Phytochemisrry, Vol. 46, No. 4, pp. 591-673, 1997 0 1997 Elsevier Science Ltd.All rights reserved Printedin Great Britain PII: SOO31-9422(97)00328-2 0031-9422197117.00+0.00




Department of Chemistry, University of Delhi, Delhi-l 10 007, India, TDepartment of Chemistry, Odense University, DK-5230 Odense M, Denmark; $Chemistry Department, Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University, DK-1871 Frederiksberg C, Copenhagen, Denmark

(Receivedin revisedform 4 September 1996)

Key Word Index-Piper; Piperaceae; alkaloids; amides; propenylphenols; lignans; neolignans; terpenes; steroids; kawapyrones; piperolides; chalcones; dihydrochalcones; flavones; flavanones.

Abstract-The secondary metabolites isolated from Piper species for the period 1907 to June 1996 have been reviewed. Nearly six hundred chemical constituents belonging to different classes of bioactive compounds are listed together with their source(s) and references. 0 1997 Elsevier Science Ltd


The genus Piper belongs to the Piperaceae and has over 700 species distributed in both hemispheres. They are erect or scandent herbs, shrubs or infrequently trees. The Piper species have high commercial, economical and medicinal importance. Economically the Piperaceae is important for the pepper in the worldwide spice markets. The ripened fruit of P. nigrum is the source of white pepper, while the unripe fruit of the same species is the source of black pepper. A narcotic beverage is produced in Oceania from the roots of P. methysticum. Several species of Piper are grown domestically as house plants for their foliage. Piper species, widely distributed in the tropical and subtropical regions of the world are used medicinally in various manners. Plants belonging to the genus Piper are reputed in the Indian Ayurvedic system of medicine for their medicinal properties [1, 21 and in folklore medicine of Latin America and West Indies. Chloroform extract of the stems of P. aborescens was found to display significant activity against a KB cell culture system and a P-388 lymphocytic leukemia system in cell culture [3]. In Jamaica, of the eleven Piper species known, P. aduncum and P. hispidum are listed as remedies for stomach aches and as insect repellents [4]. P. amalago, distributed from Mexico to Brazil is used to alleviate chest pains and as anti-inflammatory agent [5]. P. syfvaticum roots are used as an effective antidote to snake poison in the indigenous system of Indian medicine. P. chaba roots and fruits find numerous applications in medicine. In particular they are useful in asthma, bronchitis, fever, pain in abdomen, as stimulant and in haemorrhoidal afflictions [6]. P. brachystachyum shows insecticidal properties [7], whereas P. futokadsura is a medicinal plant that grows in Fuchein and Taiwan Provinces. The stem of P. futokadsura, known as haifengteng is widely used in the Chinese herbal medicinal prescriptions for the treatment of asthma and arthritic conditions; the benzene extract of its leaves showed anti-feedant activity against the larvae of Spodoptera fitura F [8]. The West African blackpepper (P. guineense) is a woody climber distributed throughout West Africa, its fruits have been used as a flavorant, while preparations of leaves, roots and seeds have been used internally as medicinal agents for the treatment of bronchitis, gastrointestinal diseases, venereal diseases and rheumatism. The preparations obtained from the seed kernels have been used for their counter irritant and insecticidal properties [9]. An extract of the black pepper shows carcinogenesis in mice. The evidence of malignant tumours and of multiple tumours was greater

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. 597 598 v. s. PARMAR et al. in the pepper treated mice than in vehicle treated mice [lo]. The petrol and dichloromethane extracts of the leaves and stems of P. falconeri have shown insecticidal activity against Musca domestica (flies) and Aedes aegyptii (mosquitoes) [l 11. The dichloromethane extract of P. acutisleginum has also been reported to show insecticidal activity against Musca domestica and Aedes aegyptii [12]. The extract of P. betle has shown antihypertensive activity and that of P. acutisleginum has shown activity as inhibitor of aflatoxin B,-DNA binding (unpublished results from our Laboratories). The chemistry of Piper species has been widely investigated and the phytochemical investigations from all parts of the World have led to the isolation of a number of physiologically active compounds viz. alkaloids/ amides, propenylphenols, lignans, neolignans, terpenes, steroids, kawapyrones, piperolides, chalcones, di- hydrochalcones, flavones and flavanones. We are actively working on phytochemical investigations of Indian Piper species with an aim to develop biodegradable insecticidal compounds and antitumour drugs. Compounds isolated from Indian Piper species [ 131 and from Piper species in general [ 141have been reviewed previously, but since the last review (published in 1987 [14]), at least 30 new species have been investigated. The lack of a comprehensive review on this subject prompted us to gather information on the different classes of secondary metabolites isolated from different Piper species. Special emphasis has been put on biological activities of the different classes of compounds. Various compounds isolated from different Piper species (upto June 1996) have been classified under twelve categories, viz. alkaloids/amides, propenylphenols, lignans, neolignans, terpenes, steroids, kawapyrones, piperolides, chalcones and dihydrochalcones, flavones, flavanones and miscellaneous compounds and are listed in Tables 1-12.


Piperine (112) [15] was the first amide to be isolated from Piper species. Lee et al. [16] while doing a pharmacological study on piperine reported that it displayed central nervous system depressant (antagonism of electroshock induced seizures and muscle relaxation in mice), antipyretic (typhoid vaccinated rabbits), analgesic (taildip presence and writhing in mice) and antiinflammatory (carrageenan-induced edema in ra.ts) activities. Miyakado et al. [17] isolated pipericide (111) from P. nigrum which showed insecticidal activity against the adzuki bean weevil (Callosobruchus chinensis). A mixture of pipericide (ill), dihydropipericide (28) and guineensine (55) isolated from P. nigrum was shown to be toxic to male adult adzuki bean weevils in bioassay [18]. Kiuchi et al. [19] isolated seven amides from P. nigrum which showed larvicidal activity against second stage larvae of Toxocara canis. (2E,8E)-N-9-(3,4-Methylenedioxyphenyl)nonadienoylpiperidin~~ (88) isolated from P. mgrum was reported to cause dilation of the heart in rabbits [20]. An amide, dehydro- pipernonaline (27) that has coronary vasorelaxant activity was isolated from the fruit of P. longum [Zl]. The structures of piperolactam B (118) and piperolactam D (120) have recently been revised [12] by us. By X- ray, spectral and synthetic studies we have shown that piplartine and piperlongumine are the same compounds and have the structure 124 [22]. Aduncamide (l), a new amide isolated from P. aduncum showed antibacterial activity against Bacillus subtilis and Micrococcus luteus [23]. It also showed cytotoxic activity towards KB nasopharyngal carcinoma cells. Recently six amide alkaloids of P. guineense were tested for anti-feedant activity against fifth instar larvae of chilopartellus [24]. Piperine (112) and A”,B-dihydropiperine (29) exhibited the most potent antifeedant activity, A@-dihydrowisanine (33) and trichostachine (139) were intermediate in activity followed by wisanine ((145). The (2E,4E)-N-isobutyleicosadienamide (65) was the least active. Thus it was concluded that the presence of a methylenedioxyphenyl and an alicyclic amide group in the compound may be crucial for high antifeedant activity. Recently N-formylnoraporphines, formouragine (51) and N-formylnornuciferine (52) have been iso- lated by us from P. argyrophylum [25]. Although these types of alkaloids are known from Annonaceae family [26-281, this is the first reported occurrence of N-formylaporphines from the genus Piper. Vamious alkaloids/amides which have been isolated so far from Piper species are listed in Table 1.

Table 1. Alkaloids/amides from Piper species -- Compound Plant(s) Reference(s)

Aduncamide (1) P. aduncum [231

Alatamide (2) P. guayranum [29, 301 Aristolactam A II (3) P. attenuatum [311 P. boehimerifolium 1311 P. hamiltonii 1311 P. longum [31, 321

Auranamide (4) P. auranfiacum 1331 Phytochemistry of the genus Piper 599

Table I-continued. - Compound Plant(s) Reference(s) - Aurantiamide (5) P. aurantiacum [34, 351 Aurantiamide acetate (6) P. aurantiacum [34, 351 P. sylvaticum 1361 Aurantiamide benzoate (7) P. aurantiacum I371 (+)-N-Benzoylphenylalanine (8) P. aurantiacum 1361 Brachyamide A (9) P. brachystachyum [3& 391 Brachyamide B (10) P. brachystachyum [38, 391

P. nigrum I191 Brachystamide A (11) P. brachystachyum [401 Brachystamide B (12) P. brachystachyum 1401 Brachystine (13) P. brachystachyum [3f3,391

Cepharadione A (14) P. acutisleginum [411 P. argyrophylum [251 P. attenuatum [311 P. auritum [421 P. betle 1411 P. boehimerifolium 1311 P. hamiltonii [311 P. longum [31,431 P. manuausense WI P. methysticum [451 P. pedicellosum [461 P. sanctum I471 P. wightii 1481 Cepharadione B (15) P. aborescens [491 P. argyrophylum [251 P. attenuatum [311 P. auritum [421 P. boehimerifolium [311 P. hamiltonii [311 P. longum 131, 321 P. sanctum [471 P. wightii [481 Cepharanone B (16) P. argyrophylum [251 P. attenuatum [311 P. boehimerzyolium [311 P. chiadoense [491 P. longum [31, 321 P. wightii [481 3-Chloro-l-hydroxy-2-piperidone (17) P. hancei 1501 N-Cinnamoylpyrrole (18) P. argyrophylum [511 N-Cinnamoylpyrrolidine (19) P. argyrophylum [251 P. methysticum PO51 P. schmidtii [531 P. wightii [481 N-p_Coumaroyltyramine (20) P. argyrophylum [251 Cyclobutane-2-( 1,3-benzodioxol-5-methoxy-6-y1)-4- P. peepuloides [541 (1,3-benzodioxol-6-yl)-1,3-dicarboxapyrrolidide (21) Cyclobutane-2,4-bis( 1,3-benzodioxol-5-methoxy-6-yl)- 1,3- P. peepuloides [541 dicarboxapyrrolidide (22)

Cyclopiperstachine (23) P. trichostachyon [551 600 v. s. PARMAR et al.

Table l-continued.

Compound Plant(s) Reference(s) -- Cyclostachine A (24) P. trichostachyon [55,561 Cyclostachine B (25) P. trichostachyon WI 2,4Decadienoylpiperidine (26) P. chaba [571 Dehydropipemonaline (27) P. longum 1581 Dihydropipericide (28) P. nigrum [18, 391 &“-Dihydropiperine (29) P. guineense [59,601 P. novae hollandiae 1611 4,5Dihydropiperlonguminine (80) P. amalago [621 P. guineense [59, 631 P. longum HI P. tuberculatum [651 8,9-Dihydropiplartine (31) P. bartlingianum ]66] P. rugosum [671 Az,B-Dihydrowisanidine (32) P. guineense 1681 p8-Dihydrowisanine (33) P. guineense [69, 701 3,4-Dihydroxy-6-(N-ethylamino)benzamide (34) P. nigrum [711 N-(3,4-Dimethoxybenzoyl)isobutyl-amine (35) P. amalago ]621 N-(3’,4’-Dimethoxycinnamoyl)-isobutylamine (36) P. amalago [621 N-(3’,4’-Dimethoxycinnamoyl)-A’-piperidin-2-one (37) P. aborescens ]721 iV-(3’,5’-Dimethoxycinnamoyl)-pyrrolidine (38) P. amalago t621 3-(3’,4’-Dimethoxyphenyl)propionamide (39) P. arboricola [731 (2E,4E)-N-Dodecadienoyl pyrrolidine (40) P. nigrum [191 (2E,4E)-N-Eicosadienoyl piperidine (41) P. retrofractum [741 (2E,lrlE)-N-Eicosadienoyl pip&dine (42) P. retrofractum 1741 2,l I-Eicosadienoylpyrrolidine (43) P. amalago ]621 3,6-Eicosadienoylpyrrolidine (44) P. amalago [621 Eicosanoylpyrrolidine (45) P. amalago [621 2-Eicosenoylpyrrolidine (46) P. amalago [621 3,4-Epoxy-8,9-dihydropiplartin (47) P. verrucosum 1751 N-cis-Feruloyltyramine (48) P. argyrophylum ~251 N-trans-Feruloyltyramine (49) P. argyrophylum [251 P. nigrum [761 Filfiline (SO) P. officinarum [77l (E)- and (Z)-Formouragines (51) P. argyrophylum t251 (IT)- and (Z)-N-Formylnornuciferines (52) P. argyrophylum [251 N-Formylpiperidine (53) P. nigrum [781 Futoamide (54) P. futokadsura 1521 P. hancei ]791 Guineensine (55) P. attenuatum [801 P. brachystachyum [381 P. guineense 181,821 P. hancei ]501 P. longum [38,46, 641 P. nigrum [18, 19,39,83,84] P. officinarum (851 P. retrofractum [861 P. sylvaticum ]871 Phytochemistry of the genus Piper 601

Table l-continued. - Compound Plant(s) Reference(s)

3,6-Hexadecadienoylpyrrolidine (56) P. amalgo WI

Hexadecanoylpyrrolidine (57) P. amalago WI

2-Hexadecenoylpyrrolidine (58) P. amalago WI N-(4-Hydroxyphenyl)ethylene cinnamamide (59) P. steerni 1951 (2E,4E)-N-5-[(4-Hydroxyphenyl)-pentadienoyl]pipe~dine (60) P. nigrum [761 2-Hydroxy-l-methoxy-4H-dibenzo-(de,g)quinoline-4,5-(6H)- P. attenuatum r311 dione (61) P. boehimerifolium [311 P. longum 131, 321 4-Hydroxy-3-methoxy-N-methylpiperolactam (62) P. ribesioides 1961 (2E,4E)-N-Isobutyldecadienamide (63) P. attenuatum WI P. chaba [571 P. guineense W, 881 P. hancei [79,891 P. longum [901 P. nepalense [911 P. nigrum P31 P. novae hollandiae WI P. pedicellosum [461 P. peepuloides [901 P. ribesioides [921 P. sarmentosum [931 P. sylvaticum [941 P. wallichii F91 (2E,4E)-N-Isobutyldodecadienamide (64) P. guineense WI P. peepuloides [971 (2E,4E)-N-Isobutyleicosadienamide (65) P. guineense WI 811 P. longum F41 P. macropodum 1981 P. nigrum [991 (2E,4E,82)-N-Isobutyl-eicosatrienamide (66) P. longum WI P. nigrum F41 P. ofjeinarum [lW (2E,4E,14E)-N-Isobutyleicosatrienamide (67) P. retrofractum [741 (2E,4E)-N-Isobutylhexadecadienamide (68) P. guineense Pll (2E,4E)-N-Isobutyl-7-(3,4-methylenedioxyphenyl)heptadienamide P. austrosinense [lo11 (69) P. falconeri u11 (2E,4E)-N-Isobutyloctadecadienamide (70) P. argyrophylum [lo21 P. guineense [59, 81, 1031 P. Iongum (641 (2E,4E,l2&V-Isobutyloctadecatrienamide (71) P. retrofractum [741 (2E,4E)-N-Isobutyloctadienamide (72) P. banksii [lo41 P. nigrum 1841 P. novae hollandiae Fll Longamide (73) P. longum [381 I-(o-Methoxycinnamoyl)pyrrolidine (74) P. methysticum 11051 6-Methoxypiperoylisobutylamine (75) P. amalago 1621 2’-Methoxy-3’,4’-methylenedioxycinnamoyline (76) P. amalago F21 2’-Methoxy-4’,5’-methylenedioxy-cis-cinnamoylpi~~dine (77) P. peepuloides [lo61 2’-Methoxy-4’,5’-methylenedioxy-trans-cinnamoylpiperidine (78) P. amalago [1071 P. peepuloides [lo81 602 V. S. PARMAR et al.

Table 1 continued.

Compound Plant(s) Reference(i)

N-(3’-Methoxy-4’.5’-methylenedioxycinnamoyl)-A3-pipe~din-2-one P. aborescens [72, 1091 (79)

N-(3’-Methoxy-4’,5’-methylenedioxydihydrocinnamoyl)- P. aborescens 11091 A’-piperidin-2-one (80)

2’-Methoxy-4’,5’-methylenedioxy-trans-cinnamoylpyrrolidine (81) P. amalago HO71 P. peepuloides [1fOl

2’-Methoxy-3’,4’-methylenedioxycinnamoylpy~olidine (82) P. amalago 1621

3’,4’-Methylenedioxycinnamoylisopentylamine (83) P. amalago [621

3’,4’-Methylenedioxycinnamoyl-n-pentylamine (84) P. amalago [621

N-3’,4’-Methylenedioxycinnamoylpiperidine (85) P. nooae hollandiae [611

3’,4’-Methylenedioxycinnamoylpyrrolidine (86) P. amalago [621

17-(3,4-Methylenedioxyphenyl)-16-heptadecenoylpyrrolidine (87) P. amalago [621

(2E,8~-N-9-(3,4-Methylenedioxyphenyl)nonadienoylpiperidine (88) P. longum 1641 P. nigrum 1201 P. retrofractum [lfll

15-(3,4-Methylenedioxyphenyl)-14-pentadecenoylpyrrolidine (89) P. amalago [621

(2E,4E,8E)-N-9-(3,4-Methylenedioxyphenyl)nonat~enoylpyrrolidine P. nigrum [I91 (90)

(2E,4E,lOE)-N-l l-(3,4- P. nigrum [641 Methylenedioxyphenylhmdecatrienoylpiperidine (91)

(2E)-4-[(2-Methylpropyl)amino]-4-oxo-butenoic acid (92) P. hancei [501

Norcepharadione B (93) P. attenuatum [311 P. boehimertfolium [311 P. hamiltonii [311 P. longum 131, 321

I-(2E,4E)-Octadecadienoylpiperidine (94) P. retrofractum [741

3,6-Octadecadienoylpyrrolidine (95) P. amalago [621

Octadecanoylpyrrolidine (96) P. amalago [621

I-(2E,4E, 12E)-Octadecatrienoylpiperidine (97) P. retrofractum 1741

2-Octadecenoylpyrrolidine (98) P. amalago [621

9-Octadecenoylpyrrolidine (99) P. amalago [621

Peepuloidin (100) P. peepuloides [1101

N-(3-Phenylpropanoyl)pyrrole (101) P. sarmentosum [931

Piperadione (102) P. attenuatum 1311 P. hamiltonii [311 P. longum ]31, 321

Piperamide (103) P. nigrum 1191

Piperamine (104) P. chaba ]571 P. nigrum [191

Pipercallosidine (105) P. callosum [1121

Pipercallosine (106) P. callosum [lf21 P. interrupturn 11131

Pipereicosahdine (107) P. retrofractum [74, 11 l]

Piperettine (108) P. aurantiacum [1141 P. nigrum [19, 231

I-Piperettylpyrrolidine (109) P. trichostachyon [115, 1161 Phytochemistry of the genus Piper 603

Table I-continued.

Compound Plant(s) Reference(s) --

Piperoylisopentylamine (110) P. amalago [621 Pipericide (111) P. austrosinense PO11 P. brachystachyum 1381 P. guineense [8L 821 P. longum [641 P. nigrum [17-19, 39, 83, 117, 1181

Piperine (112) P. acutisleginum 1411 P. album [I 191 P. argyrophylum [lo21 P. attenuatum 1801 P. aurantiacum [1141 P. betle 1411 P. callosum V201 P. chaba [1211 P. cubeba [I221 P. guineense [59,60, 811 P. hancei [501 P. khasiana [461 P. longum [64, 123-1251 P. macropodum [981 P. nepalense [911 P. nisi-urn [15, 19, 126, 1271 P. novae hollandiae [611 P. peepuloides [971 P. retrofractum [86, 1111 P. sylvaticum [87, 128, 1291

Piperine S (113) P. puberulum D301

Piperlonguminine (114) P. acutisleginum [411 P. amalago [621 P. attenuatum WI P. betle t411 P. chaba V211 P. guineense [811 P. hancei [50, 791 P. khasiana [461 P. longum [62, 64, 131, 13211 P. nepalense 1911 P. novae hollandiae [611 P. pedicellosum [461 P. sylvaticum [I281

Pipermethystine (115) P. methysticum [133, 1341

Piperoctadecalidine (116) P. retrofractum [86, 1111

Piperolactam A (117) P. argyrophylum [251 P. boehimerifolium 1311 P. attenuatum [311 P. hamiltonii [311 P. longum [31, 321 P. wightii 1481

Piperolactam B (118) P. acutisleginum V21 P. argyrophylum [251 P. boehimertfolium [311 P. longum [31, 321

Piperolactam C (119) P. argyrophylum 1251 P. boehimertfolium [311 P. Iongum [311 P. wightii [481 604 V. S. PARMARet al.

Table l-continued.

Compound Plant(s) Reference(s) - -- Piperolactam D (120) P.argyrophylum [251 P.boehimertfolium 11351 Piperlactam S (121) P.pderulum 11301

Piperolein B (122) P.nigrum [I91

Piperovatine (123) P.callosum [I 121 Piplartine/piperlongumine (124) P.aborescens [721 P.callosum [1201 P.Iongum [22,123-125,131, 1361 P.retrofractum P201 P.sylvaticum [87, 1291 P.tuberculatum D37l Piplartine dimer A (125) P.aborescens PO91 P.rugosum [671 P.tuberculatum 11221

(2E,4E,9E,llZ)-iV-Pyrrolidyl-12-(3,4- P.guineense P21 methylenedioxyphenyl)dodecatetraenamide (126)

Retrofractamide A (127) P.brachystachyum [38, 391 P.longum ]461 P.nigrum [I91 P.retrofractum P381 P.ridleyi 11391

Retrofractamide C (128) P.retrofractum [I381

Retrofractamide D (129) P.retrofractum [1381

Ridleyamide (130) P.ridleyi P391

Sarmentine (131) P.nigrum P91 P.sarmentosum [931

Sarmentosine (132) P.nigrum 1191 P.sarmentosum [58, 931

Sylvamide (133) P.sylvaticum P401

Sylvetin (134) P.aurantiacum P141 P.brachystachyum [1411 P.ehaba V211 P.guineense [591 P.longum [431 P.sylvaticum v421

Tembamide acetate (135) P.guayranum [301

2,4-Tetradecadienoylpyrrolidine (136) P.amalago [621

Tricholein (137) P.nigrum 1191 P.trichostachyon P161

Trichonine (138) P.trichostachyon ]I431

Trichostachine (139) P.amalago [621 P.guineense P311 P.macropodum [981 P.nigrum [I91 P.trichostachyon PW N-(3’,4’,5’-Trimethoxydihydrocinnamoyl)-A3-piperidin-2-one (140) P.austrosinense [IO11 P.demeraranum [291 1,2,3-Trimethoxy-4,5-dioxo-6a,7-dehydroaporphine (141) P.aborescens [721

3’,4’,5’-Trimethoxycinnamoylisobutylamine (142) P.amalago [621 Phytochemistry of the genus Piper 605

Table l-continued.

Compound Plant(s) Reference(s)

3’,4’,5’-Trimethoxycinnamoylpyrrolidine (143) P. amalago 1621 Wisanidine (144) P. amalago u321 P. guineense [60, 68, 1451

Wisanine (145) P. guineense [60, 69, 70, 146, 1471

5 R=H 6R=COCI$ 7 R=COPh

\ 9 a&+)(I 0 // N 4 10 a 606 v. s. PARMAR et al.

14 R1+R2=OCH20 15 R,=R2=OCH3


\\ R o”AI 18 R= -ND

19 R= -N 3 16

” 21 R=H 22 R=OCH, Phytochemistry of the genus Piper 607

r I


0 (y&pN

23R= -/j c, ‘y 25 24 R= -Na lw+ B 26 27

0 29 R= -N 3 30 R= -\‘y ,:ng..,.q 0 0 0 31 32 R= -N 3 33 R= -N 3 608 V. S. PARMAR et al.

36 R,=OC&; R,=H; R= -# A

37 R,=OC&; R2=H; R= --N ? 0 38 R,=H; RI=OCHS; R= --N 3

40 n=6; R= -N 42 ~4; m=10; R= -N 3 3 41n=14; R= - 0 43 n=m=7; R= -N 3 9 Phytochemistry of the genus Piper 609

(q-51 R=OCH, Q-51 R=OCH, 53 (2)52 R=H (~5)52 R=H


56 57 58

0 Q?f\ ’ ‘oB-TJo, 59 610 v. s. PARMAR et al.


H 0

Lo \/ NH I \ I / ?Y61



w4iy 0 64 n=6 < \ \\ / 65 n=14 68 n=lO 66 70 n= 12 0 72 n=2 /

67 n=7 71 n=5

0 \ \A # wj+ (/Y 1 / 0 0 69 73 Phytochemistry of the genus Piper 611

74 n=l; RpOCH,; R2=R,=R4=H; R5= -N 3

75 n=2; R,=OCH,; R2=H; R3+R.,=OCH20; Rs= -i “(

76 n=l; R,=OCH,; R2+R3=OCH20; %=H; Rg= -;"(

78 n=l; R1=OCH3; R,=H; R,tR,=OCH# Rs= --N 3 0

79 ntl; R,=H; R,tR,=OCH,O; &=OcH,; I$= --N 5

81 n=l; R1=OCHa; RpH; R+RpOCH20; Rs= --N 3

82 n=l; R,=OCH,; R2tR,=OCH& RpH; Rg= --N 3 87 n= 14 m n=l; R1=R.pH; R+RpOCH,O; Rs= 89 n=12

84 n=l; R1=R2=H; RJtRpOCH20; Rp

85 n=l; RI=R2=H; R3tR4=OCH20, Rs=

86 n=l; R1=RpH; R+RpOCH& Rg=

\ 0 I cc&#&(0 // \\ R n H”y4r

9-On=2; R= -Na 92

91 n=4; R= -N 3 612 V. S. PARMAR et al.

93 R,=OCH,;R2=H 102R,=OH,R,=CH,


105n=4; R=-#v 106 Phytochemistry of the genus Piper 613

114n=2; R=-



117 R1=OH; R,=OCH,; R,=R,=H 118 R,=R2=OCHJ; R,=OH; R4=H 119 R1=R,=R,=OCH,; R4=H 124) RI=OH; R2=R3=OCH3; R4=H 122 121 R1=OCH3; R2=OH; R3=H; R4=CH3 614 v. s. PARMAR et al.

I 127 n=2 129 n=3

132 133 Phytochemistry of the genus Piper 615

‘Oqp+J 136n=8 138 n=14 135

‘0 /O \ O I ‘0 / \a3 I \ I / 140 v141 \o 0 144


142R= -

143R= -N 3 616 V. S. PARMARet al.

PROPENYLPHENOLS Five propenylphenols (147, 153-155 and 163) with significant fungicidal and nematicidal activity were isolated from the chloroform extract of the leaves of P. betle [148]. (161) isolated from I’. betle exhibited antifungal activity against AspergillusJIauus [149] and pseudodillapiole (171) has been reported to show strong antimicrobial activity [150]. Recently, Masuda et al. have isolated four propenylphenols (146 and 150-152) from P. surmentosum [151], all these compounds have been reported to show inhibitory activities against E. coli and Bacillus subtilis. (156) isolated from P. aduncum [152] has shown molluscicidal activity against Biomphalaria glabrata. Various propenylphenols isolated so far from different Piper species are listed in Table 2.

Table 2. Propenylphenols from Piper species

Compound Plant(s) Reference(s)

I-Allyl-2,6-dimethoxy-3,4-methylenedioxybe (146) P. sarmentosum v511 AIlylpyrocatechol diacetate (147) P. betle [148, 1531

Anethole (148) P. marginatum [I541

Apiole (149) P. argyrophylum 1511 P. brachystachyum [46, 1551 P. schmidtii P561 Asaricin (150) P. aduncum [46, 1571 P. sarmentosum P511 c+Asarone (151) P. sarmentosum [151, 1581 P. sumatranum [159, 1601 y-Asarone (152) P. divaricatum P. sarmentosum

Chavibetol (153) P. betle [148, 1531

Chavibetol acetate (154) P. betle [148, 1531

Chavicol(l55) P. betle [148, 1621

Dillapiole (156) P. aduncum [46, 65, 152, 1631 P. banksii v041 P. guineense [I641 P. novae hollandiae [611 P. marginatum P651

1,3-Dimethoxy-2-acetoxy-5-allylbenzene (157) P. aduncum 1461

2,6-Dimethoxy-4-allylphenol(l58) P. aduncum [461

Elemicin (159) P. aduncum I461 P. auritum [I661 P. banksii DO41 P. guineense P641 P. lenticellosum 11671 P. marginatum t1651

Estragole (160) P. marginatum P651

Eugenol(l61) P. auritum 11661 P. betle [149, 153, 1681 P. cavalcantei 11691 P. guineense 11641 P. nigrum P541 P. sylvestre v701 Eugenol methyl ether (162) P. betle [153, 1681 P. cavalcantei P691 P. guineense 11641 P. hispidinervium [1711 P. lenticellosum [I671 P. marginatum [165, 1721 P. nigrum 11541 Phytochemistry of the genus Piper 617

Table 2-continued.

Compound Plant(s) Reference(s)

Hydroxychavicol(l63) P. betle [148, 168, 1731 4-Hydroxy-2,5-dimethoxyallylbenzene (164) P. divaricatum [1611 w-Hydroxyisodillapiole (165) P. novae hollandiae 11741 Isoelemicin (166) P. guineense [1641 P. marginatum 11651 (l67) P. betle ]1681 Isoeugenol methyl ether (168) P. marginatum WI (169) P. len ticellosum ]1671 Myristicine (170) P. aduncum [46, 152, 175, 1761 P. auritum [1661 P. guineense [lfw P. marginatum WI P. nigrum 11771 Pseudodillapiole (171) P. aduncum [150, 162, 167, 17g1801 P. fadyenii ]1791 P. hispidum [150, 178-1801

Safrole (172) P. aduncum [461 P. auritum 11661 P. betle ]1681 P. callosum [171, 1811 P. cavalcantei W91 P. guineense P641 P. hispidinervium [150, 1711 P. marginatum [165, 182, 1831 P. nigrum ]1771 P. sylvestre r1701 Sarisan (173) P. guineense ]1641 P. lent icellosum ]167l 618 V. S. PARMAR et al.

% \\ I R3 ’ RI


146 R,=RS=OCH,; R,+R,=OCH& Rc,=H 148 R,=RpR,=H; R3=OCH, 147 R,=R,=R,=H; Rz=R3=OAc 151 R,=R,=R,=OCH,; R2=H 149 R1=R4=OCH$R,tR,=OCH,O; R,=H 166 R,=H; R,=R,=R,=OCH, 150 R1=OCH,; R,=Rs=H; R3+R4=OCH20 167 R1=R2=H;R,=OH; R,=OCH, 152 RI=RgR4=OCH3; Rz=RS=H 168 R,=R,=H; R,=R,=OCH, 153 R1=R,=R,=H, R,=OH, R,=OCH, 169 R1=R2=H;RJtR4=OCH20 154 R,=R,=R,=H; R2=OAc; R3=OCH3 173 R,=OCH3; RpH; R3tR4=OCH20 155 R1=Rz’R4=R5=H; R3=OH 156 R1=R&CH3; R3tR4=OCH20; R5=H 157 R,=R,=H, R,=R,,=OCH,; Rs=OAc 158 R,=R,=H; R,=R,=OCH,; R3=OH 159 R1=R5=H;R2=RJ=R4=OCH3 160 RI= R,=R,=R,=H; R,=OCH,


Lignans form a family of optically active plant products. They are composed of two Cs, C3 units linked at the p-carbons of the side chain. They possess a breadth of biological activities [184]. Several lignans have been isolated from different Piper species (Table 3). Sesamin (212) was the first lignan to be isolated from I’. peepuloides [97].

Table 3. Lignans from Piper species -- Compound Plant(s) Reference(s)

Andamanicin (174) P. sumatranum [I591

(+)-Asarinine (175) P. brachystachyum [38, 1411 P. longum [38, 39,461 P. sumatranum U591

Aschantin (176) P. cubeba ]I851 P. guineense [185, 1861

(2R,3R)-[2-(1,3-Benzodioxol-5-yl)thyI-3-(3,4,5- P. clusii [I871 trimethoxyphenylmethyl]-butan-1,4-diol(l77)

(+)-Calopiptin (178) P. schmidtii W61 P. wightii [I881

(-)-Clusin (179) P. clusii [I891 P. cubeba [1901

(-)-Cubebin (180) P. clusii ]I891 P. cubeba ]1901 P. cuneifolium U941 P. Iacunosum ]I911 P. nigrum ~1921 P. ribesioides [921 P. trichostachyon I1931 (-)-Cubebinin (181) P. ch4sii [la P. cubeba [1901

( - )-Cubebininolide (182) P. clusii D87l P. cubeba [I951

(-)-Cubebinone (183) P. cubeba 11951

(+)-Diaeudesmin (184) P. longum [431 P. peepuloides [46, 1961 P. sylvalicum t197l (+)-Diayangambin (185) P. aborescens [721 (- )-Dihydroclusin (186) P. cubeba P901

(-)-Dihydroeubebin (187) P. clusii ]I891 P. cubeba I1901 P. guineense [81, 1981 P. trichostachyon [I931

(-)-Dihydrotrichostin (188) P. trichostachyon I1931 (-)-3,4-Dimethoxy-3,4-desmethylenedioxycubebin (189) P. nigrum u921 (-)-3’$‘-Dimethoxy-3’,4’-desmethylenedioxycubebin (190) P. nigrum [1921 rel-(7S,SS,7’S,8’S)-3’,4’-Dimethoxy-3,4-methylen~ioxy- P. wightii [I991 7.0.7’,8.8’-lignan (191)

(2$3R,4S,SS)-Diveratryldimethyltetrahydrofuran (192) P. clarkii VW (+)-epi-Excelsin (193) P. aborescens t721 (2S,3R,4R)-[2-Ethoxy-3-(3,4,5-trimethoxyphenyl)methy1-4-(1,3- P. clusii [I871 benzodioxol-5yl)methyl]tetrahydrofurano1(194) a-O-Ethylcubebin (1%) P. clusii I1601 P. cubeba I2011 620 V. S. PARMAR et al.

Table 3-continued

Compound Plant(s) Reference(s)

/?-O-Ethylcubebin (1%) P. cubeba [2011

Fargesin (197) P. austrosinense [loll P. brachysrachyum [38,391 P. longum [38, 391

Galgravin (198) P. futokadFura 12021 P. hancei 1891 P. puberculum w31 P. wallichii 1891

(+)-Galbelgin (199) P. attenuatum [204, 20511 P. futokadsura [2021 P. thomsoni WI P. wighlii [1881 (+)-Grandisin (200) P. polysyphorum W61

Hemiariensin (201) P. cubeba DO11

Heterotropan (202) P. cubeba [2011 (-)-Hinokinin (203) P. clusii [160, 1891 P. cubeba [1701 P. ribesioides f921 P. rrichostachyon P931

(-)-Jsoyatein (204) P. cubeba 11951

Kusunokinin (205) P. chaba [571 (-)-Machilin G (206) P. schmidtii P561 P. wightii I1881

Magnosalin (207) P. cubeba [2011

(2R,3R)[2-(7-Methoxy-l,3-benzodioxol-5-yl)methyl-3-(3,4,5- P. clusii 11871 trimethoxyphenyl)methyl]butan-1,4-diol(208)

(-)-5”-Methoxyhinokinin (209) P. cubeba [2011 P. rrichostachyon P931

(2R,3R)-2-(3”,4”-Methylenedioxybenzyl)-3-(3’,4’. P. cubeba 11951 dimethoxybenzyl)butyrolactone (210)

Pluviatilol(211) P. brachystachyum [381 P. longum 1381

Sesamin (212) P. austrosinense UOU P. brachystachyum [38, 46, 1411 P. clusii [I851 P. cubeba V851 P. guineense [811 P. longum [38,43, 125,207] P. lowong 12081 P. peepuloides [971 P. sylvaticum 11291 P. retrojiractum 11381

(+)-Sylvatesmin (213) P. sylvaticum [2091

(+)-Sylvone (214) P. sylvaticum [2101 (-)-Thujaplicatin trimethylether (215) P. cubeba u951

(-)-Trichostin (216) P. trichostachyon P931 (+)-Veraguensin (217) P. cuneifolium [I941 P. furokadsura [2021 P. puberculum ~2031 Phytochemistry of the genus Piper 621

Table 3-continued.

Compound Plant(s) Reference(s)

(+)-Yangambin (218) P. guineense VW (-))-Yatein I (219) P. clusii [1891 P. cubeba PW

(-)-Zuonin A (220) P. schmidtii V561

/O 177

Ar +-AC c2 c3 c4 c;~‘&=--$

Ar 178 Piperonyl Veratryl R S S S 191 Piperonyl Vefatryl S SSS 179 R1=R2=Rs=OCH3; R,+R,=Ot&O; %=H 192 Veratryl Veratryl S RS S 180 R,+Rz=R,+R,=OCH& R3=&=H 198 Veratryl Veratryl R RS S 181 Rt=R2=R3=&=R5=&=OCHJ 199 Veratryl Veratryl RRRR 189 RI=R~OCH3; R3=&=H; ~+R5=OCHz0 200 3,4,5-Trimeth- 3,4,5Trimeth- s s s s 190 R1+R2=OCH20, R,=%=H; R,=RS=OCHa oxyphellyl oxyphellyl 206 Piperonyl Veratcyl RRS S 217 Veratryl Veratfyl R S S S

182 RI=R2=R3=R,=R5=&=OCHJ 183 R,=R,=RJ=Q=OCH3; R,,+R5=OCHz0 203 R1+R2=R4+R5=OCH20, RS=&=H 2iM RI=R2=RJ=OCH3; R,+R5=OCH20; &=H 205 R1+R2=OCH,0; R,=R,=H; R,=R,=OCHJ 209 R1+R2=R4+R,=OCH20, R,=H; Q=OCHs 210 R,=R,=OCH,; RJ=R,=H; R,+R,=OCH,O 215 R1=Rz=Rq=R5=&=OCH3; R3=H 219 R,+R2=OCH,0; R,=H; R,=R,=&=OCH3 622 V. S. PARMAR etal.

1S6RI=R2=R3=OCH, 187RI+R,=OCH,0,R3=H OH/ O 1 > A0 \ ’ 0 I 0 I \ / ,d .d ) & .O' OL-0 t-m- .IIlllH 188 0

( 0 I j O\@ ,d 193

‘4 194R,=R2=R3=OCH3;R4=qH5 195R,+R2=OCH20;R3=H;Q=a-OC2H5 1%R,+R+CH20; R3=H;R4=f.KW%

201 Phytochemistry of the genus Piper 623

0’ I 0 -0 0 \’ \o/ \ H ’ bH H

ircJr0 * -0 214 ---w

-4 216 218


Chang et al. [211,212] isolated three neolignans (26lS270) from P. futokudsura and reported that kadsurenone (268) was the most effective in inhibiting the binding of platelet activity to a receptor site on isolated rabbit platelet plasma membranes. It potentially inhibits PAF-induced degranulation of human neutrophils at 2.5- 5.0 ,uM, without any agonist activity. It is active when administered orally at 25-50 mg kg-’ in blocking PAF- induced cutaneous permeability in the guinea pig. It also inhibits the increase of plasma lysosomal enzymes and hematocrit induced by PAF in the rat. Ma et al. [213] isolated kadsurenins K and L (266 and 267) from P. kuahra and reported their significant PAF antagonist activity. Recently, it has been reported by us [53] that the compound isolated by Joshi et al. [214] from P. schmidtii, named as schmiditin (282) is nothing else but the earlier reported kadsurin B (270), and it was proposed to eliminate the name schmiditin and the corresponding 624 V. S. PARMAR et al. structure from the literature. Recently, Zhang et al. have isolated three new neolignans, namely puberulins A, B and C (279281) from the stems of P. puberulum [215]. Puberulins A and C (279 and 281) inhibited specific platelet activating factor receptor binding with I&, values of 7.3 and 5.7 PM, respectively. The neolignans isolated from different Piper species have been included in Table 4.

Table 4. Neolignans from Piper species

Compound Plant(s) Reference(s) - -- (7R,8R,3’R)-7-Acetoxy-3’,4’-dimethoxy-3,4-methylenedioxy-~-oxo- P. wightii [1881 A”.4’,8’-8.3’-lignan(221)

(7R,8R,3’R)-7-Acetoxy-3,3’,4,4’-tetramethoxy-6’-oxo-A”,4’,8’-8.3’- P. wightii [481 lignan (222)

2’-Acetoxy-4’-oxo-3,4,5’-trimethoxy-As’~8’-8.3’,7.~-lignan (223) P. ka&ura [2161

4-[2-(l,3-Benzodioxol-5-yl)-2-hydroxy-l-methylethyl]-2,5-dimethoxy-2-(2- P. argyrophylum [251 propenyl)-3,5cyclohexadiene-l-one (224) rel-(7S,8S)-A8’-3,4,3’,4’-Bis-methylene-dioxy-7.O.2’,8.3’-lignan (225) P. capense [2171

(+)-Burchellin (226) P. puberculum f2031 P. wightii WI

Clarkinol(227) P. clarkii [2191 Conocarpan (228) P. decurrens [65,2201

Cuneifolin (229) P. cuneifolium 11941

Denudatin B (230) P. clarkii [2001 P. hancei [89,2211 P. wallichii 1891

A8’-l’,2’-Dihydro-3,4,3’,4’-bis-methylenedioxy-~-oxo-8.l’-lignan (231) P. capense [2221 iso-A8’-l’,2’-Dihydro-3,4,3’,4’-bis-methylenedioxy-2’-oxo-8. I’-lignan (232) P. capense 12221

A8’-3’,6’-Dihydro-3,4,3’,4’-bis-methylenedioxy-~-oxo-8.3’-lignan (233) P. capense [2221

A8’-l’,2’-Dihydro-4-hydroxy-3-methoxy-3’,~-methylen~ioxy-~-oxo- P. capense t2221 8. I’-lignan (234)

(7R,8S,l’S)-A8’-l’,~-Dihydro-5’-methoxy-3,4-methylenedioxy-4’-oxo- P. argyrophylum [251 8.1’,7.0.2’-lignan (235) P. clarkii [2191 P. kadsura [2341 P. schmidtif P31 P. wightii [2181

(7R,8S,3’S)-A8’-3’,6’-Dihydro-3’-methoxy-3,4-methyienedioxy-~-oxo- P. wightii [2181 8.3’,7.0.4’-lignan (236)

(7R,8S,l’S)-A8’-l’,~-Dihydro-3,4,S-trimethoxy-4’-oxo-A*‘,5’,8’- P. schmidlii [531 8.1’,7.0.2’-lignan (237) P. wightii 1481

(7R,8R,l’S)-A8’-l’,61-Dihydro-l’,3,4-trimethoxy-6’-oxo-7.O.~, P. clarkii ~2191 8.3’-lignan (238) l’,2’-Dimethoxy-3,4-methylenedioxy-4’-oxo-Az’~5’~8’-8.5’-lign~ (239) P. wightii u91

4’,5’-Dimethoxy-3,4-methylenedioxy-2’-oxo-A3’.5’.8’-8. I-lignan (240) P. argyrophylum [251 P. wightii u991 iso-4’,5’-Dimethoxy-3,4-methylenedioxy-2’-oxo-A”~5’~8’-8.l-lignan (241) P. wightii P991

Eupomatene (242) P. interruptum [1131

Eupomatenoid-5 (243) P. decurrens 12201

Eupomatenoid-6 (244) P. decurrens [2201

Eupomatenoid-7 (245) P. ribesoides [961 Phytochemistry of the genus Piper 625

Table &continued. - Compound Plant(s) Reference(s)

Fargesone A (246) P. wightii [I991 Fargesone B (247) P. wightii U991 Futoenone (248) P. futokadrura [223, 2241

Futoquinol/Hancinone D (249) P. argyrophylum WI P. futokadsura [223, 225, 2261 P. hancei I891 P. schmidtii I1561 P. wightii I481 Hancinol(250) P. hancei I791 Hancinone (251) P. hancei I2211 P. wightii I2181

Hancinone B (252) P. hancei [2271 Hancinone C (253) P. hancei v71 P. polysyphorum PO61 P. wallichii [891 Hookerinone A (254) P. hookeri ]2281 (7R,8R,3’R)-7-Hydroxy-3’,4’-dimethoxy-3,~methylenedioxy-6’-oxo- P. wightii ]I181 A”,4’8’-8.3’-hgnan (255) 2’-Hydroxy-4’-oxo-3,4,5’-trimethoxy-As’a*’-8, l/,7.3’-lignan (256) P. kadsura rel-(7S,8S)-A8’-4-Hydroxy-3-methoxy-3’,4dioxy-7.O,2’,8.3’. P. capense lignan (257) Isodihydrofutoquinol A (258) P. futokadsura w51 P. hookeri W81 P. schmidtii [I561 P. wightii [I881 Isodihydrofutoquinol B (259) P. boehimerifolium I2281 P. fitokadnrra [2251 P. hamiltoni [2281 P. hookeri I2281 P. schmidtii [I561 P. wightii [I881

Isofutoquinol A (268) P. futokadsura [2251

lsofutoquinol B (261) P. argyrophylum [251 P. futokadrura [2251 Kadsurenin B (262) P. kadsura [2291 Kadsurenin C (263) P. kadsura ~2291 Kadsurenin I (264) P. kadsura 12301 Kadsurenin J (265) P. kadsura [2301 Kadsurenin K (266) P. kahura 12131 Kadsurenin L (267) P. kadsura [2l31 ( + )-Kadsurenone (268) P. futokadsura [211,212,231] P. hancei [89,221] P. wallichii I891

Kadsurin A (269) P. argyrophylum 1251 P. attenuatum ~2321 P. boehimerifolium W.81 P. cubeba I2331 P. futokadsura I2121 P. hamiltoni [2281 P. schmidtii I1561 P. wightii [2181 626 V. S. PARMARet al.

Table &-continued.

Compound Plant(s) Reference(s)

Kadsurin B (270) P. argyrophylum [25, 511 P. attenuatum f2321 P. futokadrura [2121 P. schmidtii [531 P. wightii [21fJl

Lancifohn C (271) P. argyrophylum [251 P. schmidtii 1531 P. wightii V181

(+)-Lancifolin D (272) P. argyrophylum ~251 P. polysyphorum I2061 P. schmidtii [531 P. wightii [I181

(7R,8R,l’S)-A.B’-l’-Methoxy-3,4-methylenedioxy-1’,6-dihydro-6’-oxo- P. argyrophylum ~251 7.0.4’,8.3’-lignan (273) P. clarkii I2001 P. kadsura 12341 rel-(7S,8S,1’R,3’R)-A”-5’-Methoxy-3,4-methylenedioxy-if,2’,3’,~- P. clarkii 12001 tetrahydro-2’,4’-dioxo-7.3’,8. I’-lignan (274)

(7R,8R,1’R)-A8’-3,4-Methylenedioxy-l’-methoxy-l’,6’-dihydro-6’-oxo- P. kadsura [2341 7.0.4’,8.3’-lignan (275)

(7R,8R,1’S)-A8’-3,CMethylenedioxy-5’-methoxy-l’,4’-dihydro-4’-oxo- P. kadsura [2341 7.0.2’,8.1’-lignan (276)

(-)-Piperenone (277) P. cubeba I2331 P. cuneifolium [I941 P. futokadsura t2351 P. nigrum 12361 P. schmidtii I531 P. wightii [2181

Polysyphorin (278) P. polysyphorum [2W

Puberulin A (279) P. puberulum [2151

Puberulin B (280) P. puberulum ~2151

Puberulin C (281) P. puberulum [2151 Schimiditin (282) P. schmidtii [53,2141

(7S,8R,3’S,4’R,6’S)-A8’-3’,4’,5’,6’-Tetr-6’-hydroxy-3,3’,4,~- P. wightii [2181 tetramethoxy-8.3’,7.0.4’-lignan (283) rel-(7R,8R,3’R,4’S)-Aa’-3’,4’,5’,6’-Tetrahydro-6’-oxo-3,4-methylenedioxy- P. wightii t4'31 3’,4’-dimethoxy-8.3’,7.0.4’-lignan (284)

(7S,8S,1’R)-A8’-3,4,5’-Trimethoxy-l’,4’-dihydro-4’-oxo-7.0.2’,8.1’-lignan P. kadsura [2341 (285) (7S,8S,1’S)-A8-1’,3,4-Trimethoxy-1’,6’-dihydro-~-oxo-7.O,~,8.3’-lignan P. kadsura I2341 (2%) (7S,8S,3’R)-A8’-3,3’,4-Trimethoxy-3’,6’-dihydro-6’-oxo-7.0.4’,8.3’-lignan P. clarkii [2001 (2s7) rel-(7S,8R)-A8’-3,4,5’-Trimethoxy-7-hydroxy-8.O.3’-lignan (288) P. capense [2171

(+-)-Virolongin (289) P. polysyphorum [2'W

Wallichinine (299) P. capense 12171 P. polysyphorum [2W P. wallichii I891 P. wightii P881 Phytochemistry of the genus Piper 627

,o \ ’ OAc\ I ‘@t0 ‘0 D’ 223 I f 0 O/\ I,.. \ O’ Q&x- 0’ 0 226

228 227 628 V. S. PAm4m et al.



242 R,+R,=OCH$fR~=OCH, 243 RI-OH; Rz=OCHs; R3=H 244 R,=OH; R,=R3=H 245 RI-OH; RZ=Rs=OCHj Phytochemistry of the genus Piper 629

246 1’S 247 1’R

252 R=Rt=H 253 R=CH,; R,=OCH3 v. s. PARMAR el d. 630

257 256

0' I 0 Q 0 258 3R 260 259 3s

0' \ 0 I I 0 G \ -\ 0' 0 O- I k I / Q0 / / Rl D & 262 R=Ac; R1+R2=OCH20 261 263 R=H; R,+R~=OCH~O 267 R=Ac; R1=RZ=OCH3

264 R=H 265 R=COCHJ Phytochemistry of the genus Piper 631


272 v 273

“N. . 01 “\ \ I 0 & 274 275 632 V. S. PARMARet al.

279Rl=R+CH3 278 280R1=R.pCKH,0-

d :, / / 0 - 1, ” #( 0 283 284 / 0

/o \ o \ O0 d 0 I ‘a D’ 285 286 Phytochemistry of the genus Piper 633

No \ I 0' “\/\ A0 // \ / No \ --b mlI’ 0 I \ P f $,6 289 290

291 292 293 294 HP Y$l $iQ $Q

2% R=H 295 297 R=COCH3 298 299 634 V. S. PARMARet al.


Most of the terpenes which have been isolated from Piper species (Table 5) are either monoterpenes or sesquiterpenes. Transphytol(375), a diterpene has been isolated from P. decurrens [220], P. methysticum [237], P. auritum [238] and P. aduncum [239].

Table 5. Terpenes from Piper species

Compound Plant(s) Reference(s) cc-Bergamotene (291) P. guineense [1641 P. nigrum 1177, 2401

Bicyclogermacrene (292) P. mikanianum [2411 Bicyclosesquiphellandrene (293) P. cubeba ~2421 &Bisabolene (294) P. attenualum P431 P. auritum [153,166] P. nigrum [2401 a-Bisabolol(295) P. guineense [1641

Borneo1 (296) P. auritum [I661 P. guineense [I641

Borneo1 acetate (297) P. auritum [I661 fi-Bourbonene (298) P. argyrophylum Pll P. auritum [1661 P. marginatum [I651 Bulnesol(299) P. guineense tw

5,10( IS)-Cadienen Aol (300) P. nigrum [781

Cadina-1(10),4-diene(&cadinene) (301) P. argyrophylum [511 P. auritum [153, 1661 P. guineense [I641 P. marginatum [I651 P. nigrum ~401

Cadina- 1,4-diene-3-ol(302) P. guineense [1641 Cadina-4(14),5-diene (303) P. cubeba [242, 2441

x-Cadinol (304) P. guineense r1641 P. marginatum t1651 P. nigrum [2451

Calamenene (305) P. guineense I1641 P. nigrum [2461

Camphene (306) P. auritum [163,166,247] P. betle [1531 P. futokadsura [2261 P. guineense [1641 P. hispidum [2481 P. nigrum [2491

Camphor (307) P. aduncum [I711 P. auritum [166, 2471 P. guineense [I641

Capentin (308) P. capense ~2501 3-Carene (309) P. argyrophylum [511 P. auritum 11661 P. guineense [1641 P. marginatum [I651 P. nigrum [I531

(+)-CCarene (310) P. cubeba [2511 Carve01 (311) P. nigrum [I771 Phytochemistry of the genus Piper

Table 5-continued.

Compound Plant(s) Reference(s)

Carvone (312) P. nigrum ]1771

)?I-Caryophyllene (313) P. argyrophylum 1511 P. attenuatum WI P. auritum [153, 166, 2521 P. betle ]2531 P. gaudichaudianum r2411 P. guineense ]1641 P. marginatum ]1651 P. mikanianum ]241] P. nigrum [240, 2461

Caryophyllene oxide (314) P. aduncum ]1521 P. auritum [153, 166, 2521 P. brachystachyum [2541 P. guineense [I641 P. hookeri [2541 P. nepalense [911

Caryophyllenol-II (315) P. aduncum 1231

1,4Gneol(316) P. cubeba 12511

1,8-Cineol(317) P. auritum [I661 P. betle P531 P. cubeba I1751 P. marginatum [172] P. nigrum P381

Citronellol (318) P. nigrum [2461 a-Copaene (319) P. auritum I1661 P. cubeba [2551 P. guineense 11641 P. marginatum [I651 P. nigrum [2401 a-Cubebene (320) P. argyrophylum r511 P. cubeba u751 P. guineense Ml P. nigrum [2401

Cubebol(321) P. aduncum [231 P. cubeba [2561

Cubenol(322) P. guineense [I641

Curcumene (323) P. nigrum I1771

Cryptone (324) P. nigrum I2461 p-Cymene (325) P. argyrophylum 1511 P. auritum [I661 P. betle I1531 P. cubeba [I751 P. guineense [I641 P. longum I2571 P. marginatum [165, 1821 P. nigrum [253] p-Cymen-8-01 (326) P. auritum [I661 P. guineense I1641 P. nigrum P771 p-Cymen-8-01 methyl ether (327) P. nigrum [781

Dihydrocarveol(328) P. longum [2571 P. nigrum 1246] 636 V. S. PARMAR et al.

Table 5-continued.

Compound Plant(s) Reference(s) a-Elemene (329) P. auritum WI P. guineense DW P. hispidum P481 P. marginatum P651 P. nigrum v401 a-Elemol (339) P. guineense P@l P. marginatum WI P. ribesioides 1961

/?-Eudesmol(331) P. marginatum I1651 j?-Famesene (332) P. guineense uw P. nigrum P581

(22,6E)-Famesol(333) P. nigrum P451

Germacrene D (334) P. arboreumlatfolium P481 P. cubeba P561 P. guineense VW P. kadsura P591 p-Guaiene (335) P. nigrum P451

Guaiol(336) P. guineense WI P. nigrum P451 a-Gurjunene (337) P. argyrophylum [511 P. guineense PM1 a-Humulene (338) P. aduncum v521 P. auritum El661 P. gaudichaudianum [1411 P. marginatum W51 P. nigrum ~2401

Humulene epoxide-I (339) P. aduncum [1521

Ishwarol(340) P. amalago P601

Isobomeol(341) P. guineense PaI

Isocaryophyllene (342) P. nigrum I2581

4-Isopropyl-1-methylcyclohex-l-en-Col(343) P. cubeba v511

(-)-Led01 (344) P. clusii [1911

Limonene (345) P. argyrophylum [511 P. auritum I1661 P. betle [I531 P. cubeba I1751 P. jiutokadsura [I471 P. guineense [I641 P. marginatum [I651 P. mikanianum [731 P. nigrum [I381

Linalool(346) P. auritum I1661 P. gaudichaudianum 12411 P. guineense [IW P. hostmannianum I2611 P. marginatum [I651 P. nigrum P381

2,8(9)-p-Menthadien-4-ol(347) P. nigrum [731

3,8(9)-p-Menthadien- l-01 (348) P. nigrum [731 Phytochemistry of the genus Piper 637

Table S-continued.

Compound Plant(s) Reference(s)

(-)-Muurolene (349) P. argyrophylum [511 P. auritum [153, 166, 2521 P. cubeba ]2561 P. marginafum ]I751 P. nigrum ]2581 T-Muurolol(350) P. guineense [I641 Myrcene (351) P. argyrophylum ]511 P. auritum ]1661 P. betle []681 P. cubeba ]I751 P. guineense [I641 P. marginatum ]I651 P. nigrum [238, 2531

NerolidoI(352) P. falconeri [461 P. guineense ]1641 P. marginatum El651 P. nigrum 11771

I-Ocimene (353) P. cubeba [I751 P. guineense ]1641 P. marginatum U651 P. nigrum ]2451 a-Phellandrene (354) P. auritum ]1661 P. cubeba ]I751 P. guineense [I641 P. marginatum ]I651 P. nigrum ]2451 j?-Phellandrene (355) P. auritum ]1661 P. cubeba 11751 P. guineense 11641 P. nigrum PI a-Pinene (356) P. argyrophylum ]511 P. auritum ]I661 P. betle ]I531 P. cubeba ]I751 P. futokadwra ]I471 P. guineense [I641 P. marginatum ]1651 P. nigrum t2531 fl-Pinene (357) P. argyrophylum t511 P. auritum ]1661 P. betle ]I531 P. cubeba ]I751 P. futokadsura ]I471 P. gaudichaudianum ~2411 P. guineense t1641 P. marginatum t1651 P. nigrum 12531 B-Pinone (358) P. nigrum [781 Pipe&one (359) P. aduncum [46, 163,252,262] P. guineense 11641 Sabinene (360) P. argyrophylum [511 P. auritum P661 P. cubeba [I751 P. futokadsura P471 P. guineense P641 P. marginatum [I651 P. nigrum [2531 638 v. s. PARMAR et al.

Table 5-continued.

Compound Plant(s) Reference(s) _ cis-Sabinene hydrate (361) P. auritum w4 P. guineense P@l r-Santalene (362) P. nigrum [2401 a-Selinene (363) P. nigrum v401 #LSelinene (364) P. nigrum [2401 Sesquisabinene (365) P. nigrum [I781 Spathulenol(366) P. aduncum [231 P. auritum U661 P. guineense WI a-Terpinene (367) P. auritum [166, 2471 P. belle [2631 P. cubeba u751 P. marginatum P651 P. nigrum [2531 y-Terpinene (368) P. auritum [166, 2471 P. cubeba P751 P. guineense U641 P. marginatum P651 P. nigrum [2531 Terpinen-4-ol(369) P. guineense [I641 Terpinen-5-ol(370) P. nigrum [781 a-Terpineol(371) P. belle [2631 P. guineense [I641 P. nigrum [2641 a-Terpineol acetate (372) P. belle I2631 Terpinolene (373) P. auritum [166, 2471 P. cubeba u751 P. guineense P641 P. longum [2571 P. marginalum P651 P. nigrum [2531 a-Thujene (3743 P. argyrophylum [511 P. auritum [I661 P. cubeba v751 P. guineense [I641 P. longum [2571 P. marginatum [I651 P. nigrum [2531 Transphytol(375) P. aduncum [2391 P. auritum [2381 P. decurrens [2201 P. methysticum [2371 1,1,4-Trimethylcyclohepta-2,4-dien-6-one (376) P. nigrum [781 Thymol(377) P. lenticellosum [2651 Viridiflorol(378) P. aduncum 1231 Zingiberene (379) P. longum [2571 Phytochemistry of the genus Piper 639

301R=H 303 302R=OH I

307 ' 308 309

312 313 314

' 315 316 317 318 319

3m 321 322 323 640 v. s. ~ARMAR et al.

324 32SR=H 328 329 330 326R=OH 327R=OCH3


332 333

H'f I \

@ iJa 335 337


342 Phytochemistry of the genus Piper 641





352 353 354 357

358 359 360 361 362

367 368 369 370 371 R=H 373 374 372 R=COCH3 642 V. S. PARMARet al.

37s 376 377

381 382

H 384 R=glucosyl 387 R=H 383 388 R=palmitoyl Phytochemistry of the genus Piper 643


Sitosterol (387), ursolic acid (392) and ursolic acid-3/l-a&&e (393) isolated from P. betfe [266] inhibited arachidonic acid-induced platelet aggregation in decreasing order of potency. Sitosterol(387) and ursolic acid (392) inhibited platelet activating factor induced aggregation while only sitosterol(387) inhibited ADP-induced platelet aggregation. Ursolic acid (392) (25-100 mg kg-‘) exhibited a concentration dependant anti- inflammatory effect. The steroids isolated from different Piper species are listed in Table 6.

Table 6. Steroids from Piper species - Compound Plant(s) Reference(s) - &Amyrin (380) P. amalgo VI

Campesterol(381) P. chiadoense [491 P. methysticum WI

Cholestanol (382) P. aurantiacum [2671

Cholesterol (383) P. aurantiacum [2671 P. methysticum [2371

Daucosterol(384) P. macropodum [981 P. peepuloides r141 P. puberculum r2031 epi-Friedelanol(385) P. aurantiacum [2681

Friedelin (386) P. aurantiacum [2681

Sitosterol(387) P. aduncum [46, 2691 P. acutisleginum [411 P. amalago PI P. argyrophylum PII P. attenuatum [46, 205, 2321 P. aurantiacum [141, 2681 P. auritum 12381 P. austrosinense PO11 P. betle [41, 162, 266,270,271] P. brachystachyum [38, 1551 P. callosum P201 P. chiadoense [491 P. clarkii 12721 P. clusii [I891 P. divaricatum [1611 P. falconeri Pll P. fitokadwra ~231 P. hookeri P731 P. hancei w71 P. hostmannianum I2611 P. khasiana 1461 P. longum v41 P. macropodum [981 P. manausense WI P. methysticum P371 P. nepalense 1911 P. nigrum W.61 P. pedicellosum [461 P. peepuloides [46, 1101 P. retrofractum 11201 P. ribesioides 192,961 P. sanctum [2741 P. sarmentosum [93, 2751 P. steerni [951 P. sumatranum [160, 1921 P. taboganum [2761 644 V. S. PARMARet al.

Table G-continued.

Compound Plant(s) Reference(s) -- /I-Sitosteryl palmitate (388) P. betle [411 y-Sitosterol(389) P. betle P621 Stigmastanol(390) P. methysticum WI

Stigmasterol(391) P. aduncum [2621 P. betle 12701 P. chiadoense [491 P. futokadsura 12231 P. guayranum [301 P. longum [123, 2771 P. manausense [521 P. methysticum L2371 P. taboganum [2761

Ursolic acid (392) P. betle [2661

Ursolic acid 3/?-acetate (393) P. betle 12661 Phytochemistry of the genus Piper




391 393 R=Ac


R \

A\,10 0 I /O /

crsn394 R=Ac 395 R=R,=R,=H 400 R=H 403 R+R,=OCH& R2=OCHJ 404 R=R,=OCH,; R2=H 407 R=OCH,; R,=R2=H 646 v. s. PAFIMAR et at.


Kawapyrones (&lactones having styryl/dihydrostyryl substituents), mainly isolated from P. methysticum (Table 7) act in pharmacological experiments as CNS depressant drugs. Meyer et al. [278-2801 found depression of spontaneous motor activity, potentiation of anaesthesis, anticonvulsive effects against electroshock, pentylenetetranol-induced seizures, a centrally caused muscle relaxation and a blocking effect of polysynaptic reflexes due to this class of compounds. On account of these properties, they studied the antistrychnine action of the kawapyrones [ZSl]. The mice poisoned with various doses of strychnine, dihydrokawain (3%), dihydromethysticin (398), kawain (402) and methysticin (405) were tested in comparison with mephenesin

Table 7. Kawapyrones from Piper species -- Compound Plant(s) Reference(s)

(+)-(5S,6S)-5-Acetoxy-4,6-dimethoxy-6-Estyryl-5,6- P. sanctum PW dihydro-2H-pyran-2-one (394) Desmethoxyyangonin (3%) P. methystieum [134,283X286] Dihydrokawain (3%) P. methysticum [ 105, 134,282-2901

Dihydrokawain-5-ol(397) P. methysticum [2911 Dihydromethysticin (398) P. methysticum [134,282-288,292, 2931

11,12-Dimethoxydihydrokawain (399) P. methysticum [294] (+)-(SS,65)-5-Hydroxy-4,6-dimethoxy-6-E-styryf-5,6- P. sanctum P-1 dihydro-2H-pyran-2-one (400)

1I-Hydroxy-12-methyoxydihydrokawain (401) P. methysticum PW Kawain (492) P. methysticum [105, 134,282-287,296] 5-Methoxy-5,6_dehydromethysticin (403) P. sanctum W'l

1I-Methoxyyangonin (494) P. methysticum [2981 Methysticin (405) P. methysticum [282-287,290, 292, 296,299, 3001 P. sanctum I2971 Tetrahydroyangonin (4%) P. methysticum [134,284,301] Yangonin (407) P. methysticum [282-285.289, 290, 292, 296, 2'39, 3001


Piperolides are cinnamylidone butenolides. From the subterranean parts of P. sanctum, four have been isolated (Table 8).

Table 8. Piperolides from Piper species

Compound Plant(s) Reference(s) -- (-)-threo-(3Z)-5-(2,3-Dihydroxy-l-methoxy-3-phenylpropylidene)- P. sanctum ~3021 4-methoxy-2-(5If)-furanone (408) 7,8-Epoxypiperolide (499) P. sanctum [303, 3041 Methylenedioxypiperolide (410) P. sanctum I3051 Piperolide (411) P. sanctum [303-3061 Phytochemistry of the genus Piper 647

3% R=R1=R2=H 402 R=R,=H 397R=R1=H;R,=OH 405 R+R,=OCH20 3% R+R1=OCH,O;R,=H 399 R=RI=OCH3;R~H 401 R=OCH~;R,=OH;RpH 4% R=OCH,;R,=R2=H


408 409 410R,+R2=OCH,0 411R,=R2=H \ / /I Ho \9f \ I / Y&fH 0 412 413 648 V. S. PARMARet al.


Most of the chalcones and dihydrochalcones isolated from the Piper species are oxygenated at the C-2’, C- 4’ and C-6’ positions (Table 9) and the B-ring is unsubstituted in all the chalcones and dihydrochalcones except asebogenin (417), flavokawains A and C (420 and 422) in which C-4 position is also oxygenated. Flavokawain C (422), a dihydrochalcone isolated from P. methysticum showed moderate activity against Salmonella t.vphii [296]. Orjala et al. [239] isolated five new unusual monoterpene-substituted dihydrochalcones, adunctins A-E (412-416) from the leaves of P. aduncum. They also investigated the antibacterial and cytotoxic potentials of the isolates.

Table 9. Chalcones and dihydrochalcones from Piper species -- Compound Plant(s) Reference(s)

Adunctin A (412) P. aduncum WI Adunctin B (413) P. aduncum W'l Adunctin C (414) P. aduncum WI Adunctin D (415) P. aduncum WI Adunctin E (416) P. aduncum PW Asebogenin (417) P. aduncum 13071 2’,3’-Dihydroxy-4’,6’-dimethoxychalcone (418) P. hispidum [3081 2’,6’-Dihydroxy-4’-methoxydihydrochalcone (419) P. aduncum [46, 179, 180, 269, 3071 P. fadyenii 11801 P. hispidum [179, 1801

Flavokawain A (420) P. methysticum [284,299, 3091

Flavokawain B (421) P. methysticum [284,299, 310, 3 1l]

Flavokawain C (422) P. methysticum [296, 299, 312, 3131

2’-Hydroxy-3’,4’,6’-trimethoxychalcone (423) P. hispidum [3081 Methyllindaretin (424) P. aduncum [2391 Piperaduncin A (425) P. aduncum [3071 Piperaduncin B (426) P. aduncum [3071 Piperaduncin C (427) P. aduncum [3071 Phytochemistry of the genus Piper 649

OH 0 415

417R1=R,=OH 419RI=OH;R,=H

418R,=OH;R2=H 420R,=H;RZ=OCH3 OH 0 421R1=R2=H 422Ri=H;Rz=OH I 423R1=OCH3;R2=H 650 V. S. PARMMZet al.

OH 0

OH 0

OH 0

428 RpOH; R2=OCH:, 429 R,=H; R2=OCHJ 430 R=galactOsyl 432 R1=R2=OCH, 431 R=glucosyl 442 R,=R2=H 443 R,=OCH,; R2=OH


OH 0 OH 0 433 R,=R,=H; R,qhmsyl; R3=OH 434 R,=H; R,=NtinOsyl; R,=OH; R&I-I~ 437 R,=OH; R2= -0 0 435 R+hammsyl; R2=arabimxylr R3=R4=H &$!&!I 436 R,=RJ=R,=H; Rz=glucosyl OH OH

438 R,=RpH; R,=gaIactosyl; RJ=OH 444 R1=OCH3; Rz= O-glucosyl 439 R1=R4=H; Rz=rhamnosyl; Rs=OH

440 R,=R,=H; R2=NtinOSyl; Rs=OH 441 R1=CH3; R~=R.,=glucosyl; RPO-&msyl Phytochemistry of the genus Piper 651

FLAVONES Only a few flavones have been isolated from Piper species. Most of the flavones isolated are tri- or tetraoxygenated (Table IO). Recently, two C-glycosides (430 and 431) have been isolated by us from P. brachystachyum [315]. This is the first report of the occurrence of flavone C-glycosides from the genus Piper.

Table 10. Flavones isolated from Piper species - Compound Plant(s) Reference(s) -

7,4’-Dimethoxy-S,3’-dihydroxyflavone (4t8) P. auritum [2381

7,4’-Dimethoxy-5-hydroxytlavone (429) P. faiconeri Dll P. khasiana t461 P. manausense WI P. manii [461 P. peepuloides [46,3161 P. sylvaticum ~1421

6-Cp-n-Galactopyranosylacacetin 7-O-glucoside (430) P. brachystachyum [3151

6-C-/?-D-Glucopyranosylacacetin 7-O-glucoside (431) P. brachystachyum F3151 5-Hydroxy-7,3’,4’-trimethoxyflavone (432) P. peepuloides [46, 3 161 P. sylvaticum [I591

Isoquercitrin (433) P. nigrum L3171

Isorhamnetin 3-0-~-D-rutinoside (434) P. nigrum [317l

Kaempferol3-O-arabinoside-7-rhamnoside (435) P. nigrum 13171

Kaempferol3-O-~glucoside (436) P. nigrum 13171

Marginatoside (437) P. marginatum [3141

Quercetin ?&-p-D-galactoside (438) P. nigrum 13171

Quercetin 3-O-p-n-rhamnoside (439) P. nigrum 13171

Quercetin 3-O-/?-D-rutinoside (449) P. nigrum [3171

Rhamnetin O-triglucoside (441) P. nigrum [317l Tectochrysin (442) P. falconeri 1111 P. manii 1461 P. sylvaticum [I591 Velutin (443) P. clarkii [2191

Vitexin (444) P. marginatum I3141


Flavanones which have been isolated so far from different Piper species (Table II) are oxygenated only in the ring A, except sakuranetin (450) isolated from P. aduncum [309], which has a -OH group in the side phenyl ring.

Table 11,Flavanones from Piper species

Compound Plant(s) Reference(s)

5,7-Dihydroxyffavanone (445) P. hostmannianum I2611 P. steerni t951

6-Hydroxy-5,7-dimethoxytlavanone (446) P. hispidum [3081

8-Hydroxy-5,7-dimethoxytlavanone (447) P. hispidum [3W

5-Hydroxy-7-methoxy-6,8-dimethylflavanone (448) P. hostmannianum [2611 652 V.S. PARMAR et al.

Table 1 l-continued.

Compound Plant(s) Reference(s)

Pinostrobin (449) P. aduncum [179, 1801 P. fadyenii 11801 P. hispidum [179, 1801 P. steerni [951 Sakuranetin (450) P. aduncum [3091 5,7,8-Trimethoxyflavanone (451) P. hispidum 13081

+/\/oAC (H&d

445 R1=R2=R3=R4=RS=H 446 R1=R3=CH3; R2=OH; R4=RS=H 447 R1=R3=CH3; R,=R,=H; &=OH 448 R,=R,=H; R2=R3=R4=CH, 449 R1=R2=R4=RS=H; R3=CH, 450 R1=R2=Ro=H, R,=CH,; R5=OH 451 R1=R3=CH3; Rz=R5=H; %=OCH3

455 456 457 Phytochemistry of the genus Piper 653

MISCELLANEOUS COMPOUNDS Besides the above mentioned groups of compounds, several long chain alkanes, alcohols, acids, esters and oxygenated cyclohexanes, etc. have been isolated from Piper species (Table 12). Polyoxygenated cyclohexanes are rarely found in Nature and are reported to have tumour inhibitory, antileukemic and antibiotic activities [318]. In genus Piper, the first report of their occurrence was in P. hookeri which contains crotepoxide (461) [320] and pipoxide (529) [319]. Crotepoxide (461) has been reported to be an antitumour principle [320]. 3,4- Dimethoxycinnamic acid (466) and 3-(3,4-dimethoxyphenyl)propylamine (467) isolated from P. arboricola have been reported to show analgesic effects in mice [73]. The benzoic acid derivatives 455,42X4,485,497 and 504, isolated from P. aduncum leaves have shown a significant antibacterial activity against Bacillus subtilis, Micrococcus luteus and E. Coli and compounds 455, 484, 485, 500 and 504 have shown the molluscicidal activity against Biomphalaria glabrata [ 1521.

Table 12. Miscellaneous compounds from Piper species

Compound Plant(s) Reference(s)

SAcetoxypiperenol(452) P. clarkii ]32]1

Acetylcholine (453) P. nigrum [3221

y-Aminobutyric acid (NH2(CH,),COOH) P. amalago [3231

D-asparatic acid (454) P. longum [3241 3,5-Bis(3-methyl-2-butenyl)-4-methoxybenzoic acid (455) P. aduncum [46, 152, 157, 179, 1801 P. fadyenii 11801 P. hispidum [179, 1801

Bomyl p-coumarate (456) P. ribesioides [961

Caffeic acid (457) P. nigrum [3251

Capric acid (CHS(CH,),COOH) P. nigrum [3261

Cerotic acid (CH,(CH,),,COOH) P. puberculum w31

Choline (458) P. nigrum [3221

Cinnamylideneacetone (459) P. methysticum [3271

p-Coumaric acid (460) P. nigrum [3251

p- and m-Cresol P. nigrum 12361 Crotepoxide (461) P. attenuatum [205, 232, 3281 P. brachystachyum [I551 P. clarkii 12721 P. futokadsura [3291 P. hancei I2171 P. hookeri [3w P. interrupturn VI31 P. polysyphorum [3301 P. ribesioides [961 P. wallichii [891 P. wightii 1481

Cysteine (462) P. longum [3241

Decurrenal (463) P. decurrens [2201

3,4-Diacetoxy-5-benzoyloxymethyl-5,6-epoxycyclohexane-l,2- P. wightii [481 diol(464)

2-(3,4-Dihydroxyphenyl)ethanol(465) P. nigrum 1711 3,4-Dimethoxycinnamic acid (466) P. arboricola [73, 3311

3-(3,4-Dimethoxyphenyl)propylamine (467) P. arboricola 13311

2,2-Dimethyl-8-(3-methyl-2-butenyl)-2H-chromene-6-carboxy~ic P. aduncum [2521 acid (468)

3-(2,5-Dimethoxy-3,4-methylenedioxyphenyl)-1,2- P. sumatranum [I601 dihydroxypropane (469) 654 V. S. PARMARel al.

Table 12-continued.

Compound Plant(s) Reference(s)

3,5-Dimethoxytoluene (470) P. lenticellosum [331]

2,2-Dimethyl-6-carboxy-2H-l-chroman-4-one methyl ester (471) P. taboganum [2761

(+)-3,7-Dimethyl-3-hydroxy-4-@coumaroyloxy-1,6-octadiene P. ribesioides [921 (472)

Docosan-l-01 (CHI(CHJ&HZOH) P. methysticum L2371

Dodecan-l-01 (CH9(CH2),,,CH20H) P. methysticum I2371

Dopamine (473) P. am&ago 13231

Dotriacontanoic acid (CH,(CH,),,COOH) P. betle L411 n-Eicosane (CH,(CH,),,CH,) P. longum [2571

Eicosan-l-01 (CH3(CHJ&H20H) P. methysticum [2371

Ethyl piperonyl ketone (474) P. marginatum [I821

(5Z,6Z)-Fadyenolide (475) P. aduncum [180] P. fadyenii [180, 3321 P. hispidum U801

(5E,6E)-Fadyenolide (476) P. aduncum 11801 P. fadyenii [180, 3321 P. hispidum 11801

3-Farnesyl-4-hydroxybenzoic acid (477) P. au&urn v381 P. marginatum 13331

3-Farnesyl-4-methoxybenzoic acid (478) P. marginatum [3331

Gallotannic acid (479) P. marginatum 13341 n-Heneicosane (CH,(CHJ&HJ P. longum 12571

Hentriacontane (CH,(CH,),,CH9) P. betle I1621 P. nigrum 11271

Hentriacontan- 16-ol(480) P. nigrum 11271

Hentriacontan-16-one (481) P. nigrum 11271 n-Heptadecane (CH3(CH2)&H1) P. longum P571

Hexacosan- l-01 (CH,(CH,),CH,OH) P. methysticum I2371 n-Hexadecane (CH3(CH2)&H3) P. auritum P661 P. longum L-2571

Hexadecan-l-01 (CH,(CH,),,CH,OH) P. methysticum P371

4-[(5E)+Hexadecenyl]phenol(482) P. hispidum P611

Hydrocinnamic acid (483) P. sarmentosum P751

4-Hydroxy-3,5-bis(3-methyl-2-butenyl)benzoic acid (484) P. aduncum ~1521

4-Hydroxy-3-(3-methyl-2-butenoyl)-5-(3-methyl-2-butenyl) P. aduncum ~1521 benzoic acid (485)

2-Hydroxy-4,5-methylenedioxypropiophenone (486) P. marginatum [165,1831

Laurie acid (CH1(CH2),&OOH) P. nigrum [3261

Linoleic acid (487) P. aurantiacum I2671 P. nigrum [3261

Lutein (488) P. aduncum [3091

Maltose P. aurantiacum I1741

Malvalic acid (489) P. nigrum [3261 p-Methoxyacetophenone P. longum P571 Phytochemistry of the genus Piper 655

Table 12-continued.

Compound Plant(s) Reference(s)

2-Methoxy-3-isobutylpyrazine (499) P. hancei I1761 2-Methoxy-4,5-methylenedioxybenzaldehyde (491) P. lenticellosum I3351 (I?)-2-Methoxy-4,5-methylenedioxycinnamaldehyde (492) P. len ticellosum L3351 2-Methoxy-4,%methylenedioxypropiophenone (493) P. marginatum W331 Methyl 3,5-bis(3-methyl-2-butenyl)-4-methoxybenzoate (494) P. aduncum [1521 2-(3-Methyl-2-butenyl)-3,4,5-trimethoxyphenol(495) P. clarkii PIgI Methyl 2,2-dimethyl-2H-l-benzopyran-6-carboxylate (496) P. aduncum P621 P. hostamannianum P611 P. taboganum I2761 Methyl 3-(3,7-dimethyl-2,6-octadienyl)-4-methoxybenzoate (497) P. aduncum r15-4 l-(l-Methylethyl)-4-methyl-3cyclohexenyl-3,5-bis(3-methy~-2- P. aduncum [231 butenyl)-4-hydroxybenzoate (498) l-(l-Methylethyl)-4-methyl-3-cyclohexenyl-3,5-bis(3-methyl-2- P. aduncum [3071 butenyl)-4-methoxybenzoate (499)

Methyl 4-hydroxy-3,5-bis-(3-methyl-2-butenyl)-benzoate (500) P. aduncum 11521 Methyl g-hydroxy-2,2-dimethyl-2If-chromene-6-carboxylate P. aduncum P621 W) Methyl 3-(6’hydroxy-3’,7’-dimethyl-2’,7’-octadienyl)-4- P. aduncum P621 methoxybenzoate (502)

Methyl 4-hydroxy-3-(2’-hydroxy-3’-methylbut-3’-enyl)- P. aduncum P621 benzoate (503) P. hostmannianum P611 Methyl 4-hydroxy-3-(3-methyl-2-butenyl)benzoate (504) P. aduncum if521 Methyl nodendroate (505) P. aduncum [3W Methyl 2,!$4E,6E-7-phenylheptatrienoate (596) P. ribesioides w, 921 Methyl piperate (507) P. hancei [501 P. ofjcinarum [3361 P. ribesioides P2, 961 P. schmidtii I531 Methyl taboganate (508) P. taboganum P761 (6S)-Methyl(2E)-6-hydroxy-2,6-dimethyl-2,7-octadienoate (509) P. aduncum I-2621 Methyl (I?)-2,4,Wrimethoxycinnamate (510) P. brachystachyum 1381 Methyl 3,4,Wimethoxycinnamate (511) P. longum 11251 3,4-Methylenedioxycinnamaldehyde (512) P. nigrum P361 3,4-Methylenedioxycinnamic acid (513) P. tuberculatum [3381 3,4-Methylenedioxycinnamylidene acetone (514) P. methysticum [3271 l-(3,4-MethylenedioxyphenyQ-(la-tetradecene (515) P. sarmentosum P31 14-(3,4-Methylenedioxyphenyl)-tetradecan-2-o1(516) P. attenuatum [2321 3,4-Methylenedioxypropiophenone (517) P. marginatum [165, 1831

Myristic acid (CH,(CH,),,COOH) P. nigrum [3261 Nonan-2-one (CH,(CH&CCkCH,) P. auritum [I661 n-Octadecane (CH,(CHJ&H,) P. longum P571 Octadecan-l-01 (CH,(CH&CH,OH) P. methysticum P371 Oleic acid (918) P. nigrum [3261 656 v. s. PARMAR et al.

Table 12-continued.

Compound Plant(s) Reference(s)

Oxalic acid ((COOH),) P. sarmentosum [339]

Palmitic acid (CH,(CHJ&OOH) P. austrosinense PO11 P. nigrum [3261 P. ribesioides ~921 Pentatriacontane (CH3(CH2)&HJ) P. betle P@l Phenylacetic acid (C6HSCH2COOH) P. nigrum [2461 /LPhenylethanol (C6H,CH,CH,0H) P. longum I2571 I-Phenylethyl benzoate (519) P. hookeri [2731 Pipataline (520) P. brachystachyum [381 P. peepuloides [971 P. sylvaticum I1591 Piperchromanoic acid (521) P. auritum I2381 Piperchromenoic acid (522) P. auritum II2381 Piperoic acid (523) P. auritum [2381 Piperonal(J24) P. marginatum U831 P. nigrum [2361 Piperenol A (525) P. clarkii [3211 P. cubeba 13211 Piperenol A-triacetate (526) P. cubeba 12331 Piperenol B (527) P. cubeba ~3211 Piperenol C (528) P. cubeba P331 Pipoxide (529) P. attenuatum PW P. hookeri [3191 Pipoxide chlorohydrin (539) P. attenuatum [204, 205,208] P. hookeri I3401 Polysyphoside A (531) P. polysyphorum [3301 Polysyphoside B (532) P. polvsyphorum [3301 Polysyphoside C (533) P. polysyphorum [3301 Prenylated hydroxybenzoic acids (534-536) P. demeraranum t711 P. saltuum [3371 Senediol(537) P. ribesioides [961 &Serine (538) P. longum [3241 Steak acid (CH,(CH&COOH) P. aurantiacum I2671 P. betle [41, 1621 P. marginatum U831 P. nigrum [3261 P. ribesioides [921 Sterculic acid (539) P. nigrum [3261 Sucrose P. aduncum I1571 n-Tetradecanol (CH3(CH2)&H20H) P. methysticum [2371 Tetratriacontanoic acid (CH,(CH,)&OOH) P. attenuatum [2051 a-Tocopherol(549) P. aduncum t2391 P. argyrophylum [511 n-Triacontane (CHr(CH&CH,) P. aurantiacum [2671 P. brachystachyum [I551 P. hookeri [2731 P. longum ~1231 P. sumatranum [43, 1041 Phytochemistry of the genus Piper 657

Table 12-continued.

Compound Plant(s) Reference(s) - n-Triacontanol (CH,(CH&CH20H) P. betle [I621 P. brachystachyum D551 P. hookeri 12731 P. nepalense [911 n-Tridecane (CHj(CH2),,CH,) P. marginatum [I651

Tntnacontane (CH,(CH,),,CH,) P. betle [411

Tritriacontanol (CH,(CH,),,CH,OH) P. thomsoni [461

2,4,STrimethoxybenzaldehyde (541) P. cubeba [2W

E-2,4,5-Trimethoxycinnamic acid (542) P. brachystachyum [381

Z-2,4,STrimethoxycinnamic acid (943) P. brachystachyum 1381

3,4,5-Trimethoxycinnamic acid (544) P. tuberculatum 11371

3,4,5-Trimethoxydihydrocinnamic acid (545) P. retrofractum 11381 3-(2,4,5-Trimethoxyphenyl)-2-acetoxy-l-hydroxypropane (546) P. clusii WI

3-(2,4,5-Trimethoxyphenyl)-1,2-diacetoxypropane (547) P. clusii NJ1

3-(2,4,5-Trimethoxyphenyl)-1,2-dihydroxypropane (548) P. clusii [l@‘l

3-(2,4,5-Trimethoxyphenyl)-2-hydroxy-l-methoxypropane (549) P. sumatranum VW

L-Tyrosine (550) P. longum [3241

Vanillic acid (551) P. aurantiacum 12291

Vemolic acid (552) P. nigrum [3261

Villiramulin A (553) P. villiramulum 13411

Villiramulin B (554) P. villiramulum [3411

(+)-Zeylinol(555) P. cubeba [3211 658 V. S. PARMARet al.

I \‘I0 Hq+ m0 0 0 471 472


+. \:goy 0 OH P 477 R=H 475 476 478 R=CH, Phytochemistry of the genus Piper 659


R 00 480X=-CHOH 481 x= co 482


OH V. S. PARMARet al.

492 493

0 Y O\


0 4% 497


500 4% R=H 499 R=CH3

0 O\ H Y \ O I /O // \ * 0 /O 501 502 Phytochemistry of the genus Piper 661

503 v. s. PARMAR et al.

524 52SR=H 526R=Ac

Ph 0 Ph J- Ph v Phytochemistry of the genus Piper 663

535 R,=gecanyl-geranyl; R2=H 537 538 536 R,=H; Rz=geranyLgeranyl

542 R1=OCH,; R2=H 543 544 R,=H; R2=OCH, 664 V. S. PARMARet al.

/O ‘0 LOH’ yJ$_ H2NJ$oH 0 546 R,=COCH3;R2=H L; 545 541 R,=R2=COCH3 550 548 R,=R,=H 549 R,=H,R,=CH,




The survey of phytochemical investigations of Piper species has revealed a wide variety of chemical con- stituents produced by them, important classes among others being alkaloids/amides, lignans, neolignans and terpenes. Out of a total of 592 different compounds isolated from Piper species, 145 are alkaloids/amides, 47 are lignans, 70 are neolignans and 89 are terpenes. These investigations were aimed to pinpoint the active components besides finding out new structural leads for future drugs. Taking into account the fact that there are 700 species belonging to this genus spread throughout the World and only 12% of them have been phytochemically investigated (only 84 species have been examined thus far), this genus still remains a potent one to work on. The investigations from the laboratories of the authors during the past five years have resulted in the isolation of 101 novel compounds from 16 Piper species; of these 14 compounds have shown different biological activities.

Acknowledgements-We thank DANIDA (Danish International Development Agency) for grant of funds under the research project J. no. 104.8L for investigating the chemical constituents of Indian Piper specie,s. Phytochemistry of the genus Piper 665


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