Evaluating the Utility of Hand-crafted Features in Sequence Labelling∗ Minghao Wu♠♥y Fei Liu♠ Trevor Cohn♠ ♠The University of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia ~JD AI Research, Beijing, China
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Abstract Orthogonal to the advances in deep learning is the effort spent on feature engineering. A rep- Conventional wisdom is that hand-crafted fea- resentative example is the task of named entity tures are redundant for deep learning mod- recognition (NER), one that requires both lexi- els, as they already learn adequate represen- cal and syntactic knowledge, where, until recently, tations of text automatically from corpora. In this work, we test this claim by proposing a most models heavily rely on statistical sequential new method for exploiting handcrafted fea- labelling models taking in manually engineered tures as part of a novel hybrid learning ap- features (Florian et al., 2003; Chieu and Ng, 2002; proach, incorporating a feature auto-encoder Ando and Zhang, 2005). Typical features include loss component. We evaluate on the task of POS and chunk tags, prefixes and suffixes, and ex- named entity recognition (NER), where we ternal gazetteers, all of which represent years of show that including manual features for part- accumulated knowledge in the field of computa- of-speech, word shapes and gazetteers can im- tional linguistics. prove the performance of a neural CRF model. The work of Collobert et al.(2011) started We obtain a F1 of 91.89 for the CoNLL-2003 English shared task, which significantly out- the trend of feature engineering-free modelling performs a collection of highly competitive by learning internal representations of compo- baseline models.