Day 6 – Sunday 3rd June

Registration 8.30 - 8.45 am

NB. All participants MUST sign in with RSABI Marshall before setting off

Start 9 am Wanlockhead – Wanlockhead Museum Car Park – NS873129 Finish Beattock – Bottom of Crooked Road at Telford Manor House Car Park – NT077028 Approximate Finish Time: 5pm Distance 20 Miles Height Range 100 – 710m, highest point on Total Ascent 990m OS Explorer 329 – , & Maps 330 – Moffat & St Mary’s Loch The Way This is perhaps the most challenging section of the walk which is mainly off road with some forest road. Leaving Wanlockhead it is a steep climb to the summit of Lowther Hill with its giant golf ball radar station. As this is the highest point of the , spectacular views are on offer. From here the route hops from hilltop to hilltop before descending and crossing the Dalveen Pass. It then skirts around the Daer reservoir before heading into Ae Forest and passing the Brattleburn Bothy (NT016069). The route then follows a quiet road as it drops steeply into Beattock. This route can be wet but some drainage work has been carried out. At the end of this day more than half of the SUW is behind you! Contact RSABI: Jill Sloan - 07725 629181 Details SUW Ranger (West): Ross Gemmell - 07834 567893 RSABI Head Office: 0300 111 4166

Potential hazards (not exhaustive): A steep climb out of Wanlockhead. Some B road crossing

 The route is waymarked but all walkers will be able to navigate with a map and compass if visibility is bad  The time taken will vary according to fitness and weather conditions and number of breaks taken  Strong walking boots and windproof clothing are essential  Bring water and food / snacks to last the day  It is advisable to bring/use midge and insect repellent  Gregor and Andrew will be carrying First Aid Kits  Be vigilant for adders on the trail  Take measures to avoid the risk of contracting Lyme Disease from a tick bite – use insect repellent and cover up arms and legs if walking through long grass or brush  In the event of an emergency and require Mountain Rescue please call 999 and notify Jill Sloan on 07725 629181