Lower Palaeozoic of the Barrandian area

(Czech Republic) - a review

Petr STORCH*, Oldrieh FATKA* & Petr KRAF~T*


In the Bohemian Massif (central Europa) the only nonmetamorphosed, weakly tectonized, aud alrnost complete Lower Palacozoje sequence is presa- ved in So called Barrandian area. In fact. the Barrandian area is composed of sedimentary and volcanie complexes of three superimposed basin. each of them representing a distinct tectonostratigraphical megacycle. The firsr. Proterozoje, megacycle was terminated by tectonie ami metamorp- lije processes of the Cadomian Orogeny. SmalI part of the former, very large Proterozoic basin has been preserved tul now in central and western parts of Bohemia. and forms the Precambrian basement of ah the Palaeozoic rocks. In the Lower . a new. entirely different basin originated in the Barrandian area. It is characterized by mostly continental (except of Middle Cambrian marine ingression) clastic scdiments ami may be roughly interpícted as a post-orogenic intermountain depression. Volcanism, tectonic uplift, and subsequent erosion terminated the second megacyclc towards 4w end of

Cambrian - history of the Barrandian area begins with Tremadocian trans- gression which flooéed both the Precambrian basement ant in part, the fin- mci (?ambrian éeposits. Due to the rapid development and subsidence of li- near. tectonically controlled, synsedinientary depression, a continuous Ordovi- cian Middle marine sequence of the so calleé Prague Basin has been preserved. The Ordovician lvliddle Devonian strata of tlie Prague Basin belong ro the thiré teetonostratigraphical megacycle.

* Czcch (icol”eical 5urvcy, Malostranské nám. 19, Piaba 1, Czech Rcp. 164 Par Storck, Oldrieh Fatra & Par Kraft

During dxc Mariscan Orogeny, dxc Lower Falaeozoic sequences of the Barrandian area, tegether witlx their Precambrian basement, were folded, faul- ted, uprised, and then eroded. The Barrandian area is welI known te the geelogists as one of the classical regiens of the European Lower Palaeozeic. Maricé Iithefacies ané biofacies of its almest complete Cambrian-Midéle Devenian sequence centributed greatly to the present knowledge of dxc early Palacozoje part of dxc Earth’s histery. Many dxousands taxa of marine fossils have been described frem the Barran- dian Lower Palaeozeic since the first studies of Joachim Barrande. Rich and diverse faunas, and complete sectiens, previded a gocé basis for the detailed stratigrapby and correlatien of the sequence. Type sections of several standard chrenostratigraphic units were approved in the Barrandian aren (-De- vonian boundary, Prídelí, Lochkevian, Pragian). Due te great difficulties in correlatien of Behemian, and net enly Bohe- mian, Ordevician successien with Ihe classical British scale, three of British se- ries (Llandeilo, Caradec, Asligilí) were substituted by local, “Mediterranean” series (Debretivá, Bereun, Dráluv Dvur. Kosov). Sorne authers take the Or- devician series as stages as they have not yet been officially stanéardized.


The eldest rocks of dxc Barrandian aren were deposited during dxc Precam- brian tectenostratigraphic megacycle ané can be correlated with ihe upper Rip- hean ané Vendian sequences in age. The cerrelatien is based on mierophyte- plankten eccurrences. Beth ihe beginning ané the ené of ihe megacycle are peorly dated, however, in the Barrandian area. Aceerding te dxc recent investigatiens, the Precambrian sedimentation teok place en the eceanie crust. Several kilometres thick complex of greywackes, slltstones, claystenes, conglemerates, and spilitic volcanites was foldeé, slightly metamerphesed rised np in ceurse of Cadomian Orogeny. Rather complicated structural and Iithelegical develepment of the Barrandian Precambrian (Prote- rezoic) beds lead the specialiss te create several. net yet unified stratigraphical interpretatiens of the sequence. One group prefers te discern three-step stratigraphical seheme (consisting of ihe Blovice-Teplá. the Davie, ané the Dobrís groups). other specialists pre- fer the two-step stratigraphical scheme (éiscerning the Kralupy-Zbraslav ané Stechevice groups), ané ene author produced the stratigraphieal seheme whieh includes six «series». Lower Palacozole nf tite Barrandian urea... 165

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— 0 10km faulí, o,,edhru.t io,~ii II

Figura 1 .—Sketch map oJ dic Lower Palacozole cf Barrandian urea.


libe seconé eldest megacycle is represented hy Cambrian deposits. At pre- sent the Cambrian recks are preserved in two separated regiens -in the se ca- lleé Príbram-Jince Basin ané in the Skryje-Tyrovice area (fig. 1). In the Prí- bram-Jince Basin the Lewer Cambrian recks were deposited en the Precam- brian basemení with a proneunced angular discenferniity as did dxc Midúle Cambrian rock in the Skryje-Tyrevice area. As oppese te cempletely marine deposits of Precambrian basement ané thc Ordovician-Devonian rocks of the Prague Basin, the seéimentary sequences of the twe Cambrian eutcrop areas are characterized by prevalence of continental, non-marine éepesits. The sedi- mentation continued up te the Upper Cambrian in the much more extensíve Príbram-Jince Basin. II is fefloweé by rhyelite-andesite. partly suhaerial, vol- canje Strasice Complex. Ir the Skryje-Tyrevice aiea, the sedimentatien was res- tricted te the Miédle Cambrian, being succeeded by mestly subaerial rhyelite- andesite velcanites of Krivoklát-Rokycany Complex. 166 Petr Storck, Oldrich Fotra & Peo- Kraft


O 500 0Óm

S ~ 5W 6~ .%%t

Figura 2.— Stratigraphic chart of (he Canibrian sequence of (he Príbra,n-Jince Basin. (Modificated after HA VLICEK, 1971). 1, Zitee Conglomerares; 2, 1-lublos Conglomerates; 3, Sádek Sandsones; 4, I-Iolsiny Conglomerares; 5, Horieesandstones; 6, 1>aseky Sitales; 7, Klou- eek Conglomerares; 8, Cenkov Sandqone

: Lower Pa/aeozoic of dic Barrandian urea... 167

Príbram-j¡nee Rasin

The sed imentation was cenfined te a rather narrow, tectenicaiiy predispe- sed intermeuntain depressien. The longitudinal axis of the basin strikes at 40-45x. libe Lower Cambrjan sequence consists rnestly of cengiemerates, va- ricus sandstones, antA subgreywackes. They were depesited under a continental envxrenment, in alluvial plains and fans. stream channeis, lakes and bays. Ra- pié subsidence of 4w basin as well a probably high relief of the surreunding lanéscape resulted in a rapid sedimentatjen of up te 2000 m thick éepesits of the Lower Cambrian age. Stratigraphic seheme reflects mere or less regular interchange of coarser (conglemerates) and finer (sanéstenes) sedimenis. Each of the cycles was cias- sified as fermation whích, as a rule, censists of two members. The base of Midéle Cambrian is markeé by prebably rapié marjne trans- gression in the Príbram-jince Basin. The sequence is cempesed of shales, silis- tenes. fine grcywackes, ami sanéstones. Regressiou folleweé before the end of the Midúle Cambrian. The Upper Cambrian is represented by local sedimentatien of sandstones succeeded bx partly subaerial acié te intermediate volcanites. Most of the Cambrian sequence is non- er sparsely fossilifereus. Beth the Lewer ané lJpper Cambrian depesits are not dated by fossils, as eppese te the Miédle Cambrjan enes whjch centain a rich ané diverso fauna.

Zitee - Uhibos Formation

This formation resís with a prominent angular disconfermity en the underí- ying Precambrian rocks. Two members. greenish Zite Conglemerates and red- dish Hlubes Cenglemerates with material of local erigin (Precambrian grey- wackes. shales, lydites ané spilitic vekanites) supplied by shert streams. Thc complete thickness of the fermatien ranges from 100 te 600 m.

Sádek Formation Unfessilifereus seéiments of this fermatien are formeé by subarkoses, sub- greywackes, ané greywackes with a clay matrix. Shales ané cenglemerates are raro. The thickness ranges from 250 te 1200 m.

Holsiny-}loriee Format¡on

The oIdor of the twe members - 1-Ielsiny Conglemerates is fermed by weIl sorteé, largcly monemictic, lecally tuffitic quartzese cenglemerates. having 168 Petr Storck, Oldrich Fao-a & Peo- Kraft usuafly a sharp centact with the underlying Sádek Formatien. The Herice Sanéstenes are light-grey quartzese sanéstones with suberdina- te greywackes. Lecally 5-10 m thick greenish claystenes of Paseky Shales are develeped in the lewer part of the Holsiny-Horice Formation. Ihe Paseky Shales represeul the enly fessiliferous level within the sandy ané conglomeratic Lower Cambrian sequence. They yield an aglaspid merosteme Kodymirus vagans and three el- her, yet undescribed crustaceans, asseciated with diversified cyanobacterial and phyteplankten assemblage.

Kloucek-Cenkov Formation

Unfossiliferous, polymictic, peerly sorteé Kleueek Conglomerates are re- placed laterally by finer but otherwise aimost identical Cenkov Sanéstenes. Rhyolite tuff Iayers oceur in sorne places. Thickness of the formation ranges bet- ween 400 and 800 m.

Chumava-Bastina Formation Well sorteé, white te grey, monomictie Chumava Conglemerates are late- rally replaced by greywackes, subarkoses and sanéstones ef the Bastina Sanés- tenes. Common layers of massive rhyolite ané andesite tuffs are known frem the western part of Ihe basin. The common thickness of the fermatien ranges frem 120 te 900 m.

Jinee Formation Up te 450 m thick Jince Fermatien is the only richly fessiliferous formation of 4w Príbram-Jince Basin. Highly diverse fauna which is common threughout the whele unce Formation made possible precise dating and correlation. The sequence begins with the early Midéle Cambrian trilebite biezencs ané termi- nates with late Midéle Cambrian faunas. Greywackes ané sandy sbales, prevailing in the Jower antA uppcr parts of the fermatien, are replaced by fine-grained greywackes ané shales in the me- dial part of the sequence. Shaly layers contain diversified phytoplankton asso- ciated with locally cemrnon ané diverse macrofauna (trilobites, hyelithids. ecu- noderms, brachiopoés, ostraceds, werms, trace fossils) ané algae. Symmetrical succession of the faunal assemblages fits well with an ideal transgressive-regressive marine cyclc. Inarticulate brachiepod assemblages are knewn frem the oldest and yeungest layers, assemblages of diverse pelymerid trilobites (4 cado/enus, Paradoxides, Conocoryphe, Ptychoparia a.o.) appeared Lower Pu/aeozoic of the Burrundiun urea... 169 in deeper. medial part of the sequence. The time of the maximum regressíon is decumented by stratigraphically limiteé presence of agnostié-dominated as- semblage (Onymagnostus, flypagnosrus, Tornagnostus) in about the first third of the cycle. Macrofauna. mainly trilobites, enable te recognize 11 biezones aud horizoíxs, sorne of them well correlatable with these established in Scandi- navia ami Spain.

Ohrazenice Formation Usually sharp lithoiogic beundary separates unfossiliferous, well sorteé mo- nemictic quartzose conglomerates ané sanéstones of the Olirazenice Forma- tion, from Ihe underlying. shales of Jince Formatien. Abundant blocks of (2am- brian effusives as well as felsite bedies occur at some eutcreps. The thickness of the formatien ranges from 10(1 te 250 m.

Pavlovsko Formation Ihe last of rhe Cambrian formations is characterizcé by unfossiliferous, red- dish pelymictic conglomerates with a predominance of lyéite ané rhyolite-an- desite pebbles. ¡‘he area of sedimentation moved te the westernmost part of the Príbramiince Basin. It reflecís proneunced palaeegeegraphic changes ac- cernpanying the rectonic and volcanie processcs in Ihe Uppcr Cambrian. The following, extensive voleanie activity produced both the local Strasíce Complex ané the adjacent Kriveklát-Rocycany Complex. The Pavlovsko For- mation reaches nearlv 250 m in thickness.

Strasice Complex The Upper Cambrian volcanism preduced up te 500 m thick succession of andesites, basaltie andesites, antA basalts which crep out in the northwestern part of the Príbram-Jince Basin. So calleé Strasice Cemplex is more alkaline, in general, than Krivoklát-Rekycany Cemplex situateé northwards of the basin.

Skryje-Tyrovice area In the Skryje-Tyrovice area the Midéle Cambrian seéiments are everlain, with an erosional éiscenformity, by Upper Cambrian rhyolitic antA andesitic vol- canites of the Kriveklát-Rekycany Complex. In age the Cambrian sediments of the Skryje-Tyrevice area equal only te the Iower and midéle parts of the Jince Formation of Príbram-Jince Basin. The Íellowing five lithostratigraphical units were establisheé in 4w Skryje- Tyrovice area: 170 Petr Srorck, Oldrich Farra & Perr Kraft

Mi/ec Sandswnes.—Monemictic, grey, cearse sandstenes te conglomerates wtth not toe diversificé antA fragmentary trilobites, brachiopeés antA gastropoés. Tyrovice Conglomeraes.—Grey polymictic cenglomerates antA greywackes with rare brachiopeés antA trilobites. Skryje Shales.—Greenish-grey shales with local sanéy ané silty layers. They are typical by rich antA diversificé macrefauna (trilobites, brachiepeés. hyolit- hiés, echineéerms) antA usually peorly preserved phytoplankton. Vosník Cong/omerates.—Unfessiliferous polymictic cenglomerates which form usually twe, er mere, layers within the Skryje Shales. The wbele sequence is terminated by velcanites of 4w Krivoklát-Rokycany Cemplex. Feur velcanie pericés gaye origin te up te 1500 m thick successien of rhyolites, rhyedacites, éacites and andezites. Often brecciateé lavas, ignim- brites, antA tuffs were mostly produced by subaerial composite velcanees in the Kriveklát-Rekycay Cemplex. The present knowledge abeut the Barrandian Cambrian is based en the fo- llowing papers: stratigraphy HAVLICEK (1971), HAVLICEK (1992a), lithe- legy KUKAL (1971), fauna and biestratigraphy SNAJDR (1958), MERGL antA SLEHOFEROVA (¡990). SDZUY (1972). FATKA antA KORDULE (1992), palaeogeography - KRS et al. (1987).

Pragne Basin Sinee Tremaéoc times (basal Ordovician) the new marine transgression at- taineé the Barranéjan area. The newly originateé Prague basin was tectonically preéispeseé. Its longitudinal axis was given by subsiding tectonic zene of SW-NE direction, antA striked at abeut 200 te the former. Cambrian. Príbram- unce Basin. The sedimentation persisteé up te the Midéle Devenian without any pro- minent breaks. Oréevician strata are typical by siliciclastic éeposits which are replaceé by limestone facies since about the midéle of Silurian. The limestene Devonian sedimentation terminateé by siliciclastic flysh deposits in ceurse of Givetian. The youngest deposits are preserveé in dxc centralmost part of the sinclinorium of the Prague Basin. Repeateé, tectenically predispesed submarine volcanism produced large but local accumulations of alkaline basalt lavas, hyaloclastites (granulates) and tuffs. Lower Palaeozoic of rhe Barrandian urea... 171

m SERIES (STAGE) FORIIATION . . . a a iCosov Kosov fl.3Z4 E E Coa

Ashgill ~ ______KrálAv KráiÓv Dvftr ______Dv?,,- a

Bolidalee a

A A AA -s 2-~.

E E Vi ni.ee AA E En caradoc Beroun

¡ LernA ¡r~.s:::::: O A AA rs .. AA:.:


A Libe?, Sh Libe?, .ftevnice O o

A ..~.. AA Llandti lo A A A Dobrotivá flobrotivá Dobrotivá AAAAr. Sh. •.~. AAAA -r.SkalkaO o A A A A~’~’~ ______o Llanvirol Llanvirn Sárka AAAA~AArsAAAAAA A AAAst.t. -~ A AA A #. A A rs o Arenig Arcnig iClabava A-sA-sAr. AA O A A A A-st 5 . O Tremadoc J Tremadnc Tienice .o.~.0 0.. o.o.0.,.. -t 00 ~0 ~ ¿

£3 fl

Figura 3. ——Srrarigraphic chair of dic Urdovician scquen<.c. (Afrer Ul-iLUPAC el al., 1992>. 1, conglomerares, grevwackes uná sundsrones; 2. cherts: 1, sha/es: 4, ha- saíne vo/canites; 5,6, quarrzose sandsrones; 7, alrernution of sundsrones, greywackes uná siltston es; 8, sUN shules unU silistones; 9,sedimen(arv Iron ores,- /0, srrurigraphical hienas; Su. sha/es; Q.. quartzites.

. 172 Perr Storck, O/drich Fao-a & Peo- Krafr


The lower Tremadecian sea penetrated into a narrow, newly originateé, de- pression of the Prague Basin. Beginning with the Arenig the synseéimentary tectonic differentiatien of 1w basin gaye origin te several segments parallel te thc lengituéinal axis of the basin. Further synsedimentary differentiatien, per- pendicular te the longitudinal axis. produceé another two segments: less sub- siéing seuthwestern segment, antA mere subsiding nertheastern segment. cha- racterizeé by greater thickness of 1w sediments. Ihe basin extended outside the central depression since about the Llanvirn. The Ordovician succession of the Prague Basin is typical by alternatien of shaly ané sandy facies. Time te time the distal parts of shallew-water sanésto- ne facies, reached even the central depressien of the basin. In general. howe- ver, the central depression of the Prague Basin is characterizeé by black clayey shales since the beginning of the Llanvirn (Sárka Fm.) tilí the upper Bereun (Bohdalec Fm.). Several ¡ron ere horizens are present. Usually they are used as basal markers of dxc lithostratigraphic units. The shallow sea which fleedeé Ihe Barranélan area was situated at the nort- bern periphery of Gondwana centinent in Ordevician. It was pepulated by a «Mediterranean Prevince» fauna. reflecting colé or cocí temperate climatie con- ditiens. The fauna is very clese te that of ether peri-Gondwanian regions (Spain, France, Saréinia, Italian-Austrian Carnic Mps). also the tepmost Ordovician glacial event accompanied by preminent glacio-eustatic regressien is well recor- tAcé in the tepmost Ordevician Kosov Fermation in dxc Prague Basin. Extensive Oréevician basalt volcanism was concentrated mostly te Kemá- rey Complex. It began in the Arenig and persisteé up te tIxe uppermost part of Bereun. The maximum volcanic activity is documented from Llanvirnian and upper Bereunian strata. The maximum thickness reaches nearly 1000 m. Thc Ordovician deposits are up te 2500 m thick, incluéing the volcanies. The Ordovician of the Prague Basin is subdivided into 7 stages (ev series according te sorne authors) with 12 forrnations.

Trenice Formation At that time dic Prague Basin eriginateé as a narrew ané shallow depres- sien witheut the axial éeepening, bordered by emerged elevations. A deep cen- tral éepressien appeared first in the Arenig. The Trenice Formation is built pre- deminantly by quartzose sanéstones, greywackes, ané arkeses, with local iren ore lenses. Deminance of inarticulate brachiopeés accounts for the enviren- mental conéitions unfaveurable for marine fauna. An abundant fauna (trilebi- Lower Pulaeozoic of (he Barrandiun area... 173 tes, , cystoids) is cenfined te iren ere lenses only. Tlic anomaleus envirenrnent of the chemical seéimentation, in which tlie iren ere lenses erigi- nated. was faveurable te the marine fauna. The fermation is up te 30 m thick.

Mílina Formation

In tlie Ijpper Tremadee, the Prague Basin became shallewer ané narrewer (en the territory of Prague the sea was less than 8 km wide). It reflects the Ce- ratopyge regressive Event. At tliat time the Prague Basin liad a lageonal cha- racter with a prevalence of chemical sedimentatien. Chert betAs represent 50% of the total thickness (up te 35 m) of 4w formation. linfaveurable living con- diticas centinued. The fauna is dominated Uy inarticulate brachiopods whilst tlie otlier greups (trilobites. articulate brachiepods) are rare.

Klahava Formation la the Areniu the floeded area increased greatly ané dxc sea spreads te tlic SW. Wc te the tectenic activity Hm basin differentiated inte a fcw. narrew, longitudinal scg¡ncnts. Eustatic transgression, correlatable witli 4w Hunneber- gian transgrcssive Event, ané rising zenes flanking the basin, causeé replace- ment of the Tremadocian chemical sedimentation by a clastie one since the be- ginning of the Arenig. Principal litliofacies - grey-green sliales, rcd shales ané greywackes (so calleé «Olesná BetAs»), redeposited tuffs and tuffites. differ. each from otíxer. ja their fessil centent as weIl. tip te 300 rn thick Klabava Foruxation is peor ja fossils. thc greca shales contain mainly graptelites aad inarticulate brachiepeds, otlier fauna is local antA rare - Fauna of tuffs, tuffitcs antA red shalcs consists nearly exlusively of inarti- culate and articulate brachiopods. Biostratigrapliy ané corrclation of the Be- henxian Arenig sequence is based níainly en graptelite fauna. Well preserved ané diversified acritarchs. chitinozoans, and conodents whicli also liave a great correlative potential. were feuné in the Klabava Formation.

Sárka rormation The early Llanvirn is characterized Uy a tArastic changes in sedimentation. Striking sea transgression fleoded the surrounding pre-Ordovician elevatiens. Prominent iron ore herizen is usually developed at the base of black siltv slia- les of Sárka Formation. Submarinc basalt volcanism of the Komárov Cemplex, which began in the early Klabava Formatien, culminated ja the Sárka Forma- tien ami thc associatcd velcanesedimentary depestis reaclied their widest dis- tribution. l-liglily diverse fauna of the formation is best preserved in silícecus 174 Petr Storck, 01drich Farra & Petr Kruft concretiens (se calleé ~

Dobrotivá Formation Facies patterns of tlie Dobretivá Formation differ frem those of Sárka For- matien. In the central part of tlie basin, the clayey sedimentatien crossed the Llanvirn-Debretivá beunéary. In the marginal parts of the basin, quartzose sanéstenes (Skalka quartzites) may eccupy the whole thickness of the Dobro- tivá Fermation. Large accumulaíions of hyaleclastites ané tuffs of the Kovárov Cemplex are confined te about the sarne area as tliose of Llanvirn age. Lo- cally. tlie shales contain diverse ané abundant fauna, clcarly evelved frem tlie fauna of Sárka Formatien. Quarizites are characterized by common trace fes- sus of Tigillites lchnofacies antA almost fulí absence of skeletal fessils. The maximum thickness of tlie formation (350 m) is reaclied in thc black shale facies of tlie central tAepression.

L¡ben Formation Lithofacies of llie Liben Fermation are very similar te these of tlie Dobre- tivá Fermation. Black-shale facies of the Liben Formatien is wiéely distributed threughout the basin. The seconé facies - Revnice Ouartzites, was deposited nxostly at extensive shallews surrounding tlie central éeprcssion with shaly se- dimentation. In the western part of the basin, the quartzites built thc whole thickness of the formatien (several tens of meters). Tlie fauna much differs from that of the Debrotivá Fermation. Frequently crusbeé fossils are restricted te quartzites wiíh clay-galls. The black shales are almost unfossiliferous in con- trast te those of the Debretivá Formation. Black Liben Sliales are nearly 200 m thick in the Prague territery.

Letná Formation The fiysh-like Letná Fermation is fermed by up te 600 m thick sequence of sanéstenes and greywackes alternating with sliales and siltstones. Ilie alterna- lien is explained by fluctuated supply of clastie material. Locally common fau- na is closely related te tliat of the Liben Formation. Trilobites (Eccoptochi/e, Lower Pa/aeozoic of (he Barrandiun urea... 175

Dalmanirina), brachiepoés (Drabovia, a.o.), molluscs, conulariés a.e. are con- fined generally te greywackes antA sandstones.

Vinice Formation Tlie beginning of the Midéle Bereun is characterized Uy a mederate éeepe- ning of the basin. In contrast te the earlier formatiens, no near-shore seéiments have been preserved. Tlie bulk of this formatien (20-450 m) consists of black clayey shales witli variable siltv and sanév admixture, ricli in erganie matter. Nucice ¡ron ore Horizen is developed, as a rule, at tlie base of the formation. The fauna is closer te tlie next Zahorany Fermation than te tlie preceding Let- ná Formatien. Trilobites, bivalves, gastropeds, ané hyelithids are present but net toe diversified in shales. A specific faunal assemblage with echinederms antA brachiepeds occurs in 4w ¡ron ere horizon.

Zahorany Formation The Zahorany Fermatien is preserved enly in tlic central part of the basin. It is 70-400 m thick sequence of siltstones antA silty shales with rare intercala- t¡ons of silty sanéstones. The rocks are cliaracterized Uy numereus trace fessils of the Zoophvcos Ichnefacies. Benthic fauna of the Zahorany Formatien is cío- se te tliat of thc Vinice Formatien but much more diverse. It is characterized by trilobites (Primaspis, Se/enope/tis, Nobi/iasaphus, F/exica/vmene, L)a/rnani- tina, a.e.), echinederms (tichinospitacriles, Aristocystites, Craterina a.o.), bra- chiepods, bivalves. gastropods.

Bolidalee Formation The Bohdalec Formatien, as a rule, is composed of up te 550 m thick, éark grey claycy shales. Tlie so calleé Pelyteiclius Facies consists of siltstones alter- nating with silty antA claye~ shales. It is cenfined te the Prague territory. the fauna of the Behdalec Formation is clearly derived frem tliat of the Zalierany Formativa. It c

Králuv Dvur Formation

i’lw Králuv Dvur Formation is confined te tlic central part of tlie basin. It censists of 25-200 rn thick grey er green clayey sliales witli silty admixture. Fau- nal assernblages of dxc Králuv Ovur Fermation differ considerably frem these of the Bohdalec Formatien antA thus the beundary between Bereun and Králuv 176 Petr Srorck, Oldrich Farra & Petr Kraft

Dvur is faunistically very prominent. Tlie new fauna is clearly enriclied Uy Bal- tescandinavian elements. Tlie sessile antA vagrant benthes are representeé by ricli trilobites (40 species), abunéant bivalves, hyelithids, gastropods, brachio- petAs a.e. Tlie fauna is net unifermly distributeé in this formatien. Benthic forms are local as oppose te widely distributeé planktonic forms (graptelites, sorne inarticulate brachiopeds).

Kosov Formation

The beginning of the Kosev fermation coincides with a drastie change over in sedimentatien. Tlie clayey sediments of tlie Králuv Dvur Formation are over- 1am Uy glacimarine diarnictites (coarse sanéstones with scarcely éisscminateé pebbles). The next, principal part of the 40 -150 m thick Kesov Formation is characterized Uy shallew-water, storm-influenceé sequence of quartzosc santAs-

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Figura 4.—Lowcr Ordovician facies distribution (exemplified by (he K/abuva Forma- non). (Afrer CHLUPAC et al., 1992). 1. proposed laná; 2, grey aná grev-green sita/es; 3, redrha/er, si/rsrones and greywackcs; 4, alternation of red und green sita/es (red beds are more com- ¡non in dic lower purr of sequence); 5, basa/tic vo/canites of (he Komárov Comp/ex; 6, alterned úíffs and sha/es; 7, ruffites; 8, sha/es with tuffites in rhe upperniost parr of sequence; 9. alternation of ruifires and redand green rIzales; 10, basulr tuff~ over/ain by ruffites; /1, local occurrence of rhyoli(e near Sedlec and andesire near Ohruzenice. Lower Palaeozoic of (he Barrandian arca... 177 tones. subgreywackes. siltstenes and silty sliales. The seéiments centain com- mon trace fossils of the Cruziunu Ichaefacies. The sterm-influeneed sedimen- tation was not suitable for tlie éevelepment andlor preservatien of skeletal lau- na. lix the upperníost part of the fermation the envirenmental conditions im- preved. Just below the base of the Silurian black shales. Iight mudstenes of the Kesev Forniation contain. though lecally. ricli aííd highly-diverse Plirnanria fau- na. N4ícrefossil assemblages (acritarclis ané chitinezoans) changed just near the Ordovician Silurian bounéary. (leneral imferrnation abeut the Ordevician sequence of the Prague Basin were given by HAVLICEK (1981, 1982, 1992b), I-IAVLICEK and VANEK (1966. 1990). CHLUPAC antA KUKAL (1988). HAVLICEK and MAREK (1973). KUKAL (1963a. 196½).FIALA (1971), BOUCEK (1973), BRENCH- LEY and STORCH (1989).

,I111- .

- * + - 7-4±4

-- -sg O >5-

Figura 5.—Middle Ordovicianfacies diso-iburion (exemplified by (he upperpan of Do- brorivá Formarion. (Afice CHL(JPAC el al., 1992). 1, proposed lund; 2, l,lack clayey shu/es; 3, qurtzose sanásrones (quartzi- res); 4, alternarion of qurtzose sandsrones and sita/es,- 5, bara/tic yo/caniles of rhe Komárov Comp(ex; 6, clayey sha/es with (uffintercaluiions; 7, quarí- zose sandstones wirh tuff inrerculations; 8, ¡ranspoer of terrigenous mureriul. 178 Perr Morck, OláricIz Farra & Peo- Krafr


Dv r o e II huchie

5 kni

Figura ó.—Silurian facies disrrib unían (exemplífied by (he Mono/ Formunion-Kopanina Formunion boundary inrerval). (Afrer Horny, 1955, 1962). 1, basa/ls, hyuloclastires, nujfs; 2, calcarevus ruffires, útffiric bioderriral II- mesrones; .3, ruffitic shales wiíh /imestonc intcrcalafions; 4, calcurevus sha- /es winh grapto/lies. y. SILURIAN

The complete, unmetamorpliesed Silurian sequence with richly diversified benthic ané pelagic faunas is cenfineé, together with the Devenian depesits, te the central part of tlie present synclinorium of the Prague Basin. In contrast te thc Ordovician, tlie linear character of the synsedimentary depression of the Prague Basin is less censpicuous in the Silurian antA Devenian. because tlie se- diments depesited outside the subsiding central segment of the former basin. were destreyeé Uy tlie eresional processes which followed tlie Variscan oro- geny. For this reason the Silurian rocks have been preserved enly in thc central part of tlie Prague Basin, Between Prague antA Zéice. During tlie Silurian, gradual synscdimentary deformation of the basin was accempanied Uy strong submarine velcanism which culminated in tlie late Wen- Lower Pa/aeozoic of (he Barrandian urca... 179 lock antA early Ludlow. That time volcaniclastic accumulatiens gaye rise te sub- marine elevations ané even an emergent island surreunded by sliallow-water bieclastic limestenes. Tlie main phcnomenon of the Silurian volcanism in the Prague Basin were the submarine eruptions characterized by exteíxs¡ve granulation of basall lavas. The terrn granulation means disintegratien of het antA thin lava en centact witli water. Ihis precess has Ueen compared te granulation of higli furnace slag pou- red into st reaming water. Resulting granulates ané granulate tuffs, designated as hvaloclatites in abread, are more common than hornegeneus lava llows in thc Silurian sequence of the Prague ¡Jasin Also varicus míxed sediments. ran- ging trom thc calcareous tuffitcs te bioclastic limestones with volcan¡c glasscs ané Iapilli. originated around the velcanic centres. The maximurn thickness of thc Silurian sequence is more thaix 450 ni in the volcanic-rich area near Svaty Jan. Along the southeastern limb of the silurian outcrop area the total thickness of the Silurian is only 200 m. The black grap- tolitie shales prevail in tlie Lower Silurian. but towards the top of the Silurian they were graduall~ replaced by limestones. ‘11w sedimentation of limestones continued ítem rhe l.Jpper Silurian te the ¡ ~ewer Devonian without interrup— tion . except el local gap at thc top of thc former volcanie island near Svatv

Jan - Abselute prevalence of biodetrital antA bioclastic types is a typical ieaturc of the Si unan lirnestones in dic Prague Basin. The Silurian deposits as a whole orígunated in a shallower warrn-water environment. ¡u about the subtropical cli- matie zone.

Zelkoviee Formation ¡he base of the fermatien coincides witli the base of the Silurian Period. The Iight. topmost Ordovician mudstenes with Hirnanria latina are everlain bx np te 2<) ní thick. dark, graptolitie shales of the Zelkovice Formation. Black sha- les start just with the basalmost Silurian ascensus-acuminanus Lene. The se- quence of the Zelkovice Formatien consists of varleus. black. rnuddv sediraents such as clavey shales. silicecus shales. mudstones. antA larninites, always cori— taining numeretts graptelites. Recently the laminites of the lower ané miédle parts of dxc Zelkovice Ferníation have beeix interpreted as conteurites. depe- sited bv conteur eurreat sub-parallel te the longitudinal axis of tlie basin. In the southern part of Prague territory the whole sequence of the formatien is missing due te rhe activity of this current. Rather diversified benthic launa was feuné in the middle part of Zelkovice Formatien near 1-lvskov. There are basalt tuffs antA granulates asseciated by richlv fessiliferous shallow-water limestenes and calcareous tuffites of the mitAd- le Llandoverv age (Al. sedgwk-kii Zene) - 180 Peo- Srorck, Qídrich Farra & Pcrr Kraft

Litoblavy Formation

Tlie Litohlavy Formation begins witli up te 3 m thick layer of light barren muéstone. The fellowing sequence censists of black clayey graptolitic sliales witli numereus intercalations of similar pale grecnish or yellowish, unfossilife- reus but bioturbated claystones and mudstones. The average thickness of the formation is about 30 m, tlie maximum thickness attains 75 m. Minimum thick- ness has been recerded in tlie territory of Prague (Pankrác, Malá Chueble), wliere itere dxc lower part of the fermation is missing, still tAue te the current activity.

Motol Formation

The Wenlock history is characterized by a pregressive environmeatal diffe- rentiation of he Prague basin which gaye origin te varjeus litlie- antA bio-fa- cies. Due te tlie volcanic activity, tlie role of calcareous sedimentation increa- sed strongly in tlie midéle of Wenleck. Calcarceus shalcs ané a variety of bio- detrital, often tuffitic limestones prevail un the vieinity of volcanic elevations along the northwestern IimU of tlic Silurian outcrop area. Dark-grey calcareous graptelitic shales depesited throughout the basin up te dxc riccañonensis Zene. Then tlie velcanie activity initiated in Reperyje-Bu- tovice ané Svaty Jan volcanic centres. The latter ene produced over 200 m thick complex of velcaniclasties antA mostly granulated, alkaline basalt lavas. Nearby varjeus tuffitic limestones be- come frequent towards tlie top of tlie volcanie sedimentary sequence. Svaty Jan velcanie centre reaclied the sea-level at abeut the top of Wenleck. Tlie volca- nic islané was fringed Uy cearse-grained, mostly crineidal limestones deposited under the wave-action influence. Motel Fermation attains over 250 m in thickness in 4w centre of Svaty Jan area. The thickness is reduceé te 40-80 m in purely graptolitie shaly facies.

Kopanina Formation Tlie wliole Ludlew sequence is characterized Uy the limestone sedimenta- tien, whilst dxc graptolitie sliales are even more restricteé than they are in Wen- leck. Tlie volcanic activity played a significant role. mainly in tlie lewer part of Kopanina Formatien. Altlieugli tlic volcanie activity disappeared, large volca- mc accumulations modified the basin-floer morphelogy ané sedimentation tilí tlie Lower Devornan. In the early Luélow extensive shallows fringed the velcanie centres, being covered by coral-crinoid biestromes. In the upper part of Ludlew. Iiglit, bie- Lower Pa/aeozoic of (he Barrandiun urca--- 181 detrital limestenes, including twe herizeas of ortheceras lirnestones. extended across tlie most of the present outcrep area. The thickness of dxc Kopanina Formation tAepenés much on the minor synse- dimentary tectonic movements and facies developrnent. In dxc éecpest. seul- heastcrn limb of the Silurian synclinorium the formatien is represented by up te 80 m thick calcarecus shales. Threughout the wide peripliery of tlie volcanie centres thc tuffitcs and varjeus limestones measure about 15<) rn in thickness. On dxc top of the fernier Svaty Jan volcanie island dic sedinientation ernitted, and local but long-Iasting gap in sedimentatien centinued. No Ludlow sedi- ments are known frern the vicinity of Svaty Jan.

Pozáry Formation AII the sequence of thc Pezáry Fermation (former Prídolí Formation) is cha- racterized by the limestone sedimentation. Tlie fermation consists of two prin- cipal lithofacies - the shallow-water biedetrital limestones in the Svaty Jan area (j.c. in thc area of the pre-Prídolí volcanie centre). ané the deeper water piaty limestones and calcarecus shales ja the rest of Ihe outcrop arca. Thc platy liniestones witli shaly interlayers extended tlxroughout thc mest of the basin ané account ter its remarkable deepening at about the base of Prí- dolí. Numereus cosmopolitan benthic faunas of this facies are in contrast te rat- her endernie faunas inhabiting the shallew-water envirenmcnt in ané areuné Ihe Wenlock antA Ludlow volcanic higlis. The Silurian-Devonian beundary beds are developeé in form of so-calleé Scvphocrini(es Horizon and/or the third bank of dxc Ortitoceras limestone. The mjnimum thickncss of the fermation (15-20 m) was recorded in the shallow-water biedetrital imestone facies of the Svaty Jan. Maximum thickness of 80-90 m was recerded la the western part of the basin. An uninterrupted, richly fessilifereus seqtience of the Pozárv Fermatien near Reporyje was suggested antA later (1984) accepted as tlie international type sectien el the fourth series of tlie Silurian System - tlie Prídolí Series. [he preseal kno-wledge about dxc Silurian facies dcvclopment. stratigrapixy, and faunal assemblages is based principally en thc comprehensive papers of BOUCEK (1953), CHLUPAC (1987). HAVLICFK-STORCH (1990).

HORNY (1955, 1962), HORNY - PRANTL - VANEK (1958), KRIZ (1975) KRIZ et al. (¡986), KUKAL (1964, 1985), PRIBYL (1983). and STORCH (1986). Basalt volcanusm was described by FIALA (1970). Mest of the data and conlcusions, as well as almest complete list el papers, were publisheé in tlíe mo- nograph of CHLUPAC et al. (1992). 5~ ~‘ 7~ 8W LII

Figura 7 —Srrarrgraphíc chur( of (he SUarían ~equencú (Modífíed afrer ( JILIJPAC en al., 1992, STORCH. 1986). 1, ca/careous sha/es; 2, a/(erna(ion of graprolitic sim/es and si/N sil~cUes; 3, ca/carcoas grapro/inic shales; 4, alrernarion of b/ack graproliric sizales onU greenish muástones; 5. tu//inc shales; 6, Ifinesrones (bioc/asnic~ ami hionil— crine); 7. p/atv limesronea winh iníercalec/ by calcarcoas shales; 8, a/ka/inc basa/rs and hya/oc/as(ih’s; 9,srrarigraphica/ hiarus. Lower Palacozoic cf lite Barrandian urea.. 183

5 Htubo¿epyo >5 Ktukov¡cee...O Roporyje

Chynice o Z KOPOflIOCVCb ichO

______o... o 0s%~ BerounSvJcnzx+zi->5>5~—BubovicepSko[ou -zij. ___ Trnen Ujezd Chotec9~. i [

—— ~ _____ Schopysky 2

Teli fl —_- - O Korlické ¿dot’

Srbsko O - Kon~prus» KorI~lejn ~ ~L~ ~

Menony ~

Figura 8 Devonían facies d¡srribunion (exemphfied by the íowcr parr of 7/u ho,’ Fot rnarion) (Afler


Central part of the Lower Palaeozoic synclinerium of thc Prague Basin is fermed by mostly limestenes sequences of tlie Lower ané Midéle Devenían.

Continucus, richly fossiliferous Silurian - Devonian beundary sequence at Klenk near Sucl-xomasty has been the first, officially accepted international boundary stratetype in the world. Tlicre the base of Devenían is níarked Uy 4w appearancc of graptelite Monograptus uniformis ané chitinezoan Arzgochi- tina ch/upad. Later en. another two international stratotypes. standard sections of Lochkovian and Pragian, have been chosen in the Prague Basin. Another two stages of Boheniian origin - Zlíchovian ané Dalejan. are widelv used lxv Devonian stratigraphers as wcll. Devonian sequence of dxc Prague Basin is characterized by two major lit- hofacies - the first ene. represented Uy shallowwater biedetrital, mostly crinol— dal limestenes. includes alse local rcef develepnient of pragian age near Konc- prusy. The seconé principal facies isa deeper water ene. It is represented mostly Uy niicritic limestones. 184 Perr &orck, Oldrich Farra & Perr Kraft

Several preminent fluctuations in sea-level wcre recognizeé in the Devenian sequence of the Prague Basin. Sorne of them related te global eustatic events. TEe sedimentation culminateé Uy siliciclastie flysli-Iike Roblín Beds of Gi- vetian age. Rapié sedimentation of the Roblín Beds reflected incoming Varis- can tectonic movements which subsequently uplifteé, folded antA faulteé the ba- sin. The average thickness of the Deverxian is 500 ni in the Prague Basin. Devonian biostratigrapliy is mainly baseé en conodents antA tentaculitiés. Also graptolite, geniatite, ané chitinezean biostratigraphy is applied fer seme stratigraphic intervals. Botli sediments (cg. reef limestenes, bahamites) ané fauna (highly diverse. witli many warm-watcr elements) account fer weIl-oxygcnated shallew sea in the tropical climatie zone.

Lochkov Formation Lechkovian is represented Uy Locbkov Formation which has been divided into two mcmUers. The first ene is formed Uy sliallow-water facies of the Kotys Limestones. It occurs in tlie NW limb of the Devonian eutcrop area, roughly aboye tlie former volcanie higlis of Silurian age. Thc seconé facies, that dcc- perwater ene, is represented Uy éark. platy, Radotín Limestones with pelagic faunas. Tlie latter facies is largely confined te tlie SE limb of the basin. Re thickness of tlie Loclikov Fermatien vanes between 25 and lOO m.

Praha Formation In thc Pragian Stage the seéimcntary facies of the Prague Basin became highly differcntiateé. Nodular, micritic Dvorce Prokop Limestones, developed in the arca between Prague antA Karlstejn, represcnt tlic deepest depesitional environment. They are associateé Uy local. relateé facies of Reporyje Limes- tones. Sliallower envirenment is represented Uy tlie transitienal facies of bie- micritie antA bioéetrital, crinoidal facies of Ledenice Limestones. Slivenec Li- mestones, and Vinarice Limestones. Tlie uplífting zone near Keneprusy made possible rapid growtli of large, ceral-Uryezoan-cninoidal reef bedy which is do- cumenteé Uy present, white Koneprusy Limestones. Highly diverse bentliuc ma- crofauna of the Praha Fermation, more tlian 800 specics have been described tilí new, corresponés well witli the highly éifferentiated living conditions. Tlie Praha Formation reaclies up te 200 m in thickness un the reef facies whulst it is cendenseé te about 40 m thick sequence in tlic facies of micritie no- dular limestones. Tlie international standard section of the Pragian Stage was establisheé at Velká Chuclile-Prídolí. Re base is defined Uy the first appcarance of the ce- noéont Eognaithodus selectus sulcatus. Lower Pa/atozoic of (he Barrandian area. -- 185

Zlíchov Formation As eppese te the complex facies develepmcnt of tlie underlying formatien. the Zílehovian deposits are rather uniferm throughout the basin. In the vicinity of Prague the lowermost part of Zlíchov Fermation is marked by several banks of cearse allodaphic limestenes of Coral Chapel Herizon. Probable turbídites are rích in large pebbles of higlily fossilifcrous reef limestones of early Zílelio- ~an age. [he following sequence is fermed by dark biomicritie and fine biodetrital limestenes with black chert nodules. The limestenes contain much less diverse fauna. dominated by trilobites (Reedops, ()donlochi/e). The earliest geniatite cephalepeds appcar in tlie Zlíchev Formation. Thc common thickness of Zlícliov Formation vanes between 80 ami 120 ni. In the Keneprusy area the Pragian reef emerged in the Zileliovian. It was slightI~ eroded at that time and the Kerxeprusy limestones are everlain uncen- formably Uy tlie Enisian Suchomastv Limestones.

Daleje-Trebotov Limestones Daleje-’l’rebotov Formatien corresponés with Fmsian Stage ja age. It con- sists of three principal lithofacies, alí reflecting temporary éeepcning of tlie Ha- sin. Reddislx. micnitie. finely nodular Trcbotev Lirnestones prevail in the upper part of the sequeace whulst grecnish, calcarceus Daleje Sliales deminate in thc lower part. where there they fellow tlie underlying Zlíchov Formatien. Crinei- dal. pinkish Suchomastv Limestenes were deposited in the shallowest, Kone- prusy anca. The bedding planes of Daleje Shales are crewded by tentaculids Nowakia and St y/io/ina. Anarcestid goniatiés are frequent in ah three members of dxc fermation. Benthic fauna became more diverse uf cempared te tlie underlying Zlíchov Formatien. Voívanic activity. theugh net intensive, revived in thc restricted area near Chynice and Chotec. Grarxulated alkaline basalts and tuffs occun within tlie Ii- mestone sequence of DalejcTrebotov Formation. The total thickness of the for- matien vanes between 25 ami 90 m.

Chotee Format¡on Miédle Devonian Eifelian Stage starrs witli grey, tliick bedécé biedetrital limestones of Chotee Fermation. At the base of tlie fermation dark grey limes- tenes antA abrupt faunal cliange reflected widely recegnized «ugleri-event» which may have been causeé by custatie transgrcssion. Thick bedded. grey, Chotcc Limestones reaclies nearly 60 m in thickness. Shailow-water environment persisted in the arco of former reefs near Ko- 186 Perr &orck, Qídrich Farra & Peo- Krafr neprusy. Tliere, grey crinoidal Acantopyge Limestones deposited, with nume- reus beds of bahamites within tite sequence. Bahamites account ter vcry sira- llow-water sedimentation in tropical sea.

Srbsko Formation The latest Eifelian ané greater part of Givetian are represented by SrUsko Formation, the latest of preserveé seéimentary formations of 4w Prage Basin. The base of Srbsko Formatien is markeé Uy sudéen appearance of black shales of Kacák BetAs aré reflects anetlier, wiéely recognizeé, transgressive, anoxic «Kacák Event». Abeut 10 m thiek Kacák betAs are tollewed Uy up te 250 m thick flvsh-like Roblín Beds. The latter member, formed by alternating shales, siltstones, ané fine sanéstones, is interpreteé as a sequence of distal turbidites modified by con- teur currents. They are rather ricli in land-plant fossils (Relimia, Prow/epido- dendron, Pseudosporochnus a.o.). Reblín BetAs liave already reflected inceming Variscan tectonic deforma- tions which laten, still befere tlie Carbonifereus, uprised, foldeé, antA faulted alí 4w Lewer Palaeozoic sequence of Barrandian area. Tlie Silunian-Devenian bounéary type -antA reference- sections were descni- betA by CHLUPAC et al. (1972). ilie most important papers, concerning tlie Devonian stratigrapliy aré faunal eommunities, were published Uy CHLUPAC (1957, 1982, 1983), CHLUPAC et al. (1985), antA CHLTJPAC antA KUKAL (1988). Sedimentology of Devoniar lithostnatigraphical units was descnibeé by KUKAL (1964). Devonian Uasalt velcanism was stuéied Uy Fiala (1970). Most of the éata and interpretations are invelved irte tlie recent monograph of CHLUPAC et al. (1992). ~ FORMATION Di


______~ Ia¿kfiedC — K~ ~ ~ 0.. -~ ——— — choteé o-~.C?.t .awte¿ ¡mt. n. — — O


O o> fI¿;~Tfeiz.Mriz~— Dalcje Shaies O

— N

-—-O - — <‘4 — .... Zlichov Laist. r

Coral Ompel llar.

o t’ >1~~t~~~ 3.—”. —l , ~I. ‘5 -4’, ‘‘ —. ——it.’

Praha ‘-7 !.r


-. .- —lo


.Iot9s ~ Radotin [ast. — — ¡ - .. .— - <‘4 — .

4121 2W 33•Z. ~fl

Figura O —Su arígraphu han of (he Devon,an sequence (A/ter (HL tIPA C cf al - 1992). 1. recf ¿imeslones; 2, redd¿th biodenriral limestones; 3, grey biodeh’iraí andor bioclastic (a//odaphic) lirnesrones; 4, bedded grey biodetritial andior biomicritic limesrones; 5, reddish, predominannly micri(ic limas-rones; 6, grey micriric, rnosrly nodular hrnesrones; 7 calcarevus sha/es; 8, flvsh sequence of sandsrones, siltvrones, and sha/es; 9, conimon occurrence of cherts; 10, sirafigraphical hiarus; Lmst., limesnones.

Lower Palaenzole of (he Barrandiun urea... 189


BOUCEK, B. (1953): «Biestratigrafie. vyvoj a korelace zelkovickych a motolskych vrstev ceského silurus>. Sber. Ustr. Usr. geol., QUd. paleont., 20: 421-46(1. Praha.

— (1973): Lower Ordovician grapolires of Bohemia. Academia. 1-185. Praha. BRENCHLEY, P. Ji STORCH. P. (1989): «Environmental changes in the Hurnantuan (upper Ordovician) of the Prague Basin, Czecheslovakia>s. Geological Joarnal, 24: 165-181. Liverpool. CHLUPAC. 1. (1957): «Faciátní vyvoj a biostratigrafie stredeceského spodního devo- nu». tibor. Usúr. Usr, geol., QUd. paleOn(., 23: 369-485. Praha.

— (1982): «The bohemian Lewcr Devenian stages». (joarier Forschung Insnirur Seuc- kenberg. 55: 345-400. Frankfurt am.

— (1983): «Tnilehute assemblages in the Devonian of thc Barrandian area and their re- lations to palaeoenvuronmcnts». Geo/ogica en Paíaeontologica, 17: 45-73. Marburg.

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beundarv ¡ ii the I3arrandian» - Bul/etin Canadian Petroíer,m Geo/ogv. 20: 1(14-174 - CaIgar~. CHLUPAC. 1.. & KLJKAL, Z. (1988): «Pessible global events ami the stratigraphy of the Palacozoje ol the Barrandian (Cambrian-MitAtAte Devonian, Czechoslovakuay. tibor. geol. Ved. R.G., 43: 83-146. Praha. CHLUPAC. 1.: LUKES. P.: PARIS, E.. & SCHONLAUB. HP. (1985): «Ihe Loch- kovian-Pragian boundary in the Lower Devonian el the Barandian area (Czcchos-

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