended to be open to the general public. The project will reduce total phosphorus, total nitrogen, total suspended solids, and sediment loads to the Skokie River and will address the dissolved oxygen, total phosphorus, and total suspended solids causes of impairment identified by Illinois EPA. The project site is identified in the North Branch Chicago River watershed plan: o The HPCC site is identified in the Chapter 5 Site Specific Action Plan as Highland Park Priority Wetland Restoration site WL-7 (Chapter 5; figure 5-6) and Priority Open Space Protection Site OS10 (Chapter 5, figure 5-8). For Highland Park Detention Basin Water Quality Retrofits, the Action Plan calls for replacement of turf and rip rap shorelines, bottoms and buffers in detention basins (Basin No. Various) with native vegetation (Action Plan No 1.4, 2.3, 2.6, 3.2). The HPCC was also identified as a high priority site with potential to improve water quality and reduce flooding in the North Branch of the Chicago River Open Space Green Infrastructure Plan (2005), referenced in the Watershed Plan (p. 5-12).

August 2, 2018

Illinois Environmental Protection Agency Bureau of Water, Nonpoint Source Unit #15 Attn: Scott Ristau P.O. Box 19276 Springfield, Illinois 62794-9276

Dear Mr. Scott Ristau,

The North Branch Chicago River Watershed Workgroup (NBWW) is pleased to support the ENTITY/PROJECT NAME for the Section 319(h) Nonpoint Source Pollution Control Financial Assistance Program. The proposed project includes best management practices for water quality improvements towards PROJECT DESCRIPTION. This water quality improvement project is recommended in the North Branch Chicago River Watershed-Based Plan BMP action plan to reduce pollutant loads and improve water quality and will allow for collaboration on projects and activities to restore habitat to improve aquatic life.

Through facilitating the collection and analysis of water quality monitoring data, the NBWW hopes to achieve attainment of water quality standards and designated uses for the North Branch of the Chicago River waterbodies. We believe that this project closely aligns with the NBWW’s mission, goals and objectives (see below). Mission: “The mission of the Workgroup is to bring together a diverse coalition of stakeholders to preserve and enhance water quality in the North Branch Chicago River and its tributaries.” Goals: (B) “Education and outreach targeted towards achieving attainment of water quality standards and designated uses for the watershed.” Objectives: (B) “Update and implement the North Branch of the Chicago River Watershed-Based Plan.”

Thank you for your consideration of this project proposal and funding request.


Brandon Janes Matt Farmer President, NBWW Vice President, NBWW Village of Deerfield Village of Northbrook [email protected] [email protected]

U:\PLANNING\North Branch Chicago River Workgroup\Graphics_Templates\Templates\NBWW Letter of Support.doc