he Board of Trustees of FutureChurch Twishes to congratulate Sr. Chris Schenk on receiving the 2013 Trivison Award Living the Legacy of Vatican II

We thank you for your vision, your guidance and your ever present smile during these past 23 years. We wish you luck in your future endeavors and look forward to your continued involvement with, and counsel to, FutureChurch.

23rd annual fall event friday, october 4 & Saturday, october 5, 2013 On the eve of her retirement, the Sisters of the Congregation of St. Joseph With Gratitude for the many supporters of the honor FutureChurch founder and 23rd Annual Fall Event and Silent Auction Executive Director for the past 23 years, As of Sept. 19, 2013

Scholarship Underwriter 2-Day Classic Underwriters Auction and Raffle Donors Sister Christine Schenk, CSJ Mary Louise Hartman Lisa Barczyk Lisa Barczyk Helen Brinich Cleveland Downtown 2-Day Ticket Underwriters Thomas Carroll Marriott Hotel Jean and James Biek Bill Daly Leah Gary Chris, your vision for this ministry and Mary Catherine Bunting Bette Downing Marie Graf Leah Gary Marie and Mark Graf Barbara Guerin leadership over the years have made a Rosina and Gene and JoAnn Kramer Carol Gura real difference in the Church we all Joseph Horvath Janet and Jeff Leitch Eileen and Jerry Jarc Rita Houlihan Claudette Matero Lou Keim love, both around the world and Edward and Robin Senior Ladies and Gentlemen Laura Krawitt Salon and Spa here in Cleveland. Arline and Joe Nosse 2-Day Patrons Aaron Milavec J.Gerard Sheehan Jim Connell Arline and Joe Nosse We are filled with gratitude for Diana Culbertson OP Kay Vine Ann Dowdell your years of hard work and many Constance Dubick Special Thanks accomplishments, and wish Barbara Guerin Bob Kloos Penelope Jeffrey Digital Recording you joy and peace during this Joan Reidy Tim Lachina Rebecca and Ken Rocco Walter Green+Co. next leg of your journey. Design Virtual Supporters Jim Metrisin, Lillian Base Photography We extend our prayers and warm wishes Mary Bookman Bob Strohmeyer, to Deborah Rose-Milavec as she begins her new position Mary Ann Greiner North Coast Litho Rosina and Printing as Executive Director of FutureChurch. Joseph Horvath Rebecca Shaffer Mary Jo Lackamp Event Coordination Mary McCroskey Norma Meaker Martin Miller Mary Rose Straka-Felker


01 OPENING PRAYER Left Blessed are You, Holy Sustainer, Living the Legacy for the marvel of food, for bread and wine, of Vatican II for banquets and dinners, for picnics and suppers.

Right With compassionate love, Friday, O ctober 4 you fed Miriam and Moses Cleveland Airport Marriott Hotel and your people in the desert and You sustain us, today, with daily manna 6-7pm at breakfast, lunch and dinner. Meet and Greet Cocktail Party with Presenters

Left We are thankful for your Son, Jesus, 6:45-8pm who was the Living Bread, broken, shared and eaten in love. Lucky Draw Raffles and Silent Auctions Directors’ Reception Right For that Holy Bread who calls us, each, to share ourselves unselfishly 8-9:30pm as food for one another, we bless You, Divine Source Welcome and Opening Prayer: Jim Connell Left We take delight with Jesus and our holy forebears Priscilla, Perpetua, Phoebe, that parents, friends, teachers and poets, artists, Presentation of 2013 Trivison Award musicians, and people of prayer... have all been food for us. to Christine Schenk, CSJ: Marie Graf

Right Blessed are You, Boundless Mystery Transition Prayer: Thomas J. Gumbleton who have shared with us the secret of life: with Christine Schenk, CSJ and Deborah Rose-Milavec to become nourishment and life for each other. Keynote Address: Jamie L Manson May each meal we eat be a wonder of worship of You. Q&A

All Blessed are You, Beloved God, Announcement of Raffle and Auction Winners: Arline Nosse who from your sacred earth does daily give us bread to eat Closing Song and Adjournment Amen. Christine Schenk, CSJ, Executive Director Emerita

(Rev. Edward M. Hays: Prayers for the Domestic Church, Forest of Peace Publishing, 1989, as adopted.)

02 03 PRAYER for L eadership Transition Bishop Gumbleton: Holy faithful God. We gather now to pray your guidance and grace on the FutureChurch community, the FutureChurch Board of Trustees, and the FutureChurch staff, volunteers and committees as we turn a new page in the history of this organization’s service 2013 Father Louis J. Trivison Award recipient to the People of God.

Christine Schenk, CSJ, Executive Director Emerita ALL: Amen.

Bishop Gumbleton: Creator God, we give thanks for the gift of Sr. Christine Schenk’s found- ing leadership in helping birth FutureChurch as the strong and vital national organization that it has become. (Please raise your right hand in blessing for Chris as she relinquishes This award is given to a Roman Catholic her role as Executive Director and enters a new phase of service to the People of God.) who exhibits outstanding leadership in Reader: Like Sor Juana the 17th century Mexican sister and “first feminist of the Americas,” advancing the FutureChurch mission or vision may your poetic and literary gifts flourish during this coming year of reflection and writing in one or more of the areas of teaching, ad- about women’s leadership in the early Church. ministration, research, publication, advocacy Reader: Like St. Theresa of Avila, may you remain deeply rooted in our mysterious, mystical and pastoral service. God who loves you beyond all imagining.

Reader: Like , may you be persistent in your writing when days are difficult, and Chris Schenk has exhibited outstanding may you never lose your heart for the marginalized. leadership in all the areas prescribed for this Reader: Like Mary the Mother of Jesus, may your words be a vessel for birthing the Word of award. As a founding member and first director of FutureChurch, she has God into a world longing for the Divine. spent the last 23 years focusing the mission and vision of FutureChurch. Bishop Gumbleton: O God, most Provident One, we give thanks for planting your seed of Her advocacy has placed this organization at the forefront of the Catholic love for the Church, and great gifts for its reform, in the heart of FutureChurch’s new Execu- tive Director, Deborah Rose-Milavec. (Please raise your right hand in blessing now for Deb reform movement. From the first St. Mary of Magdala celebration in 1998 as she accepts this new leadership role with all of its burdens and its blessings.) to the Fr. Helmut Schüller/Catholic Tipping Point Tour this past summer, Reader: Like the Hebrew midwives, Shiprah and Puah, may you fearlessly nurture new life in Chris has been teaching about the real role women have played and can the face of opposition, so that because of your witness, the People of God grow and prosper play in our Church. She has touched and changed many lives with her work as did their Hebrew ancestors. at FutureChurch. Reader: Like St. Mary of Magdala may you proclaim the Good News of Jesus’ powerful resur- recting love that overcomes evil and sin and makes all things new. The Trivison Award is presented to Chris Schenk with deep affection, Reader: Like Prisca, Nympha, Lydia and Phoebe, may you serve the far-flung communities of respect and thanks for 23 years of outstanding leadership as co-founder, FutureChurch in fidelity to our faithful, provident God in whose image both women and men are made. executive director and the public face of FutureChurch, now and forever. Reader: Like Mary the Mother of Jesus may your leadership at FutureChurch be a vehicle for birthing a new Church fully open to the voice of Jesus’ Spirit at work in all the People of God.

Bishop Gumbleton: In the name of God who is all Love, I enjoin you Deborah and all at Futu- reChurch to faithful service to the People of God, to fidelity and obedience to the Holy Spirit, and to respectful relationships with the lawful authorities of our Church, as you fulfill your mission working for changes so that all Catholics have the opportunity to participate fully in Church life and leadership.

We ask this in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit (blessing)

04 All: Amen. 05 Dear Friends of FutureChurch,

I am grateful for this opportunity to serve FutureChurch in its mission of building a just and inclu- sive church where the Eucharist is available to all as nourish- ment for living the Gospel and serving those who are “least” keynote SPEAKERS among us. Jamie L. Manson I was born Catholic, but I stay Catholic, in large part, because Jamie Manson received her Master of Divinity degree from of many strong and holy women I’ve come to know in my Yale Divinity School, where she studied theology, spirituality, and sexual ethics. life; the women of Honduras who taught me to pray Madre

Nuestra to the beautiful brown skinned God who walks bare- She most recently served as the Director of Social Justice foot with them in the mountains; the women of South Africa who taught me how they Ministries at Jan Hus Presbyterian Church in New York City protect one another through education in a world where getting married is the most where she ministered to the needs of Manhattan’s poor and homeless populations. dangerous thing a woman can do when husbands routinely bring home HIV/AIDS; the Previous to this work, Jamie was the Pastoral Associate and Director of Faith women of India who inspired me with their pioneering work for gender equality, work- Formation at St. Francis Xavier Church in Manhattan. ing with their to write a Gender Policy for the whole in India. Jamie writes a monthly column for the National Catholic Reporter, addressing the I stay Catholic because women like Elisabeth Schüssler Fiorenza, Rosemary Radford plight of the poor, the future of the Church, issues of gender and sexual orientation, Ruether, S. Pat Farrell, S. Louise Akers, S. Chris Schenk, and others taught me, not and ways of finding God’s presence in our everyday lives. only to see that the Church has not been a safe place for women, but modeled for me how to plant my feet and stand strong for God’s wild and radical dream of justice, equality and peace. As a Catholic woman in a church where sexism is still faithfully practiced, where priests are being stretched beyond capacity, where the laity are not Bishop Thomas J. Gumbleton valued as leaders and decision makers, and where threats and silencing are too often Bishop Thomas Gumbleton, a retired auxiliary bishop of the the official response to the prophetic voices of our day, I know we have a lot of work to archdiocese, is a leading voice for peace, justice, and do together. civil rights in the United States. He is a co-author of the 1983 U.S. Catholic Bishops’ Conference Pastoral Letter, “The Chal- As I take up my position as Executive Director, I ask you to keep all of us at Future- lenge of Peace.” Church in your prayers. I also ask you to support the work of FutureChurch as never One of the first bishops to speak out against the Vietnam War, he is a founding before. As we move into the future, it seems apropos to remind you of something member and past president of Pax Christi USA, the American Catholic peace S. Chris said in 2009, “It’s not good to sit on your anger. You have to organize.” That is movement. He is also a founder and former president of Bread for the World. the spirit we take forward as we tear down the walls of every sort of discrimination and injustice and build the inclusive, healthy and vibrant church of the future.

Deborah Rose-Milavec Executive Director

06 07 ‘Providential’ Rome Pilgrimage Inspires and Energizes

During a March 2012 week of visit- Special prayer services created by ing and praying where early Christian Sr. Chris Schenk and led by selected women leaders lived and prayed, women from the group kept everyone thirty-five FutureChurch pilgrims saw mindful of the needs of our Church an excited Italian Church welcome today even as we celebrated women their smiling, pastoral new “Bishop of leaders of the past. Sing a New C hurch Rome” — as he prefers to call him- self. With providential timing, Future- Summoned by the God who made us rich in our diversity Church’s third pilgrimage to Rome sites Gathered in the name of Jesus, richer still in unity. of women leaders in the early Church occurred in the midst of Pope Francis’s installation as the 265th successor of St. Refrain: Let us bring the gifts that differ and, in splendid, varied ways, Peter. Like every good bishop, Francis sing a new church into being, one in faith and love and praise. was intent on helping everyone remem- ber that their baptismal calling is as Radiant risen from the water, robed in holiness and light, male and female important as his own. in God’s image, male and female, God’s delight. The six informative lectures by Dr. Carolyn If a new Pope were not enough, the pil- Osiek RSCJ, a widely recognized expert grimage was enriched by some unique Refrain on women’s roles in the early Church, contemporary women leaders. Sr. Kate were enlightening. Her lectures accom- Kuenstler, the canon lawyer who helped Trust the goodness of creation; trust the Spirit strong within. panied visits to relevant sites such as the reverse Vatican policy on parish Dare to dream the vision promised, sprung from seed of what has been. Pio Cristiano museum featuring third and closings, regaled listeners with stories fourth century sarcophagi friezes depicting of church politics past and present. Refrain women teaching various Gospel stories. A terrific documentary crew, Rebecca At the catacomb of Domitilla pilgrims Parish and Shu Ling, from InterChange (sung to “Nettleton,” the melody for “Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing”) examined a fresco of two women with productions shot footage for a new film Delores Dufner, OSB © Oregon Catholic Press ) Gospel scrolls and codices, while the about Catholic sisters. Sylvia Poggioli catacomb of Priscilla contains a fresco of and U.S. producers from National Public women sharing an early eucharistic meal. Radio arrived to cover the Ostia tour. Each site provided its own mute testimony Sylvia’s three minute story aired on to the all-but-forgotten women leaders in April 1, and is available on the website. the Church’s first five centuries.

Next year’s Pilgrimage to Rome and Ostia is set for March 20-27... but book early. We sold out in 2013. Visit www.futurechurch.org for details.

08 09 Living the Legacy of Vatican II Saturday, O ctober 5 Saturday, O ctober 5 River’s Edge at St. Joseph Center

Cleveland’s “Vatican II Veterans” and “Next Generation Vatican II Leaders” 8:30-9am focus on how clergy and laity working together made Vatican II happen in Continental Breakfast Cleveland, and what the Council means today.

9-10:15am Lou Keim, Director of three food centers for the West Side Ecumenical Ministry program: “As a direct result of the Council, we implemented shared lay Welcome and Opening Prayer: responsibility in the Diocesan Pastoral Council and in the formation of first-ever Deborah Rose-Milavec, Executive Director parish councils.” Vatican II “Veterans” Panelists: Lou Keim, Joe Konen, Jane Park, HM Joe Konen, Associate Professor Emeritus, The Ohio State University: “I was involved locally in pastoral ministry in the early post-Vatican days, taking part Response by Bishop Thomas J. Gumbleton in the formation of the Senate of Priests, Diocesan Pastoral Council, Lay Ministry Certification Program, Regional and Parish Pastoral Councils and more.” Table Breakouts and Feedback

Christine Nelson, VP Regional Business Development, Team NEO: 10:15-10:30am “I am a Cleveland native, attended St. Mel’s and St. Joseph Academy and I never Break knew the Catholic Church any differently and was inspired by its (Vatican II) vision from the example of my parents.” 10:30–11:45am

Next Generation Vatican II Leaders: Sr. Jane Pank, HM: Coordinator of Peace Makers, an interreligious Christine Nelson, Matt Wallenhorst dialogue group: “In December 1966, I attended the first meeting of laity, priests, and religious sisters in response to the Second Vatican Council. The outcomes Response by Jamie L. Manson were amazing. Many endure to this day.” Table Breakouts and Feedback Matt Wallenhorst: A Cleveland native currently pursuing a Closing Remarks: Jamie L. Manson and Bishop Thomas J. Gumbleton Master’s in Theology, Wallenhorst was previously the Campus Minister at Cathedral Latin High School: “I’ve never known the Church without Vatican II Announcement of Raffle Winners: Arline Nosse and have lived with the benefits of it my whole life.“ Closing Prayer and Adjournment: Deborah Rose-Milavec

10 11 IN 2013, M agdala Celebrations NunJustice Continues Strong Support of Sisters Honor Women of Vatican II Catholics are continuing their heartfelt support of the Leadership Conference Whether in a cave in France, listen- 20th century women at Vatican II of Women Religious (LCWR). Some are ing to Sr. Sandra Schneiders IHM at a brought the good news of God’s life- holding monthly prayer vigils, while college in Chestnut Hill, MA or to Fr. giving love to the Council. others are sending letters to Church Helmut Schuller in a packed church officials. Thousands more strongly in one of 15 cities, St. Mary of Mag- During this 50th anniversary of Vatican supported LCWR during their August dala celebrations once again inspired II, FutureChurch honors these modern 13-15, 2013 meeting with special prayer thousands of people this past summer. day “Apostles to the Apostles” who services on the feast of St. Clare. These Nearly 300 organizers held celebra- were ambassadors to the body of bish- prayed that Pope Francis and Arch- tions in July and August to celebrate ops. Women such as Rosemary Goldie, bishop Sartain would “not only speak her July 22 feast. Twenty three were Sr. Mary Luke Tobin, Luz-Marie Alva- but listen and authentically dialogue held outside the United States includ- rez-Icaza and so many others helped with the sisters as St. Francis did with ing Australia, Canada, France, Ireland, develop the Vatican II vision of a new St. Clare.” Netherlands, Norway, Scotland, Philip- Church, unified, egalitarian, accepting pines, United Kingdom, and Singapore. and loving. Their work is apparent in As we have for the past 19 years, the words of Gaudiam et Spes: “Every FutureChurch again exhibited at Scores honored the legacy of Mary of type of discrimination, whether social LCWR’s annual assembly. It was a Magdala, “as Apostle to the Apostles” or cultural, whether based on sex, color, special gift to have our incoming by remembering the 23 women – all but social condition, language, or religion Executive Director, Deborah Rose- Sartain saying: “Although we remain unknown - who attended the Second is to be overcome and eradicated as Milavec, present to meet so many uncertain as to how our work with Vatican Council as auditors. These contrary to God’s intent” (29). savvy and pastoral nun-leaders. We the bishop delegates will proceed, we found the sisters hopeful and confident, maintain hope that continued conversa- even though the assembly was a tions of this depth will lead to a resolu- difficult one with Archbishop Sartain tion of this situation that maintains the and the Apostolic Nuncio, Archbishop integrity of LCWR and is healthy for the Vigano in attendance. Again and again whole church.” sister superiors stopped to thank us and others in the NunJustice Project for mak- FutureChurch is closely monitoring ing visible the outstanding support of the developments. As part of the NunJus- People of God during this painful time. tice Project we stand ready to support the sisters in any way needed as this In an August 19 press statement, the unprecedented moment in Church LCWR board cited a “profound an hon- history unfolds. est sharing of views” with Archbishop

12 13 Organizing Worldwide for Women Deacons Ad Limina outreach: Some Bishops Open to Dialogue FutureChurch is committed to expanding the ministry of women in the Catholic (Others, Not So Much!) Church and our Women Deacons: Why Not Now? initiative is poised to do just that. By the end of the U.S. Bishops› every of openness to dialogue about women five year ad limina visits to Rome (May deacons with six favoring it, and five The project helps Catholics learn the rich 2012), over 400 concerned Catholics had willing to discuss it, Three expressed history of female deacons, discover why contacted 42 dioceses to discuss the willingness to suggest the desirability the Church should restore the female The presence of our international brothers severity of the priest shortage, married of extending the diaconate to women diaconate, and implement a discernment and sisters reminds us of the universal priests and women deacons. All told, in Rome. One bishop and one diocesan process to surface women candidates for community of our Church and the global faithful Catholics succeeded in obtaining official registered no support for women presentation to their bishop. To date 93 issue of priest shortage. In May German meetings in seventeen dioceses. All deacons. organizers have downloaded or purchased Archbishop Robert Zollitsch argued that meetings were cordial and most lasted our Women Deacons: Why Not Now? the Church is ready for women in the about an hour. Of the twenty five dioceses where no resource packet. diaconate. In doing so, he echoed the sen- meeting occurred at all, six bishops cited To reach our goal of surfacing candidates timents of US Bishop Emil Wcela’s 2012 Optional celibacy discussion time constraints suggesting meeting at a in 8-10 dioceses, we are developing a article in America, “Why Not Women.” outcomes: Six bishops expressed later time and/or providing other avenues network of local organizers in the US. and openness to dialogue about optional for conveying information. Five bishops Join the movement today! worldwide. Currently 37 organizers in celibacy with three favoring it and three categorically refused to meet and eleven If you feel called to the diaconate or 6 countries are educating their parishes, willing to talk about it. Only one bishop, did not respond at all to phone or written would like to be a local organizer in finding candidates, and meeting with however was willing to discuss optional correspondence. support of this effort please contact their bishop. celibacy at his Rome ad limina visit. [email protected] Five bishops and three diocesan officials All in all, the efforts and meetings appeared closed to any consideration of represent a good start. Sadly, the next five optional celibacy as a way to address the years will move the U.S. Church closer to shortage of priests. the looming priest retirement cliff and this Finding Your Voice: itself may be an incentive to reopen these Women deacon discussion conversations at the next ad limina visits Women and the W ord Teleconference Series outcomes: Substantially more bishops, in 2017. FutureChurch’s Women and the Word teleconferences returned in 2013 with a three-part eleven to be exact, expressed some level series focused on educating and empowering callers to find their own voice and advocate for justice in their diocese. Each teleconference reached between 60-150 people.

In February, Sr. Kate Kuenstler, PHJC spoke on the rights and obligations of the laity as found in Book Two of Canon Law. She reminded us that all Catholics can and should use Save Our Parish Community Canon Law as a tool for seeking justice. FutureChurch continues to counsel and supply resources to parishioners appeal- Dr. Paul Lakeland joined us in April to discuss primacy of conscience and when it is neces- ing unjust decisions to close their vibrant and solvent churches. We work closely sary to dissent. He offered guidance on the importance of forming our conscience and the with Sr. Kate Kuenstler who is now handling over 25 appeals, some internationally. obligation of Catholics to act in accordance with our conscience at all times. To date we have assisted over 28 U.S. parishes in six dioceses win their appeals to keep churches open. Now diocesan reconfiguration plans do not automatically May’s presentation by Dr. Phyllis Zagano outlined the case for ordaining women as deacons in the Roman Catholic Church. Inspired by this foundation, FutureChurch is creating a net- include closing and selling off churches. work of information and support for communities and potential deacon candidates. On November 2, 2013 Sr. Chris Schenk and Sr. Kate will give two focus sessions If you missed any or all of these calls, podcasts are available at futurechurch.org. We hope at entitled Yes, You Can Change Vatican Policy. We will tell the story you are inspired to advocate for justice in your community and that you Find Your Voice! of how our grassroots initiative helped ordinary Catholics change Vatican policy on church closings.

14 15 Fr. Helmut Schüller Draws Thousands in “Catholic Tipping Point” Tour

Attempts by bishop-leaders in three U.S. dioceses to ban Catholics from hearing an Austrian parish priest, Fr. Helmut Schüller, backfired and then some. Thousands of Catholics and scores of U.S. priests were galvanized by Schüller’s courageous call for reform in all 15 cities of his Catholic Tipping Point summer tour in 2013.

Fr. Helmut came to the U.S. through love very much,” Schüller said. “I also as greater lay leadership and transpar- the initiative of FutureChurch and at spoke with many priests who see the ency in Church governance. the invitation of nine other U.S. Church need for change but are afraid to raise reform organizations*. By tour’s end their voices. There is no place for fear For a video of Schuller’s presentation the coalition had committed itself to or intimidation in the Catholic Church. and to review media coverage visit advancing an international movement of We all must speak out for our rights as www.catholictippingpoint.org. priests and people working for funda- Catholics.” mental rights in the Church. *Sponsored by: Call To Action, CORPUS, Catholics Schüller is founder of the Austrian in Alliance for the Common Good, DignityUSA, FutureChurch, New Ways Ministry, National On August 8 Fr Schüller delivered Priests’ Initiative that issued a global Coalition of American Nuns, Quixote Center — thousands of red ribbons and sig- “Call to Disobedience” in 2011, calling spoken directly to over 6,000 Catholics Catholics Speak Out!, Voice of the Faithful, and natures collected from Catholic laity for the admission of women and mar- Women’s Ordination Conference while thousands more tuned in via live- and clergy to the New York office of ried people to the priesthood as well streaming and online video. Cardinal Timothy Dolan, President of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. “I discovered many faithful Catholics Organizers estimate that Schüller had working hard to change the church they Priesthood Sunday 2012 a Succe ss!

Our Cleveland celebration was one of at least 66 held in the US, Australia, Canada, Ireland, Scotland, and the Netherlands on or around October 28, Priesthood Sunday. Participants were encouraged to take action and advocate for a return of both married priests and women deacons. Many signed our Open Letter to U.S. Bishops and/or sent postcards or e-postcards to Cardinals Piacenza and Mueller in Rome. These signatures were delivered during FutureChurch’s annual Pilgrimage to Sites of Early Women Leaders in March.

In 2013, Priesthood Sunday will be held on October 27. Contact [email protected] for prayer resources for your parish.

16 17

The Community of St. Malachi Thanks to Sr. Chris Schenk for your working to make the Catholic Church more Commitment to the Mission of FutureChurch vibrant for all people

we were with you in the beginning Kathy Rinehart Pat Dzurilla Don and Kathy Rynbrandt Pat and Joyce Casey we are with you today. Barb and Frank Tercek Nancy Meany Bunny Gross Betty Radis Bill and Emmy Lou Plato Terry Battaglia Congratulations to FutureChurch for 23 years of service Mary Ann Theby Karen and Mathew Hanson Mary C. Mitro William Edwards Mary Nemec Mrs. and Mr. Nora Beach Stephanie Hunt Patti and Dave Repko Katie Burke Mary E. Wolfson Linda and Keith Wheeler Lori Miller Fran and Nick Babic Virginia Gall Jackie Eastman Aimee Convery Mercedes Hronek Lisa Frey Jean and Jim Biek Shirley and Kevin Riordan Mary Bookman Ann Castelli best wishes Mary Massey Shirley SanFilippo Lee Cook Kathy and Ernie D’Amato Ingrid Angel Frances Burke Bob Eidner Lisa Oswald futurechurch

St. Mark Parishioners

Al & Janis Abel John & Carol Behnke Tom and Joann Callahan Al & Coreen Cool Dan & Bernie D’Ettore George & Elane Parfitt Members of the Church of the Resurrection Dan & Joanne Shaughnessy Bob & Maggie Smith Solon, Ohio John & Rita Szy Lew (deceased) & Lillian Zahara THE COMMUNITY OF ST. BRIDGET SENDS A HUNDRED THOUSAND BLESSSINGS TO THE MEMBERS OF FUTURECHURCH, A SINCERE WELCOME TO TO DEBORAH ROSE-MILAVEC


communityofstbridget.org a lay directed Eucharistic community

Thanks for 23 Years of Loving the Church and Working to Make It Better!

Friends of FutureChurch from St. Malachi Parish www.stmalachi.org

All Blessings to FutureChurch

from your friends at New Ways Ministry

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Urged by the love of Christ and in the spirit of our founder, Elizabeth Ann Seton, we Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati strive to live Gospel values. We choose to act justly, to build loving relationships, to share our resources with those in need, and to care for all creation. – Sisters of Charity Mission Statement

www.srcharitycinti.org Board of Trustees Cleveland Program Committee Marie Graf, Chair Thomas Carroll OFM, Chair Rita Houlihan, Vice-Chair Fran DeChant Living Our Barbara Guerin, Secretary Alan Klonowski Jim Connell, Treasurer Joan Reidy Arline Nosse, Development Chair Baptismal Call Bill Wisniewski, Personnel Chair Development Committee Arline Nosse, Chair At-Large Liza Barczyk November 1-3, 2013 Lisa Barczyk Ellen Canepa Brzytwa Fr. Gerry Bechard Leah Gary Milwaukee, WI Jocelyn Collen Robin Senior Thomas Carroll, OFM oin the largest annual gathering Sr. Diana Culbertson, OP Finance Committee Jof progressive Catholics for a Bill Daly Jim Connell, Chair weekend of inspiration and action! Mary Louise Hartman Liza Barzcyk Eugene Kramer Bill Daly Come for prayer and worship, Barbara Guerin Diana Hayes networking, workshops, children Ex-Officio Sr. Ann Kilbane, CSJ Deborah Rose-Milavec, Executive Director Jerry Sheehan and teen programs, arts, music Christine Schenk, CSJ, Executive Director Emerita performances and more!

A Special Thank You to the members of Our Optional Celibacy and Women in Church Leadership Advisory Committees Featured presenters include: Diana Hayes, The Future of Catholic Ministry Dan Schutte of the St. Louis Jesuits Musical Group, Walking the Sacred Path With Gratitude for our Faithful Office and Benefit Volunteers Dan Schutte Rachel Pokora, A Fire in Our Bones: Power, Carol Anders FutureChurch Staff Authority, and Dissent in the Roman Catholic Helen Brinich Executive Director Diocese of Lincoln, Nebraska Maureen Cerny Deborah Rose-Milavec Miguel De La Torre, Why the Church, for its Sue Costanzo Executive Director Emerita Own Salvation, Needs our Queer Sisters Fran DeChant and Brothers Christine Schenk CSJ Lou Keim Alan Klonowski Program Coordinator Dante Parete Elizabeth England Visit cta-usa.org/conference for details Patricia Parker Office Manager Kathy and Bob Rossman Rachel Pokora Delta Convention Center, Milwaukee Margaret Gorbett Questions? Call us at 815.299.7158 Administrative Assistant Sign up early for discount registration Patti Blum With gratitude to the FutureChurch parish contacts for all their help, support and prayers throughout the year. Register Today!

Miguel De La Torre cta-usa.org/ 17307 Madison Avenue - Lakewood, OH 44107 216.228.0869 FutureChurch.org conference