EXTENSIONS of REMARKS 7595 NOMINATIONS Read Patten Dunn, Jr., of Maryland, for a ENERGY RESEARCH and DEVELOPMENT Term of 3 Years

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EXTENSIONS of REMARKS 7595 NOMINATIONS Read Patten Dunn, Jr., of Maryland, for a ENERGY RESEARCH and DEVELOPMENT Term of 3 Years March 19, 1975 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 7595 NOMINATIONS Read Patten Dunn, Jr., of Maryland, for a ENERGY RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT term of 3 years. Robert W. Fri, of Maryland, to be Deputy Executive nominations received by the Gary Leonard Seevers, of Virginia, for a Administrator of Energy Research and Devel­ Senate March 19, 1975: term of 4 years. opmeJ+t. COMMODITY FuTURES TRADING COMMISSION James L. Liverman, of Maryland, to be William T. Bagley, of Galifornia, to be CONFIRMATIONS Assistant A<iminlstrator of Energy Research Chairman and Commissioner of the Com­ and Development. modity Futures Trading Commission for a Executive nominations confirmed by John M. Teem, of Connecticut, to be Assist­ term of 5 years (new position). the Senate March 19, 1975: ant Administrator of Energy Research and The following-named persons to be Com­ SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVE FOR TRADE Development. missioners of the Commodity Futures Trad· NEGOTIATIONS (The above nominations were approved ing Commission for the terms indicated (new Frederick B. Dent, of South Carolina, to be subject to the nominees' commitment tore­ positions): Special Representative for Trade Negotia­ spond to requests to appear and testify before John Vernon Rainbolt, II, of Oklahoma, f01 tions, with the rank of Ambassador Extraor­ any duly constituted committee of the a term of 2 years. dinary and Plenipotentiary. Senate.) EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS PRESS FREEDOM AND EDITORIAL-WTIC, AM AND FM causing cancer and birth defects. It is RESPONSffiiLITY (By Leonard J. Patricelli} not a scare story but a carefully re­ The United States Supreme Court has searched, well-documented description HON. STEWART B. McKINNEY ruled that the news media-newspapers, of laboratory studies by Dr. Bruce N. radio and television stations--have a con­ Adams, a University of California bio­ OF CONNECTICUT stitutionally protected right to identify rape chemist, which raise fundamental ques­ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES victims who are named in court or public tions about the safety of products freely records. The case arose over a Georgia law Tuesday, March 18, 1975 making it a misdemeanor to identify women used by millions of American women, Mr. McKINNEY. Mr. Speaker, "Free­ who have been raped. The father of a 17-year and by many men as well. The article dom of the Press" is an issue which old rape-murder victim used it as the basis refers to other studies which appear to often evokes much discussion but of equal of a law suit against an Atlanta TV station, buttress the concern that hair dyes may import is the responsibility attached to charging the famlly's right to privacy had be causing tragic consequences. The been violated. writer has balanced her article with that constitutional guarantee. In two We think the Supreme Court's decision, recent commentaries, this matter was comments from ofiicials of the Food and though a painful one, was correct, for the Drug Administration and spokesmen for addressed forthrightly and in a way in news media should not be subjected to law­ which I believe merits the attention of suits for using information which public the cosmeticn industry. I urge the Mem­ my colleagues. The first is from the edi­ officials have made public. But the result, bers of the Congress to read this article torial page of the Stamford, Conn., Advo­ for rape victims, is tragic, and we in the and become aware of the issues it raises cate and the second was· presented on media should voluntarily help to protect involving the well-being not only of users Hartford radio station WTIC by its pres­ them, even if the Courts, in this case, cannot. of cosmetics but of their unborn children. And so, we appeal to our colleagues in I am therefore including the Jane Brody ident, Leonard J. Patricelli. I insert them the news media. Let us not use this decision to be reprinted in the RECORD at this article as part of my remarks. as a license to splash the names of rape Mr. Speaker, as many of the Members point and I commend them to your victims across the newspapers or over the attention: air. If the courts have given us protection, know, I have been introducing legislation [From the Stamford (Conn.) Advocate] let us, in the name of decency, do the same since 1954 to require pretesting for safety of all of the ingredient-8 used 1n cos­ PRESS FREEDOM: A Dn.EMMA for the innocent rape victims. Just because we now have the right tore­ metics. Since 1961, this legislation has The issue of how freedom of the press veal the names of victims is no reason to been part of my omnibus bill, H.R. 1235, ought to be apparently will always be with do so if the result is further grief and anguish to rewrite the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic us, and three rooen t events on this issue for the victim. It can be argued, too, that are cases in point. Act of 1938. H.R. 1235 not only closes the rape victims will become even more reluctant cosmetics loopholes in the 1938 act but There was the order by the Federal Re­ to report the crime to pollee if they know serve Board to investigate how Consumer their names will be made public. all of the numerous other gaps in our Reports Magazine obtained information on To further insure participation by other basic consumer statute involving the what bank rates were being charged for broadcasters, this station will seek adoption safety of all products ingested as foods automobile loans, a piooe of news tha.t by the National Association of Broadcasters or drugs or applied to the person as cos­ might seem innocent and public enough but of a new plank in our professional code of metics, or used as drugs in any manner. which the FRB did not want released. ethics under which broadcasters throughout LAST HOUSE HEARINGS ON H.R. 1235 And there was the successful request by the nation would voluntarlly refrain from the American Civil Liberties Union to obtain IN 1962 identifying the names of rape victims. We For some inexpllcable reason or reasons, transcripts of briefings to newsmen by Sec­ hope, too, that the newspaper industry's code retary of State Henry Kissinger-publicity Mr. Speaker, there have been no legislative which some news correspondents would just of ethics would also be amended. hearings in the House on safe-cosmetics leg­ as soon had not been achieved. They believe As we, the news media, protect our rights, islation since 1962, when a predecessor ver­ that they learn a lot in the free and easy let us restrain ourselves so that we may sion of H.R. 1235-also known then by that off-the-record atmosphere; many of their col­ protect the rights of the victim as well. same number, as this legislation has been leagues disagree. designated in every Congress since 1961-was There was also the revelation that the taken up by the House Committee on Inter­ Columbia Broadcasting System paid the Wa­ state and Foreign Commerce. However, the tergate figure H.R. Haldeman $25,000 for NEW YORK TIMES ARTICLE ON only parts of the 1961 bill to become law that an interview, a departure from the usual HAIR DYES POINTS UP NEED FOR year dealt primarily with prescription drugs, custom of obtaining news. SAFE COSMETICS LEGISLATION the Drug Control Act of 1962. These are all worthy of thoughtful con­ H.R. 1235 applies to a vast array of areas sideration. It is safe to say that, when of food, drug, and cosmetic safety, including making the choice between freedom of the HON. LEONOR K. SULLIVAN medical devices; cautionary labeling of foods, press and the lack of it, it is better to make OF MISSOURI drugs, and cosmetics; amendment of the it free, since credibility is such an important Food Additives Act of 1958; nutritional label­ ingredient. It is easy to see that the Federal IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ing of foods; labellng of all ingredients in Reserve Board order was ill-advised but it Tuesday, March 18, 1975 foods; certification of drugs as to potency; is no doubt equally true that briefings elimination of the exemptions for soap and should be public if they are to be really Mrs. SULLIVAN. Mr. Speaker, today's coal tar hair dyes; elimination of the Uab111ty taken seriously and that news sources ought New York Times contains a tremen­ exemption for common carriers; prohibition to be unpaid if their views are to be con­ dously significant article by Jane E. of carcinogenic substances in animal feeds; sidered objective. Brody on the possibility of hair dyes coding of prescription drugs; establishment 7596 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS March 19, 1975 of a Federal Drug Compendium; and many widely regarded as a. sensitive initial method creased risk was not proved and the reason other purposes. of screening chemicals and consumer prod­ for it is unknown. The New York Times article today will, I ucts for possible toxic effects. ANOTHER LINK SUGGESTED hope, help to stimulate action in the commit­ However, the California tests have drawn In addition, a New York internist, Dr. tee which has jurisdiction over H.R. 1235 to more than ordinary scientific attention be­ Nathaniel Shafer, has noted that an un­ schedule at long last new hearings on this cause they involved a. product used regularly usually high percentage of his patients who far-reaching bill. by an estimated total of 20 million Ameri­ developed breast cancer had been regular COAL TAR HAIR DYES EXEMPT FROM ANY cans. users of hair dye.
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