M Arkets & N Etw Orks

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M Arkets & N Etw Orks Markets & Networks Facilitating the access to markets for professionals of Cinekid for Professionals The Financing Forum for Kids Content New Nordic Films TV Drama Vision the European audiovisual industry is a core objective of Stichting Cinekid Amsterdam The Financing Forum for Kids Content The Norwegian International Film Festival in Haugesund Göteborg International Film Festival the Creative Europe MEDIA programme of the International co-production market presenting new and innovative International co-production forum, conference and pitchings Co-production and fi nancing market for Nordic and internatio- TV Drama Vision is an international conference and co-fi nan- European Union. This publication gives an overview of projects in development for children and young audiences. It takes for children‘s media, held in Sweden. Focusing on fi lms, TV, nal producers, investors, fi lm funds, sales agents and others with cing event with focus on Nordic TV drama. annual events and activities designed to facilitate place during Cinekid festival, the world’s leading media festival for games and more for children and youth up to the age of 15. a professional interest in co-productions. Showcases selected https://goteborgfi lmfestival.se/tv-drama-vision/ access to markets for European audiovisual professionals children. www.thefi nancingforum.com projects with international appeal. TV Series www.cinekid.nl and promote European audiovisual works. www.fi lmfestivalen.no The European Series Summit / Série Series The initiatives take place all over Europe and beyond. Feature Films Feature Films Feature First Cut+ Films Feature CineLink Industry Days Kandimari Tatino Films Sofi a Meetings The European Series Summit, the “business” side of the Série www.creative-europe-media.eu Obala Art Centar Sarajevo First Cut+ is a programme designed for long feature fi ction Art Fest Series Festival, is designed to be both a platform for exchange Editing and Design: Creative Europe Desk Hamburg, 2019 Held during the Sarajevo Film Festival, CineLink includes and a think tank dedicated to creation. One-on-one meetings 2019 / 2020 fi lms from low production capacity countries in the editing Co-production market for fi rst, second and third time features. Cover Photo: European Shooting Stars 2018 a co-production market for pre-selected regional feature phase, aiming to foster the artistic potential of the selected It aims to encourage co-productions between East and West and and showcases of works in progress of European series, taking place in Fontainebleau, France. © Vittorio Zunino Celotto, EFP-European Film Promotion projects in a development/fi nancing stage as well as a work in rough cuts and to increase the sales, festival and circulation o ers pitching sessions, workshops and one-to-one meetings. www.serieseries.fr progress showcase. potential of the completed fi lms. www.si .bg www.s .ba fi rstcutlab.eu Agora Film Market and Crossroads Ventana Sur CineMart Baltic Sea Forum for Documentaries Thessaloniki International Film Festival Galway Film Fair Marché du Film - SOGOFIF Stichting International Film Festival Rotterdam National Film Centre of Latvia The event o ers a combination of fi lm market and Galway Film Fleadh Limited Argentinian co-production market and meeting place for Co-production platform at the Rotterdam Film Festival Latvian market and networking platform for projects from the co-production forum focusing on projects in development A unique opportunity to meet with the world’s leading the European and Latin-American fi lm industries. Showcases designed to connect fi lmmakers and potential partners Baltic Sea region, Eastern and Central Europe. Provides ways from Central Europe, the Balkans and Mediterranean fi nanciers in an intimate and informal atmosphere, allowing pre-selected projects to international decision makers. by showcasing pre-selected projects with international to fi nd funding and reach a wider audience across Europe. territory. new talent to be discovered and long term partnerships to be appeal. https://ventana-sur.com/en/ www.balticseadocs.lv www.fi lmfestival.gr made. Combines pre-scheduled meetings with seminars and www.i r.com pitchings. Feature Films Feature When East Meets West Baltic Event fair.galwayfi lmfl eadh.com Beldocs Market Connecting Cottbus Friuli Venezia Giulia Audiovisual Fund MTÜ BE International Documentary Film Festival BELDOCS Documentaries FilmFestival Cottbus Co-production forum that brings together over 450 Held during the Black Nights Film Festival in Tallinn, this The Industry Club Serbia-based market and networking platform for projects Co-production market connecting Eastern and Western producers, fi nanciers, decision makers and fi lm professionals from the Western Balkan territory, joining regional producers co-production market includes a work in progress showcase Festival Internacional de Cine de Donostia - San Sebastián from more than 35 countries. of projects originating from the Baltics and neighboring European fi lm professionals. It presents a variety of selected with professionals from all over Europe. projects to an audience of producers, buyers and fi nanciers. Industry programme, featuring a co-production forum for projects 2020 spotlight territories are Hungary, Romania, Moldava, regions. Austria, Germany and Switzerland. www.beldocs.rs www.connecting-cottbus.de from Europe and Latin America and a work in progress showcase be.po .ee for Latin American fi lms. www.wemw.it www.sansebastianfestival.com CPH:INDUSTRY Berlinale Co-Production Market European Gap Financing Market Fonden de Kobenhavnske Filmfestivaler Erhvervsdrivende Fond Kulturveranstaltungen des Bundes in Berlin Fondazione La Biennale di Venezia Les Arcs Comprodution Village Series Mania European Co-Production Forum Industry programme of the CPH:DOX festival consisting of a Co-production and co-fi nancing market at the Venice Film fi nancing and co-production platform as well as a VOD Market and networking platform for pre-selected projects Association Révélations Culturelles Forum des Images suitable for international co-productions o ering tailored Festival targeted at European and international projects that platform available for the attending professionals. A selection of 20 European feature fi lms in development Held in France, this pitching forum for pre-selected TV meetings and business opportunities. have secured at least 70% of their budget. Part of the Venice www.cphdox.dk presented to potential co-producers plus a work in progress projects is a platform to meet investors and decision makers. www.efm-berlinale.de Production Bridge industry programme. www.labiennale.org session with international buyers. One-on-one meetings, conferences and screenings complete www.lesarcs-fi lmfest.com the programme. TV Series DocsBarcelona - Industry Bridging the Dragon Planeta Med FIDLab www.series-mania.fr Bridging Visions e.V. MIA - Mercato Internazionale Audiovisivo Industry programme dedicated to facilitating access to market Association Vue sur les docs and networking amongst documentary professionals through Network association bringing together the European and Chinese ANICA (National Association of Cinema and Audiovisual Industries) fi lm industries. It organizes events at major international fi lm Support platform for international co-production of both pitchings, workshops and speed meetings. fi ction and documentary fi lms in development, production or Italy-based market for fi lm sales and acquisitions as well as a co-pro- www.docsbarcelona.com festivals, provides networking opportunities and o ers consul- duction forum for selected projects looking to complete fi nancing tancy on producing fi lms between Europe and China. post-production. Held in Marseille during the festival. www.fi dmarseille.org of all formats: features, documentaries and series. www.bridgingthedragon.com www.miamarket.it Markets & Networks Markets Markets & Networks Facilitating the access to markets for professionals of Cinekid for Professionals The Financing Forum for Kids Content New Nordic Films TV Drama Vision the European audiovisual industry is a core objective of Stichting Cinekid Amsterdam The Financing Forum for Kids Content The Norwegian International Film Festival in Haugesund Göteborg International Film Festival the Creative Europe MEDIA programme of the International co-production market presenting new and innovative International co-production forum, conference and pitchings Co-production and fi nancing market for Nordic and internatio- TV Drama Vision is an international conference and co-fi nan- European Union. This publication gives an overview of projects in development for children and young audiences. It takes for children‘s media, held in Sweden. Focusing on films, TV, nal producers, investors, film funds, sales agents and others with cing event with focus on Nordic TV drama. annual events and activities designed to facilitate place during Cinekid festival, the world’s leading media festival for games and more for children and youth up to the age of 15. a professional interest in co-productions. Showcases selected https://goteborgfilmfestival.se/tv-drama-vision/ access to markets for European audiovisual professionals children. www.thefinancingforum.com projects with international appeal. TV Series www.cinekid.nl and promote European audiovisual works. www.fi lmfestivalen.no The European Series Summit / Série Series The initiatives take place all over Europe and beyond. Feature Films Feature Films Feature First Cut+ Films Feature CineLink Industry Days
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