For research use only use research For

(Cat. No. 4497-20, -1000) 4497-20, No. (Cat. (Cat. No. 7138-10, -50) 7138-10, No. (Cat. (Cat. No. 4029-10, -1000) 4029-10, No. (Cat. (Cat. No. 4028-20, -100, -1000) -100, 4028-20, No. (Cat. (Cat. No. 5029-100) No. (Cat. CCL3L, human recombinant recombinant human CCL3L, : 408-493-1800 | Fax: 408-493-1801 408-493-1801 Fax: | 408-493-1800 : | [email protected] | [email protected]

recombinant human Eotaxin-2/CCL24, murine recombinant Eotaxin/CCL11, recombinant human Eotaxin/CCL11, Antibody Eotaxin/CCL11 recombinant human Eotaxin-3/CCL26, • • • • • 1/14 1/14

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emokine. emokine. This g g µ purified purified by conventional

tein tein 2 (CCBP2 or D6) and ocesses. ocesses. It binds to several t human CCL3L1 t protein, fused human CCL3L1 to in in Phosphate Buffered Saline pH 7.4

CA 95035 USA USA 95035 CA lusion bodies in a renaturation buffer. buffer. renaturation in a bodies lusion E. coli coli E. SDS-PAGE by > 90% by tag), confirmed His + aa 26-93 aa, (90 kDa 10 MALDI-TOF. 0.25 mg/ml C-C motif 3-like 1, CCL3L3, CCL3L3, 1, 3-like chemokine motif C-C LD78BETA, LD78, G0S19-2, D17S1718, SCYA3L1 SCYA3L; MIP1AP, containing 10% glycerol glycerol 10% containing Can be stored at +4°C short term (1-2 weeks). For long term storage, aliquot and store at -20°C or -70°C. Avoid repeated freezing and thawing cycles. 7305-100 7305-100 100 MGSSHHHHHH MGSSHHHHHH SSGLVPRGSH MSLAADTPTA

Incorporated BioVision protein of microgram 1 EU per < 1.0 : CCL3L1 is a small cytokine belonging to the CC ch Liquid

recombinant human CCL3L1, #: CATALOG SOURCE: PURITY: WEIGHT: MOL. LEVEL: ENDOTOXIN FORM: FORMULATION: ALTERNATE NAMES: NAMES: ALTERNATE CONDITIONS: STORAGE DESCRIPTION chromatography, after refolding of the isolated inc the isolated of refolding after chromatography, AMINO ACID CCFSYTSRQI SEQUENCE: PQNFIADYFE KYVSDLELSA TSSQCSKPSV IFLTKRGRQV CADPSEEWVQ is involved in immunoregulatory chemokine and receptors inflammatory including pr chemokine motif) (C-C chemokine receptor 5 Recombinan (CCR5). binding pro His-tag at N-terminus, was expressed in E.coli and BioVision BioVision Milpitas, Boulevard, Milpitas S. 155